Bandaging mental wounds or psychotherapy? “I was amazed by a living human voice.” About problems and their solutions

training to become a sexologist or psychotherapist? Or how is this even done?

A psychotherapist is a doctor who has completed a full course of study at a university (with points) and a very serious postgraduate education.

There are also evening options. I also heard something about clinical psychology.

There is no evening training for doctors.

Regarding the clinical psychologist - please decide which area of ​​activity interests you - a clinical psychologist and a psychotherapist are completely different specialties (for more details, see the search - the topic has been seriously discussed)

The question is simpler, the point is not even to become a doctor, but how to improve your qualifications. Why reduce everything to extremes? Yes, you find it funny, you are an experienced professional. But is it bad when there is a desire to become one?

I understand that no one cares about my problems, but still, if I feel that this is “mine” and I see myself in this area and really want to achieve some success.

I’m not looking for easy ways; on the contrary, I’m ready to give all my strength.

I would really like to study in person, but there is no way to pay for the tuition.

How can you judge my seriousness? Have you seen me, communicated with me personally, heard any recommendations about me? Why attack so much for informally addressing you?

I only asked for advice from more experienced colleagues to beginning students. It's a pity that your negative reaction is based only on groundless suspicions.

Then - read a lot. Then - study in a scientific society. Then - a year of internship. Then - two years of residency. Then - work for five to ten years. Realize that you know very little, and you will always have to read a lot. As a rule, in English. After this it will be funny too, really.

That. following the Western example, you can call yourself a psychotherapist, but not a sexologist. There are no sexologists or psychologists, only doctors. And a psychotherapist-psychologist is not in the legal field of the Russian Federation.

The program of additional education in psychotherapy necessarily includes personal psychotherapy - the study of one’s own psychological problems.

I am a 3rd year correspondence student at a humanities institute, majoring in psychology. But in the future I would like something more serious, besides conducting consultations. Maybe somehow it is possible further along the course of professional retraining or for additional training. training to become a sexologist or psychotherapist? Or how is this even done?

P.S. The full-time option of studying at a medical institute does not quite suit me.

Try to find interesting courses for yourself in some area of ​​psychology. Nowadays there are many institutes that train specialists in the field of humanistic psychotherapy (existential analysis, Gestalt therapy, etc.), psychoanalysis, etc. To begin with, it will not take you much time, and if you are interested, you can study and develop in your chosen direction very seriously and deeply, God willing. Or maybe you'll like clinical psychology. Yes, and consultations can be carried out very seriously and you can study this all your life, just like medicine. You don't have to go to medical school. institute to do something seriously. And what do you mean by the word “more serious” and why do you need it “more serious”!?

And since they are not only self-sufficient, but also adults, they will remind you that an argument is not “I heard,” but a fact.

And finally, I’m tired of repeating myself, the question is asked not about who saw it and how and what they think about it, but what is correct according to Russian legislation.

Is it possible to get acquainted with the legal basis of the problem?

Psychotherapist. Who is it? How do you become a psychotherapist? What is the difference between a psychotherapist and a psychologist? At an appointment with a psychotherapist. Help from a psychotherapist

Make an appointment with a Psychotherapist

Who is a psychotherapist?

  • psychodynamic direction;
  • cognitive-behavioral direction;
  • humanitarian direction.

Psychodynamic direction

Cognitive-behavioral ( behavioral) direction

Humanitarian direction

How do you become a psychotherapist?

After graduating from medical university and completing an internship in psychiatry, the future psychotherapist becomes a psychiatrist. The competence of a psychiatrist includes the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental illness. Further, if the psychiatrist wants to practice non-drug treatment methods ( that is, psychotherapeutic), he must take specialized courses. The choice of courses depends on the desired direction in psychotherapy. Thus, today the most popular areas are cognitive behavioral therapy and psychoanalysis.

  • cognitive behavioral therapy;
  • positive therapy;
  • psychoanalysis;
  • family psychotherapy;
  • psychodynamic therapy;
  • interpersonal ( interpersonal) therapy.

There are qualification courses for each of the above methods. Anyone wishing to practice psychoanalysis must undergo training in psychoanalysis; a specialist in cognitive behavioral therapy must take practical and theoretical courses in behavioral therapy. A psychotherapist may be a specialist in several psychotherapeutic methods at once.

Courses in cognitive behavioral therapy ( CBT)

Training in psychoanalysis

Family psychotherapy training

Positive psychotherapy trainings


Psychotherapist and psychiatrist, what's the difference?

  • depression - according to experts, this disease will take the leading place among all diseases in 10 years;
  • neuroses are a wide group of diseases that include panic attacks, phobias ( fears), obsessive-compulsive disorder;
  • schizophrenia is a pathology characterized by dissociation of thinking processes, the presence of hallucinations and delusions;
  • mental disorders in epilepsy;
  • bipolar disorder is a pathology characterized by periods of high and low mood;
  • borderline personality disorder ( Borderlein type) is a personality pathology characterized by impulsivity, low self-control, and increased anxiety.

Psychiatry is a branch of medicine studied by a psychiatrist and psychotherapist, divided into private and general. General psychiatry, also known as psychopathology, studies the general principles of the functioning of the psyche, as well as the principles of the development of diseases. Private psychiatry studies individual diseases. A psychiatrist who practices psychotherapy is called a psychiatrist-psychotherapist. In this case, there is no difference between a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist - both representatives are holders of a medical diploma, they diagnose and treat mental illnesses.

Psychotherapist and hypnosis ( psychologist-hypnologist)

What does a psychotherapist treat?

  • depression;
  • panic attacks and anxiety;
  • addictions - alcohol, gaming;
  • post-traumatic disorders;
  • psychosomatic diseases.


  • Formation of self-knowledge skills. Before this, it is necessary to accurately identify the problem and events that preceded the development of depression.
  • Training and relaxation. Various types of techniques will help cope with increased anxiety at its peak.
  • Increasing the number of enjoyable events. It is necessary to create a balance between negative and positive events.
  • Confidence training. Initially, it is necessary to identify events in the patient’s life that precede the feeling of uncertainty, after which the development and training of confidence occurs.
  • Formation of social connections. Withdrawal, isolation and social avoidance always go hand in hand with depression. It is necessary to maximize those activities that lead to socialization ( for example, going to the cinema with friends), and reduce those activities that interfere with this ( for example, watching TV).

For severe depressive conditions, complex therapy is recommended, combining both psychotherapy and medication. The drugs of choice for depression are antidepressants from the group of serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Drugs that combine several mechanisms are also used.

Has a pronounced anti-anxiety effect. Used for depression, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The starting dose is 50 milligrams ( one tablet) per day. The drug is used once, in the morning.

Further, the dosage depends on the specific clinical case. For anxious depression, the dose is 100 milligrams ( 2 tablets), once a day. For obsessive-compulsive disorder, it can reach 150 milligrams ( 3 tablets).

It has a pronounced activating effect and is used for depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and bulimia.

The initial dose varies from 10 to 20 milligrams per day. Then the dosage is gradually increased to 40 milligrams. The maximum dose is 60 – 80 milligrams per day. The drug is also used once, in the first half of the day.

Has anti-anxiety and sedative effect. It is used for anxious depression accompanied by agitation and insomnia.

The initial dose is 75 milligrams per day. Then it is increased weekly by 75 milligrams. The maximum dose is 375 milligrams per day, the dose is divided into 2 to 3 doses.

Panic attacks and anxiety

Addictions - alcohol, gaming, drugs

Motivational and interpersonal therapy, as well as hypnosis, are widely used for addiction.

Post-traumatic stress disorder

Psychotherapy will help you overcome established fear and get rid of obsessive thoughts. Psychotherapy sessions are aimed at developing the ability of patients to accept the realities of life and create certain behavioral models. A common technique for PTSD is the flood method, as well as eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. In the first case, the patient creates a picture of past events in his memory and is completely immersed in it. The second method was invented by psychotherapist Shapiro specifically for the treatment of PTSD. It involves the patient focusing on disturbing memories and at the same time on alternative stimulation coming from the psychotherapist. This may include guided eye movements, auditory stimuli, or hand pats. At the same time, the psychotherapist asks what associations arose in the patient at this moment. The main point in this case is to maintain double attention - on personal experiences and on alternative stimuli.

Psychosomatic diseases

Child psychotherapist

  • autism;
  • anxiety;
  • obsessive-compulsive disorder;
  • depression;
  • suicidal behavior;
  • borderline disorder ( Borderlein type).

Autism is the most common childhood mental pathology. According to various estimates, the frequency varies from 7 to 14 percent per thousand children. On average, this equates to 1 case of autism per 150 children or ( in case of 14 percent) 1 case of autism in 68 children. Also today, this developmental anomaly is one of the four most common diseases among children. The diagnosis of autism is made by a psychiatrist. A scientifically proven method of early intervention for autism is applied therapy, best known by the acronym AAA. This therapy is based on the development and further development of basic skills in autistic children ( self-service, writing, play). This method can be practiced by a specialist who has undergone special training. This does not have to be a doctor or psychotherapist. Typically, ABA therapists are child psychologists trained in the field.

Psychotherapist for neurosis

Stages of treatment with a psychotherapist

  • Determining the type of disease. Neurosis has a large number of manifestations and in some patients it can provoke mild anxiety, while in others it can provoke a severe disturbance of both mental and physical well-being. The treatment strategy depends on the type of disease, so this stage is the first and one of the most important in the treatment of neuroses.
  • Determining the cause. Neurosis can be triggered by one specific event ( often this is the loss of a loved one, an accident, dismissal from work), as well as a number of unfavorable circumstances. Determining the cause, along with establishing the form of the disease, is the main factor that the psychotherapist focuses on when drawing up a treatment plan.
  • Eliminate symptoms. In some cases, manifestations of neurosis are so strong and constant that they prevent a person from working and greatly complicate relationships with others. Therefore, during psychotherapy, the doctor teaches the patient techniques that help him cope with anxiety and other symptoms of the disease. Sometimes the doctor prescribes special medications.
  • Correction of patient behavior. This stage is one of the longest in the treatment of neurosis. Using various techniques, the doctor helps the patient change his attitude towards the problem or situation that caused the disorder.
  • Correction of some personality traits of the patient. As a rule, neuroses are diagnosed in patients who have similar character traits. Such people are characterized by increased suspiciousness, suggestibility, and lack of self-confidence. In order to prevent relapses ( re-exacerbation) illness in the future, the doctor works to correct the patient’s character traits.

Methods of psychotherapy for neurosis

  • Behavioral therapy. The purpose of such sessions is to correct the patient's behavior in situations that provoke neurosis or may do so in the future. The doctor also teaches the patient self-control skills so that he can cope with stress and negative circumstances.
  • Cognitive psychotherapy. This method is often used in conjunction with behavioral therapy. The doctor’s task is to identify destructive attitudes and correct them. An example of such an attitude would be the patient's belief that he should never make mistakes. In this case, the psychotherapist works to correct this statement so that the patient realizes that making mistakes is not a reason for strong negative emotions, since all people make mistakes.
  • Hypnotherapy. Hypnosis helps the doctor determine the cause of neurosis ( for example, when the patient does not remember some important details of the situation that provoked the disorder). Hypnotherapy is also used to correct the patient’s behavioral model - in a state of hypnotic trance, new rules of behavior are instilled in him ( for example, “I stop feeling anxious”).
  • Personal psychotherapy. This treatment is indicated for patients who feel dissatisfied with themselves or surrounding circumstances without objective reasons. The psychotherapist helps the patient form a positive perception of his personality and current events. Personal psychotherapy sessions are also conducted for cases of self-doubt, excessive emotionality, and suspiciousness.
  • Relaxation techniques. This area of ​​psychotherapy includes meditation techniques, breathing exercises and other activities that help the patient get rid of stress and anxiety.

Family psychotherapist

  • behavioral problems in children;
  • conflicts between relatives;
  • fears, phobias in one of the family members;
  • problems in the relationship between husband and wife;
  • various addictions - alcohol, drugs, gaming.

From the point of view of a family psychotherapist, a family is a single organism that exists and develops according to its own laws. Each family has its own functioning. And each participant in this union is affected differently by this space. Thus, any symptom is the result of the functioning of all family members.

The main “root of evil” in any family is the so-called misunderstanding. This is where daily quarrels and scandals, betrayals, problems with alcohol and drugs grow. The result of a sick family atmosphere is that the children tend to bear the brunt. Unconsciously, they begin to “save” the situation in the family with their behavior. Most often they start to get sick ( "flight into illness"), thus trying on relatives around you. Children may also exhibit antisocial behavior, aggression, or express themselves in other ways.

Goals of family psychotherapy

  • overcoming family conflicts;
  • elimination of unhealthy relationships between spouses, between parents and children;
  • family preservation;
  • entering into a new relationship after divorce.

Of course, the main task of a family therapist is to prevent divorce. However, unfortunately, this is not always possible. However, even in this case, it is important to resolve the existing intrafamily conflict and make the breakup less painful. After all, it happens that after a divorce, constant mental pain and resentment do not allow you to start a new relationship. The reason for this is unresolved previous relationships, because it is impossible to start something new when the burden of the past is behind you. It is precisely family psychotherapy that helps to break up correctly and end the relationship without subsequent obsessive thoughts about the past.

Principles and methods of family psychotherapy

  • Family discussions, during which existing problems are discussed. The psychotherapist acts as an observer and mediator, using the technique of active silence, confrontation, and paraphrasing.
  • Role-playing games, during which the roles of each family member are played. The peculiarity of this technique is that family members are given a specific task. For example, a psychotherapist puts forward a version of his son’s misdeed and demands from other family members as many versions as possible to justify this action.
  • “Family sculpture” technique. Family members create a frozen pose for each other, while playing out emotions, movements, and favorite poses.
  • Conditioned communication technique. The psychotherapist introduces a new element into the family dialogue. This could be a communication rule, an exchange of notes, or a color signal ( each color symbolizes an emotion). The purpose of this technique is to correct habitual conflicts ( violations).
  • Directives ( or instructions). Specific and direct instructions from the psychotherapist regarding certain actions. This may be a directive to change your place of residence or to live separately. Directives can be of three options. The first option is to do something, the second is to do something differently, and the third is not to do what was previously done.

The most common technique in family psychotherapy is family discussion. It provides an opportunity to discuss existing misunderstandings and, most importantly, to give everyone a voice. The purpose of the discussion is not at all to assert that one is right, but to jointly find the truth. Many family therapists note that in many individual families, family members agree on the same opinion. However, once they get together, their opinions change and take diametrical positions. That is why an important point in the practice of a family psychotherapist is training family members in discussion methods.

Reception ( consultation) from a psychotherapist

Help from a psychotherapist

  • Help in a crisis situation - that is, to survive an acute crisis period. This could be an acute reaction to stress, difficulties with adaptation, and so on. People behave differently in different stressful situations. The degree of the reaction depends on the functioning of the nervous system - some may exhibit acute psychotic reactions, while others tolerate the cataclysm outwardly calmly, but then develop post-stress disorder. Consulting a psychotherapist will help you cope with an acute reaction, be it a natural disaster or a family turmoil.
  • Help for post-stress disorders, or PTSD for short. A disorder that can develop from a single or repeated traumatic situation. PTSD develops no earlier than 3 months after the injury. Any stressful situation can act as a trauma - sexual violence, physical trauma, natural disaster, military action. This disease is characterized by symptoms such as increased anxiety, repeated memory events of trauma, and avoidant behavior.
  • Help in coping with loss. Every person experiences loss at least once in their life. The hardest thing is the death of a loved one. Psychotherapeutic sessions will help you survive the stages of loss, from shock and denial to acceptance of loss.

Where does the psychotherapist meet?

How to choose a psychotherapist?

Psychotherapist Center

Jokes about a psychotherapist

Doctor, I am sure that my husband has a mistress.

Why do you think so? - asks the psychotherapist.

Because every Monday he disappears in an unknown direction and returns happy and cheerful. Then he quickly loses interest in me and is again in no mood for the whole week.

Don’t worry, says the psychotherapist, he’s the one who comes to see me!

I want to be a psychiatrist!

I must say, this is my first time on this forum, there is good information here and, I’m sure, wonderful people!

Comrades, I’m going to turn to you for advice! About a year ago, I first had the idea of ​​going to study clinical psychiatry.

in 2014 I received a university diploma, psychological and pedagogical education. After the 2nd year I had a full-time job, I came to the session, now I regret it! To be honest, I didn’t understand the meaning of my specialty; I entered by accident, a coincidence. In fact, I have been working in sales and everything related to sales for more than 7 years. I achieved great results, but over time the realization came. or rather, an idea that accidentally came from the surrounding reality took root very well! Nice introject!

At the moment I am developing my travel agency and it is reasonable to believe that the business is promising and quite interesting.

However, the idea of ​​​​training to become a clinical psychiatrist, with a specialization in pathopsychology and counseling, took shape and terms of implementation. Sales will not give what I strive for.

Over the course of several years, I was lucky enough to gain considerable life experience, given my active and inquisitive lifestyle. Good people appear in life who can help, support in every possible way and give a little wisdom. In the process of socialization, over time acquiring a dense personality, I set myself the most important goal, making my choice and determining the path of my development in favor of spiritual development. The most important goal of my life is the spiritualization of Me. I think only a holistic spiritual and moral personality is capable of providing quality assistance to everyone who needs “enlightenment”

Friends, I’m no longer going to enroll after school, no matter where... I decided to ask adequate and experienced people in this matter for advice!

According to the plan, I will try to enroll in the summer of 2016, Moscow, master's degree, clinical psychiatry, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

I'm bad at biology and chemistry. I didn't pay any attention to these subjects at school! I suppose it’s worth starting with them, mastering a course in biology and chemistry, if necessary. But in parallel, what should I prepare for? what literature should I read?

Friends, I rely on your professionalism and invaluable experience!

Psychologist, Individual-and-family therapy

Odessa (Ukraine)

Stay in sales and develop your travel agency.

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist online therapy

Odessa (Ukraine)

People don’t come into this profession so easily, what attracts you to it?

Psychotherapist, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

I can’t start preparing, I don’t know where to start wisely, I can’t afford to waste time studying unnecessary information and unnecessary subjects!

Problem: unfortunately, I have practically no free time, so I collect all the information about admission and the new specialization for me gradually.

Psychologist, Clinical Psychologist

I think only a holistic spiritual and moral personality is capable of providing quality assistance to everyone who needs “enlightenment”

If you seek enlightenment, engage in spiritual practices, study yoga, become a Buddhist or a Hindu.

Psychologist, Family psychologist

Thank you, Andrey, you understand the meaning of my thoughts.

Everyone is right without exception. The overall situation is, of course, much more colorful and interesting. I will say this, for the first time I came face to face with a case of mental disorder about 3 years ago. I didn’t immediately find out about this man’s problems, but at the moment, he is one of my close friends, a partner and an excellent mentor in many matters. He is schizophrenic (the main diagnosis, there are other deviations), he was treated three times, is being seen by a psychiatrist, and is undergoing regular treatment. Feels the presence of other beings capable of using the body and carrying out certain activities. hallucinations. and much more from everything that happened to him.

But this lyrical digression is not so important; the value is a serious intention regarding psychological activity.

In one small article, of course, it is impossible to convey the depth of my personal experience.

Another thing is more important, of course, I plan to try to enroll in the summer, but damn it, I’m still quite young, although I’m already quite a bit worn out.

I have been in sales for many years, objectively, I have accumulated really extensive experience, I have dealt with almost any type of sales. This gave me tremendous experience in communication, everyday psychology, self-confidence and the acquisition of will, personal strength! Awareness of Me as an individual capable of manifesting will and intention. Of course, we will not go into detail about what practices I have been involved in for several years. I read books, sometimes rare and very old.

Friends) Sales and business are undoubtedly a promising and very attractive option. I think a reasonable representative of society would not change anything and develop tourism. interesting, a lot of bonuses and nice little things, although there are no less subtleties and difficulties)

But there is a certain feeling, it says that my path is in a medical institution, a lot of work, such a general picture. I understand and passionately wish to end all the old promises, bring all matters into a stable state, get even with all the old tails. The process is going well, I set goals and prepare step by step) The result will be total involvement in a new work activity, where for me there is still a whole unknown universe of knowledge! I know what I am striving for, I know that I have to commit an event, the consequences of which I will wait for and accept them in the form of lessons.

Therefore, I propose not to go into thoughts about the feasibility of my project) Believe me, I thought a lot and discussed the reasonableness of my idea.

Change your entire life, in one moment, immediately abolish the past and personal history. How to become aware on Earth of the memory and experience of a past life)

But your advice to stay in sales comes from one old riddle. Many conversations are held on the topic of everyday life. misfortune. routine life.

Life brought me together with people who clearly showed me the insignificance of these thoughts. I'm tired of work, I don't like it, but it's stable. I don’t like excessive concern, noise, urban ecology. but it has to. but you have to swim with everyone else, otherwise you’ll crash, what to do then.

You understand everything yourself. Man, the only creature on Earth who has not only consciousness, the Creator has endowed us with the will of choice. Everyone is capable of being spiritual, cultural and moral, if only they had the intention!

Friends, I hope I was able to convey to you at least part of the experience.

The best help in my case could be adequate advice from a reasonable person. It is necessary to have a complete understanding of where I should start mastering science. What should you pay attention to first of all, what should you focus your main efforts on, should you acquire complete information about the activity. What literature is best suited at this stage?

How to become a psychiatrist or psychotherapist?

Question to a psychologist

Answers from psychologists

Letuchy Igor Anatolievich

Replies on the site: 2363 Conducts trainings: 0 Publications: 23

Altyn, hello. To become a psychiatrist, you MUST enroll and graduate from a medical institute, therefore, if you only receive a diploma as a teacher-psychologist, then without a medical institute you will not be able to work as a psychiatrist! You can take additional programs in non-medical psychotherapy, there are many such areas and you will be able to engage in psychotherapy, but you will not be able to prescribe medications. Only a doctor can prescribe medications. But with the help of psychological techniques, you can remove the cause, which has a positive effect on human health. Also often in practice, the psychiatrist-psychologist tandem works well, where the doctor treats the symptoms and the psychologist removes the cause! With all my heart, I wish you success and all the best.

Online psychologist - effective counseling, therapy via Skype

Tlegenova Harlan Amantaevna

You can ask other psychologists a question

To become a psychiatrist, you definitely need a medical education, since a psychiatrist is a doctor. To become a psychotherapist, i.e. a person who can prescribe medications and at the same time treat with words again needs a medical education. But in order to treat people with words, psychological education and mastery of any area of ​​psychology is enough. Unfortunately, a diploma in educational psychology is not enough.

Tlegenova Harlan, psychoanalytically oriented psychologist, Almaty

Khabdullina Sandugash Zhumagazinovna

Replies on the site: 1220 Conducts trainings: 2 Publications: 2

Hello, Altyn! To become a psychiatrist, you really need a medical degree. A psychiatrist is a doctor who treats with medications. It will be necessary to start training from the first year. You can become a psychotherapist by graduating as a psychologist and then further specializing. Depending on what direction you want to work in. All the best, good luck!

Khabdullina Sandugash Zhumagazinovna, psychologist in Almaty

Matveeva Tatyana Vasilievna

Replies on the site: 1871 Conducts trainings: 9 Publications: 3

You have already been told that in order to become a psychiatrist, you need a medical education. But to become a non-medical psychotherapist, you can get a specialization in some kind of psychotherapeutic method. And here it is just important that you are studying to become an educational psychologist and you will have a basic psychological diploma.

As a rule, specializations are postgraduate non-state education.

If you want to specialize in Gestalt therapy methods or psychodrama, then I invite you to the programs that will begin this fall. You can find detailed information about them in the section of my trainings or by calling me.

Sincerely, Tatyana Matveeva.

Matveeva Tatyana Vasilievna, psychologist, gestalt therapist, Almaty, Skype

  • - From 15 to 50 thousand rubles. to prepare for admission;
  • - about 30 thousand rubles. for educational materials, literature, clothing for 6 years of study;
  • - from 60 to 200 thousand rubles. to obtain a certificate as a psychiatrist.
  • First of all, you need to have the appropriate abilities, thanks to which you will be able to assimilate the enormous amount of information given at a medical university, and will subsequently be able to apply it in practice. A good memory alone is not enough for this. It is necessary not only to study all the medical literature and textbooks proposed by teachers, it is important to be able to apply the knowledge acquired at the university in practice, in the process of treating patients.
  • The second important quality is the ability to compassion, the ability to understand a person’s pain, to sympathize with his misfortune. But this should in no way interfere with medical practice.
  • It is very important for a doctor to be able to make the right decision and implement it; first of all, to treat not the disease, but the patient.

    Some are inclined to believe that some specialists enter the profession due to the prevailing circumstances. For example, a large number of residency slots in skin diseases will lead to an influx of students who will go on to become dermatologists.

    How to decide on a specialization

    It is extremely important not only to choose the right direction, but also to become a real professional in it. This is the type of doctor patients seek to see. Such a specialist will always be in demand, as a result of which, in any case, he will be able to feed himself and his family.

    You should really evaluate your inclinations, abilities and preferences. If a person quickly finds a common language with children, it makes sense to think about pediatrics. The desire to help elderly people with heart disease suggests the need to become a cardiologist with a primary focus on adult patients.

    The profession of oncologist requires special attention. His work requires dedication and resistance to the grief of others. Such a specialist must be able to very clearly plan a treatment plan and determine rehabilitation nuances.

    In the process of graduating from a medical higher education institution after completing an internship, it is possible to acquire the profession of a pediatrician or therapist. In order to become a highly specialized specialist, you need to undergo specialization.

    Which doctors are most in demand?

    It is recommended that you first refresh your memory of what exactly a particular doctor does. A neonatologist, for example, observes infants under one month of age, usually works in maternity hospitals and advises young mothers regarding the health of their babies.

    An orthopedist is a surgeon who specializes in diseases of the joints, bones and spine in general. Often combines this profession with surgery. The responsibilities of a traumatologist include the treatment of fractures, dislocations, and bruises. Neurology is considered a very necessary specialization for patients of all ages. Such a doctor will help if problems arise with the nervous system. Diseases of this nature can be either acquired or congenital. This refers to the consequences of traumatic brain injuries and birth complications, as well as infections.

    It is worth noting that in addition to the list of diseases, there are differences in the salaries of doctors. Many people make great money without having a part-time job. Others are forced to work several shifts. This depends on the demand for the specialization and the qualifications of the doctor. Naturally, a medical worker, having a higher education, an academic degree behind him, and actively attending continuing education courses and medical forums, can offer patients much more than someone who does not perform any actions other than performing work duties. Thus, if you want to have a stable income, you should improve yourself every day.


    For many modern university applicants, the most important task is to enter a chosen university, and what will happen next - time will tell. This is, of course, a wrong tactic, because you need to decide from the very beginning what you want to learn at the university, what knowledge and skills it can teach you. Of course, having studied the entire educational program, you will not be able to become a good specialist if you only hope for a diploma received in the future. To do this, you need to make personal efforts, find places of possible practice and remember that the main thing in education is interest, the awareness that studying at a university is an auxiliary step on the path to success. Study sincerely, turn the acquired knowledge into experience and make yourself understand that studying is a pleasure and a step towards a successful life, and not a problem in life.

    What do you need to do to become successful at university?

    Load in full. Read, learn and study more. Don't just focus on what you learned in class. It is necessary to constantly develop in order to achieve success in school and in your personal life. Moreover, development must be comprehensive: physical, moral and mental. By instilling in yourself the idea that working on yourself is the key to your future, you will be able to effectively combine all sorts of areas of your life, including higher education.

    Discipline yourself. Maintain order in your life in every possible way. Never forget which couples you have to visit during the week. Create schedules, use diaries or electronic applications. In other words, use whatever is convenient for you, but know that absences and tardiness for no important reason are simply a lack of self-discipline. No one will ever decide something for you, because you are the master of your own life and only you can determine how to organize your own life: sleep a little more or go to classes, play computer games or read a book. The choice is up to you.

    Use time effectively. Of the total daily time, you must allocate 6-8 hours for sleep. Each of us has different biological rhythms. For some, 5 hours of sleep is enough, while others need all 8, so take into account your physical ability to sleep. But despite all your workload, be sure to sleep at night, as this rest will decide the entire outcome of your next day. If you cannot sleep the required amount of time at night, then sleep for minutes during the day. Scientists have proven that short sleep, the so-called “nap,” is beneficial for the body. It increases a person’s efficiency several times at once. So, we sorted out the dream. The rest of the time must be distributed between studying at the university, preparing for classes and leisure. Also, many students live independently. They should find a little more time for cooking, cleaning the house and other important matters.

    Have a positive attitude. Some of the students at the initial stages of their studies begin to load their heads with the fact that they will have absolutely no free time, that they will need to constantly study and study and put entertainment and creative impulses into a black box, so many of them abandon their education. But the reason for such a step is only negative thoughts; in reality, everything is much simpler. Having a positive attitude, you will be able to quickly and effectively prepare for classes, carry out assignments from teachers and simply enjoy the learning process.

    Motivate yourself to achieve success. Find inspiration to learn and have new experiences. Don't fall into a routine, but carry out your life plan and achieve your goals.

    How to become a psychiatrist

    What does it take to become a psychiatrist?

    To become a psychiatrist, the first thing you need to do is study, that is, obtain an appropriate higher medical education. Finding a university that provides training in the field of psychiatry is now not difficult, but you should think about medical specialization before admission. After the field has been selected and preference has been given to a private or public university providing training, we prepare documents for admission and submission of documents.

    How to get the education necessary to become a psychiatrist

    Due to the increased popularity, it will not be easy to enter the medical faculty. In most universities today, the competition for budget places is from 35 people, and for contract places - from 2. Therefore, in order to guarantee yourself the level of initial knowledge necessary for admission, you should think about pre-university preparation and attending preparatory courses (for these purposes, prepare an amount of 30 thousand rubles).

    During the entrance exams, you will have to independently prove your right to a place of study, using the knowledge that was prepared and learned in advance.

    What are the stages of the educational process of a future doctor?

    The main stages in obtaining a future doctor's education in the specialty "Psychiatry" are the following:

    • submission of documents to the relevant university;
    • basic training for 6 years;
    • completing an internship or residency.

    Having successfully entered a budget or contract position, you should be prepared for a 6-year marathon of the learning process in basic medical and clinical specialized subjects. The general course includes just over 11 thousand academic hours: lectures, seminars, practical classes, etc.

    The knowledge control system will include 150 tests and 60 exams in general and special disciplines, writing a significant number of essays and tests. The culmination of training will be passing the state certification, confirmed by the issued diploma in the specialty "doctor".

    But the learning process does not end with receiving a medical diploma, but smoothly flows into special training in residency or internship, during which the newly minted physician will be theoretically and practically “trained” as a future psychiatrist.

    At the end of the internship, the graduate can become a doctor - narcologist or a psychiatrist. And after completing residency, I become a full-fledged doctor - psychotherapist.

    The internship lasts one year, and the residency lasts two, and both types of training are paid. At this stage, you can take the chance to enroll in a government-funded position or enter into an agreement with the local health department for the purpose of training at state expense and further working for at least 3 years in the direction of the same regional health department. Theoretically, the graduate cannot influence the fate of the referral and will be forced to work for the period required by law in a prescribed medical institution.

    How to find a job for a “newly-minted” psychiatrist

    You can directly apply the acquired knowledge in the field of psychiatry in two ways:

    1. Continue working after the expiration of the referral at a medical institution;
    2. Obtain a certificate from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation confirming the right to become a psychiatrist (the process of obtaining it will cost approximately thousands of rubles) and engage in medical practice in a private medical institution or open your own medical office.


    Psychiatrist (from Greek psyche - soul; iatréeia - treatment) is a doctor specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders.

    Where to study to become a Psychiatrist


    The Modern Scientific and Technological Academy (SNTA Moscow) provides distance learning in the field of Psychiatry, without interruption from work and place of residence. State-issued documents give the right to conduct medical care. activities. All documents (Specialist Certificate, Retraining Diploma, Advanced Training Certificate) are issued by courier personally.

    Higher education:

    To obtain the profession of a psychiatrist, you need to graduate from any medical university with a specialty in Psychiatry or undergo postgraduate training in it. Each psychiatrist must have a certificate from the Ministry of Health confirming the right to practice. To enter a medical school, students take biology, chemistry and Russian.


    Salary range as of March 29, 2018


    Psychiatrists work in psychiatric clinics, as psychoneurologists at clinics, and in scientific and practical centers. Such a center is the State Scientific Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry (GNTsSSP) named after. V.P. Serbian. To conduct a private practice, a psychiatrist must, in addition to a specialist certificate, obtain a special license.

    Important qualities

    Honesty towards patients and empathy for them are as important in this profession as a good memory and a sharp mind.

    Knowledge and skills

    In addition to general medical knowledge, a psychiatrist must know modern methods of examining and treating patients, their rehabilitation and preventing exacerbations. It is also necessary to have composure and the ability to see in a patient, even the most unpleasant and violent one, not an enemy, but a manifestation of the disease.

    Features of the profession

    The words "mental disorder" or "mental illness" have colloquial synonyms: insanity, insanity, insanity, insanity, and, finally, mental illness. The essence of these ailments is clear from the names themselves. All of them are associated with a disorder of feelings and consciousness.

    Psychiatry is a part of neuroscience. Her interests include disorders of the nervous system that affect human behavior, his emotional life, perception of reality, memory, thinking, speech, etc.

    Psychiatry studies the causes, manifestations of mental illnesses, and their course. Develops methods of treatment and prevention. A psychiatrist relies on neurophysiological data. However, nervous diseases themselves are not included in the list of mental disorders if they do not affect mental functions.

    Mental disorders include schizophrenia, various manias, Alzheimer's disease and other illnesses associated with organic disorders of the brain. And also the conditions that the so-called minor, borderline psychiatry deals with: neuroses, reactive psychoses and other reversible conditions that are a reaction to some life events.

    For example, reactive psychosis, which manifests itself as delirium, confusion, may be a reaction to a bombing experience, a bear attack in the forest, a terrorist attack, etc. This condition can be completely overcome because there is no serious damage to the brain structures. Although the same event can plunge one person into psychosis, another will survive it, maintaining sanity. Why? Much depends on the characteristics of the body and the person’s temperament. And on the presence of additional factors: age, previous traumatic brain injuries, poisoning, etc. The doctor takes all this into account when examining a patient.

    Borderline psychiatry also deals with psychopathy, which is a disharmonious personality type that causes a lot of trouble both to others and to the patient himself. In addition to borderline psychiatry, there are other areas of work: forensic psychiatry (conducts examinations on the sanity/insanity of people accused of crimes), child psychiatry, gerontopsychiatry (deals with deviations of old age), narcology (deals with problems of alcoholism and drug addiction), etc.

    A person with mental disorders may not experience physical suffering. Then why does he need medical help? The fact is that these deviations push a person out of society. They do not allow him not only to work, but also to simply live. For example, a person with persecution mania is in a constant state of panic. He feels in danger and is ready to defend himself every minute.

    Unsteady border

    According to experts, 2–5% of people experience true psychosis. In total, up to 15% of the population suffers from mental illness and borderline conditions. True, the border between norm and violation is sometimes not as obvious as we would like. With the advancement of science, many conditions that were previously considered disorders are now accepted as normal and vice versa. All changes are recorded in the International Classification of Diseases, which is periodically revised. For example, social phobia is the fear of social activities. It can be expressed in the fear of public speaking, but it can also reach the point of a complete inability to communicate with people. It is very common, with between 3 and 13% of the population suffering from it at some stage in their lives. In the United States, according to researchers, it is the third most common psychological problem. Until 1995, she was considered ordinary shyness. But the consequences of such “shyness” can be very serious. Social phobia interferes with a person’s career and personal life. And sometimes leads to suicide. Therefore, it was included in the list of mental disorders.

    Can all this be treated?

    A psychiatrist, examining a patient, talks with him, his environment, observes his behavior in the clinic, prescribes instrumental studies of brain function, etc. A pathopsychologist assists the psychiatrist in making a diagnosis. Using special techniques, a psychologist identifies personality traits, memory, intelligence, emotional sphere, and thinking. When a diagnosis is made, the doctor prescribes treatment: medications, psychotherapeutic sessions. By the way, only a psychiatrist has the right to prescribe medications for the treatment of mental disorders.

    Psychotherapy is a non-drug influence on the patient (for example, through hypnosis). A psychotherapist is hired to carry it out. But a psychotherapist can also be a psychiatrist himself, who has undergone special training.

    When treating a chronic mental illness (for example, schizophrenia), achieving remission can be considered success. If we are talking about borderline states, you can count on complete restoration of mental health.


    The profession of psychiatrist is relatively young, although as a medical field it has long roots. Hippocrates (c. 460–377 BC) was the first to describe mental disorders. He explained them using the humoral theory of the origin of diseases. Later, the Hippocratic theory was developed by Claudius Galen of Pergamon (129–199 AD). He studied the influence of emotional states on physical states. In the Middle Ages, Avicenna proposed that mental illness was associated with physical disorders in the brain. Paracelsus (1493–1541) suggested a connection between paralysis and skull trauma, and cretinism with thyroid dysfunction. He introduced the distinction between physical and psychological illnesses, as well as the concept of individual personality. In 1803, the German physician Johann Christian coined the term “psychiatry.”

    It must be said that for centuries mentally ill people did not receive normal help. In the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church considered crazy people to be sinners who sold their souls to the devil. In the XV-XVIII centuries. Executions of mentally ill people were common. The “possessed” were rudely mocked. In Europe of the 15th century there was such a way to get rid of the insane: they were put on a ship and sent alone to sail. Of course, such a “ship of fools” was doomed.

    The Inquisition, which played a sinister role in the history of Europe, also committed many atrocities against the insane. The Hammer of the Witches, a treatise by Dominican monks (1487), listed sadistic methods of exterminating witches. Back in the 18th century, people who were insane were kept in prisons. And in England, violent people were shown for a fee to onlookers in the famous London Bedlam (the psychiatric hospital of St. Mary of Bethlehem). Many patients were chained to the walls, sleeping on straw in solitary, gloomy cells. The unfortunates were beaten, and their screams attracted the public. You can read about how the mentally ill were treated in the 19th century in Gogol’s “Notes of a Madman,” at the very end of the story.

    On the other hand, the concept of madness was interpreted very broadly. For example, until the end of the 19th century, any behavior deviating from generally accepted norms was equated with insanity. Even attacks of epilepsy were explained by madness (as evidenced by the title of the novel “The Idiot”, the hero of which is Prince Myshkin, who suffers from epilepsy).

    At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. In the science of mental disorders, there were many theories, among which two areas occupied a special place: psychoanalysis and the positivist approach.

    The school of psychoanalysis (Sigmund Freud) was based on the theory of the unconscious. The unconscious is a receptacle for forbidden desires, repressed by consciousness. The school of positivist medicine proposed relying only on testable methods: experiment and observation. She attributed mental disorders to the destruction of brain tissue. At the same time, she recognized the cure as impossible, and the psychiatric hospital was a place where patients were only monitored and not allowed to become violent.

    But over time, an approach based on respect for the patient’s personality and the desire to understand him, and not to impose on him a “correct”, “sound” attitude to reality, prevailed. The German philosopher, psychologist and psychiatrist Karl Theodor Jaspers in 1909–1915 began to conduct detailed conversations (interviews) with patients to make a diagnosis. And Eugene Minkowski used structural analysis of the disorder to identify the cause. Henry Ellenberg introduced the reconstruction of the patient's inner world. This can be considered the beginning of the modern stage of psychiatry.

    Psychiatry did not immediately abandon mutilating methods. In the 20th century, lobotomy and electric shock treatment were used. (see the film "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"). And in our country there was also punitive psychiatry: a citizen disliked by the authorities could be given a psychiatric diagnosis (for example, “sluggish schizophrenia”) and “treated” in a hospital for many years. This method was used in the USSR in the 1970s–80s. in connection with both political and religious beliefs. But this is no longer a problem of medicine, but of doctors and their moral health.

  • There is often confusion in terms and people do not understand the difference between a psychologist and a psychotherapist, and a psychotherapist from a psychiatrist, for example.

    If a person does not remember who he is, does not understand where he is, what time of year and what time it is, he needs to see a psychiatrist. They work with mentally ill people whose brain, blood vessels, and nervous system are not functioning properly, and this causes their character to change and hallucinations to appear. In these cases, only tablets and injections help.

    Psychologist and psychotherapist work only with healthy people. The main difference between them is that the first one can help you adapt to the situation that you have, and the second one can help you fundamentally change the situation for the better. A psychologist can call himself someone who has received a higher psychological education and a certificate giving the right to conduct individual consultations. A psychologist may listen to you, nod his head and ask how you think to solve this problem. He mainly works with emotions: as practice shows, people do not know how to recognize them. For example, during trainings I played a recording in which the same phrase was pronounced with different emotions. And I asked, what kind of emotion is it now? Everyone was wrong. Ideally, a psychologist is an assistant to a psychotherapist.

    A psychotherapist is one of the highest paid professions in medicine, at the level of a dentist and surgeon. It helps correct parenting mistakes, improve life, make a career, develop character, resolve difficult situations and get out of stress. To become a psychotherapist, you need to spend 12 years of your life. This is if you study correctly: medical school, residency in psychiatry and psychology, internships. For comparison, it takes seven to eight years to become a neurosurgeon.

    About stereotypes

    Many people have formed their idea of ​​the work of a psychotherapist under the influence of American films. A husband and wife sit on the sofa and, interrupting each other, tell them what infuriates them about each other, and the psychotherapist, like an arbiter, gives the floor to one or the other and makes the final verdict. This picture is far from Russian reality. Of course, sometimes married couples turn together, but very rarely. Basically, a person comes who is more interested in maintaining the relationship and is more mature personally.

    We have a bad name for the profession and a low level of education among the population, although we do not want to admit it. But when urea and urine are the same thing for people, it is understandable why they do not distinguish between the concepts of “psycho” and “psychotherapist”. For us, psychology is a horoscope-psychic science. In Russia, psychology has never received enough attention, especially if we remember Soviet times. In our country, the role of a psychologist is often performed by a random travel companion on a transport or a neighbor in the stairwell. Emotional support provides temporary relief, but does not solve the problem. And at the same time you get emotional dependence.

    According to statistics, every third person walks down the street with an anxiety-depressive disorder, that is, under stress, and tries to cope with a bad mood on their own, through willpower. But it doesn’t go away on its own. In the West, people have more confidence in such specialists; they are more conscientious about recommendations and waiting to see a psychotherapist six months in advance. There, for example, a video camera is installed in clients’ apartments to record family conflicts, and then go through the mistakes step by step together with a psychologist. This is a good method because people who tend to cause suffering to others tend not to notice their mistakes.

    About clients

    Mostly people come with incomes much above average. These are top managers, business owners, officials, these are people who have two higher educations, postgraduate studies and three foreign languages. They understand that the word “psychotherapy” is not the same as “psycho”. The higher the financial level, the more a person is willing to spend on psychotherapy, because he understands how much it affects life. Among my clients there are also very famous people, they have the same problems as everyone else. But they are harder to trust. It is harder for them morally due to the fact that they are an order of magnitude more educated, more successful in some areas, and are less likely to encounter sincerity and decency in their lives than others.

    For example, just by talking with any person for two or three minutes, I can almost accurately determine whether he has problems and what they are. Every word, gesture and facial expression, every slip of the tongue, even how a person sits, how he reacts to words - all this is a story about what happened to him. Psychology is a mathematically exact science, its algorithms are very complex, but they exist.

    About incompetence

    There was a scandal when a man decided that he was a dentist, bought himself a chair, wire, construction cement for his home and began offering his services to all the neighbors in the entrance. He was sued. This is where you end up - then you won’t believe in dentists at all. Now in our profession there are a lot of people like this with delays. 90% of the people who called themselves psychotherapists are those who went to a two-month course somewhere, they were given a piece of paper that they were psychologists, and for greater persuasiveness they called themselves a psychologist-therapist.

    Several years ago there was a law according to which any doctor - no matter a urologist, gynecologist or therapist - could take short-term courses and become a psychotherapist. Now, thank God, the law has been changed and you still need to have a basic psychotherapeutic education. It is not customary for us to check diplomas. If you come to me, I will get you a pack of 36 certificates, among them will be from King's College in London, a certificate of completion of residency, which, by the way, must be renewed every five years.

    A person pays you not for the time you sat with him, but for the fact that you haven’t kissed for 12 years
    at the entrance, cramming textbooks

    A person does not pay you for the time when you sat with him and nodded your head. He pays for the fact that you haven’t kissed at the entrance for 12 years, but crammed textbooks and know all the algorithms of work. You must give the person several options for solving the problem and tell which one will lead to what result. For example, a person went to a psychotherapist for a year, talked, the specialist listened to him, but did not say anything, because he supposedly had to approach the solution to the problem himself. This is incompetence. People who have ended up with such people later say that psychologists themselves are abnormal and it is not clear what this science is about.

    People who get to professionals, then their phone is passed from hand to hand. The result of working with a competent psychotherapist: you get a well-paid job, improve your personal life, your relationship with your parents normalizes, you become more emotionally open, capable of intimacy. This is the result of 10-20 hours of work, no more. What's there to smear for years? Only if there are very serious injuries, when violence was committed against a person, then yes. And so, it happens, you go to a psychologist, and he told you all his problems, and you also paid him money.

    About methods

    The human psyche has a structure, like programs in a computer: they are complex, there are signs of breakdown at each level, methods for repair. The task of a psychotherapist is to determine the levels where a person has a malfunction, give a program and work strictly according to it: a certain sequence of questions and answers, exercises. For example, people argued for years, and after several hours of working with a competent specialist, they stopped tearing each other down because they saw the connection between what they were doing and what their parents were doing.

    When people begin to realize that they constantly copy patterns of behavior, they understand the value of our science. We are like computers: the way we are programmed is the way we work. If they installed DOS for us, but we want Windows, then we need to go to a psychotherapist. If you have been told many times that you are stupid and incapable of anything, you will, even if you are talented, sit and think, why am I earning so little? Because your program is like this: “don’t achieve success, don’t stick your neck out, don’t finish the job.” My task is for a person to notice this in himself and correct it.

    Each session with a psychotherapist is strictly scheduled. The specialist has a work protocol, the topic of the lesson, exercises in a given sequence and exercises that a person should do at home. There are two tests that can be used to determine the condition of a new client: the Zung test and the Shihan test. The first determines the presence and level of depression, the second - the state of anxiety. Severe anxiety, for example, is when it’s hard to sleep, you’re replaying in your head who said what and how they offended you, when your legs are weak and your palms are sweaty, when it’s hard to breathe and your head is empty. If a person has less than 48 points on the Zung test and less than 50 on the Shihan test, everything is not so advanced, you can also conduct counseling via Skype. If the numbers go off scale, I only work in person.

    When a client comes to me for the first time, I ask him to bring the results of these tests to the consultation, take a test for social phobia, a personality questionnaire, and more. It takes me four minutes to analyze this data, after which I know how a person will react to stress, what profession suits him best, and whether he is in a pre-divorce situation. By the way, based on the vector of contact attraction, you can predict divorce in four years.

    Real changes in life come in a few months, on average in six months. Clients call, invite you to restaurants, ask if we can recommend you to everyone. For us, all the laws in the psyche, as well as in the body, proceed smoothly to a critical point, and then - a transition to a new level.

    About earnings

    The first thing they ask when they find out that I am a psychotherapist is: is it true that you earn so much? The cost in Moscow today ranges from 500 to 20,000 rubles per consultation. The session lasts about an hour, sometimes longer. It all depends on the complexity of the request and on the work methodology itself. The entire course is a minimum of 10 sessions, on average 10−20, maximum 50−60. My consultation is expensive - $500, because I work for results and solve the problem in a maximum of 20 hours. But I know that it also happens that if a psychotherapist does not have many clients, he can stretch everything out for a year.

    About rules and ethics

    There are two basic rules in psychotherapy. First, never work with relatives and friends. Secondly, undergo personal therapy, without this you have no right to consult. Relatives and friends are a system close to you, and professionalism implies detachment.

    People often ask, are you okay? You say that no, not everything, because I am also a living person, but I have ways, I can solve my problems more efficiently and quickly. “Did you have anything at all when you were a child?” You’re telling the truth: I went through psychotherapy, it was bullshit, I healed, so it doesn’t affect my work.

    Ideally, a psychotherapist should undergo two to three thousand hours of personal therapy so as not to project his problems onto the client, and only then he can be allowed to practice. To undergo so many hours of personal therapy, you have to be a rich person; a poor person cannot afford it. For people who have not undergone personal psychotherapy, clients begin to irritate them after six months.

    We are taught how not to get involved in emotional contact so that there is no burnout. You communicate emotionally, but you are not touched by the client's problems. While working, I constantly monitor the condition of my muscles, and if they are tense, then the problem has caught on and I must undergo a personal therapy session. This allows you to manage ten clients a day and not burn out.

    There are words that hurt, cause pain, there are words that heal. A professional should not say “you should”, “you must”, “this is wrong”, “you must” or start blaming. A professional does not use abstruse terms; he can explain complex terms simply. For example, a man comes to me for a consultation and says: he went to a psychologist, told him the whole family situation, and was given advice: “Reflect on the archetypal prototype of your great-grandmother.” A man with two higher educations did not understand anything, but was embarrassed to look like an idiot. In principle, the specialist correctly identified the problem: the man copies the same models that he inherited from his maternal great-grandmother. But the main sign of professionalism is when a person explains everything in a language that you understand.

    About problems and their solutions

    When we start a family, we must agree on 40 points. Everyone has their own ideas in their head about what a family should be like. For example, his idea is to travel a lot together, and her idea is to stay at home. For him, it is for the wife to peel the potatoes, and for her, for the husband. When we agree on a relationship, we must understand whether we are suitable for each other sexually. Everyone has their own quirks.

    In family problems, both are always to blame: if one creates the problem, the second tolerates it and does not know what to do, which means it maintains an unhealthy relationship. As a rule, it is the wife who brings the family to the psychotherapist's office, because women are less likely to consider themselves right and are more inclined to introspection. Men often tend to consider themselves right, even when they are clearly wrong.

    When you teach people techniques for managing emotions, they are afraid that they will be like robots.

    The main thing I teach families is to express their expectations, desires, dissatisfaction directly, talk to each other in a positive, reinforcing, constructive manner about how to reach a compromise in the family. Women often try to decide whether to tolerate infidelity, drunkenness, and humiliation of their husband if they are financially dependent on him. They also often ask: change him or her so that he or she loves me the way I want. When you teach people techniques for managing emotions, they are afraid that they will be like robots. But not at all, you will feel the same, only you will be able to choose whether to yell at the person or say calmly about what does not suit you.

    I’ve been counseling families for 12 years now and I’m increasingly faced with the question of how to maintain a relationship and be financially successful, provided that the man is not ready to accept the success and independence of a woman.

    And finally, my “favorite” request from a client: give me a pill so that I don’t see or hear anything about what’s going on at home and at work, and I don’t have to do anything, because it’s difficult. I refuse to work with clients who abdicate responsibility for their lives and expect the psychologist to do everything for them. This is infantilism when a person does not want to change himself, but demands changes from his partner.

    Interview: Svetlana Gavrilova

    In the articles we analyzed what it is psychotherapy. In this article we will try to understand what it is psychotherapist.

    If you have read past articles, you will have noticed that the founders of well-known psychotherapeutic areas were general practitioners, neurologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, and one (who completed courses in psychology).

    Psychotherapy appeared at the intersection of psychiatry and psychology. Most of the founders of psychotherapeutic schools were doctors, as, for example, all the members International Psychoanalytic Association at the dawn of its formation. It was believed that psychotherapy is a branch of medicine, and only a doctor can do it. This was the rule for a long time.

    If you read the previous article “,” then you noticed that it said nothing about the brain, nervous system, human anatomy and physiology. That is, it cannot be said that special medical knowledge is required to conduct psychotherapy.

    Psychotherapy is treatment with words

    Concept psychotherapy combines the entire diverse range of methods of treatment with the help of words (and without drugs).

    Just a word: psychoanalysis, group analysis, cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, Rogers' client-centered psychotherapy, Jung's analytical psychotherapy, Berne's transactional analysis, existential analysis, etc.

    By word and action: child psychoanalysis, psychodrama, gestalt therapy, body-oriented psychotherapy, dance-movement psychotherapy, art therapy, etc.

    Medications are sometimes prescribed during psychotherapy as support, but it is better if this is done by another specialist (to maintain the purity of the method, despite the fact that the psychotherapist may be a doctor authorized to prescribe medications).

    Psychologists and doctors - what's the difference?

    Psychologist And doctor– these concepts characterize the education received.

    Modern psychological faculties provide a serious education for the future psychotherapist. Among the disciplines studied there:

    cultural studies, anthropology, sociology, philosophy, logic, history and theory of religions, history of psychology, general, comparative, experimental, developmental, social and clinical psychology, personality psychology, developmental psychology, ethnopsychology, zoopsychology, psychogenetics, mathematical methods of statistics in psychology, anatomy , psychophysiology of the central nervous system, physiology of the central nervous system, physiology of the internal nervous system and sensory systems, hormonal regulation of mental states, psychopathology, basics of psychotherapy, psychodiagnostics, training, etc.

    We can say that all disciplines studied in psychological universities, one way or another, prepare for psychotherapeutic activity. Bold highlighted disciplines that were traditionally considered the domain of doctors, but are now studied in the training of psychologists. Of course, these disciplines are not studied in as much depth as in medical universities, as can be seen below.

    Doctors study the following disciplines during their training:

    Latin, medical biology, genetics, human anatomy, pathological and topographic anatomy, general, bioorganic and biological chemistry, biological physics, history of medicine, histology, embryology, cytology, normal physiology, pathological physiology, microbiology with virology and immunology, infectious diseases, pediatric infectious diseases, epidemiology, pharmacology, internal medicine, occupational diseases, general, pediatric, operative and military surgery, surgical diseases, pediatrics, oncology, radiation diagnostics and radiation therapy, dermatovenerology, urology, obstetrics and gynecology, endocrinology, phthisiopulmonology, otorhinolaryngology, dentistry, ophthalmology, physiotherapy, traumatology and orthopedics, medical rehabilitation, forensic medicine, neurosurgery, neurology, narcology, psychiatry, logic, philosophy, fundamentals of psychology, medical psychology and etc.

    As you can see, when training a doctor, the main attention is paid to anatomy and physiology, chemistry and, of course, medicine. Modern medicine is a very complex, huge area of ​​natural science, and it turns out that when training a doctor, they practically try to “embrace the immensity.” Accordingly, there is very little time left for the subjects necessary in preparing a psychotherapist (highlighted bold). And on basics of psychotherapy In medical universities, as a rule, hours are not allocated.

    The general impression is that psychologists prepare to work with people, and doctors- with diseases.

    Doctors can prescribe medications, but psychologists cannot. But this is not necessary for psychotherapy.

    Who can become a psychotherapist?

    Today in our country a doctor or psychologist can become a psychotherapist (abroad, social workers and sometimes philosophers also have this opportunity).

    But neither the basic education of a psychologist nor the education of a doctor today, in itself, is sufficient to engage in psychotherapy.

    Psychotherapist is a psychologist or doctor who has continued his education (passed specialization or, as it is officially called in our country, professional retraining) to gain the opportunity to practice in the field psychotherapy.

    Science degree ( candidate or doctor), as well as departmental positions in higher educational institutions ( assistant professor or Professor), by themselves do not indicate anything about qualifications in a practical field. The former testify to achievements in the field of science, the latter – to achievements in the field of teaching in higher educational institutions.

    Psychotherapy was born in the depths of medicine, therefore in its definition it has the word treatment. Psychologists tried to introduce their own term, similar to psychotherapy, - psychocorrection, but it didn’t take root. But the term introduced by psychologists has taken root psychological counseling, which should be understood as short-term psychotherapy (1-7 meetings), as a result of which a certain result should be obtained. Psychological counseling is not a diagnosis at all, it is what we expect from medical consultation(in psychology it is generally not customary to make a diagnosis; there is no particular need or practical sense for this).

    But there is no “just” psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is a general concept. A specific psychotherapy always belongs to some school: psychoanalysis, group analysis, cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, psychodrama, etc.

    Psychotherapy training (specialization, retraining) lasts several years. Any retraining (specialization) that takes several months, of course, cannot inspire confidence. Training in such a seemingly “frivolous” type of psychotherapy as dance, V Institute of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis lasts a total of 4 years.

    How to become a psychoanalytic psychotherapist

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    Make an appointment with a Psychotherapist

    Who is a psychotherapist?

    Psychotherapist is a specialist who has received certification in the specialty of psychotherapy. In turn, psychotherapy is a treatment method that is based on influencing the patient’s body through his psyche. The basis of psychotherapy can be based on medical or psychological education. This means that a psychotherapist must initially graduate from either a medical university or any other major in psychology. After receiving higher education, the future psychotherapist undergoes certification in one of the areas of psychotherapy.

    There are many directions and methods in psychotherapy, but they can be divided into two groups - psychoanalytic and behavioristic ( behavioral).

    The main directions in psychotherapy are:

    • psychodynamic direction;
    • cognitive-behavioral direction;
    • humanitarian direction.

    Psychodynamic direction

    According to this direction in psychotherapy, a person’s inner world is the result of dynamics ( collisions) internal impulses with ideas about reality. Dynamics refers to the movement, interaction and struggle of internal forces. Therefore, psychodynamic psychotherapy understands mental processes as the result of the interaction of internal forces. This approach is based on the hypothesis that the human psyche is a separate world of energy, living and interacting according to its own laws, and these laws are not limited to external factors ( that is, they do not depend on external circumstances). Representatives of this direction are Alfred Adler, Harry Sullivan, Karen Horney. Within this direction, methods such as psychodrama, body-oriented psychotherapy, and analysis are distinguished.

    Cognitive-behavioral ( behavioral) direction

    Proponents of this direction assume that a person’s behavior is based on his ideas about what is happening. That is, how a person sees the outside world and everything that happens in it depends on the type of thinking. At the same time, human thinking is largely shaped by upbringing, training and certain social traditions. Thus, sometimes people use their negative and erroneous thinking to evaluate events that happen.

    Representatives of this movement believe that many problems are the result of erroneous ideas, and these, in turn, arise from erroneous thinking.

    The main goal in behavioral therapy is the formation of correct thinking, which will guarantee an adequate interpretation of events. The main approaches in the cognitive-behavioral direction include Beck's cognitive therapy and Ellis's rational-emotive-behavioral therapy.

    Humanitarian direction

    This direction in psychotherapy is radically different from the previous two. The focus of the direction is not on the concept or the individual, but on interaction ( that is, communication) between psychotherapist and patient. The emphasis is on speech activity.

    All humanistic approaches are based on such human qualities as improvement and self-affirmation. Therefore, the main point is that a person himself is able to improve his life. To do this, you just need to remove some internal obstacles. Also, according to this provision, disease ( mental disorder) develops when the process of achieving a goal is blocked by some circumstances. These circumstances may be relatives, parents or public opinion. Most often, they are the ones who stand in the way of realizing any person’s desires. The task of the psychotherapist in this case is to help the person become what he is capable of.

    How do you become a psychotherapist?

    There are two ways to become a psychotherapist. The main method involves initial medical education. This method is the longest, but also more complete, since it subsequently gives the right to practice pharmacotherapy ( that is, write prescriptions). After graduating from medical university, anyone who wants to become a psychotherapist must undergo an internship ( residency in some countries) with a specialty in psychiatry. The duration of the internship, in contrast to the generally accepted medical education of 6 years, varies from 2 to 5 years. In the post-Soviet space, an internship in psychiatry lasts from 2 to 3 years.
    After graduating from medical university and completing an internship in psychiatry, the future psychotherapist becomes a psychiatrist. The competence of a psychiatrist includes the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental illness. Further, if the psychiatrist wants to practice non-drug treatment methods ( that is, psychotherapeutic), he must take specialized courses. The choice of courses depends on the desired direction in psychotherapy. Thus, today the most popular areas are cognitive behavioral therapy and psychoanalysis.

    The main methods of psychotherapy include:

    • cognitive behavioral therapy;
    • positive therapy;
    • psychoanalysis;
    • family psychotherapy;
    • psychodynamic therapy;
    • interpersonal ( interpersonal) therapy.
    There are qualification courses for each of the above methods. Anyone wishing to practice psychoanalysis must undergo training in psychoanalysis; a specialist in cognitive behavioral therapy must take practical and theoretical courses in behavioral therapy. A psychotherapist may be a specialist in several psychotherapeutic methods at once.

    Courses in cognitive behavioral therapy ( CBT)

    CBT is one of the most effective and scientifically proven methods. Widely used for depressive and anxiety disorders. The requirements for the courses are very high. Thus, according to the European Association for the Accreditation of Cognitive Psychotherapists, training in this method must be at least 5 years. The course must include at least 450 hours of theory and practice, as well as 200 hours of supervision. Supervision refers to clinical practice with a specific set of patients under the supervision of a specialist in the field.

    Training in psychoanalysis

    Psychoanalysis is another method in psychotherapy that was developed by Freud at the end of the nineteenth century. Training in psychoanalysis must also take place on a medical or psychological basis. This is followed by training in the theoretical part of psychoanalysis, which lasts 3 years. The theory ends with a so-called “personal analysis” from a qualified psychoanalyst. Depending on the requirements of various psychoanalytic communities and institutes, this stage can last up to 3 years. The trainee must simultaneously supervise two patients for at least two years. This supervision should be carried out with weekly reports to the supervisor ( the specialist to whom the psychotherapist in training reports).

    Family psychotherapy training

    This type of psychotherapeutic influence is the youngest. It originated in the post-war years of the last century in the United States of America, where it quickly became popular. After this, family psychotherapy quickly spread throughout Western Europe and only recently came to Russia. The peculiarity of this method is that the center of therapy is not one specific person, but the whole family. According to this direction, the treatment of mental disorders is based on the therapy of interpersonal relationships in a group ( in family).

    Positive psychotherapy trainings

    Positive psychotherapy is a relatively new method in psychotherapy. However, over the past decades it has gained worldwide recognition. The training consists of training seminars and a separate theoretical part. The course of study must include 300 hours of theory, 150 hours of practical work, 100 hours of personal therapy and 35 hours of supervision.


    A psychologist-psychotherapist receives a certificate as a psychotherapist based on his psychological education. The main significant difference is that, unlike a psychotherapist, he cannot prescribe pharmacological treatment, that is, write prescriptions. However, this does not prevent him from practicing various methods of psychotherapeutic treatment - from psychoanalysis to interpersonal therapy. At the same time, due to his education, the activities of a psychologist, as a rule, are limited to borderline states - neuroses, depression, increased anxiety. The lack of higher medical education does not allow a psychologist-psychotherapist to delve into endogenous diseases - schizophrenia, bipolar disorders.

    Psychotherapist and psychiatrist, what's the difference?

    Often there is no difference between the two specialties. A psychiatrist is a doctor who graduated from a medical university and internship ( post-graduate education) with a specialty in psychiatry. The competence of a psychiatrist includes the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of all mental disorders.

    The most common mental disorders include:

    • depression– according to experts, this particular disease will take a leading place among all diseases in 10 years;
    • neuroses is a wide group of diseases that includes panic attacks, phobias ( fears), obsessive-compulsive disorder;
    • schizophrenia– pathology characterized by dissociation of thinking processes, the presence of hallucinations and delusions;
    • mental disorders with epilepsy;
    • bipolar disorder– pathology characterized by periods of high and low mood;
    • borderline personality disorder ( Borderlein type) – personality pathology, which is characterized by impulsivity, low self-control, and increased anxiety.
    Psychiatry is a branch of medicine studied by a psychiatrist and psychotherapist, divided into private and general. General psychiatry, also known as psychopathology, studies the general principles of the functioning of the psyche, as well as the principles of the development of diseases. Private psychiatry studies individual diseases. A psychiatrist who practices psychotherapy is called a psychiatrist-psychotherapist. In this case, there is no difference between a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist - both representatives are holders of a medical diploma, they diagnose and treat mental illnesses.

    However, a psychologist – a specialist without a medical education – can also become a psychotherapist. In this case, the difference lies in the boundaries of competence. A psychotherapist without medical education is not competent in making a diagnosis and drug treatment. He can only practice psychotherapeutic methods of treatment, that is, without the influence of drugs. For diagnosis and further treatment, the psychotherapist may recommend contacting a psychiatrist.

    Psychotherapist and hypnosis ( psychologist-hypnologist)

    Hypnosis is a state characterized by high susceptibility to suggestion and sharp focus of attention. This state can be induced either by self-hypnosis or by external suggestion. Contrary to popular belief, hypnosis cannot be induced against a person's will. Also, during hypnosis, the likelihood of false memories is high, which limits the use of this method in treatment. A method of psychotherapy that uses hypnosis is called hypnotherapy. This is one of the oldest methods, because hypnosis was practiced in Ancient Greece.

    Today this method is not as popular as it used to be. It is believed that a person himself must find the cause of his suffering and understand himself. However, some specialists practice it in combination with other methods of psychotherapy.

    Initially, two types of hypnotherapy were known - classical ( she is also directive) and allowing ( Ericksonian). The first uses strict language and instructions ( directives) and is a rather harsh method. Widely used in the treatment of alcohol dependence, developing an aversion to alcohol. This method is popularly known as coding. Hypnotherapy according to the Erickson method is a softer and more gentle method. This method is based on the reproduction of events through images ( pictures). The method can be used in the treatment of fears, neuroses, and anxiety states.

    What does a psychotherapist treat?

    A psychotherapist is competent to cover a wide range of mental illnesses - from depression to alcohol addiction. Sometimes psychotherapists specialize in certain aspects. For example, a psychotherapist who works primarily with patients who have been abused or are experiencing an acute crisis situation. As a rule, the area in which a psychotherapist works is determined by his specialization. Thus, specialists in cognitive therapy most often work with neuroses and post-traumatic disorders, psychoanalysts - with psychosomatic diseases.

    Pathologies that a psychotherapist works with include:
    • depression;
    • panic attacks and anxiety;
    • addictions - alcohol, gaming;
    • post-traumatic disorders;
    • psychosomatic diseases.


    According to experts, in a few decades, depression will become the most common disease. It is already one of the main causes of disability and the main cause of suicide.

    Today, more than 300 million people suffer from depressive disorders of varying severity. Every year, more than 800,000 people with depression commit suicide. The most tragic thing in this aspect is that the disease affects the young working population. Moreover, in recent decades, depression has become increasingly common among children and adolescents.

    Sometimes, to cope with this condition, people begin to resort to alcohol and drugs. Initially, both alcohol and psychostimulants cause mild euphoria, and people think that this is how they have overcome the disease. However, severe depression develops very quickly due to use, because alcohol and most drugs are strong depressants ( causing depression) substances.

    According to the protocol, mild and moderate depression is currently treated exclusively with psychotherapy without the use of drugs. The most effective and scientifically proven method in treating depression is cognitive behavioral therapy ( CBT). The main goal of CBT for depression is to develop new perspectives on the current situation.

    The stages of overcoming depression in CBT are:

    • Formation of self-knowledge skills. Before this, it is necessary to accurately identify the problem and events that preceded the development of depression.
    • Training and relaxation. Various types of techniques will help cope with increased anxiety at its peak.
    • Increasing the number of enjoyable events. It is necessary to create a balance between negative and positive events.
    • Confidence training. Initially, it is necessary to identify events in the patient’s life that precede the feeling of uncertainty, after which the development and training of confidence occurs.
    • Formation of social connections. Withdrawal, isolation and social avoidance always go hand in hand with depression. It is necessary to maximize those activities that lead to socialization ( for example, going to the cinema with friends), and reduce those activities that interfere with this ( for example, watching TV).
    For severe depressive conditions, complex therapy is recommended, combining both psychotherapy and medication. The drugs of choice for depression are antidepressants from the group of serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Drugs that combine several mechanisms are also used.

    Antidepressants used in the treatment of depression


    Mechanism of action

    How to use?


    Has a pronounced anti-anxiety effect. Used for depression, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder.

    The starting dose is 50 milligrams ( one tablet) per day. The drug is used once, in the morning.

    Further, the dosage depends on the specific clinical case. For anxious depression, the dose is 100 milligrams ( 2 tablets), once a day. For obsessive-compulsive disorder, it can reach 150 milligrams ( 3 tablets).


    It has a pronounced activating effect and is used for depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and bulimia.

    The initial dose varies from 10 to 20 milligrams per day. Then the dosage is gradually increased to 40 milligrams. The maximum dose is 60 – 80 milligrams per day. The drug is also used once, in the first half of the day.


    Has anti-anxiety and sedative effect. It is used for anxious depression accompanied by agitation and insomnia.

    The initial dose is 75 milligrams per day. Then it is increased weekly by 75 milligrams. The maximum dose is 375 milligrams per day, the dose is divided into 2 to 3 doses.

    Panic attacks and anxiety

    As a rule, increased anxiety occurs in the context of depression. Some experts in the field argue that there is no depression without anxiety and anxiety without depression. However, there are clinical cases where both panic attacks and anxiety occur in isolation.

    Psychotherapy is also recommended for panic attacks. However, most often it occurs in parallel with drug treatment. If anxiety is expressed to the maximum, then the psychotherapist initially recommends only drug treatment. If he has a medical education, then he can prescribe medications himself. If he has received certification based on psychological education, then he will not be able to prescribe medications. In this case, consultation with a psychiatrist is also recommended. After the anxiety subsides and it is possible to fully cooperate with the patient, psychotherapy sessions are prescribed. Behavioral therapy is also recommended for panic attacks and increased anxiety.

    Addictions - alcohol, gaming, drugs

    Psychotherapists also work with various types of addictions - drug, alcohol, gaming. It is important to realize that people are not born with these defects, but acquire them for various reasons. Most often this is an “escape” into some kind of addiction. Being severely depressed or experiencing a severe crisis situation, many try to drown out mental pain with alcohol or drugs. There are also cases when people try to control their emotions with the help of alcohol or drugs. This is observed in borderline personality disorders ( Borderlein type) or bipolar disorder. These pathologies are manifested by sudden changes in mood, euphoria and outbursts of anger. At these moments, patients may begin to drink, use drugs and gamble.
    Motivational and interpersonal therapy, as well as hypnosis, are widely used for addiction.

    Post-traumatic stress disorder

    Post-traumatic stress disorder ( PTSD) is a mental illness manifested by a complex of symptoms, which, in turn, developed as a result of a stressful situation. This disorder should not be confused with an acute stress reaction. In this case, there is also fear, anxiety, panic attacks and insomnia. However, the reaction is present in the first days after stressful events. PTSD develops a year or more after stress. The key distinguishing feature is the presence of intrusive memories of a past event that periodically pop up in a person’s mind ( flashback).
    Psychotherapy will help you overcome established fear and get rid of obsessive thoughts. Psychotherapy sessions are aimed at developing the ability of patients to accept the realities of life and create certain behavioral models. A common technique for PTSD is the flood method, as well as eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. In the first case, the patient creates a picture of past events in his memory and is completely immersed in it. The second method was invented by psychotherapist Shapiro specifically for the treatment of PTSD. It involves the patient focusing on disturbing memories and at the same time on alternative stimulation coming from the psychotherapist. This may include guided eye movements, auditory stimuli, or hand pats. At the same time, the psychotherapist asks what associations arose in the patient at this moment. The main point in this case is to maintain double attention - on personal experiences and on alternative stimuli.

    Psychosomatic diseases

    Psychosomatic diseases are pathologies in which the human psyche plays a key role, while it is manifested exclusively by physical symptoms. Translated from Greek, “psycho” means soul, and “somato” means body, which literally means mental and physical illness.

    Psychosomatic diseases include:

    • neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis;
    For psychosomatic diseases, a variety of psychotherapy methods are used. The most popular are suggestive techniques - auto-training and hypnosis.

    Child psychotherapist

    A child psychotherapist is a specialist who is competent in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders in persons from 3 to 18 years of age. Like an adult specialist, a child psychotherapist can initially be either a doctor or a psychologist. However, due to the fact that child psychopathology is more complex and specific, child psychotherapists, as a rule, are also doctors. Most often, child psychotherapists practice cognitive behavioral therapy. This method has proven itself more than others in the correction of mental disorders in children. Child psychotherapists also practice interpersonal and psychodynamic therapy - methods that have proven effective for borderline disorders.

    The most common mental illnesses in children include:
    • anxiety;
    • obsessive-compulsive disorder;
    • depression;
    • suicidal behavior;
    • borderline disorder ( Borderlein type).
    Autism is the most common childhood mental pathology. According to various estimates, the frequency varies from 7 to 14 percent per thousand children. On average, this equates to 1 case of autism per 150 children or ( in case of 14 percent) 1 case of autism in 68 children. Also today, this developmental anomaly is one of the four most common diseases among children. The diagnosis of autism is made by a psychiatrist. A scientifically proven method of early intervention for autism is applied therapy, best known by the acronym AAA. This therapy is based on the development and further development of basic skills in autistic children ( self-service, writing, play). This method can be practiced by a specialist who has undergone special training. This does not have to be a doctor or psychotherapist. As a rule, AAA therapy specialists are child psychologists who have been trained in this field.

    Anxiety disorders are no less common in children. They can take the form of panic attacks, nightmares, and bedwetting. Treatment of anxiety disorders often requires not only psychotherapeutic treatment, but also medication. For this purpose, the psychotherapist ( if it's a doctor) may recommend anti-anxiety medications.

    Obsessive-compulsive disorder belongs to the category of neuroses and occurs mainly among adolescents. This disorder manifests itself through obsessive thoughts and ritual-type actions. The most common rituals are hand washing and touching certain things with your hands. Treatment for this disorder is usually complex and includes both medications and psychotherapy.

    In recent decades, depression and suicidal behavior have become increasingly common among children and adolescents. According to recent studies, treatment for mild and moderate forms of depression is limited exclusively to psychotherapy and only for severe depressive episodes are medications prescribed. There are several explanations for this. Most antidepressants produce atypical effects in adolescents and young adults under 25 years of age. The most dangerous side effect is the inversion of affect and the induction of suicidal behavior. Thus, instead of normalizing the emotional background, antidepressants provoke outbursts of anger and suicidal thoughts. This side effect can be caused by any antidepressant, but most often it is induced by antidepressants from the group of serotonin reuptake inhibitors (serotonin reuptake inhibitors). paroxetine, fluoxetine).

    Another argument in favor of psychotherapy for depression in adolescents is the fact that most psychotropic drugs are age-limited. There is only a small group of drugs that are approved for use in children ( for example, sertraline, which can be prescribed from 6 years of age).

    There is also no standard medication treatment regimen for borderline disorders. Borderline disorders or Borderlein type disorders are no less common today and are characterized primarily by low self-control. In the clinical picture of such adolescents, self-destructive behavior comes to the fore - they injure themselves, cut themselves. The gold standard for treating this disorder is interpersonal therapy.

    Psychotherapist for neurosis

    A psychotherapist is the main specialist who treats patients with neuroses. The disease itself is a mental disorder in which the patient remains depressed for a long time, accompanied by causeless crying, anxiety, and resentment. A person with neurosis complains of emotional and physical exhaustion, increased sensitivity to external stimuli ( loud sounds, bright lights, minor problems).

    Stages of treatment with a psychotherapist

    Psychotherapy for neurosis pursues a number of goals that are achieved in several stages. The sequence and methods of achievement are determined individually, depending on the form of neurosis and other factors.

    The following stages of psychotherapy for neurosis are distinguished:

    • Determining the type of disease. Neurosis has a large number of manifestations and in some patients it can provoke mild anxiety, while in others it can provoke a severe disturbance of both mental and physical well-being. The treatment strategy depends on the type of disease, so this stage is the first and one of the most important in the treatment of neuroses.
    • Determining the cause. Neurosis can be triggered by one specific event ( often this is the loss of a loved one, an accident, dismissal from work), as well as a number of unfavorable circumstances. Determining the cause, along with establishing the form of the disease, is the main factor that the psychotherapist focuses on when drawing up a treatment plan.
    • Eliminate symptoms. In some cases, manifestations of neurosis are so strong and constant that they prevent a person from working and greatly complicate relationships with others. Therefore, during psychotherapy, the doctor teaches the patient techniques that help him cope with anxiety and other symptoms of the disease. Sometimes the doctor prescribes special medications.
    • Correction of patient behavior. This stage is one of the longest in the treatment of neurosis. Using various techniques, the doctor helps the patient change his attitude towards the problem or situation that caused the disorder.
    • Correction of some personality traits of the patient. As a rule, neuroses are diagnosed in patients who have similar character traits. Such people are characterized by increased suspiciousness, suggestibility, and lack of self-confidence. In order to prevent relapses ( re-exacerbation) illness in the future, the doctor works to correct the patient’s character traits.

    Methods of psychotherapy for neurosis

    There are many psychotherapeutic techniques that can be used to help a patient with neurosis. Most often, not one, but several methods are used in treatment. They can be carried out sequentially or in parallel to each other.

    For neurosis, the following methods of psychotherapy can be used:

    • Behavioral therapy. The purpose of such sessions is to correct the patient's behavior in situations that provoke neurosis or may do so in the future. The doctor also teaches the patient self-control skills so that he can cope with stress and negative circumstances.
    • Cognitive psychotherapy. This method is often used in conjunction with behavioral therapy. The doctor’s task is to identify destructive attitudes and correct them. An example of such an attitude would be the patient's belief that he should never make mistakes. In this case, the psychotherapist works to correct this statement so that the patient realizes that making mistakes is not a reason for strong negative emotions, since all people make mistakes.
    • Hypnotherapy. Hypnosis helps the doctor determine the cause of neurosis ( for example, when the patient does not remember some important details of the situation that provoked the disorder). Hypnotherapy is also used to correct the patient’s behavioral model - in a state of hypnotic trance, new rules of behavior are instilled in him ( for example, “I stop feeling anxious”).
    • Personal psychotherapy. This treatment is indicated for patients who feel dissatisfied with themselves or surrounding circumstances without objective reasons. The psychotherapist helps the patient form a positive perception of his personality and current events. Personal psychotherapy sessions are also conducted for cases of self-doubt, excessive emotionality, and suspiciousness.
    • Relaxation techniques. This area of ​​psychotherapy includes meditation techniques, breathing exercises and other activities that help the patient get rid of stress and anxiety.

    Family psychotherapist

    Family psychotherapy is the youngest direction among all psychotherapeutic schools. According to this direction, the cause of certain symptoms is interpersonal relationships in the family. The object of therapy in this case is the family. It is a single organism consisting of various elements. It is important to understand that problems are not the result of an individual ( family member), and the relationship with him.

    The whole family comes to an appointment with a family psychotherapist, even if there are family members who are not bothered by anything. The problems with which people turn to a family therapist can be very different - from banal difficulties with children to divorce.

    Problems that can be addressed to a family therapist include:

    • behavioral problems in children;
    • conflicts between relatives;
    • fears, phobias in one of the family members;
    • problems in the relationship between husband and wife;
    • various addictions - alcohol, drugs, gaming.
    From the point of view of a family psychotherapist, a family is a single organism that exists and develops according to its own laws. Each family has its own functioning. And each participant in this union is affected differently by this space. Thus, any symptom is the result of the functioning of all family members.
    The main “root of evil” in any family is the so-called misunderstanding. This is where daily quarrels and scandals, betrayals, problems with alcohol and drugs grow. The result of a sick family atmosphere is that the children tend to bear the brunt. Unconsciously, they begin to “save” the situation in the family with their behavior. Most often they start to get sick ( "flight into illness"), thus trying on relatives around you. Children may also exhibit antisocial behavior, aggression, or express themselves in other ways.

    Goals of family psychotherapy

    The main goal of family psychotherapy, of course, is to preserve the family. But this does not lead to the conclusion that this method helps resolve only family conflicts. Very often there are no open conflicts in families, that is, ordinary quarrels and abuse. However, they involve constant betrayal, addiction and, as mentioned above, often sick children.

    The main goals of a family psychotherapist are:

    • overcoming family conflicts;
    • elimination of unhealthy relationships between spouses, between parents and children;
    • family preservation;
    • entering into a new relationship after divorce.
    Of course, the main task of a family therapist is to prevent divorce. However, unfortunately, this is not always possible. However, even in this case, it is important to resolve the existing intrafamily conflict and make the breakup less painful. After all, it happens that after a divorce, constant mental pain and resentment do not allow you to start a new relationship. The reason for this is unresolved previous relationships, because it is impossible to start something new when the burden of the past is behind you. It is precisely family psychotherapy that helps to break up correctly and end the relationship without subsequent obsessive thoughts about the past.

    Family psychotherapy also helps to change or strengthen the values ​​of each person in the family. By recognizing the value and importance of each member, the family will function in harmony and harmony. So, after qualified support, everyone will be able to feel positive changes both in themselves and around them.

    Principles and methods of family psychotherapy

    Since family psychotherapy solves a very wide range of problems, it uses a variety of methods and practices.

    Family psychotherapy methods include:

    • Family discussions, during which existing problems are discussed. The psychotherapist acts as an observer and mediator, using the technique of active silence, confrontation, and paraphrasing.
    • Role-playing games, during which the roles of each family member are played. The peculiarity of this technique is that family members are given a specific task. For example, a psychotherapist puts forward a version of his son’s misdeed and demands from other family members as many versions as possible to justify this action.
    • “Family sculpture” technique. Family members create a frozen pose for each other, while playing out emotions, movements, and favorite poses.
    • Conditioned communication technique. The psychotherapist introduces a new element into the family dialogue. This could be a communication rule, an exchange of notes, or a color signal ( each color symbolizes an emotion). The purpose of this technique is to correct habitual conflicts ( violations).
    • Directives ( or instructions). Specific and direct instructions from the psychotherapist regarding certain actions. This may be a directive to change your place of residence or to live separately. Directives can be of three options. The first option is to do something, the second is to do something differently, and the third is not to do what was previously done.
    The most common technique in family psychotherapy is family discussion. It provides an opportunity to discuss existing misunderstandings and, most importantly, to give everyone a voice. The purpose of the discussion is not at all to assert that one is right, but to jointly find the truth. Many family therapists note that in many individual families, family members agree on the same opinion. However, once they get together, their opinions change and take diametrical positions. That is why an important point in the practice of a family psychotherapist is training family members in discussion methods.

    Reception ( consultation) from a psychotherapist

    You must make an appointment in advance to see a psychotherapist in most centers. As a rule, an individual consultation lasts 45–50 minutes, family psychotherapy can last up to 2 hours. The appointment begins with clarifying the main complaints and problems. This is not always possible to find out right away. Often, a person coming to an appointment needs to establish contact with a psychotherapist before opening up to him. In turn, the psychotherapist must find out what the visiting patient expects from therapy.

    Help from a psychotherapist

    The help of a psychotherapist consists in resolving and overcoming the problems with which the patient comes to him. Once the main problems have been identified, further treatment tactics are determined. It should immediately be noted that psychotherapy is a long and labor-intensive process. As a rule, no specialist will initially tell you how many sessions are needed. This is explained by the fact that initially it takes time to establish a certain emotional contact between the specialist and the patient. Further, during therapy, other problems may “reveal”, which will also have to be worked on later. In general, psychotherapy is divided into short and long. The first can last several months, while the second drags on for years.

    Types of help that a psychotherapist can provide include:

    • Help in a crisis situation- that is, to survive an acute crisis period. This could be an acute reaction to stress, difficulties with adaptation, and so on. People behave differently in different stressful situations. The degree of the reaction depends on the functioning of the nervous system - some may exhibit acute psychotic reactions, while others tolerate the cataclysm outwardly calmly, but then develop post-stress disorder. Consulting a psychotherapist will help you cope with an acute reaction, be it a natural disaster or a family turmoil.
    • Help for post-stress disorders, or PTSD for short. A disorder that can develop from a single or repeated traumatic situation. PTSD develops no earlier than 3 months after the injury. Any stressful situation can act as a trauma - sexual violence, physical

    What makes people wondering about professional activities choose psychotherapy? As practice shows, most often such a desire is formed among those who have experienced mental suffering, among those who wish to better understand themselves and others. But before we talk about how to become a psychotherapist, let's consider what this concept implies. The profession of a psychotherapist involves the diagnosis and subsequent treatment of mental disorders, and the treatment does not involve pharmaceuticals. However, in some cases, psychotherapy may not be an independent method, but an additional method that enhances the effect of previously prescribed drug treatment.

    You can’t become a therapist just like that – you have to learn to do it

    Today, modern psychotherapy has over 400 methods of influence, including hypnosis, simple relaxation, and psycho-gymnastics. At the same time, this area of ​​medicine is divided into non-medical and medical. In the first case, treatment is carried out by a psychologist, in the second - by a psychotherapist, and in both cases psychological technologies are involved. However, what is the difference between the two specialists??

    The fact is that training in psychotherapy involves subsequent work with people susceptible to mental pathologies, and requires mandatory medical education. The solution of mental problems is entrusted to the shoulders of a psychologist, and in this case medical education is not mandatory. It should also be noted that the profession in question is far beyond the scope of medicine alone, since a significant place is devoted to the humanitarian component.

    Before you think about how to become a psychotherapist, what steps to take to obtain this title, you should understand that this science is not a simple set of technologies, since it involves the creation of an emotional connection between the victim and the doctor. Only empathy allows you to create the required mood, which implies personal inclusion in the healing process.

    You should also understand what the responsibilities of a specialist and the requirements for him include:

    • the psychotherapist receives patients and consults them;
    • determines primary diagnoses;
    • conducts group, individual or family therapy;
    • in this case, it is necessary to have a higher medical education, specialty “Psychotherapy”;
    • a valid certificate is required;
    • Experience is required to provide quality services.

    Psychotherapy for addictions

    Modern psychotherapy provides a huge number of methods; hypnosis, behavioral training, auto-training, personality-oriented or rational methods can be used to treat the victim. There are other methods of influence, each of which is selected individually by a specialist. But no matter what combination of techniques is used, success is achieved only if the patient completely trusts the doctor. Moreover, everything is interconnected - trust begins to strengthen with the positive results that treatment gives.

    Auto-trainings are actively used as one of the methods of psychotherapy

    Psychotherapy for addictions can include all of these methods. A specialist who deals with patients with alcohol, drug, gaming and other addictions is free to choose the required approach, based on his own worldview, his character and interests, ideas about this branch of science, but most often it is used:

    • neurolinguistic programming;
    • Gestalt therapy;
    • technology, psychosynthesis;
    • Ericksonian hypnosis;
    • psychoanalysis and others.

    The main task in this case is to influence the patient after completion of detoxification in such a way that he changes his own view of the surrounding reality and accepts the fact that it is necessary to live a full life in society. Patients often ask the question: if it is possible to encode and suppress painful cravings with one injection, why conduct psychotherapy for addiction? Meanwhile, any addiction is a systemic disorder that affects:

    • physical;
    • spiritual;
    • social;
    • psychological aspects of life.

    Violations are interconnected; they support and strengthen each other, forming feedback. There is a deterioration in the quality of life, the emergence of social problems - loss of work and loved ones. Depression and anxiety develop, and the painful attraction to a forbidden source intensifies. Addictions can develop over many years, so it is not always possible to solve the problem in one session.

    In any addiction, self-sustaining mechanisms operate, which makes it necessary to carry out multifaceted work to eliminate the problem.

    Addiction psychotherapy training

    Many institutes of Psychology and Psychotherapy offer the study of psychotherapy for addictions. Training can be conducted for psychologists, consultants, social workers - anyone who is thinking about professional growth and wants to work effectively with addictions. Psychotherapy courses of this kind consist of special programs consisting of several cycles.

    Information blocks are combined with interactive teaching methods, since this approach, according to statistics, is the most effective way to provide skills and knowledge. The courses are conducted by certified practicing therapists; the developed programs include all aspects necessary for subsequent successful work with all kinds of addictions:

    1. Diagnosis of pathologies, consideration of the causes and course of diseases.
    2. Features of the addict’s behavior, features of interaction with him.
    3. The impact of psychogenic factors on the development of addiction.
    4. Building contact and building motivation for healing.
    5. Ways to build interaction with the patient’s family, the role of loved ones in the clinical picture of pathology, in recovery.
    6. Consideration of available models of addiction therapy, construction of the rehabilitation process.
    7. Team interaction, ethical standards, group processes.
    8. Forms of group activity.
    9. Methods and techniques most often used in addiction therapy. Most often, they consider the techniques of the Jungian approach, psychodrama and art therapy, the available opportunities and possible limitations when working with patients.

    A good therapist should be able to work with groups

    Distance learning opportunity

    Quite often the question arises as to whether it is possible to conduct training in psychotherapy remotely and where they study to become a psychotherapist. The answer in this case is positive; many prestigious institutions that have the appropriate certificates provide full-fledged training, providing a Diploma of Professional Training upon completion. Typically, effective training requires compliance with certain technical requirements. In particular, certain equipment is required:

    • A personal computer of a certain configuration.
    • Dedicated Internet line.
    • Headphones, microphone and webcam for video conferencing.
    • Display with a certain resolution.
    • A specific operating system.
    • Internet browser with stable operation.
    • Installed Skype and AdobeFlashPlayer.

    The proposed training scheme includes basic courses according to the chosen methodology, consisting of semesters with a certain number of academic hours. During the learning process, students are provided with video materials, access to which is provided around the clock. At certain times, seminars with practical exercises and analysis of problematic places in lecture materials are held.

    During the training process, for an additional fee, students can get the opportunity to attend international conferences, lectures by recognized analysts, and practical seminars outside the course. At the end of the training, graduates are provided with a final qualified work. There are also certain requirements for applicants - these include having a higher education and a preliminary online interview with distance learning specialists.

    Where is it taught and what steps should you take?

    Now let's talk about how to study to become a psychotherapist. You should also find out where to study to become a psychotherapist. These two questions are interrelated, the answer to them is quite clear - to obtain the profession of a psychotherapist, you must enter a medical university with a specialty in General Medicine and graduate from it, after which postgraduate training is carried out in the specialty in question. As for what subjects need to be taken to become a psychotherapist, usually the entrance exams to a medical university require the native language, chemistry, and, without fail, biology, after which specialization in psychiatry is carried out.

    If you are serious enough, the first step is to obtain a bachelor's degree in psychology. However, graduate school admits those who have a bachelor's degree in other fields, subject to certain achievements. In particular, we are talking about those who received education in the field of sociology, education and health care.

    Those who want to study to become a psychotherapist need to enroll in a university to major in General Medicine.

    The duration of study and preliminary preparation for obtaining a certain degree may vary; after choosing educational programs that will suit interests and needs, it is necessary to discuss possible options with specialists. A good approach is to prepare questions in advance regarding specific training requirements.