The educational process as the basis of educational activities. Pedagogical activity in the educational space

Educational process (EP)– this is a purposeful activity for training, education and development of an individual through organized educational and educational processes in conjunction with the self-education of this individual, ensuring the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities at a level not lower than the state educational standard.

The educational process must be considered as an integral dynamic system, the system-forming factor of which is the goal of pedagogical activity - human education. This system has specific procedural components. The most significant of them are the processes of training and education, which lead to internal processes of change in education, good manners and personality development. The processes of training and education also consist of certain processes. For example, the learning process consists of the interconnected processes of teaching and learning, education - from the process of educational influences, the process of their acceptance by the individual and the resulting process of self-education.

The educational process as a system functions in certain external conditions: natural-geographical, social, industrial, cultural, the environment of the school and its microdistrict. Intra-school conditions include educational-material, school-hygienic, moral-psychological and aesthetic.

The internal driving force of the educational program is the resolution of the contradiction between the put forward requirements and the real capabilities of students to implement them. This contradiction becomes a source of development if the requirements put forward are in the zone of proximal development of the students’ capabilities, and vice versa, such a contradiction will not contribute to the optimal development of the system if the tasks turn out to be excessively difficult or easy.

The dynamism of the educational program is achieved through the interaction of its three structures: 1) pedagogical; 2) methodological; 3) psychological.

Pedagogical the structure of the EP is a system of four elements: a) target; b) meaningful; c) operational-activity; d) analytical-effective. The target component involves teachers and students determining the goals of their educational and extracurricular activities, the content component involves determining the content of the educational process based on the goals, and the operational component involves organizing joint activities of teachers and students. The analytical-resultative component includes analysis of results and correction of pedagogical tasks.

Methodical the structure of the educational program includes the following elements: a) objectives of training (upbringing); b) successive stages of a teacher’s activity; c) successive stages of student activity.

Psychological the structure of the educational program is represented by a combination of three elements: 1) processes of perception, thinking, comprehension, memorization, assimilation of information; 2) students’ expression of interest, inclinations, motivation for learning, dynamics of emotional mood; 3) rises and falls of physical and neuropsychic stress, dynamics of activity.

Among the goals of the EP are regulatory state, public and initiative ones. Regulatory state goals are the most general goals defined in regulations and state education standards. Public goals - the goals of various segments of society, reflecting their needs, interests and requests for professional training. Initiative goals are direct goals developed by practicing teachers and their students themselves, taking into account the type of educational institution, specialization profile and academic subject, as well as the level of development of students and the preparedness of teachers.

In the “educational process” system, certain subjects interact. On the one hand, the school management, teachers, educators, teaching staff, and parents act as pedagogical subjects; on the other hand, the roles of both subjects and objects are students, staff, certain groups of schoolchildren engaged in one or another type of activity, and also individual students.

The essence of OP is the transmission of social experience by elders and its assimilation by younger generations through their interaction.

The main characteristic of the educational program is the subordination of its three components (teaching and educational, educational and cognitive, self-educational processes) to a single goal.

The complex dialectic of relations within the pedagogical process lies in: 1) the unity and independence of the processes that form it; 2) subordination of the separate systems included in it; 3) the presence of the general and the preservation of the specific.

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The educational process is a purposeful holistic process of education and training, pedagogically planned and implemented unity of goals, values, content, technologies, organizational forms, diagnostic procedures, etc.

Modern Russian education is developing under the influence of a number of contradictory trends - economic, ideological, social, and others. Hence the diversity of definitions and formulations of strategic goals, curriculum content, and approaches to checking the quality of education and training. Today, the teaching profession is dominated by “knowledge-based” and anthropological approaches to understanding the essence of teaching activity.

For a teacher living within the framework of the “knowledge” approach, objective, accurate knowledge and clear rules for transmitting it to the student become a professional value. For teachers of this type, the motto “Knowledge is power” has always been relevant, and any result of the process of teaching or upbringing can be assessed in the system “yes - no”, “knows - does not know”, “educated - not educated”, “possesses” – does not own.” At the same time, the assessment of the quality of knowledge (behavior) is transferred to the individual. This approach always assumes the existence of some external, objectively specified standard (norm, standard), against which the level of training, education, and professional training is verified. Methods can be varied - from reproductive to interactive. The essence remains the same: the teacher’s task is to find and transmit an algorithm that allows one to “introduce” the standard content into the consciousness and behavior of the student and ensure its reproduction as complete and accurate as possible.

Regularities of the pedagogical process

Every science has as its task the discovery and study of laws and patterns in its field. Laws and patterns express the essence of phenomena; they reflect essential connections and relationships. To identify the patterns of the holistic pedagogical process, it is necessary to analyze the following connections: connections of the pedagogical process with broader social processes and conditions; connections within the pedagogical process; connections between the processes of learning, education, upbringing and development; between the processes of pedagogical leadership and amateur performances of students; between the processes of educational influences of all subjects of education (educators, children's organizations, family, public, etc.); connections between tasks, content, methods, means and forms of organizing the pedagogical process.

From the analysis of all these types of connections, the following patterns of the pedagogical process emerge:

1. The law of social conditioning of the goals, content and methods of the pedagogical process. It reveals the objective process of the determining influence of social relations and the social system on the formation of all elements of education and training. The point is to use this law to fully and optimally transfer the social order to the level of pedagogical means and methods.

2. The law of interdependence of training, education and activities of students. It reveals the relationship between pedagogical leadership and the development of students’ own activity, between methods of organizing learning and its results.

3. The law of integrity and unity of the pedagogical process. It reveals the relationship between the part and the whole in the pedagogical process, stipulates the need for the unity of rational, emotional, reporting and search, content, operational and motivational components in teaching.

4. The law of unity and interconnection between theory and practice.

5. The pattern of dynamics of the pedagogical process. The magnitude of all subsequent changes depends on the magnitude of the changes at the previous stage. This means that the pedagogical process, as a developing interaction between the teacher and the student, is gradual. The higher the intermediate movements, the more significant the final result: a student with higher intermediate results also has higher overall achievements.

6. The pattern of personality development in the pedagogical process. The pace and achieved level of personality development depend on: 1) heredity; 2) educational and learning environment; 3) the means and methods of pedagogical influence used.

7. The pattern of managing the educational process.

The effectiveness of pedagogical influence depends on:

1) the intensity of feedback between the student and the teachers;

2) the magnitude, nature and validity of corrective actions on

brought up.

8. Pattern of stimulation. The productivity of the pedagogical process depends on:

1) the actions of internal incentives (motives) of pedagogical activity;

2) intensity, nature and timeliness of external (public,

moral, material and other) incentives.

9. The pattern of unity of the sensual, logical and practical in

pedagogical process. The effectiveness of the pedagogical process depends on:

1) intensity and quality of sensory perception;

2) logical comprehension of what is perceived;

3) practical application of the meaningful.

10. The pattern of unity of external (pedagogical) and internal

(cognitive) activity. From this point of view, the effectiveness of the pedagogical process depends on:

1) quality of teaching activities;

2) the quality of the students’ own educational activities.

11. The pattern of conditionality of the pedagogical process. Current and

the results of the pedagogical process depend on:

1) the needs of society and the individual;

2) capabilities (material, technical, economic and other) of society;

3) conditions for the process (moral, psychological, aesthetic and

Many patterns of learning are discovered experimentally, empirically, and thus learning can be built on the basis of experience. However, building effective teaching systems and complicating the learning process with the inclusion of new didactic tools requires theoretical knowledge of the laws according to which the learning process occurs.

External and internal patterns of the learning process are identified. The first (described above) characterize dependence on external processes and conditions: socio-economic, political situation, level of culture, needs of society for a certain type of personality and level of education.

Internal patterns include connections between the components of the pedagogical process. Between goals, content, methods, means, forms. In other words, it is the relationship between teaching, learning and the material learned. Quite a lot of such patterns have been established in pedagogical science, most of them operate only when mandatory learning conditions are created. I will name some of them, while continuing the numbering: 12. There is natural connection between training and upbringing: the teaching activity of the teacher is predominantly educational in nature. Its educational impact depends on a number of conditions in which the pedagogical process takes place.

13. Other The pattern suggests that there is a relationship between the interaction between teacher and student and the result of learning. According to this provision, learning cannot take place if there is no interdependent activity of the participants in the learning process, if there is no unity. A particular, more specific manifestation of this pattern is the connection between the student’s activity and the results of learning: the more intense and conscious the student’s educational and cognitive activity, the higher the quality of learning.

A particular expression of this pattern is the correspondence between the goals of the teacher and students; when the goals are mismatched, the effectiveness of teaching is significantly reduced.

14. Only interaction of all training components will ensure achievement of results consistent with the set goals. In the last pattern, all the previous ones seem to be combined into a system. If the teacher correctly selects the tasks, content, methods of stimulation, organization of the pedagogical process, takes into account the existing conditions and takes measures to possibly improve them, then lasting, conscious and effective results will be achieved.

The patterns described above find their concrete expression in the principles of the pedagogical process.

Education is a complex system, Therefore, it is possible to talk about a systems approach. This presupposes the presence of a comprehensive integrated analysis of the results of management activities in the entire system; identification of natural connections that determine the level of integrity of the system management system horizontally and vertically; identification of specific problems and conditions for the functioning of the system in society; development of dynamic structure and technology for controlling the ped system.

The education system, on the one hand, means a certain integrity, orderliness and interconnection of different parts of the structure of such a phenomenon as education. On the other hand, this concept also includes the totality of social relations that develop in the education system. In addition, it should be noted that in the modern Russian Federation there are educational systems at different levels - these are the federal and 89 educational systems of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, many municipal educational systems, educational systems of educational institutions, including general education ones.

What is the educational process? Process (from Latin - to advance) is a set of sequential actions to achieve any result. The pedagogical process at a university is a set of sequential actions of a teacher and a student for the purpose of education, development and formation of the latter’s personality. The educational process is a set of sequential actions of the student to achieve an educational result.

The basis of education is learning Learning Teaching Teaching Education is the process and result of consistent actions of the student

Organization of the pedagogical process is a set of the most effective actions leading to education and improvement of the relationships between the components of the pedagogical process.

Intensification (French) – increase in tension (intensity). Intensification of the educational process is the solution to the question of how to qualitatively improve the training of a specialist with the least amount of time, increasing to the maximum the amount of information in each lesson.

Intensification of the educational process is a strategy and tactics for the development of higher education, a means of improving the quality of training of specialists. It affects various aspects of the pedagogical system of the university: - students, - teachers, - forms of organization of the educational process.

The purpose of the lesson is to identify and evaluate the pros and cons of intensifying the educational process, the problems that accompany its implementation, which it generates, and outline possible ways to solve them.

Forms and methods of work Stage 1 - individual diagnostic Stage 2 - microgroup Stage 3 - collective discussion (general discussion) Summing up

Work in microgroups Everyone expresses their views on the questions posed to their colleagues: - the pros and cons of intensifying the educational process, - the problems that it gives rise to, - possible ways to solve them.

Reflection in groups: Did everyone have the opportunity to express their point of view and be heard? Who distinguished himself and enriched group opinion? Who didn't work, why? Who will give a message from the group?

The structure of the pedagogical process is the subject composition (students, teachers, employers), it is the procedural composition (target, content, operational, motivational, control and evaluation components)

What helps students learn? Interest in learning, desire, perspective, hard work Manner of teaching Material resources and organization of training Convenient schedule

What hinders students' studies? Disorganization Combining study with work Poor schedule Teachers Content of academic disciplines

Any profession has a certain structure: - given goals, an idea of ​​the result of work (for us this is the formation of a specialist as an individual and professional); - a given subject (teaching, educational, research process); - a system of means of labor (they differ and can be material and immaterial) - a system of professional job responsibilities (specified labor functions) and rights; - production environment, subject and social working conditions.

Pedagogical activity is: - Formulation of pedagogical goals - Diagnosis of the characteristics and level of training of students - Selecting the content of educational material for classes - Selecting teaching methods - Designing your own actions and the actions of students - Establishing discipline, the working environment in the classroom - Stimulating the activities of students - Organizing your activities on the presentation of educational material - Organization of one’s behavior in real conditions. - Organization of student activities - Organization of monitoring the results of pedagogical influences and adjustments - Establishing correct relationships with students - Implementation of educational work - Analysis of the results of training, education - Identification of deviations in results from the goals set - Analysis of the causes of these deviations - Design of measures to eliminate these causes - Creative search new methods of teaching, education

Abilities are individual psychological characteristics of a person, expressing his readiness to master certain types of activities. They are formed on the basis of inclinations (innate characteristics). A skill is a method of action mastered by a subject that provides a set of acquired knowledge and skills. Formed through exercise.

1. The ability to convey educational material to students, making it accessible, to present the material or problem clearly and understandably, to arouse interest in the subject, to arouse active independent thought in students (didactic abilities).

2. Ability in the relevant field of science (mathematics, physics, etc.). A capable teacher knows the subject not only within the scope of the course, but much wider and deeper, constantly monitors discoveries in his science, masters the material, shows great interest in it, and conducts at least modest research work (academic abilities).

4. The ability to clearly and clearly express thoughts and feelings through speech, as well as facial expressions and pantomimes. A teacher’s speech is always distinguished by inner strength, conviction, and interest in what he is saying. The expression of thoughts is clear, simple, understandable for students (speech abilities).

5. Organizational abilities are, firstly, the ability to organize a student team, unite it, inspire it to solve important problems and, secondly, the ability to properly organize one’s own work, which presupposes the ability to properly plan and control it yourself. Experienced teachers develop a unique sense of time - the ability to correctly distribute work over time and meet deadlines.

6. The ability to directly emotionally and volitionally influence students and the ability to gain authority from them on this basis (authoritarian abilities). The presence of strong-willed qualities (decisiveness, endurance, perseverance, exactingness, etc.), as well as a sense of personal responsibility for training and education.

7. The ability to communicate with people, the ability to find the right approach to students, to establish relationships with them that are expedient from a pedagogical point of view, the presence of pedagogical tact (communication abilities).

8. Pedagogical imagination (or predictive abilities) is the ability to foresee the consequences of one’s actions, design the student’s personality, imagine what will come of him in the future, and the ability to predict the development of certain qualities of the student.

So, the teacher must have the following abilities: Didactic Academic Perceptual Speech Organizational Authoritarian Communicative Pedagogical imagination Ability to distribute attention

Gnostic skills: - extract new knowledge from various sources, from research into one’s own activities; - independently work with various sources of information; - highlight the main, essential things in the selection and structuring of educational material and its presentation; - analyze pedagogical situations; formulated pedagogical tasks; - obtain new knowledge necessary for their productive solution, analyze decisions and results, compare the desired result and the real one; - reason logically and carry out logical calculations; - carry out search and heuristic activities; - study, generalize and implement best practices.

Design skills: - carry out long-term planning of strategic, tactical, operational tasks and methods for solving them; - anticipate possible results from solving a system of pedagogical tasks throughout the entire educational period for which planning is being carried out; - outline the results that need to be achieved by the end of this or that work; - teach students to set and realize goals for independent work; - set academic work, plan its achievement, and anticipate possible difficulties; - design the content of the course being taught; - design your own teaching activities.

Constructive skills: - select and structure information into newly developed training courses; - select and compositionally structure the content of educational and educational information for the upcoming lesson; - play out different options for constructing classes under the conditions of a system of instructions, technical teaching aids, and a certain time during which a specific task must be solved; - select forms of organization, methods and means of training; - design new pedagogical teaching technologies, monitor students’ educational activities.

Organizational skills: - organize group and individual work of students, taking into account all factors; - organize individual and conduct business educational and technological games, discussions, trainings; - manage the mental state of students during training sessions; - diagnose cognitive abilities and results of cognitive activity; - evaluate the results of educational work, the compliance of the achieved level of mastery of educational material with program requirements and potential capabilities of students; - carry out correction of educational activities.

Communication skills: - build interaction and relationships between teachers and students for the effective organization of the pedagogical process and achieving positive work results; - build interaction between teachers and students depending on the goals, content, forms of organization, teaching methods; - individually influence the student during the frontal presentation of educational material; - establish friendly, trusting relationships with students; - develop a common opinion on the correct choice of action and behavior; - motivate participants in the pedagogical process for upcoming activities.

Structure of the pedagogical process Determination of the goals of education, training (target component) Development of educational content (substantive) Determination of the training (upbringing) procedure, interaction of participants (operational-activity) Checking, evaluation, analysis of results (evaluative-effective)

The essence of the educational process, its patterns and driving forces.

Educational process (EP)– this is a purposeful activity for training, education and development of an individual through organized educational and educational processes in conjunction with the self-education of this individual, ensuring the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities at a level not lower than the state educational standard.

Educational process- this is learning, communication, in the process of which controlled cognition, assimilation of socio-historical experience, reproduction, mastery of one or another specific activity occurs, which underlies the formation of personality. The meaning of learning is that the teacher and the student interact with each other, in other words, this process is two-way.

Educational process– a purposeful holistic process of education and training, pedagogically planned and implemented unity of goals, values, content, technologies, organizational forms, diagnostic procedures, etc.

Modern Russian education is developing under the influence of a number of contradictory trends - economic, ideological, social, and others. Hence the diversity of definitions and formulations of strategic goals, curriculum content, and approaches to checking the quality of education and training. Today in the teaching profession, the dominant approach is when objective, accurate knowledge and clear rules for transferring it to the student become a professional value. For teachers of this type, the motto “Knowledge is power” has always been relevant, and any result of the process of teaching or upbringing can be assessed in the system “yes - no”, “knows - does not know”, “educated - not educated”, “possesses” – does not own.” At the same time, the assessment of the quality of knowledge (behavior) is transferred to the individual. This approach always assumes the existence of some external, objectively specified standard (norm, standard), against which the level of training, education, and professional training is verified. Methods can be varied - from reproductive to interactive. The essence remains the same: the teacher’s task is to find and transmit an algorithm that allows one to “introduce” the standard content into the consciousness and behavior of the student and ensure its reproduction as complete and accurate as possible.

Thanks to training, the educational process and educational impact are realized. The teacher’s influences stimulate the learner’s activity, while achieving a certain, pre-set goal, and control this activity. The educational process includes a set of means by which necessary and sufficient conditions are created for students to be active. The educational process is a combination of the didactic process, the motivation of students to learn, the educational and cognitive activity of the student and the activity of the teacher in managing learning.

In order for the educational process to be effective, it is necessary to distinguish between the moment of organizing the activity and the moment of learning in the organization of the activity. The organization of the second component is the immediate task of the teacher. The effectiveness of the educational process will depend on how the process of interaction between a student and a teacher is structured to assimilate any knowledge and information. The subject of a student’s activity in the educational process is the actions he performs to achieve the intended result of the activity, prompted by one or another motive. Here, the most important qualities of this activity are independence, readiness to overcome difficulties associated with perseverance and will, and efficiency, which presupposes a correct understanding of the tasks facing the learner and the choice of the desired action and the pace of its solution.

Considering the dynamism of our modern life, we can say that knowledge, skills and abilities are also unstable phenomena that are subject to change. Therefore, the educational process must be built taking into account updates in the information space. Thus, the content of the educational process is not only the need to master knowledge, skills, abilities, but also the development of mental processes of the individual, the formation of moral and legal beliefs and actions.

An important characteristic of the educational process is its cyclical nature. Here cycle is a set of certain acts of the educational process. The main indicators of each cycle: goals (global and subject), means and results (related to the level of mastery of educational material, the degree of education of students). There are four cycles.

Initial cycle. Goal: awareness and understanding by the student of the main idea and practical significance of the material being studied, and development of ways to reproduce the knowledge being studied and the method of using it in practice.

Second cycle. Goal: specification, expanded reproduction of learned knowledge and their explicit awareness.

Third cycle. Goal: systematization, generalization of concepts, use of what has been learned in life practice.

Final cycle.Goal: checking and taking into account the results of previous cycles through monitoring and self-control.

What is the driving force of this process, what spring sets in motion all these interconnected phenomena of learning?

The internal driving force of the educational program is the resolution of the contradiction between the put forward requirements and the real capabilities of students to implement them. This contradiction becomes a source of development if the requirements put forward are in the zone of proximal development of the students’ capabilities, and vice versa, such a contradiction will not contribute to the optimal development of the system if the tasks turn out to be excessively difficult or easy.

The art of the teacher lies in equipping students with knowledge and consistently leading them to more complex tasks and their implementation. Determining the degree and nature of difficulties in the educational process is in the hands of the teacher, who creates the driving force of learning - develops the skills and moral-volitional strength of schoolchildren.

Among the goals of the EP are regulatory state, public and initiative ones.Regulatory stategoals are the most general goals defined in regulations and state education standards. Public goals - the goals of various segments of society, reflecting their needs, interests and requests for professional training. Initiative goals are direct goals developed by practicing teachers and their students themselves, taking into account the type of educational institution, specialization profile and academic subject, as well as the level of development of students and the preparedness of teachers.

In the “educational process” system, certain subjects interact. On the one hand, the school management, teachers, educators, teaching staff, and parents act as pedagogical subjects; on the other hand, the roles of both subjects and objects are students, staff, certain groups of schoolchildren engaged in one or another type of activity, and also individual students.

The essence of OP is the transmission of social experience by elders and its assimilation by younger generations through their interaction.

The main characteristic of the educational program is the subordination of its three components (teaching and educational, educational and cognitive, self-educational processes) to a single goal.

The complex dialectic of relations within the pedagogical process lies in: 1) the unity and independence of the processes that form it; 2) subordination of the separate systems included in it; 3) the presence of the general and the preservation of the specific.

Patterns of the educational process
Every science has as its task the discovery and study of laws and patterns in its field. Laws and patterns express the essence of phenomena; they reflect essential connections and relationships. To identify the patterns of the holistic educational process, it is necessary to analyze the following connections: connections of the educational process with broader social processes and conditions; connections within the educational process; connections between the processes of learning, education, upbringing and development; between the processes of pedagogical leadership and amateur performances of students; between the processes of educational influences of all subjects of education (educators, children's organizations, family, public, etc.); connections between tasks, content, methods, means and forms of organizing the pedagogical process.
From the analysis of all these types of connections, the following patterns of the pedagogical process emerge:
1. The law of social conditioning of the goals, content and methods of the pedagogical process. It reveals the objective process of the determining influence of social relations and the social system on the formation of all elements of education and training. The point is to use this law to fully and optimally transfer the social order to the level of pedagogical means and methods.
2. The law of interdependence of training, education and activities of students. It reveals the relationship between pedagogical leadership and the development of students’ own activity, between methods of organizing learning and its results.
3. The law of integrity and unity of the pedagogical process. It reveals the relationship between the part and the whole in the pedagogical process, stipulates the need for the unity of rational, emotional, reporting and search, content, operational and motivational components in teaching.
4. The law of unity and relationship between theory and practice.
5. The pattern of dynamics of the pedagogical process. The magnitude of all subsequent changes depends on the magnitude of the changes at the previous stage. This means that the pedagogical process, as a developing interaction between the teacher and the student, is gradual. The higher the intermediate movements, the more significant the final result: a student with higher intermediate results also has higher overall achievements.
6. The pattern of personality development in the pedagogical process. The pace and achieved level of personality development depend on: 1) heredity; 2) educational and learning environment; 3) the means and methods of pedagogical influence used.
7. The pattern of managing the educational process.
The effectiveness of pedagogical influence depends on:
1) the intensity of feedback between the student and the teachers;
2) the magnitude, nature and validity of corrective actions on
brought up.
8. Pattern of stimulation. The productivity of the educational process depends on:
1) the actions of internal incentives (motives) of pedagogical activity;
2) intensity, nature and timeliness of external (public,
moral, material and other) incentives.

An integrated approach to education management

The effectiveness and quality of managerial work are determined, first of all, by the validity of the methodology for solving problems, i.e. approaches, principles, methods. Without good theory, practice is blind. However, tomanagement apply only some approaches and principles, although more than 14 scientific approaches are currently known:

  • Complex
  • Integration
  • Marketing
  • Functional
  • Dynamic
  • Reproductive
  • Process
  • Normative
  • Quantitative
  • Administrative
  • Behavioral
  • Situational
  • System
  • Program-targeted approach

The appearance of special publications and references tointegrated and systematic approachesin regulations and literature refers to the late 60s - early 70s of the XX century. The bibliography on this topic has now become quite extensive. However, there is no single view on the systemic and integrated approaches in management theory yet. Some authors identify the systemic and complex approaches, others interpret the systems approach as an integral part of the complex, while others, when considering the problems of the systems approach, generally bypass the issue of its relationship with the complex.

A complex approachWhen making management decisions, it takes into account the most important interrelated and interdependent factors of the organization’s external and internal environment - technological, economic, environmental, organizational, demographic, social, psychological, political, etc.

Today it is well known that in social systems, relationships between people go beyond the strict performance of their functional duties, and the relationships that develop between individuals, groups and teams are not limited to delineated competence within certain types of activities. They are greatly influenced by various political, economic, psychological, legal and other factors. Taking into account the versatility and multidimensionality of social phenomena is the main thingcontent of an integrated approach to management.With an integrated approach, the emphasis is on the simultaneous coverage of all aspects of the phenomenon under study, the study of their cumulative influence at the given point in time. An integrated approach to management involves the use of achievements of economic science, philosophy, history, psychology, law and other sciences. It is in the maximum coverage and consideration of all diverse factors, in the multidimensionality of assessing the influence of the surrounding reality, in the cumulative use of the achievements of other branches of knowledge that lies the main idea of ​​an integrated approach to management.

An integrated approach to management involves taking into account the following main aspects:socio-political, organizational, informational, legal, psychological and pedagogical.

Accounting in education managementsocio-political aspectis expressed, first of all, in ensuring, in the process of organizational work, the successful implementation of the goals facing the organization to accelerate the socio-economic development of the country.

Closely related to the socio-political aspect of managementorganizational aspect.It implies the formation of a rational structure of the organization, the optimal arrangement of forces and means, the definition and implementation of measures in the practice of the system of activities that ensure its reliable and effective operation. At the same time, organizational work is not limited only to such management functions as organizing the execution of decisions made. A significant part of this work is aimed at organizing proper management, ensuring the effective functioning of management bodies, and organizing the work of the team.

It should, however, be borne in mind that it is impossible to take into account the organizational aspect without taking into accountinformation aspect.Public administration is called upon to maintain the level of organization of the system in a constantly changing environment.

Information support implies the creation of arrays of information that are used in management. Professionally organized information support has a great influence on the regulation of the work process of both managers and performers, and increases the productivity of managerial work and its efficiency. In other words, improvement on a scientific basis of information support for management and the organizational measures inevitably associated with the implementation of these improvements contribute to the development of a logical sequence in the actions of the team, algorithms for the implementation of activities and operations. The more complete the information support for the process of developing and making decisions, the more often managers and performers in their actions focus on information rather than intuition, the greater the efficiency and quality of work the team will achieve.

Public administration is impossible without taking into accountlegal aspect.Legal regulation of the activities of participants in the management process is carried out, first of all, through:

  • clear regulation of their functional rights and responsibilities;
  • establishing the responsibility of each official for the performance of certain, clearly and unambiguously defined tasks and practical work.

This helps to increase the sense of responsibility of managers and performers, strengthen discipline, and establish order when the subject of management makes decisions within its competence and does not allow the transfer of its responsibilities to other authorities in order to avoid responsibility. Otherwise, the excess of rights over duties will be fraught with the manifestation of voluntarism, and the lack of rights for duties will lead to non-performance.

An essential element of an integrated approach to managing organizational activities ispsychological and pedagogical aspect,involving the use in management of the achievements of such sciences as social psychology, personality psychology, labor psychology, and pedagogy.

In public administration, it is of no small importance to take into account socio-psychological factors: personality traits of individual workers, motives of activity, social positions occupied by workers, roles in the team, existing informal relationships, etc. An effective form of educational influence is an individual approach, based on knowledge of the personal qualities and motivation of each employee, and the activation of the human factor. The educational load and influence on the effectiveness of management by the style of activity of managers is great.