Threefold repetition in the fairy tale white duck. White duck

    • Russian folk tales Russian folk tales The world of fairy tales is amazing. Is it possible to imagine our life without a fairy tale? A fairy tale is not just entertainment. She tells us about what is extremely important in life, teaches us to be kind and fair, to protect the weak, to resist evil, to despise cunning and flatterers. The fairy tale teaches us to be loyal, honest, and ridicules our vices: boasting, greed, hypocrisy, laziness. For centuries, fairy tales have been passed down orally. One person came up with a fairy tale, told it to another, that person added something of his own, retold it to a third, and so on. Each time the fairy tale became better and more interesting. It turns out that the fairy tale was invented not by one person, but by many different people, people, that’s why they began to call it “folk”. Fairy tales arose in ancient times. They were stories of hunters, trappers and fishermen. In fairy tales, animals, trees and grass talk like people. And in a fairy tale, everything is possible. If you want to become young, eat rejuvenating apples. We need to revive the princess - first sprinkle her with dead and then with living water... The fairy tale teaches us to distinguish good from bad, good from evil, ingenuity from stupidity. The fairy tale teaches us not to despair difficult moments and always overcome difficulties. The fairy tale teaches how important it is for every person to have friends. And the fact that if you don’t leave your friend in trouble, then he will help you too...
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    • Tales of Valentin Kataev Tales of Valentin Kataev Writer Valentin Kataev lived a long and beautiful life. He left books, by reading which we can learn to live with taste, without missing out on the interesting things that surround us every day and every hour. There was a period in Kataev’s life, about 10 years, when he wrote wonderful fairy tales for children. The main characters of fairy tales are the family. They show love, friendship, belief in magic, miracles, relationships between parents and children, relationships between children and the people they meet along the way that help them grow up and learn something new. After all, Valentin Petrovich himself was left without a mother very early. Valentin Kataev is the author of the fairy tales: “The Pipe and the Jug” (1940), “The Seven-Flower Flower” (1940), “The Pearl” (1945), “The Stump” (1945), “The Dove” (1949).
    • Tales of Wilhelm Hauff Tales of Wilhelm Hauff Wilhelm Hauff (11/29/1802 – 11/18/1827) was a German writer, best known as the author of fairy tales for children. Considered a representative of the artistic literary style Biedermeier Wilhelm Hauff is not such a famous and popular world storyteller, but Hauff's fairy tales are a must-read for children. The author, with the subtlety and unobtrusiveness of a real psychologist, invested in his works a deep meaning that provokes thought. Gauff wrote his Märchen - fairy tales - for the children of Baron Hegel; they were first published in the "Almanac of Fairy Tales of January 1826 for the Sons and Daughters of the Noble Classes." There were such works by Gauff as “Calif-Stork”, “ Little Muck", some others that immediately gained popularity in German-speaking countries. Initially focusing on eastern folklore, he later begins to use European legends in fairy tales.
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    • Tales of Mikhail Plyatskovsky Tales of Mikhail Plyatskovsky Mikhail Spartakovich Plyatskovsky - Soviet poet- songwriter, playwright. Even in his student years, he began to compose songs - both poetry and melodies. The first professional song “March of the Cosmonauts” was written in 1961 with S. Zaslavsky. There is hardly a person who has never heard such lines: “it’s better to sing in chorus,” “friendship begins with a smile.” A tiny raccoon from a Soviet cartoon and the cat Leopold sing songs based on poems by the popular songwriter Mikhail Spartakovich Plyatskovsky. Plyatskovsky's fairy tales teach children rules and norms of behavior, model familiar situations and introduce them to the world. Some stories not only teach kindness, but also make fun of bad traits character typical of children.
    • Tales of Samuil Marshak Tales of Samuil Marshak Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak (1887 - 1964) - Russian Soviet poet, translator, playwright, literary critic. Known as the author of fairy tales for children, satirical works, as well as “adult”, serious lyrics. Among Marshak’s dramatic works, the fairy tale plays “Twelve Months”, “Smart Things”, “Cat’s House” are especially popular. Marshak’s poems and fairy tales begin to be read from the very first days in kindergartens, then they are staged at matinees, in junior classes learn by heart.
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    • Tales of Sergei Mikhalkov Tales of Sergei Mikhalkov Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich (1913 - 2009) - writer, writer, poet, fabulist, playwright, war correspondent during the Great Patriotic War, author of the text of two hymns Soviet Union and anthem Russian Federation. They begin to read Mikhalkov’s poems in kindergarten, choosing “Uncle Styopa” or the equally famous poem “What do you have?” The author takes us back to the Soviet past, but over the years his works do not become outdated, but only acquire charm. Mikhalkov's children's poems have long become classics.
    • Tales of Suteev Vladimir Grigorievich Tales of Suteev Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev - Russian Soviet children's writer, illustrator and animation director. One of the founders of Soviet animation. Born into a doctor's family. The father was a gifted man, his passion for art was passed on to his son. WITH teenage years Vladimir Suteev, as an illustrator, was periodically published in the magazines “Pioneer”, “Murzilka”, “ Friendly guys", "Sparkle", in the newspaper "Pionerskaya Pravda". Studied at Moscow Higher Technical University named after. Bauman. Since 1923 he has been an illustrator of books for children. Suteev illustrated books by K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, A. Barto, D. Rodari, as well as his own works. The tales that V. G. Suteev composed himself are written laconically. Yes, he doesn’t need verbosity: everything that is not said will be drawn. The artist works like a cartoonist, recording every movement of the character to create a coherent, logically clear action and a bright, memorable image.
    • Tales of Tolstoy Alexey Nikolaevich Tales of Tolstoy Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy A.N. - Russian writer, an extremely versatile and prolific writer, who wrote in all kinds and genres (two collections of poems, more than forty plays, scripts, adaptations of fairy tales, journalistic and other articles, etc.), primarily a prose writer, a master of fascinating storytelling. Genres in creativity: prose, story, story, play, libretto, satire, essay, journalism, historical novel, Science fiction, fairy tale, poem. A popular fairy tale by Tolstoy A.N.: “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio,” which is a successful adaptation of a fairy tale by an Italian writer of the 19th century. Collodi's "Pinocchio" is included in the golden fund of world children's literature.
    • Tales of Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich Tales of Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich (1828 - 1910) is one of the greatest Russian writers and thinkers. Thanks to him, not only works appeared that are included in the treasury of world literature, but also an entire religious and moral movement - Tolstoyism. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy wrote many instructive, lively and interesting tales, fables, poems and stories. He also wrote many small but wonderful fairy tales for children: Three Bears, How Uncle Semyon told about what happened to him in the forest, The Lion and the Dog, The Tale of Ivan the Fool and his two brothers, Two Brothers, Worker Emelyan and empty drum and many others. Tolstoy took writing little fairy tales for children very seriously and worked a lot on them. Fairy tales and stories by Lev Nikolaevich are still in books for reading in elementary schools to this day.
    • Tales of Charles Perrault Tales of Charles Perrault Charles Perrault (1628-1703) - French writer-storyteller, critic and poet, was a member French Academy. It is probably impossible to find a person who does not know the story about Little Red Riding Hood and gray wolf, about the little boy or other equally memorable characters, colorful and so close not only to a child, but also to an adult. But they all owe their appearance to the wonderful writer Charles Perrault. Each of his fairy tales is folk epic, its writer processed and developed the plot, resulting in such delightful works that are still read with great admiration today.
    • Ukrainian folk tales Ukrainian folk tales Ukrainian folk tales have many similarities in style and content with Russian folk tales. IN Ukrainian fairy tale Much attention is paid to everyday realities. Ukrainian folklore is very vividly described by a folk tale. All traditions, holidays and customs can be seen in the plots of folk stories. How Ukrainians lived, what they had and didn’t have, what they dreamed of and how they went towards their goals is also clearly embedded in the meaning fairy tales. The most popular Ukrainian folk tales: Mitten, Koza-Dereza, Pokatygoroshek, Serko, the tale of Ivasik, Kolosok and others.
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      • Interesting riddles with answers Interesting riddles for children with answers. In this section you will find out your favorite fairy-tale characters. Riddles about fairy tales with answers help magically turn fun moments into a real show of fairy-tale experts. And funny riddles are perfect for April 1, Maslenitsa and other holidays. The riddles of the decoy will be appreciated not only by children, but also by parents. The ending of the riddle can be unexpected and absurd. Trick riddles improve children's mood and broaden their horizons. Also in this section there are riddles for children's parties. Your guests will definitely not be bored!
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Fairy tale White duck

Russian folktale

Fairy tale "White Duck" summary:

The fairy tale “The White Duck” is about how a prince met a young beautiful princess and married her. But he had to go to distant countries, and he told the princess not to trust anyone and with bad people don't communicate. The princess sat in the mansion for a long time and did not go out anywhere, but then a kind woman came and persuaded her to take a walk in the garden. Then she persuaded her to swim, and as soon as the princess threw herself into the water, the kind woman turned into a witch and turned the princess into a white duck.

And the witch herself turned into a princess and met a prince who did not suspect the substitution. Meanwhile, the duck gave birth to two handsome boys and a third little one. The boys went to play in the prince's courtyard. The witch guessed whose children these were. Then she decided to kill them. She fed me and put her to bed. And all the time I checked whether they were sleeping. The runt answered that they were not sleeping, but the witch waved her dead hand and they died.

They laid them in the yard, and a duck flew in and began to cry over the bodies, telling how everything really happened. The prince heard this and ordered to catch the duck. Only she wasn’t given to anyone, and she sat on his shoulders. The duck turned into a princess. They brought living water and the boys came to life, but they tied the witch to her tail and killed her. And she stayed with the prince whole family, and everyone began to live and live well, make good things, and forget things bad.

This tale is about the confrontation between good and evil, which should be read to children of all ages. The fairy tale teaches you to love and care for your loved ones in any difficult moments of life. It shows that good always triumphs over evil.

Fairy tale White Duck read:

One prince married a beautiful princess and did not have time to look at her enough, did not have time to talk to her enough, did not have time to listen to her enough, and they had to part with him, he had to go on a long journey, leave his wife in someone else’s arms. What to do! They say you can’t sit for a century hugging each other.

The princess cried a lot, the prince persuaded her a lot, commanded her not to leave the high tower, not to go to conversation, not to get involved with bad people, not to listen to bad speeches. The princess promised to fulfill everything.

The prince left, she locked herself in her chamber and did not come out.

How long or short did it take a woman to come to her, it seemed so simple, so warm-hearted!

What, he says, are you bored? If only I could look at God’s light, if only I could walk through the garden, it would relieve melancholy.

For a long time the princess made excuses, she didn’t want to, but finally she thought: “It’s not a problem to walk around the garden,” and she went.

Spring crystal water flowed in the garden.

“What,” says the woman, “the day is so hot, the sun is scorching, and the cold water is splashing, shouldn’t we take a swim here?”

No, no, I don't want to! - And then I thought: “It’s not a problem to take a swim!”

She took off her sundress and jumped into the water. As soon as she took the plunge, the woman hit her on the back:
“Swim,” he says, “like a white duck!”

And the princess swam like a white duck.

The witch immediately dressed up in her dress, cleaned up, painted herself up and sat down to wait for the prince.

As soon as the puppy yelped, the bell rang, she was already running towards him, rushed to the prince, kissed him, and was kind to him. He was delighted, he extended his hands and did not recognize her.

And the white duck laid eggs and hatched babies: two good ones, and the third was a runt; and her little children came out - little children.

She raised them, they began to walk along the river, catch goldfish, collect scraps, sew caftans, and jump out onto the bank and look at the meadow.

Oh, don't go there, kids! - said the mother.

The children didn't listen; Today they will play on the grass, tomorrow they will run along the ant, further, further - and climbed into the prince’s courtyard.

The witch recognized them by instinct and gnashed her teeth. So she called the children, fed and watered them and put them to bed, and then she ordered them to light the fire, hang the cauldrons, and sharpen the knives.

The two brothers lay down and fell asleep, and the little one, so as not to catch a cold, his mother ordered them to carry it in his bosom - the little one doesn’t sleep, he hears everything, sees everything.

At night a witch came to the door and asked:
- Are you sleeping, kids, or not?

Zamoryshek answers:

Do not sleep!

The witch left, walked and walked, again at the door:
- Are you sleeping, kids, or not?

Zamoryshek says the same thing again:
- We sleep - we don’t sleep, I think they want to cut us all up; the fires are set in viburnum, the cauldrons are boiling, the knives are sharpened with damask steel!

In the morning the white duck calls her babies; the kids are not coming. Her heart sensed it, she perked up and flew to the prince’s court.

In the prince's courtyard, white as handkerchiefs, cold as sheets, the brothers lay side by side.

She rushed towards them, rushed, spread her wings, grabbed the children and screamed in a motherly voice:

Quack, quack, my children!
Quack, quack, little pigeons!
I nursed you through need,
I watered you down with tears,
I didn't get enough sleep in the dark night,
I'm not eating enough sweet cous!

Wife, do you hear something unprecedented? The duck says.

It's imaginary for you! Tell the duck to leave the yard!

They will drive her away, she will fly around and again to the children:

Quack, quack, my children!
Quack, quack, little pigeons!
The old witch destroyed you,
An old witch, a fierce snake,
The snake is fierce, underwater;
I took your own father away from you,
My own father - my husband,
Drowned us in a fast river,
Turned us into white ducks
And she lives and is magnified!

"Hey!" - thought the prince and shouted:
- Catch me a white duck!

Everyone rushed, but the white duck flies and is not given to anyone; The prince himself ran out, she fell into his arms.

He took her by the wing and said:
- Become White birch behind me, and the red maiden in front!

The white birch tree stretched out behind him, and the red maiden stood in front, and in the red maiden the prince recognized his young princess.

They immediately caught the magpie, tied two bottles to it, and ordered it to fill one with living water and the other with speaking water. A magpie flew down and brought water. They sprinkled the children with life-giving water - they perked up, sprinkled them with talking water - they spoke.

And the prince began to have a whole family, and they all began to live and live, make good things, and forget things badly.

And the witch was tied to a horse’s tail, and there was no trace or memory left of her!

Fairy tales are what help a child develop imagination and understand such complex categories as good, evil, justice, bad deeds and punishment for them. Using the example of heroes of Russian folk tales, parents introduce their child to Big world, where people do different things and make friends or enemies.

"White Duck"

Russian folklore creativity many of whom become literary friends and role models for children. “The White Duck” is a Russian folk tale about disobedience and deceit, about goodness and justice.

It can be divided into 5 parts:

This fairy tale for children 5 years old in every part carries a lesson for kids. At this age, children already understand what bad and good deeds, so you can discuss the behavior of each hero with them.

Moral category of a fairy tale

“The White Duck,” a Russian folk tale, teaches kids some useful lessons:

  • You should always obey and do what someone who loves you very much asks you to do.
  • Don't trust strangers.
  • Good and truth will always triumph.
  • Evil is punishable.

This type of short fairy tale for children allows the child to immediately grasp the content, think about it and draw conclusions with the help of their parents. It is important that the discussion be conducted collaboratively. Since this helps the child learn to reason and creates a trusting relationship with his parents.

The advantage of short fairy tales

Such fairy tales help develop memory, imagination and the ability to retell what has been read. It is not for nothing that familiarization with folk art begins with such simple stories, like “Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “Turnip”.

It may be more complicated, for example about a white duck. Here the child gets acquainted with such concepts as bad deeds and their consequences. In this fairy tale, all the heroes perform actions. By how these actions affect other characters, the child can identify positive characters and villains.

“The White Duck,” a Russian folk tale, falls into this category.

Fairy tale themes

Russian folk tales, at their core, always contain some kind of moral message. The basic concepts that a child who is read such fairy tales remembers is that good deeds, friendship and love always win.

For the most part, folklore works, even at first glance scary, are actually full of positivity and have a happy ending. “The White Duck” (Russian folk tale) is proof of this. Here, bad things happen to the main characters, but goodness and justice still triumph.

The themes of fairy tales can concern any magical adventure, both dangerous and fun, but a happy ending is inevitable.

The importance of fairy tales for a child

Reading fairy tales to children from the very beginning early childhood- this is wonderful educational process, in which adults help him, using the example of heroes, decide on the choice of the right actions.

The fact that the truth always comes out, and the villains get what they deserve, gives the child the right guidance on how to act and be responsible for their actions. By discussing the characters with your children, you can find out which ones they like best and due to what qualities.


There are many fairy tales in the world,
Sad and funny.
And live in the world
We can't live without them!

What is a fairy tale? A fairy tale is not just entertainment. She tells us about what is extremely important in life, teaches us to be kind and fair, to protect the weak, to resist evil, to despise cunning and flatterers. The fairy tale teaches us to be loyal, honest, makes fun of our vices: boasting, greed, hypocrisy, laziness... It teaches without boring instructions, it simply shows what can happen if a person acts badly, not according to his conscience. Let us remember the proverb “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.”

In fairy tales, heroes, both evil and good, transform or transform into various animals, birds, and insects. I was interested in why they reincarnate. For what purpose? Therefore, I will explore in the tales of the Russian, Yakut peoples wonderful transformations.

Purpose of the study : find out what miraculous transformations occur in fairy tales, who makes them, why this happens; compare transformations in Russian and Yakut fairy tales.


Pay attention to the characters' personalities;

Select passages from the text about magical transformations and methods of breaking a spell;

Analyze transformations and draw conclusions.

Object of study: wonderful transformations

Subject of study: Russian and Yakut fairy tales.

Hypothesis. Transformations in fairy tales happen for a reason; they are rewards for the good deeds of fairy-tale characters or punishment for evil.

Research methods: Reflections, reading books, analyzing the results.

Miraculous transformations in fairy tales

In my report I triedcgroup types of transformations. They can be shown schematically like this:

1 group

The transformations that the villain made

2nd group

Transformations into gratitude performed by a wizard

3 group

punishment through transformations of heroes who have committed bad deeds

4 group

Heroes transform into someone or something to achieve their goals

5 group

Transformations inanimate objects in children

6 group

fairy tales in which the characters had the opportunity to perform magical transformations, but they did it thoughtlessly

The transformations that the villain made.

"Princess Frog"

"Seven Brothers"

"White Duck"

"The Brave Girl and the Twelve-Horned Deer"

A.N. Tolstoy “Ivan and Marya”

In Russian folk tales, the villain is Koschey the Immortal. In the fairy tale “The Frog Princess,” he turns Vasilisa the Wise into a frog.

“Vasilisa the Wise was born more cunning and wiser than her father. That’s why he got angry with her and told her to be a frog for three years...” . But the brave and kind Ivan Tsarevich managed to free Vasilisa. Animals came to the aid of Ivan Tsarevich, in gratitude for the fact that he once pitied them.

The evil witch was jealous of the princess's happiness and turned her into a white duck in the fairy tale of the same name, "The White Duck."

« As soon as she took the plunge, the woman hit her on the back:

“Swim,” he says, “like a white duck!”

And the princess swam like a white duck.”

The witch turned into a young princess and began to live and make good things. But her happiness did not last long, the king recognized his young princess in the duck and saved her. And he drove the witch away.

In Alexei Tolstoy's fairy tale “Ivan and Marya,” Marya disobeyed her brother and was turned into a naked sticky by a merman.“I am, brother; The king of the water took me as his wife, now I am a tree woman, and in the spring I will be a mermaid again...” Ivan, in order to save his sister, went around the world to look for Wormwood grass. He found and threw the grass into the stick and freed his sister Marya.

Toyon from the fairy tale “Seven Brothers” had his beloved daughter stolen, he did not know who stole her. His brothers come to his aid, each of whom was gifted with certain abilities. The elder brother Vasily had the ability to see through everything and saw that“In the middle of the lake there grows a huge oak tree, and at the top of the oak tree there is an eagle’s nest. The eagle turned his daughter into a golden egg and sits on it.” The brothers used their powers to save Toyon's daughter. Rejoicing at the salvation of his daughter, Toyon married her to the youngest of the brothers and they all lived happily.

In the fairy tale “The Brave Girl and the Twelve-Horned Deer,” a girl meets a deer who tells her that“...the black deer was my enemy. He hid the happiness of people in the blue mountain, and made me a deer...” Having overcome all her fears, the brave girl released happiness and saved the white deer, who turned into a handsome young man. In gratitude, the young man took the girl as his wife.

Analyzing these tales, I came to the conclusion that, no matter how hard envious and vindictive wizards try to harm fairy-tale heroes, the villains ultimately failed. Because kindness, love, loyalty, dedication, mutual assistance turned out to be stronger than evil spells. Good always triumphs over evil!

Transformation into gratitude for good deeds

A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”

"The Tale of Old Man Oboruochun and his daughter Yuryumechchi Kuo - a beautiful butterfly"


Frisky runner Bear Eye.

"Baba Yaga"

In "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" Pushkin's Swan Princess helped Guidon in gratitude for saving him from death. Prince Guidon turned into various insects in order to fly overseas to his father. For the first flight, the Swan Princess turned him into a mosquito, for the second - into a fly. Prince Guidon flew for the third time in the form of a bumblebee.

"Sadness and melancholy eats me up,

Defeated the young man:

I would like to see my father."

Swan to the prince: “This is the grief!

Well listen: you want to go to sea

Fly behind the ship?

Be a mosquito, prince."

And flapped her wings,

The water splashed noisily

And sprayed him

From head to toe everything.

Here he shrunk to a point,

Turned into a mosquito

It flew and squeaked..."

At the end of the tale, the Swan Princess marries her savior.

Became a good fellow good hero Ivanushka the Fool from the Russian folk tale “Sivka Burka”:

“Well, get into my right ear, get out of my left ear! Ivanushka climbed into the horse’s right ear, and came out into the left - and became such a fine fellow that he couldn’t think of it, couldn’t guess it, couldn’t tell it in a fairy tale, couldn’t describe it with a pen!”

Sivka Burka, in gratitude for the fact that Ivanushka released him, turned his savior into a kind young man.

In the Russian folk tale “Baba Yaga,” the stepmother disliked her stepdaughter and kept thinking about how to get rid of her. And finally, she thought of it and sent the girl to her sister Baba Yaga. Since the girl was kind, she managed to escape. In gratitude for her kindness, Baba Yaga’s cat gives her a towel and a comb with the words “throw in the comb and a dense, dense forest will grow.” While she is making her way through the forest, you will run far away. And if you hear the chase again, throw in the towel: a wide and deep river will overflow.”

In the fairy tale “The Tale of Old Man Oboruochun and his daughter Yuryumechchi Kuo the Beautiful Moth,” Yuryumechchi Kuo’s family had a magical cow that gave food instead of milk. They would have lived without grieving, but a misfortune happened, their mother died. The father married a second time to a woman who disliked the cow and wanted to eat it. Knowing that death was near, the cow wanted to save the orphan Yuryumechchi Kuo and therefore turned her into a silver bird, thereby making her life easier.

In the fairy tale “The Frisky Runner Bear Eye,” the hero Bear Eye from the middle world fought with a magical old man from lower world. In an unequal battle, our hero defeated the old man. The old man began to beg for mercy and in exchange for his life, he gave a house of black gold with a beauty. Bear Eye turned this house into a snuffbox and took it with him to the middle world.

After reading these fairy tales, I realized that magic only happens to those who are worthy of it. And goodness is always reciprocated with goodness

Punishment through transformations of heroes who have committed bad deeds

"Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

"Kharakh simiriki"

S. Marshak “Twelve months”

"Nine Sisters"

In the third group of fairy tales there are no evil wizards, but, nevertheless, magical transformations occur. And they have themselves to blame for this fairy tale characters because they are disobedient or do bad things.

In the Russian folk tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka,” the brother did not listen to his sister and turned into a little goat.

“The sun is high, the well is far away, the heat is oppressive, the sweat is protruding. A goat's hoof is full of water.

Ivanushka says:

- Sister Alyonushka, there is no urine: I’ll drink from the hoof!

- Don’t drink, brother, you’ll become a little goat!

Ivanushka did not listen and drank from a goat's hoof.

Got drunk and became a little goat..."

Some fairy-tale characters manage to commit not one, but several bad deeds. These are the stepmother and her daughter in S. Marshak’s fairy tale play “Twelve Months.” They not only offended their stepdaughter and twelve months, but also managed to quarrel with each other. For which they paid.

Old woman: That's what I gave it, keep your pocket wider!

(Both quickly get dressed, quarreling)

Hurry up! I begged for a dog fur coat!

Daughter: Dog just suits you! You bark like a dog!

Old woman: You yourself are a dog!

Both heroines turned into dogs for their evil.

In the fairy tale “Kharakh Simiriki,” Yulesit kyys got lost and wandered into the house of the owner of the taiga, who rewards her with valuable gifts for her kindness and hard work. Yulesit-Kyys becomes the mistress of her spacious house, and her lazy sister becomes a cuckoo“She wanted to say: “Where?” Where am I going? - but I forgot all the words and just kept repeating: “Ku-ku, kuk-ku!” The lazy and evil Syuryaga-Suokh became a cuckoo..." , and the evil stepmother is a cat“….and she became a cat. No matter how much you give the cat, she keeps screaming: “Ma-a-a-lo, ma-a-lo!”

In the fairy tale “Nine Sisters,” all the sisters did not know how and did not want to work. And everyone wished for one thing“It would be better if we were born as animals or birds, if we lived carefree, comfortable...” Subsequently, the eight sisters turned into different animals, except for the younger sister Tulluk.

I concluded that all the characters in this group of fairy tales did bad things and got what they deserved. Again, evil in the fairy tale did not go unpunished. Good conquers evil.

Heroes transform themselves into someone or something to achieve their goals

"Ivan peasant son and miracle-yudo"

"Uchugei Uedueen"

"Finist Clear Falcon"

"Fast Runner Bear Eye"

"Wonderful shirt"

I paid attention to fairy tales where the heroes themselves have magical powers transformations.

In the fairy tale “Ivan the Peasant Son and Miracle Yudo,” Miracle Yudo’s wives want to take revenge on Ivan and plot a conspiracy:“And I’ll run ahead and turn into an apple tree. If they want to eat an apple, they will be torn into small pieces!..." Three wives turn into three different objects: the first into a well, the second into an apple tree, the third into a carpet. But at the end of the tale, Ivan finds out about their conspiracy and does not allow himself and his brothers to be killed.

The feather from the fairy tale “Finist the Bright Falcon” turns into a kind young man.

“- Dear Finist - a clear falcon, come to me, my long-awaited groom! And a young man of indescribable beauty appeared to her. By morning the young man hit the floor and became a falcon. Maryushka opened the window for him, and the falcon flew away to the blue sky....” The beautiful Maryushka saves her fiancé and marries him.

In the Russian folk tale “The Wonderful Shirt,” Ivan wandered into a house where good fellows live, but they are not easy at all. Each of them could turn into different birds.

“Suddenly an eagle flies, hits the ground and becomes a young man; a falcon flies after him, a sparrow follows the falcon - they hit the ground and also turned into good fellows ... "

In the fairy tale of the same name, Uchugei Ueduyeen, in order to find out why his brother did not work at home, turned into a flea and hid in the door crack“Takhsybyta buolan ram, bylahy buolan, die aanygar systan turbut.”

To get his wife back, Uchugei Uedueen turns into an ermine.. “Uchugey Ueduyeen kyrynaas buolan o5otun bi4iger kiirbit...”

To escape from the hero of the middle world in the fairy tale “The Frisky Runner Bear Eye,” the old man turned into blue smoke. "As he walked, he turned into blue smoke, dived into the black mouth and disappeared..."

Fairy-tale heroes, in order to achieve their goals, be it treacherous or good, they turn into anything. In these tales, people mainly turn into animals and birds.

Transforming inanimate objects into children.

"Baba Yaga and Zamoryshek"

"Beyberikeen emehsin"

"Snow Maiden"

"Dough hero"

"Udyur5ay Bootur"

The old man and the old woman from the fairy tale “Baba Yaga and the Zamoryshki” had no children. But one day the old man met a kind grandfather who helped them have children. To fulfill a wish, he advised: “I know what’s on your mind, you keep thinking about the children. Go around the village, collect an egg from each yard and plant a stick on those eggs that you will see for yourself.”

After some time, the old man and the old woman have 41 children.

In the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden,” Ivan and Marya had no children. Therefore, they made a snow woman out of snow, which turned into the Snow Maiden, a living girl.

This group includes the Yakut fairy tale “Beyberikeen emeekhsin”. In this fairy tale, the old woman Beyberikeen lived alone until she was old. One day I brought horsetail grass home from the field, wrapped it in a bundle and put it under my pillow. Soon the grass turned into a beautiful daughter "Kerde5une - dietin hanas ettuger khandytaal taas harakhtaah, ukulaat taas uostaah, ikki kiis atahta4an syppytyn kurduk haastaah “…” uchugeykeen beyeleeh kyys o5o oloror. Bili berdiges oto mannyk buolan haalbyt.”

In the fairy tale “The Dough Bogatyr”, an old man and an old woman have a child born from dough.“One day, while stirring bread dough, an old woman found in it a small, as if toy child...”

In the fairy tale “Udyur5ai Bootur” an old man and an old woman grew old, but God did not give them a child. One day, returning from work, the old man found a large ur5ai. Udyur5ai looked like a child, who soon turned into a real boy.“One day she put the doll next to her and fell asleep. Suddenly, through her sleep, she heard crying. The old woman wakes up and sees that the wooden man has turned into a living child...”

And in Yakut and Russian fairy tales, childless people, with the help of magic, have children appearing from inanimate objects. I noticed that these objects turn into children as a reward for their kindness and patience, so that they have their own support and protection in old age.


The work I have done allows me to draw the following conclusions:

    No matter how envious and vengeful wizards tried to harm the fairy-tale heroes, the villains, in the end, did not succeed. Good always triumphs over evil.

    magic only happens to those who are worthy of it. And goodness is always reciprocated with goodness

    Some characters in fairy tales did bad things and got what they deserved. Again, evil in the fairy tale did not go unpunished.

    Fairy-tale heroes, in order to achieve their goals, be it treacherous or good, they turn into anything.

    It’s not easy to be a wizard; you must first think carefully about the consequences.

    In Yakut and Russian fairy tales, childless people have children appearing from inanimate objects through magic. I noticed that these objects turn into children as a reward for their kindness and patience, so that they have their own support in old age.

    All transformations are for a reason. Transformations help us better understand the meaning of a fairy tale, look at ourselves from the outside, and think whether I and my friends are doing everything right.

    Having compared Yakut and Russian fairy tales, I came to the conclusion that all fairy tales have the same ideological orientation. But along with many similarities, each fairy tale also has its own national characteristics and has local flavor.


    golden book best fairy tales world: “The Frog Princess” - Russian folk tale; M.: TERRA, 1993;

    A. S. Pushkin “Tales”: “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” - M.: LLC “DRAGONFLY”, 2008;

    “Russian folk tales”: “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka” - M.: Children's literature, 1983;

    S. Marshak: Collected works (fairy tale play “Twelve Months”): T. 2. - M.: Fiction, 1968;

    Propp V.Ya.

    “Yakut Tales” - Yakutsk, 1990

    Tolstoy A.N. “Fairy Tales” - M.: Children's Literature, 1991

    “Ivan the Peasant Son” - M.: Children's Literature, 1986

    “Sakha ostuoruyalara” - Y.: Bichik, 2011

    “Tales of Animals” - M.: Planet of Childhood, 2012

Municipal educational institution"Anninskaya secondary school with UIOP"

Lesson summary

literary reading

in 3rd grade

"Russian folk tale "White Duck"

Compiled by Muratova O.V.

primary school teacher

Anna town, 2015

Target: Creating conditions for development critical thinking through the analysis of the Russian folk tale “The White Duck”.


Educational: get acquainted with the Russian folk tale “The White Duck” and analyze it; update students’ existing knowledge in connection with the material being studied.

Educational: form cognitive universal learning activities while working with text;

Educational: develop interest in oral folk art; wake creative activity children, stimulate imagination, desire to engage in creative activities; motivate the situation of success and achievement, creative self-realization of students; cultivate compassion and empathy towards loved ones.

Planned results:

Subject: development semantic reading through the analysis of the Russian folk tale “The White Duck”;



Awareness of the importance of reading for personal development;

Mastering the ability to accept and maintain goals and objectives educational activities;

Formation of the ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation;

Development initial forms cognitive and personal reflection;

Mastery of logical actions of analysis, generalization; establishing analogies and cause-and-effect relationships; constructing reasoning;


Usage different types reading (semantic, selective, search);

The ability to consciously perceive and evaluate the content and specifics of a fairy tale, participate in its discussion, give and justify a moral assessment of the actions of the heroes;

Active use speech means and media and communication technologies to solve communicative and cognitive problems;


Willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue; willingness to recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own;

Express your opinion and argue your point of view and assessment of events;


Forming a respectful attitude towards other opinions;

Acceptance and mastery of the social role of the student, development of motives for educational activities and the formation of personal meaning of learning;

Development of goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy for the feelings of other people;

Self-assessment of your activities in the lesson;

Lesson type: a lesson in studying and initially consolidating new material


Methodology “Fundamentals of semantic reading and working with text”

Critical Thinking Technology

Technology of activity teaching method

Materials and technical means:computer, projector, screen, textbook on literary reading by L.F. Klimanova, L.A. Vinogradskaya, V.G. Goretsky “Literary reading”; disk – electronic supplement to the textbook; card with lesson objectives; portrait of A.N. Afanasyeva.

Teaching aids:Kutyavina S.V. Lesson-based developments in literary reading. 3rd grade. – M.: VAKO, 2014. – 400 p. - (To help school teacher); Dictionary V.Dal; uhVasmer's thymological Russian-language dictionary

(Internet resource


Lesson steps

TASKS aimed at achieving results

Student activities

Expected results

1. Organizational moment. Motivation for learning activities.

Goal: creating a positive attitude at work

There are many sad and funny fairy tales in the world,

And we cannot live in the world without them.

Aladdin's lamp, lead us into a fairy tale,

Crystal slipper, help along the way!

Boy Cippolino, Winnie the Pooh bear -

Everyone is a true friend to us on the road.

Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth,

May good triumph over evil forever.

Who wants to learn a new fairy tale in class today?

Well, then let's go!

Perception of learning motives, attitude towards working with a literary work.

L: acceptance and mastery of the social role of the student, development of motives for educational activities and the formation of personal meaning of learning;

R: positive attitude to work.

2. Updating knowledge. Setting a learning task

Goal: leading children to formulate the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Read the sentence from the board: “In which family there is love and advice, there is no grief.”

What can you say about what you read? (this is a proverb)

How do you understand this proverb?

How do you think it relates to today's lesson? (making assumptions)

Open the textbook to page 81, read the title of the fairy tale, and look at the illustration on page 83. Express your guesses about what this fairy tale will be about? (making assumptions)

So, today we are getting acquainted with the White Duck RNS. How do we usually get acquainted with fairy tales?

Let's set tasks for today's lesson.


Let's get acquainted with the fairy tale.

Let's discuss it.

Let's try to understand its main idea.

Reading sentences from the board, answering the teacher’s questions, expressing your assumptions

R: developing the ability to plan educational activities in accordance with the task.

P: active use speech means for solving cognitive problems.

K: expressing your opinion and arguing your point of view.

3. Acquaintance with the fairy tale and the initial impression of the fairy tale.

Goal: initial acquaintance with the fairy tale and impression of it.

Let's listen to a fairy tale performed by an artist and check our assumptions.

LISTENING TO A DISC with a work while simultaneously following the text.

What are your impressions of what you read? What feelings did you experience while listening to the story? (joy, anxiety, sadness, ...)

Did you like the fairy tale?

Listening and following the text of the speaker.

Voicing impressions after the initial reading of the fairy tale, exchanging opinions with classmates.

R: mastering the logical actions of analysis, establishing analogies and cause-and-effect relationships, constructing reasoning;

K: willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue; willingness to recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own; express your opinion and argue your point of view and assessment of events;

developing cooperation skills with adults and peers in different social situations;

4. Vocabulary work.

Purpose: interpretation unclear words, extension vocabulary children

The meaning of which words and expressions was not clear to you?


Match the words with their interpretation using the cards:

COMMANDED (...commanded not to leave the high tower...) - bequeathed, punished

DON'T MATTER (“...don't mess around with bad people...”) - do not gather in a crowd, flock, gang, crowd; not to know, not to communicate, not to hang out, not to communicate; don't get acquainted, don't make friends. (V. Dahl's explanatory dictionary)

UNLOCK melancholy - dispel, forget, dispel.

I put on makeup - I put on makeup.

WORK IN PAIRS: explanation of unclear words through correlation with their interpretation


Now we will discuss in groups how did you understand the meaning of the fairy tale? Time given to work in a group is 3 minutes.

Voicing opinions from the group.

Let's discuss the fairy tale and determine which of you was closer to the truth.

Where does the fairy tale begin? Did the prince's wife obey? What happened to her? Read it.

What conclusion can be drawn? (The fairy tale teaches that you cannot trust strangers. In the world, besides good, there is also evil.)

What kind of mother was the princess? Was life easy for her? Find and read lines from the text that support your point of view.

(Caring, hardworking, loving. Life was hard, in need)

You already know that no one will take care of you better than your mother. What was the duck worried about, what did the children ask? Read these lines.

Did the children listen to their mother? What did they do and what came of it?

People say: “Children are joy, children are sorrow.” How do you understand this statement? (When children behave obediently, this is a joy for parents. Something bad always happens to disobedient children)

WORK IN GROUPS: participation in a dialogue to determine the meaning of a fairy tale.

Selective reading.

Physical education minute

Goal: relieving physiological fatigue and tension

Once - rise, stretch,
Two - bend over, straighten up,
Three - clap, three claps,
Three nods of the head.
Four - arms wider,
Five - wave your arms,
Six - sit down quietly.

Well done, they did the exercises amicably and obediently.

Collective performance of a dynamic pause under the guidance of 1 student

Relieving physiological fatigue and tension

5. Emotional assessment of the text using questions based on content.

Goal: analysis of text by content with emotional assessment its meaning.

Let's return to the fairy tale.

How to feel difficult situation leads younger son? How is he shown in the fairy tale? (Brave, quick-witted, resourceful)

Why is he then called Zaruny, if he is so good? (The fact is that in Rus' the most beautiful, smart children were called “fool”, “fool”, “runaway” in order to protect them from the evil, envious glance and evil forces. Runaway - special child).

The mother's heart senses trouble. The mother duck also sensed it, flew to the prince’s courtyard and saw her babies lying in a row. How did the mother behave? (sang plaintively, wailed)

Look at the illustration. Match it with the text of the fairy tale. Read expressively.

Compare how the duck is depicted in the fairy tale and in the illustration. (white, beautiful, grieving)

What colors and shades did the artist use? (white, light, bright)

Who helped the duck in grief? (prince)

With what help were the witchcraft spells broken? What happened to the children? Read the passage.

What happened to the source of evil - the witch? Read the passage.

What words were you unclear about?

WE WALKED around the field - wandered, wandered.

bush COLODA – bush (Vasmer's etymological Russian-language dictionary)

Family reunited evil forces defeated. How would you now answer the question: what is the meaning of a fairy tale? Has good defeated evil?

A Tale of Disobedience? (first the princess disobeyed her husband, then the sons disobeyed their mother)

Answering the teacher’s questions, expressing your assumptions.

Characteristics of the fairy tale characters, their actions and consequences.

Search reading

Selective reading

Interpretation of words

P: the ability to consciously perceive and evaluate the content of a fairy tale, participate in its discussion, give and justify a moral assessment of the actions of the heroes;

L: development of goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy for the feelings of other people;

developing cooperation skills with adults and peers in different social situations;

K: express your opinion and argue your point of view and assessment of events;

R: mastery of logical actions of analysis, generalization; establishing analogies and cause-and-effect relationships; constructing reasoning;

6. Summing up

Goal: to correlate the assigned tasks with the achieved result.

What type of fairy tale does this fairy tale belong to? (magical)

What are the signs fairy tale present? (wonderful transformations, triple repetitions, sayings, fabulous helpers, incredible events)

Name the positive and negative characters of the fairy tale. (write on the board: princess, prince, sons - witch)

Look how much goodies. This is how it happens in life: good people much more than bad ones. Therefore, good always triumphs over evil.

Let's look at our tasks at the beginning of the lesson. Have we done everything?

Answers to teacher questions, statement own points vision.

R: mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities;

L: development of an optimistic outlook on life;

7. Reflection

Purpose: to evaluate your activities in the lesson.

People say: “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.”

What lesson did you learn from reading this fairy tale?

What new did you learn today?

Self-assessment of learning activities in the classroom

R: mastering the initial forms of cognitive and personal reflection;

L: self-assessment of one’s activities in the lesson;

8. Meeting A.N. Afanasiev.

Goal: acquaintance with the collector of Russian folk tales A.N. Afanasyev, his contribution to Russian culture.

Where do you think this fairy tale came from?

It turns out that many years ago in our region there lived one person who collected fairy tales written down by other writers and published 3 volumes of the collection “Russian Folk Tales”. His name was Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasyev. Alexander Nikolaevich himself wrote down a total of 10 fairy tales, and in total his collection contained about 640 fairy tales collected by other scientists. For example, V.I. Dahl gave him 150 fairy tales.

The collection “Russian Folk Tales” is one of the main treasures of Russian culture. Fairy tales from this collection have been translated into many languages ​​and are world famous.

Afanasyev selected 88 fairy tales from his collection especially for children. They have been published several times in our country and abroad.

Meeting the collector of fairy tales A.N. Afanasiev.

P: acquaintance with the Voronezh scientist and collector of Russian folk tales A.N. Afanasyev, his contribution to Russian culture.

9. Homework.

Read a fairy tale to your family at home and exchange impressions with them. Draw illustrations for your favorite passage.

Accepting homework

L: developing skills of cooperation with adults

Saranova Olga ViktorovnaMunicipal educational institutionaverage comprehensive school №100 Primary school teacher

"White Duck"

Goals: analyze the fairy tale, help reveal the theme of family in the work, develop interest and ability to work with text, develop Creative skills children, to cultivate a sense of mutual assistance, friendship and love for loved ones.

Equipment: children's drawings on the theme “My Family”, beads.

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Setting the topic and goals of the lesson.

In today's lesson we will analyze the Russian fairy tale "The White Duck", which you should have read at home.

Who is this tale about? (about the duck princess, her children and the prince)

How can you call them in one word? (family)

Guys, what is talked about in a work is called its theme. What theme of the fairy tale will we discuss today? (family theme).

Today in the lesson we will discuss the work, understand its theme, try to reveal the problem of good and evil, talk about love and friendship, continue to learn how to work with the text of the work and try to reveal your creative abilities.

3.Working with the text of a fairy tale. Disclosure of the theme of family, good and evil in a fairy tale.

Guys, you are already familiar with the text of the folk tale “The White Duck”. Can it be classified as a work about family? Why? Let's remember the content of the fairy tale and analyze it.

Where does the fairy tale begin? Did the prince's wife obey? What happened to her? Read it. What conclusion can be drawn?

The fairy tale teaches that you can’t trust everyone, there is good and evil in the world, and sometimes someone does terrible things.

What kind of mother do we see the princess? Was life easy for her? Find and read these lines.

Yes, you probably already understood that no one better than mom won't take care of you.

What was the duck worried about, what did the children ask for? Read these lines in the work.

There is a popular proverb: “Children are joy, children are sorrow.” How do you understand it?

Experience shows that something bad always happens to naughty children. This is what happened in the fairy tale. We will see what happened to the naughty ducklings in a skit prepared by a group of children who wanted to complete this particular creative task (children dramatize this excerpt from the fairy tale).

How does the youngest son behave in a difficult situation? How is he shown in the fairy tale? (brave, smart, resourceful)

Why was he called Zaruny, if he is so good?

The fact is that in Rus' the most beautiful, smart children were called “fool”, “fool”, “runaway”, in order to protect them from the evil eye and evil forces. As you can see, Zamorysh is a special child.

A mother's heart senses trouble. The mother duck sensed trouble and flew to the prince’s courtyard, where she saw her babies lying in a row. How did the mother behave? (sang pitifully and wailed). What does she name her children? Why?

Who helped the duck in grief? (prince)

How, with what help did he break the witchcraft spell? What happened to the children?

Finally, the family is reunited, the evil forces are defeated.

What groups can we divide the heroes of the fairy tale into? (positive and negative heroes)

Name the positive and negative characters of the fairy tale.

Look how many good heroes there are. This is how it happens in life: there are many more good people, so good always triumphs over evil.

4.Work on expanding children’s idea of ​​happiness, talk about friendship and mutual assistance.

Look how small and gentle the duck is, and how much strength and love she has for children! Likewise, your mothers are capable of much for the sake of you, children. Why do you think?

The children from our class will talk about love for their mothers in their own poems. (children read their poems about mothers)

What do we call a family in which the princess is unusually strong and caring mother, the prince also loves his wife, saves her from witchcraft, do the children take care of each other? (happy)

In order for everyone to live well in the family, what should all its members be like? (friendly, loving, caring, kind)

If everyone is like this, the family will be happy. And in happy family everyone is fine, everything is possible: to do good deeds and to cope with difficulties.

You all drew pictures of your family. Looking at them, I think that there are many such friendly families in our class.

We have guys who wrote essays about their family. Let's listen to them. (children read their essays)

Guys, you should know that a lot in the family depends on you, the children. After all, you do not always listen to your parents, fulfill their requests, and think that your parents give too much advice. Have you ever wondered why they do this? What are they concerned about, what do they expect from you? (so that we are kind, sympathetic, hardworking, honest people)

Try to understand your parents. They want you to be happy. All parents would like to be proud of their children, and I would like to be proud of each of you, since we are all one school family. Let's listen to what a student of our class wrote about our class in her essay.

What do other children think? Maybe someone would like to change something in the life of our class?

Of course, we all need to try to be more tolerant and friendly towards each other, to notice the best that is in the soul of each of you. Then we can call ours school family happy, and you will all be happy to come to class.

On lessons, classroom hours we talked a lot about those character qualities for which you can respect and love a person. All of you gave me beads, into which you put everything good and good that is in the soul of each of you. Look how wonderful the beads turned out from below! No matter how different the beads are in them, you and I are all different, different from each other. Look how tightly they fit together! I would like you to be as united, friendly, respectful and understanding of each other. And you need to honor your parents, then both you and those around you will be happy!

Guys, what am I going to talk about now? Guess it.

She is a revelation to the weary, daylight to those who are discouraged, Sunbeam for the saddened and the best antidote to troubles. (smile)

How do you know where happiness begins? (with a smile). So let's give our smiles to each other and become a little happier because of it.

5. Lesson summary. Generalization.

What did we talk about today?

Are there any guys for whom the conversation was useful and made them think?

Or maybe someone wanted to change something about themselves?

It was a pleasure to communicate with you today. You were active and interesting interlocutors, able to listen and reason. And for the children who completed the lesson creative tasks, I would like to say that you are great, you handled them wonderfully. Thank you all!