Ethanol structural chemical formula. Imperishable alcohol formula

It is no secret that rectified ethyl alcohol is used as the main raw material for the production of vodka products. This is a significant product in this area. More on this below.

Description of material

Rectified is a colorless transparent liquid that does not have any foreign odors or tastes. of this product at 20 °C is equal to 0.78927 g/cm3. Ethanol, or ethyl alcohol, was first synthesized in 1855 from ethylene. This substance is a flammable liquid. When it burns, water and carbon dioxide are formed. Alcohol vapors are harmful to health. The maximum permissible norm for its concentration in the air is 1 mg/dm³. Its freezing point is -117 °C, and its boiling point: +78.2 °C.

Ethyl alcohol - formula

This is important to know. The general chemical formula of ethyl alcohol: C 2 -H 5 -OH. It expresses the composition of the product and was established in 1807. But only after it was possible to synthesize ethyl alcohol, the structural formula was derived. It is written as follows: CH 3 CH 2 OH.

Ethanol is a saturated alcohol and, since it contains only one OH group, is classified as monohydric. The presence of a hydroxyl group determines the chemical properties of a substance, as well as the reaction weakness of a given product.

When stored in unsealed containers, ethyl alcohol evaporates and moisture is absorbed from the air. This occurs as a result of the fact that ethanol is a hygroscopic substance. Due to the fact that this product has a structure close to water, it can be mixed with it in any ratio.

Rectified, obtained under industrial conditions, has a slightly acidic reaction. This is a reliable fact. It contains organic acids in small quantities. The reaction of chemically pure ethyl alcohol is neutral. This should be remembered.

Requirements for grain quality

The main task facing manufacturers of alcoholic beverages is to obtain ethyl alcohol of the highest quality. State standards and other regulatory documents impose high requirements on this, which affect physicochemical and organoleptic indicators. Ethyl alcohol is obtained from various natural raw materials.

The production of this substance from agricultural raw materials is a biotechnical production that uses microorganisms to convert starch into fermentable sugars and then into the finished material - ethanol. All stages from grain acceptance to rectification contain a large number of chemical and mechanical processes. Each of them affects the organoleptic characteristics of ethyl alcohol. This will be discussed further below.

Factors influencing organoleptic characteristics

In this case it is:

  • The sanitary condition of production equipment (pipelines, evaporation chamber, heat exchangers, transfer vat).
  • Quality of raw materials (type of grain, storage conditions, condition, smell, etc.).
  • Used preparation of raw materials (mechanical-enzymatic, traditional).
  • Processing method (grinding degree, in warehouse, in production).
  • Types of yeast used.
  • The course of the fermentation process (duration, increase in acidity).
  • Auxiliary materials used (antiseptics and disinfectants).

One of the most important factors is the quality of the raw materials used. The situation with it is quite difficult, since there is no government supply of grain. Therefore, the bulk of the raw materials used are delivered to enterprises under contracts. They are concluded with various suppliers at negotiated prices.

To date, there is no state standard or other regulatory and technical documentation that would clearly define all the requirements for grain used to manufacture the specified product. However, some of them are enshrined in the “Regulations for the production of alcohol from starch-containing raw materials.” Among them are the content of various toxic impurities (seeds, weeds, etc.), infestation of cereal pests, as well as the determination of weediness.

The use of alcohols in the production of alcoholic beverages requires high quality of the resulting product. The organoleptic properties of the specified substance obtained from it directly depend on the state of the grain used. The most significant indicator of a raw material is its smell. Due to the capillary-porous structure of the grain and the porosity of the corresponding mass, it is able to sorb (absorb) various gases and vapors from the environment. Raw materials that are infected with barn pests may also contain their waste products. If mites are present in the grain, its color and taste deteriorate, and a specific unpleasant odor is formed. Damage to the shell of this raw material creates favorable conditions for the development of microorganisms and the accumulation of mycotoxins. You can use such grain for production. However, the presence of a significant number of insects negatively affects the organoleptic characteristics of the resulting alcohol.

For the manufacture of this product, low-quality and defective grain is often used, including unripe and freshly harvested grain, damaged by drying, subjected to self-heating, affected by ergot and smut, as well as fusarium. This is a reliable fact. When processing freshly harvested grain without holding it for ripening, a violation of technology occurs, which leads to difficulty in mashing and, as a consequence, a significant decrease in the productivity of the corresponding department.

The color of this raw material, damaged by drying, may change from light brown to black. This is important to know. Black grain is classified as a trash impurity. As a result of this, it is processed only by mixing it with healthy ones. In this case, the permissible rate of burnt grains should not be more than 10%. The use of alcohols for the production of high-quality vodka products if this indicator is exceeded is unacceptable.

Raw materials contaminated with ergot and smut become toxic because they contain various alkaloids (argonine, ergotamine, cortunine, etc.). Harmful impurities are very undesirable, as they affect the organoleptic properties of alcohol and give it harshness, bitterness and pungency. However, this raw material can be processed in a mixture with healthy grain. However, its content should not be more than 8-10%.

The grain that is used to produce alcohol consists of starch (65 - 68% on an absolutely dry basis), as well as protein, fats, free sugars, mineral elements, polysaccharides, and dextrin. All of the listed compounds at different stages of the technological process participate in various biochemical reactions.

Another factor that affects the organoleptic properties of the finished product is malt and enzyme preparations of microorganism cultures (saccharifying materials). This should also be taken into account. Quite often, contaminated drugs may be used in production. It also happens that they come with insufficient enzymatic activity. In this case, an infected fermentation process occurs. As a result, the accumulation of undesirable yeast waste products occurs. Therefore, the oxidability of alcohol decreases. Because of this, its smell and taste deteriorate.

The quality of the resulting alcohol directly depends on the different types of yeast used. Their correct selection, as well as competent determination of the parameters of their fermentation, allows us to obtain the specified product with a low content of major impurities.

Water is also an important component in the production of alcohol. The quality of the product depends on its purity (the number of microorganisms present, as well as various chemicals dissolved in it). It is best to use water coming from artesian springs.

It should also be noted that after cleaning, various toxic impurities remain in this product. Higher esters, sometimes present in produced spirits, can impart a light, barely noticeable fruity odor. This is a reliable fact. But the presence of diethyl ether gives the specified product a bitterness and putrefactive odor.

The quality of this substance and its organoleptic characteristics are also affected by various atypical impurities, microbial and other toxins, pesticides, etc.

Alcohol production technology

Let's consider this point in more detail. Rectified ethyl alcohol can be produced in three ways: chemical, synthetic and biochemical (enzymatic). Their choice depends on an individual approach.

Rectified ethyl alcohol is produced exclusively from appropriate raw materials. The main ingredients used for this are grain, molasses and potatoes. Rectified technical ethyl alcohol is obtained from the same raw materials. However, it may contain various impurities that are unacceptable for the food industry.

Ethyl alcohol production is carried out in 3 stages

One of the best types of plant raw materials that is used to produce this product is potatoes. For this purpose, varieties are used that have high starchy content and are also very stable during storage. This is an important condition during production.

You should also know that grain is used not only as a raw material, but also to produce malt, which is a source of enzymes that break down starch into fermentable sugars. It depends on individual desire. Some factories use enzymatic preparations of microbial origin instead of malt. They are obtained from mold fungi. Enzyme preparations can be a complete replacement for malt or used in conjunction with it in various proportions.

The properties of alcohols determine the production technology. Raw milk contains a number of impurities that differ in boiling point. They are by-products of fermentation. Their residual quantity and composition affect the quality of the resulting alcohol and the produced liqueurs. This is an important fact.

Necessary equipment

To obtain the specified product from raw alcohol, multi-column installations are used. Their use is important. Each column of this installation performs a specific function of separating the corresponding mixture at different temperatures and pressures. The reactions of alcohols and their physicochemical properties make it possible to get rid of various impurities. This is of great importance in this case. They are unacceptable in the production of food alcohol. Currently, there are several new patented technological schemes for the purification and production of raw materials, which can significantly improve the analytical and organoleptic characteristics of the specified product. At the same time, the productivity of mash rectification increases by 15%. The yield of the final product is close to 98.5%. Today, in the production of this substance, continuous distillation plants are used, which can contain up to five columns. They are different and, in accordance with their purpose, are divided into:

Deep cleaning

Rectification is a kind of multi-stage distillation. It is carried out in columns using steam and multi-cap plates. These installations produce the specified substance, as well as highly volatile components and fusel oil, which is a mixture of higher alcohols. In accordance with the rectification process, these impurities are divided into:

  • Tails. These usually include those elements whose boiling point is higher than that of ethyl alcohol. This and other substances as well. For example, furfural, acetals, etc.
  • Head ones. These include impurities that boil at a temperature lower than ethyl alcohol. In this case, these are esters and aldehydes.
  • Intermediate impurities and saturated alcohols. They are the most difficult to separate groups of compounds. Depending on the various distillation conditions, they can be either tail or head.


Depending on the degree of purification, the specified product is divided into:

  • 1st grade. This ethyl alcohol has found application in medicine. However, it is not used for the production of alcoholic beverages.
  • "Lux".
  • "Extra".
  • "Basis".
  • "Alpha".

To produce vodka products that meet all modern quality requirements, you need to use alcohol that is free of toxic impurities. It must meet the requirements specified in GOST R 51652-2000.

Ethyl alcohol - application

In this regard, everything is quite simple and clear. The use of alcohols is very diverse. However, most often they are used for medical purposes, for the production of alcoholic beverages, and also in industry.

Manufacturing Features

Different types of this substance are obtained from different raw materials. Namely:

  • Alcohol "Alpha" is produced from wheat or rye. Or in this case, a mixture of them is used.
  • Alcohol “Lux” and “Extra” are obtained from different types of grain crops, as well as from their mixture or potatoes. This depends on the individual selection of raw materials. “Extra” alcohol is obtained exclusively from healthy grains. It is intended for the production of vodka, which is exported.
  • 1st grade alcohol is produced from a mixture of potatoes and grain or simply separately. Also in this case, sugar beets and molasses can be used. The use of alcohols in industry contributes to the production of this type of alcohol.

Calculations of the specified product are carried out by determining the volume and temperature of the substance in the measuring cup. A special device (alcohol meter) is used to determine the density of a given substance. It corresponds to a certain strength. Using special tables, the strength in % (ethyl alcohol turnover) is determined based on the readings obtained and the temperature. The corresponding multiplier is also set here. It is an important indicator. When multiplying the volume of the specified substance by it, the amount of anhydrous alcohol it contains is calculated.

GOST sets out six main physical and chemical safety parameters. The establishment of limit values ​​for concentrations of toxic elements is set out in SanPiN. The presence of furfural is not allowed at all. alcohol unlimited. However, all certain conditions must be met.

Labeling, packaging and storage

The specified product is bottled into specially equipped tanks, canisters, barrels, bottles or tanks. They must be hermetically sealed with lids or plugs. The container is sealed or sealed. Bottles are packed in specialized baskets or boxes. In this case, the use of galvanized steel containers is prohibited.

Drinking ethyl alcohol 95% is bottled in glass bottles of various sizes, which are hermetically sealed with a cork or polyethylene stopper. An aluminum cap is placed on top, onto which the manufacturer’s stamp is applied. The volume fraction of alcohol is also indicated there.

A label is affixed directly to the bottle, which contains the name of the product, the name and location of the manufacturer, trademark, country of origin of the product, strength, volume and date of bottling. Certification information must also be present here. This label also contains designations of technical or regulatory documentation, according to which the product can be identified.

The bottles are then placed in wooden boxes. The following information must be applied to them with indelible paint: name of the manufacturer, name of the alcohol, designation of the standard. The gross weight, number of bottles and their capacity are also indicated here. There should also be signs “Caution! Glass!”, “Flammable”, “Top”.

Rectified ethyl alcohol, packaged in tanks and reservoirs, is stored outside the production premises of the enterprise. This product in barrels, canisters and bottles is stored in a specialized storage facility. Ethyl alcohol is a flammable, volatile liquid. In terms of the degree of impact on humans, it belongs to class 4. Therefore, special requirements are imposed on its storage conditions. In the alcohol storage, bottles and canisters should be placed in one row, but barrels should be no more than two in height and width of the stack. In order to avoid an explosion, it is necessary to protect equipment and tanks from static electricity. The shelf life in this case is unlimited.

Bottom line

Having familiarized yourself with the above, you can fully learn about how exactly ethyl alcohol is produced, the price of which, depending on the type of product and the volume of the container in which it is located, ranges from 11 to 1500 rubles.

The formula for creating drinking alcohol differs from technical alcohol. Alcohol is the main component of any alcoholic drink, without which no celebration is complete. There are two main types of them in the world, which should not be confused: methyl, whose formula is CH 3 OH, and ethyl C 2 H 5 OH. Their main difference is that the first is considered technical and unsuitable for use, which cannot be said about the second. Both types are no different in appearance, just a different formula. So let's figure out what the class of alcohols is and what the differences are in their structure.

A little about alcohol

The origins of alcohol go back to biblical times. Noah, not noticing that the juice had spoiled, fermented, drank it and got drunk. This is when the culture of winemaking and alcoholic experiences begins.

The basis for creating alcohol is the distillation process, hence the name, because the resulting product was called “spiritus vini”.

It was in the 14th century that a surge of discoveries occurred, when in every point of the earth the production of this product was achieved using various new techniques.

Main stages of development and distribution:

  1. In the 30s of the 14th century, the alchemist Villger obtained wine alcohol from wine.
  2. In the 80s, a merchant brought ethanol from Italy to Moscow.
  3. In the 20s of the 16th century, Paracelsus discovered the main property of ethyl - a sleeping pill, by conducting an experiment on birds.
  4. After 2 centuries, the first patient was euthanized for surgery.
  5. Until about 1914, there were about 2.5 thousand production factories on the territory of the USSR, and during the war this number decreased by almost 90%.
  6. In 1948, production was established, old techniques were improved and new technologies were developed.


  1. Technical or methyl - it is made from wood or petroleum-based products. It is subjected to acid hydrolysis, which makes it harmful to human health.
  2. The production of food, medical or ethyl is carried out only from products approved for consumption, i.e. from food raw materials. They mainly use potatoes, wheat, millet, corn, etc. Tree fruits and other plants rich in carbohydrates are very rarely used.

As already mentioned, it is quite difficult to distinguish the technical type from the drinking one. That is why poisonings, and even deaths, are increasingly occurring due to ignorance. Industrial alcohol is used in industry, in the production of solvents and household chemicals, but sometimes it is sold under the guise of ethyl alcohol.

Basic determination methods:

  1. Manufacturer. You should purchase the drink only in stores that are trustworthy, since such stores do not supply counterfeit products, which cannot be said about stalls or underground shops. Drink alcohol from reputable distilleries or, as a last resort, rubbing alcohol, then you will not put yourself in danger.
  2. Set the drink on fire. The easiest way to check quality. The color is ethyl, when ignited - blue, methanol - green.
  3. Potato tuber. Before drinking the drink, throw a piece of potato into a small bowl and fill it with alcohol. If the color has not changed, then this is a pure infusion and you can safely drink it, if it has acquired a pinkish tint - a technical appearance.
  4. Copper wire test. It is heated and placed in a bowl with liquid, if there is a sharp tart smell - methanol, you do not recognize the smell of ethyl, it is not there.

Beneficial features:

  1. An excellent antiseptic and solvent for medications;
  2. Used for colds, for rubbing to bring down the temperature.
  3. It is a pure product (food) that does not contain any impurities, like wine or beer.

In addition, it is used to create medicinal tinctures from various herbs:

  • Eucalyptus tincture for the treatment of the respiratory system;
  • Rose tincture for the treatment of the cardiovascular system;
  • Mint tincture to calm nerves and relieve stress;
  • With calendula it will give you vigor and strength;
  • A compress of chestnut tincture narrows loose veins;

Negative Impact:

  1. Toxic effects on all organs of the human body;
  2. Exceeding the individual norm can lead to severe poisoning or even death. The total lethal dose is 10 grams per kilogram of weight.
  3. Promotes the development of gastritis, ulcers, cancer, cirrhosis, etc.
  4. Leads to the death of brain cells - neurons.
  5. Causes dependence, which leads to alcoholism.
  6. Promotes obesity because it is a very high-calorie drink and also causes appetite.
  7. The concentration of ethanol is too high for humans, acceptable, even the therapeutic norm per day is 30 ml.

Ethyl alcohol production process

Obtaining ethyl comes down to two main methods:

  1. Alcoholic fermentation;
  2. Production in industrial conditions;
  3. Method of ancestors or at home.

The first method involves the use of bacteria, or rather, the implementation of the fermentation process, which is based on the vital activity of bacteria and yeast. Grapes are most often used because... it contains carbohydrates and sucrose. Corn, wheat, and barley are processed in the same way.

After the process is completed, the concentration of alcohol in the chemical composition is 15%. This is due to the fact that the yeast dies in the created alcohol solution. The next step is distillation and purification.

If we describe the process in more detail, then it all starts with grinding the components: corn, wheat, rye grains, then production proceeds to the breakdown of starch (fermentation process). Then, the already described process of alcohol accumulation through fermentation and destruction of yeast. And the final stage is rectification or purification of the resulting raw materials. Only after this the ethanol content is about 96%.

The second method is based on the hydrolysis of cellulose, i.e. using water, a new product is obtained, the formula is:

CH 2 =CH 2 + H 2 O -> C 2 H 5 OH

But there is also a significant disadvantage: during processing, various impurities are formed in the solution, which negatively affect the human body. That is why it cannot be consumed in this form, but only after cleaning.

The rectification process involves completely getting rid of fusel oils, but preserving the original composition. During the cleaning process, it becomes transparent, because All impurities that impart color are eliminated. It is to create a drinkable appearance that cleaning is carried out several times.

So, let's move on to the last method - obtaining ethyl using the folk method. All the same components, but the methodology is completely different, not automated.

We will need:

  1. Rectifying apparatus (moonshine installation);
  2. Raw materials.

So, the main steps are:

  1. Make malt;
  2. Decide on the yeast mash;
  3. Disassemble raw materials;
  4. Get malted milk;
  5. Mash the main mash;
  6. Distill the mash;
  7. Cleaning process;
  8. Quality checking.

So, let's look at each stage.

First we need to select the grain. Only the best grains are selected, which are at least 2 months old from the date of harvest (but not more than a year).

Main selection criteria:

  1. The color should be light yellow;
  2. The kernel is white, loose;
  3. The shell is ripe, hard, thin.
  4. There should be no impurities in the grain.

The next step is to clean and separate the grains. First, it is sifted to get rid of large pieces of debris. Next, pass through a fine sieve to avoid the entry of grass seeds and small particles of litter. Rinse everything under water at 50°C to avoid dust and other impurities until the water is crystal clear.

Next, pour infused raw water into an enamel bowl and add the raw materials, in parts. After four hours, it can get rid of floating grains (they are of poor quality) and debris. Next, you need to drain off the excess water so that the maximum limit is 25 cm above the surface of the malt. The raised grains must be removed from time to time and the water changed every 6-12 hours.

The whole process lasts about 4-5 days, but you should rely on the following criteria:

  • The shell comes off effortlessly;
  • The grain bends and does not fall apart;
  • The vessel has burst and a sprout is visible from it;
  • If you crush the fruit, you can use it to draw a line.

We place the grains in a room that is not damp and ventilated. We place them on a baking sheet, in a layer of 5 cm, and lay a slightly wetted cloth on top. During the day, they need to be turned over every 5 hours. Putrefactive bacteria should be avoided by monitoring the room temperature.

If these signs are present, you should proceed to the next step:

  • The shoots are already 1.5 cm long.
  • All the sprouts adhered to each other.
  • The grains crunch when broken or bitten.
  • The color is the same as it was.
  • There is a pleasant smell, similar to the aroma of cucumber.
  • First you need to grind the malt, but not into flour, but into cereal;
  • Pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan and add 15 liters of water (50°C). Mix until the perfect consistency.
  • Reduce heat and cook for an hour, avoiding burning.
  • Remove from heat and place in a bowl of ice or ice water.
  • Following the instructions, yeast is bred.
  • Pour the warm mixture into a bottle, add yeast and stir.
  • We put a water seal on the neck and place it in a warm place for fermentation.
  • Stir every day for a week.

The mixture should be light in color, with a sour taste and smell of alcohol.

Sometimes they don’t even add yeast, just add warm water and sugar. But they increase the fermentation time to 10 days.

Now the resulting solution is purified to the state of a high-quality substance.

Use of ethyl alcohol

One of the main applications is in the fuel industry. In rocket engines, internal combustion. In the chemical field, it is a component for many substances. Serves as a solvent in the paint and varnish industry. Included in antifreeze, windshield washers, cleaning products and detergents. In the food industry it is used as alcoholic beverages. Also found in vinegar.
In medicine, its use is simply indescribable. This is the most popular area of ​​application. It is an antiseptic because it is able to destroy all germs and bacteria, helps disinfect the wound and prevents the process of rotting and decomposition.

Before the procedure begins, the surface is lubricated with ethyl, hands are disinfected, and dried. Also, during artificial ventilation, ethanol is used as an antifoam. It is even part of anesthesia and anesthesia.

As mentioned above, it is an excellent warming agent for colds. Also, during hot weather, you can rub yourself with the solution, this will keep you cool.

If you are poisoned by industrial alcohol, then ethanol will be an excellent “antidote”.

Signs of poisoning:

  1. Strong headache;
  2. It becomes difficult to breathe;
  3. Feeling completely weakened;
  4. Sharp pain in the abdomen;
  5. Severe vomiting.

Undoubtedly, these are symptoms of simple alcohol intoxication, but it is important to pay special attention to them. If your dose exceeds 30 ml, if medical care is not provided, death is possible. If after the first drink you feel suddenly ill, call the hospital, without hope that everything will go away on its own.

Don't forget about pharmaceuticals. Its use is limited to the production of tinctures, extracts, some antibiotics, etc.

Perfumery is not complete without ethyl alcohol. Each product contains it in its composition, in addition to water and perfume concentrate. Its formula allows it to act as a solvent.

To summarize, we can conclude that distinguishing between the types of this liquid is very important. There are even certain quality control methods. When consuming a minimal amount of methanol, you are putting your body in danger; even the liver will not be able to cope with so many toxins. Undoubtedly, the consumption of ethyl alcohol is also not advisable, but it does not cause such a lightning-fast blow to all organs.

It is important to remember that it is significantly different from methyl, but this is the only difference between the species. Buy the drink only in licensed and trusted stores, then you will avoid mistakes at the cost of your life.

Each substance has its own temperature at which it changes from liquid to solid.

It is influenced by the chemical properties of the liquid and the level of atmospheric pressure.

General information

Ethyl alcohol is a liquid that is odorless, colorless and tasteless. The first synthesis of ethyl alcohol (ethanol, ethanol, methylcarbinol, methyl alcohol) occurred in the middle of the 19th century.

The composition of ethanol is reflected in its chemical formula - C 2 H 6 0, the structural formula is CH 3 CH 2 OH. The formula shows that ethyl alcohol is a monohydric saturated substance and is derived from ethane by replacing one hydrogen atom with an OH hydroxyl group.

In this regard, the chemical properties of ethanol are determined, as well as its ability to react with molecules of other chemicals and elements. When storing anhydrous alcohol, it is worth considering the hygroscopicity of the substance. If the container with the liquid is not sealed enough, it not only evaporates, but also absorbs moisture from the outside, which reduces the strength of the alcohol.

Since methyl carbinol has a similar structure to water and contains few carbon atoms, it mixes well with H 2 O, regardless of the proportions. This alcohol is also a derivative of substances such as water and ethanol.

Ethyl alcohol is highly flammable (at 13 degrees Celsius) and during combustion it forms two substances - H 2 O and carbon dioxide. Explosion thresholds are +11 °C and - 41 °C. This substance boils at +78.3 degrees Celsius, and freezes at 117°C below zero. A liquid that contains 40% ethanol freezes at -28 degrees Celsius.

When methylcarbinol condenses, the output is a substance containing active hydrogen. The less alcohol a liquid contains, the higher its freezing point.

Alcohol vapors are very toxic to the human body. Sanitary standards allow 1 mg/dm 3 of C 3 H 2 OH vapor content in the air.

Requirements for raw materials

The main task of alcohol producers is the production of high quality ethanol. According to state standards and legislation, strict requirements are imposed on the quality of components of alcoholic beverages.

The main ingredients of alcoholic beverages are water and rectified ethinol, which is obtained through the biotechnological processing of agricultural raw materials. The refining process represents a large number of processes that affect the properties of ethanol.

The organoleptic properties of ethanol depend on the following:

  • type and quality of grain used;
  • grinding method;
  • preparation of raw materials for saccharification;
  • dosage and state of saccharifying materials during the hydrolysis process;
  • adding yeast;
  • acidity and duration of the fermentation process;
  • use of antiseptics and disinfectants;
  • sanitation in pipelines and other alcohol production equipment.

Agricultural raw materials are supplied to enterprises under contracts from various suppliers. Incoming grain undergoes control, during which its moisture content, percentage of weeds and starch are determined.

At this stage, criteria such as acidity, stickiness, glassiness, etc. are not taken into account. Strict control over the quality of raw materials is due to its influence on the organoleptic characteristics of ethanol. Poor-quality raw materials, contaminated with smut, unripe grain or damaged by drying, negatively affect the organoleptic properties of alcohol.

Production technology

Today there are three ethanol production technologies:

  • enzymatic (biochemical);
  • chemical;
  • synthetic.

In the production of the first type of alcohol, sugar is fermented using enzymes, oils and yeast, that is:

C 6 H 12 O 6 2 C 2 H 5 OH + 2CO 2 +118 kJ.

To obtain alcohol using the second method, industrial alcohol is chemically treated with mineral acids at the molecular level.

When using the third method of producing ethanol, water is added to ethylene in a medium with a catalyst, that is:

C 2 H 4 + H 2 O C 2 H 5 OH.

Rectified ethyl alcohol is made only from food substrate. Mostly cereals, molasses or potatoes are used for this.

The alcohol production process consists of the following steps:

  • preparatory – preparation of malt from purified raw materials;
  • the main one is boiling, saccharification, fermentation of malt, distillation of mash and production of raw ethanol;
  • the final stage is repeated distillation to purify ethanol from impurities (rectification).

The resulting rectified ethyl alcohol is divided into several types:

  • first grade alcohol;
  • basic;
  • extra alcohol;
  • luxury alcohol;
  • alpha alcohol.

For the production of vodka and other alcoholic drinks, all types of ethanol are used, except the first.

Storage conditions

Ethyl alcohol is stored in special hermetically sealed containers, which are sealed and sealed. It is strictly forbidden to store alcohol in galvanized containers.

Packaged alcohol has a special marking that contains information about the manufacturer, the name of the alcohol, weight, volume, container and batch number.

In addition, the container is marked with information about the flammability of the liquid, the designation of the standard and classification codes. Medical alcohol can be stored indefinitely.


One way to use purified alcohol is to use it in cars. For car drivers, the temperature at which ethanol freezes is very important in winter.

Another use of ethyl alcohol is the production of vodka. However, this is not pure ethanol, but mixed with various organic substances.

Vodka is a water-alcohol mixture that is 40% alcohol and 60% water. The freezing point of vodka is within 25-29 degrees below zero.

This property allows you to check the quality of this alcoholic drink - if the air temperature is above 25 degrees, and the vodka is frozen, then its quality is very doubtful.

Other types

In addition to ethyl alcohol, there are other alcohols that are used in industry and everyday life.

Isoamyl alcohol is a colorless liquid with a pungent odor. The boiling point of isoamyl is 132.1. The vapors of this alcohol are poisonous and cause irritation of the mucous membranes, coughing attacks and suffocation.

Isopropyl alcohol is a clear liquid that has a strong odor and bitter taste. It is used to replace ethyl alcohol in medicine, the manufacture of cosmetics, perfumes and household and automotive chemicals. Isopropyl alcohol is highly flammable, and its fumes have a toxic effect on the human body.

Due to its low freezing point, ethanol is added to a number of products as a substance that lowers the freezing point and prevents drying out, for example, as antifreeze in aviation.

The freezing point of ethyl alcohol depends on its concentration. The higher the percentage of alcohol in the solution, the lower the temperature at which the liquid crystallizes.

What alcohol is made from, see the following video:

Ethanol, or as it is also called, ethyl alcohol - this product consists of one atom and has the chemical formula C 2 H 5 OH. According to GOST, ethanol is a colorless liquid with a characteristic odor, and is highly flammable. This product is also a key component in the production of alcoholic beverages. The chemical formula of alcohol is C2H5OH.

Alcohol was first mentioned in the biblical chronicles. So it was in those times that the production of various alcoholic beverages is considered to be the official origin. In the 14th century, many discoveries related to the production of ethanol occurred.

Stages of development:

  • In the middle of the 14th century, the European alchemist Villger was able to obtain ethanol from a wine drink.
  • At the end of the same century, an Italian merchant who brought ambassadors to Russia also took alcoholic drinks with him. In 1386, alcohol entered the Moscow Principality for the first time.
  • At the beginning of the 16th century, the French scientist Paracelsus identified the main property of ethanol - a sleeping pill. Only two centuries after this, the first experiments on putting people to sleep during operations were carried out.
  • During the First World War, there were approximately 2.5 thousand factories producing drinking alcohol on the territory of the Russian Empire, but during wartime and after the revolution their number decreased to two hundred. However, by 1948, production began again and was also improved.
  • At the end of the 20th century, European scientists learned how to test the quality of alcohol in alcoholic drinks.


For the production of ethyl and methyl alcohol two methods are used: microbiological and synthetic, they are called alcoholic fermentation and ethylene hydration.

The first method has been known since ancient times. Fermentation occurs under the influence of various yeast and bacterial enzymes. The alcohol formula looks like this: C6H12O6 → 2C2H5OH + 2CO2.

The product obtained as a result of this method contains only 15% ethanol. After obtaining it, it is necessary to carry out purification, usually this is done using distillation.

Industrial alcohol production

To create an ethyl product in production, the following steps must be completed:

  • Prepare raw materials for production.
  • Ferment starch to fermentable sugars.
  • After this, the fermentation stage occurs.
  • Now all that remains is to carry out the bragon rectification.

The resulting product will contain up to 95.6% ethanol. Also depending on the impurities present in the manufactured product, There are several categories:

  • Alpha
  • Extra
  • Basis
  • Higher purification
  • First grade

Production via hydrolysis

At alcohol factories in the USSR and in present-day Russia This technology was widely used. It consisted in the hydrolysis of the raw materials from which the alcohol product was produced, after which it was subjected to fermentation.

Ethylene hydration

This production method is also widely used. Hydration is carried out in two ways:

The first is in hydration at a temperature of almost 300 degrees Celsius and a pressure of 7 MPa, phosphoric acid is used for the catalyst. The production formula is as follows: CH2=CH2 + H2O → C2H5OH.

Second way consists of hydration through sulfuric acid ester and its further hydrolysis at a temperature of about 85 degrees Celsius and a pressure of 3.5 MPa. The formula of ethyl alcohol is as follows: CH2=CH2 + H2SO4 → CH3-CH2-OSO2OH.

CH3-CH2-OSO2OH + H2O → C2H5OH + H2SO4.

Alcohol without water content

This product is called absolute alcohol, it really contains almost no water. Its boiling point is 78 degrees Celsius. To produce it, I use the distillation of ordinary aqueous ethanol containing benzene.

How to distinguish methyl alcohol from ethyl alcohol

How to determine methyl alcohol in alcohol? It is extremely difficult to do this at home, since they are almost one hundred percent the same, however, there are several ways:

  • For this method you will need copper wire. You need to twist it into a spiral shape, then heat it until white. Now you need to dip the already heated wire into methyl alcohol and remove it after a few seconds. After this, various fumes with odors will come from it. Methanol will give off a sharp unpleasant odor, and ethyl will give off an apple smell.
  • The second way is to check the fluids. To do this, pour the liquid to be tested into any metal container and heat it. As soon as you notice that the liquid begins to boil, lower the thermometer into it and find out the readings. Methanol has a boiling point of 65 degrees, and ethyl has a boiling point of 78.
  • In this method, you will need to set the alcohol on fire and determine whether it is methanol or ethyl by the color of the flame. Methanol will burn with a flame with a greenish tint, while ethanol will burn with a bright flame with bluish tints.
  • Another fairly simple but effective way to test the liquid is with potatoes. To do this, you need to take part of the peeled fruit and dip it in the alcohol to be tested for several hours. If the potato changes its color to pink, then it is methanol, but if the color does not change, then it is ethyl alcohol.

The formula of methyl alcohol is as follows - CH3OH.

The chemical formula of ethyl alcohol is C2H5OH.

How to check antifreeze at home

In order to check the quality of the purchased antifreeze liquid, there are several ways:

Medical alcohol

This type of alcohol is a type of ethanol. It is the purest of alcohol products, it does not contain any impurities, and its alcohol content is approximately 96.5%. This product is used mainly in medicine, but also, unlike industrial alcohol, it is widely used in the food industry. So, at home it is diluted and an alcoholic drink with 40% alcohol content is obtained. The technical one is used only for adding to various products that cannot be drunk.

For its production, raw materials are used only from food products: wheat, grain, potatoes, beets. Sometimes I even use berries or grapes.

Attention, TODAY only!

Ethyl alcohol is one of the most ancient substances, appearing about 4 thousand years ago in Babylon and Ancient Egypt. Artist Mark Keller talked about the many faces of ethanol, as it is consumed as food, used in medicine and as a liquid fuel. And indeed it is. Therefore, it is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on the chemical structure of this substance and consider its effect on the human body.

Historical facts

Ethanol was the first type of alcohol that people discovered and began to use in everyday life. According to legend, ethyl alcohol was first obtained from grape juice in the 11th century. Later, the amazing properties of this substance began to be revealed, which prompted the inventors to call it a “noble substance.” Indeed, ethanol has long been used in medicines and all kinds of drinks, and it was used in religious ceremonies.

In Ancient Egypt, alcohol was extracted by processing various plant foods, but in this way only an ethanol solution could be isolated. To increase concentration in China, it was invented to subject a solution of ethyl alcohol to distillation, which was invented about 9 thousand years ago.

For a long time, ethyl alcohol was part of all kinds of medicines, so the Latin name for ethanol was a word meaning “water of life.” And only in the 18th century, the Russian chemist Lovitz managed to isolate pure ethyl alcohol from solution. Already in the 19th century, one Swiss scientist was able to obtain the chemical formula of the substance, and another, 50 years later, deduced the chemical structure of ethanol.

Chemical composition

Ethyl alcohol is the chemical name of the resulting substance, and ethanol is its Latin designation. The formula of ethyl alcohol contains three molecules - 2 carbon atoms, 5 hydrogen atoms and a hydroxyl group OH. The chemical formula of ethyl alcohol is as follows - C2H5OH, and its structural formula is CH3CH2OH, which indicates the saturation of ethanol. The physical qualities of ethyl alcohol include colorlessness, liquid structure, easy volatility, characteristic odor and burning taste.

The main chemical qualities of the substance include the following:

  • flammability with release of heat;
  • coloring of the flame when ignited in the open air blue;
  • reacts with sulfuric acid, splitting off water molecules;
  • together with a class of carboxylic acids it forms esters;
  • interacts with alkali metals.

The main methods for producing ethyl alcohol in chemistry include:

  • the process of fermentation of organic products, as a result of which it is possible to obtain up to 15% pure ethanol;
  • industrial production using plant raw materials today produces about 95% ethyl alcohol;
  • a chemical reaction involving cellulose (wood) and water.

Area of ​​use of the substance

The molecular formula of ethyl alcohol is widely used in medicine, the fuel and energy complex, industry, cosmetology and the food industry. Ethyl alcohol is an excellent destroyer of many bacteria and infections; it can act as a preservative and solvent. Rocket engine fuel is produced using the ethyl alcohol formula. In industry, ethanol is used everywhere; it is added to most solvents, varnishes, paints, and household chemicals. In Brazil, to solve the problem of gas emissions, they began to add ethanol obtained from sugar cane to automobile fuel. The chemical formula of ethyl alcohol is present in many types of cosmetics, such as perfumes, colognes, lotions and toners. Well, in the food industry, the main place for ethanol is given to alcoholic products, however, it is also used as a preservative for the production of most confectionery products.

The drug "Alcobarrier"

Impact on the human body

Ethyl alcohol, entering the human body, begins to be actively absorbed and spread throughout all systems, negatively affecting health. The toxic properties of alcohol can manifest themselves in the form of nausea, dizziness, memory loss, palpitations, vomiting, and hangover.

With frequent consumption of alcohol, metabolic processes in the body are disrupted, liver and kidney function, and the cardiovascular system suffer. However, the central nervous system suffers most acutely, since regular consumption of alcoholic beverages suppresses it and leads to depressed hearing, vision, deterioration of mood, long-term depression, and impaired coordination of movements. With prolonged use, ethanol can completely stop the production of serotonin, which is responsible for a person’s emotional state.

The chemical formula of ethanol can have a pronounced toxic effect on the human lungs. When drinking alcohol, the body's protective functions fade away, resulting in lung damage and a pulmonary infection. This infection can lead to pneumonia, which is often fatal.

The first to be affected by ethyl alcohol and its toxic effects is always the gastrointestinal tract, where the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum is affected. The liver suffers with frequent and heavy alcohol consumption, cirrhosis develops, which can also be fatal. In addition, according to numerous medical studies, alcohol abuse leads to cancer.

If there are existing problems with the cardiovascular system, alcohol-containing drinks are strictly contraindicated for a person. This is fraught with an immediate deterioration in health, the occurrence of heart attacks and strokes, and even death. But even when a person does not experience problems with blood vessels, the load from ethanol on them is still not small. Long-term consumption of alcohol leads to irreversible changes - vascular walls thicken and the nutrition of the heart muscle is disrupted.

For quick and reliable relief from alcoholism, our readers recommend the drug "Alcobarrier". This is a natural remedy that blocks cravings for alcohol, causing a persistent aversion to alcohol. In addition, Alcobarrier triggers restoration processes in organs that alcohol has begun to destroy. The product has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by clinical studies at the Research Institute of Narcology.

In global production, ethanol is produced chemically. It is used in all sectors of the national economy, but debates about how beneficial or harmful ethyl alcohol is still raging. This substance can be beneficial for human health in small doses - dilate blood vessels, improve blood circulation, help with various diseases in the form of medicinal tinctures, however, if ethanol is used regularly, it becomes addictive and begins to poison the body.

Alcohol abuse is harmful in any case, no matter whether a person drinks cheap vodka or expensive cognac. Rapid distribution through the circulatory system helps ethyl alcohol penetrate into all corners of the organs, disrupting their function. That is why it is very important to be able to correctly calculate the dose of alcoholic beverages that does not lead to negative consequences. Since alcohol is addictive, not everyone can do this. It is better not to use ethanol in the form of alcohol at all, but to use it in those areas where many things would not have been achieved without the invention of this substance.