12 chairs with English subtitles. Tomsk State Pedagogical University

Precision words- unambiguous, but, unlike terms, commonly used words that, as a rule, do not evoke specific associations. In oral translation there are certain difficulties. Precision words include proper names, names of days of the week and months, and numerals.

Ostap - Ostap, Vasyuki - Vasuki.

Realities (national)- objects, phenomena, traditions, customs that make up the specifics of a given social community, ethnic group. Realities are also called words and phrases denoting them. Most national realities refer to non-equivalent vocabulary.

NKPS - Transportation Mynistry.

Embossed word- an extraordinary, colorful, attention-grabbing word. Used for entries in consecutive translation.

Kisa - Kisa.

Recipient- recipient of a text, message (information).

Transfer decision- selection of correspondence (synonymous replacement) to a unit of speech in the source text.

Spielhagen's novel in the Panteleev edition. - old novel.

Synonymous replacement- a word, phrase, endowed with the same meaning as another word, phrase of the same or another language.

queen - king's wife

Situational information- information coming from extralinguistic factors contributing to the act of speech.

I have always bowed to your idea of ​​moving the bishop in the Spanish game from B5 to C4. - I have always admired your idea in the Ruy Lopez game of moving the bishop from b5 to c4.

Situation- set of components reality existing at the moment of a speech act or described in an utterance. There are speech situation And subject situation.

Running ashore, Ostap dodged to the right, looking for the boat with his faithful administrator. - Coming out onto the shore, Ostap darted to the left, looking for the boat with his trusty administrator.

The meaning of the statement is the content of a speech work in a given specific situation, the result of the interaction of semantic and situational information.

Semantic grouping of text- selection from the text of units that carry information of different communicative value.

Semantic information- the meaning of a speech work, which is the result of a comparison of semantic and situational information.

Correspondence- one of the fundamental categories of the science of translation. Absolute compliance in translation is expressed in the coincidence of formal, semantic and informative components of the source and target texts in translation, which practically cannot be achieved. The category of correspondence manifests itself in translation in the form of the opposition “literal translation - free translation”. Conformity is also called one of the options for converting a unit source text.

Special translation- translation of materials related to any branch of knowledge with its own terminological nomenclature.

Text- any sequence of graphic or audio linguistic signs limited to a single purpose.

Texts in translation- in translation they distinguish original text, intended for translation (sometimes called original or original) And translated text, obtained as a result of translation (its other name is output text).

Thematic statements- statements, the content of which is determined by a given situation (topic) and situational information.

Crook! - the others supported. - "Scoundrel!" the rest shouted in support.

Mismatch theory- a theory based on the premise that the translated text always contains a certain amount of information that is missing in the source text, and that some of the information in the source text is not presented in the target text. A comparative analysis of texts in translation based on inconsistencies makes it possible to reveal the features of the translation process, identify the difficulties of the translator’s work, and the patterns of transition from one language to another.

Transliteration - transmission of text written using one alphabet using another alphabet

Kisa - Kisa.

Additional information- information that is implied by other words in the text.

A general cry disturbed the calm of the river. - A joint yelp broke the tranquility of the river.

Final addressee (recipient)- a communicator who completes bilingual communication, in contrast to a translator who is intermediate addressee or alternate addressee.

Formal components of an utterance- sound or graphic forms words, grammatical forms and structures.

Target statements- statements whose meaning coincides with the purpose of speech actions and is determined through correlation situational And semantic information.

Don't leave, you bastards! - they shouted from the barge. - "You"re not going anywhere, swine!" they shouted from the barge.

Translation language- the language into which the translation is carried out.

Any scientific concept is always considered in at least two senses. Translation theory is no exception. These meanings are the narrow meaning and the broad meaning.

The narrow meaning of translation theory - actually theoretical part translation studies [Komissarov V.N., 1990, p. 34].

This means that translation activity has theoretical foundations, which underlie the ability to translate works from one language to another.


1. Psychology of translation. This component of the theory of translation means that the novel “The Twelve Chairs” has its own personal psychology and the latter is taken into account in the work of the translator:

Dudes! - Ostap shouted in delight. - Why don’t you beat your grandmaster! If I'm not mistaken, you wanted to beat me? - "Twits!" Ostap shouted in delight. "What, you"re not going to beat your grandmaster? You, if I "m not mistaken, wanted to beat me?"

2. Theory of artistic or literary translation. This component lies in the fact that the novel by Ilf and Petrov “The Twelve Chairs” has its own ways of expressing the emotions of the characters, its own landscapes, in general, everything that makes up the external and internal content of the literary creation:

Wow! - the chess players moaned protractedly - “Oo-ah-oo!” was the long, drawn-out groan of the chess players.

3. Ethnographic, historical translation studies - in the novel “The Twelve Chairs” there are national and other features that are inherent in any country:

Comrades! - the one-eyed man squealed. - Look, everyone! The amateur is being beaten! - "Comrades!" squealed the one-eyed one. "Everyone, look! He's assaulting the amateurs!"

4. Linguistics of translation. She studies translation as a linguistic phenomenon. The novel "The Twelve Chairs" is such.

A reduction and adaptation of a translation can be interrelated and are carried out simultaneously when translating the same original. In any case, the created text is called “translation” [Komissarov V.N. 1990, p.49].

Thus, translating the novel “The Twelve Chairs” by Ilf and Petrov from Russian into English is an activity of transforming the Russian text into an English version while preserving the specifics of the novel. This translation designed for a wide English public, ranging from marginal strata to the aristocracy. In this regard, the text is subject to various transformations and abbreviations.

1.2 Types of translation equivalence in a novel

In this work, translation equivalence means that the translator has achieved a version of the text that is as close as possible to the original.

The following types of translation equivalence are used in the novel:

1. Preservation of that part of the text that constitutes the essence of communication:

In the Shakhsection a one-eyed man sat and read a novel by Shpilhagen in the Panteleev edition. - At the chess club sat a one-eyed man, reading an old novel.

Here, the essence of communication is to convey what novel a person has read, and not its title, which is understandable only in Russia.

2. Large degree correspondence between the version and the original:

Consequently, the NKPS will build the Moscow - Vasyuki railway. -Therefore, the Transportation Ministry will build a railroad line between Moscow and Vasiuki.

NKPS - People's Commissariat Railways is the same thing as the transport ministry. But if translated literally into English, the abbreviation NKPS will be incomprehensible to the English-speaking audience.

1.3 Translation correspondences in the novel

Translation correspondence is a unit of language that is constantly in use as a translation element from the original into a given language.

1. Single correspondence is a translation component of the language that is constantly used.

Dudes! - the grandmaster snapped, increasing his speed. - "Twits!" snapped back the grandmaster, picking up speed.

Dudes! - Ostap shouted in delight. - "Twits!" Ostap shouted in delight.

1. Multiple correspondences are a number of translation methods, the choice of which is determined by the given context of the work.

Methods can consist of one word or several words:

Ostap analyzed the situation, shamefully called the “queen” “queen” and pompously congratulated the brunette on his win. - Ostap analyzed the position, disgracefully called the queen the"king's wife", and bombastically congratulated the brown-haired man on the win.

The concept of compliance has a fairly close connection with the concept of context.

Types of context:

1 Linguistic is the linguistic environment of the use of one or another component of the language.

There are microcontexts - linguistic units of the environment in a specific sentence:

Mat! - the frightened brunette stammered. - "Mate," murmured the brown-haired man, who was mortally afraid.

And the macro context - the environment of a given linguistic unit outside of the offer:

Sorry, sorry, I’m sorry,” the grandmaster replied, after the lecture I was somewhat tired. - "Pardon, pardon, excuse me," answered the grandmaster, "I"m a little tired after the lecture."

2 Syntactic context is a set of stable phrases, lexical units, and words that make up the environment of this particular unit:

“It’s time to run away,” thought Ostap, calmly walking among the tables and carelessly rearranging the pieces. - "It"s time to get out of here," thought Ostap, pacing among the tables and carelessly moving pieces.

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Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Tomsk State Pedagogical University

Faculty of Foreign Languages

Department of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication

Topic: Features of the translation of Ilf and Petrov’s novel “The Twelve Chairs” into English

Kokareva P.A.

Scientific teacher:

N.F.B., associate professor

Mendinskaya N.B.

Tomsk 2003Content

Introduction........................................................ ..............................................................................3

ChapterI Some provisions of the theory of translation in the novel “The Twelve Chairs” by Ilf and Petrov.................................................... ........................................................ .........................5

1.1 Translation terms as applied to the novel .......................................5

1.2 .......................................12

1.3 Translation correspondences in the novel .......................................................13

ChapterIILexical and stylistic transformations in the novel.................................16

2.1 Transformations to convey semantic information in a novel ....16

2.2 Transformations to convey adequate emotional and evaluative information ......................................................................................................................18

2.3 Transformations to convey adequate expressive and aesthetic information ......................................................................................................................19

Conclusion................................................. ........................................................ ...................21

Literature................................................. .....................................................................22


Society has always been divided into various social, political, economic, national and other groups. And each of them has its own characteristics. At the same time, there were always people who were outside social groups. They are always aloof from the interests of society and provide for their own own life the way they themselves want.

Modern times are no exception. Everything in history repeats itself, and therefore modern events are studied in close connection with the history of life of various societies and states.

The main thing in history is always the person. Therefore, it is necessary to study human relationships, their results, their course. And states are artificial formations that serve only as one of the many instruments of social life. This was demonstrated very figuratively by Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov, describing a person who strives for his own goal.

People always strive to live according to their views on life. One of the tools for such a life is to learn from other people’s experiences. For this purpose, translation activities of literature from one language to another are carried out. The novel "The Twelve Chairs" is no exception.

Its relevance lies in the fact that the English audience needs it as an opportunity to look at life from a completely unfamiliar side. See how people communicate without state aid how they live.

The purpose of this study is to show the specifics of translating Ilf and Petrov’s novel “The Twelve Chairs” into English.

1. Based on the theory of translation, analyze the specifics of the translation of the novel “The Twelve Chairs”;

2. Identify the possibility of transmitting aesthetic, semantic, expressive and emotional-evaluative information through the novel.

The work uses following methods research:

1. Method of historicism. It consists in considering the history of the emergence and functioning of a particular language in society. It concerns both the extreme antiquity of the language and its modern state.

2. The method of comparative analysis of translation - comparison of the original text, its structure, various inherent features with what the translator made of this text when translating it into another language. In other words, there is a process of comparing the original and the resulting copy in another language.

The study covers the time of formation Soviet power in Russia -1920s.

Textbooks are used; original text and English version; scientific works.

The thesis that is being presented for defense is that the novel “The Twelve Chairs” did not lose its national specificity as a result of the work of the translator.

ChapterISome provisions of the theory of translation in the novel “The Twelve Chairs” by Ilf and Petrov

Translation terms as applied to the novel

Addressee -- the person to whom the message is intended or the communicator receiving the information. Instead of the term “addressee”, the terms “recipient” and “recipient” are also used.

The novel by Ilf and Petrov is intended for a wide English audience. It concerns both ordinary workers and the aristocracy and businessmen.

Non-equivalent vocabulary-- words of the source text denoting national realities, i.e. concepts, objects, phenomena that do not have correspondence in the target language.

Crook - Scoundrel.

Variant matching-- one of the possible options for matching the source text unit in translation.

Police - Police.

Free translation - translation of key information without taking into account the formal and semantic components of the source text.

The office writes - Bureaucratic nonsense.

Generalization of the concept- a translation technique consisting in the transition from a specific concept to a generic one. For example, “tit” is translated as “bird”, “grapes” - as “fruit”.

Her tall body was already going around the concessionaires’ boat with her left hand in order to press the grandmaster to the shore. - . Its high hull was overtaking the concessionaires on the left side in order to force the grandmaster to the shore.

Grammatical literalism -- preservation of grammatical structures or forms of the original in the translated text.

Pardon, pardon - Pardon, pardon.

Deverbalization- release of perceived information from linguistic means, forms and structures of the source language.

Thunder from a clear sky came five minutes later - After five minutes, thunder unexpectedly struck.

Verbatim translation is a mechanical substitution of words in the target language that are similar to words in the source language.

Go ahead,” Ostap whispered to himself. - "Keep going," Ostap whispered to himself

Regular correspondences- words, phrases or sentences of the source text and their adequate replacement in the translated text. Depending on the degree of stability, three types of natural correspondences are established between units of texts in translation: equivalents, analogues, adequate replacements.

NKPS (People's Commissariat of Railways) - the Transportation Ministry.

Invariant-- an invariant in translation is something that should remain unchanged as a result of translation, namely: a message, understood as information intended to be transmitted.

Suddenly a black dot was seen on the horizon. It quickly approached and grew, turning into a large emerald parachute. A man with a suitcase was hanging from the parachute ring like a big radish. - Suddenly, a black dot appeared on the horizon. It quickly approached and grew in size, turning into a large, emerald-green parachute. Like a large radish, a man with a suitcase was dangling from the parachute.

Original text - text intended for translation, original or script.

The study examines the novel "The Twelve Chairs". Original in Russian.

Source language-- the language from which the translation is made.

In work it is Russian.

Key information- new information that cannot be suggested either by context or situation.

Over the next ten minutes, the grandmaster lost another ten games - In the course of the next ten minutes, the grandmaster lost another ten games.

Keywords-- words that carry key information.

In the next ten minutes - In the course of the next ten minutes

Code-- a system of signs and rules for their use for transmitting or receiving messages. Distinguished in translation source, i.e. the language of the source text, subjective code, or symbol system, which the translator uses in the recordings, translation text code, i.e. . translation language.

Concretization of concepts-- translation technique, which consists in the transition from a generic concept to a specific one (for example, student is translated depending on the context as student or listener).

queen - queen

Lexical unit -- a unit of language (a word, a set phrase) capable of denoting objects, phenomena, their characteristics, etc.

Transformation method-- one of the methods semantic analysis in translation, in which words or phrases existing in the source text are replaced with a more concise or succinct designation.

concessionaires boat - the concessionaires

Nomination- designation using language of any object, phenomenon.

Zero information-- absence of any information in a unit of speech.

Translation universals-- concepts and categories of translation that exist regardless of the conditions of translation, the genre nature of the texts and the languages ​​in contact. Translation universals include invariant, message, translation methods, correspondence, translation unit, etc.

Translator-- intermediate in communication, the need for which arises in cases where the codes used by the source and the recipient do not match.

Repeated information-- information expressed in this text not for the first time.

Hold the grandmaster! - the one-eyed man roared. - "Get the grandmaster!" roared the one-eyed one.

Hold the grandmaster! - rolled from above. - "Get the grandmaster!" came rolling down from above.

Full translation-- an exhaustive transfer of the semantic content of the original and complete functional and stylistic correspondence to it.

Subject situation- a segment of reality described in a statement.

Starts exactly at 6 pm. - Begins at exactly 6 o"clock P.M.

Precision words- unambiguous, but, unlike terms, commonly used words that, as a rule, do not evoke specific associations. In oral translation there are certain difficulties. Precision words include proper names, names of days of the week and months, and numerals.

Ostap - Ostap, Vasyuki - Vasuki.

Realities (national)-- objects, phenomena, traditions, customs that make up the specifics of a given social community, ethnic group. Realities are also called words and phrases denoting them. Most national realities refer to non-equivalent vocabulary.

NKPS - Transportation Mynistry.

Embossed word- an extraordinary, colorful, attention-grabbing word. Used for entries in consecutive translation.

Kisa - Kisa.

Recipient-- recipient of a text, message (information).

Transfer decision-- selection of correspondence (synonymous replacement) to a unit of speech in the source text.

Spielhagen's novel in the Panteleev edition. - old novel.

Synonymous replacement- a word, phrase, endowed with the same meaning as another word, phrase of the same or another language.

queen - king's wife

Situational information-- information coming from extralinguistic factors contributing to the act of speech.

I have always bowed to your idea of ​​moving the bishop in the Spanish game from B5 to C4. - I have always admired your idea in the Ruy Lopez game of moving the bishop from b5 to c4.

Situation-- a set of components of reality that exist at the moment of a speech act or are described in a statement. There are speech situation And subject situation.

Running ashore, Ostap dodged to the right, looking for the boat with his faithful administrator. - Coming out onto the shore, Ostap darted to the left, looking for the boat with his trusty administrator.

The meaning of the statement is the content of a speech work in a given specific situation, the result of the interaction of semantic and situational information.

Semantic grouping of text-- isolating units from the text that carry information of varying communicative value.

Semantic information- the meaning of a speech work, which is the result of a comparison of semantic and situational information.

Correspondence- one of the fundamental categories of the science of translation. Absolute compliance in translation is expressed in the coincidence of formal, semantic and informative components of the source and target texts in translation, which practically cannot be achieved. The category of correspondence manifests itself in translation in the form of the opposition “literal translation - free translation”. Conformity is also called one of the translation options for a source text unit.

Special translation-- translation of materials related to any branch of knowledge with its own terminological nomenclature.

Text-- any sequence of graphic or audio linguistic signs limited to a single purpose.

Texts in translation- in translation they distinguish original text, intended for translation (sometimes called original or original) And translated text, obtained as a result of translation (its other name is output text).

Thematic statements-- statements, the content of which is determined by a given situation (topic) and situational information.

Crook! - the others supported. - "Scoundrel!" the rest shouted in support.

Mismatch theory-- a theory based on the premise that the translated text always contains a certain amount of information that is missing in the source text, and that some of the information in the source text is not presented in the target text. A comparative analysis of texts in translation based on inconsistencies makes it possible to reveal the features of the translation process, identify the difficulties of the translator’s work, and the patterns of transition from one language to another.

Transliteration - transmission of text written using one alphabet using another alphabet

Kisa - Kisa.

Additional information-- information that is implied by other words in the text.

A general cry disturbed the calm of the river. - A joint yelp broke the tranquility of the river.

Final addressee (recipient)-- a communicator who completes bilingual communication, in contrast to a translator who is intermediate addressee or alternate addressee.

Formal components of an utterance-- sound or graphic forms of words, grammatical forms and structures.

Target statements- statements whose meaning coincides with the purpose of speech actions and is determined through correlation situational And semantic information.

Don't leave, you bastards! - they shouted from the barge. - "You"re not going anywhere, swine!" they shouted from the barge.

Translation language-- the language into which the translation is made.

Any scientific concept is always considered in at least two senses. Translation theory is no exception. These meanings are the narrow meaning and the broad meaning.

The narrow meaning of translation theory is the actual theoretical part of translation studies [Komissarov V.N., 1990, p. 34].

This means that translation activity has theoretical foundations, which underlie the ability to translate works from one language to another.


1. Psychology of translation. This component of the theory of translation means that the novel “The Twelve Chairs” has its own personal psychology and the latter is taken into account in the work of the translator:

Dudes! - Ostap shouted in delight. - Why don’t you beat your grandmaster! If I'm not mistaken, you wanted to beat me? - "Twits!" Ostap shouted in delight. "What, you"re not going to beat your grandmaster? You, if I "m not mistaken, wanted to beat me?"

2. Theory of artistic or literary translation. This component lies in the fact that the novel by Ilf and Petrov “The Twelve Chairs” has its own ways of expressing the emotions of the characters, its own landscapes, in general, everything that makes up the external and internal content of the literary creation:

Wow! - the chess players moaned protractedly - “Oo-ah-oo!” was the long, drawn-out groan of the chess players.

3. Ethnographic, historical translation studies - in the novel “The Twelve Chairs” there are national and other features that are inherent in any country:

Comrades! - the one-eyed man squealed. - Look, everyone! The amateur is being beaten! - "Comrades!" squealed the one-eyed one. "Everyone, look! He's assaulting the amateurs!"

4. Linguistics of translation. She studies translation as a linguistic phenomenon. The novel "The Twelve Chairs" is such.

A reduction and adaptation of a translation can be interrelated and are carried out simultaneously when translating the same original. In any case, the created text is called “translation” [Komissarov V.N. 1990, p.49].

Thus, translating the novel “The Twelve Chairs” by Ilf and Petrov from Russian into English is an activity of transforming the Russian text into an English version while preserving the specifics of the novel. This translation is intended for the general English public, ranging from marginal strata to the aristocracy. In this regard, the text is subject to various transformations and abbreviations.

1.2 Types of translation equivalence in a novel

In this work, translation equivalence means that the translator has achieved a version of the text that is as close as possible to the original.

The following types of translation equivalence are used in the novel:

1. Preservation of that part of the text that constitutes the essence of communication:

In the Shakhsection a one-eyed man sat and read a novel by Shpilhagen in the Panteleev edition. - At the chess club sat a one-eyed man, reading an old novel.

Here, the essence of communication is to convey what novel a person has read, and not its title, which is understandable only in Russia.

2. Greater degree of correspondence between the version and the original:

Consequently, the NKPS will build the Moscow - Vasyuki railway. -Therefore, the Transportation Ministry will build a railroad line between Moscow and Vasiuki.

NKPS - People's Commissariat of Communications - is the same as the transport ministry. But if translated literally into English, the abbreviation NKPS will be incomprehensible to the English-speaking audience.

1.3 Translation correspondences in the novel

Translation correspondence is a unit of language that is constantly in use as a translation element from the original into a given language.

1. Single correspondence is a translation component of the language that is constantly used.

Dudes! - the grandmaster snapped, increasing his speed. - "Twits!" snapped back the grandmaster, picking up speed.

Dudes! - Ostap shouted in delight. - "Twits!" Ostap shouted in delight.

1. Multiple correspondences are a number of translation methods, the choice of which is determined by the given context of the work.

Methods can consist of one word or several words:

Ostap analyzed the situation, shamefully called the “queen” “queen” and pompously congratulated the brunette on his win. - Ostap analyzed the position, disgracefully called the queen the "king"s wife", and bombastically congratulated the brown-haired man on the win.

The concept of compliance has a fairly close connection with the concept of context.

Types of context:

1 Linguistic - this is the linguistic environment of the use of one or another component of the language.

There are microcontexts - linguistic units of the environment in a specific sentence:

Mat! - the frightened brunette stammered. - "Mate," murmured the brown-haired man, who was mortally afraid.

And macro context - the environment of a given linguistic unit outside the sentence:

Sorry, sorry, I’m sorry,” the grandmaster replied, after the lecture I was somewhat tired. - "Pardon, pardon, excuse me," answered the grandmaster, "I"m a little tired after the lecture."

2 Syntactic context is a set of stable phrases, lexical units, and words that make up the environment of this particular unit:

“It’s time to run away,” thought Ostap, calmly walking among the tables and carelessly rearranging the pieces. - "It"s time to get out of here," thought Ostap, pacing among the tables and carelessly moving pieces.

3 Situational context - time, place, set of objects to which the statement is applied. This should also include various facts that help to understand the statement.

Remove the photographer! He interferes with my chess thoughts. - Get rid of the photographer! He"s disturbing my chess thought!"

2. Occasional correspondence (contextual replacement) is a very rare method of translating the original, which can only be used in this specific case:

This is how the sentence of the novel was translated. In the checker section, a one-eyed man sat and read Spielhagen’s novel in the Panteleev edition: At the chess club sat a one-eyed man, reading an old novel.

That is, the specific national understanding of the definition of Spielhagen's novel was replaced by its generalized characteristic - an old novel.

Non-equivalent grammatical units

In the English version of the novel “The Twelve Chairs” by Ilf and Petrov, the following situations of using non-equivalent grammatical units are encountered:

Approximate translation - the use of a grammatical unit that only partially corresponds to a non-equivalent one grammatical unit original:

Commissariat - Ministry.

Transformational translation - grammatical transformation conveys the meaning of a non-equivalent grammatical unit:

Ostap did not spoil his opponents with a variety of openings. - Ostap did not indulge his opponents with varied openings.

Phraseological units of the original

1. The meaning is conveyed using a different image while preserving everything else: The task of helping the drowning is the work of the drowning themselves - The task of aiding the drowning is the responsibility of the drowning themselves.

2. Tracing of a foreign language image:

Ostap told the audience several Old Testament jokes, gleaned as a child from the Blue Journal, and with that he ended the interlude. - Ostap told the auditorium a few antiquated anecdotes gleaned in his youth from the "Blue Journal" and then concluded with an interlude.

ChapterIILexical and stylistic transformations in the novel

2.1 Transformations for conveying semantic information in a novel

One of the aspects of the novel by Ilf and Petrov is the problem of transmission stylistic devices into English. The importance of studying the translation of figurative means is due to the need to adequately transfer the figurative information of “The Twelve Chairs” into English, to recreate the stylistic effect of the former when translating from Russian into English:

“On our way to Kazan,” Ostap said abruptly, “yes, yes, the show is tonight, come.” And now, excuse me, I’m not in shape: I’m tired after the Carlsbad tournament. - "I"m on my way to Kazan," Ostap said curtly. "And I"m having a simultaneous exhibition this evening. You should come. But right now, if you"ll excuse me, I"m not really in shape for a game. I"m exhausted after the Carlsbad tournament."

This section is devoted to metaphor, epithet. Metaphor is the transfer of properties of one object to another, which is used in a figurative sense:

Ostap glanced at the line of “blacks” who surrounded him on all sides, at the closed door, and fearlessly set to work. - Ostap slid his gaze along the ranks of the "blacks" who surrounded him on all sides, glanced at the closed door, and fearlessly set about his work.

An epithet is a stylistic device based on the interaction of emotional and logical meaning in the definition of a word, phrase or even sentence, which is used to characterize an object and indicates to the reader, usually by making a strong impression on him, some properties or features of the object in order to convey an individual understanding and assessment of these traits and properties. :

It was a moonlit evening. Ostap rushed along the silver street easily, like an angel, pushing off from the sinful earth. - It was a moonlit night. Ostap darted along the silver street like an angel, leaving behind the sinful earth.

For translate figurative means in the novel by Ilf and Petrov, it is necessary to determine its information content, its semantic structure:

The chess players of the city of Vasyuki were taken aback. - The chess players of Vasiuki were stunned.

Semantic basis this proposal conveyed accurately, resulting in an adequate linguistic image in English, and its adequate semantic content, which carries out the nominative function of the image.

In the novel “The Twelve Chairs” by Ilf and Petrov, there are cases when, due to the impossibility of preserving a metaphorical image, only its semantic content is used in order to perform at least a nominative function:

The office is writing,” said Ostap. - "Bureaucratic nonsense," said Ostap.

IN in this case the translator resorts to replacing the metaphor “the office writes” with a sentence that conveys the essence of the office - a place for bureaucracy - depriving it of imagery and conveying semantic meaning statements.

The translator starts from the semantics of words in the novel “The Twelve Chairs” in a metaphorical combination and goes through comparison lexical meanings words Analysis of the translation of words and free phrases with metaphorical content shows that in many cases language images metaphorical phrases are conveyed on an equivalent semantic basis, equal in nominative function:

The indignant hissing of the amateurs forced the translator to abandon his attempt. - The indignant hissing of the chess lovers forced the photographer to abandon his attempt.

At first the lovers, and the first among them, the one-eyed man, were horrified. - At first, the amateurs--and first among them was the one-eyed one--were horror-struck.

Thunder out of the blue came five minutes later. - After five minutes, thunder unexpectedly struck.

2.2 Transformations to convey adequate emotional and evaluative information

The translation of the novel can be considered equivalent: words in English have the same associative field as words in Russian, since this evokes in the reader of the translation the same activity of thought and imagination as in the reader of the novel by Ilf and Petrov in Russian.

When implementing metaphors in the novel "The Twelve Chairs" there are two associative plans:

plan based on direct meaning:

Surprised screams were heard in the premises of the Cardboard Club. - Surprised cries resounded in the room of the Cardboard Factory Club.

plan based on the interaction of direct and contextual meanings:

A close group of angry fans of Philidor's defense rolled from above like a pack of dogs. - Bearing down on him from above, like a pack of dogs, came the thick crowd of enraged adherents of the Philador Defense.

In this situation, the metaphor “rolling like a pack of dogs” is used in the meaning of “an angry crowd,” which is clear from the context of the novel “The Twelve Chairs.”

Considering the problem of transmitting expressive information through translation, it should be noted that some portion figurative use words in the Russian and English versions of the novel “The Twelve Chairs” are identical in strength of expression:

One of them was shot down by Ippolit Matveevich. - Ippolit Matveevich was hit by one of them.

2.3 Transformations to convey adequate expressive and aesthetic information

The identity of the semantic basis and thereby the absolute identity of the nominative function of the original and translation metaphors is not always accompanied by an adequate transfer of the expressive function. The discrepancy in the volume of expressive information on an identical semantic basis arises due to differences in the degree of expression in the Russian and English languages. In this case, when one of the information is modified, we can talk about weakened or enhanced speech variants: in them the nominative, emotional-evaluative and aesthetic functions are identical when the expressive information of the image changes:

A minute later, stones flew into the boat. - After a minute, rocks started flying towards the boat

In the translation of the novel there are losses of semantic and stylistic order. The translator is forced to sacrifice or stylistic coloring, or the expressive charge of the word when translated, but it retains the expressive meaning of the word or phrase:

Ippolit Matveyevich was toiling. - Ippolit Matveevich sniveled.

The barge was triumphant. - The barge was celebrating.

It should be noted that the correspondence of metaphors in Russian and English languages, due to its semantic structure, are almost always the result of tracing and, therefore, absolute speech variants:

Ostap slid his gaze along the ranks of the "blacks" who surrounded him on all sides, glanced at the closed door, and fearlessly set about his work.

The joy on the barge was so great that all the chess players moved to the starboard side in order to catch up with the boat and attack the villainous grandmaster with superior forces. - The joy in the barge was so great that all the chess players moved to the starboard side so that, once they were even with the boat, they might rain down on the evil-doer/grandmaster with overpowering force.

Thus, the main thing in relation to the techniques of the metaphorical group is the law of conservation of metaphor, which is due to the importance of imagery in the structure of the novel by I. Ilf and E. Petrov “The Twelve Chairs”.

Due to the national characteristics of the stylistic systems of the Russian and English languages, the loss of individual images and, at the same time, the weakening of metaphorical imagery are inevitable. The main task of the translator is to reproduce not the technique itself, but its function, the effect produced by this technique.

Analysis of transformations in translation shows that in most cases metaphors in English version novels are preserved. At the same time, the translator often uses techniques of semantic development and holistic transformation, which allows preserving the function of the image in translation. In cases where it is impossible to preserve the image due to the peculiarities of the language, the translator has to resort to descriptive translation.


A bunch of various concepts The science of translation was used in the work not by chance. They showed how much the translator concentrated on his work in order to apply so many approaches to translating Ilf and Petrov’s novel “The Twelve Chairs” from Russian into English.

The work took into account national characteristics, the only exceptions are those words, phrases, abbreviations that are in principle incomprehensible to the English-speaking reader, since they are deeply tied to the national Russian reality of the 1920s.

The study demonstrated that the simple language of a novel is also easily and easily converted by the translator into the host language - English.

In addition, it is necessary to point out that the small part of the text that was used in this work already shows that the novel is rich in various approaches to choosing a translation solution.

There are still quite a lot of topics left for future researchers to develop. Among them:

1. Full version translation of the novel “The Twelve Chairs” by Ilf and Petrov;

IN this study The English version of the novel "The Twelve Chairs", which was created in 1929, was taken. Also, the original Russian text of Ilf and Petrov’s novel “The Twelve Chairs” dates back to 1984. It means that original text Ilf and Petrov were not taken, but a version of the novel with censor cuts was used. The full version of the novel was published in 1997.

2. Translation without replacing non-equivalent particles.

In the small number of examples given, there are a number of words that have national specificity. Taken English translation the novel replaces purely national concepts with commonly used ones in the English language. It is possible to translate the Russian text of the novel into English without replacing these categories, but with an explanation of them through references.


1. Galperin I.R. Stylistics. M., 1977

2. Ilf I., Petrov E. The 12 Chairs, Translated by Eric Konkol. 1929

3. Vlahov S. Untranslatable in translation. M., 1986

4. Galperin I. R. Text as an object linguistic research. M., 1981;

5. Ilf I., Petrov E. Twelve chairs. Alma-Ata, 1984

6. Kommisarov V. N. A word about translation. (Essay on the linguistic doctrine of translation). M., 1973

7. Komissarov V.N. Translation theory. M., 1990

8. Kuznets M.D., Skrebnev Yu.M. Stylistics of the English language. L., 1960

9. Minyar-Beloruchev R.K. How to become a translator. M., 1999

10. Minyar-Beloruchev R.K. Theory and methods of translation. M., 1996.

11. Soviet encyclopedic dictionary / Chief editor Prokhorov A.M., 1985

12. Fedorov A.V. Fundamentals of the general theory of translation. M., 1968

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