Invincible iron man comic read. Iron Man comics - Iron Man

Iron Man (Anthony Edward Stark; English Iron Man / Anthony Edward Stark - fictional character, superhero from Marvel comics. The character first appeared in Tales of Suspense #39 (March 1963). It was created by writer Stan Lee, screenwriter Larry Leiber, and artists Don Heck and Jack Kirby. Anthony Edward Stark, handsome, darling of fate, rich inventor, industrial genius, engaged in the creation of weapons. One day, mysterious villains kidnap Tony Stark , wanting to use his abilities to create super weapons. By showing the kidnappers a willingness to cooperate, Stark takes on the job, but all his genius is aimed at inventing a means of escape. The result of the work is a special suit equipped with high-tech devices and a miniature energy source. Wearing this suit Stark becomes Iron Man, ready to defend the world.

Billionaire Tony Strack- one of the smartest people on the planet. When he personally developed high-tech armor, he became one of the most powerful super heroes and called himself “ Invincible Iron Man».

The Invincible Iron Man (English) "Invincible Iron Man") is a Marvel comic book series about the superhero Iron Man, written by screenwriter Matt Fraction with artist Salvador Larroca and published from 2008 to 2012. This series became the fifth major series starring Tony Stark, replacing the fourth volume of the series Iron Man . From the 33rd issue the series went back to its original numbering from the 500th issue. The series ended with the 527th issue and continued with the fifth volume in December 2012 Iron Man as part of the campaign Marvel NOW! .

In 2009, the series received an Eisner Award for Best New Series.

Suicide bombers carry out a terrorist attack in Tanzania that claims hundreds of lives. investigation reveals that the explosive device is somehow related to technology Iron Man. Suspicion falls on a small terrorist group M.P.G. – Mechanics of Progressive Genocide. Having discovered their location in the Congo, Iron Man enters into battle with them...

#1-7 Arc: Five Nightmares
Terrorist attacks are taking place all over the world using repulsor technology developed by Tony Stark, behind which is the son of Tony's old enemy, Obadiah Stane - Ezekiel. Trying to avenge his father's death, he involves Stark in a game in which the lives of thousands of innocent people will be the stakes.

#8-19 Ark: World Wanted
After the Skrulls invade Earth, Norman Osborn comes to power. Realizing that Stark is the only one who can lead him to the base of registered superheroes, he begins to hunt for him. The only way Tony's way of protecting this valuable information from Osborn is to destroy the last receptacle of this base - Tony Stark's brain.

The final and irrevocable transformation of himself into a comatose vegetable was clearly not part of Tony Stark's plans, and so he gave his friends instructions on how to pull him out of his coma and return his mind to its place. And while Pepper Potts and Maria Hill try to save Tony's body, he himself gets out of the tangled labyrinth of his own consciousness.

#25-33 Arc: Stark. Renaissance
Norman Osborn has been toppled from his pedestal and life for superheroes is returning to normal. The only problem is that Tony Stark, who recently returned to normal life, found himself broke and completely unable to remember the events of the last couple of years. Now he has to start from scratch to rebuild not only a new company, but also relationships with old friends, who, for reasons unknown to him, harbor a lot of grievances against him.

#500 Ark: Iron Age
Tony's technologies, which haunted him even during his comatose sleep, end up on the Internet and are now available to any rogue. Having enlisted the help of Peter Parker, Stark begins the hunt for villains. And several decades later, his granddaughter is waging a desperate battle against the Mandarin regime, which has become a world dictator.

And etc.

The Invincible Iron Man (With English- “The Invincible Iron Man”) is a comic book series from Marvel about the superhero Iron Man, written by screenwriter Matt Fraction with artist Salvador Larroca and published from 2008 to 2012. This episode became the fifth major series starring Tony Stark, replacing the fourth volume of the series. Iron Man. From the 33rd issue the series went back to its original numbering from the 500th issue. The series ended with the 527th issue and continued with the fifth volume in December 2012 Iron Man as part of the campaign Marvel NOW!.

Description of the series

"Five Nightmares" (#1-7)

Iron Man fights Ezekiel Stane, son of Obadiah Stane, who seeks revenge for his father's death by destroying Stark Industries. At first, Ezekiel wants to become an international terrorist using suicide bombers with technology based on Iron Man. In an attempt to deal with the source of destruction, Stark is sent to A.I.M. and faces M.O.D. (Mental Organism Designed Only to Kill), after defeating him, Stark realizes that another person is to blame. Also targeted by Stane is the Triumph Division, a group of seven superheroes originally from the Philippines who were killed by a suicide bomber.

"World Wanted" (#8-19)

When Stark is stripped of his powers, he downloads a virus to destroy all records of the Registration Act, thus preventing Norman Osborn from learning the identities of his fellow heroes. The only copy remains in Stark's brain, which he tries to remove bit by bit. Osborn announces a hunt for Stark. Multiple deletions of data from the brain cause Stark brain damage. When Osborn catches up with the weakened Stark and brutally beats him, Pepper Potts live broadcasts beatings around the world. The live broadcast weakens trust in Osborn, and they begin to sympathize with Stark. Stark goes into a vegetative state; he had previously appointed Donald Blake (the alter ego of the Norse god, superhero Thor) as attending physician. While catatonic, Pepper receives a holographic message from Tony that reveals a way to "reset" his brain, returning him to normal condition. While Donald Blake and Captain America decide to use this method, Tony suggests to Pepper that they leave him as is and let him die if it would be easier for Pepper.

"Stark: Decay" (#20-24)

A message is displayed from Pepper's armor, in which Tony reveals that there is a way to reboot his brain. He also says that Osborn cannot copy him or S.H.I.E.L.D.'s technology. Donald Blake (Thor) and Captain America (Bucky) decide to use this method, Pepper doubts that Tony will be able to return. Meanwhile, Madame Masque hires the Phantom to kill Tony. In his subconscious, Stark is trapped in a never ending loop where he tries to dig for something before the robots attack. In his subconscious, hallucinations of his parents (Howard and Maria) want to help him find the iron breastplate he was digging up. He puts it on, but nothing happens. IN real world According to Tony's plan, to save him, Pepper's energy reactor was needed, which was inserted into his chest. The data from the hard drive is then transferred to the head, Captain America uses his shield and Thor uses his lightning to restart Stark. However, when this happens, there is no result. Doctor Strange volunteers to help Tony return. At this time, the Ghost's mission fails. Tony's brain is successfully rebooted, however, the point of the last memory recording was just before the Civil War, which leaves Stark without knowledge of the current state of the world.

"Stark Reborn" (#25-33)

Tony and Pepper Potts create the Stark Revival company. Pepper wants to be the “Savior” again and asks Tony to put the repulsor back into her, he agrees. Tony learns that the Hammer and Stein families are uniting to destroy him. Justine Hammer and her daughter want to take Tony's place in military industry and create "Detroit Steel" armor and try to sell it. They also create an army of drones and send it, along with the Detroit Steel, to the race track, where Stark tests new car on repulsor energy. Iron Man, Rescue Girl and Warrior stop them.

"Mandarin: The Story of My Life" (Yearbook #1)

"New Iron Age" (#500)

"Fix Me" (#501-503)

Otto Octavius ​​attacks Tony Stark. Threatening nuclear bomb he challenges Stark to see who is smarter. Otto tells Stark that he is dying. He then gives Stark two options. The first option is for Stark to heal him, and the second is for Stark to admit that this is too difficult a task for him. And Otto added that if Tony does not choose any option, the bomb will explode. To prevent Stark from killing Otto, he, with the help of Electro and Sandman, took Tony's employees hostage. Stark agrees to cure Otto, but soon realizes that he cannot cure him and tells him so. But for Otto this is not enough. He starts the timer for 6 minutes on his bomb. Stark fell to his knees and began to beg Otto to turn off the bomb. Otto turned it off and flew away. It turned out that it was not a bomb, but decay products. Tony later makes a pact with Thor to build the city of Asgard.

"Fear in the Flesh" (#504-509)

The Red Skull's daughter, Sin, released the long-forgotten Asgardian god known as the Serpent to fulfill old prophecies. He sent eight Worthy Ones - powerful mystical warriors - to spread fear on his behalf. The planet is gripped by panic and chaos reigns throughout the world. The Serpent transforms the Gray Gargoyle into one of his worthy warriors - Mokka, the destroyer of faith. Mokk turns most the inhabitants of Paris into statues. Iron Man fights him and loses, but survives and flies home. Rescue Girl flies to Paris to rescue and help survivors in Iron Man's place. Tony comes to the Svartalfheim forge to create a weapon against the Serpent. The rescuer is grabbed by Mokka, but she is lucky - at this time Mokka calls the Snakes. Tony, together with the dwarves, creates weapons to fight the Serpent. Iron Man and the Avengers use magical weapons to defeat the Serpent.

"Demon" (#510-515)

During the story "Fear in the Flesh" Tony Stark got drunk. This later became known to the US government. Stark was sent a subpoena demanding to produce biometric readings of Iron Man's armor. At this time, Buran, working for Izikl Stein and Mandarin, destroyed water treatment plants and storage facilities fresh water in Abu Dhabi. Izikl Stane and the Mandarin enhance the armor of many of Iron Man's old enemies. During a battle with an enhanced Living Laser, Iron Man's main repulsor was damaged. An army of advanced Dreadnoughts attacks the Three Gorges Hydroelectric Power Plant in China. Iron Man and the Chinese superhero team Dynasty try to save the dam, but blow it up themselves to reduce the number of casualties to a minimum. The government asks Tony for access to the suit's systems in order to shut it down in an emergency. Stark agrees to this. Tony fakes Rhodey's death on the battlefield from Twister, Melter, and Living Laser.

"Long Way Down" (#516-520)

During one conversation, Kababa accidentally finds out that Pimacher is a Super Spy; for this, the Super Spy had to stab Kababa, but later they were able to save him. At this time, Tony Stark tells General Babbage that from now on he is no longer Iron Man. Ezekiel Stein performs surgery on himself and removes a bomb from himself. At this time, Reed Richards performs an operation on Tony so that he will no longer be Iron Man. Superspy later attacks Vyche, but the wounded Vyche is rescued by his employees. In the Indian Ocean, the new Iron Man (James Rhodes) fought off an Armored Car attack on the ships. Crazy Doug Johnson kidnaps Sasha Hammer and demands the Detroit Steel armor for her. As soon as he gets into the armor, he is attacked and Doug is killed by Sasha Hammer. On the Mandarin's orders, Tormentor and Chemistro attack Stark, but he is saved by Iron Man. Stark later renames his company Healing and resigns from it. The Mandarin then calls Stark and says that he now controls Stark.

"The Future" (#521-527)

The Mandarin kidnapped Tony Stark and Ezekiel Stane, forcing them to work together to create monstrous death machines, Gigantomechs. He planned to make these robots a receptacle for the ancient cosmic entities hidden in his ten rings. Getting into the code operating system, controlling Tony's body, the Mandarin was also able to gain control of his mind. Stark and Stane, with the help of other captured villains in Mandarinograd, manage to destroy the Gigantomechs and prevent the destruction of the Earth. In the heat of battle, Stein decides to kill the Mandarin in order to put an end to his atrocities once and for all and prove how dangerous Zeke himself still is. Not only was Tony's mind hacked by the Mandarin, but so was his entire company, Stark Rebirth. Because of this, Pepper Potts had to destroy “Jarvis,” an artificial intelligence that had become hostile to its owner and, former source information leaks to Mandarin. Sasha Hammer then kills her mother with Stane's help. Later, Stark flies off into space.

Iron Man marvel comics

Read Iron Man Comics - Iron Man online

Iron Man - Iron Man Vol.1 (1964-1996) Iron Man - Iron Man Vol.2 (1998-2003) Iron Man - Iron Man Vol.4 (2005-2008)

History of the character Iron Man marvel comics

Iron Man: Iron Man is a fictional superhero from Marvel comics. Its creators are Stan Lee, Jack Kirby and Don Heck. Appears for the first time in March 1963, main character is a wealthy billionaire named Tony Stark. While one of his experiments is taking place in the desert, he is kidnapped by a group of terrorists. While terrorists plot hellish plans against the world, he quickly devises an escape plan. Invents an iron suit with the ability to fly, and thus escapes captivity. He also creates a reactor, which is a magnet that prevents shrapnel from reaching his heart. Basically, he should develop terrorist missiles. Instead, Tony makes an Iron Man suit for his own big enemy 2008 was done Feature Film in the series starring Robert Downey. The second part was made in 2010 and the third part of the film comes in 2013. In the first part, Tony Stark invented a suit while being captured by terrorists called the Nine Rings, who are his regular customers. He decided to stop selling weapons. Iron Man read comics online in Russian

In Part 2, Tony Stark is about to die from palladium toxicity, but SHIELD helps him with injections that reduce Stark's symptoms. He must make a new reactor, or rather a mini-arc, but not with palladium, but new element which is a replacement for palladium and cannot kill it. In the third part, Tony confronts an explosive man, but, of course, everything ends successfully. Iron Man read comics online in Russian

Description of the character Iron Man

Tony Stark was born into a family of wealthy industrialists and even in his youth was heralded as a future pillar of American capitalism. Already at the age of 15, he began studying electrical engineering at MIT. After the death of his parents in a car accident at the age of 21, he took over the family's real estate company, specializing in defense industry, called Stark Industries, formerly led by his father, Howard Stark. Supporting American efforts in the fight against communism, Tony was responsible for delivering and testing new technologies for the military. In the original issue vol.1 #39, during the Vietnam War he became a victim of a communist attack field commanders. He was seriously wounded by a shrapnel fragment that struck him in the chest. Tony was captured by Vietnamese communists. He was forced to build weapons for them. Instead, Tony, along with fellow prisoner, physics professor Ho Yinsenem, developed armor that helped him escape. TONY later discovered that he would die if he ever removed the magnetic plate that kept shrapnel fragments away from his heart. Iron Man read comics online in Russian
Based on the armor prototype, they began to create another, more sophisticated exoskeleton. Among his allies were mainly Soviet villains:

  • Scarlet Dynamo;
  • Titan Man.

Apart from them, among the antagonists of Iron Man there were some opponents, such as:

  • Mandarin;
  • Whiplash;
  • AIM organizations;
  • Fin Fang Foom;
  • Madame Masque and MODOK.

The theme of the fight with Iron Man in Asia against the Mandarin had political overtones, as it reflected the fight Western civilization against the eastern world, during the Vietnam War. In The Avengers vol.1 #1 in September 1963, along with the Hulk, Ant-Man, Wasp and Thor, he formed a team known as the Avengers, in which they would work together to fight evil in the form of Loki. Iron Man read comics online in Russian

Tony's entourage included such figures as secretary and lover Pepper Potts and chauffeur and assistant Lucky Hogan. Early stories depicts Potts' romance with Stark, while Lucky Hogan's love for Potts, while creating a love triangle between the main characters. Finally, Potts and Hogan get married in Tales of Suspense Vol. 1 #91 and disappear from the comics for a while, although both of these figures played a role, particularly the crossover civil war and later humorous stories. Another important figure is Tony's friend and pilot, James Rhodes. Created by David Michelinie'ego and Bob Layton, James Rhodes made his comic debut in Iron Man no. 1 #118 since 1979. Rhodes donned the Iron Man armor while Tony was severely wounded (Iron Man vol. 1 #170), and Iron Man vol. 1 #284 acquired his own (heavy) armor and became an assistant to the superhero known as War Machine.
More important events related to this form include (Iron Man vol. 1 #128 November 1979), and tells the story of heroes fighting alcoholism, or the story of Doomquest (Iron Man vol. 1 #149-150 from 1981), Iron Man and Doctor Doom - back in time to the time of King Arthur. The story called Stark Wars (later retitled the popular title Armor of War I) from Iron Man vol. 1 #225 to #231 (originally released between December 1987 and June 1988) tells how Stark was obsessively hunted down and destroyed all the technologies he created that fell into the wrong hands, including the one that was used by the US Army. However, in the story sexpartite Extremis (Iron Man vol. 4 #1-6 published from January 2005 to April 2006) Warren Ellis, Tony I is injected with a nanotechnological virus that has evolved in his body to the interface connecting him nervous system with Iron Man armor read comics online in Russian

Iron Man Armor

Subsequent versions of the Iron Man suits (movie version):

  • Mark I is Stark's first suit. Tony made his project on his home computer. He built it in a cave with the help of Jarvis. He had a very strong armor, but he was free. First arc reactor could work for 15 minutes. He gave Tony great power. He was armed with flamethrowers on his arms and a grenade launcher on his left forearm. It could fly, but it was slow and did not turn. After Stark's break in the desert, the suit fell into pieces. Pieces of the suit were found by terrorists who managed to restore and modernize it, among other things, they changed its appearance, added software and strengthened the weapons;
  • Mark II is Stark's second suit. This is specifically a modified Mark I. Stark changed his appearance, added an OS from Stark’s home computer, under the name Jarvis, the suit is capable of flying for a long time. Using only 3% of the reactor power during flight. He is armed with weapons in the form of pulses generated by the flight stabilizers on his arms. Its disadvantage is the thin coating, which after crossing the ceiling is 12 km. he passes out. The Mark II has been restored to the War Machine suit. The replica was destroyed in the attack on the Stark home in Iron Man 3;
  • Mark III is an upgraded version of Mark II. This suit is made of titanium and gold alloy, painted red in some parts (it was all gold before adding red). He has more equipment, including torches in his hips, flare guns on his right forearm, and a chest jug in place of the reactor. It was destroyed in the attack on the Stark home in Iron Man 3;
  • Mark IV - a few details in appearance, not much different from the Mark III Except. He shared the fate of the remaining armor;
  • Mark V - first appears in Iron Man 2 This is a portable suit that looks like an unused suitcase. When you turn it on, it is distributed throughout the body. He is armed with weapons in the form of pulses generated by the flight stabilizers on his arms. It was destroyed in Iron Man 3 in the attack on House Stark;
  • Mark VI is Tony's other suit. He feeds on the new active element reactor. His very strong weapon are laser beams that generators are placed on the wrists. This is one weapon - Tony used it in combat drones aircraft against Ivan Vanko. It was destroyed in an attack on Stark's home;
  • The Mark VII is a weapon used by Stark in his battle with Loki and the Space Army in the film The Avengers. Not significantly different from the previous model, except for laser beams that are no longer disposable, additional missiles, a large supply of ammunition and reinforced armor. In the catch nuclear missile you can see that the armor was installed on the hull with additional engines. He shared the fate of the remaining armor;
  • Mark VIII-XLI - different armor that has its own specific features. They could be under the control of Tony (no one would know) and Jarvis. The armor was built in secret. Some of them were destroyed by Extremis soldiers from AIM. They appeared in Iron Man 3;
  • Mark XLII - Availability large quantity defects that require correction, spacesuit prototype interceptors. It was destroyed on Stark's orders;
  • War Machine Mark I - This suit is a modified Mark II. The Mark II was taken by Tony's friend Rhodey'ego and rebuilt into military base. The only change is a change appearance and weapons. Arming is presented. FN F2000 rifle, M134 Minigun, grenade launcher, M24 rifle and semi-automatic pistol. Another weapon is an air-to-air kinetic missile, which is a destructive weapon capable of breaking up a “Bunker”;
  • “War Machine Mark II Iron Patriot - Improved and reinforced armor, piloted by Lt. Col. James Rhodes. She was painted in the style of Captain America;
  • The Iron Trader is an improved version of the Mark I created by Obadiah Stan. It was a large Mark I of sorts, and was destroyed in a Stark arc reactor explosion;
  • The Mark XLIV (also called the "Hulkbuster") is an armor designed by Stark and Bruce Banner in the event that Bruce lost control of his alter ego, the Hulk.

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