Why is the language incredibly simple? Essay on the topic of the rich Russian language

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The language is unusually simple. A child masters it at three or four years old. The language is unusually complex, incalculably rich; extremely expressive, connected in many ways with the life of every person and the whole society. And hardly anyone can say: “Ugh, the day before yesterday I completely mastered the language!” Language is inexhaustible. Encyclopedia Is the language unusually simple or unusually complex? Prove your opinion.

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There are about 5 - 6 thousand languages ​​on Earth.
The 40 most common languages ​​are spoken by approximately 2/3 of the world's population.
The most commonly spoken languages ​​are Chinese, Hindi, English, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Portuguese and French.
There are currently just over 400 languages ​​considered endangered.

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Speech is the ability to speak, express, convey something in words.
What is speech?

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Language is a “storehouse” of speech that stores and protects all human knowledge. Speech is language in action, language at work.

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oral (sound)
Appeared a million years ago
Arose much later
All nations have
Not all nations have
Preserves knowledge, works of art, spiritual values
We use spoken language more often

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Scientists know of over 30 cases where children grew up among animals. And not a single child could speak when he entered human society.

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Pichrina sgeo pheonemna, as it turns out, is due to the fact that we do not honor every book according to its ethic, but the fkiisreum is all slvoo tslekiom. It is most surprising that the fkat is not only translated into English, but also into Russian, and into Russian, and into Ipnsa, and into all languages, afalvit, which are sizhodert bkvuy, and not hieroglyphs. And chboty osestbvnesnot not understood in this, rzeulatty ilsseovadniy blyi npeatachany according to the above-mentioned pcinrip, that is, all this is solv - the opposite of our gobbledygook.

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Language, speech is a miracle of miracles that gives us surprises. The research of English scientists shocked Russian linguists. It turns out that it doesn’t matter at all in what order the letters in a word are located. The main thing is that the first and last are in their places. As for all the other letters, they can be placed in complete disorder - we will still read the text without problems.

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Carpenter, forest, table, hunter, hare, shoot, game, good man, good
Based on the above keywords taken from the text, determine what it is about?

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The carpenter was walking in a dense forest among large trunks, and, smiling, he said: “There are so many tables here!” The hare hunter shot five in six minutes, and smiling, he said: “How many hares there are here!” A good man was walking in the morning. Shaking off the dew from the branches, He smiled and said: “It’s so nice in the forest!”

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sentences that are related in meaning and arranged in a certain sequence. The topic of the text is what (or who) the text is about. The main idea of ​​the text (idea) is what the author wanted to tell the reader, why the text was written.

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It is in swamps and viscous bogs that the Volga is born. An underground spring flows out of it. There is a pond at the edge of a young forest. Our poets and artists glorified the beauty of their native river in amazing fairy tales, songs, and paintings. From here she goes on a long journey.
Is this text? Why do you think so?

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Check yourself!
There is a pond at the edge of a young forest. An underground spring flows out of it. It is in swamps and viscous bogs that the Volga is born. From here she goes on a long journey. Our poets and artists glorified the beauty of their native river in amazing fairy tales, songs, and paintings.

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Language is the most important tool of communication between people. Any weapon can be used skillfully and with the greatest benefit only by someone who has studied it deeply, carefully, who knows how it is structured, what parts it consists of, how it works, and what kind of treatment it requires. Do we know enough about our amazing “weapon,” our human language? L. Uspensky Determine the theme and idea of ​​the text.

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Text features
single theme; sentences are connected by a main thought (idea); sentences are related in meaning; the sentences are arranged in a logical sequence (you can make a plan); relative completeness.

Determine the topic, idea, type of text.
(1) The guys worked all day - they built a snow slide in the yard. They shoveled snow and dumped it in a heap under the wall of the barn. Only by lunchtime the slide was ready. The guys poured water on her and ran home for lunch. (2) And Kotka Chizhov from the sixth apartment is so cunning! He didn't build the slide. He sits at home and looks out the window as others work. The guys shout at him to go build a hill, but he just throws up his hands outside the window and shakes his head, as if he’s not allowed to. And when the guys left, he quickly got dressed, put on his skates and ran out into the yard. Teal skates in the snow, chirp! And he doesn’t know how to ride properly!

Is an essay on the topic of the Russian language unusually difficult or not?


Russian language - what is it? If you look at history, it’s relatively young. It became independent in the 17th century, and was finally formed only in the 20th. But we can already see its richness, beauty, and melodiousness from the works of the 18th and 19th centuries. Firstly, the Russian language has absorbed the traditions of its predecessors - the Old Church Slavonic and Old Russian languages. Writers and poets contributed a lot to written and oral speech. Lomonosov and his doctrine of the “three calms”, Karamzin and his theory of “salon” elegant speech stand apart. The Russian language is one of the most difficult to learn. How to translate the phrase “no” or “definitely, probably” into a foreign language? And it’s better to keep silent about slangisms altogether. We can break sentences as much as we like, rearranging words, changing their places, replacing them with others or adding synonymous ones. Our accent is also mobile. Compare: city - town OK - suburb. No other language has such freedom. Rearrange the subject and predicate in German and get an interrogative sentence instead of a narrative one. The richness of the language can be seen at all levels: in phonetics, grammar and vocabulary. The latter is more visual. In our vocabulary there are words that describe feelings, shades of feelings and emotions that cannot be translated into another without losing meaning. And there are rows of homonyms, synonyms, paronyms and antonyms! According to stylistics, the language is divided into literary, colloquial and scientific. Moreover, a native speaker speaks all its subtypes. And one cannot ignore this fact: Russian is one of the six international languages. The conclusion follows from this: its riches and beauty are recognized not only by us, but by the whole world. More and more foreigners are coming to Russia to study our language, speak it and, most importantly, understand it. Language is the property of the people, it is in it that the famous Russian spirit, our soul, is contained. Not long ago, linguists were faced with the problem of a large number of borrowings from the English language and asked the question: is the language enriched with their help or impoverished? Within reasonable limits, borrowing is a normal phenomenon; it is due to it that vocabulary grows. But with an “overdose” we forget our native speech and communicate using “hai”, “okay” and other words, although we have our own “hello”, “hello”, “good evening”. It is the people who are the guardians of the language, therefore each of We have one task - to save and increase existing wealth.

If there are things in the world worthy of the name miracle, then the Russian word, undoubtedly the first and most wonderful of them.

It seems that the language is unusually simple: a child masters it in three - four years. But the language is also unusually complex, incalculably rich, extremely expressive, especially our Russians. I've never seen anything like this a person who would say: “Ugh, I mastered the language the day before yesterday,” to the Russian language you need to study every day, and all your life, because it is wide, like the Russian land, like a Russian field.

In early childhood, perhaps for the first time, we feel strength and beauty the Russian folk word, its softness and affection; and freedom when we hear from the lips mothers, grandmothers, amazing Russian fairy tales. We eagerly and greedily absorb native speech, scattering a pearl scattering of Russian words. Isn't it from now on an irresistible desire arises; hurry to school, learn to read, learn Russian in order to independently discover the amazing world that surrounds us, the Universe, not yet known and not open to the end by others.

And the Russian language will help with this, because words are not just black icons on paper represent human spiritual energy.

It is known that truth, experience, knowledge obtained by the labor of many generations, then they are easily given to children, which is the essence of progress, and with this progress man is obliged to language.

And what a blessing that we, reading Pushkin, Yesenin, Akhmatova, Tolstoy and Chekhov, beloved all over the world, we can call them our own! These are ours - Russians - writers and poets. We learn exemplary native speech from them, they help us: with the help of a capacious word, see the depth of the blue sky, the twinkling of distant stars, the reflection of the sun in the transparent drops of morning dew.

And what wonderfully simple and at the same time stunning words in beautiful lines:

"I remember a wonderful moment:

You appeared before me,

Like a fleeting phenomenon

Like a genius of pure beauty..."

The language of Russian writers and poets is amazingly beautiful and bright. Against the backdrop of the linguistic “jungle” of most works of our literature today, the simplicity, clarity, and depth of Russian classics attracts and captivates smart, discerning writers.

And we must learn exemplary Russian speech from Pushkin and Chekhov, Akhmatova and Tsvetaeva. We must be fighters for the correctness of our native language.

Sometimes when meeting a new person we pay attention to his manner of carrying oneself, clothes, face and by them we judge a person, however, sometimes wrong. But a person’s language is a much more accurate indicator of his human qualities, his culture.

They say that when a man was once brought to Socrates, about whom he had to express his opinion, the sage looked at him for a long time, and then exclaimed: “Yes, finally speak, so that I can recognize you.” We always must remember that a person’s speech is an indicator of his culture, his mental development, moral character, character.

K. G. Paustovsky wrote: “You can work miracles with the Russian language... No such sounds, colors; images and thoughts - complex and simple - for which there would be no exact expression in our language.”

Every tree, every blade of grass, every little bird has your voice, your word, which can revive the autumn garden, silver stream, centuries-old spruce trees. And powerful verbal music sounds like the music of life. Just listen to the Russian word, understand it, feel it.

M. Krebel.


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Help me write a concise summary: He was “one and many-sided.” “One” because he was Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin - an artist

words, original and unique. “Many faces” because there were also Kuprins: one was a land surveyor, another was a loader, the third was a fisherman, and another was an accountant at a factory, an athlete, a porter at a station, a singer in a choir. And many, many others. But all this worker army was combined in one person - the writer Kuprin.

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Everything was much simpler: he was a very curious and inquisitive person . His curiosity was aroused by both the new type of work and the new people involved in it . After all, a profession leaves its mark on a person, gives him originality, makes one different from another . “Among the longshoremen in the Odessa port, magicians, thieves and street musicians,” said Kuprin, “there were people with the most unexpected biographies - visionaries and dreamers with a broad and tender soul.” .

When Alexander Ivanovich decided to join the fishing artel, they gave him an exam: they tested his strength and dexterity. And only then were they accepted as an equal member . No one knew that he was a writer . And Kuprin, like everyone else, pulled nets, unloaded the longboat, washed the deck after the next voyage .

Hard physical labor gave him release . The writer suffered if he had to be immured within the four walls of his office. So, in 1908, the court sentenced him “for defamation of a representative of government power,” Vice Admiral Chukhnin, to ten days of house arrest or a fine. . Kuprin agreed to arrest . I was tired and sad for three days . On the fifth day he began to beg for the remaining days to be replaced with a fine!

It is curious that Kuprin was less attracted to people of the so-called “intelligent” and clerical work . He was convinced: nothing provides such rich material as close acquaintance with ordinary people . Direct participation in work, and not observation from the outside, became for Kuprin already a fact of creativity, the necessary soil that nourished his knowledge , fantasy.

Stormy temperament did not allow the writer to engage in literary work for a long time . He cooled down to work just as quickly as he started it ardently and energetically. . Even during a creative surge, a writer could abandon his manuscript for the sake of an “interesting person” he accidentally met, or write in conditions in which another writer would not have composed even two sentences. .

Sometimes Kuprin suddenly interrupted his work, quitting it halfway through, if he became convinced that the “exact” words were not being given to him . He worked like a master jeweler, minting phrases . An apt word heard by chance, an aphorism, an artistic detail - Kuprin wrote everything down in a notebook . The time will come - and everything may be needed . Books store hundreds of such notes, pieces of conversation .

Year after year passes . The writer moves further and further away from us into history . Only his books never grow old

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