What is the Atlantic Ocean? Message about the Atlantic Ocean

Albania is a small southern European state located in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula. From the northwest, Albania is washed by the Adriatic Sea, and from the southwest by the waters of the Ionian Sea. The official name of the country is the Republic of Albania. Detailed map Albania demonstrates that despite the varied topography of the Balkan side of the Adriatic, the country has at its disposal only three uninhabited islands, the largest of which - the island of Sazani - does not exceed 5 km 2 in area.

Albania on the world map: geography, nature and climate

Even for Europe, the size of the country is quite modest. Albania occupies only 28,748 km 2 on the world map. Total length Albania's borders are 717 km, but it boasts four land neighbors. In the northwest the country borders with Montenegro, in the southeast with Greece and in the west with Macedonia. Albania also has a section of border with Serbia in the northeast, but this territory Serbian state in Lately is part of the partially recognized Republic of Kosovo.

In addition, the country borders Italy through the Strait of Otranto. The length of the state's coastline is 362 km.

The peculiarity of Albania's borders is that they are completely artificial. During the creation of the country, the borders were determined without taking into account the terrain, which is especially clearly visible along the southern borders of the state.

Geographical position

Despite its small size, Albania can demonstrate quite a varied topography. About 70% of the country is represented by hilly and mountainous regions. Along northern border settled down Prokletiye Mountains, which on the map of Albania in Russian may be called the Northern Albanian Alps. Their height reaches 2692 m, but highest point The country is located to the south, on the border with neighboring Macedonia. Height mountains Korab, part of the mountain range of the same name, is 2762 m above sea level.

Only the central and northwestern coastal regions of Albania are located on fertile plains. The country's valleys abound with rivers. The largest of them is Drin river. Its length is 148 km and, like almost all the country’s rivers, it originates in the eastern mountainous regions and flows into the Adriatic Sea. There are also many lakes on the lands of Albania, but the largest of them are Prespa, Shkoder And Ohrid Lake- located on the borders of the country.

Animal and plant life

The mountainous regions of Albania are infertile and are represented, for the most part, by forests. Beech, chestnut, birch, pine and spruce are found here. The country's lowlands are characterized by standard Mediterranean evergreen shrub vegetation and extensive agricultural regions.

The fauna of Albania is concentrated in mountainous uninhabited areas. Bears, wolves, lynxes, martens, deer and wild boars live here. The coast is home to large numbers of migratory birds: pelicans, swallows, storks and herons. Coastal waters are rich in commercial fish, and trout is often found in mountain rivers.


The phenomenon is clearly represented in the country altitudinal zone. The lowland and coastal areas are characterized by a Mediterranean subtropical climate. Summer temperatures here reach 25-27°C, and winter temperatures range between 8-9°C. Mountain regions are closer to a temperate continental climate and the temperature here is on average 5-7°C lower. Precipitation throughout the country is quite abundant, but unevenly distributed. Thus, in the Northern Albanian Alps this figure reaches 2500 mm per year. On the coast the precipitation level does not exceed 1300 mm, and in eastern regions Albania drops to 750 mm.

Map of Albania with cities. Administrative division of the country

Albania is divided into 12 regions. They are quite comparable in area. Average density The country's population is about 100 per km2. A map of Albania with cities in Russian demonstrates that the country’s largest cities are located on flat coastal lands. 50% of the population lives in three western regions on the coast of the Adriatic Sea.


Tirana is the capital and The largest city Albania. Located close to geographical center countries. Up to 30 percent of the population lives here. It is natural that Tirana is an economic, industrial, scientific, educational and cultural center Albania.


30 km west of the capital on the Adriatic coast lies Durres, the second largest city in the state. Besides largest port countries in the city there is the largest number architectural monuments in Albania.


In the southwestern part of the country, at the junction of two seas, is the city of Vlora. This is a big one tourist centre and the country's second most important port. Vlora is the base naval forces Albania.

Atlantic Ocean - this is a “plot” water area of the world's oceans, which south side borders Europe and Africa, with western South and North America. A huge mass of salt water, beautiful views, rich flora and fauna, hundreds beautiful islands- this is all called the Atlantic Ocean.

Atlantic Ocean

Atlantic Ocean is considered the second largest component of our planet (in first place is ). Coastline clearly divided into water areas: seas, bays. Total area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean, the river basins that flow into it are about 329.7 million km³ (this is 25% of the waters of the World Ocean).

The name of the ocean - Atlantis - was first found in the works of Herodotus (5th century BC). Then the prototype modern name recorded in the works of Pliny the Elder (1st century AD). It sounds like Oceanus Atlanticus, translated from ancient Greek language- Atlantic Ocean.

There are several versions of the etymology of the name of the ocean:

- in honor of the mythological titan Atlas (Atlas, which holds the entire vault of heaven);

- from the name of the Atlas Mountains (they are located in northern Africa);

- in honor of the mysterious and legendary continent of Atlantis. I immediately suggest you most interesting video— film “Battle of Civilizations - Find Atlantis”

These are the versions and assumptions put forward about Atlantis and the mysterious Atlantean race.

As for the history of the formation of the ocean, scientists are sure that it arose due to the breakup of the missing supercontinent Pangea. It included 90% continental crust of our planet.

Atlantic Ocean on the world map

Every 600 million years, continental blocks unite, only to split apart again over time. It was as a result of this process that 160 thousand years ago arose Atlantic Ocean. Map currents shows that ocean waters move under the influence of cold and warm currents.

These are all the main currents of the Atlantic Ocean.

Atlantic Ocean Islands

The largest islands in the Atlantic Ocean are Ireland, Great Britain, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Haiti, and Newfoundland. They are located in the northern sector of the ocean. Their total area is 700 t. km 2. Several groups of smaller islands are located in the eastern part of the ocean: the Canary Islands, . On west side there are groups of the Lesser Antilles. Their archipelago creates a unique arc of solid earth that surrounds eastern sector water

One cannot fail to mention one of the most beautiful islands of the Atlantic -.

Atlantic Ocean water temperature

The waters of the Atlantic Ocean are colder than the Pacific Ocean (due to the large extent of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge). average temperature water on the surface is +16.9, but it varies depending on the season. In February in the northern part of the water area and in August in the southern part the highest low temperature, and the highest is observed in other months.

Atlantic ocean depth

What is the depth of the Atlantic Ocean? The maximum depth of the Atlantic Ocean reaches 8742 m (recorded in the Puerto Rico Trench at 8742 m), and average depth is 3736 m. The Puerto Rico Trench is located on the border of the ocean waters and Caribbean Sea. Its length along the slopes of the Antilles range is 1200 km.

The area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean is 91.66 million km². And a quarter of this territory falls on its seas. Here .

Atlantic Ocean: sharks and more

The underwater world of the Atlantic Ocean will amaze the imagination of any person with its richness and diversity. It is a unique ecosystem that unites many species of plants and animals.

The flora of the Atlantic Ocean is represented mainly by bottom vegetation (phytobenthos): green, red, brown algae, kelp, flowering plants such as poseidonia, philospadix.

Without exaggeration, the Sargasso Sea, located in the Atlantic Ocean between 20° and 40° north latitude and 60° west longitude, can be called a unique natural miracle. 70% of its water surface is always on the surface brown algae- sargassum.

And here most of The surface of the Atlantic Ocean is covered with phytoplankton (this is unicellular algae). Its mass, depending on the area, varies from 1 to 100 mg/m3.

Inhabitants of the Atlantic Ocean beautiful and mysterious, because many of their species have not been fully studied. Lives in cold and temperate waters a large number of various representatives of underwater fauna. For example, pinnipeds, whales, perch, flounder, cod, herring, shrimp, crustaceans, mollusks. Many animals are bipolar, that is, they have adapted to a comfortable existence in both cold and temperate zones (turtles, crabs, jellyfish, seals, whales, seals, mussels).

A special class are the inhabitants deep waters Atlantic Ocean. Corals, sponges, and echinoderm fish species amaze and impress the human eye.

What sharks are in the Atlantic Ocean Can they pay a visit to an unwary tourist? The number of species that live in the Atlantic exceeds a dozen. The most common are white, soup, blue, reef, basking, and sand sharks. But cases of attacks on people do not happen very often, and if they do happen, it is more often due to the provocations of the people themselves.

The first officially recorded shark attack on a human occurred on July 1, 1916, to Charles Van Sant on a New Jersey beach. But even then, residents of the resort town perceived this incident as an accident. Such tragedies began to be registered only in 1935. But shark scientists Nichols, Murphy and Lucas did not take the attacks lightly and began to intensively search for their specific causes. As a result, they created their “Year of the Shark” theory. She claimed that the attacks were motivated by a large migration of sharks. Since the beginning of 2013, according to the International Register of Shark Attacks, 55 cases of predator attacks on humans have been recorded in the world, 10 of which were fatal.

Bermuda Triangle

The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest and deepest. Its area is 91.7 million km2. The average depth is 3597 m, and the maximum is 8742 m. The length from north to south is 16,000 km. Geographical position Atlantic Ocean The ocean extends from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the coast of Antarctica in the south. In the south, the Drake Passage separates the Atlantic Ocean from […]

The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest ocean on Earth. This is the most studied and developed ocean by people. The Atlantic Ocean washes the shores of all continents except Australia. Its length is 13 thousand km (along the meridian 30 west), and its greatest width is 6700 km. The ocean has many seas and bays. The structure of the Atlantic Ocean floor is divided into three main parts: [...]

The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest ocean after the Pacific. Its area is much smaller and amounts to 91.6 million km2. About a quarter of this area is in shelf seas. The coastline is very indented, primarily in the Northern Hemisphere; in the Southern Hemisphere it is relatively flat. The ocean washes all continents except Australia. Islands located in the ocean are located near continents. […]

The name Atlantica came to us from ancient times. Scientists believe that it is connected with the name of the Atlas Mountains in northwest Africa. Therefore, the Atlantic Sea in the times of Homer and Hesiod literally meant “the sea beyond the Atlas Mountains.” Later, the Greeks began to designate the south of the part of the modern Atlantic Ocean known to them, and the waters adjacent to Europe called it the Outer Sea, […]

All species are represented in the Atlantic Ocean economic activity humans in marine areas. Among them highest value have sea ​​transport, then - underwater oil and gas production, only then - fishing and use biological resources. On the shores of the Atlantic there are more than 70 coastal countries with a population of over 1.3 billion people. Many transoceanic routes pass through the ocean with [...]

In the Atlantic Ocean, all zonal complexes are distinguished: natural belts, except for the North Polar. The waters of the northern subpolar zone are rich in life. It is especially developed on the shelves off the coasts of Iceland, Greenland and the Labrador Peninsula. Temperate zone characterized by intense interaction between cold and warm waters, its waters are the most productive areas of the Atlantic. Vast expanses of warm waters of two subtropical, two tropical […]

The Atlantic Ocean is poorer in flora and fauna species than the Pacific Ocean. One of the reasons for this is its relative geological youth and noticeable cooling in Quaternary period during the glaciation of the northern hemisphere. However, in quantitative terms, the ocean is rich in organisms - it is the most productive per unit area. This is primarily due to the widespread development of shelves and shallow waters [...]

Zoning water masses in the ocean is complicated by the influence of land and sea ​​currents. This is manifested primarily in the temperature distribution surface waters. In many areas of the ocean, isotherms off the coast deviate sharply from the latitudinal direction. The northern half of the ocean is warmer than the southern half, the temperature difference reaches 6°C. The average surface water temperature (16.5°C) is slightly lower than in Pacific Ocean. Cooling […]

In the Atlantic, as in the Pacific, two rings form surface currents. In the northern hemisphere trade wind current, Gulf Stream, North Atlantic and Canary current form a clockwise movement of water. IN southern hemisphere The South Trade Wind, the Brazilian Current, the West Winds and the Benguela Current form the movement of water counterclockwise. Due to the considerable extent of the Atlantic Ocean from north to south […]

The Atlantic Ocean is located in all climatic zones Earth. The main part of the ocean is between 40° N latitude. and 42° S - is located in subtropical, tropical, subequatorial and equatorial climatic zones. Here all year round high positive air temperatures. The most severe climate is found in the sub-Antarctic and Antarctic latitudes, and to a lesser extent in the subpolar, northern latitudes. The climate of the Atlantic Ocean (more […]

Oil and gas reserves discovered on the shelf North Sea, in the Gulf of Mexico, Guinea and Biscay. Phosphorite deposits were discovered in the area of ​​rising deep waters off the coast North Africa in tropical latitudes. Placer deposits of tin off the coast of Great Britain and Florida, as well as diamond deposits off the coast of South-West Africa, have been identified on the shelf in sediments of ancient and modern rivers. […]

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge runs across the entire ocean (approximately at an equal distance from the coasts of the continents). The relative height of the ridge is about 2 km. Transverse faults divide it into separate segments. In the axial part of the ridge there is a giant rift valley width from 6 to 30 km and depth up to 2 km. The rift and faults of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge are associated with both underwater active […]

The Atlantic Ocean stretches from north to south for 16 thousand km from subarctic to Antarctic latitudes. The ocean is wide in the northern and southern parts, narrows at equatorial latitudes to 2900 km. In the north it communicates with the Arctic Ocean, and in the south it is widely connected with the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Bounded by the shores of North and South America - […]

The western and southwestern outskirts of Russia are washed by the seas of the Atlantic Ocean. The Baltic Sea forms bays off the coast of the country, on the shores of which large ports are located. IN Gulf of Finland St. Petersburg is located on the Pregola River, which flows into the Vistula Lagoon - Kaliningrad. In the southwest there is Chernoe and Sea of ​​Azov, where there are also large bays. In the Black Sea - Karakinitsky Bay and [...]

The Atlantic Ocean is limited by the shores of Europe and Africa in the east, North and South America in the west. Due to the meridional strike, it contains natural belts from the northern subpolar to the southern polar, which determines the diversity of its natural conditions. However, the main part of its spaces lies between 40° N. w. and 42° S. w. in subtropical, tropical and […]

Within the Atlantic Ocean, all physiographic zones are clearly represented, except for the North Polar. The northern subpolar (subarctic) belt covers the waters off the island of Greenland and the Labrador Peninsula. In winter, the air temperature drops to - 20°, water temperature to - 1 °C and below. The ocean is partially covered with ice in winter. Ice formation causes additional increase salinity of water and its immersion to depth. In spring […]

Organic world of the Atlantic Ocean species-wise poorer organic world The Pacific and Indian oceans, but quantitatively it is the richest (260 kg/km2) due to the widespread development of the shelf. Poverty species composition is largely associated with the relative youth of the ocean, its long-term isolation from other oceans and the strong climate cooling in the Quaternary. For distribution organic life strongly […]

The climatic conditions of the Atlantic Ocean determine the features of its hydrological regime. Waves in the Atlantic Ocean Wave formation in the Atlantic Ocean depends on the nature of the prevailing winds over certain areas. The area of ​​most frequent storms extends north of 40° N. w. and south of 40° S. w. The height of waves during long and very strong storms can reach 20-26 m. But […]

The climate of the Atlantic Ocean is determined by its enormous meridional extent, the nature of atmospheric circulation and the ability of the water surface to significantly level annual course temperature. The oceanic climate is generally characterized by slight fluctuations in air temperature. In the Atlantic Ocean at the equator they are less than 1 °C, in subtropical latitudes 5 °C, and at 60 ° N. w. and Yu. w. - 10 °C. Only […]

Deep-sea sediments consist of silts, which get their name from the smallest organisms, the remains of which are found in the ground in the greatest number. Among deep-sea sediments, the most common are foraminiferal muds, occupying 65% of the area of ​​the ocean floor and mid-ocean ridge. The Atlantic Ocean is a part of the World Ocean that is characterized by the penetration far to the north of heat-loving foraminifera, which is associated with the warming effect of […]

Some sources provide data characterizing the area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean without taking into account the marginal and inland seas of this basin. But more often it is necessary to operate with indicators relating to the entire water area. Let's consider several possible answers to the question posed in the title of the article. Additionally, we will compare the area of ​​the Atlantic Basin with other parts of the World Ocean (MO). We will also touch upon the topic of a possible rise in water levels, which threatens to flood vast coastal areas that are densely populated and have complex infrastructure.

Problems of determining the area and boundaries of water areas

Calculating the size and comparing the territories of individual parts of the Moscow Region makes it difficult to have different views on their number. It is generally recognized that it is divided into 4 oceans: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian and Arctic. There is another point of view, when the North and South Atlantic are separated, or the southern parts of the basins are combined into one part of the Moscow Region. The characteristics on which the division is based are the nature of the bottom topography, atmospheric and water circulation, temperature and other indicators. Complicating the situation is the fact that some sources classify the Arctic Ocean as the Atlantic, considering the entire territory near 90° N to be one of the seas. w. This point of view has not found official recognition.

General characteristics of the Atlantic (briefly)

The ocean occupies huge territory, elongated in the meridional direction. The length of the Atlantic from north to south is 16 thousand km, which leads to significant differences in the natural and climatic conditions of the basin. The smallest width of the water area is near the equator, where the influence of the continents is more strongly felt. Taking into account the seas, the area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean is 91.66 million km2 (according to other sources - 106.46 million km2).

In the bottom topography, two powerful mid-ocean ridges stand out - the Northern and Southern ones. His maximum depth The Atlantic Ocean reaches 8742 m in the area of ​​the Puerto Rican Trench. The average distance from the surface to the bottom is 3736 m. The total volume of water in the basin is 329.66 million km 3.

The considerable length and vast area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean influence the diversity of climate. As you move away from the equator to the poles, significant fluctuations in air and water temperatures and the content of dissolved substances are observed. The lowest salinity was found in (8%), in tropical latitudes this figure increases to 37%.

They flow into the seas and bays of the Atlantic large rivers: Amazon, Congo, Mississippi, Orinoco, Niger, Loire, Rhine, Elbe and others. The Mediterranean Sea communicates with the ocean through a narrow (13 km).

Atlantic Shape

The configuration of the ocean on the map resembles the letter S. The widest parts are located between 25 and 35° N. latitude, 35 and 65° S. w. The size of these water areas has a significant impact on total area Atlantic Ocean. Its basin is characterized by significant dissection in the Northern Hemisphere. This is where they are located largest seas, bays and archipelagos. Tropical latitudes abound with coral buildings and islands. If you do not take into account the outlying and inland seas, then the area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean (million km 2) is 82.44. The width of this water basin varies significantly from north to south (km):

  • between the islands of Ireland and Newfoundland - 3320;
  • at latitude the water area expands - 4800;
  • from the Brazilian Cape of San Roque to the coast of Liberia - 2850;
  • between Cape Horn in South America and Cape Good Hope in Africa - 6500.

Borders of the Atlantic in the west and east

The natural boundaries of the ocean are the shores of North and South America. Previously, these continents were connected by the Isthmus of Panama, through which a shipping canal of the same name was built about 100 years ago. It connected a small Pacific bay with the Caribbean, simultaneously dividing the two American continents. In this part of the basin there are many archipelagos and islands (Great and Lesser Antilles, Bahamas and others).

Shortest distance between South America and Antarctica is located in It is here that passes southern border with the Pacific Basin. One of the delimitation options is along the meridian 68°04 W. from the South American Cape Horn to the nearest point on the coast of the Antarctic Peninsula. The easiest way to find the border is with Indian Ocean. It is laid exactly 20° east. d. - from the coast of Antarctica to the South African Cape Agulhas. In southern latitudes, the area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean reaches its greatest values.

Borders in the north

It is more difficult to separate the Atlantic and Northern waters on the map Arctic Oceans. The border runs in the area and south of the island. Greenland. In the waters of the Atlantic they reach the North Arctic Circle, in the area of. The Iceland border drops a little further south. West Coast Scandinavia is almost completely washed by the Atlantic Ocean; here the borderline is 70° N. w. Large marginal and inland seas in the east: North, Baltic, Mediterranean, Black.

What is the area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean (compared to other parts of Moscow Region)

The Pacific Basin is the largest on Earth. The Atlantic ranks second in terms of water area and depth, covering 21% of the surface of our planet, and first in terms of drainage area. Together with the seas, the area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean (million km2) ranges from 106.46 to 91.66. The smaller figure is almost half that of the Pacific basin. The Atlantic Ocean is approximately 15 million km2 larger than the Indian Ocean.

In addition to calculations related to the present time, experts determine possible increases and decreases in sea level, flooding coastal areas. So far no one can say when this will happen and how. The area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean may change if ice melts in the north and south with climate warming. Level fluctuations occur constantly, but are also noticeable The general trend reduction of ice area in the Arctic and Antarctic. As a result of rising water in the Atlantic Ocean, large areas on the east coast of Canada and the United States, in the west and north of Europe, including the shores of the Baltic Sea, may be flooded.