Activities are not included in the types of teaching activities. Types and specifics of teaching activities

Main types pedagogical activity are teaching and educational work. Teaching is a type of special activity of a teacher, which is aimed at managing primarily cognitive activity schoolchildren. Teaching is one of the main meaning-forming components of the learning process. In the structure of education, teaching is the process of activity of a teacher (teacher), which can function only as a result of close interaction with the student, both in direct and indirect form. But no matter what form this interaction takes, the teaching process necessarily presupposes the presence active process teachings.

It also acts as such provided that the activities of students are ensured, organized and controlled by the teacher, when the integrity of the learning process is ensured by the common goals of teaching and learning. During the preparation and implementation of the learning process, the teacher performs the following types activities: on the one hand, carries out selection, systematization of structuring educational information, presenting it to students, on the other hand, organizes a rational, effective system of knowledge and methods of operating it in educational and educational settings that is adequate to the tasks of teaching. practical work.

The subject of teaching activities is the management of educational and cognitive activities of students (see diagram 4). Educational work is a pedagogical activity aimed at organizing educational environment and management of various types of activities (including cognitive) of pupils in order to solve their problems harmonious development. Teaching and educational work are two sides of the same process: it is impossible to teach without exerting an educational influence, the degree of effectiveness of which depends precisely on how much

it will be thought out. Likewise, the process of education is impossible without elements of learning. Education, to reveal the essence and content of which many studies are devoted, is only conditionally, for convenience and deeper knowledge, considered in isolation from education. Revealing the dialectic of the relationship between these two sides of a single pedagogical process, it is necessary to take into account a number of their significant differences, for example, such as:

The noted differences in the organization of teaching and educational work show that teaching is much easier in terms of the methods of its organization and implementation, and in the structure of the holistic pedagogical process, according to V.A. Slastenin, “it should occupy a subordinate position” (Pedagogy: Tutorial for pedagogical students educational institutions/ V.A. Slastenin et al. M., 1997. P. 27--28). If in the learning process almost everything can be proven or deduced logically, then it is much more difficult to evoke and consolidate certain personal relationships, since decisive role Freedom of choice comes into play here. That is why the success of learning largely depends on the formation of cognitive interest and attitude towards educational activities in general, i.e. from the results of not only teaching, but also educational work.

It should also be noted that the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of ethics, aesthetics and other sciences, the study of which is not provided curriculum, in essence, is nothing more than learning. In addition, V.V. Kraevsky, I.Ya. Lerner and M.N. Skatkin noted that experience is considered an integral component of the content of education, along with the knowledge and skills that a person acquires in the learning process creative activity and the experience of an emotional and value-based attitude towards the world around us. Without unity of teaching and educational work, it is not possible to implement the mentioned elements of education. Even A. Disterweg understood the holistic pedagogical process in its content aspect as a process in which “educational teaching” and “educational education” are merged together. In principle, both pedagogical and educational activities are identical concepts.

The idea of ​​a holistic pedagogical process, for all its attractiveness and productivity, is not indisputable in the eyes of a number of scientists (P.I. Pidkasisty, L.P. Krivshenko, etc.), who believe that it carries a certain danger of “blurring the boundaries between theories training and education." IN pedagogical science And in practice, quite often we encounter misconceptions of another kind - the identification of teaching and pedagogical activities. Indicative in this regard is the opinion of N.V. Kuzmina, who considered them a specific characteristic of pedagogical activity, her high productivity. She distinguished five levels of productivity in teaching activities, referring only to teaching:

I (minimal) -- reproductive; the teacher knows how to tell others what he knows; unproductive.

II (low) -- adaptive; the teacher knows how to adapt his message to the characteristics of the audience; unproductive.

III (middle) - local modeling; the teacher has strategies for teaching students knowledge, skills, and abilities in individual sections of the course (i.e., forming pedagogical goal, be aware of the desired result and select the system and sequence for including students in educational and cognitive activities); medium productive.

IV (high) - system-modeling knowledge; the teacher owns strategies for forming the desired system knowledge, skills, and abilities of students in the subject as a whole; productive.

V (highest) - systematically modeling the activities and behavior of students; the teacher has strategies for transforming his subject into a means of shaping the student’s personality, his needs for self-education, self-education, self-development; highly productive (Kuzmina N.V. Professionalism of the personality of the teacher and master industrial training. M., 1990. P. 13).

Considering, for example, the responsibilities of a group teacher extended day, one can see both teaching and educational work in his activities. Solving the problem of instilling in students a love of work, high moral qualities, habits of cultural behavior and personal hygiene skills, he regulates the daily routine of schoolchildren, observes and provides assistance in the timely preparation of homework, and in the reasonable organization of leisure time. Obviously, instilling habits of cultural behavior, personal hygiene skills and educational activities, for example, is already an area not only of upbringing, but also of training, which requires systematic exercise. It is necessary to point out one more aspect of this problem: some teachers, in addition to teaching work perform other functions class teacher. Class teacher in a secondary school Russian Federation- a teacher who, along with teaching, carries out general work on organization and education student team a certain class. The activities of the class teacher include:

  • * comprehensive study of students, identification of their inclinations, requests and interests, creation of class assets, clarification of the School Charter or “Rules for Students” in order to develop norms of behavior and a sense of responsibility for the honor of the class and school;
  • * monitoring progress, discipline, social work and leisure of students;
  • * organization of extracurricular and extracurricular activities;
  • * systematic interaction with students' parents, organization of the work of the class parent committee;
  • * taking measures to prevent school dropouts, etc.

The class teacher draws up a work plan for a quarter or half a year, at the end school year submits a brief report on its activities to the school administration. The most important task class teacher - development student government(Psychological and pedagogical dictionary for teachers and managers educational institutions. Author-comp. V.A. Mizherikov. Rostov n/d.: Phoenix, 1988).

There are several other types of teaching activities that are clearly shown in the diagram.

Thus, summing up what has been said, we come to the conclusion: pedagogical activity will be successful when the teacher is able to develop and support cognitive interests children, create an atmosphere in the classroom general creativity, group responsibility and interest in the success of classmates, i.e. when both types of pedagogical activity will actually interact in his activities with the leading, dominant role of educational work.

Professionally significant personality traits of a teacher

An important factor influencing the effectiveness of a teacher is his personal qualities. A young man, regardless of his choice future profession, should be aimed at developing such personal qualities, which would allow not only to communicate with other people on the basis of generally accepted norms of human morality, but also to enrich this process with new content. However, each profession makes specific demands on the personal qualities of a potential employee, who must carry out professional activities successfully.

Also in late XIX century P.F. Kapterev, an outstanding Russian teacher and psychologist, showed in his research that one of important factors The success of teaching activity is determined by the personal qualities of the teacher. He pointed out the need for a teacher to have such qualities as determination, perseverance, hard work, modesty, observation, and Special attention he paid wit, oratory skills, artistry. The most important qualities of a teacher’s personality can and should include readiness for empathy, i.e. to understanding the mental state of students, empathy and the need for social interaction. In the works of scientists, great importance is attached to pedagogical tact, the manifestation of which is expressed general culture teachers and the high professionalism of his teaching activities.

When considering the qualities of a teacher as a subject of activity, researchers seem to differentiate between professional and pedagogical qualities, which can be very close to abilities, and personal ones. To the important professional qualities teacher A.K. Markov includes: erudition, goal-setting, practical and diagnostic thinking, intuition, improvisation, observation, optimism, resourcefulness, foresight and reflection, and all these qualities in this context are understood only in pedagogical aspect(for example, pedagogical erudition, pedagogical thinking etc.). A. K. Markova’s professionally significant qualities of a teacher’s personality are close to the concept of “ability.” For example, “pedagogical observation is the ability to read a person by expressive movements, like a book” (perceptual abilities) (Markova A.K. Psychology of teacher’s work. M., 1993. P. 24), “pedagogical goal setting is the teacher’s ability to develop a fusion of the goals of society and one’s own and then offer them for acceptance and discussion to students” (Ibid. p. 20). It is important that many of these “qualities” (abilities) are correlated directly with the pedagogical activity itself.

Considering in the same way as A.K. Markov, professionally significant qualities of a teacher ( pedagogical orientation, goal setting, thinking, reflection, tact), L.M. Mitina correlates them with two levels pedagogical abilities- projective and reflexive-perceptive. In the study by L.M. Mitina identified more than fifty personal properties teachers (as professional significant qualities, and the actual personal characteristics). Here is a list of these properties: politeness, thoughtfulness, exactingness, impressionability, good manners, attentiveness, restraint and self-control, flexibility of behavior, citizenship, humanity, efficiency, discipline, kindness, conscientiousness, benevolence, ideological conviction, initiative, sincerity, collectivism, political consciousness, observation, perseverance, criticality, logic, love for children, responsibility, responsiveness, organization, sociability, decency, patriotism, truthfulness, pedagogical erudition, foresight, integrity, independence, self-criticism, modesty, justice, intelligence, courage, desire for self-improvement, tact , feeling new, feeling self-esteem, sensitivity, emotionality (Mitina L.M. Teacher as a person and professional. P.20). This general list of properties is psychological picture ideal teacher. Its core, its core are the personal qualities themselves - direction, level of aspirations, self-esteem, image of “I”.

One of the main professionally significant qualities of a teacher’s personality is “personal orientation.” According to N.V. Kuzmina, personal orientation is one of the most important subjective factors reaching the top in professional and pedagogical activities. In a general psychological sense, the orientation of an individual is defined as a set of stable motives that orient the activity of an individual, characterized by interests, inclinations, beliefs, and ideals in which a person’s worldview is expressed. Expanding this definition in relation to teaching activities, N.V. Kuzmina also includes an interest in the students themselves, creativity, teaching profession, inclination to engage in it, awareness of one’s abilities.

The choice of main activity strategies determines, according to N.V. Kuzmina, three types of orientation: 1) truly pedagogical, 2) formally pedagogical and 3) false pedagogical. Only the first type of orientation contributes to achieving high results in teaching activities. “A truly pedagogical orientation consists in a stable motivation for the formation of the student’s personality through the means of the taught subject, for the restructuring of the subject in anticipation of the formation of the student’s initial need for knowledge, the bearer of which is the teacher” (Kuzmina N.V. Professionalism of the teacher’s personality. P. 16).

The main motive for a truly pedagogical orientation is interest in the content of teaching activity (for more than 85% of students pedagogical university, according to N.V. Kuzmina, this motive is characteristic). The pedagogical orientation, as its highest level, includes a calling, which correlates in its development with the need for the chosen activity. In this highest level development - vocation - “a teacher cannot imagine himself without school, without the life and activities of his students” (N.V. Kuzmina).

A significant role in personal characteristics The teacher's professional pedagogical self-awareness plays a role.

The task of the future teacher is not just to know the above qualities, but to be able to diagnose himself in order to determine the degree of their formation at one or another stage of professional development, to outline ways and means further development positive qualities and neutralization and displacement of negative ones.

In conclusion, let us turn to the research of this problem carried out at the Department of Pedagogy of the Moscow pedagogical university. As one of the options for classifying the professionally significant qualities of a teacher’s personality, we present a fragment of the PZLK map developed by V.P. Simonov (Diagnostics of personality and professional excellence teacher. M.: International pedagogical academy, 1995. P. 86--89) and containing the “optimal characteristics of the personality quality” of the teacher according to three important this manual aspects:

  • 1. Psychological traits personalities as individuals:
    • a) a strong, balanced type of nervous system;
    • b) tendency to lead;
    • c) self-confidence;
    • d) demandingness;
    • e) kind-heartedness and responsiveness;
    • e) hyperthymia.
  • 2. Teacher in the structure of interpersonal relationships:
    • a) the predominance of a democratic style of communication with students and colleagues;
    • b) minor conflicts only on fundamental issues;
    • c) normal self-esteem;
    • d) desire to cooperate with colleagues;
    • e) the level of isolation in the team is zero.
  • 3. Professional Traits teacher's personality:
    • a) broad erudition and free presentation of material;
    • b) the ability to take into account the psychological capabilities of students;
    • c) speech rate - 120-130 words per minute, clear diction, general and special literacy;
    • d) elegant appearance, expressive facial expressions and gestures;
    • e) addressing students by name;
    • f) instant reaction to the situation, resourcefulness;
    • g) the ability to clearly formulate specific goals;
    • h) the ability to organize all students at once;
    • i) checks the degree of understanding of the educational material.

Any set of PZLK requires ranking them in order of importance. Yuzefavicius T.A. proposed dividing the PZLK into 4 stages according to this criterion: dominant, peripheral, negative and professionally unacceptable qualities (Yuzefavichus T.A. Pedagogical errors teachers and ways to prevent them: A manual for teachers and students. - M.: 1998, S. 42--43).

Dominant qualities are the absence of any of which entails the impossibility of effective implementation of teaching activities. Peripheral qualities are understood as qualities that do not have a decisive influence on the effectiveness of activities, but contribute to its success. Negative qualities are qualities that lead to a decrease in efficiency pedagogical work, and professionally unacceptable ones lead to the teacher’s professional unsuitability. Let's take a closer look at these qualities.

Dominant qualities

  • 1. Social activity, willingness and ability to actively contribute to the solution social problems in the field of professional and pedagogical activities.
  • 2. Determination - the ability to direct and use all the qualities of one’s personality to achieve goals pedagogical tasks.
  • 3. Balance - the ability to control one’s actions in any pedagogical situations.
  • 4. The desire to work with schoolchildren - receiving spiritual satisfaction from communicating with children during the educational process.
  • 5. The ability not to get lost in extreme situations-- the ability to quickly make optimal pedagogical decisions and act in accordance with them.
  • 6. Charm is a fusion of spirituality, attractiveness and taste.
  • 7. Honesty - sincerity in communication, conscientiousness in activity.
  • 8. Justice is the ability to act impartially.
  • 9. Modernity - the teacher’s awareness of his own belonging to the same era as his students (manifested in the desire to find a commonality of interests).
  • 10. Humanity - the desire and ability to provide qualified pedagogical assistance students in their personal development.
  • 11. Erudition - a broad outlook combined with deep knowledge in the field of the subject of teaching.
  • 12. Pedagogical tact - compliance with universal human norms of communication and interaction with children, taking into account their age and individual psychological characteristics.
  • 13. Tolerance - patience in working with children.
  • 14. Pedagogical optimism - faith in the student and his abilities.

Peripheral qualities: goodwill, friendliness, sense of humor, artistry, wisdom (presence life experience), external attractiveness.

Negative qualities

  • 1. Partiality - singling out “favorites” and “hateful” students from among students, public expression of likes and dislikes towards students.
  • 2. Imbalance - inability to control one’s time mental condition, mood.
  • 3. Vindictiveness is a personality trait that manifests itself in the desire to settle personal scores with a student.
  • 4. Arrogance is a pedagogically inappropriate emphasis on one’s superiority over the student.
  • 5. Absent-mindedness - forgetfulness, lack of concentration.

Professional contraindications

  • 1. Availability bad habits recognized by society as socially dangerous (alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.).
  • 2. Moral uncleanliness.
  • 3. Assault.
  • 4. Rudeness.
  • 5. Unscrupulousness.
  • 6. Incompetence in matters of teaching and education.
  • 7. Irresponsibility.

A teacher’s individual style of activity is determined not by professionally significant qualities themselves, but by the unique variety of their combinations. We can distinguish the following types of combinations of professionally significant qualities of a teacher’s personality in relation to the level of productivity (effectiveness) of his activities:

First type combinations (“positive, without reprehensible”) corresponds to a high level of teacher work.

Second type(“positive with reprehensible, but excusable”) is characterized by the predominance of positive qualities over negative ones. Work productivity is sufficient. The negative, in the opinion of colleagues and students, is considered insignificant and excusable.

Third type(“positive neutralized by negativity”) corresponds to an unproductive level of teaching activity. For teachers of this type, the main thing in their work is self-direction, self-expression, career. Due to the fact that they have a number of developed pedagogical abilities and positive personal qualities, they can work successfully in certain periods. However, the distortion of the motives of their professional activity, as a rule, leads to a low final result.

Thus, knowledge of professionally significant personal qualities modern teacher, their roles in professional activity contributes to the desire of every teacher to improve these qualities, which ultimately leads to qualitative changes in educational work with children.

The main types of pedagogical activities traditionally include educational and teaching, scientific, methodological, cultural, educational and management activities.

Teaching is the management of cognitive activity in the learning process, carried out within the framework of any organizational form, has strict time limits, strictly a specific goal and options for achievement.

The most important criterion teaching effectiveness is the achievement of learning activities.

Modern Russian pedagogical theory considers teaching and upbringing as a unity. In the didactic aspect, the unity of teaching and upbringing is manifested in the commonality of purpose and personal development, in the real relationship of teaching, development and educational functions.

The teacher combines a scientist and a practitioner: a scientist in the sense that he must be a competent researcher and contribute to the acquisition of new knowledge about the child and the pedagogical process, and a practitioner in the sense that he applies this knowledge. The teacher is often faced with what he does not find in scientific literature explanations and ways to solve specific cases from their practice, with the need to generalize the results of their work. The scientific approach to work, therefore, is the basis of the teacher’s own methodological activity.

Scientific work teacher is expressed in studying children, forming their own “bank” various methods, generalizing the results of their work, and methodological - in the selection and development methodological topic.

Cultural and educational – component activities of the teacher. He introduces parents to various industries pedagogy and psychology, students - with the basics of self-education, popularizes and explains the results of the latest psychological and pedagogical research, etc.

When managing a group of children, the teacher performs several functions: planning, organization of support fulfillment of the plan, motivation or stimulation is the teacher’s encouragement of himself and others to work to achieve a set goal, control.

The professionally determined properties and characteristics of a teacher include the general orientation of his personality (social maturity, civic responsibility, professional ideals, humanism, highly developed, primarily cognitive interests, selfless attitude towards his chosen profession), as well as some specific qualities:

- organizational;

- communicative;

- perceptual-gnostic;

- expressive;

- professional performance;

- physical and mental health.

In the study of the psychology of pedagogical activity, a number of problems can be identified. Among the most important of them are the following:

    Problem creative potential and opportunities for them to overcome pedagogical stereotypes.

    The problem of teacher professionalism.

    Problem psychological preparation teachers.

    The problem of preparing teachers for developmental education systems.

    The problem of teacher training.

Today there is an extensive list of various educational technologies. They are all interconnected with each other, that is, they borrow technological techniques from each other. For my work, I chose the technology of system-activity learning, because I wanted my students to work independently in class, to be able to control and analyze their work, to “obtain” and comprehend knowledge in feasible independent work.

In transition secondary schools At the Federal State Educational Standard, teachers are given the task of developing knowledge in accordance with new standards, universal actions that provide all educational subjects, with competencies that allow students to act in new environment on high quality high level. The implementation of these tasks is fully facilitated by the system-activity approach to training, which is included in the new standards.

The technology of the activity method means that setting educational problem and the search for its solution is carried out by students during a dialogue specially built by the teacher. Children, under the guidance of a teacher, but with a high degree of independence, answer questions and discover new knowledge.

Children are given the opportunity to develop the ability to see every phenomenon with different points vision. Possession of such a skill is one of the most important characteristics of a modern person. It is associated with such personality traits as tolerance for other people's opinions and habits, willingness to cooperate, mobility and flexibility of thinking.

Based on the fact that the most important characteristic of the activity method is consistency, system-activity The approach is carried out at various stages of the lesson.

At the stage motivation (self-determination) for educational activities conscious entry of students into the space of learning activities in the lesson is organized.

On at this stage children are being prepared for work, with the tasks of the lesson being discussed with them (“let’s practice solving examples”, “let’s get acquainted with a new computational technique”, etc.) Good wishes are also expressed to the children, moral support is given or children are invited to think about what will be useful for successful work at the lesson.

At the stage updating knowledge children's thinking is prepared for learning new material, reproducing educational content, necessary and sufficient for the perception of new things, I indicate situations that demonstrate the insufficiency of existing knowledge. I turn it on problematic issue motivating learning new topic. At the same time, work is being done to develop attention, memory, speech, mental operations.

At the stage problematic explanation of new material children's attention is drawn to distinctive property task that caused difficulty, then the goal and topic of the lesson are formulated, I organize an introductory dialogue aimed at constructing and comprehending new material, which is recorded verbally, with signs and with the help of diagrams.

Students are offered a system of questions and tasks that lead them to independently discover something new. The discussion results in a conclusion.

At the stage primary consolidation students perform training exercises with obligatory commenting, speaking out loud the studied algorithms of action.

When conducting independent work with self-test used custom uniform work. Students independently carry out tasks to apply the learned properties and rules, test them in class step by step, comparing with the standard, and correct the mistakes made, determine their causes, establish methods of action that cause them difficulty and they have to refine them. I create a situation of success for each child.

Next stage- inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition. Here, children determine the boundaries of applicability of new knowledge, train the skills of using it in conjunction with previously learned material, and repeat the content that will be required in subsequent lessons.

At summing up lesson we record the new knowledge learned and its significance. Self-assessment of educational activities is organized and approved homework. Summing up the lesson helps the child understand his own achievements and his problems.

Thus, the use of techniques problem-based learning, design methods and group forms of work makes it possible to implement an activity-based approach to teaching schoolchildren.

Learning through the activity method provides for such an implementation of the educational process, in which at each stage of education it is simultaneously formed and improved. whole line intellectual qualities of the individual.

I believe that correct use activity-based teaching method in lessons will optimize educational process, eliminate student overload, prevent school stress, and most importantly, make school learning unified educational process.

Today, every teacher can use the activity method in his practical work, since all the components of this method are well known. Therefore, it is enough just to comprehend the significance of each element and use them systematically in your work. The use of activity-based teaching technology creates conditions for the formation of a child’s readiness for self-development, helps to form a stable system of knowledge and a system of values ​​(self-education).

The main types of pedagogical activities traditionally include educational work, teaching, scientific, methodological, cultural, educational and management activities.
Educational work is pedagogical activity aimed at organizing the educational environment, and organized, purposeful management of the education of schoolchildren in accordance with the goals set by society.
Educational work is carried out within the framework of any organizational form and does not pursue a direct goal, because its results are not so clearly tangible and do not reveal themselves as quickly as, for example, in the learning process. But since pedagogical activity has certain chronological boundaries at which the levels and qualities of personality development are recorded, we can also talk about the relatively final results of education, manifested in positive changes in the consciousness of students - emotional reactions, behavior and activity.
Teaching is the management of cognitive activity in the learning process, carried out within the framework of any organizational form (lesson, excursion, individual training, elective, etc.), has strict time limits, a strictly defined goal and options for achieving it. The most important criterion for teaching effectiveness is achieving educational goal.
Modern Russian pedagogical theory considers teaching and upbringing as a unity. This does not imply a denial of the specifics of training and education, but a deep knowledge of the essence of the functions of the organization, means, forms and methods of training and education. In the didactic aspect, the unity of teaching and upbringing is manifested in the common goal of personal development, in the real relationship of teaching, development and educational functions.
Scientific and methodological activities. The teacher combines a scientist and a practitioner: a scientist in the sense that he must be a competent researcher and contribute to the acquisition of new knowledge about the child and the pedagogical process, and a practitioner in the sense that he applies this knowledge. A teacher is often faced with the fact that he does not find in the scientific literature explanations and methods for solving specific cases from his practice, with the need to generalize the results of his work. The scientific approach to work is thus. is the basis of the teacher’s own methodological activity.
The scientific work of the teacher is expressed in the study of children and children's groups, the formation of his own “bank” of various methods, generalization of the results of his work, and the methodological work - in the selection and development of a methodological topic leading to the improvement of skills in a particular area, in recording the results of teaching activities, actually in practicing and improving skills.
Cultural and educational activities are an integral part of the teacher’s activities. It introduces parents to various branches of pedagogy and psychology, and students to the basics of self-education, popularizes and explains the results of the latest psychological and pedagogical research, and creates the need for psychological and pedagogical knowledge and the desire to use it in both parents and children.
Any specialist dealing with a group of people (students) is more or less involved in organizing its activities, setting and achieving goals collaboration, i.e. performs management functions in relation to this group. It is goal setting, application certain ways its achievements and measures of influence on the team are the main signs of the presence of management in the activities of the teacher-educator.
When managing a group of children, the teacher performs several functions: planning, organization - ensuring the implementation of the plan, motivation or stimulation - this is the teacher encouraging himself and others to work to achieve the goal, control.

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Types of professional and pedagogical activities

Traditionally, the main types of pedagogical activity are teaching and educational work, in vocational school It would be advisable to also highlight methodological work.

Teaching is a type of activity that is aimed at managing cognitive activity. Teaching is carried out primarily by a teacher of theoretical training, both during the training process and outside of class time. Teaching is carried out within the framework of any organizational form, usually has strict time limits, a strictly defined goal and options for achieving it. Teaching logic can be hard-coded. A master of industrial training solves the problem of equipping students with the knowledge, skills and abilities to rationally perform various operations and work while complying with all the requirements of modern production technology and labor organization.

Educational work is a pedagogical activity aimed at organizing the educational environment and managing various activities of students in order to solve problems professional development. The logic of the educational process cannot be predetermined in advance. In educational work, only a consistent solution can be provided specific tasks goal oriented. Education and teaching are inseparable from each other.

A good industrial training master not only transfers his knowledge to students, but also guides their civic and professional development. This is the essence of the professional development of young people. Only a master who knows and loves his job can instill in students a sense of professional honor and create the need for perfect mastery of their specialty.

Methodological work is aimed at preparing, supporting and analyzing the educational process. Teachers providing vocational training must independently select scientific and technical information, methodically process it, transform it into educational material, plan it, choose effective teaching tools. Many teachers and masters are designers of the educational process in their subject. Methodological work gives rise to a constant desire among teachers to improve their professional activities.

Production and technological activities. The master of industrial training is engaged in the development of technical and technological documentation and the implementation of production work. The implementation of this activity occupies a fairly prominent place for a professional school teacher when planning and preparing lessons, equipping classrooms and workshops, getting acquainted with scientific and technical information, participating in scientific and technical societies, and managing technical creativity.

§ 1. The essence of pedagogical activity

The meaning of the teaching profession is revealed in the activities carried out by its representatives and which are called pedagogical. She represents special kind social activities aimed at transferring from older generations to younger generations the culture and experience accumulated by humanity, creating conditions for their personal development and preparation for fulfilling certain social roles in society.
It is obvious that this activity is carried out not only by teachers, but also by parents, public organizations, heads of enterprises and institutions, production and other groups, and also, to a certain extent, the media. However, in the first case, this activity is professional, and in the second, it is general pedagogical, which every person, voluntarily or involuntarily, carries out in relation to himself, engaging in self-education and self-education. Pedagogical activity as a professional one takes place in educational institutions specially organized by society: preschool institutions, schools, vocational schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, institutions of additional education, advanced training and retraining.
To penetrate into the essence of pedagogical activity, it is necessary to turn to the analysis of its structure, which can be represented as the unity of purpose, motives, actions (operations), and results. The system-forming characteristic of activity, including pedagogical activity, is the goal(A.N.Leontiev).
The purpose of pedagogical activity is connected with the implementation of the goal of education, which today is considered by many as a universal human ideal harmoniously coming from time immemorial. developed personality. This general strategic goal is achieved by solving specific tasks of training and education in various areas.
The purpose of pedagogical activity is a historical phenomenon. It is developed and formed as a reflection of the trend of social development, presenting a set of requirements for to modern man taking into account his spiritual and natural capabilities. It contains, on the one hand, the interests and expectations of various social and ethnic groups, and on the other, the needs and aspirations of the individual.
A.S. Makarenko paid much attention to the development of the problem of educational goals, but none of his works contain their general formulations. He always sharply opposed any attempts to reduce the definition of educational goals to amorphous definitions such as “harmonious personality”, “communist man”, etc. A.S. Makarenko was a supporter of the pedagogical design of the individual, and saw the goal of pedagogical activity in the program for the development of the individual and its individual adjustments.
The main objects of the purpose of pedagogical activity are the educational environment, the activities of students, the educational team and the individual characteristics of students. The implementation of the goal of pedagogical activity is associated with the solution of such social and pedagogical tasks as the formation of an educational environment, the organization of the activities of students, the creation of an educational team, and the development of individuality.
The goals of pedagogical activity are a dynamic phenomenon. And the logic of their development is such that, arising as a reflection of objective trends social development and bringing the content, forms and methods of pedagogical activity in accordance with the needs of society, they form a detailed program of step-by-step movement towards the highest goal - the development of the individual in harmony with himself and society.
Basic functional unit, with the help of which all the properties of pedagogical activity are manifested, is pedagogical action as a unity of goals and content. The concept of pedagogical action expresses something common that is inherent in all forms of pedagogical activity (lesson, excursion, individual conversation, etc.), but cannot be reduced to any of them. At the same time, the pedagogical action is that special one that expresses both the universal and all the richness of the individual.

Turning to the forms of materialization of pedagogical action helps to show the logic of pedagogical activity. The teacher's pedagogical action first appears in the form of a cognitive task. Based on existing knowledge, he theoretically correlates the means, the subject and the intended result of his action. The cognitive task, having been solved psychologically, then turns into the form of a practical transformative act. At the same time, some discrepancy is revealed between the means and objects of pedagogical influence, which affects the results of the teacher’s actions. In this regard, from the form of a practical act, action again passes into the form of a cognitive task, the conditions of which become more complete. Thus, the activity of a teacher-educator, by its nature, is nothing more than the process of solving an innumerable set of problems of various types, classes and levels.
A specific feature of pedagogical problems is that their solutions are almost never on the surface. They often require hard work of thought, analysis of many factors, conditions and circumstances. In addition, what is sought is not presented in clear formulations: it is developed on the basis of a forecast. Solving an interrelated series of pedagogical problems is very difficult to algorithmize. If an algorithm does exist, its use by different teachers can lead to different results. This is explained by the fact that the creativity of teachers is associated with the search for new solutions to pedagogical problems.

§ 2. Main types of teaching activities

Traditionally, the main types of pedagogical activities carried out in the holistic pedagogical process are teaching and educational work.
Educational work - This is a pedagogical activity aimed at organizing the educational environment and managing various activities of students in order to solve the problems of harmonious personal development. A teaching - this is the kind educational activities, which is aimed at managing primarily the cognitive activities of schoolchildren. By and large, pedagogical and educational activities are identical concepts. This understanding of the relationship between educational work and teaching reveals the meaning of the thesis about the unity of teaching and upbringing.
Education, to reveal the essence and content of which many studies are devoted, is considered only conditionally, for convenience and deeper knowledge, in isolation from education. It is no coincidence that teachers involved in developing the problem of the content of education (V.V. Kraevsky, I-YaLerner, M.N. Skatkin, etc.) consider the experience of creative activity to be its integral components, along with the knowledge and skills that a person acquires in the learning process and the experience of an emotional and value-based attitude towards the world around us. Without unity of teaching and educational work, it is not possible to implement the mentioned elements of education. Figuratively speaking, the holistic pedagogical process in its content aspect is a process in which “educational teaching” and “educational education” are merged together(ADisterweg).
Let's compare in general outline teaching activities that take place both during the learning process and outside of class time, and educational work that is carried out in the holistic pedagogical process.
Teaching, carried out within the framework of any organizational form, and not just a lesson, usually has strict time limits, a strictly defined goal and options for achieving it. The most important criterion for teaching effectiveness is the achievement of the educational goal. Educational work, also carried out within the framework of any organizational form, does not pursue the direct achievement of a goal, because it is unattainable within the time frame limited by the organizational form. In educational work, it is possible to provide only for the consistent solution of specific goal-oriented tasks. The most important criterion for an effective solution educational tasks are positive changes in the consciousness of pupils, manifested in emotional reactions, behavior and activities.
The content of training, and therefore the logic of teaching, can be rigidly programmed, which the content of educational work does not allow. The formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of ethics, aesthetics and other sciences and arts, the study of which is not provided for in the curriculum, is essentially nothing more than training. In educational work, planning is acceptable only in the most general terms: attitude towards society, towards work, towards people, towards science (teaching), towards nature, towards things, objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, towards oneself. The logic of a teacher’s educational work in each individual class cannot be predetermined by regulatory documents.

The teacher deals with approximately homogeneous “source material”. The results of the teaching are almost unambiguously determined by its activities, i.e. the ability to evoke and direct the student’s cognitive activity. The teacher is forced to reckon with the fact that he pedagogical influences may intersect with unorganized and organized negative influences on the student. Teaching as an activity has a discrete nature. It usually does not involve interaction with students during the preparatory period, which may be more or less long. The peculiarity of educational work is that even in the absence of direct contact with the teacher, the student is under his indirect influence. Usually the preparatory part in educational work is longer, and often more significant, than the main part.
The criterion for the effectiveness of students’ activities in the learning process is the level of assimilation of knowledge and skills, mastery of methods for solving cognitive and practical problems, and the intensity of progress in development. The results of students' activities are easily identified and can be recorded in qualitative and quantitative indicators. In educational work, it is difficult to correlate the results of the teacher’s activities with the developed criteria of education. It is very difficult to identify in a developing personality the result of the activity of the educator. By virtue of stochasticity educational process, it is difficult to predict the results of certain educational actions and their receipt is much delayed in time. In educational work, it is impossible to provide feedback in a timely manner.
The noted differences in the organization of teaching and educational work show that teaching is much easier in the ways of its organization and implementation, and in the structure of the holistic pedagogical process it occupies a subordinate position. If in the learning process almost everything can be proven or deduced logically, then it is much more difficult to evoke and consolidate certain personal relationships, since freedom of choice plays a decisive role here. That is why the success of learning largely depends on the formed cognitive interest and attitude towards educational activities in general, i.e. from the results of not only teaching, but also educational work.
Identification of the specifics of the main types of pedagogical activity shows that teaching and educational work in their dialectical unity take place in the activities of a teacher of any specialty. For example, a master of industrial training in the system of vocational education in the process of his activities solves two main tasks: to equip students with the knowledge, skills and abilities to rationally perform various operations and work in compliance with all the requirements of modern production technology and labor organization; to prepare such a qualified worker who would consciously strive to increase labor productivity, the quality of the work performed, would be organized, and value the honor of his workshop and enterprise. A good master not only passes on his knowledge to his students, but also guides their civic and professional development. This, in fact, is the essence of the professional education of young people. Only a master who knows and loves his job and people will be able to instill in students a sense of professional honor and create the need for perfect mastery of their specialty.
In the same way, if we consider the responsibilities of an after-school teacher, we can see both teaching and educational work in his activities. The regulations on extended day groups define the tasks of the teacher: to instill in students a love of work, high moral qualities, cultural behavior habits and personal hygiene skills; regulate the daily routine of pupils, monitoring the timely preparation of homework, provide them with assistance in studying, in the reasonable organization of leisure time; carry out activities together with the school doctor to promote health and physical development children; maintain contact with the teacher, class teacher, parents of students or persons replacing them. However, as can be seen from the tasks, instilling habits of cultural behavior and personal hygiene skills, for example, is already the sphere of not only education, but also training, which requires systematic exercises.
So, of the many types of activities of schoolchildren, cognitive ones are not limited only to the framework of learning, which, in turn, is “burdened” with educational functions. Experience shows that success in teaching is achieved primarily by those teachers who have the pedagogical ability to develop and support the cognitive interests of children, to create an atmosphere of general creativity, group responsibility and interest in the success of classmates in the classroom. This suggests that it is not teaching skills, but the skills of educational work that are primary in the content of a teacher’s professional readiness. In this regard, the professional training of future teachers is aimed at developing their readiness to manage the holistic pedagogical process.

§ 3. Structure of teaching activity

In contrast to the understanding of activity accepted in psychology as multi-level system, the components of which are goal, motives, actions and results, in relation to pedagogical activity, the prevailing approach is to identify its components as relatively independent functional types of activity of the teacher.
N.V. Kuzmina identified three interrelated components in the structure of pedagogical activity: constructive, organizational and communicative. For the successful implementation of these functional types of teaching activities, appropriate abilities are required, manifested in skills.
Constructive activity, in turn, breaks down into constructive-substantive (selection and composition of educational material, planning and construction of the pedagogical process), constructive-operational (planning your actions and the actions of students) and constructive-material (designing the educational and material base of the pedagogical process). Organizational activities involves the implementation of a system of actions aimed at including students in different kinds activities, creating a team and organizing joint activities.
Communication activities is aimed at establishing pedagogically appropriate relationships between the teacher and students, other school teachers, representatives of the public, and parents.
However, these components, on the one hand, are equally can be attributed not only to pedagogical, but also to almost any other activity, but on the other hand, they do not reveal with sufficient completeness all aspects and areas of pedagogical activity.
A.I. Shcherbakov classifies constructive, organizational and research components (functions) as general labor ones, i.e. manifested in any activity. But he specifies the function of the teacher at the stage of implementation of the pedagogical process, presenting the organizational component of pedagogical activity as a unity of informational, developmental, orientation and mobilization functions. Particular attention should be paid to the research function, although it relates to general labor. The implementation of the research function requires the teacher to have a scientific approach to pedagogical phenomena, mastery of heuristic search skills and methods of scientific and pedagogical research, including analysis of their own experience and the experience of other teachers.
The constructive component of pedagogical activity can be presented as internally interconnected analytical, prognostic and projective functions.
An in-depth study of the content of the communicative function makes it possible to determine it also through the interconnected perceptual, actual communicative and communicative-operational functions. The perceptual function is associated with penetration into inner world of a person, the communicative one is aimed at establishing pedagogically appropriate relationships, and the communicative-operational one involves the active use of pedagogical techniques.
The effectiveness of the pedagogical process is determined by the presence of constant feedback. It allows the teacher to receive timely information about the compliance of the results obtained with the planned tasks. Because of this, it is necessary to highlight a control and evaluation (reflective) component in the structure of pedagogical activity.
All components, or functional types, of activities are manifested in the work of a teacher of any specialty. Their implementation requires the teacher to possess special skills.

Description of work

Traditionally, the main types of pedagogical activity are teaching and educational work; in a vocational school it would be advisable to also highlight methodological work.

Types of pedagogical systems

In the pedagogical vocabulary of theorists and practitioners of pedagogy, the concept of “system” is quite often used in different contexts (system of training, education, system of methods, means, etc.). However, when this term is used, it often does not have its original true meaning. A system is an ordered set of interconnected elements, identified on the basis of certain characteristics, united by a common goal of functioning and unity of control, and acting in interaction with the environment as an integral phenomenon.

According to L.F. Spirina, any association of people where pedagogical goals are set and educational tasks are solved should be considered as a pedagogical system.

N.V. Kuzmina believes that “the pedagogical system is a set of interconnected structural and functional components, subordinated to the goals of upbringing, education and training of younger generations and adults.”

As an artificial, specially, due to the objective laws of the development of society, the organized pedagogical system is under the constant “control” of society, i.e. the social system of which it is a part. But since interaction does not occur in a continuous stream, but selectively (individual facets, properties), then changes in the pedagogical system, its restructuring and adaptation depend on which or which elements the influence of society is currently aimed at: strengthening material base, improving the content of education, caring about the financial situation of the teacher, etc.

Scheme 1 - Types of pedagogical systems

A consideration of the essence of the pedagogical system will be incomplete without an analysis of its species diversity: the same essence has different forms of manifestation (Scheme 1).

Society, forming a social order, builds a system of education corresponding to it as the most general pedagogical system. It, in turn, has its subsystems all the social institutions that perform educational functions and are united into the education system. The leading subsystem in the education system is the secondary school. For the effective functioning of pedagogical systems aimed at educating the younger generation, society creates a system for training educators - secondary specialized and higher pedagogical educational institutions as pedagogical systems.

The types of pedagogical systems differ not in their essential characteristics (they are the same), but solely in their purpose and, as a consequence, in the features of organization and functioning. Yes, in the system preschool education The main one is the “kindergarten” pedagogical system, and its variants are the pedagogical system of 24-hour kindergartens, kindergartens for children with poor health, etc.

In the general education training system, the basis is the “school” pedagogical system with options depending on the operating modes: traditional, semi-boarding (schools with extended days), boarding (boarding school, orphanage, Suvorov and Nakhimov schools and so on.). Variants of the “school” pedagogical system are alternative educational institutions: gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, etc.

Similarly, variants of pedagogical systems can be traced in the general system of vocational education. There is every reason to include additional education institutions as special pedagogical systems (music schools, sports schools, stations for young naturalists, young technicians, tourists, etc.).

In the specialized literature, the term “pedagogical system” is used quite ambiguously. In many cases, it includes individual components of the pedagogical process, a set of organizational forms, etc. For example, clubs, sections, clubs, labor associations of schoolchildren, children's and youth public organizations. Wide circulation and also with ambiguous meaning along with the concept of “pedagogical system” in pedagogical literature (especially in last years with the advent of the so-called copyright schools) have the concept of “ educational system" and "didactic system". At the same time, the traditional concepts of “education system” and “training system” are not identical to them, although quite often one can see a mixture of these concepts that differ in meaning. If the “upbringing system” and “training system” are relatively independent, conventionally distinguished parts of the pedagogical system, which form it in their dialectical relationship, then the educational and didactic systems are the means for the school to effectively solve its problems. The educational and didactic systems are nothing more than a pedagogical system in dynamics, as a pedagogical process. The terms “educational system” and “didactic system” express the dominant tasks for which they are created; this, however, does not mean that in the first case elements of training are not provided, and in the second case education in the learning process is not assumed.

Any educational institution whose activities are based on non-traditional approaches and ideas can be classified as original pedagogical systems and called an original school. The pedagogical systems of Ya.A. can rightfully be considered among them. Komensky, K.D. Ushinsky, L.N. Tolstoy, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, V.A. Karakovsky and many other systems of classical teachers, modern innovative teachers and heads of educational institutions.

Structure of the pedagogical system

There is no unity of views among researchers on the complex issue of the component composition of the pedagogical system. This is because the choice of components, i.e. subsystems, may have different bases, is to a certain extent an intuitive creative act. On the other hand, the pedagogical system can be studied statically and dynamically as a pedagogical process. To get an idea of ​​the pedagogical system, it is enough to identify four interrelated components: teachers and students (subjects), educational content and material base (funds) (Diagram 2).

The interaction of the components of the pedagogical system gives rise to the pedagogical process. In other words, it is created and functions with the aim of ensuring the optimal flow of the pedagogical process. The function of the pedagogical system is the implementation of the goals that are set for it by society.

Scheme 2 - Structure of the pedagogical system

pedagogical system activities

Let's consider the structure of the pedagogical system developed by Professor V.P. Simonov and supplemented by Professor L.F. Spirin.

Each pedagogical system always has nine main components: the goal of the activity, the subject of the pedagogical activity (the one who controls the system), the subject-object of the activity (the one who is controlled: child, pupil, student), the relationship “subject - subject-object”, content of activity, methods of activity, pedagogical means, organizational forms and the result of the activity. All these components are interconnected and interact.

Each of the pedagogical systems arises with certain goals and performs certain functions. Let us consider, for example, the goals of creating a small pedagogical system - a sports section: to strengthen the health of students, develop their physical qualities - and a large pedagogical system - a pedagogical institute: to professionally train a person so that he masters the pedagogical specialty.

This means that pedagogical systems differ, first of all, in their goals. In the system there are control pedagogical systems (teachers, educators) and controlled pedagogical systems (educated). Each student’s personality is not only an object of pedagogical activity, but also a subject of his own activity, self-development, and self-education. In the educational process, schoolchildren participate in specific types of activities (educational, aesthetic, labor, sports, etc.). It is in them that self-development and personality formation really take place.

The concept of pedagogical activity

Pedagogical activities according to B.T. Likhachev - a special type of socially useful activity of adults, consciously aimed at preparing the younger generation for life in accordance with the economic, political, moral, aesthetic and other goals of society.

A unique interpretation of the concept of pedagogical activity is given by L.F. Spirin, professor at Kostroma State Pedagogical University, sharing views on the activities of such prominent scientists as S.L. Rubinstein, A.N. Leontyev, N.V. Kuzmina, P.S. Grave, O.A. Konopkina, I.S. Ladenko, G.L. Pavlichkova, V.P. Simonov. Their views allow us to consider the activity of a teacher both in the aspect of a methodological understanding of human activity in general, and in its narrow professional understanding.

Pedagogical activity is the conscious intervention of adults in the objectively natural socio-historical process of raising children. The purpose of this intervention is the transformation of human nature into a “developed specific labor force”, the preparation of a member of society.

Pedagogical activity organizes the objective process of education, accelerates and improves the preparation of children for life, because she is armed:

pedagogical theory (theoretical knowledge);

pedagogical experience (practical experience);

system of special institutions.

Pedagogical activities are based on scientific pedagogical theory, which studies: the laws of education; educational influence of living conditions; their requirements for a person. Thus, scientific pedagogical theory equips pedagogical activity with reliable knowledge, helps it become deeply conscious, effective, and capable of resolving emerging contradictions.

The initial component of pedagogical activity is the teacher’s knowledge of the needs, trends in social development, and the basic requirements for a person (i.e., the teacher must know what kind of person needs to be raised for society).

The second component of pedagogical activity is diverse scientific knowledge, abilities, skills accumulated by a person in the field of production, culture, social relations, which in a generalized form are passed on to younger generations. As a result of mastering these fundamentals, a person develops conscious attitude to life - worldview.

The third component of pedagogical activity is pedagogical knowledge itself, educational experience, skill, and intuition.

The fourth component of pedagogical activity is the highest civil, moral, aesthetic, environmental and other culture of its bearer.

Professor N.V. Kuzmina includes the following components in the structure of pedagogical activity, considering pedagogical activity as a cycle of stages of pedagogical management:






The functions of pedagogical activity are:

Transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities, formation on this basis of a worldview among students.

Development of intellectual strength and abilities of the younger generation, emotional-volitional and effective-practical spheres.

Formation of moral behavior of students based on the conscious assimilation of moral principles and skills of behavior in society.

Formation of an aesthetic attitude to reality (learn to recognize the beautiful and the ugly, defend the beautiful).

Strengthening children's health, developing their physical strength and abilities.

All these functions of pedagogical activity are interconnected. Transferring knowledge, skills, and abilities to a child and organizing his diverse activities naturally entails the development of his essential strengths, needs, abilities, and talents. The functions of pedagogical activity are aimed at the formation of a diversified personality of students.

The central link of any pedagogical activity is the goals of educating the child’s personality. A goal is a prediction of the desired, possible final result of an activity. The pedagogical goal reflects the philosophical, economic, moral, legal, aesthetic, biological ideas of society about perfect man and its purpose in the life of society. This means that the goals of a teacher’s work are determined by society, i.e. the teacher is not free to choose final results of your labor.

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