Topics of correctional developmental classes. Developmental program "world of psychology"

We hear a lot now about child development. Works in Orel a large number of early childhood development centers that accept children aged one year and older. It’s great that this opportunity exists, since such events not only stimulate development, but also provide an opportunity for mothers to learn.

But it happens that group classes “do not work” at all, or they require certain preparation. In this case, it may be appropriate and more effective individual sessions with a psychologist, since this makes it possible to take into account not only typical age characteristics, but also the individual data of each specific baby.

How are individual sessions conducted for a child with a psychologist? We start with a comprehensive psychological diagnostics and a detailed conversation with my mother. This allows you to get the maximum full information not only about the level current development baby, but also to carefully draw up a plan for an individual development program. Such developmental programs are compiled individually for each child.

Goals of developmental sessions with a psychologist:

  • development cognitive processes child: attention, thinking, memory, perception, speech, imagination: these are the processes that will help prepare for further education at school and successful learning educational material, and, ultimately, make him successful and competent;
  • emotional development of the child: unfortunately, we often encounter the fact that children are not competent enough to recognize the emotions of the people around them (that’s why you can often hear from educators and teachers that “Before, it was enough to look strictly, and the children understood that they were leading yourself wrong..."), as well as to express your own feelings and describe the state, empathize, love and understand your feelings;
  • developing the ability to manage one’s emotions, developing the ability to manage anger, correcting aggressive behavior;
  • development of communication skills ( communication skills), necessary in interaction with adults and peers.

How to determine whether a child needs sessions with a psychologist?

All parents, one way or another, sometimes or often compare their children with others, sometimes just when suddenly a difference in the pace of development (speech, attention, memory, self-care skills, etc.) begins to be noticed, mom or dad think about why these differences exist . This is one of the main reasons why children see a psychologist. Sometimes these fears of parents turn out to be completely unfounded, just we're talking about about a variant of the norm, and in this case, sessions with a psychologist are optional. In others, it turns out that the mother was not worried in vain, and the developmental or even correctional work really necessary.

In any case, if it seems that something is going wrong in the child’s development, this can be determined by visiting a psychologist (there are enough of them in Orel, and most of they are given developmental classes). But the feasibility of carrying them out should be determined on the basis of detailed information received, first of all, from the mother and examination of the child by a psychologist (sometimes by a neurologist or other specialists). In this case, the child, even with developmental disabilities, will be provided with high-quality, qualified assistance.

Program of developmental classes “World of Psychology” "Fig. 1" contains: description of the program structure; detailed lesson script (based on the number of working weeks per year); workbooks for children entering school and first graders "Fig. 2", "Fig. 3"; visual materials and a list of references used.

The goals of the program are to develop cognitive abilities, creative abilities, some social skills of children, also to develop group structures and processes, maintain a favorable intra-group climate, unite and develop the children's community, and allow children to discover their capabilities and abilities.

When conducting classes with kids(from 4 – 5 to 6 – 7 years) additional purpose serves to develop arbitrariness.

For future first graders– preparing children for interviews when entering school.

For first and fifth graders– psychological and pedagogical support at the stage of adaptation of children to new school conditions.

For graduating classes – increased self-awareness and self-determination.

Classes are based on modern psychological ideas about human nature, taking into account the characteristics of children of this age.

The extensive psychological diagnostics included in the program are a professional fulcrum in achieving your goals.

Program objectives

Creating conditions that provide children with free expression of emotional states.
Teaching methods of group interaction.
Establishment good relations in Group. Developing empathy.
Unity and development of the children's community.
Development of planning and forecasting abilities.
Development of skills to use existing knowledge in new conditions.
Through playing roles and realize fabulous images own difficulties, their causes and find ways to overcome them. Give students the opportunity to believe in themselves.
Promote the development of cognitive processes.
Develop the necessary skills in difficult situations.
Understand and accept yourself “as I am.”

Organization of classes

Classes can be conducted with a group of children or with a whole class.

Classes for kids based on a board game "Fig. 4" where every step is a game given topic(this type of developmental classes with a psychologist is designed for the entire academic year: 37 lessons, once a week; lesson duration is 20 - 30 minutes.)

Block preparatory classes For future first graders(designed for 7 weeks, twice a week, or 14 weeks, once a week; lesson duration 25 - 30 minutes)

Psychology lessons on first stage of education(1 class) for one academic year(31 lessons, one lesson per week; lesson duration 40 - 45 minutes).

Classes in the first grades are accompanied by a trip around magical world psychology, using a map "Fig. 5", which motivates children very well to work.

Additional exercises are included for grades 2 – 4, so this program Can be used for all primary school classes.

Psychology lessons during the transition to middle management(5th grade) (33 lessons, one lesson per week; lesson duration 40 - 45 minutes)

Psychology lessons in high school(14 lessons, once every two weeks; lesson duration 45 – 60 minutes)

Much attention is paid to computer classes in the program. "Fig. 6", "Fig. 7".

Lesson structure

Before each lesson, the purpose and materials used in the lesson are stated.

Structure of the lesson: warm-up, conversation, work on the topic of the lesson (list of exercises), final exercise, feedback.

Lesson plan for kids

Steps in the game: “Travel”, “Zoo”, “School”, “Fairy Tale”, “Cubes”, “Task”, “Write and Draw”, “Imagination”, “Riddle”, “Recreation”, “Competition”, "Music".

Children's age

Section I Emotional sphere

1. Introductory lesson (acquaintance, establishing contact)

1 lesson

1 lesson

1 lesson

2. Our emotions

4 lessons

4 lessons

4 lessons

3. Self-esteem

2 lessons

2 lessons

2 lessons

Section II Cognitive abilities

1. Development of large and fine motor skills

9 lessons

4 lessons

4 lessons

2. Perception

7 lessons

4 lessons

4 lessons

3. Attention

5 lessons

7 lessons

6 lessons

4. Memory

4 lessons

6 lessons

5. Thinking

6 lessons

8 lessons

7 lessons

III section Fairytale therapy

The world around us

3 lessons

3 lessons

3 lessons

Preparatory lesson plan for future first-graders

Section I Emotional sphere

Topic of the section: “Our feelings” (duration 5 lessons)

1. Introductory lesson (acquaintance, establishing contact) – 1 lesson.
2. Our emotions – 1 lesson.
3. Difficulties and rules at school - 2 lessons.
4. Self-esteem – 1 lesson.

Section II Cognitive abilities

Section topic: “Our thoughts” (duration 9 lessons)

1. Diagnostics – 2 lessons.
2. Perception – 1 lesson.
3. Attention – 1 lesson.
4. Hand-eye coordination – 1 lesson.
5. Thinking – 2 lessons.
6. Memory – 2 lessons.

Psychology lesson plan for the first stage of education (grade 1)

Topic of the section: “Secrets of my soul” (duration 11 lessons).

“Hello, World of Psychology” – 1 lesson.
2. Diagnostics:
“What am I?” – 2 lessons.
3. Problems of children at school:
“Difficulties of a schoolchild” – 1 lesson.
“Our school” – 1 lesson.
4. Emotions and feelings:
“Our feelings” – 1 lesson.
“Anger” – 1 lesson.
“Joy” – 1 lesson.
5. Human qualities:
“Dark and light in people” – 1 lesson.
6. Self-esteem:
“How good I am” – 2 lessons.

Section II Fairy tale therapy

Topic of the section: “The world of fairy tales” (duration 5 lessons).

Positive psychological climate in class:
“We are the friendliest” – 1 lesson.
Fairy tale therapy:
“The world of fairy tales” – 2 lessons.
“We have guests” – 1 lesson.
“Drawing a fairy tale” – 1 lesson.

Topic of the section: “How smart I am” (duration 13 lessons)

1. Perception:
“How we see the world” – 1 lesson.
2. Hand-eye coordination:
“We draw” – 1 lesson
3. Attention:
“How attentive we are” – 2 lessons.
“Memory mechanism” – 1 lesson.
“How we remember” – 1 lesson.
“Memory of feelings” – 1 lesson.
5. Thinking:
“What is thinking” – 1 lesson.
“Competition of knowledgeable and resourceful people” – 1 lesson.
“How smart I am” – 1 lesson.
“Learning to think creatively” – 1 lesson.
6. Speech:
“How we can speak” – 1 lesson.
7. Imagination, creativity:
“We fantasize” – 1 lesson.

Section IV Social skills

Topic of the section: “Me and the other” (duration 2 lessons)

1. Communication:
“Dwarf games” – 1 lesson.
2. Training safe behavior:
“Alone on the street” – 1 lesson.

Psychology lesson plan for transition to secondary education (5th grade)

Section I Introduction to Psychology

Topic of the section: “Who am I and my friends?” (duration 11 lessons).

1. Introductory lesson (acquaintance, establishing contact):
“Hello, world of psychology!” – 1 lesson.
2. Adaptation game:
“The road to fifth grade” – 2 lessons.
3. Adaptation game:
“Our teachers” – 1 lesson.
4. Adaptation game:
“Correspondent Marathon” – 2 lessons.
5. Self-esteem and assessment of others, the child’s well-being in the classroom:
“My place in the class” – 2 lessons.
6. Adaptation game:
“Knock, train, knock!” – 1 lesson.
7. Diagnostics school motivation, receiving feedback:
"Guess who!" – 2 lessons.

Section II Creativity

Section topic: “The most original” (duration 5 lessons).

1. Diagnostics of creativity, elements of art therapy:
“We fantasize” – 3 lessons.
2. Origami elements:
“We craft without glue or scissors” – 2 lessons.

or(instead of 2 and 3) Computer drawing (PAINT BRUSH)

Section III Development of cognitive abilities

Topic of the section: “How smart I am” (duration 13 lessons).

1. Perception, visual-verbal functions:
“What is perception?” – 2 lessons.
2. Attention:
“What is attention?” – 2 lessons.
“What is memory?” – 2 lessons.
4. Diagnosis of intelligence:
“What is intelligence?” – 1 lesson.
5. Thinking:
“How do we think?” – 5 lessons.

Section IV Increasing self-knowledge, independence, self-development

Topic of the section: “Preparation and defense of creative projects” (three consultations and one open lesson).

Suggested Topics creative projects:

1. Our school.
2. Our teachers.
3. Our class.
4. Fascinating psychology.
5. What do we know about ourselves.

High School Psychology Lesson Plan

Section I Introduction to Psychology (duration 5 lessons and one additional lesson).

1. Acquaintance, establishing contact – 2 lessons.
2. Research interpersonal relationships high school students – 2 lessons.
3. Study of the personality of a high school student – ​​1 lesson.

Additional lesson: Consideration of one of the theories in psychology, accompanied by psychological tests according to these theories.

Suggested topics:

1) stages of development according to Z. Freud; hierarchy of needs according to A. Maslow; types of psychological defenses according to S. Freud;
2) psychology of love (E. From);
3) transactional analysis(E. Bern).

Section II: Development of cognitive abilities (duration: 2 lessons and one additional lesson).

1. Perception, attention, memory – 1 lesson.
2. Thinking, creativity – 1 lesson.
Additional lesson: Oral and written speech.

Section III Career guidance (computer testing) (duration 6 lessons and one additional).

  1. Diagnosis of intelligence – 2 lessons.
  2. Psychological picture– 2 lessons.
  3. Methods for career guidance and professional suitability – 1 lesson.
  4. Business testing – 1 lesson.

Additional activity: Child-parent career guidance game “Enrolling in a university”

Section IV Work in microgroups (personal training) (duration 2 lessons).

Training topics to choose from:

1. Training personal growth;
2. Preparing for the exam;
3. Increased confidence;
4. Learn etiquette.

When compiling the program, the following works were used: Vachkova I.V., Abramova G., Anastasi A., Andreas, Steve and Faulkner, Charles, Bashaeva T.V., Bityanova M.R., Bolshakov V.Yu., Bryazgunova I., Kasatkina E., Venger A.L., Gutkina N., Dileo D., Katkhanova Yu.F., Leaders A.G., Lichko A.E., Matveeva O.A., Ovcharova R.V., Bodaleva A. .A., Rudestam K., Friedman L.P., Chaley J. and other authors.

This program has been running for the second year and shows good results. "Fig. 8"