Village new light crimea history. Who discovered a new world

Who first crossed the ocean and discovered the New World?

What does the word "discovered" mean? First of all, that someone discovered something unknown before him. Geographical discoveries have a slightly different meaning. After all, people have lived in both America and Australia for a long time, just like in Europe. And what European sailors finally crossed and reached distant shores, means only that they discovered lands unknown to them for themselves, for their civilization.

Who was the first to swim across the ocean?

Meanwhile, in Chinese chronicles there were records that seven centuries ago Chinese sailors visited a distant coast, which today is called California. And five centuries before the birth of the glorious Columbus on the shores of North America Not only did they visit, but Scandinavian sailors who already knew well also settled. Setting off in search of new lands, they discovered Iceland, then Greenland and finally the North American continent. True, Europeans did not know about Chinese voyages. And they forgot about the exploits of the Vikings. So Columbus and his officers and crews were indeed the first to open routes across the Sea of ​​Darkness and reach the shores of the New World. The first... but from Europeans.

In 1897, two Norwegians, George Garbo and Gabriel Samuelsen, living in New York, decided to set an unprecedented record. They said that they would cross the river in a simple fishing boat with oars. A crowd of reporters and onlookers gathered on the shore. They were seen off as if to death. Having loaded food, water and gear, two “abnormal suicides”, as the newspapermen dubbed them, pushed off from the pier and leaned on the oars...

In general, they were lucky. Throughout their journey, Atlantic did not particularly show her cantankerous character. But in modern world sensations are short-lived. And when, almost two months later, a boat with two exhausted travelers found itself in the waters of Ireland and France, at the point of departure about them...

Forgot. There was no stunning record in the Old World either. The names of daredevils did not grace the pages of newspapers for long.

The Atlantic Marathon of two Englishmen was different: John Ridgway and Chay Blythe in 1966. Strictly speaking, it was almost a repetition of the previous, forgotten one. The crew, also consisting of two people, is about the same boat and a similar route. But the Atlantic is the Atlantic. For ninety days, the brave record holders fought the storms. And when the shore of Europe rose out of the water in front of them, glory awaited them!

After Ridgway and Blythe, there were many other daredevils who wanted to repeat their record.

Following the British, the French also entered the waters of the Atlantic. Six people, alone and in twos, struggled with the heavy ocean waves. Some were more fortunate, some less so. Some, having never reached the intended finish, did not return from the voyage. National hero country in France became Gerard d'Aboville, who conquered not only the Atlantic, but also the Pacific Ocean.

Women could not yield the palm to men. And the Englishwoman Sylvia Cook was the first (albeit with an experienced companion, John Fairfax) to cross.

For such an odyssey in different countries there were many brave souls with different destinies. People set sail on boats, on multi-oared “galleys”, crossed the oceans on balloons. We even sailed on rafts - everyone remembers the ethnographic travels of the international crew under the command of Thor Heyerdahl on the balsa raft “Kon-Tiki”, and then on the “Ra”...

The New World is one of the most beautiful corners of Crimea. Its history goes back deep into ancient times. The surrounding area has been inhabited since ancient times, as evidenced by numerous archaeological sites: V different places objects of Taurus culture were found; In one of the cliffs, tools of people who lived in the Stone Age and the remains of a lime kiln were discovered. In the mountains, you can see everywhere old paths and roads, the remains of buildings, abandoned quarries, and millstones that were produced unchanged throughout the Middle Ages. Since the arrival of the Genoese, and much earlier, the New World was integral part center of the great silk road.

In ancient times ancient times the village that was located here was called “Paradisio”, which translated from ancient Greek means “garden”, “park”, and in poetic literature- "paradise". One of the documents of the Genoese administration of 1449 mentions the village of Paradise (Paradix de lo Cheder).

Big Paradise Bay geographical maps At the end of the 18th – beginning of the 19th centuries it was designated as “Limani Bay”, which served as ship anchorages associated with the port of Sugdei (present-day Sudak). At the exit from the bay between both capes at depths of 25-30 meters, the remains of the structure of the port settlement, berths and ship cargo - amphorae, jugs and other ceramics of the 8th-15th centuries were discovered. The concentration of ceramics and the remains of ships indicate shipwrecks that happened here.

After the annexation of Crimea to Russia, Paradise was owned by B. Gallera, who received these lands as a gift from Catherine II. However, Gallera did not keep his promise to Catherine II in Paradise “to plant a garden on the midday shore.”
The local land for growing vineyards needed abundant watering and required large financial expenditures for tillage. In addition, the Crimean possession of Galera was like an island of seaside land, without roads, fenced off inaccessible mountains from the nearest settlements. It was possible to get to Paradise only along an inconvenient pedestrian path through the mountains or by sea.

In the 1820s, he sold the estate to Princess A. Golitsyna. Let us immediately note that in family ties with L.S. She was not a member of Golitsyn. A.S. Golitsyna owned Paradise for a very short time and, according to the available fragmentary data, since 1825. she had already begun to settle down in the new, more comfortable Black Sea possession of Koreiz (Khureiz). She sold the Paradise estate to the new owner, Prince Zakhary Semenovich Kherkhulidzev (Kherkhulidze), who renamed the village. This occurred, apparently, from the opposition in those years to the Old World (Europe) New World(America).

First mention modern name settlement dates back to 1864, where in the “List of Populated Places” Russian Empire“in Feodosia district, “on the seashore the village of Novy Svet” is indicated with one courtyard located there and one resident with it.

Z.S. Kherkhulidzev was, perhaps, the first of the owners of this corner of Eastern Crimea who appreciated the beauty and economic prospects of Paradise. In the very first years, he laid out a small garden here, which, however, was no different from the gardens of many other landowners. In addition, he planted 3.5 acres of native grape varieties in the New World.

What parts of the world are not taken into account when dividing earth's land on old light and the New World? The Old World is common name three parts of the world known to ancient people: Europe, Asia and Africa. This name arose after the discovery of America, which was called the New World. Australia, Oceania and Antarctica are not included in this division.

Why did America get its name from Amerigo Vespucci, and not from Christopher Columbus, who discovered it?

Going to your famous journey, Christopher Columbus set himself the task of reaching the shores of Asia, sailing from the west. When land appeared ahead on October 12, 1492, on the 74th day of the journey, he announced to the crew that this was Japan, and then plowed the waters for three months Caribbean Sea, hoping to reach the coasts of China and India. Having made three more voyages after this, Columbus landed on the American continent twice, but until his death in 1506, he was convinced that he had opened the way to Asia. Florentine Amerigo Vespucci (1451-1512) participated in several expeditions across the Atlantic in 1499-1504, reaching the shores of South America, while historians doubt that his position was command in at least one of these voyages.

In any case, his merits in the discovery of America are incomparable with the merits of Columbus, who will forever remain central figure the great era of European overseas expansion. However, Amerigo Vespucci fascinatingly described his travels in letters in which he proposed to call the new continent, “completely unknown to the ancients,” the New World. In 1507, the Lorraine cartographer Martin Waldseemüller attributed the discovery of the “fourth part of the world” to Amerigo Vespucci and proposed to name it in his honor America. For South America, this designation quickly found universal acceptance, and in 1538, on the Mercator map, it was first extended to North America.

Why Abel Tasman's voyage to Oceania is called a brilliant failure

The task of the expedition, led by the Dutch navigator Abel Tasman (1603-1659), was to search for the “unknown southern continent" In 1642-1643 he committed to the Indian and Pacific Oceans sailing along a circular route, during which he discovered Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania) and New Zealand. Tasman was unlucky in that, having walked around Australia, he never saw it. However, at the same time, Tasman proved with all certainty that the area of ​​Australia is not as large as was believed at that time, and it is not part of some other “Southern Land”.

What was Australia called before 1814?

Since the discovery of Australia and everything major discoveries Its shores were explored by Dutch sailors in the 17th century; it was first called New Holland. However, in the 18th century, the initiative to explore the new continent was seized by the British. In 1699 English pirate W. Dampier discovered a number of bays and bays on the northwestern coast of the mainland. In 1770 English navigator James Cook during his first round the world expedition discovered the eastern coast of the mainland and passed through the Torres Strait from coral sea into the Arafura Sea. An English convict colony (modern Sydney) was founded in Port Jackson Bay in 1788, and following its foundation began intensive work on surveying the coast of the mainland. In 1798, English topographer George Bass discovered the strait, later named after him, separating Tasmania from the mainland. His compatriot Matthew Flinders, during three expeditions (1798-1803), circumnavigated the entire continent, explored the Great Barrier Reef and the Gulf of Carpentaria and discovered a number of bays. Having published a report on his journey in London in 1814, Flinders proposed giving the continent a new name - Australia (Southland).

How long ago was it proven that Sakhalin is an island

Sakhalin was discovered by Europeans in the 17th century. In 1640, it was visited by the Cossacks of I. Yu. Moskvitin’s detachment, and in 1643 by the Dutch navigator Martin de Vries, who mistook Sakhalin for part of the Japanese island of Hokkaido. In 1787, French captain Jean François La Perouse entered from Sea of ​​Japan into the Tatar Strait and, having reached its narrowest part, turned back, and then went around the southern tip of Sakhalin, thereby proving that it is not connected to the island of Hokkaido (the strait between Sakhalin and Hokkaido later received the name La Perouse - site). IN early XIX century, the coast of Sakhalin was explored by I. F. Kruzenshtern during the first Russian round-the-world expedition (1803-1806). At first, he repeated the route of La Perouse and sailed to Kamchatka, but then returned to the northern coast of Sakhalin and explored the northern part of the strait between it and the mainland. Kruzenshtern mistakenly concluded that Sakhalin is connected to the mainland and is a peninsula.

This mistake was corrected almost half a century later by G.I. Nevelskoy, who in 1848-1849, as commander of the Baikal transport, conducted a study of the northern part of Sakhalin, the Sakhalin Bay and the mouth of the Amur River and proved that Sakhalin is an island. The strait between Sakhalin and the mainland, connecting the Tatar Strait with the Amur Estuary, is named after Nevelsky.

What was the original name of the island of Haiti?

Before the arrival of Europeans, this island in the Greater Antilles group was called Haiti (“Mountainous”) by the Indians (its indigenous inhabitants). In 1492, Christopher Columbus landed on it and, having planted the flag of his king in the ground and erected a cross, he named it Hispaniola, which means “Little Spain” in Spanish. Later, Spanish filibusters gave the island the name Santo Domingo (“Holy Sunday”). On January 1, 1804, the Declaration of Independence of the island from France was proclaimed and its original name, Haiti, was restored.

Although this sounds somewhat paradoxical, the discovery of the New World marked the emergence of the Old. Five centuries have passed since then, but the Old World is a concept that is still used to this day. What meaning was put into it before? What does it mean today?

Definition of the term

The Old World is that part of the land that was known to Europeans before the discovery of the American continent. The division was conditional and was based on the position of the lands relative to the sea. Merchants and travelers believed that there were three parts of the world: Europe, Asia, Africa. Europe lies in the north, Africa in the south, and Asia in the east. Subsequently, when data on the geographical division of the continents became more accurate and complete, it was found that only Africa is a separate continent. However, entrenched views turned out to be not so easy to defeat, and all 3 continued to be traditionally mentioned separately.

Sometimes the name Afro-Eurasia is used to define the territorial area of ​​the Old World. In fact, this is the largest continental massif - a supercontinent. It is home to approximately 85 percent of the planet's total population.

A period of time

When talking about the Old World, they often mean more than just a specific geographical location. These words carry information about a specific historical period, culture and discoveries made then. It's about about the Renaissance, when medieval asceticism and theocentrism were replaced by the ideas of natural philosophy and experimental science.

A person's attitude towards the world around him changes. Gradually, from the toys of a whole host of gods who have the power to dispose human life according to his whims and caprices, a person begins to feel like the master of his earthly home. He strives for new knowledge, which leads to a number of discoveries. Attempts are being made to explain the structure of the surrounding world using mechanics. Are improving measuring instruments, including navigation. It is already possible to trace the origins of such natural sciences, like physics, chemistry, biology and astronomy, which replace alchemy and astrology.

The changes that took place then gradually prepared the ground for expanding the boundaries known world. They served as a prerequisite for the discovery of new lands. Brave travelers set off to unknown lands, and their stories inspired even more daring and risky ventures.

The Historical Voyage of Christopher Columbus

In August 1492, three well-equipped ships under the command of Christopher Columbus sailed from Palos harbor to India. It was a year but famous discoverer I never knew that I had discovered a continent previously unknown to Europeans. He was sincerely confident that he had completed all four expeditions to India.

The journey from the Old World to new lands took three months. Unfortunately, it was neither cloudless, nor romantic, nor selfless. The admiral had difficulty keeping his subordinate sailors from mutiny on the first voyage, and the main driving force to open new territories there was greed, thirst for power and vanity. These ancient vices, brought from the Old World, subsequently brought much suffering and grief to the inhabitants of the American continent and nearby islands.

I didn’t get what I wanted either. Going on his first voyage, he prudently tried to protect himself and ensure his future. He insisted on concluding a formal agreement, according to which he received noble title, the rank of admiral and viceroy of the newly discovered lands, as well as a percentage of the income received from the above lands. And although the year of the discovery of America was supposed to be a ticket to a prosperous future for the discoverer, after some time Columbus fell out of favor and died in poverty, not receiving what was promised.

A New World Appears

Meanwhile, ties between Europe and the New World grew stronger. Trade was established, the development of lands lying inland began, claims were formed various countries The era of colonization began on these lands. And with the advent of the concept “New World”, the stable expression “Old World” began to be used in terminology. After all, before the discovery of America, the need for this simply did not arise.

Interestingly, the traditional division into the Old and New Worlds has remained unchanged. At the same time, Oceania and Antarctica, unknown during the Middle Ages, are not taken into account today.

For decades, the New World has been associated with a new and better life. The American continent was where thousands of settlers sought to reach. But they retained their native places in their memory. The Old World is traditions, origins and roots. Prestigious education, exciting cultural travels, historical monuments- this is still associated today with European countries, with the countries of the Old World.

Wine lists replace geographical ones

If in the field of geography terminology, including the division of continents into the New and Old Worlds, is already a relatively rare phenomenon, then among winemakers such definitions are still held in high esteem. Exist set expressions: “Old World wines” and “New World wines”. The difference between these drinks is not only in the place where the grapes are grown and the location of the winery. They are rooted in the same differences that are characteristic of the continents.

Thus, Old World wines, mostly produced in France, Italy, Spain, Germany and Austria, are distinguished by their traditional taste and subtle elegant bouquet. And the wines of the New World, for which Chile, Argentina, Australia and New Zealand, brighter, with obvious fruity notes, but somewhat lacking in sophistication.

The Old World in the modern sense

Today, the term “Old World” is mainly applied to states located in Europe. In the overwhelming majority of cases, neither Asia nor, especially, Africa are taken into account. So, depending on the context, the expression “Old World” may include either as many as three parts of the world, or only European states.