Speech development primroses in the preparatory group. Summary of the open display of educational activities on cognitive development in the preparatory group “Primroses”

Target: to arouse in children interest in the world around us, to form a realistic idea of ​​the nature around us, the desire to become a friend of nature, to preserve and protect it; expand children’s understanding and knowledge of spring forest primroses and their significance in our lives; develop children's speech, activate attention and memory.

Dictionary enrichment: lungwort, anemone.

Activating the dictionary: primroses.

Progress of the lesson

Spring song S.Ya. Marshak.

The snow is no longer the same -
He darkened in the field,
The ice on the lakes is cracked
It's like they split it.
The clouds are moving faster
The sky has become higher
The sparrow chirped
Have fun on the roof.
It's getting darker every day
Stitches and paths
And on the willows with silver
The earrings glow.

– What else, besides young leaves, will decorate the forest? (children's answers)

– When do the first flowers appear in the forest? (As soon as the snow melts and the first thawed patches appear).

– The very first flowers in the forest are called primroses. What primroses are you familiar with? (Children's answers).

– Forest glades can be of unusual beauty in the spring, when primroses bloom. Please listen to the riddle. What flower is it talking about? (Snowdrop)

On snow-covered hummocks
Under a white snow cap
We found a little flower
Half frozen, barely alive.
The first to get out of the earth
On a thawed patch.
He is not afraid of frost
Even if it's small.
Blooms from under the snow,
Welcomes spring before everyone else.

(Children look at illustrated material: pictures, slides depicting a snowdrop in a forest clearing)

(First slide) Snowdrop.

All plants that bloom in early spring are called primroses.

They are the first to emerge from under the snow.

(second slide) lungwort.

When it blooms, its flowers are pink. After a while they will turn crimson and then purple. And withered flowers have Blue colour. Since flowers on one stem bloom in different time, then you get a small bouquet.

Lungwort is also called a sweet bouquet, because its flowers contain a lot of sweet juice-nectar.

(third slide) Anemone.

This plant blooms only during the season of strong spring winds.

(Fourth slide) Dream-grass.

The distant forest stands like a wall,
And in the forest, in the wilderness of the forest,
An owl is sitting on a branch.
Sleepy grass grows there.
They say sleep-grass
Knows sleepy words:
How he whispers his words,
The head will immediately drop.
I. Tokmakova

(Fifth slide) Corydalis.

This plant is small, fragile, delicate. Its leaves are thin and soft, purple flowers have small tufts.

(Sixth slide) Primrose (Primrose)

This plant is called "golden keys of spring."

(Seventh slide) Coltsfoot.

It is the very first to bloom in spring. When the flowers fade, large green leaves appear. They look like the most ordinary ones, but if you touch them, it’s so wonderful! One side of the leaves is warm, covered with soft fluff, and the other is smooth and cold. The warm one is the mother, the cold one is the stepmother.

(Eighth slide) Lily of the valley.

Even at night there is an ant
Will not miss his home:
Let the path until dawn
Lanterns illuminate.
On large pillars in a row
White lamps are hanging.

The plant is a symbol of spring, from whose porcelain cups red beads are formed.

(Ninth slide) Remember the rules:

  • Don’t pick flowers in the forest or meadow. Let beautiful plants remain in nature.
  • Remember that bouquets can only be made from plants that are grown by humans.
  • Plant primroses in the garden and take care of them.
  • Tell your friends and family about protecting primroses.

Physical education minute: "Find yourself a mate" distribute children into subgroups.

Give each group a picture of a flower and ask them to describe it, so that the other children can guess what kind of flower it is.

– Bloom, forest bells and lanterns! Delight us with your beauty! And we will cherish your joy, beauty and kindness in our memory. Let's draw these flowers and give the drawings to our loved ones. Children chose visual materials at will (Paints, pencils, wax crayons, felt-tip pens).

At the end of the lesson, lay out the children's drawings on the table to make a spring bouquet. Ask which spring bouquet you liked best.

Natalia Dementieva
Summary of GCD in the preparatory group "Primroses"

Target: organize educational activities for children aimed at developing cognitive interest children to nature in the process of becoming familiar with primroses.


Introduce children to primroses: snowdrop, scilla, crocuses, coltsfoot, lungwort, primrose;

Consolidate knowledge about primroses: snowdrops, scilla, crocuses, coltsfoot, lungwort, primrose;

Contribute to the enrichment and activation of vocabulary on the topic of the lesson;

Fostering a caring attitude towards nature.

Demo material: an envelope with a picture of a sad flower, signs “Do not pick flowers”, “Do not trample flowers”, “Do not light a fire in the forest”.

Equipment: projector, screen for viewing presentations « Primroses» .

Vocabulary enrichment: Galanthus, scilla, crocus, coltsfoot, lungwort, primrose.

Progress of the lesson

1. Motivational and organizational stage

Educator: Guys, we received a letter today (we open it, and there is a picture of a sad flower).

Why do you think the flower is sad?

Want to know what's in the letter?

“Guys, spring has begun and flowers have blossomed in the forest. primroses. But people are tearing up the first flowers are trampled, and this makes us flowers very sad. And signature primroses».

We'll help primroses?

How can we help primroses? What do we need to do for this? (Do not pick flowers, do not trample flowers).

How do you know what it is primroses(Children's answers)

And what primroses grow in our forests (Children's answers)

Do you want to know (Children's answers)

Educator: Primroses invite us to visit and want you to learn some rules that will help primroses.

Show presentation « Primroses»

Educator: As soon as the melted snow runs down from the hillocks in ringing rivulets, black and brown thawed patches appear and immediately appear primroses. Primroses- these are amazing plants that have adapted to bloom when there is no foliage on the trees in the forest, and every warm ray of sunlight reaches the very ground.

Spring sunny day

IN forgotten park urban,

In the dense hazel bushes

Three snowdrops woke up.

Revealed your modest

Buds of tender blue

And they whispered timidly:

“Tell me, were they waiting for us here?”

L. Terekhova

They will break through the dead wood

Sprouts of dreams

Pearl snowdrops –

Milky flowers.

Al. Savostyanov, "Pearl Snowdrops"

Educator: The snowdrop appears directly from under the snow, which is why it was given such a name. But only Galanthus is a real snowdrop. This first of spring flowers, which blooms in the warm days of February. Its flowers are milky white bells. And the name comes from the Latin word Galanthus - milk flower, reflecting its most delicate White color. Snowdrops begin to bloom during warm winters and early spring already in February. The snowdrop blooms only during the day, and when the sun goes down and it gets cool, the flower drops closer to the snow. In the morning, the snowdrop flower opens again and a magnificent aroma is felt.

There's a crackling sound in the forest underfoot,

And the dead wood crunches.

We are looking for a flower of spring,


Educator: At the beginning of April, in deciduous forests, under the trees you can find one of the cutest spring plants, blue scilla. Scilla is sometimes called blue snowdrop, due to its external resemblance to the latter, and also because it appears as soon as the snow melts. Actually it's different plants. These blue or dark blue flowers are also not afraid of spring frosts. According to popular prophecy, this flower arose from pieces of the sky that fell to the ground. Latin name th – "scylla", which translated means sea onion, probably because its color resembles the blue of the sea. Many peoples believe that this flower heals the sick. It is considered a flower of cheerful mood. He appears as one of first. Its stem is thin and fragile, and the flower itself evokes tender and touching feelings. This flower is a scilla.

Spring is walking across the earth,

The snow in the snowdrifts melts quickly,

New grass is growing

The crocus will bloom again.

Crocus small flower,

Like stars son,

It will open its petals,

The spring snow will wash them away.

He sneezes with his little yellow nose,

The smell will attract bees.

Crocus first of the flowers,

That is ready to bloom in the spring,

Pulls leaves from the ground,

It does not wither in the cold.

Anna Kulagina-Fursina

Educator: And this spring flower is called crocus. Crocuses begin to bloom in early spring. Bright low crocus flowers appear along with the first warmth of spring. Crocuses bloom for a short time, only 5-7 days. There are types of crocuses that prefer to bloom in the fall.

A clearing of crocuses, the most beautiful creatures,

The most delicate flowers, heralds of spring,

That artist decorated the creation,

Your soulful, spring canvases.

Educator: Guess the riddle, what kind of flower is this?

Warmed by a golden ray

The sun's portrait has grown!

But the yellow flower

Temporarily no leaves


Yellow eye from underground

They are the first to give us.

What is the correct name for them?

If the earth is like a mother to them?


Educator: What do you know about coltsfoot? Why do you think the flower has this name? (Children's answers)


In April firstborn flowers

There were flowers blooming on the lawns everywhere.

The stems are raised towards the sun

Yellow flowers from the ground.

Petals look like rays

By evening they will clench their fists.

In the morning the sun will rise in the sky,

Little Flower will unclench his fist.

He just raised his head to the sun -

He himself looked like the sun.

Little suns of the Earth

People called it a mother-and-stepmother.

Educator: In cloudy, rainy weather, the coltsfoot flowers close. They also close at night. In the morning, during the sunny season, the coltsfoot baskets open again. Grows on roadsides and in forests. The upper side of the leaf is smooth and cool ( "stepmother"). The lower one, whitish with numerous hairs, is soft and warm - respectively, "mother". It is a medicinal plant.

This nickname is not for nothing,

At a beautiful flower

A drop of juicy nectar,

And fragrant and sweet,

cure a cold

Lungwort will help you.

If you go to the forest, don’t forget

He will bow to the lungwort.

E. Kozhevnikov.

Lungwort, spring spring!

Blue sky sister.

How tender are your leaves!

How sweet your flowers are!

Educator: Lungwort is a forest flower. Lungwort grows in deciduous and mixed forests - among bushes at the edge. It blooms in early spring in April and May in bare forests. They call it that because it contains a lot of nectar, which bees and other insects feed on. The flowers are small, beautiful, pinkish-red at first, then become violet-blue. Lungwort is a medicinal plant.

A little hello first lark

A clear bell rang out from the sky,

It's the earliest primrose

A golden diaper flashed.

Adam Mickiewicz

Educator: This flower is primrose. Primroses are popularly called “lambs” - young leaves, wavy, look like the backs of lambs; and also “keys” - flowers are collected in an inflorescence, reminiscent of a bunch of keys. Primrose grows in forests, on dry edges. Medicinal plant.

Educator: Let's repeat the names primroses with whom we met. Each flower has a number. I make a riddle, and you say the number and name of the flower.

The snow has not all melted yet,

The sand has warmed up a little,

And it has already blossomed

Yellow small flower.

I'm wondering what color it is -

Dandelion or not?

If he is, then it’s very strange

Why does it bloom so early? (Coltsfoot)

The first to get out of the earth

On a thawed patch.

He is not afraid of frost

Even if it's small. (Snowdrop)

What flowers are similar to snowdrops, but only they are blue? (scilla)

We'll go to the woods and find a flower there

Sweet name, blue light

What kind of flower is this? (Lungwort)

How handsome and mischievous.

It grows and crawls out of the snow.

He is very brave, he is from the forest.

How did he endure the cold?

I began to freeze under the snow,

From the sun to the sun - to catch the ray

spring primrose, the key to spring,

Don't you have golden dreams? (Primrose)

8 slide, 9 slide, 10 slide

Di “What’s extra?” Look at the slide and tell me which flower is the odd one out and why? (2 slides)

Slide 8 – extra rose – garden flower

Slide 9 - extra bell - summer flower

Educator: So you met primroses that grow in our forests. But how can people help flowers? (Children's answers)

Educator: I have hint signs, what rules do you think they represent?

Displaying signs “Do not pick flowers”, “Do not trample flowers”, “Do not light a fire in the forest”.

Educator: “If I pick a flower, If you pick a flower, If All: both me and you, If we pick the flowers, all the meadows will be empty, And there will be no beauty!”

Dynamic pause.

Physical education minute "Snowdrop"

In a forest thawed area,

The little flower is sleeping (squatting)

I woke up and stretched (stand up, stretch)

And substituted the petals (hands on waist, turns to the sides)

Under the sun's rays.

Educator: Guys. Do you want to try making your own bouquet? primroses(Children's answers)

What do you think they can be made from? (Children's answers)

We will make flowers out of paper. Display of finished bouquets

If the flowers are yellow, what flowers do they look like? (coltsfoot and primrose, and blue and pink? (for lungwort, blue and white? (snowdrops, scillas)

Choose the one colored paper, which you will need to make flowers.

The teacher shows how to make a bush.

Then the children cut out and paste the flowers on their own.

What are you doing primrose?

3. Reflective stage

Educator: What flowers did you make? How else can they be called in one word? (primroses)

Are you satisfied with your job? What was difficult? (Children's answers)

Who will you show your flower to? Can you teach others how to make flowers like this?

Who will you give the flower to? (Children's answers)

Are you interested in learning about others? primroses, which are growing in Russia and other countries? Where can I find out? (In encyclopedias)

I found it very interesting with you.

Literature and resources (illustrations):

1. Literary - riddles, poetry: "On a sunny spring day" L. Terekhova, "Coltsfoot" Antosych, "If I pick a flower" T. Sobakin, "Pearl Snowdrops" A. Savostyanov, "Crocus" V. Pavlova, "Crocus is a small flower." poems for children by Anna Kulagina-Fursina, poems by E. Kozhevnikov;

Municipal government preschool educational institution kindergarten"Pinocchio"


Directly educational activities By cognitive development

On the topic: “Primroses”


L. A. Andreeva

With. Chunoyar


Target : expanding children's knowledge about primroses.



Learn to find connections between flowering plants and insects;


To consolidate children’s ideas about primroses, the ability to identify them by description,


Bring up careful attitude to the primroses.

Vocabulary enrichment

Coltsfoot, lily of the valley, poisonous, protected, primroses, galanthus, hyacinth, narcissus, nectar.

Integration of educational areas:“Cognitive development”, “Social-communicative”, “physical development”.

Activities:Cognitive-research, communicative, motor, visual.

Material and equipment:Presentation, projector, laptop, pencils, paper.

Progress of the lesson:

Stage of consolidation of knowledge. All messages are illustrated with presentation slides. "Winter gives way to spring"

The winter days are over

the nights have become short

the sun is clearer from the sky,

a golden ray spills out.

Moist heat blows

The wind from the wide fields

Quickly one after another

The clouds are rushing in a crowd

They glide through a light haze

Jackdaws and crows in herds.

They will sit on the roof in rows,

The willows bent over the tine,

All blossomed and fluffed up,

It sparkles like pearls.

In some places the hummocks have melted,

And the kidneys turned red

With a sweetly dormant leaf.


Now I will tell you a riddle.

The streams rang,

The rooks have arrived.

To your home - hive - bee

I brought the first honey.

Who's to say, who knows

When does this happen?

Conversation with children:

What changes happen in spring? Why?

The topic of today's conversation is encrypted on the slide. Let's try to decipher it.

All plants that bloom in early spring are called primroses. They are the first to emerge from under the snow.

At the snow-covered hummocks,

Under a white snow cap,

We found a little blue flower,

Half frozen, barely alive

It must have been hot

It's sunny this morning.

The flower under the snow felt stuffy,

And he thought it was time

And he got out... But everything around is quiet,

There are no neighbors, he is the first here.

The hare saw him

I smelled it and wanted to eat it,

Then she probably regretted it:

You're too thin, my friend!

And suddenly a fluffy, white one went

Cold March snow.

He fell and skidded...

It's winter again, not spring.

And from a flower on a long stem

Only the cap is visible.

And he, turning blue from the cold,

Bowing my weak head,

He said: “I will die, but I will not regret:

After all, spring began with me!”

Z. Alexandrova

Why do these plants bloom first? Why do they often develop flowers first and then leaves? We will find the answer to these questions today. In nature, nothing happens “just like that.” If something takes place in it, then there are reasons for it.

April is the month spring primroses. During the day, the bright, radiant sun heats up strongly, streams run hastily, and at night the earth freezes. The green kingdom wakes up and presents us with its first, albeit modest-looking gifts.

Let's return to our primroses and ask ourselves the question: “why do they bloom so early in the spring?” To begin with, let us remember that plants need sunlight. It is in the light that the processes of photosynthesis occur in the green organs of plants, when inorganic substances(water and carbon dioxide) are formed organic matter- carbohydrates, which plants then use for their development. Thus, sufficient sunlight is a necessary condition normal development plants. The entire life of plants passes in a constant struggle for light. Have you ever been to the April forest? Let's take a look. Notice how light it seems at this time of year? The trees and bushes have not yet put on leaves; nothing prevents sunlight from freely penetrating to the ground. This circumstance is the main reason that many plant species “choose” this time of year to bloom. In addition, after the snow melts, the ground is saturated with moisture, which is also a necessary condition for the normal development of plants. At this time of year, however, it is still quite cool, and early flowering plants had to adapt to this (remember that, for example, steppe and desert plants have plenty of heat and light, but they have to fight for moisture, which is precious in those conditions). In order to gain an advantage in one, living organisms have to sacrifice advantages in another.

"Transparency" free from leaves spring forest different kinds plants are used in different ways. Low-growing insect-pollinated plants attract the first insects with bright flowers at this time of year. Who will notice their flowers in the twilight of the summer forest? Now, when the lower tiers of the forest are well lit, yellow, blue and pink flowers are most visible here.

They are distinguished by their extraordinary “haste” - they are born immediately after the snow melts and develop quickly, despite the spring coolness. A week or two after birth, they are already blooming, and after another two to three weeks, fruits with seeds appear. At the same time, the plants themselves turn yellow and lie down on the ground, and then their above-ground part dries out. All this happens at the very beginning of summer, when, it would seem, the conditions for the life of forest plants are the most favorable - there is enough body and moisture. But these flowers have their own special “development schedule”, not the same as many other plants. They always actively develop - grow, bloom and bear fruit - only in the spring, and by summer they completely disappear from the vegetation cover.

Primroses are perennial plants, i.e. those that grow and bloom for many years. They remain under the snow in winter, and with the onset of warmth they awaken, and stems and leaves grow from their roots. Roots, rhizomes and bulbs help herbal plants bloom as early as possible. At the beginning of spring, there are no leaves on the trees, and primroses receive a sufficient amount of sunlight. And after the snow melts, the ground is saturated with moisture.

Coltsfoot .

In some places there is still snow, and where the sun warms up on the outskirts of the fields, along the banks of ravines and rivers, in early April, golden mother and stepmother baskets appear. The mother and stepmother are famous for their nectar; the bees carry the first bribe to the hive from her. Do you know why this plant is given this strange nickname coltsfoot? Here's why: Bottom part its leaf is covered with delicate fluffy hairs, it seems soft and warm to the touch, this is the mother. A top part leaf, hard and cold, this is the stepmother. So they called the plant mother and stepmother. Large fluffy leaves below appear in mid-summer, and in spring, the stems on which the flowers sit are covered with small scales; these are underdeveloped leaves. Medicinal properties.

The leaves are used in medicine as an expectorant and are part of chest and diaphoretic preparations.

Opened lumbago, or sleep-grass(Pulsatilla pátens)

This beautifully flowering plant is found in our dry pine forests, in open sunny places. The large flowers of this plant resemble bells in shape. At first the flowers are drooping, then erect. While the flower has not fully opened, it is clearly visible that on the outside it is white and shaggy with long protruding hairs. This fluffy “coat” protects the buds of sleep grass from spring frosts. An open flower attracts attention with its beautiful blue-violet color. This is how the leaves of a simple perianth are colored, looking like wide petals (there are usually six of them). Inside the flower there are numerous yellow stamens and a lot of small pistils. When flowering ends, the beautiful tepals fall off one by one, the stamens dry out, and a loose fluffy head is formed from a bunch of pistils, somewhat reminiscent of a dandelion. This is a group of fruitlets. Each of them is equipped with a long thin process covered with hairs. When detached from the plant, such fruits are easily carried by the wind.

Like many others, sleep grass is a poisonous plant. It contains a variety of substances that are poisons and are widely used in medicine for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The flowers and leaves of sleep grass are eaten by wood grouse in the spring.

The number of open lumbago continues to decline. The reason for this is cutting pine forests, excessive collection of plants by people for bouquets, and often for sale.

Reading the legend . There is one old story that in its plot resembles fairy tale. Once upon a time there lived a brother and sister. Their parents died early, leaving a house on the edge of the forest, and the children were forced to fend for themselves. The brother was a hunter, and the sister was in charge of the house. One day, when my brother was not at home, my sister decided to wash the floors in the room. She took two buckets and went into the forest for snow, white and clean. She wandered quite far from home. The girl knew her native places well, so she was not afraid of getting lost, but then another misfortune awaited her. The old goblin, riding around his property on a lame wolf, noticed the girl, and realized that such a neat housewife would not bother him, grabbed her and took her to his home. But the girl was not at a loss - she pulled a string of beads made of river pearls, which were left to her from her mother, and began to mark her path with beads. But they fell into the snow without a trace. The girl realized that her brother could not find her and began to cry bitterly. The clear sun took pity on the orphan's grief, melted the snow, and in the place where the pearls fell, the first spring flowers grew - snowdrops. It was they who showed the brother the way to the devil. When the goblin saw that his hiding place had been discovered, he screamed and ran away. And the brother and sister returned to their home and lived happily.

spring primrose(Primula veris)


We bloom before everyone else

we are called primroses

And we ask you not to tear,

do not arrange bouquets.

We live our short life

we want to live in the forest:

Enjoy the sun

and drink some rain,

In the comfort of your own forest

find your peace

And meet you again

next spring.

A perennial herbaceous plant 10-30 cm high. The stem is softly pubescent or bare, sometimes reddish, glandular. The leaves form a basal rosette; when young, the edges are folded onto the lower surface of the blade, wrinkled. The flowers are bright yellow, fragrant, collected in an umbellate inflorescence, drooping to one side. Blooms from April to June. The fruit is a capsule. Grows on moderately dry, rocky soils: in deciduous forests, clearings and meadows. Medicinal plant, known since the 16th century. Collect flowers and rhizomes. The medicinal raw material has a honey smell and a sweetish taste, while the rhizome has an anise aroma.

Lungwort obscure(Pulmonaria obscura Dumort)

Lungwort inflorescences form under the snow. Immediately after the snow melts, its short stems with bright, noticeable flowers appear.

Lungwort grows in deciduous and mixed forests - among bushes at the edge. It blooms in early spring in April and May in bare forests. For its honey tribute in the early forest, this plant was named lungwort. The flowers are small, beautiful, pinkish-red at first, then become violet-blue. Flowers are collected at the end of the stem into inflorescence curls. Lungwort is a mystery flower. Lungwort petals contain the coloring substance anthocyanin, which changes color depending on the environment. If the environment in the flower cells is acidic, the flowers are red, if alkaline, the flowers are purple, and if neutral, the flowers are dirty blue.

Anemone oak forest(Anemone nemorosa) Perennial plant, 10-25 cm in height, with a thick rhizome. Grows in deciduous forests, shrubs, and meadows. It's rare among us. White flowers of 6 petals and perianth of 6-8 leaflets. Her relative.

Ranunculus anemone(Anemone ranunculoides L).

Ranunculus anemone remains one of our most common primroses, although it is no longer found everywhere. It grows in deciduous and mixed forests. The plant has a straight stem rising from the ground, at its end there are three strongly dissected leaves, which are directed towards different sides; even higher is a thin peduncle that ends in a flower. Anemone flowers are bright yellow, slightly reminiscent of buttercup flowers, with five petals.

Anemone quickly grows throughout the forest, not staying in one place for a long time. Anemone is a poisonous plant. The substances it contains act on the heart. Anemone leaves are used in medicine as a diaphoretic and enhancing effect of the kidneys and lungs.

Now it's time for us to warm up.

Spring exercise.

On the slide.

Corydalis dense(Corydalis solida)

It blooms in April-May in our forests and bushes. Corydalis is a miniature, fragile and very graceful plant. Its lilac flowers are collected in dense cylindrical clusters, have a pleasant smell and are rich in nectar. Sometimes there are plants with white flowers.

Corydalis flowering does not last long. After a few days, small pod-like fruits already form in place of the flowers. A little later, black shiny seeds spill out of them. Remains in the same place all his life. It has neither rhizomes nor creeping underground shoots that could spread laterally. Corydalis nodules are small yellowish balls, the size of a cherry. This is where supplies are stored. nutrients, mainly starch, necessary for rapid development escape next spring. Each nodule gives rise to one plant. At the end of the nodule there is a large bud, from which a fragile stalk with lilac flowers subsequently grows.

The corydalis is very vulnerable. The plant blooms only 4-5 years after seed germination. The corydalis nodule sits quite weakly in the ground and is very easily pulled out even with little effort. Therefore, a lot of plants die when collected for bouquets. This has led to the fact that the corydalis has practically disappeared from our suburban forests. In many areas it is included in the list of protected plants; collecting it for bouquets is prohibited.

Siberian Scilla(Scilla sibirica)

The most widespread unpretentious species of scilla. The wide-linear leaves are pulled together at the top in the form of a cap. The bulb forms up to 4 peduncles; they are not very strong and sometimes lie down.

The buds appear simultaneously with the leaves. The flowers are drooping, 1-4 at the ends of the peduncles, blue-blue, sometimes white, pink, bright blue. The white-flowered form blooms 10-17 days later. Siberian Scilla blooms from mid-April to early May for 15-20, sometimes 25 days.


Yu. Krasnokutsky

Scrolls are like little children -

Spring blue eyes.

How can we not notice them?

They shine in a special way

This cannot be ignored.

They will wake up, as before, in April

Among last year's foliage,

Where it smells damp and sweet,

To the cheerful trills of birds,

Gentle and a little simple.

The color of blue skies

Surprised people will look at the world;

They are not in the shady forests, -

Such earthly beauty

Blooms in open meadows.

But if it’s frosty in April -

The last blow to spring

Scillas, not sensing a threat,

Shedding burning tears,

They lie like stars on the snow.

Spring guillemot (Ranunculus ficaria)

It blooms in shrubs, deciduous forests and forest edges, in lowland meadows.

Over the summer, the entire above-ground part dies off, and cone-shaped, thickened tuberous roots remain in the soil. In the Middle Ages, during times of war, famine and crop failure, they were even eaten. Young spring plants (before flowering) contain quite a lot of vitamin C and therefore can be used as a seasoning for spring salad. However, the clearweed, like other representatives of the Buttercup family, is a poisonous plant. If the young guillemot is still edible, then later, with the beginning of flowering, it acquires a bitter taste and becomes poisonous. However, beavers, for example, willingly eat guillemot without harming themselves.

Yellow goose onion(Gagea lutea)

It grows in forests, forest ravines, bushes, and is found in parks. The yellow star-shaped flowers of the goose onion open wide (as in this photo) only in sunny weather. At dusk and cloudy weather, the flowers remain closed and drooping. Goose onion is an early flowering honey plant.

Goose onion is a bulbous flower. Its bulb reaches the size of a cherry and is covered with a brown shell. Usually there is only one bulb, sometimes 1 or 2 bulbs are formed at the base of the mother bulb - children.

Kandyk Siberian

Valuable ornamental plant, one of the most striking and decorative species of the genus. Introduced into culture. Of particular value is the early flowering of kandyk, immediately after the snow melts, when there are few other flowering species, in lowland areas Southern Siberia this period begins in mid-April. Very cold resistant. At night and during cold spells, the kandyk closes its flowers; after sunrise, if the temperature rises above 0 °C, the plant opens its flowers again. In the event of a friendly, warm spring, the kandyk quickly fades. Conversely, if the spring is cold and protracted, the flowering of individual plants can last over two weeks. Early honey plant. Actively visited by bees and bumblebees.

The bulbs are edible, previously harvested in large quantities local population some regions of Southern Siberia.

The bulbs are also eaten by wild animals, such as wild boars.

Included in the “Red Book of Russia”


The sun dropped

Golden ray.

That little flower grew up

First, young.

He has a wonderful

Golden color.

He's a big sun

Small portrait.

The dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) can be an honored “guest” in the garden.

Dandelion - healing and food plant, all its parts have value.

First tender leaves dandelions go into salads.

Dandelion inflorescences can also be used to prepare healing drinks.

Dandelion is one of the garden protector plants: experienced gardeners use dandelion infusion to fight insect pests.


A very decorative evergreen plant, valued not only for its large flowers, but also for its beautiful dissected leaves. Can winter under snow and does not freeze even in the most harsh winters. It begins to bloom in early spring; flowers appear directly from under the snow, which remain on the plant for up to six months. Depending on the species, the flowers are white, pinkish, with a yellow tint, all shades of red and burgundy, almost black, but varieties with flowers marked with small specks are especially valued. The height of hellebore varies from 30 cm to a meter.

Lily of the valley.

In Russia - throughout the European part, in Siberia, in Far East.

Lily of the valley grows in deciduous and pine, as well as mixed forests, on the edges and clearings. It develops especially well in floodplain oak forests, in rich soil with good moisture.

In untouched habitats it grows very widely. Shade-tolerant plant.

Lily of the valley has been cultivated for a long time.

Security status

In natural habitats, lily of the valley is intensively destroyed, especially near large settlements, due to trampling during the collection of flowers and medicinal raw materials.The fruit is an orange-red spherical berry 6-8 mm in diameter, containing one or two almost spherical seeds. The berries remain on the plant for a long time.

Lily of the valley and dandelion appear as early as May.

"Butterflies are bees."


The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up,

I didn't want to sleep anymore

He moved, he started,

He soared up and flew away.

Why do we see butterflies and bees on flowers? They drink nectar. Insects that wake up early are hungry, since there are no flowers yet, and the bee that manages to find a primrose is happy. Primroses are the only flowering plants in this spring that save the lives of insects.

"Take care of the flowers."

What do you see on this slide? What does each picture, numbered 1,2,3, mean?

Why do you think it is necessary to protect primroses? Why can't we collect them? (The first honey plants; sources of medicines; preservation of intact soil cover; positive emotions). Unfortunately, the life of primroses is short-lived. Often people hide the first flowers, not thinking that they will soon die. The red book says: “Do not destroy, do not tear, do not trample.” These words sound like a command to people: “Save, let it grow, and you will become richer not only in forests and meadows, but also in soul.”

If I pick a flower,

If you pick a flower,

If everything: both me and you,

If we pick flowers,

All the clearings will be empty

And there will be no beauty.

Consolidation of acquired knowledge

Why are the flowers that we saw and remembered today called primroses?

Why do these plants bloom first?

Why do they often develop flowers first and then leaves?

How are they useful to people and insects?

Let's check how you remember the names of some of the primroses.

  1. Spring clear.
  2. Lumbago or snowdrop (sleep grass).
  3. Anemone.
  4. Primrose (primrose).
  5. Coltsfoot.
  6. Lungwort.
  7. Corydalis.
  8. Goose onion.
  9. Scilla.
  10. Kandyk.

Which of the primroses we discussed today did not name? (Dandelion, lily of the valley, hellebore).

A game

Children are invited to split into two teams: flowers and guessers. The “flowers” ​​come up with names for themselves and tell them to the teacher, and the guessers solve them, then the teams change. The game begins with the greeting: “Hello, flowers!” - "Hello children! - the “flowers” ​​answer them. - “Guess our names.” Children list the names of colors. The named flowers run away to the side. The teams change places. Whose team will guess more?

Productive activity. Snowdrop drawing.

(for preparatory group students)

Stepanova Olga Nikolaevna, MBDOU No. 14, p.g. t. Zelenoborsky

Goals: developing preschoolers’ holistic ideas about the first spring flowers and their diversity; cultivate a love of nature; caring attitude towards her, culture of behavior.

Equipment: 4 watering cans, 4 children's buckets, 6 scoops, waste material, glue, scissors. threads

Walking progress:

Children go for a walk, go to the station ecological trail "Seven-flowered flower" .

Educator: Guys, in early spring, when there is still snow in some places, the first spring insects appear. What kind of insects do you think these are? (Children's answers: butterflies, bumblebees.)

Today in our flower garden there is a lot waiting for us interesting meeting, guess with whom:

He flies from flower to flower, buzzing,

Drinks sweet juice. Like the sun is shining,

Not a bee, like caramel, Striped, thick... (Bumblebee)

The warm sun in spring will awaken bumblebees - insects that live in large friendly families. And almost immediately they begin to look for the first spring flowers to refresh themselves.

What are the first spring flowers called? (Children's answers: primroses) That's right, let's repeat it together "primroses" . Why do they appear first? (Children's answers: because these flowers love bright sunlight, and appear when the trees have not yet covered with leaves.)

What flowers appeared on our lawn first? (Children's answers: snowdrops, primroses, forget-me-nots...)

Our flowerbed is a sight for sore eyes!
Admire her!
Cheers up!
To everyone who comes near her.

Guys, let's look at the primroses and remember their names, I name the color, and you name the flowers: red... - tulips, orange... - calendulas, yellow... - swimsuits,

green... - leaves, stems, flower buds, blue... - snowdrops, blue... - forget-me-nots,

purple... - primrose.

Educator: What did you notice? (Children's answers: our lawn looks like a rainbow, like a seven-flowered flower.) Absolutely right.

The teacher pays attention to the bumblebee (adult):

The furry one is flying,
Flying for sweets.
Bumblebee: Hello guys.
I'm buzzing, buzzing, buzzing

I'm circling over the flowers.
I know a lot of proverbs
I’ll play with you, children:
I'll start, you continue.

Together, answer in unison:

The first flower breaks the ice; Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with fruits; Where there is a flower, there is honey; A scarlet flower - catches the eye; On the color - and the bees fly; The flower is good, but it soon fades.

Educator: Guys, why do you think the flower withers quickly? (Children’s answers: if you don’t take care of it: don’t loosen it, don’t water it, don’t tie up thin stems, don’t weed the weeds). Educator: That’s right, children love flowers and care. I invite you to look and think about how we can help flowers now? Do they need watering? Are there weeds? Work on caring for flowers is organized: children are divided into subgroups - one subgroup weeds and loosens (with teacher), the second - waters the flowers, the bumblebee helps, makes sure that the children pour water at the roots of the plants).

The bumblebee thanks the children: Even a moth flies to a good flower. Guys, do you know the meaning of primroses in people’s lives? (Children's answers: pleasing to the eye, decorating nature).

What are flowers for?
It’s clear to everyone - for beauty!

Bumblebee: That's right, and also beekeepers with for a long time They know that primroses are excellent honey plants, and May honey is the healthiest. Turn around yourself, quickly turn into bees (a physical education minute is held): "A bee is circling over a flower"

Bumblebee: And now friends - guys, Guess the riddles.

All the poems here are about flowers. I know them, but what about you?

The teacher makes riddles about flowers, the children guess.

The bumblebee thanks the children: Well done guys, you guessed all the riddles, says goodbye to the children and flies away:

I'm buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, circling over the flowers.

I’ll collect some honey for tea and invite you all to visit.

Educator: guys, listen to the poem "Flower" V. Viktorova.

Think and tell me where the flower will live longer in a glass or in a flower garden? (Children's answers). How can I check? (Children's answers: conduct an experiment). That's right, you need to choose two tulips. We will cut one flower and put it in water. And we’ll leave the other one on the lawn and see which one will please us longer with its beauty.

Educator: Children, our journey around the station "Flower - seven-flowered" ended. Did you enjoy the trip? What was especially interesting? (Children's answers: today, together with the bumblebee, we worked hard, looked after the flowers, did an experiment, admired the beauty of the primroses).


We won’t pick flowers
And we hasten to tell others:
Let them bring joy to people
Everyone - both the little ones and the big ones!

Think and tell me what can replace fresh flowers? (Children's answers: make it from waste material, from paper). I invite you to the workshop « Magic flower» for making flowers from waste material.

Independent creative activity children.

Outdoor game “One, two, three find a flower” .

Word game with ball "Flower Names" , develop dexterity, eye, ability to form words (names, adjectives) from the name of the flowers.

Independent play activity children. Offer children attributes for role-playing games "Flower shop" (cash register, receipts, flowers (children's products), sets of postcards, books about flowers, vases, packaging material. Enrich children's gaming experience, develop the ability to play the roles of seller and buyer, consultant, and conduct dialogue on their behalf; connect purchases with the plots of role-playing games organized in parallel.

Melezhik Valentina Borisovna, MDOU kindergarten No. 1 combined type Urazovo village

Summary of an integrated lesson on the topic: “Primroses.”

Integrated lesson on familiarization with the outside world and speech development in the senior group.

Types of children's activities:

Gaming, communicative, educational and research, musical and artistic, perception of fiction.

Integration of educational areas:

“Communication”, “Cognition”, “Music”, “Health”, “Socialization”, “Safety”.

Software tasks:

Educational: give elementary representations about spring, the names of the spring months and the first spring flowers, introduce the snowdrop coltsfoot, dandelion, corydalis, lily of the valley, give knowledge about medicinal herbs, activate speech through adjectives, consolidate counting within the first ten, orientation on a plane , fix the name of the flowers.

Developmental: develop coherent speech, attention, memory, aesthetic perception, imagination of children, their figurative representations, highlight the main thing, display musical images;

Educational: instill a love of nature, respect for primroses, cultivate self-control, the ability to listen carefully, answer without interrupting comrades, evaluate and supplement answers.

Planned results:

Show curiosity, be able to maintain a conversation, express your point of view, reason and give the necessary explanations; actively participate in musical warm-up; have a basic understanding of primroses; express positive emotions when listening musical works, actively and kindly interact with teachers and peers.

Materials and equipment: pictures of primroses, a spring picture, a music center. Slide show, live flower in a vase, audio recording of works: Yu. Pasternak " Wonderful song", P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers".

Preliminary work:

Conversations about spring and primroses, memorizing poems, staging fairy tales, listening to music, guessing riddles, looking at illustrations book corner, creating a presentation, decorating a stand in the parent’s corner on the topic: “Primroses.”

Progress of the lesson:

Music sounds. Yu. Pasternak “Wonderful Song”


It gets light early in the morning

Thaws here and there,

The stream roars like a waterfall

Starlings fly to the birdhouse,

Drops are ringing over the rooftops

Pastel bear stood up from the snow

The sun caresses everyone with warmth

Who knows this time?

(children's answers)


How did you guess that it was spring?

What signs are mentioned in the poem?

What time of year is it now?

Why do you think so?

The long-awaited spring has arrived, tell me what month it is now?

You know that spring can be early, mid-spring and late spring. And every time of spring has its own charms. Spring loves to decorate itself with flowers.

Guys, today on this sunny day we will talk about flowers, not just flowers, but about primroses. How do you understand this word?

(children's answers)

That's right, these are the flowers that bloom first in the forest and meadow in the spring, as we rejoice at them. Each flower excites us with its modesty, beauty, and delights us with its delicate aroma.

Children, what are the first spring flowers you know?

(children's answers)

Finger gymnastics “Flower” accompanied by music.

(The music of P. I. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​sounds quietly.)

Grew up - a tall flower in a clearing (show the flower with your hands)

On a spring morning I opened the petals (spread my fingers apart)

Beauty and nutrition to all petals (press palms down with the back side of each other

Together they give the roots underground to a friend, spread their fingers)


The Snow Maiden cried, saying goodbye to winter,

She walked sadly, a stranger to everyone in the forest.

Where she walked and cried, touching birch trees

The snowdrops of the Snow Maiden's tears have grown.

Snowdrop is a perennial herbaceous plant up to 30 cm high, with small bulbs 1-2 cm in diameter. This plant blooms from February to March. The favorite place of flowers is deciduous forests, fields and edges.

On clay hills and slopes where the snow has melted from sun rays yellow lights appear - mother and stepmother flowers. These are packed small flowers on short stems.

Guys, do you know why the plant was called that?

(children's answers)

The fact is that when the flowers fade, the plant has leaves on top that are smooth, cold, on the inside soft, pale green, and feel warm. Warmth in life goes on from the mother, but a chill from the stepmother. So they called the first primrose mother and stepmother.

Children, who can guess the riddle?

In spring I am a sunny flower

My light is burning in the grass,

And then I'm a fluffy ball

As soon as the breeze blows,

Letting parachutists fly into the distance,

Leaving a bare stem?

(children's answers: Dandelion)

Dandelion appears in early spring and finishes blooming later in autumn. About 200 species of dandelion grow in Russia, the medicinal dandelion is especially popular. Dandelion grows near housing, near roads, along forest edges, on river banks, etc.

Then, when the snow melts and warm days come, the corydalis blooms.

Corydalis is a herbaceous plant with stems up to 20-30 cm with a few leaves. The flowers are collected on the tops of the stems in a raceme-like inflorescence. They can be yellow, blue, red, white, etc. d. Flowering begins in April and continues for three weeks.

And when it becomes very, very warm, the fragrant lily of the valley blooms even hotly.

Lily of the valley is a low perennial plant with 5-6 leaves extending from the lateral roots. the flower stem is 20 cm high. Lily of the valley flowers are small, white, fragrant.

Lily of the valley is a fragrant plant that blooms from late spring to mid-summer.

Guys, these primroses also have medicinal properties, which “Mother Nature” will tell you about.

Coltsfoot belongs to perennial herbs of the Asteraceae family. In medicine, coltsfoot leaves are used in diaphoretic and thoracic infusions, and this herb can also be used as an excellent expectorant.Traditional medicine recommends an infusion of coltsfoot leaves as an expectorant, disinfectant and, of course, anti-inflammatory agent for almost all diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Also, an infusion of coltsfoot leaves is used for diseases gastrointestinal tract as a product with astringent properties.

Coltsfoot in folk medicine they love it very much, they prepare decoctions, infusions from it, and also make juice, all these means are used fortreatment of tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, flu, runny nose.

Dandelion appears in early spring and is one of a very small number of plants that are able to begin flowering in early spring and end in late autumn. The dandelion appears as soon as the snow melts from the soil, immediately the free areas of snow begin to be covered with a dense, pleasing carpet of dandelions yellow color. A very long time ago, in folk medicine, dandelion leaves and roots were used as an appetite stimulant, diuretic and expectorant, as well as for stomach catarrh. To eat dandelion, you need to take only the roots and leaves of a young plant. Dandelion officinalis can help treat liver diseases, kidney stones and gall bladder, and is also a good helper for atherosclerosis, inflammatory kidney diseases.

Lily of the valley is a fragrant plant that blooms from late spring to mid-summer. Be careful because lily of the valley is a poisonous plant and its fruits can cause poisoning. It is found in Crimea, Siberia, the Caucasus and the Far East. Lily of the valley is a plant listed in the Red Book!Lily of the valley contains many glycosides. Lily of the valley reduces arterial pressure, thanks to it, cardiac edema decreases and even disappears. Lily of the valley preparations have a sedative effect. The plant is used for heart defects, abdominal pain, fever and colic in the stomach. The medicinal raw material is the aerial part of the lily of the valley. The plant is used as an excellent pain reliever. With the help of lily of the valley you can get rid of insomnia.

Snowdrop is a perennial herbaceous plant with about 20 species. In Russia and the countries of the post-Soviet space, 12 species grow, but the most famous are the white snowdrop and the Voronov snowdrop. If speak about chemical composition snowdrop, its key components are alkaloids, including galantamine. Galantamine – poisonous substance, which can lead to extremely serious consequences in case of overdose. However, in small doses this poison is an indispensable means of treating polio and cerebral palsy. Also, alkaloids contained in snowdrops help cure myasthenia gravis, myopathy, radiculitis and polyneuritis. Tibetan healers widely use powder from snowdrop leaves to treat various cancers, neurasthenia, insomnia and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Corydalis is a herbaceous plant withmedicinal and honey properties. The name “Corydalis” is explained by the bizarre shape of the flowers. The inner petals are colored differently than the outer petals and form a bright eye that attracts insects. The plant contains alkaloids - biologically active substances. One such alkaloid is sanguinarine.It has been found that sanguinarine has wide range antimicrobial activity. Sanguinarine turned out to be a good remedy for the treatment of long-term non-healing purulent wounds and trophic ulcers, lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, eczema, purulent inflammation of the middle ear and chronic sinusitis.

Physical education minute:"Flowers grow in the meadow"

Flowers grow in the meadow

Unprecedented beauty (stretching arms to the sides)

Flowers reach for the sun

Stretch with them too (stretching your hand up)

The wind blows sometimes, but it’s not a problem (children wave their hands, imitating the wind)

Flowers bend over

Petals fall (tilts)

And then they get up and still are blooming.

Now guys, let's play the game: "Collect a flower"

(game made from plastic bottle caps)

What color is your flower?

Count how many caps you have on the stem?

How many petals does your flower have?

(children's answers)


Guys, what flowers did we meet today?

What do these flowers have in common (stem, leaves, roots, flowers)?

When do these plants bloom?

(children's answers)

Now listen to my command:

Look, my friend. Don't let us down!

Be truthful and kind, promise!

Do not offend neither bird nor cricket,

Don't buy a net for butterflies,

Love flowers, forests,

The expanse of fields is all that is called your homeland. (I. Mazin)