The benefits of stress. Refusing help from loved ones

The effect of stress on the human body is considered quite harmful. But it was not always so. This reaction of the body has ancient roots - in the Stone Age, our ancestors, who hunted wild animals, sometimes managed to save their lives due to stress.

Stress and food

The habit of eating stress with all sorts of goodies, fast food, adds problems to an overloaded body and depletes the last reserves of energy. In this case, appetite disturbance occurs, body weight becomes less or, on the contrary, increases; a person may feel constantly tired; mood changes; Itchy skin rashes may appear. If this destructive process left unchecked, the quality of life will steadily deteriorate until it becomes a nightmare.

How to behave

If you can't change your environment, you should change your diet. Avoid refined foods and carbonated drinks and include in your diet foods that will help fight stress.

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Doctors and psychologists trumpet the danger that nervous tension poses to humans, noting that this problem concerns not only the adult population, but also children. To resist stress, it is important to know your enemy by sight, to avoid mistakes in difficult situations and be able to cope with negativity in all possible ways. We will talk about this in detail in our article.

Pros and cons of stress

It’s hard to believe, but even such a phenomenon as stress can have pluses and minuses! For example, let's take two different life situations: dismissal from work and wedding. It would seem that the emotional coloring in both cases is opposite, but in terms of the level of stress these events are equivalent. That is, Negative consequences nervous overstrain will be the same.

The benefits of stress

· The work of all body systems is activated, including the cardiac and respiratory systems (the lungs are better pumped with air);

· The nervous system receives a kind of training, like muscles during physical exercise;

· There is a stimulus for the immune system to work better.

Cons of stress

There is a risk of developing dangerous diseases gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and respiratory systems. Stress is no less dangerous for people prone to depression and hypertensive surges;

· Work productivity decreases due to memory deterioration, decline vitality And low quality sleep;

· If a person’s immunity is already undermined, then stress deals an irreparable blow, making the body susceptible to any infections, viruses and microbes.

8 Signs of Stress

Neglected stress has an extremely negative impact on human health, so it is very important to promptly recognize nervous tension in yourself or in loved ones. An excess of negativity is expressed as follows:

1. A person cannot concentrate on one thing, is distracted and depressed;

2. Irritation occurs at the slightest provocation;

3. Speech becomes confused, words are repeated, the person stutters;

4. The number of “anti-stress” drugs increases: cigarettes, alcohol;

5. Forgetfulness and loss of time appear;

6. Eating disorders occur: overeating or refusal to eat;

7. Muscle tone increases: a person clenches his fists, clenches his teeth, experiences tension in the cervical region;

8. Frequent headaches and stomach pains, heartburn, discomfort in the lower back and shoulder girdle.

What not to do when stressed

If you're overwhelmed negative emotions, and you long time can’t get rid of feelings of anxiety, anger, resentment, worries, it’s time to diagnose yourself stressful state. In such cases, the main thing is not to mess things up and not worsen the situation. Avoid the following behaviors.

Suppress negativity

The wrong reaction to stress is to hide your feelings from others, withdraw into yourself, withdraw, smile through force, say that everything is fine. If you don't give vent to negativity, it can cause irreparable harm to your health. Suppressed stress will find a way out through illness, exhaustion, depression, insomnia and other manifestations.

Spill out emotions

Another wrong strategy for dealing with stress is to take it out on others. People experiencing negative moments broadcast their suffering, pain and resentment to those who have nothing to do with the situation. Being rude to colleagues and sellers, offending relatives, crying and screaming in public is not the best way out. Emotions will someday subside, but feelings of guilt and shame will not.

Refusing help from loved ones

Don't worry negative emotions alone with myself. Sometimes sincere conversation with friends, colleagues or family much more more effective than drugs and therapy. Close people are not prone to judgement, and it is important for a person to have an interlocutor who can listen and give objective advice. Moreover, those who care about you can offer good way out from the situation or specific help, which should not be neglected. Let someone else take on some of your burden, especially in difficult times.

Stop personal development

When a person is stressed, he may give up everything that fascinated and interested him before. At such moments, he can give up work, let his studies take its course, and stop being interested in his hobbies. This behavior only aggravates stress, devaluing everything that filled a person’s life.

Get used to suffering

Stress is a temporary phenomenon, just a period in life, and not life itself. It is important to understand this so as not to get used to the image of a victim and sufferer. Sometimes experiences are so drawn out that they develop into a habit and a system, when a person is dissatisfied with everything, complains about everything and perceives it with skepticism.

Live in someone else's mind

When a person experiences stress, he is helpless and weak-willed. This pushes him to actions imposed by others. For example, he is advised to tighten love story or attend a noisy party to get rid of negativity. At times like these, you need to listen to own desires and feelings so that it doesn’t get worse.

Methods for dealing with stress at work

Work is most often the cause of stress. Employees suffer from excessive workload, an inflated sense of responsibility, and fear of not meeting management’s expectations or losing their earnings. From troubles in professional activity no one is immune, but if work brings only negativity, then it’s worth changing your occupation so as not to completely burn out. In a work environment, stress can be minimized in the following ways.

· Manage time wisely, taking everything into account basic needs: work, rest, fun, household chores, hobbies;

· Plan work tasks to get the most out of energetic resources body;

· Change the type of activity: alternately perform physical and mental work;

· Dedicate time to self-development: improve professional skills, study new technologies, methods, watch webinars, read specialized literature;

· Separate work from personal: do not think or talk about work outside the office.

Interesting ways to relieve stress: 6 options

1. Travel

Have you met angry or angry travelers? dissatisfied people? The secret is that active image life, a change of environment, learning new things and communicating with people charge a person with positivity and relieve any nervous tension.

2. Sex

During intimate pleasures our body receives a colossal charge of positivity, provoked by the release of certain hormones. It is not for nothing that scientists award sex the palm among antidepressants. Male sperm is an excellent means of preventing suicidal feelings and depression.

3. Art therapy

Any creative activity has an amazing effect on people exposed to stress. What exactly to do with your hands is a matter of taste and preferences. Drawing, knitting, appliqués from cereals, playing music, dancing - there are a lot of options! The main thing is to enjoy what helps you express yourself and express your problems in works of art.

4. Treats

Chocolate, ice cream, delicious salad and other goodies can give the necessary positive emotions and gastronomic pleasure. Just be sure to eat in moderation so that culinary therapy doesn’t turn into stress eating.

5. Games

Scientists have discovered the positive impact of any games on a person’s mood. Whether active or computer games, in any case, the effect is on the face. Communication with teammates, competitive spirit and other aspects help to improve communication skills and get the desired relaxation.

6. Animals

If you are not indifferent to our smaller brothers, then the best antidepressant can be a pet that will calm you down, make you laugh and fill your soul with love and warmth.

Almost everyone is subject to stress modern people, only everyone copes with it in their own way: some more successfully, some less. But now you will be able to promptly notice the manifestations of nervous tension and protect yourself in the right ways getting rid of negativity.

I heard the opinion that stress in life is necessary. But at the same time, they write everywhere and say how dangerous they are to health. Where is the truth? Is stress dangerous or beneficial?

When the Canadian physiologist Hans Selye studied stress in the first half of the last century, he stated that it was impossible to completely avoid stress in life, and it was not necessary. After all, stress is an adaptive reaction of a person that allows him to survive in environment, avoid dangers. Stress occurs in any situation that somehow threatens a person’s well-being and even life. As a result, his adaptive abilities increase, there is a concentration of both physical and mental strength, thanks to which he copes with the obstacle that has arisen. But this applies only to short-term exposure, that is, stress that does not occur very often and is of short duration. IN otherwise they cause significant harm, depleting the body.

Prolonged stress is the cause of many diseases, not only those related to nervous system, but also amazing internal organs. It's all about physiological processes that occur in the body. When exposed to a factor that causes stress, hormones that have an stimulating effect, primarily adrenaline, are released into the blood. There is a rapid release of glucose in the blood, pulse and breathing increase - this is necessary for additional oxygen flow to the brain and muscles. The number of lymphocytes increases to increase the body's defenses. The pupils dilate, as vision needs to be improved. But digestion is slowed down in order to save energy for more important tasks. this moment organs. Therefore in stressful situation appetite usually disappears.

If, thanks to these measures, the unfavorable situation can be resolved, post-stress relaxation occurs, and gradually the functions of all systems return to normal. But if the stress is prolonged, or stressful situations happen very often, a state of rapid exhaustion sets in, because no organ can work in a state of constant tension. Immunity sharply decreases, so the risk of contracting infectious diseases increases due to stress. Vascular tone is disrupted, which can lead to the development of hypertension and related brain problems. Due to hormonal imbalance, the functioning of all other organs and systems suffers. As a result, under the influence chronic stress general health deteriorates significantly.

As you can see, only short-term stresses are positive for a person, especially those associated with positive emotions and experiences. Otherwise, there is no talk of any benefits of stress, and it must be dealt with.

You can judge that it’s time to get serious about solving your stress problem by the following signs:

Do you have a problem? constant feeling irritability, depression;

You cannot fall asleep for a long time, your sleep is restless and intermittent;

Feeling physical weakness headache, fatigue, reluctance to do anything;

Concentration decreases, memory problems arise and the speed of the thought process decreases;

It is almost impossible for you to relax, to get your affairs and problems out of your head;

Interest in others decreases, even in best friends, to family and friends;

You look at life with pessimism, feel sorry for yourself;

Your appetite is reduced or, on the contrary, you are haunted by a constant feeling of hunger, you overeat (this happens less often);

Obsessive habits appear: you bite your lips, bite your nails, etc.

If you cannot cope with stress on your own, be sure to seek help from a psychologist or psychotherapist.