Me and my future profession - teacher. Essay on the topic: “My future profession is a teacher

The teaching profession is one of the most important professions for society, as it ensures the development of a student’s personality, the formation of his moral ideals and behavior patterns, and helps open the way for him to a successful future.

At the same time, this is one of the most difficult professions, since it requires endurance, resistance to stress, the ability to communicate with children and the desire for self-development, because it is impossible to teach something good without being a role model.

I decided to become a teacher in elementary school and I hope that my dream of becoming a good and experienced teacher will come true soon.

Of course, for this it will be necessary to study long and hard, understanding the basics of pedagogy, methodology and psychology of children, and gain the necessary experience of communicating with children during teaching practices.

However, none of this stops me in my pursuit. When I chose teaching as my future profession, I was guided by several reasons.

Personality of the first teacher

It is the first teacher who lays the foundation of knowledge and forms the student’s positive or negative attitude towards learning. My first teacher, Olga Vladimirovna, is a teacher who is an extremely talented person who loves her profession.

Her warm, almost motherly caring attitude towards each student helped her find a response in the hearts of little students and made us all enjoy attending her lessons.

Love for children is undoubtedly one of the most important qualities, without which it is impossible to achieve success in this profession, and Olga Vladimirovna undoubtedly possesses this wonderful quality, which allows her to win the favor of her students.

And in my future profession, I would like to reach the same professional heights as Olga Vladimirovna and choose her image as a guideline to which to strive. I am ready for the fact that this will require constant personal development.

Benefits of the teaching profession for society

Every person wants to be useful and contribute to the development and improvement of modern society. I believe that it is the teacher who can have a significant impact on the development of society by educating his students in accordance with the right ideals.

He can correct their behavior if necessary, being able to tactfully guide the child to make the right decision and laying the foundations of behavior.

Therefore, in the future I would like to become a talented teacher, mentor and ally of every student in the difficult task of understanding the world around me.

I would like to become the teacher whom children will look at with respect and admiration, striving to comprehend all the information conveyed to them and look forward to a new meeting.

It was these factors that allowed me to choose my future profession and I will carefully ensure that I live up to the title of “Real Teacher” and do everything to become a professional in my field.

Essay “Profession teacher.” (Var 1)

Profession teacher

One of the oldest professions is a teacher. In my opinion, it is also the noblest profession. A long time ago, in different countries, people who had certain knowledge became teachers. To be a student of a philosopher was considered worthy of respect. For example, the well-known Alexander the Great was a student of the philosopher Aristotle. It is unknown whether Macedonian would have become so militant if not for the lessons of his teacher.

I believe that being a teacher is God's gift. It is a great talent to be a teacher. Just imagine how many positive qualities a person whose calling is to be a teacher has! Strictness and at the same time gentleness, patience that has no boundaries. Any teacher should be an example for his student. And his most important advantage is his love for his work, and indeed for his entire environment in general.

From early childhood we have our mentors - our teachers. They help us understand the ability to count and write, introduce us to the secrets of the environment, and open doors for us to the mysterious world of art. It is important in the teaching profession to teach children not so much knowledge as to find the source of this knowledge.

Our life largely depends on what our teacher will be like. Because he, a teacher, must first of all be a person. This is important because it teaches children to go through life, instructs them on the true path. Teaches you not to lose self-confidence, believe in your strengths and achieve your goals.

One scientist once noted that a student is a candle and must be lit. Only a person with the proud title of teacher is capable of this! And Mendeleev said that the pride of a teacher lies in his students. Who do you think is behind great people, behind great discoveries, behind all achievements? Of course, our teachers.

Growing up, we choose our own path, but the truths laid down by our teachers remain in each of us. Years will pass, but all the same, we remember our mentors with great warmth.

It seems to me that a teacher should become a person who feels the strength to do such difficult work.

Soon I will be a graduate. But I will always remember the parting words of my teachers, who guided me through life for many years.

Essay “Profession teacher.” (Var 2)

There are many interesting professions, many of which benefit society every day. This is how firefighters tame the raging elements, doctors carry out complex operations and save hundreds of lives, janitors keep city streets clean and tidy, and cooks provide people with dishes of incredible taste. Of course, any work deserves respect, but I would like to pay special attention to the work teachers, because they make a tremendous contribution to the future, fulfilling their duties and purposes every day.

My first teacher was Svetlana Antonovna, I remember well the day we first met. Then, at the first-grade class, I had to recite a short poem, but everything was complicated by insurmountable stage fright. When I came to the rehearsal for the first time, I was very nervous, but as soon as I saw her, the anxiety became noticeably less. She was a middle-aged woman, with short blond hair and incredibly kind eyes. She calmly came up and placed a warm palm on my head and spoke to my mother. I didn’t listen to the conversation, but at that time I felt some inexplicable calmness. Suddenly Svetlana Antonovna spoke to me, her voice was gentle and measured, she was able to drive away my fears with just a few words. I believe the ability to sense a child’s mood and find a way to individual approach– something that should be present in the arsenal of a good teacher.

All my years in primary school, I always wanted to please teacher who made an indelible impression on me. I went to school like it was a holiday, did all my classwork and homework with pleasure, and an irresistible feeling developed in me. Thirst for knowledge. Svetlana Antonovna helped me find a way out of difficult situations, taught me overcome my fears, imbued me with the best human qualities. Now, already as a teenager, I decided to become a teacher too. To instill in children love of learning and the world around us, because it is the teacher and his works that give rise to the development of a mature personality. I would really like to be like my first and most beloved teacher!

Teacher's profession very important at all times. After all, basic knowledge of science, rules of behavior and safety precautions will never cease to be relevant. Through their activities, teachers provide tremendous assistance in the development of the future generation, and therefore the entire country!

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"My future profession -


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Romanova Marina Viktorovna

There is no man in the world who made himself

myself. We are the creations of thousands of others. Every,

who at least once did a good deed for us

or at least told us a single word

encouragement is present in our character and

in our thoughts as well as in our success.

George Matthew Adams.

There are a lot of professions in the world, more than 40 thousand.

The most famous: pilot, economist, teacher, doctor, educator, cook, lawyer, etc. The world of professions is extremely dynamic and changeable. About 500 new professions appear every year. Many live only 5-15 years, and then either “die” or change beyond recognition. Some professions are considered prestigious, others are simply necessary. But they are all necessary.

Adults often ask us what we want to be when we grow up? But it’s not so easy to choose the only profession in which you can become a real master. To do this, you need to try your hand at different areas, otherwise you may never know what inclinations, abilities and interests you have. To do this, the class teacher and I conduct class hours about professions, trips to Saratov in order to get acquainted with the professions that are needed in the city. It has become a tradition in our school to hold an understudy day on Teacher's Day.

We live in the 21st century, in a world saturated with advanced technologies, a fast pace of life, and scientific discoveries. However, everyone must remember the beginning of their creative achievements: family, school, teacher.

I dream of becoming a teacher. A teacher is a very good, necessary, but very difficult profession. I often see how much effort our teachers spend to invest knowledge in us, students. It often happens that teachers do not get enough sleep while checking our notebooks.

The main thing is that we can see with the naked eye that every teacher at our school gives us all their strength, knowledge and experience, teaching us to be kind and fair by their own example. Personally, I want to be like the class teacher Marina Viktorovna Romanova, Russian language teachers Lidiya Ivanovna Yashina and Nina Sergeevna Borisova.

Marina Viktorovna Romanova is a teacher with a higher education, providing complete mathematical knowledge. Listening to the new material that Marina Viktorovna explains, we see how she reveals her whole soul, giving all of herself so that each of us can understand the topic. During class hours, Marina Viktorovna gives us very interesting and necessary information; you can just have a heart-to-heart talk with her, like with a loved one. I like such qualities in her as rigor, fairness, and the ability to find a common language with any of us.

Lidiya Ivanovna Yashina has extensive teaching experience. She talks interestingly about the culture of our Motherland, about writers and poets. And how she reads poetry... Lydia Ivanovna is kind, respected among teachers and students. At any moment she will console you with a kind word and instill hope.

Borisova Nina Sergeevna, has been working at our school for many years. Every person should be literate and be able to clearly express their thoughts and feelings. You can learn all this from Nina Sergeevna. She is very elegant, modest, responsive, ready to help at any moment.

There is no more beautiful profession in the world -

You bring a source of knowledge to children,

And our teacher is our idol,

With whom we come to know the world.

Many kind words can be said about each of our teachers.

My classmates and I are lucky to have kind and sensitive mentors and teachers next to us, giving knowledge and a piece of their heart to their students. Imitating them, I chose the profession of a teacher. I want, like them, to bring good, bright things into our hearts. I would like to help children become literate and educated people, choose the right path, and find themselves. I love overcoming difficulties, learning the unknown, and this is what attracts me to the ancient profession of teaching.

I understand that in order for my dream to come true, I need to study a lot. Nowadays it is simply impossible to be illiterate. At school the foundations of knowledge are laid, but in general a person learns throughout his life. An educated person feels confident and has many friends.

But I have a question: “Does Russia need youth? Will my chosen profession be necessary? There are many new reforms now in the field of education. Maybe I am not yet able to evaluate something correctly, but, in my opinion, teachers in Russia, especially in the outback, accomplish a feat every day. Working in a school whose building leaves much to be desired, where there is no gym and a warm toilet is not the ultimate dream. But it seems to me that the consolidation of rural schools will not lead to “good” things. It is not safe to travel several kilometers every day in any weather to a basic school, when there are people on the ground who can perform “miracles.”

Now there are many different ways to improve your level: the Internet, educational CDs and much more, but no one can replace live communication with a teacher.

I really want to see my country developed economically, rich, populated by happy people and, most importantly, with small villages where real teachers work.

I understand that our generation will have to participate in this.

When I was still in kindergarten, I really wanted to go to school. The schoolchildren seemed so mature, smart and happy to me. When the time came for me to become a student, I realized that the credit for this belongs to the teachers. They are the “culprits” of the smiles on the students’ faces.

Despite the fact that the profession of a teacher is very honorable, it is also a lot of work. After all, you need to prepare for each lesson in advance.

I like this profession because workers in this profession are responsible for the level of knowledge in our society. They help the family raise real, honest, good and strong people.

When I grow up, I will definitely become a teacher. My class teacher is an excellent example of a good representative of this valuable profession. You can always approach her and ask about something you didn’t understand or just ask for advice. These are the people who help you choose your path in life.

I have a toy board at home. I sometimes play it for school. I imagine that I am a teacher and teach a lesson in front of toys or guests when they are present.

We have a pedagogical university in our city, and after finishing school I will go to study there. And I will definitely become a teacher.

Essay Teacher is my future profession
As a child, we see the world in different colors. Everything around us seems fun and interesting. People in uniform, be they firefighters, military personnel or medical personnel, are especially delighted. Not everyone determines for themselves from an early age what they will become in the future. After all, choosing a profession is a matter of a lifetime.

This is work that you will have to do day after day, devoting yourself to your favorite (or not always) activity for years. Of course, adults try to give advice on this matter, talking about the pros and cons, illustrating in detail our potential future. And finally, on the eve of graduation, the choice falls on one of the many professions that were invented during the evolution of mankind over many centuries.

My calling is to study and become a teacher. After looking closely at various professions for a long time, I decided to become a teacher. I would like to justify my desire to teach others.

Firstly, I have always had and still have a desire to explain to people, and especially children, what they do not understand. And I do it quite well, people around me talk about it.

Secondly, by helping those in need understand the structure of our universe, I receive moral satisfaction from the fact that I am useful to someone. People are different, and everyone's worldview is different. Therefore, I believe that a teacher should explain to his students material that is difficult for them.

Thirdly, I myself have respect and respect for my teachers. I am very grateful to them for their attentiveness, patient attitude towards careless students and the inexhaustible energy they spend on our teaching.

In my opinion, you cannot overcome other professions without education and knowledge. To learn something, you need to have several levels of mastery in a particular area.

I am aware that working as a teacher is not at all easy. This profession requires pedantry, the ability to listen and hear people, interact with them, taking into account the individuality and character of the individual student.

I think, in addition to the above, the whole structure will not work if you do work without love. No matter how primitive it may sound, it is a sincere attitude towards people, students and children that gives the very result for which students attend schools, educational centers, colleges, and universities.

In conclusion, I will say: I consciously decided to work as a teacher.

The teaching profession has been respected at all times. Probably because a teacher is not just a highly educated person, but first of all someone who knows how to pass on his knowledge to others, explain the incomprehensible, and find the key to the abilities of each student.

In order to teach someone something, you must understand it perfectly yourself and be ready to answer any question. In addition, the teacher often has to answer questions that are not related to his subject, so his horizons must be broad. A teacher also needs such qualities as endurance, patience, and friendliness. The teacher must be a good psychologist and love children.

Being a teacher is very responsible because he is a role model for students in thinking and behavior. Not only does a teacher need to know perfectly the subject he is teaching, he also needs to be able to teach. Every child in the class must understand the material. And children are all different, so the teacher should be attentive to everyone. He must find an approach to everyone, interest them in his subject, show its importance and usefulness in the lives of students. At the same time, the teacher is obliged to respect the student’s individuality and not humiliate him, even by giving him a bad grade. Students love such a teacher, listen attentively and complete assignments with interest.

My favorite teachers will forever remain in my heart. They are all different, with different approaches to their work. But there is something in common that earns me respect - fairness, attentiveness, the ability to explain in an interesting way, understanding. I am sure that we have a lot to be grateful for to our teachers and appreciate them. The best gratitude to a teacher from a student, as my favorite teacher said, is his willingness to learn and be successful in his future life.

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Essay-reasoning on the topic: “Profession teacher”

Is a teacher a profession or a calling?

Teaching is one of the oldest professions on earth. Even in ancient Greece, Egypt and Rome, people revered for their intelligence and knowledge became teachers. And it was considered a great honor to become a disciple of a philosopher, to comprehend the secrets of the world. We know examples from history: the teacher, for example, of Alexander the Great was the ancient Greek scientist and philosopher Aristotle. And who knows whether Alexander would have become such a great warrior and king if not for the lessons of his mentor.

Many people believe that teaching is a profession from God. It’s not even a profession, it’s a calling. Indeed, how many spiritual qualities should a person who wants to become a teacher unite in his character: firmness, boundless patience, severity and gentleness, trust and the ability to be an example in everything. And most importantly - love, love for life, for the learning process, and above all, for children. L. Tolstoy also noted that a good teacher is one who combines love for his work and love for his students.

From a young age we are surrounded by teachers. They reveal to us the secrets of numbers, explain the laws of nature, and introduce us to the masterpieces of world culture. They open doors for us to this wonderful world, filled with the joy of recognition. Real teachers teach us not so much science as the ability to learn, to find the source of knowledge ourselves. They awaken in us a craving for the good and the bright. It is these teachers who inspire.

How much in a person’s life depends on who will be his teacher. After all, teachers give us not only knowledge on the subject, they teach us about life, cultivate in a little person the ability to rejoice and love, hope and believe, be strong and courageous, hardy and faithful, smart and self-confident. Thus, the ancient Greek philosopher Plutarch wrote that a student is a torch that needs to be lit. And only a real Teacher can do this.

And Dmitry Mendeleev noted: “All the pride of a teacher lies in his students, in the growth of the seeds he sows.” Indeed, teachers are always behind the discoveries of scientists, behind the achievements of professors and scientists. We become adults and choose our own path. But each of us always contains a piece of the soul given to us by our teachers. It is no coincidence that, even after many years, we cross the threshold of school with such trepidation and remember our teachers with such warmth.

Those who want to become a teacher in the future will have to go through a great school of life. And only those who feel a calling within themselves should choose this profession - to be a teacher, mentor, friend, adviser and example in everything.

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My future profession is a teacher (School essays)

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I want to become a teacher, because this profession is one of the most necessary, important and noble. School is an obligatory stage in the life of each of us. He leaves his mark on our destinies, views, souls.

There are many professions in the world, and they are all interesting in their own way. So it is very difficult to find your calling in life. The choice of profession depends on your abilities and goals in life. I really enjoy working with children.

My mother and grandmother are also teachers. Since childhood, I watch my mother work every day. I see this work not only from the outside, like other students, but also from the inside. Yes it is hard. Yes, this is daily painstaking work. Preparing for lessons, celebrating holidays... But with all this, my mother never regretted her choice of profession. Here, you are teaching a lesson. The clean, trusting eyes of the children look at you carefully. An entire generation is growing up before your eyes. And you made every effort to raise real worthy people from these guys. The teacher nurtures children like little sprouts. He prepares the ground for them and watches their gradual growth with interest. And by the end of the training you get a beautiful blossoming flower. When a teacher sees the result of his work: a kind, honest, decent person - an accomplished person, then this is the highest reward for him.

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