Basic documents on education in the Russian Federation. Regulatory documents regulating the activities of preschool educational organizations

Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”, National Doctrine for the Development of Education of the Russian Federation, “Concept of Modernization of Russian Education for the Period until 2010”.

The main document regulating educational processes in our country is Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, adopted in 1992, the Russian Federation, represented by federal government bodies, within the limits of their competence, establishes federal components of state educational standards, defining the mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs, the maximum volume of students' teaching load, and the requirements for the level of training of graduates.

National-regional component. These include working educational program documentation, control tasks and tests to assess the quality of training of students in schools and primary vocational education institutions. These regulatory documents are valid only in a specific region.

State educational standards are developed and refined on a competitive basis at least once every ten years. These standards are the basis for an objective assessment of the level of education and qualifications of graduates, regardless of the form of education.

National Doctrine of Education, Concept of the structure and content of general secondary education in 12-year schools, Federal Law “On approval of the Federal Education Development Program”. These documents outline the main steps for the development of domestic education for the period until 2025.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” the following are established: levels of education (educational qualifications): basic general education, secondary (complete) general education, primary vocational education, secondary vocational education, higher vocational education, postgraduate vocational education.

Third generation standards: New educational standards - the Federal State Educational Standard (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard) are being developed for all levels of education: school, non-profit vocational education, secondary vocational education and higher education. Federal state educational standards are being introduced into the system of normative legal support for the development of education on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. Goals: unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation; continuity of the main educational programs and subprograms of NPO, HPE, SPO, OO. Tasks: licensing of training; development of a competency model of a graduate and a functional map of a specialist, formation of the content of professional modules; formation of a curriculum; processing of educational programs in accordance with Federal State Standards.

The Federal State Educational Standards contain an invariable part (what is mandatory) - 70% of the total amount of time allocated for mastering the OPOP and a variable part (30%) (determined by the educational institution). The variable part provides the opportunity to expand and (or) deepen training, determined by the content of the mandatory part, to obtain additional competencies, skills and knowledge. On the basis of the State Educational Standards, a professional educational program (PEP) was developed. Based on the Federal State Educational Standard, the basic professional educational program of an educational institution (OPEP) is developed. If we talk about requirements, the second generation standards defined requirements for a minimum of content, and the Federal State Educational Standard defines the requirements for educational results, the structure and conditions for the implementation of the BOP.

Under result of training The developers of the Federal State Educational Standard understand - mastered competencies and skills, acquired knowledge that ensures the appropriate qualifications and level of education.

The new generation of standards has a completely different structure and their development is based on a modular competency-based approach. According to the developers of the standard, the modular competency-based approach is the result of a deeper technological development of the competency-based approach in relation to the vocational education system, i.e. a form of its implementation that is most convenient for use in the vocational education system.

The key principle of the modular competency-based approach is orientation towards goals that are significant for the world of work.

Competence General competencies – the ability to successfully act on the basis of practical experience, skills and knowledge in solving problems common to many types of activities . Professional competencies – the ability to successfully act on the basis of skills, knowledge and practical experience in solving professional problems

National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation(hereinafter referred to as the doctrine) is a fundamental state document that establishes the priority of education in state policy, the strategy and main directions of its development.

The doctrine defines the goals of education and training, ways to achieve them through state policy in the field of education, the expected results of the development of the education system for the period until 2025. The doctrine reflects the interests of citizens of the multinational Russian state and is intended to create conditions in the country for universal education of the population, to ensure real equality of rights citizens and the opportunity for everyone to improve their educational level throughout their lives. The adoption of normative legal acts that contradict the doctrine, reducing the level of guarantees of the rights of citizens in the field of education and the level of its financing, is not allowed.

The doctrine reflects the determination and will of the state to take responsibility for the present and future of domestic education, which is the basis of the socio-economic and spiritual development of Russia. All citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, membership of public associations, age, health, social, property and official status are provided with.

Conceptual apparatus.

Professional education- the process and (or) result of professional formation and personal development, accompanied by the mastery of pre-established knowledge, skills and abilities in specific professions and specialties (A.N. Leibovich).

Professional training has the goal of accelerating the acquisition by students of the skills necessary to perform a certain job or group of jobs,” is written in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education.”

Professional training in a broad sense - this is the organization of training of professional personnel, various forms of obtaining professional education; in a narrow sense - an accelerated form of acquiring professional skills (A.N. Leibovich).

Profession - generic labor of human activity, cat. Yavl. the usual source of existence and requirements for the presence of a complex of def. theory knowledge, practical knowledge and skills.

Speciality– a functionally justified area of ​​work activity, systematization of performance by a specialist in the field of a particular profession.

Professional qualification– the level of development of workers’ abilities that allows him to perform work. functions and def. degree of complexity in specific activities.

Professional qualification characteristics– a normative model of teacher competence, reflecting the scientifically substantiated state. in prof. ZUN.

Prof. and special are ranked by qualification levels, this is the stage of training professional personnel in the system of non-formal education, reflecting the volume and ratio of general and vocational education:

Pre-professional 1-2 rubles, NPO 3-4 rubles, secondary vocational education 5 rubles, higher professional education (specialty, bachelor's, master's), postgraduate (graduate, doctoral).

Competence– the ability to apply knowledge, skills and practical experience for successful activity in a certain field (the result of education is expressed in the student’s mastery of a specific set of methods of activity and allowing him to solve the functional tasks of professional activity).

NGO initial level of vocational education. In Soviet times, it consisted of a vocational school (full name - Secondary City Vocational Technical School - SGPTU). Currently, a significant part of Russian vocational schools have been renamed PTL (Vocational Lyceums). Some vocational schools have been renamed colleges. Admission is carried out on the basis of 9th and 11th grades.

SPO Admission to secondary vocational education institutions is carried out on the basis of basic general education (9 grades), as well as on the basis of secondary (complete) general education. NPO (Primary Vocational Education) and secondary vocational education institutions combine and implement two-stage training in primary and secondary vocational education programs.

Secondary vocational education is aimed at training mid-level specialists, satisfying the needs of the individual in deepening and expanding education on the basis of basic general, secondary (complete) general or primary vocational education.

Citizens who have primary vocational education in the relevant profile receive secondary vocational education under abbreviated programs.

Secondary vocational education can be obtained in educational institutions of secondary vocational education (secondary specialized educational institutions) or at the first stage of educational institutions of higher vocational education.

An educational institution of secondary vocational education may implement educational programs of primary vocational education if it has the appropriate license

HPE the upper level of vocational education, following secondary general or vocational education in a three-level system, and includes a set of systematized knowledge and practical skills that allow solving theoretical and practical problems in a professional profile. Unlike general education, even in developed countries higher education is not universal, much less free. The higher education system in different countries is based on a one-, two-, three and four-level structure. At four levels, graduates with higher education are divided into bachelors or specialists, masters and Ph.D. With a three-level education system, adopted, in particular, in Russia, the division occurs into bachelors, masters and persons with an academic degree.

Higher education can be obtained through full-time, part-time, part-time, evening or free forms of study, as well as in the form of external studies. Moreover, in some countries, depending on the form and goals of training, the number of disciplines studied, level of training, etc., students are divided into “regular”, “conditional”, “special”, “casual”, “free” and etc.

Depending on the form of education, country, system and profile, the period of study for higher education ranges from 4 to 9 years.

Related information.

Regulatory support of education is an important issue that deserves detailed consideration and study. Currently, education in higher educational institutions plays a vital role in the social and economic policy of the country. This is why regulatory and legal support for education is so important, especially during the period of reform of this industry.

Modern tendencies

Currently, internationalization is taking place in the field of higher education. A unified educational space is now being created. After our country became a full-fledged participant in the Bologna educational system, the legal and regulatory support of the education system became especially relevant.

Signs and features

Regulatory and legal support for education presupposes certain norms. A legal act synthesizes general mandatory rules of behavior created and protected by the state. General legal acts include the country's constitution, other laws, and various regulatory documents that are approved by executive authorities.

Regulatory acts promptly and fully characterize the changing development needs. They provide the necessary stability and effectiveness of legal regulation.

Other sources of law, such as administrative and judicial precedents, do not have general regulatory importance.

Important points

The legal framework for education is characterized by some important components. For example, the system of educational and developmental process is regulated by laws. Law is understood as a normative act that is adopted by the highest legislative body or as a result of a referendum.

The main one in the domestic system of schools, kindergartens, colleges, academies and institutes is the Law “On Education”.

What is a legal norm

Regulatory and legal support for activities in education is an important and necessary tool for management work. The term “norm” is considered as a legalized establishment of a mandatory order, the construction of a new system. The term “law” is considered as a set of mandatory general rules that are sanctioned or established by the state.

What should be the regulatory framework in the field of education? It is based on morality and law, and is aimed at ensuring the safety of teachers and students in any educational institution.

Systems approach

In order to assess the regulatory framework for education in the Russian Federation, it is necessary to consider this issue from the perspective of a systematic approach at the regional, federal, municipal levels, as well as within the framework of a separate educational organization.

The content, meaning, and use of any normative and legal acts are primarily determined by the freedoms and rights of man and citizen, which are established by the fundamental law of our country - the Constitution. Therefore, the regulatory framework for education in the Russian Federation is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, legislative documents of the country, regulatory orders and instructions of the Ministry of Education and Science in the Russian Federation. This system also includes orders of regional and municipal authorities, orders for specific educational organizations.

Regulatory and legal support for secondary education, as a main component, considers the rights and responsibilities of citizens that are declared in the Constitution of our country, on the basis of which modern legislation of the Russian Federation functions (Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273, Art. 29).

The implementation of educational activities is related to labor legislation, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, laws on entrepreneurship, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, laws related to criminal and administrative law.

Regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

These include decrees of the relevant ministry, instructions, orders, methodological letters, regulations on various areas of educational work. These documents regulate basic educational work on the basis of the Constitution and the Law “On Education”. They are aimed at legal and regulatory support covering many areas of educational activity of the unified Russian system.


What is this? The legal framework for inclusive education is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On Education", dated December 29, 2012, Art. 2. In connection with the increase in the number of children in the country who have serious problems with physical and mental health, a decision was made at the level of the Government of the Russian Federation to organize special education. As part of a national project developed to educate children with disabilities, teachers received special training and received certificates for the right to work remotely with disabled children.

The legal framework for inclusive education is based on fundamental human rights, which are specified in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in particular, on receiving high-quality free education. In each Russian region, additional regional regulations and orders have been developed, which clarify the specifics of organizing such training. In all Russian regions, special centers have been created to coordinate the activities of distance teachers, ensuring accessibility and quality of upbringing and education of children with disabilities.

At the federal level, activities are based on federal regulations. The structure and set of regulatory documents are similar to the federal system; it distinguishes orders, decrees of the regional ministry, instructional and methodological letters, regulations, and instructions.

Such standards guarantee the functioning of the regional educational system within the overall educational space of the country, taking into account the regional and national characteristics of each subject of the Russian Federation.


What is the regulatory framework for preschool education? It is characterized by the same regulatory documents that apply to other areas of Russian education. At the municipal level, orders and instructions are based on regional and federal regulatory documents (Article 10 of the Federal Law 115 of July 25, 2002). After receiving them, the municipal preschool education authority issues orders, instructions, sends instructions and letters to preschool institutions, and distributes regulations on various issues of educational and educational activities, taking into account the specific features of a particular territory.

Regulatory and legal support for preschool education should not contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, labor, criminal, and administrative law.

Among the important changes that have recently occurred in Russian preschool education, it is necessary to highlight the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation on organizing the availability of kindergartens for children from the age of three. This order contributed to the restoration of the preschool education system and allowed young mothers to go to work after maternity leave.


Recently, issues related to the organization of extracurricular employment of the younger generation have been given special attention. What is the legal and regulatory framework for additional education in our country? In addition to the Law “On Education”, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, special orders, orders, and instructions are issued in this area by regional ministries of education and science, and municipal departments. According to the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, at the moment there is a huge system of additional education in the country, covering different areas (Article 75, Federal Law No. 273 dated December 29, 2012).

With the obvious priority of federal, regional, municipal standards, each such center has its own local acts: the organization’s charter, labor regulations, regulations on additional payments - on the basis of which the activities of this organization are carried out. In connection with the consolidation of educational organizations that is currently occurring in many Russian regions, one more important issue should be addressed.

Among those that ensure the functioning of the center of additional education, which is a structural unit of the school, it is worth highlighting the provisions on the different structural divisions of the school, the rules and features of the organization of the educational process in them.

Also, as regulatory documents that are related to the organization of activities in the center of additional education, it is necessary to mention the orders and instructions of the director, various instructions that are developed by the administration. For example, internal labor regulations can be considered as such a document. Also among the regulatory legal acts, without which it is impossible to imagine additional education, is the job description. Its development and approval is carried out by the director of the center, taking into account the opinion of the trade union committee of the organization and suggestions from employees.


The reforms observed in recent years in the educational system of the Russian Federation have not spared education in higher educational institutions. Regulatory and legal support for vocational education is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, basic laws, and orders that are directly related to this issue.

In addition to the application of the Law “On Education” (dated December 29, 2012, Art. 3), the competence of vocational education institutions includes the right to develop and normative approval of curricula, educational programs, and certain educational subjects. Such powers characterize the principle of autonomy of Russian educational institutions. The competence that ensures the implementation of the principle of autonomy has changed significantly.

According to the requirements of new educational standards, the responsibility of the head of the organization for the consequences and results of the educational activities of the organization entrusted to him as part of his job responsibilities has been increased. In particular, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the country, a higher-level educational institution is responsible for the following actions:

  • failure to fulfill the functions assigned to the educational institution within the scope of its competence;
  • for incomplete implementation of basic educational programs;
  • for the low quality of knowledge and skills of graduates;
  • for violation of fundamental freedoms and rights of students, pupils, employees of this organization;
  • for the health and life of workers and students within the educational process.

International documents

In addition to regulatory documents at the federal, regional, and district levels concerning the conduct of activities of an educational organization of any type, some regulatory international documents concerning the organization of the educational and developmental process are also important. Thus, we cannot ignore the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, which was adopted at the 44th session of the UN General Assembly in 1989 and ratified in our country in 1990. This document must be used when an educational organization develops Regulations on the rights and responsibilities of students within the framework of the cognitive process. The Convention outlines the fundamentals of secular education, the use of which is important when drawing up innovative educational programs at different levels of educational activity.

Modern legislation regulates relationships in the field of education. Children's rights, forms and methods of their protection are specified in the legislation of our country, as well as in international documents.

A few words in conclusion

The main document that defines the features of educational, developmental, and training processes in our country is the Law “On Education.”

After Russia joined the Bologna Convention in 2003 (recognition of the “Declaration on a European Area for Higher Education”), significant reforms of higher, secondary and pre-school education took place.

Russian legislation establishes equal opportunities for all citizens of the country to receive education at any level, regardless of nationality, race, gender, or financial capabilities.

It is on this provision of the Law “On Education” that all regional and municipal bodies should be based when developing certain orders, instructions, orders relating to the upbringing and training of the younger generation of Russians.

Among the features that have appeared in the Russian educational system are openness and accessibility. Currently, parents can familiarize themselves with the curricula and developmental programs implemented in a particular educational institution. To do this, they just need to carefully study the organization’s information website, which, according to the requirements of domestic legislation, is currently available in every school, college, and university. This will help parents not be observers in the learning process of their children, but active participants.

Education in the Russian Federation- a single purposeful process of education and training, which is a socially significant benefit and carried out in the interests of the individual, family, society and the state, as well as the totality of acquired knowledge, skills, values, experience and competence of a certain volume and complexity for the purposes of intellectual, spiritual - moral, creative, physical and (or) professional development of a person, satisfaction of his educational needs and interests

Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" in 1992

With the adoption of the new law, education began to play a significant role in the education system. state educational standards. They determined the content of those educational programs that were implemented in educational institutions.

GOST, along with governing bodies, began to regulate the activities of educational institutions and determine the general parameters of the entire education system as a whole. Therefore, since 1992, the education system has been supplemented with one more component - educational programs, built on the basis of state educational standards. Moreover, educational standards have become the leading characteristic of the education system.

Today, the education system in the Russian Federation is a collection of interacting;

State educational standards for educational programs;

Networks of educational institutions;

Educational authorities.

Educational programs determine the content of education at each specific level of education in a given educational institution.

All educational programs in the Russian Federation are divided into general educational and professional.

General education programs are aimed at forming the general culture of a growing person, his adaptation to life in society and creating the basis for an informed choice and mastery of professional programs. General education programs include the following:

Preschool education;

Primary general education (grades I-IV);

Basic general education (grades V-IX);

Secondary (complete) general education (grades X-XI).

Professional programs are intended to train specialists with appropriate qualifications by consistently increasing the professional and general educational levels of students. Professional educational programs include:

? primary vocational education; vocational school

Secondary vocational education; college, technical school

Higher professional education; University specialist and bachelor

Postgraduate professional education. master's degree

For all the basic educational programs presented above (both general education and professional), GOST defines a mandatory minimum of content.

In addition to the main educational programs, an educational institution can implement additional educational programs(electives, courses at the request of parents and children, programs of children's creativity palaces, etc.).

Educational institutions. The direct objectives of an educational institution are the training and education of students.

Educationalis an institution that carries out the educational process, i.e., implements one or more educational programs and (or) provides the maintenance and upbringing of students and pupils.

  • 2.Personality of a bachelor of vocational training: personality orientation, professional competence, professionally important qualities.
  • 3. System of continuous professional pedagogical education: essence, structure. Types of vocational pedagogical educational institutions, their names and features.
  • 4.The concept of general and professional pedagogy. Object, subject, functions of general and professional pedagogy. Branches of pedagogy.
  • 5.Methods of pedagogical research. Theoretical, empirical, mathematical, instrumental methods.
  • 1.Theoretical.
  • 2. Empirical.
  • 4.Instrumental
  • 6. Formation of general and professional pedagogy (stages of formation, founders and outstanding scientists).
  • 6. Formation of general and professional pedagogy (stages of formation, founders and outstanding scientists). (2)
  • 8. The essence and specific concepts of professional pedagogy (profession, specialty, qualification, professional competence, competency).
  • 10. Main trends in the development of the vocational education system.
  • 11.Legislative framework of vocational education. Federal Law “On Education” as a state document regulating the development of the education system.
  • Regulatory basis of education
  • 12. Education as a social and pedagogical phenomenon. The place and tasks of vocational education in the education system of the Russian Federation. Education as a social phenomenon
  • 2. By type, story, work. Details:
  • 3. Classification by purpose:
  • 14. Goal as a category of pedagogy. Types of pedagogical goals.
  • 15.The essence of pedagogical principles and their role in building the pedagogical process. General didactic principles and their characteristics.
  • 17.Methods of implementing the pedagogical process.
  • Classification of methods for implementing a holistic pedagogical process:
  • 19. Innovative technologies in vocational education
  • 3. Types of pedagogical technologies.
  • 2. Choosing an individual educational path
  • 5. Situational learning
  • 6. The principle of educational reflection
  • 21. Essence and characteristic features of pedagogical technology (as 20)
  • 22.Functions, principles and structural components of educational technologies.
  • 23. The essence of pedagogical means. The relationship between teaching aids and methods of implementing the pedagogical process.
  • 24. Forms of organization of the pedagogical process. The relationship of pedagogical forms with pedagogical methods and the content of the pedagogical process.
  • 25.Lesson as the main form of organizing the pedagogical process.
  • 27.Methods and forms of education in a professional educational institution.
  • 1 Classification of educational methods by focus (according to Shchukina):
  • 2 Classification of education methods (according to Pidkasist):
  • 30. Pedagogical design: essence, functions, objects, technology.
  • 31. Educational and design activities of a bachelor
  • 32. Research activities of bachelor of vocational training
  • 34. Essence, functions of vocational training.
  • 35. Regularities and principles of vocational training
  • 36.Structure of the vocational training process
  • 38. Educational and program documentation of vocational training: qualification characteristics, federal state educational standard, curriculum, curriculum.
  • 39.Federal state educational standard for technical training: concept, structure, content. Didactic characteristics of professional cycle disciplines.
  • 40.Curriculum as a model of a specialty: concept, structure, types. Concept of educational subject. Cycle of educational subjects.
  • 41.Curriculum as a project of an academic discipline: concept, types, structure.
  • 42.Designing the goals of vocational training. Types of pedagogical goals. Taxonomy of goals. Goals and objectives of vocational training.
  • 43. Content of theoretical training in professional educational institutions. The concept of educational material, educational subject. Levels of studying and mastering the content of academic disciplines.
  • 44. Designing the content of professional cycle disciplines: principles, criteria for selecting educational material, structuring.
  • 45. Teaching aids in the activities of a teacher: concept, classification, formation.
  • 46.Methods and methodological techniques of vocational training. Classification of methods according to the nature of cognitive activity and didactic goals. Student activity level
  • 47. Forms of organizing the educational process in a vocational school.
  • 48.Preparing a teacher for classes in a vocational school.
  • 49. Methodology for planning and conducting a seminar lesson.
  • 50. Methodology for planning and conducting a combined lesson.
  • 51. Methodology for planning and conducting a didactic game.
  • 52. Methodology for planning and conducting a practical lesson.
  • 54. Methodology for diagnosing students' knowledge and skills.
  • 55. Methodology for developing tests for monitoring professional knowledge and skills.
  • 56.Assessment and recording of the results of students’ educational activities.
  • 57.Comprehensive methodological support for the academic discipline.
  • 60. Methodological activity of the bachelor of vocational training
  • 11.Legislative framework of vocational education. Federal Law “On Education” as a state document regulating the development of the education system.

    Universal Declaration of Human Rights; Convention on the Rights of the Child ; Constitution of the Russian Federation; Law of the Russian Federation on Education; Laws of constituent entities of the Russian Federation on education

    Regulatory basis of education: State educational standard; Syllabus; Training and work programs; Standard Regulations and Charter of an Educational Institution

    Legislative framework of education:1. The basic legal basis for education is Article 26 Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the UN on December 10, 1948. Primary education should be compulsory. Technical and vocational education should be made available to all, and higher education should be equally accessible to all on the basis of each individual's ability." 2. In 1989, the UN adopted Convention on the Rights of the Child, which contains articles on the child’s right to education of the appropriate level and content, including to receive free and compulsory education. Declaration - recommendations that are not binding. Convention - an agreement that is binding on states that are party to it 3. The right of every person to education is enshrined in Article 43 Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted in 1993. It says: - Everyone has the right to education. - Guaranteed universal access and free preschool, basic general and secondary vocational education in state or municipal educational institutions. - Everyone has the right, on a competitive basis, to receive higher education free of charge at a state or municipal educational institution and enterprise. The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees the general availability and freeness of secondary vocational education. However, in recent years, under the influence of economic problems, the general availability of vocational education in Russia has been reduced. In many vocational education institutions, a significant part of the contingent has been transferred to paid training. 4. Education Law 2013 - federal law dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On education in the Russian Federation"

    Regulates social relations arising in the field of education in connection with the implementation of the right to education, ensuring state guarantees of human rights and freedoms in the field of education and creating conditions for the realization of the right to education (hereinafter referred to as relations in the field of education) Establishes the legal, organizational and economic foundations of education in the Russian Federation, the basic principles of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of education, the general rules for the functioning of the education system and the implementation of educational activities, determine the legal status of participants in relations in the field of education.

    Regulatory basis of education

    Standard(norm, sample) - a system of parameters for the results of people’s activities (products).

    1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Law “On Education” in the Russian Federation establish state educational standards, including federal and national-regional components.

    Educational standards determine the mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs.

    The maximum volume of students' teaching load.

    Requirements for the level of training of graduates.

    Gosstandart consists of three components:

    Federal component - invariant (unchangeable) part of the curriculum. It includes subjects to be studied in all educational institutions of a given profile in the Russian Federation.

    National-regional component - a variant part of the curriculum, a list of educational subjects within this component, which is determined by regional education authorities With taking into account national and regional traditions, features of the economic and socio-cultural development of the region.

    University component - a variant part of the curriculum, which is formed by the teaching staff of an educational institution, taking into account the needs and interests of students, the opinions of their parents, and the capabilities of the educational institution.

    2. On the basis of state standards, educational plans are developed for educational institutions. Syllabus - a normative document defining the composition of academic subjects studied in a given educational institution, their distribution by years of study, the annual and weekly amount of time allocated to each academic subject, and the structure of the academic year.

    Model curricula are approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and are advisory in nature. Actually educational plans educational institutions are developed on the basis of standard plans for the entire period of study. Work plans are developed taking into account specific conditions for each year of study.

    The curriculum determines the composition of academic subjects studied in a given educational institution, their distribution by years of study, the weekly and annual number of teaching hours and the structure of the academic year.

    3. Educational programs are developed based on the curricula. Training program - a normative document that determines the content of education in each academic subject and the amount of time allocated both for studying the subject as a whole and for each section and topic.

    4. The activities of state and municipal educational institutions are regulated model provisions on the relevant types and types of educational institutions approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. The norms of standard provisions cannot limit the rights of citizens and educational institutions in comparison with the law. For non-state educational institutions, standard provisions serve as exemplary provisions.

    5. Based on the approximate position, a Charter of an educational institution, which states:

    name, location, legal and actual address, status, founder, organizational and legal form of the educational institution;

    goals of the educational process, types, types of educational programs being implemented, main characteristics of the organization of the educational process, assessment system, class schedule, availability of paid educational services and the procedure for their provision;

    structure of financial and economic activities;

    procedure for managing an educational institution.

    The charter is adopted by the staff of the educational institution and approved by the founder.

    Regulations are the basis for determining the time required to perform specific work on record keeping.

    National-regional components of state educational standards.

    Federal, regional standards for financing education (as approved).

    Tariff coefficients ETC (unified tariff schedule); minimum wages.

    Regulatory documents regulating: benefits, types and standards of material support for children in kindergarten, as well as teaching staff of state and municipal educational institutions, established by federal and state government authorities and management.

    Federal, regional requirements for preschool educational institutions in terms of building codes and regulations, sanitary standards, health protection of students, minimum equipment for the educational process and equipment for educational and play areas, rental conditions for buildings and institutional premises.

    The procedure for awarding state awards and honorary titles to education workers.

    Certificate of state accreditation issued by the education authority; certification conclusion of the state certification service on the compliance of the content, level and quality of upbringing and education of preschool children with the requirements of the state educational standard; certification sheet and decision of the certification commission on certification of the head of the preschool educational institution.

    Book of orders and instructions of the head of the preschool educational institution.

    Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 11, 1998 No. 622 “On the labor protection service of an educational institution.” The legal status of the team and its members is the legitimate interests, rights and obligations of all employees provided for by labor legislation and internal labor regulations. Members of the work collective have the right to rest, safe working conditions, and self-government. Kindergarten employees participate in drawing up the annual work plan for their preschool educational institution. In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (Article 35), the general management of a state and municipal educational institution is carried out by an elected representative body - the Council of the educational institution. A collegial self-government body is created by decision of the general meeting, which includes employees of the institution, representatives of the parent community and other interested organizations. The Regulations on the Council are determined by the Charter of the educational institution and approved by the general meeting.

    All forms of management activity are reflected in documents, which act as a way and means of implementing the functions assigned to the management apparatus. In the management process, the information recorded in these documents not only acts as the basis for making a decision, but can also be evidence of its execution, a source for analysis and generalizations, and material for reference and search work. Thus, in management activities, the document acts as the subject and result of work.

    The set of interrelated documents used in a certain area is documentation system.

    Basic requirements for document preparation today are based primarily on state standards. Office work in management constitutes the full cycle of processing and movement of documents in an institution from the moment of their creation (or receipt) to completion of execution and dispatch. Documentation is calculated by the number of incoming, outgoing and internal documents:

    Those entering the institution;

    Created in this institution and sent to the addressee;

    Created in a given institution and intended for its own needs.

    Heads of educational institutions must direct their efforts to achieve the goals and objectives facing teachers in the new socio-economic and socio-cultural living conditions.

    Sociological research using questionnaires is designed to identify the information necessary not only to improve the educational situation in a specific microdistrict (city, village), but also to resolve general problems of preschool education. The questions posed will help teachers find out how often children attend preschool institutions, how parents feel about the creation of alternative preschool educational institutions (mini-school, family kindergarten at home, walking groups, etc.), which of them parents would like to enroll their child in , what additional services they would like for their children, what activities of the preschool institution they would take part in (see Appendix 1). In modern conditions, it is advisable to identify the solvency of families, since additional services are paid.

    The results of the survey will also help the administration when planning educational work.

    Only after such a lot of preliminary work is a “calling card” of the institution prepared - a diagram reflecting all areas of the preschool educational institution. A “business card” is, first of all, a fixation of the purpose and functions of such an institution. It should reflect the following data: the type and category of the institution, the range of educational services for children and parents, which interested organizations the preschool institution interacts with, etc. When setting tasks for himself and the team, the manager also takes into account the results of the work already done, correcting and adjusting them .