Modern technologies for speech development in dow. “the use of modern educational technologies in the process of education on the speech development of preschool children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards before


Getman T.I. teacher of the first qualification category, Tynda, April 2015.

The problem of speech development in preschool children is especially relevant today, because the percentage of preschoolers with various speech disorders remains consistently high. Children experience difficulties in sound pronunciation, in mastering lexical and grammatical forms, have a poor vocabulary and are unable to construct coherent statements.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO): “speech development includes mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture; enrichment active dictionary; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech; development of speech creativity; development of sound and intonation culture speeches, phonemic hearing; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature; formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write" .

The requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard are the main guidelines for us. Full implementation of the goal is the formation by the end of preschool age of universal communication between the child and the people who surround him. An older preschooler should have no difficulty in talking with representatives of society different in age, social status, and gender.

Efficiency pedagogical impact depends on the child’s activity in terms of speech activity. How more active child the more he is involved in activities that interest him. Traditional forms (sample of a teacher’s story, line-by-line memorization of a poem, step-by-step examination and description) do not allow the child to sufficiently reveal his creative potential.

Today, the first priority is given to the task of child development, which will make the process of equipping preschoolers with knowledge, skills and abilities more effective. A development mindset can be considered a modern strategy for teaching the native language to preschool children.

It becomes obvious that it is necessary to change the way we work to develop the speech of preschoolers.

Of course, the choice of educational technology is determined by the age of the children, the goals and objectives that the teacher sets for himself and the children. Pedagogical innovations change and improve the learning process. Innovative technologies are aimed at developing creative abilities, developing a non-standard vision of the world, and new thinking.

In my teaching practice I use educational technologies aimed at development mental abilities and the creation of a creative product in speech activity.

Mnemonics - "the art of memorization" is a system of methods and techniques that ensure children’s successful acquisition of knowledge about the characteristics of natural objects, the world around them, effective memorization of the structure of a story, preservation and reproduction of information, and, of course, the development of speech.

Drops are ringing in the yard,
streams run through the fields,
there are puddles on the roads. Coming soon
ants after the winter cold.

A bear makes his way through
dead wood. The birds became
sing songs, and the snowdrop blooms.

The use of mnemonics in teaching preschoolers allows you to solve problems such as:

  1. Development of coherent speech;
  2. Converting abstract symbols into images (information recoding);
  3. Development of fine motor skills of the hands;
  4. Development of basic mental processes - memory, attention, imaginative thinking; Mastering the techniques of working with mnemonic tables helps and reduces training time.

Sun, rain. (Weather in spring.)
Birch. (The appearance of the first buds.)
Thrift. (Primroses on thawed patches.)
Pack. (Migratory birds.)

Jerzy. (Awakening animals from hibernation.)
Butterfly. (Insects appear.)

I invite the children to look carefully at the diagram: what happened first? What then? Where will you start your story? (each child has support diagrams on the sole; individual work is carried out: check if everything is clear).

Children take turns telling a short story, placing their sign on the easel.

“Spring is coming. The sun is shining brighter, we started crying icicles from the roofs. The snow is melting, and snowdrops appear in the first thawed patches. Migratory birds return in flocks from warm countries. They build nests and hatch chicks. Animals are awakened from hibernation. The first insects appear."

When teaching coherent speech, modeling can be used to work on all types of coherent utterances:

  • retelling
  • compilation of stories based on a painting and a series of paintings
  • descriptive story
  • creative story.

Thanks to working with models, children learn to analyze, generalize, and identify essential features. Children become more active thought processes, mental processes: memory, attention, thinking, logic develops, coherent speech develops.

Gaming technologies

In play and through playful communication, a growing person develops and develops a worldview, a need to influence the world, and adequately perceive what is happening.

In the educational process with preschoolers I use:

  • didactic games and exercises
  • "Bring the item to life" (you are asked to select an object in the picture for discussion). Children determine his character, talk about his possible actions and thoughts. For example, a landscape is considered; children choose and characterize the object - spruce: calm, sleeping, breathing quietly. Drawing up speech sketches on behalf of a humanized object.

The tasks of a child’s speech development in kindergarten are solved as part of all educational activities with children. When meeting children in the process mathematical development with relationships "more" - "less" between numbers, with more-less relationships, they create complexity. I introduce this game technique: “What do the numbers and numbers say?” (4 -5-6) , (7- 8) and etc.: (I display magnetic numbers on the easel, the guys conduct a dialogue by reviving the numbers, numbers: example, number 5 - I am more than 4, but less than -6 and so on). This technique activates cognitive and speech activity.

  • Game exercise “Compare and name” . Goal: development of thinking, imagination, activation of speech activity, enrichment of vocabulary.

The sun is yellow like... (dandelion, chicken, lemon).
The sun is round like... (ball, orange, bun).
The sun is gentle, like... (grandmother, mother, breeze, warm sea).
The sun is cheerful, like... (song, clown).

The sun is warm like... (stove, mittens, sweater)
The sun is bright like... (light bulb, lantern, star)
The sun is hot like... (fire, bonfire).

K. D. Ushinsky: “Exercises prepare the child most of all for learning grammar. Exercises are preferable with children of senior preschool and primary school age" .

  • Game exercise "Find relatives" . The goal is to highlight the properties of objects, find comparisons, expand vocabulary (author's development).

Thus, children learn mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, etc.), with the help of which meaningful knowledge is acquired, systematized and used, which is effective both for the development of speech and for mental development in general.

Traditionally, in preschool childhood, working with riddles is based on guessing them. When developing a child’s mental abilities, it is more important to teach him to compose his own riddles than to simply guess familiar ones. In the process of composing riddles, everything develops mental operations child, he receives joy from speech creativity.

For this purpose I use exercises such as "The description is a mystery" . Assignment: make a sentence about an icicle, knowing its signs and properties. Example: She is tearful, but not the Laughing Princess. It is long, but not a carrot, etc.

  • discussions with children “What I wished for is similar to (bow.)“can be associated with a flower, a butterfly, a helicopter rotor, or the number 8” ;
  • warm-ups - divergent tasks:, "What do...?" , "What does it look like?" , "Good bad" (is the snow melting quickly?).
  • Game exercise: “For what reason did the two events happen?” Goal: teach children to find common cause, teach reasoning, develop coherent speech. Integration of educational areas: cognitive and speech development.
  1. All passers-by got wet. – Finally, the first shoots came out of the ground.
  2. All the ice cream was sold out. – The boy’s back was burned.
  3. Many children got sick. - The windows are covered with frost.
  • Speech game "Too" . Goal: to teach children to reason and draw conclusions.
  1. If you eat one piece of candy, it’s delicious and pleasant. What if there is a lot?
  2. One tablet helps relieve pain, but what if you eat a lot of tablets?
  • Tasks:
  1. How to brew tea?
  2. How to prepare cookie dough?
  3. Tell me how your mother cooks soup at home (borsch)?

By organizing such tasks with children, I solve the following tasks: teach children to plan the stages of their actions, justify their choices, develop and intensify speech activity.

Mastering one's native language is closely related to the development of a child's consciousness, knowledge of the world around him, and the development of all aspects of his personality.

The purpose of such tasks and game exercises is the development of a creative personality, capable of understanding the unity and contradiction of the surrounding world, and solving one’s small problems through communicative activities.

The game is one of the best ways development of children's speech and thinking. It gives the child pleasure and joy, and these feelings are the strongest means of stimulating the active perception of speech and generating independent speech activity. They are so captivating and bring so much benefit!

  • When using such tasks “Draw arrows with a pencil from what happened before to what will happen later.” ; “Draw what happens next” integration with visual activity is carried out: completing the task, the child pronounces the algorithm presented in the figure, thus, the tasks of educational areas are solved in an integrated manner: cognitive and speech development.
  • board-printed games

Among pupils with problems in speech development, there is a high percentage of those who have problems with the development of general and fine motor skills, memory, attention, and thinking.

To do this, I use health-saving technologies:

- articulatory warm-up: at the beginning of each lesson, I definitely organize a warm-up in order to get the children ready to work and train their articulatory organs, which is necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds. I select warm-ups in accordance with the topic of the educational activity itself. Here, for example, on the topic "Spring" this is the warm-up:

Spruce-spruce-spruce - the ringing drops are ringing,
Whose-whose-whose - fast streams run,
Pew-pew-pew - I'm making my own nest,
Wei-wei-wei - you are welcome, nightingale.

To do this, I have a selection of such warm-ups.

Finger gymnastics (mosquito song - s-z-z; water song - s-s-s; snake hiss - sh-sh-sh). In this case, finger gymnastics is carried out in conjunction with articulation (while pronouncing sounds, children perform finger exercises: thumbs hand alternately meets other fingers).

Systematic exercises to train finger movements stimulate the child’s speech development. S.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote that the origins of children’s abilities and talents are at their fingertips. From them, figuratively speaking, come the finest streams that feed the sources of creative thought. The more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child.

Physical education minutes (if fatigue occurs, decreased performance, or loss of interest and attention, we include physical education minutes in the structure of the lesson). This is a form of motor load and is a necessary condition for maintaining high performance and maintaining the health of pupils. Each teacher has a selection of dynamic pauses and warm-ups in his arsenal. I also try to use them in accordance with the theme and type of GCD, thus, the selected dynamic pauses relieve children’s fatigue in the process of cognitive activity, and at the same time they do not lose interest in further work, and the logical chain is not interrupted. For example, a dynamic pause to GCD on the topic "Spring is the morning of the year" .

“The drops fell loudly (light jumps)
All the icicles were crying (shakes head)
It's hot for us icicles (wave hands at face)
Water flows from us (tilt down)
We'll melt forever (straightened up).

One of the health saving technologies is breathing exercises.

In my practice I use a variety of playful breathing exercises. So in class « Spring Awakening nature" considered creative works children performed during a drawing lesson included breathing exercises.

Breathing exercises: - Let's breathe in the aroma of snowdrops. (Take a deep breath through your nose; as you exhale, say “Oh, how wonderful the flower smells” ) . Children say the phrase while exhaling 2-3 times.

In modern pedagogy there are still many technologies that can be used to develop the speech of preschool children. But there are certain rules for their use:

  1. Visual material offered to children should be accessible and understandable.
  2. Care should be taken to ensure that the material used (visual or demonstration) had the greatest impact possible quantity sense organs.
  3. Obligatory reinforcement of the demonstration with speech. Speech explanation, combined with clarity, deepens comprehension and understanding of the subject of explanation.
  4. In the process of GCD, comprehensively solve the problems of speech development: the formation of sound culture, lexical and grammatical structure of speech, enrichment and activation of the dictionary.

It is impossible to solve the problems of speech development of a preschooler only in the process of direct educational activities. This work is carried out within the framework of all educational activities during the day.

Here I use TRIZ technology when working with children

The PURPOSE of use is to instill in a child the joy of creative discovery.

THE MAIN CRITERION in working with children is clarity and simplicity in the presentation of material and in the formulation of a seemingly complex situation.

In educational activities of special moments I organize such a game "Guess the substance" (with models states of aggregation substances).

Rule of the game: (organized when children are familiar with diagrams-models of aggregate states of substances). During the game, children's activities are integrated: cognitive-speech, play, and motor activities.

Competitive games such as “WHAT IS MADE OF WHAT?”

Rules of the game: the one who wins correctly and quickly - in 1 minute (I set the hourglass) name the materials from which objects are made and say what they are all called in one word (example: a ball is rubber, a car is metal, a cube is wooden, a pyramid is plastic - these are toys)

Material: cards with images of all kinds of objects.

Option 1: (show items made of fabric, metal, glass, wood, plastic, rubber, etc.)

Option 2 (complication): (The child describes the object and names the material from which it is made, and then names what other materials such an object can be made from).

Thus, as a result of educational activities using the above educational technologies, children’s feelings of constraint are relieved, shyness is overcome, and the logic of thinking, speech and general initiative gradually develops.

Maria Nikolaevna Kudrina
Modern technologies in the development of speech of preschool children

Report on the topic: « Modern technologies for the development of speech in preschool children»

The ideology of the Federal State Educational Standard is aimed at creating a fundamentally new view of the education system. In these changing conditions, the teacher preschool education, it is necessary to be able to navigate the diversity of integrative approaches to child development, in a wide selection modern technologies .

Innovative technologies is a system of methods, methods, teaching techniques, educational tools aimed at achieving a positive result through dynamic changes in personal child development in modern conditions. They combine progressive creative technologies that have proven their effectiveness in the process of teaching.

IN modern educational technologies knowledge transfer comes in the form of constant problem solving. The teacher must know and remember that the child is not a vessel, but a torch that must be lit!

Currently there are different programs And technologies where training is expected preschoolers compiling various models for development of coherent speech.

Nachnus technologies differentiated (customized) training preschool age. This technology based on the child's learning and understanding. The teacher studies the characteristics of the pupils through observation, makes appropriate notes in the form of individual cards child development. Based on a long collection of information, the teacher notes the child’s achievements. The content diagram of the card traces the level of maturity of nervous processes, mental development, in which included: attention, memory, thinking. A special place is given to speech development: sound side speeches, semantic side speech - and this is the development of coherent speech, activation of vocabulary, grammatical structure speeches. For example, “Individual program for cognitive communication between an adult and a child” M. Yu. Storozhevoy.

Gaming technologies.

Playing – we develop– we train – we educate.

IN developing games demonstrate one of the basic principles of learning - from simple to complex. Developmental games are very diverse in their content and, in addition, they do not tolerate coercion and create an atmosphere of free and joyful creativity. For example, games for teaching reading, development logical thinking, memory, board - printed games, plot - didactic, games - dramatization, theatrical - play activity, finger theater.

There is an interesting technology"Fairy tale mazes game" V.V. Voskobovich. This technology is a system of gradually incorporating original games into a child’s activities and gradually increasing the complexity of educational material - a game "Four-color square", "Transparent square", "The Miracle of the Honeycomb".

It is necessary to note the use of the method of educational projects in the work of preschool educational institutions.

At the heart of any project is a problem, the solution of which requires research in various directions, the results of which are generalized and combined into one whole. The development of thematic projects can be linked to the use of the model "three questions"- the essence of this model is that the teacher asks children three question:

What do we know?

What do we want to know, and how will we do it?

What have we learned?

Health-saving technologies– this includes outdoor games, finger exercises, invigorating exercises after sleep. All these games are also aimed at children's speech development, since any of them requires studying the rules, memorizing text accompaniment, and performing movements according to the text.

Visual modeling method.

Visual modeling methods include mnemonics.

Mnemonics is a set of rules and techniques that facilitate the memorization process. The model allows children to easily remember information and apply it in practical activities. Mnemonic tables are especially effective for retelling, composing stories, and memorizing poems.

Technologies for children's speech development, developed on the basis of TRIZ and RTV methods and techniques

TRIZ is “the theory of solving inventive problems. the science of problem solving."

It arose in our country in the 40s.

(1926-1998, Soviet (and later - Russian) engineer-inventor, science fiction writer.

RTV- « development creative imagination» .

one of the courses taught during the TRIZ training process.

The main credo of TRIZ members:

“Every child is initially talented and even brilliant, but he must be taught to navigate modern world in order to achieve maximum effect at a minimum cost" (G.S. Altshuller)

Sinkwine - new technology in speech development of preschoolers

A five-line poem without rhyme.

In conclusion, I want to talk about Propp’s maps. The remarkable folklorist V. Ya. Propp, while studying fairy tales, analyzed their structure and identified constant functions. According to Propp's system, there are 31 of them. But of course, not every fairy tale contains them in full. The advantage of the cards is obvious, each of them is a whole slice fairy world. With the help of Propp's cards, you can begin to directly compose fairy tales, but at the beginning of this work you need to go through the so-called "preparatory games", in which children highlight the miracles that happen in fairy tales, for example,

What can you use to travel to distant lands? – the carpet is an airplane, the boots are walkers, on a gray wolf;

What helps show the way? – ring, feather, ball;

Remember the assistants who help you carry out any instruction of the fairy-tale hero - well done from the casket, two from the bag, genie from the bottle;

How and with what help are different transformations carried out? - magic words, magic wand.

Propp's cards stimulate development of attention, perception, fantasy, creative imagination, volitional qualities, activate coherent speech, help increase search activity.

From all of the above it follows conclusion:

development of preschool education, its transition to a new qualitative level cannot be carried out without the use of innovative technologies in working with preschool children.

Publications on the topic:

Modern technologies for the development of speech in preschool children“Modern technologies for the development of speech in preschool children.” Speech development in younger preschoolers." Speech is beautiful when it flows like a stream.

The use of social gaming technology in preschool educational institutions. Seminar “Modern social gaming pedagogical technologies” Methodical Service MBDOU children's combined type garden No. 4 “Polyanka” Seminar for teachers and senior educators of the urban district.

Consultation for teachers “Design technologies in the development of speech of preschool children” The problem of speech formation in preschool children is relevant today. The formation of speech in preschoolers is important.

Pedagogical technologies in the development of speech of preschool children. Presentation “Sand Talk” Relevance. Speech is closely connected with all aspects of human consciousness: It is a means of communication; It is a means of transmission.

Consultation “Game technologies in the artistic development of younger preschoolers” In the history of preschool pedagogy, the problem of creativity has always been one of the most pressing. However, it still remains the least studied in the world.

Natalia Isakova
Modern technologies for children's speech development in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education

Slide 1 Hello, dear jury, dear colleagues! My name is Isakova Natalya Ivanovna. I represent preschool level of school No. 30 of the Voroshilovsky district.

Slide 2 I bring to your attention the topic of methodological associations: « Modern technologies for children's speech development in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education».

Slide 3 “Pedagogy should focus not on yesterday, but on children’s tomorrow development, Only then will she be able to bring to life in the process of learning those processes that now lie in the zone of the nearest development» L. S. Vygotsky

In the Federal State Standard preschool education« Speech development» highlighted as main educational field. Speech is the basis for development all other types of children's activities: communication, cognition, cognitive-research and even gaming. In this regard development The child’s speech becomes one of the pressing problems in my work. The main task speech development of a preschool child age is knowledge of the norms and rules of the language determined for each age stage, and development their communication abilities.

Slide 4 Factors influencing child's speech development:

1. Emotional communication with the child from the moment of birth.

2. Creation conditions to communicate with other children.

3. Joint games between an adult and a child.

4. The speech of an adult is an example to follow. 5. Development of fine motor skills of hands. 6. Satisfying the child’s curiosity, answering all his “whys.” 7. Reading fiction. 8. Learning poetry. 9. Telling poems with your hands. 10. Joint trips to nature, excursions, visits to museums.

The purpose of my work on speech development of preschool children age is the development of the child’s initial communicative competence - his ability to solve gaming, educational, and everyday problems through speech. I aim to develop in children Fluency language, skills speech etiquette, the ability to focus on the characteristics of the interlocutor, to take into account conditions of the situation in which communication takes place. Factors influencing speech development you can see on the screen.

Slide 5 Working on a problem speech development in preschool children, teachers often make mistakes of the following nature, we have made an analysis in our preschool organization:

Teachers talk too much themselves and do not provide active children's speech practice. Often, when posing a question, they do not allow the child to think, they are in a hurry to answer themselves, or, on the contrary, they “pull out” the answer. It is important to ensure speech activity of all children.

U children are not formed, in due measure, the ability to listen to others. Speech activity is not only speaking, but also listening, perceiving speech. It is important to teach children listen to the teacher the first time.

Teachers repeat children's answers, and children do not get used to speaking clearly, loudly enough, and understandably for listeners.

Very often, teachers require only “complete” answers from the child. Answers children can be short and expanded. The answer depends on the type of question.


Health-saving technologies

Information and communication technology

Technology development critical thinking

Design technologies

Gaming technologies

Pedagogy of cooperation

Group technologies.


Organization speech development of children my work involves searching for effective technologies for the development of children's speech. Innovative technologies is a system of methods, methods, techniques of teaching, educational means aimed at achieving a positive result through dynamic changes in personal child development in modern conditions.

When choosing technologies it is necessary to focus on the following requirements:

orientation technology is not for training, and on development communication skills children

nurturing a culture of communication and speech;

technology must be health-saving in nature;

basis technologies forms a person-oriented interaction with the child;

implementation the principle of the relationship between cognitive and speech development of children;

organization of active speech practices of each child in different types of activities, taking into account his age and individual characteristics.

In our opinion, the defining moment in successful problem solving speech development of preschool children age is the right choice of pedagogical technologies, which would not only be adequate to age capabilities children, but also provided the opportunity to easily solve speech tasks in different forms working with children. Selection requirements technologies you see on the screen.

In connection with the above, I bring to your attention the disclosure of the following technologies used in my practice


Goals technologies:

formation of children ideas about the art of human relationships, emotional and motivational attitudes towards oneself, others, peers and adults;

creating experience of adequate behavior in society and preparing the child for life.

First technology the one I want to talk about is "The ABCs of Communication". The main authors of the program are Lyudmila Mikhailovna Shipitsyna, Oksana Vladimirovna Zashirinskaya (co-authors Alla Voronova, Tatyana Nilova).

Usage Technologies"The ABCs of Communication"

allowed us develop interpersonal skills children from 3 to 6 years old with peers and adults.

The result of implementation technologies"The ABCs of Communication" became understanding and acceptance of the idea - Learn children love and understand people, and there will always be friends next to you! If you don't understand the other person, you will have problems. The central idea for us was to establish mutual understanding between parents, children and teachers.

To solve these problems in my work I use the following forms educational activities: - educational games(verbal, role-playing, theatrical); - sketches, improvisations; - observations, walks, excursions; - modeling and analysis of communication situations; - writing stories, etc.

The theory of solving inventive problems, or TRIZ - the field of knowledge about mechanisms development of technical systems and methods for solving inventive problems.


Main stages of the TRIZ methodology

1. Finding the essence

2. "The Mystery of Double"

3. Resolution of contradictions

(using games and fairy tales).

I would also like to note that the most effective are technologies for children's speech development, developed on the basis of TRIZ methods and techniques (theory of solving inventive problems) and RTV (development of creative imagination)

By technologies TRIZ is Soviet (Russian) inventor and patent expert Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller, who was convinced of the possibility of identifying from the experience of his predecessors consistently repeating methods of successful inventions and the possibility of teaching this technology everyone interested and capable of learning. Now it's We also use technology, teachers. Based on his findings, we created our own methodological manual « Technologies for the development of coherent speech in preschoolers» Tatyana Aleksandrovna Sidorchuk and Nikolai Nikolaevich Khomenko, having introduced into this manual and RTV technologies.

Main stages of the TRIZ methodology

1. Finding the essence

Children are faced with a problem (an issue that needs to be resolved.) And everyone is looking for different solutions, for what is true.

2. "The Mystery of Double". At this stage we identify contradiction: good bad

For example: the sun is good and bad. Good - it warms, bad - it can burn

3. Resolution of these contradictions (using games and fairy tales).

For example: You need a big umbrella to hide under it from the rain, but you also need a small one to carry it in your bag. The solution to this contradiction is a folding umbrella.

I also give children tasks to think about, For example:

How to transfer water in a sieve (change the state of aggregation - freeze water) ; (RESPOND)

Slide 10 Next technology which I would like reverse your attention is syncwine. I spoke in detail about syncwine at the master class, so now I’ll touch on it briefly. Cinquain is a 5-line unrhymed poem that can be composed by absolutely anyone. This is a huge advantage in terms of maintaining a child’s self-esteem. Cinquain helps my children implement your intellectual capabilities, replenish your vocabulary for composing brief retelling; helps develop speech and thinking through gaming techniques. I often use syncwine as a final task on the material covered, for reflection, analysis and synthesis of the information received.

MNEMOTECHNIQUES -(Greek)"the art of memorization" is a system of methods and techniques that ensure successful memorization, preservation and reproduction of information.

This system of methods helps

development of different types of memory

(auditory, visual, motor, tactile);

thinking, attention, imagination and speech development of preschoolers.

I actively use visual modeling methods in my work. « Mnemonics»

Methods mnemonics very effective in teaching children retelling works of fiction, while memorizing poetry. Moreover, the monitoring showed us the effectiveness of implementing methods and techniques Mnemonics both in cognitive activity and in development correct self-esteem children.

Slide 12 Authors: Valentina Konstantinovna Vorobieva, who developed sensory-graphic schemes; Tatyana Aleksandrovna Tkachenko, author of the subject-schematic model; Vadim Petrovich Glukhov, who proposed the use of block squares; Tatyana Vasilievna Bolsheva introduced collage into « Mnemonics» , Lyudmila Nikolaevna Efimenkova, who proposed a scheme for compiling a story. The main authors of the mnemonic tables are presented on the screen. You can easily make up your own.

« Mnemonics» uses the natural memory mechanisms of the brain and allows you to fully control the process of memorizing, storing and recalling information. Usage mnemonics in the speech development of preschool children age promotes creative cognition preschoolers phenomena of the native language, construction of independent coherent statements, enrichment of vocabulary.

Slide 13 For children junior and middle preschool age, we use colored mnemonic tables, since in memory children faster remain separate images: fox - red, Christmas tree - green. For older children, we offer diagrams in one color, so as not to distract attention from the brightness of the symbolic images. Mnemonics We use them in the form of mnemonic squares, mnemonic tables, mnemonic tracks. We compose mnemotables for Russians folk tales, riddles, counting rhymes, poems.

For those reading children I suggest memorizing poems or fairy tales using key words.

Linguistic games

"Name general signs» (strawberries and raspberries, birds and people, rain and showers, etc.).

“How are they similar?” (grass and frog, pepper and mustard, chalk and pencil, etc.).

"What is the difference?" (autumn and spring, book and notebook, car and bicycle, etc.).

“How are they similar and how are they different?” (whale - cat; mole cat; current cat, etc.).

"Anti-action" (pencil - eraser, dirt - water, rain - umbrella, hunger - food, etc.).

“Who will be who?” (a boy is a man, an acorn is an oak, a seed is a sunflower, etc.).

"Who Was Who" (a horse is a foal, a table is a tree, etc.).

"What I Was, What I Became" (clay - pot, fabric - dress, etc.).

“What can he do?” (scissors - cut, sweater - warm, etc.).

improvement speech activity of preschoolers is to create an emotionally favorable situation that promotes the desire to actively participate in verbal communication.

To the main activities preschooler include play and communication, therefore, play communication is the necessary basis within which the formation and improvement of speech activity baby.

Using the linguistic games presented in this technologies, allows develop various types of speech activity, it is easy and free for every child to show intellectual initiative, which is a specific continuation of not just mental work, but cognitive activity, not conditioned neither by practical needs, nor by external assessment.

Slide 15 Task for audience: name the proverb in full (based on 2 given words)

For example, dear colleagues, I offer you this exercise.

Let's try to name the complete proverbs in two words.

CLICK – Family, soul

CLICK - Family together - soul in place

CLICK – House, walls

CLICK – Houses and walls help

CLICK – Feeds, spoils

CLICK - Labor feeds, but laziness spoils

CLICK – Time, hour

CLICK - Time for business, time for fun.


Slide 17 I suggest you complete a linguistic task.

Each word must be replaced with its opposite meaning and get the name of the fairy tale.

CLICK - Dog without a hat, CLICK - Puss in Boots

CLICK – red mustache, CLICK – blue beard

CLICK – Beautiful Chicken, CLICK – Ugly Duckling

CLICK - Silver chicken, CLICK - golden cockerel

CLICK – Black Shoe, CLICK – Little Red Riding Hood

Slide 18 Rules for the brave and persistent teachers:

Plan your work according to speech development is not sometimes, not often, but very often.

Never answer your own question. Be patient and you too wait for it that your children will answer it.

Never ask a question that can be answered "Yes", or "No". It does not make sense.

If the story didn’t work out or turned out with difficulty, smile, it’s great, because success is ahead

Having analyzed collected material, my colleagues and I are implementing modern technologies into your practice, including parents in this activity. And today we are already seeing positive results in the manifestation of creativity, speech activity of our students.

To summarize, we can say that the above technologies have a significant impact on speech development of preschool children, in particular our institution. Today we need people who are intellectually courageous, independent, original thinkers, creative, able to make non-standard decisions and who are not afraid of it. They can help in the formation of such a personality modern educational technologies and some rules that you see on the screen.

Slide 19 Sources...

This concludes my speech.

Slide 20 Thank you for your attention and wish you all bold creative achievements.

Introduction........................................................ ........................................................ ....................

  1. Main tasks of speech development.............................................................. ....................

2.1 Compilation of descriptive and comparative stories using diagrams........................................................ ...................................................

2.2 Formation of the ability for visual modeling when

getting acquainted with fiction.................................................

2.3 “Propp’s Maps”.................................................. ............................................

2.4 Pictures with a problematic plot for the development of speech and thinking

In children................................................... ........................................................ .........

Conclusion................................................. ........................................................ ................

List of used literature......................................................... ...........................

Speech development is one of the most important tasks in the upbringing and education of preschool children.

It is known that speech is not only a means of communication, but also a tool of thinking, creativity, a carrier of memory, information, a means of self-awareness, and self-development.

Speech development is crucial in preparing children for school and their subsequent mastery of the basics of science.

IN last years Issues of speech development are attracting more and more attention from scientists and researchers. Their solution is associated with the search for ways to improve the content and methods of teaching, which increase the efficiency of all parts of the public education system.

Improving developmental education is not the only way impact on the development of abilities. The need for direct development management has been proven speech abilities child. The basis for the development of these abilities is the child’s mastery of the actions of substitution and visual modeling.

Game substitution - beginning long way to understanding the true meaning of words, which not only indicate objects and phenomena, but also highlight important essential features in them, improve children’s speech, teach them to clearly express their thoughts, enrich vocabulary (the vocabulary of the language) not only quantitatively, but also qualitatively.

Any problem requires an analysis of its conditions, highlighting the relationships between objects that must be taken into account when solving. And as practice confirms, it is visual models that are the form of highlighting and designating relationships that is most accessible to preschool children.

  1. Main tasks of speech development

The comprehensive development of a child is carried out on the basis of assimilating the centuries-old experience of mankind only through the child’s communication with an adult. Adults are the guardians of the experience of humanity, its knowledge, skills, and culture. This experience cannot be conveyed except through language.

Among the many tasks of raising and educating preschool children in kindergarten, teaching their native language, developing speech, and verbal communication is one of the main ones. This general task includes a number of special, private tasks: nurturing the sound culture of speech, enriching, consolidating and activating the vocabulary, improving the grammatical correctness of speech, teaching colloquial (dialogical) speech, developing coherent speech, cultivating interest in artistic expression, preparation for literacy training.

In kindergarten, preschoolers, assimilating their native language, master the most important form verbal communication - oral speech. Speech communication in its full form - speech understanding and active speech - develops gradually.

The formation of verbal communication between a child and an adult begins with emotional communication. It is the core, the main content of the relationship between an adult and a child in the preparatory period of speech development - in the first year of life. The child responds with a smile to the smile of an adult, makes sounds in response to a gentle conversation with him, to sounds uttered by an adult. He seems to be infected by the adult’s emotional state, his smile, laughter, and gentle tone of voice. This is emotional communication, not verbal, but it lays the foundations for future speech, future communication with the help of meaningfully pronounced and understood words.

IN emotional communication with an adult, the child reacts to the characteristics of the voice, the intonation with which words are pronounced. Speech participates in this communication only through its sound form, intonation, accompanying the actions of an adult. However, speech, the word always means completely specific action ( stand up, sit down ), specific item ( cup, ball ), a certain action with an object (take a ball, give a doll), an action of an object ( car rides ) etc. Without such a precise designation of objects, actions, their quality and properties, an adult cannot control the child’s behavior, his actions and movements, encouraging or prohibiting them.

In emotional communication, an adult and a child express the most general attitudes towards each other, their pleasure or displeasure, i.e. feelings, but not thoughts. This becomes completely insufficient when in the second half of the year the child’s world expands, his relationships with adults (as well as other children) become enriched, movements and actions become more complex, and the possibilities of cognition expand. Now it is necessary to talk about many interesting and important things around, and in the language of emotions it is sometimes very difficult to do this, and more often it is simply impossible. We need the language of words, we need verbal communication with an adult.

The first meaningful words appear in a child’s speech usually by the end of the first year. Around the middle of the second year of life, a significant shift occurs in the development of a child’s speech: he begins to actively use the vocabulary accumulated by this time in order to address an adult. The first simple sentences appear.

Even such speech, imperfect in its form and grammatical structure, immediately significantly expands the possibilities of verbal communication between an adult and a child. The baby understands the speech addressed to him, and he himself can turn to an adult, express his thoughts, desires, requests. And this, in turn, leads to a significant enrichment of the vocabulary. The main event in the development of speech during this period (by the end of the second year) is not the quantitative growth of the vocabulary, but the fact that the words that the baby uses in his sentences (now often three- and four-word) acquire the appropriate grammatical form.

From this time on, one of the most important stages of mastering one’s native language begins – mastering the grammatical structure of the language. The assimilation of grammar occurs very intensively, and the child masters the basic grammatical patterns by the age of three to three and a half years. So, by this time he uses all case forms in his speech.

By the age of three, a child’s vocabulary increases. The dictionary includes all parts of speech - nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, numerals, adverbs; function words - prepositions, conjunctions, particles; interjections.

Often, by the beginning of the fourth year of life, all the sounds of the native language are assimilated.

All this does not mean, however, that neither the child himself nor the adults around him will have to work hard to improve his language proficiency. Knowledge of your native language is not only the ability to correctly construct a sentence, even a complex one. The child must learn to tell: not just name an object, but also describe it, talk about some event, phenomenon, sequence of events. Such a story consists of a number of sentences. They, characterizing the essential aspects and properties of the described object, event, must be logically connected with each other and unfold in a certain sequence so that the listener fully and accurately understands the speaker. In this case, we will be dealing with coherent speech, i.e. with speech that is meaningful, logical, consistent, fairly well understood in itself, and does not require additional questions and clarifications.

In the formation of coherent speech, the close connection between the speech and mental development of children, the development of their thinking, perception, and observation is clearly evident. In order to tell a good, coherent story about something, you need to clearly imagine the object of the story (object, event), be able to analyze, select the main (for a given communication situation) properties and qualities, establish cause-and-effect, temporal and other relationships between objects and phenomena .

But coherent speech is still speech, and not a thinking process, not reflection. Therefore, to achieve coherence in speech, it is necessary to be able not only to select the content that should be conveyed in speech, but also to use the linguistic means necessary for this. You need to skillfully use intonation, logical (phrase) stress, highlight the most important key words, select the words that are most accurately suitable for expressing a given thought, be able to construct complex sentences, use different linguistic means to connect sentences and move from one sentence to another.

Coherent speech is not just a sequence of words and sentences - it is a sequence of interconnected thoughts that are expressed in precise words in correctly constructed sentences. A child learns to think by learning to speak, but he also improves his speech by learning to think.

Coherent speech, as it were, absorbs all the child’s achievements in mastering his native language, in mastering it sound side, vocabulary, grammatical structure. This does not mean. However, it is possible to develop a child’s coherent speech only when he has very well mastered the sound, lexical and grammatical side language. The formation of coherent speech begins earlier. The baby may not yet be able to pronounce all sounds clearly, may not have a large vocabulary and complex syntactic constructions(complex sentences), but work on developing coherent speech serves as the basis for the transition to more complex forms (for example, creative storytelling).

The coherence of monologue speech begins to form in the depths of dialogue as the main form of verbal communication. In dialogue, coherence depends on the abilities and skills of not one person, but two. The responsibilities for providing it are first performed primarily by the adult, but gradually the child also learns to fulfill them.

By talking with an adult, a child learns to ask questions to himself. Dialogue is the first school for developing a child’s coherent monologue speech (and generally activating his speech). Highest form coherent monologue speech - written speech.

It is more voluntary and conscious, more planned (“programmed”) than oral monologue speech. The task of developing written coherent speech (text composition skills) in preschoolers cannot be set now. It can be used to develop in preschoolers the ability to intentionally and voluntarily construct a coherent oral statement (retelling, story). This use is based on the “division of labor” in composing a written text between a child and a teacher: the child composes the text, the adult writes it down. This technique - writing a letter - has long existed in the methodology of speech development for preschoolers.

Writing a letter is usually carried out collectively, but this does not mean that the monologue of speech disappears, the requirements for arbitrariness and awareness of the construction of the text are reduced: after all, every child composes the text. Moreover, collective writing of a letter makes it easier for the teacher to develop in children the very important ability to select the best, most appropriate version of a sentence (phrase) or a larger part of the text that continues the presentation of the content of the letter. This ability, in fact, is the essence of arbitrariness, awareness of the construction of a statement (“I can say this, but it’s probably better to say it differently”). In addition, the predominant use of a collective form of work does not mean that individual writing of a letter cannot take place. A combination of both is needed.

Using letter writing, you can achieve significant results in developing the coherence of a child’s oral speech, in enriching it with complex syntactic structures (complex and complex sentences). Since speech, while remaining oral in external form, will at the same time be built at the level of development and arbitrariness characteristic of writing and thanks to this, in its structure, in the quality of connectivity, it will approach it.

The formation of free speech, the ability to choose linguistic means is an important condition not only the development of coherent speech, but also the acquisition of language in general, mastery of what the child does not yet have in active speech. Coherent speech becomes an important condition for mastering a language - its sound side, vocabulary, grammar, as well as a condition for developing the ability to use linguistic means of artistic expressiveness of speech.

In the general system of speech work in kindergarten, enriching vocabulary, consolidating it and activating it is very important. great place. And this is natural. The word is the basic unit of language, and improving verbal communication is impossible without expanding the child’s vocabulary. At the same time cognitive development, the development of conceptual thinking is impossible without the assimilation of new words that express the concepts acquired by the child, consolidating the new knowledge and ideas he receives. That's why vocabulary work in kindergarten is closely related to cognitive development.

In kindergarten, the development of sound culture of speech requires great attention. The development of the sound side of speech is not only the assimilation of the sounds of the native language and their correct pronunciation, but also the ability to regulate tempo, volume, etc.

The range of tasks for the development of speech and teaching the native language in the preparatory group for school includes preparing children for learning to read and write. The teacher develops in children an attitude towards oral speech as a linguistic reality: he leads them to the sound analysis of words.

If we highlight in preparing children for learning to read and write, first of all common task(“speech becomes a subject of study”), then more simple forms The solution to this problem begins not in the preparatory group, but in the previous groups. For example, in classes and didactic games on the sound culture of speech, children are given tasks: listen to the sound of a word, find the most frequently repeated sounds in several words, determine the first and last sounds in a word, remember words starting with the sound indicated by the teacher, etc. Process Literacy preparation is more than just learning how to successfully master reading and writing. This is an important means of further development of speech itself, its improvement, and enhancement of its culture.

Work is also being carried out to enrich and activate the dictionary, during which they receive tasks, for example, to select antonyms - words with opposite meaning, synonyms are words that are close in meaning.

In the development of children’s speech, the leading role belongs to adults: the teacher in kindergarten, parents and loved ones in the family. The speech culture of adults, how they speak to the child, and how much attention they pay to verbal communication with him, largely determine the success of a preschooler in mastering the language.

  1. Modern pedagogical technologies in speech development classes.
  1. Preschoolers compose descriptive and comparative stories using diagrams.

In kindergarten, great importance is attached to developing skills in writing descriptive and comparative stories. Experimental data confirms that when describing and comparing objects and objects, children experience significant difficulties associated with:

With independent determination when considering the subject, its main features and properties;

Establishing consistency in the presentation of identified signs;

Keeping this sequence in the child’s memory.

As practice shows, to compose descriptive and comparative stories within the most typical groups of objects, such as toys, clothing, animals, dishes and others, you can successfully use visual models - diagrams. Analyzing the results of the work, we can conclude that the use of diagrams when composing descriptive stories makes it much easier for our children to master this type of coherent speech. In addition, the presence of a visual plan makes such stories clear, connected, complete, and consistent. These and similar schemes can be used not only for composing descriptive stories, but also for comparative stories, coming up with riddles about objects, as well as in such an important and complex section of work as teaching children to independently pose questions.

The importance of mastering the skills of describing objects in terms of preparation for schooling, the difficulties in mastering this type of detailed statements, determined the need to find the most adequate ways and means of developing coherent communication skills in children. descriptive speech. Classes on writing descriptive stories are part of a comprehensive work on the formation of coherent speech in children. In this case, the following tasks are solved:

Formation of skills to identify essential features and main parts (details) of objects, to use adequate phrases - statements to define them;

Formation of generalized ideas about the construction of descriptions of objects;

Children’s mastery of the linguistic means necessary to compose coherent statements in the form of a description;

Practical mastery of the skills of describing objects through training exercises.

Training is carried out in stages and includes the following main types of work:

Preparatory exercises for describing objects;

Formation of initial skills of independent description;

Description of objects according to their main characteristics;

Teaching a detailed description of an object (including various features);

Consolidation of description skills, including in the process of gaming and subject-practical actions;

Preparing for training comparative description objects;

Teaching comparative description of objects.

Teaching descriptive speech is carried out in connection with the work on developing grammatically correct speech in children in the following direction:

Systematic exercises in the correct use of word forms (case endings of nouns, adjectives, some verb forms);

Formation of practical inflection skills in children;

Exercises in correct construction phrases;

Formation of control skills over grammatical correctness of speech;

Activation and enrichment of vocabulary.

During classes on describing objects, children are presented with a number of objects belonging to the same group. Before writing a description, children name all the objects. In this case, special attention is paid to their differences in appearance. This helps children identify the main features of the object of description and helps to consolidate the corresponding messages and contrasts. The object of description is selected either by the teacher or the child (depending on specific tasks given lesson and the level of preparedness of the children).

During training, you can use a number of auxiliary techniques: gestural indications of the shape of an object, its details; description based on drawings. An effective method for teaching children is the parallel description by the teacher and the child of two similar game objects, when the teacher, and after him the child, draw up a description of the object using gestures, naming the same characteristics.

This technique is used in working with children who experience the greatest difficulty in remembering the sequence of the plan-scheme.

It is fashionable to describe objects from memory (animals, toys, plants) in separate lessons on the topics: “My favorite toy”, “Fruits and vegetables”, etc. The game forms of work used provide for the consolidation and development of speech skills formed in the process of learning to describe. They include: exercises in recognizing objects, drawing up questions based on the text of the description, reproduction speech sample, independent description of objects.

Work on a comparative description of two objects begins with the use of the following types of exercises: supplementing sentences started by the teacher with a word that is necessary in meaning, denoting a feature of the object (“A goose has a long neck, and a duck ...”), composing sentences on questions like: “ What do lemon and pear taste like? exercises in identifying and designating contrasting features of two objects associated with spatial characteristics (“The tree is tall and the bush is low, the river is wide and the stream is narrow”). The technique of parallel description (in parts) of two objects is also used - by the teacher and the child (description of a cat and a dog, a cow and a goat, etc.).

Using diagrams when writing descriptive stories will help you achieve good results. Schemes are used not only in composing descriptive stories, but also in retelling, which has a special role in the formation of coherent speech.

2.2 Formation of the ability for visual modeling when familiarizing with fiction.

When introducing preschoolers to fiction, two areas can be distinguished that are of great importance for the development of children’s mental abilities. This is training in the ability to retell what was heard and the formation of elements artistic creativity the child himself.

Retelling is one of the main tasks set for preschoolers. Solving this problem requires the child a certain level development in general and connected speech in particular.

It is necessary to highlight the main parts of the text heard, connect them with each other, and then, in accordance with this scheme, construct a coherent retelling. If a child does not have preliminary mental processing of the text, then even with sufficient speech development, he finds it difficult to clearly and accurately retell what he heard, slips into details, repeats himself, etc.

The second task is to compose your own story or fairy tale - kind of the opposite of the first task. Here the child should not draw up a diagram based on the finished work, but create his own idea and then develop it into a complete story with various details and events. If the child does not draw up some preliminary outline of the story, his works are fragmentary and structurally unorganized.

Preschoolers can develop the ability to coherently retell a text by learning to draw up its outline. Such a plan can be a visual model that records the sequence of the most significant parts of the text.

Teaching children to create their own works can be based on developing the ability to develop a condensed, schematic idea, which represents some visual model of the sequence of events, into a complete fairy tale or story, rich in details.

The importance of fairy tales in the development and upbringing of children can hardly be overestimated - it is not only a treasure folk wisdom, but also an inexhaustible source of development of the emotional sphere and creative potential of the child.

Creativity is unthinkable without fantasy and imagination, which, in turn, are closely related to the development of feelings. Unity in the development of feelings and imagination introduces the child to the spiritual wealth accumulated by humanity. A fairy tale is a means of introducing a child to the world of human destinies, to the world of history; it is the “golden key” to changing the world, to its creative, constructive transformation. The child half lives in an imaginary, unreal world, and not only lives, but actively acts in it, transforms it and himself.

The fairy tale reveals to the child the accuracy and expressiveness of the language, shows how rich native speech is in humor, lively and figurative expressions, and comparisons.

K.I. Chukovsky believed that the purpose of a fairy tale “is to cultivate humanity in a child - this marvelous ability to worry about someone else’s misfortune, to rejoice at the joys of another, to experience someone else’s fate as if it were one’s own. After all, a fairy tale improves, enriches and humanizes the child’s psyche, since a child listening to a fairy tale feels like an active participant in it and always identifies himself with those of its characters who fight for justice, goodness and freedom.” A child is an active creature by nature; he loves not only to listen to fairy tales, but also to act and create, relying on them.

An important means of cognition is visual modeling, i.e. children's use of various kinds of conditional substitutes for objects. Therefore, to identify the structure of a fairy tale or other literary work, you can use various visual models.

Before starting work on building and using visual models, it is necessary that the child:

  1. listened to expressive reading text;
  2. answered questions;
  3. acted out the plot in a table theater or role-playing;
  4. looked at the illustrations.

Only after this, with the help of visual models, can children develop the ability to independently analyze the content of the text and highlight the most significant. In the future, this will help them independently understand any work of art, expressively and consistently talk about what they read and heard.

The simplest type of visual models is the serial series model. It may look like gradually increasing stripes of different lengths and circles different sizes. For example, to act out the fairy tale “Turnip”, you will need a yellow circle (turnip) cut out of paper and six triangles of different sizes for the characters. The adult discusses with the child which of the heroes of the work will be replaced by this or that triangle. At the next stage of work, as the child reads the fairy tale, he puts the substituents in the right order.

The introduction of a visual model allows children to understand the logic of the fairy tale. It is interesting that before such classes, most children answer the question: “Who should be invited if the mouse does not help pull out the turnip?” - they answered: “A bear, he is strong,” then after the modeling, most of the children began to answer that they need to invite a fly or a mosquito, i.e. the children began to act according to the logic of the fairy tale.

With three-year-old children, motor modeling can be used, i.e. learn to convey the main events of a fairy tale through the movement of substitutes. For example, you can act out the fairy tale “Fox, Hare, Rooster” with your children. To do this, you will need circles of the same size, but different colors. For example: white (hare), orange (fox), gray (dog), brown (bear), red (rooster). In this case, the adult tells a fairy tale, and the children perform all the necessary actions (left, came, etc.). On the table or flannelgraph where the scene will be played out, you can place decorations cut out of cardboard: fox and hare houses, Christmas trees.

In some cases, both types of modeling are combined: motor and serial series. For example, to act out A. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Three Bears,” children are given three circles: large, medium and small. They remember the fairy tale and decide which circle is suitable for which bear. Then the adult tells a fairy tale, and the child points to the corresponding circle and performs simple actions with it.

When conducting such classes, it is especially important that the child understands the principles of substitution. Therefore, before the start of the lesson, you should discuss which circle and why replaces any hero of the fairy tale.

  1. You can use placeholders based on the color of the character's appearance. For example, a red circle would represent Little Red Riding Hood.
  2. The ratio of the sizes of the heroes, then the substitutes will be strips of different lengths. For example, in the fairy tale “Rukavichka”.
  3. The symbolism of color, when a positive character is indicated by light tones, and a negative character by dark ones. For example, in the fairy tale “Khavroshechka”, the evil stepmother and her daughters are in a black circle, and the good fellow and Khavroshechka are in white.

Now the child needs to clearly follow the sequence of actions of a fairy tale or story, which will help him analyze the main events and the connection between them. This is how elements of self-control are gradually laid down.

The tasks can be complicated by asking children not only to distribute the necessary circles or stripes between the characters, but also to choose from them those that are needed for a given fairy tale or story. In this situation, the child must already mentally imagine the main characters of the fairy tale, know their characteristics and independently choose the appropriate models. For example, choose the characters for the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.” If the children are completing the task, invite them to come up with ways to identify the characters in the fairy tale.

Older children can retell episodes of fairy tales based on selected substitutes. For example, after playing the fairy tale “The Tar Bull,” all the material is removed, leaving only two circles (the bull and the bear). The adult asks the child to tell what is happening at the moment and helps him retell the desired episode as accurately as possible. Moving from episode to episode depending on the location of the substitutes, children retell the entire fairy tale. You can act out and tell such tales as “Teremok”, “Two greedy little bear", "Fox with a rolling pin", etc.

Can be used with children five to six years old the new kind modeling - temporal-spatial models (block frames in which the deputies of the main characters of the fairy tale are located). This type of model allows us to understand the basic sequence of events in a fairy tale.

Such a model must be compiled together with the children. First, discuss how the fairy tale begins, who the hero is, and how to designate them. Schematic images of figures, colored circles, and sticks of different lengths can be used as substitutes. Gradually all the frames are filled.

It is important that there are not too many frames and that they really correspond to the main events of the work. Children can then try to retell the story while looking at the model.

If the children, together with you, easily compose and use similar models when retelling, then you can move on to independent modeling fairy tales, stories.

  1. "Propp's Maps"

The remarkable folklorist V. Propp, studying fairy tales, analyzed their structure and identified permanent functions. Propp identified 20 main functions. They are used in working with children when composing fairy tales.

D. Rodari notes that “the advantages of Propp’s cards are obvious, each of them is a whole cross-section of the fairy-tale world.” Each of the functions presented in the fairy tale helps the child understand himself and the world of people around him. What is the purpose of Propp's maps?

Firstly, this is the clarity and colorfulness of their execution. This allows the child to retain much more in his memory. large quantity information, and therefore it is better to use it when composing fairy tales.

Secondly, the functions presented in the cards are generalized actions and concepts, which allows the child to abstract from a specific action or situation, and therefore, his logical thinking intensively develops.

Thirdly, cards stimulate the development of attention, perception, imagination, activate coherent speech, enrich vocabulary, etc. Propp's cards provide invaluable assistance in the sensory development of children, as their impact extends to all senses. The child does not simply act as an observer or listener, but is the center of creative activity, the creator of original literary works.

Before you start composing fairy tales using Propp's cards, you should first organize so-called “preparatory” games in which children will become familiar with and master all the fairy-tale functions.

a) “Miracles in a sieve”

In this game, children identify various miracles that occur in fairy tales: how and with the help of which transformations are carried out, magic (magic words, objects and their actions.

b) “Who is the meanest person in the world?”

During this game, children identify evil and treacherous fairy-tale characters and describe them appearance, character, lifestyle, home (thus, positive characters are analyzed). Then they analyze whether a fairy tale can exist without such characters, what is their role in the development of the plot; For whom are these heroes evil and why, and who accepts their qualities and characteristics in the exact opposite sense, on the contrary, who considers Baba Yaga good? Probably, for Koshchei the Immortal she is a very kind woman and friend, and why?

c) “Treasured words.”

During this game, children attempt to calculate the most meaningful words in a fairy tale. These can be either magic words, fabulous sentences, or words that carry the main semantic load. For example, the hero’s reasoning about his actions, which allows him not only to evaluate what is happening, but also his role in it. (For example: repentance of a false hero, abandonment of false ideas, etc.)

d) “What will be useful on the road?”

Children based on analysis fairy tales(description of appearance, identification of properties) that help the heroes defeat the enemy, resolve the situation (self-assembled tablecloth, running boots, scarlet flower), come up with new helper items. A magical item can be the most ordinary item. If it begins to perform functions that are not characteristic of it due to the use of hidden resources: the properties of the material, its shape, color, which can play a certain role in some unforeseen problem situation (for example, a bowler hat can be used as a bird’s nest, a mirror , bag, etc.). Interesting tale always has the most fabulous task, which is solved as the plot unfolds.

The source of a fairy tale task is usually the problematic situations that a person encounters in life.

d) “Magic names”

In this game, based on the analysis of fairy tales, the meaning and significance of various character names and their roles are revealed. How is the name of a particular character perceived by other characters? For example, why was the girl who spent all day working at the stove called Cinderella? How will names affect the character of the hero, how is this reflected?

f) “What do you have in common?”

This game involves a comparative analysis of various fairy tales from the point of view of similarities and differences between them. For example: how are the fairy tales “Teremok” and “Rukavichka” similar; “Morozko” and “Mistress Blizzard”?

g) “Good - bad”

In this game, children try to highlight positive and negative traits character of the heroes, evaluate their activities. For example, what is good about the fact that the Serpent Gorynych has three heads, and what is bad about it?

h) "Nonsense"

In this game, children come up with two unrelated sentences that contain exactly opposite functions.

The main goal of this game is to understand the purpose of a particular function.

For example: the functions “prohibition - violation of prohibition” are specified. To do this, you need to find out together with your children what a ban is; its purpose, character, forms; to whom are they addressed, why; who prohibits; who violates them; what could be the consequences? The sentences that the children came up with may be awkward (taken from other fairy tales), but the main thing is that they correspond to its essence: “The king forbade the sewing of fur clothes in his kingdom”; “The crocodiles did not listen and began to fly in the sky.”

Familiarization with the cards should occur gradually, in a semantic sequence and obey a number of requirements.

Cards that are used at the very beginning of working with them should be made colorfully and in a plot manner. In further work, maps with a rather condensed schematic representation of each function are used. When making cards - supports, symbols that indicate functions should be understandable to children. Symbols invented by the children themselves are better remembered, and their awareness is more productive.

After preliminary work Let's start with the main tasks. They are:

a) in reproducing a familiar fairy tale

After reading and dividing the fairy tale into semantic plots, you need to discuss each of them with the guys and give it a name. If several names are proposed that are similar in meaning, then you need to choose the most accurate one.

To give the correct name means to decipher information that can later be “hidden” in the map using visual means. Thus, the children will be able to correlate two familiar systems with each other: speech and graphic.

b) in joint search and finding of designated functions in fairy tales newly offered for listening

When reading a new, unfamiliar fairy tale to children, during one lesson you need to use no more than 3-5 function cards, otherwise the children will lose interest.

c) in writing fairy tales

It is best to start inventing fairy tales collectively and using a limited set of cards, then the realization of the goal will be more productive. Gradually, 3-4 additional cards are added to the tale, and so on until the entire set is used. When children have mastered inventing fairy tales in order of functions, they can begin composing blindly, that is, by randomly pulling out any card from the deck turned upside down. But this is a more difficult task; children cope with it quite quickly.

d) in working with individual set kart

Each child receives his own set of cards (can prepare his own set) and works with it. Invents a new work or modifies a familiar one. At first, you can offer the children ready-made names of fairy tales (for example, “The Adventures of a Hare in the Forest”), and discuss with them the number of characters.

After this, the children’s activities acquire independence - they themselves come up with a name, location, characters, endowing each of them with the appropriate qualities and imaginative characteristics.

In the future, options for working with Propp cards to invent fairy tale plots can be very different. This is an essay in turn, from the end, from the middle, using cards in order, through one, by a certain number; dividing a fairy tale into semantic parts (sentence, plot, conflict); choice of the main character; modification of a familiar fairy tale by limiting or increasing the functions used, etc. This is where the creative potential of every child is revealed.

  1. Pictures with a problematic plot for the development of speech and thinking in children

Famous teacher K.D. Ushinsky said: “Give a child a picture and he will talk.” It’s hard to disagree with the classic, but in our time, not every picture encourages a child to engage in interested communication with an adult!

The modern preschooler is accustomed to colorful toys, dynamic cartoons, that is, strong impressions. It is already difficult to interest him in pictures with a standard plot, in which, for example, children are sliding down a slide or picking pears.

The role of painting in a preschooler’s education is still great. According to teacher E. Tikheyeva, “pictures develop a field of direct observation... The images and ideas they evoke, of course, are less vivid than those given to us by real life. However, it is impossible to see life in all its diversity.” And in this sense, the picture is excellent clarity.

Painting in its various forms (subject, subject, photograph, illustration, reproduction, drawing), and the subject in particular allows you to stimulate all aspects of the child’s speech activity.

Known the following types works with a painting: examination, description and storytelling. The last one is the most difficult. When composing or inventing a story about the events supposedly happening to the characters in the picture, the child not only relies on own experience, but also uses fantasy and imagination. At the same time, the child’s speech must be meaningful, logical, consistent, coherent, and literate.

The famous French psychologist Jacques Piaget believed that a child’s intelligence and his emotions are inextricably linked. Feelings are a regulator internal energy, affecting all activities. If the plot of the picture used by the teacher is bright, entertaining, and non-standard, then such clarity increases cognitive interest and motivation for educational activities, but also encourages the child to analyze, reason, look for cause-and-effect relationships, and draw conclusions.

Paintings with a problematic plot are modeled in such a way that they reflect an interesting event, a non-standard situation; cause a strong emotional reaction; encourage thought; stimulate imagination; promote interested communication between a child and an adult

Each plot has various options interpretation, therefore, using one picture, you can compose several stories. Questions are used as the main aid for speech exercises. When communicating with an adult, a child learns to respond to them. Questions should be asked sequentially, without omissions or rearrangements. In addition, these questions help the child analyze, reason, expand knowledge, fantasize and compose.

The role of fantasy in raising a modern child is great! According to psychologists, this is the first step to creativity. Questions and tasks for developing imagination constitute another stage in working with the manual.

For most paintings, appropriate poems are selected (authors A. Vishneva, V. Orlov, V. Viktorov, etc.). Listening to, analyzing and memorizing them will help develop a sense of humor in children.

Tasks to add a missing word to a rhyme make it possible to improve children's phonemic awareness.

For older preschoolers, the tasks of replenishing vocabulary and improving grammatical speech are important. To this end, children are offered difficult questions, as well as exercises for selecting words, composing sentences and stories. When composing stories for children, one must try to make them not only correct (semantically, grammatically and logically) examples, but also unique “helpers” in creating an atmosphere of kindness, warmth, and philanthropy.


When working with children on speech development, you can use modern techniques, such as the method of visual modeling, Propp Maps, pictures with a problematic plot, diagrams for composing descriptive and comparative stories.

The use of substitutes and visual models develops mental abilities. A child who knows external forms of substitution and visual modeling (using symbols, drawings, schematic drawings etc.), it becomes possible to use substitutes and visual models in the mind, to imagine with their help what adults are talking about, to “see” in advance the possible results of one’s own actions. And this is an indicator of high development of mental abilities.

The use of Propp's Maps in the classroom - symbolic models with a rather condensed schematic representation of the individual functions of a fairy tale, provides invaluable assistance in the development of attention, perception, fantasy, and creative imagination.

The use of diagrams in speech development classes to compose descriptive stories and pictures with a problematic plot develop thinking, imagination, attention, memory, perception, help replenish the stock of knowledge and information, and most importantly, develop children’s speech and vocabulary.

As a result, the use of modern techniques in classes and in various types children's activities:

  1. Allows the child to retain a much larger amount of information in memory, which means using it more productively when solving various mental problems, and abstract, logical thinking develops more intensively.
  2. Provides assistance in the sensory development of children, because extends to all sense organs, including tactile analyzers.
  3. Stimulates the development of mental processes, enriches the emotional sphere, helps improve coherent speech, increase search activity and activity.

List of used literature

  1. Alkhazishvili, A.A. Psychology of teaching oral descriptive speech / A.A. Alkhazishvili. – M., 2003
  2. Bolshakova, S.E. Formation of fine motor skills of the hands / S.E. Bolshakova. – M., Sfera, 2006
  3. Belobrykina, O.A. Speech and communication / O.A. Belobrykina. – Yaroslavl, Development Academy, 1998
  4. Belousova, L.E. Amazing stories / L.E. Belousova. - St. Petersburg, Childhood-Press, 2002.
  5. Borodich, A.M.. Methods of developing children's speech / A.M. Borodich. – M., Education, 1981.
  6. Games and exercises for the development of mental abilities in preschool children / edited by L.A. Venger.-M., Enlightenment, 1989.
  7. Korotkova, E.P. Teaching preschool children storytelling / E. P. Korotkova.-M., Enlightenment, 1982.
  8. Development of cognitive abilities in the process of preschool education / edited by L.A. Venger.-M., Enlightenment, 1986.
  9. Development of speech in preschool children / edited by F.A. Sokhina. -M., Enlightenment, 1976.
  10. Tkachenko, T.A. Criteria with a problematic plot for the development of thinking and speech in preschoolers / T.A. Tkachenko. - M., 2001.
  11. Ushakova, O.S. Lesson on speech development for children 5-7 years old / O.S. Ushakova. - Moscow, 2010.
  12. Tsvyktarsky V.V., Playing with fingers and developing speech / V. Tsvyktarsky. - St. Petersburg, 1996.

Organization: MDOU TsRR kindergarten No. 6 “Blue Bird”

Locality: Kaluga region, Maloyaroslavets

Federal State educational standard preschool education has identified new directions in the organization of children's speech development. The Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education determines target guidelines - social and psychological characteristics personality of the child at the stage of completion of preschool education, among which speech is one of them central places as an independently formed function, namely: by the end of preschool education, the child understands oral speech well and can express his thoughts and desires.

Thus, according to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the speech development of children includes:

  • mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture;
  • enrichment of the active dictionary,
  • development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech; development of speech creativity;
  • development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing,
  • acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature;
  • formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write.

Speech is also included as an important component as a means of communication, cognition, and creativity in the following target guidelines:

  • actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games;
  • is able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, empathize with failures and rejoice in the successes of others, try to resolve conflicts;
  • can fantasize out loud, play with sounds and words;
  • shows curiosity, asks questions regarding near and distant objects and phenomena, is interested in cause-and-effect relationships, tries to independently come up with explanations for natural phenomena and people’s actions;
  • has basic knowledge about himself, about the objective, natural, social and cultural world in which he lives.

So, essentially, none of the targets preschool education cannot be achieved without mastering all components of speech.

Speech therapist teacher modern stage is in a constant active search for ways to improve and optimize the process of learning and development of children. To achieve targets it is necessary systematic work on speech development of preschool children, prevention and correction speech disorders in children.

In modern practice of preschool education, a number of problems arise that require solutions. Recently, the number of children with speech disorders has increased significantly, and quantitative and qualitative changes in their development. According to data from speech therapists in schools and kindergartens, 58% of preschool children and 56% of first-graders have disorders in speech development. It should also be noted that competent, detailed, coherent speech loses its significance, because other speech standards have appeared that modern children use (television advertising, modern cartoons, communication in in social networks etc.). The leading trend in language development modern society is bilingualism and multilingualism (bilingualism and polylingualism).

The insufficient level of speech development of a preschooler leads in the future to school failure, because insufficiently formed structural components of speech and components in preschool age mental functions turn out to be the most vulnerable in the new school conditions, which require their maximum mobilization.

At the present stage, traditional teaching methods are not effective enough and do not meet the modern requirements of the state and society. In conditions where it is necessary to solve in the shortest possible time maximum amount tasks, the speech therapist needs to use new methods and technologies.

The use of modern educational technologies opens up new opportunities for the education and training of preschool children. It is important that truly innovative technologies are initially built on a competency-based approach and are aimed in learning outcomes at the future of the student. In my work, I used educational technologies that can be used not only by specialists (teacher-speech therapist, defectologist), but also by educators in general development groups:

1. Technologies for the development of articulatory motor skills:

2. Technologies for the development of fine motor skills:

3. Technologies for the development of phonemic hearing.

  • music therapy;
  • tempo-rhythmic training;
  • phonemic gymnastics.

4. Formation technologies speech breathing

  • elements of biofeedback technology (diaphragmatic-relaxation type of breathing);
  • breathing simulators.

5. Technologies for the development of lexical and grammatical components and coherent speech:

  • syncwine technology;
  • fairytale therapy;
  • case technologies.

I use information and communication technologies in all areas of my work with children.

How to work with children to teach them to think, analyze, show initiative and independence, find and summarize information, and draw conclusions? In modern conditions, it is important to use methods in working with children aimed at developing creative abilities and communication skills necessary for successful learning at school. One of the most relevant and effective these days is the project method.

She developed and implemented a project to develop the speech of preschoolers, “Pearls of Native Speech,” in which she used modern educational technologies.The project is aimed at creating conditions for the full speech development of preschool children.

“Pearls of native speech” are various areas of work on the formation of all components of speech in children: articulatory motor skills, correct speech breathing, phonemic processes, correct sound pronunciation, lexical and grammatical aspects of speech, coherent utterance. The project is built on the principles of the activity approach. The knowledge and skills that a child acquires in the process of practical activity are acquired faster, easier and give better results; complex and sometimes uninteresting exercises become difficult for a child exciting activity. By successfully and efficiently working on a project and mastering new activities, the child receives “magic pearls” as a reward. And the child must find each such “pearl of knowledge” consciously, understanding and maximizing the knowledge and experience of this activity.

Participants in the “Pearls of Native Speech” project were children with speech impairments in the school preparatory group, a speech therapist teacher, educators and specialists, and parents. The goal of my work within the project was to teach preschoolers, using modern technologies, coherent, grammatically correct speech; introducing children to the process of active cognition, forming sustainable motivation for children to achieve speech self-realization.

In the process of working with children, I solved the following problems:

  • to form the speech function of children using modern educational technologies;
  • develop speech and Creative skills children, activate the processes of perception, attention, memory;
  • to cultivate in the child the desire to actively participate in the process of development of all components of speech;
  • unite the efforts of teachers and parents in joint activities on the development of children’s speech, make wide use of parental potential, stimulate joint productive creative activity children and parents.

At the preparatory stage I studied the work on the project pedagogical literature on modern educational technologies used in preschool education. I have selected the most effective technologies aimed at the comprehensive development of children and built on the basis of taking into account the individual characteristics of each child, promoting active independent activity. At the initial stage, a diagnostic examination of children was also carried out using the method of V.P. Glukhova. Based on the survey, I drew up a long-term plan for working with children, parents and educators using selected technologies, and prepared a developmental subject-spatial environment.

Practical stage The implementation of the project consisted of several topics sequentially studied with children. In order to awaken in the child the desire to actively participate in the process of speech development, it was necessary to interest the children and motivate them to be active. Work on the project for each child was structured as an exciting journey, during which, by completing exercises, tasks and achieving a certain result, the child found his “pearls of native speech.” Upon completion of each topic, the child received his own “pearl”; the desire to collect one’s “pearl necklace” was one of the means of maintaining a child’s constant interest in educational activities. When studying each topic, certain problems were solved and a complex of modern educational technologies was used. During the implementation of the practical stage of the project, active work was carried out with parents and teachers.

Theme “Obedient breeze”

Work within the framework of this topic is aimed at developing in children the concept of proper breathing; teaching children the skills of diaphragmatic relaxation breathing; formation of strength, smoothness and direction of the exhaled air stream. The development of speech breathing plays a big role in the formation of correct speech. Entertaining breathing exercises using breathing simulators develop long, uniform exhalation in children, form the correct strong air stream, and promote the development of creative imagination and fantasy.

To develop the strength and focus of the air stream in children, she used elements of biofeedback technology (biofeedback). This technology of diaphragmatic-relaxation breathing uses breathing exercises, as a result of which the volume and depth of breathing, strength and endurance of the respiratory muscles increase. Children mastered breathing exercises using the software of the innovative “BFB – Health” kit, which includes a slide show with educational illustrative material (exercises “ Balloons", "Sailboat", "Bee", "Butterflies", "Clouds"). The use of modern computer multimedia technologies makes it possible to ensure a high level of children’s interest in correctly performing breathing exercises.

She also used breathing simulators made jointly by children and parents, and the choice of which simulator to make was made by the child himself (“Bear’s Den”, “Jolly Peas”, “Air Confetti”, etc.). Breathing simulators are multifunctional, as they contribute not only to the development of speech breathing, but also to the activation of the child’s vocabulary, the consolidation of lexical and grammatical categories, and the automation of delivered sounds. After all, having understood the subject in detail, it is easier for children to understand, “accept” new information, and master a new skill. Parents were consulted about the types and purposes of breathing simulators “Formation of correct speech breathing”, “Breathing simulators in speech development”. Based on the results of work on the topic, we held an exhibition of breathing simulators “Obedient Breeze” with children and parents. I conducted a workshop with teachers on “Games and simulators for the development of speech breathing”, at which they produced booklets “Let’s breathe correctly.”

Theme: “The Adventures of the Merry Tongue”

An important role in the formation and pronunciation of sounds is played by the clear, subtle, coordinated work of the articulatory apparatus, the ability to quickly and smoothly switch from one movement to another. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to eliminate violations in the child’s articulatory apparatus and prepare him for producing sounds. While working on this topic, I used following technologies: self-massage complexes “Cheerful Cheeks”, acupressure, articulation gymnastics using the “Articulation Cube”. Children became familiar with the structure of the speech organs through speech therapy fairy tales and the “Articulation Cube” manual. Complexes articulation exercises learned using colorful illustrations, multimedia presentations “Tales of the Merry Tongue,” and a speech therapy cube. The collective creation of “The Tale of the Merry Tongue” and its illustration contributed to the development of children’s desire to correctly pronounce speech sounds.

The practical result was the creation by children, together with their parents, of homemade books “Tales of the Merry Tongue” and their presentation at joint entertainment.

Theme "Nimble fingers"

A child's speech ability largely depends on the movement of his hands. Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky also wrote: “The child’s mind is located at the tips of his fingers.” A child who has well-developed fine motor skills can reason logically, has good coherent speech, memory and attention.

The theme “Nimble Fingers” was aimed at:

  • development of tactile-kinesthetic sensitivity and fine motor skills of the hands;
  • formation of positive communication (stabilization of emotional state);
  • development of activity, development of creative action;
  • development of visual-spatial orientation;
  • development of speech abilities: expansion of vocabulary; sound-syllable analysis and synthesis; development of phonemic hearing, coherent speech and lexico-grammatical representations.

On at this stage project I used the following modern pedagogical technologies in working with children:

  • kinesiotherapy (game training);
  • lithotherapy (Marbles stones);
  • art therapy (non-traditional forms of visual activity)
  • sand therapy, fairy tale therapy.

Movements of the fingers stimulate the activity of the central nervous system and accelerate the development of the child’s speech. Constant stimulation of the areas of the cerebral cortex responsible for fine motor skills is a necessary element in the speech development system of children. Kinesiology is the science of brain development through movement. Kinesiological exercises are a set of movements that allow you to activate interhemispheric influence, which help improve memory and attention, develop motor skills and, accordingly, speech function. She carried out kinesiological exercises with children in a playful way - in the form of game trainings “Fist - rib - palm”, “Lanterns”, “House - hedgehog - castle”, in which hand movements are combined with speech. Game training develops fine motor skills in combination with the development of phonemic hearing, coherent speech and lexical and grammatical concepts.

One of the popular children's games today is the game of colored pebbles or, as it is also called, the game of Marbles. New manufacturing technologies for Marbles make it possible to achieve spectacular, interesting colors. This aesthetic appeal of Marbles makes preschoolers interested in this game, as opposed to the latest, high-tech toys. Using Marbles Pebbles- this is one of effective techniques children's speech development. This is a multi-functional tutorial that I use for:

  • development of coherent speech, consolidation of prepositional-case constructions;
  • enriching children's vocabulary;
  • development of spatial orientation;
  • automation and differentiation of delivered sounds.

For example, I suggest that children lay out a story picture on sand or grain and use it to compose their own story. With the help of pebbles, you can compose colored fairy tales, correlating the color with certain objects. The tasks “Draw your mood”, “Find an object”, “Tender word”, “Choose a word”, “Guess it”, “Colors of a snowman and the sun” contribute not only to the development of motor skills, but to the development of all components of children’s speech, the creation of emotional a positive attitude to include the child in educational activities. The process of working with Marbles pebbles immerses children in the world of fantasy and creativity, where each child shows his own initiative. Thus, conditions are created for children to make decisions and express their feelings and thoughts.

When working with children, I used sand games, which promote the development of tactile-kinesthetic sensitivity. Transferring classes to the “sandbox” gives a greater educational and developmental effect than standard form training. Children’s desire to act independently, experiment increases, and communication skills improve (when working in a subgroup). To organize games with sand with your own hands, equipment was made (sandbox table with lighting). Game tasks Children perform “Secret tasks of moles”, “Sand circle”, “First lesson of magic”, “Archaeologists”, “Sand tales” with great interest and desire, compose, come up with original plots and solutions problem situations .

Non-traditional drawing techniques also make it possible to comprehensively solve the problems of developing fine motor skills and speech in children (plasticineography, drawing with cereals, etc.). We composed and illustrated fairy tales with the children, and composed collective stories based on the drawings.

Parents were active participants in the work on the “Nimble Fingers” theme. Consultations were held for them on the topics: “The magical world of sand”, “We play Marbles - we develop speech and motor skills”; as well as training “Training your fingers” (kinesiotherapeutic gymnastics).

The practical result of joint work on the theme “Nimble Fingers” was an exhibition of children’s and parent’s creativity “Drawing with plasticine and cereals” (works made using non-traditional techniques) and “Multi-colored fantasies” (creative works using Marbles pebbles).

Theme "Rhymes"

The theme “Rhymes” is aimed at developing children’s phonemic hearing and perception, interest and attention to the sounding word. The following modern educational technologies were effective at this stage of the project:

  • music therapy;
  • tempo-rhythmic training;
  • phonemic gymnastics;
  • fairytale therapy.

When working with children, I used pronouncing pure phrases with given and oppositional sounds, chants with a specific sound, tempo-rhythmic exercises “Repeat”, “Guess the melody”, “Morse code”. The games “Entertaining Rhyme” and “Composition Books” are used for children to acquire the skills to find words that are similar in sound content, establish how they differ, select words by replacing one sound in a word, and identify the sound that changes the word. Together with their parents, children composed and illustrated fairy tales about difficult sound(“Sasha and porridge”, “How a puppy found the sound “R””, “ Sweet fairy tale", "Greedy Bug") and presented them to the guys. In order for parents to be active assistants to their children in the difficult process of perceiving similar-sounding sounds, I conducted a consultation-workshop “Formation of phonemic processes in children”, where parents received the booklet “The Magic World of Sounds” (games for the development of phonemic concepts);

The result of the joint creative work of children, teachers and parents was the theatrical performance “Turnip in a New Way.”

Theme: “Everything in order”

Working with children on this topic solved the problems of developing children’s coherent speech, communication skills, and thinking; the ability to construct a speech utterance based on graphic diagrams.

I consider the following technologies to be the most effective for solving these problems:

  • case technology,
  • syncwine technology.

Case technology is one of the most relevant today in preschool education. The essence of case technology is the analysis of a problem situation. Analysis how logical operation thinking contributes to the child’s speech development, “since speech is a form of existence of thinking, there is unity between speech and thinking” (S.L. Rubinstein). The main purpose of case technology is to develop the ability to analyze various problems and find their solution, as well as the ability to work with information. She most widely used case illustrations and case photos when working with children. A case illustration, case photo is an illustration or photograph that is used to examine a problematic situation (“Why was Sasha late for kindergarten?”, “Why was mom upset?”, “Why did friends quarrel?”, “Friends crossing the road”, “We are playing in the yard”, etc.). The illustration does not suggest a clear solution and has several options for getting out of the current situation. Working together to analyze the situation, children exchange thoughts, ask each other questions, discuss the subject of conversation, talk about their experience that arose in memory under the influence of what they perceived, and try to independently find the right solution to the problem. I try to take the position of an equal partner, I experience events together with the children, and build a dialogue in which the child is the main bearer of the word.

Sinkwine technology (creating a non-rhyming poem) is also effective in the speech development of a child, especially in the formation of a coherent statement. Compiling syncwines facilitates the process of generalization and classification, teaches you to accurately express your thoughts, and helps expand and update your vocabulary. Cinquain is translated from French as “five lines.” Sinkwine is composed as follows:

1) the first line is one word, usually a noun (object or phenomenon);

2) second line – two words (adjectives describing the characteristics of an object); 3) third line – three words (verbs describing the actions of the subject);

4) words related to the subject;

5) the fifth line is a phrase of several words showing the child’s attitude to an object or phenomenon.

For example: “Rain. Mushroom, summer. It pours, drips, knocks. Puddles, clouds, rainbows! I love walking in the rain." To help the child compose a syncwine, I used graphic diagrams-models (mnemonic tracks). After compiling the syncwine, we played the game “Good - Bad” with the children. When examining an object or phenomenon, the children tried to give as many answers as possible to the question of why this phenomenon is good and why it is bad. For example, it's raining. Good: the plant will grow better, boats can be launched through the puddles, all the dust will be washed to the ground, houses and streets will be clean... Bad: you can’t walk along the street, you can get wet and get sick, the water in the river can overflow its banks... In the works syncwine is important overall positive attitude. Some children, of course, have difficulty updating words, but most are actively involved in the creative process. The use of this technology gives excellent results in the formation of oral speech, promotes rapid growth vocabulary, the ability to make associative series. And, most importantly, it is an inexhaustible source of creativity for children and adults.

To familiarize parents with new technologies, I conducted a consultation on “Case and syncwine technologies in the development of children’s speech.” Children, together with their parents, composed their own syncwines, illustrated them and presented their joint creative works. Using case technologies, the joint leisure time with the parents “Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful” was very interesting and creative. For family teams to successfully resolve problem situations (“If mom is sick,” “Mom comes home from work...”, “How to congratulate dad on his birthday”), it was necessary to demonstrate the ability to negotiate, work in a group, accept all points of view and come to an agreement. general decision Problems.

The project was completed by the theatrical performance “Journey to the Country of Native Speech.” By completing interesting tasks, the children demonstrated their ability to speak, creatively and intellectual potential, communication skills. Each child participating in the project collected his own “necklace” from “pearls of his native speech.”

On final stage implementation of the project, she carried out diagnostics in order to identify the effectiveness of the use of modern educational technologies in the process of speech development of children. Based on the diagnostic results, it was revealed that thanks to their use, children developed a stable motivation for speech self-realization. It can be concluded that the use of these technologies contributes to the effective development of all components of speech in children (phonemic perception and sound pronunciation have improved, vocabulary and lexical-grammatical aspects of speech have reached more high level). Children learned to plan and structure their speech, and the need for preschoolers to communicate increased. Children have a desire to invent interesting stories, fairy tales, interest in learning poems and proverbs has increased. The children overcame timidity and shyness and learned to present themselves freely in front of an audience. The achievement of high performance was facilitated by the desire and interest of each child to “find” their “pearls of speech”, which made children active, creative, proactive participants in the process of learning and mastering their native speech.

As a result of working on the project, parents became full and active participants in the process of children’s speech development, pedagogical competence parents in matters of education and upbringing of children.

Also, as a result of the implementation of the “Pearls of Native Speech” project, my methodological piggy bank was replenished educational games using “Marbles” pebbles and a sandbox table, breathing simulators, complexes of game training (kinesiological exercises) and self-massage “Cheerful Cheeks”, case illustrations and methodological support for them, reference diagrams for compiling syncwine, a music library for conducting tempo-rhythmic exercises and games, as well as a variety of materials for working with parents.

She presented her experience in the use of modern educational technologies (fairytale therapy, sand therapy, kinesiotherapy, art therapy) to teachers as part of the work of the regional innovation platform based on MDOU TsRR No. 6 “Introduction of innovative correctional technologies in educational process in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Institutions." In the future, the work includes disseminating work experience through seminars, consultations, and master classes with teachers and parents.

I believe that the proposed material has practical significance and can be used by teachers in their work on the development of speech in preschool children.


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