Articles confirming the relevance of using project methods. Project activity as a way to organize educational space

Subject: Wild and domestic animals.

Chapter: Development of ideas about the world around you and yourself.

Group: Second youngest.

Form: Journey.

Target: Consolidating the knowledge of younger children preschool age about wild and domestic animals.


1. Cognitive. Strengthen children's knowledge about wild and domestic animals. To develop the ability to distinguish between animals and their young, to correctly correlate their names. Expand children's horizons by introducing children to new animals.

2. Developmental. Develop mental processes children: attention, memory, thinking. Promote the development of coherent speech, articulatory apparatus when pronouncing vowel sounds using onomatopoeia.

3. Educating. Foster a sense of love for the world around you, careful attitude to the inhabitants of living nature.

Previous work:

  • Didactic game “Who is screaming?”
  • Drawing animals using stencils.
  • Animal transformation games.
  • Didactic game “Who lives where?”
  • Modeling animals from plasticine.
  • Reading fairy tales: “Kolobok”, “Three Bears”, “Wolf and Seven Little Goats”, “Fox, Hare and Rooster”.
  • Memorizing poems about animals.
  • Russians folk nursery rhymes and riddles about animals.

Lesson plan:

1. Introductory part (conversation) – 3 min.
2. Main part (travel) – 12 min.
3. Final part (conversation, game) – 5 minutes.

Progress of the lesson

I. Introductory part (conversation)

Children enter the hall.

Guys, do you like to walk?

Where can you go for a walk?

(Children's answers.)

When people go for a walk to distant places, it is called travel.

What do you think you can use to travel? ( Children's answers.)

You can travel not only on foot, but also by plane, ship, train. And today we will go on a trip in a hot air balloon.

II. Main part (travel)

A helium-inflated balloon is brought into the hall.

Grab the rope quickly and let's begin our journey.

Children, holding the balloon string, sing:

We're flying in a hot air balloon,
In a hot air balloon we fly like birds.
So the house is visible there in the distance,
We wish we could get to the ground quickly.

The song ends, the children stop near the house.

Here is our first stop. I wonder who lives in the house? How to find out? ( Children's answers.)

That's right, we'll knock now and ask who lives in the house. Children knock on the door and ask:

Hello, who lives here?

Now he purrs, now he plays,
It's running away somewhere,
Runs far away.
And when he comes back,
It meows from the saucer too
Drinks raw milk.

Have you guessed the riddle? Who is this?

Tell me guys, is a cat a domestic animal or a wild animal?


Why do you think that a cat is a pet? ( Children's answers.)

What other pets do you know? ( Children's answers.)

Pick up a picture of an animal you like and find a baby for it.

(The pictures are placed on strings using clothespins. Children take pictures and match pictures of adult animals with their babies..)

Now name the animal and its baby.

Children's answers:

- The dog has a puppy.

- The cat has a kitten.

- The chicken has chicken.

- A cow has a calf, etc.

Well done. Pets came to visit us. Did you recognize them? And if you find out, tell me how they scream.

Pictures of domestic animals and their babies appear on the screen of the multimedia system. Children pronounce how these animals scream.

Chick– pi-pi-pi ( in a quiet, gentle voice).

Cow– muuuu ( in a loud, rude voice).

Calf– muuuu ( in a quiet, soft voice).

Horse– yoke ( in a rough, loud voice).

Foal– yoke ( soft, in a quiet voice ) etc.

Well, let's continue our journey. Hold the balloon by the string.

The journey continues while the song is sung.

Here we are again at altitude, the sun is shining in the distance.
We are reaching higher and higher for the clouds.
We hurry to the green forest,
We will go down to the clearing more quietly.

Near the forest the song ends.

Here is our second stop. Where have we ended up? (In the forest.)

What animals live in the forest? ( Children's answers.)

What are the names of the animals that live in the forest? (Wild.)

Look at the screen. Wild animals include: hare, fox, wolf, hedgehog, squirrel, bear .

Children look at the animals that appear on the screen.

Now let's play a game that is already familiar to you: choose a picture with an animal and find its baby.

(Pictures of animals are placed on tree branches. Children take pictures and match pictures of adult animals with their babies..)

Name the animal and its baby.

Children's answers:

- The hare has a bunny.

- The wolf has a wolf cub.

- A squirrel has a baby squirrel, etc.

Our walk through the forest is over, it's time to return to kindergarten.

Children take the balloon by the string and move around the hall.


Our journey ends
It's time for us to go back to kindergarten.
We don’t say goodbye to our animals,
Everyone will be happy to see them.

III. Final part (conversation, game)

This is where our journey ends. We returned to kindergarten. Look, these animals are lost and can’t remember who lives where. They ask you to help them figure it out. All animals must be housed in two clearings.

On one “clearing” there is a symbol for a house, on the other – a forest. Children lay out pictures depicting wild and domestic animals into two “clearings” (“clearings” are placed on a flannelgraph).

Well done, they helped the animals figure it out.

Did you enjoy our walk? (Yes.)

Where have we been? (In the forest and near the house.)

What animals do we remember? (About wild and domestic.)

You did very well today, so at the end of the lesson I want to play with you.

The game is played: children put on hats with animals and turn into them. They play to music and run around the clearing. At the signal, they hide in the houses: wild animals - to the symbol of the forest, domestic animals - to the symbol of the house.

Technical teaching aids: m tape recorder with music recording; multimedia system.

Didactic materials:

1. Sets of pictures depicting wild and domestic animals and their young.
2. Cards with the symbol of the forest and house.
3. House layout.
4. Models of trees.
5. Animal hats.
6. Flannelograph.

Methodological literature

1. Dyachenko O.M. Development: New generation program for preschool educational institutions. Junior group. M.: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2000. P. 96.

2. Ushakova O.S., Strunina E.M. Children's speech development: Program. Guidelines. Lesson notes. Games and exercises. M.: Ventana-Graf, 2008. P. 224.

3. Ushakova O.S. Speech development program for preschoolers. Theoretical basis. Main goals. Speech development in age groups. 2nd ed. M.: Sphere shopping center, 2008. P. 56.

4. Ushakova O.S. Theory and practice of speech development in preschoolers. M.: Sphere shopping center, 2008. P. 240.

Olga Danilenko
The relevance of project activities in preschool institutions

Now in the teaching environment and in particular in preschool a lot of attention is paid design- pedagogical and children's. And for many teachers it is not entirely clear why it is necessary design in kindergartens. In this article I will try to explain and reveal the whole relevance of projects in working with children. The desire to observe and experiment, to independently seek new information about the world are the most important features of normal child behavior. Research, search activity – natural state child. Children's need to search is biologically determined. Any healthy child already from birth he is a little explorer. He is determined to understand the world, he wants to get to know it as best as possible. It is this inner desire for exploration that gives rise to exploratory behavior and creates conditions for the child’s mental development to initially develop in the process of self-development Design teaching method is for preschool innovative establishments. It is aimed at developing the child’s personality, his cognitive and creative abilities. Project activities like no other, it supports children's cognitive initiative in kindergarten and family settings. This topic is very relevant for a number of reasons.

Firstly, it helps the child gain early social positive experience realizing your own plans. If what is most significant for a child is also of interest to other people, he finds himself in a situation of social acceptance that stimulates him personal growth and self-realization.

Secondly, the ever-increasing dynamism within social relationships requires the search for new, non-standard actions in a variety of circumstances. Non-standard actions are based on originality of thinking. Third project activities helps to go beyond culture (cognitive initiative) culturally - in an adequate way. Exactly project activities allows not only to support children's initiative, but also to formalize it in the form of a culturally significant product. Also topic of method The project is relevant for a number of reasons:

Federal State Requirements (FSES) to the structure of the main general educational program preschool education say that the program preschool educational institution should be built taking into account the principle of integration educational field in accordance with age capabilities and specific educational areas.

A person should get a positive social experience realizing your own plans.

The ever-increasing dynamism of economic and social relations requires the search for new, non-standard actions in a variety of circumstances. Non-standard actions are based on originality of thinking.

Project activities as teachers, so preschoolers significantly changes interpersonal relationships between peers and between adults and children. All participants project activities gain experience in productive interaction, the ability to hear others and express their attitude to various aspects of reality. A new round of interest in project as a way of organizing vital activity children is explained by its potential integrativeness, compliance with the technology of developmental education, and ensuring the activity of children in the educational process. What is the modernization of education aimed at, in particular preschool. According to T. A. Danilina (a famous scientist in the field of psychology and pedagogy, pedagogical design arises in response to the social order for education and is carried out on the basis of pedagogical foresight and forecasting, serves as the process and result of the development of a scientifically based model of the rational characteristics of specific socio-pedagogical objects or their states in terms of solving certain socially - pedagogical tasks. Pedagogical design can become a way to develop the ability to exist in a field of uncertainty, a space that requires mastery. Modern teacher must have the knowledge and skills of pedagogical design and organization of project activities aimed at transforming the future in the field of upbringing and education preschoolers. Thus, using pedagogical design, and in working with preschoolers methods of working with children to organize project activities(technology project-based learning) , we implement a personality-oriented and developmental approach to training and education. Project activities allow us:

1. Increase professional level teachers and the degree of their involvement in activity, make the team more united;

2. Form professional interaction between teachers and children preschool age, which is based on the subjective attitude of the teacher to the child, individual approach, taking into account the child’s zone of proximal development, motivational approach, friendly attitude towards the child, develop a system of productive interaction between participants in the educational process (children are involved in parents project, communicate with each other and with the teacher, and during pedagogical design all participants communicate with each other educational space kindergarten), and also implements the scientific principles of building the basic general education program and the child’s integrative qualities develop, which are the final results of children’s mastery of the educational program.

Project method training, promotes the development of independent thinking, helping the child to build confidence in himself and his own capabilities. It provides for a system of education in which children acquire knowledge and master skills in the process of completing a system of planned practical tasks. This is learning through search-cognitive activity, which is aimed at the result that is obtained when solving a problem. Method projects allows you to raise an independent and responsible personality, develop the child’s creative and mental abilities, and also contributes to the development of determination, perseverance, teaches how to overcome problems that arise along the way, and most importantly, the ability to communicate with peers and adults, increases the child’s authority in front of peers and own self-esteem. At the heart of everyone project there is some problem. After all, the topics projects are born precisely from the interests of children

Method projects was reflected in the ideas of domestic scientists of the 20s years: B.V. Ignatieva, V.N. Shulgina, N.K. Krupskaya. And lately theoretical basis design individual educational systems and technologies are actively being developed in scientific - pedagogical literature (V. S. Bezrukov, V. P. Bespalko, V. I. Zvyaginsky).As an option for an integrated teaching method preschoolers are considered project activities by a number of scientists such as T. A. Danilina, M. B. Zuikova, L. S. Kiseleva, T. S. Lagoda and others.

Using the method project in preschool education, allows you to significantly increase the independent activity of children. Method projects become a way of organizing pedagogical process, based on the interaction of the teacher, parents and students between themselves and the environment, and also makes the educational system preschool institutions more open to the active participation of parents. Therefore, the method projects is relevant not only for the kindergarten, but also for society and the family as a whole.

Prospects of the method projects in the preschool education system is that it provides the opportunity to develop observation and analysis of phenomena, comparison, generalization and the ability to draw conclusions, creative thinking, logic of knowledge, inquisitiveness of mind, joint cognitive-search and research activities, communication and reflective skills and much more, which are components of a successful personality.

A promising method in the DOE system is that it allows the development of observation and analysis of phenomena, comparisons, generalizations, and skills to draw conclusions, creative thinking, logic of knowledge, inquisitive mind, a joint educational and research activities, communication and reflective skills, and much more, what are the ingredients of a successful personality.


1. Borovleva A. V. Design method - as a means of improving the quality of education / A. V. Borovleva // Preschool educational institution management. - 2006. - №7.

Veraksa N. E. Project activities for preschoolers. Manual / N. E. Veraksa, A. N. Veraksa. - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2008. - 112 p.

Vinogradova N. A. Educational projects in kindergarten. Manual / N. A. Vinogradova, E. P. Pankova. - M.: Iris-Press, 2008. - 208 p.

Evdokimova E. S. Technology design in preschool educational institution / E. S. Evdokimova. - M.: TC Sfera, 2006. - 64 p.

Danilina T. A., Zuikova M. B., Kiseleva L. S., Lagoda T. S., Project method in the activities of preschool institutions: A manual for managers and practical workers of preschool educational institutions

Theoretical foundations for organizing project activities in lessons and after school hours V primary school
Relevance of project activities Today it is realized by everyone. The new generation Federal State Educational Standard requires the use of activity-type technologies in the educational process, design methods research activities defined as one of the conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of primary general education. Modern developmental primary education programs include project activities in the content of various courses and extracurricular activities.
The project method was developed at the beginning of the 20th century with the aim of orienting learning towards the expedient activities of children, taking into account their personal interests. Initially, it was called the problem method and was associated with the ideas of the humanistic direction in philosophy and education, developed by the American philosopher and teacher J. Dewey, as well as his student W.H. Kilpatrick.

In 1905, the Russian teacher S.T. Shatsky tried to use the project method in teaching. In domestic and foreign pedagogy, the project method received wide use and development (especially in the 20s - 30s of the last century) due to the rational combination theoretical knowledge and them practical application to solve specific problems in joint activities students.

Recently, this method has again received close attention in many countries around the world. The main thesis of the modern understanding of the project method, which attracts many educational systems, is that students understand why they need the knowledge they receive, where and how they will use it in their lives. The basis of the project method is the development of students’ cognitive skills, teaching them the ability to construct their knowledge.
The essence of the project method.

A project is a set of actions specially organized by the teacher and independently carried out by students, culminating in the creation of a creative product.

The project method is a set of educational and cognitive techniques that allow solving a particular problem as a result of independent actions of students with the obligatory presentation of these results.

The project method always involves solving some problem, which involves, on the one hand, the use of various methods, on the other, the integration of knowledge and skills from various areas science, engineering, technology, creative fields.

The project method is based on the development of students’ cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, and the ability to navigate information space, development of critical thinking. The results of completed projects must be what is called “tangible”, i.e., if the problem is theoretical, then its specific solution, if practical, then a specific result, ready for implementation.

Working according to the project method presupposes not only the presence and awareness of a problem, but also the process of revealing it and solving it, which includes clear planning of actions, the presence of an idea or hypothesis for solving this problem, a clear distribution (if group work is meant) of roles, etc. .e. tasks for each participant, subject to close interaction.

The project method is used in this case, when in educational process any research arises, creative task, the solution of which requires integrated knowledge from various fields, as well as the application of research methodologies.
Not having enough fluency in research, problem, search methods, the ability to conduct statistics, process data, not owning certain methods of various types creative activity, it is difficult to talk about the possibility of successfully organizing student project activities.
Selecting project topics in different situations may be different. In some cases, this topic can be formulated by specialists from educational authorities within the framework of approved programs. In others, teachers take the initiative, taking into account the educational situation in their subject, natural professional interests, interests and abilities of students. Thirdly, the topics of projects can be proposed by the students themselves, who, naturally, are guided by their own interests, not only purely cognitive, but also creative and applied ones.
The topics of the projects may relate to some theoretical question curriculum in order to deepen the knowledge of individual students on this issue and differentiate the learning process. More often, however, the topics of projects relate to some practical issue that is relevant to practical life and, at the same time, requires the involvement of students’ knowledge not in one subject, but from different areas of their creative thinking and research skills. In this way, a completely natural integration of knowledge is achieved.
The main idea of ​​the project method is the focus of schoolchildren’s educational and cognitive activity on the result that is obtained when solving a practical or theoretical problem. This result is called a project, which in translation means a plan, a plan. In more in a broad sense a project is understood as a justified, planned and conscious activity aimed at forming a certain system of intellectual and practical skills. The technology for organizing schoolchildren’s project activities includes a set of research, search and problem-based methods, creative in their essence, aimed at the student’s independent implementation of the intended result.
Project activities of students is a joint educational, cognitive, creative or gaming activity that has common goal, agreed methods, methods of activity aimed at achieving a common result. An indispensable condition for project activity is the presence of pre-developed ideas about its final product and, as a consequence of this, about the stages of design and implementation of the project, including its comprehension of the results of the activity. The possibilities of the project method for the development of personality and socialization of schoolchildren are identified through an analysis of the structure of the activities of the teacher and the student, which differs significantly from the structure of their activities in the traditional organization of education. This structure can be represented as follows:



Defines the purpose of the activity

Helps determine the purpose of the activity

Opens up new knowledge or ways of doing things

Recommends sources of information


Offers possible forms of work

Selects solutions

Helps predict results


Creates conditions for student activity

Subject of activity

Student's partner

Bears responsibility for its activities

Helps evaluate the result obtained and identify shortcomings.

Based on this, Several groups of general educational skills can be distinguished, on which project activities have the greatest impact:

a) research (independently develop ideas, put forward hypotheses, establish cause-and-effect relationships, invent a method of action, attracting knowledge from various fields, find several options for solving a problem, choose the best solution);

b) social interaction(collectively plan activities, interact with any partner, cooperate in the process of educational activities, provide assistance to comrades and accept their help in solving common problems, monitor the progress collaboration and direct it in the right direction, find and correct mistakes of other group members, conduct business partnership communication);

c) evaluative (independently evaluate the progress and results of one’s activities and the activities of other participants);

d) informational (independently search for the necessary information; identify what information or skills are missing);

e) presentational (speaking in front of an audience, developing monologue speech, holding oneself confidently during a speech, answering unplanned questions, using various visual aids when speaking, demonstrating artistic capabilities);

f) reflexive (the ability to comprehend one’s task, for which there is not enough knowledge; answer the questions: “what have I learned?”, “What do I need to learn to solve the task?”; adequately choose one’s role in a collective matter);

g) managerial (design a process; plan activities - time, resources; make decisions; distribute responsibilities when performing a collective task).

Thus, a project is the “five Ps”: problem - design - information search - product - presentation.

Peculiarities educational projects junior schoolchildren.

All of the above is also true for primary school students. Of course, age imposes natural restrictions on the organization of project activities of such students, but it is imperative to begin to involve younger schoolchildren in project activities. The fact is that it is precisely at primary school age that a number of value systems are laid down, personal qualities and relationships. If this circumstance is not taken into account, if this age is considered as insignificant, a “passing age” for the project method, then the continuity between the stages of development of educational and cognitive activity of students and a significant part of schoolchildren is disrupted and it is not possible to subsequently achieve the desired results in project activities.

When organizing project activities in elementary schools, it is necessary to take into account the age and psychological and physiological characteristics of younger schoolchildren.

It is important to remember that interest in work and strength largely determine success. As part of the project activities, it is assumed that problematic issue students suggest. But in an elementary school setting, it is acceptable for the teacher to present the question or help students formulate it.

Children's themes design work it is better to choose from the content of academic subjects or from areas related to them, for example, learning to solve problems. These are the most effective academic subjects, How the world, foreign languages, computer science, art, technology. The fact is that the project requires a personally significant and socially significant problem, familiar to primary schoolchildren and significant for them. If the question is interesting to students, then the project will be successful. It is clear that the circle is social significant problems that elementary school students might encounter is narrow, and their ideas about such problems are most likely poorly differentiated and one-dimensional.

The problem of a project or research that provides motivation for schoolchildren to engage in independent work should be in the area of ​​students’ cognitive interests and be in their zone of proximal development.

Duration of the project It is advisable to limit it to one lesson (maybe double lessons) or one to two weeks in the classroom and extracurricular activities. A lesson implemented using the project method can be either a lesson in mastering new material or a lesson in consolidating and practicing solution skills educational tasks. The main form of work in the lesson is group work.

In addition, it is important to put together with younger schoolchildren and learning goals on mastering design techniques as general educational skills. For example, you might ask students questions like: What skills will be needed to complete this project? Do you have sufficient knowledge of these skills? How can you acquire the skills you need? Where else can you subsequently apply such skills?

The process of comprehension, purposeful acquisition and application by schoolchildren of the knowledge necessary in a particular project also requires a lot of attention from the teacher. In this case, the teacher will need special tact and delicacy, so as not to “impose” information on the students, but to direct their independent search, for example: “Do you know everything to complete this project? What information do you need to obtain? What sources of information should I turn to (the Internet, reference books, fiction, textbooks)?”

While working on a project, it is advisable to conduct excursions, observation walks, and social events with younger schoolchildren. In this context, surveys and interviews by students of individuals for whom the children's project is intended are of interest. For example, war veterans, teachers and relatives when carrying out projects such as “Souvenir as a gift”, “Concert as a gift”, “Trip to the families of the peoples of our country”.

Each project must end with the receipt of some kind of product: a video film, an album, a website, a costume, a model, a dictionary, an atlas, a traveling exhibition, etc.

The final stage of project activity—the presentation (defense) of the project—requires special attention in elementary school.

To do this, you need to help students self-evaluate the design, then you need to help students evaluate the design process using questions. You also need to help students prepare their project for presentation. Presentation (defense) of the project is the final stage of its implementation, when students report on the work they have done. As a rule, projects are protected in the form of an exhibition of the products they created. In addition, sometimes it is useful to ask children to prepare a short speech about their project.

After defending the project, the manufactured products can be donated to people whose needs the children studied, to members of the students’ families, or to a kindergarten.

It is important that children feel the need for the products they made, feel the holiday atmosphere because they brought joy to people.

Very important question– evaluation of completed projects, which should be stimulating.

Approximate criteria for assessing project activities:

1.Independence of work on the project

2.Relevance and significance of the topic

3.Completeness of the topic

4.Originality of the solution to the problem

5. Artistry and expressiveness of performance

6.How the content of the project is disclosed in the presentation (If the presentation is being carried out)
Schoolchildren who have achieved special results in completing a project can be awarded with diplomas or memorable gifts, while in elementary school every student who participated in the implementation of projects should be rewarded. The presentation should not be turned into a project competition with awards for places. It is better to highlight several nominations and try to ensure that each project “wins” in “some” nomination. For example, there may be the following nominations: “Educational project”, “ Required project", "Memorable Project", "Colorful Project", "Fun Project", etc. In addition to personal prizes, you can prepare a general prize for the whole class for the successful completion of projects. This could be a trip to the forest, to an exhibition, to a museum, on an excursion, etc. What is valuable in a project is not so much the result of the student’s cognitive activity as the training in design skills.
Project stages and their characteristics

Educational projects are based on research methods training. You need to clearly understand the difference between project and research activities. First, they differ in their ultimate goal. The purpose of research activity is to understand the essence of a phenomenon, the truth, the discovery of new patterns, etc. The purpose of project activity is the implementation of the design concept. Secondly, research involves putting forward hypotheses and theories, their experimental and theoretical testing. Projects can be without research. (creative, social, informational). Thirdly, project and research activities differ in their stages. All project activities of students focus on the following stages:

Stage I – preparatory.

At this stage, the topic of the project is selected and the problem is posed. There is a discussion and awareness among students of possible ways of activity, significance upcoming work, collecting and studying information, determining the shape of the product and product requirements. A task of a specific focus is determined, upon completion of which students will be able to evaluate the results of their work, an action plan is also drawn up, groups of students are determined and roles are assigned. The determining factors for the formation of groups are the level of knowledge of the subject, the ability to work independently and the presence of a leader-coordinator.

Stage II – practical.

The purpose of this stage: high-quality and correct execution search and research operations, control and self-assessment of work. The work is discussed, comments, additions, and corrections are made. At this stage, children defend their projects. All students present their projects, demonstrate what has been achieved, determine future prospects, answer questions from classmates, and self-evaluate the project.

Each project must be provided with everything necessary:

Material, technical, educational and methodological equipment,

Staffing (additionally recruited participants, specialists),

Information resources (library collections and catalogues, Internet, CD-Rom audio and video materials, etc.).

Information technology resources (computers and other equipment with software),

Organizational support (special schedule of classes, classrooms, library work, Internet access),

A place separate from class lessons (a room with no restrictions on free activity) necessary resources and equipment - media library).
Wherein various projects will require different collateral. All required collateral must be in place before work on the project begins. IN otherwise there is no need to take on the project, or it needs to be redone and adapted to the available resources. Insufficient support for project activities can negate all expected positive results.
Work on the project can be organized individually or in a group. Advantages of personal projects:

1.The project work plan can be built and tracked with maximum accuracy.

2. The student develops a sense of responsibility, since fulfillment depends only on him.

3. The student gains experience at all stages of the project without exception - from the birth of the idea to the final reflection.

4. Formation of the most important general educational skills in a student turns out to be a completely manageable process.
Benefits of group projects:

1. Collaboration skills are developed in the project group.

2.The project can be completed in the most in-depth way.

3. At each stage of work on the project there is its own situational leader: leader - generator of ideas, leader-researcher, leader-designer of the product, leader-director of the presentation; each student, depending on his strengths, is actively involved in the work at a certain stage.

4. Within the project group, subgroups can be formed that propose different ways to solve the problem, ideas, hypotheses; the element of competition between them, as a rule, increases the motivation of the participants and has a positive effect on the quality of the project.
Using the project method in different lessons has its own characteristics.

Russian language lessons It is advisable to use the project method not instead of systematic subject teaching, but along with it, as a component of the education system.

An educational project in the Russian language for school research students is an opportunity to do something interesting independently or in a group, making the most of their capabilities; This is an activity that allows you to express yourself, try your hand, apply your knowledge, bring benefit and publicly show the results achieved; is an activity aimed at solving interesting problem, formulated by the students themselves in the form of a goal.

A teaching project for a teacher is an integrative didactic tool development, training and education, which allows you to develop and develop specific design skills and abilities, namely, to teach problematization, goal setting and activity planning, introspection and reflection, searching for the necessary information, conducting research, mastering and using adequate technology for manufacturing a design product, presentation of progress of its activities.

The project is valuable because during its implementation, schoolchildren learn to independently acquire knowledge and gain experience in cognitive and educational activities. If a student receives at school the research skills of navigating the flow of information, learns to analyze it, generalize, see trends, compare facts, draw conclusions and conclusions, then, due to his higher educational level it will be easier to adapt to later life, will choose correctly future profession, will live a creative life.

Using the project method in Russian language and literature lessons, I strive to increase the practical, skill-building focus of the content, and diversify the forms of organizing students' educational activities.

In this case, priority is given to active, interactive, gaming, laboratory methods, research activities, and methods of creative self-expression.

A problem-motivational environment is created in the classroom in different forms: conversation, discussion, “ brainstorming”, independent work, organization “ round table”, consultation, seminar, laboratory, group work, role-playing games.

Russian language and literature as academic subjects are fertile ground for project activities. Teachers often face problems such as lack of reading interest among students, narrow horizons, lack of analysis and generalization skills. Interesting job in groups gives the children the opportunity to get a feel for the subject, gain new knowledge, and the teacher to solve the above problems.

Tasks such as “Make a selection of proverbs on a certain topic, compile a catalog of these proverbs in certain sections”, compile a dictionary of phraseological units, compile a dictionary “From the history of phraseological units” are offered, students are given the opportunity to obtain the necessary information from different sources, communicate with other participants in the mini- project, outline an action plan, imagine how it will turn out, and then compare it with what happened.

It is important in educational activities to give each student the opportunity to feel involved in the world, to come into contact with his own creativity, to find a reader, a viewer within himself, and such forms as mini-essays, dramatizations, making crossword puzzles, drawing illustrations, etc. help in solving this problem. .

In order for students to develop cooperation skills, engage in active process receiving and processing information, I organize such interaction, which includes connections “student - student”, “student - teacher”, “teacher - student”, “student - class”, using methods that fix attention on large group: survey, discussion, dispute, review of information, performances, discussions.

Students are interested when there is no ready-made unambiguous answer, because they are actively involved in the overall work.

Manufacturing teaching aids, compiling crossword puzzles on a topic is the ability to put your knowledge into practice, think about and create a new product - your project.

As homework students are offered mini-projects: write an essay, compose a fairy tale on a topic, prepare a picture quiz, create visual material etc. Students make projects on the topic and on their own initiative, which is necessarily discussed in class.

Natural sciences currently determine priority areas scientifically- technical progress, play important role in the scientific worldview, reveal the patterns of development of nature. The social and economic needs of mankind push the natural sciences to one of the first places among other sciences.

Familiarizing primary schoolchildren with nature contributes to the accumulation of factual information, initial concepts, and knowledge of some natural patterns, the formation of practical skills and educational work skills. The insufficiency of such initial education negatively affects the success of teaching natural sciences in high school.

In the methodology of teaching natural science, the project method can be used quite wide. It should be noted that it is based on the principles communicative approach in teaching, in addition, the use of project methodology greatly contributes to creating motivation for studying natural science in primary school.

The project method can be used both in a regular classroom in the form of independent individual or group work of students for varying lengths of time, and using modern means information technologies. When working on projects we use different methods independent cognitive activity of students, thanks to which multi-level learning can be carried out.

The topics of teaching projects should be chosen in accordance with the content of the science curriculum that the teacher is using. At the moment, two science programs are widely used in modern elementary schools: the “Green House” program by A.A. Pleshakova and the program “Peace and Man” by A.A. Vakhrusheva, A.S. Rautiana.

Course content A.A. Pleshakov’s “Green House” covers a very wide range of issues: from basic rules of personal hygiene to knowledge about our planet, about the countries and peoples of the world. At the same time, man, nature and society are considered in their inextricable, organic unity. This allows you to actually early stage schooling begin to form in children a holistic idea of ​​the world around them, of the place of man in it. The course reveals understandable students the relationships that exist in nature and social life.

In the 2nd grade course, several meaningful lines stand out. The first of these is familiarization with nature. Another content line of the course is familiarization with the life of society using the example of one’s own city or village. The next content line includes issues related to the health and safe life of the child, and is aimed at developing relevant skills. An important content line of the course is learning the ability to communicate with other people. The content of the 2nd grade course is divided into sections: “Nature” (living and inanimate nature, seasonal changes in nature), “City and rural life” (city, economy, culture and education, professions of people), “Health and safety” (structure of the human body, diseases, health protection, rules safe behavior on the streets and roads, in nature), “Communication” (work and rest in the family, rules of politeness), “Travel” (horizon, surface and reservoirs of one’s region, map of the world, countries and peoples of the world).

According to the A.A. program Pleshakova in 3rd grade at the beginning school year The topic “Nature and us” is being studied, which makes it possible to generalize, systematize and expand children’s existing ideas about the diversity of nature, the interaction of nature and man. Further, the content of the program is revealed in the topics: “Let's save air and water, minerals and soil,” “Let's save the wonderful world of plants and animals.” Received by children basic knowledge about solid, liquid, gaseous bodies and substances, about temperature and its measurement are used in the study of air, water and other components of nature. Special attention addresses the disclosure of various relationships in nature: within inanimate nature, between inanimate nature and living, within living nature (between plants and animals, between different animals, etc.), as well as between nature and humans. Then the topic “Let’s take care of health” is studied, aimed at developing ideas about man as a part of living nature, about the structure and functioning of our body as a single whole. Topics such as “Our Security” and “Economy” are studied.

In 4th grade, the course opens with the topic “We are the inhabitants of the earth.” Students receive general ideas about the Earth - its shape, size, rotation around its axis, etc., about continents and oceans. Children on specific examples get acquainted with the environmental problems of the planet, possible ways their decisions. Further, the content of the program is revealed in the topics: “Let's save the nature of Russia”, “Let's save the nature of our region”. Children get acquainted with the natural zones of our federation, the main environmental problems of these zones, and environmental work in them. The surface, minerals, reservoirs, soils, natural communities, and agriculture are studied.

A special role in the formation creative personality, capable of further technically intensive production activities, is given technology lessons. Each technology lesson is a lesson in creative inspiration and joy, especially since all the acquired skills will be useful to children in life. Different types works, working with various materials develop children's imagination, imagination, and creative abilities. Genuine interest, the desire to receive a beautiful craft stimulates development strong-willed qualities, encourages them to express themselves creatively. The topic of each lesson requires a different approach to work. For example, when folding a fish out of paper, the children can suggest placing it in an “aquarium”, to do this, start creating an “aquarium”, etc. Using the project method in technology lessons, you can instill a sustainable interest in technological creativity, increase the level of independence and inventive activity.


Success is important for every child. My task is not just to give tasks and evaluate their implementation, but to skillfully guide the children towards their goals and help them select the necessary information from the general flow of information. Such work is conducive to the development of children's cognitive abilities. In joint activities, everyone was able to make sure that their work had meaning for the group in which they worked, for the entire class, and for the teacher and parents. Children learned to work in a team, negotiate with each other, find non-standard solutions, acquired skills in working with books and other sources of information. They began to take initiative and began to think creatively. Examples of this are self-composed poems, fairy tales, fantastic stories, riddles and crosswords written by research papers and completed creative projects. Their defense took place as a festive and solemn event. A child’s research and design practice is not just teaching methods, it is ways of creating a special style of children’s life and learning activities. Thanks to these works, motivation increased. The degree of children's independence in educational and cognitive activities has increased and teacher assistance in various types has decreased. I was able to ignite in the children an interest in research, a desire to actively participate in various creative competitions, Olympiads at the district, regional and all-Russian levels. No one remained indifferent. Project activity is like a life-giving spring that nourishes and recreates the beautiful, unique, and individual.

A student should not be treated as a vessel,

which is to be filled with information,

How about a torch that needs to be lit?

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Lesson topic: Creation of a filmstrip based on the fairy tale by D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak “The Gray Neck”

Class: 3rd grade

Item: Literary reading

Lesson type: Lesson on generalization and systematization of knowledge

The purpose of the lesson: Cognitive - to instill initial skills in collecting information from different sources, comprehending it and using it to complete the project: creating a filmstrip, writing a script, understanding the title of a work, editing;

Developmental – developing interest in the subject, literary speech, enrichment of vocabulary, formation of control and evaluation actions;

Educating – nurturing cognitive activity, forming interpersonal relationships among students group work, feelings of compassion and care for those in need.


Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student activities



Organizing time

-Good afternoon - they told you.

- Good afternoon! - you answered,

Two strings connected us

Warmth and kindness.

Smile at each other, greet our guests.

Greeting the teacher and guests.

Organization of the beginning of the lesson, emotional mood.


Motivation for learning activities.

Our school is preparing future first-graders. We have a performance ahead of us.

Getting ready for the lesson.

Aiming at the need to take this issue seriously.


Presentation of the project topic, search for ideas, problems.

I propose to present the work of D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak “The Gray Neck”

Let's think about how we can do this?


Hypotheses are put forward:

puppet show



A little book


Choosing a problem. Definition of goals and objectives.

To create a filmstrip, what do you need to know and do?

Choose the ones you need from a variety of concepts.

Read the definition of these concepts.

Formation of working groups.

(Based on testing)

Each group needs to create 4 frames.

Each group will work on:

SCREENWRITERS - their task is to find sentences that reflect the plot of the future filmstrip (We worked on shortening the text in the last lesson).

ILLUSTRATORS - at this time they examine the illustrations (d/z), choose the most successful drawing for use in the filmstrip, adhering to the script..

EDITORS – control the work of scriptwriters and illustrators and help.

EDITORS – create footage with subtitles.

Together we will edit the filmstrip.








Get acquainted with the definitions of these concepts.

Getting ready to defend the project. Get acquainted with sources of information.

Increasing the degree of comprehension of the material being studied. Stimulating brain activity, developing the ability to reproduce information long-term memory, development of the ability to classify.


Project implementation

Discussion of the screensaver (beginning) of the filmstrip.

"Broken Wing"


"Gray Neck"

"The crippled duck"

Is Gray Neck a nickname or a characteristic?

Prove the appropriateness of the title.

They answer. Make a decision "Grey Neck"

Development of speech and creative imagination.


Awareness and comprehension of educational material.

I propose a block diagram. Which will help restore the sequence of events when drawing up a script.
Let's make a chain using reference words.

Let's get to work. sticking to the plan.

Choose illustrations. Set the sequence

(On the desk)

1st gr. – 4 frames

2nd gr. – 4 frames

3rd gr. – 4 frames

4th gr. – 4 frames

Select the required pictures.

Select subtitles according to plan, cut them, paste the text.

To promote students' understanding of the material being studied and the application of knowledge in practical speech activity.


Presentation of work results.

I consult. I help edit the filmstrip.

Installation of drawings and frames on film.

Formation of constructive work skills through text transformation


Verification and evaluation of results. Project presentation.

Show to viewers - critics

Defend the project (Expressive reading of frame content)

Playing a filmstrip.

Reproduction of content through expressive language.


Reflection. Lesson summary.

Self-assessment of performance results.

What was the main thing we did?

Does anyone need our project?

What do such works teach?

They answer.

We created a filmstrip to delight first graders.


Homework is creative.

-How do you think. Why do we need illustrations of spring?

1) Write the 5th chapter. What could happen in the spring?

2) Prepare brief retelling according to the filmstrip.

I choose according to my desire.

Write down d/z.

Workplaces are being removed.

Developing the ability to create your own statement. Make your own choices.

Subject: Epic "Ilya Muromets and Svyatogor"

To live is to serve the Motherland.

Lesson type: A lesson in gaining new knowledge.

Goals: - Create conditions for acquaintance with epics and expansion

I learn my horizons through works of an epic nature;

formation of ideas about the heroic past of the Russian

people Ancient Rus', great Russian heroes, defenders

Russian land, based on life experience.

- Create conditions for the development of competencies: cultural –

respect for the culture of the Russian nation; information - skills

receive information from various sources(computer,

book, living word, painting); communicative - skill

enter into communication.

- Create conditions for instilling a sense of patriotism and pride in

your people, for Russia; development of a sense of responsibility, collectivism

and cohesion; respect for Russian soldiers, desire

imitate them; creative abilities are learned through design.


Video projector.

Computer presentation with audio recording of the epic.

Exhibition "Weapon Museum". Exhibition of books.


During the classes

1.Motivation for educational activities.

Teacher: - Hello, dear children and distinguished guests. Lesson literary reading I will lead

Valentina Nikolaevna. A few words about myself.

there were many men in my family. My grandfathers

Shki and father were participants in the Second World War, defended

our homeland from enemies. My brothers served in

army, giving their debt to the Fatherland. My husband

served as a petty officer on a nuclear submarine

boat, guarded the borders of our country.

Did your fathers and grandfathers serve in the army? (Raise your hands. Answer.)

They protected you, our country.

For every citizen of his country there should be very important and dear words

1 slide"Motherland - honor - duty"

Our men of all generations are united by a common cause, the main objective in life - to honestly serve your people, your Motherland.

It is your duty, as future defenders, to know about this.


2. Introduction to the topic.

The main idea of ​​our lesson is expressed by a proverb, but it lacks an important word. Which one? (Reading)

Topic: Live for the Motherland………( serve) What does it mean to serve?

And in the old days, what were the defenders of the Russian land called?

Mystery: Well tailored

Tightly sewn

Stands for Russian land .

2 slide - BOGATYR

Guys, does the male silhouette look like a hero?

Our task with you is to create the image of a people’s hero of the Bryansk region, therefore...

3 slide

Lesson Objectives: - get acquainted with the epic, read;

- develop skills: find information,

Design, communicate.

3. Implementation of the task.

To create an image, you need to know everything about it. Let's start with the appearance.

Slide 4 - Painting by V.M. Vasnetsov “Three Heroes”

- They galloped to a distant outpost. What is their purpose? The heroes united to protect the Russian land. When they are together, they cannot be defeated. They stand in a row like a wall through which enemies cannot pass. Do you know them?

(Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets)

All the heroes are dressed in chain mail (shown in the museum), helmets, boots, gloves, and cloaks.

They have weapons: shields, swords, clubs, bows, spears, horses.

4. Primary consolidation.(Collectively)

Slide 5 - Game - result

“What should heroes have?”

(Stand up. If the hero should have the item, you clap above your head, and if not, just stand.)

Why does a hero need a weapon?

Can you tell me which one? inner world hero? What qualities should he have? ( Answers)

We will give a more complete answer if we read epic.

5.Working with epics.

Based on the title, determine who the heroes will be? (Ilya Muromets. Svyatogor)

You are familiar with Ilya Muromets, but Svyatogor is in front of you.

6 slide

- Svyatogor- giant hero, not real, mythical,

invented by the people, sung in epics.

Who told the epics? (Answers)

Watch and listen.

Slide 7 - Storytellers “Ilya Muromets and Svyatogor”

The stories were told slowly, melodiously, accompanied by music and playing the ……… (harp).

Reading epics is special reading.

Slide 8 – Speech warm-up.

The epic line has three main stresses.

The first is on the 3rd syllable from the beginning. Third on the 3rd syllable from

end. Fourth (additional) - to the very last

the syllable falls. When chanting, an extension of this is created

syllable. Unstressed syllables are pronounced faster.

(Teacher reads in chorus)

Slide 9

- Double vowels create melodiousness and drawl.


Holy Russian



Slide 10 - Working with illustrations

- What does the illustration say?

6. Initial reading by the teacher

Listen to what the epic says.

the necessary illustration, so we can restore the plot.

(We work in pairs. The student goes to the board and displays.

At the end - check 11-15 slides.) Well done!

Slide 16 - Fizminutka

7. Repeated reading by students with a teacher. (Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition)

To complete our image, we need to find words and expressions related to the hero in the epic.

Let's read together - Part 1 - a good horse, but like a fierce beast

Daring, kind fellow


I can keep the answer


Let's read together part 2 - the giant hero

Yellow curls (light brown, Rus')


Let's read together the 5th part - the great Silushka

Fraternized -

Slide 17

-What image do we get?(Read in chorus)

Daring, kind fellow


Brave and strong

Giant hero

Brown hair

Silushka the Great

We fraternized

They joined forces and became brothers in arms to serve the Motherland together.

-What is the meaning of the whole life of a hero?(Read the topic)

8. Reflection on learning activities in the lesson (result)

3rd row - What should our hero be like?

Select necessary expressions from the printout.

2nd row - The guys will dress our hero and pick up

weapon. (Words are read at the board)

18 slide conclusion

1st row - They will try to formulate a conclusion about the lesson in poetic form. Rhyme will help.

And who would like to be like a hero?

Slide 19 - Song “Our Heroic Strength”

- There are still more heroes on Russian land

D\Z - Color the hero, come up with a name, read the epic.

KSU "Elementary school No. 9"
Akimat of the city of Rudny
Work theme:
when working with preschoolers."
(from work experience)

Rudny 2018
“Relevance of project activities
when working with preschoolers.
(from work experience)"
A child is an explorer by nature. An unquenchable thirst for new experiences,
curiosity, constant desire children to observe and experiment with
successfully manifested in search activities. One of the most effective me
methods for organizing children's search activities; design method. The main thing is
The advantage is that children are given the opportunity to independently
or with a little help adults:
 accept and master a goal that is relevant to them;
 identify, establish real ideas about different sides studied
 resolve creative disputes, reach agreements;
 provide assistance to participants in the activity, share their own experience with
 discuss the results of the activities of each group member, without perceiving others’
successes are like failures.
The word “project” has become firmly established in our lives. Project method - pedagogical
technology of the 21st century. The specificity of the method is the co-creation of an adult and a child
in solving a problem that is personally significant to the child.
The basis of this method is
independent activities of children - research,
productive, during which the child learns about the world around him and embodies
new knowledge to life.
Design technology belongs to modern humanitarian technologies,
which are innovative in the work of preschool institutions. This method
is relevant and very effective, because gives the child the opportunity to experiment,
synthesize acquired knowledge,
develop creative abilities and
communication skills, thereby allowing him to successfully adapt to school.
The project method is interesting and useful not only for children, but for teachers themselves, because He
makes it possible to concentrate the material on specific topic, to increase level
own competence on the problem, bring to new level relationships
with parents, to feel like they are truly a partner in the children’s decision
research tasks. The project method is naturally and harmoniously woven into
educational process preschool childhood. Modern pedagogical
research shows that the main problem preschool education
attractiveness of the learning process. The number of preschool children is increasing, not
wanting to go to school; Positive motivation to exercise has decreased,
Children's academic performance is falling. How to improve the situation? Becoming new system
education focused on entering the world space requires

 developing the ability to apply these methods to facilitate solutions
given task, using various options;
 developing a desire to use special terminology,
constructive conversation in the process of joint research activities.
As a result of using the project method, the children in my group became more
liberated and independent, purposeful and self-confident,
sociable, more attentive and caring towards peers and
adults; capable of mutual understanding and cooperation.
The involvement of parents plays a major role in the implementation of projects. Thanks to them
By participating in projects, children develop a sense of pride and increase self-esteem.
Participation of adults in children's projects promotes social and personal development
every child.
Nowadays in the teaching environment and in particular in preschool, much attention is paid to
design. And for many educators it is not entirely clear why it is necessary
design in preschool mini-centers and kindergartens. The urge to observe
and experiment, independently seek new information about the world - the most important
traits of child behavior. Research, search activity – natural
child's condition. Children's need to search is biologically determined. Any
a healthy child from birth is a little explorer. He is determined to learn
world, he wants to get to know it as best as possible. It is this inner desire to
research generates exploratory behavior and creates conditions for
so that the child’s mental development initially develops in the process of self-development.
The project-based teaching method is for preschool institutions innovative. He
aimed at developing the child’s personality, his cognitive, creative
abilities. Project activities, like no other, support children's
cognitive initiative in kindergarten and family settings.

Using the project method in working with preschoolers helps to increase
child's self-esteem. By participating in the project, the child feels important in the group
peers, sees his contribution to the common cause, rejoices in his successes. Project method
promotes the development of favorable interpersonal relationships in a group of children.
There is a change in the style of communication between an adult and a child. Parents become
active participants in the educational process. Interaction with family will allow
achieve the best results in working with preschoolers.

The didactic meaning of project activity is that it helps
connect learning with life, develop research skills,
develops cognitive activity, independence, creativity, skill
plan, work in a team. Such qualities contribute to successful
teaching children at school.
But the most important participants in project activities are our students,
the development of which all our efforts are directed. What will our children become when they grow up?
Time will tell. The main thing for us is to provide each child with the maximum
conditions for the development of his abilities, independence and creativity.

Project “Wintering Birds”.
Project type: informational creative.
Project participants: children middle group, parents of pupils, teacher
Project implementation period: short-term (1 week).
Relevance of the project: in modern conditions the problem of environmental education
preschoolers acquires particular poignancy and relevance. It was during the period
preschool childhood is becoming human personality, formation
the beginnings of ecological culture. Therefore, it is very important to awaken children’s interest in
living nature, cultivate love for it, teach to take care of the world around us.
The theme of the project “Wintering Birds” was not chosen by chance. After all, it’s the birds
surround us all year round, bringing benefit and joy to people. During the cold season
There is significantly less available food, but the need for it increases.
Sometimes natural food becomes practically unavailable, so many
the birds cannot survive the winter and die. And we, adults, the teacher together with
parents must teach their pupils to see this, replenishing their ideas about
wintering birds, their habits and lifestyle, create conditions for the child to communicate with
the world of nature.
Goal: to form environmental knowledge about wintering birds and responsible,
careful attitude towards them.
replenish the subject development environment on the topic of the project.
expand children's horizons about wintering birds.
promote the development of creative and intellectual abilities
involve pupils and parents in helping birds in difficult winter times
The project was implemented in three stages:
Project implementation stages:
Stage I – preparatory.
discussing goals and objectives with children and parents.
creating the necessary conditions for the implementation of the project.

forward planning project.
development and accumulation of methodological materials on the problem.
Stage II – basic (practical).
introduction into the educational process of effective methods and
techniques for expanding preschoolers’ knowledge about wintering birds.
Stage III is the final stage.
organization and participation of parents together with their children in the “Grains of Heat” campaign,
exhibition of feeders “The best bird feeder”,
holding a final ceremony and awarding certificates in various categories
children “Ecological feeder”, “Original feeder”, “Best feeder
for the birds."
On the eve of the weekend, parents are told the topic of the week and given homework:
1. Recommendations for walking together.
Make a feeder together with your child.
by adding food, develop the child’s vocabulary.
2. Memorize poems about wintering birds.
3. Guess riddles about wintering birds.
4. Look at wintering birds in illustrations in books and magazines, bring books to
mini center
While looking through the encyclopedia books with the children, I set the goal that we would
talk about wintering birds. With the help of the children, we drew up a plan for the implementation of the project.
The children planned to learn about birds from films, encyclopedias, presentations, etc.
Contents of work during the project implementation.
Game activity:
1 Didactic, board games.
2 Plot role-playing games.
3 Theatricalization.
4 Outdoor games.
5 Development exercise fine motor skills hands
Organized educational activities+ group and individual work:
1 Fiction and speech development.
2 Natural science.
3 Modeling.

4 Construction.
Solution problematic situation.
Bird watching in winter.
Working with parents.
Specific expected results.

Expanding children's horizons about wintering birds.
Improving the subject-specific development environment.
Development of children's curiosity, creative abilities, cognitive
activity, communication skills.
Active participation of pupils and parents in helping birds in difficult times
winter conditions.
1. Nikolaeva S.N. Environmental education younger preschoolers. M., 2002.
2.Nikolaeva S.N. Ecologist in kindergarten. M., 2003.
3. Bondarenko A.K. Didactic games in kindergarten.
4. Makhaneva M.D. Ecological development preschool and primary school children
age. M., 2004.
Contents of work during the project implementation:
 Play activities.
1). Didactic games: “One is many”, “Name it affectionately”, “Counting birds”, “Fourth
extra”, “Guess the bird by description”, “Whose tail?”, “Find out by voice”, “What do they eat
2). Board games: cut pictures “Make a bird”, lotto “Birds”,
"Labyrinth Wintering Birds."
3). Role-playing games: "Bird's yard".
4). Theatricalization: “Where the Sparrow Dined” S. Marshak
5). Outdoor games “Migration of birds”, “Crow”, “Sparrows and a car”, “Birds and
cat", "Owl".
Cognitive activity:
1). Conversations: “How do our feathered friends live in winter”, “Who takes care of the birds?”,
“Do birds bring benefit or harm?”, “Bird menu”, “How children and parents care
about birds in winter?

2). Solving a problem situation: “What can happen if you don’t feed the birds
in winter?
3). Bird watching in winter:
watching a tit on a branch, watching wintering birds in the city,
watching a crow, watching a bullfinch on a rowan tree, watching pigeons and
sparrows on the paths of the park.
4). Labor: making feeders, feeding birds.
 Organized educational activities + group and individual work:
1). Reading of S. Marshak’s poem “Where the Sparrow Dined”; "Feed the birds in winter"
Reading stories: I. Turgenev “Sparrow”; M. Gorky “Sparrow” + viewing
cartoon; N. Rubtsov “Sparrow” and “Crow”; Sukhomlinsky “What is he crying about?
2). View presentations: “Wintering birds”, “Feeders”.
3). Learning and reading poems about wintering birds; discussion of proverbs,
sayings, guessing riddles; looking at illustrations of
wintering birds.
4). Design: “Titmouse on a branch.” (origami)
5). Modeling: “Beautiful Bird.”
6). Natural history “Birds in winter”, “In the poultry yard”.
7). Music: listening to the audio recording “Voices of Birds”. Musically didactic
game "Birds and Chicks", music. etc. E. Tilicheeva.
 Working with parents:
consultation for parents: “How and from what you can make a bird feeder.”
Stage III final
Organization and participation of parents in the exhibition “The Best Bird Feeder”.
Results of the project implementation.
Children's horizons about wintering birds have been expanded. Improved subject development
medium: literature, photographs, illustrations, poems, stories about
birds, riddles, presentations about wintering birds. Children have formed
curiosity, creativity, cognitive activity,
communication skills. Pupils and their parents took an active part in
helping birds in difficult winter conditions.