Development of coherent speech through theatrical activities. Course work on the development of coherent speech in children through theatrical activities

Irina Pelnova
Work experience "Development of children's speech through theatrical activities"

1slide: Business card

Pelnova Irina Yurievna, teacher of MBDOU kindergarten No. 16 "Pearl"

Teaching experience:13 years

Education: secondary vocational, second year student of Nizhny Novgorod State University "them. Lobachevsky"

Awards: Certificate of honor from MBDOU (2014) for the introduction innovative technologies V work

Professional credo:

“I am proud of my profession because

that I live my childhood many times over"

2slide: Subject

« Children's speech development through theatrical activities»

3 slide:Conditions for the formation of personal contribution to development of education(from slide)

Work on speech development includes the following conditions:

1. Research conditions

2. Methodological conditions

3. Organizational and pedagogical conditions

I have studied the theories of philosophers, psychologists, teachers in the field developmental development(Vygotsky L. S., Elkonina D. B., Tikheeva E. I., Flerina E. A.).According to most scientists speech development is one of the most important acquisitions for a child in preschool age. Studying the methodological literature, I came to the conclusion that theatrical the game has a great influence on speech child development. Stimulates active speech by expanding vocabulary. The child learns the richness of his native language and its means of expression. Using expressive means and intonations that correspond to the character of the characters and their actions, he tries to speak clearly so that everyone understands him.

4 slide:Relevance.

An analysis of the group’s RPPS for compliance with the Federal State Educational Standards of secondary education revealed the following Problems:

Inadequacy of ensuring the realization of the educational potential of the group space for speech child development;

Diagnostics by showed speech development,What

Low speech activity children

In addition, there is problem:

Dissatisfaction with interaction with parents of students;

Exactly theatrical play is one of the brightest emotional means that shapes a child’s personality. In progress theatrical games are intensified and improved lexicon, sound pronunciation, tempo, expressiveness speeches. Participation in theatrical games bring joy to children and arouse active interest.

It is known that children love to play; they should not be forced to do so. While playing, we communicate with children on their territory. Entering the world of childhood play, we can learn a lot ourselves and teach our children. And a thought said by the German psychologist Karl Gross, which is still used today popularity: “We play not because we are children, but childhood itself was given to us so that we could play.” All of the above determined my final choice of topic for work experience« Children's speech development preschool age through theatrical activities».

5 slide:Theoretical justification of personal contribution

This is one of the most effective ways impact on children, in which the principle is most fully and clearly manifested training: learn by playing.

In addition, one of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education is the creation of favorable conditions child development in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, development abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relationships with himself, other children, adults and the world.

The educational program of our institution sets the goals development of free communication...

Vygotsky wrote: “There are all factual and theoretical grounds to assert that not only intellectual child development, but the formation of his character, emotions and personality as a whole is in directly dependent on speech».

IN theatrical the game is formed emotionally rich speech. Children better assimilate the content of the work, the logic and sequence of events, their development and causation.

6 slide. Goal and tasks

I set myself the following goal

Creating conditions for speech child development junior preschool age through theatrical activities.

And such tasks:

Develop all components of oral speeches;

Foster interest and love of reading;

-Develop literary speech;

To cultivate the desire and ability to listen to works of art;

-Develop interest in independent creativity activities;

Satisfy needs children to self-expression;

Involving parents in partnership, i.e. k. joint theatrical and play activities- a unique type of cooperation.

7 slide. Leading pedagogical idea work experience:

Educational opportunities theatrical activities are enormous: its topics are not limited and can satisfy any interests and desires of the child. Their speech becomes more expressive and literate. They begin to use new words, proverbs and sayings from the script, and in everyday situations that coincide with their semantic content. In the soul of every child lies the desire for freedom. theatrical play, in which he reproduces familiar literary subjects. This is what activates his thinking, trains his memory and imaginative perception, develops imagination, improves speech.

8slide:Activity aspect

In the organisation theatrical games widely used practical methods training: game, method of play improvisation (serving as a bridge between a child’s games in everyday life and the art of an actor, exercises, method of effective analysis (sketch technique, staging and dramatization.

From verbal methods used story, reading, story children, conversations, learning works of oral folk art.

I used all the methods and techniques in combination, developed attention memory, imagination, creative imagination.

9slide:Range of personal contribution (Joint activity)

By getting acquainted with fiction, children learn to apply grammatical skills and abilities in dialogical (answers to questions, conversations) and monologue (verbal creativity) speeches, use funds artistic expression language and its grammatical means. Maintain the child's interest in theatrical activities. Whenever possible, try to attend children's performances. Celebrate achievements and identify ways for further improvement. Offer to perform your favorite role at home

10slide:Range of personal contribution (joint activities with a speech therapist)

Very important Job with a speech therapist teacher. Together we carry out various...

11 slide: Range of personal contribution (independent activity)

In independent activities children choose the types themselves theater and the roles they liked. All theatrical activity in my group is organized in such a way that it promotes development mental activity, development mental processes, speech skills improve, emotional activity increases. In independent activities the child learns to think through his actions, the actions of the heroes he loses. Theatrical play activity promotes organization and independence. Through his role-playing statements, the child learns meaning and experiments with words, facial expressions, and gestures.

12slide: Range of personal contribution (working with parents)

Parental involvement is important working with theatrical activities. In any case, joint Job teachers and parents promotes intellectual and emotional child development. The parents put a lot of effort into sewing costumes for both children, and for adults. I strengthen partnerships with the family of each pupil, increase the competence of parents, confidence in their own abilities, and involve them in participation in various events.


The upbringing process is natural. The children's interest increases when they can choose the type themselves theater and role. Great importance has the use of a variety of technical means such as tape recordings, watching videos on a laptop, etc.

14 slide. Conditions children's development in theatrical activities

Children are developing and communicate their vocabulary not only during theatrical activities. Children learn a lot in free activities. During the role-playing game, they independently conceive the plot and develop his idea. When children play with board games imagination develops. Children drawing...

15 slide: Showing fairy tales to young children

With our small productions we delight children showing them their mini-productions at an early age.

16slide: Introduction to the production of a fairy tale

Analyzing work with children, I came to the conclusion that children can show an open display. I approached the choice of fairy tale with creativity, deciding to show old fairy tale "The wolf and the seven Young goats", but in a new way. At the beginning work I read the old version of the fairy tale to the children and we discussed it.

Slide 17: Joint screening of a fairy tale "The wolf and the seven Young goats" in a new way

Having done a lot work With children and parents, we showed the fairy tale to the children of the entire kindergarten.

18 slide: Joint screening of a fairy tale "The wolf and the seven Young goats" in a new way

A fairy tale must be present in a child’s life. A fairy tale that teaches entertains, calms and even heals. Therefore in Everyday life I often used fairy tales for education children.

Slide 19:Efficiency

U children's speech improved. I'm in mine work, in joint activities of children and teachers, systematically carried out theatrical play. Theatrical games are performance games. In them, with the help of such expressive means as intonation, facial expressions, gesture, posture and gait, specific images are created. Thanks to theatrical games, y children's emotional sphere has developed, expanded and enriched children's cooperation experience, both in real and imaginary situations. Besides, theatrical activity contains enormous opportunities for children's speech development. Speech, a wonderful gift of nature, is not given to a person from birth. Time must pass for the child to begin to speak correctly and beautifully. And I'm in mine work Together with the parents, she made a lot of efforts to ensure that the child’s speech developed correctly and in a timely manner.


Consultations for teachers " Children's speech development younger age with the help theatrical games", February 2014 MO in preschool educational institution

Demonstration of results on the website of preschool educational institution, pedagogical money box:article "Children live in kindergarten"

Network pedagogical communities: publications on websites; fairy tale script "The wolf and the seven Young goats" in a new way

21 slides: PERFORMANCE

Speech monitoring development

children second junior group

Development of coherent speech in children through theatrical activities.

Development is the process of change, which is a transition from simple to more complex, from lower to higher, a process in which the gradual accumulation quantitative changes leads to qualitative changes. Year by year, the number of older preschoolers with defects in the pronunciation of speech sounds and other speech qualities is growing: tempo, voice strength, verbal communication, poorly developed coherent speech. Not every child can construct a detailed story, come up with his own fairy tale, or memorize poetry. Not everyone can retell a literary work, understand the author’s idea and answer questions about the content of the text read, much less ask a question.

In the first years of a child’s life, some parents do not attach much importance to the fact that the child cannot coherently express his thoughts or desires. Often the role of speech in the development of a child is underestimated and is not directly connected with the intellectual development of the child. Mom thinks: “He’ll grow up and learn on his own.” In fact, the development of children's speech is closely related to the development of the brain itself, which occurs most intensively in the first three years of life. Professor M.M. Koltsov writes: “ For speech, the “critical” period of development is the first three years of a child’s life: by this time, the anatomical maturation of the speech areas of the brain basically ends, the child masters the main grammatical forms of his native language, and accumulates a large vocabulary. If in the first three years the baby’s speech was not given due attention, then in the future it will take a lot of effort to catch up.”

The very process of brain development, inherent by nature, is not of fundamental importance - that is, a person may have innate good data, but if conditions are not created for speech development to proceed correctly, then the child’s intellectual and psycho-emotional development will lag behind the norm every year getting stronger. Skills correct speech and a rich vocabulary is not formed independently. It is the speech of an adult and the adult himself that is the triggering mechanism for children's curiosity.

L.S. Vygotsky wrote: “ There is every factual and theoretical basis to assert that not only the intellectual development of a child, but also the formation of his character, emotions and personality as a whole is directly dependent on speech.”

The teacher must remember that speech is an instrument for the development of the higher parts of the psyche of a growing person. By teaching a child their native speech, they simultaneously contribute to the development of his intellect and higher emotions, preparing the ground for successful learning at school (and this is one of most important tasks, standing in front of the teacher), for his creative behavior in labor activity. Delayed speech development at the first stages of development cannot be compensated for later. It is also necessary to remember about inverse relationship: the brain develops if, in the process of verbal communication, the child trains his speech apparatus, i.e. If they talk to a child, they listen to him.

Studies have shown that only through speech such important things as memory, attention, perception, imagination, and logical abilities are developed. Thus, the role of speech in the development of a child is enormous.

Nature did not allocate much time for the formation of the ability to speak - this is the period from birth to 8-9 years. After 9 years, nature takes away this opportunity, closing the speech zone of the cerebral cortex. Modern children live in a powerful flow of information, live communication is replacing computers and television, and this trend is constantly growing, so the development of speech is becoming more and more actual problem in our society.

Coherent speech presupposes mastery of the richest vocabulary of the language, assimilation of language laws and norms, i.e. mastery of grammatical structure, as well as their practical application, practical skill use the acquired language material, namely, convey the content of the finished text in a complete, coherent, consistent and understandable manner to others or independently compose a coherent text. In other words, coherent speech is an expanded, complete, compositionally and grammatically designed, semantic and emotional statement, consisting of a number of logically related sentences.

There are two types of coherent speech: monologue and dialogic. Dialogue is not just a compositional form of speech, but also a type of verbal communication in which interpersonal relationships, very important in the personal development of a child. Despite the work that teachers do on speech development, there are problems in this section. Researchers A. Shakhnorovich, K. Meng showed that older preschoolers master only the most simple forms dialogue: no reasoning skills, poor speech, no verbal creativity, no imagination. Children do not know how to maintain a dialogue for a long time and are not proactive enough.

From 3-5 years of age it develops situationally - cognitive form communication. During this period, imagination develops rapidly, fantasy is fertile ground for communicative communication. Kids can sincerely believe in their fantasies and share them with their peers and adults. Younger ages are sensitive to the emergence of communication around a toy or object. Interpersonal connections with each other begin to form in the role-playing game. This means that dialogue needs to be developed from a young age. Dialogue is the most natural, natural form of speech. This is reactive, situationally involuntary speech, which is often harshly suppressed in organized classes. Therefore, children need ways of working that include games and game exercises to develop dialogue.

Many researchers emphasize primary role dialogue in the development of monologue coherent speech (L. Leontiev, O. Ushakova, E. Strumina, A. Shakhnorovich, etc.)

Mastery of coherent monologue speech is the highest achievement speech education preschoolers. It includes mastering the sound side of the language, vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech and occurs in close connection with the development of all aspects of speech - lexical, grammatical, phonetic.

The development of coherent speech is the central task of children's speech education. This is due, first of all, to its social significance and role in the formation of personality. It is in coherent speech that the main, communicative, function of language and speech is realized. Connected speech - highest form speeches mental activity, which determines the level of speech mental development of the child. (L.S. Vygotsky)

The development of coherent speech is carried out in the process of everyday life, as well as in classes. In preschool age, the process of cognition in a child occurs in an emotional and practical way. That is why the closest and most natural for preschool child types of activities: play, communication with adults and peers, experimentation, theatrical and other activities.

Reflecting on the issue of increasing the level of coherent speech in children, I came to the conclusion that theatrical activities can help. Theatrical activities are one of the most effective ways to influence children, in which the principle of learning is most fully and clearly demonstrated: learn by playing. It is known that children love to play; they should not be forced to do so. When playing with children, we communicate with them on their territory. Entering the world of childhood - games, we can learn a lot ourselves and teach our children.

Theatrical and play activities enrich children with new impressions, knowledge, skills, develop interest in literature, activate vocabulary, coherent speech, thinking, and contribute to the moral and aesthetic education of each child.

With social – pedagogical point theatrical performance is multifunctional:

· Socialization function (introducing the younger generation to universal and ethnic experience)

· Creative function (the ability to identify, form, develop and realize the creative potential of the individual, his imaginative and abstract thinking)

· Halographic function (spatio-temporal and sensory content (place and time, plot and image))

· Developmental therapeutic function (therapeutic effect, fairy tale therapy)

· Lexico-figurative function (activates and develops the child’s auditory-speech memory)

At the same time, today in preschool institutions the developmental potential of theatrical play is not used enough. More often, theatrical games are used mainly as a kind of “spectacle” at holidays. The desire to achieve good results forces teachers to memorize texts, intonations, and movements with children. However, the skills mastered in this way are not transferred by children to free play activities. Or vice versa, an adult does not interfere in the organization of a theatrical game. The children are left to their own devices, and the teacher only prepares the attributes for the “theater”. If younger preschoolers are attracted to this because of the opportunity to change clothes, but older preschoolers are no longer satisfied with this. Children 5-7 years old experience great interest and need for this activity.

The characteristic features of theatrical games are the literary or folklore basis of their content and the presence of spectators. They can be divided into two groups:

ü Games - dramatization (the child plays the role as an “artist”, independently creates an image using a set of means of verbal and non-verbal expressiveness)

o Games that imitate images of animals, people, and literary characters

o Role-playing text-based dialogues

o Performances of works

o Performances

o Games – improvisations with playing out the plot without preliminary preparation

ü Director's ( The “artists” are toys or their substitutes, and the child organizes the activity as a “scriptwriter” and the “director” controls the “artists”)

o Tabletop theater

o Planar and volumetric theater

o Puppet (bibabo, finger, puppets), etc.

Theatrical activities can be displayed in various routine moments in the form of games, during observations of the environment, and integrated with all educational areas. Integration may be fragmented; mini-game; the introduction of a fairy-tale character as a surprise moment.

To develop speech through theatrical activities, it is necessary to adhere to the following criteria:

1. Creating conditions for the development of children’s creative activity in theatrical activities (encourage performing creativity, develop the ability to act freely and relaxed when performing, encourage improvisation through facial expressions, expressive movements, intonation, etc.)

2. Introduce children to theatrical culture (introduce them to the structure of theaters, theatrical genres, and different types of puppet theaters).

3. Ensure the interconnection of theatrical activities with other types of activities in a single pedagogical process.

4. Create conditions for joint theatrical activities of children and adults.

Studying psychological-pedagogical and methodological literature, I came to the conclusion that theatrical play has a great influence on the child’s speech development. Stimulates active speech by expanding vocabulary and improving the articulatory apparatus. The child learns the richness of his native language, its expressive means of intonation, corresponding to the character of the characters and their actions, and tries to speak clearly so that everyone understands him.

In theatrical play, coherent, emotionally rich speech is formed. Children better assimilate the content of the work, the logic and sequence of events, their development and causality. Theatrical activities contribute to the assimilation of elements of communication (facial expressions, gestures, posture, intonation, voice modulation).

Ekaterina Stalchuk
Consultation “Development of coherent speech in children through theatrical activities”

Development of coherent speech in children through theatrical activities:

· In the second junior group;

· IN middle group ;

· In the senior group;

· In the preparatory group.

II junior group (age 3-4 years)

By three years of age with normal development the child masters all grammatical categories of the language, but this does not mean that the formation of grammatical structure speech completely completed.

Age-related features of speech child development is: formation of grammatical structure speeches(first of all, sentence structures, and I also pay attention to the formation of vocabulary, sound culture speeches, liaison, dialogical speeches).

To implement these tasks, I stage a performance, a game - dramatization, create natural conditions for borrowing from the source of revolutions speeches, proposals.

1. First, I introduce children with a fairy tale. I first make riddles that precede the reading. For example, a fairy tale "Teremok" (“Lurking under the floor, afraid of the cat”- mouse, “Who walks around angry and hungry in the cold winter?”- wolf and so on about every hero). If you guess correctly, a hero appears. This is followed by reading a fairy tale. Impressed by what he heard, children there is a desire to show how the heroes of this fairy tale move.

2. Such expressive movements can be depicted in plastic sketches, in which they are accompanied by well-aimed in a word: for example, a fox is beautiful, light, playful, a hare jumps in fear, ears flattened, runs away from the fox, rushes, rushes (a dictionary is being formed children) . I conduct exercises on intonation expressiveness. During such exercises, I comment on the voice of each character. For example: the mouse has a thin voice, it squeaks - the bear has a rude voice, he roars, etc.

3. After the initial acquaintance with the fairy tale, I invite the children to tell it together. For example: “There is a tower in a field. She ran to the tower... Who?, that's right, mouse (children give hints based on the meaning of the verb and its ending) etc. In conclusion I summarize result: the frog galloped, and the bunny galloped, etc. (formed grammatical structure speeches) .

4. In parallel with the sketches, I organize disguises. Statements arise first about the distribution of roles and suits: “And I’ll be a mouse!”, “And I’ll be a bear!”. The costumes are examined and a conversation is held with the children about who it would be best suited to. The child tries on elements of the costume. After this, I name the actions of the hero (the mouse ran, squeaked, and the child tries to repeat. This is how the character of the fairy tale is played out.

5. Next I encourage children to improvise dialogues. They are involved in the dialogue of the characters in the fairy tale, the lines are expanded, movements are included, and then I give the children the opportunity to improvise on their own. They can say whoever wants what; I don’t establish order or priority. Two bunnies, three mice, etc. can participate in acting out a fairy tale.

6. Then I stage a fairy tale. Involving children in acting out a fairy tale, developing they have dialogical speech, coherent speech. For example. To get into the tower, you first need to ask who already lives there, and then describe the animal, which is the child. (I am a frog. I am green, the smallest, and my eyes are big. I like to swim, I jump well, etc.).

7. After playing out the fairy tale in this way, you can move on to theatrical action, in which, along with the actors, there are also spectators.

Bottom line:

Theatrical activities promotes speech baby development. During joint games with an adult, the child hears many new words, more complex phrases, expressions, game situations. While playing with a toy, the child comes up with and pronounces the situation of the game, uses new words. In general, exercises and improvisational dialogues improve all aspects speeches, develop its imagery and expressiveness. U children The ability to ask a question, answer it, and give a response that includes at least one word is formed. These skills are necessary for development of dialogical speech, improving the grammatical structure of sentences and, as a result, for constructing coherent statement.

Middle group(age 4-5 years)

Main direction speech development on at this stage– formation of contextual (liaison) speeches. Special training comes to the fore coherent speech and storytelling, both collective and individual.

IN average In the group, I especially widely use games based on fairy tales and literary works.

1. First I tell the children Russian folk tales ( "Chicken Ryaba", "Masha and the Bear" etc.) After reading fairy tales, I conduct an analysis, finding out what is said in the fairy tale, what words, expressions, songs of the characters they remember and liked.

2. Then I collect several editions of this tale with different illustrations. Looking at illustrations by different artists helps children pay attention to the nature of the characters depicted (fairy tale "Chicken Ryaba"-grandfather and grandmother are old, affectionate, kind, their external characteristics (the mouse has a long tail, the chicken is speckled) When analyzing the content of the fairy tale, children repeat the words of the chicken, the actions of the grandfather and woman, and show an illustration that corresponds to these words.

3. When re-telling a fairy tale, I use a tabletop theater. While working on a fairy tale, children become familiar with the behavioral characteristics of different characters, learn to describe (a chicken, reason, give characteristics, move in accordance with them.

4. Then the children listen to the recording of the fairy tale and watch the filmstrip. Each new reading of a fairy tale evokes children new feelings, they have a desire to listen again (see) a well-known tale in new forms.

5. The result of the preliminary work is a dramatization of the fairy tale (with elements of improvisation). Where auditory attention develops, imagination, memory, motivation to activities; encouragement to improvise speeches.

Bottom line:

Analyzing a fairy tale with children, asking a correctly posed question, I force them to think. Think, come to the necessary conclusions and at the same time notice and feel art form works. Borrowing from fairy tales figurative expressions, apt words, revolutions speeches, proverbs and sayings, children enrich their speech, making it figurative and expressive. In this age children is attracted to storytelling - improvisation, they show interest in creative storytelling, composing different types of statements (descriptions, narratives).When composing stories, it improves coherent speech, understanding the semantic side of the word and especially the syntactic structure of the sentence.

Senior, preparatory group (age 5-7 years)

U children in older preschool age speech reaches quite high level. They can participate in the conversation, express their point of view, agreement or disagreement with their friend’s answer.

In the senior group I pay special attention to learning children coherently, consistently and expressively retell small tales, stories; ability to write stories about events from personal experience, come up with your own endings for fairy tales, new fairy tales.

To solve this problem it is necessary following:

1. First, I introduce children with Russian folk fairy tales: we look at illustrations, tell fairy tales using tabletop, finger, puppet theater. We discuss how a fairy tale differs from a story or poem.

2. We look at illustrations for Russian folk tales and find excerpts from fairy tales from the illustrations. I conduct conversations about the peculiarities of how artists illustrate dramatic moments of a fairy tale. I invite the children to describe the characters.

3. I conduct games, speech exercises, plastic sketches, developing children's skills combine words and movements, expressive transmission of images with gestures and facial expressions. For example, according to a fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut", children try to portray a fox when she drove out a bunny, and a frightened hare so that they can guess. In their free time, children improvise small dialogues, for example, fox and bunny, fox and cockerel, etc. Children monitor their own speech and the speech of others, practice gestures, facial expressions, movements, and voice. At first this is difficult for them, but gradually individual work with each child brings results. Children can already tell who is good at what role.

4. Subsequently, I invite the children to come up with a different ending to the fairy tale they are studying. For example. If the cockerel was also afraid of the fox, who could help the bunny? I suggest children model the content of a fairy tale in order to better remember the sequence of presentation of the plot.

5. Gradually I fail children to understand what will they show a new fairy tale. For the performance, roles are assigned, costumes and scenery are created. In preparation for the performance, children offer to introduce new characters into the content of the fairy tale, for example, Gena the Crocodile, Cheburashka, who help the bunny.

6. Showing the performance to the audience based on a new invented fairy tale.

Bottom line:

During theatrical activities in the senior and preparatory groups, the ability to create essays is developed based on combining different fairy tales with the inclusion of new characters. Develop ability to portray artistic image characters through dialogues, intonation, movements, gestures. All this contributes development of lexical, grammatical, phonetic aspects children's speech, and also development figurative speech .

Theatrical activities form in children the correct, expressive, clear speech, their vocabulary, figurative vocabulary is enriched, coherent speech.

Thus, observing daily positive results its work on children's speech development, I can conclude that theatrical activity-this is a working technique, it really helps us teach and develop children, does not require material or time costs, is applicable to almost any educational field, and can be used by every teacher.

Mastery of the native language is one of the important acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood. Precisely acquisitions, since speech is not given to a person from birth. Time must pass for the child to begin to speak, and adults must make a lot of effort to ensure that the child’s speech develops correctly and in a timely manner. The main task of any preschool educational institution is the speech development of preschool children according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Thanks to him, the initial development of the child’s communication skills, the formation of correct conversation and thinking occurs. Monitoring results indicate that recently the number of preschool children with significant impairments in the ability to speak correctly has increased.

Unfortunately, busy parents nowadays often forget about this and let the process of speech development take its course. At home, the child spends little time in the company of adults (more and more at the computer, in front of the TV or with his toys), rarely listens to stories and fairy tales from the lips of his mother and father, and systematic developmental activities for mastering speech are generally rare. So it turns out that by the time a child enters school, many problems arise with his speech:

Monosyllabic, consisting of simple sentences;

Poverty of speech, insufficient vocabulary;

Littering speech with slang words;

Poor dialogical speech;

Inability to construct a monologue;

Lack of speech culture skills.

Many parents rely on kindergarten to solve the problem, but practice shows that two classes a week are not enough to form speech skills and development communication skills. Diversify speech practice For preschoolers in kindergarten, theatrical activities help me; it is theatrical play that has a great influence on the speech development of children: it stimulates speech by expanding the vocabulary, and improves the articulatory apparatus.

Based on the above, I set a goal for myself - the development of speech in preschool children through theatrical activities. My work is based on the methods of A.M. Borodich “Methods of speech development”, M.M. Alekseeva, B.I. Yashin “Methods of speech development and teaching the native language”, V.I. Loginova “Development of coherent speech.” I rely on the latest in methodological literature and the magazines “Child in Kindergarten” and “Preschool Education”.

In progress play activity children, I determined the level of speech development of each child. I recorded the results obtained in individual diagnostic cards, this allowed me to effectively build work based on the age and individual characteristics of the children.

I believe that a properly organized subject-spatial environment plays a big role in the development of children’s speech, so we, together with our parents, replenished the theatrical corner with different types of theater: puppet theater, finger theater, tabletop theater, scenery, characters with different moods, and substitute attributes. We decorated the “Costume Room” corner, where we placed bright sundresses and shirts in the Russian folk style, as well as costumes of fairy-tale characters.

Children gladly take part in the dramatization of familiar fairy tales, select costume elements, and distribute roles, but there are children who are nervous and feel a sense of fear before going on an impromptu stage. I solved this problem by setting up a “Seclusion Corner” in the group, in which the child can be alone and remember the content of his role.

Theatrical activities allow us to solve one of the important problems - the development of speech, so the group created a “Center for Speech Activity”, in which they placed: fiction, albums with illustrations of familiar works, made a selection of articulatory gymnastics and finger exercises, compiled a card index didactic games in the following areas:

– To form the grammatical structure of speech “Who has a similar picture?”, “Selecting a rhyme”, “Riddles-description”, etc.

– To develop coherent speech: “Give me a word”, “Who can perform these actions?”, “Who, how does he move? "What happens in nature?"

- In the works sound side speeches “Which fairy tale is the character from?”, “Wind-up toys”, “Fox hide and seek”, etc.

They help me achieve systematicity in my work. technological maps, which include games aimed at developing speech. I include these games in everything regime moments. Also, the project “Fairy Tale as a Source of Children’s Creativity”, which I implemented, allowed me to achieve positive results, the goal of which is aimed at developing the speech of preschool children. The work within the framework of this project was built in a system, consistently, directing the activities of children and adults to achieve a positive result. Project activities allow me to successfully solve problems aimed at the timely development of speech through theatrical activities.

The educational possibilities for theatrical activities are enormous; its topics are not limited and can satisfy any interests and desires of the child. Theatrical activities develop the sphere of feelings, awaken compassion in the child, the ability to put oneself in the place of another, to rejoice and worry with him.

Therefore, one of the stages in the development of speech through theatrical activities is working on the expressiveness of speech. In the process of improving the expressiveness of characters’ remarks and their own statements, the child’s vocabulary is imperceptibly activated, the sound culture of his speech and its intonation structure are improved. The work at this stage is being built in next sequence: First, I play out the intended plot myself in the roles, then I invite the children to speak for the characters. And only after the children have memorized the content, I offer a game based on this plot. Examples of such games include the games “Guess the Riddle”, “Tale Inside Out”, “Does It Happen or Not?” etc.

The next stage of my work is creative tasks. For example, in the game “A Gift for Everyone,” I give the children the task: “If you were a wizard and could work miracles, what would you give us?” or “What wish would you make?” These games develop children's ability to make friends, make right choice, collaborate with peers. I also conduct games to increase the importance of each child, for example, in the games “Compliment” and “Mirror”, I invite children to say a phrase that begins with the words: “I like about you...”, in such games I help the child see his positive sides and feel that he is accepted by his playing partners.

Using the fairytale therapy method in my work, I develop children’s creative initiative, the ability to overcome children’s fears and feelings of anxiety. I tell fairy tales that show ways to resolve conflict situations, I believe that they form in children an attitude of common sense and a common sense of humor in relation to adversity, and they talk about family tricks. Examples of such fairy tales include “The Ugly Duckling”, “The Magic Word”, “Who Spoke First?”.

A unique school of elementary fundamentals acting skills- theatrical sketches. Rehearsals for sketches are no less important than staging the performance itself: there is a consistent introduction and artistic skills of preschoolers. In the game “This is the pose”, children learn to observe, develop logical thinking, playing out the sketch, convey expressive movements and expressions of joy. After dramatizing the fairy tales, I conduct a discussion and ask questions: What feelings did you experience during the performance? Whose behavior, whose actions did you like? Etc. Reflection emotional attitude Children convey events that have happened through drawing and writing stories.

Theatrical play is favorable environment for the creative development of children, and this activity helps the development of children's speech. Therefore, in the process of gaming activity I include: musical-rhythmic warm-ups, these are musical-practical games and exercises that develop mobility, plastic expressiveness, musicality and rhythm; breathing and speech gymnastics, with the help of which children develop correct, clear articulation and pronunciation. In my work on the formation of a sound culture of speech, I widely use speech means: nursery rhymes, rhymes, rhymes, etc.

I believe that with the correct and skillful selection, they contribute not only to the correct formation of sound pronunciation, but also generalize children’s knowledge about the surrounding reality. In classes on the development of coherent speech, I pay a lot of attention to looking at illustrations and paintings; children describe objects and phenomena and use various speech patterns. IN joint activities I conduct five-minute speech therapy sessions with the children, and on Friday afternoons there is “theater hour.” Practice has shown that work on speech development will not be complete without the participation of the family. Only in close contact with parents can positive results be achieved. Therefore, all my work was aimed at increasing the competence of parents in this issue, for this purpose I conducted a workshop “The Role of Theater in the Development of Children’s Speech,” which consisted of three sessions:

“Theater of dolls and toys in kindergarten” – lecture-discussion;

“Theatrical games - the path to children's creativity” - master class;

“Fairy tales, fairy tales, fairy tales...” – a practical lesson.

This work with parents is effective, as it allows you to give them not only theoretical knowledge, but also consolidate it in practice. During the work with parents, the following conversations were proposed:

“The role of parents in the development of a child’s speech”;

“I’m a little actor”;

“Do-it-yourself puppet theaters for preschoolers.”

Have a positive experience family education on speech development, receive recommendations for working with children in in this direction, parents could attend the parent meeting “Theater in a child’s life”, as well as on the pages of the newspaper “News from the fontanel”.

As a result of the work carried out, 70% noted its need (at the beginning of the year 35%). Parents have become more competent in this matter, they offer me their help in preparing for performances, some parents noted that children act out small scenes at home family holidays, while conveying the characters’ personalities very expressively. This work was carried out in close contact with narrow specialists. Together with the musical director, we selected music for various images of fairy-tale characters and held theatrical performances based on the fairy tales “Turnip” and “Teremok”. Instructor physical culture worked various movements, helped in organizing leisure time and holidays, giving children the opportunity to show activity, independence, and creativity. The work carried out is effective, as indicated by positive results during repeated examination:

1. The level of speech development in children has increased.

2. Interest in theatrical activities has increased, children actively take part in the dramatization of familiar fairy tales and act out small scenes.

3. The level of development of communication skills has noticeably increased.

To summarize, I would like to note that the influence of theatrical activities on speech development is undeniable. With the help of theatrical activities, it is possible to solve almost all the problems of the speech development program, and along with the basic methods and techniques of speech development of children, this rich material of verbal creativity of the people can and should be used.

Speech development occurs in the process of subject, cognitive, communicative activities, games. Theatrical activity is a type of leading (game) activity, and therefore has an impact on the development of preschool children, and also, due to its specificity, has a certain potential in the formation of a child’s speech skills.

Goal: Correction, development and prevention of speech of preschool children with developmental disabilities through the use of theatrical activities and fairy tale therapy. Development of sound pronunciation, auditory memory and phonemic hearing

Development of the articulatory apparatus

Development of speech breathing, education of strength, pitch and timbre of voice

Formation of the correct pronunciation of sounds, formation of the correct tempo of speech and intonation expressiveness of speech

Formation of grammatical structure of speech

Enrichment and expansion of vocabulary

Formation of coherent speech

Motor development

Development of cognitive activity, initiative, imitation, imitation and creativity; motor activity; the ability to perform various interrelated actions and combine them into a single storyline

1. Develop children's coherent speech.

2. Lead to the skill:

Use figurative expressions when retelling a fairy tale;

Expressively convey the emotional state of the characters in facial expressions and movements

3. Improve:

Lexico-grammatical means of language;

The sound side of speech in the sphere of pronunciation, perception and expressiveness.

4. Create a favorable psychological atmosphere and cooperation in the classroom

speech therapist with children and with each other, create, theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the possibility of prevention and development of speech in preschool children through theatrical and play activities;

5. Strengthen children’s faith in their own capabilities, smooth out negative ones

experiences associated with speech impairment.

6. Involve parents in single space"family - kindergarten". create a comprehensive pedagogical technology, including the formation of the entire speech system based on the child’s motivational aspirations to correct his speech defects through theatrical activities and specially organized speech festivals - competitions.

7. Raise the cultural level of preschool children, organize long-term exposure of the child to elements of theatrical and play activities and methods of speech development; deepen and develop basic skills of oral speech as the leading means of communication and cognition;

Novelty of the project.

The use of new forms in speech therapy work: fairy tale therapy and theatrical activities in our preschool educational institution, to use methods and means that encourage children to a bright, emotional process of speech development, to create a special environment that encourages the child to an active educational process and the desire to correct their speech defects through theatrical activity; improve the promotion of speech therapy knowledge among educators and parents;

Project structure

Stage 1 Preparatory Goal: identifying problems in the speech development of preschool children, identifying the main directions. The first stage includes introducing children to its content, making costumes and attributes, and working on the role. The duration of this stage is expected to last a whole week. At this time, work is underway to develop children’s interest in the content of the work that will be used for the performance. An important role at this stage is played by expressive reading of the work, well-posed questions for conversation on the content of the work, and the organization of work on reproducing the text by children (retelling). At this stage, games are held with a tabletop or puppet theater based on fairy tales, parts of the dramatization are played for the first time, and roles are tested. This will allow you to select the most appropriate actors. Next, it is proposed to act out a work or passage in a theatrical activity.

Stage 2 Practical. Goal: to identify the awareness of teachers and parents of the need to carry out tasks related to speech development, their readiness to work. The second stage is entirely devoted to direct preparation for the performance itself, performance on stage. Much attention At this stage, we focus on working on the role:

Expressive reading of a literary work

Introduction to the dramatization (what is it about, what are the main events and characters in it)

Getting to know the characters of the dramatization (where they live, what their house looks like, what their appearance, clothes, behavior, relationships with each other, etc.) are like.

Artistic description place, traversed action of the staging (forest, house, road, etc.)

Analysis of the events described in the work. Formation in children of interest in them, belief in the reality of what is happening and the desire to participate in this, taking on a certain role

Distribution of roles

Preparation of attributes, props and costumes for staging

Working on a role

drawing up a verbal portrait of the hero

fantasizing about his home, relationships with parents, friends, inventing his favorite dishes, activities, games

composing various incidents from the hero’s life that were not included in the dramatization, analyzing the hero’s invented actions

working on the text (why the hero says this, what he is thinking about at the moment). The main task is to help the child understand the meaning of words and text

Working on your speech

Work on stage expressiveness: determining appropriate actions, movements, gestures of the character in the playing space, his position on the stage, tempo of performance, facial expressions, intonation

Working on the character of the role

Work on coordination of movements, speech, intonation, facial expressions and the nature of the role

Stage 3 Formative Goal: study of pedagogical literature; development, testing of the effectiveness and efficiency of the program with practical activities. The third stage is devoted to organizing the performance itself. Preparation of invitation cards for spectators, posters, consultations for parents, etc. Formalization of the group for the performance, final rehearsals and fitting of costumes. Carrying out the event itself.

Stage 4 ANALYTICAL Summing up, conversations with children, a report in the form of a newspaper or photo exhibition for parents, presentation of experience to colleagues.

Development of coherent speech of preschool children through theatrical and play activities using folklore and modeling



1. Theoretical aspects of the development of coherent speech of preschoolers through theatrical and play activities…. 12

1.1. Psychological features of the development of coherent speech in preschool children... 12

1.2. Issues of development of coherent speech in preschoolers in psychological and pedagogical literature... .20


2.1. Theatrical play – as one of the types of games for developing children’s coherent speech... 24

2.2. The role of folklore in the development of coherent speech in children... thirty

2.3. Genres of children's folklore... 32

2.4. The place of children's folklore in the everyday life of preschoolers... 46

2.5. Age characteristics preschoolers’ perception of expressive means of language… .48


3.1. The modeling method is a means of developing coherent speech in children of senior preschool age…. 50

3.2. The relevance of the modeling method in the development of coherent speech in preschoolers... …. 57

3.3. The scientific nature of the modeling method…. 58

3.4. The effectiveness of my teaching experience... 59

3.5. The innovativeness of the experience I present…. 69

3.6. Manufacturability of the presented experience…. 70

3.7. Essential elements …. 71







Thus, having completed a study of theoretical and practical principles development of coherent speech through theatrical and play activities using folklore and modeling, we formulated conclusions.

Speech in psychology is considered in close relationship with language, communication and thinking, which is so complex that each successive step in their knowledge leads to the emergence of new problems. Today, psychological science is addressing a number of issues, which are to determine what is historically primary - speech or language, whether the ability to assimilate speech is innate or acquired through social experience, whether psychology should deal with language or can limit its research to speech. The answers to these and other questions open up broad opportunities for creating new psychological technologies in the field of effective interaction between people.

By analyzing and comparing approaches to defining speech in the scientific literature, we came to the conclusion that speech is a process of communication, and language is a means of communication. Speech should also be considered as a process of communication through all kinds of communication means: words, gestures, facial expressions, postures, body movements, etc.,

Theatrical and play activity is an inexhaustible source of development of feelings, experiences, emotional discoveries of the child, introduces him to spiritual wealth, is the most important means development of empathy - a condition necessary for organizing joint activities of children. The main forms of organizing theatrical activities are: theatrical activities, a puppet museum, theatrical games at holidays and entertainment, theatrical games-performances, visits to theaters by children together with their parents, joint theatrical activities of adults and children, theatrical games in everyday life, mini-games at music lessons, mini-games in other classes and independent theatrical and artistic activities. Types of theatrical direct educational activities are: typical, dominant, thematic, integrative, rehearsal and fragmentary.

Based theoretical aspects development of coherent speech through theatrical activities, each kindergarten teacher develops a methodology for performing theatrical activities, and it is imperative to take into account the peculiarities of the emotional and personal development of each child. An analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature has shown that today there are many programs for the education and training of preschoolers in the process of theatrical activities, which is extremely relevant from the point of view of a creative approach to personal development. At the same time, all the programs and technologies considered during the research are aimed at revealing the creative potential of the child, developing his communication abilities, mental processes, ensuring the expression of the individual’s individuality, understanding inner world through theatrical activities.

Theatrical activities in kindergarten are closely related to the development of children's coherent speech, which is expressed in the use of a number of theatrical techniques. Namely: acquaintance with literary works, sketches, speech exercises to convey various feelings (work on intonation expressiveness, use of various theatrical puppets to illustrate works of art or play out, staging works of art(poems, short stories, fairy tales). Preparation for children's theatrical activities, as a rule, takes place in several stages: introduction to the topic, creation of an emotional mood; theatrical activities (in various forms, where the teacher and each child have the opportunity to realize their creative potential; emotional conclusion, ensuring the success of theatrical activities.

In general, the use of theatrical activities for the purpose of developing the expressiveness of coherent speech and the socio-emotional development of the child becomes possible if a number of conditions are met. 1. Unity of socio-emotional and cognitive development;

2. Saturating this activity with content that is interesting and emotionally significant for children;

3. Gradual and consistent familiarization with a variety of verbal and non-verbal means of expression;

4. Availability of interesting and effective methods and techniques for working with children; 5. Joint participation in this process of children and adults (teachers and parents).

A practical study of the development of coherent speech through theatrical and play activities using folklore and modeling allowed us to draw a number of conclusions.

Experimental work, already at the exploratory stage of the study, revealed the dynamics of the development of coherent speech in children, which allows us to draw a conclusion about the possibility and necessity of targeted development of coherent speech, complexity, diversity, content of teaching methods and techniques.

In general, based on the results of the practical study, we made a general conclusion that the positive dynamics of indicators of coherent speech in preschoolers has a positive tendency to increase when using techniques and methods of theatrical activities and oral folk art in the educational and pedagogical process. That is, we have proven the hypothesis that we put forward at the beginning of the scientific research.


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Development of coherent speech through theatrical activities

Self-report of the theater studio "Gnome"

Fairytale world of theater

No wonder children love fairy tales,

After all, that’s what’s good about a fairy tale,

That there is a happy ending in it

The soul already has a presentiment.

And for any test

Brave hearts agree

Waiting impatiently

Have a happy ending.

Many great people spoke about theater as a means of education: B. Shaw, Voltaire, V. Mayakovsky, N. Gogol, A. Herzen. “Go to the theater! “- said Belinsky, who was in love with him. Theatrical activities take special place among various forms of education and upbringing, diversified development of children.

Working on the topic “Development of coherent speech in preschoolers through theatrical activities,” I identified the main goal as: developing children’s interest in theatrical play, the ability to build dialogue, and imagination.

Introduce children to the names of fingers;

Learn to perform coordinated movements with your fingers;

Develop observation and curiosity in children;

Activate vocabulary;

Cultivate friendly relationships with peers.

Our task is to develop the child’s speech, convey to each of them a love for the word, cultivate in them the ability and desire to feel its beauty, lead the child on an interesting journey through the beautiful country of his native language, and help him overcome all obstacles.

In my work I used the following literature: L. V. Artemova “Theatrical games for preschoolers” Moscow “Enlightenment”, 1991

T. D. Zinkevich - Evstigneeva “The Path to Magic.”

S. Shmakov, M. Bezborodova “From play to self-education.”

Speaking means having a certain vocabulary, actively using them, being able to construct a statement, formulating your thoughts, and understanding the speech of others. The child learns all this with the help of an adult in the preschool years.


The development of coherent speech is one of the main and main tasks of kindergarten.

Coherent speech is a semantically expanded statement that ensures communication and mutual understanding between people. Mastery of coherent monologue speech is the highest achievement of speech education for preschool children. It incorporates the development of the sound culture of the language, vocabulary, grammatical structure and occurs in close connection with the development of all aspects of speech - lexical, grammatical, phonetic.

It is known that already from early preschool age, a child shows great interest in linguistic reality, experiments with words, creates new words, focusing on the semantic and grammatical aspects of the language. Only such development leads to true mastery of all the riches of the language. By how a child can construct his statement, one can judge the level of his speech development.

The tasks were set:

Replenish and activate children's vocabulary;

Work on diction, improve clear pronunciation words and phrases;

Improve artistic and figurative performing skills;

Develop creative independence in conveying an image, expressiveness of speech and pantomime actions;

Before starting to stage fairy tales, it was necessary to prepare for theatrical activities.

The preparation took place in several stages, the following tasks were set:

Ability to listen carefully to works;

Develop emotional perception of works;

The ability to share your impressions of what you read;

Develop the ability to distinguish good from evil.

I began to carry out this work with children of YOUNG preschool age.

At the beginning, I tried to read the work expressively, then we had a conversation about it, trying to find out not only understanding, but also individual means of expression. For example, when reading S. Marshak’s poem “Kittens,” I asked the children: What mood was the hostess at the beginning of the poem? How did you figure this out? The more fully and emotionally the children perceive the work, the easier it will be for them to then theatricalize what they read. Therefore, when reading, the entire complex of means of intonation, lexical and syntactic expressiveness was used. It was necessary to understand how the child felt while listening to the work.

As V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “If a child does not experience the struggle between good and evil, if instead of joyful lights of admiration there is disdain in his eyes, this means that something in the child’s soul is broken, and a lot of effort must be made to straighten the child’s soul "

That is why two main tasks were set: firstly, to understand and understand what the child feels, what his experiences are aimed at, how deep and serious they are; secondly, to help him express his feelings more fully, to create special conditions for him in which his activity will manifest itself.

To develop in children the ability to listen carefully, remember the sequence of events, and freely navigate the text, we used special exercises, problematic situations.

For example, when reading an excerpt from a fairy tale, she asked: “Do you agree that this song belongs to a wolf and not a goat? Why do you think so? Or, when looking at illustrations with a fox, she asked: “Do you agree that this fox is from the fairy tale “The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster?” " Why did you decide so? By answering these questions and explaining why they think this way, the children recalled the text and imagined a certain image.

When looking at illustrations with children, I paid special attention to analyzing the emotional states of the characters depicted in the pictures.

(“What’s wrong with him, why is he crying?”, “Who do you think helped him?”) After a conversation about what they had read and similar exercises, they returned to the text again, involving the children in reciting individual fragments.

When the text is well understood, I begin teaching children facial expressions and gestures. Music helps convey the character of the characters in motion.

For example, after listening to musical recordings of the Russian folk melody “The Hen and the Cockerel,” I ask the children whether this music suits the image of the brave cockerel from the fairy tale “The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster,” and ask them to show this image in motion. Then I suggest asking each other riddles, imitating the movements of various characters. While watching the performers with the children, I drew their attention to the differences in the character of one image (“What is the difference between the fox Tanya and the fox Irina?”, etc.)

When teaching children the means of expression, I used familiar and favorite fairy tales. At first, fragments from fairy tales were used as exercises.

For example, she invited the children to ask to come into the tower like a frog or a bear, then together with the children they decided which of them was more similar in voice and manners to these characters. Next time I tried to complicate the task by inviting one child (optional) to act out a dialogue between two characters, pronouncing the words and acting for each.

In this way, children learn verbal transformation, striving for the character’s character, voice and habits to be easily assimilated by everyone.

But you should never draw children’s attention to who is doing better and who is doing worse, otherwise the child will not want to participate in the performance.

Thus, in the middle group we get acquainted with the theatrical screen. At this time, they become acquainted with a new type of doll on a gapit (a gapit is a stick on which a doll is impaled). Controlling a doll on the screen requires endurance, patience, and certain muscle efforts from the child, since the hand must guide the doll along the edge of the screen without leaning on it. To make it easier for the child to control the doll, they are made as light as possible.

In theater classes, children become familiar with puppeteering techniques. For this purpose, studies with a doll are used, the purpose of which is to teach the child to focus his attention on the doll performing a clear, rhythmic action. Development sketches are also used emotional sphere which develop in children the ability to understand the emotional state of another person and the ability to adequately express their own. These sketches enable the child to become aware of himself, to look at himself from the outside, contribute to the formation of self-control, and increase self-confidence.

Work continues to develop creativity using hapite dolls. Kids compose short fairy tales and songs that accompany the doll’s movements. Most children complete the task quite easily. Gradually, noise instruments are introduced (tambourine, drum, rattles, bells), which give the song composed by the child a new sound, create a festive atmosphere, and develop a sense of rhythm.

I plan to act out Russian folk tales “Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “Turnip”, using dolls on the gap. Acting out fairy tales with theatrical puppets allows them to better understand the content of their favorite work and gives them the opportunity to show creativity.

Consultation “Development of coherent speech of preschoolers in theatrical activities”

Completed by the teacher of the middle group of MBDOU kindergarten No. 77 in Irkutsk, Anna Mikhailovna Zalevskaya.

Who else but an actor can boast of a wonderful, correctly structured, well-developed speech. Expressiveness, emotional coloring, and fluency in speech are the main weapons of a theater and film actor. Therefore, as a motive for correcting speech defects in children, I chose theatrical activities, which help the development of coherent and grammatically correct speech in an unobtrusive form. a necessary condition exciting activity. As the most common type of children's creativity, it is dramatization, based on an action performed by the child himself, that most closely, effectively and directly connects artistic creativity with personal experiences.

Speech activity as a set of processes of speaking and understanding is the basis of communicative activity and includes non-speech means: gestures, facial expressions, pantomimic movements. But there are problems for children with speech development both in preschool and school age. There are speech and non-speech (facial expressions, gestures, etc.) forms of speech. With some speech disorders, adequate use of non-speech means of communication is difficult.

Theatrical activities performed jointly with peers and adults have a pronounced psychotherapeutic effect on the child’s affective sphere and provide correction of communication disorders. Children in a group exhibit individual characteristics, which contributes to the formation of their inner world and overcoming communicative maladjustment. Theatricalization pedagogical process in kindergarten it is also attractive because it brings a festive atmosphere and high spirits into children’s everyday life, allows children to take initiative, and helps them develop a sense of mutual assistance and collective skills. Theatrical activities can take the form of a performance, studio, salon, etc.

Theatrical activities serve as the most important means of developing empathy - a condition necessary for organizing joint activities of children. Empathy is based on the ability to recognize a person’s emotional state by facial expressions, expressive movements and speech, to put oneself in his place in various situations, and to find adequate ways of interaction.

The main point of creative play is the fulfillment of a role. During the game, the child creates an image through action, in a word, which gives him the opportunity to actively develop speech activity. Role-playing dialogue is part of direct educational activities. Dialogical speech is a way to create a problem situation that can be developed and solved in the process of communication, and theatricalization is an excellent method for creating conditions for the development of dialogue.

Theatrical and play activities should combine as many means and ways of developing creative and speech abilities child. One of the components of the lesson, which reproduces and synthesizes theatrical and play activities, is conjugate gymnastics, which contributes to the development of not only fine motor skills hands, but also better coordination of movements.

One of the methods that I use in working with children is theatrical games. The characteristic features of theatrical games are the literary, folklore or artistic basis of their content and the presence of spectators. They can be divided into two main groups: dramatizations and directorial ones (each of which, in turn, is divided into several types).

In dramatization games, the child, playing a role as an “artist,” independently creates an image using a set of expressive means. Types of dramatization are games - imitations of images of animals, people, literary and folklore characters: role-playing dialogues based on text; staging of works; staging performances based on one or more works; games - improvisations with the playing out of a plot (or several plots) without prior preparation.

In director's play, the “artists” are toys or their substitutes, and the child, organizing the activity as a “scriptwriter and director,” controls the “artists.” “Voicing” the characters and commenting on the plot, he uses different means of expression. The types of director's games are determined in accordance with the variety of theaters used in kindergarten: tabletop, puppet (bibabo, finger, theater of toys, puppets, pictures.

Therefore, I consider it necessary to use theatrical activities in working with preschool children, starting from a young age.

The basic principles of theatrical acting are:

The specificity of this activity, which combines play (free, involuntary) and artistic (prepared, meaningfully experienced) components.

Complexity (the relationship between theatrical play and different types of art and different types of artistic activity child).

Improvisation (theatrical play is considered as a creative activity, which determines a special interaction between an adult and a child, children among themselves, the basis of which is a free atmosphere, encouragement of children's initiative, the absence of a role model, the child having his own point of view, the desire for originality and self-expression) .

Integrity (purposeful work on the development of theatrical and gaming activities is included in the holistic pedagogical process).

Summing up the work, I would like to say that we teach children to be communicative, we teach them to competently structure their speech, express thoughts, think about surrounding events, phenomena, people, be able to listen and hear people.

Actively working with parents in kindergarten: meetings, consultations, seminars, open classes, competitions, quizzes, KVN, I notice the effectiveness of work in this direction. I ask my parents every day homework on the topics they study, which many of them do with pleasure. After all, work on developing a child’s speech is impossible without constant exercises, and parents provide invaluable assistance in our joint work.

In the future, I will continue the work I have begun on this topic, since it is extremely relevant.

Consultation “Development of children’s speech through theatrical activities”

One of the main tasks of FGT is the diversified development of children in the main areas: physical, social-personal, cognitive-speech, artistic-aesthetic. It is carried out through the implementation of a general education program and ensures that pupils achieve readiness for schooling.

A healthy, physically developed child with good, correct, literate speech is able to qualitatively assimilate program material primary school. To achieve this goal, we preschool workers must pay special attention to the development of children's speech. Russia's contribution to world literature difficult to overestimate. Our time, unfortunately, treats this wealth mercilessly: illiterate expressions, careless speech, reduction of vocabulary, loss of the very concept of speech culture. Year by year, the number of older preschoolers with defects in the pronunciation of speech sounds and its other qualities: tempo, voice strength, verbal communication, and poorly developed coherent speech is growing. Not every child can construct a detailed story or come up with his own fairy tale. Not everyone can even understand the author’s idea and answer questions about the content of the text they read, much less ask a question. We adults should not forget, when introducing a child into the vast world of the Russian language, that this is our national dignity. Therefore, it is very important to take care of the timely formation of children’s speech, its purity and correctness, preventing and correcting various violations.

Preschool educational institution- the first and most responsible link in common system public education. Mastery of the native language is one of the important acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood. It is preschool childhood that is especially sensitive to speech acquisition. Therefore, the process of speech development is considered in modern preschool education as general basis raising and teaching children. Psychologists and methodologists note that a child learns his native language, first of all, by imitating the spoken speech of those around him (D. B. Elkonin, R. E. Levina, A. P. Usova, etc.). Reflecting on the issue of increasing the level of speech of children, We came to the conclusion that theatrical activities can help. It is through theatricalization that children become acquainted with the world around them in all its diversity through images, colors, and sounds. And skillfully posed questions force them to think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalize. The founder of the Moscow Puppet Theater S.V. Obraztsov once expressed the idea that every child has a natural desire for acting. And we know that acquaintance with the theater occurs in an atmosphere of magic, festivity, and high spirits, so it is not difficult to interest children in the theater.

Theatrical activities are one of the most effective ways to influence children, in which the principle of learning is most fully and clearly demonstrated: learn by playing. Theater games are the most important factor, stimulating the development of coherent speech in children. In a theatrical game, each child could express his emotions, feelings, desires and views, not only privately, but also publicly, without being embarrassed by the presence of listeners. Experience pedagogical work showed that theatrical play has a great influence on the child’s speech development. Stimulates active speech by expanding vocabulary and improving the articulatory apparatus. The child learns the richness of his native language and its means of expression. Using expressive means and intonations that correspond to the character of the characters and their actions, he tries to speak clearly so that everyone understands him. In theatrical play, dialogical, emotionally rich speech is formed. Children better assimilate the content of the work, the logic and sequence of events, their development and causality. Theatrical games contribute to the assimilation of elements of verbal communication (facial expressions, gesture, posture, intonation, voice modulation). Classes in the children's theater enrich children with new impressions, knowledge, develop interest in fiction, activate vocabulary, colloquial speech, promote moral and aesthetic education, allow solve many pressing problems of pedagogy and psychology related to artistic and moral education, the development of personal communicative qualities, the development of imagination, fantasy, initiative, emancipation, etc. The goal of our work on theatrical activities is: children’s mastery of full-fledged speech, without which successful learning at school, and this is one of the most important tasks facing a preschool child. The more developed a child’s speech is, the wider his cognitive capabilities are. Theatrical games provide an opportunity to move from wordless sketches to sketches with words, dialogue, monologue, improvise with elements of mummery on a given topic, which excites fantasy, develops imagination, children learn to express themselves in movement, to hold themselves freely without being embarrassed. For preschool children, all the components of theater are important: music, costumes, scenery, and most importantly the word. Frequent rehearsals give children the opportunity to communicate, understand the feeling of partnership, mutual assistance, relieves stiffness, and speeds up the process of mastering public speaking skills.

We have identified the main directions of our activities: the gradual transition of a child from observing an adult’s theatrical performance to independent play activities; from individual play and “side-by-side play” to play in a group of three to five peers playing roles; from imitation of actions in combination with the transfer of the main emotions of the hero to mastering the role as a created simple “typical” image in a theatrical play.

We identified the main tasks in this direction:

Develop a sustainable interest in theatrical and gaming activities;

Enrich children's vocabulary, activate it;

Improve dialogic and monologue speech, its correct structure;

Encourage children to respond to action games with sounds (live and inanimate nature, imitate the movements of animals and birds to the music, to the sound of the word;

To promote the desire to independently use various types of theaters, the formation of activity in the game with characters and toys.

Approximate plan of direct educational activities (lessons):

Musical and rhythmic warm-up;

Respiratory and speech gymnastics;

Literary and artistic practice (coherent speech);

Games, a minute of pranks, a physical moment;

Theatrical activities.

Musically rhythmic warm-up includes rhythmic, musically practical games and exercises that develop:

a) children’s motor abilities (dexterity, mobility, flexibility, endurance);

b) plastic expressiveness (rhythm, musicality, speed of reaction, etc.);

c) imagination (ability for plastic improvisation).

Breathing and speech gymnastics helps children, through games and exercises, form correct, clear pronunciation (breathing, articulation).

In literary and artistic practice, children learn to convey the author’s thoughts (intonation, logical stress etc., as well as develop imagination, the ability to imagine what is being discussed, enrich vocabulary, activate speech skills and skills to make speech brighter and more imaginative. Theatrical activities include dramatization, plot sketches based on fairy tales, stories, and poems. Research by scientists L. Voronina and R. Smgutkina has established that if children from the first junior group, with the help of a teacher, act out folk songs, fairy tales, nursery rhymes, and in the second junior group, using toys, figurines of a plane theater, table theater, and Parsley theater, they will If you continue to do this, then already in middle, older age, theatrical activity is possible as an independent activity. For independent activity of children, it is necessary to create conditions in which theatrical activities will proceed successfully: create an object-spatial environment, make a screen, purchase a set of dolls, this gives every child the opportunity to take part in theatrical activities.

From work experience.

Working with kids, we noticed their interest in bright costumes and figurines of fairy tale heroes, hats, and masks. Younger preschoolers were attracted to this primarily because of the opportunity to change clothes, and therefore change. Gradually, we began to develop children’s interest in theatrical games. We organized viewing of small puppet shows for older children, taking as a basis the content of familiar nursery rhymes, poems and fairy tales. We began our acquaintance with theatrical acting through imitation games. The game is an imitation of individual actions of humans, animals and birds (the children woke up and stretched, the sparrows are flapping their wings) and the imitation of the basic emotions of a person (the sun came out - the children were happy: they smiled, clapped their hands, jumped in place). The game is an imitation of a chain of sequential actions combined with the transfer of the main emotions of the hero (the cheerful nesting dolls clapped their hands and began to dance; the bunny saw a fox, got scared and jumped behind a tree). A game of imitation of images of well-known people fairy tale characters(the clumsy bear walks towards the house, the brave cockerel walks along the path).

By the beginning of the year, children in the middle group began to speak better, but their speech was not yet sufficiently formed. Now our task has become to stimulate the desire of children to join the performance. Having introduced the children to different types of theaters: table theater, bibabo theater, plane theater on flannelgraph, we included in the process of children’s mastering mini-productions based on the texts of folk and original poems, fairy tales, stories (“This finger is a grandfather.”, “Tili-bom”, K. Ushinsky "Cockerel with his family", A. Barto "Toys", V. Suteev "Chicken and Duckling".)

Thanks to systematic studies Children developed active speech and developed play skills. While learning to be friendly spectators, the children did not forget to say thank you to the artist. And in acting, expressors began to independently use certain means (facial expressions, gestures, strength and timbre of voice, tempo of speech). Our work with middle-aged children was aimed at stimulating interest in creativity and improvisation. Gradually, the children became involved in the process of playful communication with theatrical dolls.

The children grew up... and their interest in theatrical games grew. In the older group, our task was to support their interest in theatrical play, to help them master dramatization games, which are distinguished by more complex content, interesting images of characters and original language means.

In working with children we used:

Multi-character dramatization games based on the texts of two or three-part fairy tales with elements of magic about animals ("Winter Lodge of Animals", "The Fox and the Wolf", "Geese-Swans", "Little Red Riding Hood");

Dramatization games based on the texts of stories on the topics “Children and their games”, “Guys and animals”, “The work of adults”;

Staging a performance based on the work.

“Learning to speak correctly” - a celebration of games and fairy tales

Due to the development of the theatrical game system, children have expanded their gaming experience, coherent speech, improved intonation expressiveness, and acquired skills aimed at positive interaction with other participants in the game. Also the ability to negotiate, resolve conflict situations on one's own. We, for our part, tried to pay more attention to the development of interest in creativity and improvisation using different means of expressiveness, brought children to the idea that the same character, situation, plot can be shown in different ways using voice volume, intonation expressiveness, facial expressions .

The preparatory group focused its work on deepening children’s interests in a certain type of theatrical activity, increasing interest in theatrical culture, and the ability to express themselves. We try to encourage children’s ability to independently draw up a plan for their planned theatrical action in a logical sequence, and we pay attention to the children’s ability to speak fluently in coherent speech. We organized a role-playing game “Theater”, in which special attention was paid to the audience and the rules of conduct for spectators when visiting the theater.

Several performances for children were staged with the participation of preparatory group students junior groups, such as: “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Three Bears”. After the performance, the guys gained self-confidence, their speech became clear, bright, and intonationally expressive. Parents were involved in staging performances and were given homework: to learn words with their children, make scenery for performances and prepare attributes for their child. This creative process brought joy to everyone: both children and parents.

Thus, theatrical activity is one of the most effective ways to influence a child, in which the principle of learning is most clearly manifested: activation and improvement of vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech, sound pronunciation, coherent speech skills, tempo, expressiveness of speech. And the participation of children in theatrical games gives them joy, arouses active interest, captivates them, and creates psychological comfort for the children’s stay in preschool institution.

Speech development in younger preschoolers through theatrical activities

(pedagogical project)


IN modern world, increasingly, live communication for children is being replaced by computers and television, and this trend is constantly growing. As a result, the number of children with unformed coherent speech is steadily increasing. This is why speech development is becoming an increasingly pressing problem in our society. In our preschool institution, solving the problem of developing the speech of children of senior preschool age through theatrical activities, we use two types of theater: puppet and dramatic.

The drama theater in our kindergarten exists as an adult theater for children and as a theater in which children participate. More often, joint productions are used, in which: a) children mainly participate, and adults play the most difficult, cementing roles; b) mostly adults play, and children only occasionally enter into the outline of the plot.

Theatrical activities in kindergarten organizationally permeate all routine moments: they are included in classes, in the joint activities of children and adults in their free time, and are carried out in children’s independent activities.

Most often, when speaking about theatrical activity, we mean its most striking products - dramatizations, performances, concerts, which can be included in the content of holidays and entertainment. While working with children of the older group, a problem arose with the fact that their speech is not sufficiently developed, they have difficulty talking about the events of their lives, cannot retell literary works, and do not remember poetry well. This is how the project “Development of coherent speech in children through theatrical activities” appeared, since theatrical performance is a favorable environment for the creative development of children.

This activity helps the development of coherent and grammatically correct speech in an unobtrusive form, leads children to join and participate in theatrical activities, generalizes and deepens knowledge about the theater. Expands children's vocabulary on this topic and develops cognitive interest.

Creating conditions conducive to the development of speech in children of senior preschool age through theatrical activities.

1. Develop speech breathing and correct articulation, varied intonation, speech logic, coherent figurative speech, creative imagination;

2. Develop the ability to work cooperatively with partners in planning collective activities.

3. Develop creativity, imagination and memory.

4. Organize cooperation with parents. Provide support and assistance to families in nurturing preschoolers’ interest in theatrical activities.

Project participants: children of the senior group, teachers, music director, parents.

Project type: group, short-term (December-January)

Expected results:

2. ability to master expressive speech skills;

3. the ability to convey various feelings using facial expressions, gestures, intonation;

4. show interest and desire for theatrical art;

5. convey images of fairy-tale characters with characteristic movements;

6. interact collectively and consistently, showing your individuality;

7. the ability to consistently express one’s thoughts;

8. the ability to pronounce the same phrase with different intonations, tongue twisters at different tempos, with different voice strengths;

10. the ability to control one’s feelings and behave confidently in front of an audience;

11. ability to master the rules of good manners, behavior, etiquette of communication with peers and adults;

12. revealing the personality of each child, his creative potential, abilities, interests.

Funds for the project:

Didactic and theatrical games, exercises;

Artistic and productive activity;

Design of exhibitions of children's works, joint creativity of children and their parents; photo exhibitions;

Going to the theater and photo excursions;

Conducting theatrical performances;

Development of children's speech through theatrical activities

Sections: Work with preschoolers

The project contains games and exercises for the development of plasticity, facial expressions, elements of logarithmics and articulatory gymnastics in the system of theatrical activities.

The variety of forms and systematization of classes will allow the teacher to stimulate motor, intonation-speech and creative activity children.

A diagnosis is given for the development of speech and theatrical activities of preschool children.

The manual is intended for teachers working with preschool children, tutors, parents, and students.

Speech development is one of the most important acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood and is considered in modern preschool education as the general basis for raising and educating children.

L. S. Vygotsky wrote:

“There is every factual and theoretical basis to assert that not only the intellectual development of a child, but also the formation of his character, emotions and personality as a whole is directly dependent on speech.”

In the process of working with older preschoolers, special attention is paid to the development of their coherent speech. Children's storytelling is a means of teaching coherent speech.

While working with children of the older group, a problem arose with the fact that their speech is not sufficiently developed, they have difficulty talking about the events of their lives, cannot retell literary works, and do not remember poetry well. Therefore, for in-depth work, the topic “Development of children’s speech through theatrical activities” was chosen, because

theatricalization is a favorable environment for the creative development of children. Therefore, as a motive for correcting speech defects in children, this activity helps the development of coherent and grammatically correct speech in an unobtrusive form, leads children to join and participate in theatrical activities, generalizes and deepens knowledge about the theater. Expands children's vocabulary on this topic and develops cognitive interest.

That is why it is extremely relevant today to conduct performances with children in joint activities, telling fairy tales, staging songs, fairy-tale sketches, etc.

Thus, theatrical activities help to develop the child comprehensively. In the process of theatrical activities, preschoolers acquire not only new knowledge, abilities and skills, develop abilities and creativity, but also come into contact with children from other groups and with adults, which contributes to the development of their speech skills. Expanding the circle of communication helps to create a full-fledged development environment, each child to find his own, special place and at the same time become a full member of the community, an equal partner in interaction.

Thus, it was set target:

  • development of speech (monologue, dialogic) of children with special needs through theatrical activities.

To achieve this goal, the work set the following tasks:

  • practice clear pronunciation of words, practice diction;
  • cultivate moral and ethical qualities;
  • develop coordination of movements;
  • develop speech breathing and correct articulation, clear diction, varied intonation, logic of speech, coherent figurative speech, creative imagination;
  • to cultivate a culture of behavior in the theater;
  • replenish your vocabulary, figurative structure speech.

Educational area:

familiarization with the environment, speech development, manual labor, music.

Project implementation timeline: 2010-2012

Main directions of project implementation:

Department of Education of the Armavir City Administration.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, general developmental kindergarten No. 43


Development of correct speech in preschoolers through theatrical activities.

Avdeeva Irina Vasilievna teacher-speech therapist


2013-2014 academic year year.

  1. Relevance of the chosen topic. The use of theatrical games in a variety of forms (puppet theater, dramatization games, staging) consistently produces good results. Creative and theatrical activities for children with speech problems are one of the most effective ways of corrective influence on the speech of preschool children, in which it is most clearly manifested main principle teaching preschoolers - learn while playing.
  2. Problem: insufficient use of this form in correctional work.
  3. Goal: to help the child master not only the content side of the language (sound pronunciation, vocabulary, grammatical norms, coherent speech), but also its figurative and emotional sides. Children's use of various means of expressive speech, such as the most important condition timely speech, literary and artistic development.
  4. Tasks:
  • activate and expand the vocabulary, improve sound pronunciation, grammatical structure, coherent speech skills, and its expressiveness;
  • develop the emotional-volitional sphere.
  1. Implementation period: from October 2013. to May 2014
  2. Project participants: pupils of senior groups of MBDOU-43, teachers, music directors, parents, speech therapist.
  3. Required materials: methodological and fiction on the topic, puppets and puppet theater decorations, fairy tale scenarios, costumes and costume details for performances, finger theater, toy theater.
  4. Expected results: Activation and improvement of all aspects and types of speech through the educational and training opportunities of theatrical activities. Improving vocabulary, sound culture, the ability to think, analyze, generalize. Express yourself clearly and clearly, figuratively, using verbal and incredible means. Develop the habit of vivid figurative speech, the ability to speak in front of an audience, i.e. develop experience of social skills.

Intended product of the project.

  1. Final lesson for parents with the joint efforts of children and teachers.
  2. Systematization of theoretical and practical material for working with educators and parents in a collection.

Project implementation


  • development of a series of consultations for educators: “Speech technique”, “Games with tongue twisters”, “Elements of theatrical activities in the formation of fine motor skills”, “The influence of fingers on the development of speech”, “Finger theater as a means of familiarization with the outside world”,
  • workshops: “Introduction to symbolic analogy”, “Mime exercises and acting studies”,
  • lesson plans for theater activities for the year for educators,
  • development of a series of lesson notes on theater activities,
  • systematic material on the development of speech technique, games with tongue twisters “broken telephone”, “hand ball”, “phrase in a circle”, “main word”,
  • an album of tongue twisters, sketches for the development of attention and memory, imagination and expressiveness of gestures, “bring an object to life”, “write a fairy tale”, “dreamers”, “let’s not get bored”, “choose a profession”, “make and compose”, “it happens ?.
  • Video materials on the melodic recitation “Grandfather Tree”, “Horse”, “Sun”, etc. have been prepared and used by teachers.
  • collection of texts for melodic recitation.

"Games with objects at hand."

"Theater and children."

“How to develop a child’s speech at home.”

“How to talk about what you read.”

"How to come up with stories for games."

“What a child learns in theatrical play.”

Development of correct speech

through children's creativity and theatrical activities

The role of the native language, which helps children clearly and consciously perceive the world, is a means of communication and gives great pleasure to those who own its wealth to the fullest, cannot be overestimated.

In preschool childhood, the child masters the sound side of speech, assimilates a significant part of the vocabulary, learns grammatical norms for the design of speech, develops coherent speech, the basics of monologue and dialogue.

But the process of speech development offers not only the development of the content side of the language, but also the figurative and emotional side. Psychologist and philosopher, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences S. L. Rubinstein wrote in his work “On the Psychology of Speech”: “The more expressive the speech, the more it is speech, and not just language, because the more expressive the speech, the more the speaker appears in it ; his face, himself." Rubinstein considers expressiveness as a qualitative characteristic of speech, which is closely related to the manifestation of a person’s individuality.

Accordingly, the use by children of a variety of means of expressive speech is the most important condition for timely speech, literary and artistic development.

Why did I take children’s theatrical activities as speech development assistants? I can't call her myself hot topic, but the use of theatrical games in a variety of forms (puppet theater, dramatization games, staging) gives consistently good results.

Creative and theatrical activities for children with speech problems:

One of the most effective ways of corrective influence on the speech of preschoolers, in which the principle of learning is most clearly manifested, is to teach by playing.

The use of theatrical creativity allows you to:

  • to form moral behavior in children;
  • expand and deepen their knowledge about the world around them;
  • develop mental processes in children (attention, memory, perception, thinking, imagination);
  • activate and expand your vocabulary, improve sound pronunciation, grammatical structure, coherent speech skills, and its expressiveness;
  • improve children's motor skills, coordination, smoothness, switchability and purposefulness of movements;
  • develop the emotional and volitional sphere.

folk art, reading poetry, teaching retelling, elementary forms of verbal creativity.

Due to the figurative and concrete thinking of children, staging helps to perceive the work more clearly and correctly. What you see and experience in the theater and amateur performances creates a need to tell your friends and parents about it. This contributes to the development of speech, the ability to conduct a dialogue, and convey impressions in a monologue form.

Theatrical activities always make children happy. Children see the world around them through images, colors, and sounds. Children laugh and feel sad together with their favorite characters and identify themselves with them.

Theatrical games stand at the border between play and art. They are named so for their closeness to a theatrical performance. We used a variety of games in our work: picture theater, finger theater, puppets made from mittens and gloves, shadow with the help of images of animals and objects (elements of finger gymnastics: bunny, dog, rooster, house, bridge, etc.), toy theater, bi - ba - bo, games - dramatization, staging of works and folklore.

The educational and training possibilities of theatrical activities are wide. By participating in it, children become acquainted with the diversity of the world, and skillfully posed questions force them to think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations.

Improvement of speech is also closely related to mental development. In the process of working on the expressiveness of characters’ remarks and their own statements, the child is faced with the need to express himself clearly, clearly, and intelligibly. The vocabulary5>sound culture is being improved, dialogic speech and its expressiveness are improving.

The expressiveness of speech develops gradually: from involuntary emotional speech in children to intonation speech in the middle group and to linguistic expressiveness speech in children of senior preschool age. We develop both verbal (intonation, vocabulary, syntax) and non-verbal (facial expressions, gestures, posture) means. We memorize poems and texts based on symbols - images; game exercises for the development of facial expressions and the formation of statements; sketch training. We conduct exercises on the external manifestation of emotions and intonation of phrases in class and in free time (with the teacher).

Thus, the habit of bright, figurative speech, the ability to speak in front of the public is cultivated from childhood, since it often happens that people with rich spiritual content turn out to be closed, shy, avoid public speaking, and get lost in the presence of unfamiliar faces.

Theatrical activities allow you to develop the experience of social behavior skills. Thanks to a fairy tale, a child learns about the world, not only with his mind, but also with his heart. And he not only knows, but also expresses his own attitude towards good and evil.

Favorite heroes become role models and identification. This allows the child to solve many problematic situations indirectly on behalf of a character, to overcome timidity, shyness, and self-doubt.

To work on the topic in all age groups, a subject-spatial environment has been created, which ensures joint theatrical work and, in addition, is the basis for the independent creativity of each child. This area contains various types of puppet theater, clothing and elements of costumes for dressing up, children's drawings, crafts, photographs; which ensures the right and freedom of choice to engage in a favorite activity.

We use:

  • watching puppet shows and talking about them;
  • games - dramatization; acting out fairy tales, dramatizations;
  • exercises to develop expressive performance;
  • exercises on social emotional development children.

Project implementation stages.

  • development of a spatial development environment for theatrical play activities,
  • selection of software and methodological support,
  • preparation of diagnostic tools,
  • conducting PDS with teachers “Development of children’s speech through theatrical activities”, 1st lesson – “Relevance and significance of the topic”,
  • selection of video and audio materials,
  • consultations with educators: “Speech technique”, “Finger theater as a means of getting to know the outside world.”
  1. Main stage
  • development of charts for examining children with speech disorders according to:

artistic-speech and theatrical-game activities.

  • 2nd lesson of PDS “Results of examination of children’s speech on this topic”,
  • master class “Making attributes for theatrical performances”,
  • consultation “elements of theatrical activities in the formation of fine motor skills”,
  • practical lesson on working with video and audio materials,
  • “puppet theater as a means of speech development” - message,
  • Pedagogical living room "studies of acting."
  1. The final stage
  • PDS – lesson No. 3 final: “Qualitative change in children’s speech as a result of the project”,
  • demonstration lesson “Summer Fantasy”,

Long-term work plan for the parent club MBDOU No. 43 “let’s speak beautifully” for the 2013-2014 academic year

Project "Development of coherent speech of preschoolers through theatrical activities" - Notes, scripts, recommendations - - Methodological piggy bank - Kindergarten No. 107 "Sun"

Project "Development of coherent speech of preschool children through theatrical activities"

Relevance of the project

In our preschool institution, the speech direction of children's development is a priority. After all, speech is not only a means of communication, but also a tool of thinking, creativity, a carrier of memory, information, etc. In other words, speech is a polymorphic (diverse) activity.

Mastering coherent monologue speech is the highest achievement of speech education for preschoolers. It includes the development of the sound side of the language, vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech and occurs in close connection with the development of all aspects of speech: lexical, grammatical, phonetic.

Children master their native language through speech activity, through speech perception and speaking. Therefore, it is very important to create conditions for well-connected speech activity of children, for communication, for expressing their thoughts.

Working with children 4-5 years old, in January 2012, I decided to conduct an interim diagnostic in order to analyze and identify how effective the methods and techniques I had chosen for implementing the main program were. The result revealed the following: in all educational fields, except for “Communication” was traced positive dynamics, corresponding to the age of the students and the objectives of the general education program.

Speech skills remained almost at the same level as at the beginning of the year. This was especially true for the “Coherent Speech” section. In 80% of those tested, the development of coherent speech remained at a low level.

The children could not write a descriptive story even with the help of the teacher. They did not give detailed answers to the questions; they answered in monosyllables.

When presenting the narrative, there was a violation of logical sequence, paucity of presentation, limitation and inferiority lexical means language. Thus, a problem emerged: the development of coherent speech does not correspond to age.

Problem. The level of development of coherent speech does not correspond to age.

In the process of working on the expressiveness of characters’ remarks and their own statements, the child’s vocabulary is imperceptibly activated, and the sound side of speech is improved. New role, especially the sound dialogue of the characters, confronts the child with the need to express himself clearly, clearly, and intelligibly. His dialogical speech and its grammatical structure improve, he begins to actively use the dictionary, which in turn is also replenished.

Project goals and objectives

Target: development of coherent speech in preschoolers through theatrical activities.


1. Provide a developmental environment rich in diverse gaming materials, scenery, various types of theaters, promoting the formation of theatrical and play activities and the development of coherent speech in preschoolers.

2. Develop long-term plans on theatrical activities.

3. Interact with parents in order to enrich the gaming experience and the child’s speech activity.

4. Develop children's speech as a means of communication. Improve dialogic and monologue forms of speech.

Project participants

Project implementation mechanism

More details

"Development of coherent speech of preschoolers through theatrical activities"

Relevance of the project

One of the important acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood is mastering his native speech.

In our preschool institution, the speech direction of children's development is a priority. After all, speech is not only a means of communication, but also an instrument of thinking, creativity, a carrier of memory, information, etc.

In other words, speech is a polymorphic (diverse) activity. Mastering coherent monologue speech is the highest achievement of speech education for preschoolers.

It includes the development of the sound side of the language, vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech and occurs in close connection with the development of all aspects of speech: lexical, grammatical, phonetic. Children master their native language through speech activity, through speech perception and speaking. Therefore, it is very important to create conditions for well-connected speech activity of children, for communication, for expressing their thoughts.

Unfortunately, in the modern world, live communication for children is increasingly being replaced by computers and television, and this trend is constantly growing. As a result, the number of children with unformed coherent speech is steadily increasing. This is why speech development is becoming an increasingly pressing problem in our society.

Working with children aged 5-6 years, in May 2014, during the final monitoring, the following was revealed: in all educational areas, except for “Communication”, positive dynamics were observed, corresponding to the age of the pupils and the objectives of the general education program. Speech skills remained almost at the same level as in the middle of the year.

This was especially true for the “Coherent Speech” section. In 80% of those tested, the development of coherent speech remained at an average level. Children could compose a descriptive story only with the help of the teacher.

They did not give detailed answers to the questions; they answered in monosyllables. When presenting the narrative, there was a violation of logical sequence, paucity of presentation, limited and inferior lexical means of the language. Thus, a problem emerged: the development of coherent speech does not correspond to age.

Problem. The level of development of coherent speech does not correspond to age.

An assessment of the initial state of the identified problem situation determined the need to search for new forms of work.

I chose this form of theatrical activity as a strong but unobtrusive pedagogical tool.

The questions posed to children in preparation for theatrical performance encourage them to think, analyze rather complex situations, and draw conclusions and generalizations. This contributes to the improvement of mental development and the closely related improvement of speech.

In the process of working on the expressiveness of characters’ remarks and their own statements, the child’s vocabulary is imperceptibly activated, and the sound side of speech is improved. The new role, especially the audio dialogue of the characters, confronts the child with the need to express himself clearly, distinctly, and intelligibly. His dialogical speech and its grammatical structure improve, he begins to actively use the dictionary, which in turn is also replenished.

Goal: development of coherent speech in preschoolers through theatrical activities.

1. To provide a developmental environment, rich in a variety of gaming materials, decorations, and various types of theaters, conducive to the development of theatrical play activities and the development of coherent speech in preschoolers.

2.Develop long-term plans for theatrical activities.

3. Interact with parents in order to enrich the gaming experience and speech activity of the child.

4.Develop children's speech as a means of communication. Improve dialogic and monologue forms of speech.

Project participants

Children, educators, parents, music director, choreographer, fine art teacher, speech therapist.

Project implementation mechanism

Material from the site