How does a simple atomic bomb work? Atomic bomb: composition, combat characteristics and purpose of creation

In the end, the matter still scatters, fission stops, but the process does not end there: the energy is redistributed between the ionized fragments of the separated nuclei and other particles emitted during fission. Their energy is on the order of tens and even hundreds of MeV, but only electrically neutral high-energy gamma quanta and neutrons have a chance of avoiding interaction with matter and “escaping.” Charged particles quickly lose energy in acts of collisions and ionization. In this case, radiation is emitted - however, it is no longer hard nuclear radiation, but softer, with an energy three orders of magnitude lower, but still more than sufficient to knock out electrons from atoms - not only from the outer shells, but from everything in general. A mixture of bare nuclei, stripped electrons and radiation with a density of grams per cubic centimeter (try to imagine how well you can tan under light that has acquired the density of aluminum!) - everything that a moment ago was a charge - comes into some semblance of equilibrium . In a very young fireball, the temperature reaches tens of millions of degrees.

Fire ball

It would seem that even soft radiation moving at the speed of light should leave the matter that generated it far behind, but this is not so: in cold air, the range of quanta of Kev energies is centimeters, and they do not move in a straight line, but change the direction of movement, re-emitting with every interaction. Quanta ionize the air and spread through it, like cherry juice poured into a glass of water. This phenomenon is called radiative diffusion.

A young fireball of a 100 kt explosion a few tens of nanoseconds after the end of the fission burst has a radius of 3 m and a temperature of almost 8 million Kelvin. But after 30 microseconds its radius is 18 m, although the temperature drops below a million degrees. The ball devours space, and the ionized air behind its front hardly moves: radiation cannot transfer significant momentum to it during diffusion. But it pumps enormous energy into this air, heating it, and when the radiation energy runs out, the ball begins to grow due to the expansion of hot plasma, bursting from the inside with what used to be a charge. Expanding, like an inflated bubble, the plasma shell becomes thinner. Unlike a bubble, of course, nothing inflates it: there is almost no substance left on the inside, it all flies from the center by inertia, but 30 microseconds after the explosion, the speed of this flight is more than 100 km/s, and the hydrodynamic pressure in the substance — more than 150,000 atm! The shell is not destined to become too thin; it bursts, forming “blisters”.

In a vacuum neutron tube, a pulse voltage of one hundred kilovolts is applied between a tritium-saturated target (cathode) 1 and anode assembly 2. When the voltage is maximum, it is necessary that deuterium ions be between the anode and cathode, which need to be accelerated. An ion source is used for this. An ignition pulse is applied to its anode 3, and the discharge, passing along the surface of deuterium-saturated ceramic 4, forms deuterium ions. Having accelerated, they bombard a target saturated with tritium, as a result of which an energy of 17.6 MeV is released and neutrons and helium-4 nuclei are formed. In terms of particle composition and even energy output, this reaction is identical to fusion - the process of fusion of light nuclei. In the 1950s, many believed so, but later it turned out that a “disruption” occurs in the tube: either a proton or a neutron (which makes up the deuterium ion, accelerated by an electric field) “gets stuck” in the target nucleus (tritium). If a proton gets stuck, the neutron breaks away and becomes free.

Which of the mechanisms of transferring the energy of the fireball to the environment prevails depends on the power of the explosion: if it is large, the main role is played by radiation diffusion; if it is small, the expansion of the plasma bubble plays a major role. It is clear that an intermediate case is possible when both mechanisms are effective.

The process captures new layers of air; there is no longer enough energy to strip all the electrons from the atoms. The energy of the ionized layer and fragments of the plasma bubble runs out; they are no longer able to move the huge mass in front of them and noticeably slow down. But what was air before the explosion moves, breaking away from the ball, absorbing more and more layers of cold air... The formation of a shock wave begins.

Shock wave and atomic mushroom

When the shock wave separates from the fireball, the characteristics of the emitting layer change and the radiation power in the optical part of the spectrum increases sharply (the so-called first maximum). Next, the processes of illumination and changes in the transparency of the surrounding air compete, which leads to the realization of a second maximum, less powerful, but much longer - so much so that the output of light energy is greater than in the first maximum.

Near the explosion, everything around evaporates, further away it melts, but even further, where the heat flow is no longer sufficient to melt solids, soil, rocks, houses flow like liquid, under a monstrous pressure of gas that destroys all strong bonds, heated to the point of unbearable for the eyes radiance.

Finally, the shock wave goes far from the point of explosion, where there remains a loose and weakened, but expanded many times, cloud of condensed vapors that turned into tiny and very radioactive dust from what was the plasma of the charge, and from what was close at its terrible hour to a place from which one should stay as far as possible. The cloud begins to rise. It cools down, changing its color, “puts on” a white cap of condensed moisture, followed by dust from the surface of the earth, forming the “leg” of what is commonly called an “atomic mushroom”.

Neutron initiation

Attentive readers can estimate the energy release during an explosion with a pencil in their hands. When the time the assembly is in a supercritical state is on the order of microseconds, the age of the neutrons is on the order of picoseconds, and the multiplication factor is less than 2, about a gigajoule of energy is released, which is equivalent to... 250 kg of TNT. Where are the kilo- and megatons?

Neutrons - slow and fast

In a non-fissile substance, “bouncing” off nuclei, neutrons transfer to them part of their energy, the greater the lighter (closer to them in mass) the nuclei. The more collisions neutrons take part in, the more they slow down, and finally they come into thermal equilibrium with the surrounding matter - they are thermalized (this takes milliseconds). Thermal neutron speed is 2200 m/s (energy 0.025 eV). Neutrons can escape from the moderator and are captured by its nuclei, but with moderation their ability to enter into nuclear reactions increases significantly, so the neutrons that are not “lost” more than compensate for the decrease in numbers.
Thus, if a ball of fissile material is surrounded by a moderator, many neutrons will leave the moderator or be absorbed in it, but there will also be some that will return to the ball (“reflect”) and, having lost their energy, are much more likely to cause fission events. If the ball is surrounded by a layer of beryllium 25 mm thick, then 20 kg of U235 can be saved and still achieve the critical state of the assembly. But such savings come at the cost of time: each subsequent generation of neutrons must first slow down before causing fission. This delay reduces the number of generations of neutrons born per unit time, which means that the energy release is delayed. The less fissile material in the assembly, the more moderator is required to develop a chain reaction, and fission occurs with increasingly lower-energy neutrons. In the extreme case, when criticality is achieved only with thermal neutrons, for example, in a solution of uranium salts in a good moderator - water, the mass of the assemblies is hundreds of grams, but the solution simply periodically boils. The released steam bubbles reduce the average density of the fissile substance, the chain reaction stops, and when the bubbles leave the liquid, the fission outbreak is repeated (if you clog the vessel, the steam will burst it - but this will be a thermal explosion, devoid of all the typical “nuclear” signs).

The fact is that the fission chain in the assembly does not begin with one neutron: at the required microsecond, they are injected into the supercritical assembly by the millions. In the first nuclear charges, isotope sources located in a cavity inside the plutonium assembly were used for this: polonium-210, at the moment of compression, combined with beryllium and caused neutron emission with its alpha particles. But all isotopic sources are rather weak (the first American product generated less than a million neutrons per microsecond), and polonium is very perishable—it reduces its activity by half in just 138 days. Therefore, isotopes have been replaced by less dangerous ones (which do not emit when not turned on), and most importantly, neutron tubes that emit more intensely (see sidebar): in a few microseconds (the duration of the pulse formed by the tube) hundreds of millions of neutrons are born. But if it doesn’t work or works at the wrong time, a so-called bang or “zilch” will occur—a low-power thermal explosion.

It is one of the most amazing, mysterious and terrible processes. The principle of operation of nuclear weapons is based on a chain reaction. This is a process whose very progress initiates its continuation. The principle of operation of a hydrogen bomb is based on fusion.

Atomic bomb

The nuclei of some isotopes of radioactive elements (plutonium, californium, uranium and others) are capable of decaying, while capturing a neutron. After this, two or three more neutrons are released. The destruction of the nucleus of one atom under ideal conditions can lead to the decay of two or three more, which in turn can initiate other atoms. And so on. An avalanche-like process of destruction of an increasing number of nuclei occurs, releasing a gigantic amount of energy for breaking atomic bonds. During an explosion, enormous energies are released in an extremely short period of time. This happens at one point. This is why the explosion of an atomic bomb is so powerful and destructive.

To initiate a chain reaction, the amount of radioactive substance must exceed a critical mass. Obviously, you need to take several parts of uranium or plutonium and combine them into one. However, this is not enough to cause an atomic bomb to explode, because the reaction will stop before enough energy is released, or the process will proceed slowly. In order to achieve success, it is necessary not only to exceed the critical mass of the substance, but to do this in an extremely short period of time. It is best to use several. This is achieved by using others, and alternating fast and slow explosives.

The first nuclear test was carried out in July 1945 in the USA near the town of Almogordo. In August of the same year, the Americans used these weapons against Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The explosion of an atomic bomb in the city led to terrible destruction and the death of most of the population. In the USSR, atomic weapons were created and tested in 1949.


It is a weapon with very great destructive power. The principle of its operation is based on the synthesis of heavier helium nuclei from lighter hydrogen atoms. This releases a very large amount of energy. This reaction is similar to the processes that occur on the Sun and other stars. The easiest way is to use isotopes of hydrogen (tritium, deuterium) and lithium.

The Americans tested the first hydrogen warhead in 1952. In the modern understanding, this device can hardly be called a bomb. It was a three-story building filled with liquid deuterium. The first hydrogen bomb explosion in the USSR was carried out six months later. The Soviet thermonuclear weapon RDS-6 was detonated in August 1953 near Semipalatinsk. The USSR tested the largest hydrogen bomb with a yield of 50 megatons (Tsar Bomba) in 1961. The wave after the explosion of the ammunition circled the planet three times.

The history of human development has always been accompanied by wars as a way to resolve conflicts through violence. Civilization has suffered more than fifteen thousand small and large armed conflicts, the loss of human lives is estimated in the millions. In the nineties of the last century alone, more than a hundred military clashes occurred, involving ninety countries of the world.

At the same time, scientific discoveries and technological progress have made it possible to create weapons of destruction of ever greater power and sophistication of use. In the twentieth century Nuclear weapons became the peak of mass destructive impact and a political instrument.

Atomic bomb device

Modern nuclear bombs as means of destroying the enemy are created on the basis of advanced technical solutions, the essence of which is not widely publicized. But the main elements inherent in this type of weapon can be examined using the example of the design of a nuclear bomb codenamed “Fat Man,” dropped in 1945 on one of the cities of Japan.

The power of the explosion was 22.0 kt in TNT equivalent.

It had the following design features:

  • the length of the product was 3250.0 mm, with a diameter of the volumetric part - 1520.0 mm. Total weight more than 4.5 tons;
  • the body is elliptical in shape. To avoid premature destruction due to anti-aircraft ammunition and other unwanted impacts, 9.5 mm armored steel was used for its manufacture;
  • the body is divided into four internal parts: the nose, two halves of the ellipsoid (the main one is a compartment for the nuclear filling), and the tail.
  • the bow compartment is equipped with batteries;
  • the main compartment, like the nasal one, is vacuumized to prevent the entry of harmful environments, moisture, and to create comfortable conditions for the bearded man to work;
  • the ellipsoid housed a plutonium core surrounded by a uranium tamper (shell). It played the role of an inertial limiter for the course of the nuclear reaction, ensuring maximum activity of weapons-grade plutonium by reflecting neutrons to the side of the active zone of the charge.

A primary source of neutrons, called an initiator or “hedgehog,” was placed inside the nucleus. Represented by beryllium spherical in diameter 20.0 mm with polonium-based outer coating - 210.

It should be noted that the expert community has determined that this design of nuclear weapons is ineffective and unreliable in use. Neutron initiation of the uncontrolled type was not used further .

Operating principle

The process of fission of the nuclei of uranium 235 (233) and plutonium 239 (this is what a nuclear bomb is made of) with a huge release of energy while limiting the volume is called a nuclear explosion. The atomic structure of radioactive metals has an unstable form - they are constantly divided into other elements.

The process is accompanied by the detachment of neurons, some of which fall on neighboring atoms and initiate a further reaction, accompanied by the release of energy.

The principle is as follows: shortening the decay time leads to greater intensity of the process, and the concentration of neurons on bombarding the nuclei leads to a chain reaction. When two elements are combined to a critical mass, a supercritical mass is created, leading to an explosion.

In everyday conditions, it is impossible to provoke an active reaction - high speeds of approach of the elements are needed - at least 2.5 km/s. Achieving this speed in a bomb is possible by using combining types of explosives (fast and slow), balancing the density of the supercritical mass producing an atomic explosion.

Nuclear explosions are attributed to the results of human activity on the planet or its orbit. Natural processes of this kind are possible only on some stars in outer space.

Atomic bombs are rightfully considered the most powerful and destructive weapons of mass destruction. Tactical use solves the problem of destroying strategic, military targets on the ground, as well as deep-based ones, defeating a significant accumulation of enemy equipment and manpower.

It can be applied globally only with the goal of complete destruction of the population and infrastructure in large areas.

To achieve certain goals and perform tactical and strategic tasks, explosions of atomic weapons can be carried out by:

  • at critical and low altitudes (above and below 30.0 km);
  • in direct contact with the earth's crust (water);
  • underground (or underwater explosion).

A nuclear explosion is characterized by the instantaneous release of enormous energy.

Leading to damage to objects and people as follows:

  • Shock wave. When an explosion occurs above or on the earth's crust (water) it is called an air wave; underground (water) it is called a seismic explosion wave. An air wave is formed after critical compression of air masses and propagates in a circle until attenuation at a speed exceeding sound. Leads to both direct damage to manpower and indirect damage (interaction with fragments of destroyed objects). The action of excess pressure makes the equipment non-functional by moving and hitting the ground;
  • Light radiation. The source is the light part formed by the evaporation of the product with air masses; for ground use, it is soil vapor. The effect occurs in the ultraviolet and infrared spectrum. Its absorption by objects and people provokes charring, melting and burning. The degree of damage depends on the distance of the epicenter;
  • Penetrating radiation- these are neutrons and gamma rays moving from the place of rupture. Exposure to biological tissue leads to ionization of cell molecules, leading to radiation sickness in the body. Damage to property is associated with fission reactions of molecules in the damaging elements of ammunition.
  • Radioactive contamination. During a ground explosion, soil vapors, dust, and other things rise. A cloud appears, moving in the direction of the movement of air masses. Sources of damage are represented by fission products of the active part of a nuclear weapon, isotopes, and undestroyed parts of the charge. When a radioactive cloud moves, continuous radiation contamination of the area occurs;
  • Electromagnetic pulse. The explosion is accompanied by the appearance of electromagnetic fields (from 1.0 to 1000 m) in the form of a pulse. They lead to failure of electrical devices, controls and communications.

The combination of factors of a nuclear explosion causes varying levels of damage to enemy personnel, equipment and infrastructure, and the fatality of the consequences is associated only with the distance from its epicenter.

History of the creation of nuclear weapons

The creation of weapons using nuclear reactions was accompanied by a number of scientific discoveries, theoretical and practical research, including:

  • 1905— the theory of relativity was created, which states that a small amount of matter corresponds to a significant release of energy according to the formula E = mc2, where “c” represents the speed of light (author A. Einstein);
  • 1938— German scientists conducted an experiment on dividing an atom into parts by attacking uranium with neutrons, which ended successfully (O. Hann and F. Strassmann), and a physicist from Great Britain explained the fact of the release of energy (R. Frisch);
  • 1939- scientists from France that when carrying out a chain of reactions of uranium molecules, energy will be released that can produce an explosion of enormous force (Joliot-Curie).

The latter became the starting point for the invention of atomic weapons. Parallel development was carried out by Germany, Great Britain, the USA, and Japan. The main problem was the extraction of uranium in the required volumes for conducting experiments in this area.

The problem was solved faster in the USA by purchasing raw materials from Belgium in 1940.

As part of the project, called Manhattan, from 1939 to 1945, a uranium purification plant was built, a center for the study of nuclear processes was created, and the best specialists - physicists from all over Western Europe - were recruited to work there.

Great Britain, which carried out its own developments, was forced, after the German bombing, to voluntarily transfer the developments on its project to the US military.

It is believed that the Americans were the first to invent the atomic bomb. Tests of the first nuclear charge were carried out in the state of New Mexico in July 1945. The flash from the explosion darkened the sky and the sandy landscape turned to glass. After a short period of time, nuclear charges called “Baby” and “Fat Man” were created.

Nuclear weapons in the USSR - dates and events

The emergence of the USSR as a nuclear power was preceded by long work by individual scientists and government institutions. Key periods and significant dates of events are presented as follows:

  • 1920 considered the beginning of the work of Soviet scientists on atomic fission;
  • Since the thirties the direction of nuclear physics becomes a priority;
  • October 1940— an initiative group of physicists came up with a proposal to use atomic developments for military purposes;
  • Summer 1941 in connection with the war, nuclear energy institutes were transferred to the rear;
  • Autumn 1941 year, Soviet intelligence informed the country's leadership about the beginning of nuclear programs in Britain and America;
  • September 1942- atomic research began to be carried out in full, work on uranium continued;
  • February 1943— a special research laboratory was created under the leadership of I. Kurchatov, and general management was entrusted to V. Molotov;

The project was led by V. Molotov.

  • August 1945- in connection with the conduct of nuclear bombing in Japan, the high importance of developments for the USSR, a Special Committee was created under the leadership of L. Beria;
  • April 1946- KB-11 was created, which began to develop samples of Soviet nuclear weapons in two versions (using plutonium and uranium);
  • Mid 1948— work on uranium was stopped due to low efficiency and high costs;
  • August 1949- when the atomic bomb was invented in the USSR, the first Soviet nuclear bomb was tested.

The reduction in product development time was facilitated by the high-quality work of intelligence agencies, who were able to obtain information on American nuclear developments. Among those who first created the atomic bomb in the USSR was a team of scientists led by Academician A. Sakharov. They have developed more promising technical solutions than those used by the Americans.

Atomic bomb "RDS-1"

In 2015 - 2017, Russia made a breakthrough in improving nuclear weapons and their delivery systems, thereby declaring a state capable of repelling any aggression.

First atomic bomb tests

After testing an experimental nuclear bomb in New Mexico in the summer of 1945, the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed on August 6 and 9, respectively.

The development of the atomic bomb was completed this year

In 1949, under conditions of increased secrecy, Soviet designers of KB-11 and scientists completed the development of an atomic bomb called RDS-1 (jet engine “C”). On August 29, the first Soviet nuclear device was tested at the Semipalatinsk test site. The Russian atomic bomb - RDS-1 was a “drop-shaped” product, weighing 4.6 tons, with a volumetric diameter of 1.5 m, and a length of 3.7 meters.

The active part included a plutonium block, which made it possible to achieve an explosion power of 20.0 kilotons, commensurate with TNT. The testing site covered a radius of twenty kilometers. The specifics of the test detonation conditions have not been made public to date.

On September 3 of the same year, American aviation intelligence established the presence in the air masses of Kamchatka of traces of isotopes indicating the testing of a nuclear charge. On the twenty-third, the top US official publicly announced that the USSR had succeeded in testing an atomic bomb.


Before you begin studying the structure of an atomic bomb, you need to understand the terminology on this problem. So, in scientific circles, there are special terms that reflect the characteristics of atomic weapons. Among them, we especially note the following:

Atomic bomb is the original name of an aircraft nuclear bomb, the action of which is based on an explosive chain nuclear fission reaction. With the advent of the so-called hydrogen bomb, based on the thermonuclear fusion reaction, a common term for them was established - nuclear bomb.

A nuclear bomb is an aircraft bomb with a nuclear charge that has great destructive power. The first two nuclear bombs, with a TNT equivalent of about 20 kt each, were dropped by American aircraft on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, respectively, on August 6 and 9, 1945, and caused enormous casualties and destruction. Modern nuclear bombs have a TNT equivalent of tens to millions of tons.

Nuclear or atomic weapons are explosive weapons based on the use of nuclear energy released during a nuclear chain reaction of the fission of heavy nuclei or a thermonuclear fusion reaction of light nuclei.

Refers to weapons of mass destruction (WMD) along with biological and chemical ones.

Nuclear weapons are a set of nuclear weapons, means of delivering them to the target and control means. Refers to weapons of mass destruction; has enormous destructive power. For the above reason, the USA and the USSR invested huge amounts of money in the development of nuclear weapons. Based on the power of charges and range, nuclear weapons are divided into tactical, operational-tactical and strategic. The use of nuclear weapons in war is disastrous for all humanity.

A nuclear explosion is a process of instantaneous release of a large amount of intranuclear energy in a limited volume.

The action of atomic weapons is based on the fission reaction of heavy nuclei (uranium-235, plutonium-239 and, in some cases, uranium-233).

Uranium-235 is used in nuclear weapons because, unlike the most common isotope uranium-238, a self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction is possible in it.

Plutonium-239 is also called "weapons-grade plutonium" because it is intended for the creation of nuclear weapons and the content of the 239Pu isotope must be at least 93.5%.

To reflect the structure and composition of an atomic bomb, as a prototype we will analyze the plutonium bomb “Fat Man” (Fig. 1) dropped on August 9, 1945 on the Japanese city of Nagasaki.

atomic nuclear bomb explosion

Figure 1 - Atomic bomb "Fat Man"

The layout of this bomb (typical of plutonium single-phase munitions) is approximately as follows:

The neutron initiator is a ball with a diameter of about 2 cm made of beryllium, coated with a thin layer of yttrium-polonium alloy or metal polonium-210 - the primary source of neutrons for sharply reducing the critical mass and accelerating the onset of the reaction. It is triggered at the moment the combat core is transferred to a supercritical state (during compression, polonium and beryllium are mixed with the release of a large number of neutrons). Currently, in addition to this type of initiation, thermonuclear initiation (TI) is more common. Thermonuclear initiator (TI). It is located in the center of the charge (similar to NI) where a small amount of thermonuclear material is located, the center of which is heated by a converging shock wave and during the thermonuclear reaction, against the background of the resulting temperatures, a significant number of neutrons are produced, sufficient for the neutron initiation of a chain reaction (Fig. 2).

Plutonium. The purest isotope of plutonium-239 is used, although to increase the stability of physical properties (density) and improve charge compressibility, plutonium is doped with a small amount of gallium.

A shell (usually made of uranium) that serves as a neutron reflector.

Aluminum compression shell. Provides greater uniformity of compression by the shock wave, while at the same time protecting the internal parts of the charge from direct contact with the explosive and the hot products of its decomposition.

An explosive with a complex detonation system that ensures synchronized detonation of the entire explosive. Synchronicity is necessary to create a strictly spherical compressive (directed inside the ball) shock wave. A non-spherical wave leads to the ejection of ball material through inhomogeneity and the impossibility of creating a critical mass. The creation of such a system for the placement of explosives and detonation was at one time one of the most difficult tasks. A combined scheme (lens system) of “fast” and “slow” explosives is used.

The body is made of stamped duralumin elements - two spherical covers and a belt, connected by bolts.

Figure 2 - Operating principle of a plutonium bomb

The center of a nuclear explosion is the point at which the flash occurs or the center of the fireball is located, and the epicenter is the projection of the center of the explosion onto the earth or water surface.

Nuclear weapons are the most powerful and dangerous type of weapon of mass destruction, threatening all of humanity with unprecedented destruction and the extermination of millions of people.

If an explosion occurs on the ground or quite close to its surface, then part of the explosion energy is transferred to the Earth's surface in the form of seismic vibrations. A phenomenon occurs that resembles an earthquake in its characteristics. As a result of such an explosion, seismic waves are formed, which propagate through the thickness of the earth over very long distances. The destructive effect of the wave is limited to a radius of several hundred meters.

As a result of the extremely high temperature of the explosion, a bright flash of light is created, the intensity of which is hundreds of times greater than the intensity of sunlight falling on the Earth. A flash produces a huge amount of heat and light. Light radiation causes spontaneous combustion of flammable materials and skin burns in people within a radius of many kilometers.

A nuclear explosion produces radiation. It lasts about a minute and has such a high penetrating power that powerful and reliable shelters are required to protect against it at close ranges.

A nuclear explosion can instantly destroy or disable unprotected people, openly standing equipment, structures and various material assets. The main damaging factors of a nuclear explosion (NFE) are:

shock wave;

light radiation;

penetrating radiation;

radioactive contamination of the area;

electromagnetic pulse (EMP).

During a nuclear explosion in the atmosphere, the distribution of released energy between PFYVs is approximately the following: about 50% for the shock wave, 35% for light radiation, 10% for radioactive contamination and 5% for penetrating radiation and EMR.

Radioactive contamination of people, military equipment, terrain and various objects during a nuclear explosion is caused by fission fragments of the charge substance (Pu-239, U-235) and the unreacted part of the charge falling out of the explosion cloud, as well as radioactive isotopes formed in the soil and other materials under the influence of neutrons - induced activity. Over time, the activity of fission fragments decreases rapidly, especially in the first hours after the explosion. For example, the total activity of fission fragments during the explosion of a nuclear weapon with a power of 20 kT after one day will be several thousand times less than one minute after the explosion.

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