Development of coherent speech through theatrical play activities. Consultation “Development of coherent speech in children through theatrical activities

behind last years There has been an increase in the number of children with impaired coherent speech.

And clear and correct speech is the key to productive communication, confidence, and success. Speech, in all its diversity, is necessary component communication, during which it is formed. The most important prerequisite for improvement speech activity is to create an emotionally prosperous situation in which even the most uncommunicative and constrained children enter into verbal communication and open up

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“Speech development of preschool children through theatrical activities” (from work experience)”

“Speech development of preschool children

through theatrical activities"

(from work experience)

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 1 of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities on social development children


Chistyakova Irina Evgenevna


first qualification category

Education: Higher

Labor and teaching experience - 4 years


Currently, children's gaming activities are increasingly being replaced by computers and television, and this trend is increasing every year.

As a result, in recent years, there has been an increase in the number of children with impaired coherent speech. And clear and correct speech is the key to productive communication, confidence, and success.

Speech, in all its diversity, is a necessary component of communication, during which it is formed.

The most important prerequisite for improving speech activity is the creation of an emotionally prosperous situation in which even the most uncommunicative and constrained children enter into verbal communication and open up, thus, this topic is increasingly significant and relevant for its study.

Target: creating conditions for the development of coherent speech in preschool children through theatrical activities

Speech development of preschoolers through theatrical

activities will be more effective if:

1) use special tasks and exercises to develop expressive speech in an organized educational activities;

2) take into account age and individual characteristics of perception of funds theatrical activities preschoolers.

3) involve parents in joint theatrical activities.


  • raising a creative, uninhibited, emotional, sociable child who controls his body and words, a hearing and understanding partner in interaction;
  • improvement grammatical structure the child's speech sound culture, monologue, dialogic forms of speech, effective communication and verbal expressiveness;
  • improving the playing skills and creative independence of children through the production of musical and theatrical fairy tales, puppet shows, dramatization games, acting training exercises;
  • activation of the thought process and cognitive interest in children.

Forms of work aimed at speech development

  • Reading and joint analysis of fairy tales
  • Playing excerpts from fairy tales
  • Listening to fairy tales and poems
  • Compiling fairy tales using mnemonic tables and diagrams
  • Director's play
  • Verbal, board and outdoor games
  • Etudes and exercises
  • Round dance games, music therapy
  • Breathing and articulation gymnastics
  • Finger games with speaking
  • Learning pure tongues

Work on speech development in theatrical activities

  • Watching performances and talking about them
  • Watching video material
  • Dramatization Games
  • Acting out a variety of songs and poems
  • Exercises to develop facial expressions, pantomime, and motor skills
  • Games and situations based on works
  • Movable speech games with fairy tale characters

Meaning: In the course of mastering theatrical activities, speech is improved, the child’s vocabulary is activated, the sound culture of speech and its intonation structure are improved, dialogical speech and its grammatical structure are improved.

Pedagogical technologies:


Developmental education (developmental environment)

Research activities

Integrated Learning

Project activities

Interaction with family

Types of theaters used in work:

  • tabletop puppet finger shadow *on sticks
  • theater on flannelgraph costume mask

Working with parents:

Parent meetings


Open days


"Days of Good Deeds"



Individual conversations

Exhibition of photographs

Photo exhibitions with a story

Creative joint exhibitions.


Theatrical activities are the most common type of play activity for children, which promotes moral and aesthetic education, enriches them with new impressions, develops interest in theater and literature, forms dialogical speech, and activates the vocabulary.

Allows you to develop the experience of social behavioral skills due to the fact that every literary work or fairy tale has a moral orientation (kindness, friendship, honesty, courage).

With the help of fairy tales, a child learns about the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart. And he not only knows, but also expresses his own attitude towards good and evil. Favorite heroes become role models.

Theatrical activities allow the child to decide many problematic situations indirectly on behalf of a character. This helps to overcome not only speech disorders, but also timidity, self-doubt, shyness.

The development of coherent speech is the central task of children's speech education. This is due, first of all, to its social significance and role in the formation of personality. It is in coherent speech that the main, communicative, function of language and speech is realized. Connected speech - highest form speech mental activity, which determines the level of speech and mental development of the child (T.V. Akhutina, L.S. Vygotsky, N.I. Zhinkin, A.A. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein, F.A. Sokhin, etc. .).
Mastery of communication orally is the most important condition for successful preparation for school. The psychological nature of coherent speech, its mechanisms and developmental features in children are revealed in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, A.A. Leontyeva, S.L. Rubinstein and others. All researchers note the complex organization of coherent speech and point to the need for special speech education (A.A. Leontyev, L.V. Shcherba).
Teaching coherent speech to children in the domestic methodology has rich traditions laid down in the works of K.D. Ushinsky, L.N. Tolstoy. The fundamentals of the methodology for developing coherent speech in preschoolers are defined in the works of M.M. Konina, A.M. Leushina, L.A. Penevskaya, O.I. Solovyova, E.I. Tikheyeva, A.P. Usova, E.A. Flerina.
According to the definition of S.L. Rubinstein, coherent is such speech that can be understood on the basis of its own subject content. In mastering speech, L.S. Vygotsky believes, baby is coming from part to whole: from a word to a combination of two or three words, then to a simple phrase, even later to complex sentences. The final stage is coherent speech, consisting of a number of detailed sentences. Grammatical connections in a sentence and connections between sentences in the text are a reflection of connections and relationships that exist in reality. By creating a text, the child models this reality using grammatical means.
The patterns of development of children's coherent speech from the moment of its emergence are revealed in the research of A.M. Leushina. She showed that the development of coherent there's talk from mastering situational speech to mastering contextual speech, then the process of improving these forms proceeds in parallel, the formation of coherent speech, changes in its functions depend on the content, conditions, forms of communication of the child with others, and is determined by the level of his intellectual development. The formation of coherent speech in preschool children and the factors of its development were also studied by E.A. Flerina, E.I. Radina, E.P. Korotkova, V.I. Loginova, N.M. Krylova, V.V. Gerbova, G.M. Lyamina.
Methods and techniques for teaching preschoolers coherent speech are also studied in many ways: E.A. Smirnova and O.S. Ushakov reveal the possibility of using a series of plot paintings in the development of coherent speech; V.V. writes quite a lot about the possibility of using paintings in the process of teaching preschoolers to tell stories. Gerbova, L.V. Voroshnina reveals the potential of coherent speech in terms of the development of children's creativity.
Approaches to the study of coherent speech of a preschooler were influenced by studies carried out under the leadership of F.A. Sokhin and O.S. Ushakova (G.A. Kudrina, L.V. Voroshnina, A.A. Zrozhevskaya, N.G. Smolnikova, E.A. Smirnova, L.G. Shadrina). The focus of these studies is the search for criteria for assessing the coherence of speech, and as the main indicator they highlight the ability to structure a text and use various methods of connections between phrases and parts of different types of coherent statements, to see the structure of the text, its main compositional parts, their interrelation and interdependence .
But the proposed methods and techniques for developing coherent speech are more focused on presenting factual material for children's stories.
Programs related to the development of creative abilities are used separately from programs for amplification of intellectual development and literary education.
The only exception is partial programs focused on the development of artistic speech creativity children through theatrical and play activities (the “Art Fantasy” program by A.G. Churilova), as well as modern methodological developments (manuals by A.I. Burenina “From play to performance”, T.N. Doronova “Playing theatre” , N.F. Sorokina “Playing puppet theater”).
Having analyzed the work in this area, it was decided to create conditions during the inter-certification period for the development of coherent speech in children through theatrical activities.
Based on the above, the topic of the analytical report is: “Theatrical activities as a means of developing coherent speech in preschool children.”
Purpose of the analytical report: analyze the created conditions for the development of coherent speech in children through theatrical activities.
Report Objectives:
    To evaluate the effectiveness of work on the development of coherent speech of preschoolers through theatrical activities.
    Select theatrical games, scenarios, plays for the development of coherent speech in children, conduct correctional work on the development of coherent speech of preschoolers through theatrical activities.
    Analyze the experience gained, summarize, outline prospects for future activities.
An object: conditions and means influencing the development of coherent speech
Item: coherent speech of preschoolers in theatrical activities.
Hypothesis: The use of theatrical activities promotes the development of coherent speech in preschoolers.
    Analytical part.
      Theoretical aspect of the problem
Speech is one of the important acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood. Precisely acquisitions, since speech is not given to a person from birth. It takes time for the child to start talking. And adults must make a lot of effort to ensure that the child’s speech develops correctly and in a timely manner.
The development of coherent speech is one of the central tasks of speech education for preschool children. A preschooler's speech should be lively, emotional and expressive. The requirements for a coherent statement by preschool children presupposes mastery of vocabulary and grammar. Stylistics, norms of sound culture of speech. The development of coherent speech is possible only on the basis of mastering the native language, mastering it sound side, a certain vocabulary.
CEP “Childhood” assumes rich educational content that corresponds to the cognitive interests of the modern child (Appendix 1). The development of coherent speech in children is carried out in the process of everyday life, as well as in the classroom. In preschool age, the process of cognition in a child occurs in an emotional and practical way. That is why the closest and most natural types of activity for a preschool child are play, communication with adults and peers, experimentation, subject-based activities, artistic and theatrical activities, and other types of activities.
Theatrical and play activities enrich children with new impressions, knowledge, skills, develop interest in literature, activate the vocabulary, and contribute to the moral and ethical education of each child.
Theatrical production provides an occasion and material for a wide variety of children's creativity. Children themselves compose, improvise roles, and stage some ready-made literary material. This is the verbal creativity of children, necessary and understandable to children themselves.
The imaginative, vivid depiction of social reality and natural phenomena, characteristic of theatrical play, introduces children to the world around them in all its diversity. The questions posed to children in preparation for the game encourage them to think and analyze quite difficult situations, draw conclusions and generalizations. This contributes to the improvement of mental development and the closely related improvement of speech. In the process of working on the expressiveness of characters’ remarks and their own statements, the child’s vocabulary is imperceptibly activated, and the sound side of speech is improved. A new role, especially the dialogue of characters, confronts the child with the need to express himself clearly, distinctly, and intelligibly. His dialogical speech and its grammatical structure improve, he begins to actively use the dictionary, which, in turn, is also replenished. The role of words is especially important in creating a game image. It helps the child identify his thoughts and feelings, understand the experiences of his partners, and coordinate his actions with them.
A child’s speech largely depends on the development of fine motor skills, and therefore the varied movements of the fingers when working with a doll contribute to the orderliness and consistency of speech.
A fairy tale is the most universal, complex method of influence in working with children. After all, a fairy tale is the imagery of language, its metaphorical nature, psychological security. The texts of fairy tales help to construct dialogues correctly, and, therefore, influence the development of coherent monologue speech. The advantage and privileges of this method also lie in the fact that the impact on children during classes is dressed in fairy-tale clothes and the children do not have a feeling of pressure.
The choice of theatrical play as a condition and means of developing coherent speech is determined by the results of an analysis of the relationship between the levels of development of children’s abilities.

1.2 Pedagogical diagnostics
Table. Dynamics of the level of mastery of the sections “In play, the child develops, learns the world, communicates”, “Developing children’s speech”



“In play, a child develops, learns about the world, communicates” (theatrical activity) “Developing children’s speech” (connected speech)
2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010
N.g. K.g N.g. K.g N.g. K.g N.g. K.g N.g. K.g N.g. K.g N.g. K.g N.g. K.g
High 10% 15% 15% 20% 20% 25% 15% 20% 10% 15% 15% 20% 20% 25% 10% 15%
Average 60% 60% 60% 60% 60% 60% 60% 70% 55% 50% 55% 60% 60% 60% 55% 70%
Short 30% 25% 25% 20% 20% 15% 25% 10% 35% 35% 30% 20% 20% 15% 25% 15%

Thus, the results of a diagnostic examination of children showed an insufficiently high level of development of coherent speech, with more high level development of passive vocabulary and gaming skills. Results on assignments (Appendix 2).
Based on the results of diagnosing the level of development of coherent speech skills in children of primary preschool age, the following disadvantages can be noted:
    coherent statements are short;
    statements are inconsistent, even if the child conveys the content of a familiar text;
    statements consist of separate fragments that are logically unrelated to each other;
    the level of information content of the statement is very low.
In addition, most children actively share their impressions of the events they experienced, but are reluctant to take on the task of composing stories based on given topic. Basically, this does not happen because the child’s knowledge on this issue is insufficient, but because he cannot formulate it into coherent speech statements.
The table shows that by the preparatory group, children’s statements became more coherent and complete in scope. Development of dedicated speech skills caused positive changes in other speech indicators. Thus, for most children, the structure of stories is represented by all parts. The number of pauses and repetitions in children's stories was reduced. Their speech became smoother, clearer and more accessible to listeners.
This confirms the need to use theatrical play activities as a condition and means speech development children and, in particular, for the development of coherent speech.
1.3 Analysis of operating conditions: organization of work with children, colleagues and parents.
Work with children.
The preparation of children for the theatricalization of fairy tales was carried out gradually. While working with kids, I noticed their interest in bright costumes and figurines of fairy tale heroes, hats, and masks. Children were attracted to this, first of all, because of the opportunity to change clothes, and therefore change. Gradually, I began to develop children’s interest in theatrical games. I organized viewings of small puppet shows, taking as a basis the content of familiar nursery rhymes, poems and fairy tales. Since the children mostly had poor speech skills, I began to get acquainted with theatrical play through the simulation game:
The game is an imitation of individual actions of humans, animals and birds (the children woke up and stretched, the sparrows are flapping their wings) and the imitation of the basic emotions of a person (the sun came out - the children were happy: they smiled, clapped their hands, jumped in place).
The game is an imitation of a chain of sequential actions combined with the transfer of the main emotions of the hero (the cheerful nesting dolls clapped their hands and began to dance; the bunny saw a fox, got scared and jumped behind a tree).
The game imitates the images of well-known fairy-tale characters (a clumsy bear walks towards the house, a brave cockerel walks along the path).
To expand my vocabulary, develop the grammatical structure of speech and improve sound pronunciation, when working with children I used fairy tales that speech therapists use in their work.
Speech therapy fairy tale this is a text with fairy-tale content, containing as many identical sounds as possible (fairy tales by V. Volina, A. Tsyferov, etc.). This type of fairy tale includes those tales in the text of which there is often a sound that is automated in coherent speech or oppositional sounds, the pronunciation of which requires differentiation in independent speech children. The use of such fairy tales in work allows us to solve, along with the tasks of mastering the skill of sequential and coherent retelling, the task of automating the delivered sounds in coherent speech (Appendix 3).
To develop creative imagination and activate speech activity, I used stories and fairy tales without beginning or end, with unfinished action.
A large place was occupied by reading fiction, during which I drew the children’s attention to the composition of the work (how it begins, what the story or fairy tale is about, how and how it ends), to its linguistic features. After the children answered, a finger theater was laid out in front of them, and the children were asked to tell a fairy tale. In case of difficulty, she provided help, which consisted of starting a sentence, and the children needed to add the right word.
She used dramatizations with toys in which the main characters performed a number of actions (a bear and a bunny swing on a swing; a Masha doll and a hedgehog are building a house; a little fox rides a horse, etc.). Then ready-made game situations were offered, created with the help of toys and figures on flannelgraph (Appendix 4).
Playful activities increased the mental activity of children and placed them in circumstances that required the necessary expression. The repetition of game actions contributed to the repeated pronunciation of words, phrases, sentences, fragments of the story and their transfer into an independent statement.
She used techniques for selecting synonyms for the characteristics of fairy tale heroes (the bunny in the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut” is a coward, small, pitiful, oblique, gray, weak; the fox is cunning, a deceiver, a cheat, feisty; the rooster is brave, daring, vociferous), individual objects (in the same fairy tale, a bast hut is made of wood, made of boards, logs, warm, durable, will not melt; ice hut is cold, not durable, snowy, for winter, transparent, will quickly melt in the spring).
At the same time, the children's vocabulary was enriched. Games like “What’s missing?”, “What does the toy tell about itself?”, “Guess the toy” were played, in which children’s attention was drawn to individual features of objects, toys were described, and children looked for what was described. So, in the games “What’s missing?”, “Guess the toy”, children learned to select nouns corresponding to the subject, object (hare, bear, fox, bun, etc.), and in the game “What does the toy tell about itself” they selected adjectives characterizing the corresponding toy (bear - clumsy, big, kind, shaggy, club-footed; bun - round, ruddy, fragrant, fresh, cheerful, etc.), nouns corresponding to the location of the toy characters (hare - mink, hut, forest, teremok; bun - house, stove, etc.).
By the beginning of the year middle group The children began to speak better, but their speech was not yet sufficiently formed. Now my task has become to stimulate the desire of children to join the performance, complementing individual phrases in dialogues, stable turns of beginning and ending of a fairy tale.
In addition, children mastered different types of puppets (first finger puppets, mitten puppets, then glove puppets, etc.), as well as the ability to move a doll behind a table screen.
Our group includes the following types of theaters:
Finger theater (puppet heads).
Theater bi-ba-bo. (the puppets of this theater usually act on a screen behind which the driver is hidden. However, the driver is also allowed to come out to the audience with a puppet on his hand).
Shadow theater (flat puppets on an illuminated screen in the form of silhouettes).
Toy theater (any ordinary toys, identical in material).
Cardboard theater (pictures - characters move in accordance with the content of the fairy tale being read).
Theater on flannelgraph.
Theater mittens.
Theater of big riding puppets.
Puppet theater with a “living hand”.
Theater on magnets.

Then the children mastered mini-productions based on the texts of folk and original poems, fairy tales, stories (“This finger is a grandfather...”, “Tili-bom”, K. Ushinsky “Cockerel with his family”, A. Barto “Toys”, V . Suteev "Chicken and Duckling".), conducted a series of classes "Cat and Mouse".
A child's play behind a screen allows him to hide and reveal himself at the same time. If a child is afraid to speak, is shy, then behind the screen he begins to speak confidently - it’s not he who speaks, but his hero.
The new role, especially the dialogue of the characters, confronted the child with the need to express himself clearly, distinctly, and intelligibly. His dialogical speech and its grammatical structure improve, he begins to actively use the dictionary, which in turn is also replenished. Of course, not all children can participate in performances, because this is a game for spectators, and many children are very shy. I conducted dramatization games with such children. Children played for their own pleasure, without thinking about whether others were interested.
Game situations allowed children to master the skills necessary to construct a coherent monologue statement: select lexical material in accordance with the topic and situation of the statement, use a variety of syntactic structures. They aroused great interest in children and were transferred to independent games, accompanied by high speech activity.
At the same time, some children still found it difficult to independently compose sentences on the situation; they only completed individual words and phrases.
In order to create interest and desire to participate in subsequent activities, children were invited to the fairy tale room. There they were met by Toropyzhka and the grandmother-storyteller. “How do fairy tales turn out?” I asked the storyteller. She answered: “I know a lot of fairy tales and stories, I like to tell them to children, but I don’t know how they turn out, or maybe I knew and forgot. I have become old." Then they turned to the children with questions that helped them remember how fairy tales or stories can begin and end. (“Where would you start writing a story or a fairy tale?” The children answered: “Once upon a time...”, “In a certain kingdom...” “And I would start with the word: “Once upon a time...”, etc.) “How can you finish a story or a fairy tale?” - they asked the children further. (Answers: “That’s the end of the fairy tale...”, “We’ve begun to live and live well...”).
During the lesson, attention was drawn to the fact that in a story or fairy tale there is a sequence that cannot be broken. In order to encourage children to create independent statements, ready-made situations were used. She suggested to the children: “Please help me. I will tell my story (fairy tale), and you show it.” (The child listened carefully and placed figures or toys on the flannelgraph).
“I’ve already prepared toys to tell Oleg and Sasha yesterday’s story. After all, they weren’t in kindergarten, but I need your help. You listened very carefully to the story, but I forgot some words. Let's tell the story together."
"Guests (3-4 children from another group) came to us. They heard that you are learning to come up with different stories and fairy tales. Let's show what we have learned." I discussed with the children what kind of situation to create. Then one of them spoke about this situation. She told the child the beginning of sentences, individual words, phrases connecting parts of the text. So, I created the following situation with the help of toys: a girl is picking mushrooms in the forest, and a bear is walking towards her.
Children learned to create stories from toys and figures on flannelgraph; transferred games and game situations into independent activities.
As a complication, it was proposed to come up with a story.
Toropyzhka brought toys to the children and asked them to come up with new fairy tales or stories about them that could be shown to their mother or younger children. For this purpose, each child was offered a set of toys or figures for a flannelgraph (a set of toys: a doll, a baby elephant, a hedgehog; a set of figures for a flannelgraph: a forest, a bun, a girl, a hedgehog), with the help of which they can come up with a story or a fairy tale. The children had to look at the toys and figurines and select the ones they liked. Then the situation on which he would talk was discussed. If the child did not cope with the task, she enlisted the help of children in the group (during the lesson, 6-7 children were interviewed, the rest had the opportunity to speak out in free games and independent activities) (Appendix 5).
In independent activities, children often used the offered toys and flannelgraph figures. They came up with and acted out situations in front of each other (it turned out to be an improvised theater). At the same time, it was noted that they often moved abruptly in the story from one part to another, used short sentences, monotonous connections, more often formal and chain-pronominal.
Thanks to centralized classes, children developed active speech and developed play skills. While learning to be friendly spectators, the children did not forget to say thank you to the artist. And in acting, certain means of expression began to be used (facial expressions, gestures, strength and timbre of the voice, tempo of speech). My work with middle aged children was aimed at stimulating an interest in creativity and improvisation. Gradually, the children became involved in the process of playful communication with theatrical dolls.
The most difficult thing in working with children in theatrical activities is to achieve unity of word and action.
The children grew up and their interest in theatrical games grew. IN senior group My task was to support their interest in theatrical play, to help them master dramatization games, which are distinguished by more complex content, interesting images of characters, and original language means.
When working with children I used:
multi-character games-dramatization based on the texts of two-three-part fairy tales about animals and fairy tales ("Winter Lodge of Animals", "The Fox and the Wolf", "Geese-Swans", "Little Red Riding Hood");
games-dramatization based on the texts of stories on the topics “Children and their games”, “Guys and animals”, “The work of adults”;
staging a performance based on the work;
“Learning to speak correctly” is a celebration of games and fairy tales.
Due to the development of centralized play, children have expanded their gaming experience, coherent speech, improved intonation expressiveness, and acquired skills aimed at positive interaction with other participants in the game. Also the ability to negotiate and resolve conflict situations independently.
IN preparatory group I focused my work on deepening children's interests in a certain type theatrical play, increasing interest in theatrical culture, the ability to express oneself, tried to encourage children’s ability to independently draw up a plan for their planned theatrical action in a logical sequence, and paid attention to children’s ability to speak fluently in coherent speech.
Watching children, I noticed that a striking feature of children’s games after 6 years is their partial transition to speech plan. This is explained by the tendency to combine different types of story-based games, including fantasy games. It becomes the basis or an important part of a theatrical play in which real, literary and fantasy plans complement each other. Children are observed to develop the ability to express their attitude to the idea of ​​the play, the hero and to express themselves using a complex of means of non-verbal, intonation and linguistic expressiveness. Communication with peers in the process of planning the game, during its course and when analyzing the results becomes more positive thanks to the ability to use coherent speech and a rich active vocabulary. Children began to show independence in theatrical play in a more vibrant and diverse manner. Their interest in creativity was stimulated in the process of inventing a theatrical game and embodying the conceived image using various means of expressiveness and coherent speech.
Then you need to teach children the correct construction of a phrase. This work was carried out in the process of various practical activities during games, routine moments, and observations of the environment.

Irina Pelnova
Work experience "Development of children's speech through theatrical activities"

1slide: Business card

Pelnova Irina Yurievna, teacher MBDOU children's garden No. 16 "Pearl"

Teaching experience:13 years

Education: secondary vocational, second year student of Nizhny Novgorod state university "them. Lobachevsky"

Awards: Certificate of honor from MBDOU (2014) for the introduction innovative technologies V work

Professional credo:

“I am proud of my profession because

that I live my childhood many times over"

2slide: Subject

« Children's speech development through theatrical activities»

3 slide:Conditions for the formation of personal contribution to development of education(from slide)

Work on speech development includes the following conditions:

1. Research conditions

2. Methodological conditions

3. Organizational and pedagogical conditions

I have studied the theories of philosophers, psychologists, teachers in the field developmental development(Vygotsky L. S., Elkonina D. B., Tikheeva E. I., Flerina E. A.).According to most scientists speech development is one of the most important acquisitions for a child in preschool age. Studying the methodological literature, I came to the conclusion that theatrical the game has a great influence on speech child development. Stimulates active speech by expanding vocabulary. The child learns the richness of his native language and its means of expression. Using expressive means and intonations that correspond to the character of the characters and their actions, he tries to speak clearly so that everyone understands him.

4 slide:Relevance.

An analysis of the group’s RPPS for compliance with the Federal State Educational Standards for secondary education revealed the following Problems:

Inadequacy of ensuring the realization of the educational potential of the group space for speech child development;

Diagnostics by showed speech development,What

Low speech activity children

In addition, there is problem:

Dissatisfaction with interaction with parents of students;

Exactly theatrical play is one of the brightest emotional means that shapes a child’s personality. In progress theatrical games activate and improve vocabulary, sound pronunciation, tempo, expressiveness speeches. Participation in theatrical games bring joy to children and arouse active interest.

It is known that children love to play; they should not be forced to do so. While playing, we communicate with children on their territory. Entering the world of childhood play, we can learn a lot ourselves and teach our children. And a thought said by the German psychologist Karl Gross, which is still used today popularity: “We play not because we are children, but childhood itself was given to us so that we could play.” All of the above determined final choice topics for me work experience« Children's speech development preschool age through theatrical activities».

5 slide:Theoretical justification of personal contribution

This is one of the most effective ways to influence children, in which the principle is most fully and clearly manifested training: learn by playing.

In addition, one of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education is the creation favorable conditions child development in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, development abilities and creative potential each child as a subject of relationships with himself, other children, adults and the world.

The educational program of our institution sets the goals development of free communication...

Vygotsky wrote: “There are all factual and theoretical grounds to assert that not only intellectual child development, but the formation of his character, emotions and personality as a whole is in directly dependent on speech».

IN theatrical the game is formed emotionally rich speech. Children better assimilate the content of the work, the logic and sequence of events, their development and causation.

6 slide. Goal and tasks

I set myself the following goal

Creating conditions for speech child development junior preschool age through theatrical activities.

And such tasks:

Develop all components of oral speeches;

Foster interest and love of reading;

-Develop literary speech;

To cultivate the desire and ability to listen to works of art;

-Develop interest in independent creativity activities;

Satisfy needs children to self-expression;

Involving parents in partnership, i.e. k. joint theatrical and play activities- a unique type of cooperation.

7 slide. Leading pedagogical idea work experience:

Educational opportunities theatrical activities are enormous: its topics are not limited and can satisfy any interests and desires of the child. Their speech becomes more expressive and literate. They begin to use new words, proverbs and sayings from the script, and in everyday situations that coincide with their semantic content. In the soul of every child lies the desire for freedom. theatrical play, in which he reproduces familiar literary subjects. This is what activates his thinking, trains his memory and imaginative perception, develops imagination, improves speech.

8slide:Activity aspect

In the organisation theatrical games widely used practical methods training: game, method of play improvisation (serving as a bridge between a child’s games in everyday life and the art of an actor, exercises, method of effective analysis (sketch technique, staging and dramatization.

Among the verbal methods I used storytelling, reading, story children, conversations, learning works of oral folk art.

I used all the methods and techniques in combination, developed attention memory, imagination, creative imagination.

9slide:Range of personal contribution (Joint activity)

By getting acquainted with fiction, children learn to apply grammatical skills and abilities in dialogical (answers to questions, conversations) and monologue (verbal creativity) speeches, use funds artistic expression language and its grammatical means. Maintain the child's interest in theatrical activities. Whenever possible, try to attend children's performances. Celebrate achievements and identify ways for further improvement. Offer to perform your favorite role at home

10slide:Range of personal contribution (joint activities with a speech therapist)

Very important Job with a speech therapist teacher. Together we carry out various...

11 slide: Range of personal contribution (independent activity)

In independent activities children choose the types themselves theater and the roles they liked. All theatrical activity in my group is organized in such a way that it promotes development mental activity, development mental processes, speech skills improve, emotional activity increases. In independent activities the child learns to think through his actions, the actions of the heroes he loses. Theatrical play activity promotes organization and independence. Through his role-playing statements, the child learns meaning and experiments with words, facial expressions, and gestures.

12slide: Range of personal contribution (working with parents)

Parental involvement is important working with theatrical activities. In any case, joint Job teachers and parents promotes intellectual and emotional child development. The parents put a lot of effort into sewing costumes for both children, and for adults. I strengthen partnerships with the family of each pupil, increase the competence of parents, confidence in own capabilities, I invite you to participate in various events.


The upbringing process is natural. The children's interest increases when they can choose the type themselves theater and role. Great importance has the use of a variety of technical means such as tape recordings, watching videos on a laptop, etc.

14 slide. Conditions children's development in theatrical activities

Children are developing and communicate their vocabulary not only during theatrical activities. Children learn a lot in free activities. During the role-playing game, they independently conceive the plot and develop his idea. When children engage with board games they have imagination develops. Children drawing...

15 slide:Showing fairy tales to children early age

With our small productions we delight children showing them their mini-productions at an early age.

16slide: Introduction to the production of a fairy tale

Analyzing work with children I came to the conclusion that children can show open display. I approached the choice of fairy tale with creativity, deciding to show old fairy tale "The wolf and the seven Young goats", but in a new way. At the beginning work I read the old version of the fairy tale to the children and we discussed it.

Slide 17: Joint screening of a fairy tale "The wolf and the seven Young goats" in a new way

Having done a lot work With children and parents, we showed the fairy tale to the children of the entire kindergarten.

18 slide: Joint screening of a fairy tale "The wolf and the seven Young goats" in a new way

A fairy tale must be present in a child’s life. A fairy tale that teaches entertains, calms and even heals. Therefore, in everyday life I often used fairy tales for education. children.

Slide 19:Efficiency

U children's speech improved. I'm in mine work, in joint activities of children and teachers, systematically carried out theatrical play. Theatrical games are performance games. In them, with the help of such expressive means as intonation, facial expressions, gesture, posture and gait, specific images are created. Thanks to theatrical games, y children has developed emotional sphere , expanded and enriched children's cooperation experience, both in real and imaginary situations. Besides, theatrical activity contains enormous opportunities for children's speech development. Speech, a wonderful gift of nature, is not given to a person from birth. Time must pass for the child to begin to speak correctly and beautifully. And I'm in mine work Together with the parents, she made a lot of efforts to ensure that the child’s speech developed correctly and in a timely manner.


Consultations for teachers " Children's speech development younger age by using theatrical games", February 2014 MO in preschool educational institution

Demonstration of results on the website of preschool educational institution, pedagogical money box:article "Children live in kindergarten"

Network pedagogical communities: publications on websites; fairy tale script "The wolf and the seven Young goats" in a new way

21 slides: PERFORMANCE

Speech monitoring development

children second junior group

Mastery of the native language is one of the important acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood. Precisely acquisitions, since speech is not given to a person from birth. Time must pass for the child to begin to speak, and adults must make a lot of effort to ensure that the child’s speech develops correctly and in a timely manner. The main task of any preschool educational institution is the speech development of preschool children according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Thanks to him, the initial development of the child’s communication skills, the formation of correct conversation and thinking occurs. Monitoring results indicate that in Lately The number of preschool children with significant impairments in the ability to speak correctly has increased.

Unfortunately, busy parents nowadays often forget about this and let the process of speech development take its course. At home, the child spends little time in the company of adults (more and more at the computer, in front of the TV or with his toys), rarely listens to stories and fairy tales from the lips of his mother and father, and systematic developmental activities for mastering speech are generally rare. So it turns out that by the time a child enters school, many problems arise with his speech:

Monosyllabic, consisting of simple sentences;

Poverty of speech, insufficient vocabulary;

Littering speech with slang words;

Poor dialogical speech;

Inability to construct a monologue;

Lack of speech culture skills.

Many parents rely on kindergarten to solve the problem, but practice shows that two classes a week are not enough to form speech skills and development communication skills. Theatrical activities help me diversify the speech practice of preschoolers in kindergarten; it is the theatrical play that has a great influence on the speech development of children: it stimulates speech by expanding the vocabulary and improves the articulatory apparatus.

Based on the above, I set a goal for myself - the development of speech in preschool children through theatrical activities. My work is based on the methods of A.M. Borodich “Methods of speech development”, M.M. Alekseeva, B.I. Yashin “Methods of speech development and teaching the native language”, V.I. Loginova “Development of coherent speech.” I rely on new products methodological literature and the magazines “Child in Kindergarten” and “Preschool Education”.

During the children’s play activities, I determined the level of speech development of each child. I recorded the results obtained in individual diagnostic cards, this allowed me to effectively build my work based on age and individual characteristics children.

I believe, that big role A properly organized subject-spatial environment plays a role in the development of children’s speech, so we, together with parents, have expanded the theatrical corner different types theater: puppet, finger, table, scenery, characters with different moods, substitute attributes. We decorated the “Costume Room” corner, where we placed bright sundresses and shirts in the Russian folk style, as well as costumes of fairy-tale characters.

Children gladly take part in the dramatization of familiar fairy tales, select costume elements, and distribute roles, but there are children who are nervous and feel a sense of fear before going on an impromptu stage. I solved this problem by setting up a “Seclusion Corner” in the group, in which the child can be alone and remember the content of his role.

Theatrical activity allows you to solve one of the important tasks– speech development, so the group created a “Speech Activity Center”, in which they placed: fiction, albums with illustrations of familiar works, and made a selection articulatory gymnastics and finger exercises, compiled a card index didactic games in the following areas:

– To form the grammatical structure of speech “Who has a similar picture?”, “Selecting a rhyme”, “Riddles-description”, etc.

– To develop coherent speech: “Give me a word”, “Who can perform these actions?”, “Who, how does he move? "What happens in nature?"

– In working on the sound side of speech “Which fairy tale is the character from?”, “Wind-up toys”, “Fox hide and seek”, etc.

They help me achieve systematicity in my work. technological maps, which include games aimed at developing speech. I turn on these games at all times. Also, the project “Fairy Tale as a Source of Children’s Creativity”, which I implemented, allowed me to achieve positive results, the goal of which is aimed at developing the speech of preschool children. The work within the framework of this project was built in a system, consistently, directing the activities of children and adults to achieve a positive result. Project activities allow me to successfully solve problems aimed at the timely development of speech through theatrical activities.

The educational possibilities for theatrical activities are enormous; its topics are not limited and can satisfy any interests and desires of the child. Theatrical activities develop the sphere of feelings, awaken compassion in the child, the ability to put oneself in the place of another, to rejoice and worry with him.

Therefore, one of the stages in the development of speech through theatrical activities is working on the expressiveness of speech. In the process of improving the expressiveness of characters’ remarks and their own statements, the child’s vocabulary is imperceptibly activated, the sound culture of his speech and its intonation structure are improved. Work for at this stage formation in next sequence: First, I play out the intended plot myself in the roles, then I invite the children to speak for the characters. And only after the children have memorized the content, I offer a game based on this plot. Examples of such games include the games “Guess the Riddle”, “Tale Inside Out”, “Does It Happen or Not?” etc.

The next stage of my work is creative tasks. For example, in the game “A Gift for Everyone,” I give the children the task: “If you were a wizard and could work miracles, what would you give us?” or “What wish would you make?” These games develop children's ability to make friends, make the right choices, and cooperate with peers. I also conduct games to increase the importance of each child, for example, in the games “Compliment” and “Mirror”, I invite children to say a phrase that begins with the words: “I like about you...”, in such games I help the child see his positive sides and feel that he is accepted by his playing partners.

Using the fairytale therapy method in my work, I develop children’s creative initiative, the ability to overcome children’s fears and feelings of anxiety. I tell fairy tales that show ways to resolve conflict situations, I believe that they shape children’s attitudes common sense and a healthy sense of humor in relation to adversity, they talk about family tricks. Examples of such fairy tales include “The Ugly Duckling”, “The Magic Word”, “Who Spoke First?”.

A unique school of elementary fundamentals acting skills- theatrical sketches. Rehearsals for sketches are no less important than staging the performance itself: there is a consistent introduction and artistic skills of preschoolers. In the game “This is the pose”, children learn to observe, develop logical thinking, playing out the sketch, convey expressive movements and expressions of joy. After dramatizing the fairy tales, I conduct a discussion and ask questions: What feelings did you experience during the performance? Whose behavior, whose actions did you like? Etc. Children express their emotional attitude to the events through drawing and writing stories.

Theatrical play is favorable environment For creative development children, and this activity helps children’s speech development. Therefore, in the process of gaming activity I include: musical-rhythmic warm-ups, these are musical-practical games and exercises that develop mobility, plastic expressiveness, musicality and rhythm; respiratory and speech gymnastics, with the help of which children develop correct, clear articulation and pronunciation. In my work on the formation of sound culture of speech, I widely use speech means: nursery rhymes, rhyming rhymes, sayings, etc.

I believe that with the correct and skillful selection, they contribute not only correct formation sound pronunciations, but also generalize children’s knowledge about the surrounding reality. In classes on the development of coherent speech great attention I spend time looking at illustrations and paintings; children describe objects and phenomena and use various figures of speech. IN joint activities I conduct five-minute speech therapy sessions with the children, and on Friday afternoons there is “theater hour.” Practice has shown that work on speech development will not be complete without the participation of the family. Only in close contact with parents can positive results be achieved. Therefore, all my work was aimed at increasing the competence of parents in this issue, for this purpose I conducted a workshop “The Role of Theater in the Development of Children’s Speech,” which consisted of three sessions:

“Theater of dolls and toys in kindergarten” – lecture-discussion;

"Theatrical games are the way to children's creativity" - Master Class;

“Fairy tales, fairy tales, fairy tales...” – a practical lesson.

This work with parents is effective, as it allows you to give them not only theoretical knowledge, but also to consolidate them in practice. During the work with parents, the following conversations were proposed:

“The role of parents in the development of a child’s speech”;

“I’m a little actor”;

“Do-it-yourself puppet theaters for preschoolers.”

Get acquainted with positive experience family education on speech development, receive recommendations for working with children in in this direction, parents could parent meeting“Theater in the life of a child”, as well as on the pages of the newspaper “News from the spring”.

As a result of the work carried out, 70% noted its need (at the beginning of the year 35%). Parents have become more competent in this matter, they offer me their help in preparing for performances, some parents noted that children act out small scenes at home family holidays, while conveying the characters’ personalities very expressively. This work worked closely with narrow specialists. Together with the musical director, we selected music for various images of fairy-tale characters and held theatrical performances based on the fairy tales “Turnip” and “Teremok”. Instructor physical culture worked various movements, helped in organizing leisure time and holidays, giving children the opportunity to show activity, independence, and creativity. The work carried out is effective, as indicated positive results upon re-examination:

1. The level of speech development in children has increased.

2. Interest in theatrical activities has increased, children actively take part in the dramatization of familiar fairy tales and act out small scenes.

3. The level of development of communication skills has noticeably increased.

To summarize, I would like to note that the influence of theatrical activities on speech development is undeniable. With the help of theatrical activities, it is possible to solve almost all the problems of the speech development program, and along with the basic methods and techniques of speech development of children, this rich material of verbal creativity of the people can and should be used.