Physical education lesson “Squad of young cosmonauts. Lesson-game dedicated to Cosmonautics Day

Nowadays there are many professions. All professions are important, all professions are needed. There are fascinating and complex professions, and there are romantic professions. But there is such a special profession that is both fascinating and romantic, and also responsible, honorable and difficult. This is the profession of an astronaut.

This profession is relatively “young”. It appeared in the second half of the twentieth century, almost simultaneously with the birth space industry. Back in 1959, the selection of candidates for so-called “astronauts” began in our country, but since 1960, the name of the profession “cosmonaut pilot” has already been fixed in all documents. Although in the United States of America people in this profession continue to be called astronauts.

The title of the first cosmonaut on the planet belongs to Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, who on April 12, 1961 made the first orbital flight in the history of mankind on the Vostok spacecraft. Over the years since that significant moment, more than five hundred people have visited outer space. They were not only in Earth orbit, but also visited the Moon. The duration of flights has also increased. If Gagarin's first flight lasted 108 minutes, today cosmonauts and astronauts can stay in space for more than a year.

Future cosmonauts are required to meet very high requirements. Space is, of course, romantic, but being in space requires special hardening. An astronaut must have very good, practically perfect health. When a rocket rises into space, the astronauts experience severe overload. Their body weight at this moment increases several times. And when they find themselves in orbit, another “enemy” awaits them - weightlessness. With prolonged exposure to weightlessness, a person's muscles weaken and bones become fragile. Therefore, the astronauts during long flight They train constantly and wear special suits to help mitigate the harmful effects of weightlessness. The health of astronauts must also be excellent because there are no hospitals in space and “ ambulance“You can’t call there. Therefore, astronauts are required to study the basics of medical professions in order to be able to provide first aid to each other in unforeseen situations.

If in the first years space age While cosmonauts were mainly professional pilots, today engineers, scientists, and doctors also enter this profession. On space orbit various scientific experiments, visual observation of the surface of our planet is carried out and even production is being established various materials, which can only be produced in zero gravity conditions. To carry out all this work, special space stations were designed - real flying “homes” for astronauts. Today, the International Space Station, created through the efforts of many countries, is in Earth orbit. At this station, astronauts from different countries, periodically replacing each other.

The profession of an astronaut is not only a profession of today, but also a profession of the future. Space technology is constantly being improved. And plans are already being made for a manned flight to Mars. Nowadays aircrafts not only are they launched into space state organizations, but also private companies. Gradually developing space tourism. For now, this is a very expensive pleasure, but the day will come when any of us will be able to feel like an astronaut and see the beauty of our planet from the heights of space orbit.

Young cosmonaut.

As a child, many people dreamed

IN starry space fly.

So that from this starry distance

Inspect our land.

See its open spaces,

Rivers, mountains and fields,

Look at smart devices

To prove that I don’t live in vain.

Fly on the starry rabble,

Explore the forests and seas.

Did Copernicus lie to us?

Why does the earth rotate?

The astronauts, there, are flying,

They come back.

Everyone gets a "hero"

They walk like stars and shine.

But I don't understand

Why am I not a hero?

Just like they fly

I'm a fighting guy.

All year round, spring, winter

I'm flying in space.

A spaceship my

It's called EARTH!



Interesting fact

On April 12, 1961, man conquered space for the first time. Launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome for the first time in the worldSoviet spaceship "Vostok" with pilot-cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin on board.The launch of the spacecraft "" was made at 09:07 Moscow time from the cosmodrome ; Gagarin's call sign was "Kedr". This flight was historical event world-class and not everything was smooth and easy. I suggest you read interesting factsabout the first manned space flight:

The first flight into space was prepared in a hurry, since intelligence received information that the Americans were planning to launch the spacecraft at the end of April. USSR leadershipcould not allow this and gave the command to get ahead of the Americans in any way.

One of key parameters When selecting the first cosmonaut, the height was no more than 170 cm, and the weight was no more than 70-72 kg. Height and weight requirements arose due to technical limitations on the Vostok spacecraft.

Interesting , that three reports about Gagarin’s flight into space had previously been prepared. The first is “Successful”, the second with a request for help in the search if he falls in the territory of another country or in the world’s oceans, and the third is “Tragic” if Gagarin dies.

Before the flight we didn’t know how human psyche will behave in space, so special protection was provided against controlling the East in a fit of violence. To turn on manual control, Gagarin had to open a sealed envelope, inside which lay a piece of paper with a code, which by typing on the control panel could unlock it.

Having completed one revolution around the Earth, at 10:55:34 in the 108th minute the ship completed its flight. Due to a malfunction in the braking system, the descent module with Gagarin landed not in the planned area 110 km from Volgograd, but in Saratov region, near the village of Smelovka.

Interesting fact , after the flight, the First Cosmonaut, Lieutenant Gagarin, was awarded the rank of major. And the news broadcast about Major Gagarin, who conquered space, and April 12 became International Cosmonautics Day.

Class hour dedicated to Cosmonautics Day for students in grades 1-2

Subject: The country that opened the way to space.


➣ Systematize and expand children’s ideas about space and astronauts.

➣ Introduce the artificial satellites of the Earth and their role in the life of modern man.

➣ Instill respect for the history of Russia, cultivate a sense of pride in your country.


1. Exhibition of children's drawings and illustrations on the topic.

2. Exhibition of books about space.

3. Audio recording of the song: “You know what kind of guy he was.”

Class progress

Guys, guess the riddles and guess what it's about we'll talk in our lesson.

Miracle bird, scarlet tail.

Arrived in a flock of stars. (rocket)

He is not a pilot, not a pilot,

He's not flying a plane,

And a huge rocket

Children, who say this? (astronaut)

Who guessed what we will talk about today?

That's right, today in our lesson we will talk about space, about astronauts.

That's right, Cosmonautics Day.

"Space exploration"

Since ancient times, humanity has strived for the stars. The ancient Greeks had a myth about Icarus, who tried to fly to the Sun on wings made of wax and feathers, but the wax melted and Icarus died.

In Russia, the idea of ​​​​the possibility of flight into space was first expressed by K. E. Tsiolkovsky.

He worked all his life as a teacher of physics and mathematics, and in free time designed rockets and engines for them.

S.P. took over the baton from Tsiolkovsky. Korolev.

Under his leadership, many were built in our country spacecraft- artificial Earth satellites and spacecraft.

IN post-war period Scientists are thinking about the possibility of long-term space travel.

You know that our planet has a natural satellite.

What is it called? (Moon)

But man was able to create and launch artificial Earth satellites into space.

What kind of relative of the moon is

Nephew or granddaughter

Flashing between the clouds?

Yes, it's a satellite!

These are the times!

He is the companion of each of us

And in general the whole Earth.

The satellite was created by hands,

And then on a rocket

Delivered to these distances.

Nowadays thousands of artificial satellites fly around our planet. What are they needed for? (Children answer)

Teacher's conclusion: Satellites help watch TV shows, conduct telephone conversations, send and receive telegrams, and connect people with each other. People created satellites in order to study the earth, the sun, planets, stars, and unravel the secrets of nature.

The first reconnaissance astronauts were dogs, rabbits, insects and even microbes. The first mouse astronaut stayed above the ground for almost a whole day. White hairs appeared in her black fur. They turned gray from cosmic rays, but the mouse returned alive.

Then it was the turn of dogs, smarter animals than mice and rabbits.

But not every dog ​​is suitable for flying. You need to find one that is a little larger than a cat, weighs 4-6 kg, is no more than two or three years old, and has light fur that is easier to see on camera.

Purebred dogs were not suitable: they were too pampered and capricious.

Affectionate, calm and hardy mongrels were best suited for space experiments.

The dogs were taught not to be afraid of shaking, noise, to endure heat and cold, to eat and much more.

Passed better than others " final exams"smart and brave Laika.

A special spacesuit was put on Laika, and the rocket carried the brave scout into space. Scientists learned about dog health using special devices, which were installed on the rocket. Laika did not return from space. Other dogs followed Laika. They all returned to Earth.

This is how scientists became convinced that living beings can live in weightlessness. The path to space was open.

Who flew to the planets first?

What holiday is there once a year in April?

Legends are made about space,

Heroes - astronauts in plain sight

They don’t live peacefully on earth,

For some reason they are always pulled upward,

The stars submit to them, surrender,

Their shoulder straps were lit with gold.

Every boy knows perfectly well from childhood,

Gagarin Yuri - space hero,

After all, an astronaut is not born just one day,

He can be next to you or next to me.

And again into unknown distances

The spaceship will take off...

Let what you dreamed about come true,

Fly, children, into the sky, the way is open!

Tell me, who was the first person to fly into space, the first cosmonaut?

Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin.

On April 12, 1961, 27-year-old pilot senior lieutenant (on the same day he became a major) Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin accomplished the first in the history of mankind space trip, became the first earthling who had the opportunity to directly see that the Earth is a ball. On the Vostok-1 spacecraft, Gagarin flew around the Earth in 108 minutes. The rocket launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, and the astronaut landed on the right bank of the Volga near the village of Smelovka, Ternovsky district, Saratov region. Both the launch vehicle, the Vostok-1 spacecraft, and the launch complex were created under the leadership of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, who also supervised Gagarin’s flight.

Yuri Gagarin's smile is immortal. She became a symbol. Gagarin smiled to the whole world. He smiled at our planet, rejoiced at the sun, forests and fields. And he said: “Having flown around the Earth in a satellite ship, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, let us preserve and increase this beauty, and not destroy it!...” Yes, she is beautiful. And our beautiful and small planet, the only one where there are flowers, streams, birches, where there is laughter and smiles and love, must be protected!

Song: Do you know what kind of guy he was?

Words by N. Dobronravov

Music by L. Pakhmutova

Guys, who knows what the special clothes for astronauts are called? (Space suit)

Now look at the Vostok spacecraft and the modern Mir space station. They differ in size and design.

Why do you think? (Children's answers)

Teacher's conclusion: The Vostok spacecraft orbited the Earth only once, but a modern space station has been in space for many years; it is a real space home in which cosmonauts live for many months.

What are they doing there?

Work never stops for one hour space station. One crew of astronauts is replaced by another. Cosmonauts observe the stars, planets and the Sun, take photographs and study the Earth, care for the plants and animals that live on the station, repair the space house, and carry out many different scientific experiments. The space flight is monitored from Earth by the Control Center.

The space station is depicted with large and wide “wings”. What are these wings? What are they needed for?

A prepared student speaks.

The wings of the space station are solar panels. They are catching Sun rays and turn them into electricity. And the current illuminates, heats and powers all scientific instruments.

The first daily flight of a man around the Earth by German Titov.

Titov German Stepanovich was born in the village. Verkhneye Zhilino, Kosikhinsky district, Altai Territory.

The flight lasted 1 day 1 hour 18 minutes, after which the spacecraft's descent module made a successful landing.

Imagine, guys, not only men, but also women can fly into space. Who is the first woman astronaut?

Mine space flight Tereshkova performed on June 16, 1963 on the Vostok-6 spacecraft; it lasted almost three days. The launch took place at Baikonur not from the “Gagarin” site, but from a duplicate one. At the same time, the Vostok-5 spacecraft, piloted by cosmonaut Valery Bykovsky, was in orbit.

The first spacewalk by Leonov A.A.

The astronaut spent 12 minutes 9 seconds in outer space and moved away from the ship at a distance of up to 5 m - the entire length of the halyard - the “umbilical cord” that connected him to the ship. In outer space, Leonov survived the strongest emotional stress: the pulse rate more than doubled - to 143 beats per minute, the breathing rate almost doubled, the body temperature exceeded 38 degrees, sweat filled the spacesuit to the knees, during the day of the flight he lost 6 kg. The return of the astronauts to Earth took place in a mode close to emergency, but, thank God, it ended safely.

First landing on the moon.

Neil Armstrong (1969) - American astronaut, was the first to land on the moon.

Soviet launch vehicles launching manned spacecraft, artificial Earth satellites and automatic interplanetary stations.

Baikonur cosmodrome is located in Kazakhstan, Kzyl-Orda region, near the city of Baikonur.

Founded in 1955. Has several launch complexes, technical positions and measuring points. The first in history was launched from Baikonur artificial satellite Earth (1957) and the first spaceship with a man on board.

April 30, 2011 First space tourist Dennis Tito. American businessman paid about 20 million dollars for the flight.

Solve the crossword puzzle (clues in pictures)


1. Was the woman the first to fly into space? (V. Tereshkova)

2. Who was the first person to fly into space? (Yu. A. Gagarin)

3. Who made the first exit in open space? (A. A. Leonov)

4. An astronaut's flight, which lasted 1 day. 1 hour 18 minutes (G. Titov)

5. The first dog to fly into space? (Laika)

6. Was the American astronaut the first to land on the Moon? (N. Armstrong)

Summarizing. Rewarding and encouraging active class participants.

For children of the general developmental group aged 6-7 years.
- let them feel like they are participating in training as astronauts for a flight to the planets, test their capabilities in competition with other children;
- to form a respectful attitude towards all people related to the Russian rocket and space industry, the desire to be like them.
- Bring joy and pleasure;
- consolidate the ability to be responsible, organized, purposeful;
- repeat games and game exercises to develop speed and dexterity using non-standard equipment, develop reaction speed, attention, the ability to coordinate movements, develop endurance
- encourage creative performance of tasks, demonstrating sports skills and abilities.
Educational area“Health”: instill a love of physical education, develop creativity, independence, initiative in motor actions, conscious attitude to them, the ability to self-control when performing movements.
Educational area “Socialization”: to introduce elementary generally accepted standards and the rules of relationships with peers and adults in joint motor activities, interaction with other team members, mutual assistance, obedience to the rules of the game;
Educational area “Labor”: involve children in cleaning physical education equipment: boys large, girls small. Educational area “Cognition”: feel like participants in the training of astronauts for a flight to the planets, test your capabilities in competition with other children.
Educational field “Music”: develop a sense of rhythm, the ability to perform changes.
Educational area "Security": to develop a skill safe behavior in relay games, games in pairs.
Stands 3 pcs., horizontal stands 3 pcs., sandbags 2 pcs., hanging hoops, medium hoops 3 pcs., large construction set 8 elements, cape - raincoat 1 pc., balls of two colors, 2 baskets, plastic “skis”, whistle.
Progress of the lesson:
(1 slide) Title
Children enter the hall. The teacher pays attention to the things that are in gym. Invites you to think about who they might belong to. Children offer their versions.
Educator: Yes! These are elements of space clothing.
Who among you wants to fly into space? All children want. (2 slide)
Educator: (involves the children in the conversation). What is space?
- What are the people who fly into space called? (3 slide)
- Who are astronauts? (4 slide)
-Can anyone become an astronaut?
Children's answers: (No, only the best)
Educator: Yes! To become an astronaut, you must first graduate from school, then study at flight school, then at the military academy. Of all the cadets, the smartest and most resilient are chosen. After all, the flight is very difficult, and human body experiences enormous stress.
The chief designer told me:
- The takeoff will not be very smooth.....
There will be a heart, maybe
Often slipping into heels...
I'll lift my heels higher,
Everything will be all right!
And then for the entire flight
The heart will not go to your feet.
A. Shalgin
Guys, who wants to become an astronaut?
Which cosmonauts do you know? (5 slide) (Yuri Gagarin and others)
Do you know who the first woman astronaut is? (Valentina Tereshkova).
(6 slide)
This means that our girls can become astronauts too!

Of course, it’s still too early for us to go straight to the cosmodrome. We will first go to the cosmonaut training center.

Music is playing. Children perform exercises in motion. (7 slide)

Together we walk in step

We carry our heads straight,

We walk on our toes

And then on your heels.

Here's a posture check

And they pulled their shoulder blades together.

(Children perform walking by stepping over horizontal posts, walking in a snake between vertical posts)

And now run - run -

To get a big boost

And fly to heaven

To see miracles!.....

E. Dudina.

(Slow running like a snake between the posts, running over obstacles, walking with breathing exercises)

Well guys, let's have a workout.

You did it very cleverly!

(8 slide) Walking in a circle, forming a circle.

And in order to go on a space journey, you need a captain - the fastest and smartest, and now we’ll see which of you is the fastest and smartest. The game “Cosmonauts” will help us with this.

Children join hands, walk in a circle and say in chorus:

Fast rockets are waiting for us

For walks on the planets.

Whichever one we want, we’ll fly on that one!

But there is one secret in the game: there is no room for latecomers!

WITH the last word everyone runs up and tries to quickly take a place (hoop, circle) in one of the rockets. Those who are late gather in the center of the circle, and those who take their places announce routes (for example, Earth-Moon-Earth, Earth-Mars-Earth and others).

Rules: those who succeed in three times repetition take more flights. It is prohibited to rush towards the missiles prematurely and push comrades from their occupied places in the missiles. The game is repeated 2-3 times


I know you have teams. Children line up in 2 columns.

Your teams will be called “Belka” and “Strelka” (9 slide)


Why do you think your teams were named that way?

In honor of the first dogs - astronauts.


Now we will hold a team competition, testing your strength, eye, and agility, which are so necessary in flight.

Teams, let's start! (10 slide)

Dad gave me a rocket

Yes, it's a toy!

I'm launching a rocket -

Am I going to the wrong place!?

The “Launch the Rocket Accurately” competition is being held.

Throw the sandbag so that it hits the vertical hoop.

You are all astronauts now,

Like Gagarin, like Titov!

Your rocket crew

Are you ready to fly into space?

The “Friendly Crew” competition is being held

Each team member holds one geometric figure from a large constructor. You need to take turns moving the figures to a given square and fold them so that you get a rocket.

The game “Collect space debris” is being played (11 slide)

Well, now let's talk

About what everyone knows.

That very often we litter

Both in space and at home.

Let's hold hands together

And we'll put things in order,

We'll remove the trash quickly!

Let people in the world remember -

Cleanliness is our life!

2 baskets with colored balls are mixed on the carpet. Task: collect balls by color into your basket in “space shoes”

“Black hole”... What is it? (12 slide)

What we all don’t understand,

Scary and evil...

The hole always strives

Planets to devour

And a terrible attraction,

Like a net to capture

The planets are flying away,

And their time has passed -

After all, they are lurking

Cosmic evil!...

You and I will compete in speed and agility to see who can escape from the “black hole.” And the driver - the “black hole” - will be determined by the rhyme:

All planets in order

Any of you can name:

Once - mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four - Mars.

Five - Jupiter,

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Neptune is behind him.

He is the eighth in a row.

And then after him

And the ninth planet

Called Pluto.

The game "Black Hole" is being played

The child (leading in a black cloak) must “drag in” the planet - the child (catch up and touch with his hand). The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Children walk through the hall to calm music, performing breathing exercises: « Space", "Comet", "Stardust".


You all showed your strength, dexterity, ingenuity, eye. Have shown such important qualities for an astronaut, like mutual assistance, the ability to obey the rules, to give in if the matter requires it. I think you are ready to join the “Young Cosmonauts” team, and when you grow up, fly wherever you want.

And in memory of our “space” training, I would like to present you with a “Young Cosmonaut Certificate”.