Words with opposite meanings.


February 21. Classwork.

labor, cry,
work, brave,
laugh, brave

What? noun

What to do?
work brave laugh

"Basket of Ideas"

What would you like
learn about


"Basket of Ideas"
Let's find out
What are they for?
What words
are called


"Basket of Ideas"
Will learn
pick up
antonyms in


cry - laugh

13. words of the same part of speech with opposite lexical meaning



15. Winter Summer

It's cold in winter, and warm in summer.
In winter the days are short, and in summer... long.
In winter, nature freezes, but in summer... it comes to life.

16. Winter - summer Short - long Freezes - comes to life

words that relate to
the same part of speech.



18. Complete the sentence:

Big elephant
and the mouse... is small.

19. In winter the weather is cold, and in summer...


20. It’s hard to work, but to rest...



Black White
Big small
For comparison and


"If life deceives you,
Don't be sad, don't be angry,
On the day of despondency, humble yourself:
The day of fun, believe me, will come!
A.S. Pushkin
For more

23. Find antonyms for the words:

healthy bitter war
a lot of
thick give


a lot of



27. Game “Make sure you don’t make a mistake”

Big (...), a lot (...),
glass (...), tall (...),
camel (...), cheerful (...),
house (...), good (...),
clock (...), tea (...), end (...), Natasha (...),
blue (...), world (...), Sergey (...), golden (...),
tenth (...), apple (...)

28. Conclusion:

There are no antonyms for names
proper, pronouns,
numerals, adjectives,
colors (except black and white),
adjectives formed from
names of metals.


The sad clown is crying loudly
And the cheerful clown is jumping,
Wants to accomplish a feat -
Wants to roar and make you laugh.


Long sundress for Masha,
To be more beautiful than everyone else in the world.
And the short one is for Alyonka,
Her little sister.


A brave knight went out into the field,
He can fight anyone!
And the cowardly little bunny
It will scare the girl too!


To a dirty car
The car's path was blocked:
“Green light here for the clean!
There is no way for the rest!”


The old grandfather grumbled:
“You will live to be a hundred years old!”
The grandson replied: “Never!
I will always be young!”


Think about it!
If we choose the right antonyms for the words, then
the first letters of the words we reconstructed form
word …………. - all that remains is to add b.
Filthy -
Artificial -
Cowardly –
Soft -
Rude -
Closed –
Weak -
Light -

35. Let's check!


Artificial -






Learning is light, not teaching...
Know more and speak up...
The root of learning is bitter, but its fruit...
Don't be afraid of a smart enemy, be afraid of a friend...
The best thing is new, best friend...
The swallow begins the day, and the nightingale...

37. “Collect a proverb!”

It's easy to say, yes.. (sees across)
Run ahead, ah.. (hard to sleep)
It lays softly, yes.. (hard to prove)
Looks along, and.. (look back)

38. “Collect a proverb!”

It's easy to say, but difficult to prove.
Run ahead and look back.
It lays down softly, but sleeps hard.
He looks along, but sees across.


Blitz tournament.

40. TEST

1. Antonyms are words that are similar in
2. Antonyms are words with different
lexical meaning.
3. Antonyms of one group refer to
one part of speech.
4. Antonyms are pronounced and written
the same.
5. Antonyms and synonyms serve to highlight
and expressive speech.



Do you think the lesson has passed for you?
fruitfully, usefully. Have you learned
find antonyms and can help
to others.
Do you think you have learned to find
the words are antonyms, but you still need
Do you think it was
difficult in class.


Well done!


There are good and evil people, brave and
cowardly, smart and narrow-minded,
beautiful and ugly, healthy and
sick, cheerful and gloomy, old
and young, direct and secretive,
frank and cunning.


Read the text carefully.
Name the words antonyms.
A strange forest in September, in it nearby
spring and autumn. Yellow leaf and green
blade of grass Sparkling frost and
butterflies. Warm sun and cold
wind. Withering and dawn. Songs and
silence. Sad and happy.

Antonyms- these are words with opposite lexical meanings that must belong to the same part of speech. (semantic difference). (concrete - abstract, abstract).

Individual meanings of polysemantic words can enter into antonymic relationships. (day “part of the day” - night, day “day, date” has no antonyms. Different meanings of the same word can have different antonyms. For example, close with the meaning “located at a short distance” - distant, close " blood related" - stranger, close "similar" - different. A polysemantic word can have one antonym, which appears in several meanings. For example, upper with the meanings “located at the top”, “close to the upper reaches of the river” - lower (upper step - lower, upper flow - lower).

Stylistic potential of antonyms

Anton's main function. - expression of opposites. This feature can be used for various stylistic purposes:

· to indicate the limit of manifestation of a quality, property, relationship, action: “a person needs little, so that he searches and finds, so that to begin with there is only one friend and one enemy”

· to actualize a statement or strengthen an image, impression, etc.: “it was like a clear evening: neither day nor night, neither light nor darkness”

· to express an assessment of the opposite properties of objects, actions, etc.: “...one old man, completely insignificant, was worthy of my novel than all these great people..”

Built on the sharp opposition of antonyms antithesis. It can be simple (one-term ): the powerful are always to blame for the powerless and complex: and we hate, and we don’t love. Without sacrificing anything, neither anger nor love. The antithesis can be seen in the titles of the art. works, headlines of newspaper articles.

Antonymy is at the core oxymoron- a stylistic device consisting of creating a new concept by combining words with contrasting meanings: expensive cheapness and based on a pun: where is the beginning of the end.

Using one of the antonyms when another should have been used: when you’re smart, you’re delirious. Using a word in its opposite meaning - antiphrasis.

Antonyms can be expressed when any member of a is missing from the text. couples: dark, but clean face; His height is average or less...

Typology of antonyms

Antonyms are heterogeneous in their structure. Some are of different roots (actually lexical): black - white, life - death.

Others have the same root (lexicogrammatical): calm - restless. In single-rooted Anton. the opposite meaning is due to the addition of semantically different prefixes, cat. can enter into antonymic relationships with each other. In this case, lexical antonymy is a consequence of word formation processes. single-root antonyms are found among all lexico-grammatical categories of words. Antonym verbs are especially active, because they are distinguished by the richness of prefix formations in-, for-, from-, under-, etc. single-root antonyms-adjectives and antonyms-nouns are often formed with the help of foreign language word-forming elements: a-, de-, anti, micro-, dis-, etc. Single-rooted a.:

· antonyms-enantiosemes(the meaning of the opposite is expressed by the same word). This antonymy is intraverbal. The semantic possibilities of such an antonym are realized with the help of context (lexically) or special constructions (syntactically): make a reservation (accidentally) “make a mistake” slip (intentionally) “make a reservation”.

· antonyms-euphemisms- words that express the semantics of the opposite in a restrained, gentle manner. Formed using the prefix not-.

· Converse antonyms- different root ant., words expressing the opposite in both the original and modified statements in reverse order: Peter comes to Sergei - Sergei leaves Peter.

Antonym dictionaries

For a long time there were no special dictionaries of antonyms. In 1971 2 dictionaries were published. In "Dictionary a. Russian Yaz.” L. Vvedenskaya explained 862 antonymous pairs. All interpretations are provided with numerous examples from works (fiction, scientific, newspaper and journalistic). The dictionary includes a theoretical section that covers issues related to lexical antonymy.

N. Kolesnikov’s dictionary explains more than 1,300 antonym words and various contrasts. It does not sufficiently cover single-root antonyms. Its dictionary includes many terms that exist in pairs: vocalism-consonantism.

In "Dictionary a. rus. Yaz.” M. Lvova, L. Novikova interpretation of the meanings of antonymic pairs is given through the presentation of phrases with these words and examples in the texts. The special sections of the dictionary indicate the main ways of forming single-root antons. , word-forming elements of an antonymic nature are listed. In the "School Dictionary a." M Lvov explains the most common antonyms. When determining meanings, the polysemy of words is taken into account, synonymous pairs are given, and style notes are given.

What are words called that have opposite meanings but belong to the same part of speech?


A word with the opposite meaning in grammar is called Antonym.

For some words, there are opposite meanings of qualitative characteristics, for example, in relation to height (tall - short), weight (light - heavy), season (winter - summer) or day (morning - evening).

But for most words there is no such opposition, so antonyms for them are possible only in a figurative sense.

Antonyms cannot be formed from words from different parts of speech or lexical levels.

Numerals, pronouns and proper names do not form antonyms.

Among the antonyms there are:

contradictory, when there are no transitional steps between them (dead - alive),

contrasting, when there are transitional gradations between them (white - gray - black), -

vector, denoting the multidirectionality of signs, phenomena or actions (left - entered, revolutionary - counter-revolutionary),

conversions, when opposite points of view are described with antonyms (learn - teach, found - lost),

enantiosemy, the antonym has the opposite meaning (borrowed a tool from a neighbor - lent a tool to a neighbor).

Antonyms can have one root and differ only in prefixes (input - output), or they can have different roots (forward - back).


Words with opposite meanings are called "antonyms".

Antonyms have diametrically opposite meanings and are written differently. However, the roots can be either different (light - dark) or the same (enter-exit).

In any case, antonyms must refer to the same part of speech. It is impossible to select an antonym-verb for a noun.

The core of any antonyms is a feature (actions, natural phenomena, qualities, feelings, etc.), but the qualitative shades of this feature can be different.

Of course, not all words in the Russian language have their own antonyms, because in some cases it is impossible to find them. But it happens that a word with a figurative meaning acts as an antonym. Or the antonym is only possible in a specific case (“I need a husband, not a lazy person”).


Antonyms are words of the same part of speech that have opposite meanings. The term Antonyms itself is of Greek origin.

Antonyms are opposed to each other according to some essential feature, and not all words can enter into antonymic relationships. Antonyms are presented in pairs in dictionaries. Antonyms are divided into two types: multi-rooted (fat - thin, fast - slow, fun - sadness, work - idleness), and single-rooted (for example, revolution - counter-revolution, come - go). I widely use antonyms in fiction as one of the figurative means.


Words with opposite meanings are called antonyms. They must belong to the same part of speech. For example: black - white (adjective), blacken - whiten (verb), blackness - whiteness (noun), white - black (adverb). This is the most illustrative example of antonyms.

So many words have no antonyms. For example: broom, well, brown, space, etc. You can even say this: few words have antonyms.

There are also approximate antonyms, that is, it is necessary to take into account not only their direct meaning, but consider the word in a general form. Thus, the following pairs can be antonyms: hotel - shack, sword - shield.

There is a very interesting VKontakte game - Antonyms. Here you are offered photographs and you need to find and guess the antonyms in them. There are very difficult tasks here, which just belong to groups of approximate antonyms. The higher the level, the more difficult the tasks of this VKontakte game. A prize awaits the winner.


Words that are opposite in meaning to each other are called antonyms. They may be spelled differently, such as “true” and “false.” These are antonyms with different roots. Antonyms can be single-rooted, formed as a result of adding various prefixes (not-, re-, counter-, without-, de-), for example, love - dislike, revolution - counter-revolution. Sometimes antonyms are formed with the addition of the particle “not-”, to speak - not to be silent, to hear - not to hear.

There are also enantiosemes, when one word can be interpreted in different senses, “look through” materials in the sense of familiarizing yourself with and “look through” in the sense of not noticing the necessary information.

Words that belong to the same part of speech and have opposite meanings are called antonyms. These linguistic units are opposed to each other and are polar. Words that mean:

All differences between antonyms are of a contrasting nature. Moreover, it is impossible to select an antonym-noun, antonym-adverb or antonym-adjective for a verb word. If our word is a verb, then its antonym must also represent the same part of speech.

Examples of antonyms: love - hate, old - young, good - bad, friendship - enmity, cold - hot.


You just relax on such questions. In the process of answering, the only difficulty that arises is how to stretch the answer so that it includes 200 characters. So, words that have the opposite meaning, but belong to the same part of speech, are called “Antonyms”.


words with opposite meanings can be called either oppositions or antonyms. But in this case, you need to answer antonyms. Antonyms can be of different parts of speech, example of antonyms: long - short, close - distant.

Antonyms These are words of the same part of speech that have opposite meanings. For example, the same root words are antonyms happiness - unhappiness. And other examples of well-fed - hungry, kind angry, strong - weak.

Synonyms, antonyms, anonymous...) 2 examples each... please help)

Andrey Kuzmichev

Synonyms in linguistics are words of the same part of speech, different in sound and spelling (cf. homonyms), but having the same or very similar lexical meaning (cf. antonyms)

It is necessary to distinguish between synonyms and nominal definitions - the latter represent complete identity. Antonyms (Greek αντί- “against” + όνομα “name”) are words of the same part of speech, different in sound and spelling, having directly opposite meanings: truth - lie, kind - angry, speak - remain silent.
Classification of synonyms
Thus, synonyms can be differentiated:
on the objects they designate [S. “buffoon - actor - comedian - actor - artist” reflect different moments in the development of theater and different attitudes towards the profession of an actor (cf. the next point)];
according to the social assessment of the designated subject (S. “salary - wages” reflect different attitudes towards the remuneration received for work);
by applicability in a particular style of speech (S. “horse - horse” are not always stylistically reversible; in the verse “Where are you galloping, proud horse?” the substitution of S. “horse” will produce a comic effect);
by etymological meaning, which can give one of the S. a special coloring (S. “brave - fearless” associate the general concept of courage in the first case with “daring”, “determination”, in the second - with “lack of fear”; therefore, these S. in a certain context they can be used as words of opposite meaning, as antonyms);
by the presence or absence of figurative meanings: for example, in the famous epigram K. N. Batyushkov. Advice to an epic poet:

Antonyms according to the type of concepts expressed:

Contradictory correlates are those opposites that mutually complement each other to the point of a whole, without transitional links; they are in a relation of private opposition. Examples: bad - good, lie - truth, living - dead.
contrarian correlates - antonyms expressing polar opposites within one entity in the presence of transitional links - internal gradation; they are in a relation of gradual opposition. Examples: black (- gray -) white, old (- elderly - middle-aged -) young, large (- average -) small.
vector correlates are antonyms expressing different directions of actions, signs, social phenomena, etc. Examples: enter - exit, descend - rise, light - extinguish, revolution - counter-revolution.
Conversions are words that describe the same situation from the point of view of different participants. Examples: buy - sell, husband - wife, teach - learn, lose - win, lose - find.
enantiosemy - the presence of opposite meanings in the structure of a word. Examples: lend someone money - borrow money from someone, surround someone with tea - treat and not treat.
pragmatic - words that are regularly contrasted in the practice of their use, in contexts (pragmatics - “action”). Examples: soul - body, mind - heart, earth - sky.
According to the structure, antonyms are:
different roots (forward - back);
single-root - formed using prefixes that are opposite in meaning: enter - exit, or using a prefix added to the original word (monopoly - antimonopoly).

Anonymous (Greek) - nameless, unknown. Author of anonymous text.

The meaning of the word "anonymous" is different for different types of texts. Both literary works and utilitarian messages - letters, libels, denunciations, etc. can be anonymous.

Homonyms (from the Greek ὁμός - identical and ονομα - name) are words different in meaning, but identical in spelling and sound, language units (words, morphemes, etc.). The term was introduced by Aristotle. Not to be confused with homophones

A scythe is on a girl’s head, a scythe is a tool for mowing, a scythe is a geographical name (Curonian Spit)
The key is a musical sign, the key is a door, the key is a natural source of water.
Onion is a plant, onion is a weapon.
Pen - writing (gel, ballpoint, etc.), pen - human hand,

What are words, ontonyms and words, synonyms?

User deleted

antonyms adjectives that are directly opposite in meaning
synonyms close in meaning adjectives

Synonym - A word that differs from another in sound or spelling, but is the same or close in meaning.
Antonym - Words with the opposite meaning of another word.

Antonyms (Greek αντί- “against” + όνομα “name”) are words of the same part of speech, different in sound and spelling, having directly opposite meanings: truth - lie, good - evil, speak - remain silent.
Synonyms in linguistics are words of the same part of speech, different in sound and spelling (cf. homonyms), but having the same or very similar lexical meaning (cf. antonyms)
Examples: cavalry - cavalry, brave - brave
They serve to increase the expressiveness of speech and help avoid monotony of speech.
It is necessary to distinguish between synonyms and nominal definitions - the latter represent complete identity.


Antonyms (gr. anti - against + onyma - name) are words that are different in sound and have directly opposite meanings: truth - lie, good - evil, speak - remain silent.. Synonyms are words (more precisely, words considered in a certain meaning ), usually belonging to the same part of speech, with the same or similar meaning. For example, synonyms are the words brave and courageous, sadness and sadness, extinguish and extinguish..


Antonyms are words with opposite meanings: native - stranger, close - distant, good - evil.
synonyms are words that are the same or close in meaning: bed, bed, berth, couch, bunk - a place to sleep.

Antonyms(Greek αντί- - against + όνομα - name) - these are words of the same part of speech, different in sound and spelling, having directly opposite lexical meanings, for example: “truth” - “lie”, “good” - “evil”, “ speak" - "be silent".

Lexical units of the vocabulary of a language turn out to be closely related not only on the basis of their associative connection by similarity or contiguity as lexical-semantic variants of a polysemantic word. Most words of the language do not contain a feature capable of opposition, therefore, antonymic relationships are impossible for them, however, in a figurative meaning they can acquire an antonym. Thus, in contextual antonymy, antonymic relationships between words with a direct meaning are possible, and then these pairs of words carry an emphatic load and perform a special stylistic function.

Antonyms are possible for words whose meanings contain opposite qualitative shades, but the meanings are always based on a common feature (weight, height, feeling, time of day, etc.). Also, only words belonging to the same grammatical or stylistic category can be contrasted. Consequently, words belonging to different parts of speech or lexical levels cannot become linguistic antonyms.

Proper names, pronouns, and numerals do not have antonyms.

    1Typology of antonymic relations

    2Antonyms in poetry

    3Sm. Also



Typology of antonymic relations

Antonyms according to the type of concepts expressed:

    contradictory correlates - such opposites that mutually complement each other to the whole, without transitional links; they are in a relation of private opposition. Examples: bad - good, lie - truth, living - dead.

    contrarian correlates - antonyms expressing polar opposites within one entity in the presence of transitional links - internal gradation; they are in a relation of gradual opposition. Examples: black (- gray -) white, old (- elderly - middle-aged -) young, large (- average -) small.

    vector correlates are antonyms expressing different directions of actions, signs, social phenomena, etc. Examples: enter - exit, descend - rise, light - extinguish, revolution - counter-revolution.

    Conversions are words that describe the same situation from the point of view of different participants. Examples: buy - sell, husband - wife, teach - learn, lose - win, lose - find, young - old.

    enantiosemy - the presence of opposite meanings in the structure of a word. Examples: lend someone money - borrow money from someone, surround someone with tea - treat and not treat.

    pragmatic - words that are regularly contrasted in the practice of their use, in contexts (pragmatics - “action”). Examples: soul - body, mind - heart, earth - sky.

According to the structure, antonyms are:

    different roots (forward - back);

    single-root - formed using prefixes that are opposite in meaning: enter - exit, or using a prefix added to the original word (monopoly - antimonopoly).

From the point of view of language and speech, antonyms are divided into:

    linguistic (usual) - antonyms that exist in the language system (rich - poor);

    contextual (contextual, speech, occasional) - antonyms that arise in a certain context (to check the presence of this type, you need to reduce them to a language pair) - (golden - half copper, that is, expensive - cheap). They are often found in proverbs.

In terms of action, antonyms are:

    proportionate - action and reaction (get up - go to bed, get rich - get poor);

    disproportionate - action and lack of action (in a broad sense) (light - extinguish, think - change your mind).

Antonyms- these are words of the same part of speech with opposite lexical meanings.

Word antonym came from the Greek. anti- against + onyma- Name.

Antonyms allow you to see objects, phenomena, signs by contrast.


hot ↔ cold, loud ↔ quiet, walk ↔ stand, far ↔ close

Not all words have antonyms. Words that denote specific objects (table, desk, goat) usually do not have antonyms.

Different meanings of a polysemantic word can have different antonyms.


soft (fresh) bread ↔ stale bread; soft (smooth) movements ↔ sudden movements; mild (warm) climate ↔ harsh climate.

Most antonyms are words of different roots. But they also meet single-root antonyms.

The opposite meaning in such cases is created using negative prefixes Not-,without-,anti-,counter- and etc.


experienced - inexperienced, familiar - unfamiliar, tasty - tasteless, military - anti-war, revolution - counter-revolution

Antonyms are widely used by writers and poets to enhance the expressiveness of speech.


You rich, I am very poor; You prose writer, I poet; You blushI am like the color of poppies, I am like death, and skinny and pale. (A. Pushkin)

This technique (the use of antonyms in a literary text) is called antithesis.

Phoneme(ancient Greek φώνημα - “sound”) - the minimum meaningful unit of language - (Linguistic unit of speech). The phoneme does not have an independent lexical or grammatical meaning, but serves to distinguish and identify significant units of language (morphemes and words):

    when replacing one phoneme with another, you get a different word (<д>om -<т>ohm);

    changing the order of phonemes will also result in a different word (<сон> - <нос>);

    when you remove a phoneme, you will also get another word (i.e.<р>he is the tone).

The term “phoneme” in a close modern sense was introduced by the Polish-Russian linguists N.V. Krushevsky and I.A. Baudouin de Courtenay who worked in Kazan (after Krushevsky’s early death, Baudouin de Courtenay pointed out its priority).

The phoneme as an abstract unit of language corresponds to the sound of speech as a concrete unit in which the phoneme is materially realized. Strictly speaking, speech sounds are infinitely varied; a sufficiently accurate physical analysis can show that one person never pronounces the same sound in the same way (for example, stressed [á]). However, while all these pronunciation options allow you to correctly recognize and distinguish words, the sound [á] in all its variants will be a realization of the same phoneme<а>.

Phoneme is the object of study of phonology. This concept plays an important role in solving such practical problems as developing alphabets, spelling principles, etc.

The minimal unit of sign languages ​​was previously called a chireme.





Words with opposite meanings

health - illness; native - stranger; a lot - a little; hard - soft


Words that have fallen out of use and have been replaced by new ones

ochi - eyes, neck - neck, verb - speak


The name of the disappeared realities

hussar, guardsman, boyar, fist


New words

music video, makeup artist


Words that have the same sound (or spelling) but different meanings

three (numeral) - three (verb); key (of a lock) - key (source of water).


Words with the same root, similar in sound, but different in meaning or partially coinciding in their meaning

being - essence; marshy - swampy.


Verbosity, the use of words that are close in meaning and therefore unnecessary in speech

meet for the first time; valuable treasures; in the month of April; the main point


Words that are close or identical in meaning

everywhere - everywhere; hut - hut; hot - hot - sultry


Repeating what was said in other words, repeating words with the same root

resume again; ask a question; unite as one.


Lexically indivisible, stable combinations of words, integral in meaning

burst out laughing; pull the gimp; goof




The use of a word in a meaning that is unusual for it (incorrect choice of lexical equivalent) is an associative error.

We were shocked by the excellent acting. Wedding shroud. The idea continues to develop

the entire text. Tatyana is contraindicated to Onegin, (opposite)


Failure to distinguish shades of meaning introduced into a word by prefix and suffix.

My attitude towards this problem has not changed. Effective measures were taken.


Non-discrimination of synonymous words.

In the final sentence the author uses gradation


Inappropriate use of emotionally charged words.

Astafiev continually resorts to the use of metaphors and personifications.


Violation of the unity of style (unjustified use of - words that have a pronounced connotation of an official business style; - colloquial words;

Spoken words; - stamps; - clerical work;

Universal words (words that are used in the most general and vague meanings); - cliches (stereotypical expressions, mechanically reproduced in typical speech situations; template phrases, expressions);

Dialectisms, jargons, etc.

The “Dark Kingdom” is headed by the merchant Kabanova.

Such people always manage to talk over others. He had very thin felt boots. Field workers, angry protest, a city on the Volga, an exciting image. Collective farm specialists pay little attention to weed control. Everyday work, high level, warm support.

Summit meeting required to prove.


Violation of lexical compatibility.

Raskolnikov realizes that Luzhin has put forward slander. The author enhances the impression. . . The author uses artistic features. . .


Unjustified repetition of a word.

^ The hero of the story does not think about his actions. The hero does not even understand the full depth of what he has done.


Poverty and monotony of vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech.

^ When the writer came to the editorial office,

he was accepted by the editor-in-chief. When they talked, the writer went to the hotel.


Lexical anachronisms (the use of words that do not correspond to the era depicted).

In Ancient Rus', the newspaper “Russian Truth” was published. (The word “newspaper” was borrowed from the Italian language in the 15th century.) When Chichikov found himself at Nozdryov’s kennel, he was struck by its comfort.


Inappropriate use of personal and demonstrative pronouns.

The author makes you think about the consequences of your actions.


Unjustified narrowing or expansion of the semantic scope of the word used.

Clenching all his courage into a fist, Rakhmetov sat down on the nails.


Confusion of two apparently similar concepts (contamination). Using paronyms

special and special, desired and desired, reproaching and reproaching,

artistic, artistic


Euphemism of speech (euphemisms) is the speaker’s desire to “brighten up” his speech (to lead away from the truth).

We don't spend enough - a lot

attention to homework (we don’t do homework/do it poorly), In our work we still encounter

shortcomings that prevent successful overcoming of the backlog. (We are still working poorly.)


Speech redundancy (verbosity):

Use of unnecessary words, including pleonasm;

The use of nearby or closely related words (explicit and hidden tautology);

Predicate splitting

The author conveys the beauty of the landscape to us with the help of artistic techniques.

Raskolnikov lived in a small little closet. This story tells about real events.

^ A souvenir, meager little things, a young man, very handsome, waste paper, his own autobiography, dark darkness.

I discovered the hanging corpse of a dead man. And so he shot himself and died. Yu. Olesha collaborated with M. Bulgakov. During exams, every minute counts. The students decided to clean the classrooms.


Speech failure (word omission) BUT: distinguished from ellipsis, where word restoration is not necessary.

Children under five years of age enter the circus in their arms. I am for a candle - a candle in the stove. Throughout the entire work, the church appears only once.


Stylistically unjustified change in the composition of phraseological units. (omission of a component; violation of the forms of a verb, gerund, adjective)

random stray bullet

The master promised to fix all the problems in no time. I prefer to hear everything first hand. Everyone scolded him at all costs. He constantly sits with his hands folded.


Destruction of phraseological units

His patience ran out.


Distortion of the figurative meaning of a phraseological unit.

The gramophone record has not yet said its last word. The Musical Theater released the ballet “The Lonely Sail Whitens”


Contamination of various phraseological units

take action, give importance, play a role, has a role


Violation of word order in phraseological units

Not the first light, the unbeaten one is lucky


Lexical and word-formation error (unintentional spelling)

buyer, reviewer, nervous diseases


Figurative contradiction (within a phrase, the meaning of one word form comes into clear contradiction with
meaning different).

A hooting sound similar to chattering could be heard from the river.


Violation of euphony (cacophony):

Random accumulation, unnecessary accumulation of hissing and whistling sounds (not to be confused with the poetic technique of sound recording)

Congestion of vowels or consonants in words;

A combination of identical syllables in words standing next to each other;

Random consonance, rhyming words or syllables in prose text

Life was hard for a woman in her husband's house.

And we note such character traits in Andrei Bolkonsky. . .

He vouched for this man as a friend.

And the mother begins to understand why

This is how my son’s behavior changed.