Chow Higher Vocational School. Private university: pros and cons

On August 10, admission to state-funded places in state universities ended throughout Russia. For many applicants, this day seems to be the end of all hopes and future successes. But this is only at first glance! Currently in Moscow there are several non-state universities that provide very high-quality and in-demand education: more than 80% of graduates of three of them - Moscow University of Finance and Law, Moscow University of Public Administration and Moscow Psychological and Social University - work directly in their specialty or in related industry. Moreover, their salary averages 60-70 thousand rubles per month.

Not everyone can boast of such an indicator, because it is commercial universities that consider active interaction with potential employers and constant monitoring of the needs of the labor market to be one of their main tasks. In addition, the same teachers often work both in prestigious state universities, since this raises their social status, and in non-state universities in Moscow, where activities are their main source of income. At the same time, the cost of education in commercial educational institutions is usually significantly lower than that of state competitors (at some universities you can also get a discount, for example, for excellent studies or for paying in advance). And admission to many continues. Is there really something to think about?

This private Moscow educational institution, founded in 1990, is one of the oldest, largest and most advanced in its industry. MFLA has repeatedly become the leader of various ratings of non-state accredited universities in Russia. The students of the Finance and Law University are more than 60,000 people studying in 19 undergraduate areas, 13 master’s degrees, 7 areas with the qualification “Specialist” and 11 postgraduate specialties. The following faculties are open at MFLA:

  • Faculty of Business and Information Technology
  • Faculty of Information Technology
  • Faculty of Economics and Law
  • Faculty of Economics and Management
  • Faculty of Business and Law
  • Faculty of Law

Education at the Moscow University of Finance and Law can be obtained full-time, part-time (evening courses), part-time, part-time with visits once a week (on weekends), part-time using distance learning technologies. Full-time students at this non-state university in Moscow are given a deferment from military service.

Documents for admission to the first year (full-time and part-time forms of study) can be submitted until August 15. For correspondence courses, the deadline for accepting documents is September 16.

The cost of studying at the Moscow University of Finance and Law varies depending on qualifications, form of study and area of ​​training. Thus, in the 2013-2014 academic year, first-year students with the qualifications “Specialist” and “Master” need to pay 98,000 rubles per year when studying full-time; 69,000 - for evening courses and correspondence courses with visits once a week; 45,000 - on classical correspondence and distance learning using distance technologies. Preparation of “Bachelors” in full-time education costs 89,000 rubles per year (except for the departments of Informatics and Computer Science, Information Systems and Technologies, Information Security and Applied Mathematics - here training costs 112,000 rubles per year). “Evening students” are required to pay 69,000, “correspondence students” with visits once a week - 59,000, classic “correspondence students” and students studying on a correspondence basis using distance learning technologies - 45,000.

Moscow State University, founded in 1991 with the support of the Moscow city government, ranks second in the ranking of the most prestigious non-state universities in Russia according to the Rosrating agency. At the Russian University of Innovation, as MUGU was called until 2008, over 10,000 students study in 22 undergraduate areas, 12 master’s areas, 5 areas with the qualification “Specialist” and 5 postgraduate specialties. This commercial university in Moscow has 11 faculties that train specialists with higher education:

  • Business and information technology
  • Economics and Law
  • Information technologies
  • Legal
  • Distance education
  • Business and Law
  • Laws and Economics
  • economics and Management
  • Humanitarian
  • Design
  • Law, business and media technology

At the Moscow University of Public Administration you can study full-time, part-time (evening courses), part-time with visits once a week (on weekends) and part-time. You can become a first-year student at Moscow State University for full-time and evening study until August 15, and part-time until September 16.

The cost of training for all qualifications and specializations in full-time education is 69,000 rubles per year (except for the Design specialization in the bachelor's program, the cost is 89,600). Full-time and part-time students (all qualifications) and part-time students attending once a week (“Master’s” and “Specialist”) must pay 55,000 rubles per year. When studying a bachelor's degree program, distance learning with weekend visits will cost a little less - 49,000. The price of classic correspondence education for all qualifications is 40,000 rubles per academic year.

This prestigious non-state university in Moscow, founded in 1995, trains bachelors in 14 areas and masters in 3 areas. MPSU also trains graduate students in various fields of psychology, law, pedagogy and economics. You can become a student of the Moscow Psychological and Social University without leaving your hometown, since MPSU has 27 branches throughout Russia - from the Kaliningrad region to Krasnoyarsk, and from the Krasnodar Territory to the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. If a student nevertheless decides to come to Moscow, this commercial university provides nonresident students with a dormitory in the village of Leninskie Gorki, Moscow Region (cost: 150 rubles per day).

The university has seven faculties providing higher professional education:

  • Psychology
  • Legal
  • Economics
  • Management and international tourism
  • Speech therapy
  • Linguistics and innovative social technologies
  • Information technologies

In connection with the announcement of additional admission, in 2013 it was possible to enroll in this non-state university in Moscow until August 25. Depending on the chosen specialty and form of study, the cost of education at the Moscow Psychological and Social University varies.

Bachelor's training program:

Full-time education from 62,560 (Special defectological education) to 82,594 rubles per year (Jurisprudence and Legal Support of National Security)

Full-time and part-time education 51,282 rubles per year

Part-time study 38,120 rubles per year

Master's program: 74,500 rubles per year for all specialties (full-time study only).

Synergy, founded in 1995, currently has more than 30,000 students. Training is conducted at seven faculties: Management, Economics, Information Systems and Technologies, Legal, Design and Advertising, Sports Management and Psychology. Distance learning programs at this non-state university in Moscow are awarded the European UNIQUе quality mark.

MFPU "Synergy" stands out among other educational institutions by the active development of a network of branches: currently the university has 48 of them, one of which is located in Dubai (UAE). However, in 2012, information was leaked to the press and television that undermined the image of the for-profit university. In particular, there is evidence that for money here you can get the necessary mark in the grade book without even knowing what subject you are taking, and also enroll in the MFPU without the Unified State Exam. Please note that there is no documentary evidence of these facts.

In 2013, admission to Synergy was possible until July 25 (for full-time undergraduate studies) and until August 15 for master’s programs.

The cost of studying at Synergy is quite high for a non-state university in Moscow. Thus, prices for full-time undergraduate programs range from 90,000 to 240,000 rubles per year. The cheapest option is to study at the MFPU in the correspondence department using distance learning technologies - such programs cost only 32,000 rubles per year.

This university was founded in 1991 and currently educates 11,000 students. According to the Expert rating agency, RosNOU is included in the TOP-100 best universities in Russia, and according to the results of the competition of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, this non-state university in Moscow received funding for more than 200 places from the federal budget in 2013.

The following faculties operate at the Russian New University:

  • Information systems and computer technologies
  • Humanitarian technologies
  • Business technologies in tourism
  • Legal
  • Economics, management and finance
  • Psychology and Pedagogy
  • Industry management

You can study at all faculties full-time, part-time (in the evening) or part-time; for undergraduate and graduate programs (and in some faculties - also for the “Specialist” qualification).

The cost of studying at the Russian New University varies as follows (minimum and maximum depending on the specialty and form of study, rubles per year):

This commercial university in Moscow, founded in 1993, has focused its interests on economics, management, law and social sciences. More than 20,000 students study at three faculties - Economics and Finance, Law and Management. Classes are conducted full-time, part-time, part-time, part-time with weekend visits, part-time with a call to the session 2 times a year, and remotely.

The prices for studying at this non-state university in Moscow, given its popularity (MIEMP is one of the hundred best universities in Russia) and the prestige of the areas of training, are relatively low. Tuition fees at Moscow University. S.Yu. Witte varies as follows (minimum and maximum depending on the specialty of the form of study, rubles per year):

However, study at Moscow University. S.Yu. Witte can be studied for free: in 2013, following the results of a competition by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the university received 148 budget places.

The World Technological University, as MIT was formerly known, was founded in 1997 on the initiative of the Russian government and under the auspices of the world organization UNESCO. Today, this commercial institute in Moscow has focused its attention on two educational niches: the training of technical specialists in various fields of life (Faculty of Engineering and Modern Technologies) and the training of economists, managers and managers (Faculty of Economics and Management). Many experts claim that MIT provides the highest quality distance education.

At the Moscow Institute of Technology, you can study in bachelor's programs (full-time, part-time with weekend visits, and part-time using distance technologies) and master's programs (only part-time using distance technologies). Note that this non-state university in Moscow provides full-time education only in three areas - Informatics and Computer Science; Management and Economics, the cost of all programs is 120,000 rubles per year. The price of all areas of bachelor's degree by correspondence in a weekend group is 59,000 rubles per year.

The cost of correspondence education using distance technologies at MIT depends on the chosen specialization and ranges from 39,000 to 46,900 rubles per year (Bachelor qualification) and from 90,000 to 100,000 (Master qualification). Until October 10, this non-governmental institute in Moscow is holding a “Mobile Learning” campaign, within which distance education for bachelor’s programs can be obtained for 24,900 rubles per year (quota: 17 places), and for master’s programs - for 69,000 rubles (quota: 12 places).

EAOI, founded in 1998, is one of the youngest commercial universities in Moscow. However, in just 15 years of existence, the institute managed to join the leaders in the organization of distance learning. In addition, the university’s board of trustees regularly allocates free places for applicants whose total scores on three Unified State Examinations exceed 195.

Educational programs at the Eurasian Open Institute are aimed at training specialists in the fields of economics, finance, management, law, marketing, information technology, psychology and social sciences and humanities.

You can study at this non-state institute in Moscow full-time, part-time, part-time with weekend visits, and remotely. Documents for full-time and part-time (weekend group) forms of study are accepted only until July 25th. You can apply for classical correspondence courses until August 29, but you can apply for correspondence courses using distance learning technologies now: the last date for accepting documents is December 19.

The cost of training at the EAOI varies as follows (minimum and maximum depending on the specialty of the form of study, rubles per year):

MIEP, founded in 1992, was among the first 5 non-state universities in Russia. This educational institution was one of the first to widely use electronic educational programs and network technologies in the educational process, quickly becoming one of the leaders in the use of distance technologies in education. MIEP is also famous for the fact that it is constantly among the leaders in the number of employed graduates. Currently, there are 10,850 students at this non-state institute in Moscow, but only 12% of them study at the parent university. The rest chose to study at one of 34 MIEP branches, including two abroad: in Prague (Czech Republic) and Bratislava (Slovakia).

It is interesting that the International Institute of Economics and Law, unlike other commercial universities in Russia, is very narrowly focused. Thus, the institute has only two faculties - the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Economics and Management - and you can get a Bachelor's degree at MIEP only in three areas: Law, Economics and Management. In addition to the three mentioned specialties, the Master's degree is also awarded in the field of State and municipal administration. Training is conducted full-time, part-time (evening courses), part-time and part-time using distance learning technologies. The deadline for submitting applications for admission to full-time study at this non-state institute in Moscow is until July 25.

The cost of studying at the International Institute of Economics and Law depends on the chosen faculty, the degree awarded and the form of study (rubles per year):

IGUMO, founded in 1992, today has ten faculties. Along with the classical departments (Faculty of Management, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Journalism and Faculty of Foreign Languages), this commercial institute in Moscow provides training in faculties that arose in response to modern needs of society (Faculty of Information Technology, Faculty of Design and Faculty of Advertising and PR). In addition, at IGUMO you can enroll in two unique faculties: photography and theater arts.

You can study at the Institute of Humanitarian Education and Information Technologies full-time, part-time, part-time, part-time with weekend visits, part-time with a call to a session, and a shortened program (for students with secondary vocational education). The last date for submitting documents for full-time study at this non-state university in Moscow is August 31; for all other forms of education - October 15, 2013.

The cost of training at the Institute of Humanitarian Education and Information Technologies depends on the chosen faculty and form of study. So, on:

Full-time education prices vary from 80,000 to 95,000 rubles per year;

For evening and shortened forms of study - from 60,000 to 90,000 rubles per year;

For correspondence courses with weekend visits and classic correspondence courses - from 50,000 to 80,000 rubles per year;

In conclusion, we note that when choosing a non-state one, you should also pay attention to its geographical location. Many educational buildings are located on the outskirts of the city or even in the Moscow region, and this can lead to the loss of several hours on the road every day for 4-5 years.

Veronica Gebrial

Candidate of Sociological Sciences

Status: Non-state
Founded: 1997
License: No. 1957 dated February 24, 2016
Accreditation: No. 0167 dated July 25, 2012

The private educational institution of higher education "Open Institute - Higher Professional School" was founded in 1996 as the Continent Academy.
In October 2007, it was renamed the “Academy of Socio-Economic Development”, and in 2012 it received the name: Non-state educational institution of higher professional education “Humanitarian-Economic and Technological Institute” (NOU VPO GETI).

Since January 2016, it has been renamed into the Open Institute of Higher Education - Higher Professional School.

From the moment of the organization of the institute until September 2013, the permanent head and rector was Alexander Grigorievich Sharov, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor.
Thanks to the efforts of the rector and the friendly staff of the institute, a high rating of competitiveness of graduates has been achieved, and good and good traditions have developed at the university. The first vice-rector for academic affairs, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Alexey Nikolaevich Popov, made a great contribution to the activities and development of the institute.

During the existence of the institute, changes have occurred in its structure and priority areas. So in 2012, the private educational institution of higher education OI-VPS opened a new direction for training students: electrical power engineering and electrical engineering.

Since 2011, the implementation of master's programs in psychology, management, and jurisprudence began. In the summer of 2013, the first graduation of masters took place. The quality of the educational program and the training of master's graduates was assessed by the commission of the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science and a Certificate of Accreditation of master's programs was issued.

In accordance with the Bologna Convention and the reform of Russian education, the institute began training bachelors in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of the third generation in 2011. In this regard, the priority area is not only the preparation of graduates with the necessary amount of knowledge in a competitive area, but also the formation of professional competencies. Therefore, the teaching staff strives to develop in students a clear life position, professional qualities, the ability to think creatively, prove and defend their point of view.

According to the results of monitoring in 2013 by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, the activities of the institute were recognized as effective.

The achievements and successes of the entire team pose new tasks for the development and improvement of the institute, increasing its competitiveness.
In accordance with the development strategy and mission of the institute, it is planned to take a high place in the ranking of non-state universities.

When entering college, many students rely on the state and hope that their education will be paid for from the budget. But not everyone is lucky enough to enroll in a state-funded place, and school graduates, as well as their parents, are thinking about applying to a private university. But is this step justified and will the student be able to get a quality education at a private institute? Today we will discuss the main differences between a private university and a public one, and also talk about the pros and cons of private educational institutions.

Private university: what is it?

In recent years, there have been several major reforms targeting educational programs. Often, innovations affected private and public schools, but there were also reforms that affected universities. As a result of all these educational transformations, more private universities have appeared in the Russian Federation, which are active on a par with state educational institutions. According to the current legislation, all private institutions are divided into two categories: non-state and autonomous. The difference is that it is much easier for autonomous universities to obtain a license to conduct educational activities than for non-state ones. Therefore, after the introduction of the latest innovations, the number of non-state universities in our country has sharply decreased. But we will not talk about the quantitative relationship between autonomous and non-state institutions, but will only discuss their main pros and cons.

Advantages and disadvantages

If we talk about the advantages of private educational institutions, then first of all we note a more loyal attitude towards students. For example, if a student remains in debt at a state university after the end of the session, then he risks being expelled. Debtors in private educational institutions are treated more leniently, as they are given enough time for rehabilitation. This can be explained by the fact that private educational institutions charge tuition fees, and drastic steps in the form of deductions can greatly affect the budget of the institute.

Private educational institutions differ from public ones in that when an applicant enters a non-state university, he must undergo a medical commission, which will confirm or deny the young person’s dependence on alcohol or drugs. State universities do not provide such a program, so they have a high percentage of drug use. It is worth noting that in the near future the government plans to make it mandatory for all applicants and students who are already undergoing training to undergo a drug examination.

More and more autonomous educational institutions are following the example of European universities and borrowing many interesting educational programs from them. For example, some private institutions initiate student exchange programs. Thus, young people have the opportunity to visit another country, get acquainted with its culture and make new friends. As practice shows, students who participated in exchange programs have a greater chance of getting a well-paid job.

Just a few years ago, most applicants and their parents were suspicious of private universities, as they considered them extremely unreliable. Many were skeptical about the quality of the education they provided, and were sure that getting a job with such a diploma would be much more difficult. To be honest, there were reasons to think so, but now the situation has changed dramatically. Now there is already growing distrust in state universities, the quality of education in which is rapidly declining. If you believe the statistics for last year, students of autonomous universities are far superior to students of state institutions in terms of knowledge.

If we consider in more detail the problem of underestimation of private educational institutions, it becomes obvious that the reason for its emergence was the stereotypes that arose during the existence of the USSR. If earlier everyone was sure that non-state universities were unstable and unreliable, now this opinion is completely erroneous.

Typically, public universities have a well-established payment system. In the situation with autonomous educational institutions, this is not the case, because they independently set the cost of education. It is worth noting that this amount is often much lower than in state institutions.

Most private universities can boast of the excellent condition of their premises, high-quality furniture and other attributes necessary for full-fledged education. It is by the infrastructure that one can judge the viability and reliability of an educational institution. Unfortunately, most state universities cannot offer such conditions. If private traders open their institutes in new buildings, then the premises of state universities can be built in the middle of the last century.

As for the shortcomings, there is only one: most autonomous universities do not have their own dormitory, which creates discomfort for some categories of applicants. For example, if an applicant comes from another city to enroll in a private institute, then he will need to find his own housing.

Let's sum it up

Private universities have a lot of advantages over public ones, but even taking this into account, you need to be careful when choosing them. If you have not yet decided which autonomous institute to apply to, pay attention to the operating dates. It is better to avoid private universities that have existed only recently, and give preference to those educational institutions that have been in the field of education for quite a long time.

Those who do not go to university as a temple of science go to it as the threshold of a career.

DI. Pisarev

Moscow universities are considered the most prestigious and occupy high places in the rankings of universities in Russia and the world. There are many excellent universities in other cities of Russia (St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Kazan, Ufa), but traditionally the capital of a great country is an educational, scientific and cultural center. All achievements of scientific and technological progress first appear in Moscow, and then spread throughout Russia.

In Moscow, as in other regions, since the early 90s of the twentieth century there has been a division into state and non-state universities. State ones, as a rule, have a long history and are based on the material base of universities created at the beginning of the 20th century, and some - in the 19th century. Such universities are famous for their educational traditions, technical equipment, and rich libraries. And, most importantly, stability. Education received at state universities and institutes in Moscow meets the most stringent state standards and is considered high quality and prestigious. Diplomas from strong state universities are not questioned and are recognized by all employers without exception. Such capital leaders of university education as Moscow State University or Moscow State Technical University named after. Bauman N.E. provide world-class education. For many applicants, benefits that only state universities can offer are important: dormitory for non-residents, deferment from the army, military department, preferential travel ticket.

All state universities in Moscow are divided into groups: academies, universities, institutes, conservatories. In every field of knowledge there is a university that is recognized as the best. Of course, Moscow State University. Lomonosova M.V. by definition, dominates all universities, but this does not mean that all other universities are worse. For example, in technical terms, MSTU named after. Bauman N.E. is at the same level as Moscow State University. And in the field of universities in foreign languages, the leaders are MSPU and MSLU named after M. Thorez. Moscow State University is only in 3rd place in this ranking.

The only drawback of state universities is a large competition and a high passing score, and therefore it is not easy to enter the budget department. And the cost of studying at state institutes and universities in Moscow is unaffordable for most applicants.

Non-state universities have their advantages over state ones. Firstly, many of them provide education at a level not lower than the state level, since professors, doctors and candidates of sciences are involved in the educational process, and new generation educational and methodological complexes are being introduced that promote broad-based, original and creative thinking. Secondly, the passing grade is much lower here and the opportunity to enroll is higher, as well as the cost of training is lower. Thirdly, it is easier to combine study with work.

Our database contains universities in Moscow and the Moscow region, all information on which has been carefully edited in accordance with the reorganization and consolidation as of May 1, 2016. The following have been updated on the university pages:

  • contact information with telephone numbers and email addresses of admissions committees;
  • main directions and profiles of study with information about second higher and additional education;
  • descriptions of universities.

A section of our database will help you choose a suitable university, in which universities, academies and institutes in Moscow are distributed according to profiles and areas of training: pedagogical, technical, medical, construction and architectural, etc. Each applicant has a rough idea of ​​what he would like to do in life , in which direction to receive education. Having chosen a suitable direction on the website, you can see a whole list of universities that have faculties in their field of education. Now all that remains is to choose one university from several, focusing on personal preferences - public or private, forms of education, the availability of a dormitory, deferment from the army, internships at partner universities, the quality of the teaching staff, the achievements of the university and individual graduates, their relevance, extensiveness international contacts, laboratory equipment.

Despite the many years of study ahead and its complexity, we must always remember that the impossible is possible with the right choice of path, determination, perseverance and high ambitions! “Nulla tenaci invia est via” translated from Latin means: “For the persistent, the impossible is possible.” This is the basis of progress in the development of all humanity and the individual. “Certainty of purpose is the starting point of all achievement,” said the great W. Clement Stone.

The only way to do great things is to love what you do