Educational program of preschool education as a program of psychological and pedagogical support for positive socialization and individualization, personality development of preschool children. Problem-based learning tools

“1 TARGET SECTION Explanatory note Educational program - a strategy for psychological and pedagogical support for positive socialization and individualization, personality development...”


Explanatory note

Educational program - a strategy of psychological and pedagogical support for positive

socialization and individualization, personality development of preschool children.

The program is built on the basis of an analysis of the following regulatory documents:

1.Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273FZ

2. “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool organizations.” Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN, approved by Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26 (hereinafter referred to as SanPiN).

3.Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 “On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education” (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on November 14, 2013 N 30384).

4.Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2013. No. 1014 "On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in basic general education programs - educational programs of preschool education."

5. Charter of the PA.

6.License for educational activities.

The basis is the Preschool Education Program “From Birth to School” edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.

The variable part of the preschool program is represented by the following partial programs and private methods:

1. Program “Colored Palms” I.A. Lykova

2. Program “Speech development in kindergarten” O.S. Ushakova

3. Program “Mathematics in kindergarten” V.P. Novikova

4. Program “Young Ecologist” S.N. Nikolaeva.

5. System of work on the development of basic movements of young children “Kids, physical education - hello!” L.Yu. Kostrykina, O.G. Rkova, T.G. Kornilova Goals and objectives of the implementation of the Educational program.

Objectives of the implementation of the Preschool Educational Organization Program:

Pedagogical support for positive socialization and individualization of personality development in preschool children;

Creating conditions for the development of pupils in five educational areas and various types of children's activities;

Organization of the educational process in preschool education.

Objectives of the implementation of the Preschool Educational Organization Program:

Provide equal opportunities for the full development of every child during preschool childhood from 2 to 7 years.

Full-fledged living by a child of preschool childhood from 2 to 7 years, amplification of child development;

Age adequacy of preschool education (compliance of conditions, requirements, methods with age and developmental characteristics); - ensuring continuity of goals, objectives and content of education implemented within programs at all levels.

2. Socialization tasks:

– introduce children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society, and state;

To form a general personal culture, including the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, the development of social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual and physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility, prerequisites for educational activities;

To combine training and education into a holistic educational process based on spiritual, moral and sociocultural values ​​and socially accepted rules and norms of behavior in the interests of the individual, family, and society;

Analysis and maximum use of the socio-cultural environment of the region, district, city (children's library, children's music school, museums).

The principles for implementing these tasks in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education:

Promotion and cooperation of children and adults. Recognition of the child as a full-fledged subject of educational relations;

Active cooperation between the preschool and the family;

Network implementation of the Educational program;

Cooperation with the sociocultural environment of the region, district, city (children's library, children's music school, museums).

3. Individualization tasks:

Create favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and abilities;

To develop the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relationships with himself, other children, adults, and the world;

To form the child’s cognitive interests and actions in various types of activities.

The principles for implementing these tasks in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education:

Construction of educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself is active in choosing the content of his education, becomes the subject of educational relations;

Supporting children's initiative in various activities.

Principles and approaches to the formation of the Educational program

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, when developing the Educational Program, the following were taken into account: the individual needs of children related to their life situation and health status, determining the special conditions for their education, the individual needs of certain categories of children, including those with disabilities;

Opportunities for a child to master the program at different stages of its implementation;

Supporting the diversity of childhood, preserving the uniqueness and intrinsic value of childhood as an important stage in the overall development of a person;

Personal developmental and humanistic nature of interaction between adults (parents, legal representatives, teachers and other employees of preschool education) and children;

Respect for the child's personality;

Implementation of the program in forms specific to children of a given age group, primarily in play, cognitive and research activities, creative activity that ensures the artistic and aesthetic development of the child.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, the Educational Program also implements the principles of forming an educational space and carrying out educational activities, transferring them from the tasks of preschool education

To create a sociocultural environment that corresponds to the age, individual, psychological and physiological characteristics of children;

Ensure variability and diversity in the content of programs and organizational forms of preschool education, the possibility of creating programs of various directions, taking into account the educational needs, abilities and health status of children;

Provide psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increase the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children's health.

They correspond to cultural and anthropometric, personality-oriented, environmental and activity-based, competency-based approaches to organizing developmental interaction between all participants in the educational process.

Preschool education program “From birth to school” edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A.

Vasilyeva is based on the following principles of building a program that allows you to achieve your goals and objectives:

Corresponds to the principle of developmental education, the goal of which is the development of the child;

Combines the principles of scientific validity and practical applicability (the content of the Program corresponds to the basic principles of developmental psychology and preschool pedagogy and, as experience shows, can be successfully implemented in the mass practice of preschool education);

Meets the criteria of completeness, necessity and sufficiency (allowing you to solve your goals and objectives using a reasonable “minimum” of material); - ensures the unity of educational, developmental and training goals and objectives of the education process for preschool children, during the implementation of which such qualities are formed that are key in the development of preschool children;

It is built taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of children, the specifics and capabilities of educational areas;

Based on the complex thematic principle of constructing the educational process;

Provides for the solution of program educational tasks in the joint activities of adults and children and the independent activities of preschoolers, not only within the framework of direct educational activities, but also during routine moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education;

It involves building the educational process on age-appropriate forms of working with children. The main form of work with preschoolers and their leading activity is play;

Allows for variation in the educational process depending on regional characteristics;

It is built taking into account continuity between all age preschool groups and between kindergarten and primary school.

The goals and objectives of partial programs do not contradict the Standards of Preschool Education and the Preschool Education Program “From Birth to School” edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S.

Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.

Educational program of preschool education for children with severe speech impairments (general speech underdevelopment) from 3 to 7 years old - author N.V. Nishcheva. It is a holistic, methodologically sound, systematized, clearly structured model of the pedagogical process, proposed for implementation in compensatory groups of preschool education.

Characteristics of the developmental characteristics of children of early and preschool age and children with speech disorders that are significant for the development and implementation of the program. The program ensures the development of the personality of preschool children in various types of communication and activities, taking into account their age, individual psychological and physiological characteristics, as well as taking into account the social situation of development .

Therefore, one of the most important characteristics for the development and implementation of the Educational Program is the following patterns of development of preschool children:

Changing the determinant, relationship and correlation of biological and social factors of development at different stages and stages of development while maintaining the plasticity of the child’s nervous system and psyche;

Stagedness and mediation of the child’s development by the social situation, leading activity and form of communication with adults;

Uneven development of mental processes, their social mediation by culturally embedded ways of interacting with adults (parents, educators) and peers;

Differentiation and integration of mental processes, properties and qualities, functional systems associated with the voluntary organization of the child’s activities; - the presence of sensitive periods of development for certain processes and forms of communication with adults and peers, the child’s abilities and competencies, integral personality qualities;

Amplification of child development through the formation of a system of orientation in the surrounding world and expansion of ways of experiencing, cognition and transformation, changing the meanings of pedagogical interaction;

Spasmodic development, due to the nature of the formation of psychological new formations and the development of a social position, the contradiction between what the child wants and can, and what he could and wanted in the mastered period of development;

Preparation at each age stage of conditions for mastering new types of activities, forms and methods of relationships with peers and adults, a new social position (from adaptation and socialization to self-affirmation and individualization).

Thus, the laws and patterns of development and their relationship with education and training are links in a single process of formation of the child’s psyche and personality.

Therefore, the organization of developmental interaction between an adult and a child in those types of activities that are recognized as leading for a certain age stage is important.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Additional Education, the characteristics of children's activities that take into account the age-related characteristics of the child's development are as follows:

Communication with an adult and joint games with peers under the guidance of an adult; self-service and actions with household utensils (spoon, scoop, spatula, etc.);

Preschool age (3 years – 7 years):

perception of fiction and folklore;

Musical activity (perception and understanding of the meaning of musical works, singing, musical rhythmic movements, playing children's musical instruments);

General information about teachers and staff of children The main participants in the implementation of the program: children from 2 to 7 years old, parents (legal representatives), teachers.

General information about the population of pupils in the preschool Soyuzny Prospekt, 10 Table 1 Age orientation Number of categories of groups of groups of children

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Features of the organization of a developing subject-spatial environment The educational environment in a kindergarten presupposes specially created conditions, such as are necessary for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood.

A developing subject-spatial environment is understood as a certain space, organizationally designed and subject-rich, adapted to meet the child’s needs for cognition, communication, work, physical and spiritual development in general.

The modern understanding of the developing subject-spatial environment includes ensuring the active life of the child, the formation of his subject position, the development of creative manifestations by all available means that encourage self-expression. The requirements and basic principles of organizing a developing subject-spatial environment are prescribed in the “From Birth to School” Program.

Planned results of mastering the program Planned results of mastering the Educational program are a specification of the target guidelines of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, taking into account age and individual characteristics, including children with disabilities.

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The targets of the program “From birth to school” are based on the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. In the “From Birth to School” program, as well as in the Standard, targets are given for young children (at the stage of transition to preschool age) and for older preschool age (at the stage of completing preschool education). Watch in the “From Birth to School” Program.

The targets of partial programs do not contradict the Standards of Preschool Education and the Preschool Education Program “From Birth to School”.

Features of the implementation of the educational route The implementation of the “From Birth to School” Program involves assessing the individual development of children. Such an assessment is carried out by a teacher within the framework of pedagogical diagnostics (an assessment of the individual development of preschool children, associated with an assessment of the effectiveness of pedagogical actions and underlying their further planning).

A pedagogical assessment of a child’s individual development is aimed, first of all, at determining the availability of conditions for the child’s development in accordance with his age characteristics, capabilities and individual inclinations.

Pedagogical diagnostics are carried out during observations of children’s activity in spontaneous and specially organized activities.

Toolkit for pedagogical diagnostics - observation cards of child development, which allow recording the individual dynamics and development prospects of each child during:

Communication with peers and adults (how the ways of establishing and maintaining contact, making joint decisions, conflict resolution, leadership, etc. are changing);

Gaming activities;

Cognitive activity (how children's abilities and cognitive activity develop);

Project activities (how children's initiative, responsibility and autonomy develop, how the ability to plan and organize their activities develops);

Artistic activity;

Physical development.

The results of pedagogical diagnostics are entered into Child Development Observation Cards and can be used exclusively to solve the following educational problems:

1) individualization of education (including support for the child, building his educational trajectory or professional correction of his developmental characteristics);

2) optimization of work with a group of children.

Psychological diagnostics of a child’s individual development are carried out, as necessary, by a qualified educational psychologist. Its results are used for qualified correction of children’s development or for solving problems of psychological support for child development.

Early age of GKP (2 years – 3 years):

Object activities and games with composite and dynamic toys;

Experimenting with materials and things (sand, water, dough, etc.);

Communication with an adult and joint games with peers under the guidance of an adult;

Self-service and actions with household utensils (spoon, scoop, spatula, etc.);

Perception of the meaning of music, fairy tales, poems;

Looking at pictures; - physical activity.

Preschool age (3 years 7 years):

Gaming activities, including role-playing games, games with rules and other types of games;

Communication activities (communication and interaction with adults and peers);

Cognitive and research activities (studying objects of the surrounding world and experimenting with them);

Perception of fiction and folklore;

Self-service and basic household work (indoors and outdoors);

Construction from various materials, including construction sets, modules, paper, natural and other materials;

Visual activities (drawing, appliqué, modeling);

Musical activity (perception and understanding of the meaning of musical works, singing, musical-rhythmic movements, playing children's musical instruments);

Motor activity (mastery of basic movements), other forms of child activity.

The content of psychological and pedagogical work with children aged 2–7 years under the Preschool Education Program “From Birth to School” ensures the development of personality, motivation and abilities in various types of children’s activities in educational areas: “Social and communicative development”, “Cognitive development”, “Speech development” ", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Physical development".

The content of psychological and pedagogical work is focused on the diversified development of preschool children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics. The tasks of psychological and pedagogical work on the formation of physical, intellectual and personal qualities of children are solved integrated in the course of mastering all educational areas, along with tasks reflecting the specifics of each educational area, with mandatory psychological support.

At the same time, the solution of program educational tasks is provided not only within the framework of direct educational activities, but also during regime moments - both in the joint activities of adults and children, and in the independent activities of preschoolers.

System of educational work in five educational areas Integration of educational areas in groups of general developmental orientation The content of the Program ensures the development of personality, motivation and abilities in various types of children's activities:

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Variable forms of organization of directly organized educational activities

Fantasy trip or imaginary situation:

The basis is a pre-planned topic;

Mandatory opportunity for improvisation of children and teachers, self-expression of students

Excursions (real, imaginary, imaginary-virtual):

The basis is the visual-cognitive component,

Promotes the accumulation of ideas and life facts, enriching sensory experience; helps to establish a connection between abstract ideas and reality

Game expedition, detective activity:

A clearly defined adventure, action-packed and/or detective storyline that has a specific end goal for children;

Requires display of ingenuity, logic, ability to work in a team Sports competitions, relay races: the basis is a competitive component that encourages the display of physical skills, courage, dexterity, stamina, endurance, ability to work in a team

Intellectual marathon, quiz, KVN:

Based on a competitive component that encourages the demonstration of intellectual abilities, skills, courage, perseverance, endurance, ingenuity, knowledge, performance, ability to work in a team Kapustnik, theater quiz:

Based on an improvisational component; encouraging creative improvisation;

Does not require special rehearsals

Presentation (specially organized, improvised):

The basis is the cognitive-speech component, which encourages children to independently use various methods of transmitting information, information, knowledge, and ideas.

Thematic leisure:

The basis is made up of entertaining, educational and improvisational components, aimed at generalizing ideas within the framework of a particular topic.


The basis is an entertainment-demonstrative component, based on a celebration held in honor or in memory of someone, something (rehearsals and special preparation are assumed) Theatrical performance, performance: based on an entertainment-dramatic component, encouraging empathy, perception of artistic images , emotional expressiveness

Festival, concert:

The basis is the entertainment and demonstrative component;

Public performance of musical works, ballet and pop numbers within the framework of a unifying theme; is carried out according to a specific, pre-compiled program (preparation is assumed).

Methods and means

Problem-based learning methods:

Problem situation;

Cognitive problem presentation (the teacher sets a task or designates a problem and in the process of communication gives a solution algorithm);

Dialogical problem presentation (the teacher sets a task or identifies a problem, and in the process of communication, children search for a solution to this problem);

Ambiguous situation method (lack of an unambiguous conclusion or solution to the problem);

Experimentation, heuristic or partial search method (children experimentally become familiar with various phenomena or properties; the problem is posed either before or after the experiment);

Forecasting (potentially real situation, fantasy situations, absurdities);

Intellectual storming method (as many answers to a question/problem as possible, even fantastic ones).

Problem-based learning tools:

Stories containing a problematic component; card index of logical tasks and problem situations;

Objects and phenomena of the surrounding world;

Various teaching materials

Various instruments and mechanisms (compass, barometer, flasks, etc.).

Equipment for experimental activities with water, light and shade and - other properties of materials, phenomena;

Technical teaching aids (interactive whiteboard, multimedia equipment, etc.).

Methods to support emotional activity:

Game and imaginary situations;

Praise (as an advance, encouragement, as a positive outcome, as a consolation);

Coming up with fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles, etc. ;

Dramatization games;

Surprise moments, fun, tricks;

Elements of creativity and novelty;

humor and joke.

Means of supporting emotional activity:

Card index of possible game and problem situations;

A card index of poems, riddles, chants, including those that involve students figuring out the ending;

Templates, semi-finished and intermediate versions of handouts, cut-out pictures, puzzles, nonsense, humorous images, etc.,

Equipment for elementary tricks, character toys, life-size puppets, costumes for mummers;

Humoresques, comics, etc.

Communication methods:

Imitation method (imitation method);

Competitive method;

Team-competitive (brigade) method;

Joint or collective assignments;

Interviewing method;

Method of collective creativity;

Project method;

- “conveyor” method of productive activity (can act as a gender method, when distributing parts performed only by boys or only by girls.

Methods of psychosensory development:

Methods for the development of mental processes (memory, attention, thinking, speech);

Methods of assimilation of sensory standards (color, shape, size) based on the maximum inclusion of the senses.

Means of psychosensory development:

Handouts (templates for working with outlines (for coloring, tracing, filling, cutting, folding, tearing, etc.) electronic educational resources:

multimedia equipment, electronic demonstration material, etc.);

Equipment for sensory rooms (mirrors, LED equipment, sound-reproducing equipment, equipment for various tactile perceptions and sensations, etc.);

audiovisual (slides, slide films, videos, presentations, educational films on digital media;

Visual planar (posters, wall maps, wall illustrations, magnetic boards);

Demonstration (herbariums, dummies, models, stands, sectional models, demonstration models); - sport equipment.

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Activities related to optimization of motor activity, organized motor activity, formation of habits for a healthy lifestyle, and hardening activities

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Educational field "Physical development"

Goals and objectives in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education Goal: raising a healthy, cheerful, resilient, physically perfect, harmoniously and creatively developed child.

Objectives of the module “Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle”:

Formation of healthy lifestyle values;

Mastering the basic norms and rules of a healthy lifestyle: in nutrition, physical activity, hardening, forming healthy habits, etc.

Objectives of the module “Physical Education”:

Master basic movements and develop various forms of motor activity of the child;

Develop large and fine motor skills;

Support children's initiative and independence in physical activity and organize activities that promote physical development; - to develop readiness and interest in participating in outdoor games and competitions; - to form psychophysical qualities: endurance, flexibility, strength, dexterity, eye;

Develop motor abilities: balance functions, movement coordination. The goals and objectives of the content of the educational area “Physical Development” in the Preschool Education Program “From Birth to School” do not contradict the Federal Component.

Table 2 Principles of physical development

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Educational field "Social and communicative development"

Goals and objectives in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education: positive socialization of preschool children, introducing children to


sociocultural norms, traditions of family, society and state.

Objectives of the module “Socialization”:

Form and maintain a child’s positive self-esteem, confidence in their own capabilities and abilities;

Positively socialize and develop the child's initiative through cooperation with adults and peers and age-appropriate activities;

Objectives of the module “Self-service, independence, labor education”:

Support the spontaneous play of children, enrich it through observations of the work activities of adults and organize thematic role-playing games;

Encourage initiative and independence in organizing work under the guidance of an adult;

Develop the ability to express oneself as a subject of labor activity, provide the opportunity for children to express themselves in individual, group and collective forms of work;

To form a readiness to assimilate the rules and norms of behavior accepted in society related to different types and forms of labor in the interests of the individual, family, and society; - develop readiness and ability for self-service and actions with household tools (spoon, scoop, spatula, etc.)

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Educational field "Speech development"

Goals and objectives in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education Goal: formation of oral speech and verbal communication skills in the literary language of one’s people.

Objectives of the module “Speech Development”:

Mastery of speech as a means of communication;

Development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech;

Development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing;

Formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write;

Creating conditions for children to make decisions, express their feelings and thoughts through speech.

Objectives of the module “Fiction”:

Mastery of speech as a means of transmitting and transmitting cultural values ​​and ways of self-expression and understanding;

Development of speech and literary creativity based on familiarization with fiction, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature;

Develop the ability to participate in literary project activities and make decisions based on the experience of literary education.

Table 6 Principles of speech development

The principle of the relationship between sensory, mental and speech development. The principle of interconnection of work on various aspects of language The principle of enrichment and motivation of speech activity.

The principle of ensuring active language practice The principle of using visualization as the basis of cognitive and speech activity.

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And also look at the content in the Preschool Education Program “From Birth to School” edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.

Educational field "Cognitive development"

Goals and objectives in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education Goal: development of cognitive interests and cognitive abilities of children, which can be divided into sensory, intellectual-cognitive and intellectually creative.

Objectives of the module “Development of cognitive and research activities”:

to form primary ideas about the objects of the surrounding world, about the objective world, about the simplest connections between objects in the immediate environment;

Deepen understanding of the essential characteristics of objects, the properties and qualities of various materials;

Develop cognitive and research interest by showing entertaining experiments and tricks; involve in simple experiments and observations;

Promote creative project activities of an individual and group nature.

Objectives of the module “Introduction to sociocultural values”:

Form primary ideas about yourself and other people;

Expand children's awareness in the areas of human activity (science, art, production and services, agriculture);

Expand children's understanding of sociocultural space;

To form elementary ideas about the history of mankind through familiarity with works of art (painting, sculpture, myths and legends of the peoples of the world), games and productive activities.

Objectives of the module “Formation of elementary mathematical representations”:

Form ideas about numbers;

Form geometric representations;

Form an idea of ​​temporary transformations, changes in quantity;

Develop sensory capabilities;

Develop skills in expressing quantity through numbers (developing counting skills and measuring various quantities).

Objectives of the module “Acquaintance with the natural world”:

Expand and clarify children’s ideas about trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants;

plants of meadows, gardens, forests;

Expand and systematize knowledge about domestic, wintering and migratory birds;

pets and inhabitants of a corner of nature;

Expand children's knowledge about mammals, amphibians and reptiles.

Introduce some forms of protection of amphibians and reptiles from enemies (for example, snakes scare away enemies by hissing, etc.).

Develop interest in your native land. To cultivate respect for the work of rural residents (farmers, machine operators, foresters, etc.);

Form ideas about the transition of substances from solid to liquid and vice versa.

Observe natural phenomena such as frost, hail, fog, rain.

Learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships between natural phenomena (if insects that pollinate plants disappear, then the plants will not produce seeds, etc.).

Bring children to understand that human life on Earth largely depends on the environment: clean air, water, forests, soil have a beneficial effect on human health and life.

Strengthen the ability to behave correctly in nature.

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And also look at the content in the Preschool Education Program “From Birth to School” edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva and in the partial program “Young Ecologist” S.N. Nikolaeva and the Program “Mathematics in Kindergarten” V.N. Novikova Educational field “Artistic and aesthetic development”

Goals and objectives in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education Goal: to develop children’s artistic abilities, emotional responsiveness to the means of artistic expression characteristic of different types of art.

Objectives of the module “Introduction to art”:

To develop aesthetic perception, a sense of rhythm, artistic taste, an aesthetic attitude towards the environment, towards art and artistic activity;

To develop an interest in classical and folk art (music, fine arts, literature, architecture);

To form the foundations of artistic culture. Develop an interest in art.

Expand children's ideas about creative activity and its features;

Develop aesthetic feelings, emotions, experiences, the ability to independently create artistic images in different types of activities;

To develop the ability to distinguish between folk and professional art;

Cultivate interest in the art of your native land; love and respect for works of art.

Objectives of the module “Visual activities”:

To form in children a sustainable interest in visual arts. Enrich sensory experience, include hand movements on the subject in the process of familiarization with objects; develop imaginative aesthetic perception, imaginative ideas, form aesthetic judgments;

To form an aesthetic attitude towards objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, works of art, and artistic and creative activities;

Continue to develop collective creativity. Cultivate a desire to act in concert, to agree on who will do what part of the work, how individual images will be combined into the overall picture.

Develop children's creativity in modeling; learn to freely use various techniques previously learned to create images of objects, natural objects, and fairy-tale characters;

continue to teach how to convey the shape of the main part and other parts, their proportions, pose, characteristic features of the depicted objects; treat the surface of the mold with finger movements and a stack;

Develop decorative modeling skills; learn to use different methods of sculpting (patterning, in-depth relief), and use stacking. When sculpting from clay, learn how to paint a plate and create a pattern in stacks; create subject and subject, individual and collective compositions from clay and multi-colored plasticine.

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Objectives of the module “Musical and artistic activities”:

Develop musical activity (perception of music, understanding the meaning of musical performances, singing, musical rhythmic movements, playing children's musical instruments);

Support initiative, independence and creativity in various types of musical activities;

To form a general and aesthetic culture of the individual, aesthetic qualities and musicality;

Implementation of independent musical activities, providing opportunities for self-expression and development of children's musical creativity.

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And also look at the content in the Preschool Education Program “From Birth to School” edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.

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Objectives and content of work on speech development with young children in short-term groups:

Development of speech understanding;

Development of active speech;

Strengthening and development of the organs of the articulatory apparatus;

Development of auditory perception (differentiation of sounds in words);

Introduction to fiction;

Cultivating children's interest in artistic expression.

Development of an emotional response when perceiving artistic material. promoting the child’s ability to listen attentively to an adult’s speech and remember what he hears (third year of life).

Education of intonation expressiveness of children’s speech (third year of life).

Promoting the memorization and recitation of nursery rhymes and short poems (third year of life).

Development of elements of creativity and initiative: with the help of the teacher, participate in the staging and dramatization of simple folk tales (third year of life).

Table 11

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The explanatory note “Approximate program of correctional and developmental work in a speech therapy group for children with severe speech impairments (general speech underdevelopment) from 3 to 7 years” is an innovative program document for preschool educational institutions of combined and compensatory types.

The program is designed in accordance with:

1. Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

2. Federal state educational standard for preschool education.

3. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

4. World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children.

6. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of work in preschool organizations.

7. Developments of domestic scientists in the field of general and special pedagogy and psychology.

The purpose of this Program is to build a system of correctional and developmental work in speech therapy groups for children with severe speech impairments (general speech underdevelopment) aged 3 to 7 years, providing for full integration of the actions of all specialists of a preschool educational institution and parents of preschool children. Planning work in all five educational areas takes into account the characteristics of the speech and general development of children with severe speech pathology.

The complexity of pedagogical influence is aimed at aligning the speech and psychophysical development of children and ensuring their comprehensive harmonious development.

General speech underdevelopment (GSD) is considered as a systemic disorder of speech activity, complex speech disorders in which children have impaired formation of all components of the speech system, relating to both the sound and semantic aspects, with normal hearing and intact intelligence (Levina R. E., Filicheva T. B., Chirkina G. V.).

Speech impairment in OHP in preschool children can vary from complete absence of speech to extensive speech with pronounced manifestations of lexicogrammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment (Levina R. E.).

Currently, there are four levels of speech development, reflecting the state of all components of the language system in children with ODD (Filicheva T. B.).

At the first level of speech development, the child’s speech means are limited, the active vocabulary is practically not formed and consists of onomatopoeia, sound complexes, and babbling words. Statements are accompanied by gestures and facial expressions.

Characteristic is the polysemy of the words used, when the same babbling words are used to designate different objects, phenomena, and actions. It is possible to replace the names of objects with the names of actions and vice versa. In active speech, root words without inflections predominate. The passive vocabulary is wider than the active one, but also extremely limited. There is practically no understanding of the categories of number of nouns and verbs, tense, gender, and case. The pronunciation of sounds is diffuse.

Phonemic development is in its infancy. The ability to perceive and reproduce the syllabic structure of a word is limited. When moving to the second level of speech development, the child’s speech activity increases. Active vocabulary expands due to everyday subject and verbal vocabulary. It is possible to use pronouns, conjunctions and sometimes simple prepositions. The child’s independent statements already contain simple, uncommon sentences. At the same time, gross errors are noted in the use of grammatical constructions, there is no agreement between adjectives and nouns, there is a confusion of case forms, etc. The understanding of addressed speech is developing significantly, although the passive vocabulary is limited, the subject and verb dictionary associated with the work activities of adults has not been formed, flora and fauna. There is a lack of knowledge not only of color shades, but also of primary colors. Gross violations of the syllabic structure and sound filling of words are typical. Children exhibit insufficiency in the phonetic aspect of speech (a large number of unformed sounds).

The third level of speech development is characterized by the presence of extensive phrasal speech with elements of lexico-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment.

There are attempts to use even sentences of complex constructions. The child's vocabulary includes all parts of speech. In this case, inaccurate use of the lexical meanings of words may be observed. The first word formation skills appear. The child forms nouns and adjectives with diminutive suffixes, verbs of motion with prefixes. Difficulties are noted in forming adjectives from nouns. Multiple agrammatisms are still noted. The child may use prepositions incorrectly and make mistakes in agreeing adjectives and numerals with nouns. Undifferentiated pronunciation of sounds is characteristic, and replacements may be unstable.

Pronunciation deficiencies can be expressed in distortion, replacement or mixing of sounds.

The pronunciation of words with a complex syllabic structure becomes more stable. A child can repeat three- and four-syllable words after an adult, but distorts them in the speech stream. Speech understanding is approaching normal, although there is insufficient understanding of the meanings of words expressed by prefixes and suffixes.

The program provides for the need to protect and strengthen the physical and mental health of children, ensuring the emotional well-being of each child. In this way, it allows children to form an optimistic attitude towards their surroundings, which enables the child to live and develop, and ensures positive emotional, personal and social-communicative development.

The volume of educational material is calculated in accordance with age-related physiological standards, which helps to avoid overwork and maladaptation of preschoolers. For each age group, an optimal combination of independent, individual and joint activities, a balanced alternation of specially organized and unregulated educational activities is proposed; free time for children to play and relax is allocated in both the first and second halves of the day.

The basis of the Program is the creation of optimal conditions for correctional development work and the all-round harmonious development of children with special needs. This complex of correctional and developmental work is achieved through the creation of a speech therapy group, taking into account the characteristics of the psychophysical development of children of this contingent.

The main idea is to implement the general educational tasks of preschool education with the involvement of synchronous alignment of the speech and mental development of children with special needs, that is, one of the main principles of the Program is the principle of conformity to nature. The program takes into account the common development of normally developing children and children with special needs and is based on the ontogenetic principle, taking into account the patterns of normal child speech development.

In addition, the Program is based on the following principles:

the principle of individualization, taking into account the capabilities, developmental characteristics and needs of each child;

the principle of recognizing each child as a full participant in the educational process;

the principle of supporting children's initiative and shaping the cognitive interests of each child; principles for integrating the efforts of specialists;

the principle of specificity and accessibility of educational material, compliance of requirements, methods, techniques and conditions of education with the individual and age characteristics of children;

the principle of systematicity and interconnection of educational material;

the principle of gradual presentation of educational material;

the principle of concentric growth of information in each of the subsequent age groups in all five educational areas.

The main form of work in all five educational areas of the Program is play activity - the main form of activity of preschoolers. All correctional and developmental individual, subgroup, group, and integrated classes in accordance with the Program are of a playful nature, are rich in a variety of games and developmental play exercises, and in no way duplicate school forms of education. In accordance with the Program, a correctional and developmental lesson is not identical to a school lesson and is not its analogue. Notes on play-based correctional and developmental lessons for speech therapists and educators are given in the collections included in the methodological set of the Program.

The fulfillment of correctional, developmental and educational tasks set by the Program is ensured through an integrated approach and integration of the efforts of pedagogical and medical specialists and families of pupils.

The implementation of the principle of integration contributes to higher rates of general and speech development of children, a more complete disclosure of the creative potential of each child, the capabilities and abilities inherent in children by nature, and provides for the joint work of a speech therapist teacher, an educational psychologist, a music director, a physical education instructor, physical therapy instructor for teachers and parents of preschool children. In the Program, the interaction of specialists and parents is reflected in the blocks “Integration of the efforts of the speech therapist and educators”, “Integrated classes in the system of work in a speech therapy group”, “Interaction with the families of pupils”, as well as in the joint work of all participants in the educational process in all five educational institutions. areas.

The program is built on the principle of a humane and personal attitude towards the child and makes it possible to provide developmental education for preschoolers, the formation of the basic foundations of children’s personality culture, the comprehensive development of intellectual and volitional qualities, and makes it possible to form all mental processes in children.

The program is based on correctional work programs:

1.N.V. Nishcheva “Organization of correctional and developmental work in the senior (preparatory) speech therapy group” St. Petersburg. 2004

2. Filicheva T. B. et al. Fundamentals of speech therapy: Textbook. manual for pedagogical students. Institute for specialties “Pedagogy and psychology (preschool)” / T.B. Filicheva, N.A. Cheveleva, G.V. Chirkina.- M.: Education, 1989.-223 p.: ill.

3. Filicheva T.B. Features of speech formation in preschool children.

Monograph. – M., 2000. – 314 p.

4. Tseitlin S.N. Language and the child: Linguistics of children's speech: Proc. aid for students

higher schools, institutions. - M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 2000. - 240 p.

5. Elkonin D. B. Development of oral and written speech of students / Ed. V.V. Davydova, Correction of speech disorders (compensatory programs for preschool educational institutions for children with speech disorders), M, 2010.

Variability of software for the correctional educational process.

General education and correctional programs:

- “Basic general education program for preschool education: from birth to school”, M., Mozaika-synthesis, 2010.

T.B. Filicheva, T.V. Tumanova, G.V. Chirkina. "Education and training of preschool children with general speech underdevelopment." M., 2010

Introduction of modern partial correctional programs:

S.P. Tsukanova, L.L. Berts “Teaching a child to speak and read” M. 2006.

V.V. Konovalenko, S.V. Konovalenko Educational and methodological. set. M. 2003

T.A. Tkachenko “If a preschooler speaks poorly” S.-Pb. 1998

–  –  –

The goal of this Program is to build a system of correctional and developmental work in senior and preparatory speech therapy groups, providing for full interaction between all specialists of the educational institution and parents of preschool children. The proposed complexity of pedagogical influence is aimed at leveling the speech and psychophysical development of children with phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech (FFN) and general underdevelopment of speech (GSD). In addition to this main goal, the program solves general developmental tasks of cognitive development, the formation of artistic, creative and musical skills, strengthening physical health, teaching life safety, moral and labor education of children.

The Program is based on the idea of ​​creating optimal conditions for the correction of deviations in speech development and the comprehensive harmonious development of children of senior preschool age, conditions that will help children use all compensatory capabilities and realize the potential inherent in them by nature. This is achieved through modification of general education programs and the entire complex of correctional and developmental work in speech therapy groups, taking into account the characteristics of the psychophysical development of children of this contingent, as well as the implementation of general educational tasks of preschool education with the inclusion of synchronous alignment of the speech and mental development of children.

The consistency and complexity of educational work, the specificity and accessibility of correctional and developmental material are implemented in the Program thanks to a system of repeating acquired skills, relying on existing knowledge and skills, which ultimately ensures development in accordance with age standards.

The principle of accessibility is reflected in taking into account the age characteristics of children of senior preschool age with phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment and general underdevelopment of speech, the state of their motor, speech, play skills, accessible forms of communication and motivation for activity.

The Program provides for the need to protect and strengthen the physical and mental health of children, ensuring the emotional well-being of each child. The volume of educational material is calculated in accordance with age-related physiological standards, which helps to avoid overwork and maladjustment.

The proposed system contains an optimal combination of individual and joint activities of children, a balanced alternation of specially organized classes and unregulated activities. Free time for children to play and relax is allocated both in the first and second halves of the day.

The fulfillment of the correctional, developmental and educational tasks of the Program is ensured thanks to an integrated approach to the correction of speech pathology and the close relationship of pedagogical and medical specialists.

An integrated approach ensures a higher rate of dynamics of the general and speech development of children. The implementation of the principle of complexity involves the interaction in the work of a speech therapist, a teacher-psychologist, a music director, a physical education instructor, educators, and medical workers of an educational institution.

The basis for complex thematic (prospective) and calendar planning of correctional work in senior and preparatory speech therapy groups in accordance with the requirements of the Program is the thematic approach. It allows you to organize communicative situations in which the teacher manages the cognitive and speech development of children.

The thematic approach provides a concentrated study of the material, repeated repetition of speech material every day, which is very important both for the perception of speech and for its actualization. Concentrated study of the topic contributes to the successful accumulation of speech means and their active use by children for communicative purposes; it is fully consistent with the solution of both general tasks of the comprehensive development of children and special correctional ones.

Concentrated study of the material also serves as a means of establishing closer connections between specialists, since all specialists work within the same lexical topic.

Language means are selected taking into account the stage of correctional education, the individual, speech and mental capabilities of children. At the same time, the zones of the child’s current and immediate development are taken into account, which ensures his intellectual development.

Thus, the content of correctional work provides:

Identification of the special educational needs of children with disabilities caused by deficiencies in their speech development;

Implementation of individually oriented psychological and medical-pedagogical assistance to children with speech disorders, taking into account the characteristics of psychophysical development and individual capabilities of children;

The possibility of children with speech impairments mastering the Program and their integration in an educational institution.

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Psychological, medical and pedagogical support is a system of professional activities of specialists aimed at creating socio-psychological conditions for the successful treatment, development and correction of physical and mental problems of each child, regardless of the level of his abilities and life experience, in a specific social environment. Building an effective support system will allow solving the problems of this category of children within the educational environment of the institution, avoiding unreasonable redirection of the child’s problem to external services, and reducing the number of children sent to special educational institutions of compensatory direction.

The main goal of medical and pedagogical support should be considered the coordination of the activities of all subjects of education to create conditions for the full mental and personal development of children.

Currently, in speech therapy practice there are children with secondary mental retardation, minimal brain dysfunction (attention instability and hyperactivity syndrome), children with bilingualism. Cognitive correction, or in fact mechanical training of cognitive processes, has ceased to have a lasting effect in such children. In addition, staffing speech therapy groups mixed for speech defects (FFN and ONR in one group), as well as exceeding the number of children in them, introduces additional difficulties in organizing correctional work. Due to the complexity and versatility of the problem, it must be considered according to the principle of complexity, as medical, psychological, social, pedagogical, and systematic - taking into account the interdependence and conditionality of the entire mental sphere and all forms of activity.

Organization of work with children with speech impairment requires emphasis on some significant factors that largely determine the effectiveness of psychological, medical and pedagogical support.

We can highlight several main factors:

The need for additional efforts to adapt the child to the new team;

Clear interaction between all specialists of the institution at all stages of support, taking into account the recommendations of doctors and psychologists;

Development of individual development routes for each child;

An adequate (corresponding to the individual and psychophysiological capabilities of the child) combination of therapeutic, educational and correctional activities;

Inclusion of parents in the activities of the institution as accomplices in the correctional process;

Supporting a favorable psychological climate in the institution.

The main directions of organizational and methodological support for educational and correctional work with children with speech disorders are as follows:

development and clarification of an individual educational and correctional route for each child (includes determining the necessary areas of correction and standardizing the frequency of individual lessons for each specialist);

Development, clarification, taking into account dynamic survey data, and implementation of support schemes and programs; -hygienic regulation of loads;

Ensuring continuity and consistency of work with the child.

Teacher - speech therapist: speech therapy diagnostics, correction and development of speech, development of recommendations for other specialists on the use of speech therapy techniques in working with a child; pedagogical diagnostics, development and clarification of individual educational routes, provision of individual, subgroup and frontal (group) classes with children on speech correction.

psychological diagnostics, psychological

Teacher - psychologist:

consulting, developing and issuing recommendations to other specialists on organizing work with a child, taking into account psychodiagnostic data, conducting training and psychocorrectional forms of work;

Educator: determination of the level of development of various types of activities of the child, characteristics of communicative activity and culture, level of formation of purposeful activities, self-care skills according to the age stage, implementation of the recommendations of the teacher, psychologist, speech therapist, doctor (organization of a regime of developmental and correctional games);

Musical director: implementation of music education programs, additional education programs with elements of music, theater, creative therapy, taking into account the recommendations of a speech therapist, educational psychologist, doctor (including a child psychiatrist) and the mandatory presentation of children's creative products as projective material for psychological analysis ;

Physical education instructor: implementation of programs used to correct movement disorders, orientation in macro- and microspace.

Selection of individual exercises for classes with children who have somatic weakness, delayed development of locomotor functions, lag in the development of the motor sphere, decreased dexterity and speed of exercises, taking into account the recommendations of a speech therapist teacher, educational psychologist, child psychiatrist.

Pediatrician: organizing medical diagnostics and conducting individual diagnostic elements. Combining into one individual, balanced program of medical support the received diagnostic data and recommendations of other doctors (cardiologist, gastroenterologist, orthopedist, ophthalmologist, child psychiatrist, neurologist, otolaryngologist). Organization and control of anthropometry, clarification of medication, physiotherapy and phytotherapeutic treatment regimens, physical therapy and massage with dynamic control. Control over the organization of children's nutrition, development of medical recommendations for other specialists.

Nurse: ensuring daily sanitary and hygienic regime, daily monitoring of the mental and somatic state of pupils, conducting phyto- and physiotherapeutic procedures, individual recommendations from doctors. Drawing up a menu taking into account the recommendations of doctors, monitoring and analyzing the fulfillment of natural product standards. Control over the quality of incoming products.

Senior educator: long-term planning of support activities, coordination of activities and interaction of specialists, control over the organization of the work of specialists in correctional speech therapy groups, analysis of the effectiveness of the activities of specialists, organization of a medical, psychological and pedagogical consultation.

The main directions of work with a child who has individual characteristics in physical and mental development, which prevent the assimilation of general education and correctional programs in full, are determined by all specialists at a psychological and pedagogical council.

All specialists in preschool departments are required to provide thematic consultations to group teachers and parents of children in need of psychological and medical-pedagogical support. The topics of consultation have a wide range, depending on the severity of the defect, individual characteristics, and the social and living conditions of the child.

As a result of speech therapy work, children should learn:

Understand spoken speech in accordance with the parameters of the age norm;

Formulate the sound side of speech phonetically;

Correctly convey the syllabic structure of words used in independent speech;

Use simple common and complex sentences in independent speech; have the skills to combine them into a story;

Possess dialogic speech skills;

Possess word formation skills: produce names of nouns from verbs, adjectives from nouns and verbs, diminutive and augmentative forms of nouns, etc.;

Formulate independent speech grammatically correctly in accordance with the norms of the language. Case and generic endings of words must be pronounced clearly;

simple and almost all complex sentences must be used adequately;

Use words of various lexical and grammatical categories (nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, pronouns, etc.) in spontaneous communication.

Possess the elements of literacy: the skills of reading and typing some letters, syllables, words and short sentences within the program.

Content and implementation plan for individually oriented correctional measures Mastery of the native language, highlighted in the Program, is one of the main elements of personality formation and is closely related to mental, moral, and aesthetic development. A delay in the development of speech can lead to a delay in the development of mental functions, and, above all, thinking. The Program specifies the following main directions, tasks and content of correctional and developmental work in senior and preparatory speech therapy groups for children with general speech underdevelopment. The speech correction process involves three periods, each of which has its own duration and differs in tasks, content and volume of acquired material. These stages are at the same time interconnected and interdependent: the content of training at each of the previous stages prepares children for the passage of new, more complex material.

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Monitoring the dynamics of children's development, their success in mastering the basic general education program of preschool education Survey of the general development of children by program sections

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The examination of children according to the sections of the Program is carried out by teachers, a music worker, and a physical education instructor at the beginning of the school year in parallel with the speech examination and ends by September 15.

The main objective of the survey is to identify the compliance of the level of knowledge and skills of children with the requirements of the program for a given age group. The examination is carried out frontally.

When preparing and conducting the survey, you must:

1. Think in advance and prepare visual material for each child.

2. Give the task to all children at once in a form that is understandable to them.

3. Identify the difficulties children have and obtain objective data on this matter. (There is no need to train the subjects! This is a task for the near future.)

4. Draw up an examination protocol; it is filled out at the time of the examination: a plus sign indicates correctly completed tasks, a minus sign indicates incorrect ones.

5. After the examination, draw a conclusion about the state of the skills and abilities of each child.

Methodological techniques for examining children of the sixth year of life.

I. Examination of elementary mathematical concepts.

Equipment: children have different amounts of different types of counting material.

For example, Lena has 3 Christmas trees, 4 mushrooms, 5 sticks; Sasha has 3 sticks, 4 Christmas trees, 5 mushrooms, etc.

Exercise. Count how many sticks you have? mushrooms? Christmas trees?

2) The ability to compare two groups of objects, the number of which is expressed by adjacent numbers.

Equipment: children have two groups of objects in different quantities. For example, Lena has 2 mushrooms, 3 carrots; Sasha has 2 carrots, 3 mushrooms, etc.

Task 1. Count how many carrots you have in total? How many mushrooms? What more?

Less of what?

Task 2. Make sure there are equal numbers of carrots and mushrooms.

3) The ability to take the required number of objects a) according to the sample; b) according to a given number.

Equipment: children have an arbitrary number of sticks.

Task 1. Take as many sticks as I took.

Task 2. Take 2 sticks, 3, 4, 5 sticks.

4) The concept of the size of an object.

a) Big - small.

Equipment: children have two objects of the same type, but different in size, for example, a large and a small cube.

Exercise. You have two cubes: one is large, the other is small. Show me a big cube, and now a small one. b) Narrow - wide.

Equipment: children have two strips of paper - wide and narrow.

Exercise. You have two strips of paper. One is wide, the other is narrow. Show a narrow strip; now wide. c) Thick - thin.

Equipment: children have thick and thin sticks.

Exercise. You have thick and thin sticks. Show me the thick stick, and now the thin one. d) High - low.

Equipment: children have pictures depicting a tree and a bush.

Exercise. Look at the pictures and think about what we say low and what high? d) Long - short.

Equipment: children have two strips - long and short.

Exercise. You have stripes. One is long, the other is short. Show the short strip, and now the long one.

5) Distinguishing geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle).

Equipment: children have four named geometric shapes: circle, triangle, rectangle, square.

Exercise. Show a circle, a triangle, a rectangle, a square.

6) Ability to navigate in space (forward - backward, right - left, up and down).

Organization. Children leave the tables and line up.

Exercise. Hands up, hands back, turn right, left. Look up, down.

(Note: the teacher does not make any movements, only gives a command).

II. Visual activity.

1) Possession of technical drawing skills.

The ability to hold a pencil, draw vertical and horizontal lines, draw a circle, an oval.

Equipment: children have pencils and blank sheets of paper.

Exercise. Draw a fence. And now the ladder. Ball. Cucumber. (If the children cannot cope with the proposed buildings, you can show a sample.)

2) Modeling. Ability to roll a ball, sausage, connect parts.

Equipment: children each have two pieces of plasticine.

Exercise. Roll into a ball or sausage. Make a bagel from the sausage. (If there are difficulties, offer a sample.)

3) Possession of technical appliqué skills.

a) Ability to hold scissors correctly.

b) Ability to cut strips lengthwise and crosswise.

Equipment: scissors, lined strips of paper.

Exercise. Take the scissors correctly. Cut the wide strip into two narrow strips along the drawn line.

c) The ability to place a pattern of ready-made shapes on a square.

Equipment: square sheet of paper. Colored mugs: 1 red large, 4 blue small. (The teacher shows a sample of the rug. In the middle of the square there is a large red circle, on the side, top, bottom there are small blue circles.) Assignment. Review the sample. Make the same rug.

4) Examination of knowledge of primary colors.

Equipment: children have butterflies cut out of colored paper in 5 - 6 colors.

Exercise. In summer, children caught colorful butterflies. We caught a lot of butterflies. They caught red, blue, yellow (etc.). Show a red butterfly, blue, yellow, etc.

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1) Construction from cubes.

Equipment: cubes of different sizes.

Exercise. Build a gate, a tower, a house, a car. (The work is done by children without a sample.)

2) Putting together a whole from parts.

Equipment: children have object pictures cut into 2, 3, 4 parts.

Exercise. Find parts of the picture. (The teacher demonstrates a whole sample, for example, a pear).

IV. Fine motor skills.

Equipment: beads, fishing line, mosaic - carnations.

Task 1. String beads on a fishing line.

Task 2. Lay out the red and blue carpets.

V. Basic movements.

The examination is carried out at the site or in the gym together with a physical education instructor.

1) Jumping. Jumping on two legs, on one leg, on two legs moving forward. Jumping over an object. 2) Throwing.

a) Throw the ball up and catch it. Hit the ground and catch.

b) Throwing the ball to each other.

c) Rolling the ball into the goal. Hitting the target.

3) Lasagne. Climb onto a gymnastics wall and descend from it. Move from one flight of stairs to another.

4) Balance. Walking on a board straight, sideways, or on an inclined board. Stand on one leg.

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(The examination is carried out while washing, undressing, dressing, while eating)

1) Be able to unfasten and fasten buttons and lace shoes.

2) Ability to wash hands and use a towel.

3) Ability to use cutlery.

4) The skill is there.

5) Ability to use a napkin.

VII. Household work.

1) Ability to set the table.

2) The ability to clean your bed and toys.

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(The examination is carried out in the process of observing children’s play activities during the day)

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BULLETIN OF BURYAT STATE UNIVERSITY 2/2014 UDC 340.114.3 © A.V. Amagyrov ON THE QUESTION OF THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE CONCEPTS “LEGAL PROTECTION” AND “LEGAL PROTECTION” In the article the author is Orthodoxy and modernity. Digital library. Evgeniy Trubetskoy SPECULATION IN COLOR Sketches of Russian icon painting Contents Nine lives of a cat. Myths and Legends: Tsentrpoligraf; M.:; 2008 ISBN 978-5-9524-3357-1 Abstract Of all domestic animals...” university The role of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Great Patriotic War was hushed up for a long time due to ideological reasons. Documents disclosed by...” legislation of the Russian Federation for the implementation of insurance activities, valid by...” by the copyright holder http...” 2008. P. 168-180. A.V. Shashkova Ministries and departments of Spain Sources of legal regulation of the activities of the Spanish administration. The main sources..."

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Elena Vashchenko
Workshop “Psychological and pedagogical support for positive socialization and individualization of preschool children”

November 30, 2016 based in kindergarten "Teremok" passed seminar-workshop for teachers of the Kupinsky district on the topic “Psychological and pedagogical support for positive socialization and individualization of preschool children.”

On seminar the work on psychologically- pedagogical support for children with the integration of the efforts of all preschool specialists in the compensatory group for children with disabilities, since children of this category, like no other, need special methods and techniques psychologically- pedagogical support.

Opened seminar Head of the preschool educational institution Stepina Irina Rodionovna. She spoke about the conditions created in the kindergarten for psychological and pedagogical support for positive socialization and individualization of preschool children.

According to her, the likely prognosis for the development of children is expected to be favorable if special educational conditions are created in the educational organization. Provisioning process socialization carried out through different forms and methods of organizing children's activities, such How:

Organization of the developing subject-spatial environment of preschool educational institutions;

Implementation of joint children and adults projects;

Organization of gaming activities with preschoolers;

Implementation of work programs for teachers;

Implementation support for children's initiative;

Work programs for organizing club activities aimed at developing creative self-expression and developing talent preschoolers, research activities, health conservation.

Positive Socialization impossible without organizing constructive network interaction with social partners. In kindergarten it is realized through interaction with socially– cultural institutions of the city, within which children visit the library, house of culture, city museum, meet people of different professions, the sights of the city, participate in competitions, events, and festivals.

In addition to the conditions that she listed above, to provide psychological and pedagogical support for successful socialization and individualization correctional and developmental work is built in the preschool educational institution based on the identified resource capabilities of the child; support was organized by the preschool educational institution consultation in the preparation of individual routes; the educational process is organized taking into account psychophysical characteristics; preschool educational institutions use special pedagogical methods for teaching and raising children with disabilities; speech therapy and psychological support for children; Preschool teachers work to develop the deficit functions of each child.

Then senior teacher Elena Gennadievna Vashchenko presented the model during the interaction of preschool education specialists. She said that the kindergarten has a clear system psychologically- pedagogical support. Each kindergarten specialist works according to his own work programs, compiled on the basis of the kindergarten’s general educational program and the working adapted correctional and developmental program. These work programs reflect the unity of goals for the upbringing and education of children preschool age.

Model psychological and pedagogical support for preschoolers is considered as a means of involving children in active activities, overcoming existing disorders in speech, physical, mental, including personal development.

At the center of the model is the child and he acts as a subject along with other accompanying subjects. First of all, straight to him psychological and pedagogical support are provided by four subjects - the family, the teacher, the speech therapist and psychologist, then them assistants: Physical education instructor, music director, fine arts teacher and preschool medical worker. All of them are connected not only with the child, but also with each other and act in conjunction with a single goal - education socially-adapted personality, ready for further education at school.

Separately, but in close relationship with the subjects of the educational process is the Territorial psychologically-medical and pedagogical commission. She provides consulting assistance, makes recommendations and establishes the status of students.

A close relationship between preschool specialists is possible subject to joint planning of work, with a correct and clear distribution of tasks for each participant in the correctional and educational process, with continuity in work and compliance with the unity of requirements for children.

The teacher of the compensating group, Natalya Gennadievna Dorkina, spoke about the possibilities of different types of activities and forms of work in positive socialization and individualization of preschool children.

She noted that a subject-development environment is necessary for the full development of a child. And teachers visually moved to the compensatory group for children with special needs development "Funny boys". Teachers got acquainted with the content and functions of the following microzones:

Correction corner "GOVORUSH";

Microzone for studying traffic rules;

Art Corner;

Microzone "Nature is our home";

-Corners: art reading, hostess, shop, construction, hairdresser, zone "Color therapy".

She noted that in order to create the opportunity for children to have a comfortable stay, to build an educational process in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, they created a project “Developing subject-specific spatial environment in a correctional group”. The project is long-term and includes a number of mini-projects, the topics of which correspond to the lexical ones reflected in the correctional work program. To ensure that children do not lose interest in activities, the occupancy of microzones changes in accordance with the mini-project being implemented for a given period of time.

She noted that the group environment creates conditions for full-fledged social development of children, provides the child with the opportunity to express social motivation, through different types of activities, the ability to independently choose a style of behavior and self-expression that is appropriate to the situation, individual comfort, improves personal relationships with others, gives the child the opportunity to show his individuality.

Natalya Gennadievna said that with all the most wonderful conditions created in the kindergarten, preschool education only complements the upbringing a child receives in the family. After all, the main educators of children are parents, and we are just their assistants.

Group motto: “Living with children is living with children”.

Interacting with parents, teachers hold joint evenings, leisure activities, and meetings on Sundays. Parents actively take part in mini-project exhibitions.

The teacher said that when implementing network interaction technology, support for social and individual children’s skills, they go on excursions, spend joint leisure time with other educational institutions, and receive guests from kindergartens "Golden Key" And "Sun", veterans, Hieromonk Melchizedek, culinary workers with master classes, traffic police officers, etc.

She especially noted that their children, going into big life, have a positive attitude towards the world, other people and themselves, actively interact with peers and adults, and can follow social norms of behavior and rules in relationships with adults and peers.

Further, about the role of kindergarten specialists in positive socialization and individualization of preschoolers were told by an educational psychologist Polishchuk Galina Leonidovna and teacher-speech therapist Slizhevskaya Svetlana Aleksandrovna.

Teacher the psychologist told that the purpose of her work at the preschool educational institution is to provide comprehensive psychologically- pedagogical assistance to children preschool age. She provides it through psychological diagnostics, correctional and developmental work and consulting activities.

At the diagnostic stage she studies:

behavior during the examination;

features of the motor sphere;

a stock of general information about the world around us;

development of drawing skills;

features of the emotional-volitional sphere;

prevailing mood;

cognitive sphere: memory; attention; thinking; perception; imagination.

Having identified problems in children, she develops individual psychological routes- pedagogical support, in accordance with which he carries out correctional and developmental work.

He uses a variety of methods and techniques. We:

role-playing, communication games;

psycho-gymnastic, finger games;

tasks, exercises aimed at developing cognitive, emotional and volitional spheres;

relaxation techniques;

fairytale therapy.

She provides assistance to parents of pupils and pre-school specialists psychological and information assistance, through individual, group consultations, parent meetings, information stands.

The speech therapist teacher said that her main task is to eliminate speech defects and develop oral speech in children to a level at which they could successfully study at school, as well as help successful social adaptation of the child in society.

Svetlana Aleksandrovna especially noted that her work would not be so effective if she had not received assistance and support from all preschool specialists.

When organizing and conducting classes, specialists take into account psychologically-pedagogical characteristics of children with speech disorders, which they demonstrate when perceiving the material. Specialists conduct all classes in accordance with lexical topics, within the framework of which vocabulary is clarified and activated, coherent speech is improved, and children’s knowledge and ideas about the world around them expand. The activities of a teacher and a speech therapist are closely related. Individually The teacher works with those children whose names are indicated in the special “Notebooks of continuity in the work of a speech therapist and teacher”. It provides feedback and records children's progress. The results of the work are analyzed every Monday and then brought to the attention of parents and specialists.

It is very important that the teacher knows what sounds the speech therapist is working on with each of the children in the group, what sounds have already been introduced and introduced into speech, and the correction of what sounds is only at the preparation stage. To reflect the state of children's sound pronunciation, there is "Sound Pronunciation Profile". The speech therapist teacher said that she attends classes with specialists and is often in a group in order to observe children in free communication.

Teachers are doing a lot of work to involve parents in the correctional process through a system of homework and all kinds of recommendations. All specialists, including junior teachers and parents, monitor the phonetic and grammatical correctness of children’s speech in everyday life.

Svetlana Aleksandrovna said that, along with generally accepted methods of speech therapy in correctional and developmental work with children, she uses innovative nature-appropriate technologies aimed at increasing the functionality of the speech departments systems: for example, activation of speech motor skills using sand therapy, aquatherapy, working with cereals, stone therapy, etc.

She builds her work strictly on trust, uses a democratic style of communication in relationships, and treats negative moments with humor. In the classroom, he creates a situation of success, noting the slightest progress of the child in the process of developing correct speech, thereby stimulating his desire to move on, promoting his socialization.

Next, the teacher of the compensating group, Tatyana Gennadievna Ryazanova, with the interaction of specialists from the preschool educational institution, showed the children in her group a game quest using elements of fairy tale therapy "The Story of the Little Goats". The children, together with the teacher, enthusiastically searched for the lost kid, collecting clues from stage to stage, completing tasks from specialists playing roles: Fairy Muses (musical director, Queen of Flowers ( psychologist, Marya the mistress (art teacher, cheerful Grasshopper (physical physical education instructor). The children found the little goat from Aunt Owl (the speech therapist teacher, having completed her assignment, and then they all played together in a noise orchestra. At the end of the game quest, the children enthusiastically told the seventh little goat about the path they had taken to save him.

Further, specialists presented their experience in interacting with children from the compensating group. preschool educational institution: Koneva Anzhelina Anatolyevna, physical education instructor, Boyko Marina Gennadievna, teacher of fine arts activities and Chemerskaya Elena Aleksandrovna, music director.

Angelina Anatolyevna noted that children with general speech underdevelopment are special. When examined, various, usually not pronounced, movement disorders are revealed, which are characterized by changes in muscle tone, imbalance, movement coordination, and decreased skin and muscle sensitivity. Severe, to varying degrees, general motor impairment is also noted, as well as deviations in the development of finger movements, since finger movements are closely related to speech function.

To eliminate these violations in her physical education classes, she constantly monitors the physical condition of the children, since they belong to the 2nd health group. At the same time, he selects special sets of exercises that will not harm the child’s health in accordance with the medical certificate, in which the attending physician indicates exactly what the child should not do (somersault, bend over, jump, etc.)

The subject of her special attention is work on posture, and also in children of this category the tone is changed, therefore it includes exercises for active relaxation and muscle tension. Works with children on breathing development,

teaches them to relax and restore the body after physical activity and emotional excitement.

Rhythm and outdoor games are of particular importance in the correction of children. They are combined with ongoing speech therapy work and are a stimulating additional correctional tool that promotes psychomotor and speech correction.

Angelina Anatolyevna especially noted that the work to achieve the set goals would not have a positive result without close interaction with parents, which she builds in triad: teacher - child - parents. To do this, it holds sporting events and competitions with children and their parents, invites parents and their children to the ski base on the weekend, advises parents, and conducts surveys to identify problems.

By the end of the year of study, children experience improvement in memory and thought processes, children begin to notice errors when performing individual exercises, are capable of basic analysis, more accurately assess the spatial arrangement of body parts and objects, and master the rhythm of movement.

Marina Gennadievna noted that success in developing the creative abilities of children who are speech pathologists can only be achieved through close contact with a speech therapist and teachers. Her work program in the correctional group is built in unity with lexical topics with the correctional program of the compensating group.

She carries out her correctional work with children with general speech underdevelopment in two ways: directions: correction of children’s speech and development of fine motor skills.

To develop fine motor skills in her hands, she uses unconventional techniques in her work. For example, children draw not only with a brush and pencils, but also with their fingers, palms, cotton swabs, discs, toothbrush, comb, candle, blots, salt, semolina, tea leaves, toothpaste, glue, soap bubbles. In modeling she uses plasticineography, testoplasty and a combination of plasticine with various natural materials.

Believes that applique has a particularly positive effect on the development of fine motor skills of the hands (from napkins, cut applique, etc.).

Uses such methods and techniques as drawing with stencils, shading, finishing drawings (based on the principle of symmetry, labyrinths, educational games, which: stimulate the development of fine motor skills; introduce the child to such concepts as shape, color, size; help develop spatial perception; develop imagination, memory, thinking and attention; help develop vocabulary and activate speech functions.

In conclusion, Marina Gennadievna noted that non-traditional techniques of drawing, sculpting and appliqué develop imagination, self-confidence, observation, improvisation, and fine motor skills. Non-standard approaches to organizing artistic activities surprise and delight children, thereby arousing the desire to engage in such an interesting activity and contribute to positive socialization and individualization.

The music director noted in her speech that speech, music and movement are closely interconnected, complementing each other. Thanks to these three components, the child’s muscular system is actively strengthened and his vocal abilities are developed. The coherence of these three components helps to develop children's emotions, which, in turn, have a positive effect on the development of children's facial expressions, positive socialization of children.

She said that in correctional work with children suffering from various speech defects, a positive role is played by joint classes of a speech therapist and a music director, which represent a combination of the system of movements, musical background and vocabulary content, and that they, together with the speech therapist, make uniform requirements for conducting classes with kids.

The speech therapist teacher is directly involved in the preparation and conduct of themed entertainment, holidays, and open classes.

Together they make cards for speech games, and she chooses the music for the words herself.

In music classes applies:

Speech games,

Logorhythmic exercises,

Finger games,

Musical and rhythmic movements with singing,

Musical and didactic games,

Conducts vocal and choral work.

Working together with a physical education instructor, they develop exercises for exercises, and Elena Alexandrovna, in turn, selects music for the exercises and accompanies them during them.

In his free time from classes, the teacher-speech therapist systematically attends music classes and monitors the growth in speech and musical development of children.

The teacher noted that teachers play a big role in music classes. When they bring their children to class, they listen to music together, perform logorhythmic exercises, lead round dances with the children, and help them learn dances. The group consolidates everything covered in the lesson. Consult parents on musical education.

At the end of the speech, Elena Aleksandrovna noted that as a result of the work carried out, children develop not only musical abilities, but also speech development, children become liberated, their individual characteristics what contributes to them socialization.

At the end seminar senior teacher Elena Gennadievna Vashchenko summed up the results and spoke about the results psychological and pedagogical support children at the completion stage preschool education and schooling.

She noted that by the time they graduate to school, children in the general education group are able to obey different rules, are capable of volitional efforts, and can follow social standards of behavior in relationships with adults and peers, know how to follow the rules of safe behavior and personal hygiene.

Graduates of the compensatory group successfully cope with the development of correctional, developmental and general education programs. In 86% of children, sound pronunciation reached the age norm; in 14% of children, sound pronunciation and coherent speech skills significantly improved. Children's stories correspond to the situation, with adequate use of lexical means. The children's vocabulary has been significantly enriched. All this will help children successfully adapt to society, including the conditions of school education.

Elena Gennadievna, together with the lyceum’s teacher Anastasia Anatolyevna Tolstykh, analyzed the quality of academic performance of kindergarten graduates studying at MBOU Lyceum No. 2 as of May 2016. She noted that the children's achievement rate is 100 percent, and the lowest achievement rate is 70 percent. She also noted that there has been a downward trend in the quality of student performance. Lyceum teachers explain this fact by the fact that with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of general education, the educational program has become an order of magnitude more complicated and kindergarten teachers should pay attention to this fact and develop in children the ability to make volitional efforts to master the school curriculum, relying on their knowledge and skills in various types of activities. Every child individual and not all students can still fulfill these requirements, but still the quality of academic performance does not fall below 70%. Therefore, we can conclude that psychological and pedagogical support for positive socialization and individualization a child in kindergarten can be assessed as satisfactory, kindergarten graduates successfully study at school.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, the development of a preschool child in the educational process must be ensured by a holistic process of socialization-individualization. Along with other areas of child development: cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic, the standard highlights the direction of social and communicative development. The standard puts forward a number of requirements for the social and individual development of children. These requirements include: the assimilation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and moral values; development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers; development of independence, focus and self-regulation of one’s own actions; the formation of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy; readiness for joint activities with peers; respectful attitude and sense of belonging to one’s family, community of children and adults in the Organization; the formation of positive attitudes towards different types of work and creativity; safe behavior in society, nature, and everyday life.

Domestic scientists A. S. Belkin, V. V. Davydov, D. I. Feldshtein, D. B. Elkonin and others believe that every child goes through a long journey in his individual development precisely during preschool childhood. Preschool age, like no other, is full of important achievements in the socialization of children. Socialization is an important condition for the development of a child and the formation of a person’s spiritual world. A child’s mastery of culture and universal human experience is impossible without interaction and communication with other people. Through communication, the development of consciousness and higher mental functions occurs. The child’s ability to communicate positively will allow him to live comfortably in the company of people in the future; To be successful, thanks to communication he not only gets to know another person (adult or peer), but also himself. This is significant, since the formation of a personality capable of organizing interpersonal interaction and solving communication problems ensures its successful adaptation in the modern sociocultural space.

In modern psychological and pedagogical science, the need is realized, on the one hand, for a person to master social norms that ensure the formation of significant social qualities, and on the other, for the formation of human individuality, preservation, manifestation of individual value, unique, inimitable in a person. At the same time, most researchers focus on studying the problem of the integrity of socialization-individualization “as a manifestation of the social and its implementation in the individual” (D.I. Feldshtein).

Psychological mechanisms and pedagogical conditions for the integrity of socialization-individualization are presented in the works of V.V. Abramenkova, E.B. Vesny, V.S. Mukhina, A.N. Khuziakhmetova and others. Researchers introduced the term “socialization-individualization” into science. The relationship between socialization and individualization of a growing person is revealed in the following aspects: the development of the self-image in preschoolers in communication with adults and peers (V.S. Mukhina, E.O. Smirnova, G.A. Uruntaeva, I.I. Chesnokova, D.B. Elkonin, etc.).

Psychological and pedagogical ensuring the integrity of socialization and individualization of preschool children in the educational process is one of the unsolved problems of modern preschool education. The result of socialization-individualization is expressed in the ability to demonstrate and realize individual abilities and opportunities in social activities, use them to solve social problems, and express one’s self in accordance with accepted moral norms and rules. The integrity of the development of the child’s socialization and individualization is ensured by the diverse connections between them, which should be taken into account by teachers in the educational process of a preschool educational organization. To organize the process of positive socialization and individualization of children, teachers need a high level of professional competence.

Personalization the activity of an adult (teacher) and the child himself to support and develop that individual, unique thing that is inherent in a person by nature and that he acquires through individual experience.

Teacher O.S. Gazman believes that individualization of the educational process implies:

Individually oriented assistance to children in the realization of primary basic needs, without which a sense of natural “self” and human dignity is impossible;

Creating conditions for the maximum realization of nature-given (hereditary) physical, intellectual, emotional abilities and capabilities specific to a given child;

Supporting the child in autonomous, spiritual self-development, in developing the ability to self-determination

Purpose of individualization: simultaneous preservation and further development of the child’s individuality, raising a person who would represent a unique personality. The formation of individuality requires that the teacher recognize the child’s right to “be himself.”

Socialization - from the Latin word socialis- social, which means the process of assimilation of a certain system of knowledge, norms and cultural values ​​that allow a preschooler to actively and competently participate in the life of society. The socialization of a child is a multifaceted phenomenon, occurring under the influence of various factors: heredity, the atmosphere in which the child is raised, the environment surrounding him, self-knowledge and self-development.

Purpose of socialization- establishing the foundations of a value-based attitude towards elements of social culture: tolerant - towards people of different nationalities, age and gender values, careful and respectful - towards one’s own ethnic values ​​and heritage of history, humane - towards people, nature, and the surrounding world. In the process of a child’s social life, the meaning of social development is realized - from self-esteem, self-perception, self-affirmation to self-awareness, social responsibility, the need for self-realization of one’s capabilities. Purposeful social development presupposes the child’s self-development, i.e. his personal development as the ability to self-esteem and self-control of his actions and actions;

A preschool educational organization as a socio-pedagogical system is part of the social institution of education and, being its initial stage, considers the problems of child development and resolves issues of early socialization of children. Social education is one of the areas of modern preschool education. At its core, the educational environment of a preschool educational organization is social. People directly surrounding a preschool child play a major role in his life. These are the child’s parents, teachers, peers. The kindergarten environment, filled with a wide variety of objects, things created by human hands and his plans, when properly organized by teachers, helps to activate children’s social cognition and ensures the revelation of the child’s individuality.

Problems that need to be solved at the stage of socialization of a preschooler: natural-cultural, socio-cultural, socio-psychological. (A.V. Mudrik identifies three groups):

Natural-cultural tasks are related to achieving a certain level of physical and gender development. A preschooler learns elements of etiquette behavior, forms of communication, has an idea of ​​his gender, shows feelings and emotions, and develops social and moral personality traits. In this regard, social development ensures the formation of general cultural, physical, gender foundations of the child’s personality, on the basis of which social and moral qualities are brought up: self-esteem, empathy, tolerance, self-esteem, respect for others, caring, justice, responsiveness, patriotism, citizenship .

Socio-cultural tasks determine the cognitive, moral, value-semantic aspects of a preschooler’s entry into society. DI. Feldstein wrote: “By the age of three, the child completes the first cycle of acquaintance with the human world, fixing his new social position, highlighting his “I”, and begins to more and more actively enter into relationships with other people - adults and peers. In the period from 3 to 6 years, having realized his “I” among others, the child strives to try to fit himself in with others, to actively influence the situation; he owns social experience, socially recorded actions, their social essence, which determines the development of his “socialization - individualization.” According to L.S. Vygotsky, the main thing in the education of a preschooler is the organization of his own experience. The child feels the need to understand the world around him. Cognitive aspects begin to manifest themselves through knowledge of the environment. The cognitive sphere is expanding - the world “around me”, family, relatives and friends, history and culture of the native land, the Fatherland, the world. The next form of organizing a child’s experience is “living” various situations. It includes not only the experience of analyzing reality, but also the experience of one’s attitude towards it. Gaming activities become more complex, role-playing games, with rules, didactic and dramatization games appear. If role-playing games and games with rules become basic for the development of cognitive actions, then didactic ones can be considered as a new stage for the development of artistic activity and the activation of cognitive interests. If in early preschool age the fulfillment of a number of rules of behavior serves as a means for the child to receive approval and praise from an adult, at an older age the fulfillment of the rules becomes conscious and stable - social experience is formed, motivation for activity, personal self-determination, stimulation and correction of actions appear.

Socio-psychological tasks are associated with the formation of consciousness of the child’s personality. In preschool age, self-awareness can be viewed as the achievement of a certain measure of self-knowledge and level of self-esteem. The basis of self-esteem is the ability to compare yourself with other people. Preschoolers develop the ability to build relationships with others on the basis of cooperation and mutual understanding, and voluntary behavior. This main psychological new formation of this age consists of the desire and ability to control one’s actions. The formation of voluntariness is one of the basic lines of a child’s development in preschool childhood, the basis for the formation of personality.

The specificity of preschool age is that the child develops socially under the influence of an adult who introduces the child into society. In collaboration with competent adults, as a member of society, he is included in the system of human relations with a dialogue of individuals and value systems. The development of patterns and norms of behavior and the search for correct life attitudes occurs in preschoolers in interaction with peers, teachers, and parents. Adults open up the future for children, act as mediators and accomplices in relation to children’s activities in order to help them gain their own experience.

Reflected the obligatory part and the part formed by the participants in educational relations.

Includesexplanatory note and planned results .

I. Explanatory note:

1. C The goal and objectives of the Program implementation, including the purpose and objectives of organizing the education and upbringing of children with disabilities, for example:

- Target : building a system of correctional and developmental work in speech therapy groups for children with severe speech impairments (general speech underdevelopment) aged 3 to 7 years, providing for full integration of the actions of all specialists of a preschool educational institution and parents of preschool children;

- Tasks : children’s mastery of independent, coherent, grammatically correct speech and communication skills, the phonetic system of the Russian language, elements of literacy, which forms psychological readiness for school and ensures continuity with the next level of general education

2. Principles and approaches to the formation of the Program, including in terms of organizing the education and upbringing of children with disabilities (select those principles that reflect, among other things, the features of the formation of an educational program for children with disabilities, taking into account the organization of preschool education for children with disabilities), for example:

- the principle of a humane and personal attitude towards a child with disabilities, which makes it possible to provide developmental education for preschoolers, the formation of the basic foundations of children’s personality culture, the comprehensive development of intellectual and volitional qualities, and makes it possible to form all mental processes in children;

- the principle of conformity to nature, by taking into account the common development of normally developing children and children with speech impairments and is based on the ontogenetic principle, taking into account the patterns of normal development of children's speech;

- the principle of individualization, taking into account the capabilities, developmental characteristics and needs of each child;

- the principle of recognizing each child as a full participant in the educational process;

- the principle of supporting children's initiative and developing the cognitive interests of each child;

- principles of integration of specialists’ efforts;

- the principle of specificity and accessibility of educational material, compliance of requirements, methods, techniques and conditions of education with the individual and age characteristics of children;

- the principle of systematicity and interconnection of educational material;

- the principle of gradual presentation of educational material;

- the principle of concentric build-up of information in each of the subsequent age groups in all five educational areas.

3. Characteristics significant for the development and implementation of the Program, including characteristics of the developmental characteristics of children of early and preschool age, as well as children with disabilities brought up in preschool educational institutions, taking into account their special educational needs, for example:

Present in the table the features of speech development of preschool children, which formed the basis for organizing the activities of speech therapy groups.


General speech underdevelopment (GSD) is considered as a systemic speech disorder

activities, complex speech disorders, in which children have impaired formation of all components of the speech system, relating to both the sound and semantic aspects, with normal hearing and intact intelligence (Levina R. E., Filicheva T. B., Chirkina G. V.) .

Speech impairment in OHP in preschool children can vary from complete absence of speech to extensive speech with pronounced manifestations of lexico-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment (Levina R. E.).

Currently, there are four levels of speech development, reflecting the state of all components of the language system in children with ODD (Filicheva T. B.).

At the first level of speech development The child’s speech means are limited, the active vocabulary is practically not formed and consists of sound imitations, sound complexes, and babbling words. Statements are accompanied by gestures and facial expressions. Characteristic is the polysemy of the words used, when the same babbling words are used to designate different objects, phenomena, and actions. It is possible to replace the names of objects with the names of actions and vice versa. In active speech, root words without inflections predominate. The passive vocabulary is wider than the active one, but also extremely limited. There is practically no understanding of the categories of number of nouns and verbs, tense, gender, and case. The pronunciation of sounds is diffuse. Phonemic development is in its infancy. The ability to perceive and reproduce the syllabic structure of a word is limited.

During the transition to the second level of speech development The child’s speech activity increases. Active vocabulary expands due to everyday subject and verbal vocabulary. It is possible to use pronouns, conjunctions and sometimes simple prepositions. The child’s independent statements already contain simple, uncommon sentences. At the same time, gross errors are noted in the use of grammatical constructions, there is no agreement between adjectives and nouns, there is a confusion of case forms, etc. The understanding of addressed speech is developing significantly, although the passive vocabulary is limited, the subject and verb dictionary associated with the work activities of adults has not been formed,

flora and fauna. There is a lack of knowledge not only of color shades, but also of the 9 primary colors. Severe violations of syllable structure and sound content are typical

words Children exhibit insufficiency in the phonetic aspect of speech (a large number of unformed sounds).

Third level of speech development characterized by the presence of extensive phrasal speech with elements of lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment. There are attempts to use even sentences of complex constructions. The child's vocabulary includes all parts of speech. In this case, inaccurate use of the lexical meanings of words may be observed. The first word formation skills appear. The child forms nouns and adjectives with diminutive suffixes, verbs of motion with prefixes. Difficulties are noted in forming adjectives from nouns.

Multiple agrammatisms are still noted. The child may use prepositions incorrectly and make mistakes in agreeing adjectives and numerals with nouns. Undifferentiated pronunciation of sounds is characteristic, and replacements may be unstable. Pronunciation deficiencies can be expressed in distortion, replacement or mixing of sounds. The pronunciation of words with a complex syllabic structure becomes more stable. A child can repeat three- and four-syllable words after an adult, but distorts them in the speech stream. Speech understanding is approaching normal, although there is insufficient understanding of the meanings of words expressed by prefixes and suffixes.

The fourth level of speech development (Filicheva T.B.) is characterized by minor violations of the components of the child’s language system. There is insufficient differentiation of sounds: [t-t'-s-s'-ts], [r-r'-l-l'-j], etc. Peculiar violations of the syllabic structure of words are characteristic, manifested in the child’s inability to retain the phonemic the image of a word when understanding its meaning. The consequence of this is a distortion of the sound content of words in various versions. Insufficient speech intelligibility and unclear diction leave the impression of “blurry”. All these are indicators of the ongoing process of phoneme formation. Errors in the use of suffixes (singularities, emotional connotations, diminutives, augmentatives) remain persistent. Difficulties in forming complex words are noted. In addition, the child experiences difficulties in planning a statement and selecting appropriate linguistic means, which determines the originality of his coherent speech. Complex sentences with different subordinate clauses present particular difficulty for this category of children.

Children with ODD have (compared to the age norm) features of the development of sensorimotor, higher mental functions, and mental activity


Total number of children – 15



Health group, conclusion of a speech therapist teacher

Motor alalia

Erased dysarthria

Other (ZPR,








Thus, children have severe speech impairment (general speech underdevelopment,IIorIIIlevels of speech development), motor alalia, erased dysarthria, mental retardation, attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity. None of the pupils has the first health group. Three children have poor posture and flat feet, two have allergic reactions, three children are often sick.

The obtained data on the health status of pupils determines the main priorities in the implementation of the educational program - correction of speech and non-speech disorders, physical development and health improvement of pupils.


Individual characteristics of children in the group


The group is dominated by hyperexcitable, emotionally labile children. Most children do not immediately make contact; communication skills are not developed. Most of the children in the group have secondary intellectual development delay.

II. Planned results:

- specify the requirements of the Standard for target guidelines in the mandatory part and the part formed by participants in educational relations, taking into account the age capabilities and individual differences (individual development trajectories) of children, as well as the developmental characteristics of children with disabilities.

As already noted, the main idea of ​​the Program is the implementation of general educational tasks of preschool education with the involvement of synchronous alignment of the speech and mental development of children with special needs. The results of the Program are presented in the form of targets. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, the targets for preschool education are determined regardless of the nature of the program, the forms of its implementation, and the characteristics of children’s development. Targets are not subject to direct assessment in the form of pedagogical and/or psychological diagnostics and cannot be compared with the actual achievements of children. The targets presented in the Federal State Educational Standard for Education are common to the entire educational space of the Russian Federation. The targets of this Program are based on the Federal State Educational Standard for Education and the objectives of this Program. Targets are given for children of senior preschool age

(at the stage of completion of preschool education).

The targets of preschool education (at the stage of completion of preschool education) in accordance with this Program include the following social normative characteristics of the child’s possible achievements:

- the child has a good command of oral speech, can express his thoughts and desires, takes initiative in communication, knows how to ask questions, make conclusions, knows and can retell fairy tales, recite poems, compose stories based on a series of plot pictures or a plot picture; he has developed elementary skills of sound-syllable analysis, which ensures the formation of the prerequisites for literacy;

- the child is inquisitive, inclined to observe and experiment;

- he has basic knowledge about himself, about the natural and social world;

- the child is capable of making his own decisions based on knowledge and skills in various types of activities;

- the child is proactive, independent in various types of activities, able to choose his own activities and partners for joint activities;

- the child is active, successfully interacts with peers and adults;

- the child has formed a positive attitude towards himself, others, and various types of activities;

- the child is able to adequately express his feelings, knows how to enjoy successes and empathize with the failures of others, is able to negotiate, tries to resolve conflicts;

- the child has self-esteem and self-confidence;

- the child has a developed imagination, which he realizes in various types of activities;

- the child knows how to obey rules and social norms, is capable of volitional efforts;

- the child has developed gross and fine motor skills, he is mobile and resilient, masters basic movements, can control his movements, knows how to control them;

The Program's targets serve as the basis for the continuity of preschool and primary general education.

Dombrovskaya Tatyana Vladimirovna

teacher of the highest category

MBDOU DS No. 353, Chelyabinsk


The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education defines the basic educational program as a program of psychological and pedagogical support for positive socialization and individualization, and personality development of preschool children.

I conduct special work in our kindergarten in the educational field of “social and communicative development.” I consider the basis of my work to be the organization of social interaction, which is the source of a child’s development.

The problem of individuality, the uniqueness of a person’s psychological appearance is one of the central ones in the organization of pedagogical activities in our kindergarten. I believe that to solve this problem, it is not enough to know and build your work only on the basis of knowledge about the essence of the child (his age characteristics, mental processes, speech, physical capabilities), but it is also necessary to take into account his existence, i.e. specific individual manifestations.

Even before a child comes to my group, I must have specific information about him from his parents: I offer a series of questionnaires, by filling out which, parents objectively describe all the manifestations and characteristics of the child, with special attention to interests, habits, and temperament.

The decrease in the number of children in the family and the growth of one-child families means the impoverishment of the child’s social and communicative ties. In such a family, the child does not have brothers and sisters, and therefore no play partners, thanks to whom models of various relationships and social roles are mastered.

My task: when organizing the life of a group, to assemble micro-groups of children for any activity so that the mutual influence of children on each other is most effective. For example, Nikita knows how to design a ship and can teach Vladik how to do this - for Vladik the benefits are obvious, but for Nikita? Nikita is a phlegmatic person, and Vladik is a choleric person, and the benefit for Nikita will be that Vladik’s temperament forces Nikita to work at an accelerated pace, which will have a positive effect on Nikita’s education at school. In addition, the very moment of teaching one child to another is very important.

Nature has awarded all living things with an invaluable gift - the gift of imitation. And it is imitation that underlies a child’s development. Pedagogy and psychology pass by this unique phenomenon with amazing ease. Imitation is a law of nature. And like any law, it cannot be abolished, it can only be learned and used for the benefit of a growing child.

It is very important who the child imitates. For a child, a more significant role model is another child - most often a leader. My task is to identify and use the influence of a positive leader - most often it turns out to be a more active child, more intelligent, more skillful, etc. My motto: “The art of raising a child is the art of creating role models.”

In my teaching activities I adhere to the following principles:

1. Do not limit freedom of behavior, but change the environment surrounding the child so that it ensures his development to the maximum extent based on the free expression of activity. It is not to remake the child to suit the environment based on prohibitions, but to remake the environment in accordance with the need to ensure full development.

2. The rights and freedoms of one person (a child) should not infringe on the rights and freedoms of other people. Perhaps this is one condition under which personal freedom can be limited.

3. Try to explain, not prohibit. Prohibitive pedagogy is inherently ineffective, because We strive to correct not the original source, but the consequence. A child’s desires do not arise out of nothing - he learns them from adults, from the social relationships that exist in reality.

The most pressing problem at present is the problem of socialization.

In social interaction there must be a conflict (moral and mental tension) and options for its resolution. I offer any moral category (good and evil, greed - generosity, courage - cowardice, etc.) to children not as a declarative theoretical sermon-explanation, but I create a problematic or conflict situation in which every child must take part. For example, “greed-generosity” - I offer children an apple cut into unequal slices for a treat, but one slice is missing - what will the children do? In addition, a work is read that raises the same problem, for example, “Two Greedy Little Bears,” and then the children’s understanding and analysis of the work takes place at a deeper problem-personal level.

Enveloping a child in a system of social and moral connections is one side of education, and the other is teaching them to make their own choices based on moral principles or standards of life. This is what my method of moral development is designed for. Since it is addressed specifically to each child and is aimed at the social development of the individual, it is by its nature child-oriented.


  1. Federal state educational standard for preschool education. [Electronic resource] /