Description of the teacher. How to write an essay on the topic: My favorite teacher

A teacher is one of the most in-demand professions. It is necessary regardless of geographic location, type of political system, or fashion trends. Once upon a time, when labor was not divided into specific professions, only the oldest and most experienced members of the tribes became teachers. As society developed, representatives of this profession began to practice special skills. Thus, the work of a teacher turned into a craft.

Relevance of the teacher's work

The concept of who a teacher is arose in Europe already at the end of the 18th century. In the modern world, this profession is becoming increasingly important due to scientific and technological progress. Teachers accompany each child almost from infancy. And the rhythm of life of a modern person is so high and intense that one has to study throughout one’s entire life - not excluding retirement age.

How did the profession originate?

Who a teacher is has been known since the time of Confucius. The philosopher wrote in his writings that teachers should pass on knowledge from generation to generation. A significant breakthrough in the development of this profession was made during the times of Ancient Greece. The first educational institutions appeared here for the first time. These were boarding schools, schools, lyceums. Often the ancient Greek philosophers themselves acted as teachers in their own schools. Since the Middle Ages, education has become compulsory for every clergyman and ruler. Then education gradually began to become widespread. Almost all representatives of the upper strata of the population began to study. Education also became available to women. Special closed institutes were created for them.


The most accurate definition of this profession was given in Ozhegov’s dictionary: “A teacher is a person who teaches something.” D. N. Ushakov’s dictionary defines representatives of this craft as those who “are engaged in teaching any subject in lower or high school.” According to the Small Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language, a teacher is one who teaches a subject within the walls of a school, or one who instructs and teaches others.

What should a teacher be like?

Anyone who has thought about who a teacher is could discover one important pattern in practice: in addition to a thorough knowledge of the subject being taught, a successful and effective representative of this profession must have excellent communication skills. If he does not know how to communicate with his audience - be it first-graders or students preparing to enter graduate school - the value of his knowledge will tend to zero. After all, he will not be able to convey them - which means that students will not be able to assimilate and apply them in practice.

In addition, a good teacher must have great patience and the ability to respect the student’s personality. Who is a teacher if not one who has managed to find an individual approach to the student, allowing him to assimilate the required amount of knowledge as effectively as possible? Therefore, a good teacher is not only an author of scientific papers who has all the necessary diplomas. This is also a subtle psychologist who knows how to convey knowledge to a specific student.

There are different definitions of what a teacher means. However, we can say for sure that this profession is creative, and it has both positive and negative sides. In addition to the creative element, the work of a teacher is not without routine. After all, it is he who has to constantly draw up study plans and check homework. To be a successful representative of his profession, he needs to carefully carry out all this routine work. A teacher, in addition to the main element of his work - teaching - has many other responsibilities.

Who does the teacher work with?

A professional teacher must also be a strong-willed, restrained person. After all, he has to work with one of the most difficult age groups - teenagers. For students in this category, not only attention is required, but also the ability to maintain discipline. The educational process should not be disrupted due to students being distracted by gadgets, communication, or games. As for working with older students, as a rule, much fewer problems arise with them, because puberty is behind them, and professional self-determination comes to the fore. However, when working with young men, the teacher must also show attentiveness, perseverance, and the ability to organize the educational process in a quality manner.

Who is a teacher: description

What other things, besides teaching, is a teacher busy with? His responsibilities typically include the following:

  • Drawing up a training plan.
  • Preparing for lessons, drawing up lesson plans.
  • Selection of the most effective teaching methods.
  • Work on the preparation of various official documents: letters of recommendation, descriptions, characteristics, etc.
  • Control of student behavior.
  • Self-education. Each representative of this profession must study throughout his life.

Requirements for teachers

The first thing every good teacher should have is excellent knowledge of their subject area. A teacher must be able to know a lot, and at the same time constantly develop. Must also have flexibility and the ability to make quick decisions under pressure. The teacher must also love children and find a common language not only with students, but also with their parents. The essential qualities of a good teacher are a good memory, intelligence, and attention to detail.

Profession "teacher": all the pros and cons

The advantages of this profession, as a rule, include:

  • Flexible work schedule. Typically, a teacher’s working day ends by three o’clock in the afternoon, while office workers are forced to endure the arrival of the cherished 18:00.
  • Long holidays, holidays. The teacher, as a rule, goes on vacation with his students.
  • An interesting job that involves various types of activity: today the teacher is preparing a seminar, tomorrow he holds competitions among students, the day after tomorrow there is a holiday. Many teachers say that their calling is the only thing that keeps them in the profession despite all the difficulties.
  • Respect in society, the importance of the profession. Despite the fact that all professions are important to society, it is still customary to show special respect to teachers.
  • Opportunity to earn extra money through tutoring.

But despite the many advantages of the teaching profession, there are also disadvantages:

  • The need to constantly meet educational standards and norms and master new programs.
  • Additional workload in the form of working from home - checking homework, preparing for lessons.
  • As a rule, work in a female team.
  • Lack of prospects for career growth.
  • Low salary.

I remember the first time our Russian language teacher entered our class. We knew that we would have a new teacher, who would also be our class teacher. Everyone was interested in what kind of person she was - strict or kind, young or old, serious or cheerful. And then the classroom door opened and a tall young woman appeared on the threshold.

The first impression was mixed. Her entire appearance expressed severity and restraint. Thick dark hair was neatly gathered at the back of her head. And from under beautiful, slightly curved black eyebrows, attentive brown eyes looked at us. It seemed that her gaze was directed at each of us individually, but at the same time she saw the whole class at once. In those few minutes when the teacher silently, with a barely noticeable smile, looked at us, there was a feeling that she managed to penetrate the soul of each student, study his character, hear his thoughts. Everyone involuntarily became silent. The fact is that our class is not at all distinguished by exemplary behavior. There is even a reputation about us that we are the most unruly students in the entire school. We managed to drive teachers into hysterics; we were accustomed to the threatening speeches of the director, who tried to awaken our conscience. But we remained “little robbers.” Now we seem to have become wiser, or perhaps older. But then everything was different. And it was at this time that she entered our class and took responsibility for us. So, this whole restless “horde” stood in front of her, not making a sound, not making a single movement. And then she said, “Sit down.” Her voice sounded clear and loud. We sat down just as quietly. The teacher easily and quickly walked to her desk and opened the magazine to get to know us. From high school students, you could sometimes hear about teachers who shouted at students and called the parents of offending children, summoning them to school. Perhaps these were fictions. In any case, these were not the thoughts that dominated us at that moment. The new teacher, for all her stern appearance, did not evoke fear. More like respect. Even though we didn’t know her at all yet.

See also:

So, we have a new teacher - smart and beautiful, with a penetrating, studying look and a soft, kind smile. And very soon we all fell in love with her. She truly became our second mother. The girls trusted her with their secrets and dreams and ran to her for advice. And the boys always hung around her. In the lessons she was a serious teacher, strict and fair. But during breaks and after classes, she lived the life of the students: our worries, sorrows, our children's (and not so childish) problems. She could understand everyone. And she tried to help everyone. Class hours became a real holiday for us, no matter what the conversation was about. It was a time of communication with my favorite teacher - sometimes strict, but always fair. I think we will never forget her. And many of her wise advice will help us more than once in life.

Unfortunately, she didn't stay with us very long. Soon she had to move to work at another school. We never found out the reason, but it probably couldn’t have been any other way. But I know for sure that it was also hard for her to part with us. Even now I can still see her standing in front of the class and, trying to cope with the trembling in her voice, she reports that starting tomorrow we will have a different class teacher and a different Russian language teacher. And that she asks us to treat the new teacher with the same respect that we treated her. And in her beautiful and, as we all already knew, kind eyes there are tears.

This text is not an essay on the topic “Favorite teacher” . Not a sketch, not an essay, this is pure inspiration and a flight of thought, a flight of the soul. After all, school is such an important part of people’s lives that it is impossible to talk about it.

What do we all imagine when we hear the word “teacher”? Here is the most common description:

Note! Such a list of advantages is almost ready about a mentor. But it is not enough to fully cover the topic.

A good teacher (which not everyone can be) can inspire you to get out of bed and go to school with pleasure, despite tests and essays, despite bad weather (when you don’t want to go anywhere) and good weather (when the day is so warm that you want to walk). He inspires me to write:

Teacher... There is so much in this word.
And I miss him all summer.
He's 35 percent parent
At 20 - educator and dreamer,
Able to teach how to swim across the sea,
It will help you not to get lost in the open air.
45 percent friend and brother,
Who will give advice and be happy.

Portraits of beloved mentors

What can you say about teachers? Each of them is special, each has its own flavor. And lucky were those who had the kind of teachers they dreamed of.

The portrait of my favorite mathematician is worthy of a separate essay: he doesn’t dryly talk about the history of the origin of the legs and hypotenuses, he doesn’t just ask me to learn hyperbolas and parabolas, but he writes various interesting stories about geometric figures and mathematical operations.

For example, for kids he will compose a fairy tale about the Good Plus, who helps everyone, and the Evil Minus, who takes away everything. And with the older ones, he will learn a hand dance about hyperbolas and parabolas, because the brighter the performance, the easier the lesson is to remember. He doesn’t scare you with complex formulas, but explains clearly, making you treat the example with passion.

Note! The mathematics taught is interesting and captivating - once you start solving it, you won’t stop.

My favorite teacher, a physical education teacher, can create a set of exercises that the organizers of the Olympic Games never dreamed of. After classes, you don’t drag your feet to the locker room, but you want to run, jump and gallop! He is not a “physical education teacher”, but a “physical education teacher” - with his head held high, smart and with excellent humor. Can run a half marathon without rest and do a triple flip on his right arm while holding a glass of orange juice in his left without spilling a drop.

How would you describe an ideal geography teacher? He has a bus driver's license and constantly organizes excursions, showing the diversity of flora and fauna in real nature, and not just in a textbook.

He can convince children to go outside in the rain, snow and slush (after making sure that everyone is dressed warmly) in order to get closer study various natural phenomena. On his table there are old scrolls with maps of the first navigators, and on each table there is a globe on which the animals living there are drawn in the territory of each country.

When talking about a history teacher in an essay, you don’t want to imagine an ancient archivist who can barely move, shuffling his feet and coughing all the time. This is a very active grandfather with a small beard, who always looks with a slight grin in his eyes. He is always aware of finds in the surrounding area and every summer he gathers a group for archaeological excavations. And every pebble can tell such a story that the most popular Hollywood films will seem gray and boring.

First teacher

And every person carries through his entire life memory of the first teacher. My first, my best teacher could listen, understand and advise something.

She separated the fighters with just one look, and classes flew by in one second. She came up with riddles, and not just “Winter and summer in the same color?”, but ones that made you think and strain your imagination, for example, “How to get a rainbow from red, blue and yellow?”

And we started mixing paints, got smeared, and then, happy and dirty, went to wash ourselves. It turned out to be a rainbow! It was only necessary to mix the colors, but these were the first independent experiments that I will remember for the rest of my life. With her we wrote our first short essays, putting our naive thoughts into words.

Important! The further successes or failures of the student depend on the quality of education in primary school.

Now my favorite profession is a teacher, because you can become the kind of person whom they will be glad to see and sincerely love. Because he can go to work with real pleasure, and leave, albeit tired, but with a twinkle in his eyes.
This essay is about my favorite teacher , which has absorbed the image of mentors, existing and invented, but they are all professionals with a capital “P”.

They do not sit still, but move the country forward. And I want every child’s motto to be the following words: “We, colorful minds, change this world! The world belongs only to us – our immediate minds!” Let teachers of geography, physics, mathematics and chemistry teach children not just knowledge, but life in the open world, let them teach us solve complex problems and any problems, do not stop in front of obstacles and stand your ground. And even if we all don’t go to work in schools to teach children, we can be mentors in this way, not to teach life, but to teach, not to urge, but to lead.

How to write an essay about a teacher

Essay My teacher

Nadezhda Aleksandrovna teaches history here. She first came to our class last year. Now history is my favorite subject, and Nadezhda Aleksandrovna is my favorite teacher.

She is of average height, slender, young. Our teacher has blond hair, and it goes very strangely with dark eyes, black eyebrows, black eyelashes.

Nadezhda Aleksandrovna is a strict and fair teacher. She doesn't like it when someone hasn't done their homework or answers poorly. her dark eyes then darken even more, her face becomes surprised and stern. Nadezhda Aleksandrovna never screams, she does not raise her voice at all. However, even her quiet remark causes shame and guilt. But what a tender and cheerful smile Nadezhda Alexandrovna has when she listens to her students’ good answers in class! At this time, her eyes brighten a little, she smiles quietly and shakes her head, as if agreeing with the student’s words.

What I like most is when Nadezhda Aleksandrovna explains new material. Our class freezes, listening to the quiet, unhurried voice of the teacher. her interesting, vivid story takes us back to the old days. Nadezhda Aleksandrovna, without looking, touches the map with one precise movement. And we see where the events in question took place.

Nadezhda Alexandrovna has very beautiful hands with long, thin fingers. During the conversation, our teacher gestures. It seems to me that her hands continue the story, complement it, make it even more interesting.

Nadezhda Aleksandrovna is a favorite teacher not only for me, but also for my other classmates. We were all very happy when Nadezhda Aleksandrovna became our class teacher this year.

What qualities should a teacher have? This question opens up an abyss of others: which teacher? Why and to whom should it? Personal or professional qualities, and which of them are more important? For example, can a teacher be required to love children, or is it enough that he treats them with respect and teaches his subject well? Should a teacher be a sociable leader? Which teacher is better - kind or strict? Which will be more successful - a rebel or a conformist?

We can endlessly reason, argue and prove. This is because there is no “spherical teacher in a vacuum.” Each teacher exists in a specific social, economic, cultural situation, where he has certain goals and needs certain qualities to successfully achieve them.

What should an ideal teacher be like? Maybe like this? Still from the film “The School of Rock” (2003)

And if you don’t argue, but ask others: what qualities of a teacher do they consider important? Such a conversation will help some participants in education look at others in a new way.

We were once again convinced of this by a small study undertaken in 2015 by eleventh-grader Gohar Sargsyan. Goar conducted it among high school students, their parents and teachers of the Shchelkovo gymnasium (city of Shchelkovo, Moscow region), where she herself studied. The purpose of the study was to compare “the requirements of the state, reflected in the professional standard of a teacher, and the needs of society to identify the priority qualities of a teacher.”

Or like this? Still from the film “We’ll Live Until Monday” (1968)

There is a document that defines a list of professional and personal requirements for a teacher in the Russian Federation - this is the professional standard for a teacher, which came into force on January 1, 2015. Based on these requirements, we can identify the qualities that the state would like to see in a teacher.

It's always interesting to compare official expectations with real life. This is what Gohar Sargsyan decided to do.

The idea for the study came from observing students and teachers in different schools. At that time, I had already decided to become a teacher myself and wanted to learn more about the profession. Seeing that sometimes even the most talented and inquisitive children lose interest in learning, I decided to find the root of the problem and, as a future teacher, model the image of an ideal teacher. The image of a teacher who will help students become better.

More than a hundred high school students, 40 parents and 25 gymnasium teachers - elementary, middle and high school teachers - took part in the survey. All respondents were asked to freely answer the question: “What qualities should an ideal teacher have?”

Respondents independently named or wrote down the qualities and explained what they meant. The answers were systematized in summary tables.

The ideal teacher from the students' point of view

100% of students who took part in the survey believe that an ideal teacher should be strict and patient. Also, all student respondents were unanimous that the teacher should be able to interest students in the material.

80% of respondents - for an unbiased attitude on the part of the teacher and an individual approach (“everyone wants to be assessed fairly and helped to achieve better results”).

Students explained the word “fairness” as grading based on knowledge rather than nationality, appearance, and so on. Approximately the same words are used to describe tolerance in the answers of other respondents.

The ideal teacher from a parent's point of view

For all parents surveyed, the ideal teacher is one who knows his subject perfectly. 100% of parents identified “love for their profession and children” as a separate quality.

In the parents' questionnaires, an item appeared that the students did not identify for themselves: caring.

Indifference was explained by parents as a sympathetic attitude towards students. A caring teacher, firstly, always makes sure that the children have mastered the material, and secondly, provides emotional support when necessary.

The ideal teacher from the point of view of... teachers

But the teachers seem to be sure that patience and work will grind everything down. 100% of surveyed teachers at all levels - for excellent knowledge of the subject and patience.

But the main thing is that the survey of teachers, according to Gohar, turned out to be the most interesting part of the study for her.

After talking with teachers and learning about their feelings, I saw them from a new side. What struck me most were the teachers who, instead of using the “correct” words appropriate to the situation, spoke honestly and openly about all the difficulties of this profession. It turned out that in teaching practice there are many situations in which an inexperienced person simply becomes confused. And all that can make a good teacher out of a person is caring. “If you have a desire to make the world a better place, then this is for you,” this is what a computer science teacher told me about the teaching profession.

Gohar Sargsyan

student at Moscow State University

Goar compared all the answers of her respondents with the requirements of the professional standard. The result was consistent. Unless, of course, no standard can require a teacher to have a sense of humor, caring, love for children and patience. But people in their non-standard, living human relationships have the right to expect this from each other.

My research did not provide a fundamentally new answer, but it showed me how important personal qualities are for this profession: it was personal, not professional qualities that my respondents spoke about.
Now I am studying to become a teacher, I chose a foreign language as my specialty. What qualities of a teacher do I highlight now? The ideal teacher is not a template model. This is an interesting, charismatic, educated person, charged with creative energy, who raises the same active, caring and thinking children.

Gohar Sargsyan

student at Moscow State University

And we propose to continue the conversation on the given topic. What teacher qualities are valued in your community? Which ones are necessary for you?