Pedagogy in tables. Components of pedagogical culture

THOSE. Karpovich



Educational materials for independent work 2nd year students

(1 stream of the English language department)

Minsk 2006




We all educate or educate someone, at least ourselves. We are all participants in this educational activity that unconsciously embraces us all... Only science brings consciousness and a critical attitude where without it, acquired skills and lack of accountability reign from nowhere... For education, this science is pedagogy. It is nothing more than awareness of education, i.e. This process is already unconsciously known to all of us.

S. I. Gessen

After studying this topic you should:

· know and be able to substantiate the object and subject of pedagogy as a science;

· know and be able to operate with its main categories;

· have an idea of ​​the functions and tasks of pedagogical science, its interdisciplinary connections;

· know the structure of modern pedagogical knowledge;

· know and be able to use in practice the basic methods of conducting pedagogical research


Pedagogy(from Greek paidos ‘child’, ago ‘news’) - the science of human upbringing and training. Reveals the patterns of personality formation in the process of education, upbringing, and training.

Conceptual system(categorical apparatus) of pedagogy includes:

- philosophical categories (person, cognition, meaning, culture, etc.)

- general scientific categories (system, structure, element, function, criterion, development, formation, etc.)

- actually pedagogical categories (upbringing, education, training)

Education(in in a broad sense) - function human society on transferring accumulated experience to new generations ( scientific knowledge, abilities, skills, work experience, morality, religion, art). Education (in the narrow sense) is a specially organized and purposeful formation of personality, the professional activity of a teacher. Education is the process and result of the transfer and appropriation of knowledge, skills and abilities, during which a personality is formed. A person's education varies according to level(primary, secondary, higher) and content(general and special, professional: for example, technical, humanitarian, pedagogical). Upbringing and education are carried out through training - specially organized and targeted interaction between teachers and students to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities, develop the abilities of students and shape their worldview.

Pedagogical significance the most frequently used general scientific categories:

System pedagogical sciences

Empirical Theoretical Mathematical

observation, questionnaire, analysis, synthesis, registration,

conversation, interview, generalization, scaling,

sociometry, experiment, comparison, ranking

study of products classification, activities, modeling method

independent characteristics,

method expert assessments


Voronov V.V. School pedagogy in a nutshell. M., 1997. pp. 8–13.

Pedagogy / Ed. Yu. K. Babansky. M.: Education, 1988. pp. 7–27.

Pedagogy / Ed. P.I. Pidkasisty. M.: Rospedagency, 1996. pp. 6–56.

Podlasy I. P. Pedagogy. M.: VLADOS, 1999. Book. 1. pp. 9–70.

Prokopyev I. I., Mikhalkovich N. V. Pedagogy: Fundamentals of general pedagogy. Didactics. Mn.: TetraSystems, 2002. pp. 7–29, 59–74.

Puyman S. A. Pedagogy: Basic principles of the course. Mn.: TetraSystems, 2001. pp. 6–16.

Slastenin V. A., Isaev I. F. and others. Pedagogy. M.: Shkola-Press, 2000. P.72–110.

Stepanenkov N.K. Pedagogy. Mn., 2002. pp. 8–24.

Kharlamov I. F. Pedagogy. Mn.: Universitetskaya, 2000. P. 10–47.


1. What does the science of pedagogy study and who needs this knowledge and why?

3. Which famous teachers could you name?

4. Why are people currently talking about the system of pedagogical sciences?

5. Who needs reliable pedagogical information and how can you get it?

M.: Iris-press, 2006. - 256 pp. Pedagogy, oh pedagogy! How many people remember with longing and bitterness the horror that thick and complex textbooks on this discipline caused them. And in diagrams, tables and supporting notes it looks quite accessible, understandable, you can understand and learn much easier. After such a study, pedagogy may become interesting to some and they will realize its necessity in pedagogical activity. The manual is short course on pedagogy, presented in the logical-graphic language of diagrams, tables and supporting notes. The manual concludes with a list of recommended readings. The application contains the main international and domestic documents on the protection and implementation of children's rights, which everyone working with children should know.
The materials of the manual are compiled on the basis of an analysis of textbooks on pedagogy in recent years, a number of dictionaries, modern pedagogical and psychological sources, with a focus primarily on State standards in pedagogy for universities and secondary pedagogical schools educational institutions. The pedagogy course is developed on the basis of a holistic and student-oriented approach to the pedagogical process.
It is advisable to use the manual in combination with any teaching aids on pedagogy and original textbooks “Pedagogy” (M., 2003, 2004). The necessary definitions can be found in the publication “Dictionary of Pedagogy: Interdisciplinary” by G. M. Kodzhaspirova, A. Yu. Kodzhaspirova (M., 2005). Schemes help to highlight the specific components of a particular pedagogical phenomenon or category and identify their connections. The tables present comparative material or provide a disclosure of the general through the totality of its parts. Supporting notes and outline diagrams are a thesis designation of the key issues of the topic. They include not only text material, but also small diagrams and tables.
Tables, supporting notes and diagrams can be used both by the teacher during a lecture, explaining new material, and by students to present a report at a seminar who have independently worked on a particular topic; for self-test. The proposed visual aids can be used as control materials in exams, colloquiums, tests, when writing tests. Contents:
Pedagogy as the science of education.
The position of the individual in education.
System of education and upbringing.
Methodology of pedagogy and methods of pedagogical research.
Pedagogical process.
The educational process as part of a holistic pedagogical process.
The learning process as part of a holistic pedagogical process.
Contents of education and upbringing.
Methods of a holistic pedagogical process.
Selection of methods for a holistic pedagogical process.
Forms of organization of the holistic pedagogical process.
Subjects of the holistic pedagogical process.
Management of educational systems.
Regulatory documents of the Russian Federation.
International normative documents.

Pedagogy in concepts and diagrams

Educational and methodological manual for students studying pedagogy

The manual is addressed to students studying pedagogy, teachers, as well as practical workers in the field of education. It is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the State educational standard and is aimed at developing creative thinking, independent study of the material.

Explanatory note.

Given teaching aid compiled in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard for academic discipline"" Pedagogy "" and includes the main sections of the discipline study program: introduction to teaching, general basics pedagogy, learning theory, theory and methods of education.

The study of pedagogy is important for students to understand the processes of learning and education in modern educational structures our society and abroad. A critical understanding of the course being studied will allow them to orient themselves in existing assessments, methods, forms, approaches to teaching and educating students, to accumulate their experience in overcoming the difficulties of pedagogical communication, and to consciously choose ways of interaction in educational process, life situations, be ready for teaching activities.

Mastering a pedagogy course contributes to the development of a student as an individual, specialist, citizen, who must be ready for independent reflection, search and creative solution fundamental and applied, vital problems in pedagogical science and practice.

The manual presents key issues, knowledge of which is necessary and sufficient to successfully pass the exam in the discipline “Pedagogy”. The material is presented in the form of definitions, diagrams, and tables.


TOPIC No. 1: General characteristics of the teaching profession


Characteristics of a group of professions of the “person-to-person” type

Main features of the teaching profession

Target– anticipation in consciousness and thinking of the result of an activity and the ways and means of achieving it.

Pedagogical goal – predicted result of teaching activity.

The purpose of pedagogical activity:

· Formation and transformation of the student’s personality;

· Process management of intellectual, emotional, physical, spiritual development person.

· Features of the profession:

· Social significance;

· Duality of the subject pedagogical work;

· Humanistic character;

· Collective nature of the activity;

· The creative nature of a teacher’s work.

Requirements for teacher training

Professional readiness for teaching activities– a set of professionally determined requirements for a teacher .

Readiness for educational work– purpose and result of training; the state of individuality of the teacher-educator, consisting in a certain level specific knowledge and skills combined with professional interest to educational work and based on mobility as an integrative and leading quality of the individual.

Preparation for educational work– the process of forming specific knowledge, skills, qualities and personality traits against the backdrop of a positive attitude towards this type of activity.

Teacher training requirements are reflected in state educational standards and are implemented through the specialist training system at the university.

Professionogram– a summary of knowledge about the profession and the system of requirements imposed on a person by a particular specialty or profession.

I. Main areas and activities

Area of ​​activity:

1. Education

2. Management


1. Educational

2. Methodological

3. Educational

4. Organizational

5. Scientific. Administrative

6. Work with personnel (personnel technology)

7. Expert

Requirements for personal qualities

· Psychological

· Thinking

· Behavioral

Requirements for skills and methods of activity...

List of job responsibilities…..

*Ellipses indicate that work in this area is not yet complete and is a cause for research and reflection.

TOPIC No. 2: Professional activity and personality of a teacher.


Pedagogical activityspecial kind social activities aimed at transferring from older generations to younger generations the culture and experience accumulated by humanity, creating conditions for their personal development and preparation for fulfilling social roles in society.



System of general pedagogical knowledge– dialectical relationship theoretical knowledge about the patterns, essence, principles of organization of training and education and empirical knowledge about pedagogical facts as a concrete reflection of the real teaching practice, the empirical basis of pedagogical theory. This knowledge system creates the basis for the teacher’s mastery of the mechanisms of professional activity, its content and operational aspects.

Art– any shape practical activities carried out skillfully, masterfully, skilfully in a technological, and often in an aesthetic sense. In the broadest sense of the word, art means high level mastery in any activity (including non-artistic), indicates its beauty, aesthetic significance (beautiful solution). (philosophical encyclopedic dictionary).

Pedagogy as art– practical pedagogy; the activity of a teacher, where creativity is the basis; always identified with a specific teacher, his individual style.

Pedagogical science is the science of the laws of education and upbringing of children and adults.

Object of pedagogy– a person (as a part of objective reality).

Subject of pedagogy– education of a person (as an integrity isolated from the world of objects) in its integral and differentiated understanding. Hence the most general definition pedagogy as a science of human education.

Research methods– ways to solve research problems. Pedagogy has own methods research and other social scientific methods are widely used.

Principles for choosing methods to solve specific research problems:

1. Principle totality – application of several methods; their design based on agreement with the nature of the phenomenon under study.

2. Principle adequacy – method to the essence of the subject being studied and the specific product to be obtained.

Laws and patterns discovered, described, theoretically proven and experimentally confirmed connections between intentionally created or objectively existing conditions and achieved results; the main fund of the intellectual and pedagogical wealth of the science of education.

Functions of pedagogical science:

1. Theoretical function:

· enrichment and systematization of scientific knowledge;

· generalization of practice experience (both positive and negative);

· identification of stable connections and patterns in pedagogical phenomena.

2. Practical function:

· improving the quality of education;

· creation of effective pedagogical technologies;

· implementation of the results of pedagogical research into practice;

· assessment of the impact of the results scientific research on the practice of training and education and the corresponding correction of the interaction between theory and practice.

3. Forecasting- one of the forms of scientific foresight in social sphere; is in relationship with goal setting - the initial component of the holistic pedagogical process and assessment of the reliability of forecasts, i.e. relationship between goal and result. In pedagogical forecasting, the well-known cybernetic postulate is implemented: any system is characterized by two parameters: it functions and at the same time develops. Hence the need for two-aspect management of it arises: management of its functioning and management of its development.

Types of development

Personality – subject and object of social relations. This special person, representative of a certain society, a certain social group, engaged in a specific type of activity, aware of his attitude to the environment and endowed with certain individual psychological characteristics.

Formation of a person's personality- this is the process of its formation under the influence of numerous factors, natural and social, external and internal, acting spontaneously and in accordance with certain rules, using certain means.

Human personality- the result of the action and interaction of various factors.

First group- factors that act more or less independently of the will and consciousness of people. These include biological nature human, social relations, phenomena of social psychology, lifestyle, geographical environment, microenvironmental conditions.

Second group factors that, to a greater or lesser extent, depend on the will and consciousness of people. This is ideology, the activities of the state, public institutions.

Third group factors presupposes organized development.

Upbringing– purposeful and organized process personality formation. In pedagogy, the concept of education is used in a broad and narrow social sense, as well as in a broad and narrow pedagogical sense.

In a broad social sense Education is the transfer of accumulated experience from older generations to younger ones. Experience means known to people knowledge, skills, ways of thinking, moral, ethical, legal norms, in a word, everything created in the process historical development spiritual heritage of humanity.

Widely pedagogical sense upbringing- this is a specially organized, purposeful and controlled influence of the team, educators on the student with the aim of developing specified qualities in him, carried out in educational institutions and covering the entire educational process.

In the narrow pedagogical sense, education- this is the process and result of educational work aimed at solving specific educational problems.

Educationuh it is a specially organized, purposeful and controlled process of interaction between teachers and students, aimed at mastering knowledge, abilities, skills, forming a worldview, and developing mental strength and potential capabilities of trainees, consolidation of self-education skills in accordance with the goals.

Education– process and result of learning. In the literal sense, it means the formation of images, complete ideas about the subjects being studied. Education is the volume of systematized knowledge, abilities, skills, and ways of thinking that the student has mastered.

Pedagogical processholistic process implementation of education in its broad sense by ensuring the unity of teaching and upbringing (in its narrow, special sense). Synonym: educational process.

Pedagogical process– this is a purposeful, content-rich and organizationally formalized interaction between the pedagogical activities of adults and changes in the student’s personality as a result of active life activities with the leading and guiding role of educators.

Main functions(function-purpose) of the holistic pedagogical process: educational, developmental, educational.

Developmental function. Firstly, being artificial, the pedagogical process has the ability to control natural process development (self-development), therefore, pedagogical influences should contribute to development, that is, advance development, go ahead of it and serve as a source of new things in development. Secondly, the pedagogical process is built taking into account the level of development of students achieved at a certain stage. Thirdly, the pedagogical process is focused on the future development of the student.

Pedagogical process (in to the same degree training and education) contributes to the development mental processes, speech, sensory, emotional, motor spheres.

Implementation of the educational function more conducive to the formation of knowledge, judgments, less - beliefs; therefore, additional special activity is necessary for the integrity of the development of consciousness, which is provided educational function pedagogical process.

It is the educational purpose of the pedagogical process that involves the inclusion of students in a variety of different types activities; provides for a variety of content of interaction between teacher and student; requires a variety of forms, means and methods of organizing the pedagogical process; promotes the development of humane relationships that develop in pedagogical interaction. The implementation of functions occurs both in teaching and in upbringing.

Self-education– purposeful, active personal activity that contributes to the formation and development of positive and elimination negative qualities in accordance with the requirements of society and activities.

Self-education– purposeful work of a person to expand and deepen his knowledge, improve existing ones and acquire new skills.

Pedagogical communication - a specific form of communication, which has its own characteristics, and at the same time is subject to general psychological patterns, inherent in communication as a form of human interaction with other people, including communicative, interactive and perceptual components.

Pedagogical communication– a set of means and methods that ensure the implementation of the goals and objectives of education and training and determine the nature of the interaction between the teacher and students.

System of pedagogical sciences

history of pedagogy– studies development pedagogical ideas and educational practices in various historical eras;

general pedagogy– explores the basic principles of human upbringing; reveals the essence, goals, objectives and patterns of education, its role in the life of society and personal development, the process of education and training.

age-related pedagogy– studies the peculiarities of raising people at various stages age development in the conditions of educational institutions;

correctional pedagogy(defectology)– studies the features of development, training and education of abnormal children:

pedagogy of the deaf– deals with the education and training of deaf and dumb children,

typhlopedagogy– deals with the issues of education and training of blind and visually impaired children,

oligophrenopedagogy – deals with issues of education and training of mentally retarded children;

speech therapy – deals with the issues of education and training of children with speech disorders with normal hearing ;

private method – explores the specifics of applying general principles of learning to the teaching of a particular subject (foreign language, mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry, etc.);


Education - this is the process of searching and assimilation by a person of a certain system of knowledge, skills and abilities; the result of this assimilation, expressed in a certain level of development of cognitive forces, theoretical and practical training person.

The essence of education

Value characteristics of education: Education is a purposeful process of training and education of a person in the interests of the individual, society, and state, accompanied by a statement of the achievement of certain educational levels by a citizen (student).


Methodology- this is the doctrine of scientific method knowledge; a set of methods used in any science; the doctrine of the ideological positions of science, the logic of its development and research methods.

Theory- this is a set of views, judgments and conclusions that are the result of knowledge and understanding of the studied phenomena and processes of objective reality.

areas of methodology: practical activity and science

In the field of practical activity methodology is the study of structure, logical organization, methods and means of activity.

In science methodology is considered as a doctrine about the principles of construction, forms and methods of scientific knowledge.

Methodology levels

1. philosophical – general principles of knowledge

2. general scientific – scientific concepts, influencing a large set of sciences (systematic approach, synergetic - coordination, unification)

3. level of specific scientific methodology – (connection with higher levels) see paragraph II.

4. research methodology and technology – specific research methods.

Culture(translated from Latin - cultivation, education, development, veneration) is a complex interdisciplinary general methodological concept.

Culture in general scientific understanding . The concept of culture indicates how general difference human life activity from biological forms of life, and on the qualitative originality of specific manifestations of this life activity.

In a narrower sense culture is the sphere of people's spiritual life.

It's dynamic creative process, a synthesis of material and spiritual values ​​created by man, harmonious forms of man’s relationship to nature, society, to himself, the result of his connection with the world and affirmation in it.

Core culture constitute universal human goals and values, as well as historically established ways of perceiving and achieving them.

Essence pedagogical culture (according to E.V. Bondarevskaya) is part of universal human culture, which embodies spiritual and material values education and upbringing, as well as methods of creative pedagogical activity necessary to serve historical process change of generations, socialization of the individual.

Components of pedagogical culture:

Culture of your science

Psychological and pedagogical culture

Culture pedagogical excellence

Communication culture

Methodological culture

Methodological culture of the teacher- This special shape activity of pedagogical consciousness, “living, i.e. experienced, rethought, chosen, built by the teacher himself methodology of personal and professional worldview” (E.V. Bondarevskaya).

Components methodological culture:

1. methodological reflection (analysis of one’s scientific activities)

2. ability for scientific justification

3. ability to think critically

4. ability to creative use(concepts, forms, methods).

Methodological skills:

1) see the problem and relate factual material to it

2) make assumptions and mentally imagine the consequences of their implementation

3) distribute decisions into steps.

Scientific research– the process of developing new scientific knowledge, one of the types of cognitive activity, which is characterized by objectivity, reproducibility, evidence, accuracy (understood differently in various areas Sciences).

Levels of scientific research: empirical and theoretical. At the first stage, new scientific facts are established and, based on their generalization, empirical laws are formulated. At the second level, common ones for a given level are put forward and formulated. subject area patterns that make it possible to explain earlier open facts and empirical patterns, as well as predict and anticipate future events and facts.

Basic components of scientific research:

· formulation of the problem;

· preliminary analysis of available information, conditions and methods for solving problems of this class;

· formulation of initial hypotheses;

· theoretical analysis of hypotheses;

· planning and organization of the experiment;

· conducting an experiment; analysis and synthesis of the results obtained;

· testing of initial hypotheses based on the obtained facts;

· final formulation of new facts and laws, obtaining explanations or scientific predictions.

For applied research an additional stage is highlighted: implementation of the results obtained in practice.

Methodological characteristics research activities teachers:


1) a synonym for a practical problem (for example, the problem of increasing academic performance, the problem of eliminating overload, the problem of improving the quality of the lesson, etc.);

2) something unknown in science, requiring a search for new knowledge about reality.

Research topic outlines the scope of research work and follows from the analysis of what is described in the literature and realized in the experience of teachers and teaching staff. In formulating the research topic, it is important to reflect the object, subject, purpose and objectives of the study.

Object of study- This pedagogical space, the area within which what will be studied is located (contained). The object of pedagogical research in a broad sense is the entire pedagogical process associated with purposeful educational activities.

Subject of study- This specific part an object or a process occurring in it, or an aspect of a problem that is being investigated. The formulation of the subject of research is the result of taking into account the tasks, real opportunities and empirical descriptions of the object available in science, as well as other characteristics of the study.

Hypothesis- this is some assumption, conjecture, conjecture. It can be said about her that she uncertain, lies between truth and falsehood. A hypothesis is an unproven thesis, which is a possible answer to the question that the researcher has posed to himself, and consists of supposed connections between the phenomena and facts being studied. In a hypothesis, two points merge: the advancement of a certain position and its logical and practical proof.

Research methods– ways to solve research problems. This is a tool for penetrating into the depths of the phenomena being studied.

Pedagogical research method is a way of studying pedagogical phenomena, obtaining scientific (objective) information about them in order to establish natural connections, relationships and build theory and organize practice (Slastenin).

Study methods teaching experience – ways to study the actual experience of organizing the educational process.

Theoretical research methods:

1. theoretical analysis or analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature

2. compiling a bibliography

3. abstracting

4. note-taking

5. Annotation

6. modeling

7. deduction

8. induction

9. systematization

Empirical research methods:

1. Observation– purposeful perception of a pedagogical phenomenon, during which the researcher receives factual material.


1. goal definition

2. choice of object, subject and situation (what to observe)

3. choice of observation method (how to observe)

4. choosing a registration method

5. Data processing and interpretation

Types of observation:

1) included – not included

2) open – hidden (secret)

3) direct – indirect

4) short-term – longitudinal – discrete

5) continuous - selective

6) retrospective.

2. Survey methods:

survey– method of mass collection of information (contact, correspondence, press – in the press),

conversation– dialogue according to a pre-planned program (“stroking”, “head-on questions”, with hidden meaning),

interviewing(clear formulation of questions, answers can be recorded openly),

unfinished sentences.

3. Studying the products of students' activities.

4.Studying school documentation.

5.Pedagogical experiment– experimental testing of the hypothesis. Aimed at studying the question posed by the researcher’s active influence on the course of the phenomenon being studied.



1. Didactics (from the Greek didaktos - teaching) – part of pedagogy that develops problems of teaching and education (Podlasy). The science of training and education, their goals, content, methods, means of organization, achieved results (Podlasy).

2. Object of didactics– content and learning process.

3. Subject of didactics– patterns and principles of learning; interaction between teaching and learning in their unity.

4. EducationTeam work teacher and students, their orderly cooperation aimed at achieving the set goal (Podlasy). This is the most important and reliable way receiving systematic education; a specific process of cognition controlled by a teacher.

5. Education– a system of knowledge, abilities, skills, and ways of thinking acquired during the learning process (Podlasy). The result of targeted training. Its components: modes of activity and behavior; worldview; outlook and erudition; intelligence; self-education skills; activity; performance; good manners; preparation for choosing a profession and others.

A). General education– mastering knowledge of the fundamentals of science in cycles educational subjects in general educational institutions: schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges.

b). Polytechnic education– introduces students to the main types modern production, develops skills and abilities to perform simple work actions. Purchased at general educational institutions.


1 See: Bim - Bad B.M. Petrovsky A.V. Education // Pedagogical encyclopedia: In 2 vols. M., 1993–1999. T.2. P. 62

2 See: Lednev V.S. Contents of education: essence, structure, prospects. M., 1991. P.24.

3 See: Podlasy I.P. Pedagogy. M., 1996. P. 202.

4 See: Big encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 1998. P. 826.

5 See: Bezrukova V.S. Pedagogy. Projective pedagogy. Ekaterinburg, 1996.P.8.

6. Purpose (training, educational)– what learning strives for, the future towards which its efforts are directed (Podlasy).

7. Organization– ordering didactic process according to certain criteria, giving it the necessary form in order to best achieve the goal (Podlasy).

8. Results (learning products)– what learning achieves, the final consequences of the educational process, the degree of realization of the intended goal.

9. Cognitive activity - this is the unity of sensory perception, theoretical thinking and practical activities.

10. Methodological foundations of training- these are the fundamental provisions that determine general organization, selection of content, choice of forms and methods of teaching.

11. Behaviorism– human learning comes down to the physiological process of the body’s assimilation of certain stimuli and the corresponding reactions to them in strictly defined learning situations. The main mechanism for the development of thinking is timely reinforcement in the form of rewards and punishments. Learning is the art of manipulating stimuli to produce or prevent certain responses. Stimulus → response.

12. Pragmatism– training, expansion personal experience student so that he can adapt as best as possible to the existing social order(J. Dewey is the founder).

13. Existentialism- a doctrine that denies objective universal values ​​and believes that the individual himself must develop values ​​in his activities by fully living every moment of existence.

14. Neo-Thomismphilosophical movement, according to which man is an integral link in the hierarchy of forms of existence, created by God. A person consists of two quantities - soul and body. Personality is directed natural law calling to do good.


1. Pattern– connections, dependencies, relationships that exist objectively, regardless of the consciousness and will of a person.

2. Pattern of learning– reflects objective, significant, necessary, general, stable and recurring relationships under certain conditions. Strictly fixed patterns are laws. This theoretical basis to develop and improve teaching technologies.

3. General patterns training– cover with their action the entire didactic system, determine the overall productivity (efficiency) of teaching. Regularities of purpose, content, quality of training, teaching methods, training management, stimulation.

4. Particular patterns– patterns, the actions of which extend to a separate component of the system (educational process). Didactic, epistemological, sociological, psychological, organizational patterns.

5. Principles of training- these are the main provisions that determine the content, organizational forms and methods of the educational process in accordance with its common goals and patterns. Express regulatory framework learning taken in a concrete historical form. This practical instructions on training. Principles are implemented through rules. System didactic principles: consciousness and activity; visibility; systematicity; strength; scientific character; accessibility; connections between theory and practice.


1 See: Danilov M.A. The learning process in modern school. M., 1960

2 See: Zagvyazinsky V.I. Teacher as researcher. M., 1981.

3 See: Bezrukova V.S. Pedagogy. Projective pedagogy. Ekaterinburg, 1996.P.41.

4 See: Podlasy I.P. Pedagogy. M., 1996. P. 287.

5 See: Kraevsky V.V., Skatkin M.N. Principles of teaching // Pedagogical encyclopedia: 2 vols. M., 1993–1999. T2. P. 191.

6. Training rules- these are based on general principles descriptions of pedagogical activities in certain conditions to achieve the intended goal. These are guidelines that reveal individual aspects of the application of a particular teaching principle. They instruct the teacher to perform certain actions in a given situation and direct him to comply with certain requirements. The rules ensure the implementation of the principles of teaching and take the form of advice and reminders to the teacher about what needs to be done to achieve the best possible results. full implementation requirements of the principle.


1. Concept– a set of leading ideas, theoretical provisions for illuminating any types of activities or phenomena.

2. Didactic concepta certain way understanding, interpretation of didactic phenomena, the main point of view on the subject of didactics; a guiding idea for their systematic coverage; scientist's belief system. Qualities: brevity, logic, validity, specificity, accessibility, completeness.

3. Didactic system– a holistic education identified according to certain criteria, characterized by the internal integrity of structures formed by the unity of goals, principles, content, forms and methods of teaching (Podlasy).

I. Herbart system– purpose of training – transfer ready-made knowledge to be learned. Activity in the educational process of the teacher, passivity of the student. Authoritarianism. Verbal training. Traditional didactics.

D. Dewey's system– emphasis in training – on development own activity students, taking into account the interests and needs of schoolchildren, problem-based learning. Progressivist didactics. Pedocentric concept.

Modern didactic system – reasonable combination pedagogical management with their own initiative and independence, activity of schoolchildren. Differentiated curricula. New didactics.

4. Learning Effectiveness– completeness and degree of approximation to specified standards. Norms are determined through learning objectives and learning outcomes.

5. Training effectiveness– labor intensity, time and resources expended (material, economic, human) to achieve the educational goal.

6. The concept of didactic encyclopedism (Ya. A. Kamensky, J. Milton, I.V. Besedov). Main purpose of education– transfer to students an extremely large amount of scientific knowledge and life experience.

7. The concept of didactic formalism (Pestalozzi I., Disterweg A., Dobrovolsky A.B.). The purpose of training– development of abilities and cognitive interests students. The main principle of the supporters of didactic formalism is that knowing a lot does not teach intelligence.

8. The concept of didactic pragmatism (J. Dewey)– mastering all types of activities of modern civilization. Formation of new attitudes and types of behavior through immersion of students in different types of activities.


1. Pedagogical process (teaching and educational) is a specially organized interaction between teachers and students aimed at solving developmental and educational objectives. Components of the pedagogical process: teachers, students (main components), content of education and means.

2. Integrity of the pedagogical process– internal unity of the constituent components, their harmonious interaction. It assumes such an organization of the life activity of pupils that would have a balanced impact on all aspects of the personality.

3. The task is pedagogical– awareness by the teacher pedagogical situation, associated with the need to transfer students from one to another, a higher level of training, education, along the most optimal path.

4. Educational function– is associated with expanding the volume of knowledge. Arming students with a system of scientific knowledge, developing skills and abilities to use them in practice.

UDC 37.015.3 BBK 88.8

The series was founded in 1998


N. I. Konyukhov, Doctor of Psychology, Professor

A. V. Ivashchenko, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor. V. Sharavov, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor

A. A. Shiversknkh, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor

Krysko V. G.

K 85 Psychology and pedagogy in diagrams and tables. - Mn.: Harvest, 1999. - 384 p. - (Library of practical psychology).

ISBN 985-433-498-8.

All topics of these subjects are reduced in the manual to the minimum knowledge of which is necessary and sufficient to successfully pass the exams. The essence of each topic is displayed in a diagram or table, equipped with brief comments. The benefit can also serve


Psychology and pedagogy are very complex branches of knowledge, studying extremely multifaceted phenomena and processes, covering a large volume of very specific concepts and terms, connected by virtue of their subject with many areas of social and natural science disciplines. This is why psychology and pedagogy cannot be learned quickly; their content is difficult to remember the first time.

To study them, you need a certain system that facilitates the process of mastering extensive material. The most important characteristic of any system is its internal order. And here, first of all, psychology and pedagogy themselves come to the rescue, since they quite accurately classify the phenomena they study and reveal the dependencies between them. All that remains is to generalize these dependencies and present them in the most acceptable form for perception and memorization. This is how a diagram appears - a visual representation of systematized ideas, which makes it possible to more productively and for a long time imprint the acquired knowledge and information in the mind.

The diagrams included in the content of the book allow you to achieve both situational and long-term effects in understanding the concepts and categories of psychology and pedagogy. Each of these schemes carries a certain load, refers to those basic internal elements of the framework of psychological and pedagogical knowledge, which can then be built up and expanded, but will always remain in the mind in a generalized and systematized form. The comments attached to the diagrams explain and consolidate the information contained in them.

IN same time book presented:

- shows in which direction and how to go psychological and pedagogical knowledge;

- expresses the basic principles of the approach to their analysis and study;

- contains information set out in a summary

And in a systematic way;

- includes information that is the result of understanding many scientific studies and publications on psychology and pedagogy;


Chapter first


“No matter how a person tries to forget about it, psychic energy will remind itself. And the task of enlightenment is to teach humanity how to handle this treasure.”

N.K. Roerich

Each science always has its own object and subject, its own tasks. The object, as a rule, is the carriers of those phenomena and processes that are studied by a particular science, and the subject is the specificity of the formation, development and manifestation of these phenomena. But psychology is a special field of knowledge in which, on the one hand, there is a lot that does not fit into the framework of ordinary ideas (for example, parapsychological phenomena), and on the other hand, there are peculiar objects: the individual (the group, if we mean social psychology) and the activities and behavior of people, since it is in them that the mental is manifested.

The objectives of any science are the main directions of its research and development, as well as the goals that this particular branch of knowledge sets for itself, achieving certain results.

Psychology is a fairly young branch of knowledge. It emerged as an independent scientific discipline only at the beginning of the 19th century. and is extremely promising, since it not only has not exhausted its capabilities, but, moreover, is constantly expanding them, responding to the demands of modern social and economic progress, which involves the improvement of people and their psyche.


Psychology is the science of the patterns of emergence, development and manifestation of the human psyche and consciousness.

Psyche is a property of the brain that provides humans and animals with the ability to reflect the effects of objects and phenomena in the real world.

The psyche is diverse in its forms and manifestations. The human psyche is his feelings, thoughts, experiences, intentions, i.e. everything that makes up his subjective inner world which manifests itself in actions and deeds, in relationships with other people.

Human consciousness - highest stage development of the psyche and a product of socio-historical development, the result of labor.

In addition, psychology studies such phenomena as the unconscious, personality, activity and behavior.

Unconscious- this is a form of reflection of reality, during which a person is not aware of its sources, and the reflected reality merges with his experiences.

Personality is a person with his own individual and socio-psychological characteristics.

Activity is a set of human actions aimed at satisfying his needs and interests.

Behavior is the external manifestations of mental activity.

The main task psychology as a science is the study of objective patterns of functioning of mental phenomena and processes as a reflection of objective reality.

At the same time, psychology sets itself a number of other tasks:

1) study the qualitative (structural) features of mental phenomena and processes, which is not only theoretical, but also of great practical importance;

2) analyze the formation and development of mental phenomena and processes in connection with the determination of the psyche by the objective conditions of people’s lives and activities;

3) research physiological mechanisms, underlying mental phenomena, since without their knowledge it is impossible to correctly master the practical means of their formation and development;

4) promote the systematic implementation of scientific knowledge of psychology into practice (development of scientific and practical techniques training and education, rationalization of the labor process in various types of human activity).

1.1. Subject and tasks of general psychology


The relationships between psychology and other branches of scientific knowledge are strong and natural.

On the one hand, philosophy, sociology and other social sciences provide psychology with the opportunity to methodologically accurately and theoretically correctly approach the understanding of the human psyche and consciousness, their origin and role in the life and activities of people.

Historical sciences Psychology shows how the development of the psyche and consciousness of people took place at various stages of the formation of society and human relations.

PHYSIOLOGY Ianthropology "allows psychology to more accurately understand the structure and functions nervous system, their role and significance in the formation of the mechanisms of mental functioning.

Sciences about labor activity orient psychology in the directions of correct understanding of the functioning of the psyche and consciousness in conditions of work and rest, their requirements for the individual and socio-psychological qualities of people.

Medical Sciences help psychology understand the pathology of people’s mental development and find ways for psychocorrection and psychotherapy.

Pedagogical Sciences provide psychology with information about the main directions of training and education of people, allowing it to develop recommendations for the psychological support of these processes.

On the other hand, psychology, studying the conditions and specifics of the occurrence of mental phenomena and processes, allows natural and social sciences to more correctly interpret the laws of reflection of objective reality, to specify the causality of social and other phenomena and processes.

By exploring the patterns of personality formation in unique socio-historical circumstances, psychology provides certain assistance to the historical sciences.

Medical sciences currently also cannot do without results psychological research, since many diseases

1.2. The connection between psychology and other branches of scientific knowledge

nor, as the latest research shows, are of psychological origin.

Psychology gives recommendations to managers and organizers of economic production on what psychological means and methods can be used to increase the efficiency of people’s work, reduce conflict during it, etc.

Psychology is of particular importance for pedagogy, since knowledge of the patterns of personality development, age and individual characteristics serves people theoretical basis to develop the most effective methods of training and education.