Individual development route for a child with disabilities in a preschool. “Development of an individual route for accompanying a child with disabilities

Example of an individual educational route preschool education (IOM) is a mandatory element of the effectiveness of every modern teacher.

The essence of a preschooler's IOM

Federal State Educational Standard determines new approach to preschool education. One of the main requirements for it is the effective use of all pedagogical resources to achieve maximum results in the education and development of future schoolchildren. Considering that the program is aimed at the average student, it is possible that the weaker ones may not learn it well enough, and the most capable ones may lose motivation to learn.

That is why an individual approach to all children, taking into account all their characteristics, is provided by the IOM of a preschooler. It is understood as an educational program that is aimed at teaching a specific child and takes into account all his personal qualities.

Purpose and directions of IOM

A preschooler according to the Federal State Educational Standard, an example of which is found today in all educational institutions, is aimed at solving specific tasks. The purpose of developing and implementing an educational route is to form factors in kindergarten that will be aimed at positive socialization and social personal development pupils. The latter includes the basic processes of intellectual, emotional, physical, aesthetic and other types of development.

The main task that the individual educational route of a preschooler solves is the development of cognition, an example of which is demonstrated in open classes. The directions of work of the educational route are as follows:

Formation of movement, which includes improving motor skills;

Opportunity for classes different areas activities;

Improving speech skills;

Development of ideas about the surrounding world of objects and social relations;

Development of ideas about time and space.

At the same time, the implementation individual route involves regular monitoring to track the degree of development educational program every pupil of a preschool institution.

IOM structure

In the process of introducing new standards into the education system, all educators were required to take advanced training courses. They were shown an example of an individual educational route for a preschooler, a sample of which was examined in some detail. However, this type of monitoring of child development is important not only for educators, but also for parents, who are often unaware of the purpose of this pedagogical tool.

The structure of the educational route should include the following components:

Target, which involves setting specific goals that meet new standards;

Technological, stipulating the use of certain pedagogical technologies, methods and techniques;

Diagnostic, defining complex of diagnostic tools;

Organizational and pedagogical, determining the conditions and ways to achieve the goals;

Effective, containing final results child development at the time of transition to schooling.

Necessary preliminary actions before drawing up an educational route

Since the main goal of the educational route is to identify difficulties in the learning process and social development each child, a thorough study of its characteristics is necessary.

An example of an individual educational route for a preschooler involves preliminary research activities before recording the child’s results and is mandatory, including the following actions:

1. Drawing up a profile of the child. This document must indicate the pupil’s visits to other preschool institutions and a break between their shifts. It is also necessary to note the speed and level of adaptation to the group.

2. To determine the key difficulties in a child, a thorough study of his family is necessary, followed by drawing up its characteristics. IN in this case It is worth paying attention to the relationship between the child and the parents, since excessive guardianship can cause suppression of the pupil.

4. Determination of the degree of development of attention, memory, thinking, as well as speech development is mandatory for further monitoring of his progress;

5. It is also necessary to identify the child’s propensity for specific types of activities in order to help in development through such games.

Registration of the educational program

An example of an individual educational route for a preschooler proves the degree of need for a thorough study of all areas of the life of each individual child. Having studied all the necessary data, the teacher begins to draw up an individual route, which includes the following sections:

General information about the preschooler;

Family characteristics;

Features of the appearance of a preschooler;


Features of motor skills;

Cognitive sphere of a preschooler;

Level of knowledge by program sections;

Level of speech development;

Attitude to classes;

Characteristics of activities;

Having difficulties in communication;

Individual characteristics;

Additional information about the preschooler.

This in-depth analysis makes it possible to build individual work with a preschooler quite effectively.

Inclusive education and IOM for preschoolers with disabilities

The introduction involves removing barriers between children of all health groups through joint learning.

It is based on equal treatment to every child, but at the same time creating special conditions for children with health problems for a comfortable stay in an educational institution. All categories are included in the inclusive education system educational institutions: preschool, secondary, vocational and higher education. Considering that kindergartens also practice such training, the example of an individual educational route for a preschooler with disabilities justifies its relevance.

When compiling it, the teacher is obliged to bring to the attention of parents the following information:

Load limits;

Availability of additional correctional and developmental programs at the institution;

Possibility of making corrections to the current educational route.

The IOM of a preschooler with disabilities is compiled taking into account diagnostic data and recommendations of a psychological, medical and pedagogical council. It is based on maintaining strengths a preschooler with a sufficient degree of compensation for developmental defects.

It is important to take into account that when drawing up an individual route for a specific child, changes in the number of classes and their forms are possible.

An example of an individual educational route for a gifted preschooler

Every baby is born with certain abilities that need to be constantly improved. And given that preschool is the first social institution child, it is he who plays the main role in this development.

This need is due to the fact that if you teach a gifted person according to standard program, he will quickly lose interest in learning, and therefore motivation. To avoid such a phenomenon, each teacher must identify gifted children in his group and create an educational route taking into account all their characteristics.

To create an effective educational route, it is important to take into account:

The characteristics, needs and interests of the child himself, as well as the wishes of his parents;

Opportunity to meet the needs of a gifted child;

Available resources to achieve results.

In drawing up such a route, the participation of parents is also necessary, who should continue at home the methodology used in kindergarten.

An example of an individual educational route for a preschooler with ODD

Creation of an IOM for a preschooler with speech disorders, should take place together with the speech therapist and the child’s parents. It should be aimed at creating conditions that will help overcome speech barriers.

A psychological examination is necessary to identify the interests and inclinations of such a child. This research will help improve work efficiency. The directions that the educational route should contain are:

Medical and health work;

Issues of learning and social adaptation;

Correction issues;

Physical education;

Musical education.

Individual educational route in fine arts

A clear indicator of the importance of a creative approach to educational activities will be the example of an individual educational route for a preschooler in fine art. Since this item initially assumes the presence creativity in a child, it is necessary to direct it to their development. This can be either drawing or making various things with your own hands. The main thing is to identify what a particular child shows aptitude and ability for. Creating conditions for development will give every gifted preschooler the opportunity to discover hidden talents in him. Demonstration of creative achievements is important stage work because creative child public recognition of one's abilities is necessary.

Sample of an individual educational route for a preschooler in fine arts


Thus, the example of an individual educational route for a preschooler proves the need personal approach to each child and taking into account all his characteristics.

These factors make it possible to develop the future student as effectively as possible, giving him the opportunity to choose his preferred activity.

Inclusive practice in preschool education. Manual for teachers of preschool institutions Team of authors

Options for individual educational routes for children with disabilities who have contraindications for inclusion in inclusive groups (combined groups)

"Guest groups".

Some children, for one reason or another, are not eligible for inclusion in general developmental groups (medical contraindications, for example, epilepsy in cases where there is no stable remission; children with uncorrectable behavior problems, with low adaptation resources). Especially for such cases, we have developed a simulation of the switching situation. Children attend the lekotek, participate in various activities of the preschool institution together with their parents (without visiting a group), and they also have “guests” - typically developing peers. A teacher-psychologist, who is the child’s leading specialist, organizes “guest” visits and studies issues such as:

– selection of a “guest group” depending on the psychophysical characteristics of a child with disabilities and the characteristics of visiting children;

Short stay group " Special child».

There is an opinion that a short-term stay group is a mandatory step for the inclusion of a child with disabilities among typically developing peers. The results of our work indicate that this approach is inappropriate. Children with severe developmental disabilities socialize much more successfully if they are included in a group of typically developing peers; They go from the preparatory stage to full inclusion quite quickly. At the same time, pupils who attended a short-term group with other children with severe developmental disabilities did not reach a level of socialization for a long time that allowed them to be fully included in the group of normally developing peers.

Examples of building an individual educational route for various categories of preschoolers with disabilities

Example 1.

Girl, age 2 years 8 months.

Main features of development: total underdevelopment mental functions with behavioral disorders in a child with Down syndrome; systemic speech underdevelopment.

Girl from large family(5th, last child). Basically, the child is cared for by the mother, who considers her development to be in line with the age norm and interprets any motor or vocal activity of the child. Nearest educational purpose families: admission to a general developmental group for a full day, preferably with the possibility of an overnight stay.

The duration of the stages is planned in advance in accordance with the level of psychophysical development and the severity of the disorder of a particular child and can vary depending on the results of correctional and developmental work.

Based on the results of a comprehensive examination (educational psychologist, speech pathologist, speech therapist) and diagnostics, it was revealed that the child’s psychological age corresponds to approximately 1 year 6 months. Diagnostic inclusion in a general developmental group for children 1.5–3 years old was carried out (3 times for 30 minutes during free activity in the group).

It was revealed that the girl does not interact with her peers, most does not pay attention to them, may approach another child, attracted by the toy in his hands, take it away or push it. He does not come into contact with adults and does not respond to the presence of a teacher-psychologist and teacher in the group.

– involving the mother in purposeful interaction with the child as part of a play session, teaching the mother methods of non-verbal communication when communicating with the girl;

Indicators (indicators) of task completion:

– the occurrence and increase in the number of cases of establishing and maintaining contact with a leading specialist;

– the emergence and increase in the number of cases of adequate and targeted (regarding household, game situation or objects) interaction between mother and child;

– the emergence and increase in the number of cases of interest in the activities of peers, attempts to establish contact with them.

To solve the set tasks, a general developmental group has been determined for children aged 1.5–3 years, in which a girl will be included.

Proposed forms and conditions of working with the child:

Individual correctional classes with a speech pathologist and a speech therapist;

Participation of the child and mother in leisure activities in the group to which they will be included.

For successful implementation inclusion task is necessary preliminary work with other participants pedagogical process– normally developing children, their parents and preschool teachers (Table 10).

Table 10.

Based on the results of the implementation of the stage, a conclusion from the leading specialist is drawn up (see below).

2nd stage. January – May.

Partial inclusion began with the inclusion of the child in the group during musical and physical education classes accompanied by a teacher-psychologist from the Lekotek structural unit.

Structure of the guest visit:

– attending a class with a group of peers (15 min);

– handover of the child by the teacher-psychologist to the mother with the further opportunity to continue the walk with the group;

– the child’s participation in organized children’s activities during a walk (duration depending on his condition);

- going home.

It is convenient to formalize an individual inclusion program for a specific time period as a section of an individual educational route in the form proposed below.

girl attends group established schedule(suffered from ARVI from... to...), goes to kindergarten willingly, is active in the group, prefers contact with adults, comes into contact with peers situationally. She stopped attracting attention to herself by grabbing her peers by the face and hair, uses her voice (“moos”) to communicate, expresses sympathy, hugs, and can push if there is a misunderstanding. Puts on pants and hat independently. With the help of an adult, puts on a sweater (jacket) and boots. Fastens the Velcro without threading it through the loop. It is recommended to increase the time of stay (up to 3 hours) with the gradual transfer of support to the group staff. Comments from the authors of the manual: in example 1, the conditions and the actual individual educational route, which determines the PMPK, are not specified, which is necessary for sending a child to institutions of the city’s education system. Here is a sample PMPK conclusion.

Example 2.

Boy, age 4 years 2 months.

Main developmental features: partial immaturity of mental functions (mainly speech) in a child with Apert syndrome.

A boy from a large family (3rd, last child). The boy is brought up in conditions of hyperprotection and isolation from contacts with others, as the family has a hard time experiencing the reaction of strangers to an unusual appearance child. The immediate educational goal of the family: admission to a compensatory group for children with musculoskeletal disorders with a 14-hour full-day stay.

Construction and implementation of an individual educational route.

1st stage. September.

Based on the results of a comprehensive examination, it was revealed that the child’s psychological age corresponds to approximately 3 years.

For subsequent inclusion, a compensatory group for children with musculoskeletal disorders was identified.

Forms of working with a child:

Game sessions in the structural unit of the lekotek;

Individual correctional classes with a speech pathologist and a speech therapist.

Work with participants in the pedagogical process in the group to be included in is presented in Table 11.

Table 11.

2nd stage. October December.

Visit to the short-term group “Special Child”. Guest visits to a group where inclusion is being prepared.

Structure of the guest visit:

– participation in training games to develop the communication sphere (10-15 min);

– free activity in a group (30 min);

– dress together with the group and go for a walk (15 min);

– participation in outdoor activities;

– handing over the child to the parents;

- going home.

Table continuation.

Conclusion of the leading specialist based on the results of work with the child: the boy attends the “Special Child” public educational institution and, in guest mode, group No. 6. He goes to kindergarten willingly, in the public educational institution he mainly receives lessons from specialists, prefers contact with adults, and selectively enters into contact with peers. He takes the initiative in communication from Nellie, Misha, and Pasha. He began to show initiative towards them in communication and in play. Willingly participates in activities organized by adults. Dresses independently; it is difficult to fasten clothes due to existing physical impairments. Following the example of his peers and the teacher’s reminder, he washes his hands, uses the toilet, and combs his hair in front of the mirror. Inclusion in group No. 6 is recommended.

3rd stage. May – present.

Visiting a compensating group in general mode. Classes with a speech pathologist, speech therapist, exercise therapy, massage, support by a teacher-psychologist.

Example 3.

Boy, age 4 years 8 months.

Main developmental features: behavioral disorders and failure to develop mental functions in a child with autism spectrum disorders; systemic specific speech disorder.

Motor restlessness. Purposeful activity is significantly difficult. Acute reactions of protest (screams, falls to the floor), if necessary, move to another room, arrival strangers, especially acute when peers appear.

The only child in the family. The immediate educational goal of the family: admission to a general developmental group, correction of intellectual and behavioral characteristics.

Construction and implementation of an individual educational route.

1st stage. September – December.

Based on the results of a comprehensive examination, it was revealed that the child’s psychological age corresponds to approximately 2 years. The main tasks, indicators and forms of fixation are defined correctional work at the first stage (Table 12).

Table 12.

Forms and conditions of working with a child:

– gaming sessions in the structural unit of Lekotek;

– individual correctional classes with a speech pathologist and a speech therapist;

– guest visits during a play session for children from a preschool group;

– establishing contact with an adult (specialist) during a game session in a structural unit of Lekotek;

– inclusion of the mother in purposeful interaction with the child during the play session;

– teaching the mother how to interact with her child.

Structure of the guest visit:

– “play nearby”: invited children are engaged in activities organized by the specialist accompanying them (preschool educational psychologist), the child is free to choose an activity, the lekotek teacher-psychologist observes his behavior (10 min);

– free activity of invited children (10 min); specialists observe and, if necessary, support children’s initiatives;

- "invitation": organized activity invited children with pre-planned adult situations suggesting the possibility of including the boy in interaction with the guests (10 min).

Conclusion of the leading specialist based on the results of inclusion: The boy has been visiting the Lekotek structural unit for 4 months (he was ill from September 23 to October 12). During the visit, the frequency and severity of negative reactions to the arrival of adults and peers decreased. There are no negative reactions to familiar adults and peers for 6 weeks. Preferences have been established in relation to the children of the guest group. With Maxim and Varya, there were isolated cases of supporting play initiatives (rolling a car, feeding a toy, completing a building). Can study in a playful way with a speech pathologist and a speech therapist within 15 minutes. Transfer to the game room and everyday situation the material received in class is difficult. Makes attempts to dress independently in the presence and with the help of an educational psychologist. It is recommended to continue visiting the Lekotek structural unit with visits from a guest group.

Here is a sample of how to build an educational route and basic recommendations for accompanying a child. specialists of the preschool educational institution and inclusion conditions.

Example 4.

Boy, age 2 years 10 months.

Main developmental features: behavioral disorders in a child with autism spectrum disorders, uneven mental development failure.

The only child in the family. Mostly the mother takes care of the child. The boy was examined in the nursery psychiatric hospital No. 6, where extremely low learning ability was stated. Motor restlessness. Purposeful activity is difficult. Does not come into contact with peers and adults. In speech there are separate sound complexes pronounced without correlation with objects, people and situations.

Two attempts were made to visit preschool institutions, from where the child was asked to be picked up. The mother is very worried about the child's condition. The immediate educational goal of the family has not been determined, since the family is convinced that there are no educational prospects.

Construction and implementation of an individual educational route.

1st stage. September – November.

Based on the results of a comprehensive examination, the psychological age was not established due to the child’s behavioral characteristics. It is recommended to include children aged 1.5–3 years in a general developmental group (5 times for 30 minutes during free activity in the group). The boy does not interact with his peers, does not pay attention to other children if they “get in his way,” and forcefully pushes him away. Shows signs of sexual behavior. Does not come into contact with adults, reacts to the presence of a psychologist and teacher in the group only when physical contact. She doesn’t let her mother out of her sight and expresses her protest with a loud cry.

Based on the results of a comprehensive examination, the main tasks of correctional work were identified:

– establishing contact with an adult (specialist) during a game session in a structural unit of Lekotek;

– involving the mother in purposeful interaction with the child as part of a play session, teaching the mother methods of non-verbal communication when communicating with the child;

– initiating interest in peers.

Task progress indicators:

– the emergence and increase in the number of cases of establishing and maintaining contact with a leading educational psychologist;

– the emergence and increase in the number of cases of adequate and purposeful (regarding everyday or play situations and objects) interaction between mother and child;

– the emergence and increase in the number of cases of expression of interest in the activities of peers.

Form for recording results: observation sheets.

For subsequent inclusion, a general developmental group for children aged 1.5–3 years was identified.

Forms of working with a child:

Game sessions in the Lekotek structural unit;

Participation of the child and mother in the leisure activities of the group to which they are to be included.

Work with participants in the pedagogical process (see table 10, p. 116).

2nd stage. December – March. Partial inclusion of the child in the group in the afternoon during free activities, music and physical education classes, accompanied by the mother and a psychologist from the Lekotek structural unit. Complex correctional and developmental classes (teacher-speech pathologist + teacher-speech therapist, teacher-speech pathologist + psychologist) with the participation of the mother in conducting the classes.

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Municipal educational institution IRMO "Mamonovskaya secondary school"

“Development of an individual route for accompanying a child with disabilities”

Teacher-psychologist: Tuymanova T.V.

IOM– this is institutional document regulating and defining content of correctional and developmental activities with a child with problems in mental and/or physical development, and family raising such a child.

An individual educational route is developed for the following categories of students:

1) Children with disabilities studying in uniform full-time training as part of the implementation of inclusive practices;

2) Children with disabilities receiving education in the form of individual education at home, including disabled children;

3) Children with disabilities receiving education through distance learning, including disabled children;

4) Children with disabilities who have chosen a professional education profile

Individual educational route (IER) as a mechanism for implementing an adapted educational program

IOM includes:

Curriculum and related work programs;

Directions and programs of correctional and developmental work;

Directions and activities aimed at raising and socializing a child with disabilities.

IOM design algorithm:

1. Identification and analysis of developmental problems of a child with disabilities by support specialists ( diagnostics, conclusions main teacher and support specialists).

2. Discussion of planned actions at a meeting of the school council, approval.

3. Determining the possibility of inclusion of a particular child (from the conclusion of the PMPC).

4. Organization educational process(drawing up an adapted educational program).

5. Organization of psychological and pedagogical assistance to a child with disabilities. development of correction programs depending on the level of knowledge, capabilities and abilities of the child.

6. Implementation of IEM (systematic support of the educational process in conditions of inclusion). Possible adjustments to the IOM.

7. Monitoring the implementation of IOM (tracking the dynamics of the child’s development, assessing the results of learning and socialization). At the end of the period, the child’s achievements are assessed - the dynamics of his development, mastering the educational program, adaptation to the peer group, school team. It is also expected to analyze the dynamics and effectiveness of the work of teachers and psychological and pedagogical support specialists.

Workshop: development of an individual educational route for a student 2 classes


Full name of the institution


I approve___________

I approve___________


Director of the educational institution signature

Agreed _______________________

FULL NAME. parent (legal representative)


date and number of the PMPk protocol





Implementation period

Individual educational route

  • Child's full name
  • Date of Birth _____________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Mother's last name, middle name, age, education, place of work __________________________________________________
  • Father's last name, middle name, age, education, place of work __________________________________________________
  • Date of registration of IOM _______________________________________________________________________
  • Reason for registration __(giftedness, behavior problems, persistent failure to master general educational skills, disabilities, etc.) _________
  • Request: _________
  • Class, age at the beginning of correctional and developmental work: ______________________________________________________
  • Date of examination :
  • teacher(if the r-k is in the middle and high school, That classroom teacher) _____
  • Educational psychologist ____________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Teacher speech therapist ________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Honey. worker Target: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • IOM calculated :____________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Lesson frequency: teacher -_______________________________________________________________________________________ teacher - psychologist _____________________________________________________________________________________________
  • teacher speech therapist ______________________________________________________________________________________________
  • other specialists _____________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Forms of conducting : individual work, lesson, extracurricular activities, leisure activities, conversations, observations, research, experimental work, trainings, etc.
  • Expected Result :__________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Forms of work with parents : consultations, workshop, interview, experience exchange, parent meeting, conference, film training, etc.___________________________________________________________ __________________________________.
  • Parent ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Educational psychologist ____________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Teacher speech therapist ________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Honey. worker __________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Curator: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Physical development student
  • Somatic development student
  • ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Speech development student
  • ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Features of development cognitive processes student (“-“ and “+”!)
  • Memory _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Attention ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  • Perception _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Thinking ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Mastering an adapted educational program

Information about curriculum(UMK):

Invariant part

Academic subjects Number of hours





Correction block

Directions of correctional work of teachers and support specialists:



Compulsory classes of the student's choice (as part of extracurricular

activities indicating the full name. teacher)





Schedule of lessons, activities







Information about programs (including psychological)

Subject (educational field) and name of the work program

On what basis was the work program developed?

Approval data (date and protocol number)

Socialization General socialization activities


Extracurricular activities

FULL NAME. teacher (specialist)

the date of the

Areas of work

Achievement criterion

Additional education

Achievement assessment

Festivals, holidays, competitions


  • General schedule educational load of the student(all specialists) in the form of a schedule, taking into account SanPin
  • Responsibility matrix of specialists accompanying the student’s IOM
  • Parents (informed): ___________________________________

Corrective development course


Correction and development program

Class teacher (tutor, curator)


Educational psychologist

Number of classes

201_-201_ academic year

Teacher speech therapist

201_-201_ academic year


201_-201_ academic year

Subject teacher 1

201_-201_ academic year

Subject teacher 2

201_-201_ academic year

Subject teacher 3

201_-201_ academic year

Subject teacher 4

201_-201_ academic year

Subject teacher 5, etc.

201_-201_ academic year

Other specialists ( social teacher, teacher-organizer, librarian, etc.)

201_-201_ academic year

Teacher additional education 1

Additional education teacher 2, etc.

201_-201_ academic year

201_-201_ academic year

Stages of IOM implementation Pedagogical component(for example, the surrounding world)



Observation phase

Stage result


Observation of condition educational process on the subject " The world» · identification of a group of children with increased motivation for the subject · identification of a “gifted” student

Notes · high level knowledge in the subject “The World around us” · high activity in lessons about the world around us · increased interest to the field of knowledge · use additional sources when preparing homework

Shows· high level of knowledge in the subject “The World Around us” · increased interest in the field of knowledge · use of additional sources when preparing homework

Revealed the problem of creating conditions for the development of personal achievements of the student through in-depth study subject "The world around us"

Diagnostic component

Baseline detection personal achievements student a) diagnostics of attention: · “Corrective test” technique, · “Schulte Table” technique; b) memory diagnostics: · “Learning 10 words” technique, · “Pictogram” technique; c) diagnostics of thinking: · methodology “General orientation of children in the world around them and the supply of household knowledge", · “The fourth odd one” technique, · “Simple analogies” technique. e) diagnostics of motivation · questionnaire to assess the level of school motivation (N.G. Luskanova)

Explores · results of current, intermediate and final control in the subject; · finished products independent activity student (projects, abstracts, messages) · interview with the student · diagnostic results · results of interviewing parents Conducts · selection of methods, techniques and means

Defines · range of interests · makes assumptions about his possible advancement on the ladder of achievements · about the ways and means of achieving achievements Fills in · motivation identification questionnaire · questionnaire to assess the level of school motivation (N.G. Luskanova)

The initial level of personal achievements has been established · high level of competent knowledge in the subject · high level of motivation · high level of development of cognitive processes (memory, thinking) · above average level of attention

Construction stage

Development of a clear program (algorithm) of actions aimed at achieving personally significant goals Building an individual educational route for a student based on identified difficulties and identifying their causes. Difficulties · personal · educational Causes · impossibility of personal self-realization within the lesson · inconsistency personal needs student depth of content material, Problem · impossibility of developing personal achievements within the lesson

Provides assistance to a student · in specifying the difficulties experienced by the student and the reasons for their occurrence · formulating a general idea, a plan for an individual route Offers means and tactics I'm developing · individual educational route Offers means and tactics Creates · conditions for the student’s advancement along the route

Concretizes Problems that I would like to solve Clarifies · desired result Actively cooperates · in developing and prescribing the route Adaptable · in created pedagogical conditions

Developed · program concrete actions on the implementation of IOM by the student

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

“Kindergarten No. 5 “Dolphin” combined type”


by order

Head of MBDOU No. 5 "Dolphin"

from "____" "_________" 20__



Dima S.

2015 – 2016 academic year





Diagnosis by the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission

General speech underdevelopment (II). Dysarthria. Knowledge, skills and abilities are formed below age norm– (thus, Dmitry Sergeevich Smirnov is a child with disabilities in accordance with Article 2, Clause 16 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273 of the Federal Law “On Education of the Russian Federation”)

Continue training and education according to adapted general education program for children with severe speech impairments. Psychological and pedagogical support in conditions of the preschool educational institution. Observation by a neurologist. Classes with a speech therapist and educational psychologist


FULL NAME.____________________________________


teacher speech therapist

FULL NAME._____________________________________ - teacher - psychologist


The child has obvious problems with learning preschool educational programs. General speech underdevelopment

( II) level with a dysarthric component. He understands the spoken speech.

Sound pronunciation disorders (whistling, hissing, sonorant sounds), syllabic

word structure (rearrangement, omission of syllables). Vocabulary is poor.

Agrammatisms are present. Errors in inflection and word formation. Messenger

speech is poorly formed. Has difficulty composing descriptive stories, stories in a series plot paintings. Can't post pictures that make sense. Composes a 2- or 3-sentence story based on leading questions

Phonemic functions are not formed. Confuses the concepts of sound and syllable. Cannot determine the sequence of sounds in a word.

Short cognitive interest to the surrounding world.Knowledge, skills and abilities are not sufficiently developed. There is a lag in the development of general and fine motor skills. Does not regulate the pressure on the pencil, making it difficult to use scissors. Self-service skills have been developed. Reduced interest in the game.Uncommunicative, does not know how to negotiate and independently resolve conflicts with peers.Dima is in poor health and has a reduced level of physical development.

Target: create conditions for the child to successfully master the adapted basic educational program of the preschool educational institution and successful adaptation in society.

Tasks: 1. Development of all components speech system

2. Development and formation of cognitive processes

3. Development of the emotional-volitional sphere.

4.Development of general fine motor skills.

Contents of the individual educational route

Educational component:

- The form of training is full-time, group.

Work in general mode.

Individual approach during the educational process.

The use of motor, visual and speech physical education during classes.

Joint games for the development of the emotional-volitional sphere.

Individual syllabus:

Strengthening educational areas: “Speech development”,

and "Social communication development».

Educational area“Social and communicative development” is strengthened in:

Development of gaming skills;

Maintaining children's interest in the activities of their peers, promoting

dialogical communication in joint games and activities;

Appropriation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and

moral values;

Forming the ability to recognize the emotions of others, development

social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness,


The formation of independence, focus and self-regulation of one’s own


In the afternoon, individual lessons on completing assignments


Physical Culture


on the street

2 / 40 min.

1 / 20 min.

Educational field "Speech development"

Speech development

2 / 40 min. (teacher speech therapist)

Reading fiction


Educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development"


1 / 20 min.


0.5 / 10 min


0.5 / 10 min.

Applied creativity

1/20 min.


2 / 40 min.

Social and communicative development of children is carried out in educational

activities during regime moments, in joint and independent play

activities, in the family.


Individual sessions

Teacher - psychologist

2/15 min.

Teacher speech therapist

3/15 min.


2/ 15 min.

Musical director

Physics instructor culture

Speech therapy support

    Correctional educational technologies, programs:

Program of correctional and developmental work in speech therapy group kindergarten for children with special needs" edited by N.V. Nishcheva.

Working programm teacher-speech therapist for the correction of general speech underdevelopment in

senior speech therapy group is compiled on the basis of the Approximate adapted program correctional and developmental work in a speech therapy group for children with

System of correctional work in a speech therapy group for children with special needs, edited by N.V. Nishcheva

Unconventional methods of development work articulatory motor skills V.V.Konovalenko, S.V.Konovalenko

ICT, TRIZ elements, modeling method, socio-game methods and techniques, problem-based teaching method

Fairytale therapy, sand therapy, theatrical and play activities, techniques


    Health-saving technologies:

Dynamic pauses

Finger warm-up

Eye exercises

Breathing exercises,

Relaxation breaks,


Music therapy,

Finger massage.

    Forms of monitoring and recording the child’s achievements:

Comprehensive examination at the beginning school year, intermediate diagnostics, comprehensive examination at the end of the school year.

Corrective component:

Psychological and pedagogical support

(individual curriculum)


Support specialist

Main directions

Mode and forms of work

Development dynamics indicators

Performance Evaluation Forms

Forms of work with parents

Teacher speech therapist

1. Phonetic side of speech. Articulation gymnastics. Production of disturbed sounds. Automation of delivered sounds in syllables (direct, reverse, confluences); words; collocation; proposed., tongue twisters; poetic texts; spontaneous speech. Differentiation with sounds that are similar in acoustic and articulatory characteristics. 2. Vocabulary. Clarification, expansion and enrichment of the dictionary by topic. plan. Work on the formation of generic and specific generalizing concepts. Enriching the vocabulary relates, possesses. adjunct, antonym words. Expansion of the predicative dictionary, dictionary of features. 3.Grammatical structure of speech. Work on education plural. h. noun in I. and R. cases. Education will reduce-caress. noun and attached. Education is attractive. attached Work on the coordination of nouns. with appendix in gender, number, case. Working on correct noun agreement. with verbs, nouns with numerals. Education relates. attached Work on understanding and used. simple prepositions. The composition of simple ones is common, complex. proposals. Analysis of primes is proposed. 4. Phonematic Formir's side of speech. ability to highlight verbs and acc. sounds from a number of sounds, syllables, words, select words for a given sound, determine the place of the sound in a word. Develop the skill of analysis and synthesis of syllables, words. Reinforce the conceptsound, syllable, sentence, vowel, consonant sounds. Familiarization with letters. 5. Coherent speech. Compiling a descriptive story according to a plan, according to a plot picture, according to a series story pictures. Retelling fairy tales and simple texts. Memorizing poems, tongue twisters, riddles. 6.Work on the development of fine motor skills. 7. Prevention of dysgraphia. 8.Improving auditory, visual and kinesthetic control. 9. Drug treatment from a neurologist.

Individual classes:Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

V phonemic awareness. Continue to develop grammatical structure and coherent speech.Positive dynamics in sound pronunciation. Whistling and hissing sounds are set and automated. Sound production [l] Speech rate is slow. Poor fine motor skills.

Examination of the level of speech development

Consultations, conversations, master classes, workshops, GCD viewings

survey, conducting parent meetings, manufacturing

leaflets, stands, brochures,

page design on the preschool educational institution website

Educational psychologist

Development cognitive activity and interest in the surrounding world, through

games, exercises and activities.

Development of socially significant skills.

Development of communication skills.

Development of general intellectual skills

child: techniques of analysis, synthesis,

comparisons, generalizations, grouping and classification skills, exceptions,


Development arbitrary functions control and planning of your actions.

Development of orientation in space, relative to one’s body, to form

idea of ​​interaction

external objects and bodies.

Development of fine motor skills of a child's hands.

Individual lessons:Monday Thursday

Minor positive dynamics . Continue to develop: temporal and spatial concepts; perception; memory; attention; speech; thinking (difficult to isolate extra item and generalization), motor skills.

Note: slow pace of activity, increased level of interest. He goes to classes with pleasure.

Examination of the level of mental cognitive processes

Consultations, trainings, workshops, conversations, attending classes,

survey, production

Design of a page on the preschool educational institution website.

Educational component:

Consultations for parents:

Social and personal development through plot - role-playing games(“Mothers and Daughters”, “Shop”, “Hospital”, “Barbershop”, “Bus”, “Library”, “Builders”), theatrical games (dramatization of fairy tales, nursery rhymes), didactic games (“Fold the pattern”, “ Logical pairs”, “All about time”, “Collect a picture”, “Good and bad”, “What comes first, what comes next”, “The fourth odd one”, “Logic train”).

Develop friendly relationships with peers through

joint games: “Choose a partner”, “Compliments”, “Gardeners and Flowers”, “Kind Animal”, “Waves”. "Good Elves" and others.

Develop tolerance among children in the group through mutual assistance and conversations with children.

Develop the desire to express one’s attitude towards the environment through various speech means.

Final section

Parents' expectations: formation of readiness to learn for school.

Expected Result: the child is adapted to society; the child’s mastery of the adapted basic educational program of the preschool educational institution; children's mastery of independent, coherent, grammatical correct speech and communication skills, phonetic system Russian language, elements of literacy, which forms psychological readiness to schooling and ensures continuity with the next level of the education system.

Participants who have paid for the certificate will also receive additional handouts:

Webinar presentation
-Algorithm for administrator support for students with disabilities
-Criteria and diagnosis of maladjustment
-Socialization Sheet
-Algorithm for teacher support for students with learning and behavioral difficulties
-Individual educational route for a child with disabilities
-Algorithm for interaction between a teacher-psychologist and teaching staff and administration

If you have 3 or more certificates, you can receive a CERTIFICATE for participating in events ranging from 6 to... hours.

Instructions for obtaining a certificate:

1. Register on the “Continuity in Education” website or log into the site using your username and password. When registering, be careful; information for certificates is taken from the information you filled out. Please indicate your full name and personal email – a certificate will be sent to this address.

2. Go to the event page. Calendar of events/03/23/2018 Webinar: “Development of an individual educational route for a child with disabilities”