Everything about studying in Mexico: from secondary to higher education. Levels of Mexican education

Today I want to talk a little about kindergartens in Mexico. I think that the topic is quite interesting, given that Mexico has long become a popular destination for both permanent residence and wintering. So, if you are traveling to Mexico and have children, it would be unforgivable to keep them at home and not take advantage of the opportunity to learn Spanish, make friends and experience another culture!

Celebrating Mexican Independence Day at Claire's Kindergarten (2014)

Preschool education in Mexico

In Mexico, the system with kindergartens is not at all the same as in Russia. Here, compulsory preschool education begins at the age of three. The vast majority of children definitely go to kindergarten at the age of three, and many even earlier. Kindergarten (kinder, jardin de niños, preescolar, colegio) must be accredited by the Ministry of Education (incorporado a la SEP).

Until first grade, children are divided by age: Kinder 1 (3-4 years), Kinder 2 (4-5 years) and Kinder 3 (5-6 years). After this, the child goes to first grade.

In the vast majority of private kindergartens, right from the age of three, it’s like school – lessons at desks, homework, school uniforms, even exams. This is a so-called traditional Mexican garden and is usually free.

There are alternative gardens - Montessori, high scope, escuela activa/freinet, waldorf, etc. They are usually much freer for children, the age characteristics of children are taken into account more, and the emphasis is placed more on play than on learning. Such kindergartens are always private and paid.

There is also the so-called sistema constructivista, this is a purely Mexican phenomenon. Many very expensive gardens boast of having this system. In fact, this is not a single system, but rather a statement that this is not a traditional kindergarten and that they are trying to give children more freedom, and all kindergarten directors understand this “system” very differently.

Most often, most private schools have their own kindergarten: somewhere from 2 years old (maternal), somewhere from 3 years old (kinder). If the school is prestigious, then getting into it from outside the school is not easy. Children are sent to maternity school from the age of two in order to secure a place in a prestigious school.

There are state gardens at the place of residence (SEP, DIF), under insurance (IMSS, ISSTE) and departmental (many large government organizations have their own gardens for employees (UNAM, INFONAVIT, SEP, PEMEX). At the place of residence, many gardens are quite poor, and they work only 4 hours a day (from 8 to 12), without food, without sleep - only the most basic preschool education. But there are DIF kindergartens that are open for 8 hours (from 8 to 16). Usually, kindergartens are covered by insurance. and in departmental long queues, in which you need to sign up from infancy.

On Mondays and Wednesdays you had to wear a blue dress, on Tuesdays and Thursdays you had to wear a white dress, and on Fridays you had to wear a tracksuit! :))))

Cost of kindergartens in Mexico

Private gardens are always paid, and you will have to pay for several categories:

  • inscription - a one-time fee that is paid once a year
  • materialses - various educational materials, also once a year
  • uniforma - each kindergarten has its own uniform, and often even several types (dress or skirt with a T-shirt, warm sweater and/or jacket, tracksuit, knee socks and/or tights)
  • mensual - monthly payment ($80-$400/month)

Claire loved her gardens! She only had 2 of them in Mexico, and now we are back in the same one where she was 2 years ago. Only now she will go to 1st grade, since she is almost 6 years old.

Prices vary greatly in different cities and in different gardens. For example, in the town of Ajijic (which is not far from Guadalajara) we paid $80/month for a small private kindergarten. In the same city there was a Jesuit school, where the price was already higher - $120/month. But in Puerto Vallarta, a tourist destination and beloved by winterers and American expats, kindergartens are already more expensive - $200-$400/month. However, these prices are quite affordable, especially compared to those in the USA.

How to find a kindergarten in Mexico?

Mexico is a hospitable country where the Mayans and Aztecs lived, and also where tequila and burritos appeared... Mexico welcomes tourists and students from abroad who come to get higher education or learn Spanish.

What are the benefits of studying in Mexico?

  • Low cost of training;
  • Availability of research centers where every student can realize themselves in science;
  • A diploma from a Mexican university is an international diploma;
  • Opportunity to study in Spanish and English;
  • The opportunity to study for several years at a Mexican university, and then transfer to a university in another country.

Higher Education in Mexico

To obtain a higher education diploma, you need to study at a university or college (there are no particular differences between these educational institutions in Mexico). After 3 years of studying at a university and defending a diploma, students receive a licentiate (bachelor's) diploma. To obtain a master's degree, you will have to study for another 1-2 years and conduct some scientific research. And in order to obtain a doctorate degree, you need to conduct more complex scientific research, reflect this in a dissertation, which will subsequently need to be defended (training on average takes several years).

To enter a Mexican university, you need to graduate from high school, pass the IELTS test (5.5 points) and an entrance exam.

Those who want to study at a prestigious higher education institution should take a closer look at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

Language centers

Mexico provides wonderful opportunities for mastering the Spanish language (knowledge is consolidated through communication with native speakers).

Language centers offer various training programs aimed at any age group: you can take advantage of standard (obtaining basic knowledge of the Spanish language), intensive (foreigners are taught the basics of communication) and individual (here they will help you prepare for entering a university and passing international tests) courses.

In addition to teaching, language schools help students find housing or arrange for them to live with Mexican families.

Excellent language schools can be found in the cities of Cuernavaca, Oaxaca, San Miguel de Allende, and Guanajuato.

Work while studying

If desired, students can work 3-4 hours a day while studying.

Having received an education in Mexico, you can be sure that you will easily find a well-paid job (employers have a positive attitude towards graduates of Mexican universities).

There are countries that are worth visiting for their culture, language, and traditions. And if you have the opportunity to get a higher education in such a country, then all these points can be combined. Mexico, perhaps the most famous of the Latin American countries, belongs to such states. Diplomas of higher education obtained in this country are not rated very highly in the rest of the world, but all this is more than compensated by the interesting pastime, culture and history of the state.

Despite the fact that, thanks to stereotypes, Mexico is seen as a country of the Incas, Aztecs and colonialists, at the moment it is a developed state, and its education system in some ways has a number of advantages over European, American or domestic education. For example, the cost of studying at Mexican universities is much lower than anywhere else. The average annual tuition fee is around $150.

In addition, as elsewhere, in Mexico a student can apply for a scholarship based on his abilities. And thanks to the fact that the Latin American region is becoming more and more promising in its development every year, graduates of local universities have a good chance of securing a comfortable future in any of the countries of South America.

As in any university we are accustomed to, studies at Mexican universities are divided into semesters. Teaching is often conducted in Spanish, but if you try, you can find courses taught in English. The education system itself has three levels, which have analogies in our education - licentiate (analogous to our bachelor's degree), maestria - study for over 5 years, similar to a master's degree, and doctorate (a course similar to graduate school).

Universities in Mexico are united into a single body - the National Association of Universities and Institutes. The best universities are the National Autonomous University of Mexico, the National Polytechnic Institute and the Institute of Technology and Higher Education of Monterrey. All of them offer specialized training programs for foreign citizens. In addition, there are a number of private universities. All of them are concentrated mainly in the cities of Monterrey and Guadalajara.

In order to enroll in a Mexican university, information about secondary education and the specialized field of study is sufficient. In addition, there is such a social institution as “preparatory” - preparation courses for universities, something akin to the last year of school. Foreigners may be offered to undergo training in such a preparatory before entering the university in order to improve their knowledge in specialized disciplines. But in general, the conditions for admission to each specific university in Mexico can be viewed on the websites of higher educational institutions.

The issue of housing for out-of-town students in Mexico is resolved in the same way as in our country. The applicant has two options to choose from - either live in a dormitory (the cost of living is about two hundred dollars per month), or rent an apartment, which will be much more expensive - the rent is about 500-600 dollars per month.

Before getting involved in higher education in Mexico, a good option would be to attend a language school to fully master the Spanish language. And although fans of Spain insist that Mexican Spanish is the same as American English, in fact the difference in pronunciation and vocabulary is not that significant. But in Mexico there are a sufficient number of specialized schools that are friendly to foreign students, which help them fully master the language so that later they do not experience difficulties in studying or finding a job. Similar language centers are located in cities such as Cuernavaca, Oaxaca, San Miguel de Allende and Guanajuato. They not only teach students the basics of language and speaking, but also provide accommodation for their students. Therefore, before applying to a Mexican university, you should live in the country for a year, learn the language and culture, and then boldly begin to conquer the heights of higher education on an equal basis with the indigenous inhabitants of Mexico.

Historically, the indigenous peoples of Mexico had their own written language and cultural traditions dating back thousands of years. After the conquest of the country by the Spaniards, Spanish became the main language of instruction, which set back the level of education.

The current education system is built on the Spanish model, in recent years increasingly moving to international standards. The government of the country makes great efforts to develop education, allocating up to 10% of the budget for these purposes. The first results were that the level of literacy increased. At the beginning of the last century, it was believed that up to 50% of the population in the country was literate; in 1970, the number of illiterate people was estimated at 24%. Now the overall literacy level, according to various estimates, reaches 91%, children under 14 years of age have reached a literacy level of 98.1%.

Preschool, school education

By law, general school education (including preschool as an integral part) is compulsory and free. Preschool institutions (nurseries, kindergartens) are available mainly to urban residents. In kindergartens there is no compulsory literacy training; developmental classes by educators and psychologists are structured in a playful manner and are aimed at developing cognitive skills.

Primary schooling in Mexico is compulsory from the age of six. Six grades of primary school are considered the main ones in the country, since in the last century at this stage there was a huge dropout of students (up to 75%). Therefore, two teachers often work in classes, all children are provided with free textbooks, and a bilingual education system (Spanish and indigenous) is introduced for the Indian population. Primary school textbooks have been developed in the Indian languages ​​of Mexico.

A significant part of the population lives in rural, desert, and inaccessible areas. For them, for the first time in the world, a satellite system of distance education was introduced (since the 70s of the last century). Telesecondaries (teleconferences, video lessons) reach about three million students. The educational programs of the Mexican satellite are also used by other countries of Central America (in particular, Colombia), and the Spanish-speaking population of the southern states of the United States.

The laws of Mexico declare the principle of secular education, so the number of Catholic schools (which were the basis of Spanish education) has sharply decreased. The principle of equal conditions for education and availability of information resources is constantly monitored by the Ministry of Education.

Not all Mexican schoolchildren receive incomplete secondary education. To enter the seventh grade, you need to pass entrance exams. Already at this stage, the young man chooses a technical or academic education. Three-year education in an intermediate secondary school is characterized by an abundance of grades (using a ten-point system), a large number of examination tests (up to 5 per year), and a national exam at the end of the school year. There is an institute for repeating a year (for students with an average score of less than six). To move to the next level of education, a written exam is passed, checked not by the school, but by an independent commission.

After the ninth grade, for a Mexican schoolchild who has chosen further study, the division of full school education continues in compliance with the technical and academic profile.

  • Technical schools (technology, commerce) purposefully prepare entry-level specialists for a specific area of ​​industry and work. The three-year education culminates in obtaining a professional technologist certificate, allowing you to begin a professional career.
  • Academic schools prepare students for admission to universities. Many “preparatories” operate at universities, prepare students for first-year disciplines, and classes in them are taught by university professors. Graduates of preparatoriums can enter any university, receiving a “bachillerato propedeutico” upon graduation. This bachelor's diploma is equivalent to a Russian matriculation certificate.

Private preparation schools (with boarding and advanced language courses) also exist for foreign students preparing to enter Mexican higher schools. A year's study in such a boarding house is the best way for Russian schoolchildren with insufficient knowledge of the Spanish language. The Mexican dialect of the language differs from literary Spanish only at the everyday level; all scientific and educational terms are completely the same. Excellent knowledge of the Spanish language (prevalent in higher schools) is an indispensable condition for admission to a Mexican university.

Higher education

Not all Mexican graduates decide to pursue higher education. The existing higher education in many universities is based on a historical system that has developed on Spanish models since the sixteenth century. New universities and polytechnic institutes in Mexico are built according to international models, since the country is experiencing a shortage of scientific, technical and engineering personnel.

Quantitatively, geographically, the country's universities are located unevenly. Almost half of the one and a half million students study at the two largest universities - the National Autonomous University of Mexico (330,000 students), the University of Guadalajara (275,000 students), although there are about 800 high schools and equivalent colleges in the country. Geographically, universities are concentrated in Mexico City, state capitals, and large cities.

Admission to higher school requires passing entrance exams; for foreigners, a language proficiency certificate is required. Some higher schools, like the Technological University of Monterrey, are open only to Mexican citizens.

Tuition fees in higher education can be called symbolic (in comparison with developed countries). In the last century, it did not exceed one American city per year; now at a state university you need to pay about $150 per year. In some universities this figure increases to $1800.

The initial academic degree at a Mexican university is the "licenciado" level. The licentiate title is similar to the international bachelor's degree. For most specialties, obtaining a degree requires three years of study and the defense of a thesis. Some professions (mainly technical) require practical training and passing a separate professional exam.

The licensee level allows you to start professional activities and continue your studies in a master's program. The Mexican master's degree is equivalent to an international one, just like a doctorate.

The largest in Mexico and the Americas was the National Autonomous University (Mexico City). The university is based on twenty faculties, in which dozens of research institutes and research centers operate. He has a high reputation for education in the faculties of architecture, chemistry, economics, and engineering. At NAU Mexico, students are also taught in the faculties of law, philosophy and literature.

Training centers for the specialties of dentistry and veterinary medicine are allocated to separate faculties. National schools of art, midwifery, pre-school education, and social work are equal to university faculties.

Technological universities have become a separate link in the higher education system. There are about seventy such decentralized universities in Mexico; the capital's National Polytechnic Institute is recognized as the leading one. Mexico has earned worldwide authority in the field of urban planning and monumental architecture. The source of these successes was the capital's Academy of San Carlos, where David Siqueiros and Clemente Orozco studied.

Every year, migrants have more and more reasons to move to Mexico. This country is famous not only for its beautiful nature and warm climate, but also for its good quality of life at very reasonable prices (both for food and housing). Therefore, the idea of ​​getting an education in Mexico cannot be called a bad one. Yes, a diploma issued by a university in this country is unlikely to open the doors of major international companies to you. However, with some effort, you can become a true professional in your chosen field.

Basic information about the educational system

Before you decide which university you should go to and where you can work after graduation, you should find out what the education system in Mexico is like. As in most countries of the world, you can get free preschool and general secondary education here. Upon completion of the 9th grade, graduates can either get a job or continue their studies. In the second case, the teenager, as in the CIS countries, goes either to college or to an “academic” school, where he prepares to enter a university. In higher educational institutions, students study for 4 years (for some programs 5 years). In the future, they can devote themselves to scientific work - Mexican universities have analogues of graduate and doctoral programs.

Studying in Mexico every year allows you to get an increasingly better education: about 10% of the state budget is spent on supporting kindergartens, schools and universities. At the same time, every second university is developing (or has already developed) a teaching program in English in order to attract foreigners.

As of 2017, 98% of local residents are considered literate. Particular attention is paid to teaching children aged 6-12 years (grades 1-6). At the end of the 7th grade and upon entering university, young Mexicans are required to take exams.

Preschool education in Mexico

Unlike most CIS countries, every child in Mexico must receive preschool education. Therefore, when the baby turns two years old, parents send him to a nursery, and at three years old - to a kindergarten. As mentioned above, for Mexican citizens, attending preschool is free.

It is worth noting that neither in nurseries nor in kindergartens children are taught to read, count and write. The main task of teachers in these institutions is to develop the child’s interest in the world around him and provide assistance in his socialization. Therefore, in kindergarten, children play with each other most of the time under the guidance of the teacher.

Schooling in Mexico

Mexican school education is organized in such a way that when a student sits down at the age of six, a student goes through at least two stages of education (primary and secondary school). It was said above that after 9th grade a teenager can go to work or continue his studies at college. Those students who decide to enroll in a university will need to undergo 12 years of training:

  • primary school (grades 1-6);
  • secondary school (grades 7-9);
  • “preparatory”, or academic school (grades 10-12).

There is nothing too difficult about getting a secondary education in Mexico. In elementary school, classes are taught by one or two teachers so that children do not experience stress getting used to new mentors and their requirements. Teachers try to help struggling students. As a last resort, there is an opportunity to stay in school for a second year.

For CIS citizens who want their child to receive an education “like in their homeland,” there is a school at the Russian Embassy in Mexico. Children of diplomats can study there for free, and on a contractual basis - any Russian-speaking citizens.

Secondary and higher education in Mexico

Colleges and universities in Mexico are open to both local residents and migrants who have received general secondary, vocational or higher education certificates in their home country. In total, there are over 1,200 higher education institutions in the country, mostly located in large cities. At the same time, half of all Mexican students study at the largest National Autonomous University, which is located in Mexico City.

In Mexican universities, not all students have the opportunity to study at the expense of the state budget (even the most successful of them must pay a fee - from $150 per year), and the cost of a year of study in different educational institutions can vary significantly. Thus, the cost of studying at medical institutes in Mexico is higher than in other universities, and future doctors study longer. Much also depends on the prestige of the university. Fortunately, scholarships and grants (discussed below) can cover some of your tuition costs.

Having received a specialist diploma, a graduate can enter a master's or graduate school.

By the way, if you are a man and are applying for citizenship, keep in mind that here, as in the CIS countries, it is better not to delay in applying - having received a passport, you risk immediately going to serve in the army, so if you want to complete your studies first , a master's degree in Mexico is an excellent option.

Language classes

Despite the fact that in many universities in Mexico teachers speak English, in everyday life you cannot do without knowledge of Spanish (this language is considered the national language here). If you are not fluent in this language, it makes sense to enroll in language courses. Moreover, it is better to get a job in a Spanish school for applicants at a specific university - of course, if you have already decided on your future educational institution.

There are no places left at the university school? Then you can contact companies that organize not only language courses, but also excursions and even beach holidays during your studies. Don’t be afraid to combine business with pleasure – there is nothing difficult in learning Spanish, especially if you already know English.

University admission procedure

You can enroll in a Mexican university by choosing one of two paths. The first is relevant for young immigrants 15-22 years old: they can first graduate from the local “preparatorium” (the highest level of high school - grades 10-12), and then submit documents on the same basis as citizens of the country. Or you can get a notarized translation of your certificate and/or diploma and pass the following exams:

  • “international” English (TOEFL, IELTS or LCCIEB);
  • “international” Spanish (DELE);
  • entrance examinations established by the university itself.

Applying for a study visa

If you have already contacted the university you are interested in through the dean’s office of your educational institution or the official website of a Mexican university, and at the same time passed international exams, it’s time to start processing travel documents. To do this, you will need a student visa for Mexico.

Required documents

To obtain a study visa, you must bring or mail a package of documents to the Mexican embassy or consulate located in your country. If you are unable to submit the papers yourself or are afraid that you will make a mistake when completing them, you can contact the visa center. In any case, you will need the following documents:

  • visa application form (issued at the consulate or downloaded on its official website, filled out in English);
  • foreign passport (original and photocopies of completed pages);
  • two photographs 3.2x2.6 cm;
  • an invitation from the rector of a higher educational institution in Mexico;
  • evidence of sufficient funds (you can provide a bank account statement or a letter of guarantee from a parent or guardian).

Are you going to Mexico to study at a flight school or for an internship as part of an international program organized by one of the many companies? Then you may need additional documents. For example, a certificate of no criminal record or a number of medical certificates (certifying the absence of dangerous infectious diseases).

Study visa extension

Sometimes the consulate or embassy of Mexico issues a visa to a future student for four years at once - in fact, that’s exactly how long it takes to complete their studies. However, sometimes the permit is only granted for a year or two, and then it needs to be renewed. This procedure is carried out by the Mexican Ministry of the Interior. To obtain a new visa, you need to obtain a certificate from the university, which confirms that you have been transferred to the next course.

Sometimes situations arise when a student leaves the institute, but does not want to leave the country immediately (for example, in order to “look” for a new place of study or work). In this case, you can change your visa from a student to a visitor.

You need to carefully monitor the expiration date of documents - if you violate the migration regime, you risk losing the right to enter Mexico for the next 5-10 years.

List of Best Educational Institutions in Mexico

Choosing from over 1,200 universities, especially in another country, is not easy. Therefore, we have compiled a ranking of Mexican higher education institutions where you should apply first. Currently, the most famous universities in Mexico are:

  • National Autonomous University of Mexico - founded in 1910. Three Nobel Prize laureates are graduates of this university. Now there are almost 270,000 students studying in 24 faculties in a variety of areas - from obstetrics and veterinary medicine to architecture and aesthetic studies. Future specialists have access to a huge library, museum, observatory and even a local nature reserve;
  • The National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico City is the country's largest university, which trains students in technical fields and graduates leading urban planners and engineers;

  • University of Aguascalientes – graduates future engineers and doctors, sociologists and art historians, managers and specialists in the field of agriculture (a total of 9 faculties);
  • The University of Guanajuato is another option where you can get a good economic or humanities education, win a scholarship or grant, take part in a sports tournament and at the same time enjoy an intimate atmosphere: the area of ​​the Guanajuato High School is several times smaller than the same University of Mexico City.

University tuition fees

You can live in Mexico on very modest money – this also applies to obtaining a higher education.

Even in the best universities in the country, the cost of one year of study rarely exceeds $1,800; moreover, educational institutions that actively attract foreigners (including exchange students) sometimes allow you to study for $150 per year (minimum fee).

However, it is worth considering that you will not be able to combine study and work (at least legally) - a student visa to Mexico does not give the right to work.

It should also be understood that $150-$1,800 per year is an amount that does not include indirect costs. So, just one place in a dormitory will cost a student $200 per month, and renting a room/apartment is even more expensive. Fortunately, diligent students can help cover some of the costs by receiving a scholarship or research grant.

Opportunity to receive a scholarship or grant

In order to receive a scholarship from the Mexican government, you should take care in your home country by finding out what support programs are being implemented by the government of your country. Thus, in Russia, since 2015, students of the Mexican University College can receive financial support first of all. If you are going to the country on an exchange (that is, you are already studying at some university), you should contact the dean’s office with a similar question.

If you did not succeed in becoming a scholarship holder in your first year, do not despair and try to earn as many excellent grades as possible - then you will be given $450 monthly (for future doctors of science - $570). You can also get free medical insurance and get a discounted travel pass. As for research grants, the Mexican government expects to receive them in the following areas:

  • cultural history of Mexico;
  • media and communication;
  • producing;
  • medicine.

Advantages and disadvantages of studying in Mexico

To summarize, we can say that the idea of ​​getting an education in Mexico has more pros than cons. The latter includes the fact that a diploma from a Mexican university, be it a specialist or a doctorate, is unlikely to be in demand in most countries outside Latin America. But some advantages are also obvious, in particular:

  • the state's interest in attracting foreign specialists;
  • favorable prices for studying even at the largest universities;
  • the opportunity to receive a scholarship or grant;
  • quite high quality of education.

Student accommodation: hostel or rental housing

Almost every university in Mexico provides visitors with the opportunity to live in a dormitory. We advise you to use this option - this way you will save money and at the same time you will communicate with native Spanish speakers every day. However, you can also rent an apartment, and for a very modest price (up to $500-600 per month with all amenities).

If you have enough funds, nothing prevents you from buying a room or apartment near your chosen university. For example, an “economical” one-room apartment in a residential complex on the outskirts of the city can be purchased for only $100,000, and discounts on resale real estate can reach 10%. However, not all areas are available for foreigners to purchase apartments and houses.

Immigration to Mexico for graduates of universities in this country

Naturally, after graduating from university, you will no longer be able to extend your student visa, but this does not mean that you will certainly lose your residence permit and will have to return to your homeland. One of the ways to gain a foothold in the country for another 2-4 years is to continue your studies by enrolling in graduate school or doctoral studies. Another way is to start building a career. A foreigner, and also a graduate of a Mexican university, is obviously a purposeful person, so his candidacy will certainly be in demand among employers. Therefore, try to “look around” for a position at least six months before graduation, and then immediately apply for a work visa.

After graduation, you can use other methods of immigration to Mexico. For example, citizenship of this country can eventually be obtained by a large businessman who allocates funds for the development of the country’s economy and/or opens a successful enterprise here - what’s not an idea for those who came up with an excellent startup while still in college?

Basics about life in Mexico

You should not believe the stereotypes that say that Mexico is a country of slums, where purposeful, intelligent and wealthy people have nothing to do. Yes, just 100 years ago the overwhelming majority of the population was illiterate, and besides, the country, alas, still has not solved the crime problem. However, the government is making efforts to ensure that the state develops, primarily economically, and supports industries such as mining and tourism.

Currently, the average salary of a Mexican living in a large city is $1,000. At the same time, the government provides various benefits: for example, even foreign pensioners who have issued a residence permit receive free medical insurance, and the level of service to the population in hospitals and clinics is quite high.

Trips to Mexico under Work and Travel programs

If you are not yet ready to radically change your life, you can try to briefly plunge into the atmosphere of Mexico by visiting it under the Work and Travel program. By contacting any company that organizes such tours, you will have the opportunity to undergo student internship in this country. To do this, in your home country you will need to collect documents (which ones, the company will tell you), go through an interview, pay for the organizer’s services, medical insurance, a visa and a ticket.

Such programs are designed mainly for 3-6 months. It’s not hard to guess that they are needed not so much to earn money as to get to know the country. If you are lucky, you will be able to enlist the support of Mexican employers and return to the country as an intern on your own, without the help of intermediaries.

Levels of Mexican education

The education system in Mexico is traditional, but at the same time effective, which consists of several stages:

Preschool education

Preschool education is compulsory in Mexico. And that means free. It is divided into a nursery and a kindergarten. The nursery accepts children from 2 to 3 years old, the kindergarten - from 3 to 6. The curriculum does not include teaching grammar, reading or arithmetic. The main emphasis is on games, through which children develop and learn about the world.

Secondary education

Schools in Mexico are divided into two types:

  • State. They provide two types of training: paid and free. Children with Mexican citizenship are educated free of charge. On a paid basis there are foreign children who must additionally provide a certain list of documents.
  • Private. Most wealthy Mexicans and foreign residents prefer this type of school. The educational process takes place in two languages: Spanish and English. There are also a number of extracurricular sports programs: dance and art clubs, wrestling, popular sports.

The school year begins in the third week of August and ends at the end of June. The longest holidays occur at Christmas and Easter.

Mexican schools attach an important role to teaching the Russian language. They try in every possible way to instill a love for Russian literature, culture and history. For this purpose, in large cities of Mexico there are Russian schools that provide the opportunity for distance learning. Also, some teachers practice private lessons in teaching the Russian language.

Higher education

Higher education in Mexico has its advantages:

  1. Low prices for training.
  2. The presence of centers of excellence specializing in research where students try their hand at science.
  3. Obtaining a state diploma.
  4. Possibility of transferring to another foreign university.

All higher education institutions in Mexico operate through one structure: the National Association of Universities and Institutes. 3 institutes are considered the most famous and popular:

  • National Autonomous University;
  • National Polytechnic Institute;
  • Institute of Technology and Higher Education of Monterrey.

The educational process is divided into semesters. Based on their results, excellent students receive a scholarship in the amount of 450 euros. The payment also includes medical insurance and travel reimbursement.

The Mexican government provides training grants in such areas and specialties as:

  • medicine;
  • story;
  • advertising;
  • journalism and others.

Postgraduate education

Postgraduate education in Mexico is divided into two categories:

  1. Professional Development. In turn, it is divided into 2 degrees:
    • Especialization. Study lasts one year after the bachelor's degree, after which a Diploma of Specialization is issued.
    • Maestria. The training lasts two years after the bachelor's degree, upon completion of which the title of Owner is issued.
  2. Scientific research. Also divided into 2 degrees:
    • Maestria en Ciencias. 2-year study after a bachelor's degree, upon completion of which the title of Master of Natural Sciences is awarded.
    • Doctrado en Ciencias. Involves 3 years of study after a master's degree or 4 years of study after a bachelor's degree, after which the title of Doctor of Science is awarded.

As you can see, Mexico offers a very decent and convenient education system that is ready to improve and develop for its foreign students. This makes studying in Mexico more accessible and attractive.

What unites the Aztec, Mayan, Spanish colonial conquest, sombrero and burrito tribes? That's right, Mexico. Now it is a modern and actively developing Latin American country, thanks to which it is becoming popular not only among tourists, but also among students from around the world.

The Mexican diploma is not the most prestigious in the world, but this in no way underestimates the quality of education. For those planning to study Spanish or work in Latin America, studying at one of the universities in Mexico is a promising opportunity.

Mexican higher education means a state diploma, the possibility of transferring to another foreign university (on exchange), and the presence of advanced centers specializing in research in which students try their hand at science.

Levels of higher education

There are more than 100 higher education institutions in the country. All of them are united in the National Association of Universities and Institutes. The first academic level, equivalent to our bachelor's degree, is the licenciado. To obtain this degree, you must study for 4–5 years, defend a thesis and, depending on the chosen profession, undergo an internship or pass a state exam.