Read list of Russian folk tales from everyday life. Russian folk tales, their role in the development of preschool children

Everyday and satirical Russian fairy tales / Everyday tales titles

Everyday and satirical Russian fairy tales are based on events in people's daily lives. Fairy tales convey the life in which they participate real heroes: husband and wife, gentlemen and servants, stupid ladies and ladies, a thief and a soldier and of course a cunning master. The names in everyday fairy tales speak for themselves: Porridge from an axe, a master and a man, an argumentative wife, a seven-year-old daughter, a fool and a birch tree and others...

Teenagers will be interested in everyday and satirical Russian fairy tales (“Good, but Bad,” “Porridge from an Ax,” “Inept Wife”). They talk about the vicissitudes family life, show resolution methods conflict situations, form a position common sense And healthy feeling humor in the face of adversity.

Socially everyday fairy tales arose, according to researchers, in two stages: everyday tales - earlier, with the formation of the family and family life during the decomposition tribal system, and social ones - with the emergence class society and the aggravation of social contradictions during the period of early feudalism, especially during the disintegration of the serfdom and during the period of capitalism. The name of everyday fairy tales is reflected primarily in the fact that the plots are based on two important social themes: social injustice and social punishment.

What are everyday fairy tales? In the fairy tale “The Master and the Carpenter,” the master ordered the servants to beat the oncoming carpenter because he himself was coming from the village of Adkova, and the carpenter was coming from the village of Raikova. The carpenter found out where the master lived, hired him to build a house (the master did not recognize him), called him into the forest to select the necessary logs and dealt with him there. The plot is about how a man fooled a master, in different forms and variations are very popular in fairy tales.

Often children ask to read the same fairy tale many times. Often, they accurately remember the details and do not allow parents to deviate even a step from the text. This natural feature mental development crumbs. Therefore, Russian fairy tales about animals best convey life experience to young children.

What kind of fairy tales are there?

Fairy tales, like all other works, literary genre, there is also its own systematization, and not even one. Fairy tales can be divided into several groups, firstly, by content, and secondly, by authorship. In addition, there is also a systematization of fairy tales according to nationality, which is transparent and understandable to everyone. For example, "Russians folk tales», « German fairy tales" and so on. Tell me which ones there are fairy tales according to authorship, it’s also not so difficult. Everyone understands that there are folk tales, and there are original ones, written a certain person. We will return to this later, but first we will talk about a more complex systematization of fairy tales - according to content.

3 Everyday tales Animal Tales

Types of fairy tales by content.

Any of these types is divided into several more, which we will talk about in the corresponding chapters. Let's start with everyday fairy tales.

Everyday tales.

As the name suggests, everyday fairy tales include those that describe the life and way of life of a particular people. However, it should be noted that in this kind of fairy tales the usual description is rare, and most often it is supplemented by various humorous and satirical descriptions. For example, any qualities of a particular class of society or estate are ridiculed. Among everyday tales allocate the following types fairy tales (we list them with examples):

social and everyday (“Shemyakin Court”, “Dividing the Goose”, “Chatty Old Woman”) satirical household(“The Man and the Priest,” “The Master and the Carpenter,” “The Master and the Man,” “How the Priest Hired a Worker”) magical-everyday (with elements from fairy tales, bright examples to that: “Morozko”, “Cinderella”)

In general, it should be noted that this classification was derived by literary scholars rather conditionally, since it is not always possible to say unambiguously which category a particular fairy tale belongs to. Many can be classified as both social-everyday and satirical-everyday, and, for example, in the well-known fairy tale “Morozko”, a certain amount of magic is added to these two features, so it is both everyday, satirical, and magical at the same time. And this is the case with many fairy tales - be sure to take this point into account when classifying.

Fairy tales.

A fairy tale can be recognized, first of all, by its surroundings, which, as a rule, little correspond to the reality revealed to us in life. Heroes exist in their own fantasy world. Often such tales begin with the words “In a certain kingdom. " Fairy tales can also be divided into several types:

heroic tales (involving victory over various mythical creatures or adventures in which the hero goes on to find some magic item). Examples: “Rejuvenating Apples”, “Vasilisa the Beautiful”; archaic tales (tell about destitute and lonely people and those who were kicked out or left their family for some reason and about their adventures). Examples: “Twelve Months”, “Children of the Cannibal”; tales about people endowed with magical powers. For example: “Marya the Mistress”, “Elena the Wise”.

Tales about animals.

Let's see what tales there are about animals:

tales about ordinary animals (wild and domestic). For example: “The Fox and the Hare”, “The Fox and the Crane”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”; tales about magical animals. For example: " gold fish", "The Little Humpbacked Horse", "Emelya" ("At the command of the pike").

In addition, there are fairy tales like this:

cumulative (in which there is a repeating plot). For example: “Mitten”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”; fables. As an example, let us give everyone famous fables“The Crow and the Fox”, “The Monkey and the Glasses”. A small note: not all literary scholars classify the fable as a fairy-tale genre, giving it a separate place among literary genres, but for the sake of completeness, I decided to include fables here too.

As you probably know, these fables are not folk art, they have authors. Thus, fairy tales can be divided into folk and original. “The Fox and the Hare” is a Russian folk tale, and “The Little Humpbacked Horse” is an original one, since it was written by P.P. Ershov. Well, we have considered, perhaps, all the main types of fairy tales, both in content and in terms of authorship and nationality.

This page presents wonderful fairy tales.

And here you will find several dozen famous fairy tales about animals.

I would like to note that the fairy tales presented on the pages of this site are perhaps the most famous from the Russian folk tales section.


. bring examples everyday fairy tales!! household - What are you, Household fairy tales. What kind of fairy tales are there? Give an example of fairy tales "Geese and Swans"), everyday and literary fairy tales. Define fairy tales. With what views? Everyday fairy tales: You can give examples of humor, sarcasm and irony from What is an otrak, veche. What types of fairy tales are there and their examples? School knowledge. Which there are fairy tales? Types and genres of fairy tales. What is a fairy tale? Everyday tales show, Definition and examples of Alexander. What words do fairy tales begin with? Types of beginnings. What is a riddle? Analyze. What is an allegory? Bring examples. What's happened household fairy tales? Fairy tale - Wikipedia. The word “fairy tale” suggests that people will learn about it, “what it is” and learn (everyday) fairy tales. What is a fairy tale? What types of fairy tales are you. What is an everyday fairy tale and about fairy tales. Bring examples from.

    So called everyday tales- these are fairy tales that reflect folk life and everyday life,

    real reality, without any miracles, without any magic.

    Everyday tales- these are real satirical folk works.

    Satire consists of a clear mockery of the greed, stinginess, stupidity of people, for the most part rich people.

    These qualities are ridiculed in the master, the merchant, the priest, and they do not even spare the king himself.

    Since childhood, everyone has been familiar with the hero of everyday fairy tales, Ivanushka the Fool.

    This name even appears in the titles of many fairy tales: The Tale of Ivan the Fool, Ivan the Fool,

    Ivan -- peasant son and miracle Yudo, How Ivan the Fool guarded the door.

    Usually this hero is despised by everyone, or rather, despised by those who consider him stupid, unreasonable among them, the reasonable ones. But in fact, this simple-minded fool turns out to be almost the only intelligent creature.

    He is not stupid at all, but simply naive, good-natured, and selfless.

    Around him, people deceive each other, are cunning, are greedy, want to gain wealth by all means, stroke their pride, and Ivanushka lies on the stove, dreams, he is happy with little things - a red shirt and a kind word.

    And happiness comes to him, and not to those who strived for wealth, for a high rank.

    A fool marries some beautiful princess and becomes a handsome man himself.

    IN everyday tales selflessness prevails over greed, stinginess, intelligence and ingenuity prevail over stupidity,

    real honor is above arrogance.

    And in this deep meaning such fairy tales.

    Of course, the heroes of such fairy tales, besides Ivanushka, are ordinary men, an old man and an old woman, brothers, a worker, a peasant, a soldier.

    Here, for example, are tales about a serviceman: Porridge from an axe, Soldier's overcoat, Soldier and devil, Soldier's school.

    The Russian people have a lot of fairy tales; collections of Russian fairy tales have been published more than once.

    Give here the entire list, even just household there is no possibility.

    Yes, many people remember such fairy tales from childhood, for example: Gorshenya, Lutonyushka, Grief, Salt, What does not happen in the world, Good priest, Turnip, Hidden treasure, Wise servant.

    In all fairy tales, a funny joke, an ironic joke is intertwined and interspersed with serious assessments of human affairs.

    For example, shaved-haired, or from the same place. And here’s another note, as they say, for the hostess. The main characters in these fairy tales are people, husbands, wives, their relatives and other characters, and everyday, well-known situations are played out. There are many such tales if you look for them.

    These are those fairy tales that describe everyday life. For example, Little Fox with a Rolling Pin, Little Thumb, another fairy tale, I don’t remember the exact name, I think Kotofey Kotofeevich, it’s about a cat who is left in the forest and a fox takes him in. Now you can’t remember everything.

    Fairy tales are divided into several types according to different criteria; among them, in terms of content, everyday fairy tales stand out, along with fairy tales and fairy tales about animals. As the name suggests, they are based on everyday life. In turn, everyday fairy tales are also divided into several types:

    social and everyday (How a man divided geese, Soldier and Tsar, Porridge from an ax),

    satirical-everyday (How a priest hired a worker)

    and fairy tales from everyday life (Cinderella and Morozko, for example).

    Sometimes a fairy tale is difficult to classify as one type, since it contains elements of all three, but perhaps one of them predominates.

    Eat a large number of all kinds of fairy tales in Rus'. I remember when I was a child there was such a popular collection of Russian folk tales. And everyday fairy tales are fairy tales that describe everyday life, which is clear from the name of this category. The main such folk works can be considered the fairy tale Porridge from an Ax, Kolobok or the Man and the Bear. But there are many others.

    As far as I know, Russian everyday fairy tales include those tales that reflect the real Russian life of past centuries. In particular, such well-known Russian fairy tales as Porridge from an Ax, The Soldier and the Tsar, Kolobok, Morozko, Turnip, and many others can be classified as everyday fairy tales.

    Everyday fairy tales are, in fact, not fairy tales at all, but stories about ordinary everyday events. There is no magic in them, but there is morality.

    Examples of such tales:

    • Soldier and king in the forest;
    • Ax porridge;
    • Robbers;
    • Wise answers;
    • The Wise Maiden and the Seven Thieves;
    • The slandered merchant's daughter;
    • Kind word;
    • Matched children;
    • Wise maiden;
    • Gorshenya;
    • Puzzles;
    • Vasily Tsarevich and Elena the Beautiful;
    • Prover wife;
    • Husband and wife (in her, the husband beat all the sickness out of his wife with a whip).

    There are still many such fairy tales, which, in my opinion, should not be read to children. Basically, they convey the following idea: life without money is not life.

    As the commentators above said, these are those fairy tales where everyday life is depicted Everyday life, for example, Morozko, porridge from an ax, Ivanushka the Fool, Sleeping Beauty, Sivko Burka, the tale of the priest and his worker the fool, and many more such tales.

    Russian folk everyday tales are fairy tales that do not have a specific author, the author is the people, they do not contain magic, supernatural miracles, but the real thing is depicted, real life, they have a deep meaning. Sometimes this meaning is so deep that it is difficult to understand))) For example, in the fairy tale Chicken Ryaba: the grandfather and the woman beat and beat an egg - it didn’t break, the mouse helped them, but instead of joy they cry, and the hen promised not to break the golden egg instead 3 are the same, and one is simple (!), what’s the point?

    A lot of fairy tales can be classified as Russian folk tales.

    Coachman and merchant

    Stupid man

    Thieves and the judge

    The man and the gentleman

    Fox-sister and gray wolf

    Chicken Ryaba

    A good example of an everyday fairy tale is Porridge from an Ax, as well as the fairy tale about Kolobok. True, the latter is not clear what it teaches, because the bun was eventually eaten by the fox due to her cunning. Probably the fairy tale teaches you to be cunning. Well, in modern life also not superfluous.

    There's also Cinderella. Turnip.

    IN Lately Fairy-tale toys made of wood become popular when you don’t read a fairy tale to a child, but show them by example of these toys. For example, there definitely is such a turnip. So very helpful.

A soldier comes home from service, having served twenty-five years. Everyone asks him about the Tsar, but he has never even seen him in person. A soldier goes to the palace to see the king, and he tests the soldier and wishes him various riddles. The soldier answers so reasonably that the king is satisfied. The king sends him to prison and says that he will send him thirty geese, but let the soldier do well and be able to pull a feather out of them. After this, the king summons thirty rich merchants and asks them the same riddles as the soldier, but they cannot guess them. The king puts them in prison for this. The soldier teaches the merchants the correct answers to riddles and charges each one a thousand rubles for it. The Tsar again asks the merchants the same questions and, when the merchants answer, releases them, and gives the soldier another thousand rubles for his ingenuity. The soldier returns home and lives richly and happily.

Wise Maiden

Two brothers are traveling, one poor, the other rich. The poor man has a mare, and the rich man has a gelding. They stop for the night. At night, the mare brings a foal, and it rolls under the cart of the rich brother. He wakes up in the morning and tells his poor brother that his cart gave birth to a foal at night. The poor brother says that this cannot happen, they begin to argue and sue. The matter comes to the king. The king calls both brothers to him and asks them riddles. The rich man goes to his godfather for advice, and she teaches him what to answer to the king. And the poor brother tells his seven-year-old daughter about the riddles, and she tells him the correct answers.

The king listens to both brothers, and he only likes the poor man's answers. When the king finds out that his poor brother’s daughter has solved his riddles, he tests her by giving different tasks, and is increasingly surprised by her wisdom. Finally, he invites her to his palace, but sets the condition that she come to him neither on foot nor on horseback, neither naked nor clothed, neither with a gift nor without a gift. The seven-year-old takes off all his clothes, puts on a net, takes a quail in his hands, sits astride a hare and rides to the palace. The king meets her, and she gives him a quail and says that this is her gift, but the king does not have time to take the bird, and it flies away. The king talks with the seven-year-old girl and again becomes convinced of her wisdom. He decides to give the foal to the poor man, and takes his seven-year-old daughter with him. When she grows up, he marries her and she becomes queen.

Popov worker

The priest hires a farm laborer, sends him out to plow on a bitch and gives him a bunch of bread. At the same time, he punishes him so that both he and the bitch are full, and the rug remains intact. The farmhand works all day, and when hunger becomes unbearable, he figures out what he should do to fulfill the priest’s order. He removes the top crust from the rug, pulls out the whole crumb, eats his fill and feeds the bitch, and sticks the crust in place. The priest is pleased that the fellow turned out to be quick-witted, gives him more than the agreed price for his ingenuity, and the farmhand lives happily with the priest.

Shepherd's daughter

The king takes a shepherd's daughter, a beauty, as his wife, but demands from her that she not contradict anything, otherwise he will execute her. A son is born to them, but the king tells his wife that it is not suitable for a peasant’s son to take possession of the entire kingdom after his death and therefore her son must be killed. The wife submits meekly, and the king secretly sends the child to his sister. When their daughter is born, the king does the same with the girl. The prince and princess grow up away from their mother and become very handsome.

Many years pass, and the king announces to his wife that he no longer wants to live with her and sends her back to her father. She does not reproach her husband with a single word and tends the cattle as before. The king calls his former wife to the palace, tells her that he is going to marry a young beauty, and orders her to tidy up the rooms for the bride's arrival. She arrives, and the king asks his former wife if his bride is good, and the wife humbly replies that if he feels good, then so does she. Then the king returns her royal attire and admits that the young beauty is her daughter, and the handsome man who came with her is her son. After this, the king stops testing his wife and lives with her without any cunning.

The slandered merchant's daughter

A merchant and his merchant's wife have a beautiful son and daughter. The parents die, and the brother says goodbye to his beloved sister and goes to military service. They exchange their portraits and promise to never forget each other. The merchant's son serves the Tsar faithfully, becomes a colonel and becomes friends with the Tsarevich himself. He sees a portrait of his sister on the colonel’s wall, falls in love with her and dreams of marrying her. All the colonels and generals are jealous of the friendship between the merchant's son and the prince and think about how to make them friends.

One envious general goes to the city where the colonel’s sister lives, asks about her and finds out that she is a girl. exemplary behavior and rarely leaves the house, except to go to church. The day before big holiday the general waits until the girl leaves for the all-night vigil and goes into her house. Taking advantage of the fact that the servants mistake him for his mistress’s brother, he goes into her bedroom, steals a glove and a personalized ring from her table and hurriedly leaves. Merchant's daughter returns from church, and the servants tell her that her brother came, did not find her and also went to church. She is waiting for her brother, notices what is missing Golden ring, and guesses that a thief has been in the house. And the general comes to the capital, slanderes the prince about the colonel’s sister, says that he himself could not resist and sinned with her, and shows her ring and glove, which she allegedly gave him as a souvenir.

The prince tells everything to the merchant's son. He takes a vacation and goes to his sister. From her he learns that a ring and a glove have disappeared from her bedroom. The merchant's son realizes that all this is the general's machinations, and asks his sister to come to the capital when there is a big scam in the square. The girl arrives and asks the prince for a trial of the general who discredited her name. The prince calls the general, but he swears that he is seeing this girl for the first time. The merchant's daughter shows the general a glove, a match to the one she supposedly gave to the general along with a gold ring, and convicts the general of lying. He confesses everything, is tried and sentenced to hang. And the prince goes to his father, and he allows him to marry the merchant’s daughter.

Soldier and king in the forest

A man has two sons. The eldest is selected as a recruit, and he rises to the rank of general. Then the youngest is recruited as a soldier, and he ends up in the very regiment where his brother-general commands. But the general does not want to admit younger brother: he is ashamed that he is a simple soldier, and directly tells him that he does not want to know him. When the soldier tells the general’s friends about this, he orders them to give him three hundred sticks. The soldier runs away from the regiment and lives alone in the wild forest, eating roots and berries.

One day a king and his retinue are hunting in this forest. The king is chasing a deer and falls behind the other hunters. He wanders into the forest and meets a runaway soldier. The king tells the soldier that he is the king's servant. They are looking for lodging for the night and go into the forest hut in which the old woman lives. She does not want to feed the uninvited guests, but the soldier finds her with plenty of food and wine and reproaches her for her greed. Having eaten and drunk, they go to bed in the attic, but the soldier, just in case, persuades the king to take turns standing guard. The king falls asleep at his post twice, and the soldier wakes him up, and the third time he beats him and sends him to bed, while he himself stands guard.

Robbers arrive at the hut. One by one they go up to the attic to kill the intruders, but the soldier deals with them. The next morning, the soldier and the king come down from the attic and the soldier demands from the old woman all the money that the robbers looted.

The soldier leads the king out of the forest and says goodbye to him, and he invites the servant to royal palace and promises to intercede with the sovereign for him. The king gives an order to all outposts: if they see such and such a soldier, let them salute him as they should greet a general. The soldier is surprised, comes to the palace and recognizes the king in his recent comrade. He rewards him with the rank of general, and demotes his older brother to soldier so that he does not abandon his family and tribe.


The sailor asks for time off from the ship to the shore, goes to the tavern every day, goes on a spree and pays only in gold. The innkeeper suspects something is wrong and informs the officer, who reports to the general. The general calls the sailor and demands that he explain where he got so much gold. He replies that there is plenty of such goodness in any garbage pit, and asks the innkeeper to show the gold that he received from him. Instead of gold, the box contains dominoes. Suddenly, streams of water rush through the windows and doors, and the general has no time for questions. The sailor offers to climb out through the pipe onto the roof. They escape and see that the entire city is flooded. A skiff sails past, a sailor and a general get into it and on the third day they sail to the thirtieth kingdom.

To earn bread, they go to the village and hire themselves out as shepherds for the whole summer: the sailor becomes a senior, and the general becomes a shepherd. In the fall they are paid money, and the sailor divides it equally, but the general is dissatisfied that a simple sailor is equaling him. They quarrel, but then the sailor pushes the general aside so that he wakes up. The general comes to his senses and sees that he is in the same room, as if he had never left it. He doesn’t want to judge the sailor anymore and lets him go. So the innkeeper is left with nothing.

Witch Doctor

A poor and sleazy little man nicknamed Zhuchok steals a woman’s canvas, hides it, and boasts that he can cast a spell. Baba comes to him to find out where her canvas is. A man asks for a pound of flour and a pound of butter for the work and tells where the canvas is hidden. After that, having stolen the master’s stallion, he receives a hundred rubles from the master for the divination, and the man becomes famous as a great healer.

The king's wedding ring disappears, and he sends for a healer: if the man finds out where the ring is, he will receive a reward; if not, he will lose his head. The healer is given a special room so that by morning he will know where the ring is. The footman, coachman and cook who stole the ring are afraid that the medicine man will find out about them, and agree to take turns listening at the door. The man decided to wait for the third roosters and run away. The footman comes to eavesdrop, and at this time the rooster begins to crow for the first time. The man says: there is already one, we just have to wait for two more! The footman thinks that the healer recognized him. The same thing happens to the coachman and the cook: the roosters crow, and the man counts and says: there are two! and now all three! The thieves beg the healer not to give them away and give him the ring. The man throws the ring under the floorboard, and the next morning he tells the king where to look for the loss.

The king generously rewards the healer and goes for a walk in the garden. Seeing the beetle, he hides it in his palm, returns to the palace and asks the man to guess what is in his hand. The man says to himself: “Well, the king has got a bug!” The king rewards the healer even more and sends him home.

Blind people

In Moscow, at the Kaluga outpost, a man gives a blind beggar a seven-ruble coin from his last fifty dollars and asks for forty-eight kopecks in change, but the blind man doesn’t seem to hear. The peasant feels sorry for his money, and he, angry at the blind man, slowly takes away one of his crutches, and he follows him when he leaves. The blind man comes to his hut, opens the door, and the man sneaks into the room and hides there. The blind man locks himself from the inside, takes out a barrel of money, pours out everything he has collected during the day, and grins, remembering the young man who gave him his last fifty dollars. And in the beggar’s barrel there are five hundred rubles. The blind man, having nothing better to do, rolls the barrel on the floor, it hits the wall and rolls back towards him. The man slowly takes the keg from him. The blind man does not understand where the barrel went, unlocks the door and calls

Panteley, his neighbor, who lives in the next hut. He comes.

The man sees that Panteley is also blind. Panteley scolds his friend for his stupidity and says that he should not have played with money, but done as he, Panteley, did: exchange the money for banknotes and sew them into the old cap that is always with him. And Panteley has about five hundred rubles in it. The man slowly takes off his hat, goes out the door and runs away, taking the keg with him. Panteley thinks that his neighbor took off his hat and begins to fight with him. And while the blind men are fighting, the man returns to his home and lives happily ever after.


The man has three sons. He takes the elder to the forest, the guy sees a birch tree and says that if he burned it for coal, he would start a forge for himself and start making money. The father is pleased that his son is smart. He is taking his middle son to the forest. He sees an oak tree and says that if you cut down this oak tree, he would start working as a carpenter and earn money. The father is happy with his middle son too. And no matter how much he takes the younger Vanka through the forest, he remains silent. They leave the forest, the little one sees a cow and tells his father that it would be nice to steal this cow! The father sees that he will be of no use and drives him away. And Vanka becomes such a clever thief that the townspeople complain about him to the king. He calls Vanka to him and wants to test him: is he as dexterous as they say about him. The king orders him to take away the stallion from his stable: if Vanka can steal it, the king will have mercy on him, but if not, he will execute him.

That same evening Vanka pretends to be extremely drunk and wanders with a keg of vodka through royal court. The grooms take him into the stable, take the keg from him and get drunk, while Vanka pretends to be asleep. When the grooms fall asleep, the thief takes away the royal stallion. The king forgives Vanka for this trick, but demands that the thief leave his kingdom, otherwise he will be in trouble!

Dead body

An old widow has two smart sons, and the third is a fool. Dying, the mother asks her sons not to deprive the fool when dividing the estate, but the brothers do not give him anything. And the fool grabs the dead woman from the table, drags her into the attic and shouts from there that his mother was killed. The brothers don't want a scandal and give him a hundred rubles. The fool puts the dead woman in the woodshed and takes her to high road. A gentleman gallops towards him, but the fool deliberately does not turn off the road. The master runs over a log, the dead woman falls from it, and the fool screams that they killed mother. The master gets scared and gives him a hundred rubles to keep him quiet, but the fool takes three hundred from him. Then the fool slowly takes the deceased woman to the priest’s yard, drags her into the cellar, sits her on straw, removes the lids from the milk containers and gives the dead woman a jug and a spoon. He himself hides behind a tub.

He goes down to the priest's cellar and sees: some old woman is sitting and collecting sour cream from the grain into a jug. The priest grabs a stick, hits the old woman on the head, she falls, and the fool jumps out from behind the tub and shouts that mother was killed. The priest comes running, gives the fool a hundred rubles and promises to bury the deceased with his money, as long as the fool remains silent. The fool returns home with money. The brothers ask him where he took the deceased, and he replies that he sold it. They become jealous, they kill their wives and take them to the market to sell, and they are captured and exiled to Siberia. The fool becomes the master of the house and lives without bothering.

Ivan the Fool

An old man and an old woman have three sons: two are smart, and the third is a fool. His mother sends him to take a pot of dumplings to his brothers in the field. He sees his shadow and thinks that some person is following him and wants to eat the dumplings. The fool throws dumplings at him, but he still doesn’t lag behind. So the fool comes; to the brothers empty-handed. They beat the fool, go to the village to have dinner, and leave him to graze the sheep. The fool sees that the sheep have scattered across the field, gathers them in a heap and knocks out the eyes of all the sheep. The brothers come, see what the fool has done, and beat him harder than ever.

The old people send Ivanushka to the city to do some shopping for the holiday. He buys everything they asked for, but out of his stupidity, throws everything out of the cart. The brothers beat him again and go shopping themselves, leaving Ivanushka in the hut. Tom doesn’t like the beer fermenting in the tub. He doesn't tell him to ferment, but the beer doesn't listen. The fool gets angry, pours the beer on the floor, sits in the trough and swims around the hut. The brothers return, sew the fool into a sack, carry him to the river and look for an ice hole to drown him. A gentleman rides past on three horses, and the fool shouts that he, Ivanushka, does not want to be a governor, but they force him. The master agrees to become a governor instead of the fool and pulls him out of the sack, and Ivanushka puts the master there, sews up the sack, gets into the cart and leaves. The brothers come, throw the sack into the hole and go home, and Ivanushka rides towards them in a troika.

The fool tells them that when they threw him into the hole, he caught the horses under the water, but there was still a nice horse there. The brothers ask Ivanushka to sew them into a sack and throw them into the hole. He does so, and then goes home to drink beer and remember his brothers.


Their son Lutonya lives with an old man and an old woman. One day the old woman drops a log and begins to lament, and tells her husband that if they married their Lutonya, and he had a son, and sat next to her, then she, dropping the log, would kill him to death. Old people sit and cry bitterly. Lutonya finds out what's going on and leaves the yard to see if there is anyone in the world more stupid than his parents. In the village, the men want to drag a cow onto the roof of the hut. When asked by Lutoni, they answer that a lot of grass has grown there. Lutonya climbs onto the roof, picks off several bunches and throws them to the cow.

The men are surprised by Lutoni's resourcefulness and beg him to live with them, but he refuses. In another village, he sees men tying a collar at the gate and using sticks to drive a horse into it. Lutonya puts the collar on the horse and moves on. At the inn, the hostess puts salamata on the table, and she endlessly goes to the cellar with a spoon for sour cream. Lutonya explains to her that it is easier to bring a jug of sour cream from the cellar and put it on the table. The hostess thanks Lutonya and treats him.


A man finds oatmeal in the manure, asks his wife to pound it, grind it, boil it into jelly and pour it into a dish, and he will take it to the king: maybe the king will reward him with something! A man comes to the king with a dish of jelly, and he gives him a golden grouse. The man goes home, meets a shepherd on the way, exchanges his grouse for a horse and moves on. Then he exchanges the horse for a cow, the cow for a sheep, the sheep for a pig, the pig for a goose, the goose for a duck, the duck for a stick. He comes home and tells his wife what reward he received from the king and what he exchanged it for. The wife grabs a stick and hits her husband.

Ivan the Fool

An old man and an old woman have two sons who are married and hard-working, and the third, Ivan the Fool, is single and idle. They send Ivan the Fool into the field, he whips the horse on the side, kills forty horseflies in one fell swoop, and it seems to him that he has killed forty heroes. He comes home and demands from his relatives a canopy, a saddle, a horse and a saber. They laugh at him and give him something that is no good, and the fool sits on a skinny little filly and rides off. He writes a message on a pillar to Ilya Muromets and Fyodor Lyzhnikov, so that they come to him, a strong and mighty hero, who killed forty heroes in one fell swoop.

Ilya Muromets and Fyodor Lyzhnikov see Ivan’s message, mighty hero, and join him. The three of them come to a certain state and stop in the royal meadows. Ivan the Fool demands that the Tsar give him his daughter as his wife. The angry king orders the capture three heroes, but Ilya Muromets and Fedor Lyzhnikov accelerate the royal army. The Tsar sends for the hero Dobrynya, who lives in his domain. Ilya Muromets and Fyodor Lyzhnikov see that Dobrynya himself is coming to them, they get scared and run away, but Ivan the Fool does not have time to get on his horse. Dobrynya is so tall that he has to bend over backwards to get a good look at Ivan. Without thinking twice, he grabs a saber and cuts off the hero’s head. The Tsar gets scared and gives his daughter to Ivan.

The Tale of the Wicked Wife

The wife does not obey her husband and contradicts him in everything. Not life, but torment! A husband goes into the forest to pick berries and sees a bottomless pit in a currant bush. He comes home and tells his wife not to go into the forest to pick berries, but she goes in spite of him. The husband takes her to a currant bush and tells her not to pick the berries, but out of spite she picks it, climbs into the middle of the bush and falls into a hole. The husband rejoices and a few days later goes to the forest to visit his wife. He lowers a long string into the hole, pulls it out, and on it is an imp! The man gets scared and wants to throw him back into the pit, but he asks to let him go, promises to repay him with kindness and says that an evil wife came to them and all the devils died from her.

The man and the little devil agree that one will kill and the other will heal, and they come to Vologda. The little devil kills the merchants' wives and daughters, and they get sick, and as soon as the man comes to the house where the little devil has settled, the evil one leaves from there. The man is mistaken for a doctor and given a lot of money. Finally the little devil tells him that now the man has become rich and they are even with him. He warns the man not to go for treatment boyar's daughter, into which he, the unclean one, will soon enter. But the boyar, when his daughter falls ill, persuades the man to cure her.

A man comes to the boyar and orders all the townspeople to stand in front of the house and shout that the evil wife has come. The little devil sees the man, gets angry with him and threatens to eat him, but he says that he came out of friendship - to warn the little devil that an evil wife has come here. The little imp gets scared, hears everyone on the street shouting about it, and doesn’t know where to go. The man advises him to return to the pit, the devil jumps in there and stays there with his evil wife. And the boyar gives his daughter to the peasant and gives her half of his estate.

The Wrangling Wife

A man lives and suffers because his wife is stubborn, grumpy and an inveterate arguer. When cattle wander into someone's yard, God forbid you say that the cattle is someone else's, you must say that it is theirs! The man doesn't know how to get rid of such a wife. One day the master's geese come into their yard. The wife asks her husband whose they are. He answers: lordly. The wife, flaring up with anger, falls to the floor and shouts: I’m dying! tell me, whose geese? Her husband answered her again: lordly! The wife really feels bad, she moans and groans, calls for the priest, but doesn’t stop asking about the geese. The priest arrives, confesses and gives her communion, the wife asks to prepare a coffin for her, but again asks her husband whose geese are. He again tells her that they are lordly. The coffin is taken to the church, a memorial service is served, the husband comes up to the coffin to say goodbye, and the wife whispers to him: whose geese? The husband replies that they are nobles and orders that the coffin be carried to the cemetery. They lower the coffin into the grave, the husband leans over to his wife, and she again whispers: whose geese? He answers her: lordly ones! The grave is covered with earth. This is how the lord's geese left the woman!

Prover wife

An old man lives with an old woman, and she is so talkative that the old man gets it all the time because of her tongue. An old man goes into the forest for firewood and finds a cauldron full of gold. He is glad to have wealth, but does not know how to bring it home: his wife will immediately tell everyone! He comes up with a trick: he buries the cauldron in the ground, goes to the city, buys a pike and a live hare. He hangs the pike on a tree, and takes the hare to the river and puts it in a net. At home, he tells the old woman about the treasure and goes with her into the forest. On the way, the old woman sees a pike on a tree, and the old man takes it down. Then he goes with the old woman to the river and in her presence takes out a hare from the fishing net. They come to the forest, dig up the treasure and go home. On the way, the old woman tells the old man that she can hear the cows roaring, and he answers her that it is their master who is being torn apart by the devils.

They now live richly, but the old woman has completely gotten out of hand: she throws feasts every day, even if she runs away from home! The old man endures it, but then beats her hard. She runs to the master, tells him about the treasure and asks him to send the old man to Siberia. The master gets angry, comes to the old man and demands that he confess everything. But the old man swears to him that he did not find any treasure on the master’s land. The old woman shows where the old man hides the money, but the chest is empty. Then she tells the master how they went to the forest for the treasure, on the way they took a pike from a tree, then they pulled a hare out of a fishing net, and when they returned, they heard the devils tearing at him, the master. The master sees that the old woman is out of her mind and drives her away. Soon she dies, and the old man marries the young woman and lives happily ever after.

Prophetic oak

The good old man has a young wife, a roguish woman. Almost out of her league, she doesn’t feed him or do anything around the house. He wants to teach her a lesson. Comes from the forest and tells what is there an old oak who knows everything and predicts the future. The wife hurries to the oak tree, and the old man arrives before her and hides in the hollow. The wife asks the oak tree for advice on how to blind her old and unloved husband. And the old man from the hollow tells her that we need to feed him better, he will go blind. The wife tries to feed the old man sweeter, and after some time he pretends to be blind. The wife rejoices, invites guests, and they have a huge feast. There is not enough wine, and the wife leaves the hut to bring more wine. The old man sees that the guests are drunk, and kills them one by one, and stuffs them with pancakes in their mouths, as if they were choking. The wife comes, sees that all the friends are lying dead, and henceforth swears to invite guests. A fool walks by, his wife gives him a gold piece, and he pulls out the dead: some he throws into the hole, some he covers with dirt.

Expensive skin

Two brothers live. Danilo is rich, but envious, and poor Gavrila has only one cow. Danilo comes to his brother and says that nowadays cows in the city are cheap, six rubles, and they give twenty-five for a skin. Tavrilo, believing him, slaughters the cow, eats the meat, and takes the skin to the market. But no one gives him more than two and a half. Finally, Tavrilo gives up the skin to one merchant and asks him to treat him to vodka. The merchant gives him his handkerchief and tells him to go to his house, give the handkerchief to the hostess and tell her to bring a glass of wine.

Tavrilo comes to the merchant’s wife, and her lover is sitting with her. The merchant's wife treats Gavrila to wine, but he still does not leave and asks for more. The merchant returns, his wife hurries to hide her lover, and Tavrilo hides in a trap with him. The owner brings guests with him, they begin to drink and sing songs. Gavrila also wants to sing, but the merchant’s lover dissuades him and gives him first a hundred rubles for it, then another two hundred. The merchant's wife hears them whispering in the trap, and brings Gavrila another five hundred rubles, just to keep quiet. Tavrilo finds a pillow and a barrel of resin, orders the merchant's lover to undress, douses him with resin, rolls him out in feathers, sits astride him and falls out of the trap with a scream. The guests think that these are devils and run away. The merchant's wife tells her husband that she has long noticed what is in their house devilry she's naughty, he believes her and sells the house for next to nothing. And Tavrilo returns home and sends his eldest son to fetch Uncle Danil to help him count the money. He wonders where the poor brother got so much money, and Tavrilo says that he got twenty-five rubles for cow skin, bought more cows with this money, skinned them, and sold them again, and again put the money into circulation.

Greedy and envious Danilo slaughters all his cattle and takes the skins to the market, but no one gives him more than two and a half. Danilo remains at a loss and now lives poorer than his brother, while Tavrilo gains great wealth.

How a husband weaned his wife off fairy tales

The janitor's wife loves fairy tales so much that she doesn't allow anyone to stay who doesn't know how to tell them. And this is a loss for her husband, and he thinks: how to wean her off fairy tales! Asking on a cold night The man will spend the night and promises to tell fairy tales all night long, if only they will let him into the warmth, but he himself doesn’t know a single one. The husband tells his wife that the man will speak on one condition: that she does not interrupt him. The man begins: an owl flew past the garden, sat on a log, drank water... Yes, that’s all he keeps repeating. The wife is bored listening to the same thing, she gets angry and interrupts the man, and that’s all the husband wants. He jumps up from the bench and begins to beat his wife for interrupting the narrator and not allowing him to finish listening to the story. And she gets so much trouble from him that from then on she swears off listening to fairy tales.


The rich but stingy merchant Marco sees how a poor man takes pity on a beggar and gives him a penny. The merchant becomes ashamed, he asks the man to borrow a penny and tells him that he has no small money, but he also wants to give to the beggar. He gives Marco a penny and comes to collect the debt, but the merchant sends him away every time: they say, there is no small money! When he comes again for a penny, Marco asks his wife to tell the man that her husband is dead, and he undresses naked, covers himself with a sheet and lies down under the icon. And the man offers the merchant's wife to wash the dead man, takes cast iron from hot water and let's water the merchant. He endures.

After washing Marco, the poor man puts him in a coffin and goes with the deceased to church to read the psalter over him. At night, robbers break into the church, and the man hides behind the altar. The robbers begin to divide the loot, but they cannot divide the golden saber among themselves: everyone wants to take it for themselves. The poor man runs out from behind the altar and shouts that whoever cuts off the dead man’s head will get the saber. Marco jumps up, and the thieves abandon their loot and run away in fear.

Marco and the man share all the money equally, and when the man asks about his pennies, Marco tells him that again he doesn’t have any small coins on him. He still doesn’t give away a penny.

* * *

The man has a big family, but only one goose is good. When there is absolutely nothing to eat, a man roasts a goose, but there is nothing to eat it with: there is no bread or salt. The man consults with his wife and takes the goose to the master to bow to ask him for bread. He asks the man to divide the goose so that there is enough for everyone in the family. And the master has a wife, two sons and two daughters. The man divides the goose in such a way that he gets most of it. The master likes the peasant's ingenuity, and he treats the peasant to wine and gives him bread. A rich and envious man finds out about this and also goes to the master, having roasted five geese. The master asks him to divide it equally between everyone, but he cannot. The master sends for the poor man to separate the geese. He gives one goose to the master and lady, one to their sons, one to their daughters, and takes two geese for himself. The master praises the man for his resourcefulness, rewards him with money, and kicks the rich man out.

* * *

A soldier comes to the landlady’s apartment and asks for food, but the landlady is stingy and says that she has nothing. Then the soldier tells her that he will cook porridge from one ax. He takes an ax from the woman, cooks it, then asks to add cereals and butter - the porridge is ready.

They eat the porridge, and the woman asks the soldier when they will eat the axe, and the soldier replies that the axe is not yet finished cooking and he will finish it somewhere on the road and have breakfast. The soldier hides the ax and leaves well-fed and satisfied.

* * *

An old man and an old woman are sitting on the stove, and she says that if they had children, the son would plow the field and sow grain, and the daughter would feed him, and she, the old woman, would brew beer and call all her relatives, but I wouldn’t call the old man’s relatives. The older man demands that she call his relatives, but not call her own. They quarrel, and the old man drags the old woman by the braid and pushes her off the stove. When he goes into the forest to get firewood, the old woman is about to run away from home. She bakes pies, puts them in a large bag and goes to her neighbor to say goodbye.

The old man finds out that the old woman is planning to run away from him, takes the pies out of the bag and climbs into it himself. The old woman takes the bag and goes. After walking a little, she wants to stop and says that it would be nice to sit on a tree stump and eat a pie, and the old man shouts from the bag that he sees and hears everything. The old woman is afraid that he will catch up with her, and sets off again. The old man never lets the old woman rest. When she can no longer walk and unties the bag to refresh herself, she sees that an old man is sitting in the bag. She asks him to forgive her and promises not to run away from him anymore. The old man forgives her and they return home together.

* * *

Ivan sends his wife Arina to the field to reap rye. And she reaps just enough to have a place to lie down, and falls asleep. At home, she tells her husband that she squeezed out one place, and he thinks that the whole strip is over. And this happens every time. Finally, Ivan goes to the field for sheaves and sees that the rye is all unharvested, only a few places have been squeezed out.

In one such place Arina lies and sleeps. Ivan thinks of teaching his wife a lesson: he takes scissors, cuts her head, smears molasses on her head and sprinkles it with fluff, and then goes home. Arina wakes up, touches her head with her hand and does not understand: either she is not Arina, or the head is not hers. She comes to her hut and asks under the window if Arina is at home. And the husband answers that his wife is at home. The dog does not recognize the owner and rushes at her, she runs away and wanders around the field for a whole day without eating. Finally, Ivan forgives her and returns her home. Since then, Arina is no longer lazy, does not cheat, and works conscientiously.

* * *

A man plows in a field, finds a semi-precious stone and brings it to the king. A man comes to the palace and asks the general to bring him to the king. For the service, he demands from the man half of what the king will reward him with. The man agrees, and the general brings him to the king. The king is pleased with the stone and gives the man two thousand rubles, but he does not want the money and asks for fifty strokes of the whip. The Tsar takes pity on the man and orders him to be whipped, but very lightly. Mrkik counts the blows and, having counted twenty-five, tells the king that the other half goes to the one who brought him here. The king calls the general, and he receives in full what is due to him. And the tsar gives the peasant three thousand rubles.

Most Favorite children's activity- is listening to fairy tales. They can be read or recited from memory, but the meaning must be explained to the child. The fact is that fairy tales contain the wisdom of generations of ancestors. It may be well hidden in some works, but it is always present. There are a few various types fairy tales In this article we'll talk about household.

What is an everyday fairy tale?

An everyday fairy tale is simply a storehouse of knowledge, because first of all it contains a description of folk life, which is where its name comes from. Since these works are created for children, everyday folk tales contain a lot of humor and exciting adventures. The hero of an everyday fairy tale is not a hero, but a common person, for example, a soldier, a peasant or a blacksmith. He doesn't commit feats of arms and has no magical gifts, but overcomes all difficulties with the help of his ingenuity and dexterity. Also often the main motive is love theme- wedding, wedding or life after marriage.

This type of fairy tale appeared not so long ago. Children perceive everyday fairy tales best between the ages of 2 and 7 years, so it is worth reading them more often during this period. You should also pay attention to the fact that certain types of fairy tales are suitable for a certain age.

What types of everyday fairy tales are there?

It should be noted that everyday tales can be the result of both folk art, and individual authors. For example, Charles Perrault or Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote many fairy tales in the everyday genre.

Fairy tales are divided into 3 subgroups, which allow us to more accurately determine what an everyday fairy tale is:

  • social and everyday ("The Chatty Old Woman", "Shemyakin Court"),
  • satirical-everyday ("The Man and the Pop", "The Master and the Man"),
  • magical and everyday ones (“Morozko”, “Cinderella”).

However, it is worth noting that fairy tales can be divided only conditionally, because the same work can contain different elements: satire, magic, and just everyday life.

What do everyday fairy tales teach?

Everyday fairy tales were and are told to children in order to show them the right direction in life, to teach them to make the right choice. After all, what is an everyday fairy tale if not a lesson and instruction for future generations? She teaches us the best and the best, because good always triumphs over evil, people who are ready to help do not disappear in trouble, and our heroes are always ready to defend their homeland.

Everyday tales usually convey the idea that one must be hardworking and skillful. Such people succeed in everything. And the inept and lazy in these fairy tales are usually ridiculed, and they are left with nothing. Thus, in everyday fairy tales, gentlemen and priests are treated negatively. They are usually seen as greedy and lazy, and these qualities are always unpleasant to people. Moreover, we can say that heroes are clearly visible in everyday fairy tales. Moreover, people of lower classes have much more nobility and kindness than richer ones. The role of an everyday fairy tale is to expose lies and show exactly social difficulties and problems existing in society.

Magical everyday tales

Often the genres of fairy tales can be mixed, as for example in fairy tales. They usually contain 2 worlds, one of which is real, and the second is fictional. So, famous beginning“In a certain kingdom...” is the main indicator of a fairy tale. Also, in addition to the fantasy world, there are also endowed special forces, such as Koschey or Baba Yaga.

Magical everyday tales can tell about heroes ("Vasilisa the Beautiful"), lost children ("The Twelve Months"), or about people with certain abilities ("Marya the Mistress"). They always begin with the elders leaving the younger ones or the strong leaving the weak alone, and they, in turn, violate a strictly established prohibition. This form of presentation is the most memorable for children.

In such fairy tales, there is always a magical good helper or object, with the help of which victory over the villain is achieved.

Perhaps, magical fairy tales about animals are very interesting for children. In Russian fairy tales, villains often have pets, for example, Baba Yaga. Usually these are cats who help positive characters to be saved. This is not surprising, because the owners practically do not feed the animals, much less caress them.

Everyday tales about animals

Among other types of fairy tales, there are also tales about animals. They can talk about simple creatures, which live in the forest ("The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats", "The Fox and the Hare" and others), and about the magical "Humpbacked Horse"). An everyday fairy tale about animals necessarily presupposes the ability of these creatures to talk and think like people. In everyday tales about animals, they often have quite human problems and emotions, as well as living conditions. In fact, we're talking about really about people.

A distinctive feature of Russian fairy tales about animals is that all animals in them are endowed with special characteristic features. So, everyone knows from childhood that the fox is cunning, the hare is hardworking, and the wolf is cruel.

Everyday tales of the peoples of Russia

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of everyday fairy tales. So, every nation not only ours Greater Russia, but the whole world knows what an everyday fairy tale is, and tells it to children. Every nation has its own fairy tales, but their plots are often repeated. However, thanks to them we can learn more about the culture of another people and better understand them. This is very important in a situation like Russia. When children listen to the tales of their people in early age, they perceive them much better than foreign works.

The Tale of the Hero Naznay

The genres of fairy tales are very diverse, so sometimes an everyday fairy tale can be perfect for describing a hero. Bogatyr Naznay and his actions relate precisely to such a case.

This tale is about a hero who himself could not do anything, but was able to become a king. The fact is that he was very lucky, and he dealt with his enemies simply by chance. The hero was so unlucky that he guessed to write on his sword that he killed 500 people with one blow (although in fact he killed only 500 flies). The king found out about this, invited the hero and married him to his daughter. In fact, the hero did not perform any feats, but he was very lucky and dealt with his enemies. So, he killed a snake by simply falling on it from a tree in a dream, and defeated three evil heroes by quarreling between them: they themselves killed each other.

At the end of the tale, getting scared and starting to undress, Naznay frightened the attacking army, because they thought that in front of them, thanks to the victory, he had become king. In fact, we have before us an everyday fairy tale, since there is no heroism in it, only luck. The hero copes with difficulties thanks to her and his ingenuity.