The use of sand therapy in working with children with disabilities. Project “Sand therapy for children with disabilities”

7. Ben E. A. Some features of facilitation in the work of a physical education teacher // Scientific foundations of modern progress: collection. stat. Intl. scientific-practical conference: at 2 o'clock. Part 1. Ufa: Omega Science, 2016. pp. 174-176.

8. Sosnina A. O. Pedagogical facilitation as a category of professional pedagogical knowledge // Innovative technologies of scientific development: collection. stat. Intl. scientific-practical conference (Tyumen, June 15, 2016): at 3 p.m. Part 2. Ufa: Aeterna, 2016. P.243-245.

9. Sidorov A. O. Facilitation in the constructs of development pedagogy // Information technologies in the science of modern times: collection. stat. Intl. scientific-practical conference: in 2 parts. Part 2. Ufa: Aeterna, 2016. P.142-144.

© Topakova V.V., 2016

Fetisova Maria Yurievna

Senior teacher of State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 18 of Novokuibyshevsk, structural unit "Kindergarten "Center for Correction and Development of Children" of Novokuibyshevsk, Samara Region



This article discusses the relevance of such a method of art therapy as sand therapy for the artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children with disabilities. This method can be used both for organizing direct educational activities, as well as a relaxation method for children with disabilities during the adaptation period and during routine moments in everyday activities.


Art therapy, sand therapy, kinetic sand, disabilities

The inner world of a child is very complex and large. Adults make a lot of effort to hear the child, feel his problems, help him reveal his inner world, and find himself in this huge world.

When talking about a child with disabilities, you need to remember such an important aspect as careful care of his health.

The use of artistic and aesthetic techniques and technologies has always given a positive color to the processes of teaching and raising children with disabilities. Art is the main tool that can solve a number of problems in the development of children with disabilities.

One of the areas in the system of psychological and pedagogical assistance to children with disabilities is art pedagogy and art therapy.

The main goal of art pedagogy is the artistic development of children with disabilities, their social adaptation through cultural means. Art therapy is the harmonization of the psychological state of the individual through the development of the ability of self-expression and self-knowledge.


There are many types of art therapy - music therapy, imagotherapy (theatricalization), phototherapy, play therapy, isotherapy, bibliotherapy and many others.

Correctional classes using non-traditional methods, including art therapy methods, are focused on solving the child’s emotional and volitional problems, forming a positive self-esteem for a child with disabilities, primarily with speech disorders, in working with which close attention should be paid to the development of fine movements fingers, because for children with speech disorders the relationship between speech and motor activity is very important.

It has been proven that the mind and eye move at the same speed as the hand. This means that great attention should be paid to training the hands, which will be a powerful stimulus for the development of the brain.

I would like to dwell in more detail on such a direction of art therapy as sand therapy, which has become popular recently thanks to the invention of modern chemists as kinetic sand, which goes by many names - living, cosmic, wet. But no matter what this product is called, its value is undeniable.

This is a very unusual material, created in 2013 in Sweden, consisting of 98% pure quartz sand and 2% silicone polymer, which is used in the food industry. Kinetic Sand feels like wet beach sand, but is soft and fluffy and flows through your fingers, leaving your hands clean and dry. It does not cause allergies and is easily collected from the surface, leaving it clean. All these properties allow it to be actively used in educational activities both at home and in kindergarten.

The number of games and exercises with sand is limitless, all of them arouse the child’s genuine interest and make it possible to increase the effectiveness of classes.

We begin getting acquainted with this amazing material in early age groups during direct educational activities on experimenting with substances and materials. Kids get acquainted with the properties of sand, smooth it out, draw squiggles with their fingers, sculpt and destroy their own lumps. In addition to the general positive background, these classes allow you to study color, shape, and size. In addition to molds, plastic cups, egg containers, surprise egg cases and other waste materials are used.

For older children, teachers together with their parents make molds in the shape of numbers; children really like such games and they quickly and happily remember the names and symbols of numbers.

You can hide objects in the sand and play according to the “Magic Bag” principle, highlight the main characteristics of objects, feel the difference with your fingers, thereby developing tactile sensations. You can bury pirate treasure in the sand, and draw a treasure map on the sand.

A wonderful game for making shapes in the sand. You can feel like archaeologists by making an imprint of a dinosaur figurine on a sand pebble. You can make animal tracks and determine who they belong to. Or, using the principle of the Memory game, make a pair of identical prints, remember their location, turn them over and guess the location of two identical ones.

Drawing on sand can also be different. You can draw a path. This seemingly simple task often causes difficulty for children, since there must be a certain pressure and position of the finger. But this exercise is very useful for the development of motor skills.

For children with speech impairments, you can sculpt a “tongue” out of sand using various speech therapy exercises (“Slide”, “Cup”, etc.) and repeat this shape with your own tongue.

Classes with a speech therapist can be turned into an exciting game if the words that need to be divided into syllables are written not in a notebook, but in the sand, and instead of a pen, use a stick or finger.

Any role-playing game will be more interesting with live sand. You can use it to make a garden and plant plastic vegetables, you can build a highway, or you can make soup.

All this is just a small part of the games and exercises that you can use with your children. But, of course, there is no boredom or monotony in sand classes, each game is like a discovery that will bring joy and benefit in mastering everyday things in a magical way.

List of used literature:

1. Sakovich, N.A. Sand playing technology. Games on the bridge / N.A. Sakovich. - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2006.

2. El, G.N. Man playing in the sand. Dynamic sand therapy / G.N.El. - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2010.

© Fetisova M.Yu., 2016

Fomintseva Natalya Sergeevna

Teacher, MBOU Secondary School No. 25 (Chita) E-mail: [email protected]



The article examines the value of friendship and the role of communication in the life of a modern teenager. A written questionnaire was chosen as the research method. A comparison was made of survey data from students who are members and those who are not members of the children's association of the school forestry "Forest Country".


friendship, communication, value orientations.

Introduction. In modern society, socio-economic and technological transformations are taking place, values ​​and the “format” of communication are changing, along with real communication, virtual communication is widely spreading. A. Maslow says that communication occupies one of the most important places among human needs. In adolescence, communication becomes a leading activity. At FSES LLC, great attention is paid to communication and cooperation with peers, older and younger children, and adults. The role of communication with peers for personality development is noted and analyzed in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonin, L.I. Bozovic, K.N. Polivanova, A.V. Petrovsky, D.I. Feldstein, V.I. Slobodchikova, G.A. Tsukerman, E.O. Smirnova, I.S. Kohn, E. Erikson, etc. The formation of a future personality depends on how communication develops. Therefore, the study of the problem of friendship becomes very relevant. Its relevance increases sharply at this stage of the development of society, when there is a sharp change in social relations, the nature of personal interactions, moral norms, values, etc.

The definition of friendship is considered by many philosophers and psychologists, but in our work we understand friendship as a special form of interpersonal interactions, which is characterized by individually selective relationships, mutual affection of communication participants, a high level of satisfaction with interpersonal contacts, and mutual expectations of positive feelings.

Possibilities of sand therapy in working with children with disabilities.

Despite the fact that sand therapy has been practiced by specialists in Russia relatively recently, it has already established itself as an effective method of psycho-correction for children with disabilities. This article will consider two forms of working with sand: exercises in the sandbox and drawing with sand on a light tablet. Sand therapy is based on the idea of ​​a close relationship between fine motor skills and the development of the cerebral hemispheres in children. In childhood development, creativity, using imagination, plays one of the most important roles. Sand therapy (or sandplay as it is also called) is a type of expressive arts therapy that is based on the idea of ​​solving various kinds of problems through creativity. Sand therapy in the context of art therapy is a non-verbal form of psychocorrection, where the main emphasis is on creative self-expression. It manifests itself in symbolic form in the process of creating a creative product - images, worlds, situations built in a certain way in a sandbox or on a light table with sand.

The method is based on a combination of non-verbal (the process of constructing pictures, cities, worlds, etc.) and verbal expression (a story about the finished composition, writing a story or fairy tale that reveals the meaning of the composition). Sand therapy is equally successfully used both when working with children and when working with adults. Sand was chosen as the material for manipulation, this is due to its special properties. Sand is a natural material that a child gets used to manipulating from a very early age. There are sandboxes in every yard and kids enjoy playing in them. The child seems to become spellbound, pours streams into his hands, makes houses, Easter cakes, carries cars, buries treasures and much more. Being a regressive material, sand is able to penetrate those protective mechanisms that during conventional therapy have to be overcome by various, sometimes long-term, methods. This speeds up and facilitates the process of psychocorrection. Modifications of sand therapy can be used in the work of teachers, speech pathologists, and social workers trained in this method.

In any interaction with sand, both hands are used, sometimes simultaneously, due to which there is a beneficial effect on the development of the right and left hemispheres, as well as their interaction. With this approach, the emotional state is harmonized. Children actively develop fine motor skills: each element is drawn with a certain finger of a certain hand, small figures encourage children to fully use the entire hand: both palm and fingers. The child learns to control his hands, calms down, trains attention and imagination, and strengthens the nervous system. It has long been established that there is a close connection between the development of fine motor skills and speech. After several sand lessons, children begin to speak more actively and become calmer.

Such activities are very useful for children with disabilities, because speech, mental development, and cognitive abilities are often delayed. Thanks to sand therapy, it is possible to overcome reluctance to practice and negativism, because everything happens in a natural and familiar play environment for the child. Classes are held with musical accompaniment. Typically, this is classical music, which stimulates the imagination, helps to relax, and provides additional sensory stimulation (see Appendix for a list). Initially, to work with sand, they used boxes measuring 50x72x8 cm, the bottom of which was painted blue, simulating water and sky, but now, with the development of this type of therapy, specialists are increasingly experimenting with various forms of sandboxes for work. The surface of the light table on which drawing takes place is a wooden table with lighting, that is, the child is surrounded by materials that are as natural as possible and close to his development. The room is darkened so that sand marks and textures are as visible as possible in the backlight. Sand drawing is very different from regular drawing; it does not require special skills or abilities. It is thanks to independent drawings in the sand that the child quickly masters letters and numbers, assimilates the concepts of “right” and “left,” time concepts of day and night, and seasons. With the help of drawing on sand, you can develop visual-figurative thinking, perception and memory. Tactile sensitivity develops powerfully. When performing tasks on the sand, the child becomes interested, he tries to do it correctly, beautifully, accurately and, most importantly, quickly. Thus, the combination of natural materials and unique methods provides enormous opportunities for correctional and developmental activities and the development of imagination.

I would especially like to note the role of sand therapy in correcting cognitive skills in children with disabilities. Working in a sandbox with small figures provides many opportunities for: - memory development. Example: a specialist places 4 to 7 figures in front of a child, depending on age and level of development, then the child closes his eyes, at this time the specialist hides a figure, the child opens his eyes and names the missing figure, takes it out of the sand. The exercise can be complicated by hiding several figures. - development of attention. Example: on a light table he draws a shirt with a torn button and a lot of buttons of different sizes nearby. The child must understand from the buttons on the clothes which one is suitable and use his finger to connect it with the shirt. - perception. Example: pour various colored objects into the sandbox and mix them. The child must find and put each item in a bucket of the corresponding color. - thinking. Example: playing “3 extra” or “4 extra”. We draw 3 or 4 objects on the table, united by one characteristic, and one object different from the rest. The child must say which object is different and why. Then the child himself drives according to the same principle. - imagination. Example: we give a child a simple instruction “Build your own world.” This method is projective, and often such buildings are an additional diagnosis of intra-family relationships, and also complement the topics of work with parents. Sand therapy classes are effective in children's development, especially among children with disabilities, but they get tired quite quickly, sand absorbs a lot of energy. Therefore, it is recommended to practice for 40 minutes 2 times a week, alternating between the sandbox and the light table.


List of works:

1) P. I. Tchaikovsky. Music from the ballet "The Nutcracker". 2) A. L. Vivaldi. Seasons. 3) P. I. Tchaikovsky. Seasons. 4) W. A. ​​Mozart. Symphonies and serenades. 5) V. Schumann. Sonatas and plays. 6) L. Beethoven. Moonlight Sonata. 7) N. Paganini. Capriccio. 8) M. Mrvica. Croatian Rhapsody. 9) J. S. Bach. Arias. 10) R. Wagner. Ride of the Valkyrie. 11) P. I. Tchaikovsky. Music from the ballet "Swan Lake". 12) K. Debussy. Moonlight. 13) A. Corelli. Symphonies and sonatas.

References: 1) Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T. D., Grabenko T. M. Miracles on the sand. Workshop on sand therapy. . - St. Petersburg: “Rech”, 2007. 2) Kiseleva M.V. Art therapy in working with children. - St. Petersburg: “Rech”, 2008. 3) Sakovich N. A. Sand games. Games on the bridge. – St. Petersburg: “Rech”, 2008. 4) Steinhardt L. Jungian sand psychotherapy. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001.

Sand therapy for children with disabilities

Pupils of a correctional kindergarten are characterized by increased nervous excitability, anxiety, aggressiveness, hyperactivity on the one hand and passivity, isolation, closedness, constriction, underdevelopment of the emotional sphere, and behavioral disorders on the other hand. In addition, children with problems in the intellectual sphere experience speech impairment or its complete absence, insufficient development of coordination of movements, fine motor skills of the hands, lack of a sense of rhythm, impaired speech memory, attention, perception, etc.

Therefore, our students need special methods for correcting their psycho-emotional health. Our work experience has convinced us that one of the most productive and effective methods of training, development and organization of correctional work with children with similar problems is -sand play therapy.

The therapeutic effect of playing with sand was first noticed by the Swiss psychologist and philosopher Carl Gustav Jung. It would seem that everything is very simple - a child builds something out of sand, without regret destroys the creations he himself has created, and builds again... But it is this simple action that keeps a unique secret - there is nothing that is irreparably destroyed - the old is always replaced something new is coming. By repeatedly living this secret, the baby reaches a state of balance, anxiety and fear go away. Another important psychotherapeutic property of sand is the ability to change the plot, events, and relationships. Since the game takes place in the context of a fairy tale world, a child with special educational needs is given the opportunity to change an uncomfortable situation for him. He learns to overcome difficulties on his own.

Playing with sand is a natural and accessible form of activity for a child with disabilities. A child often cannot express his feelings and fears in words, and then playing with sand comes to his aid. By playing out the situations that agitated him with the help of toy figures, creating a picture of his own world from sand, the child is freed from tension. And most importantly, he gains invaluable experience in symbolically resolving many life situations, because in a real fairy tale everything ends well.

Observations by psychologists show that it is precisely the first joint games of children in the sandbox that can clearly show parents the characteristics of the behavior and development of their children. Parents see that the child is becoming overly aggressive or timid when communicating with peers - this may be a reason to think about the education system.

A child's play is a symbolic language for self-expression. By manipulating toys, a child can show more adequately than express in words how he relates to himself, to significant adults, to events in his life, to the people around him.

Children's play can be more fully appreciated if it is recognized that it is a means of communication for them. Children express themselves more fully and directly in spontaneous, self-initiated play than in words, because they feel more comfortable in play. For children, "acting out" their experiences and feelings is the most natural, dynamic and healing activity they can engage in.

Playing in the sand provides a means to resolve conflicts and communicate feelings. Toys equip the child with suitable tools, since they are the environment in which the child can express himself. In free play he can express what he wants to do. When he plays freely, and not at the direction of someone else, he performs a whole series of independent actions.

Feelings and attitudes that a child may be afraid to express openly can be safely projected onto a toy chosen at their own discretion. Instead of expressing feelings and thoughts in words, a child may bury this or that toy in the sand, hit it, drown it, etc. A child's feelings often cannot be expressed verbally (in words).

Playing with sand is necessary for children with disabilities, they:

develop tactile-kinetic sensitivity and fine motor skills of the hands;

relieve muscle tension;

help the child feel protected in a comfortable environment;

develop activity, expand life experience conveyed by the teacher in a form that is close to the child (the principle of information accessibility);

stabilize emotional states by absorbing negative energy;

allow the child to relate games to real life, comprehend what is happening, and find ways to solve a problem situation;

overcome the “bad artist” complex by creating artistic compositions from sand using ready-made figures;

improve visual-spatial orientation and speech abilities;

contribute to the expansion of vocabulary;

allow you to develop phonemic hearing and perception;

promote the development of coherent speech, lexical and grammatical concepts;

Sand play equipment

1. A waterproof wooden box or plastic basin, the bottom and sides of which should be blue/blue (the bottom symbolizes water, and the sides symbolize the sky). The height of the sides is at least 10 cm. The dimensions of a large sandbox for subgroup activities are 90x70 cm, the sand in it can be divided into two parts: dry and wet. For individual lessons, you can use several plastic rectangular basins. It is advisable that sandboxes have removable lids.

2. The sand must be yellow or light brown, certified, and the sand grains must be medium in size. Sand fills 1/3 of the box. It should not be too large or too small. Before use, the sand must be sifted, washed and disinfected - it must be calcined in the oven or silicified. It is necessary to quartz sand at least once a week, with the obligatory indication of the last date of quartzing on the tag (on the outer wall of the sandbox). At the end of the lesson, wet sand must be dried, the surface of the dry sand must be leveled and sprinkled with water.

3. Set of gaming equipment(stored in plastic containers with holes):

spatulas, wide brushes, sieves, funnels;

various plastic molds of different sizes - geometric; depicting animals, vehicles, people; dough molds;

miniature toys (5–10 cm high) depicting people of different genders and ages; various animals and plants; transport, etc. (do not use Kinder Surprise toys for classes in younger groups);

a set of toy dishes and toy beds (for the games “Sand Kindergarten” and “Family”);

various buildings and structures;

waste equipment: pebbles, shells, twigs, sticks, large buttons, disposable cocktail straws.

Rules for playing with sand for kids

1. Take care of grains of sand - do not throw them out of the sandbox. If sand accidentally spills out, show it to an adult and he will help them get back into the sandbox. You can't throw sand out of sandboxes.

2. Sand grains really don’t like being put in the mouth or thrown at other children. You cannot put sand in your mouth and throw it at other people.

3. Children should always have clean hands and noses. Play with the sand - wash your hands and show your clean palms to the mirror.

4. Our toys love to be put in their place. After the game, you need to put all the toys back in their places.

Working conditions with children

1. Consent and desire of the child.

2. Special training of the teacher, his creative approach to conducting classes. 3. Children should not be allergic to dust from dry sand, skin diseases or cuts on their hands.

Additional conditions for organizing games and activities with wet sand

1. Children should not have cuts on their hands or skin diseases. 2. Children must have oilcloth aprons for work. 3. The water used to moisten the sand must be warm. With each lesson, the water temperature can be gradually reduced (this way, additional hardening of the children occurs). 4. There should be a source of clean water and napkins near the sandbox.


All of the exercise games described below can be used both for individual correctional work and for developmental work with a subgroup of children. While performing the required exercises, you can do five minutes of free play/rest in the sand.

Games on the surface of dry sand

Hello sand!

Target: reduction of psychophysical stress.The teacher asks to “say hello to the sand” in different ways, that is, to touch the sand in different ways. Child: touches the sand alternately with the fingers of one, then the other hand, then with all fingers at the same time; easily/with tension squeezes his fists with sand, then slowly pours it into the sandbox; touches the sand with the entire palm - the inside, then the back; rubs sand between fingers and palms.

In the latter case, you can hide a small flat toy in the sand: “One of the inhabitants of the sand wanted to say hello to you - ...” Older children describe and compare their sensations: “warm - cold”, “pleasant - unpleasant”, “prickly, rough” etc.

Sand Rain Purpose: regulation of muscle tension, relaxation. Equipment: Sandbox. Progress of the game: Teacher: in a fairyland, an unusual sandy rain may fall and a sandy wind may blow. It is very nice. You can make such rain and wind yourself. Watch it happen. The child slowly and then quickly pours sand from his fist into the sandbox, onto the palm of an adult, into his palm. The child closes his eyes and places his palm with his fingers spread out on the sand, the adult sprinkles sand on a finger, and the child names this finger. Then they change roles.

sand wind

Target: teach children to control inhalation and exhalation. Equipment : Sandbox, cocktail straws. Progress of the game: Kids learn to breathe through a straw without sucking sand into it. Older children can be asked to first say a pleasant wish to their friends, give a wish to the sandy country by “blowing it into the sand”, you can also blow out depressions and holes on the surface of the sand. For these games, you can use disposable cocktail straws.

Unusual traces Target : development of tactile sensitivity and imagination. Equipment: Sandbox. Progress of the game: “The little bears are coming” - the child presses forcefully on the sand with his fists and palms. “Hares are jumping” - the child hits the surface of the sand with his fingertips, moving in different directions. “Snakes are crawling” - the child, with relaxed/tense fingers, makes the surface of the sand wavy (in different directions).

The use of sand play therapy in working with children with disabilities.

“The best toy for a child is one that he can make change in different ways; The best toy for children is a pile of sand.”

K. D. Ushinsky

Is there a children's game that can harmonize the picture of the world, put a barrier in the way of cruelty, give a sense of the diversity of nature, relieve internal conflicts and fears, and reveal the concepts of good and evil?

Yes, there is such a game!

All generations of the human race have been amused by it, because there is nothing in the world simpler and more accessible, more convenient and diverse, more lively and more voluminous thansand game .

Playing with sand as a way of child development and self-therapy has been known since ancient times. The malleability of sand awakens the desire to create a miniature picture of the world from it. A person acts in the sandbox as a creator - one life story is replaced by another, following the law of existence: everything goes and comes, there is nothing that is irreparably destroyed, just the old turns into something different, new. By repeatedly experiencing this sensation, a person achieves a state of mental balance.

The principle of “sand therapy” was proposed by K.G. Jung, a Swiss psychotherapist, first recommended the use of sand for the purpose of diagnosing and correcting the emotional state of children. Later, G.M. Grabenko and G.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva proposed a system of sand games for fairy tale therapy, calling them correctional and developmental.

Sand attracts little “builders” with its unusual structure and the new sensations they experience when touching the sand. Sand often acts like a magnet on children. Before they even realize what they are doing, their hands begin sifting sand, building castles, etc. And if you add various toys to this, then the child has his own world, where he invents and imagines, and at the same time, and achieve goals .

In modern society, the problem of raising and educating children with developmental disabilities is increasingly arising. In our school there are children with mental retardation, speech retardation, autism, disabilities, etc. Such children are characterized by a decrease in cognitive activity, a poor supply of information about the world around them, which leads to the fact that schoolchildren do not acquire many of the most basic knowledge and ideas. With them the mostit is important to use non-traditional forms of work .

Today, quite a lot of methods of non-traditional influence are known (games, fairy tales, laughter, art, clay, wax, crystal therapy, etc.). A very interesting and effective pedagogical technology issand play therapy .

"Sand therapy" - one of the techniques that allows you to reveal the individuality of each child, resolve his psychological difficulties, develop the ability to realize his desires and the possibility of their realization. With correctly set goals, such play activities have important therapeutic, educational and educational value. When playing with sand, a child develops a feeling of security, since the sand world is a world under control.

Playing in the sand is one of the natural activities of a child. That is why you can use the sandbox in developmental and educational activities. By building pictures from sand, inventing various stories, we convey to him our knowledge and life experience, events and laws of the surrounding world in the most organic form for a child. At the same time, we also heal our own Soul, strengthening our Inner Child.

A great contribution to the development of “sand therapy” was made by domestic teachers - the St. Petersburg Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology, who are the authors of a number of books on this topic - Grabenko T. M., Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T. D. “Miracles on the sand. Sand play therapy”, Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D., Grabenko T.M. “Games in fairy tale therapy”, Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D., Nisnevich L.A. “How to help a “special” child”, Grabenko T. M., Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T. D. “Miracles on the sand: Workshop on sand therapy.”

Sand therapy technology is multifunctional; it allows you to simultaneously solve correction problems and the main task of speech development. The child himself solves the problems of self-expression, self-awareness and develops self-esteem, learns to work in a team.

Playing in the sand with figures is especially fruitful when working with children who cannot express their feelings in any way. Children with low self-esteem, increased anxiety and shyness usually willingly choose figures and shift their attention. Children with unstable attention are very expressive; play gives them rich kinesthetic sensations.

All games using sand therapy are divided intothree directions :

Educational games.

Such games are aimed at developing tactile-kinesthetic sensitivity and fine motor skills of the hands. And most importantly, the child talks about his feelings, thereby spontaneously developing his speech, vocabulary, perception
different tempos of speech, height and strength of voice, working on breathing. There is a development of attention and memory, phonemic hearing. The main thing is learning to write and read.

Educational games.

With their help, we help to understand the diversity of our world. Games to get to know the world around us (that which is next to us: animals, insects, seas, transport, etc.)

Projective games.

Aimed at the correction and development of the child.

In the process of sand psychotherapy, there are three stages of sand play: chaos, struggle and conflict resolution.

At the "chaos" stagethe child grabs a lot of toys, randomly places them on a sand sheet, and often mixes them with sand. Such actions reflect the presence of anxiety, fear, confusion, and insufficiently positive internal dynamics. Through “chaos” there is a gradual “living” of the psycho-emotional state and liberation from it. Repeated repetition of a traumatic situation allows you to change your emotional attitude towards it. The “chaos” stage can take from one to several sessions. You can notice how from picture to picture the number of figures used decreases and a plot appears.

The "fight" stagecan be observed in difficult children. Internal conflicts are unconsciously transferred onto the sand sheet: aggression, resentment, anxiety, ailments, real conflict relationships, etc. Creatures in the sandbox kill each other, there is a fight, war, heavy confrontation. After some time, a hero or forces may appear that restore order and restore justice.

At the "conflict resolution" stageone can observe more prosperous pictures: peace, tranquility, a return to natural activities.

So, K.G. Jung argued that the process of "playing in sand" releases blocked energy and "activates the self-healing capabilities inherent in the human psyche."

Basic principles of sand games:

1. Creating a natural, stimulating environment in which the child feels comfortable and protected while being creative.

For this purpose, tasks are selected that correspond to the child’s capabilities; instructions for games are formulated in fairy tale form; Negative assessment of his actions, ideas, results is excluded, imagination and creativity are encouraged.

2. “Revival” of abstract symbols: letters, numbers, geometric shapes, etc.

The implementation of this principle allows you to create and strengthen positive motivation for classes and the child’s personal interest in what is happening.

3. Real “living”, playing out all kinds of situations together with the heroes of fairy-tale games.

On the basis of this principle, the mutual transition of the imaginary into the real and vice versa is carried out. For example, finding himself in the role of the Savior of the Princess, the child not only offers a way out of the situation, but also actually plays it out on the sand with the help of miniature figures. Thus, he “in practice” becomes convinced of the correctness or error of the chosen path.

Sandland Games:

Games for the development of tactile-kinesthetic sensitivity and fine motor skills of the hands. We receive tactile sensations through the skin: “hot - cold”, “dry - wet”, “hard - soft”, “smooth - sharp”.

Typically used are games that offer T.D. Zinkevich-Evstegneeva and T.M. Grabenko in the “Workshop on Creative Therapy”:
- slide your palms along the surface of the sand, performing zigzag and circular movements (like cars, snakes, sleds, etc.);
- perform the same movements, placing your palm on the edge;
- “walk” with your palms along the laid routes, leaving your traces on them;
- create all sorts of fancy patterns on the surface of the sand with the prints of palms, fists, knuckles, and edges of the palms;
- “walk” through the sand separately with each finger of the right and left hand in turn (first only with the index fingers, then with the middle, ring, thumb and finally the little fingers).
You can “play” on the surface of the sand, like a piano or computer keyboard. At the same time, not only the fingers move, but also the hands, making soft movements up and down.

The sandbox can be used to find a specific letter made of plastic and buried among others in the sand (a variation of the game "Magic Bag").

Games to develop diaphragmatic breathing:


From the children's car, the teacher makes a shallow groove in the sand, the child uses an air stream to level the road in front of the car;


The picture is covered with a thin layer of sand. Blowing away the sand, the child reveals the image.


The child, following the rules of breathing, takes in air through his nose, inflating his stomach and slowly, smoothly, and in a long stream, blows out a hole in the sand.


Three or four depressions are made in the sand - “footprints” leading to the toy hare. There is a fox nearby. It is necessary to “cover up” all traces so that the fox does not discover the hare.


Two toys are placed on the sand. You need to use a long, smooth stream to form a path on the sand from one toy to another.


A toy or small object is buried shallowly in the sand. It is necessary to blow off the sand to reveal what is hidden.

Using sand therapy has many positive aspects:

. the child’s desire to learn something new, experiment and work independently increases significantly;

. in the sandbox, tactile sensitivity develops powerfully as the basis of “manual intelligence”;

. in games with sand, all cognitive functions (perception, attention, memory, thinking), as well as speech and motor skills, develop more harmoniously and intensively;

. object-based play activities are improved, which contributes to the development of role-playing games and the child’s communication skills;

. sand, like water, absorbs negative energy, which is especially important when working with “special” children.

Thus, the relevance of using sand games is determined, firstly, by solving speech problems; secondly, the development of coherent speech; thirdly, the development of fine motor skills of the hand; fourthly, correction of the mental processes of children with special needs and mental retardation.

The sandbox is an excellent mediator for establishing contact with a child. Teachers get the opportunity to see the child’s inner world at the moment. Playing with sand can easily solve problems such as developing communication skills, i.e. ability to communicate normally.