Preservation and development of linguistic culture: legal and regulatory aspect.

Language is a means of expressing thoughts. Language depends on the thinking of the individual and society. It is impossible to artificially change a language. It is necessary to educate society - the language will consistently reflect all changes. If society recovers mentally, the language will be cleared of foreign impurities.

Language is not only a method of communication, it is also one of the signs of the life of the people who use it; This is a book that reflects the entire history of the development of the people, their entire historical path, from ancient times to the present day. Every word traces the historical past that constantly accompanies people; traces the present, and, perhaps, the future of all those who, with their mother’s milk, absorbed Russian words, filled with the love of people close and dear to their hearts.

Ways to solve the problem

  • 1. Improve the quality of studying the Russian language and literature in secondary schools.
  • 2. Monitor the quality of literary works produced by book publishing houses.
  • 3. Revive good philological education (training qualified teaching staff). We need teachers - creators who are in love with their work and who would instill in their students sensitivity and strictness to the word. A highly educated person in Russia has always been considered a well-read person who has good oral and written communication skills and speaks 2-3 languages.
  • 4. Promote the culture of speech through the media, and the media themselves should become examples of the Russian literary language. On television, radio, on stage, in the theater, competent, emotional speech should be heard.
  • 5. Public people: journalists, politicians, representatives of the highest echelons of power, show business - must master the norms of Russian literary speech.
  • 6. Raise the public and young people to fight against the contamination of the Russian language (hold conferences, forums, actions, round tables...).
  • 7. And most importantly: everyone together and each individual must want to speak their native language correctly, accessible, and expressively. Competent speech should become the norm.

The article touches upon the problem of the need to preserve the national Russian language as the most important object of cultural heritage.

  • Historical stages of development of the English language from the point of view of linguistic and extra-linguistic factors

Preserving its own cultural heritage is one of the most important tasks of any state if it is interested in its further development. Moving forward is impossible without relying on the material and spiritual basis left by previous generations. In those historical periods when society is at the next key stage of development, when serious stakes are at stake, turning to the experience of ancestors helps to find optimal vectors for the future path.

For our country, with its vast territories inhabited by dozens of nationalities and nationalities belonging to different religious denominations, with different cultural traditions and enormous differences in the economy, the most important object of cultural and historical heritage is the Russian language, uniting dissimilar regions into a single state. According to the doctor of historical sciences, academician, Chairman of the Board of the Writers' Union of Russia, deputy head of the World Russian People's Council Valery Ganichev, “... the Russian language was in the full sense a bridge language, a sacred holding principle, a language of gathering and mutual cultural enrichment.”

Throughout its history, the Russian language has repeatedly gone through difficult periods, when it seemed to many that the last times of its existence were coming. This is the era of Peter the Great with its flow of borrowings from European languages, and the first third of the twentieth century, and, of course, our difficult time. And if the legacy of Peter’s reforms and revolutionary changes was eventually overcome, then the current language situation causes great concern among both linguists and many members of the public, who are clearly aware of the damage that a low level of proficiency in the native language has caused and can still cause to the life of society.

Undoubtedly, the modern linguistic situation has several serious differences from the period of almost a hundred years ago and, even more so, from the situation at the beginning of the 18th century. Firstly, never before in the history of mankind has the daily life and consciousness of people been influenced by the media and electronic means of communication, which, unfortunately, for the most part have ceased to be a source of normative Russian speech.

Accordingly, grammatical, lexical, and spelling errors broadcast on air imperceptibly erode the very understanding of the need for correct word usage. Secondly, the number of hours allocated in secondary school curricula for the study of the Russian language and literature has sharply decreased (in grades 10-11, according to the standard for studying the most complex works of Russian literature - “Fathers and Sons”, “War and Peace”, “Crime” and punishment”, “Quiet Don”, “The Master and Margarita”, etc. are allocated 3 hours a week). Also, schoolchildren and students (and this is supported by new education standards) are experiencing a gradual reorientation in the perception of information from reading to viewing (presentations, illustrations, videos). All this ultimately leads to the fact that young people do not absorb the wonderful examples of Russian speech, do not plunge into the element of the “great and powerful, truthful and free” Russian language, and do not even imagine the tremendous opportunities that one of the most developed, complex and beautiful languages ​​on the planet to express your thoughts and feelings.

As a result, in modern Russia not only is the level of proficiency in the national language declining, which is indirectly confirmed by the lowering of the threshold for the Unified State Exam in Russian language and literature, but the “connection of times” is also threatening to be broken. The possibility of this gap was emphasized by Patriarch Kirill at the founding meeting of the Society of Russian Literature: “A schoolchild who does not know his language and does not become familiar with the national culture and, first of all, with literature, is cut off from his roots. It is more difficult for him to realize and, even more so, to feel involvement along that same historical vertical with his people, with the great events of the past, to share moral, spiritual and cultural ideals with national heroes and outstanding personalities.” In confirmation of the words of the rector of the Russian Orthodox Church, it can be said that many young people, reading the poems of Pushkin, Lermontov, Tyutchev, Fet, claim that they were not interested in these works, because it is not clear what they are talking about, the words used by the classics of Russian literature are not clear . Modern schoolchildren and students need a translation “from Russian into Russian”, and most often they simply do not bother reading - much less analyzing - works of the first half of the 19th century, the language of which, flexible and full-blooded, is very different from the simplified colloquial version they are accustomed to.

As you know, a loud call to “throw Pushkin off the steamship of modernity” - a harbinger of revolutionary changes - rang out in Russian history on December 18, 1912 in the Futurist manifesto: “The past is cramped. The Academy and Pushkin are more incomprehensible than hieroglyphs. Abandon Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, etc. and so on. from the Steamboat of Modernity". And this is not surprising: Pushkin is the brightest symbol of Russian national culture, the creator of the Russian literary language. Denial of his spiritual authority, oblivion of his crystal clear language provided unlimited opportunities for manipulation with the meanings and concepts contained in words, which naturally led to a distortion of the picture of the world and manipulation of public consciousness.

The danger hidden in the seemingly harmless search for new forms in art was quickly realized. In 1915, I. Bunin wrote a short poem “The Word,” which is often quoted today: “And we have no other property!/ Know how to preserve/ Even to the best of your ability, in days of anger and suffering,/ Our immortal gift is speech,” in which the national language is understood as the only property of the people and the country.

A similar idea was expressed by V.V. Rozanov in the article “A.S. Pushkin”, published in “New Time” in 1899: “Russia received a concentration outside of classes, positions, outside the crude material facts of its history; there is a place where it is all gathered, where it all listens, this is a Russian word.”

Thus, for our country one of the most important assets of national culture is the Russian national language. Preserving its purity and richness is one of the main responsibilities of both the state and every native speaker. And if such a duty does not seem necessary for an individual, then the state must be fully aware of the dangers that may arise in the life of society with the gradual degradation of the language. The introduction of a number of mandatory requirements for public figures and media representatives (for example, a state exam on knowledge of Russian language standards when applying for a job or taking up a position), as well as an increase in the number of hours of the school curriculum allocated to Russian and literature courses, in our opinion, will allow stop the negative changes that currently threaten the Russian national language.


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The Russian language is the state language of the Russian Federation, a means of interethnic communication between the peoples of Russia and the CIS, one of the six official and working languages ​​of the UN and other international organizations. Of the 3,000 currently active languages, Russian is one of the twelve most common world languages, which have an audience of over 100 million people.

The next meeting of the Women's Club "Business Glory of Russia", which was created on the initiative of the intersectoral almanac "Business Glory of Russia", the Senatorial Club of the Federation Council and the Council for the Preservation of the Natural Heritage of the Nation, is dedicated to the problems of preserving and developing the Russian language. The meeting is chaired by the head of the Women's Club "Business Glory of Russia" Zotova Tatyana Vladimirovna, member of the presidium of the Council for the Preservation of the Natural Heritage of the Nation, head of development programs of the Senators' Club of the Federation Council, vice-president of the interregional public organization "Natural Heritage of the Nation", assistant to the chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Education and science.

Loss of language - destruction of civilization and culture, disappearance of peoples and states

Tatyana Vladimirovna Zotova,

Head of the Women's Club "Business Glory of Russia"

The Russian literary language is the direct successor of the Old Church Slavonic language, created by the Slavic first teachers Cyril and Methodius. He is rich and great, capacious and precise at the same time... Everything in a person should be beautiful, as the classics said long ago. Autoplasma will help transform your appearance, and excellent command of your native speech will make the inner world of every Russian attractive.

The great Russian teacher Ushinsky wrote: “Language is the most living, most abundant and lasting connection, connecting the obsolete, living and future generations of the people into one great, historical living whole. It not only expresses the vitality of the people, but is precisely this life itself. When a people’s language disappears, there are no more people!” If there is a language, then there is a people, and if there is no language, then there is no people. This is a common truth that requires neither confirmation nor refutation.

Let's look at the experience of world history. Turning its pages, we can say that the destruction of civilization and culture, the disappearance of peoples and states from the face of the Earth always began with the loss of language, with the renunciation of linguistic independence, with capitulation to linguistic expansion. With the loss of language, a people as an individual ceases to be aware of its originality, its culture, its identity.

As for the Russian language, with established cultural and historical traditions, it is the main means of interethnic communication between the peoples of Russia. Our country has never supplanted and is not supplanting other languages, does not assimilate them, but operates and performs its own social functions in parallel with them.

The problem of preserving the Russian language and improving its culture should now become one of the priorities for both legislative and executive authorities. To confirm this, Japan can be cited as a historical example. Having suffered a crushing defeat in 1945, the Japanese began the revival of their country by creating a theory and program for improving the culture of language as a decisive factor in national and cultural progress.

The Russian language is the most important factor in ensuring state interests and state security. This is the language of life of almost thirty million Russian compatriots in the near abroad, which is the strongest integrating factor in the post-Soviet space.

The problem of the functioning of the Russian language is inextricably linked with the support of Russian culture and education in the Russian language. In fact, language, culture and education constitute a triune organism; the health or illness of any of its components determines the condition of the others.

On the preservation of the Russian language in the CIS

Nadezhda Vasilievna Gerasimova,

Deputy Chairman of the State Duma.

Caring for the preservation and prosperity of the Russian language is an important and urgent task of the Russian national state, which embodies the people's interests and cares about the people's welfare.

The Russian language is one of the components that can unite all Russians, regardless of their nationality and religion. It is gratifying that now, within the framework of the linguistic union of the CIS countries, the Russian language is the official language of interethnic communication, a means of intellectual communication that contributes to the development and enrichment of the peoples inhabiting the CIS countries. Preserving human connections and spiritual community in the post-Soviet space is the most important political task, one of the main directions for solving which is preserving the linguistic space. Therefore, the dissemination and preservation of the Russian language in the CIS is a key mission and strategic task of Russia.

Currently, there is a problem of ousting the Russian language from the socio-political and cultural life of a number of CIS member states, which requires measures to restore and strengthen the Russian cultural and linguistic space in the Commonwealth countries.

Effective and constructive work is needed to preserve the position of the Russian language in the states of the post-Soviet space, which will allow us to raise new generations of people who know the Russian language and are oriented towards Russia. We should also not forget that the Russian language is our national treasure, and we must treat it as national wealth - preserving and increasing it.

Language as a worldview

Galina Semyonovna Buslova,

Advisor to the Chairman of the Federation Council.

The Russian language is one of the most important forces that unites our multinational people. Language is the main means of communication within a people; it sets a common set of concepts by which people live and think. It's a kind of worldview.

“In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland, you alone are my support and support, oh great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language! If it weren’t for you, how could I not fall into despair at the sight of everything that was happening at home?” - the writer Ivan Turgenev once exclaimed.

Studying and mastering the Russian language is one of the most effective ways of cultural education of a person and his introduction to enduring humanistic values, which is especially important in the difficult conditions of modern social life. Throughout the civilized world it is recognized that Russian literature and Russian culture in the broad sense of these words occupy one of the leading places in such education.

The Russian language today is a necessary and extremely important means of consolidating society and ensuring the state integrity of Russia, uniting an element of the political, economic and cultural spheres of life in our country.

The greatest value of a people is their language, in which they speak, write, and think. A person’s entire conscious life passes through his native language. Therefore, the best way to get to know a person - his mental development, moral character, character - is to listen to what and how he says. A person’s language is an important indicator of a person’s general culture. But today, in the homeland of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, a situation has arisen where we have to fight daily and hourly for the survival of our great language.

Currently, a feverish reworking of the Russian language is underway. Foreign analogues of Russian words are selected, and then people are accustomed to them through radio, television and the press. There is an aestheticization of thieves' folklore and the promotion of criminal jargon. Swear words that pollute the Russian language fall upon us from the pages of books, newspapers and magazines, television and film screens, and theater stages. Not only the vocabulary of the everyday Russian language is mutilated, but also the structure of the phrase, rhythm, and intonation.

The protection of Russian culture and the Russian language should become a national task. The Russian language as a way of existence of Russian national thinking and Russian culture needs to be protected and used correctly. And the Russian language as a sign system for transmitting information requires further improvement at a new stage in the development of civilization.

The modern period is characterized by a widespread increase in interest in the Russian language, an increase in the number of people wishing to learn the Russian language. The Russian language is being studied in Russian cultural and language centers, training in Russian-language programs in national universities is expanding, the number of applications for studying in Russian universities is growing, and the study of the Russian language is beginning in national schools. The positive changes taking place in the position of the Russian language in the world are closely interconnected with the increased general political activity of Russia and with specific events carried out by the Russian side. The federal target program “Russian Language (2006-2010)”, the activities of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, the activities of Rossotrudnichestvo, Russian embassies, numerous centers of Russian culture and the Russian language are aimed at this. In order to support the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation and the national language of the Russian people, in order to expand the use of the Russian language in interethnic and international communication, to improve the culture of proficiency in the Russian language on the initiative of the Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Education and Science Kh. D. Chechenov and member Presidium of the Council for the Preservation of the Natural Heritage of the Nation, head of the Women's Club "Business Glory of Russia" T.V. Zotova, under the Federation Council Committee on Education and Science, an Expert Council was created for the support, preservation and development of the Russian language in the Russian Federation and abroad. Members of this Expert Council will be invited to participate in various meetings of the Women's Club “Business Glory of Russia” on this issue.

The Russian language is one of the foundations of Russian civilization and statehood, our historical and cultural heritage. The originality and antiquity of the Russian language was noted by M.V. Lomonosov: “The Slavic language does not come from Greek, Latin, or any other; Therefore, by itself, it already consists of the most ancient times, and numerous of these peoples spoke the Slavic language even before the Nativity of Christ.”
The 19th century historian Yegor Klassen wrote: “The Slavs had literacy not only before all the Western peoples of Europe, but also before the Romans and even the Greeks themselves, and the outcome of enlightenment was from the Russians to the west, and not from there to them.”

Actually, the Russian language makes us Russian, representatives of Russian civilization. The onset of Western culture, the “Americanization” of society, and the degradation of the language lead to the loss of “Russianness.” That is why turning to the life of the Russian language as the basis of the existence of our people, the conscious and purposeful study of the Russian language and teaching it as a native, second native, as well as its dissemination in the world is an indispensable and primary condition for the preservation of Russian civilization.

Unfortunately, native speakers abroad (people of the Soviet generation) are passing away, their children no longer know Russian. Due to political factors, the Russian language is under pressure from local authorities (especially in the Baltic states and Ukraine). The Russian language has been supplanted in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

In Russia itself, the situation in the sphere of the Russian language is disappointing. In the 90s The destruction of the Russian (Soviet) education system, which was the best in the world, began. There has been a break in the unified educational space. Schools have different Russian language textbooks. Less time is allocated to studying the Russian language than a foreign language. The introduction of the Unified State Exam caused great harm. Children lose the opportunity not only to correctly express their thoughts in writing, but also to express them orally. In addition, a new generation of teachers is coming to school (the generation of “democratic choice”). The quality of teaching is falling, and computerization is only making the situation worse. The media, especially television, play a certain role in the destruction of the Russian language. Anglicisms and slang filled TV. The Russian literary language is being actively simplified and supplanted. As a result, the Russian language is degrading both at the educational and everyday levels.

In a conversation between Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev) of Volokolamsk and theater and film actor, artistic director of the Maly Theater Yu. Solomin, issues of preserving the traditions of standard Russian speech were raised. Metropolitan Hilarion noted that “It was no coincidence that Patriarch Kirill accepted the President’s offer to head the Society of Russian Literature, because like no one else he understands the importance of caring for the Russian language (Sergei Stepashin, a Russian statesman and political figure, called him the best speaker in Russia).”

Yu. Solomin noted the Patriarch’s excellent speech, his perfectly delivered voice, his precise thought. “I advise my students,” said Yu. Solomin, “to go to church, listen to how they speak there, because there is still Russian speech in the church. Unfortunately, she has already begun to leave the theater.”

Metropolitan Hilarion continued: “The way the Patriarch speaks is connected with his way of thinking, upbringing, and internal spiritual culture. And this is exactly what the Church has been doing for centuries. What is the soul? What is a sense of life? How should you live correctly? These are the questions the Church answers. And of course, the fact that many of our clergy are proficient in literary speech and know how to speak correctly is not the result of some special training (this is not taught in seminaries), but it is the fruit of that internal spiritual culture, the bearer of which has been for centuries. remains the Church."

Professor Bekasova explains why our culture has lost its strong position in the world, why countries are changing the Cyrillic alphabet to the Latin alphabet: “It’s about politics. As soon as Russia gives in, its cultural heritage is pushed away. But Russia is one of the first in the world in terms of intellectual and cultural resources, it is in demand. I saw people abroad (Slovaks, Bulgarians, Czechs, Germans, Swedes, Africans) who, having become interested in Russian literature, begin to study the Russian language, and their mentality changes, they begin to look at the world through the eyes of Russians.”

“The historical process is driven... by those who create a spiritual community and preserve traditions,” she continues. The Cyrillic alphabet is our heritage. For political reasons, Uzbekistan abandoned the Cyrillic alphabet and is switching to the Latin alphabet, which has no traditions in this country. The new generation will not be able to master literature written in Cyrillic. The same thing can happen in Kazakhstan... The people are held together by traditions, and now they can suffer from an internal split between the old and the new... Ukraine is going to switch to the Latin alphabet. Without roots, new things cannot take root. In addition, the transition is technically difficult. Latin has 24 letters, and Cyrillic, created specifically for Slavic languages, has more. We must pass on the best to our descendants, preserve the treasure - our native word. For us, the Cyrillic alphabet should be a symbol. In modern alphabets, the word “emu” begins with the letter “E”, and the word “chinchilla” begins with “Sh”. But the alphabet is an intellectual and cultural code... Kirill (Konstantin the Philosopher) created an alphabetic system in which each letter had its own name, and everything together formed an alphabetical prayer, a kind of moral code bequeathed to the Slavs. The children grew up on it; there was a place for lofty things in their lives. The Cyrillic alphabet inherited the beauty and richness of the Greek language. This is the specificity of the Russian mentality, in whose genes there is Greek and the richest Old Church Slavonic language. Cyril’s main task was (as he wrote about in Proglas) the following: to wean the Slavs from bestial living, to bring them closer to God, to give them a different mentality. He is not a missionary, but a teacher of the Slavic people. Thus, through language and culture, we have developed mechanisms that help us abandon the inhuman way of life. The Russian language still represents everything so that those who speak it can become better. The Russian word can save. Everyone involved in mentoring and raising children and youth should know about this.

Alarming factors in the life of the Russian language have become the thoughtless use of words and expressions, the destruction of the norms of the Russian literary language, clericalism, clogging with jargon, obscene expressions, excessive use of borrowings... “Foreign” words can be used, but wisely, in time and place, observing the measure . V.G. Belinsky wrote: “To use a foreign word when there is an equivalent Russian word means to insult both common sense and common taste.” The thoughtless, mechanical introduction of a foreign word into a Russian text often turns into outright nonsense. “The Russian language is so rich and flexible that we have nothing to take from those who are poorer than us,” argued I.S. Turgenev. Russians have always been distinguished by the beauty and melodiousness of their speech. Why do we bow down to everything foreign and unjustifiably use words that can be replaced by Russian equivalents?..

One of the reasons why teenagers are fascinated by slang and jargon, according to psychologists, is the scarcity of their vocabulary. Young people use no more than 200 words. Their ancestors: Pushkin, Gogol, Yesenin had a vocabulary exceeding 17–20 thousand words! It is obviously necessary for young people to actively engage in the rich heritage of Russian literature!

As for profanity... “Foul language,” says Bishop Varnava (Belyaev), “is a vile vice, which in the Holy Scriptures is equated to mortal sin.” Foul language and obscene expressions are not human language! The impact of abuse is equivalent to exposure to 10-40 thousand roentgens - DNA chains break, chromosomes disintegrate!

In the book “The Living and the Dead Word,” Nora Gal (a famous Russian translator) very convincingly exposes the bureaucracy. He has accurate signs. This is the displacement of a verb (i.e. movement, action) by a participle, gerund, noun (especially verbal), which means stagnation, immobility. And of all verb forms, there is a predilection for the infinitive. This is a pile-up of nouns in oblique cases, most often long chains of nouns in the same case - the genitive, so that it is no longer possible to understand what refers to what and what is being discussed. This is an abundance of foreign words where they can easily be replaced with Russian ones. This is the displacement of active revolutions by passive, almost always heavier ones. This is a confusing structure of phrases, countless subordinate clauses (doubly ponderous and unnatural in colloquial speech). This is dullness, monotony, erasure, cliche. Poor, meager vocabulary... In short, clerical writing is carrion. It penetrates into fiction, everyday life, and oral speech. From official materials, from newspapers, from radio and television, clerical work moves into everyday practice.

“To burn the hearts of people with a verb...” Verb – i.e. word - must be hot, alive. The most powerful, most emotional word in our language is precisely the verb. Perhaps it is no coincidence that this is the name of the most living part of our speech... It is quite difficult to burn hearts and touch the soul with cumbersome clerical phrases. The abundance of nouns, especially verbal ones, makes speech heavy and dry,” emphasizes Nora Gal. And further: “There is no need to abuse participles and gerunds, much less combine them in one sentence.” She resembles the much-ridiculed A.P. Chekhov: “Approaching the station, my hat flew off...” In living modern Russian speech, gerunds are not very common, and people also rarely speak in participial phrases.

If you don’t build kilometer-long chains of subordinate clauses, then you will be understood the first time... You can write in periods of even a page, but in such a way that you can understand what is written... The structure of the phrase must be clear, each line must be natural. The word order in each phrase should be casual, purely Russian. Three short words “I know you” are not at all the same as “I know you.” In mathematics, changing the places of the terms does not change the sum. But how the sum of feelings and moods, the musical and emotional sound of a phrase changes from rearranging the same words, sometimes just one word! Our grammar and syntax allow almost any words in a sentence to be swapped (we have more space than Western European languages). A Russian phrase should by no means be smooth, correct, impersonal, just like from a school textbook: subject, predicate, definition, addition...

You can't lose your emotional tact. Words must be handled with care! It can heal, but it can also hurt. An inaccurate word is bad, but a tactless word is even more dangerous. It can vulgarize the highest concepts, the most sincere feelings. A person ceases to feel the coloring of the word, does not remember its origin and says “conservators of nature” instead of “guardians”. It all depends on whether the word is chosen correctly for the given case. And the best word becomes bad if it is said inappropriately. This is where tact and the right instinct are needed.

It is possible and necessary to fight for the purity, accuracy and correctness of the language. There is a need for widespread nationwide dissemination of scientific information about the laws and rules of the Russian language, about its stylistic riches, about the ways of forming new words, about the enormous role of language as a “tool of culture,” as a means of cognition, as a condition of morality. It is also necessary to cultivate an aesthetic sense of language and a deep consciousness of responsibility for honest and pure handling of it.

Varvara Protsenko,
Russian language teacher
and literature


The relevance of the work is due to the current language situation, when the threat of extinction of the languages ​​of small peoples, including the Karachay-Balkar language, is becoming a reality. The purpose of the study is to analyze the linguistic situation that has formed in the regions of residence of speakers of the Karachay-Balkarian language - in the Karachay-Cherkess and Kabardino-Balkarian republics. To solve existing problems in language construction, it is necessary to set new tasks that meet new conditions and meet the requirements of the time. The article proposes a set of specific measures aimed at preserving, reviving and developing the national Karachay-Balkar literary language, the functions of which are currently mainly limited to its use as a spoken language serving the economic and everyday sphere.

Karachay-Balkar language language situation

preservation of national languages

language development

formation of national identity

spheres of language functioning

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8. Chaikovskaya E.N. Formation of national-ethnic identity as a condition for preserving the language and culture of indigenous peoples of Siberia in the conditions of a multicultural region (Part 1) // Vestnik TSPU. – Vol. No. 4 (157). – 2015. – P. 98-100.

9. Chevalier, D.F. Preservation of endangered languages: experience and its application // World of science, culture, education. – Vol. No. 3 (28). – 2011. – P. 87-88.

In the era of growing globalization and related processes, the preservation of the unique cultures and languages ​​of small peoples is one of the pressing problems of our time.

Somehow, it is very easy and simple nowadays to write about the disappearance of languages, about their absorption by world languages, explaining this process by the formation of a “single world civilization - a global society.” But with the disappearance of a language, the people also disappear - after all, one of the fundamental definitions of a nation is a common language. It is language that distinguishes us from each other, as the main feature of any ethnic group; it is language that plays the leading role in the self-preservation of the people.

Language is the philosophy of the world, it is a synthetic representation of this world. Each language is a system of knowledge about the world, a vision of this world, and an understanding of it, imprinted in its linguistic structure, in its rules. ...Language is the world itself. Therefore, the death of each language is not the death of the dictionary and grammar. This is the death of an entire world, unique, original, immensely deep and immensely important for understanding both man himself and the universe around him. We can say that language is the DNA of the culture created by its carriers. On the basis of language, as on the basis of DNA genes, it is possible to recreate the culture of a people as a whole, it was said at the International Conference.

The problem of preserving and developing languages ​​of national minorities has regularly become relevant since the beginning of the last century. Certain tasks are set, ideas are proclaimed, commissions and committees are created. However, time passes, and once again calls are heard for the preservation and development of languages ​​of small peoples. The last time the issue was most acute was in the 90s, during the period of the “parade of sovereignties” and the associated surge of national self-awareness. Very soon the passions of the rally were drowned out by economic and social problems, and the problems of national languages ​​again, once again, did not even fade into the background - they were forgotten.

The current language situation at this time cannot be assessed as anything other than catastrophic, and in our opinion, to a greater extent this situation directly depends on the bilingualism established in our country, which already in the 30s of the 20th century supplanted the idea of ​​​​the development of national languages.

Observations of the speech of students and schoolchildren allow us to conclude: to a greater extent, the above characteristics are inherent in the speech of children and youth - those who were initially entrusted with continuity in the preservation and development of the language. The exception is for people from rural areas, i.e. from places with an ethnically homogeneous population. As for urban children, we can say with regret: expressing their emotions and conclusions in their native language, they make do with a minimum number of everyday words.

Of course, if you consider that A.S. Pushkin was worried about the mixing of French with Nizhny Novgorod, and the “great” and “mighty” continues to flourish and develop, then we can reassure ourselves that our language will function for some time.

However, it will only exist when there is a need for it, when it is in demand. At the same time, the Karachay-Balkar language, like the languages ​​of most indigenous peoples of the North Caucasus, is not in demand. It is no coincidence that the media from time to time publish letters from indignant parents opposing the compulsory study of native languages ​​at school. They motivate their protest by the fact that in later life no one needs their native language: it will not help you get into a good institute or get a job, and it is better to give the hours allotted for studying native languages ​​and literature to Russian language or mathematics lessons. To some extent, these parents can be understood: they are afraid that their children will not be successful, successful, or have a career, because, having received a diploma in native languages ​​and literatures, you can only get a job in a school, and what is the prestige of a school teacher? - everyone knows.

In our multinational state, the most important principle is declared - the free and equal use of native languages ​​by all citizens, the manifestation of great care for the active functioning of national languages ​​in various spheres of state, social and cultural life; encouraging the study of the language of the people after which the administrative unit is named by citizens of other nationalities living on its territory. However, in our republic the language situation is extremely far from the declared provisions: representatives of some nations admit that their fellow tribesmen speak much better in Russian than in their native language. The degree of proficiency in the native language of the autochthonous population of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, primarily children and youth, comes down to communication at the everyday level, when words from both Russian and native languages ​​are used interspersed, without taking into account linguistic and speech norms. With such communication, the Russian language also suffers, since speakers often do not sufficiently speak the Russian language, “demonstrating a semi-culture of elementary everyday mastery...”.

The integration processes currently taking place give rise to the danger of semi-lingualism and semi-culture, which is tantamount to lack of culture. Bilingualism can cause a feeling of uncertainty about nationality and lead to people becoming ashamed of their nationality; At the same time, denying or embellishing negative trends only worsens the prognosis for the linguistic development of society. “Complete bilingualism either erases the most important and striking personality traits or doubles them. The latter happens so far only with intellectual, highly educated people,” note researchers of bilingualism problems.

Measures aimed at reviving and strengthening the national languages ​​of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, in particular the Karachay-Balkar language, are being taken and financed not by government agencies, but by the efforts of enthusiasts and public organizations who are not indifferent to the problems of their native language. Their activities are bearing fruit (for example, the Elbrusoid Foundation for the Development of Karachay-Balkarian Youth, which publishes a magazine for young people in their native language, translates animated films into the Karachay-Balkarian language, and sponsors various events aimed at developing a sense of national and linguistic identity etc.).

However, the situation that has developed in the sphere of the Karachay-Balkar language at the present stage is such that, despite the fact that the language is studied at school and university, it remains a subject of teaching, the same as singing, “Technology”, “Life Safety”, etc. The language is not in demand in official, business, scientific, legal and other fields. Thus, the prospect of language extinction is becoming increasingly real. Today, the functions of the Karachay-Balkar language are mainly limited to its use as a spoken language serving the economic and everyday sphere.

In such conditions, the revival of the Karachay-Balkar language through a set of specific measures acquires urgent significance.

However, to solve existing problems in language construction, it is necessary to set new tasks that meet new conditions and meet the requirements of the time.

In our opinion, several options for action are possible that can, to some extent, if not revive the native language, then stop the process of its dying.

Firstly, and this does not contradict the State program for the preservation and development of national languages ​​and the formation of national identity, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the areas of functioning of both Russian and native languages. Now in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, giving national languages ​​the status of state languages ​​is a nominal fact. In fact, the scope of use of native languages ​​is limited to the school and the national branch of the university. Native languages ​​are not in demand. It has been repeatedly proposed, following the example of neighboring republics, to introduce courses in native languages ​​(in any form, in particular in the form of workshops) at all faculties of the university. This would also, to some extent, contribute to increasing the prestige of native languages.

Introduce teaching children in primary grades in their native language - this option is probably acceptable not only for rural schools, but also for urban ones, because the bulk of students are children of the autochthonous population;

For children who do not speak their native language, publish an already prepared primer on the Karachay-Balkar language for city schools;

For the Russian-speaking part of Karachay-Balkarian youth who want to learn their native language, prepare adapted audio and video versions of courses for accelerated learning of foreign languages ​​(such as “ESHKO”, etc.);

On a district scale, to the extent possible, create a media network, in particular, television broadcasting in national languages;

Expand the broadcasting hours in national languages ​​on republican television and put them at a time more convenient for television viewers;

Organize and financially support the publication of national books and magazines for children; also to supply schools and national university departments with textbooks and educational literature;

Duplicate the names of geographical objects in places of compact residence of Karachays and Balkars in their native language, having previously brought them into compliance with the spelling and orthoepic norms of the modern Karachay-Balkar literary language;

The ongoing research work in the field of Karachay-Balkar linguistics in no way affects the actually functioning living language - they are divorced from each other. It is necessary to overcome this gap, to combine research work with modern linguistic life.

In this regard, in our opinion, an extremely important and necessary step is the development of scientific terminology in the native language. If Karachay and Balkar scientists managed to jointly resolve this problem, to come to a consensus on at least the area of ​​linguistic terminology, undoubtedly, this would help to some extent reduce the gap between the regional components of the modern Karachay-Balkarian language, because the discrepancy in the use of terms contributes to the distance them from each other. Translating a literary text from Russian into your native language is a real task, quite feasible, but translating a scientific article is almost impossible due to the lack of terms or inconsistency in the designations of concepts.

Currently, certain measures are being taken aimed at unifying the graphics and principles of spelling of the Karachay-Balkar language. In our opinion, they are doomed in advance.

One can give many examples of how dialects and closely related languages ​​coexist for tens and hundreds of years, but the expected assimilation does not occur. According to some scientists, the reason for this is the difference in national identity, lack of common territory and a number of other factors.

Probably, it is still worth coming to terms with the fact that the state and functional status of the two components of the single Karachay-Balkar literary language represent two completely independent forms of the language, and attempts to force uniformity of graphics and spelling, to impose language uncharacteristic for speakers of a particular dialect phenomena, without a doubt, will be rejected by the bulk of the population.

Vocabulary is the most susceptible area of ​​language to transformation. However, it is also impossible to force changes in this area. As recently as ten years ago, some writers, poets, teachers and others advocated the expulsion of international words and borrowings from the Russian language from the vocabulary of the Karachay-Balkar language, proposing to replace these lexical units with archaic Arabisms and Farsisms that were in circulation at the end of the 19th century - the beginning of the twentieth centuries. These words (such as synyf, shiir, shekirt, etc.) were actively tried to be included in the main dictionary of the Karachay-Balkar language: they could be seen on the pages of newspapers, read in poems and stories, heard from the lips of school teachers and even university employees. However, for the majority of native speakers, the artificially introduced words seemed pretentious, incomprehensible, and they did not take root in the language.

If the desire to make changes in the field of vocabulary is associated with such difficulties, then the force of rejection and rejection of changes in the field of phonetics - the most conservative level of the language - will be an order of magnitude higher.

As statistics confirm, the number of people who speak their native language and teach children in their family their native language is becoming smaller from year to year. In such a situation, the persistent desire of some people with all their might to achieve a seemingly necessary goal - the unification of the alphabet, now, in this difficult time even for languages ​​with millions of speakers, for our language (and such experiments - for the languages ​​of all small peoples) can become a disastrous step.

A lot of problems have accumulated. This is the insufficient development of spelling and spelling standards, and the lack of teaching aids. The language of the only subscription newspaper and fairly rare television programs in the native language can only cause sadness and bewilderment. However, it is also obvious that the current situation cannot be corrected by calls for preserving the purity of the language and saturating schools and universities with eternally missing textbooks and manuals. A thorough theoretical development of all problems is required in order to really change the existing situation before it becomes irreversible and our languages ​​become endangered.

Bibliographic link

Khapaeva S.M. PROBLEMS OF PRESERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF THE KARACHAY-BALKAR LANGUAGE UNDER GLOBALIZATION // International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research. – 2016. – No. 1-3. – P. 442-445;
URL: (access date: 02/28/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"