Controlled by the will of man. Strong-willed qualities

Will is a person’s conscious regulation of his behavior and activities, associated with overcoming internal and external obstacles.
Will is a human ability, manifested in self-determination and self-regulation of its activities and various mental processes. Thanks to the will, a person can, on his own initiative, based on a perceived need, perform actions in a pre-planned direction and with a predetermined force. Moreover, he can organize and direct his mental activity accordingly. With an effort of will, you can restrain the external manifestation of emotions or even show the completely opposite.
The will directs or restrains a person’s activity, organizes mental activity, based on the existing tasks and requirements of both the problem situation and the specific social requirements of a particular social group. Initially, the concept of will was introduced to explain motives and actions carried out according to a person’s own decisions, but not in accordance with his desires. Then it began to be used to explain the possibility of free choice when there is a conflict of human desires associated with the formulation of problems of free will.
S. Yu. Golovin identifies the following main functions of the will:
1) choice of motives and goals;
2) regulation of the incentive to act when there is insufficient or excessive motivation;
3) organization of mental processes into a system adequate to the activity performed by a person;
4) mobilization of physical and mental capabilities when overcoming obstacles in achieving the goal.
For the emergence of volitional regulation, certain conditions are necessary - the presence of obstacles and obstacles. Will manifests itself when difficulties appear on the way to the goal: external obstacles - time, space, people's opposition, physical properties of objects, etc.; internal obstacles - relationships and attitudes, painful conditions, fatigue, etc. All these obstacles, reflected in consciousness, cause volitional effort, which creates the necessary tone to overcome difficulties.
Volitional efforts are required:
1) when replenishing the lack of motivation to act in the absence of sufficient motivation;
2) when choosing motives, goals, types of actions in case of their conflict;
3) with voluntary regulation of external and internal actions and mental processes.
Will is inextricably linked with cognitive motives and emotional processes. In this regard, all human actions can be divided into two categories: involuntary and voluntary.
Involuntary actions are committed as a result of the emergence of unconscious or insufficiently clearly conscious impulses (drives, attitudes, etc.). They are impulsive and lack a clear plan. In other words, in involuntary actions there is no clear goal and efforts of the subject to achieve it. An example of non-productive actions can be the actions of people in a state of passion (amazement, fear, delight, anger).
Voluntary actions presuppose awareness of Geli, a preliminary representation of those operations that can ensure its achievement, and their order. In this regard, will manifests itself as a person’s confidence in his own abilities, as the determination to perform the act that the person himself considers appropriate and necessary in a particular situation.
Volitional regulation of human behavior is formed and developed under the influence of control over his behavior by society, and then - self-control of the individual.
Depending on the difficulties of the external world and the complexity of a person’s inner world, there are 4 options for the manifestation of will:
1) in an easy world, where any desire is feasible, the will is practically not required (human desires are simple, unambiguous, any desire is feasible in an easy world);
2) in a difficult world, where there are various obstacles, strong-willed efforts are required to overcome the obstacles of reality, patience is needed, but the person himself is internally calm, confident in his rightness due to the unambiguousness of his desires and goals (the simple inner world of a person);
3) in an easy external world and in a complex internal world of a person, strong-willed efforts are required to overcome internal contradictions and doubts, a person is internally complex, there is a struggle of motives and goals, a person suffers when making a decision;
4) in a difficult external world and in a complex internal world of a person, intense volitional efforts are required to overcome internal doubts in order to choose a solution and carry out actions in conditions of objective obstacles and difficulties. Volitional action here acts as a conscious, intentional, purposeful action taken for implementation by one’s own decision on the basis of external and internal necessity.
The need for a strong will increases when you have:
1) difficult situations of the “difficult world”;
2) a complex, contradictory inner world in the person himself.
By performing various types of activities, overcoming external and internal obstacles, a person develops strong-willed qualities: purposefulness, determination, independence, initiative, perseverance, endurance, discipline, courage. But will and volitional qualities may not be formed in a person if the living conditions and upbringing in childhood were unfavorable:
1) the child is spoiled, all his wishes were unquestioningly fulfilled (easy world - no will required);
2) the child is suppressed by the rigid will and instructions of adults, and is not able to make decisions for himself.
In management activities, the following rules must be observed:
1) provide conditions for the success of the employee’s activities, but do not significantly facilitate his tasks;
2) to intensify the employee’s independent activity, to arouse in him a feeling of joy from what has been achieved, to increase his faith in his ability to overcome difficulties;
3) explain the expediency of those requirements, orders, decisions that the manager presents to the employee, and provide the employee with the opportunity to make decisions independently within reasonable limits.
The results of any volitional action have two consequences for a person: the first is the achievement of a specific goal; the second is due to the fact that a person evaluates his actions and learns appropriate lessons for the future regarding the ways to achieve the goal and the effort expended.

Will- this is a person’s conscious regulation of his behavior and activities, associated with overcoming internal and external obstacles.

Will is a human ability, manifested in self-determination and self-regulation of its activities and various mental processes. Thanks to the will, a person can, on his own initiative, based on a perceived need, perform actions in a pre-planned direction and with a predetermined force. Moreover, he can organize and direct his mental activity accordingly. With an effort of will, you can restrain the external manifestation of emotions or even show the completely opposite.

The will directs or restrains a person’s activity, organizes mental activity, based on the existing tasks and requirements of both the problem situation and the specific social requirements of a particular social group. Initially, the concept of will was introduced to explain motives and actions carried out according to a person’s own decisions, but not in accordance with his desires. Then it began to be used to explain the possibility of free choice when there is a conflict of human desires associated with the formulation of problems of free will.

S. Yu. Golovin identifies the following main functions of the will:

1) choice of motives and goals;

2) regulation of the incentive to act when there is insufficient or excessive motivation;

3) organization of mental processes into a system adequate to the activity performed by a person;

4) mobilization of physical and mental capabilities when overcoming obstacles in achieving the goal.

For the emergence of volitional regulation, certain conditions are necessary - the presence of obstacles and obstacles. Will manifests itself when difficulties arise on the way to the goal: external obstacles- time, space, people’s reactions, physical properties of objects, etc.; internal obstacles- relationships and attitudes, painful conditions, fatigue, etc. All these obstacles, reflected in the consciousness, cause volitional effort, which creates the necessary tone to overcome difficulties.

Volitional efforts are required:

1) when replenishing the lack of motivation to act in the absence of sufficient motivation;

2) when choosing motives, goals, types of actions in case of their conflict;

3) with voluntary regulation of external and internal actions and mental processes.

Will is inextricably linked with cognitive motives and emotional processes. In this regard, all human actions can be divided into two categories: involuntary and voluntary.

Involuntary actions are committed as a result of the emergence of unconscious or insufficiently clearly conscious impulses (drives, attitudes, etc.). They are impulsive and lack a clear plan. In other words, in involuntary actions there is no clear goal and efforts of the subject to achieve it. An example of non-productive actions can be the actions of people in a state of passion (amazement, fear, delight, anger).

Voluntary actions presuppose awareness of Geli, a preliminary representation of those operations that can ensure its achievement, and their order. In this regard, will manifests itself as a person’s confidence in his own abilities, as the determination to perform the act that the person himself considers appropriate and necessary in a particular situation.

Volitional regulation of human behavior is formed and developed under the influence of control over his behavior by society, and then - self-control of the individual.

Depending on the difficulties of the external world and the complexity of a person’s inner world, there are 4 options for the manifestation of will:

1) in an easy world, where any desire is feasible, the will is practically not required (human desires are simple, unambiguous, any desire is feasible in an easy world);

2) in a difficult world, where there are various obstacles, strong-willed efforts are required to overcome the obstacles of reality, patience is needed, but the person himself is internally calm, confident in his rightness due to the unambiguousness of his desires and goals (the simple inner world of a person);

3) in an easy external world and in a complex internal world of a person, strong-willed efforts are required to overcome internal contradictions and doubts, a person is internally complex, there is a struggle of motives and goals, a person suffers when making a decision;

4) in a difficult external world and in a complex internal world of a person, intense volitional efforts are required to overcome internal doubts in order to choose a solution and carry out actions in conditions of objective obstacles and difficulties. Volitional action here acts as a conscious, intentional, purposeful action taken for implementation by one’s own decision on the basis of external and internal necessity.

The need for a strong will increases when you have:

1) difficult situations of the “difficult world”;

2) a complex, contradictory inner world in the person himself.

By performing various types of activities, overcoming external and internal obstacles, a person develops strong-willed qualities: purposefulness, determination, independence, initiative, perseverance, endurance, discipline, courage. But will and volitional qualities may not be formed in a person if the living conditions and upbringing in childhood were unfavorable:

1) the child is spoiled, all his wishes were unquestioningly fulfilled (easy world - no will required);

2) the child is suppressed by the rigid will and instructions of adults, and is not able to make decisions for himself.

In management activities, the following rules must be observed:

1) provide conditions for the success of the employee’s activities, but do not significantly facilitate his tasks;

2) to intensify the employee’s independent activity, to arouse in him a feeling of joy from what has been achieved, to increase his faith in his ability to overcome difficulties;

3) explain the expediency of those requirements, orders, decisions that the manager presents to the employee, and provide the employee with the opportunity to make decisions independently within reasonable limits.

The results of any volitional action have two consequences for a person: the first is the achievement of a specific goal; the second is due to the fact that a person evaluates his actions and learns appropriate lessons for the future regarding the ways to achieve the goal and the effort expended.

This post will talk about the endless power of will, thought and subconscious. Don't stop in your development. Move on all the time. And then you will feel that life will turn towards you in a completely different direction, your strength will increase, and your opportunities will increase many times over. Human capabilities are unlimited! Only limited intelligence makes us subservient beings. You are a much greater Person than the one you take yourself to be. Your task is to learn to enter the state of a single flow. Develop willpower, the power of thought and subconscious and you will increase your abilities many times over...

Over the past ten years, the world of science has undergone enormous changes. In the press and scientific literature, signs of a new era are increasingly visible - the era of subconscious thinking. This way of thinking will give you everything you want. You have a priceless treasure and you must use it.

What kind of treasure is this?

You yourself are this treasure, this wealth and a mystery that you have yet to solve. Your subconscious mind stores the memory of all previous generations! And therefore, all cosmic information is in your “pocket”, you just need to get it out of the hidden memory archives.

The subconscious, will and thought can do anything!

The subconscious has all the necessary resources and mechanisms with the help of which all thoughts and intentions are realized. Thought and will are material. This fact has been proven in scientific laboratories. The exact weight of the thought and its form were determined.

How did you weigh the idea?

A person was placed on ultra-precise electronic scales and weighed in various states of consciousness, while observing the mode of electrical wave activity of the brain using an electroencephalogram of the brain. It has been proven that with intense visualization of any bright thought, a person’s weight increases to an insignificant extent and, on the contrary, in a state of trance or thoughtlessness, body weight decreases.

Sensation in the world of photography!

Photo laboratories, in the West and in Russia, have already learned to take pictures of thoughts in color mode. They determined that every thought has its own shape and color. Negative thoughts have ugly shapes and dark colors, while positively charged thoughts have an attractive and harmonious shape, light, bright colors. This proves the existence of more subtle matter than what we can see with our own eyes. What is fine matter woven from?

About virtual photons

From special particles called virtual photons. This is a very interesting and extraordinary substance that has turned the entire scientific concept upside down. The fact is that virtual photons are particles that have a holographic visual appearance, but which in reality do not exist. Some large scientific circles began to “dig” in this direction and instantly gained many opponents throughout the global scientific diaspora.

Why is this so exciting in the scientific community?

Because these studies questioned the entire previous picture of reality and the universe. The one that is still taught in all world schools, colleges and universities. Think about it, everything that was believed in for several centuries in a row, that was presented as an immutable truth, on the basis of which scientific concepts were developed, dissertations and doctoral dissertations were defended, collapsed in an instant! The entire scientific culture of the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries is collapsing!

In the world of quantum physics

I will prove to you that the world is not something static and consists of virtual photons, which, in reality, do not exist. This is just a certain energy potential. Take and open any quantum physics textbook and you will find that on almost every page this will be discussed. Quanta and Quarks are the smallest elementary particles that are based on two components. The first component is energy, and the second is wave. Quantum is both, at the same time. Having learned about this, such a skeptical scientific world was delighted and bewildered.

How is it, quantum and energy and wave at the same time?

It is from such insignificant particles as quanta and quarks that atomic nuclei and electrons are made up, which form the entire basis of this material world. In fact, this discovery suggests that the world by its nature is not something stable, the world is virtual. The world is ruled by an intelligence far superior to that of man, whose power extends over vast distances, surpassing one universe or even an entire system of infinity.

What kind of mind is this?

This mind is recognized by all cultures and religions of the world. It is called God, the Higher Power or the Cosmic Mind. There are no limits to it and there is nothing higher or equal to it.

How does the cosmic mind manifest itself and what does it consist of?

We find the answer in all ancient eastern teachings and science. The existence of a certain substance called the Absolute is beyond any doubt if you look at the world through the eyes of a sober person. The world is ruled by tough and harsh laws. If you put your hand in the fire, you will get burned. If you try to drink poison, you will die. We have no control over these laws; they are given to us by a power that clearly surpasses man.

Who or what established these laws?

There can only be one answer. The Absolute, the Supreme Mind and the Cosmic Power. Infinity is a substance that contains everything and at the same time is not everything. Carry out a simple mental exercise that is given to your students at the initial stage of preparation, Indian Raja Yoga.

Progress of the exercise

Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.

Relax and loosen tight clothing.

Close your eyes and imagine that your body occupies twice the space.

Visualize your body growing and increasing in size.

Your body reaches the size of the room you are in.

There are no limits to this and you grow, more and more.

You become gigantic in cosmic proportions and surpass the solar system.

Then surpass our galaxy in size.

You are all growing and expanding, occupying the size of the vast universe.

But this is not the end!

Move on. Grow beyond the boundaries of the Universe and so on ad infinitum. Meeting the feeling of infinity is the basis from which the teaching of real Raja Yoga begins. Awareness of one's unity with infinity is a manifestation of preparation in mystical Yoga.

The larger you can imagine yourself, the greater mystical capabilities you gain. You become the rightful owner of the cosmic mind, or, more precisely, of the mind itself. The more space in the Universe your energy body occupies, the greater superpowers you will gain. This state - the feeling of infinity - is the basis on which the beautiful edifice of mystical practice grows.

Mystical abilities lie dormant in everyone!

The average person’s brain is only 3%-5% developed. Yogis achieve full disclosure of all the abilities of the brain by achieving deep trance states and using auto-hypnosis, which gives them such limitless possibilities.

Yogis are not afraid of fire, cold, they may not eat, not sleep, and not even breathe. I have personally met such yogis in the Himalayas and yogic ashrams. All the laws of the material world are in their service and are ready to fulfill any of their orders. My Guru, a famous yogi and ascetic. For 12 years he lived in the Himalayas, completely naked, eating fallen fruits and roots.

Tiger story

When a tiger came to him to feed on human flesh, the Guru, without hesitation, cut off a piece of his flesh from the thigh of his leg and fed it to the hungry animal. And this happened twice.

About reincarnation

For all eternity, We have been wandering in the cycle of life and death, unable to know ourselves and become the master of our life and the laws that govern it. It has already been proven that a person lives more than once. There were cases when small children suddenly remembered their previous incarnations and rushed to their previous parents in other countries.

Lama Rebirths

This interesting fact was also recorded by adherents of Buddhism. You have probably already heard that the Tibetan Lama, the commander-in-chief of all Buddhism, is born not just one, but as many as 20 lives, simply consciously changing his bodies. He retains all the experience of his past incarnations and has been a great sage and scientist since childhood.

How does Lama pass away?

At the time of death, the Lama leaves a will to his students, which indicates the place and time of birth of his future incarnation on Earth. This is what happens. One Lama leaves, and in his place they put a boy into whom the immortal spirit of the Lama has moved.

How do adherents achieve freedom and power over the laws of the universe?

This path is called mystical Yoga. This Yoga includes elements of all Yogas and methods of self-awareness. This is the most ancient method of human development and it was practiced long before other teachings and religions arose.

Everything new that teachers of Western parapsychology and psychotherapy teach so proudly, all the original methods of self-development published by Western specialists, are borrowed from Yoga and related teachings that also arose from Yoga. Yoga is the primordial teaching, primordial knowledge.

History of Yoga

The ancient scriptures of Yoga say that before our time, a highly developed civilization existed on Earth and people were like gods. They developed various supernatural abilities and mystical powers: they could fly, saw atoms, knew the past and could see the future. What modern yogis demonstrate are pitiful remnants of the former luxury that the yogis of ancient times possessed. As described in ancient treatises, they could create entire planets with the power of thought and sound vibration. And they enjoyed themselves there for thousands of years, with beautiful maidens who came out of their minds. They had so much energy that they could concentrate it and create matter from their own virtual photons. I have seen yogis who have the power of materialization.

How do Indian yogis achieve superpowers?

Through great asceticism, they subjugate their will. According to yogis, there are many methods for developing iron will. The principle here is very simple: he who has power over himself has power over the whole world. How to achieve such power? Here I will give some ancient practices for developing the power of mystical will.


Will is like money, you can buy anything you want with it. She, like a devoted woman, gives you everything. She is the only force in the Universe. Only the will controls everything.

Two ways to develop will

There are two ways to develop the will and both of them are quite complex. Not because it’s hard work, but because you have to overcome yourself. Conquer some of your desires. Become better and stronger, become higher than yourself. You see, just take it and become more perfect. It’s so simple and so difficult at the same time!

How long can you sit in one position without getting up or moving?

Try it, it's not as easy as it seems at first glance. This will require enormous willpower. When the Master gave me personal practice, I sat for 4-8 hours a day, in the lotus position and did not get up, from my red mat. I wanted to get up, but I was working on the will. For two months I sat in my room and did not communicate with anyone. For two months I ate only milk and fruit. My willpower reached its peak at that time. I gained some strength and it seemed to me that I could fly and do anything. I tested myself and, indeed, I could instill my thoughts in anyone. I could mentally imagine something and immediately receive it. Not at the same moment, but after a short period of time.

Materialization of gold jewelry

One day, I was testing my materialization abilities. I visualized gold jewelry for two days. Exactly two days later, I went to the bus stop and found a gold ring in the sand, and even with a small diamond. I was surprised, but a week later I decided to recheck myself. I repeated the experiment and every day I imagined gold jewelry in my imagination.

And what would you think?

Everything happened again. Only the circumstances were different. An Indian Master came to our city and gave a lecture. I was the organizer of this seminar. After the lecture, when our girls were cleaning the hall, one of them came up to me and showed me a gold chain that someone had lost. I suggested that she keep it as there were many strangers in the room and we would no longer be able to find the owner. She resolutely refused and said that she was giving it to me to cover the costs of holding the seminar.

The power of thought and subconscious!

This is how the power of thought and the subconscious works. This is a paradox, but all thoughts have a tendency to materialize through circumstances, this is what I call karmic management. Everything is driven by will.

One day I asked the Master, can a person change his destiny?

He answered - only with an iron will!

What is will?

Will is the ability of consciousness to control one’s body and mind, and direct efforts in accordance with one’s intention. Developing the will is a fairly simple matter. You need to start gradually. I will give you one exercise on developing an iron will capable of ruling the whole world.

An exercise to develop an “iron” will...

Stand at attention.

Place your arms along your body and relax.

Freeze and don't move.

Watch yourself, not allowing the slightest movement of your body.

Look after yourself.

Don't rush, start with just one minute a day.

Add just one minute each day.

Duration of exercise

This exercise should be performed at the same time, on an empty stomach, in the morning or in the evening. After 30 days you will reach the 30 minute mark, and after 2 months you will be able to stand for an hour. At the moment of volitional standing, your back and neck should be straight, on the same line.

Just wait - everything will come!

Try it - get a good experience. See what happens! Your life will change dramatically. You will begin to gain power over yourself and, as a result, over everything and everyone.

The effect of practice

This exercise was used by ancient yogis to achieve their goals. This practice strengthens the body, calms the mind, and gives great strength. By practicing volitional standing, you gain a harmoniously built and beautiful body, clear, logical thinking. By setting a task before standing, you can formulate your desire or intention (what you are standing for) and it will certainly come true - by the power of your will.


Everyone is familiar with the states of mobilization of will and its weakening. We either experience decline, weakening of will, then we mobilize our efforts and show perseverance and strength. Some forms of behavior become habitual over time and turn into character traits.
A strong-willed person has a number of characteristic qualities.
How does a strong will manifest itself in character? What qualities are strong-willed? How does lack of will manifest itself?
In a number of strong-willed qualities in first place determination. Purposefulness is:
- ability to set clear goals and objectives,
- ability to plan your actions;
- the ability to carry out what is planned, to subordinate oneself to achieving a set goal, for example, to follow a strict regime if this is necessary to achieve the goal, etc.
Aristotle said: “An end is that for the sake of which something is done... for the sake of it everything else is done.”
The more clear a person’s goal is to which he strives, the more persistent he is in overcoming obstacles, the more purposeful he is.
But people have different persistence in overcoming difficulties. It happens that a person does not finish what he has started. Some people start working with enthusiasm, but quickly cool down. The stronger the obstacles, the more intense the volitional effort should be, the stronger the will required from a person.

The next important volitional quality is perseverance- this is the fortitude shown by a person who has set long-term goals for himself. In order to capture distant goals well in the mind, you need to reflect them in specific tasks. The desire to achieve distant goals forms a strong and persistent will in a person.
Personal qualities such as endurance and patience are closely related to perseverance. They should not be confused with humility, lack of initiative, weak-willed submission to the force of circumstances or someone else's will. Patience and consistency are always associated with initiative, active in achieving a goal and overcoming troubles. A patient person knows why he endures something.

Such a strong-willed quality as self-control. It is important in life and in any work, especially for those whose work involves communication. No matter how excited a person of such a profession may be, complete mastery of his voice, facial expressions and pantamimics is his professional duty.
Self-control consists of:
- in the ability to maintain clarity of thought, i.e. remain attentive and focused on the work at hand, despite the influence of disruptive factors. This is the ability to prevent “defeatist” thoughts and negative ideas under the influence of failures, interference, and mistakes;
- also in the ability to control your feelings: it is easy to increase your emotional tone in a state of confusion, apathy, fear, etc.; reduce the level of emotional arousal in case of excessive joy or excitement, pain, indignation, etc.; and in case of success, do not show excessive self-confidence, carelessness, feelings of imaginary superiority and other unwanted experiences;
- and in the ability to manage one’s actions: control one’s movements in the event of fatigue, pain, dissatisfaction with oneself and other unfavorable internal states; in conflict situations, refrain from unethical actions - bickering, rudeness, etc.

The following two qualities may be mistakenly assessed as positive.
“Stubbornness is a weakness that has the appearance of strength” (V.A. Zhukovsky). Stubbornness- a quality different from persistence. In this case, it means persistence in implementing decisions made without sufficient grounds. A stubborn person defends his opinion contrary to logic, reasonable arguments and facts. “A stubborn person does everything his own way, does not listen to anyone’s advice and soon becomes a victim of his own delusions.” (Aesop).
If a stubborn person determines the goal of an activity, re-education into a persistent person is carried out.

Compliance- a quality of will that is determined by an easy change in a decision made under the influence of other persons. It is the opposite of stubbornness. If it is difficult to convince a stubborn person of anything, it is very easy to convince a pliable person of anything. Despite the fact that for a pliable person the opinions of other people can become a determining factor in making a decision, he still makes the decision on his own.
Re-education of this quality does not mean a transition to harshness and rudeness in behavior. You can be firm and polite in your interactions with other people.

If a decision is given to a person in a ready-made form from the outside (and it is accepted without criticism), then they speak of such a quality as suggestibility. Suggestibility, as well as pliability, does not prevent a person from being, for example, a good worker. However, it is believed that this trait needs to be re-educated in order to save a person from possible harmful influences. Re-education in this case is recommended to be carried out by strengthening the will and developing critical thinking.

For a person, such a strong-willed quality as determination. It is defined as the ability to quickly assess circumstances and make certain decisions, and, having made them, do not hesitate, but act confidently.
Decisiveness is an important quality when the situation does not tolerate delay and requires a quick reaction.

If a person has enough time, but still does not make a decision or changes it to the opposite, they speak of a particularly negative quality of will - indecision.

If it is necessary to quickly make a decision and act, but a person is unable to do this, they speak of a condition confusion. A confused person either remains inactive or starts various actions and does not finish them. (“Speed ​​is necessary, but haste is harmful” (A.V. Suvorov)) These actions can be opposite in meaning. Instead of calmly analyzing the situation and making a decision, he can change decisions.

The considered volitional qualities manifest themselves in each person in individual situations, but can also be a personality trait. Therefore, it is important to know exactly how a person behaves in a decision-making situation most often: he hesitates, or makes decisions quickly; thoughtlessly and then quickly changes them, or makes thoughtful and accurately executed decisions.

There are also such qualities of will as:
Performance- manifests itself in the diligent and systematic execution of decisions made. An executive person feels the need to completely complete the work he has started.

Discipline- a person’s ability to act in accordance with norms, rules and laws. Work discipline stands out, which develops perseverance, determination, and the ability to overcome one’s impulses. Thus, justified demands, strengthening discipline, thereby strengthens the will. Here we are not talking about the so-called “stick” discipline, which is based on fear. Discipline should be based on an understanding of the motives of behavior and human actions.

There is also a group of volitional qualities associated with behavior in a situation of danger - these are such personality qualities as courage, bravery, bravery, courage. And the opposite of them - cowardice, timidity are considered a manifestation of lack of will.

Different forms of fear have different but always negative effects on activity.
In the fight against fear, it is recommended to use the following general rule - the more primitive and biological the emotion, the less amenable to eradication with the help of words. You cannot persuade a person to be fearless. But emotions are easily replaced by each other. It is enough to make a frightened person angry for his fear to go away. If you make an angry person laugh, he will stop being angry.

But danger can also cause positive emotions of sthenic excitement. Stenic, not pronounced fear can tone the cerebral cortex from the subcortex and, in combination with critical thinking, manifest itself as “reasonable fear” in the form of apprehension and caution. “Expose yourself to dangers with prudence,” said the sage Bias.
As much as cowardice, timidity and timidity are negative personality traits, caution is considered a positive trait.

Such a reaction to danger as reasonable excitement associated with the activation of conscious activity at the moment of danger is also considered positive.

The connection between the degree of activity at the moment of danger and experiences has been determined: the more active a person is in a dangerous situation, the easier the subjective content of his experience is.
A. Suvorov said: “It is better to meet danger than to wait on the spot.”

There are various forms of overcoming fear - fearlessness, which differ in their manifestations. This is courage, bravery, bravery, courage, heroism.
Plutarch also said: “The beginning of victory is courage.” When courage is shown, fear remains, but activity is determined by thinking and volitional decisions. Such a person is considered brave, who knows that there is danger ahead and still goes for it. He knows why he suppresses fear, what goal he achieves by acting contrary to fear. Courage consists of the ability to suppress feelings of fear: when a person, in conditions of real physical danger, experiences a desire for risk and a desire to take action. Under these conditions, he mentally disconnects from worries and fear and focuses entirely on action. Courage is manifested in various types of activity: “bold thought”, “brave solution to a problem”, etc. Helvetius said: “Often it is to courage that we owe the discovery of the greatest truths”; Goethe: “Every artist has courage, without which talent is unthinkable.”

Bravery is associated with sthenic emotional experiences of excitement during times of danger. A brave person enjoys the feeling of danger. His experiences are sthenic, his activities are not disorganized. But it is good when courage is based on reasonable risk: insane courage is as harmful as insane fear. It is recommended to cultivate courage through reasonable risk: taking risky actions and experiencing the satisfaction of their successful implementation.

In the formation of courage, they warn against the following extreme: they advise to ensure that courage does not turn into a negative form of fearlessness - daring. Prowess is defined as courage that has reached the level of affect, which is characterized by a loss of critical thinking.

Psychology claims that cultivating courage is cultivating faith in one’s strength and technique. This is instilling confidence in the high probability of successful completion of any risky but feasible task.
There is a pedagogical recommendation - to carefully choose the moment at which you can allow a person to take risks for the first time. One must be sure that, based on the level of his knowledge, skills and experience, he is prepared for this risk and can independently cope with the situation.

Courage stands out as the opposite of prowess. Courage is understood as the ability to act. A person who defends personal interests can be brave and courageous. Courage is manifested in achieving a goal that is perceived as a common cause. In a brave person, fear is overcome by a sense of duty, which is associated with the person’s worldview and beliefs.
A brave person, going towards danger, is tense, a brave person is excited, and a courageous person is calm.

Courage is defined as the highest, most complex form of fearlessness.
“And whoever faces danger with courage,
That is why the thought is clear and the tongue is firm.” (Sophocles)
Goethe says: “If you lose a good thing, you lose a little!” If you lose honor, you will lose a lot! If you lose your courage, you’ll lose everything; then it would be better not to be born at all.”
Courage summarizes a number of aspects of a person’s personality. In different situations, one or another of these sides predominates. Courage manifests courage, daring, bravery, as well as responsibility, patience, resourcefulness, determination, self-control, consciousness, conviction that one is right, worldview, initiative, willpower (defined as resistance to the force of a single blow) and fortitude (defined as resistance to a series of subsequent strikes).

As an example of courageous behavior, one can cite a case from world history - the philosopher Socrates calmly looked death in the face, forgiving his enemies.
Heroism is defined as a concept that goes beyond psychology and has social content. Heroism manifests a high level of positive emotions when performing feats of social significance.
Fearlessness, expressed in bravery, bravery, courage and heroism, is a clear manifestation of a person’s control over his emotions, an example of strong-willed behavior.
So, now you can imagine the image of a strong-willed person with such qualities as:
- determination,
- persistence,
- patience,
- consistency,
- self-control,
- determination,
- diligence,
- discipline,
- strength of will
- willpower,
- caution,
- reasonable excitement,
- courage,
- courage,
- courage,
- courage;
and its opposite - a state of lack of will, manifests itself in such qualities as:
- stubbornness,
- pliability,
- suggestibility,
- indecisiveness,
- cowardice,
- timidity,
- daring.

The desire to control other people lives to one degree or another in each of us. Only some people want to give orders, while others are more interested in the possibility of hidden control of the consciousness of another person. Some will immediately remember gypsies who immerse their victims in hypnosis, under which the person is completely submissive to the will of the manipulator. You, of course, can also learn the art, but using it is like opening a carved box with an ax. If you want the manipulation to remain unnoticeable, you need to act much more subtly.

Technique for controlling human consciousness

First, you need to remember that absolutely resistant people do not exist. And if a person claims that no technique for controlling human consciousness will work on him, you should know that this person is an easy target. Usually, people who are within the strict framework of certain beliefs lose their flexibility of thinking, and it becomes easier to convince them that they are right. In addition, having discovered the subject of conviction, you can no longer look for the weak point of your interlocutor, you can begin to work with this fact.

In order to control the consciousness of another person, it is necessary to understand his innermost desires and learn about his weaknesses. Agree, there is not always time to collect information about the object of influence; sometimes it is necessary to influence the course of communication by seeing a person for the first or second time. Therefore, anyone who wants to influence their interlocutor will need to have a high level of observation. If this quality is not there, you will have to develop it in parallel with memory training, since you will need to remember the smallest details to compile your own catalog of human reactions to a particular stimulus. Remember, people may act differently in similar situations, but their first reaction will be the same.

Having found a person’s weak point, try to play on it. Well, in order to discover points of influence, you will need to ask a couple of clarifying questions. Know what to ask You can watch the subject a little before starting a conversation and during the greeting. Already during this time, you can draw up an approximate portrait of your interlocutor, whether he is powerful or likes to obey, what his material needs are, his marital status, and much more. If you need to convince a person of something, try to offer him two undeniable statements with which he agrees; the third time the interlocutor will be more inclined to have a positive reaction.

As you can see, the technique of controlling human consciousness is very simple, if only you know how to “see” people. This is why the best manipulators are people who have studied psychology.