Self-education plan for a speech therapist according to the Federal State Standards. Plans for self-education of a teacher-speech therapist in the mbdou kindergarten "beryozka"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten "Kapitoshka"

Self-education plan for a speech therapist teacher

Kurlykova Vera Andreevna

Subject: “Formation of the grammatical structure of speech

in children of senior preschool age with general speech underdevelopment using the method

visual modeling"



Topic: “Formation of the grammatical structure of speech in children of senior preschool age with general speech underdevelopment through the method of visual modeling”

Target: to increase the level of formation of the grammatical structure of speech in children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech through the method of visual modeling.

Literature A:

    Arushanova A. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech of preschoolers/ Arushanova A.// Preschool education.-1997.-No.2-P.58-63.

    Bimeeva O. A. Practical methods of correctional work to correct agrammatisms in prepositional-case constructions in children with OHP. / Bimeeva O. A. // Speech therapist in kindergarten. - 2009. - No. 3. - P. 74-83.

    Volkova G.A. Methodology for psychological and speech therapy examination of children with speech disorders. Questions of differential diagnosis: Educational and methodological manual. /G.A. Volkova SPb.: CHILDHOOD PRESS, 2004.-144 p.

    Garkusha Yu.F. The use of visual modeling in the correctional education of preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment [general speech underdevelopment] / Yu.F. Garkusha, Krotkova T.N. // Children with developmental problems: research and correction. - St. Petersburg, 1999. - P. 84-91.

    Gribova O.E. Technology of organizing speech therapy examination: method, manual /O.E. Gribova. - 3rd ed. M.: Iris-press: Irispress didactics, 2005. - 90, (1)

    Davydova T.G.Import V.M. Using support schemes in working with children // Davydova T.G.. Import V.M. Directory of senior teacher of preschool institution No. 1, 2008, p. 16

    Karnaukhova Ya.B. Development of coherent speech using the method of isographic modeling in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment / Karnaukhova Ya.B. // Speech therapy today: scientific method. magazine - 2011. - No. 1 (31). - pp. 63-65.

    Kolenchenko A. N. Specifics of correctional work aimed at eliminating deficiencies in the lexico-grammatical structure of speech of children of senior preschool age with mild dysarthria / Kolenchenko A. N. // Speech therapist in kindergarten. - 2009. - No. 4. - P. 13-24

    Speech development of preschool childrenusing models /author: T. A. Lira, E. I. Melnik. - 2nd ed., rev. and additional -Mozyr: Assistance, 2007. -100 p.

    Novotortseva N.V. Application of the visual modeling method in the development of thinking in preschoolers with speech impairments // Children with developmental problems: research and correction. / Novotortseva N.V. - St. Petersburg, 1999. - pp. 74-83.

    Rastorgueva N.I. Using pictograms to develop word formation skills in children with general speech underdevelopment. / Rastorgueva N.I.// Speech therapist. 2008, No. 2, p. 50-53.

    Sapogova E.E. Modeling as a stage in the development of sign-symbolic activity of a preschooler. /Sapogova E.E. // Questions of psychology, 1992 .- No. 5-6. from 26-30

    Smyshlyaeva T.N. Korchuganova E.Yu. Using the visual modeling method in the correction of general speech underdevelopment in preschool children. / Smyshlyaeva T.N. Korchuganova E.Yu. // Speech therapist: scientific method. magazine 2005, No. 1, p. 7-12.

    Solovyova N.V. Tables for sound analysis of words: new versions of traditional methods. / Solovyova N.V. // Speech therapist: scientific method. magazine 2008, no. 8, p. 42-55.

    Uvarova T.B. Formation of skills in forming adjectives from nouns using visual and playful means/ Uvarova T.B. // Preschool education. - 2009. - No. 2. - P.50-53.

    Uvarova T.B. Visual and game tools in speech therapy work with preschoolers. / Uvarova T.B. - M.: TC Sfera, 2009. - 64 p.

    Uvarova T.B. Visual and playful means for teaching the use of prepositions. / Uvarova T.B. // Speech therapist. - 2010. - No. 2. - P. 6-14.

    Uvarova T.B. The use of visual and playful means in classes on the formation of the grammatical aspect of speech in preschoolers with special needs development. / Uvarova T.B. // Raising and teaching children with developmental disorders. - 2010. - No. 1. - pp. 29-34.

    Fedorova N.P. The use of modeling in correctional work to overcome speech underdevelopment in preschool children / Fedorova N.P. // Methodist. - 2006. - No. 5. - pp. 59-62.

    Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V.Preparing children with general speech underdevelopment for school in a special kindergarten. M., 1991.

Internet resources:

2014-2015 academic year

« »


The content of the work

Form of work

Practical results


Carry out diagnostics.


Studying literature on the topic of self-education

Reading books and articles in magazines devoted to the method of game modeling.

Summary of articles, books on game modeling



Systematization of gaming aids

Find available game modeling manuals.

Creation of a benefit bank.



Creation of your own gaming aids, models for the formation of grammatical structure of speech

Come up with manuals and models, print, laminate.

Supplementing the bank with its own manuals, schemes, models.


Participation in the republican competition “Preschool teacher - 2015”

Develop comprehensive thematic planning for the formation of the grammatical structure of speech using the game modeling method, designed for 2 years.

Comprehensive thematic planning for 2 years of study.


Preparation of a master class on the topic of self-education.

Come up with an imitation game, simulate games that are played with children of senior preschool age.

Master Class


Writing an article based on the materials of the competition tasks and the master class conducted


2015-2016 academic year

« Formation of the grammatical structure of speech in children of senior preschool age with general speech underdevelopment using the method of visual modeling»


The content of the work

Form of work

Practical results


Carrying out diagnostics of the level of formation of the grammatical structure of speech in children of senior preschool age with OHP

Carry out diagnostics.

Analysis of diagnostic results.


Inclusion of gaming aids, diagrams, and models into classes in accordance with calendar and thematic planning.

Conduct classes

Lesson notes with elements of the game modeling method



Studying new articles in journals

Study new literature

Adding new benefits to the bank.



Speech on GMO

Compose a speech

Take photos of classes, a presentation for a speech.


Hold a competition of schemes, manuals, models in preschool educational institutions

Develop regulations, approve jury members

Add new benefits to the bank.


Writing an article based on competition materials

Write an article, send it to the website for publication in a collection



Carrying out diagnostics of the level of formation of the grammatical structure of speech in children of senior preschool age with OHP

Carry out diagnostics.

Analysis of diagnostic results, adjustment of calendar and thematic planning for the next year.

In a preschool educational institution, for conducting individual and subgroup classes, a speech therapist teacher is allocated an office that must meet certain sanitary and hygienic requirements. The office is equipped and decorated in accordance with the recommendations set out in regulatory documents.

In order to systematize and record teaching aids and literature, the speech therapist issues a passport for the speech therapy room (the passport is issued regardless of whether the speech therapist has a separate office, or occupies part of a group room, or part of any other room).

The passport, which is a notebook (album, magazine), lists all the equipment located in the office, visual material, educational and teaching aids, games, technical teaching aids, educational literature, etc. Instead of a passport for a speech therapy room, it is possible to compile a card index.

Speech therapy office passport diagram

The need to constantly improve the professional skills of teachers in special educational institutions is due to the modernization of correctional education, the improvement of scientific and practical approaches to the diagnosis and correction of various forms of speech disorders.

Self-education, being one of the main means of improving professional skills, allows you to solve a number of problems and difficulties that arise for a speech therapist in the course of correctional pedagogical activities.

Choosing a topic for self-education is a crucial moment. The discrepancy between the topic of individual self-education of a speech therapist and objectively existing personal professional needs does not bring the desired result. Therefore, the speech therapist is recommended to choose a main (cross-cutting) topic for self-educational activities, which will allow solving problems and overcoming difficulties that arose at a certain stage of correctional pedagogical work.

Studying the chosen topic involves drawing up a plan, one of the options is given below.

Self-education plan for a speech therapist teacher

Full name _ on 2()0_/00_ account. year

Topic “Dysarthria: erased or minimal forms of its manifestation”

Rationale for the chosen topic

Currently, many speech disorders in preschool children are complicated by mild (“erased”) forms of dysarthria.

Erased dysarthria is a speech disorder of central origin, characterized by a combination of multiple disturbances in the process of motor implementation of speech activity (articulation, diction, voice, facial expressions, melodic-intonation side of speech). The leading link in the structure of a speech defect is persistent phonetic disturbances caused by insufficient innervation of certain groups of the articulatory apparatus. The lack of formation of sound pronunciation negatively affects the formation of other aspects of speech. The state of non-speech functions and a number of mental processes in these children is also characterized by qualitative originality.

The number of children with erased dysarthria tends to increase significantly, since it is quite difficult to respond to speech therapy and often has residual effects. Therefore, the problem of early prevention and comprehensive (medical, psychological, speech therapy) correction of this form of dysarthria seems very relevant to me today.

Topic study plan.

The problem of studying the erased form of dysarthria in children in the works of domestic scientists.

Clinical and physiological aspects of this form of dysarthria.

Examination of children with an erased form of dysarthria. Issues of differential diagnosis.

A systematic approach to the correction of this speech pathology (medical, psychological, pedagogical, speech therapy intervention).

Selection and testing of the most effective methods and techniques of correctional and speech therapy to eliminate erased dysarthria.

List of literature for self-study

Arkhipova E.F. Erased dysarthria in children. M., 2006.

Wiesel T.G. Anomalies of speech development of a child. M., 1995.

Volkova GL. Methodology for psychological and speech therapy examination of children with speech disorders. Issues of differential diagnosis. St. Petersburg, 2005.

Gurovets G.V., Mayevskaya S.I. On the issue of diagnosing erased forms of pseudobulbar dysarthria / Questions of speech therapy. M., 1978.

Speech therapy. Textbook allowance / Ed. L.S. Volkova. M., 1989.

Paramonova L.G. Speech therapy for everyone. St. Petersburg, 1997.

Povalyaeva ML. Speech therapist's reference book. Rostov n/d, 2002.

Innovative and professional activities upon completion of study of the topic

Prepare a message for educators and specialists of preschool educational institutions, parents on the problem “Modern approaches to the prevention and correction of the erased form of dysarthria in children.”

Systematize the material, modify and test games and exercises for the development of the prosodic side of speech in a child with an erased form of dysarthria.

Complete a manual on differential diagnosis “Differences between functional dyslalia and erased dysarthria.”

The influence of professional skills on the results of correctional work with children

Comparative analysis of quantitative and qualitative indicators of the results of correctional work for 2-3 years.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 17"

Kanash city



speech therapist teacher

Petrova Vera Dmitrievna

Studying literature on the topic

Title of book, article

Brief summary, notes

Tkachenko T.A.

Preparing preschoolers to read and write: phonetic symbols. Vlados, 2013.

The book presents theoretical principles and practical recommendations, as well as a system of classes for preschool children to teach them the skills of sound analysis and synthesis, without which mastering literacy is impossible. The manual contains entertaining games and exercises, as well as lesson notes.

N.V. Solovyova

Preparing for literacy training for children with speech impediments. – M.: TC Sfera, 2009.

The manual contains original comprehensive tables that allow you to analyze the sound composition of a word and the composition of a sentence.

N.N. Sazonova


N.G. Khrushkova

Phonetic stories and fairy tales (for children 5-7 years old). Notebook. In 3 parts. – Ekaterinburg: Litur-opt LLC, 2012.

By studying with this notebook, the child will learn to identify words with a given sound, determine the position of the sound in a word, and match words to sound and syllabic patterns.

Durova N.V., Nevskaya L.N.

Set of 4 books:

Let's play with words.

From word to sound.

From sound to letter.

We read it ourselves.

– M.: Shkola-Press, 1998.

A set of 4 books helps to introduce children to the fact that our speech consists of many words that sound different or similar, teaches them to distinguish between hard and soft consonants, stressed and unstressed vowels, and conduct sound analysis of words. Introduces children to vowel letters and the rules for writing them. All this is of great importance for subsequent learning to read and write correctly.

Bondareva L.Yu.

Teaching literacy to preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. – Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2008.


Formation of sound-syllable analysis skills in preschoolers with speech disorders using a visual model.

// Speech therapist in kindergarten. 2012, No. 3.

Kudrova T.I.

Modeling in teaching literacy to preschoolers with speech underdevelopment. // Speech therapist in kindergarten. 2007, No. 4, p. 51-54.

Karelskaya E.

Using symbols in working on sounds. Preschool education. 2000, no. 1.

Smolyanskaya V.S.

Card index of games for teaching preschoolers literacy and reading. 2010.

Kostyleva N.Yu.

Fun exercises for teaching literacy to preschoolers.

Practical implementation of the topic of self-education


(open lesson, message, speech, master class, article, project, etc.)



(preschool educational institution, city, district, regional)


Consultation for teachers

Subject: «

Consultation for educators

Topic: “Using mnemonic tables in teaching children to read and write.”

Consultation for parents

Topic: “The role of play in preparing children to learn to read and write.”

Methodological development

Mnemonic tables for teaching literacy to older preschoolers.


Exhibition of didactic games and aids for teaching children to read and write.

Speech at the teachers' meeting

Report on the work done for the academic year.


1. Determine the degree of development of the problem in the theory and practice of speech therapy.

2. Increase your own level of knowledge by studying the necessary literature, visiting RMOs, and self-education.

3. Develop a long-term plan for working with children.

4. Prepare diagnostics for the beginning and end of the school year.

5. Develop lesson notes on the formation of correct sound pronunciation and teaching literacy to children with special needs (compensatory group preparatory to school), plans for individual work with children on the formation of phonemic perception, skills of sound-syllable analysis and synthesis.

6. Organize front-line classes on the formation of correct sound pronunciation and literacy training for children with special needs (compensatory group preparatory to school) and individual classes with children on the development of phonemic perception, skills of sound-syllable analysis and synthesis.

7. Conduct consultation for parents on the topic “The role of play in preparing children for literacy.”

8. Conduct consultation for teachers on the topic « Games and exercises for the development of phonemic awareness using visual symbols.”

9. Carry out consultation for educators on the topic “Use of mnemonic tables in teaching children to read and write.”

10. Make didactic games and aids for teaching children to read and write.

11. Prepare methodological development

12. Make changes to the content of the subject-developmental environment of the group.

13. Prepare a speech at pedagogical council on the topic of self-education (report on the work done).


Forms of work


Diagnostics of the level of development of phonemic perception and sound analysis skills in children at the beginning of the school year.

Development of a long-term plan for working with children on the formation of phonemic perception, skills of sound-syllable analysis and synthesis.

Conducting individual lessons on the formation of correct sound pronunciation and literacy training, individual work with children on the formation of phonemic perception, skills of sound-syllable analysis and synthesis.

Consultation for teachers.

Subject: « Games and exercises for the development of phonemic awareness using visual symbols.”

Consultation for educators.

Topic: “Using mnemonic tables in teaching children to read and write.”

Exhibition didactic games and aids for teaching children to read and write.

Prepare methodological development“Mnemotables for teaching literacy to older preschoolers.”

Make changes to the content of the subject-developmental environment of the group.

Development of lesson notes on the formation of correct sound pronunciation and literacy training, plans for individual work with children on the formation of phonemic awareness, skills of sound-syllable analysis and synthesis.

Production of didactic games and aids for teaching children to read and write.

Consultation for parents:

"The role of play in preparing children for literacy."

Diagnostics of the level of development of phonemic perception and sound analysis skills in children at the end of the school year.

Writing a progress report for the academic year performance with him at the teachers' council.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Combined kindergarten No. 2"

Self-education plan for a speech therapist teacher

Fomicheva Natalia Nikolaevna

Subject: “Formation of the grammatical structure of speech in children of senior preschool age with general speech underdevelopment through the use of ICT in correctional and developmental work”

Target: increasing the level of formation of the grammatical structure of speech in children of senior preschool age with general speech underdevelopment through the use of ICT in correctional and developmental work.

Self-education objectives:

Study regulatory documents on the organization of the educational process in accordance with modern requirements;

Study psychological and pedagogical literature on this topic;

Study methodological techniques for using ICT in joint activities with children;

Introduce modern educational technologies into the correctional process for correcting speech disorders in order to permanently correct oral speech disorders, develop key competencies and increase student motivation;

Develop methodological and didactic materials (create a bank of ICT manuals);

Systematic and systematic improvement of methods of correctional and developmental speech therapy process;

To master educational practices of active interaction and cooperation between teachers and parents, ensuring information openness in speech therapy practice.

Present teaching experience.

Justification for the chosen topic: The content of speech development in senior preschool age consists of two interrelated areas: teaching the native language (phonetics, vocabulary, grammar) and methods of using language in cognitive activity and communication. Language acquisition occurs with the expansion of knowledge about phenomena and the variety of relationships in the surrounding world.

The main tasks in working on the formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of the speech of children of senior preschool age are:

Enrichment, expansion and activation of the vocabulary by introducing thematic groups of words, synonymous series, antonymous pairs, polysemantic words into the child’s linguistic consciousness.

Development of creative speech activity and expressiveness.

Formation of the grammatical structure of speech by including work on morphology, which studies the grammatical meaning within a word (changes in gender, number, cases), word formation (creating a new word based on another using special means), syntax (combinability and order of words, construction of simple and complex sentences).
Correcting children's speech deficiencies requires systematic training. Along with speech disorders, all pupils of the speech therapy group have problems in the development of perception, attention, memory, mental activity, varying degrees of motor underdevelopment and sensory functions, spatial concepts, features of receiving and processing information. These children experience a decrease in interest in learning and increased fatigue. To interest them and make learning conscious, we need non-standard approaches, individual development programs, and new technologies. This problem can be solved using computer technology.

The use of ICT in correctional speech therapy classes in kindergarten makes it possible to achieve sustained attention and maintain interest throughout the entire lesson. A positive point is that the use of ICT is aimed at including all analyzing systems in the work.

The topic of introducing technical and automation tools into the educational sphere in general and into speech therapy classes for children with speech disorders in particular has become relevant today.

In this regard, I have determined the following direction for my methodological work: to increase the level of formation of the grammatical structure of speech in children of senior preschool age with general speech underdevelopment through the use of ICT in correctional and developmental work.

1. Psychological and pedagogical foundations of the use of computer technology in preschool educational institutions.

2. Sanitary, hygienic and medical aspects of the use of ICT in preschool childhood.

3. Hardware and software to support the pedagogical process.

4. Speech therapy classes for preschool children using a computer.

5. Selection and testing of educational computer programs and games that are most suitable for speech therapy work.

Main questions planned for study:

Stages of work



Study and analysis of literature

1. Gargusha Yu.F., Cherlina N.A. New information technologies in speech therapy work. Magazine "Speech therapist" No. 2 2004

2. Kuzmina E.V. The use of information technology in the work of a speech therapist in a secondary school. Magazine "Speech therapist" No. 5, 2008

3. Lynskaya M.I. Organization of speech therapy assistance using computer programs. Speech therapist in kindergarten. Journal "Speech therapist" No. 6 (13), 2006

4. Tomilina S.M. Speech therapy and the Internet. Magazine "Speech therapist" No. 3, 2006

5. Fedorovich L.A. Information technologies in the educational process of training future speech therapists. Speech therapist in kindergarten. Magazine "Speech therapist" No. 5-6 (8-9), 2005

During the year

Study and analysis of Internet resources

Study the work experience of speech therapists through online resources:

1. Afanasyeva O. V. Use of ICT in the educational process.—

2. Sarapulova P. V . Features of the use of computer technologies in teaching children with disabilities. - www.

3. Selyanina S.Yu. The use of information and communication technologies in correctional and developmental work with children with general speech underdevelopment.

During the year

Interaction with the teaching community of preschool educational institutions and parents.

Presentation of pedagogical experience on the use of ICT in working with preschoolers.

Self-analysis of your professional activities.

Self-education report.

Expected result and form of its presentation:

1. Expanding information ideas about ICT technologies and their use in working with preschoolers.

2.Development of cognitive and speech activity of preschool children through the use of ICT.

3. Activation of pedagogical activities to disseminate pedagogical experience on this issue.

4.Ensuring effective interaction with parents using ICT.

Speech therapist teacher _________________________________ Fomicheva N.N.

Pavlova Elena
Work plan for self-education of a speech therapist teacher

Unconventional methods work on the prevention and overcoming of speech disorders in preschool children

Justification for the chosen Topics:

The topic of introducing non-traditional methods into the educational sphere in preschool institutions has become relevant these days. Correcting speech deficiencies in preschool children requires systematic training and takes a lot of effort and time from both the teacher and the children. Most children attending speech therapy centers have problems in the development of perception, attention, memory, mental activity, varying degrees of motor underdevelopment and sensory functions, spatial concepts, reception and information processing. Preschoolers experience a decrease in interest in learning, a reluctance to attend additional classes, and increased fatigue. To interest them and make learning conscious, we need non-standard approaches, individual development programs, and new technologies. The process of presenting material in a speech therapy session should be somewhat different, more individualized. This problem can be solved using unconventional methods work.

The use of non-traditional methods in speech therapy classes in kindergarten allows you to achieve sustained attention and maintain interest throughout the entire lesson. A positive point is that the use of non-traditional methods is aimed at including work all analyzer systems.

Goals: Carry out correctional speech therapy work using unconventional methods


1. Study literature on the topic of self-education.

2. Get acquainted with innovative methods and technologies in the ICT environment.

3. on the topic being studied for the academic year.

Planned work for the academic year

Studying new products in speech therapy literature

Psychological and pedagogical foundations of the use of non-traditional methods in preschool educational institutions

Sanitary, hygienic and medical aspects of the use of non-traditional methods in preschool childhood.

Prepare theoretical material on the topic self-education.

Prepare a booklet on topic: “Unconventional methods work on overcoming speech disorders in preschool children"

-Prepare photographic material: “Speech therapy games using non-traditional material”

Systematize educational games and exercises using non-traditional methods to help the speech therapist.

To produce didactic material on the use of marbles pebbles in correctional speech therapy work.

Prepare material for a master class for teachers- speech therapists of the region topic: “The use of non-traditional methods and forms in speech therapy work»

-Develop a long-term plan for the academic year on the use of non-traditional methods work in correcting the speech of pupils.

-Develop A reminder for parents on using non-traditional methods at home

Systematize practical material on this problem.

Participation in work methodological unification speech therapists of the district: topic “Use of non-traditional forms and methods in speech therapy work»

Informational resources:

1. Magazine "Speech therapist". No. 3 -8, 2006

2. Koltsova M. M. Motor activity and development of child brain functions. – M., 1973

3. Koltsova M. M., Ruzina M. S. Child learns to speak. Finger play training – St. Petersburg: ID "Mime", 1998

4. Povalyaeva M. A. Speech therapist’s reference book. – Rostov-on- Don: "Phoenix", 2001

5. Povalyaeva M. A. Non-traditional methods in correctional pedagogy. Rostov-on- Don: Ed. RGPU, 1997

6. Trokhimchuk L. V. Physiological and pedagogical correction of motor skills of the child’s leading hand. - Rostov-on-Don, 1994

7. Tsvyktarny V. We play with our fingers and develop speech. – N. Novgorod: Phlox, 1995