Octobers are friendly guys. Who are the Octobrists Friendly ranks of pioneers and Octobrists

Class hour “Octobers are friendly guys”

Hello guys.

From today I will tell you who the “Octobers” are, what rules they live by, why they are called that way - “Octobers”.
And I’ll also tell you about the unification of the “Octobers,” because soon we will organize and hold the “October Star” Festival for you. In a solemn, festive atmosphere, we will present you with the October star and assign you the title of “October.” Do you agree?
Who are the "Octobers"? These are children in grades 2-4, who are not just schoolchildren, but a large friendly group of small citizens of our big country. What country do we live in? (Russia) And now you are already citizens of our country.
"Octobers" are guys who want to get to know the world around them. “Octobers” are guys who want to learn to live among other people: in the family and at school, and learn to communicate with people in different life situations.

Now guys, listen carefully the legend of October :

In distant, distant mysterious times, there lived children just like you - brave, courageous and curious. They lived in a wonderful country among green forests, blue lakes and rivers. One thing was bad for them - they could not leave their city, because there were no roads yet, only rare paths that did not go further than the familiar forest. And there were no signs that would lead home...

But one day in the fall, in October, when the stars in the sky are the highest, a shooting star streaked across the blue night sky. She was very small and fell straight into the city, onto one of the squares. Curious and brave residents looked in surprise at the star, which shone with a warm, bright golden light. This light illuminated the entire city and hit the night sky with a bright beam. A lot of time passed, the residents got used to the night starlight, but during this time the star did not go out a bit.

And then the brave and curious children of the city decided to go on a journey to unprecedented lands. They split into several detachments, and each went to their own direction of the world. Every evening they looked back and saw the ray of a star above the treetops, which shone as brightly as before. Their journey lasted many days. Along the way they encountered dangerous trials, secrets, riddles, adventures and, of course, new friends. Along the way, they learned to recognize the world around them through their own actions. And they returned to their city into the light of the stars, and then they told other children interesting stories about distant countries, and new detachments of little brave men set off on wonderful expeditions.

Many years later, the star began to fade. The extinguished star became a symbol of the beginning of all the roads that by that time had been paved by the inhabitants of the city throughout the world, and by the brave brave children - by the Octobrists.

Did you like this story?

Would you like to become as brave and courageous as October?

Then I want to invite you to become Octoberists

October is a brave little pioneer. He is ready to follow new roads and learn a lot of new things, cope with difficulties, and participate in adventures. His life is full of interesting meetings, good deeds and discoveries!..

A story about the creation of October groups, their rules.

And we will begin our story by showing the Soviet-style school uniform that your parents wore. Show form. This uniform is festive, since during any holidays girls wore a white apron. And every day they wore a black apron instead of a white one. Some textbooks from that period are also shown here.

The Story of the Octobers

The concept of "Octobers" arose in 1923-24, when in The first groups of Octobers began to appear, into which children were accepted - the same age as the Great October Socialist Revolution, which took place in 1917. And just at the time the term “Octobers” appeared, they turned 7 years old.

Groups of Octobrists were created in the first grades of schools and operated until the Octobrists joined the Pioneers and the formation of Pioneer detachments. Upon joining the ranks of the Octoberists, children were given a breast badge - a five-pointed ruby ​​star with a portrait of Lenin as a child. (The head of state of that time as a child) Let's find these badges on your tables.. The symbol of the group was the red October flag ( picture ). The October group consisted of several units called “stars”, each of which usually included 5 children - a symbol of a five-pointed star. ( Picture of a star and count the ends .)

Do conclusion . Children were united into stars taking into account their wishes, mutual interests and friendships. At the head of the star was the commander. Each October boy had a permanent assignment, which was often given for one week.

Rules were established for the October children: these rules are read by the children themselves TYPE

* Octobers are future pioneers.

* October kids are diligent guys, they love school, they respect their elders.

* Only those who love work are called Octobers.

* Octobers are truthful and courageous, dexterous and skillful.

* The Octobers are friendly guys, they read and draw, play and sing, and live happily.

Every October child had to follow these rules in everyday life. Violators could let down their comrades in the “star” - that’s what small groups of Octobrists were called. Therefore, the guys treated these rules responsibly and tried to live like the October people.

And the October people themselves came up with these rules: they will introduce you to them ( poetry 4th grade)

October Rules

We are funny guys

We are the October guys. We are active guys, Because October!

We are all used to order. We do exercises in the morning and always want to get “10” in lessons.

We are diligent guys, We are October guys Only those who love work are called Octobrists

We are truthful guys, we respect all our elders, We will never let our friends down, anywhere, in anything!

We read and count, We dream of flying to the moon. We will be strong friends and serve our native country.

We are cheerful guys, We are the guys of October Our songs, dances, laughter We share equally among everyone!

Tell me, can these rules be followed today?

A marching the october became a verse by O. Vysotskaya “Octobers”, which listed all the same rules that grew out of the laws and customs of the pioneers:

We are cheerful guys, We are October guys. It’s not for nothing that they nicknamed us In honor of the victory of October. We’re all used to order. We do exercises in the morning And we want to get an “A” in the lessons...

Now I will read to you excerpt from Viktor Golyavkin’s story “Zvezdochka” ».

“Did you see?” Vovka opened his coat. He had a red star on his chest. -It's October now! I will live like the October people! - Vovka beamed with happiness.

How is it to live like October?

Oh you! You need to know the October rules. After all, I am a future pioneer. It's clear? This means living happily, working, helping elders. To be honest.

And what else?

-...Study well, love school, be friendly, sing, draw.

Can I live like October?

You see,” said Vovka, “how can I say... I think that, of course, it’s possible.” For example, I swept the floor today. And you can totally do it.

Certainly can.

Well,” Vovka continued calmly, “you can, of course, do this.” But you don't have to do this. But I can't. I'm an October guy.

I envied Vovka. He's so happy. Still would! He has a star! He's an October boy!..."

Thus, being an October boy first of all meant being a good, honest person, helping people. This is what we are taught even now, only there are no “stars”, but rather small creative groups. There are no paraphernalia - badges, flags; but there are other forms: for success in studies or activities we receive stickers, tokens or something else.

Tell me, what was the most important quality of the October students? Friendship. Now let's sing the song " Friendship" .

Well done boys! Who can you call a friend?

Children's answers:

A friend is also a favorite book.

A friend is a mother who always caresses you. Parents are the most faithful friends and helpers. They need to be obeyed.

A friend is a school teacher who leads along the roads of Knowledge.

A friend is an old teddy bear who listens to you when things are going wrong.

Four-legged friend

Children read a poem

"Trezor" Sergei Mikhalkov

There was a lock on the door.
There was a puppy locked up.
Everyone left and one
They locked him in the house.
We left Trezor
Without supervision, without supervision,
And so the puppy
I screwed up everything I could.
I tore the doll's dress,
He tore out a tuft of fur from the hare,
In the corridor from under the bed
Our shoes were dragged away.
I drove the cat under the bed -
The cat was left without a tail.
I found a corner in the kitchen -
I climbed headlong into coal,
The black one came out - unrecognizable.
Got into the jug -
I almost choked
And lay down on the bed
We are a puppy in soap and water
I washed it with a washcloth for two hours.
No way now
Let's not leave him alone.

True friendship does not only happen between people. Your four-legged friend can also be loyal to you guys. After all, we are responsible for those we have tamed.

Listen to a poem about how children care for animals

« My friend and I" Sergei Mikhalkov

Me and my friend together
We live wonderfully!
We are such friends with him -
Where he goes, There I go too!

We have in our pockets:
Two rubber bands
Two hooks
Two large glass stoppers,
Two beetles in one box,
Two heavy spots.

We live in the same apartment,
All the neighbors know us.
Just call me - four,
And for him - twelve times.

And they live in an apartment with us
Two snakes
And two hedgehogs
They sing over us all day long
Two siskin friends.

And about our two snakes,
Two hedgehogs
And two siskins
They know in our new house
All twelve floors.

Me and my friend together
We wake up
Let's get up
We open the doors wide,
We run to school with books...
And our animals walk
From apartments to strangers.

Why were they sent to the zoo?

So what should a true friend be? What qualities should he have? (write on the board: loyal, responsive, polite, kind... etc.)

There is such a parable:

Misha decided to change the world. But the world is so big, and Misha is so small. Then Misha decided to change his city. But the city is so big, and Misha is so small. Then Misha decided to change his family. But Misha’s family is so big, there are about a dozen children. So Misha got to the only thing that he can change, being so small - himself.

Do you understand what needs to be done? You need to look into yourself, and maybe change something in yourself and become a true friend (read the entry on the board: loyal, sympathetic, polite, kind... etc.)

We often lack kindness.

If you are kind to people, they will turn to you and want to be friends with you.

- And now I suggest you work as consultants. I offer you several situations, and you must give advice on what to do in these situations.

Situation 1: Your friend uses bad words and expressions. Your actions.

2nd situation Your friend began to get bad grades, and your parents forbid you to be friends with him. Your actions.

3rd situation Your friend did something bad, but you are being punished. Your actions.

(3rd grade reading the laws of friendship)

Laws of friendship:

    Help a friend in need.

    Know how to share your joy with a friend.

    Don't laugh at your friend's shortcomings.

    Stop your friend if he is doing something bad.

    Know how to accept help, advice, and don’t be offended by criticism.

    Don't deceive your friend.

    Learn to admit your mistakes and make peace with your friend.

    Don't betray your friend.

    Treat your friend the way you would like to be treated.

So, guys, what kind of students can we accept in October?

And in conclusion, listen to the song of the Octobermen, and then at the reception in October you will need to sing it yourself.

The Octobermen are walking through the land of October
Music: S. Sosnin Words: M. Sadovsky

Why is it so loud here?
Why is it so loud here -
Every day and every hour?
Our friendship, October,
Our friendship, October,
Come to class with us!


The Octobers are coming, the Octobers are coming,
The October people are marching through the land of October!

Together we always walk,
Together we always walk,
We sing about our dreams -
And we'll go to Mars,
And we'll go to Mars,
And let's build a new house!

The ringleaders, the dreamers,
The ringleaders, the dreamers -
Our best relatives.
We love inventions and disputes,
We love inventions and disputes -
Can't live a day without them!

Smiles, smiles, like stars, burn -
The October people are marching through the land of October!

So, guys, before the _________ class is accepted in October, you will need to draw up a sheet of good deeds as a class and attach it to a stand called “Our October Deeds”

Bottom line.

What did they talk about in class?

What new did you learn?

What rules did the Octobrists remember?

Symbol of the October people.

Let’s conclude our conversation and in honor of the true friendship of the October child that you have in your small team, let’s hold a festive fireworks display

"Red" - 2nd grade clapping

“Yellow” - 3rd grade claps.

“Green” - 4th grade claps.

“Blue” - everyone claps.

Well done! Thank you for the lesson!

Open extracurricular event in primary school on the topic

“Who are the Octobers?”

Target: To familiarize students with the history of the Russian people, their traditions


Instilling in children a sense of patriotism and pride in their Motherland.

To form an understanding of students about the history of the October movement, about the October symbols, rules

Development of creative and intellectual abilities of students, team building

Planned results

Personal results:

Formation of communicative competence in communication and cooperation with peers in research and creative activities;

– education of citizenship of the individual, love for the Motherland, respect for the history of Russia.

– development of motives for educational activities and the formation of personal meaning of learning;

– development of independence and personal responsibility for one’s actions, decisions made, creative product completed;

– development of patriotic feelings, respect and emotional and moral responsiveness;

Meta-subject results

Development of the ability to work with information (collection, systematization, storage, use);

Formation of goal setting skills; ability to plan ways to achieve goals; highlight alternative ways to achieve a goal and choose the most effective method;

Forming the ability to build logical reasoning, including establishing cause-and-effect relationships, making inferences and conclusions based on argumentation;

Formation of the ability to organize and plan educational cooperation and joint activities with peers, the ability to independently and reasonably evaluate one’s actions and the actions of classmates;

Mastering the ability to plan, coordinate, control and evaluate your activities;

Development of the ability to competently construct speech statements in accordance with communication tasks;


Computer, multimedia console, screen, speakers, microphone

October flag, October badges, bust of Lenin

Progress of the lesson

1. Introductory word from the teacher. Motivation for activity

Hello children! Hello, dear guests!

Today a bright star fell into our school. She will illuminate for us all the paths to knowledge and the roads to new discoveries (ON THE BOARD)

2. Goal setting. Self-determination for cognitive activity

Today in our extracurricular activity I will tell you a legend about another bright star

The Legend of October

... In distant, distant mysterious times, there lived children like you - brave, courageous and curious. They lived in a wonderful country among green forests, blue lakes and rivers. One thing was bad for them - they could not leave their city, because there were no roads yet, only rare paths that did not go further than the familiar forest. And there were no signs that would lead home...

But one day in the fall, in October, when the stars in the sky are the highest, a shooting star streaked across the blue night sky. She was very small and fell straight into the city, onto one of the squares. Curious and brave residents looked in surprise at the star, which shone with a warm, bright golden light. This light illuminated the entire city and hit the night sky with a bright beam. A lot of time passed, the residents got used to the night starlight, and during this time the star did not go out at all.

And then the brave and curious children of the city decided to go on a journey to unprecedented lands. They split into several detachments, and each went in his own

direction. Every evening they looked back and saw the ray of a star above the treetops, which shone as brightly as before. Their journey lasted many days. Along the way they encountered dangerous trials, secrets, riddles, adventures and, of course, new friends. Along the way, they learned to recognize the world around them through their own actions. And they returned to their city into the light of the stars, and then they told other children interesting stories about distant countries, and new detachments of little brave men set off on wonderful expeditions.

Many years later, the star began to fade. The extinguished star became a symbol of the beginning of all the roads that by that time the inhabitants of the city had paved to all countries of the world, and the brave brave children began to be called Octobers.

Oktyabrenok is a brave little pioneer. He is ready to follow new roads and learn a lot of new things, cope with difficulties, and participate in adventures. His life is full of interesting meetings, good deeds and discoveries!..

Can you guess what the topic of the lesson will be? What question will we try to answer?

We will conduct a study on the topic “Who are the Octobrists?” (SLAY)
A week ago, many of you received individual research assignments. Today we will learn about:

1 The history of the October movement

2. Rules for initiation into October

3. Symbols of the October people

4. October Rules

5. March of the October Revolution

6. Activities of the Octobrists

7. Are we followers of the Octobrists? (slide)

3. Discovery of new knowledge

The history of the emergence of the October movement was studied by Ksenia Bondareva. Now she will tell us about how and when the Octobers appeared in our country.

One hundred years ago, in 1917, the Great October Revolution took place in Russia.

Tsar Nicholas II was overthrown. All power began to belong to the Soviets.

The country began to be ruled by the Communist Party under the leadership of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

From the very first days of the revolution, children showed vigorous activity, their great interest in public life, their desire to understand everything, learn everything, and participate in everything.

The spring day of May 19, 1922 became the birthday of the organization of children - young pioneers of the Soviet Union (Pioneer means first). The pioneers accepted children 9-10 years old, those who studied well and were active participants in school affairs.

Looking at the pioneers, the junior school children wanted to take part in the life of the school, village, and city.

In 1924, another children's movement was formed in the country -October. These are pioneer assistants and future pioneers, these are Ilyich’s grandchildren

After studying the materials in your family albums and talking with your parents, you came to the conclusion: almost all of our parents were enrolled in October in their childhood. Ulyana Kobosova learned from her mother about how they were dedicated to October and interviewed her for us.

In 1st grade, children were awarded a first-grader badge. October first-graders were received at a festival dedicated to the next anniversary of the Great October Revolution. This was usually November 7th.Older pioneer friends, accompanied by the beat of a drum, solemnly pinned a red star on the children's chests. In the central part of the star there was an image of little Volodya Ulyanov. All children's literature of that time wrote that at school Lenin only got straight A's.

Each student, becoming an October student, had to study well. The guys were very proud that they became Octobrists.

If a child did not study well or had unsatisfactory behavior, he was not accepted into the October School. They gave him the opportunity to improve, if he improved, then he could be accepted in October in the spring at the line dedicated to the birthday of V.I. Lenin - April 22.

Lyubov Viktorovna told us that a small red star was pinned to the chest of the October baby. Daria Sheremetova will tell us what she looked like. (LARGE DRAWING or PHOTO in hand)


It was a good holiday at school.

Don't forget about him!

They pinned the Octobrists

Red stars on the chest.

They have five rays,

Thin and sharp

Those big Kremlin stars

Little sisters.

In the very heart of the star -

Lenin's portrait.

Better than this star

Not in the whole world.

O. Vysotskaya.

Also, the symbol of the Octobrists was a small red flag. I made this flag for you myself. (HAND CRAFT)

Staged performance by Stepan and Matvey

“Did you see?” Vovka opened his coat. He had a red star on his chest. -I’m an October boy now! I will live like the October people! - Vovka beamed with happiness.

-How is it to live like October?

-Oh you! You need to know the October rules. After all, I am a future pioneer. It's clear? This means living happily, working, helping elders. To be honest.

-And what else?

-...Study well, love school, be friendly, sing, draw.

-Can I live like October?

“You see,” said Vovka, “how can I say... I think that, of course, it’s possible.” For example, I swept the floor today. And you can totally do it.

-Certainly can.

“Well,” Vovka continued calmly, “you can, of course, do this.” But you don't have to do this. But I can't. I'm an October guy.

I envied Vovka. He's so happy. Still would! He has a star! He's an October boy!..."

You watched a dramatization of an excerpt from Viktor Golyavkin’s story “About an Asterisk.” We will now find out what October rules Vovka was talking about.

The Octobrists lived by the rules (SLIDES)

Octobers are future pioneers.

We are active guys

Because it's October.

October, don’t forget -

You are on your way to becoming a pioneer!

October students are diligent guys, they love school and respect their elders.

We are diligent guys

Because it's October.

Like the heroes of the native country,

We want to build our life

Only those who love work are called Octobers.

We are diligent guys

Because it's October.

Only those who love work

They call them October people.

Octobers are truthful and courageous, dexterous and skillful.

We are truthful guys

Because it's October.

Never, nowhere, in anything

We won't let our friends down.

The Octobers are friendly guys, they read and draw, play and sing, and live happily.

We are funny guys

Because it's October.

Our songs, dances, laughter

We divide equally among everyone.

The Octobrists had their own march. It listed all the rules of the October Revolution

Anzhelika Astapenko, Polina Beloded and Angelina Yanakoglo will introduce us to him

“March of the October People” to the words of Olga Vysotskaya, written in 1940 (Sings)

The October people lived very cheerfully. In April, Lenin readings were held for them, at which works about V.I. Lenin were read. The magazines “Murzilka” and “Veselye Kartinki” were published for October students.

The counselor of our school, Vera Vladimirovna Zdorikova, who herself had the opportunity to be an October student, and who led the activities of the October students at our school for many years, will tell you about what else the October students were doing.

Our class, the October class, was divided into stars of five people. Each star had a commander, a florist who watered the flowers in the office, an orderly who checked the children’s ears and hands every morning, an educational sector who checked whether we had done our homework or not, and there was also a librarian who checked the condition of our textbooks.Each star participated in different activities and, based on their results, the winners were awarded interesting books.

I was an orderly, my mother sewed me a bandage and a bag with a cross, it contained a bandage and iodine. In the morning, when I came to class, I checked to see if my classmates came to school washed.(SHOWS HANDBAG, HEADLEAD)

In the third grade, the best October students were accepted into the pioneers

4 Generalization of acquired knowledge. Perception check

Is it reasonable for us to remember the October movement right now?

And today we gained a lot of new knowledge about the Octobers. Let's summarize this knowledge

To do this, let's return to the research design. Let's remember

When and how did Octobers appear in our country?

How were children received in October?

What symbols did the Octobrists have?

What rules were the Octobrists supposed to follow?

Which piece of music was the October March?

How did the Octobrists live and what did they do?

What kind of people were the October people supposed to be?

What plan question have we not yet answered?

5 Reflection

Can we now, many years later, say that we follow the rules of the Octobrists and are like them? Let's prove our answer.

Does our school have a children's organization? What is it called? What laws does our children's organization live by? Are they similar to the laws and rules of the Octobrists? What do the children of our organization do? Are our activities similar to those of the Octobrists?

This means that we can say with confidence that we are followers of the Octobrists, because we, like the Octobrists, strive to be educated, responsible, hardworking, diligent

6 Summary of the lesson

You did a great job today and I thank you. Now I would like to give everyone a small bright star, which in the Year of the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution in Russia will illuminate your further path to knowledge and help you become good people

After the victory of the October Revolution, red children's organizations, groups and associations arose in various cities. On May 19, 1922, the 2nd All-Russian Komsomol Conference decided to create pioneer detachments everywhere.

In the first years of Soviet power, pioneers helped street children and fought illiteracy, collected books and set up libraries, studied in technical circles, cared for animals, went on geological hikes, nature study expeditions, and collected medicinal plants. The pioneers worked on collective farms, in the fields, guarded crops and collective farm property, wrote letters to newspapers or to the relevant authorities about violations that they noticed around them.

AiF.ru recalls how in Soviet times they accepted Octobrists, pioneers and who could become a Komsomol member.

From what class were you accepted into October?

Schoolchildren in grades 1–3 became Octobrists, united on a voluntary basis into groups under the school’s pioneer squad. The groups were led by counselors from among the school's pioneers or Komsomol members. In these groups, children prepared to join the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V.I. Lenin.

When joining the ranks of the Octobrists, children were given a badge - a five-pointed star with a child’s portrait of Lenin. The symbol was the red October flag.

In honor of the victory of the October Revolution, since 1923, schoolchildren were called “Octobers.” The Octobrists were united into stars (analogous to the pioneer unit) - October 5 and also “sickle” and “hammer” - the leader of the star and his assistant. In an asterisk, an October child could occupy one of the positions - commander, florist, orderly, librarian or sportsman.

In the last decades of Soviet power, all primary school students were admitted to October, usually already in the first grade.

Who were accepted as pioneers?

The pioneer organization accepted schoolchildren aged 9 to 14 years. Formally, admission was carried out on a voluntary basis. The selection of candidates was made by open voting at a meeting of the pioneer detachment (usually corresponding to the class) or at the highest—at the school level—pioneer body: the squad council.

A student joining a pioneer organization gave a solemn promise of a pioneer of the Soviet Union at the pioneer assembly (the text of the promise in the 1980s could be seen on the back cover of school notebooks). A communist, Komsomol member or senior pioneer presented the newcomer with a red pioneer tie and a pioneer badge. The pioneer tie was a symbol of belonging to the pioneer organization, a part of its banner. The three ends of the tie symbolized the unbreakable connection of three generations: communists, Komsomol members and pioneers; the pioneer was obliged to take care of his tie and protect it.

The greeting of the pioneers was a salute - a hand raised just above the head demonstrated that the pioneer put public interests above personal ones. "Be ready!" - the leader called on the pioneers and heard in response: “Always ready!”

As a rule, pioneers were accepted into a solemn atmosphere during communist holidays in memorable historical and revolutionary places, for example on April 22 near the monument to V.I. Lenin.

Punishments were applied to members of the organization who violated the Laws of the Pioneers of the Soviet Union: discussion at a meeting of the unit, detachment, or squad council; comment; exception warning; as a last resort - exclusion from the pioneer organization. They could be expelled from the pioneers for unsatisfactory behavior and hooliganism.

Collecting scrap metal and waste paper and other types of socially useful work, helping elementary school students, participating in military sports “Zarnitsa”, classes in clubs and, of course, excellent studies - this is what the pioneer’s everyday life was filled with.

How did you become a Komsomol member?

They became Komsomol members at the age of 14. The reception was carried out individually. To apply, you needed a recommendation from a communist or two Komsomol members with at least 10 months of experience. After this, the application could be accepted for consideration by the school Komsomol organization, or it could not be accepted if the submitter was not considered a worthy figure.

Those whose application was accepted were scheduled for an interview with the Komsomol committee (council of Komsomol members) and a representative of the district committee. To pass the interview, you had to memorize the Komsomol charter, the names of the key leaders of the Komsomol and the party, important dates, and most importantly, answer the question: “Why do you want to become a Komsomol member?”

Any of the committee members could ask a tricky question during the trial stage. If the candidate successfully passed the interview, he was given a Komsomol card, which documented the payment of dues. Schoolchildren and students paid 2 kopecks. per month, working - one percent of salary.

They could be expelled from the Komsomol for sloppiness, going to church, for non-payment of membership dues, or for family troubles. Expulsion from the organization threatened the lack of good prospects and career in the future. The former Komsomol member did not have the right to join the party, go abroad, and in some cases he was threatened with dismissal from his job.

October in the USSR these are associations (detachments) of primary school students aged 7-9 years. They were created and acted by decision of the School Pioneer Squad Council. The pioneers took upon themselves patronage and care for their younger comrades.

From the history: The first junior groups under pioneer detachments appeared in 1923 in Moscow. In 1924, it was decided to give these groups a single name - “Octobers”, since they accepted children the same age as the October Revolution of 1917, who were 7 years old at that time. The name “Octobers” was used by younger groups of schoolchildren in pioneer squads until 1991.

October is a brave little pioneer. He is ready to take new roads, get to know the world, and cope with difficulties on the way to his goal. His life is full of interesting meetings, good deeds, incredible adventures and amazing discoveries.

In the Soviet Union, this was the name given to children aged 7 to 10 years, i.e. junior schoolchildren of grades 1-3.

Admission to the organization of junior schoolchildren was held in a solemn atmosphere at a meeting of the school's pioneer squad. The ritual of conferring the title “October” was accompanied by formation on a school line;

  • the pioneers attaching a distinctive sign - the “October Star” badge on the left side of the chest of junior schoolchildren;
  • presenting a group of October students with a red October flag.

Posters with the rules of life for Octobrists

In the organizational Regulations on the children's communist organization of young pioneers, approved in 1924. The Central Committee of the RCP(b) said:

  1. A group of Octobrists is created under the detachment (of pioneers) ...
  2. The group consists of 25 people
  3. The group is divided into 5 links of 5 people (later the links began to be called stars).
  4. The leader of the October group is a Komsomol member and an assistant to the leader of the detachment.
  5. At the head of the unit is a pioneer, and an October boy is chosen to help him.

Each October boy in the star had his own duties or “position”, being responsible for the work entrusted only to him: commander, orderly, florist, sportsman, librarian, designer, etc.

It was a disgrace for the October boy to let his comrades down, to fail to complete his assignment.

The first October group appeared in Izhevsk in 1924.

Octobrists and pioneers of K. Liebknecht's detachment, leader Polenev, 1924

The mottos and slogans of the kids were the same as those of the pioneers. But instead of a red tie, the Octobrists wore a red star sewn onto their shirt on the left chest. Subsequently, it was transformed into an icon in the shape of an asterisk, in the middle of which there was a profile of Lenin as a child.

In 1928 year, Soviet sculptor, People's Artist of the Soviet Union, former president of the All-Union Academy of Arts Nikolai Tomsky creates a model of the October star. They were proud of the October badges and wore them not only at school, but also at home or on the street.

At the end of the 1950s, a plastic star version appeared with a photograph of V.I. Lenin in the center.

October stars

In fact, from the very beginning of October, they participated in all state campaigns in which the pioneers took part, only doing work feasible for their age - collecting recyclable materials, helping to care for animals, learning to sew, craft, etc.

At the VIII Plenum of the Komsomol Central Committee in November 1957 New rules for October students were approved:

  • Octobers are future pioneers.
  • October students are diligent guys, they love school and respect their elders.
  • Only those who love work are called Octobers.
  • Octobers are truthful and courageous, dexterous and skillful.
  • The Octobers are friendly guys, they read and draw, play and sing, and live happily.

The rules of the Octobrists were explained both orally, in posters, and in literature for the little ones. To make them easier for young children to remember, they rhymed.

The March of the Octobrists became the poem by Olga Ivanovna Vysotskaya (1903-1970) “Octobers”(1966, 1967), where all the same rules that grew out of the laws and customs of the pioneers were listed:

We are funny guys
We are October guys.
It’s not for nothing that they called us that
In honor of the victory of October.
We are all accustomed to order.
We do exercises in the morning
And we want the mark "five"
In lessons you will receive...

October March (1967)
Music: Mikhail Rauchwerger.
Words: Olga Vysotskaya.

We are funny guys
We are the October guys.
It's not for nothing that they called us that
In honor of the victory of October!

We all respect our elders
We don't hurt the weak
Detachment of young Leninists -
October's big brother!

We are all accustomed to order,
In the morning we do exercises,
And we want the mark "five"
Receive in lessons!

We read and count
We dream of flying to the moon,
We will be strong friends
And serve your native country!

We are funny guys
We are the October guys.
It's not for nothing that they called us that
In honor of the victory of October!

In 1970 year in the USSR, in honor of the 100th anniversary of V.I. Lenin, the pioneers started the All-Union March of Pioneer Detachments, and the Octobrists played a travel game “Octobers in the Land of October”.

Icon “Octobers in the land of October” October pennant

Every year, at the end of the stages of the game, the winners were awarded with “Octobers in the Country of October” badges and award pennants for the “Best October Team”.

In 1980 year, composer S. Sosnin and poet M. Sadovsky dedicated a song to this project with the consonant title “Octobers are walking through the land of October.”

Term October arose in 1923-24, when the first groups of children began to appear in Moscow, into which children who were the same age as the Great October Socialist Revolution were accepted.

Groups of Octobrists were created in the first grades of schools and operated until the Octobrists joined the Pioneers and the formation of Pioneer detachments. When joining the ranks of the Octobrists, children were given a badge - a five-pointed ruby ​​star with a portrait of Lenin as a child. The symbol of the group was the red October flag. The group (in some schools - a detachment) of the Octobrists consisted of several units called “stars”, each of which usually included 5 children - a symbol of a five-pointed star. The principle of creating a detachment of October students was simple: the detachment is a school class. As a rule, in the “star”, each October boy occupied one of the “positions” - star commander, florist, orderly, librarian, political informant or physical educator. In some schools, the commander of the star, at the request of the teachers, sewed a stripe on the sleeve of his jacket (detachment commander - 2 stripes).

The Komsomol Central Committee approved a set of “rules” for the Octobrists:

    • Octobers are future pioneers.
    • October students are diligent guys, they love school and respect their elders.
    • Only those who love work are called Octobers.
    • Octobers are truthful and courageous, dexterous and skillful.
    • The Octobers are friendly guys, they read and draw, play and sing, and live happily.

The activities of the October students took place mainly in the form of games and were organized by teachers and counselors. Every year, from April 16 to April 22, the All-Union October Week was held. At school for October students, “Lenin readings” could be organized, when on the 22nd of each month an appointed high school student came to class and read stories about V.I. Lenin (his birthday was April 22, 1870). All-Union (“Funny Pictures” and “Murzilka”) and republican magazines were published for the October students. For example, in the Moldavian SSR the magazine “Stelutsa” (“Star”) was published in Moldavian and Russian. Pioneer newspapers also published materials intended for the Octobrists. Every year for October children the publishing house “Malysh” published the table calendar “Zvezdochka”. Methodological materials about working with October students were regularly published in the magazines “Counselor”, “Elementary School”, “Education of Schoolchildren” and other publications.
Associations of junior schoolchildren under pioneer and other children's organizations, similar to the Octoberists, operate in many countries.

October Rules

There are exactly five of our rules.
We will carry them out

We are active guys
Because it's October.
October, don’t forget -
You are on your way to becoming a pioneer!

We are brave guys
Because it's October.
Like the heroes of the native country,
We want to build our own life.

We are diligent guys
Because it's October.
Only those who love work
They call them October people.

We are truthful guys
Because it's October.
Never, nowhere, in anything
We won't let our friends down.

We are funny guys
Because it's October.
Our songs, dances, laughter
We divide equally among everyone.