Astrology inner and outer planets. Planets in the natal chart

We expanded this series with three more so-called. higher planets(they are distant planets And trans-Saturnian planets): Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

This series of planets is also expanding so-called. fictitious planets, that is, objects of the horoscope that do not have a real material embodiment. Fictitious planets can have a geometric meaning, being the parameters of the orbit of a celestial body (Lunar nodes, Black Moon) or can be found empirically, like the planets of the Hamburg school of astrology. A number of fictitious planets include hypothetical planets like Vulcan and Proserpina.

Nature of planetary influence

The question of the nature of the influence of planets still remains controversial. Ideas about this influence have changed throughout the history of astrology.

In ancient Mesopotamian astrology, the planets were considered the physical embodiment of deities, just as the Sun was considered the physical embodiment of the solar god in many ancient religions. Therefore, observation of the movement of the planets gave an idea of ​​​​what relationships the gods were in at one time or another, and changes in these relationships could not go unnoticed by the inhabitants of the earth.

This idea was further developed under the influence of Plato, who believed that the human soul is made of the same material from which the Demiurge created the stars and planets; every human soul arises on a star and then takes on human flesh. Further, Plato argues that the parts of the Cosmos are so interconnected that they are a reflection of the life of a single World Soul, and therefore the life and fate of a person is closely connected with the fate of the stars. This worldview, combined with the philosophy of Stoicism, which denies blind chance and is convinced of the existence of a divine pattern in historical and natural processes, became the intellectual basis of interest in the study of astrology in the Greco-Roman period of its development.

The Babylonian perception of the planets as gods is still very noticeable in the views of Plato and Aristotle, who believed that the planets are intelligent beings. So Aristotle believed that the eternal and regular motion of the planets can only be explained by the presence of will and intelligence in them.

With the advent of the Islamic period of astrology, in the theory of the influence of planets on the Earth, the magical-rational view begins to prevail, according to which the planets emit invisible rays that influence earthly processes.

The variety of things in the world of elements is generated by two things, namely: the diversity of their nature, as well as the changing influence of star rays (Al-Kindi).

This view, which was strengthened later, became the reason for criticism of astrology from science, since it is impossible to detect any noticeable influence of physical forces, such as gravity, from the planets on the Earth.

At the same time, there is another view, akin to the views of Plato and the Stoics, according to which human destiny is governed by the same laws that govern the movement of the planets. In this case, observing the movement of the planets, one can observe the action of those forces that also influence human destiny. Then the planets no longer appear as sources of fate, but as its indicators, just as the hands of a clock reflect the passage of time.

Influence of planets in Ascension astrology is considered on the basis of ancient Egyptian knowledge, which has come down to us in the treatises of Thoth (known under the general name "Pimander").

On the influence of the planets from the treatises of Thoth:

The "seven", which are called spheres, have main essences, that is, each has its corresponding rulers, whom they call together Fortuna and Heimarmene (Fate), by them, according to the law of nature, all things are changed; eternal stability is diversified by continuous movement.

That is, the planets, which are the rulers of the spheres, due to their movement, jointly form Fate and change all things (i.e., the action of Fate is determined through all the planets). Fate is determined by the astro chart of birth, and changes in things are determined through transits, directions, and other similar astrological techniques.

The nature of the influence of real planets (having a material form) and fictitious ones differs, which is also described in the treatises of Thoth:

The hierarchies of the Gods are numerous; Of all of them, one class is called Noumenal (that which can be known only by reason), the other class Sensuous (that which can be known by sensation). The first is called Noumenal not because it is believed that it is inaccessible to our senses; for it includes Gods whom we feel more truly than those whom we call visible - which is exactly what our discussion will prove, and you, if you are careful, will see it. …So there are some Gods who are the heads (principles) of all kinds. Next come those whose substance (bodies consisting of 4 elements) is their beginning (i.e. Sensual gods). These are sensual, each is similar to its dual principle; with their sensuality (the ability to influence the senses) they influence all things - some through others (in each) giving radiance to the proper work of each of them.

That is, fictitious planets influence only the human soul through principles (peculiar to each fictitious planet, for example, moral and ethical according to the White Moon, the degree of peace of mind according to the Center), and real planets, dual in nature, influence simultaneously with the fundamental and sensory influence (both on the feelings of the soul and on the feelings of the body, influencing the senses).

Classification of planets in astrology

Throughout the history of the development of astrology, many signs have been proposed, going back mainly to ideas akin to natural philosophy, with the help of which the nature of the planets and their influence can be described. Signs of this kind that continue to be relevant in modern astrology include the division of planets into good and evil, male and female. Signs such as dividing planets according to the principles of warm-humid, day-night, as well as trigons, are outdated.

At the same time, modern astrologers have come into use of dividing planets according to their functional effects and the degree of influence on the formation of individual human character traits.

  • Personal planets- planets that are closest to the Earth and, accordingly, move the fastest in the zodiac. Due to the rapid movement, their position in the horoscopes of different people differs significantly (even a difference in the time of birth of a few minutes can play a significant role). Personal planets include: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars.
  • Social planets- planets located further from the Earth than the personal planets, but closer than the higher planets. Their period of circulation is longer than that of personal ones, and changes in their position can be felt within generations. The social planets include Jupiter and Saturn - the last visible planets of the solar system. The orbital period of Jupiter is 11.86 years, Saturn's is more than 29 years.
  • Higher planets(Also distant planets, trans-Saturnian planets) - the most distant planet (not visible to the naked eye from Earth). Due to the slow rate of change in the position of these planets, they have the same influence on entire generations or even historical periods. The higher planets include

At the beginning of working with the natal chart, the astrologer must analyze the state of each planet.

Sign(friendly, hostile or neutral) will show how easy (or difficult) it is for a person to manifest the principle of the planet, whether there is a tendency to distortion.

House will show the planet’s area of ​​interest, for which a person includes the corresponding activity.

Aspects and accidental factors perhaps the most important. This is the level of the planet’s connection with other layers of the human psyche and relationship with the outside world (as the exteorization of internal processes). In other words, the harmonious aspects of any planet will give it easy integration in the inner life of the individual and a very easy harmonious manifestation in the outer life. Any damaging factors (especially burning) lead to severe problems within the psyche and, naturally, to complex manifestations in behavior, and, further down the chain, disturbances in fate.

Traditionally, reading a map begins with an analysis of the luminaries - the Sun and the Moon. I'll be original and leave them for last.


Mercury is responsible for our mind and that says it all. Firstly, it is the ability to remember, then it is the speed of the brain’s reaction. This is also the ability to communicate verbally, the richness and expressiveness of speech. From this flows a person’s capabilities in analytical work. Because analysis is precisely the ability to quickly compare the facts in memory and put them into words. Mercury is responsible for logic, learning ability, and contact. Mercury is genderless, therefore it appears equally in women's and men's charts.

Mercury's affliction results in weak memory, impaired speech, withdrawal, distorted logic and inability to distinguish truth from stupidity.

The most important thing about his function is that he is responsible for communications. The ability to connect causes and effects. Mercury is harmonious - highly connected and integrated personality. Strong - the ability to convey logic to other people, the ability to teach. Weak Mercury - inconsistency and lack of understanding of oneself. The affected person is capable of causing confusion in the thoughts of others, leading them astray, destroying internal and external connections.


Venus carries the principle of taste and tact. She is responsible for the ability to receive pleasure. And there are two directions in this. The first is pleasure from material objects. It is expressed in the presence (or absence) of taste in everything, from clothing and interior design to gastronomic preferences. The second direction is the pleasure of communication. This is a taste for friendship, a taste for cooperation, and a taste for love experiences. In its highest octave, Venus is responsible for the heart’s ability to love (or for its callousness). Venus has a feminine nature and is much more pronounced in women's charts. At the same time, a big misconception among novice astrologers is the opinion that in a man’s horoscope Mars is responsible for love victories. And in men, too, the level of love will be reflected by Venus.

In a negative scenario, Venus manifests itself through lust, promiscuity, gluttony, desire for excess and laziness.

The main function of Venus is the ability to experience satisfaction. A harmonious Venus gives you the opportunity to be happy yourself, and a strong Venus also makes those around you happy. The affected person herself drowns in grievances, and leads others to feelings of guilt. The weak cannot understand love and find peace.


Mars is responsible for our strength and endurance. For the level of performance. For energy. As a result, it gives purposefulness, assertiveness and a desire for results. Through this, he is responsible for activity and the ability to lead, or for leadership. He is responsible for courage and bravery, a tendency to take risks. It has a masculine nature and manifests itself more harmoniously in men. It can give women excessive autonomy and independence.

A low octave manifests itself in anger, irritability, intolerance of other people's opinions, and arrogance. As a result, it leads to aggressiveness and manifestations of force.

The main function of Mars is the concentration of energy in the body, and further, along the chain, in the fate of a person. Harmonious Mars gives composure and tone. Being strong opens up the opportunity to influence others and lead. Weak Mars leads to apathy and lack of will. Defeat brings constant threats and worries to others, and degradation to the person himself.


Jupiter reflects the religiosity and depth of a person. If Mercury makes it possible to remember new information, then Jupiter gives a person the opportunity to penetrate into its deep essence. He is responsible for wisdom. Its position in the map shows the level of spiritual development of the individual, and as a consequence the height of the position in society, authority in the eyes of others. Being a masculine planet gives activity in the development of knowledge.

The defeat of Jupiter threatens a lack of morality. A person refuses to recognize the wisdom of others and, as a result, loses respect himself.

The main function of Jupiter is to choose a direction in life and subsequent adjustments taking into account what has been lived. And, as you know, the goal determines everything. Harmonious Jupiter will give a wise person. A strong person will also allow you to help others. It is no coincidence that Jupiter is responsible for patronage and sponsorship. The weak will lead to the exchange of fate over trifles. And the one who is struck will simply destroy. And it’s good, if only the person himself, without allowing him to drag his neighbor along with him.


Saturn includes conscience. If Jupiter gives theoretical knowledge, then Saturn is responsible for its implementation in practice. It creates conditions for the development of personality. Therefore, it reflects our discipline, responsibility, and restraint. The position of Saturn in the chart will reflect God-fearing, or the ability to feel the edge. As well as the strength and inflexibility of the individual’s positions. The feminine nature of Saturn is manifested in complete submission to external conditions, acceptance of their justice and appropriateness.

The defeat of Saturn will give laziness, arrogance, stupid risk-taking, or, on the contrary, complete inertia. Arrogance and arrogance can manifest themselves in character not directly, but from the other side, in the form of humiliation and self-flagellation. That same “humiliation rather than pride.”

The function of Saturn is the ability to organize and discipline oneself, to take on the burden and perhaps even deprivation. A harmonious Saturn will manifest itself in the firmness of convictions, and a strong one will also add the ability to stand for them to the death. A weak Saturn will lead to pliability and compliance; a person can easily be persuaded to abandon his interests, simply by frightening him with difficulties. The affected person will manifest himself in indiscipline and a pernicious influence on others, a tendency to dampen those around him. Or, on the contrary, it is unnecessary to crush them, especially if there is reinforcement from strong Mars.


Starting from Uranus we talk about planets of the transcendental level. They are not visible without a telescope and are not realized by us at the moment of their inclusion. Therefore, we must work with great caution with their influence on humans.

Uranus in the natal chart is responsible for the ability to think outside the box. For the craving (or fear) to change everything, break the old shackles and start with a clean slate. It gives you the ability to find a fundamentally new solution, to take the untrodden path. More than others, it gives a propensity for risk and detachment from acquired comfort.

The defeat of Uranus will give stereotypes and banality. The person will not be able to show courage and originality of ideas. Don’t be confused, with harmonious Mars there will be courage in actions, but there will be no courage in thoughts and decisions. Compensation in the form of eccentricity and extravagance is possible, but exclusively as a manifestation of a complex of predictability and rebellion against one’s powerlessness to find a way out.

The function of Uranus is the ability to overcome the usual boundaries and limitations, to go beyond the boundaries of the established track. Look at the world from a new perspective. Harmonious Uranus will give you an inventive and internally liberated person with a sense of humor. A strong person will constantly gush with ideas and help change the views (and through this the lives) of those around him. Weak Uranus will lead to boredom internally and externally. And the one affected will become a problem for everyone, destroying life within the radius of his access.


Neptune gives the subtlety of feeling this world. This applies to moments where there is no logic or clear arguments, but a person simply knows something and it is obvious to him. But there is no way to prove your vision to others. These are situations when we, for example, feel deception, or, on the contrary, trust, anticipate trouble or the possibility of success. In the natal chart, Neptune is responsible for intuition and faith. The feminine nature of Neptune subordinates a person to these sensations

The defeat of Neptune is perhaps the most severe in terms of consequences. If a person feels something and is mistaken, then it is impossible to change his position with arguments or logic. A sharp dissonance with the real world arises, followed by the conclusion “nobody understands me here” and a search for escape. As a result, alcohol, drugs, virtual worlds, phobias, mental disorders.

Neptune's main function is to connect with your soul. The ability to hear your inner voice. And as a result, sobriety of self-esteem. Harmonious Neptune will be soberly aware of all his actions and desires. A strong person will also have a good sense of others and perhaps even help people overcome their misconceptions. A weak one will give you a feeling of loss, a nagging feeling of “is this where I’m going at all and what do I actually want?” The dull pain of no answer. The one who is amazed, on the contrary, knows all the answers, but they are all distorted and biased, and therefore they severely antagonize the person with this World and lead to rejection.


Pluto is responsible for strength, like psychic energy. And this energy can go in exactly two directions. To provide for the needs of one’s EGO, which means to infringe on others in everything for the sake of satisfying one’s desires. Or, on the contrary, to tame oneself and through this give the strength to help others. Pluto is responsible for a person’s ability to asceticism, or for authority and dictatorship. In the first case, a person becomes a role model and people are drawn to him. In the second, they hate him, fear him, but obey him.

The defeat of Pluto is expressed in cruelty, motivated by complete all-encompassing selfishness. Or in lack of will, justified by the “weakness of one’s nature.”

Pluto's function is the ability to tame oneself. And I think it's clear why he has a difficult reputation. He is endowed with enormous power, but at the same time he must consider the man himself, his master, as his main enemy. It is very difficult to tolerate in your own natal chart someone who is fighting against you. And it is necessary. Harmonious Pluto gives an understanding of the importance of self-restraint and the joy of victory over oneself. The strong will allow you to help your neighbor, but with surgical methods. A weak Pluto will let everything take its course, allowing vices to sprout, eventually destroying life. And the one affected will be cruel and tyrannical towards his surroundings.

We got to the main thing, to the luminaries.


The sun is the center and the force that holds everything together. It is responsible for external activities. It gives energy to everything. As it rises, it awakens us and gives us the opportunity to act and manifest ourselves in this world. The Sun sets the task to accomplish something, to become useful to someone or something. Any day should not be lived in vain. Every day should have a conclusion.


Moonrise ends the day. It gives peace, rest, cooling to our thoughts, our feelings, our body. The Moon's task is to restore spent resources. The moon allows you to consume in order to be able to continue living. It brings the pleasure of peace, satiety, safety, comfort, and arrangement.

In the east, the wise say that the Sun and Moon are eternal because they do not live for themselves. The main principle of the Sun and Moon in nature is RECORD. The sun gives off energy and heat, while the moon serves as a natural shield from impacts of the Earth from space. And according to their principles, we should try too serve others and care for others. They give their energy to us for further transmission, and not for consumption. By observing this principle we will always be successful and fulfilled. Having slipped into selfishness, we risk losing our nourishment.

The luminaries stand separately. Their level (strength, weakness, harmony or defeat) shows options for human manifestation in this life. His attitude to activity and to rest.

In any map, you need to carefully evaluate the degree of harmony and strength. And then select the leader.

If this Sun- then a person is destined to actively manifest himself, leave something behind, influence the world, bear responsibility, lead. He will be on the front line. He has the energy to act and must share it with those who are weaker. Who doesn't want to make their own way? Only by helping others can you get something for yourself.

Advantage in the map Moon indicates sensitivity, vulnerability, great dependence on comfort and external conditions. Such a person needs understanding and care. But he will receive it only if he himself is also gentle and patient with others. It will bring comfort, tranquility, and responsiveness with its presence. Will promote the principles of caring.

Now we can structure the natal chart.

Septener planets reflect character traits. Mercury - mind, Venus - sensuality, Mars - activity, Jupiter - morality, Saturn - conscience. The dominant of one or more will show the essence of a person’s personality. Defeat will indicate the source of internal and external problems.

The luminaries give way of appearing in the world. The sun - through active activity. Moon - through consumption and care.

The following are simply combinations:

Manifested Mercury and strong Sun - realized analyst, journalist, writer.

Manifested Mercury and a strong Moon - a tendency to communicate a lot, the soul of the party, the hostess of a salon from the 19th century.

Manifested Venus and the strong Sun are artists, poets, creative individuals.

Manifested Venus and a strong Moon - the desire for aesthetic pleasure and comfort, the ability to create coziness, talents in cooking.

Manifested Mars and strong Sun are leaders, managers, bosses, outstanding athletes.

Manifested Mars and strong Moon - sports, coaches, talents in crafts.

Manifested Jupiter and strong Sun - spiritual leadership. Priests, psychologists, mentors, teachers and lecturers. The latter can be of the Mercurian or Jupiterian type. Mercury ones provide knowledge and skills in the profession, while Jupiterian ones focus on cultivating philosophy and morality.

Manifested by Jupiter and a strong Moon - deep religiosity, the ability to listen and calm, is well realized when working in hospitals, hospitals, nursing homes. Tendency towards monasticism.

Manifested Saturn and the strong Sun are judges and leaders. The emphasis here is on strict personal adherence to the law (social or spiritual) and the ability to organize others around it.

Manifested Saturn and a strong Moon - asceticism, a high sense of duty, strong self-control and concern for discipline. It can be a good idea to work with children.

A separate conversation if the Sun is strongly manifested, but it is impossible to identify any accompanying feature from the other planets. Then, most likely, the person will be eager to stand out, but at the same time (no matter how sad) he will not have any talents that justify his ambition. Or (with the general harmony and strength of the card) in fact it is absolutely harmonious and highly developed in everything.

Also with a strong Moon, but other features are not expressed. Either this is a tendency towards strong selfishness and indiscriminate consumption, or complete sacrifice and renunciation. The latter must be supported by the entire map.

It should be noted that for high social status the chart must have a strong Sun and at least one of the social level planets (Jupiter or Saturn) strong. They make it possible to have a broad impact on a large number of people. And the highlighting of the personal planet will already show the direction. Mercury is a writer, Venus is creativity, Mars is a leader. The emphasis on Jupiter will bring authority based on wisdom, and the emphasis on Saturn will give advancement through perseverance, that is, self-control and work.

Higher planets reflect deep layers. Uranus gives you the opportunity to change yourself, Neptune allows you to understand yourself, and Pluto gives you the power to tame yourself. Their clear lead on the map is more of a failure than a success. For 100 cards with a strongly accentuated higher planet, it’s good if one gives an extraordinary person who influences the whole society. The rest will give mental stress and deviations of varying degrees. Although we must admit that all the powers that be have them. But that’s why people ascended to Olympus, to instruct and control the masses, because they were able to control themselves. But no one keeps statistics on “geniuses” rejected by life.

Well, the topic of marriage, where would we be without it?

Any external manifestations in life are based on our inner essence. And in accordance with the axis passing through the zenith at the time of birth, they are reflected either in external life (10th house) or in the family (4th house).

All of the above led to an analysis of the possibilities to stand out in something, to achieve one’s maximum. And this, therefore, applied to the 10th house.

And there is also a 4th house, which is responsible for the personal, for the family. Let's trace the influence of planets on the choice of a marriage partner and attraction to certain models.

Let's start from afar. There are men and there are women. And there are DIFFERENT laws for us. A man reflects the principle of the Sun, the principle of activity. And the Woman transmits the principle of the Moon, brings peace and relaxation. In O. G. Torsunova’s lectures, she heard a wonderful definition and advice. It is literally as follows: if someone does not respect men, he cannot be happy in his activities. And if someone does not respect women, he will not be able to find peace.

The point is that following correct knowledge is always difficult. And it costs a lot of effort for a man to bear responsibility and be active. And it’s just difficult for a woman to accept her powerlessness and come to humility and complaisance. As a result of this, very often we can observe unions in which the woman makes a career, and the man feels good under his thumb. The problem with such unions is that they are doomed to failure. We can only be fulfilled and successful if we act in accordance with our nature. A woman in male roles and a man in female roles will be ineffective, and therefore ineffective. If you find such a distortion in your family, then all efforts should be directed toward correction. A man suddenly begins to be responsible for his family. And a woman should learn to listen to him and support him.

Let's leave the transcendental planets alone again; anyway, no one is aware of them or controls them at the proper level. The luminaries also do not play a fundamental role, since they will not help change gender.

But personal and social planets are fundamentally important. We have Mars and Jupiter as a reflection of the masculine nature. And Venus and Saturn as the essence of a woman.

In marriage, the man chooses. Which means he is attracted to a woman. Everything starts from a woman.

In a woman's chart, we need to compare Venus and Saturn. You can use horary astrology techniques for this. But I wouldn't recommend getting too carried away with it. We can only obtain any reliable information if one of the planets is SPECIFICALLY stronger. In the case of relative equality, I would not recommend calculating exact scores. They will no longer provide a decisive advantage. Given the relative equality of the planets, it is impossible to talk about the preference of any model.

Leadership Venus gives a woman's orientation towards beauty, comfort and aesthetics. She is destined to understand her preferences and develop tact in communication. This means she will attract a partner to solve this problem. And with a high degree of probability it will excite the blood of a man with pronounced Mars in the map. He will have a high concentration of energy and the desire to direct it towards something, to achieve something. A classic of such a union: he earns well and is valued at work, she spends tastefully, creating comfort for him and maintaining contacts.

Leadership Saturn gives a woman with a high sense of duty and diligence. She is ready to share the fate of her chosen one. Whereas according to Venus, a woman seeks pleasure and new opportunities from marriage. Naturally, a more serious, developed and sacrificial woman will attract another man to be her husband. Her chosen one will be in the lead Jupiter. He will be a wise and authoritative person, able to choose a direction and lead people with him. Such a couple (based on the alignment of higher order planets) will achieve a significantly higher social status.

A man with a strong Jupiter is naturally stronger in social capabilities than his brother with a strong Mars. And he doesn’t need a woman who simply strives for comfort and pleasure. He needs someone who is ready to share any loads next to him, if necessary. He himself will not seriously look at flighty, spoiled beauties.

And a man with a strong Mars does not need someone who controls herself and will put pressure on him with her conscience. He seeks to use his energy, not control it. He will see such a partner as his prison, and not as an incentive for achievement.

There is no point in analyzing couples in which Neptune is in the lead for the woman and Pluto for the man. They exist, but are extremely rare. This is always an extraordinary level of individuals with a special destiny. Such a union is possible only for the sake of other people. This is the suprasocial level.

If the planets are relatively equal, the person will choose the style himself. Most often, in youth, people strive for personal pleasures and achievements and gravitate towards marriages according to the Mars-Venus model. Mature unions can be created according to the Jupiter-Saturn type, but only in cases of great personal responsibility and continuous self-development.

A separate discussion is about whether you can change the conditions of your card. In this matter it is possible. The card simply reflects a gravitation towards a certain type of union.

But if a man wants to find himself a wife who will not waste everything on her caps and will responsibly fulfill her duties to her husband, then he himself should somewhat tame the Martian manifestations in his character and begin to work on his morality and religiosity.

And the same advice for women. If you want to have a respectable and confident man in life, then you need to pacify your Venusian desires and begin to seriously work on the practice of obedience and fulfillment of duty. And fate in this case will definitely respond by sending the appropriate person to be your husband.


That's probably all. The conclusions in my article are the same as a carbon copy. If you are able to understand the principles of your map, you will begin to direct energy in the right direction. By becoming successful, you will improve the whole World through this.

Alla Kudlyuk, Voronezh, 2016

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Natal chart reading

The natal chart is divided into 12 segments - houses of the horoscope. They cover all areas of our lives. And they are not equal. There will be differences in everything - in the degree of workload, in the signs on the cusps, in aspects. This determines why all people are different.

In this article, we will talk about what especially stands out from the overall picture in any natal chart. What generally stands out in astrology? The luminaries that stand out from the planets are the Sun and the Moon. Their influence is not comparable in strength to all other objects. In the grid of houses, 2 key points are distinguished - the beginning of the horoscope, the horizon line, the ascendant (Asc), and the zenith point, the middle of the sky, the medium koeli (MC). We need to build on them.

Natal charts containing planets without major (Ptolemaic) aspects are not that uncommon. Let's talk about the essence of this phenomenon.

It is noted that if a planet in the natal chart does not have major aspects (it is also called a planet “in the mine”), then it begins to behave somewhat “Uranian-like,” unpredictably and poorly controlled. And its manifestation is prone to extremes. It will either be suppressed or emphasized. Moreover, such a planet can become the foundation for great achievements in the field of its management.

Each planet in the natal chart is responsible for some area of ​​personal development. And in any map everything is present. For example, the Sun is responsible for our will. And it will definitely be in every card. Only in some it will be strong and bright, while in others it may be affected and weakened. But a person without the Sun in the chart simply cannot be born.

I want to talk about the key planets of the horoscope, about the luminaries. There are no “unimportant” points in the natal chart; any of them, if damaged, can bring disharmony. But the luminaries and Lunar Nodes are more significant than anyone else and stand out against the general background.

The Sun and Moon are familiar to everyone from early childhood. For comparison: which of you can easily find Mars or Venus in the sky? And even more so, whose children know how to find them in the sky and know the principles of their movement? And what do you think about the level of development of a 3-year-old child who does not know what the Sun and Moon are and cannot show them? Well, you felt the difference. This determines the fact that everyone, without exception, is accustomed to considering the luminaries “friends” and expects only good things from them in the natal chart. Especially amateur astrologers immediately rejoice when they discover a connection between some “positive” house and luminaries. They imagine unconditional benefits from the spheres of life controlled by them. So, first things first.

Basic astrology considers the septenary planets (visible without a telescope and known from ancient times). They are divided into luminaries - the Sun and the Moon, I have already written a lot about them. And then there are benefactors, major and minor, Jupiter and Venus, respectively. Malefics, also large and small, Saturn and Mars. And Mercury stands apart. It does not have a specific color or even gender. It takes on the color of the planet with which it interacts (aspect).

So let's talk about good and evil, in other words, and the influence of Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Mars. What to expect and what to fear in connection with their presence or impact?

In astrology, traditionally, the three houses of the horoscope are considered problematic. They have a bad reputation. These are the 6th, 8th and 12th. It has long been noted that it is through these three houses that a person in this life comes into contact with problems and troubles. All the pain and sorrow of our imperfect World is contained in them.

The difficulty is that there simply cannot be a map without them. And even if in a person’s horoscope there are no planets in these houses at all, there are still planetary rulers that are located somewhere. And then, throughout life, all the points of the horoscope at some periods will definitely come into contact with these rulers. Or they can make ingression (entry) into these houses in slow directions. And these houses will definitely pass through in profaction several times during their lives. In other words, no one can avoid contact with problem houses. And the only thing we can do is prepare properly.

It is human nature to recognize oneself as an individual. This is how we differ from animals. In an anthill or hive, no one thinks about what kind of fate they have received and is it worthy? Such thoughts are not only characteristic of humans, we are made up of them. Our whole life is a continuous pursuit of individualization and isolation. We constantly compete with each other. It seems that we realize that this does not make us beautiful, but we are not able to stop.

An important question: what is most important for everyone: to become successful or to become happy? In the abstract and in the air, everyone without exception chooses happiness. But in reality, most people exchange it for external success, understood as winning in competition with other individuals. This is especially noticeable in matters of raising a child, simply because a child is also a person, albeit an immature one, he has his own personal interests. And every parent has a dilemma - a good, deep, warm relationship or a future successful career for their child. Let the child go his own (unprofitable, but alluring) way, or get rid of nonsense and standardize it for a sought-after specialty?

Reading a natal chart begins with understanding a person’s character, the deep essence of his personality, inclinations, and potential for realization.

Everything matters. Planets, signs, grid of house cusps, position and aspects of rulers, etc. To fully cover the topic, a book will not be enough. Here I will only touch on working with planets. Moreover, regardless of the zodiac signs. I’ll just delve into the disclosure of planetary principles in relation to the character traits and inclinations of people.

It is human nature to strive to leave something behind, and therefore almost all people have some kind of passion for the soul associated with work. And everyone, without exception, would like to work in the direction where their eyes sparkle and everything is to their hearts. Only the realities of life are such that we devote evenings and weekends to hobbies, and go to work out of necessity, taking into account what is in demand on the market. And by the time we choose an education, we don’t always understand our inclinations.

Further, any person develops and is sure to be interested in something. And there are often cases when passion leads to the development of very high qualifications. This is where the question arises - maybe I can make money from this? At the same time enjoying work and providing for yourself financially.

The natal chart reflects our individuality. Planets, entering houses and signs, place key points of energy distribution. What will make you happy, what will be stressful, what will you have to do, and what will happen by itself, without unnecessary fuss. The grid of houses, superimposed on the zodiac, predetermines the character. In what areas of life will we be especially vulnerable, in what areas will we be the most ambitious, what will involve us being pedantic and what will we be responsible, where will we show pressure and pressure, and in what areas will we be ready to make concessions, etc.

I don’t think that at least one consultation with an astrologer takes place without the person asking the specialist the question of how to finally harmonize an exciting topic. So that the problems stop and everything gets better. This article is devoted to answering this question. What and how we can influence.

The meaning of burning for the planet is that the human Sun unconditionally controls it, but in return protects it from other people. The planet falls into a kind of isolation. She communicates only with the Sun and is deprived of communication with outsiders.

It's like with a child. Imagine that someone was not released into the world. Even if he had the smartest and most advanced teachers, he lived in a castle and did not communicate with his peers. Can he develop into a harmonious personality? He will be emotionally dependent on his small circle of contacts and one-sidedly formed. But at the same time, he himself will not even realize his own inferiority, since there is no one to report this to and there is no one to compare himself with. His mentors fully developed him for the actions that were required of him and are very pleased with him. It’s not even bad for such a prisoner. Well-fed, dressed and regularly praised.

For each planet, the zodiac will be represented by zones. In some it will be comfortable and easy to express yourself, in others it will be neutral and in others it will be difficult. Planets are traits of our personality. And signs are the conditions for their implementation.

Planets are what a person essentially consists of. And at different periods of time they fall into different zodiac signs. And the exact time of birth also determines their position in the houses of the horoscope. Our World is structured in such a way that in no period of time there will be absolute harmony, as well as absolute nightmare. Always at least one planet will fall into a sign that is uncomfortable for itself. Just like at least one, let it stand successfully. Right away, for beginners in astrology who have just opened their chart and saw a planet in exile or decline - put aside panic, this is normal, almost everyone has their own.

There are two key (defining) sectors in the sky - the 1st house and the 10th house. We talked about the first one, and the 10th is the sector of the sky that at the moment of birth was highest above the horizon. If you just raise your head up at the moment of birth of a child, the 10th house is what we will see in the sky.

The 1st house determines the essence of a person, the very depth of who he really is. And the 10th determines how and in what way the personality will most clearly and noticeably manifest itself. The 1st house is what a person is, and the 10th is what he will be famous for. The 1st house is a person's image, and the 10th house is reputation.

It is quite easy to analyze each planet separately, bringing together the sign in which it falls, the house and aspects with other planets. But when there is not just an aspect, but a connection, it seems to glue two planetary principles together. And when there are several such planets (stellium), a mishmash of sometimes mutually exclusive principles is created. Which often confuses novice astrologers. Let's figure it out.

First, any cluster of planets is not good. Everyone loves comfort and personal space. Whether a person or even an animal, everyone needs a personal room, a personal hole, personal bedding, etc. And the planets are no worse. They are generally taller than us. They can easily reach us and influence us, but we cannot do the opposite to them. So if we are all here on planet Earth claiming to capture the largest possible area for personal use and residence, then it is not proper for the planets to be content with joyfully living together.

The stars themselves are motionless. Each is tied to a specific degree and minutes of the zodiac circle. And they will manifest themselves only if another object that already belongs to our Solar system comes into conjunction with it.

In this case, the object from our Solar System begins to receive an additional SOURCE OF LIGHT. Just think about it, everyone receives light only from the Sun (they receive energy from our will), and for some lucky people, some planet begins to have a second source of illumination. Or even the Sun itself sees the light of another object.

The topic of changing your place of residence is in great demand. The modern world is highly integrated, borders between states and distances between cities have become arbitrary and easily surmountable. People are increasingly looking for (or receiving) a marriage partner from another city or even country, a job offer that involves relocation, and establishing friendships across state borders. And even when friends or like-minded people just appeared in another city (state) who are ready to help you adapt, the question arises - maybe it’s worth trying to move for permanent residence?

And there are those who simply cannot find themselves in their place of birth. As a rule, this is objectively determined by the natal chart. Such people intuitively begin to look for where it will be better for them, where conditions for their realization will open up. Yes, we are all born to work off something from our past, to suffer (difficulties in adaptation may simply be deserved by past sins), but absolutely everyone also has the potential of what they are able to bring into this world. And this means that we all need to be able to find for ourselves an environment (environment) in which we can open up and flourish.

I myself would never have raised this topic, it would never even have occurred to me. But the practice is that almost half of the people who applied for consultations asked me this question. This is quite logical. Most often, the help of an astrologer is sought by those who are interested in this science. And falling under the “charm of consultation”, when you hear clear and reasonable answers to your questions, a desire arises to learn how to do this yourself. Well, someone has been nurturing this question for a long time without consultation.

For me, questions about the meaning of Jupiter arose a long time ago, when I listened to audio lectures by O. G. Torsunov “Vedic Astrology”. In them, he did not touch upon the principles of Jyotish, but simply gave deep interpretations of each of the planets of the septener. And from him for the first time I heard that the most important thing in the natal chart is Jupiter. That his strong position can completely draw out and compensate for any problems in the horoscope. And his defeat will lead to problems and troubles.

Then a contradiction arose for me. On one side there is the Sun in the natal chart. This is our everything. It is the center, all other planets are physically subordinate to it. And it gives all other real objects of the horoscope warmth and light. It is a source of energy for all living things. Then there is Saturn - he is the last of the septenary planets, completes and closes the visible circle of planets, cleans up the tails, puts things in order and puts everything in its place. He controls time and death. There is also the Moon, it is closest to the Earth, it is visually the largest in the sky, it reflects the true essence of a person, how real he is. Jupiter is not the center of our system. It is not the last of the visible planets. And if you add the higher ones, then it turns out to be approximately in the middle. It is not the closest to Earth, nor the brightest. In general, it is not distinguished in any way by objective astronomical or physical indicators. Why then is his strength greater than everyone else?

In the solar system, all planets move in a direction. But due to different speeds of rotation around the Sun and the geocentric construction of the natal chart, the phenomenon of retrograde appears. This is when it seems to an observer from Earth that the planet has turned around and gone in the opposite direction, visually as if describing a loop.

Since Mercury and Venus are closer to the Sun and move in an internal orbit for us, they never move far from the Sun in the chart, even a sextile with the Sun is impossible for them. Their retrograde periods are not visually distinguished in the chart; you just need to know about them (look at the ephemeris tables). And all the planets after Mars have an orbit external to the Earth. Consequently, when they are in the same hemisphere as the Sun (if you visually evaluate the cosmogram) - they are direct. In the zone opposite the Sun - retrograde. Retrograde is normal and present in almost any chart. But at the same time, it causes a lot of fears and speculation, especially among novice astrologers. Let's try to understand the essence of this phenomenon.

For affected planets there is no intermediate (average) manifestation, only extremes. Or a person is a fighter and is at a decent level of personal development, then he will squeeze the maximum out of the planet and even achieve more than many owners of harmonious cards. Well, those who like to go with the flow are very annoyed at their villainous fate and are quickly disappointed in their expectations and claims to life, through this all the worst things that are inherent along the line of tension in the natal begin to manifest.

It's no secret that fear has big eyes. Novice astrologers tend to exaggerate the scale of the tragedy when they see a poorly placed or negatively aspected planet. Especially when they decide to read their own natal charts, or the charts of children. In fact, there is no such defeat that a person would not be given the strength to overcome.

In fact, this topic is quite important. Yes, realizing your spiritual nature is great. Just don’t forget that after death, presumably, we will all become souls after leaving this mortal body. And while we are alive, the soul is in the MATERIAL body and in the MATERIAL world. And we cannot ignore or belittle the fact that we are not free from thoughts of our daily bread. Moreover, in the material world, our past (deserved) piety is also manifested through financial prosperity.

If a person is poor, then this does not testify in his favor. This suggests that he has not yet learned to live correctly, is prone to envy, has greed and a scarcity mentality, and does not know how to achieve prosperity. But when the soul is truly developed with dignity, then the level of material opportunities will be good. Not necessarily directly overpriced, but the person will definitely eat well, have decent clothing and the opportunity to invest in his appearance, use high-quality paid medicine, have the means for a good education, etc. Before you can evaluate this direction in the natal chart, you need to understand the types and sources of material well-being. And there are quite a lot of them in the horoscope.

Once every 2 days, the Moon enters a zone where all major aspects have been passed and new ones cannot be formed before leaving the sign. This period lasts from several minutes to several hours and is called the “idle Moon” or “Moon without a course.” This phenomenon has a great influence in horary astrology and in electoral astrology. And due to its wide popularity, it begins to worry those who are interested in natal astrology.

The first thing that anyone who has just begun to study astrology should understand is that different rules apply in its different directions. What will be of paramount importance in a horary chart may not play any role at all in the natal chart. Transferring everything that you can read as characteristics of the transit phenomenon of the idle Moon to a person in whose chart the Moon is without a course is completely inappropriate. But it is unreasonable to ignore this position of the Moon in horoscope analysis.

Man is a deeply social creature. Without communication, we are simply unable to exist; mental disorders will begin. Therefore, issues of relationships among people are among the most pressing. The triad 3 - 7 - 11 houses is responsible for contacts with others. In short, the 3rd house describes those people who we need and use, the 7th is equal pair partnership, and the 11th is responsible for those people who will come to us and will wait for something or ask, count on something of ours (resources, participation, help, even just society).

The 7th house is activated and processed exclusively in close contacts and, as a rule, long-term and deep ones. We will not touch on it in this article. But the topic of relationships with society as a whole and the ability to get along with others is distributed between the 3rd and 11th houses, and we will deal with them. These houses are not as simple and positive as they might seem at first glance. They both pose great difficulties.

Almost all house systems leave the Asc and MC points unchanged. Well, at least all the common and widely used ones. These are Placidus, Koch, Regimontanus and not only them. If you build any map, even just the current transit, and start switching house systems in the program, you will find that the Asc and MC points remain unchanged, and between them the cusps are placed differently, thereby not equally dividing the remaining space into zones.

And now we come to the problem of the north. In summer there is physically no night there, the Sun does not set at all (it is impossible to go below the horizon). And in winter there is no day, the Sun and other planets cannot rise, rise above the horizon and enter the visible zone. Consequently, the horizon line cannot be marked on the ecliptic. It's not possible at all. There are latitudes just to the south, where formally the night/day change occurs, but it is greatly disproportionate in duration. We can observe a picture when the distance between the sunrise point (Asc) and the zenith point (MC) is only a few degrees. Let's say 10°, or even 40°. All the same, in such a small space it is impossible to lay three houses at once using any of the systems. And at the remaining 140°-170° there are three others. This will be extremely disproportionate and will give a completely distorted and devoid of logic picture of fate.

The houses of the eastern hemisphere (from the Asc side) reflect the resources a person has at his disposal for this life. The characteristic thing is that it is impossible to influence their number (make more or even less). The presence of planets in each of the houses directs a person’s energy exclusively to the development of clear ethics, personal rules, how to manage what you have. Therefore, the eastern hemisphere is a CONSUMPTION zone. A person has already earned everything in the past (no effort is needed, or it will be useless), now he just needs to spend it (preferably wisely). And we all spend and consume differently...

There are TYPICAL errors and violations with the houses of the eastern hemisphere - which is what the lucky owners of planets in these zones traditionally stumble on. As a rule, problems come down to abuse of selfishness, exceeding permissible limits. It’s just that human nature is such that it’s difficult for him to stop consuming in time. We tend to get a taste. And therefore, when an astrologer describes the problems of these areas, he focuses on typical violations characteristic of people with healthy self-esteem or somewhat inflated ones. But there is another problem - low self-esteem, lack of awareness of one’s rights. And then it is necessary to give completely opposite recommendations.

TO personal planets V astrology include Mercury, Venus And Mars, these are the so-called traditional planets, included in the septener. These planets reflect the personality and have more influence not on the individual, but not on society as a whole. Let's look at each planet separately. Mercury- the closest planet to to the sun, in terms of speed it is second only to Moon, in one zodiac sign lasts from 3 weeks to two months. Mercury V astrology means intelligence, understanding, contact, logical thinking, entrepreneurship, commercial activity. Also Mercury is responsible for speech, can give eloquence, or vice versa speech defects. Beyond speech, Mercury associated with information, its receipt and analysis, responsible for transport and trade. In the body, it is responsible for the brain as an information processing center, for the lungs, arms, nervous system and speech organs.
Mercury corresponds to the number 4 and the day of the week is Wednesday, the color is transparent, the metal is mercury or aluminum, the mineral is rock crystal, the plants are hops, loaches, vines.

Venus- is the closest planet to Earth from an astronomical point of view, the second in a row from Sun, has an orbit of rotation as close as possible to a circle. In astrology Venus connected, as in mythology, with love, in addition to beauty, with relationships at the level of feelings, with values, in particular with money and a person’s attitude towards them. Representative Venus takes care of his appearance, clothes, jewelry, likes to relax, and strives for compromises in negotiations.
Venus in the body it is responsible for the kidneys, thyroid gland, adrenal glands. IN astrology Venus symbolizes joy, fun, love, charm, horoscope for men points to his mistress. "Bad" Venus means a person’s lack of taste, vulgarity, laxity, sloppiness.
Venus corresponds to the number 6 and the day of the week is Friday, colors - pink or blue, metal - copper, mineral - emerald, malachite, plants - violet, oregano, lilac. Venus manages all decorations and art related activities.
Mars- fourth planet from Sun. In relation to the Earth, the closest of the planets whose orbits are located beyond the Earth's orbit. IN astrology Mars symbolizes strength, activity, movement, the desire to win, as well as youth and the strength of sexual desire. Mars fully reveals itself in Aries, slightly less in Scorpio. In character Mars means activity, determination, courage, initiative; with the greatest influence, aggression, anger, and rudeness are possible. Mars directly related to work as a daily activity, very interesting Mars manifests itself in horoscopes athletes. Harmonious interaction between Mars And Venus V horoscope can mean a successful life together for partners.
Mars corresponds to the number 3 and the day of the week is Tuesday, color - red, scarlet, metal - iron, steel, mineral - ruby, garnet, plants - nettle, onion, garlic. Planetary data combined with Luminaries, give a picture of the personality in natal astrology, it is according to these five planets that personality, character, probable places of work, and career are interpreted. The remaining planets look more closely at relationships in society.

Planets in astrology personify the basic drives and inner impulses in the soul of an individual person, behind all actions. Together with the Sun and Moon, the eight planets are the basic elements of astrological knowledge. For ancient people, the planets were gods, and modern astrology sees them as archetypes. They are associated with psychic energy or impulses that we all express in one form or another.

Influence of planets

In traditional astrology, planets were interpreted as either “benefic” or “evil.” The modern approach lacks such a black and white interpretation. Instead, we see in them a reflection of the human soul, which can have many facets. For example, in the natal chart, Saturn may express itself negatively, in the form of doubts or an inferiority complex, but it can manifest itself in a strong determination to achieve important goals. It depends on the person how he uses this energy. In some periods of life, you may be destined to feel the dark, unpleasant side of the influence of the planets or, conversely, the light, positive planetary energy.

Each planet in the astrological chart has its own dynamics. The influence of planets can be strong, weak, complex, contradictory, insignificant. Some of them will dominate, while others will be less pronounced.

In space, everything is interconnected, therefore, if something happens in the Universe, it is necessarily reflected here on Earth. This is how the famous principle of astrology works, formulated by Hermes Trismegistus - “As above, so below.” Planetary influence is not just reflected in personality traits, it manifests itself in all forms and spheres of life. Their influence can be seen in everything: in the people who surround you, in the events that you attract.

Personal, social and higher (interpersonal) planets

The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars are known in astrology as personal planets because the urges associated with them are felt directly and are specific to each individual.

Saturn and Jupiter are considered social planets, as they are associated with position in society and influence expectations from life.

The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are considered septenary planets in astrology. They were used by astrologers even before planets invisible to the human eye were discovered. They are associated with a person's individual character and their influence is felt in everyday life.

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are known as the superior or interpersonal planets. They were not known to the astrologers of antiquity, since they cannot be seen with the naked eye. They force you to act outside of purely personal interests and see the situation on a larger scale. Their action is perceived by them as a challenge from the outside, prompting them to change. The higher planets show a person’s involvement in universal human processes.

Below you see the symbols of the planets accepted in astrology. Each of the symbols is individual:

Planet symbols

General astrology
Key concepts of planets: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto


Sun. How (planet in a sign) and in what, where (planet in a house) a person shows his will and selfishness. In which (planet in the house) he claims to lead and achieve glory. In what (planet in the house) and how (planet in the sign) can he maximize his creativity and individuality. Where does he get his inspiration? What one is proud of and where a person’s self-esteem is especially vulnerable. How he behaves, being a famous figure, popular or having power over people. The presence of “star fever” and how it can manifest itself. How he expresses himself in creativity and in love, what he strives to demonstrate to the public or the object of love.

Sphere of greatest manifestation of the planet: Festive or creative atmosphere
Typical Action: An Act of Creative Will

Key phrase: “So be it!”


Moon. How a person behaves at home, with loved ones: with his wife, children, parents, grandparents, how he relates to the history of his family. Level of patriotism. A way to care for loved ones and your physical body. Eating habits and other household habits, including bad habits, often acquired in childhood or as an imitation of those to whom a person is attached. Appetite and digestion. A penchant for cooking and housekeeping. How does a person show emotions in his/her familiar environment? The degree of his emotional sensitivity. The minimum necessary for a person to feel in relative comfort and safety.

Sphere of greatest manifestation of the planet: Home environment
Typical action: Creating comfortable living conditions

Key phrase: “Give!”, “I need it”


Mercury. What kind of person is he like in communicating outside his home? How he learns and what is the subject of his intellectual interests. How he shows curiosity and why. What he likes to read and talk about. Manner of speech. Writing style. Who is he interested in communicating with?

Sphere of greatest manifestation of the planet: Information environment
Typical activity: Understanding the world around you

Key phrase: “What? Where? When?"


Venus. What a person is like in a love relationship, but not what he demonstrates, but what he feels. How he strives to maintain relationships, what he does to preserve love and marriage, as well as any relationship that is significant to him with another person. A person’s aesthetic tastes and food preferences, favorite smells, colors. Anything that brings him into a state of peace. How he strives to decorate his life, what he gets pleasure from.

Sphere of greatest manifestation of the planet: Aesthetic environment
Typical action: Creating peace of mind

Key phrase: “I want”, “I like”


Mars. How a person acts in an extreme, unusual, conflict situation. How he wins his place in the sun, how he fights his enemies. How does he show sexual activity? In what situations is he inclined to act impulsively, without thinking, obeying instinct?

Sphere of greatest manifestation of the planet: Combat situation
Typical Action: Attack or Counterattack

Key phrase: “I am!” "I'm here!"


Jupiter. What a person strives to achieve or what he considers an unattainable ideal. The limit of dreams. Which social group does he want to belong to? Who is his authority? What a person thinks they need to achieve success. What kind of social activity attracts him, his political, religious and moral preferences and attitudes. What and how he tends to teach others. What audience should we strive to win, from whom will we gain respect and patronage? The image that, in his opinion, is most beneficial and which will help him please the public.

Sphere of greatest manifestation of the planet: Solemn atmosphere
Typical Action: Setting Goals and Direction

Key phrase: “This is desirable”, “This is how it is done here”


Saturn. How a person manifests himself in professional activities. What he considers his main responsibility, without which, in his opinion, success is impossible. What is actually being done by him to achieve his goal, but is not advertised. Rules that a person strictly follows. An area where he is not inclined to change his principles, and where he adheres to a strict system that he has learned or developed himself. An area in which he is ready to make some kind of self-restraint and deprivation for the sake of a goal.

Sphere of greatest manifestation of the planet: Official setting
Typical activity: Planning and organizing work flow

Key phrase: “We must!”

Higher planets:


1. Where surprises await a person. Where progress and the creation of something fundamentally new is possible.
2. Scientific inspiration.
3. Epiphany.
4. Planet of the technical intelligentsia.
5. Future.
6. Progress of a generation.
7. Predicting the future.
8. Astrology.


1. A sphere in which a person can dissolve.
2. Artistic inspiration.
3. Dissolution.
4. Planet of the creative intelligentsia.
5. Past.
6. Ideals of the generation.
7. Vision of the past.
8. Fortune telling.


1. Where powerful hidden forces are concentrated. A sphere where you can become both an all-powerful magician and a faceless slave.
2. General inspiration.
3. Management.
4. Planet of executives on a large scale.
5. Present.
6. Karma of a generation.
7. Vision of the present in karmic relationships.
8. Magic.