The maximum depth of earth drilling in history. “Well to Hell”: how the deepest well in the world was drilled in the Soviet Union

Lactostasis or mastitis? In the vast majority of cases, women, even those who have in common medical education, the concepts of mastitis and lactostasis are confused. The reason is simple - lactostasis and mastitis have some general signs. Moreover, lactostasis is almost always a precursor to mastitis; more precisely, lactostasis is one of additional conditions for the development of mastitis. In much the same way that cold is a factor that alleviates the disease with influenza, lactostasis is a factor that facilitates the development of mastitis.

What is lactostasis? This is stagnation of milk in one or more milk segments. It manifests itself as engorgement and thickening of the mammary gland in the area of ​​lactostasis. At the same time, an overfilled and compacted lobule can be clearly felt. With lactostasis, unlike mastitis, there are no signs infectious inflammation. Lactostasis occurs when milk production increases and its outflow worsens. Most often, lactostasis develops in the upper-outer lobules of the mammary gland. It is also interesting that mastopathy and breast cancer most often develop in this area, which indicates the need for more careful attention to this area. An intermediate condition between true mastitis and lactostasis is non-infectious mastitis. At the same time, stagnant milk is the cause of the development of an inflammatory reaction.

The causes of lactostasis include:

  • Poor drainage of one part of the breast.
  • Lack of expressing milk after feeding, especially against the background of insufficient or improper feeding. Pumping in in this case plays a role in correcting errors in possible changes baby feeding regimens. This helps to correct errors in latching onto the breast, which lead to compression of certain areas, as well as the inability to completely empty the breast due to sagging (with large breasts)
  • Refusal to breastfeed in the absence of suppression of lactation by medications.
  • Errors in breast care: wearing a tight bra, overcooling the breasts, squeezing the breasts during sleep.
  • Chest injuries and bruises, stress, overwork.

What is mastitis? True mastitis develops when an infection is attached, so the disease is characterized by a deterioration in health, chills and a rise in temperature against the background of the presence of the classic sign of lactostasis (dense, painful lobule). The source of infection is cracks and abrasions in the area of ​​the areola and nipple.

Is there a need for a clear distinction between lactostasis and the onset of mastopathy? It turns out - no. The reason is simple - both lactostasis and the onset of mastopathy are treated in exactly the same way. We are talking about the banal expression of a hardened and rather painful lobule. You need to be patient and try to force it to express its contents. The effect usually exceeds expectations. In the case of lactostasis, the compaction disappears and within a few hours the soreness of the lobule significantly subsides.

In the case of mastopathy, after expressing the lump may not completely disappear, but a day after careful expressing there are no signs of inflammation. If you do not take measures to express milk, then mastitis can go into a purulent phase and then treatment will require more serious measures, including surgery. So, proper and regular pumping, as well as self-massage of the breast, help not only maintain the health of the mammary gland, but also cure it in case of the development of lactostasis or the first stage of mastitis.

What to do to prevent mastitis? Talk to your doctor about feeding your baby. For example, when feeding, the breast must be supported with the whole hand - thumb on top, the rest under the chest. In the vast majority of cases, the breast does not need to be supported throughout the entire feeding. If we consider that mastitis is characterized not only by the presence of stagnation of milk, but also by the addition of an infection, then to maintain health it is also necessary to take care of the rules of personal hygiene and strengthening the immune system.

In any case, if symptoms of lactostasis or the onset of mastitis occur, urgent consultation with a specialist is advisable. This will, on the one hand, prevent possible complications, and on the other hand, to get practical recommendations to prevent recurrence of the disease.

Everyone knows that the best nutrition for a baby from the first weeks of his life and literally up to 6 months is breast milk, and its benefits are undeniable.

And the process of breastfeeding, in the absence of obvious and insoluble problems - the most beautiful moments in the life of a mother and her child, when no one and nothing can interfere with their communication and unity.

However, even if the feeding process is well established and there are no obvious problems with the breasts, there is still a possibility that a nursing mother will experience such unpleasant conditions as lactostasis or mastitis. But don't be afraid of this, because similar phenomena encountered in most women and can be resolved perfectly if everything is done correctly.

But first, let's find out what is meant by lactostasis and mastitis and what is the difference between them.

Lactostasis is not a disease at all

The word "lactostasis" literally means "milk stagnation", which occurs due to blockage of one of the milk ducts.

Most often, the so-called milk plug forms directly in the nipple and can be seen if you look closely. It looks like a small white dot where the milk should come out. If milk flows from there, it is in a very thin stream and lighter than from other ducts.

As a result, stagnant milk causes inflammation, which is felt by the woman as tightness, soreness in the breasts, and sometimes general malaise, but without a rise in body temperature.

Causes of lactostasis

The most interesting thing is that lactostasis can develop in any woman, no matter how long she has not breastfed before, and no matter how many children she has. And the reason for this could be:

1 incorrect attachment to the breast. The rules for breastfeeding are usually explained in the maternity hospital, and they are aimed at ensuring a good and uniform outflow of milk from the breast;

2 feeding the child according to a schedule, and not on demand, in the absence of high-quality and sufficient pumping to empty the breast. At the same time, pumping itself is not necessary if you feed the baby on demand, that is, every time he asks;

3 holding the breast during feeding, which leads to mechanical pinching of the milk duct. It’s better to just try to take the right position when mom and baby are comfortable;

4 constantly wearing an uncomfortable bra, even at night. This detail of a mother’s wardrobe must be selected very carefully and not skimped, so that the breasts are not pinched anywhere, but are well supported;

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stress, overwork, lack of getting enough sleep, strong exercise stress. A nursing mother should be able to distribute her time so that there is enough time for the child, for herself, and for rest, even with a child in her arms;

6 even a minor injury to the breast can lead to blockage of the milk duct;

7 oddly enough, even a sudden change in weather, pressure and temperature surges can cause lactostasis;

8 Sleeping on your stomach: you can compress the ducts.

Therefore, if your breasts hurt and your milk doesn’t come out, you don’t need to immediately panic and remember horror stories their friends and relatives.

As a rule, it’s enough just to give the baby the sore breast as often as possible, every feeding and even more often (while regularly expressing the other breast) - and everything will go away the next day.

The fact is that a milk plug is simply thickened milk, which is easiest to come out while the baby is sucking.

Contrary to popular belief, there is no need to constantly massage your breasts, warm them and express them - this will only lead to an even greater supply of milk and aggravate the situation.

If latching the baby does not help, you can try to express the part of the breast where congestion has formed.

However, usually the breasts are already painful, and it is simply difficult for the mother to overcome this pain on her own and carry out effective pumping.

Therefore, it is easier to contact a specially trained specialist - a midwife, who, with skillful movements, will free the milk duct and ensure the outflow of milk; this will take no more than 30 minutes.

Be careful, you cannot leave painful stagnation of milk unattended. If the child rarely eats, you do not try to express the breast, and lactostasis does not go away for more than 1 day - this can lead to a really serious problem - mastitis.

Mastitis - you should seriously think about it and take action

Mastitis can be uninfected or infected.

Advanced lactostasis leads to uninfected mastitis. This is manifested by the fact that breast soreness is accompanied by an even greater deterioration in well-being, breast lumpiness, and redness.

Lactostasis is especially clearly distinguished from mastitis by an increase in body temperature, while chest pain begins to be felt even when walking and changing body position.

Of course, if you notice such symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor.

If the situation is not very advanced, doctors give the same recommendations as for lactostasis, but with some additions. You should still give the sore breast to your baby more often, but at the same time try to choose a position in which the baby’s chin is directed towards the sore part of the breast. So sucking from this area occurs more intensely.

Your doctor may also recommend applying cold water to your sore breasts for a few minutes after feeding to reduce heat and swelling.

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You need to carefully monitor your condition, because if on the second day the pain does not decrease, the temperature remains the same, there is a possibility of infection in the chest.

Infected mastitis

The infection can come from cracks in the nipples, but it can also develop as a result of the mother’s recent sore throat, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, or other chronic diseases she has.

In this case we're talking about about incipient infected mastitis.

This disease is truly dangerous, and under no circumstances should you try to treat it yourself or leave it to chance. Naturally, you need to immediately consult a doctor if you have not done so yet.You will definitely be prescribed antibiotics and given recommendations on how to feed your baby and what pattern to express in order to keep the milk in that breast.

You'll likely need to buy a breast pump because hand expressing can spread the infection. The breast pump must be electric; a simple manual one will not cope with the task, and it is not always capable of expressing a healthy breast.

Maybe someone has heard advice that cold chests need to be warmed - under no circumstances should you do this. With mastitis, like any other inflammation, heat only worsens the condition.

Never try to prescribe treatment on your own, because not all antibiotics are compatible with breastfeeding, since you will continue to feed your baby from a healthy breast. And after recovery, you can resume feeding as usual.

Remember that any condition can be treated, you just need to entrust yourself to the hands of specialists.

And yet, try to listen to some advice from our grandmothers - do not run out into the cold without outerwear, especially if you are breastfeeding. As we wrote earlier, the breasts are very sensitive to temperature changes.

Breastfeeding is an important and responsible period in a woman’s life. Many people experience breast problems while breastfeeding. Lactostasis and mastitis can often occur. Inexperienced mothers may confuse these diseases. In order to start treatment in a timely manner, you need to know their differences.

Lactostasis and mastitis have similar symptoms


This is stagnation of milk in the milk duct. The gland in which stagnation has formed undergoes swelling and becomes painful on palpation. It is difficult to express milk from the affected breast; this is often difficult to do due to severe pain.

Lactostasis does not affect general state women, it is expressed only by local manifestations.

There is a feeling of discomfort when feeding and nagging pain.

  1. Self-palpation of the breast reveals a lumpy painful lump. During pumping, milk release is difficult.

All signs may vary in intensity depending on the severity of the condition. With prolonged stagnation, pathogenic flora may attach, which subsequently leads to infection.

Lactostasis is expressed by discomfort during breastfeeding


Represents an infectious inflammatory process in the mammary gland. The breasts increase in size, redness of the skin occurs at the site of inflammation. Deterioration in general well-being, manifested in symptoms of general intoxication. The disease begins abruptly, with a rise in temperature to 38 degrees, headache and lethargy. The chest increases significantly in size, a feeling of fullness and pain appears. The skin is swollen, with a characteristic reddish tint in the affected area, hot to the touch.

At initial stages mastitis, the patient's condition is satisfactory. An advanced disease can lead to joining bacterial infection, which against the backdrop of favorable nutrient medium It develops quite quickly into purulent mastitis.

Mastitis may be accompanied by fever

Reasons for the development of lactostasis and mastitis

Lactostasis in most cases develops due to non-compliance with feeding regime and hygiene procedures. Abrupt termination of breastfeeding also leads to stagnation of milk.

Insufficient breast pumping is the main factor for the development of congestive processes.

Mastitis develops against the background of prolonged lactostasis. Improper attachment and breast care leads to cracked nipples, one of the ways for pathological flora to penetrate. The presence of chronic foci of infection and decreased immunity increase the risk of mastitis.

Comparisons of the differences between these two diseases are given in the table.

signs lactostasis mastitis
General toxic symptoms With lactostasis, the woman’s general well-being is not affected, body temperature remains normal Deterioration in health headache, drowsiness, lethargy, often fever up to 38 degrees or higher
Local symptoms Swelling of the gland, pain, redness The breast increases in size, the skin becomes rich red, shiny, pain not only during palpation, but also at rest, hot to the touch.
Milk separation It is difficult; when expressing, you will see how it drips from one duct, while from others it flows like a stream Hardly
Onset of relief from pumping Yes No
Enlarged lymph nodes No Yes
Duration 1-2 days When after 1-2 days the body temperature begins to rise, the swelling increases - serous mastitis can be assumed.

What not to do when lactostasis begins

  1. Apply warming agents or alcohol compresses, this will only worsen the situation and create an environment for the development of pathological flora.
  2. Do not give the baby the affected breast - of course, feeding will be painful. But it is the baby who will cope with stagnation better than any pumping.
  3. Reducing the amount of liquid you drink leads to thickening of the milk, which further aggravates the situation.
  4. You should not let your husband help you overcome lactostasis. The sucking behavior of an adult and an infant differs significantly, and such manipulations can lead to injury to the nipple.

If you have lactostasis, you need to drink a lot of fluids


If signs of lactostasis are detected, measures must be taken immediately. If you delay the process for several days, there is a high risk of developing mastitis.

  1. To improve milk flow, apply more often to the baby’s “sick” breast. Use different feeding positions, preferably so that the baby's chin rests on the swollen area.
  2. You need to massage your breasts with gentle movements in a circle. Under no circumstances should you “break” it, as this will only damage the delicate breast tissue.
  3. You need to express not after feeding, but before it. Doing this after feeding will only increase milk production. Carry out these procedures after a warm shower or bath.
  4. Physiotherapy using ultrasound gives a good effect in treatment. After just a couple of sessions, relief comes.

Treatment folk remedies cannot be replaced with anything prescribed by a doctor. Only as auxiliary manipulations. By being carried away by self-medication, you can worsen the situation and lead to purulent inflammation – and subsequently, to surgical treatment.

Physiotherapy with ultrasound gives good effect for mastitis

If non-infectious mastitis occurs, treatment is prescribed by a doctor. Drug treatment in such cases is not required. To identify pathological flora, bacterial culture of milk is done. If detected, antibacterial drugs are prescribed. In such cases, stop feeding from the affected breast. But you don’t have to stop breastfeeding completely - you can feed the baby from a healthy breast and express the other one.

After treatment, with the permission of the doctor, you can begin to breastfeed.

Prevent the development of lactostasis in a timely manner by following the recommendations. Contact a specialist breastfeeding to resolve issues with correct application. Do not delay contacting a specialist - the sooner treatment begins, the lower the risk of complications and the spread of infection.

The largest mine in the world on the remote Kola Peninsula, in northern Russia. Against the backdrop of the rusting ruins of an abandoned research station lies the deepest hole in the world.

Now closed and sealed with a welded metal plate, the Kola over deep well is a remnant, largely forgotten, gambling of the human race, aimed not at the stars, but into the depths of the Earth.
There were rumors that a deep well had been drilled into hell: screams and moans of people could be heard from the abyss - as if this was the reason for the closure of the station and the well. In fact, the reason was different.

The city of Mirny is known for its largest mine in the world: a deep well on the Kola Peninsula is the largest man-made hole in the world. 1722 m - deep, so deep that all flights over it were prohibited because too many helicopters crashed due to being sucked into the hole.

The deepest hole ever drilled in the name of science, evidence of Precambrian life has been found here. Human race knows about distant galaxies, but little knows what lies under her very feet. Of course, the project produced a huge amount of geological data, most of which showed how little we know about our planet.

The USA and the USSR fought for spatial intelligence superiority in space race, another competition was between the two countries' greatest drillers: the American "Mohole Project" on the Pacific coast of Mexico - was interrupted in 1966 due to lack of funding; Councils, Interdepartmental Project scientific council for the study of the Earth's interior and ultra-deep drilling, from 1970 to 1994 on the Kola Peninsula. Earth exploration is limited to ground observations and seismic surveys, but Kola well gave a direct look at the structure of the earth's crust.

Kola Super Deep Well Drilled to Hell

The drill on Kola never encountered a layer of basalt. Instead, the granite rock turned out to be beyond the twelfth kilometer. It is quite surprising that the rocks of many kilometers are saturated with water. Previously it was believed that free water should not exist at such great depths.

But the most intriguing discovery is the discovery biological activity in rocks that are more than two billion years old. The most striking evidence of life came from microscopic fossils: the preserved remains of twenty-four species of single-celled marine plants, otherwise known as plankton.

Typically fossils are found in limestone rocks and silica deposits, but these "microfossils" were encased in organic compounds, which remained remarkably intact despite extreme environmental pressures and temperatures.

Kola drilling was forced to stop due to unexpectedly high temperatures encountered. While the temperature gradient in the bowels of the earth. At a depth of approximately 10,000 feet, the temperature increased at a rapid rate—reaching 180 °C (or 356 °F) at the bottom of the hole, as opposed to the expected 100 °C (212 °F). Also unexpected was the decrease in rock density.
Beyond this point, the rocks had greater porosity and permeability: in combination with high temperatures, began to behave like plastic. This is why drilling has become virtually impossible.

A repository of core samples can be found in the nickel-mining town of Zapolyarny, about ten kilometers south of the hole. With its ambitious mission and contributions to geology and biology, the Kola Superdeep Well remains the most important relic of Soviet science.

In the USSR they loved scale, and more, and this extended to literally everything. So one well was dug in the Union, which even today bears the title of the deepest on earth. It is noteworthy that the well was not drilled for oil production or geological exploration, but purely for scientific research.

Tips used to drill a well.

The Kola Superdeep Well, or SG-3, is the deepest well in the earth made by man. Is in Murmansk region 10 kilometers from the city of Zapolyarny, in westward. The depth of the hole is 12,262 meters. Its diameter at the top is 92 centimeters. At the bottom - 21.5 centimeters. Important feature SG-3 is that, unlike any other wells for oil production or geological work, this one was drilled solely for scientific purposes.

The well was laid in 1970, on the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Lenin. The location chosen is notable because the well was drilled into outcropping volcanic rocks more than 3 billion years old. By the way, the age of the Earth is about 4.5 billion years. When extracting minerals, wells are rarely drilled deeper than two thousand meters.

The work went on for days on end.

Drilling began on May 24, 1970. Up to the level of 7 thousand meters, drilling proceeded easily and calmly, but after the head hit less dense rocks, problems began. The process has slowed down significantly. Only on June 6, 1979, a new record was set - 9583 meters. It was previously installed in the US by oil producers. The mark of 12,066 meters was passed in 1983. The result was achieved by the International Geological Congress, which was held in Moscow. Subsequently, two accidents occurred at the complex.

Now the complex looks like this.

In 1997, several legends were circulated in the media that the Kola superdeep well was the real road to hell. One of these legends said that when the team lowered a microphone to a depth of several thousand meters, human screams, moans and screams were heard there.

Of course, there was nothing like that. If only because special equipment is used to record sound in a well at such a depth - but it did not record anything. Several accidents actually occurred at the complex, including an underground explosion during drilling, but geologists certainly did not disturb any underground “demons.”

The well itself is mothballed.

What is really important is that 16 people worked on SG-3 research laboratories. During times Soviet Union domestic geologists were able to make many valuable discoveries and better understand how our planet works. Work at the site allowed us to significantly improve drilling technology. Scientists were also able to understand the local geological processes, received comprehensive data about thermal mode subsoil, underground gases and deep waters.

Unfortunately, today the Kola superdeep well is closed. The complex building has been deteriorating since the last laboratory here was closed in 2008 and all equipment was dismantled. The reason is simple - lack of funding. In 2010, the well was already mothballed. Now it is slowly but surely being destroyed under the influence of natural processes.