How to improve academically. A trick to improve your performance in school

Our children's successes certainly concern us more than ours. own successes. We always worry if a child “gives up” after another test, gets a bad grade in his diary, or gives up the idea of ​​becoming the best engineer in the world because physics turned out to be too much for him. difficult subject. All these situations occur in every second family, and the parent’s task here is to help the child believe in his strength and give everything to achieve success!

What exactly can and should be done to ensure that a child’s academic performance increases by at least 90%?

1. Eliminate labels and reproaches.Often, parents make the mistake of saying: “You’re probably a humanist, exact sciences- not yours” or “F-student!” If you wanted, you would study!” But no matter what grade the child is in: 1st or 11th, he perceives all this quite acutely. It is fixed in the consciousness: “This is not mine; it’s difficult” or “I’m a bad student, it’s not worth trying, nothing will come of it anyway, no one will appreciate it.”

What should I replace it with?“This deuce is an accident, next time you’ll definitely do it, you’re doing great!” This instills in the child a desire to meet the high standard that his parents set for him.

Don’t forget about support when things don’t work out at all. Deuce after deuce is not a reason to give up. Tell a story from your childhood when you also didn’t succeed at school. This will allow the child to feel that he is not alone, and that problems are normal and can always be solved. This will also add +10% to your academic performance.

2. Analyze what is the cause of problems with academic performance. Perhaps the child is too tired. This happens especially often when schoolchildren attend additional sports sections, clubs, etc. If this is the case, try to adjust your routine together, not forgetting the importance of sleep. Gently ask if there are any problems with your well-being, if everything is okay in your relationships with friends or your girlfriend/boyfriend. Often, personal problems have a very strong impact on academic success; this factor should not be dismissed as insignificant. And even more so, if you find out that there is some kind of similar problem, you should not sharply prohibit communication with anyone and insist that the child “immediately grab his head.” Here we need your careful psychological help and advice. Eliminating such problems will add another 15% to your academic performance.

3. Help fill in any gaps in the subject . Behind this lies another + 65% increase in school performance and even more! No, you shouldn't try to sit through the textbooks on your own. Here it is better to contact a tutor who knows exactly the entire program, as well as how best to explain a particular topic. When choosing a tutor, it is important to consider that the child is psychologically comfortable communicating with the teacher. Find out how he sees an ideal tutor (it should be a man or a woman, what age, etc.).

In an online school, you can choose the ideal tutor for your child, who can explain any topic to him simply and clearly, as well as arouse interest in the subject. In addition, our teachers undergo strict selection and are not just “knowledge bearers,” but also real mentors; they know how to support a student and motivate him to succeed.

You can study with our online tutors at absolutely any time. convenient time without wasting time on travel. Classes are held online on a convenient virtual board. All completed material is saved in personal account student and it can always be opened and repeated. Introductory lesson at school - absolutely free, so you can try and make sure that it is really convenient, and the chosen tutor suits you!

We wish you and your children success! And we will be very glad to see you in class!, when copying material in full or in part, a link to the original source is required.

Is he barely able to cope with his school curriculum? Do you think that your child can study much better, but he does not meet your expectations? Below we present several useful tips for those parents who find themselves in similar situation.

  • Trust your parental intuition. You know your child better than anyone. If you suspect that your child is suffering from a particular disease, contact your doctor immediately. Some parents do not take their child's school failures seriously - they think that all the problems will disappear on their own when the child grows up a little. This is a very dangerous misconception! Early diagnosis and proper treatment have crucial for a number of diseases.
  • Talk to the teacher, ask his opinion about your child’s abilities. Listen carefully to all his advice and recommendations. Trust the teacher's experience.
  • Does your child look embarrassed or confused in class? Maybe he is frankly bored in class, or, on the contrary, behaves defiantly? Such inappropriate behavior is usually a symptom of a disease. In such a situation, the child needs appropriate treatment. You should be wary if your child systematically fails exams and tests, if he constantly has problems with his performance.
  • Ask your child how he is doing in a particular subject. Here sample list questions: Reading. “Are you a good reader? Do you like reading? Do you remember what you read?” Letter. “Do you have good handwriting? Do you have difficulty when you have to copy text from the board or from a book? Are you spelling the words correctly? Do you follow the rules of grammar and punctuation? Do you cope with written assignments on par with your classmates, or are you constantly among those lagging behind? Mathematics. “Do you have problems doing basic arithmetic operations(addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)? Can you add, subtract, multiply and divide? double figures? Do you understand the rules of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division? Does it happen that you suddenly forget all the rules of arithmetic? Has this ever happened to you: you started solving a problem, and then you forgot about it and can’t remember what you should do next?” Language skills. “When a teacher tells something in class, is it difficult for you to follow his explanations? Do you understand what the teacher is talking about? Do you remember his explanations? When you talk about something, can you concentrate and collect your thoughts? Has this ever happened to you: you are trying to talk about something, answer a teacher’s question, but you can’t find the right word? Have you ever found yourself in similar situations while communicating with friends? With adults?
  • The answers to these questions may indicate that your child has a learning disability. However, you should think about other aspects of the problem. How diligent is your child, does he devote enough time to his homework? Does the child show interest in learning and is he proud of his achievements? Maybe you are placing too strict demands on your child, expecting only excellent grades from him, and this is negatively affecting his performance? What are life priorities your child, what is most important to him - relationships with peers or family? Has your child ever experienced severe emotional stress? Did he have a feeling of despair, hopelessness, helplessness (“No matter how hard I try, I still can’t learn this”)?
  • Think back to your own childhood. When you were a child, you probably had the same problems at school: learning disabilities are hereditary disease. You will help your child cope with this problem if you treat him with understanding and compassion. Accept your child for who he is. Your family should cultivate a positive attitude towards learning and school, and your children will follow your example.
  • Talk to teachers and other representatives of the school administration. School director, teacher-consultant, school psychologist, parents of your child's friends - all these people can provide you necessary information about your child, give some useful advice.
  • Consult your pediatrician for advice. The doctor knows well physiological characteristics your child and has extensive experience in diagnosing childhood diseases. He will help you formulate the questions you should address to your child's teachers.

Your pediatrician will also help you determine if your child has any physiological problems(for example, diseases of the organs of vision or hearing). Sometimes such diseases can significantly affect a child’s academic performance.
If necessary, the pediatrician will refer you and your child for consultation with specialists. Your child may need to be formally tested for the condition. The examination procedure is carried out by independent experts (teachers and psychologists). If a child fails to cope with the school curriculum, then by law in most states the school is required to conduct an official examination of such a child, and, if necessary, provide him with additional educational services.
If the school refuses to provide your child with all the educational services he needs, contact your pediatrician - he can become your child's lawyer in court.

Additional education as an option to improve school performance

If your child is experiencing learning difficulties due to a medical condition, please contact the school administration. The school is obliged to provide your child with additional educational services free of charge (we mentioned the official certification procedure above). Teachers and school principals are sometimes hesitant to seek advice from specialists. If you feel that the school is not providing all the educational services your child needs, be assertive. the federal law USA from 1975 obliges municipal schools provide additional educational services to persons with mental or physical disabilities. Each state and each school district is required to develop an appropriate process for providing supplemental educational services (after formal assessment) to schoolchildren between the ages of 3 and 22 who have certain medical conditions. If such a procedure is not in place, the school district will not receive financial assistance from state budget. This law covers children with the most wide range diseases (reduced learning ability, diseases of the organs of vision and hearing, cerebral paralysis, traumatic brain injuries, mental retardation, diseases of the musculoskeletal system (limited mobility), mental illness, complicating the learning process). The law provides five fundamental rights to US citizens, namely:

  1. right to receive free education in a municipal educational institution;
  2. the right to receive education under an individual educational plan (IEP). An individual educational plan is adopted with the approval of the parents after the appropriate legal procedure;
  3. the right of parents to become familiar with school records reflecting their child’s academic performance;
  4. the right of parents to participate in the procedure of official examination of the child and express their opinion on this matter;
  5. the right of the child to receive an education in such educational environment, which will best suit his mental and physical capabilities.

Official examination procedure
When the official examination procedure is carried out, psychologists evaluate cognitive abilities child (IQ test), and teachers - his performance in basic school disciplines (standard test academic performance). In some cases, other tests may be required, such as tests that examine basic mental functions person (memory, attention, motor skills). If necessary, experts will analyze that social environment where your child is located (family, school).
An official examination is a complex, lengthy procedure, many aspects of which often remain incomprehensible to both the child and his parents. If you use the services of independent experts, your costs may increase significantly. First of all, your child must be examined at the school where he studies. If the school is unable to provide the necessary expertise, seek the services of private experts (your school district must reimburse you for all costs). Testing carried out by specialists will bring great benefits to you and your child: you will receive reliable information about the nature of your child’s illness.
The official examination procedure involves people from the most different professions, so you may have to use the services of a manager-coordinator (pediatrician, psychologist, special education teacher). The coordinator will help you draw up a treatment plan for your child and analyze its effectiveness, and in addition, will take on the organizational side of the examination procedure. In such a situation, efforts are usually required the whole team specialists.
At the end of the assessment procedure, representatives of the school administration will discuss the results of the examination and develop an appropriate educational plan for your child. The child’s teachers, teacher-consultant, special education teacher, school director, school psychologist - all these people will express their opinions. Sometimes the child is allowed to attend such a meeting. If necessary, you can ask your pediatrician to take part in the discussion and support your position. If you have a friend or relative who is well versed in the ins and outs of this legal process, ask them to come and support you and your child. Ask lawyers to tell you about the decision taken simple and in clear language, without using special legal terms.
Your child will probably ask you to explain to him what his problem is. Under no circumstances use such negatively colored label words as unteachable, mentally retarded, or hyperactive. Help your child objectively assess his weaknesses and strengths, cultivate in him positive attitude to yourself and those around you.
If the child is correctly diagnosed and given the appropriate course of treatment, the symptoms of the disease, as a rule, are significantly mitigated. A carefully thought-out treatment plan includes a course of psychological assistance that helps parents and the child get rid of feelings of guilt, concentrate on everyday, pressing problems. The child begins to cope much better with tasks that previously remained inaccessible to him, he develops self-confidence and interest in learning. You will do your child a great service if you introduce him to your relatives, friends, and acquaintances who also suffered from learning disabilities in childhood, but subsequently completely got rid of this disease and achieved significant success in one area or another.

Options to improve your child's performance at school

After reviewing the survey results, ask the school administration to tell you what additional educational services special methods learning it can offer your child in this specific case. You must have a clear understanding of your child's learning strategy.
Making a decision in favor of one thing or another educational plan, consider factors such as the nature of your child's illness, material resources schools and school districts.

Classes on individual program. Your child can study according to an individual program in a specially equipped room. Such individual lessons are conducted only in those disciplines curriculum, that are weak point child. The child remains in his class and studies all other subjects on an equal basis with his peers. During individual lessons teachers should present only real, achievable goals. Sometimes a child will need Extra time to cope with a particular task. If necessary, the child can work with a speech therapist or undergo a course of physical therapy.

Individual approach. IN in this case the student who is lagging behind remains in his class and continues learning along with his peers. Sometimes a child does well enough on the tests, which means that, under federal law, he or she cannot receive additional educational services. However, such a child may have certain problems with academic performance. In such a situation, the teacher has to make certain adjustments to the learning process, for example, give the child individual homework, use special approach when explaining new material, change the topic tests etc. It is very important to pay attention Special attention the merits of the child, his strengths, encourage his successes and achievements in every possible way.

Training using a special method. Some children require special teaching methods and techniques. With this approach, the child’s shortcomings, his weak sides are neutralized, and their influence on educational process is reduced to a minimum. For example, if a child, for one reason or another, cannot master writing techniques, the teacher allows him to do written assignments using a computer. If the child is good at orally, he is allowed to perform in orally even final tests.

Home schooling. This method has whole line advantages: you yourself create comfortable, favorable conditions for learning for your child, you set only real, achievable goals for him and, if necessary, you can provide him with any help. Adjust your daily routine so that your child can turn to you for help during school hours. When a child is learning homework, there should be silence in the house. Studying should be the main thing for the child - he may have to give up some entertainment for the sake of studying. You should notice every, even the most insignificant, success of your child: be sure to praise him if he has achieved success in one area or another (for example, in his hobby).
In such a situation, it is very useful to hire a tutor for your child. If your child is studying with a teacher, there will be no conflicts in your family regarding homework. And one more piece of advice: realistically assess your child’s capabilities - study load should be feasible, and the child needs not only to study, but also to play, have fun, and communicate with peers.

Therapeutic treatment. If your child is experiencing depression, you need to see a mental health professional. Sometimes a psychologist recommends that all family members undergo an appropriate course of psychotherapeutic treatment. Such treatment will greatly benefit your family: you will understand each other better, your children will stop quarreling, and truly friendly relations will be established between them.
If your child has trouble concentrating (symptoms of this disease are restlessness, impulsiveness, absent-mindedness), he will be helped by appropriate medications. The course of treatment also includes psychotherapy sessions. Sometimes a child suffering from learning disabilities also has other concomitant diseases (central nervous system, organs of vision or hearing).

Alternative treatments. There are many alternative methods for treating learning disabilities (the “template” method, eye exercises according to special technique, special diets, use of megavitamins and nutritional supplements).
The American Academy of Pediatrics considers these alternative methods ineffective and does not recommend their use. Remember: only a child can be prescribed a course of treatment certified specialist- pediatrician, psychologist, psychiatrist.

Track progress in "low performance" disease

You should regularly monitor the dynamics of the disease: the child grows, develops, and the manifestations of the disease may also change. Sometimes symptoms of learning disabilities appear in a child only when extreme situations(for example, a large flow of information falls on the child). In some cases, symptoms of the disease disappear with age. Often the child’s psyche builds unique defense mechanisms, helping him adapt to his illness. Such children have excellent intuition and know their inner world, your capabilities, your strengths and weaknesses.
It also happens, however, that symptoms of learning disabilities become more noticeable with age and not only complicate the learning process, but also have a significant impact on the child’s social adaptation, his behavior, and relationships with people around him. If your child is diagnosed with a learning disability, he or she will need to be assessed at regular intervals. The doctor monitors the dynamics of the development of the disease, checks the effectiveness of the prescribed course of treatment, and gives recommendations to parents and teachers.
Meet regularly with the teacher, discuss with him all the successes and failures of your child. This will show teachers that you are committed to giving your child your best. necessary help. If you believe that the school administration is not fulfilling its responsibilities towards the child, directly and firmly state this. Ensure that your child receives all necessary educational services in accordance with federal law. Sometimes, after an appropriate course of treatment, the symptoms of learning disability may soften somewhat, but this does not mean that the disease has completely disappeared. Thus, the school is obliged to provide the child with the opportunity to receive the educational services that he needs. Many children with learning disabilities graduate successfully high school, which in itself is already a significant achievement: now they can choose for themselves the profession that to the greatest extent suits their interests and inclinations.
In our country there are many public organizations that can provide you and your child with the necessary psychological assistance. Contact the school principal or other representatives school administration- they will provide you with all the necessary information about such organizations.

What to pay attention to

Here are some key points that parents need to pay attention to.

  • This disease has many different symptoms, and each of them can manifest itself in a child to a lesser or greater extent.
  • If a child suffers from learning disabilities, this affects not only his academic performance, but also his physical condition. Among other things, the child experiences difficulties social adaptation, he does not have good relationships with the people around him. Inappropriate behavior, violations emotional sphere, low self-esteem, psychological stress- these are the typical companions of this disease.
  • If the child receives appropriate Treatment, the symptoms of learning disabilities may disappear over time. However, when a child falls into stressful situation, they may make themselves felt again. Sometimes symptoms of learning disabilities persist in a child for life.
  • Children with learning disabilities often do not find understanding from others. It seems to parents and teachers that the child does not show enough diligence, is lazy, and evades his duties. Teachers can insult, humiliate, and severely punish such a child for no reason. And the children themselves, and their parents, and teachers often do not realize what the essence of this unusual disease is. Pediatrician or child psychologist must explain to the child’s parents and his teachers what the true cause of all his problems is. It should be emphasized that neither the child nor his parents can be held responsible for these problems, since they are symptoms of the disease.
  • A child’s illness affects relationships within the family, and intrafamily relationships, in turn, affect the course of the disease. If a child cannot cope with the school curriculum, constantly finds himself among the laggards, he experiences disappointment, anger, heartache, he feels guilty. The parents of the child experience the same feelings. Thus, state of mind parents, their emotional mood most directly affects the child’s state of mind. If a family cultivates a positive attitude towards school, towards learning, towards the people around them, then the child will most likely develop exactly the same positive emotional attitude.
  • Think about true reasons failure of your child: the disease is not always the only main reason his school failures. Maybe your child is having problems with his peers? What is the inner psychological climate in your family? Is it child-friendly? Emotional condition child’s behavior directly affects his academic performance, so if necessary, you should seek help from a psychologist.
  • Children suffering from learning disabilities are guaranteed help and support from the state: the school is obliged to provide them with additional educational services free of charge. A sick child needs the help of a whole team of highly qualified specialists.
  • Your child should have the opportunity to assert himself and express himself in one area or another. Encourage any of his interests and hobbies in every possible way. If your child is successful in his hobby, be sure to praise him.
  • If you notice any symptoms of the disease in your child, contact your doctor immediately. Early diagnosis and timely treatment are crucial in such a situation. It should be borne in mind that the child needs systematic treatment - sometimes the course of treatment takes several years. It is very important to maintain a positive emotional attitude in your child: he must be sure that you are always ready to help him. Reassure your child that together you will cope with all the problems that arise.

Every day we receive so much information that the brain does not always have time to process it. Adults, although with difficulty, cope, for example, learn to manage attention and time. But for schoolchildren this load is many times greater.

Already in the first grade, a child has 3-4 lessons a day, at least 9 compulsory subjects and extracurricular activities, such as foreign language. Every year there are more and more lessons, and life is not limited to school: it would be good to play sports, music, read books, draw. But a first-grader gets tired even during an elective class.

Workloads, of course, affect academic performance. But a child may fall behind in some subjects not only due to overload, but also due to a lack of interest in the subject or learning in general, problems in the classroom, or simple laziness.

The good news is that these problems are being addressed. The main thing is to correctly determine what is preventing the child from learning and succeeding.

What prevents a student from studying well?

Now almost all children go to clubs and sections in addition to school curriculum: foreign language, tutors in all subjects, sports sections, creative studios. Parents often think that the more developmental activities, the better. But in fact, for development, a child needs more rest, sleep a lot, walk and communicate with friends.


Try to reduce your child's workload to basic lessons at school and 1-2 additional classes in Week. When the child becomes comfortable at this pace and performance indicators return to normal, it will be possible to add a new lesson. Gradually the child will get used to higher loads.

Reason 2. No interest in the subject, laziness

Perhaps the child is falling behind in a subject simply because he does not find anything exciting in it. For example, he likes mathematics and other exact sciences, but literature with its lists for the summer is uninteresting and takes up too much time.


Try in non-standard ways instill in a child an interest in a subject for which he has no soul. For example, when studying a topic, draw an analogy with the student’s favorite characters from cartoons, comics and films. It is much more interesting to study biology using the example of Spider-Man or solve algebra examples and physics problems in order to become as cool an engineer as iron Man. Or make something out of the ordinary homework on an unloved subject, a quest with a prize at the end.

Reason 3. Problems at school

Perhaps the child does not get along with classmates or there is a conflict with the teacher. It is difficult for him to answer at the board and express himself differently in his studies, because this is followed by a negative reaction from the offenders. All this can affect his academic performance.


Try to help your child develop the right tactics for interacting with society, teach him to defend his point of view and not pay attention to attacks in his direction. You can explain to him that school years will end, but knowledge will remain, so it is important to learn how to set priorities correctly.

Reason 4. Inability to concentrate, concentrate

Many children are constantly distracted from lessons and have difficulty completing paragraphs of textbooks because they keep returning to the beginning without remembering anything the first time. The inability to concentrate greatly affects a child’s academic performance, because the speed and quality of completing tasks depends on it.


In order for a child to succeed in all subjects, you need to teach him to learn - that is, help him master the principles productive work with information. This way he will be able to quickly assimilate new data and not get hung up on something uninteresting, but mandatory. And his performance at school will increase again.

15 tips on how to improve a student's academic performance

There are many ways to improve efficiency. We have compiled a list of tips and recommendations that can be combined and modernized based on the child’s characteristics.

1. Determine which way is easiest for your child to remember information: auditorily, visually or in text format.

2. Conduct classes in game form, that's more interesting.

3. Apply various techniques memorizing information (mnemonics, cards, associations, etc.).

4. Help your child feel confident: don’t scold him, listen carefully, encourage him for his success.

6. Create a trusting atmosphere in which the child will not be embarrassed to ask questions, discuss, share his point of view and will not be afraid of criticism.

7. Set priorities: it is better to go from complex to simple, from important to unimportant, and do not forget about rest.

8. Create comfortable conditions for classes.

9. Follow a clear schedule of lessons and sections, allocate a certain amount of time for homework.

10. Teach your child to take notes, this way information is absorbed better.

11. Find the most interesting topics for your child and explore them, find connections with those school subjects in which the child is lagging behind. Explore additional material by topic.

12. Use the timer method: study for 25 minutes, rest for 10 minutes, or study for 50 minutes, rest for 20 minutes.

13. Create a learning wall at home with cards, write down everything important and interesting there, and sometimes test your knowledge with a quick survey.

14. Enroll your child in courses on speed reading, development of thinking and memory - these classes will help you study more productively.

15. Follow proper nutrition and the child’s sleep schedule so that his resources are not depleted.

It is possible to improve academic performance; the main thing is to find the most convenient approach and teach your child to work with information correctly. The ability to quickly assimilate material will be useful to the student in the future and will make his life much easier.

Attention parents!

How to improve your child's performance at school

Help your child organize the learning process itself by monitoring his homework. To a certain extent, this option is somewhat difficult for the parents themselves, since they must do this regularly, and not occasionally. In pursuit of good grades, it is important not to start doing written assignments for your child. This will not lead to anything good. In addition, monitoring homework will allow parents to very clearly understand in which subjects or topics there is a gap that will need to be overcome with the help of additional classes.

Visit the school often and talk with teachers about your child's progress and the steps that teachers think you should take to improve your child's performance. Of course, try to follow these recommendations. Don’t forget also about the tokens of gratitude for teachers, which include sweets, bouquets and other material goods and services.

Agree with teachers about personal lessons with your child. Sometimes this is possible for free, at the expense of in-school reserves, but in most cases you will have to pay for it by hiring a teacher as a tutor. The child’s performance in the subject will be especially positively affected if the tutor is the same teacher who teaches the child at school.

Develop a child's memory, thinking, attention. This will allow him to learn educational material more easily and quickly, which will certainly lead to an increase in the child’s performance at school and will increase his interest in the learning process itself. To do this, find out the address of the nearest center for the development of cognitive abilities and check the availability of your child’s classes there.

Pay special attention to the child's routine. If he doesn’t get enough sleep when he gets up early in the morning for school, then you shouldn’t expect him to be thirsty for knowledge while dozing lightly in class. Make sure your child sleeps at least 8-9 hours.

For high school students, the need for future admission to a university becomes a strong motivation. They themselves are trying to improve their performance by studying more intensively and independently finding approaches to teachers. The parents’ task is to help their child decide on a university and “fuel” the child’s desire to enroll there. However, remember the reality of your choice.

Sometimes parents stimulate their child's desire to study by giving them money for good grades in school. This approach should be used with caution. This practice is usually quite effective for initial stage when a child, through significant effort, improves his performance at school. But if this process is not organized correctly, grades can become even worse and overall performance will decrease.
When trying to improve a child's performance at school, you should remember that the child's performance should be compared with his own performance earlier, and not with the results of other children.

How to help your child succeed in school?

As a rule, a child’s performance at school depends on the parents’ attitude towards learning at school. Unfortunately, it is difficult to catch up on the material covered if the student fails the subject, since further learning is built on the basis of what was previously studied. To avoid such situations, there are a number of recommendations for parents. Recommendations for parents of primary school students

1. Take an interest in your children’s school affairs every day, showing care and patience: ask about feelings, mood, and show emotional support.

2. Do not forget to praise the child, even for the most insignificant, in your opinion, achievements of the child, his feasible successes. When you encounter failures in your studies, try to figure it out together and find a way out. Do not intimidate a child; fear blocks his activity.

3. Develop curiosity, encourage curiosity, satisfy its need for knowledge. Give your child as much information as possible and do not forget that by the age of 7, about 90% of the fundamental information about the world and about the same amount of important life skills are learned. For the rest of your life it's 10%.

4. Buy and give books, CDs, paintings. Read aloud, invite your child to read to you, discuss books. Determine with him a reading program for a week, a month and help him implement it, encourage his implementation.

5. Help your child complete difficult tasks, offer a way out of a difficult situation, but do not forget to give him the opportunity to independently find a way out, a solution, or take action.

6. Be kind to your classmates, do not forbid them to do their homework together. It has been noticed that excellent students prefer to work individually, while average and low achievers like to work in pairs and groups. In addition, it is known: the one who teaches learns himself.

7. Actively listen to your child, let him retell what he has read, seen, and share his impressions of what he has lived.

8. Do not speak badly about the school, do not criticize teachers in the presence of the child, create a positive attitude towards the educational institution.

9. Take part in the life of the class and school. Your child will be pleased if school becomes a part of your life. Your authority will increase.

10. Don’t force me to rewrite and repeat multiple times. Observe the characteristics of your child’s mental activity, find out what is easy and what is difficult. Consult with your teacher on how to improve your memory, how to develop concentration, organization, etc.

11. Provide your child with everything necessary for studying, create an atmosphere of respect for his work, things, textbooks, affairs, etc.

12. Mental work is difficult and requires a lot of effort. Help your child maintain faith in himself.

13. When doing homework with your child, do not control the teacher’s activities. 14. Resist the temptation to immediately use any mistake your child makes to criticize him. When helping him do his homework, sometimes make deliberate mistakes so that the child has a chance to correct you and experience the satisfaction of discovering a defect. Only in this way can he understand the control process and learn self-control.

15. Check your homework, especially at the first stage of learning, and let your child know whether you are satisfied with the results or not. Next time he will try very hard to earn your praise.

1. Try to create conditions that make it easier for the child to study: household: good nutrition, gentle regime, good sleep, calm environment, cozy and comfortable spot for classes, etc.; emotional: show faith in the child’s capabilities, do not lose hope for success, rejoice at the slightest achievements, show love and patience in anticipation of success, do not insult him in case of failure, etc.; cultural: provide your child with reference books, dictionaries, manuals, atlases, books on the school curriculum, CDs; use a tape recorder for study sessions, watch educational programs on TV together, discuss what you see, etc.

2. Listen to your child: let him retell what needs to be memorized, periodically dictate texts for recording, ask questions about the textbook, etc.

3. Regularly familiarize yourself with the schedule of lessons, electives, clubs, extra classes to monitor and provide possible assistance.

4. Share your knowledge with children in the field in which you excel.

5. Remember that not only grades should be the focus of parents’ attention, but also knowledge itself, even if it is impossible to use it today. Therefore, think about the future and explain to your children where and when they can use the knowledge they have acquired.

6. Help me do it free time child meaningful, take part in its implementation.

7. Do not compare your child with other children and their successes; it is better to compare him with himself.

8. In middle school, teenagers can work together homework. This increases responsibility - after all, tasks are done not only for themselves, but also for others. Be patient when they are talking on the phone: clarifying, discussing, arguing.

9. Let your child feel that you love him regardless of his academic performance and notice his cognitive activity.

10. Remember that according to the standards, students in grades 5-6 should work up to 2.5 hours to complete all homework, grades 7-8 - up to 3 hours, grades 8-9 - up to 4 hours. Try adhere to the recommendations: this is important for health, mental balance and good attitude child to study.

11. Create family traditions and rituals that will stimulate children's learning activities. Use the positive experience of your parents and acquaintances.

Important! Don't miss the first warning signs. Be observant. If a child complains, says that he does not like a teacher or subject, this is a cause for concern. Discuss the problem, but go straight to the teacher without asking the child’s permission - he may completely hate both the teacher and the subject.

My husband:

"How to improve your child's performance at school.

Just a couple of centuries ago, life on the planet was measured, and technological progress was just beginning to mature. At that time, people also strived for knowledge, but education was not available to everyone.

Nowadays, and you will probably agree, the development of technological progress is developing so rapidly that we involuntarily catch ourselves thinking and pay attention to the fact that the equipment available in everyday life, which science fiction writers described back in our childhood, has long been in our possession. everyday life.

Naturally, there are also rapid changes in the education system, including teaching methods, programs, auxiliary materials, and, - only children remain unchanged, - especially, - when we take them out of the maternity hospital.

On this moment The education system in schools is very dynamic, and when a child enters first grade, as a rule, he is not ready for high tempo perception of information that is given to him modern program. However, there are children who study well and excellently, there are not many of them, but they exist, which means that other children can be taught and brought to this level, or at least increase the level of their training.

I am the father of five children, at the same time the son of a teacher and the husband of a teacher. In addition, I studied at school, like all of us, in which, by the way, I studied until the eighth grade - only 4 and 3, but the last two years I finished with excellent marks, not counting two B's. Next I will tell you what exactly prompted me to do this.

It so happened that my first son and daughter were studying at school - and at the initial stage, I did not participate in the processes of teaching my children, until I noticed that my children’s academic performance was below average, i.e. In addition to fours, threes began to appear more and more. And, one day, in Once again When I saw the three in my son’s diary, I was puzzled at one moment and then it dawned on me! “I had an idea,” which was later supplemented with additional methods, and which within two months turned my son and daughter into excellent students. I have developed a strategy on how to improve a child's performance at school.

I’ll tell you, who doesn’t dream that their son or daughter would study with excellent marks? - I became a happy father!!! The most important thing is that I did not spend much time reorienting and improving the performance of my children.

Now my third and fourth children are going to school - the result is the same! - My method works, - I want to add - my method was reflected in my niece, with whom I communicated in comparison with my children - generally rarely - the result is the same.

I decided that I needed to scientifically convey my method to the general public - I know that any parent will be happy, and some simply dream that their child will begin to study better or better.

This prompted me to write a book, albeit small, but very important and necessary for all of us - parents, which describes in detail my child, my secret and the technique that made me happy.

My eldest son is currently studying at technical college and is the only excellent student in the group.

My eldest daughter is in the tenth grade and is an excellent student, at the last Olympiads English language and the Russian language - took 1st and 3rd places, respectively, and the Olympiads were held on the same day.

The most important! When, or - the sooner you convey the secret to the children and carry out the technique through them - then the result obtained - later, in higher grades, is at the same level! It will be enough for everyone to see the successes of their children and rejoice at them.

There is a note - the most effective age education using this method - from 7 to 13 years old - I personally verified this. Another age - I have not experienced it, but as a person with experience in in this direction- in my book I give recommendations to parents of older children. Now you, too, can learn how to raise an excellent student (tsu).

Having received the book, you will save significant money in the future on your time, as well as on training. You will receive peace of mind and confidence in the future of your children.

I am sending the book for free. May it help many families and children. May the level of education and happiness rise throughout the world!!!

After reading the book and understanding the main idea - a kind of “technique” for developing a child’s motivation - you will save significant money in the future on your time, as well as on training. You will receive peace of mind and confidence in the future of your children. This cannot be calculated in money.


Methods for increasing children's performance at school .

(Family Inceclopedia)

This book will not look like, like many books, are techniques in one area or another. The writing style will be presented to you simply - in a family style - in the form of a story, with notes and explanations, as well as recommendations. Your task is to fulfill them!

Before you begin to present the entire methodology to you, you yourself need to be prepared for this and be ready to pass it on and convey it in the appropriate form to your child or children.

Please note that our child is a complex mechanism that perceives everything that it sees as it is, so it needs to be prompted. He feels what he feels - at ease - in natural form, so he needs to be explained how to relate to this or that situation. A child always wants to play, sometimes go crazy, or just do something that we think is useless - but this is a child - let him play, but under your control and care.

I want to draw your attention to what is called child psychology. In order for a child to accept what you tell him, you must first of all be friends. You don’t need much for a child, take him somewhere, make his wishes come true, and he will be attracted to you. If there is any offense, be sure to try to make amends for it, so that the child is in the “trust in you” mode.

Only after the child is in the “trust in you” mode can you begin what you have planned.

Choose a time when you are having fun or are happy all together, as a rule, this happens after a delicious dinner, taken in turn after a friendly walk. There must be at least two children, if you don’t have your own, then invite classmates or a neighbor’s child.

So, you have eaten, the children are happy and disposed towards you - and you ask them with a smile: “Do you want me to tell you a secret - how to get A’s at school?” Of course they will answer positively. And here, revealing the “secret”, you must say very convincingly - “If you, when the teacher asks, raise your hand, then she will give you an A!” - It should look very simple for children. You say - “Try it!” By doing this, you will take the first step towards improving the academic performance of your child(ren).

The most important thing is that you must believe in it yourself! Of course, your role does not end there, you need to keep track of the grades in the diary one day after another - don’t miss this moment - they will definitely get A’s, and if they don’t, then the grade will definitely be higher than the one previously received.

So, two days later, after receiving the first results, you make sure to encourage your children and unobtrusively agree with them that they will definitely tell their teacher that he (she) wants to study for straight A's. It is very important here that the child himself tells the teacher about this, well, in extreme cases, you can say it yourself, but it is imperative that the child hears it.

So, I will explain two points - first: when you say that you “raise your hand” and the teacher gives an A - you are not saying that you need to prepare and know the material or that you need to answer the teacher, keep in mind - this should work - “by - by default." If you tell a child this, he will load up and not do it - or simply give up. For the child, the “secret” will be visible for now - only that you “raise your hand” and get five.

On the first day after school, ask “did you raise your hand?” Ask on the second day, you can observe for a couple more days. If a child decides to raise his hand, he himself will begin to prepare internally, psychologically and actually.

Second point: When baby is coming, approaches the teacher and tells her personally that he wants to study with straight A's - two positive changes occur: firstly, the teacher is pleased to hear this from a child studying with her - and in the future, she will definitely treat him not like to an inveterate C student, but will look at him with hope, and secondly, when the child tells his teacher about this, he will definitely have a feeling of naturalness - for his academic performance. It is imperative to make sure that he tells this to three or four teachers. But, under no circumstances should you “put pressure” on the child, you need to do it technically, or let’s say unobtrusively - in this case, you know better, this is your child.

These two points are key in initial stage. Don't forget to encourage and encourage your child.

Some time will pass, you can choose the period yourself - I recommend, for example, two weeks.

Pay attention to the diary - if you notice that the child is slowing down, it means he needs help.

Here you already need to make the child work - you can even imagine that this is the case. I mean, for example, how it was in my family. I voiced to the children that on one day there must be at least one grade in the diary in any subject, otherwise he will not study. “You can voice it like this,” “if you don’t have a grade, it means you didn’t study that day” and shame him . At the same time, motivate in the future with a toy at the end of the week, a trip somewhere, cake and much more.

Don’t forget to say, “if you study well, you can buy a jeep, (a plane or something else - if it’s a boy) - (if it’s a girl, think for yourself), the child should be constantly interested and receive encouragement, then he will like it.

Let your child know that you and grandma or someone else are very interested in good grades child. He must know that his progress is constantly being monitored, and someone needs it.

Gradually, when the teachers get used to this, that he is constantly prepared, they will be determined that your child is an excellent student, and the child will also gradually get used to this. He will also get used to the fact that he must receive grades every day, and this is what we strive for.

My children brought diaries a week before 15-20 grades and, of course, mostly A's, while proudly expecting what the reaction would be for exceeding the set plan - and the parents' reaction was only positive.

Be sure to constantly, for the first year - until the end of the year - keep everything under control and help him, encouraging him and showing care and interest in his progress. Rest assured - on next year, - Your child will already be at the starting line - he will study perfectly, just “start” him by telling him about your interest in his progress, without losing control.

Academic performance of older children.

I would like to note that children are the same everywhere, no matter what country they are in, so for older students, I can give advice that can help you, and, if you want real results, then you will need to pay a little attention not only to children, but also to connect your creativity to actions that will definitely help you, the main thing is not to sit idly by, or rather not to live that routine life that we usually lead and do not notice - how our children grow up.

Before I give you advice, I want to tell you about myself - at the beginning of my book I said that I studied in the middle mode until the 8th grade, I was 15 years old, when what I want to advise you had an effect on I finished my last two grades at school with excellent marks, not counting two B's. But it was a high result - I think no one will argue with me on this score.

So, after finishing the eighth grade, my class and I went to a summer labor camp, where we helped agricultural workers weed beets for two weeks - in our time, all schools did this, this was the policy of the state.

And one day, let’s say “wonderful”, we were talking with our class teacher Nina Maksimovna, who was very strict, but in character, could “sneak up” very close to the child’s psyche, thereby trying to achieve positive result in his upbringing, directing him in a positive direction.

I don’t know for what reason, during the conversation, as if jokingly, I told her that I would finish grades 9-10 with excellent marks. At that moment - she really liked it, and she said, “I’ll take your word.” I digested what was said for a long time, right up to the very beginning of the school season.

And when did they start training sessions, I walked around the teachers with whom I thought it would be the most difficult and said that I wanted to study perfectly.

Let's look at it - firstly, I felt responsible for what I promised to my teacher, and secondly, after I beat some teachers, I accepted additional responsibility and began to try.

I know that at an older age there are many problems with studying, and sometimes it seems that it is hopeless - but tell yourself - No! Everything is possible!

As you understand, first of all, you need to increase the child’s level of responsibility for his actions, actions and promises. And, of course, you and your child must have a trusting relationship. Then, somehow, get a promise from him that he will try to learn. And only then inform the teachers about your intention - and it will be better if the child does it himself.

Next, observe, give him a plan, encourage him and “live and study together” - for high school students, if you didn’t have time to younger age, - compared with junior classes If you want to get results, you will need to devote much more time.

Everything is really in your hands. I am sure that if you bought this book from me, you will definitely get results.

With great respect to all parents in the world!

Nurlan B i rles. Asia

Request, - from the father of five children to you :

We have big family, we live in big house, which I built in 2006. But I unsuccessfully invested it in business, - fatal mistake, but if I knew about the nature of crises... the crisis (2007) broke my business, and now, although I work, we do not have enough money to pay for the house, we are afraid that it will be taken away.

If you are sure, after reading the book, that my experience will help you, and if there is any opportunity, in gratitude for the book, to send some small money by mail, or maybe you have something that is already unnecessary, but useful for our family - we will be grateful to you. Your kindness will bring you additional happiness. (ind. 040707, Kazakhstan, Almaty region, Ili district, urban-type settlement Boraldai, Tynyshbay street, building 39)

And if this is not possible, then it’s okay, you don’t have to send it. We sincerely wish you well-being and prosperity!!! And let your children study well!!!

Best regards, Nurlan B i rles, Gulzhan Zhantueva, Nurzhan (18 years old), Asem (15 years old), Serzhan (9.5 years old), Gulnur (8 years old), Aruzhan (5 years old)

I ask you, if you want to further thank us and help your acquaintances and friends improve the level of academic performance of children, send this book to at least five recipients. This is the only way we can increase the level of academic achievement and happiness throughout the world!!! Thank you and good luck! Write, always ready to give advice "