Regulations on the experimental site. Regulations on the experimental site for network interaction school - altgpu

Document's name:
Document Number: 579
Document type:
Receiving authority: Ministry of Education of Russia
Status: Inactive

N 1, 2000

Acceptance date: October 18, 1999
Start date: October 18, 1999
Expiration date: 09 March 2004
Revision date: January 12, 2000

On approval of the Regulations on the federal experimental site of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation


On approval of the Regulations on the federal
experimental site of the Ministry of Education
Russian Federation

(as amended on January 12, 2000)

Revoked based on
Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 9, 2004 N 1123

Document with changes made:

In order to develop the education system in the Russian Federation and provide state support to the innovation movement

I order:

1. Approve the attached Regulations on the federal experimental site of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

2. Consider the order of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation dated July 17, 1997 N 1577 “On approval of the Regulations on the federal experimental site in the education system of the Russian Federation” as no longer in force.

V. Filippov

Application. Regulations on the federal experimental site of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

to the order
Ministry of Education
Russian Federation
dated October 18, 1999 N 579

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation determines the conditions for assigning the status of a federal experimental site to an educational institution by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, whose activities are aimed at implementing cultural and educational initiatives with the aim of developing the education system in the Russian Federation, proactively resolving issues of its scientific, organizational, legal, financial, economic, personnel and logistics.

1.2. A cultural-educational initiative (hereinafter referred to as an initiative) is understood as the activity of an educational institution or educational management body, aimed at developing a socio-cultural environment through educational means and taking into account historical and pedagogical experience and the current state of the theory and practice of education, generating new content, methods, forms of organization of the educational process and management systems adequate to them.

The federal status of the initiative is determined by the significance of the problems being developed for ensuring the cultural, scientific, and information space of Russia; the focus of the activities of the authors of the initiative on solving problems of updating the content, methods and organizational forms of education; development and testing of ways to ensure the development of the personality of the student, pupil, his ability for self-development, self-determination and self-education; development of promising concepts and models of humanistic and humanitarian education; formation of universal human values, democratic attitudes and civic responsibility in social life among students.

1.3. The author(s) of the initiative can be teaching and research teams, as well as research and educational institutions of all forms of ownership, state and local (municipal) education authorities.

1.4. To the extent that an initiative is an object of copyright, it is subject to the relevant norms of civil law.

2. Federal experimental site

2.1. The federal experimental platform of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - FEP) can be an educational institution (group of educational institutions) implementing educational programs and its structural divisions.

forms of training and retraining of teaching staff;

the mode of operation of the educational institution on the basis of which the experiment is planned to be deployed;

educational institution management system.

2.3. Assigning FEP status does not entail a change in the status of the educational institution, its organizational and legal form and subordination.

3. The procedure for assigning the status of a federal experimental site

The application must contain: name, location (legal, actual address, contact numbers) of the educational institution on the basis of which the experiment is planned; a statement of the essence of the initiative, justification of its significance for the development of the education system of the Russian Federation;

experiment program (main ideas of the experiment, goals, initial theoretical principles, stages of the experiment and predicted results for each stage, research methods, necessary conditions for conducting the experiment, means of monitoring and ensuring the reliability of the experiment results, a list of educational and methodological developments that support the experiment program); proposals for possible dissemination of the results of the initiative at the end of the experiment;

preliminary calculations for personnel, economic, logistical and scientific support for the experiment; sources of financing.

3.2. To assess the significance of the initiative, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation creates expert groups, the composition of which is approved by its order.

The number of expert groups is determined by the content of the initiatives. The author(s) of the initiative and the Council for Federal Experimental Sites participate in the formation of the composition of the expert groups.

3.3. The expert groups may include representatives of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of Education, other scientific institutions, educational authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in whose territory the experiment is being conducted, teaching and management staff of educational institutions.

3.4. The examination of the initiative is carried out in three stages:

the first stage (carried out before April 1) - initial assessment of the submitted application and decision-making on inviting the author (authors) to participate in the second stage;

the second stage (carried out until June 15) - development, together with the author (authors) of the initiative, of an examination methodology and examination of the project according to the application approved at the first stage;

the third stage (final, carried out until October 15) conducting a final examination and drawing up an expert opinion on each initiative.

3.5. Based on the results of the third (final) stage of the examination, the expert group draws up a conclusion. The conclusion is signed by all members of the expert group, indicating the dissenting opinion of those who do not agree with this conclusion.

3.6. Based on the conclusions of expert groups, the Council for Federal Experimental Sites selects educational institutions - applicants for the assignment of FEP status and makes recommendations to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation on the possibility of assigning FEP status to an educational institution with justification for the feasibility of conducting an experiment for each initiative.

3.7. By order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the educational institution - the applicant is assigned the status of FEP, the topic and timing of the experiment are approved.

3.8. The deadline for submitting an application is December 30 of the year preceding the competition of cultural and educational initiatives.

3.9. In case of a negative conclusion of the expert group, the author (authors) of the initiative can submit an application to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation again no earlier than in a year.

4. Management of the federal experimental site

4.1. In order to implement the experiment program and ensure the functioning of the FEP, by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, in agreement with the Russian Academy of Education, a Council for Federal Experimental Sites (hereinafter referred to as the Council) is created. The Council includes representatives of scientific institutions of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Education, chambers of the Federal Assembly, and pedagogical associations.

4.2. Advice:

determines priority areas of experimental work that contribute to the development of education in the Russian Federation;

forms a data bank on the main directions of initiatives, as well as the results of their experimental testing;

develops a mechanism for using the experimental results;

informs the teaching community about ongoing experiments;

prepares proposals to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation on financing of experimental programs;

analyzes annual reports of federal experimental sites on the results of the experiment program;

participates in the formation of the composition of expert groups;

carries out the selection of educational institutions - applicants for assignment of FEP status.

4.3. The Council is led by its Chairman. In the absence of the chairman, his functions are assigned to the deputy chairman of the Council.

4.4. A member of the Council cannot be a member of the expert group.

4.5. The Council in its activities is guided by these Regulations.

4.6. An educational institution that has received the status of an educational institution reports to the Council at least once a year on issues related to the conduct of the experiment.

4.7. An assessment of the activities of an educational institution that has received FEP status is carried out by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

4.8. The FEP status can be removed in the following cases:

completion of the experiment program;

obtaining negative experimental results;

lack of funding for the experiment program.

4.9. The decision to remove the FEP status is made by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

4.10. Providing organizational, scientific and methodological support for the experimental activities of educational institutions with the status of FEP is carried out by higher educational institutions, the list of which is approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (the clause was additionally included by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 12, 2000 N 79).


For a list of higher educational institutions that provide organizational, scientific and methodological support for the experimental activities of educational institutions that have the status of FEP, see Order No. 79 of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 12, 2000.


5. Participation of educational authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in the organization and activities of the federal experimental site

Educational authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments can:

act jointly with subordinate educational institutions as authors of cultural and educational initiatives;

create the conditions necessary for the implementation of the experiment program, as well as take part in its organization and conduct.

6. Financing of the experiment program of the federal experimental site

6.1. The experimental program can be financed from the following funds:

allocated by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for scientific research;

allocated by other ministries, departments, organizations, individual citizens;

additionally allocated from the relevant funds for the development of education of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local governments;

income received or received from paid additional educational services provided by the educational institution in accordance with its charter.

6.2. In order to stimulate the activities of employees of educational institutions participating in the experiment, an educational institution that has received the status of FEP, within the limits of the funds available to it for remuneration of employees, independently determines the form and system of remuneration, the size of wage rates and official salaries, as well as the size of additional payments , allowances, bonuses and other measures of material incentives.

Revision of the document taking into account
changes and additions
prepared by legal
bureau "CODEKS"

On approval of the Regulations on the federal experimental site of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (as amended on January 12, 2000) (lost force on the basis of order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 03/09/04 N 1123)

Document's name: On approval of the Regulations on the federal experimental site of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (as amended on January 12, 2000) (lost force on the basis of order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 03/09/04 N 1123)
Document Number: 579
Document type: Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia
Receiving authority: Ministry of Education of Russia
Status: Inactive
Published: Bulletin of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

N 1, 2000

Acceptance date: October 18, 1999
Start date: October 18, 1999
Expiration date: 09 March 2004
Revision date: January 12, 2000

Annex 1

to the order dated “__”________2014


about the scientific and methodological experimental site

f Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

"Altai State Pedagogical Academy"


at a meeting of the Academic Council

dated June 30, 2014 (protocol No. 12)


by order of the rector dated “___”__________2014 No._______

1. General Provisions

1.1. These Regulations determine the general conditions and procedure for organizingFederal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Altai State Pedagogical Academy"(hereinafter referred to as the Academy) scientific and methodological experimental sites.

1.2. The scientific and methodological experimental site (hereinafter referred to as the experimental site) of the Academy is a form of joint activity of the Academy and educational organizations (hereinafter referred to as organizations), within the framework of which, on the basis of these organizations, the results of research on the structural and content renewal of the education system are tested in accordance with the priority areas of the state and regional policy in the field of education on the basis of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and these Regulations.

1.3. The main activities of the Academy’s experimental sites are:

development and testing of new structures in the education system, modelsnetwork interaction of educational organizations and educational systems;

experimental development and testing of systems for assessing the quality of the process and result of education and upbringing;

creation, testing and improvement of new forms, methods of teaching and upbringing and innovative pedagogical technologies;

experimental activities aimed at developing new effective ways to solve problems of educational development.

1.4. Experimental sites carry out experimental activities within the framework of the scientific activities of the Academy, in accordance with the priority directions of state and regional policy in the field of education.

2. The procedure for organizing a scientific and methodological experimental site

2.1. The status of an experimental site is assigned to educational organizations and (or) their associations (regardless of their type and type, organizational and legal form, departmental affiliation and subordination), and other legal entities operating in the field of education.

2.2. To assign the status of an experimental site for the Academy, the head of the organization submits a set of application documents (paper and electronic versions) to the Regional Resource Center for the Development of Innovations in Education of AltSPA. The set includes an application for assignment of the status “Scientific and methodological experimental site of the FSBEI HPE “AltSPA” (Appendix 1), an experimental work plan (Appendix 2.1.), a passport of the experimental site of the FSBEI HPE “AltSPA” (Appendix 3).

2.3. The set of application documents submitted to the Academy for assignment of the status of an experimental site is undergoing examination in the relevant structural divisions of the Academy. The result of the examination is an expert opinion establishing the feasibility of opening an experimental site on the stated topic.

2.4. Assignment of the status of an experimental site of the Academy is carried out by order of the Rector of the Academy on the basis of an expert opinion of a package of documents presented at the assignment of the status of an experimental site of the Academy, confirmed by the agreement on the creation of an experimental site of the Academy (Appendix 2) and the Certificate of assignment of the status of an experimental site of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "AltSPA" (Appendix 4 ). The Certificate indicates the validity period of the Agreement. Assigning the status of an experimental site to the Academy does not entail a change in the legal status of the organization or its organizational and legal form.

2.5. The status of the Academy's experimental site is assigned to an organization, association of educational institutions or other legal entities operating in the field of education for the period determined by the thematic calendar plan for conducting experimental activities. Upon expiration of the plan, the status of the Academy's experimental site loses its validity.

2.6. The validity period of the Academy's experimental site status may be extended by agreement of the Parties based on a reasonable request from an educational organization, association of educational organizations or other legal entities operating in the field of education, which were previously assigned the status of an Academy experimental site. The issue of extending the validity period of the Academy's experimental site status is considered in accordance with the procedure defined in clauses 2.3, 2.4 of these Regulations.

2.7. The status of the Academy's experimental site may be terminated early by order of the Rector of the Academy on the basis of the expert opinion of the relevant structural unit of the Academy in the following cases: failure to fulfill the thematic calendar plan for conducting experimental activities, obtaining intermediate results indicating the impossibility or inexpediency of continuing experimental activities in this area, termination of funding activities of the experimental site, as well as in other cases that impede the implementation of the activities of the experimental site.

3. Organization of activities of the scientific and methodological experimental site of the Academy

3.1. The implementation of experimental activities begins after the conclusion of the agreement (Appendix 2). The annex to the agreement indicates the direction of activity of the experimental site, the topic and purpose of the experimental work, a phased plan for the experimental work, indicating the forms of reporting documents and the deadlines for their submission to the Academy (Appendix 2.1).

3.2. In order to systematize information about the activities of the experimental sites of the Academy and the achieved scientific and practical results, the Regional Resource Center for the Development of Innovations in Education creates and maintains a register of experimental sites of educational organizations.

3.3. The Academy and the organizations on the basis of which the experimental sites operate have equalthe right to use the results of experimental work for scientific and educational purposes.

3.4. In order to improve the quality and efficiency of the experimental research carried out, the Academy regularly checks the results of the experimental activities of the site (report, participation in seminars and conferences and other forms of reporting). An organization, association of educational institutions or other legal entities operating in the field of education, which have been assigned the status of an experimental site of the Academy, conduct an analysis (self-analysis) of the results of experimental activities. The results of the analysis (self-analysis) of experimental activities are reflected in a standard form (Appendix 5).

3.5. The head of the organization, as well as the coordinating organization of the association of educational institutions or other legal entities operating in the field of education, which have been assigned the status of an experimental site of the Academy, is the responsible executor (hereinafter referred to as the responsible executor) for organizing the work of the experimental site or appoints another responsible executor for the organization work of the experimental site from among the employees of the organization, the coordinating organization.

3.6. Responsible executive of the experimental site:

determines the list of structural units and employees of the organization participating in the work of the experimental site within the framework of the scientific activities of the Academy;

monitors the implementation of the pilot activity plan and the achievement of intermediate results;

promotes the organization of advanced training for employees of the organization participating in experimental activities;

reports to the Academic Council of the Academy on the progress and results of the experiment within the time limits established in the thematic calendar plan of experimental work.

3.7. In order to ensure the quality of experimental activitiesBy order of the Rector of the Academy, a scientific director of the experimental site in the profile of scientific research is appointed from among the highly qualified scientific and pedagogical workers of the Academy.

3.8. Scientific director of the experimental site:

determines the strategy for conducting the experiment, provides guidance on the planning and implementation of experimental activities;

organizes timely processing and analysis of experimental activities;

organizes verification of the results of experimental activities;

provides assistance in the publication of materials on the results of experimental work in periodicals of the Academy, collections of scientific papers;

carries out reporting on the results of experimental activities of the Academy’s experimental site at least once a year;

provides assistance in organizing joint coordination and consulting events (conferences, seminars, meetings) on scientific research topics.

3.9. Financing of the activities of the experimental site is carried out from the funds of the organization, or the coordinating organization of the association of educational institutions, other legal entities operating in the field of education, which have been assigned the status of an experimental site of the Academy


Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs ______________________N.A. Matveeva

Head of the legal department

administrative and legal management ______________________E.I. Goncharova



to the order of the Department of Education

from ___________ No._______


about the experimental site

in the education system of the Samara urban district


1.1. This Regulation (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation)determines the order creation and operation of municipal experimental sites (hereinafter referred to as the experimental site) in educational institutions of the Samara urban district.

1.2. The experimental site is the subject of experimental activities. Experimental activities in the Regulations mean the activities of various subjects of the education system of the Samara urban district in the development, testing and implementation of new educational content, teaching and upbringing technologies, new mechanisms for managing educational institutions, and monitoring the quality of education.

1 .3. Experimental activities should be based on a scientific analysis of the latest achievements of pedagogical theory and practice, designed to identify and experimentally test the value of these achievements for education.

1.4. Subjects of experimental activities can be teaching staff, individual employees of educational institutions, employees of research organizations, employees of educational and methodological services, public organizations and associations, temporary creative teams.

1.5. The status of the experimental site is determined:

The significance and relevance of social and educational initiatives for the development of the education system of the Samara urban district;

Focused on designing the content of education, teaching and upbringing technologies that correspond to modern educational goals.


2.1. The main activities of the experimental site are:

Development and experimental testing of new content of education, educational technologies, forms, methods and means of training and education, software and methodological support for the educational process, textbooks, educational and methodological complexes;

Development and testing of new education management mechanisms aimed at its modernization;

Creation and development of new communication structures in the education system, network interaction of educational institutions and other organizations (including general education institutions and educational institutions of secondary and higher vocational education, scientific organizations, etc.); associations of educational organizations (associations, unions, etc.) aimed at improving the system of lifelong education and implementing the educational community model;

Pilot testing of education quality assessment systems, new forms and methods of education management.

2.2. The directions and topics of experimental activities are determined taking into account the main directions of development of the education system of the Samara urban district. The topic can be proposed by the Department of Education of the Samara Urban District, the Expert Council, or independently determined by the educational institution.

2.3. Educational institutions may participate in experimental activities in one or more areas.


3.1. Assignment of the status of an experimental site is carried out by order of the Department of Education of the Samara City District Administration on the basis of the conclusion of the City Expert Council (hereinafter referred to as the Council) in the manner established by these Regulations and other regulatory legal acts, and does not entail a change in the status of institutions, their organizational and legal form and subordination .

3.2. The application of an educational institution for inclusion in the experimental sites is considered upon independent submission to the relevant structural divisions of the Department of Education after passing an examination at the Council level. For this purpose, the Council may create expert commissions.

3.3. The results of the examination of the application, containing substantiated conclusions about the relevance of the experimental topic for the education system, the feasibility of the chosen research apparatus and the timing of the experiment, are documented in writing after the decision is made by the City Expert Council.

3.4. The Council can consider applications both in the presence of representatives of the educational institution that has announced the opening of an experimental site, and in absentia.

3.5. The application must contain:

- name and location of the institution (legal and actual address, contact numbers, e- mail);

- presentation of the main idea of ​​the study, argumentation of the relevance and novelty of the subject of research, justification of its scientific and practical significance for the development of the education system;

- concept of the study (initial theoretical principles; predicted results, etc.);

- a thematic calendar plan for the implementation of experimental activities indicating the stages and timing of the project, information about the performers.

3.6. The introduction of educational institutions into the experimental sites is carried out for a period of up to three years, starting from January of the current year. After completion of the experimental work within the prescribed period, the educational institution is removed from the city experimental site.

3.7. The period of operation of an educational institution as an experimental site may be extended by order of the Department of Education by decision of the City Expert Council to complete the experiment program, but not more than for one year.

3.8. Removal of experimental site statuscarried out by order of the Department of Education of the Administration of the Samara Urban District on the basis of a decision of the City Expert Council.

3.9. Early termination of the experimental site’s activities may be carried out in the following cases:

- improper fulfillment by an educational institution of its assumed obligations enshrined in the work program;

- obtaining intermediate results indicating the impossibility or inexpediency of continuing the project, in particular the deterioration in the level and quality of training of students;

- violation by an educational institution of the legislation of the Russian Federation, including non-compliance of the content of graduate training with the requirements of state educational standards, non-compliance with the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards for the protection of the health of students and pupils,

- violation of reporting deadlines.

3.10. The issue of early termination of the status of an experimental site is considered by the Council based on the results of an interim report or based on the results of an examination appointed by the Council if there are grounds.

Termination of the status of an experimental site on the grounds specified in clause 3.9. is formalized by order of the Department of Education in accordance with the decision of the Council.


4.1. The experimental site is guided by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, these Regulations and other regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of educational institutions in the conditions of experimental and innovative activities.

4.2. The experimental site has the right:

Make changes to the goals, objectives, content of educational programs, organization of the educational process, pedagogical methods and technologies, system of educational means;

Make changes to the mode of operation and management structure of an educational institution, to the organization of financial and economic activities;

After passing external examination, they are given the right to publish the results of experimental and innovative work;

Change the forms and content of training and retraining of teaching staff.

4.3. The listed rights are provided only in order to ensure the most effective implementation of the program of experimental activities and should not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation, harm the health, as well as the level and quality of training of students and pupils, or limit the rights of participants in the educational process.

4.5. The experimental site must:

Implement the approved program for conducting research and experimental work within the prescribed period;

To ensure, within the framework of experimental activities, the level and quality of training of graduates is not lower than the requirements of state educational standards;

- carry out self-audit of experimental activities;

Timely inform the relevant structural unit of the Department of Education about problems that may arise that may lead to failure to implement the program or work schedule;

Organize advanced training for employees of educational institutions - participants in the project implementation in areas of experimental activities;

- Provide reporting materials 2 times a year in accordance with the calendar plan for the implementation of experimental work, the requirements for reporting documentation approved by the City Expert Council, and containing information about a specific product of experimental activity (Appendix 1).

4.7. Educational institutions that are subjects of experimental and innovative activities, are responsible:

- for the reliability of information about the content and implementation of the program for conducting experimental and innovative activities in front of parents (legal representatives) of minor students;

- in case of deterioration in the health and emotional well-being of children as a result of experimental and innovative activities

- for the efficient use of financial resources allocated by the Department of Education of the Samara City District Administration for the development and implementation of programs for conducting experimental and innovative activities.


5.1. The general management of the activities of the experimental site is carried out by the head of the institution on the basis of which it was created. The head of the educational institution bears full responsibility both for the results of educational activities and for the implementation of the experiment program, ensures the safety of the life and health of children, and their protection from possible negative results and consequences of the experiment.

5.2. Scientific and methodological guidance is carried out by the scientific director of the experiment from among specialists with an academic degree, the direction of scientific activity of which corresponds to the subject of the experiment. A scientific supervisor may be a member of the staff of an educational institution or carry out his scientific leadership activities on a contractual basis with the educational institution.

5.3. Department of Education of the Samara City District Administration:

Creates a City Expert Council on experimental and innovative activities headed by the Chairman - Deputy Head of the Department of Education of the Samara City District Administration. The council includes representatives of educational authorities, MOU DPO PC "Center for Educational Development of the Samara Urban District", scientific and educational institutions, representatives of the pedagogical community;

Determines annually, based on the recommendations of the Council, educational institutions to operate as experimental sites.

5.4. Expert advice:

Develops strategic directions for experimental and innovative activities in the field of educational development;

Conducts an examination of applications from educational institutions to conduct experimental and innovative activities;

Develops and makes changes to the program of research and experimental work;

Every year he hears an analytical report from the Municipal Educational Institution of Further Professional Education and Training of the Educational Development Center of the Samara Urban District on the results of experimental activities;

Ensures openness and accessibility of the ideas and content of the experiment for the pedagogical community;

Determines the forms and methods of transmitting innovative experience;

5.5. The organization, planning, and coordination of experimental activities are carried out by the Municipal Educational Institution of Further Professional Education and Training "Center for Educational Development of the Samara Urban District."

5.6. MOU DPO PC "Center for Educational Development of the Samara Urban District":

Prepares an annual analytical report on the results of experimental activities;

Reviews educational and methodological complexes, experimental teaching aids, developed as part of experimental activities and presented in the form of a manuscript, original layout, finished publication (if there is an annotation, a detailed outline of the manual, two reviews), and prepares reviews for positive or negative conclusions on the publication of materials;

Analyzes intermediate results and the effectiveness of changes during the experiment, ensures that the final results are presented to the level of independent external expertise;

Provides information support for the work of the Expert Council;

Organizes and conducts training seminars for managers of experimental and innovative activities to ensure a unified methodological basis and continuity of research results;

Reports on the results of experimental and innovative activities at a meeting of the Board of the Education Department of the Samara City District Administration.

5.7. Educational institution functioning as an experimental site:

Plans experimental and innovative activities at the level of the educational institution, involving scientific consultants as necessary;

Provides quality education incompliance with the requirements of state educational standards;

Conducts self-audits of experimental and innovative activities;

Organizes advanced training for employees of educational institutions - participants in the project implementation in the areas of experimental and innovative activities;

Prepares an annual report on the intermediate / final results of experimental and innovative activities for the City Expert Council;

Parents (legal representatives) of minor students are responsible for the accuracy of information about the content and implementation of the program for conducting experimental and innovative activities;

Responsible for the effective use of financial resources allocated by the Department of Education of the Samara City District Administration for the development and implementation of programs for conducting experimental and innovative activities;

Bears responsibility in the event of deterioration in the health and emotional well-being of children as a result of experimental and innovative activities.


6.1. Additional funding for the educational institution, operating as an experimental site, is provided from the budget of the Samara city district.

6.2. To finance experimental activities, an educational institution can attract funds from sponsors, associations, creative teams, organizations, and individuals.

6.3. The individual staffing schedule of the experimental site provides for:1 position of deputy director for scientific and methodological work; 1 methodologist rate.

6.4. Educational institutions that have the status of an experimental site may be allocated additional material and technical equipment.


Experimental Site Report Form

I. Educational institution passport

- educational institution No...., address, telephone, fax;

- director, deputy director for experimentation (science);

- year of the experiment;

- scientific supervisor (consultant) - indicating the scope of scientific activity and interests (reflect all areas)

II . Theme of experimental work, innovative teaching experience

III . Source of change (contradictions, new teaching aids, new conditions for educational activities, other)

IV . Idea of ​​change (what is the essence of experiment, innovative activity: in the use of educational, information and communication or other technologies, in changing the content of education, organizing the educational or educational process, etc.)

V . Change concept (methods, their advantages over analogues and novelty, limitations, labor intensity, risks)

VI . Conditions for implementing changes (including personal and professional qualities of teachers, educational and methodological support; financial support ; logistical)

VII . The result of changes, mastering new technology ( qualitative change in the content of the program; accelerating the process of mastering the course; expanding opportunities for additional education; ensuring social and educational effects; ensuring the effects of mental (emotional, cognitive) development; removing a child from a risk group, normalizing the development situation; something else). Publications about the experience presented.

VIII . Product of experimental activity (what is intended for broadcast: a project of educational practice, a program, a fragment of a program, a methodology, something else...

Main characteristics showing the need and significance of this product for educational practice. Its differences from existing analogues.

IX . Description of experimental activities , innovative experience (done in free form, is a factual description of up to 1 page - characters)

X . Keywords (those words and phrases by which you can search for a product of experimental activity in databases, hypertexts, computer networks, catalogs, etc.)

XI . Scope of application of the obtained experimental products .

Experimental site at Khabarovsk College of Technology

The regulations on experimental research activities at the Khabarovsk College of Technology were developed on the basis of the Regulations on the regional experimental site in the system of secondary vocational education (dated 01/01/2001).

1. General Provisions

1.1 This provision defines the approaches, procedure and conditions for organizing and conducting research activities of the experiment, types and forms of reports by participants in the experiment.

1.2 The experimental site of the Khabarovsk College of Technology is a special form of interaction between pedagogical science and practice in the development and implementation of socially significant projects that determine the strategy of the college’s educational policy.

1.3 The activities of the college’s experimental site are based on scientific analysis of the latest achievements of pedagogical science and practice; designed to identify and experimentally test the value of these achievements for education; is aimed at developing and introducing new educational content, forms and methods of organizing the educational process, and adequate management methods.

1.4 The status of participants in the experimental site is determined by the socio-economic significance of the ideas for modernizing secondary vocational education, the psychological and pedagogical feasibility of changes made to the educational space of secondary vocational education, the complexity of scientific support, the validity of the methods and means of implementing the presented project.

2. College experimental site.

2.1 By the nature of its activities and content, the college’s experimental site is classified as an innovative site. That is, at the initial stage, pedagogical innovations and best practices are studied and generalized, and work is carried out to introduce them into the educational process of the college. Next, innovative teaching aids, concepts, programs, scientific and methodological manuals are developed and put into practice.

2.2 In its experimental activities, the college is guided by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the Federal Law “On Secondary Vocational Education”, the Regulations on the regional experimental site in the system of secondary vocational education (dated 03.11.03), this regulation and other legal documents regulating the activities college under experimental conditions, and its charter.

2.3 The status of the experimental site gives the team of authors the right to make changes:

Into the system of means and methods of training and education;

In forms of training and retraining of teaching staff.

3. The procedure for assigning and removing the status of a participant in an experiment or a creative research group

3.1 To assign the status of a participant in an experiment or a creative research group, the authors of the projects submit a research program and an application in the established form addressed to the head of the educational institution in writing.

3.2 The status of a participant in an experiment or a creative research group is assigned by order of the head of an educational institution on the recommendation of the Regional Expert Council (KES) for a period determined by the research program, but not more than three years.

3.3 The status of a participant in an experiment or a creative research group is removed by order of the head of the educational institution:

After the expiration of the experiment;

In case of failure to fulfill the program and plan of research activities;

In case of violation of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the Charter of the educational institution, or these Regulations.

4. Organization and management

4.1 The status of a college experimental site is assigned for a period determined by the program and plan for the phased implementation of the project, approved by the Minister of Education of the Khabarovsk Territory.

4.2 An educational institution - a college, which has the status of a Regional Experimental Site (KEP), has the right, within the framework of the project, to implement the approved work program, to make changes to the goals, objectives and content of educational programs, the organization of the educational process, pedagogical methods and technologies, the system of educational means; improve the management system of an educational institution; contact the regional expert council for information and clarification on issues related to the implementation of the project and work program.

4.3 College, which has been assigned the status of a Regional Experimental Site:

Organizes research and innovation activities for the design and modeling of new educational practices;

Provides scientific and methodological preparation and implementation of results into the educational process of the college.

4.4 The educational process in college is carried out on the basis of the main professional educational program, taking into account the directions and content of experimental activities.

4.5 The regional experimental site is accountable to the Regional Expert Council, which annually evaluates the results of experimental activities in the educational process of the college.

4.6 Day-to-day coordination, methodological guidance and consultations on the implementation of the research program and the direction of the activities of the experiment participants are carried out by the scientific supervisors of the experiment both from the college and from the Regional Expert Council for the Regional Experimental Sites.

4.7 The regional experimental site is obliged to:

Implement the approved work program within the established time frame;

To ensure, within the framework of the project, the level and quality of training of graduates is not lower than the requirements of state educational standards of secondary vocational education;

Submit reporting materials in a timely manner in accordance with the work schedule (the first and final reports are provided in the form of a report and report, intermediate reports can be presented in the form of effective materials of experimental activities: educational programs, a package of regulatory documents, methodological recommendations, teaching aids and etc.);

Provide scientific and methodological preparation for introducing the results of the experiment into teaching practice;

Timely inform the college management and the Regional Expert Council about problems that have arisen that impede the implementation of the project and could lead to failure to implement the program or work schedule.

4.8 The rights and obligations of experiment participants are determined by regulations governing the conduct of the regional experiment.

5.1 Participants in the experiment (experiment participant or creative research group) select a research topic that corresponds to the priority areas of experimental activities in the secondary vocational education system of the Khabarovsk Territory and coordinates it with IES.

5.2 After determining the research topic, the experiment participants conclude an Agreement with the head of the college on participation in the experimental work of the educational institution.

5.3 Within a month after approval of the research topic, the experiment participants develop an individual program of experimental (research) work, which has the following approximate structure:

The purpose and objectives of the study,

Object and subject of research,

Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of research work,

Organization of diagnostics (interim and final) of research effectiveness,

Prediction of possible negative research results indicating compensatory measures,

Description of the main stages of the study, indicating their timing, the purpose of each stage and how to achieve it,

Schedule planning of experimental (research) work,

Analyze your own teaching activities;

It is rational and expedient to use new scientific and pedagogical developments and advanced achievements of pedagogical practice.

6.3 Participants in the experiment undergo special training to conduct experimental work through hours of advanced training courses, for which they are issued a certificate of the established form.

7. Functions of the head of the college experimental site

7.1 The head of the college’s experimental site is appointed by order of the head of the educational institution and must ensure the effectiveness of the experimental activities.

7.2 Carries out timely analysis, generalization and description of the results of experimental activities.

7.3 Coordinates functions between the experiment participants included in the college experimental site.

7.4 Monitors the implementation of the program of experimental activities and intermediate results.

7.5 Organizes a regularly operating system of advanced training for all participants in the experiment.

7.6 Organizes and participates in scientific conferences, seminars, meetings, etc. in the field of experimental work.

7.7 Publishes effective materials of the college’s experimental activities in the pedagogical press.

7.8 In accordance with the program and calendar plan of the experiment, reports to the college management and the Regional Expert Council on the intermediate and final results and progress of the experiment.

8. Financing, logistics

and benefits of the experimental site

8.1 Participants in the experiment have the right to a differentiated approach to remuneration for their labor depending on the results of their research activities within the payroll of the educational institution. Its activities can be financed from the regional experimental site.