Russian folk nursery rhymes. Nursery rhyme musicians like our neighbor Nursery rhyme musicians like our neighbor

Tatiana Kabarukhina
Folk nursery rhymes as a means of developing children's figurative speech

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« Folk nursery rhymes as a means of developing children's figurative speech»

Educator: Kabarukhina T. N.

MBDOU No. 17, Taganrog.

Preschool age is an important period for child speech development. Speech development goes in several directions: its practical use in communication with other people is improved, at the same time speech becomes the basis for the restructuring of mental processes, a tool of thinking.

Preschoolers are distinguished by emotional responsiveness to figurative speech addressed to them. It is important that children themselves use the resources available to them. figurative means of the native language. The child’s figurative speech is developed based on its activation imaginative thinking, imagination. During the learning process, children master the ability to use monologue speeches simple figurative descriptions, comparisons, epithets, as well as various intonation shades.

Speech development is closely related associated with knowledge of the surrounding world, development of the personality as a whole. Research by psychologists and teachers shows that by older preschool age, children develops meaningful perception, manifested in understanding the content and moral meaning of the work, in the ability to highlight and notice facilities artistic expression.

Figurative speech is an integral part of culture speeches. Formation figurative speech is of great importance for development of coherent speech, which is the basis of education and training children.

The most important sources development expressive children's speeches are works of fiction, oral folk art, including small folklore forms. Familiarity with small folklore forms influences the understanding of the role of expressive funds(comparisons, metaphors, synonyms and antonyms).

Folk nursery rhymes represent excellent speech material. With their help it is possible develop phonemic awareness, because they use sound combinations - tunes that are repeated several times at different tempos, with different intonations. All this contributes imagery of speech of preschoolers.

Among the means of expression personifications and phraseological units occupy a certain place in the language, the very meaning of which contains the prerequisites imagery, emotionality. Let's look at an example nursery rhymes.

IN nursery rhyme

Ay, kachi-kachi-kachi!

Look at the rolls, the rolls!

Look at the rolls, the rolls!

In the heat of the oven.

From the heat, from the heat from the oven -

Everything is rosy and hot.

The rooks have come here,

The rolls were picked up.

We have left


Repetitions and phraseological units are used "piping hot" and personifications “The rooks swooped in and picked up the rolls”. While reading nursery rhymes children imagine delicious and rosy rolls, bagels "in the heat of the oven", which contributes development of children's imagination and imaginative thinking. The presence of a repeating phoneme -ch-, onomatopoeia (ay, kachi, kachi, kachi, sound combinations - chi-ka- (rolls, rolls, from the oven, hot, rooks) contribute development phonemic hearing, as well as children's speech development.

IN nursery rhyme

The cat went to market,

The cat bought a pie

The cat went into the street

The cat bought a bun.

Do you have it yourself?

Or demolish Borenka?

I'll bite myself

Yes, I’ll demolish Borenka too.

Also present personification: cat "humanized"- "buys" pie and bun, "coming" to the marketplace, to the street. The poem resolves question: Either eat the bun and pie yourself, or take it to Borenka. The next line gives answer: try it yourself, and treat Borenka.

Nursery rhyme seems to suggest behavior model for children– what needs to be shared with others. Clear rhyme-rhythm structure (pie - torzhok, street - bun, eat - demolish) nursery rhymes, its brevity, introduce children precisely to this form of presentation of one’s own thoughts.

IN nursery rhyme

Snail, snail!

Show your horns

I'll give you a piece of the pie.

Donuts, cheesecakes

Butter flatbread

Dry the horns.

An acquaintance occurs through a monologue with a snail children with a variety of bakery products: pies, donuts, cheesecakes, flatbreads, etc., especially loved by Russians by the people.

Presence of repeating phonemes: - R -; - g- (horns, pie, - w (crumpets, cheesecakes, flatbreads) promotes development phonemic perception. Clear rhyme-rhythm structure nursery rhymes creates a cheerful and joyful mood children, teaches you to express your thoughts clearly and concisely.

IN nursery rhyme"Today is a whole day

All the animals are at work"

all animals perform tasks related to human life. They seem to "humanized": the little fox-sister is hemming her fur coat; the bear knocks down his boots; Masha the bear cooks porridge for the children; the hare sweeps with a broom; the cat pulls out the cat's basts, weaves the cat's bast shoes; the sandpiper walks with a staff; white-sided magpie (phraseologism) drives away flies.

IN nursery rhyme contains information about the life and everyday life of people, but in order to convey it in a more interesting and accessible form for children, author - people use images of animals, which "humanized" and perform actions that are inherent to a person. And also the meaning nursery rhymes in that that you need to work, do useful work in order to gain life experience, skills and abilities necessary for life. Compositional integrity nursery rhymes, its clear rhythm, the presence of rhyme teach children express your thoughts and feelings concisely and expressively, color your speech with intonation.

IN nursery rhyme“A fox is walking across the bridge,

Carrying a bundle of brushwood

Why does she need brushwood?

Heat the stove.

Why does she need to bake?

Cook lunch.

Why lunch?

Feed the guests.

Who are the guests?

Bear with his wife.

Yes a hedgehog, yes a cat,

Yes, we are with you."

Getting to know each other in the form of questions and answers children with the outside world“what is what is needed for”. The fox appears before us in hostess image, who prepares dinner for guests, and the guests include readers - "Yes, you and I".

IN nursery rhyme"Cockerel, cockerel,

golden comb,

Oil head,

Silk beard,

You don’t let the kids sleep"

epithets "gold", "Maslyana", "shelkova" are used figuratively and help convey image of a cockerel, like a beautiful, proud bird, which is very important for people in the household. After all, the cockerel gets up early, sings loudly, wakes people up for work and makes it possible for people to have chicken eggs on their tables.

In the words cockerel, comb, head, beard, the suffixes ok, ushk with a diminutive meaning are used, which makes it possible to convey the love and respectful attitude of people towards the cockerel, despite the fact that it “doesn’t let the kids sleep”.

IN nursery rhyme

“The squirrel is sitting on a cart,

She sells nuts:

Little fox - little sister,

Sparrow, titmouse,

To the fat-fifted bear,

Bunny with a mustache.

Who needs a scarf, Who needs a goiter,

Who cares"

the technique of personification is used;

the squirrel seems to be humanized: she "is sitting" on a trolley, "sells" nuts are also used phraseological units: little fox-sister, mustachioed bunny, fat-fifted bear; V words: fox-sister, bunny, goiter, sweetheart there are suffixes with a diminutive meaning, which is typical for oral folk art. A clear rhythm and laconic narration serve as an example for a laconic, clear children's speech.

IN nursery rhyme"Kitsonka-Murysenka" author - people also uses the technique of personification.

Kisonka-Murysenka is identified with the housewife who, before baking gingerbread, goes to the mill to grind flour, and only then bakes the gingerbread.

But she eats delicious gingerbreads alone. In the last line we "we hear" direct instruction that is repeated twice times:

Don't eat alone! Don't eat alone!

How it was in nursery rhyme

“Tili-bom! Tili-bom!

The cat's house caught fire,

There's a column of smoke coming out!

The cat jumped out!

Her eyes are bulging!”

The technique of personification is especially clearly visible here.

“The chicken is running with a bucket

Fill the cat's house,

And the horse is with a lantern,

And the dog is with a broom,

Gray bunny - with a leaf.

And the fire went out!”

Reception "lowering" verbs - actions, the technique of repetition of words give the poem a clear rhythm, dynamics, harmony, it seems that everything is in motion, everyone is rushing to put out the fire.

Even the words “Tili-bom! Tili-bom! sound like the ringing of a bell. What does it teach nursery rhyme? Popular wisdom says: we need to help each other in difficult times, especially during a fire. If you help, they will help you too. Mutual assistance and mutual assistance have always been the basis of relationships between Russian people.

IN nursery rhyme"Water, water

Wash my face.

To make your eyes sparkle,

To make your cheeks blush,

To make your mouth laugh,

So that the tooth bites"

water "comes to life", author - people turn to her how to "thinking being": the mouth and tooth come to life. In the words water, little face, cheeks, mouth, tooth, suffixes with a diminutive meaning are used, which emphasize caring for oneself and one’s body. IN nursery rhyme talks about the benefits of washing for human health and, in general, about the value of human life. The better a person takes care of his body, the longer he will live - this is folk wisdom.

IN nursery rhyme"Like our neighbor

The conversation was fun:

Geese - in harp,

Ducks - to the pipes,

Sheep - to the Donets,

Cockroaches - drums” also uses the technique of personification. It’s as if we hear a whole orchestra in which geese "play" on harp, ducks "piping" to the pipes, sheep "knock" to the Donets, cockroaches "beat" into the drums.

IN folk humor is felt in the nursery rhyme, the desire to amuse other people, this is reinforced by rhythm, rhyme and compositional clarity. The desire to imagine this cheerful "orchestra" develops children's imagination and imaginative thinking.

IN nursery rhyme“Ay, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo!

A raven sits on an oak tree,

He plays the trumpet

In silver” there is also personification. The raven turns into a trumpeter and "plays a silver trumpet". Nursery rhyme onomatopoeia - doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo - and doo-doo rhymes give a special rhythm and melodiousness; on an oak tree; into the trumpet, which makes it possible to enhance its melody, musicality, and "lulling" the rhythm makes it sound like a lullaby.

Folk nursery rhymes allow you to memorize words and word forms, phrases, and master the lexical aspect speeches.

Russians folk songs, nursery rhymes, jokes entertain and develop the child, create a cheerful, joyful mood in him, contribute to harmonious child's personality development, contribute imagery of speech of preschoolers.

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 290"

Russian folk nursery rhymes

Compiled by:

Lenkova E.A.,

music director

Ay kachi kachi kachi
Look, bagels, rolls.
Look, bagels, rolls,
In the heat of the oven.
In the heat of the oven,
Everything is rosy and hot.
The rooks have come here,
The rolls were picked up.
We have some lamb left

Snail, snail,

Stick out your horns

I'll give you some pie.

Ice drift: ice is falling.

The people came ashore

Watches the river play

Ice breaks into pieces.

Oh you little owl,
You're a big head!
You were sitting on a tree
You turned your head -
She fell into the grass,
She rolled into a hole!

Bucket sun,
Look out the window!
Sunny, dress up!
Red, show yourself!

Like our neighbor
The conversation was fun:
Geese - on the harp,
Ducks - to the pipes,
Sheep - to the Donets,
Cockroaches - drums.

Oh you little pig

With piglets

Why did you go to the river?

For the goslings?

Geese in the river

We swam

And your piglets

They were afraid!

Vanya, Vanya, simplicity!
I bought a horse without a tail!
Sat backwards
And I went to the garden.

On the street
Two chickens
They are fighting with a rooster.
Two beautiful girls
They look and laugh:
- Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha!
How we feel sorry for the rooster!

Bunny, go out into the garden,
Gray, go out into the garden.
Bunny, bunny, go out into the garden,
Gray, gray, go out into the garden!

Bunny, pick the color,
Gray, pick the color.
Bunny, bunny, pick the color,
Gray, gray, rip off the color!

Bunny, make your wreath,
Gray, make your wreath.
Bunny, bunny, your wreath,
Gray, gray, make your wreath.

Bunny, dance,
Gray, dance.
Bunny, bunny, dance,
Gray, gray, dance.

Little lambs are cool
We walked through the forests
They wandered around the courtyards,
They played the violin
Vanya was amused.
And the owls from the forest
With your eyes clap-clap!
And the goat from the stable
Knives top top

I'll put together a bridge.
I'll pave it with silver,
I'll let all the guys go.

Am! Am! Am! Am!
I'll give you candy
But first for our mother
Eat a spoonful of semolina porridge!
Am! Am! Am! Am!
Eat the porridge yourself, Vanya!
Eat a spoonful for daddy
You will grow up a little more!
Am! Am! Am! Am!
If you don't eat, I'll eat it myself.
And for a whole mile
I'll grow with every spoon!
I'll become very big
And then I will eat you!

You are water, water,
Queen of all seas,
Let the bubbles
Wash and rinse!
Wash your eyes, wash your cheeks,
My son, my daughter,
Wash the cat, wash the mouse,
My gray bunny!
Mine, mine at random,
Let's kill everyone!
Water from the swan goose -
Our baby is getting thin!

The birds have arrived
They brought some water.
We need to wake up
I need to wash my face
To make your eyes sparkle,
To make your cheeks burn,
To make your mouth laugh,
So that the tooth bites!

Like on Vanka’s name day
We baked an epic pie -
Such a height!
That's how wide it is!
Eat, Vanechka-friend,
Birthday cake –
Such a height!
That's how wide it is!
Eat, eat well,
You'll grow big soon -
Such a height!
That's how wide it is!

Lived with grandma
Two cheerful geese.
One gray
Another white one
Two cheerful geese.

Washing the geese's feet
In a puddle near a ditch.
One gray
Another white one
They hid in a ditch.

Here's grandma screaming:
“Oh, the geese are missing!
One gray
Another white one
My geese, my geese!”

The geese came out
They bowed to grandma.
One gray
Another white one
They bowed to grandma.

Lived with grandma
Two cheerful geese.
One gray
Another white one
Two cheerful geese.

Washing the geese's feet
In a puddle near a ditch.
One gray
Another white one
They hid in a ditch.

Here's grandma screaming:
“Oh, the geese are missing!
One gray
Another white one
My geese, my geese!”

The geese came out
They bowed to grandma.
One gray
Another white one
They bowed to grandma.

Grandma Frosya has five grandchildren.
Everyone is asking for porridge. Everyone is screaming.
Shark in a cradle, Alenka in a diaper,
Arinka on the featherbed, Stepan on the stove,
Ivan on the porch.
The woman kneaded the dough, cooked porridge,
She melted the milk and fed the grandchildren.
How we ate porridge, drank milk,
They bowed to Baba and calmed down!

Knocking, strumming along the street:
Foma rides a chicken
Timoshka on a cat
Along a crooked path.
-Where are you going, Foma?
Where are you going?
- I'm going to mow hay.
- What do you need hay for?
- Feed the cows.
- What do you need cows for?
- Milk.
- Why milk?
- Feed the kids.

Answer from Natalia Yavorskaya[guru]
I sympathize, we have been listening to the drummer who lives above us for 14 years now (and sometimes at 8 a.m. and at 11 p.m.!).
The easiest option is to drown out extraneous sounds with your favorite music, audio books, radio, TV, DVD, etc., or use headphones (either listen to something of your own, or simply create silence). There is, however, a possibility that you will not hear, for example, the telephone...
A more difficult option is to come to an amicable agreement with your neighbors, find a compromise (time limits...)

Answer from Qwerty qwerty[active]
I play the guitar myself every day and it’s not a joy for my neighbors)
just when he plays, ring the doorbell and say that everyone has a headache, and it’s very noisy and something else, suggest to him, for example, to dampen the strings somehow so that the sound is not so ringing, I don’t know how to play a violin, but you can come up with something!

Answer from Yoman Kalashnikov[guru]
Previously, when I was a child (3-5 years old), a music school student lived above us. I especially liked the brilliant work “Dog Waltz”, because, as far as I remember, it was often played at night (for a child of 3 years old and 10 pm is night). Until she finished music school, the situation did not change, and besides, her parents are no better - they still like to move furniture at midnight. Now I’ve taken up music myself (I play the electric guitar, and this is also not pleasant music for everyone). Recently, the neighbors (across the floor) already asked not to play between 2-4 o'clock in the afternoon, because the child was sleeping. They asked quite politely, so now I try not to make too loud noises at this time. So the only way is to talk to the neighbors, preferably with the boy first, so that he can understand the essence of the problem himself. If you don’t want to talk, just drown out extraneous sounds with your music, if possible.
(“Anti-advice” is to play some death metal (or an equally harmful drug - pop music) at full volume through the most powerful speakers, so that the boy with his mind reaches the point that he is disturbing someone))

Answer from Vitaly Sitnik[guru]
Of course, talk, but not with him, of course, with your parents. The problem must be solved, let alone work, it’s impossible to live! Let them do some soundproofing or something...

Answer from Valera -[guru]
Rejoice! A violinist lives next to you, or maybe a Death rock guitarist and his drummer friend live next to you.
If you offend a guy, he will suffer psychological trauma, will not be able to play and will become a salesman in a stall.
For him, this is the same job as translations for you.
1) Agree on a time, for example, to play in the morning if you work in the evening, or whatever is more convenient for you.
2) At the age of 16, he must be at the music school from 8 am to 10 pm. Try asking him to study in designated areas.
3) Move your workspace to a quieter location.
4) Learn not to pay attention.
5) “They knock out a wedge with a wedge.” As soon as it starts playing, turn on something heavier and louder, close your ears and wait for an intense and persistent knock on the door. Just don't go deaf

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Geese in harps, ducks in pipes, crows in boxes, cockroaches in drums, a goat in a gray sundress, a cow in matting, all of them are more expensive.

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  • - two closely related species of birds of the family. raven - gray and black V. Dl. up to 56 cm. Lives in Europe, Asia and North-East. Africa. Capable of complex forms of behavior...

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Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people Dahl. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what OUR NEIGHBOR HAS A FUN CONVERSATION: GEESE IN THE GUSLI, DUCKS IN THE PIPE, SHEEP IN THE DONTS, COCKROACHS IN THE DRUMS. in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    If you dreamed of ducks in the clear waters of a river, they foretell happy travels, sea trips. If white ducks wander around a peasant’s yard - ...
  • GEESE in Miller's Dream Book, dream book and interpretation of dreams:
    The annoying cackling of geese promises misfortune. If you look at swimming geese, this means that luck will gradually return to you. Especially...
    399513, Lipetsk, ...
  • CHEERFUL in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
    352063, Krasnodar, ...
  • CONVERSATION in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
    188447, Leningradskaya, ...
  • COCKROACHES in the Encyclopedia Biology:
    , a detachment of one of the most ancient insects. Includes St. 3600 species, most live in the tropics and subtropics. They have a flat oval…
  • GUSLI in the Ethnographic Dictionary:
    (slav.), a stringed musical instrument among the peoples of Eastern and Northern Europe. have two varieties: wing-shaped, common in North Russian ...
  • GUSLI in the Dictionary of Ethnographic Terms:
    (slav.), a stringed musical instrument among the peoples of Eastern and Northern Europe. They have two varieties: wing-shaped, common in the northern Russian regions, in ...
  • GUSLI in the Bible Encyclopedia of Nikephoros:
    The national stringed instrument of the Jews is undoubtedly one of the first musical instruments with which man became acquainted. The invention of the harp in Genesis 4:21 is attributed to...
  • GEESE in the Directory of Characters and Cult Objects of Greek Mythology:
  • GEESE in the Encyclopedia of Celtic Mythology:
    For the Celts, geese symbolized war and patronage, so geese were often lowered into the grave along with the bodies of fallen warriors. Deities of War...
  • CONVERSATION in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    I. - a magazine published in 1871-1872 in Moscow, ed. S. Yuryev, moderate Slavophile direction. Index to the magazine in Art. Bessonova...
  • CONVERSATION in the Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , in pedagogy, question-and-answer method of teaching; used to activate the mental activity of students in the process of acquiring new knowledge or repeating...
    several genera of birds of the duck family. Widely distributed. Ducks include true ducks, diving ducks (pochards), and mergansers. In Russia there are 35...
  • GUSLI in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    Russian stringed musical instrument. Wing-shaped psaltery ("ringed") have 4-14 or more strings, helmet-shaped - 11-36, rectangular (table-shaped) - 55-66...
  • GEESE in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    several genera of waterfowl in the Anatidae family. Length up to 1 m, weigh up to 8 kg. In Eurasia, North. America and Africa; ...
  • CONVERSATION in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    one of the first associations of zemstvo leaders (Moscow, 1899-1905). Discussed zemstvo and political issues. Through the newspaper "Pravo" and other liberal publications...
    a heterogeneous group of birds of the duck family of the order Anseriformes. They weigh 300-1700 g. They are distributed all over the world. According to the structural features, biology and commercial significance of U. ...
  • GUSLI in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Russian plucked instrument. Known in two varieties. The first has a wing-shaped (in later samples triangular) shape, from 5 to 14 ...
  • GEESE in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    birds of the duck family of the order Anseriformes. The sizes are quite large, weighing from 2 to 6 kg. Relatively high legs are more suitable for...
    True ducks (Anas) are a genus of birds from the family. ducks, distinguished from other genera by being longer than the head, barely tapering towards...
  • COCKROACHES in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Blattidae s. Blattodea) is a family of insects from the order Orthoptera, Orthoptera (see), belonging to the suborder Orthoptera proper (Orthoptera genuina) and making up ...
  • SHEEP in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    sheep (Ovis) - a genus of ruminants from the family. bull or bovine (Bovidae s. Cavicornia). Together with the related genus goat, goat (Carra) O. make up ...
  • GUSLI in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Gusli is a musical instrument, the name of which in Russia refers to several varieties of recumbent harps. G. psalted are similar to the Greek psalter and ...
  • CHEERFUL in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    settlement of Voronezh province, Biryuchinsky district, in the 15th century. to the S.W. from the district town, on the Sosenka River, the banks of which are chalk...
  • GUSLI in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • GEESE in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    several genera of waterfowl. Weight ranges from 300 to 1700 g; many males are larger and brighter in color. 116 species, in…
  • GUSLI in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    Russian stringed musical instrument. Wing-shaped (ringed) gusli have 4-14 or more strings, helmet-shaped - 11-36, rectangular (table-shaped) - 55-66...
  • GEESE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    several genera of waterfowl (family Anatidae). Length up to 1 m, weight up to 6 kg. The neck is long, the legs are relatively high. 9-10...
  • PIPE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , particle (colloquial). Expresses refusal, disagreement. No, you won't get it...
  • CONVERSATION in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -vs., w. 1. Conversation, exchange of opinions. Friendly b. 2. A type of popular report, usually with an exchange of opinions, an interview. Conduct …
  • GUSLI in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -to her. An ancient plucked string musical instrument. II adj. guselny, -aya, -oe and guslar, -aya, ...
    DUCKS, a group of genera of birds of the family. duck Widely distributed. U. include river U., diving U. (divers) and mergansers. In Russia …
  • GUSLI in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    GUSLI, Russian. string plucked zither muses. instr. Wing-shaped ("ringed") usually have 5-7 (in later examples 6-11) strings, helmet-shaped (psalter-shaped) ...
  • GEESE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    GUSI, a genus of waterfowl of the family. duck Dl. up to 1 m, weight up to 6 kg. They live in Eurasia, North. America and...
  • CONVERSATION in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    "CONVERSATION OF LOVERS OF THE RUSSIAN WORD", lit. society in St. Petersburg in 1811-16, headed by G.R. Derzhavin and A.S. Shishkov. Most members...
  • CONVERSATION in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    "BESEDA", one of the first associations of zemstvo leaders (Moscow, 1899-1905). Founders: princes br. Pavel D. and Peter D. Dolgorukov, Yu.A. Novosiltsev, ...
    (Blattidae s. Blattodea) ? a family of insects from the order Orthoptera, Orthoptera (see), belonging to the suborder Orthoptera proper (Orthoptera genuina) and making up ...
  • CHEERFUL in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? settlement of Voronezh province, Biryuchinsky district, in the 15th century. to the S.W. from the district town, on the Sosenka River, the banks of which represent...
  • DUCKS in Collier's Dictionary:
    a group of genera of webbed-footed waterfowl belonging to the Anatidae family, which also includes geese and swans. Ducks are different...
  • GEESE in Collier's Dictionary:
    a group of genera of webbed-footed waterfowl belonging to the Anatidae family, which also includes swans and ducks. From the swans...
  • PIPE in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak.
    gu"sli, gu"slay, gu"slam, gu"sli, gu"slyam, ...
  • CONVERSATION in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    bese"yes, bese"dy, bese"dy, bese"d, bese"de, bese"dam, bese"du,bese"dy,bese"doy,bese"doyu,bese"dami,bese"de, ...