Open lesson "Games with words. Wonderful transformations of words"

Municipal formation of the city of Noyabrsk

Municipal autonomous preschool educational

institution "Nadezhda"

municipality Noyabrsk city

Magic transformations words

Prepared by: speech therapist teacher

MADO "Nadezhda"

O. V. Belova



Consolidation of general concepts;

Active dictionary expansion;

Activation of an existing dictionary;

Formation and improvement of word formation and inflection skills;

Propaedeutic work on spelling rules (unstressed vowels, deafening consonants, etc.)


The teacher pronounces a word that does not have a sound being practiced and throws the ball to the child. He must choose - in accordance with the task - a word with the right sound, say it and return the ball to the teacher.


    In the game, children are given the opportunity to experiment, play with words, plunge into language processes on practice.

    Children may have difficulty finding words, so the teacher should preface the work with an introduction (this could be a poem, a conversation, etc.)

    When conducting the game, it is not necessary to give the entire list of words with a certain sound in one lesson (the material can be divided into several lessons). In addition, sampling should be done taking into account age and speech features children.

    Under no circumstances should you use the terms “diminutive forms of words”, “comparative degree”, etc. when working with children. (Descriptive language should be used instead.)


1. Diminutive forms of words

Let's say it kindly - and here it is

The sound [K] in the word will come!

Nouns. Nose - nose (table, brother, eye, house, mouth, leaf, etc.).

Head – head (grass, leg, back, hole, etc.)

Adjectives. Blue – blue (white, yellow, kind, new, fashionable, smart, old, young, cheerful, etc.).

Adverbs. Little - small (quiet, clean, important, fast, dry, smart, dry, smart, poor, sharp, dirty, etc.)

2 . Cubs.

U loving mothers there is, of course, a child:

A good elephant has a cute baby elephant,

The gray hare has a fluffy bunny,

The brave tigress has a playful tiger cub.

Children often get lost on the way -

Let's help mothers find their children!

Moose - elk calf (walrus, beaver, badger, she-wolf, she-bear, deer, hedgehog, mouse, stork, rook, crane, crow, etc.).

3. Residents of countries and cities.

What kind of women live in these countries? What are their names?

In France - French, in Australia - Australian (Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, Poland, England, etc.).

If the lady is a Parisian, then, of course, she is a city dweller!

Paris - parisian (Rome, Prague, Warsaw, etc.)

4. Professions.

My years are getting older

It will be seventeen.

Where should I work then?

What to do? (V. Mayakovsky)

Sails on ships - sailors (fishes, drives a ferry, cleans the yard, works in the garden, builds stoves, performs magic tricks, flies, does carpentry, bakes buns, guards the forest, etc.)

    Activities, hobbies.

There are a lot of professions and occupations.

Which road will you choose?

Collects mushrooms - mushroom picker (hunts, shoots, protects, works in the garden, organizes ventures, is an excellent student, goes to school, has magic, follows fashion, skis, likes to be smart, gossips, etc.).

    He - she (professions, occupations)

Artist - artist (choir player, pianist, accordion player, guitarist, flutist, bugler, organist, cellist, humorist, athlete, chess player, gymnast, football player, volleyball player, telephone operator, karateka, pensioner, etc.).


He she(animals, birds, insects).

Birds, animals and boogers,

Get out from under the bench!

We'll split everyone into pairs,

We'll find names for everyone!

Elephant - elephant (elk, hedgehog, walrus, beaver, rook, mole, spider, wild boar, ant, ostrich, rabbit, starling, badger, deer, hare, penguin, etc.).

People(professions, occupations)

Old man - old woman (watchman, tailor, cook, weaver, swimmer, miller, janitor, merchant, coward, etc.)


1 . Professions, occupations.

Machine - machinist (tractor, motor, telephone, telegraph, humor, parody, chorus, verse, motorcycle, etc.).

2. Sports - athletes.

What is training?

Dexterity, strength and dexterity!

Sport will help us everywhere:

Both in study and in work!

Chess – chess (barbell, football, parachute, karate, volleyball, foil, etc.).

    Musical instruments, musicians.

We'll just hear the melody

We freeze... and don’t breathe!

Who plays so well?

Musicians! It is clear!

On the piano - pianist (-ka) (on the accordion, on the cello, on the clarinet, on the organ, on the accordion, on the lute, on the guitar, on the button accordion, on the flute, on the bugle, on the harp.).


1 . He she.

People(professions, occupations, hobbies, character)

He, she - what's the difference?

He is a prankster, she is a prankster.

He was smart, she was smart.

Listen to what happens.

Teacher - teacher (cleaner, trainer, crane operator, writer, artist, poultry worker, florist, milkman, baker, boatman, dancer, educator, student, schoolboy, excellent student, fashionista, modesty, slacker, boss, envious person, equestrian, horseman, criminal, arguer, etc.)

Sings - singer - singer (reads, knows how, sells, owns, feeds, is lazy).

Young - well done - well done (handsome, stubborn, etc.).

Daring - daring (brave, stingy, proud, stupid, runaway, familiar, etc.).


Leo - lioness (wolf, tiger, fox, bear, eagle, donkey, camel, buffalo, etc.)

    Residents of countries and cities.

We know cities and countries

Let's guess who lives in them!

Norway - Norwegians - Norwegians (Holland, Belgium, Portugal, Mexico, America, Australia, India, Italy, Spain, Vietnam, etc.).

London - Londoners - Londoners (Madrid, Ryazan, Tambov, Yaroslavl, St. Petersburg, etc.).

    "Sweet words"

Magic ball, help!

Call the sound into our word!

Let's say it kindly - and here it is

The sound will come to our word!

Book – little book (skin, earth, water, maiden, part, etc.).

Task - task (building, health, gold, cookies, jam, blanket, mirror, dress, awl, chair, window, case, bottom, knee, log, soap, lard, etc.).

Frost - frost (story, brother, freak, counting, bread, sunset, people, etc.).

    Products, dishes.

Where should the products be placed?

You need to know this for sure!

Bread - bread box (sugar, lettuce, pepper, crackers, sauce, goose, duck, candy, soup, waffles, etc.).

    Containers, vessels, buildings.

How many different objects are there?

small, large, very important.

How to place all this?

This needs to be cleared up!

Soap – soap dish (ashes, powder, guests, needle, ink, sand, etc.)


    Sweet words

Head - headShka (side, old woman, hut, owl, beard, crow).

Coward - coward (hare, badger, wolf, sparrow, thief, rogue, etc.).

Grief - grief (gold, feather, grain, wing, sun, bucket, spot, field, coat, etc.).

Vanya - VanyaShka ​​- VanyaShenka (Varya, Katya, Nadya, etc.)

Darling - darling (charming, short, chats, laughs, brags, etc.).

    Professions (he she)

Elevator - elevator operator (janitor, usher, pharmacist, doctor, secretary, cashier, librarian, etc.).

    Degrees of comparison.

We'll compare this and that,

Having managed to catch the ball at the same time.

Beautiful - the most beautiful (small, fresh, tasty, simple, healthy, bright, honest, wonderful, new, light, thick, kind, careful, cowardly, clean, brave, white, etc.).

High - higher (deaf, far, early, long, quiet, thin, dry, old, etc.).

    Verb forms

Ask - I ask - you ask (to wear, paint, dance, throw, extinguish, knead).


    Sweet words

Boot - boot (pie, friend, circle, debt, shore, cottage cheese, ravine, iron, horn, haystack, flag, step, threshold).

Girlfriend - girlfriend (road, paper, leg, etc.).

    Verb forms

Stroking - stroking (sit, find, drive, drive, work, walk, wander, judge, rave, etc.).

Show - show - show - show - show - show (say, knit, order, order, etc.)

    Countries, cities and their inhabitants.

France - to the French Woman (Paris, Prague, Riga, Kaluga, Volga).


Camel - camel (bear, grass snake, hedgehog, siskin, walrus, swift).

Close - closer (smooth, expensive, young, low, late, liquid, thin, rare, hard, strict, tight, narrow, deep, smooth).


    "Big Words"

The cat has mustaches, and the tiger has mustaches,

The bird has eyes; the dragon has eyes.

The gnome has a house, the cat has a house,

There is a catfish in a jar, and a catfish in the river!

Leg – knives (hand, paw, book, notebook.).

Boot - boot (wolf, tail, tooth, eye, etc.).

    Neuter nouns formed with help. Suffix -ish.

Shepherd - pasture (teach, judge, inhabit, store, etc.).

    Increased degree of quality of adjectives.

The wind is blowing just furiously.

He is harmful, cold-hearted,

It made my nose turn red,

I’m standing there all blue.

Evil – feisty (greedy, big, cold, Dirty, etc.).


If a person sings, he is a singer,

If he's going, he's going.

If it suddenly roars - roaring,

And he runs - he runs.

Sing - singing (fly, hear, sit, lie, talk, play, etc.).

    comparative adverb.

Thick - thicker (clean, smooth, thick, often, simple).

    Professions(he she).

We will now select many professions,

We'll find something to do for moms and dads!

Garbage - garbageman - garbagewoman (crane, excavator, drum, ice cream, stone, steam, textiles, cleaning, glass, fencing, welding, training, wardrobe, etc.).


    Sweet words.

We wanted some kind words...

Which sound is ready to help us?

[H] is our most tender sound!

We will not refuse his services.

Julia - YuleChka (Kolya, Sonya, Vanya, Lena, Tanya, Vova, etc.)

Finger - finger (hare, flower, etc.).

Sieve - sieve (morning, time, name, heart, ring, porch, etc.).

    People(professions, occupations)

Violin - violin - violin (circus, trick, etc.).

Automatic - automatic Chik - automatic Chitsa (translation, boat, apiary, bypass, mortar, etc.).

    Animals and their young.

Hare - hare - hare - hares (wolf, squirrel, rabbit, badger, spider, starling, rook, etc.).

    People(he she)

Swimmer – swimmerChika (merchant, janitor); Siberian - Siberian woman (fisherman, sailor, poor man, proud man, good man, etc.).

    Possessive adjectives.

A dog's tail, of course, is like a dog's,

The piglet has a piglet,

But the cat is just cat-like,

The turkey has a colored, turkey-like appearance.

Hunter - hunter (old woman, maiden, fisherman, robber, etc.).

    Comparative degree of adverbs.

Richer - richer (loud, hard, ringing, short, strong, cool, easy, small, soft, sharp, bright).


    Things that surround us.

There are many useful things

Wooden and iron,

That they will always help us.

Without them we are in complete trouble!

Swing - rocking (hang, sow, thresh, winnow, sharpen, light, dry, water, mow, whip, etc.)

How will we hide?

Perched on the bed?

What are we going to wash our face with?

What do we need to get our hands on?

Dress – blanket (wash, cover, etc.)

    Past tense of verbs

Beat – biL(a) (sing, sew, sit, etc.).


People(professions, occupations, character traits)

Builder - builder (teaches, writes books, saves, drives a car, invents, explores, searches, designs, buys, observes, educates, sows, dreams, etc.).


    Imperative verbs

Give - give (dig, fall, stand, etc.)


Stands on watch - sentry (stands on duty, works in the police, rests, attacks, is lazy, etc.).



Gate – GATE (pharmacy, library, grapes, ringing, sharpening parts, etc.).

In the classroom, you can use games for differentiating consonants under the general name « Lost …»


Anyone can get lost

Even very, very important:

Businessman or child

Squirrel, mouse and kitten.

So the word got lost,

I found myself in the wrong place

Got scared and closed

Between the words of others it began to beat...

Find him quickly

Calm down and have pity!


The game is carried out in frontal or subgroup classes on sound pronunciation. It can be used when working on any pair of oppositional sounds.

Option 1 (with pictures) – for middle senior groups.

Pictures (from three to eight) are placed on a board (typesetting cloth or flannelgraph).

For example, if the topic of the lesson “Differentiation of sounds [Z] - [F]”, sets of pictures can be as follows:

    Bison, fence, hare, toad, plant, star(“lost” word toad);

    Beetle, acorns, umbrella, belly, vest(“lost” word umbrella);

Children must find the lost word and the corresponding picture and explain why this picture and word are superfluous (“There is no sound in this word...”).

2nd option (with ball) – for senior and pre-school groups.

The words in this version are given only by ear. The speech therapist says a series of words and throws the ball to one of the children. For example, when differentiation of sounds [С] - [Ш] sets of words can be as follows:

    Fur coat, sled, scarf, puck, jackal, ball(“lost” word sled);

    Pine, juice, pine cone, table, elephant, stop(“lost” word cone) etc.

The child chooses by ear superfluous word, pronounces it and returns the ball to the speech therapist.

The number of words in a row can be increased to ten (depending on the level of preparedness of the children).

The game can be played as a team competition. The winner is the team that gives the most correct answers and scores greatest number“lost” words (pictures).

Note . When playing the game, you need to select pictures (words) in such a way that they contain only one of the differentiated sounds. You cannot take a word with both oppositional sounds. For example, differentiating sounds [С] - [Ц], You can't use a picture (word) tit, since it contains both sounds.


The sounds ran like squirrels

And everyone played burners.

Spun, spun,

We found ourselves in the wrong place.

They ran away in a hurry,

They are not in their own words.

The game is played on frontal, subgroup and individual lessons by sound pronunciation. It is used to differentiate any pair of oppositional sounds.


The teacher says a word, deliberately replacing some sound in it with an oppositional one, and throws the ball to the child. He must catch the ball and pronounce the word correctly, after which the ball is returned to the teacher. Then the ball is thrown next child and call it another word.

For example, when differentiation of sounds [Ts] - [H] The speech therapist can say the following words: chiplenok, chifra, katseli, chvety, palech, tsulok etc.

Tatiana Dedlovskaya
Didactic games “Magic transformations of words”

Ball game “Magic transformation of words”

This game is available to children 4-7 years old. It can be included in frontal and subgroup classes on both sound pronunciation and speech development. It is also successfully used in individual work with children when automating sounds.

In the game, in addition to working on sound pronunciation, the following happens:

consolidation of general concepts;

active expansion of the dictionary;

activation of an existing vocabulary;

formation and improvement of word formation and inflection skills;

propaedeutic work on spelling rules (unstressed vowels, deafening consonants, etc.).

In addition, by playing with a ball, children find an outlet for their muscle energy, develop reaction speed and dexterity.

To reinforce the words that children become familiar with during the game, it is advisable to use demonstration material.

Game description

The teacher pronounces a word that does not have a sound being practiced and throws the ball to the child. He must select - in accordance with the task - a word with the desired sound, pronounce it and return the ball to the teacher.


In the game, children are given the opportunity to experiment, play with

in a word, to plunge into language processes in practice.

Children may have difficulty finding words, so the teacher

must precede the work with an introduction (this could be a poem, conversation, etc.)

When playing the game, it is not necessary to give the entire list of words with some kind of sound.

one lesson (the material can be divided into several lessons). In addition, sampling should be done taking into account the age and speech characteristics of children.

Under no circumstances should you use the terms

diminutive forms of words”, “comparative degree”, etc. (instead, descriptive wording should be used).

Sound [K]

1. Nominative and affectionate forms of words

Let's say it kindly - and then the Sound [k] will come into the word!

Nouns. Nose - nose - table, brother, eye, house, mouth, leaf, etc.).

Head - head (grass, leg, back, hole, etc.).

Adjectives. Blue - blue (white, yellow, kind, new, fashionable, smart, old, young, cheerful, etc.).

Adverbs. Little - little (quiet, clean, important, fast, dry, smart, poor, sharp, dirty, etc.).

2. Cubs

Loving mothers, of course, have

A good elephant has a cute baby elephant,

The gray hare has fluffy


The brave tigress has a playful

tiger cub

Children often get lost on the way -

Let's help mothers find their children!

Moose - elk calf (walrus, beaver, badger, ostrich, she-wolf, she-bear, deer, hedgehog, mouse, stork, rook, crane, crow, etc.).

3. Residents of countries and cities

What kind of women live in these countries? What are their names?

In France - French women, in Austria - Austrian women (Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, Poland, England, etc.).

If the lady is a Parisian, then, of course, she is a city dweller!

Paris - Parisian woman (Rome, Prague, Warsaw, etc.).

4. Professions

Sails on ships - a sailor (fishes, drives a ferry, cleans the yard, works in the garden, builds stoves, performs magic tricks, flies, does carpentry, bakes buns, guards the forest, etc.).

5. Activities, hobbies

Collects mushrooms - mushroom picker (hunts, shoots, protects, works in the garden, organizes ventures, studies, is an excellent student, studies at school, has magic, follows fashion, skis, likes to be smart, gossips, etc.)

6. He - she (professions, occupations)

Artist - artist (choir player, pianist, guitarist, accordion player, flutist, bugler, organist, cellist, humorist, athlete, chess player, gymnast, football player, volleyball player, basketball player, telephone operator, karateka, pensioner, etc.).

Sound [X]

He she

Animals, birds, insects

Birds, animals and boogers.

Get out from under the bench!

We'll split everyone into pairs,

We'll find names for everyone!

Elephant - elephant (elk, hedgehog, walrus, beaver, rook, mole, spider, wild boar, ant, ostrich, rabbit, starling, badger, deer, hare, penguin, etc.).

People (professions, occupations)

Old man - old woman (watchman, tailor, cook, weaver, swimmer, miller, janitor, merchant, coward, dandy, etc.).

1. Professions, occupations

Machine - machinist (tractor, motor, telephone, telegraph, humor, parody, chorus, verse, motorcycle, etc.).

2. Sports - athletes

What is training?

Dexterity, strength and dexterity!

Sport will help us everywhere:

Both in study and in work!

Chess - chess (barbell, football, karate, volleyball, parachute, foil, etc.)

3. Musical instruments, musicians

We'll just hear the melody

We freeze. and we can’t breathe!

Who plays so well?

Musicians! It is clear!

On the piano - pianist (-ka) (on the accordion, on the cello, on the clarinet, on the organ, on the accordion, on the lute, on the guitar, on the button accordion, on the flute, on the bugle, on the harp).

Sound [Ts]

1. He - she

People (professions, occupations, hobbies, character)

He, she - what's the difference?

He is a prankster, she is a prankster.

He was smart, and she was smart.

Listen to what happens.

Teacher - teacher (cleaner, trainer, crane operator, writer, artist, poultry worker, florist, milkman, baker, boatman, dancer, educator, student, schoolboy, excellent student, fashionista, modest, slacker, boss, envious, horseman, horseman, criminal, arguer, etc.).

Sings - singer - singer (reads, knows how, sells, owns, feeds, is lazy).

Young - well done - well done (handsome, stubborn, etc.).

Daring - daring (brave, stingy, proud, stupid, runaway, familiar, etc.).


Leo - lioness (wolf, tiger, fox, bear, eagle, donkey, camel, buffalo, etc.).

2. Residents of countries, cities

We know the cities and countries.

Who lives in them -

Let's guess!

Norway - Norwegian - Norwegians (Holland, Belgium, Portugal, Mexico, America, Australia, India, Italy, Spain, Vietnam, etc.).

London - Londoners - Londoners (Madrid, Ryazan, Tambov, Yaroslavl, St. Petersburg, etc.).

3. “Tender” words

Magic ball, help!

Call the sound into our word!

Let's say it kindly - and here it is

The sound will come to our word!

Book - little book (skin, duck, earth, water, maiden, part, etc.).

Task - task (building, health, gold, cookies, jam, blanket, mirror, dress, awl, chair, window, case, bottom, knee, log, soap, lard, etc.).

Frost - frost (story, brother, freak, counting, bread, sunset, people, etc.).

4. Food, dishes

Where should the products be placed? You need to know this for sure!

Bread - bread box (sugar, lettuce, pepper, crackers, sauce, goose, duck, candy, soup, waffles, etc.).

5. Containers, vessels, buildings

How many different objects are there? Small, large,

very important. How to place all this? This needs to be cleared up!

Soap - soap (cigarettes, ashes, powder, guests, needle, ink, sand, etc.).

Sound [Ш]

1. “Tender” words

Head - headShka (side, old woman, hut, owl, beard, crow).

Coward - coward (hare, badger, wolf, sparrow, thief, rogue, etc.).

Grief - grief (gold, feather, grain, wing, sun, bucket, spot, field, coat, etc.).

Vanya - VanyaShka ​​- VanyaShenka (Varya, Katya, Nadya, etc.).

Darling - darling (charming, short, chats, laughs, brags, etc.).

2. Professions (he - she)

Elevator - elevator operator (janitor, usher, pharmacist, doctor, secretary, cashier, librarian, etc.).

3. Degrees of comparison

We will compare both this and that, having managed to catch the ball.

Beautiful - the most beautiful (small, fresh, tasty, simple, healthy, bright, honest, wonderful, new, light, thick, kind, careful, cowardly, clean, brave, white, etc.).

High - higher (deaf, far, long, early, quiet, thin, dry, old, etc.).

4. Verb forms

Ask - I ask - you ask (to wear, paint, dance, throw, extinguish, knead).

Sound [F]

1. “Tender” words

Boot - boot (pie, friend, circle, shore, cottage cheese, ravine, iron, horn, haystack, flag, step, threshold).

Girlfriend - girlfriend (road, paper, leg, etc.).

2. Verb forms

Stroking - stroking (sit, find, walk, work, walk, wander, judge, rave, etc.).

Show - show - show I'll show - show - show (say, knit, order, order, etc.).

3. Countries, cities and their inhabitants

France - French (Paris, Prague, Riga, Kaluga, Volga).

4. Cubs

Camel - baby camel (bear, hedgehog, siskin, walrus, swift).

Close - closer (smooth, expensive, young, low, late, liquid, thin, rare, hard, strict, tight, narrow, deep, disgusting).

Sound [Ш]

1. “Big words”

The cat has mustaches, and the tiger has mustaches,

The bird has eyes, the dragon has eyes.

The gnome has a house, Koshchei has a house,

There is a catfish in a jar, and a catfish in the river!

Leg - knives (hand, paw, book, notebook, etc.).

Boot - boot (wolf, tail, tooth, eye, etc.).

2. Neuter nouns formed with the suffix -ish

Shepherd - pasture (teach, judge, inhabit, store, etc.).

3. Increased degree of quality of adjectives

The wind is blowing just furiously.

He is harmful, cold,

It made my nose turn red,

I’m standing there all blue.

Evil - feisty (greedy, big, cold, dirty, etc.).

4. Participles

If a person sings, he is a singer.

If he's going, he's going.

If it suddenly roars - roaring,

And he runs - he runs.

Sing - singing (fly, hear, sit, lie, talk, play, etc.).

5. Comparative degree of adverbs

Thick - thicker (pure, sweet, thick, often, simple).

6. Professions (he - she)

We will now select many professions,

We'll find something to do for moms and dads!

Garbage - garbageman - garbagewoman (crane, excavator, drum, ice cream, stone, steam, textiles, cleaning, glass, fencing, welding, training, wardrobe, etc.).

Sound [H]

1. “Tender” words

We wanted some kind words.

Which sound is ready to help us?

[H] is our most tender sound!

We will not refuse his services!

Julia - YuleChka (Kolya, Sonya, Vanya, Lena, Tanya, Vova, etc.).

Finger - finger (hare, flower, etc.).

Sieve - sieve (morning, time, name, heart, ring, porch, etc.).

2. People (professions, occupations)

Violin - violinist - violinist

(circus, stunt, etc.).

Automatic - automatic - automatic Chitsa (translation, boat, apiary, bypass, mortar, etc.).

3. Animals and their young

Hare - hareHare - hare - hares (wolf, squirrel, rabbit, badger, spider, starling, rook, etc.).

4. People (he - she)

Swimmer - swimmerChika (merchant, janitor); Siberian - Siberian woman (fisherman, sailor, poor man, proud man, good man, etc.).

5. Possessive adjectives

A dog's tail, of course, is like a dog's,

The piglet has a piggy look,

But the cat is just cat-like,

The turkey has a colored, turkey-like appearance.

Hare - hare (wolf, squirrel, pig, calf, etc.).

Hunter - a hunter (old woman, maiden, fisherman, robber, etc.).

6. Comparative degree of adverbs

Rich - richer (loud, hard, ringing, short, strong, cool, easy, small, soft, sharp, bright).

Sound [L]

1. Things that surround us

There are many useful things

Wooden and iron,

That they will always help us.

Without them we are in complete trouble!

To swing - rocking (to hang, sow, thresh, winnow, sharpen, light, dry, water, mow, whip, etc.).

How will we hide?

Perched on the bed?

What are we going to wash our face with?

What do we need to get our hands on?

Dress - blanket (wash, cover, etc.).

2. Past tense of verbs

Beat - biL (a) (sing, sew, sit, etc.).

Sound [L`]

People (professions, occupations, character traits)

Builds - builder (teaches, writes books, saves, drives a car, invents, explores, searches, designs, visits, buys, observes, educates, sows, dreams, etc.).

Sound [Y]

1. Imperative verbs

Give - give (dig, fall, stand, etc.).

2. People

Stands on guard - a sentry (stands on duty, works as a police officer, rests, attacks, is lazy, etc.).

Sound [R`]


Gate - GOAL (pharmacy, library, grapes, ringing, sharpening parts, etc.).

Development open lesson in Russian on the topic “Wonderful transformations of words”

Developed and carried out

primary school teacher

Asratyan E.A.

Lesson objectives:

Learn to analyze word structure

Play with words

Develop thinking, attention and imagination

Learn to work in groups


Cards with words

interactive board.

Progress of the lesson.

Organizing time:

Leading. Guys, Russian is a wonderful language. Russian language - extraordinary language, and we will see this again today. Mastering the Russian language is a difficult task. I hope you enjoy our journey. One letter can work wonders, transform one word into another.

Today, friends, we will go to the land of “Wonderful transformations of words.” It is very important that every letter in a word is in its place. And what happens if another letter takes the place of one letter can be seen in one of the stories that happened to me and my student Masha.

It all started when Masha drew a crow. I drew and wrote “Varona”. I tell her:

You wrote it wrong. After V necessary O, but not A! - And Masha answers:

Well, just think, one letter... “Varona” or “crow” - what’s the difference? And so everyone will understand.

Then I tell her:

Come on, cross out the letter in the word “crow” n. Crossed it out? Now write the letter instead T. What happened? (asks the children)

Masha laughs:

What a miracle, it turned out to be a “gate”!

I understand, I say, what does one letter mean?

Today we will play games with letters and words... What games with letters and words do you know?

Task 1. Game for attention - “Boys or girls?”

Our first game is called “Boys or Girls”, I will read the lines of the poem, and you must end them correctly with the word “boys” or “girls”, be very careful not to fall into the “trap”.

The teacher reads the lines of the poem, which the children must logically complete correctly.

Dandelion wreaths in spring

Of course they only weave... girls

Bolts, screws, gears

You will find it in your pocket... boys

Skates on the ice drew arrows

We played hockey in the morning ... boys

We chatted for an hour without a break

In colorful dresses... girls

Test your strength in front of everyone

I don't mind always being alone... boys

Afraid of the dark, little cowards,

All as one - alone ... girls

And now you and I will compete to see who can guess which letter is lost?

Exercise 2 (the teacher hangs pictures on the board and asks the teams in turn which one)

Task 3And now we’ll play a little more with words and find out that other words can hide in words.

For example, the word MIND is hidden in the word AQUARIUM, and gender is hidden in the word POLYANA.

You and I are accustomed to these words, and sometimes we don’t even notice the other words inside.

Now each group will receive cards with words, where you will have to find the words hidden inside these words.

Words: rice ow, ba barrel, O laziness, cab onion, ne juice, under fairy tale, ovo cabbage soup, ball f, w duck, X a lion, y dot, one hundred forehead, sch spruce, y count, tooth R.


Task 4Competition "Who is more".

The words are written on the board:

B point (point, lobe, night) l apka (folder, header), P alka (beam, salka), at m (kum, boom, noise), To from (here, that, lot, mouth).

Replace the highlighted letters with others to create new words.

Working with S. Pogorelovsky’s story “This is what happened to the letters” (the teacher lays out and removes the letters on the board according to the words of the poem)

- Miraculous transformations can happen not only when replacing one letter with another, but also when we add a letter to a word or subtract it from a word. Listen here:

- “Pencil drew a lawn with a Pobeda car on it.” Wrote under the picture in block letters VICTORY

Hedgehog looked onto the lawn. Hedgehog liked the letter P. “I’ll put it,” he thinks, “in front of my house. There will be good gates."

The gloomy Bear came. Began to complain:

    I don't have one today...

    LUNCH,” the letters suggested.

    Right! - the Bear barked. - Eh, I wish I could eat some honey! Yes, stock up for the winter. Here, by the way, is the hoop for the tub.

He took the letter O under his arm and stomped off to the apiary. And the Bunny jumped out onto the lawn. Trembling, looking around. All of a sudden scary word saw: TROUBLE.

    Oh, where's the trouble?! - Bunny rushed about. Out of fright, I ran into the letter B. It bounced off and fell behind a rowan tree. And the bunny ran off into the forest.

The Stork has arrived. Tasty word saw: FOOD. And there is food in the grass: as many frogs as you want. The Stork attached a stick to the letter E, making a fork: E. The Stork ate, flew away and took the fork away. Then the Ram came. He bleated offendedly:

    They say I'm stupid. Am I stupid?

And the letters to him: YES. The Ram got angry and hit the letter D with his horns. She crumbled into pieces. The last beech tree left is A. It stands alone. What can she say without friends? Just cry bitterly: “A-A-A!”

Comfort her, write other letters next to her to make some kind of word. So that the letter A does not get bored without work, without friends and comrades.

Game - physical exercise "Echo".

Raise your hand those of you who have walked into the forest. Who heard the echo? You screamed, and the echo answered you, and you only heard the end of the word. Let's play this game and do breathing exercises: I will tell you a word, and you say the end of it in unison, so that you get a new word.

Words for the game:

laughter, screen, deer, tick, stranded, shell, hail.

Alexander Shibaev wrote a book for the children called “The Letter Got Lost.” Do you want to play this game?

The student reads - the children correct

1. Having dropped the doll from your hands,

Masha rushes to her mother:

- There's a green one crawling there onion

With a long mustache.

2. The doctor reminded Uncle Mitya:

- Don't forget one thing:

Be sure to accept

Ten herons before bedtime.

3. Bug booth didn't finish it:

Reluctance. Tired...

4. The hunter shouted:
- Oh!
Doors They're chasing me!

5. Gored me boiler

I'm very angry with him.

6. The sea turns blue before us,
They fly
T-shirts over the waves...

7. Onwolf - sour cream, cottage cheese, milk.
And I would be glad to eat, but it’s not easy to get.

1. Game “yes” or “no”.

(Students answer “yes” or “no” questions . )

    I believe that a sentence is made up of words.

    It seems to me that people's names and animal names are written with a small letter.

    I believe that at the end of sentences they put.!?

    I believe that the first word in a sentence is written with a small letter.

    It seems to me that a word has as many syllables as vowels.

    I believe that the word is transferred into syllables.

    I believe that there are 40 letters in the Russian alphabet.

    It seems to me that the combinations zhi, shi are written with the letter i.

    I think prepositions and words are written together.

    I believe that one letter can be transferred.

Task “Put in a word.”

Each team receives a card with words for which they need to find antonyms.

Task "Anagrams".

Each team receives a card with letters from which they must form words.



Exercise From the word, make up as many other words as possible: homeowner (Hell, om, do, lad, chalk, honey, ode, ox, catch, shaft, they say, crowbar, food, grandfather, house, lion, ice, maiden, fashion, water , gadfly, left, sheep, business, oval, argument, kid, rumor, whole, catcher, businessman, pond, well done).


Game "Pantomime"...

“Who can name the most words starting with a given letter?”

“Sayings” - connect.

"Explain the saying"


On your table " mobile phone", write a message on it, convey your mood.



Gifts for guests from 2 A class.

Primitive society

Ancient Rus'
In the old days, children studied -
They were taught by the church clerk, -
They came at dawn
And the letters repeated like this:
A and B - like Az and Buki,
V – as Vedi, G – Verb.
And a teacher for science
On Saturdays I flogged them.
Cyril and Methodius

Russian empire
In any old book
You can read:
There lived an IZHITSA in the world,
And with it the letter YAT.
But time moves quickly
And life is no longer the same.
Where is the letter IZHITSA now?
Where is YAT? And where is FITA?
Peter I

Great-great-grandfather's time
The letters began to form a clear order.
Build like build
Yes, not simple.
It was called ALPHABET
And famous everywhere
It's still the same as before,
The primer begins.
The letters are true to reason,
And for this they were given
The highest rights
Form words.
Do you think about a miracle?
How many letters are there for sisters?
Thirty three!
How many people
Can they make words out of them?

The little letter has magical habits
The main rule

The little letter has magical habits


The little letter has magical habits


The little letter has magical habits


The little letter has magical habits


The little letter has magical habits
Ten countries
Ten strings


The little letter has magical habits


The little letter has magical habits


Mixed up
Cucumbers play hide and seek
Cucumbers growing in the beds
Kids growing up in garden beds
Kids playing hide and seek
Musketeers sleep in a ravine
Musketeers sharpen their swords
Pigs sharpen swords
Piglets sleep in a ravine
Crayfish run to the circus in droves
Crayfish dormant under a snag
Children dozing under a snag
Children run to the circus in a gang
Wolves swim along the bottom
Wolves howl at the moon
Pike howl at the moon
Pike swim along the bottom.


Mixed up
An angry boar sat on a branch
An angry boar sharpened its fangs
The steamboat was languishing in a cage
The steamer sounded its whistle
The nightingale sharpened its fangs
Nightingale sitting on a branch
Porcupine honked
Porcupine languished in a cage
The cat taught physics
The cat caught its tail
Masha caught her tail
Masha taught physics
Pinocchio sewed his own pants
Pinocchio ate pancakes
The tailor ate pancakes
The tailor sewed his pants
The hedgehog was set for dinner
The hedgehog was chasing mice
Siskin moved his whiskers
Siskin flew under the clouds
Cancer was flying under the clouds
Cancer moved its mustache
The table was chasing mice
The table was set for dinner
The kettle was jumping in the yard
The kettle bubbled on the fire
The boy gurgled on the fire.
The boy was jumping in the yard


"Edible - inedible"
L Yu K
Turn "inedible" words into "edible" words by replacing just
one letter. Use pictures as a guide.

I think many children will have among their toys set of multi-colored magnetic letters, and there’s probably a magnetic board. Although, instead of a magnetic board, you can use a refrigerator, which is even more fun, because children always like to use objects for other purposes than their intended purpose. Therefore, it will be much more interesting for your baby to play with letters on the refrigerator than on a board designed for this purpose. And games with letters are very useful, as they develop the child’s speech, thinking and imagination.

So what games can you play? play with letters?


In this game we invite the child to be a wizard. And the secret of the “magic” is this: by replacing just one letter in a given word, you can turn it into another word with a different meaning. First choose for “witchcraft” simple words, which consist of three letters.

JUICE - TOK - KOK. Ask your child to spell out the word JUICE from the letters of the magnetic alphabet. Then offer to transform it, by replacing just one letter, into what is in electrical outlet. Give your child time to think and guess for himself that this is TOK. Then, changing one letter again, turn the word into ship's cook (KOK).

LION - FOREST. Lay out the word LION with your child. Then do a little magic with the letters - and a formidable predator will become a place where many trees grow.

BOW - VARNISH - LAZ. Let the child form the word BOW from the magnetic letters. Then he will turn this vegetable into something that is used to paint nails (or cover furniture) - VARNISH. After this, ask your child to make a hole from the word LAK through which you can crawl (PAP).

BEETLE - BITCH - KNOCK - BOW. The child lays out the word BUG, ​​then turns it into a sharp branch on a tree (BOUCH), then into the sound that is made when they knock with a hammer (KNOCK). And then this word will become a vegetable that is added to soup and salad.

BOB - FOREHEAD. Together with your child, lay out the word BOB and explain what it means. Then change the grain so that you get part of the face (FOB).

HOUSE - SMOKE. Give your child three letters - D, O, M - and ask him to form the word for the building (HOUSE). Then ask to transform this word into what is produced when a fire burns (SMOKE).

PEACE - Feast. What happens when there is no war? Certainly! Let the little one say the word PEACE. Then replace one letter so that the WORLD turns into a large feast where guests are treated to delicious food (FIRE).

In a similar way you can play with other chains of words: COM - TOM - HOUSE, CHEESE - SOR - THIEF, BOR - BOY - BOK, GOD - DOG, LADY - GIFT, OX - GOL - COLL - FLOOR, TANK - SIDE, BULL - BEECH, WAS - BAL.

If your child likes the game and has already learned to easily change simple words, you can choose more Difficult words, consisting of 2–3 syllables.

BOAT - SPOON. Together with your child, spell out the word BOAT. Then offer to replace one letter in the word so that what they swim on turns into what they eat (SPOON).

RAM - BANANA. Make the word RAM from magnetic letters. A little witchcraft - and the animal will turn into a sweet fruit.

PEAS - CITY. Together with your child, make out the word PEAS from magnetic letters. Then turn it into a place with lots of houses, roads, cars and people.

COW - CROWN. Ask your child to “write” the word COW, and then change one letter so that the animal turns into the king’s headdress.

The game can also be continued with other words: GUARD - MINK, SQUIRREL - BULL, TUCHKA - HANDLE - BUG, ​​DAY - STUM - SHADOW - LAZY, POINT - DAUGHTER - HUMM - BARREL - KIDNEY.


This is another fun game. And again the baby can feel like a wizard! After all, there are words that consist of the same letters, but the letters are arranged in different orders, therefore the words have different meanings. And it’s very interesting to guess what new word is hidden in the given one! We select options by rearranging the letters.

AU - UA. Here the baby is crying UA. Now let’s turn this word into another - as if the baby was lost in the forest (together with the baby, post the word AU)

CANCER - CAR. Invite your child to write out the word CANCER, and then swap the letters so that the river dweller turns into shout big bird.

LAZ - HALL. Ask your child to form the word LAZ, and then make a large and spacious room (HALL) out of a narrow passage.

MOUNTAIN - HORNS. Let the child make out the word MOUNTAIN from the magnetic letters, and then rearrange the letters so that the mountain becomes what grows on the head of an elk or deer (HORN).

BANK - BOAR. Lay out the word BANK with your child. Then swap the letters so that the glassware turns into a wild animal that lives in the forest and loves acorns (BOAR).

We gave examples of a game where the baby is given a hint - a description of the meaning of a new word. You can complicate the game: let the little one guess what the word is.

TOK - CAT. Place the word CURRENT. Ask your little one how to swap the letters so that you get a different word? What is this word? Give your child the opportunity to figure it out for themselves. Continue the game with other words: YEAR - DOG, WORD - HAIR, LORD - SLAVE, CITY - ROAD.

If you remove just one letter from some words, you get a completely new word! Give your child the opportunity to clearly see this using the same magnetic alphabet.

MOLE - MOUTH. Ask your child to spell out the word MOLE. And then - remove one letter from the word so that underground dweller turned into part of the face (MOUTH).

KIDNEYS - GLASSES. Compose the word KIDS, and then remove one letter from the word so that the KIDS on the branch, in which the green leaves are hidden, suddenly become a glass object in a frame, which is needed for those who have poor vision (or which grandma has).

THUNDERSTERM - ROSE. Together with the baby, write out the word THUNDERSTORM. And then remove one letter from the word - the formidable element will miraculously turn into beautiful flower(ROSE).

WOLF - WOLF. Ask your child to write the word WOLF in magnetic letters, and then remove one letter so that the predatory and dangerous forest animal turns into a completely peaceful pet (WOLF).

These were game options with descriptive clues for the baby. Of course, there are other options for tasks in which the baby must find the answer on his own: GUNS - EARS, BATH - ANNA, SCREEN - FAUCET, BRAID - WASP.


You can play a similar game with syllables: if you remove one syllable from some words, they turn into other words! But before offering this game to your child, you should get acquainted with syllable structure words. A little hint: clapping your hands while pronouncing the word at the same time helps to divide a word into syllables (one syllable - one clap).

SAND - JUICE. Lay out the word SAND. Ask the child to read the word and clap to highlight the syllables, name the first syllable, the second syllable. Then suggest removing one syllable from the word so that it becomes a completely different word. If the baby cannot guess on his own, tell him: “Remove one syllable from the word SAND so that it turns into a delicious fruit drink” (JUICE).

PIE - HORN. Let the child lay out the word PIE and name its syllables. Then ask them to remove one syllable to make a new word. If the child finds it difficult, prompt: “Remove one syllable from the word PIE so that the delicious food turns into something that grows on a rhinoceros’s nose.”

HAMMOCK - POPPY: Similarly, ask the baby to make a flower out of a bed for sleeping and relaxing.

Continue playing with other words: BUTTERFLY - BARREL, SWAMP - LOTO, SAILOR - CABLE, BASKET - ZIN, ZUCCHIN - TANK.

The games described are useful for the development of speech; they help teach the child to listen more carefully to words, pay attention to their spelling, and understand the meaning. All this develops literacy, which is very useful for the baby both at school and in life.

Game “Magic Letters”

There are amazing words that can become the subject of an entire fairy tale. Let's get acquainted with one of them.

(Based on a fairy tale by S. Pogorelovsky)

One letter can do wonders.

Pencil drew a lawn. On it is a Pobeda car. He wrote under the picture: VICTORY (lay out this word from the letters of the magnetic alphabet with your child).
Hedgehog looked onto the lawn. He liked the letter P. “I’ll put it,” he thinks, “in front of my house.” There will be good gates.” He put the letter on his back and carried it away. (Remove the letter P, and in the future - other letters, according to the text).
The Bear came, gloomy and hungry. He immediately started complaining:
- I don’t have one today...
“LUNCH,” the letters suggested.
- Right! - the Bear barked. - Oh, I wish I could eat some honey! Yes, stock up for the winter! Here, by the way, is the hoop for the tub.
He took the letter O under his arm and stomped off to the apiary. And the Bunny jumped out onto the lawn. Trembling, looking around. Suddenly I saw a terrible word: TROUBLE.
- Oh, where's the trouble? - Bunny rushed about.
Out of fright, he flew into the letter B. It bounced off, and the Bunny rushed off into the forest.
The Stork has arrived. I saw a tasty word: FOOD. And there is food in the grass: as many frogs as you want. Stork attached a stick to the letter E to create a fork. The Stork ate, flew away and took away the fork.
Then the Ram came and bleated offendedly:
- They say that I am stupid. Am I stupid?
And the letters for him:
- YES.
The Ram got angry. He ran up, hit the letter D with his horns, and it crumbled. Remained last letter- A. Stands alone. What can she do without friends? Just cry: ah-ah!
If you quickly comfort the letter A, put friends and comrades next to it to create new words!

Magazine "Lisa. My child".