What disasters will there be in the year? Increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere


The Russian Ministry of Defense Tu-154 aircraft began its route from the Chkalovsky airfield near Moscow, and landed in Sochi for refueling and technical inspection. The plane disappeared from radar at 05:40 Moscow time, December 25, 20 minutes after taking off from Sochi airport. The wreckage of the liner was found several hours later in the Black Sea.

According to the latest data, there were 92 people on board, including 8 crew members, nine journalists and 68 musicians of the Alexandrov Ensemble, among them the head of the People's Artist of Russia, Lieutenant General Valery Mikhailovich Khalilov.

The version of the terrorist attack has already been excluded from the list of main ones. The probability of piloting error, as well as technical malfunction, is considered.

Terrorist attack in Berlin

The European Union was shocked by tragedy on December 19. A Pakistani refugee drove a truck into a crowd of people attending the Breitscheidplatz Christmas market in central Berlin. More than a dozen people became victims of the terrorist attack. About 50 more were hospitalized in serious condition.

A tractor-trailer crashed into a crowd of Christmas market visitors late in the evening, when the market was at its busiest. The truck drove through the fairgrounds for about 80 meters. The tractor had Polish license plates. The driver tried to escape, but was captured. The second person who was in the cabin at the time of the collision was found dead.

It turned out that during the investigation of the terrorist attack law enforcement agencies Berlin made a terrible mistake. Investigators admitted that they had caught the wrong man: the real criminal is still at large. Investigators reported this to local intelligence agencies. All Berlin police forces joined in the search for the real criminal.

Terrorist attacks in Turkey

In the past year, Turkey has been rocked by a series of terrorist attacks. So, on March 13 in the evening in the center of Istanbul at a bus stop near one of the Prime Minister’s offices at the moment large cluster people were blown up by a car bomb located between two buses. 37 people were killed and 125 injured.

Another terrorist attack took place on May 25 in the city of Dargechit, Mardin province. When Kurdish rebels targeted a military camp with a car bomb, 20 Turkish soldiers were killed and 15 were injured.

On the evening of June 28, three explosions occurred at the entrance, exit and parking lot of the international terminal of Istanbul Ataturk Airport. As a result of the terrorist attack, 44 people were killed, including 19 foreigners, and 239 people were injured.

Belgian terrorist attacks

A series of terrorist attacks occurred on March 22 in the Belgian capital Brussels. Two explosions occurred in the departure hall of Brussels airport, and two more in the metro. The terrorist group ISIS, banned in Russia, claimed responsibility for the attacks.

The explosion at the airport killed 14 people, 20 died in the metro, and 230 people were injured. After the tragedy, three days of mourning were declared in Belgium.

Belgian police have announced the names of two suicide bombers. They were named brothers Ibrahim and Khalid El Bakraoui, natives of Belgium. The first carried out a terrorist attack at the airport, the second - in the subway. After some time, a second kamikaze from the airport was also identified - it turned out to be Moroccan Najim Laachraoui. The third of the suspects captured by the airport surveillance camera, Faisal Shefu, was also detained.

Police said a Kalashnikov assault rifle was found near one of the dead suspected terrorists. In addition, a third, undetonated explosive device was found at the airport.

Terrorist attack on the Nice waterfront

The celebration of Bastille Day on July 14 in Nice turned terrible tragedy. On this day, around 10:30 p.m. local time, a truck rammed into the crowd gathered at Promenade des Anglais. People came there to watch the fireworks.

According to eyewitnesses, the truck, without stopping, making zigzags, crushed people along almost two kilometers of the embankment. In addition, the attacker opened fire. According to one of the witnesses, the truck driver deliberately drove the car in such a way as to run over as many people as possible.

The truck driver drove about two kilometers and stopped, opening fire on passers-by and police officers, who rushed across him and began shooting at the truck. Several dozen shots were fired into the driver's cabin, and he was shot dead. In the cabin, law enforcement officers found a pistol, as well as a dummy firearm and a grenade.

As it turned out later, the criminal Mohamed Lauege-Bouhlel, a native of Tunisia, took a truck with refrigeration unit rented two days before the terrorist attack. Upon entering the city, he deceived the police by posing as an ice cream delivery man. The police believed him and let him through without searching the truck. After the attack in Nice, dozens of people were killed and more than a hundred were injured. The driver was eliminated.

Boeing 737-800 crash in Rostov

A FlyDubai Boeing 737-800 with 55 passengers and seven crew members crashed at Rostov-on-Don airport on March 19, 2016. The disaster was accompanied by difficult weather conditions - strong side winds and rain. All 62 people on board were killed.

The airliner crashed during its second landing, with more than two hours passing between attempts to land. According to the captain's friends, this flight was supposed to be one of his last, and before departure he complained of fatigue.

The collision with the ground occurred at a speed of more than 600 kilometers per hour with a dive pitch angle of more than 50 degrees. An analysis of the information from the flight recorders showed that the aircraft crew carried out the landing approach in manual piloting mode (the autopilot was turned off).

Death of children on Syamozero in Karelia

A holiday at the Karelian park hotel "Syamozero" turned into a terrible tragedy for the children. The tragedy occurred on June 18. That day, schoolchildren who were relaxing at the park hotel went on a boat trip, but got caught in a storm. 47 children and four instructors took part in the rafting.

Due to strong waves, three boats capsized and sank. Schoolchildren and adults tried to swim to the shore, but not everyone succeeded. As a result, 14 children died. The tragedy occurred at approximately 16:30 Moscow time. The Investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case. Organizers of children's holidays were accused of providing services that did not meet safety requirements.

At the preliminary stage of the investigation, the ill-fated camp was closed and its leadership was detained. Among those arrested were the director of the health institution, Elena Reshetova, her deputy Vadim Vinogradov, as well as instructors Larisa Vasilyeva, Regina Ivanova and Valery Krupoderschikov. For numerous violations, the State Labor Inspectorate in Karelia fined the park hotel 505 thousand rubles.

Earthquakes in Italy

A series of earthquakes occurred this year in Italy. In the center of the country, on August 25, aftershocks magnitude 6.0. It was followed by a series of powerful aftershocks. The earthquake caused significant destruction in small towns. As a result of the cataclysm, almost 300 people were killed and more than 400 were injured. Over two thousand people lost their homes.

The next earthquake of magnitude 5.5 hit the Italian capital on October 26. As a result, architectural monuments such as the Colosseum and the Pantheon were damaged. The city of Ascoli Piceno was also affected by the disaster. The outbreak lay at a depth of two kilometers. The epicenter is located 134 kilometers from Rome in the Valnerina valley in the Umbrian mountains.

Powerful tremors shook Italian cities and towns on the morning of October 30. The epicenter lay between the cities of Perugia and Macerata. After the strongest shock with a magnitude of 6.5 points, two more followed - with magnitudes of 4.6 and 4.1 points. At the same time, earth vibrations were felt throughout Italy, including Rome and Florence. The disaster destroyed many residential buildings and two churches.

During November 2016, various natural disasters occurred on our planet. Now we will remember together the ten most tragic cataclysms among them.

Earthquakes in New Zealand and China.

floods in central Vietnam.

Floods in Indonesia.

On November 12, more than 6 thousand people were evacuated from the flooded provinces of West Java, Bandung and Karawang.

On November 4, in Mexico, in the city of Tampico in the state of Tamaulipas, 129 mm of precipitation fell per day, with an average monthly norm of about 40 mm.

November 10 in the highlands of Enshi-Tujia-Miao Autonomous Okrug In Hubei province (China), 30 thousand people were affected by heavy snowfall.

Territories of the United States, Australia and Israel were affected by severe fires.

Hurricane Otto, which formed on November 21 in the Atlantic Ocean, became unique among its “brothers” for several reasons. The hurricane formed in the Atlantic Ocean and emerged in Pacific Ocean. IN last time This happened in 1996. Also in such late time Hurricanes in this region last formed 47 years ago.

Continuous, prolonged rains since the beginning of the month have caused severe flooding in the Dominican Republic. More than 26 thousand residents of eastern and northern regions countries were forced to flee their homes.

As of November 16, due to the onset of climate change, the city of La Paz experienced severe drought. Three reservoirs became shallow. Last year, the second largest lake in the country, Lake Poopo, completely dried up. Authorities have restricted use water resources for the first time in history. This affected 125 thousand families. Water flows from the taps for several hours every 1-2 days.

During November 2016, the planet was shaken by 588 earthquakes with a magnitude greater than

As stated in the report of ALLATRA SCIENCE scientists “On the problems and consequences of global climate change on Earth. Effective ways to solve these problems":

It is important to raise public awareness about the problems of the near future. Everyone socially active people Today we need to take an active part in the unification and cohesion of world society, ignoring all selfish, social, political, religious and other barriers with which the system artificially divides people. Only by uniting our efforts in the global community, not on paper, but in practice, can we manage to prepare the majority of the planet’s inhabitants for the planetary climate, global economic shocks and changes that are coming. Each of us can do a lot of useful things in this direction! By uniting, people will increase their capabilities tenfold.

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(lithospheric phenomena);

  • dust storms, landslides, mudflows (geological phenomena);
  • peat and;
  • storms, hurricanes, tornadoes (atmospheric phenomena);
  • heat, cold, drought, hail (meteorological phenomena);
  • cyclones, typhoons, early freeze-up on rivers (hydrospheric phenomena).
  • The main causes of natural disasters:

    • release of energy in geological layers h eat(atmosphere, lithosphere, ionosphere, hydrosphere), associated with gravity, temperature changes or earth rotation;
    • human impact on nature(world development, insufficient assessment of the results of intervention, poor forecast of the onset of emergency, insufficient actions to eliminate it);
    • military, political and social conflicts.

    Often one replaces the other. At devastating flood, the consequences can be expressed in the form of famine and epidemics that claim thousands of lives.

    Natural disasters in Ukraine and Russia

    As statistics from natural disasters in Russia show, annual losses from them reach 60 billion rubles. Floods account for up to 50% of all costs. 36% of total number Natural disasters include hurricanes and tornadoes. Over the decade, there is an increase in disasters by more than 6%. The main disaster areas are North Caucasus and Volgo-Vyatka. Additionally, the Penza, Lipetsk, Sakhalin, Kemerovo, Ulyanovsk, Ivanovo, Belgorod and Kaliningrad region. The Republic of Tatarstan can be highlighted separately.

    Statistics of natural disasters in Ukraine indicate mainly the presence of floods and mudflows. It's connected with big amount(about 73 thousand) rivers in the country. Destructive action Strong winds, forest and steppe fires also have an impact. From April 18 to April 20, 2017, a snow cyclone passed through Ukraine from Kharkov to Odessa region cut off power to 318 settlements.

    Natural disasters of Old Testament times

    Ancient sources testify to catastrophes that occurred everywhere in the world. Bible stories mention " global flood", the destruction of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. The eruption of Mount Vesuvius wiped out the city of Pompeii. Scientists who have studied Atlantis are inclined to believe that this island disappeared under water as a result of an earthquake.

    In 1833, the Krakatoa volcano erupted. The accompanying earthquake gave rise to tidal wave, which reached the islands of Java and Sumatra and killed about 300 thousand people. The flood on the Yangtze River in China in 1931 covered an area of ​​300 thousand square meters. km. The streets of Hankou were covered in water for 4 months.

    Disaster Research at the Smithsonian Institution USA

    Natural disasters (1947–1970) Number of dead, people
    Cyclones, storms and typhoons 760 000
    190 000
    180 000
    Powerful thunderstorms, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis 62 000
    Total 1 192 000

    Statistics of natural disasters in the world show the average annual number of victims - 50 thousand people.

    Percentage natural disasters happening in the world:

    A natural phenomenon % of the total share of disasters
    Floods with flooding of territories 40
    Destructive tropical cyclones 20
    Earthquakes of different amplitudes 15
    Droughts in desert regions 15
    Rest 10

    results latest research showed that natural disaster statistics are changing towards a rapid increase in natural disasters. In 2010, disasters killed 304 thousand people. This is the highest figure since 1976:

    • January 2010 – earthquake in Haiti. The victims were 222 thousand people;
    • summer 2010 – abnormal heat in Russia. 56 thousand people died;
    • floods in China and Pakistan. More than 6 thousand people became victims.

    And this does not take into account smaller disasters that claimed lives. In March 2011, an 8.9 magnitude earthquake occurred off the coast of Honshu, which generated tsunami waves 10 m high. Flooding also caused accidents at nuclear power plants and spread. As a result, more than 30 thousand people in Japan were affected.

    Hurricanes, earthquakes, floods and epidemics have affected 2.7 billion people in the world over the past 10 years. Of these, 622 thousand people died. The graph shows the dynamics of growth in the number of disasters in the world, with a slight downward trend over 5 years (from 2010 to 2015).

    Natural disasters of 2016

    In 2016, natural disaster statistics are as follows:

    • February 6 – earthquake in Taiwan. 166 people were killed, 422 were injured;
    • April 14–17 – earthquake in Kumamoto province (Japan). 148 victims, 1.1 thousand people injured;
    • April 16 – earthquake in Ecuador. 692 victims, more than 50 thousand injured;
    • May 14–20 in Sri Lanka: rains, floods, landslides. 200 dead and missing. In total, 450 thousand people were affected;
    • June 18 – in Karelia, a group of children were going down the river and got caught in a storm. 14 people died;
    • June – flood in China. 186 victims, 32 million people affected;
    • June 23 – flood in the USA. 24 people died;
    • August 6–7 – floods and landslides in Macedonia. 20 people were killed, dozens were injured;
    • August 24 – earthquake in Italy. 295 people died.

    Measures to protect the population in emergency situations

    If the government takes adequate measures for the population, then the statistics of natural disasters show less Negative consequences for residents of the country (region). This is especially true for places where negative natural phenomena periodically occur. Thus, coastal settlements are exposed to periodic river floods, and the risk of a tropical cyclone often arises in island states.

    It is possible to predict a cyclone by receiving satellite images. You can determine the approximate place and time of the event. The time of tornado release can be determined 36 hours in advance. There are methods to reduce the strength of a hurricane using cloud seeding with silver iodide. The population is being warned ahead of the cyclone in the United States. People living in the risk zone seek to strengthen the coastal zone in advance with dams and tree plantings, and create shelters with food supplies.

    During the construction of buildings, additional wind protection is provided, the buildings are isolated from the possibility of water getting inside. The possibility of an urgent evacuation is being developed.

    If we consider the impact of natural disasters by region, the following trend is visible: more the developed countries carry in percentage more material losses than human losses. In economically poor countries the trend is the opposite.

    States that have invested significant funds in their facilities seek to protect them from natural disasters using Newest technologies to calculate the location, time and severity of the phenomenon.

    Particularly indicative in this sense are the floods that carry away in underdeveloped countries. economically countries with thousands of lives. Fertile soils, fertilized by regular river floods, attract people to settle in coastal zone, as, for example, in densely populated India, and regular spills absorb the results of labor and the people themselves.

    There have been many natural disasters over the past 3 years: houses were destroyed, people were injured. Often, information about an approaching natural phenomenon is conveyed to the population promptly, but some people hope “maybe,” and some try to film the approaching tornado on a video camera. As a result, the notorious " human factor"plays a cruel joke and increases the number of victims.

    Natural phenomena- the root cause of the appearance of ancient gods on earth. Seriously, the first time I saw lightning, a forest fire, northern lights, solar eclipse, the person could not even think that these were tricks of nature. Not otherwise, supernatural forces are having fun. Studying natural phenomena is interesting, but difficult (if they were simple, they would have been explained long ago). Most often, natural phenomena are understood as relatively rare but beautiful events: rainbows, ball lightning, inexplicable swamp lights, erupting volcanoes and earthquakes. Nature is harsh, hides mysteries and cruelly breaks everything that people have set up, but this does not stop us from trying to understand all natural phenomena without exception: atmospheric, in the bowels, in the depths, on other planets, outside the galaxy.

    From St. Elmo's lights to ionospheric glow, a mass of strange luminous balls and other effects are formed in the Earth's atmosphere, some of which - for their long stay in the mythological consciousness - have not been explained to this day. Let's get acquainted with atmospheric anomalies and weed out fiction from truth.

    The past year has brought us many records, mostly not very pleasant ones. First of all, there are numerous natural disasters that hit our planet. 2016 began with Snow Storm Jonas, also known as the Storm of the Century, which brought record amounts of snow to the northeastern United States. But 2016 may well remain known as the year of earthquakes as many areas around the world trembled. seismic activity. Here are some natural disasters that happened this year.

    Snow Storm Jonas

    A massive snow storm hit the northeastern United States in early 2016. So much snow fell that it was clearly visible from space. Over the course of one weekend (January 23-24), Jonas broke all snowfall records for regions along the East Coast. Airports near Baltimore recorded about 74 centimeters of snow; approximately 71 cm fell in Newark, New Jersey, and Philadelphia recorded 55 cm, according to the Weather Channel. Glendary, West Virginia, saw a record amount of snow: a whopping 107 cm. At least 49 people died as a result of the snowstorm due to traffic accidents, hypothermia and carbon monoxide poisoning.

    Earthquake in Taiwan

    On February 6, a magnitude 6.4 earthquake occurred 28 kilometers northeast of the city of Pingtung in southern Taiwan. It was relatively shallow, 23 km below the surface, and caused significant damage, destroying buildings in the city of Tainan. The earthquake killed 117 people and injured more than a hundred others, according to government data. Most of the deaths and injuries were caused by the collapse of Wei-Guan's Golden Dragon high-rise building in Tainan, according to authorities.

    Fires in California

    Series forest fires swept across California this year. The scale was terrifying - more than half a million hectares of forests. According to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, 6,938 fires burned 229,000 hectares of forests. This data is as of December 11. The Blue Cut wildfire, for example, burned more than 12,000 hectares in Southern California this summer, according to Los Angeles Times. The prolonged drought has caused the death of more than 100 million trees, according to the latest aerial photographs from the U.S. Forest Service. It also led to a longer and more dangerous fire season this year. The 2016 fires killed seven people, including one firefighter, and losses are still being counted.

    Flood in Louisiana

    Unusual downpours deluged Louisiana in August, with some regions receiving more than 50.8 cm of rain over a 72-hour span (August 12-14). At least six rivers reached record levels during the rainstorms. Moreover, the most extreme of them was the Amite River. The water level here exceeded its previous record by more than 1.8 meters. National service weather described the event as a rainstorm in which a lethal combination of tropical humidity and low pressure fed by huge amounts of rainfall. Thirteen people died and an estimated 30,000 were forced from their homes.

    Earthquakes in Italy

    Central Italy has experienced three major earthquakes in just three months this year. On August 24, a magnitude 6.2 earthquake occurred 10.5 km southeast of Norcia. It was followed by several aftershocks, including a 5.5 magnitude earthquake 4 km northeast of Norcia on the same day. An earthquake in central Italy has killed hundreds of people and destroyed medieval stone buildings. Another disaster struck Italy in October, when two strong earthquakes shook the center of the country within two hours of each other. A 5.5-magnitude earthquake occurred 9 km southeast of Norcia, and then two hours later more than strong earthquake with a magnitude of 6.1 occurred at a distance of 18 km from the city, only 2 km from Visso.

    Hurricane Matthew

    This is the strongest storm that has spread over Atlantic Ocean in October. It became the strongest Atlantic storm since Hurricane Felix in 2007. Matthew very soon reached danger category 5: wind speeds exceeded 252 km per hour. Then the strength of the storm decreased to category 4, although the wind reached 225 km per hour. Strong winds, storm surges and life-threatening rainfall made Matthew a devastating and deadly disaster. Experts estimate that the storm took the lives of more than 1,600 people, and losses are estimated at over $10.5 billion.

    Earthquakes and tsunamis in New Zealand

    A powerful 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck New Zealand on November 14. Although its epicenter was northeast of Christchurch, its tremors were felt even in the capital of New Zealand, Wellington, and this city is located 200 km from the epicenter in the north of the island. About 2 hours after the first earthquake, a tsunami hit the coast, the waves of which reached 2 meters in height. Hundreds of tremors continued to shake it Island state even after the main earthquake was over. Their strength reached 6.3 points. Local authorities reported two deaths, and most of the rural landscape was devastated powerful earthquake. New Prime Minister New Zealand's John Key said reconstruction would take months and cost the country billions of dollars. The magnitude 7.8 quake also transformed major faults in the region, widening six major ones, according to new maps compiled by the Geoscience consulting group in New Zealand.

    Fukushima earthquake

    A powerful earthquake occurred in northern Japan on November 21. It created a small tsunami that hit Fukushima.

    Fires in Tennessee

    Regions around Gatlinburg, Tennessee were consumed by wildfires on November 28th. Local authorities had to close national park Great Smoky Mountain, but more importantly, thousands of people were forced from their homes. The fire quickly spread through drought-stricken forested areas, driven by gusty winds. Meteorologists said gusty winds and dry leaves helped the flames spread, overturning power lines and sparking new fires. This deadly combination allowed the fires to spread quickly, wreaking havoc across the region. Forest fires in the region killed 14 people and injured 134. More than 1,600 structures were also destroyed.

    Earthquake in Indonesia

    During the first week of March, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake occurred 800 km southwest of Sumatra, an island in western Indonesia. Although the earthquake was strong, it occurred far enough from the islands to cause significant damage. However, on December 7, another earthquake shook the island. The epicenter of the shallow magnitude 6.5 earthquake was 12 miles southeast of Aceh province in Indonesia, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS). It caused damage to hundreds of structures in the Pidi Jaya region of Aceh, CNN reports. At least 100 people were killed and 136 seriously injured. Indonesia was hit again by an earthquake on December 21, when a magnitude 6.7 earthquake struck the Banda Sea near Indonesia and East Timor, the US Geological Survey said. The earthquake was felt as far away as Darwin, the capital of Australia's Northern Territory. Residents said the earthquake lasted several minutes, according to media reports.