Felitsyn Evgeny Dmitrievich - biography. Russian Scientist Cartographer Archaeologist Geologist Military Figure

V.V. Naumenko, applicant for the Department of Theory and History of Culture
Krasnodar State University of Culture and Arts

This essay is the collective work of Honored Cultural Worker of Kuban N.A. Korsakova, senior researcher at the Krasnodar State Historical and Archaeological Museum-Reserve named after. E.D. Felitsyn and applicant for the Department of Theory and History of Culture of the Krasnodar State University of Culture and Arts V.V. Naumenko. Dedicated to the life and work of a prominent representative regional culture E.D. Felitsyn, this work is perhaps the first attempt to summarize the most interesting milestones of his life.

The brochure is addressed to everyone who is interested in the problems of regional science and culture, as well as the life and work of its prominent representatives.

Dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of E.D. Felitsyn
and the 120th anniversary of the Krasnodar State Historical and Archaeological Museum-Reserve named after. E.D. Felitsyn

"Let the memory of this forever true patriot
The Kuban region lives and serves as a model for high
scientific labor activity"
V. M. Sysoev

Biography pages

On threshold of XXI century, we are returning to many forgotten names and trying to understand what we have lost and what can still be preserved. In the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries in Russia, not only in large centers, but in many provincial places the interest of the local intelligentsia in studying the history of their region and creating museums that became centers of cultural and scientific life increased.

The history of the Cossacks is part of the history that makes up the greatness of Russia. During last centuries feats of arms Cossacks were woven into a wreath of Russian glory. The Kuban Cossacks gave the Fatherland many famous public figures, scientists, wonderful people of its time. Evgeny Dmitrievich Felitsyn, an officer of the Kuban Cossack army, was one of the first archaeologists, statisticians, historians, researchers North Caucasus.

The historian was born on March 5, 1848 in a military family, and received his education at the Tiflis Military School, which in the 19th century gave Russia an excellent galaxy of military intelligentsia. In 1873, he was sent to the Ekaterinodar Cavalry Regiment with the rank of cornet and in the same year he was seconded to the headquarters of the Kuban Cossack Army. A year later he was assigned to the village of Severskaya. Felitsyn subsequently served as an officer in special assignments Kuban military headquarters. In 1877, he was assigned to the combined Khoper-Kuban regiment, which was part of the Marukh detachment, with which he took part in the campaign against the Turks to Sukhum. At the end of the war, the detachment was disbanded, and Felitsyn again returned to his post. From this time began his many years of official and social activity, tireless work on studying history Kuban region. Evgeniy Dimitrievich devoted all his free time to peaceful pursuits - the study of history. He is the author of more than 100 works on the history of the North Caucasus.

Felitsyn’s entire career in the military department was completely uneventful; it was combined with such peaceful pursuits as a passion for history, archeology and collecting antiquities. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, he did not strive for advancement in military service, “I didn’t seek any distinctions or awards, I couldn’t stand being scolded by my superiors, nor could I scold others.”

In 1896, he received the rank of military sergeant major and ended his military career. Knowing Felitsyn’s passion, he was always assigned tasks, the implementation of which required a thorough knowledge of the history of the region. His attitude to civil duties and the life he lived give grounds to say that he behaved with dignity, as befits a military man on the battlefield, with a sense of high duty, honor and self-sacrifice.

The historian lived in Yekaterinodar, rented an apartment on Borzikovskaya Street (now Kommunarov) and in the village of Severskaya, where he had a small plot of land. The farm was poorly managed, there was not enough time to do it, and the estate was sold to cover debts. Kindness, responsiveness, and the desire to help have always distinguished Felitsyn, according to the recollections of his contemporaries. Best student He supported the village of Severskaya at his own expense. Contemporaries wrote that Evgeniy Dmitrievich lived a very secluded life. At first glance, he had a stern appearance, but anyone could offend him, and he could offend no one.

For many years, a great friendship connected him with the Kuban historian Fyodor Shcherbina. In the preface of the book “The History of the Kuban Cossack Army,” Shcherbina writes that without Felitsyn’s help he would not have been able to write his work. Together with him they published the book “Kuban Cossack Army. 1696-1888”. It was solemnly presented to the heir, Tsarevich Nicholas, and printed for the arrival of the emperor. Alexandra III to Ekaterinodar in September 1888.

F.A. Shcherbina wrote in his memoirs in exile: “It would not have been published, much less handed to the tsar, if there had not been two Cossacks at the head of the Kuban army: ataman G.A. Leonov and the Kuban - right hand ataman - Yesaul Felitsyn." The historian was not afraid then to defend the disgraced Shcherbina and refuse the reward - gold cufflinks, because Shcherbina was not nominated for the award.

Felitsyn is a gifted person. He loved music, played many instruments, including the harmonium, which was popular at the beginning of the 20th century, and wrote musical works himself. He owns the polka “Joke”, “Swallow”, the magnificent “Kuban Mazurka”, “Kuban Military March”, written for the 100th anniversary of the granting of the Charter to the Kuban Land by Empress Catherine II to the Black Sea Army, the waltz “Inspiration” and others. Many of his musical works are dedicated to the unknown Ekaterinodar Evdokia Sheremeteva, for example, the waltz “Greetings from the shores of Kuban”. His works were performed by regimental orchestras.

His love for nature and his enthusiastic attitude towards its greatness and beauty contributed to his passion for photography. He captured many beautiful corners of the Kuban nature, historical places and monuments in his photographs. Some unique photographs of the city of Ekaterinodar at the end of the 19th century were published in his works and the works of Kuban researchers, and many with views of the nature of the Batalpashinsky department, dolmens, settlements, and monuments are now stored in the funds of the Krasnodar Historical Museum.

Charitable and social activities occupied a large place in Felitsyn’s life. In 1879, he became the head of the Kuban Statistical Committee, which he created. For eight years he was secretary of the board of the Ekaterinodar Charitable Society; For three years he acted as observer of printing houses, libraries and book trade in the Kuban region and the Black Sea province.

In 1883, as part of a commission established in Yekaterinodar, he participated in the discussion of the Novorossiysk project railway. For 13 years, from 1879 to 1892, Felitsyn edited the unofficial section of the newspaper Kuban Regional Gazette, where interesting materials on history and ethnography were published. In the 80s, Felitsyn devoted a lot of energy and time to work on the committee for the extermination of locusts, which, like a fire, destroyed crops and gardens and caused colossal damage to agriculture. He published articles by the famous entomologist K. Lindemann and organized his visit to Kuban in May 1882. His study “Harmful Insects of the Kuban Region” was published by him in the “Kuban Collection”. In 1886, he took part in the congress of governors of the South of Russia from the Kuban region in the city of Odessa, which was dedicated to the issues of combating locusts.

In 1892, Evgeniy Dmitrievich was appointed chairman of the Caucasian Archaeographic Commission in Tiflis. On February 22, a farewell dinner was held in the building of the Public Assembly, where toasts and speeches were made in honor of those departing from such important mission. The orchestra of the Ekaterinodar Cavalry Regiment, in which Felitsyn was a member, played marches and waltzes composed by the historian. At the Ekaterinodar station, his friends warmly escorted him to his new assignment.

For his fruitful public activities, he was elected an honorary member of the Stavropol and Kuban regional statistical committees, the society of lovers of studying the Kuban region, and a full member of the Moscow Archaeological Society; Imperial Society of Lovers of Natural History, Anthropology and Ethnography; Imperial, Odessa Society of History and Antiquities; Caucasian Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society; Tauride Scientific Archival Commission; member of the St. Petersburg Russian Archaeological Society, Society of Lovers of Ancient Literature.

"A worker who is far from the main centers of science
single-handed labor, with insignificant means
accumulated the necessary material to create the sacred edifice of science."
(Proceedings of the V Archaeological Congress in Tiflis. M., 1887).

Living chronicle of the Caucasus

His career did not play a major role in his life; moreover, his position as E.D. Felitsyn used it exclusively in the interests of the cause - a comprehensive study of the Kuban, to which he devoted all his strength. He perfectly knew the history and geography of the region, archeology and ethnography, cartography, and studied geology, botany and mineralogy. Felitsyn is an exceptional worker; he could always be found at work; the productivity of his work amazed his contemporaries. The amazing speed of his work was well known to local archivists, who “sent him files by cart and received them back a day later.” In September 1875, a Committee was created in Vladikavkaz, chaired by the head of the Terek region, to raise funds for the first monument to M.Yu. Lermontov in Russia. In 1878, the committee entrusted the collection of donations in the Kuban region to Felitsyn, who successfully carried out this work. On August 16, 1889, a monument to the poet was unveiled in Pyatigorsk. The author of this monument is Academician A.M. Opekushin. Evgeniy Dmitrievich is present at the opening of the monument and gives information in the newspaper. In the fall of 1879, he made a trip to Taman, where he carried out extensive research work on Lermontov’s stay. He made drawings and a description of the Cossack Mysnik’s hut, where the poet stayed; these materials were published by Lermontov’s first biographer P.A. Viskovatov. The historian’s research helped in 1976 in creating the historical and ethnographic exhibition of the M.Yu. Lermontov Museum in Taman. With his modest education, Evgeniy Dmitrievich, through persistent, unquenchable work, achieved that his works were recognized by scientists and scientific societies. Contemporaries wrote: “Being far from the main centers of science, by single-handed labor, with insignificant means, he was able to accumulate the necessary material to create the sacred edifice of science and become the encyclopedia of the Caucasus, its living chronicle.”

In 1890, on the 50th anniversary of the defense of the Mikhailovsky fortification, Felitsyn published an essay about the feat of the Russian soldier Arkhip Osipov, who blew up a powder magazine while defending the fortress and, at the cost of his life, deprived the enemy of weapons. Since 1892, Felitsyn has been carrying out tremendous work as Chairman of the Caucasian Archaeographic Commission. During this period, working in Tiflis, he put in order the collections collected by his predecessors. historical materials on the history of the Caucasus, publishes Volume XII documents, which included unique documents on the North Caucasus. He studied not only the archive in Tiflis, but also the archives of Ekaterinodar and Stavropol. The main advantage of Felitsyn's works lies in their thoroughness and reliability. Scientists, local historians, and everyone who cherishes the historical past of their people turned to him for information. And he was ready to help everyone in word and deed: He willingly shared his immense knowledge, gave valuable information, supplied books from his library, collected materials.

While studying the history of the settlement of the Kuban region and the Black Sea coast, Felitsyn also knew the past fate of the Kuban Cossacks and mountain peoples. In an effort to understand ancient history peoples inhabiting the North Caucasus, he was very enthusiastically engaged in the archeology of the region, identifying, describing and collecting archaeological sites. In 1879, he discovered in Ekaterinodar and sent to Moscow two Greek plates, considered already lost to science, on which were listed the names of Leukon, the king of the Sinds and Xenoclides (IV century BC). At the beginning of the 19th century, they were found by the Cossacks and until 1846 were kept in the church of the village of Akhtanizovskaya. The Kuban historian’s research in the field of archeology was highly appreciated by the V Archaeological Congress, held in Tiflis in September 1881, in the preparation of which he took part. At this congress, he made a proposal to create an archaeological map of Russia in order to prevent predatory excavations and the loss of ancient monuments.

Felitsyn is the author of a unique archaeological map of antiquities of the Kuban region with the designation of monuments with signs approved by the Stockholm Archaeological Congress. This was the first archaeological map in Russia, and it remains so today. The map is kept in the funds of the Krasnodar Historical Museum. It was published in 1882 by the Imperial Moscow Archaeological Society. The map shows the places where burial mounds, ancient Christian temples and chapels, Mohammedan chapels, stone statues, tombs, and dolmens are located. Felitsyn retained his interest in archeology until last days life. He traveled throughout the Kuban region. He excavated several mounds; he was the first to describe dolmens, ancient Christian temples and stone women. In February 1879, at the Polytechnic Museum (Moscow), he performed with a brilliant scientific report"Kuban Antiquities: Dolmens - Heroic Houses", was warmly received by the audience. Dolmens can still be found in the Kuban and foothills. “Looking at the huge slabs of these monuments,” wrote Felitsyn, “one had to wonder how they were brought here by unarmed human hands?”/. Felitsyn examined and described more than 700 megalithic tombs; in many he discovered burials, large bones of domestic animals, fragments of clay vessels, bronze rings and spears. In some places, patterns in the form of zigzags were carved on the internal, carefully processed surfaces of the slabs. The historian kept a detailed journal of excavations, on the basis of which the book “Western Caucasian Dolmens” was later written.

In the spring of 1888, near the village of Krymskaya, residents discovered a stone tomb in the collapsed mound of Karagodeuashkh. Felitsyn was informed about this find, who in turn notified the Imperial Archaeological Commission in St. Petersburg about it by telegram, and, having received permission for excavations, began research. Interesting gold jewelry and objects dating from the end of the 4th century were found here. BC. They were sent to the Hermitage, where they are kept to this day.

They said about Felitsyn that “he carries the entire Kuban region in his head.” Felitsyn also made a great contribution to the study of history and ethnography of mountain peoples. He had many friends among the mountaineers, he knew many Circassian dialects. Unfortunately its big scientific plans The study of the history and geography of the Circassians remained unfulfilled, and many manuscripts were lost. Planned to publish geographical dictionary Kuban region with disappeared geographical names. His major works “The number of mountain and other Muslim peoples of the Kuban region, with their distribution by place of residence and with indications” were published breeding composition inhabitants of each village." and "Prince Sefer-bey Zan ( political figure and a champion of the independence of the Circassian people)". The historian was going to write about famous Circassian surnames. To be included in the number Russian nobility he was intensely besieged by the Kunaks, who were looking for proof of their noble origin.

An interesting story is his discovery of the healing properties of Karachay kefir, which in the 18th century was used to treat many diseases, including tuberculosis, cancer, anemia, skin diseases, childhood diseases, and stomach. In 1879, he sent kefir along with household items of the mountaineers to the next exhibition in Moscow. There he was studied by Professor A. Bogdanov and E. Korn, the results were published in the newspaper Kuban Regional Gazette. Thanks to the light hand of a Kuban scientist, workshops for making kefir were opened in Moscow and Tiflis, and in Yekaterinodar, a cafe was opened near the City Garden, where the Circassians brought dairy products and cheeses.

Besides historical works, Felitsyn is accurate maps: geographic map Kuban region, two Military-historical maps of the North-Eastern and North-Western Caucasus, collects maps on the history of the North Caucasus and Kuban region from 1318 to 1865 (125 titles) separate plans cities and fortresses.

Especially careful attitude Evgeniy Dmitrievich was interested in monuments of Russian history and memorable places. He described and photographed the monument to Emperor Alexander II near the Tsarskaya village; monument to centurion Gorbatko, he submitted many proposals for the construction of monuments to military glory, helped develop important historical holidays and events that were celebrated in Kuban in the 19th - early 20th centuries. There are historical documents that he participated in the development of the Mikeshin sculpture, a monument to Catherine II in Yekaterinodar. Created by him historical image this monument. Attraction, pride and business card The city became this monument, opened in 1907 and destroyed in 1920. In 1882, at a meeting of the Kuban Regional Statistical Committee, Felitsyn made a report on the upcoming centenary of the resettlement of the Black Sea Cossack army to Kuban, the centenary of the founding of Ekaterinodar, and submitted a proposal to install a monument to Catherine in the city II. And this time they proposed the idea of ​​a monument - to erect the Empress with a group of her associates and the founders of the Black Sea Army: Prince Potemkin, Koshevoy Ataman Chepiga, military judge Anton Golovaty and text letters of commendation. At the same time, the historian presented a detailed program of the history of the Kuban Cossack army, compiled by him, which contained all aspects of the military, civil and economic life of the Cossacks. The proposal was approved by the statistics committee, and Felitsyn submitted it to the Nakazny Ataman.

Felitsyn’s role is also great in describing the organization of storage of relics of Cossack history - the regalia of the Kuban Cossacks. Banners, maces, and certificates were kept in the premises of the Military Headquarters, in a building on the corner of Bursakovskaya and Gymnazicheskaya streets, in a separate room on the second floor. Only on military holidays were they brought in, in accordance with the established solemn ritual, into the Military Cathedral of Alexander Nevsky. These relics were saved over the years civil war, when the historian F.A. Shcherbina with a special delegation took them to Yugoslavia, and during the years of World War II, the ataman of the Kuban abroad V.G. Naumenko, who did a lot for the organization of the Cossack museum in the USA. These are the main directions and results of the multifaceted scientific and social activities of Evgeny Dmitrievich Felitsyn, the fruits of his labors, hopes and aspirations.

"We will all leave the arena of life,
and here, in the museum, the works of our hands and minds should remain,
worthy to be passed on to future generations"
I.E. Smooth

Kuban Military Museum

The history of the founding of one of the first museums in the North Caucasus, one of the leading cultural institutions of Kuban - the Kuban Military Ethnographic and Natural History Museum is also connected with the activities of E.D. Felitsyn. This museum is his main brainchild, which he cherished and took care of until the last days of his life. The Kuban Military Museum was founded by him in 1879 simultaneously with the Kuban Regional Statistical Committee. The museum was based on Felitsyn’s personal collections - objects of ethnography, numismatics, archeology. He paid for many of them from his small salary. The historian first presented his collection in 1878 at the exhibition of the Imperial Society of Lovers of Natural History, Anthropology and Ethnography in Moscow. It made up the third part of the entire ethnographic collection. The organizing committee highly appreciated Felitsyn's work, awarding him with a golden chairman's token. Subsequently, he becomes a member of the exhibition committee of this society. The military museum was located in three rooms of the Kuban Statistical Committee, located at 3 Rashpilevskaya Street.

The modern museum owes him one of the best collections of stone Polovtsian statues in Russia, which Evgeniy Dmitrievich brought from all over Kuban to the courtyard of the Statistic Committee. This collection was the very first, it marked the beginning of the museum. In 1879, Felitsyn published it with beautiful photos in a special album of the Military Museum. It already numbered more than 20 “women”. By the way, these were one of the first photographs taken by the historian. From 1879 to 1910, all the work of the museum was closely connected with the activities of the Statistical Committee, especially during Felitsyn’s life. He managed to turn the Committee and the museum into a center for the development of scientific local history. Scientific development was carried out here statistical research region, the materials of which served as the basis for annual reports to the Military Administration. Special place The work of the Committee and the museum was focused on organizing various expeditions to study the area and describe villages and cities. The funds of the Krasnodar Historical Museum contain albums of members of the OLIKO expeditions to Karachay (1899) and household items made of wood from the mountaineers. The museum has organized a large local history library, which has survived to this day as a rare collection. The creation of a library required knowledge in the field of bibliography, and Felitsyn compiled an extensive catalog of literature, which later served as the basis for the “Bibliographic Index of Literature about the Kuban Region.” Felitsyn was the permanent director of the Kuban Museum, and he managed to attract many local scientific and local history forces to the museum work.

A large team of freelance amateur workers has formed around the museum. They became representatives of the intelligentsia, priests, officials, townspeople and even police officers. They took care of replenishing collections and monitored the decaying archaeological monuments. In 1897, the Kuban researcher, Felitsyn’s closest assistant in his work in organizing the museum, teacher of the Ekaterinodar gymnasium V. Sysoev, published the first catalog of collections. It gives a detailed description of the objects, which by this time numbered two thousand in archaeology, one thousand coins and six hundred objects in the ethnography of the region. At the end of the nineties, Felitsyn raised the question of exhibiting rare finds in Yekaterinodar, which were transferred to the Hermitage, or making copies. This experience is still interesting today. In 1879, E.D. Felitsyn prepared the program “Statistical and ethnographic descriptions of populated areas of the Kuban region”; to this day it has no analogues. Detailed descriptions of the villages were sent to the Committee and the museum. A huge contribution to the development of the history of Kuban was made by those published by Evgeniy Dmitrievich scientific works, "Kuban collections" and "Kuban calendars". The museum's collection contains authentic materials telling about the life and work of Kuban historian, they constitute his personal fund. These are the works of Felitsyn, photographs and descriptions of them, which he made in late XIX- the beginning of the 20th century, photographs of Evgeniy Dmitrievich himself; archaeological finds, a book with a historian's bookplate, his dagger. The collection is of great historical value for studying the scientific and social activities of the Kuban historian. The followers of Felitsyn, the heads of the museum, were well-known representatives of the Kuban intelligentsia, famous public figures: V.A. Shcherbina (1840-1936), K.T. Zhivilo (1854-1916), N.E. Gladky (1862-1930). During the relatively short historical period of its existence, the Military Museum has collected and preserved interesting Cossack relics and objects of Kuban history, but also developed interesting forms of museum activity that have not lost their significance in our time.

To organize the activities of the museum, a Council of public employees - fans of the Military Museum - was created. They became representatives of the intelligentsia of the city and region, teachers of schools and gymnasiums, clergy, atamans of villages and departments, officials, police representatives, townspeople, merchants and ordinary Cossacks. Honorary Chairman of the Council and Honorary Employee of the Museum since 1909, Mandatory Ataman of the Kuban Cossack Army, Head of the Kuban Region M.P. Babych (1844-1918), hereditary Kuban Cossack, a big supporter of charity. They became honorary public employees by special order of the Nakazny Ataman. Lists of employees were published annually in the Kuban Regional Gazette newspaper. Everyone who donated interesting objects to the museum was given an Honorary Diploma. While in various regions of the Kuban, Honorary Employees ensured that there were no predatory excavations of mounds and ancient monuments, especially in the Taman and Maikop departments, rich in mounds, dolmens, and ancient settlements. Honorary Cossack employees, while serving in Russia and abroad, tried to buy and donate antiques to the museum. This is how unique collections were formed: Russian headdresses of the 18th century half of the 19th century centuries, Chinese and Japanese jewelry, folk musical instruments from Persia, Georgia, Turkey, Ukraine; rare documents and photographs. Public workers obtained a special order for the Kuban region signed by the Nakazny Ataman on strict punishment for treasure hunting and unauthorized excavations - a huge fine, imprisonment Cossack rank, and for nonresidents - expulsion from the region. This decree was in effect from 1910 to 1919.

As exhibits were received, the museum organized exhibitions of donors and published catalogs. These exhibitions were very popular in the city. Catalogs and photographs of these exhibitions are still kept in the funds of the regional museum. Honorary employees - wealthy entrepreneurs - helped the museum financially. For example, the owner of the steamship pier P. Ditsman and the head of the railway gave the head of the museum an annual free ticket for travel both within the Kuban and within Russia. Many museum collections were purchased with funds from private individuals.

In 1910, an educational Society for Lovers of the Study of the Kuban Cossacks was opened at the museum, the honorary chairman of which was M.P. Nakazny Ataman. Babych. The activities of this society contributed to strengthening the authority of the museum, restoring destroyed and forgotten Cossack graves and names, both in Kuban and outside Russia. The society published brochures and collections on history and culture, which played a large role in nurturing patriotic traditions. The society also worked on the creation of a separate historical and ethnographic Cossack museum in Yekaterinodar with an exhibition under open air. The events of the First World War and the revolution prevented this.

Kuban Ataman M.P. Babych has wonderful words about the significance of the Military Museum: “The museum was appointed not only for our century. The task of contemporaries, through friendly united efforts, is to take care, for the edification of future generations, to preserve everything that will clearly resemble the past historical life people and their true creativity. Anyone who is not interested in studying the history of the past cannot count on success in the future."

And today such work as conducting museum lessons in gymnasiums, colleges and schools is of great interest. They take the form of small theatrical performances, which are prepared by students using museum collections on various historical subjects.

In 1920, the Military Museum ceased to exist. The main part of the collections of the old museum was included in the local history museum and represents its unique fund.

"He proved what can be done with very little money,
but with love for the work and honest attitude
to the responsibilities assumed once and for all."
B.M. Gorodetsky

And life is lived...

Lived E.D. Felitsyn had a short life. In the summer of 1903, he fell ill and went to his beloved Gelendzhik with the hope of improving his health, but the trip did not improve his condition. On December 9, 1903, the terminally ill historian was brought to a military hospital (now the first city hospital), where he died on December 10 at the age of 55. On December 12, a memorial service took place in the Church of the Resurrection, which was located on the territory of the fortress. Priest Emidinsky gave a speech about Felitsyn’s merits, about his selfless and honest service to society. Accompanied by two hundred Ekaterinodar Regiment and the regimental orchestra, Felitsyn was buried in a military cemetery. And as the newspaper of that time wrote, “not a single burning tear fell on his grave,” so in the old days they talked about a lonely Cossack who died, who had no family, and who had no one to mourn bitterly. IN last way he was accompanied by only male friends, including the historian F.A. Shcherbina and Ataman Ya.D. Malama.

Chairman of the Imperial Moscow Archaeological Society Countess P.S. Uvarova sent condolences. The capital's magazine "Historical Bulletin" published an obituary: "In the person of Evgeniy Dmitrievich," wrote V.M. Sysoev, "the Kuban region has lost one of the most zealous workers of science, who put all his strength into studying nature, history and population."

“Felitsa” translated means “inspiration”, “luck”. We don’t know whether Felitsyn considered himself happy and successful in life. In the 20th century, he suffered the fate of many representatives of the Russian intelligentsia - long oblivion, even his grave was lost. The historian's archive, his large library, and photographs went into private hands. The Caucasian Archaeographic Commission claimed their rights to Felitsyn's papers, and some of the documents were sent to Tiflis, F.A. Shcherbina, who was busy during this period developing the history of the Kuban Cossack army, it was to him that he promised all the materials obtained on this subject, as well as the Military Archive. Felitsyn's archive, apparently, was dismantled by departments and individuals. The credit for returning a small part of the archive and library to the Kuban Military Museum belongs to its head K.T. Zhivilo and I.E. Gladky. In 1909, an order was issued by the Nakazny Ataman M.P. Babych about completing Felitsyn’s personal archive and transferring it to the Military Museum. Museums, libraries and archives of Kuban preserve a piece of the life of this amazing person.

The old corners of the city, where he visited on official and public affairs, also preserved these pages of history. We can always follow the historian’s routes around Krasnodar. This is the old city garden (city park), the house of the Nakazny Ataman (school 48), the territory of the fortress (Regional Children's Hospital on Postovaya), Catherine Square (corner of Krasnaya and Pushkin), Military Museum (corner of Rashpilevskaya and Pushkin), Regional Administration (4- th Maternity Hospital on Komsomolskaya Street), Krasnaya Street, Ekaterininskaya (Mira), Cathedral Square (corner of Krasnaya and Lenin), Gubkina Hotel (building Museum of Local Lore), Military Headquarters (corner of Gymnazicheskaya and Krasnoarmeyskaya) and many corners of old Yekaterinodar. Krasnodar historical Museum became the successor to the Military Museum. During the celebration of its centenary in 1979 and in subsequent years, the public raised the issue of naming the museum after its creator. In November 1990, by decision Regional Council The museum was named after Evgeny Dmitrievich Felitsyn. This decision was signed by hereditary Kuban resident N.I. Kondratenko. Today we talk a lot about the leading role in the life of society of the intelligentsia as the spiritual potential of the people and the state. Life and work of E.D. Felitsyn - one of the modest representatives national culture, a convincing example of this.

Scroll printed works E.D. Felitsyn

1. Fiftieth anniversary of service in the officer ranks of Lieutenant General P.D. Babich. Cube Ved.; 1879, No. 23-25
2. Dolmens - heroic houses Art. Bagovskaya. Read on February 17, 1879 at a meeting of the committee of the anthropological exhibition by Imp. Society of lovers of natural history, anthropology and ethnography. Cube. Ved.; 1879, No. 21,22,25
3. (and F.A. Shcherbina) Kuban Cossack army 1696-1888. Collection of brief information about the army. Voronezh, 1888.
4. About materials for the history of the war with Turkey of 1788-1791, stored in the Kuban military archive. "Notes of the Imperial Odessa Society of History and Antiquities", vol. XIX, dep. 5, p. 28. Odessa, 1879.
5. Acts of 1788-1791, extracted from the files of the Kuban military archive. "Notes of the Imperial Odessa Society of History and Antiquities", vol. XIX, dep. 5, p. 105-120; XX, dept. 2, p. 50-59. Odessa, 1896 and 1879.
6. Description of the Eastern Shore of the Black Sea, compiled in 1839 by General. N.N. Raevsky. Materials for the history of the Kuban region. Cube Ved.; 1890, nos. 48-52.
7. Historical documents from the archives of the Zaporozhye Sich. Cube Ved.; 1889, Nos. 27-29, Nos. and 1892 Nos. 21, 25, 27-39, 42, 43,45.
8. On the history of colonization of the Kuban region. Cube Ved.; 1885, nos. 21-23.
9. Polish emissaries Zwarkovsky im Vysrtsky from the Trans-Kuban highlanders in 1845-46. Cube Ved.; 1883, no. 25.
10. Regarding the upcoming centenary of the granting of land to the Black Sea people in the Kuban and the bicentenary of the Khoper regiment. Cube Ved.; 1892, No. 25.
11. Chronology of noteworthy events and facts related to the history of the Kuban region. Kuban Cossack army. Cube Ved.; 1892, Nos. 19-21, 25, 27-29, 35.
12. Documents for the conquest of the eastern shore of the Black Sea. Cube Ved.; 1891, No. 5-8.
13. English and Polish agents among the Western Caucasian highlanders in 1834-1840. . Cube Ved.; 1888, nos. 45, 46, 50.
14. Project compiled by Gen. N.N. Raevsky in 1839 about the settlement of coastal Cossacks on the eastern shore of the Black Sea. Cube Ved.; 1890, Nos. 49-52 and 1891, Nos. 1, 5, 6.
15. The first description of the land of the Black Sea Army by Professor E. E. Zyablovsky with notes by Archpriest Kirill of Russia. Cube Ved.; 1891, nos. 32-33.
16. Centenary of the victory of General Chief I.V. Gudovich over the Turks and the capture of the Anapa fortress on June 22, 1791. Cub. Ved. 1891, nos. 25,26.
17. West Caucasian highlanders and Nogais in the 13th century according to Peysonel. Materials for the history of the West Caucasian highlanders. Cube Ved. 1886. Nos. 22, 24, 27, 29, 31, 32, 34, 36. Cube. collection of T.N. Ekaterinodar, 1891
18. Heroic defense of the Mikhailovsky fortification and the unprecedented feat of private Arkhip Osipov March 22, 1840 Cube. Ved.; 1890, No. 12
19. Brief essay history of settlement of the Kuban region. Izvestia Kavk. department Imp. Russian, geogr. islands, vol. VIII, no. 1. Tiflis, 1884
20. About smuggling and its cessation on the Black Sea coastline in 1838-42. Documentary materials for the history of the North Caucasus. Cube Ved.; 1890, nos. 10, 12
21. Actions of Russian cruisers off the Caucasian shores of the Black Sea in 1830-40. Documentary materials for the history of the North Caucasus. Cube Ved.; 1890, Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9
22. Materials for the history of the North Caucasus. Prince Potemkin’s most comprehensive report on the establishment of the Azov Line and the resettlement of the Volga and Khoper Cossack troops to the North Caucasus. Cube collection of volumes, p. 1-10
23. Resettlement of former Cossacks to Kuban Ekaterinoslav army and the formation from them of the Caucasian Cavalry Regiment of the Kuban Cossack Army. Cube collection of volumes, p. 1-33
24. Escape from the Kuban of the 3 Don regiments in 1792, rebellion on the Don and settlement of the villages that became part of the Kuban cavalry regiment. Cube collection vol. 4, p. 1-62
25. Materials for the history of the North Caucasus. 1787-1791 "Caucasian collection", vol. 17, p. 410-560; vol. 18, p. 382-506; vol. 19, p. 248-370
26. Statistics about your ex Black Sea Army. Materials for studying the Kuban region. Cube, led.; 1887, No. 18, 42-46, 48, 49; 1888. No. 1,3-17
27. About dolmens in the Trans-Kuban region. "News of the Imperial Society of Lovers of Natural History, Anthropology and Ethnography" vol. XXVIII, p. 357; "Proceedings of the Anthropological Department" of the same society, vol. III. Moscow, 1878.
28. Information about the mounds of the Kuban region “Antiquities” (works of the Imperial Moscow Archaeological Society), vol. II, Protocols p. 36. Moscow. 1886,1887.
29. On the issue of the origin of the Khoper Cossacks and the formation of their regiment. Cube Ved.; 1895, nos. 39-42.
30. Program for compiling the history of the Kuban region. and the Kuban Cossack army. Cube Ved.; 1896, no. 3.
31. Movement of the Marush detachment to Sukhum in 1887. Caucasus. 1887, nos. 44,46.
32. Major General I.S. Kravtsov. Bibliographical essay. Cube Ved.; 1891, no. 1.
33. The number of Zorsky and other Muslim peoples of the Kuban region. with distribution according to their place of residence and with an indication of the tribal composition of the inhabitants of each village. Collection of information about the Caucasus, vol. IX. Tiflis, 1885.
34. A note about Kern’s article on kefir. Cube Ved.; 1882, No. 44.
35. Maykop and his life. Cube Ved.; 1873, no. 20.
36. Kuban Hard Coal. Memorial book of the Kuban region. 1877. p. 35-70.
37. A note about harsh winter 1875-76 Cube. Ved.; 1876, no. 2.
38. Table of winds in Maykop from March 1, 1876. Collection of information about the Caucasus, vol. VIII. Tiflis. 1885.
39. Lists of populated places of the Kuban region. according to information from 1882. Collection of information about the Caucasus, vol. XIII. Tiflis. 1885.
40. Numerical data on the mountain and other Muslim population of the Kuban region. Collection of information about the Caucasus, vol. I. Tiflis. 1887-1888.
41. Statistical tables of population in the Kuban region. for 7 years, from 1871 to 1877. Collection of information about the Caucasus, vol. VII. Tiflis. 1880.
42. Adige Circassians and Western Caucasian highlanders. Materials for studying the highlanders and their country. "Cube Ved." 1884, No. 34.50; 1885, no. 1.
43. Statistical information about the cities and counties of the Kuban region for 1880, memorial book Cub. region 1881.
44. Statistical information about the Kuban Cossack army. Ekaterinodar. 1883.
45. Military historical map northwestern Caucasus, with the designation of the currently existing fortresses, fortifications, redoubts, feldshans, posts and main cordon lines established by Russian troops from 1778 to 1864.
Publication of the military-historical department of the headquarters of the Caucasian Military District. Tiflis, 1898.
46. ​​Archaeological map of the Kuban region. Moscow, 1892. Publ. Imp. Moscow archaeological society.
47. Some information about medieval Genoese settlements in Crimea and the Kuban region. Cube. collection, vol. V, 1899.
48. Mounted composition of the preferential regiments of the Kuban Cossack army. Cube Ved. 1892, No. 43.
49. Lists of populated places according to information from 1882. Collection of information about the Caucasus, vol. VIII. 1885.
50. Horse breeding in the Kuban region. Cube Ved. 1889, no. 51.
51. Cultivation in the Kuban region. From the most comprehensive report for 1881. Cub. ver. 1882, No. 30, 42-45, 48, 49.
52. About fishing in the Kuban army. From the most obedient report. Cube Ved. 1882, Nos. 33, 35, 36.
53. Cattle breeding in the Kuban army. From the most comprehensive report for 1881. Cube Ved. 1882 No. 50.
54. About the delivery of insects that harm bread for research by prof. Lindeman. Cube Ved. 1882, no. 20.
55. Censorship in the provinces. Gas. "Kuban", 1882. No. 1.
56. About collecting donations in the Kuban region. for the construction of a monument to Lermontov. Cube Ved. 1880, nos. 29, 27, 29,30; 1881, no. 22.
57. Maps (geographical) of the Kuban region, compiled according to information from 1882, 1893 and 1902. (In the latest edition, the author's name has been crossed out.)
58. Some information about the mud volcanoes of the Taman Peninsula. "News of the Society of Lovers of Studying the Kuban Region", vol. III. 1902.
59. Collection of tamgas and family signs of the Western Caucasian highlanders and the Kibertoy tribe of the Adyghe people. "Notes of the Imperial Odessa Society of History and Antiquities", vol. VIII, dep. 2, p. 504, Odessa, 1889.
60. On the issue of estates among the mountain tribes of the Kuban region. "Kub. Ved. 1987, No. 20, 22, 26-29, 32, 33.
61. Materials for the history of the Kuban region. Correspondence on the subject of the conquest of the highlanders.
62. Program of information about stone women collected for the Imp. archaeological society. Cube Ved. 1882, no. 13.
63. Koshevoy, military and punishment atamans of the former Black Sea, Caucasian, linear and Kuban Cossack troops of 1788-1888. Brief biographical information with portraits of atamans Ekaterinodar, 1888.
64. Materials for the history of the Kuban region. Ekaterinodar. Waiting for the end of the world by the Trans-Kuban mountaineer tribes in 1830. Cube. Ved. 1901, No. 241.
65. Prince Sefer Bey Zan (political figure and champion of the independence of the Circassian people) Kub. Ved. 1901, Nos. 48, 53, 54, 60-63, 66, 70, 77-79, 81, 85, 94, 95, 98, 114; Cube collection, vol. X, 1904.
66. Heroic defense of the Abinsk fortification May 26, 1840, Kub. Ved. 1901, nos. 111, 123, 125, 127.
67. Trinity Fair in Yekaterinodar 55 years ago. (From the files of the military archive). Cube Ved. 1900, no. 123.
69. How the Black Sea residents observed the solar eclipse that took place on July 15, 1881. Cube. Ved. 1990. Nos. 127, 128, 130.
70. (and G.M. Shkil). Table of meteorological observations in Maykop from March 1, 1875 to March 1, 1876. Memorable book Cub. region 1876.
71. Two military historical maps of the North-Western and North-Eastern Caucasus. Appendix to op. V. Tolstoy "History of the Khoper Regiment of the Kuban Cossack Army." Tiflis. 1890.
72. Spring Bulletin. Cube Ved. 1901. No. 55.
73. (and B.C. Shamray) Bibliographic index of literature about the Kuban region, the Kuban Cossack army and the Black Sea province. Cub., collection vol. VIII-X. Eacterinodar.
74. Regarding the centenary of the founding of the city of Ekaterinodar. Cube Ved. 1893. No. 79.
75. Regarding Art. A. Exarchopulo about the Khumarin deposits coal. Cube Ved. 1893, no. 68.
76. From Art. Severskaya. Corr. about morbidity in the village, about police surveillance at the railway station for suspicious individuals, about the opening of a telegram reception at the station. Cube Ved. 1893. No. 69.
77. Art. Severskaya. Corr, New Spring Bulletin. Cube Ved. 1896. No. 28.
78. Brief information about the Caucasian cavalry regiment of the Kuban Cossack army in the pre-Ermolov era (1803-1806) Cub. Ved. 1892, nos. 18-22, 25.
79. Regarding the proposed publication of I.I. Dmitrenko index of articles in the Kuban region. statements and an already produced index of literature of the Kuban region. Cube Ved. 1895, No. 11.
80. Experience of sowing Egyptian wheat in Ekaterinodar in 1795. Based on archival documents. Cube Ved. 1896. No. 34.
81. Gardens and vineyards in Taman in 1793. According to archival documents. Cube Ved. 1896, no. 43.
82. N.N. Karmalin. (Extract from the book "Kuban Cossack Army"). Cube Ved. 1990, no. 79.
83. Plans of the city of Ekaterinodar. 1888 and 1903.
84. Materials for the history of the Kuban Cossack army. Cube Ved. 1896. No. 186, 188, 190, 196, 202, 218, 224, 231, 155-257, 661, 266.
85. Cartographic material for the history of the North Caucasus and the Kuban region, collected by E.D. Felitsyn (125 titles, from 1818 to 1865), offered to those wishing to use it. Cube Ved., 1896. No. 275.
86. Description of the excavations carried out by E.D. Felitsyn in Kurgan Karagodeuashkh. 9 tables of photographs of things found in Kurgan. "Materials on the archeology of Russia, published by the Imperial Archaeological Commission." No. 13. "Antiquities" Southern Russia". Chapter I, pp. 5-13.
87. Plan of the city of Novorossiysk on a scale of 100 fathoms. in inches. Ekaterinodar, 1890.
88. Documentary information on the founding of the city of Ekaterinodar. Cube Ved. 1888. Nos. 19-21,23.
89. Program for statistical and ethnographic description of populated areas of the Kuban region. Ekaterinodar. 1879.
90. West Caucasian dolmens. Kozhora group of dolmens. Dolmens of Bagovskaya village. Deguak group of dolmens. Dolmens of the heroic road near the station. Tsarskaya. "Materials on the archeology of the Caucasus, collected by expeditions of the Imperial Moscow.
Archaeological Society", issue IX. Moscow. 1904.

Musical works E.D. Felitsyn

1. "Joke." Polka.
2. "Swallow". Polka. Dedicated to Sofya Vasilievna Lysenko.
3. "Kuban Mazurka".
4. "Kuban military march". On the 100th anniversary of the most merciful award to the Black Sea (Kuban) army of the Highest Charter on the grant of land in the Kuban in 1792.
5. "Greetings from the shores of Kuban." Waltz. Dedicated to Evdokia Borisovna Sheremeteva.
6. "Inspiration". Waltz.

Literature about E.D. Felitsyne

1. B.M. Gorodetsky. Literary and public figures of the North Caucasus. Biobibliographical essays. Ekaterinodar. 1913.
2. B.M. Gorodetsky. Brief biographical information. "North Caucasian calendar" for 1908-1909.
3. B.M. Gorodetsky. Statistical institutions in the North Caucasus. Ekaterinodar. 1911.
4. V.M. Sysoev. Materials on the archeology of the Caucasus. Vol. IX, Moscow, 1904.
5. "Kuban Regional Gazette". 1903. December 15.
6. F.A. Shcherbina. History of the Kuban Cossack Army. T. 1. Ekaterinodar. 1910.
7. Ekaterinodar - Krasnodar. Two centuries of the city in dates, events, memories. Materials for the Chronicle. Krasnodar. 1993.
8. encyclopedic Dictionary on the history of Kuban. From ancient times to October 1917. Krasnodar. 1997.
9. V.P. Bardadym. Guardians of the Kuban land. Krasnodar. 1998.
10. G.G. Mashkova. E.D. Felitsyn - man and scientist (1848-1903). Archaeological and ethnographic studies of the North Caucasus. Krasnodar. 1994.
11. Achkasova A.F., Korsakova N.A. From the life and work of the famous historian, public figure, founder of the Kuban Military Museum E.D. Felitsyn. Museum newsletter. Vol. 1. Krasnodar. 1993.
12. N.A. Korsakov. Materials about the activities of the Kuban historian E.D. Felitsyn (1848-1903) in the Collection of the Krasnodar State Historical and Archaeological Museum-Reserve. Antiquities of Kuban. Krasnodar. 1991.
13. N.A. Korsakov. Ethnographic collections of KGIAMZ named after E.D. Felitsyn. To the history of creation and use. Results of folklore and ethnographic studies of ethnic cultures of Kuban for 1994. Materials scientific-practical conference. Belorechensk. 1995.
14. N.A. Korsakov. Kuban Military Museum at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century. Kuban Cossacks: three centuries historical path. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. Krasnodar. 1996.
15. N.A. Korsakov. Living chronicle of the Caucasus. J. "Kuban: problems of culture and informatization." No. 1 (10). 1998.
16. N.A. Korsakov. Monuments and memorable places cities of Ekaterinodar associated with the stay of Russian emperors in the 19th - early 20th centuries. Abstracts of the scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of E.D. Felitsyn. Krasnodar. 1998.
17. N.A. Korsakov. Stay of Russian emperors in Ekaterinodar. 300 years of the Kuban Cossack army. Collection of abstracts. New Jersey. USA. 1996.
18. O. Matveev. A word about the Kuban Cossacks. Krasnodar. 1995. Essays on the history of Kuban. From ancient times to 1920. Krasnodar. 1996.


1. B.M. Gorodetsky. Literary and public figures of the North Caucasus. Biobibliographical essays. Ekaterinodar. 1913, p. 17-18.
2. Encyclopedic dictionary on the history of Kuban. From ancient times to October 1917. Krasnodar. 1997, - p.419.
3. V.P. Bardadym. Guardians of the Kuban land. Krasnodar. 1998, -p. 150.
4. F.A. Shcherbina. History of the Kuban Cossack Army. T. 1. Ekaterinodar. 1910., p.5.
5. F.A. Shcherbina. Facts of Cossack ideology and creativity. Cossacks. Thoughts of contemporaries about the past, present and future of the Cossacks. Paris, 1928, p. 301-302.
6. N.A. Korsakov. Stay of Russian emperors in Ekaterinodar. 300 years of the Kuban Cossack army. Collection of abstracts. New Jersey. USA, 1996, - p. 16-17.
7. N.A. Korsakov. Living chronicle of the Caucasus. J. "Kuban: problems of culture and informatization." No. 1 (10). 1998 p.36.
8. Funds of the Krasnodar State Historical and Archaeological Museum-Reserve (KGIAMZ), KM. - 3084, KM. - 5805/2.
9. Ekaterinodar - Krasnodar. Two centuries of the city in dates, events, memories. Materials for the Chronicle. Krasnodar. 1993, -p. 154-155.
10. GAKK, f. 460, op. 1, d. 116, l.l. 3-4.
11. Kuban collection, vol. 1, Ekaterinodar, 1883, p. 831-1114.
12. Encyclopedic dictionary on the history of Kuban. Krasnodar., 1997, p. 492.
13. V. Zakharov. Where did M.Yu. live? Lermontov in Taman. Collection. 20 years of the M.Yu. Museum Lermontov in Taman. Art. Taman., 1996, -p. 19-21.
14. Proceedings of the V Archaeological Congress in Tiflis. M., 1887.
15. GACC. Newspaper "Kuban Regional Gazette", May 18, 1879
16. KGIAMZ funds. KM.- 2109.
17. GAKK, gas. "Kuban Regional Gazette", June 2, 1879
18. Materials on the archeology of the Caucasus. M., 1904, issue. IX. -With. 37.
19. O. Matveev. A word about the Kuban Cossacks. Krasnodar., 1995., p.200-201.
20. Collection of information about the Caucasus, vol.1X. Tiflis, 1885.
21. Kuban collection. T. X., 1904.
22. GACC. Newspaper "Kuban Regional Gazette", 1882, No. 13-44.
23. N.A. Korsakov. Monuments and memorable places of the city of Ekaterinodar associated with the stay of Russian emperors in the 19th - early 20th centuries. Abstracts of the scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of E.D. Felitsyn. Krasnodar., 1998.
24. S.N. Yakaev. Odyssey of Cossack regalia. Krasnodar, 1992.
25. N.V. Nazarenko. Paths, roads of Kuban regalia. Blauvelt, USA, 1998.
26. KGI AMZ funds. Report on the activities of the Kuban Military Museum. 1879-1911 KM -426.
27. N.A. Korsakov. Kuban Military Museum at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. Kuban Cossacks: three centuries of historical path. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. Krasnodar. 1996, - p. 119-121.
28. Encyclopedic dictionary on the history of Kuban. Krasnodar, 1997., p.491.
29. Essays on the history of Kuban. From ancient times to 1920 Krasnodar. 1996., -p. 576.
30. A brief index of archaeological, natural-historical and ethnographic-industrial things and objects available at the Kuban Regional Statistical Committee. Ekaterinodar, 1897.
31. KGIAMZ funds. Report on the work of the Military Museum. 1879-1901
32. KGIAMZ funds. KM-9650; KM-9104, KM-8094/2, KM-3084; KM-5075, KM-5184, KM-5215.
33. KGIAMZ funds. Reports of the Military Museum. 1911-1917
34.. Preservation of ancient monuments. Orders of the head of the Kuban region, the ataman of the Kuban Cossack army. Ekaterinodar, 1916.
35. KGIAMZ funds. Charter of the Kuban Society of Lovers of the Study of the Cossacks in the Kuban. KM-8475/7.
36. GAKK, gas. "Kuban Regional Gazette". December 23, 1903
37. Materials on the archeology of the Caucasus, Vol. IX. M. 1904., -p. 7.
38. Ekaterinodar - Krasnodar. Two centuries of the city in dates, events, memories. Materials for the Chronicle. Krasnodar. 1993., pp. 246-247.

Korsakova N.A., Naumenko V.V. E.D. Felitsyn - chronicler of the land of Kuban / Krasnodar State University culture and arts. Department of Theory and History of Culture. - Krasnodar, 1999.

Krasnodar State University of Culture and Arts
Armavir State Pedagogical Institute

Russian researchers of the Caucasus. Series of history, archeology, ethnography. Issue 19.
Krasnodar -1999
Edited by Academician V.B. Vinogradova.

UDC 930.1(471.62) (09) BBK 63.1 (2Ros-4) K-69

Evgeny Felitsyn was born on March 17, 1848 in the city of Stavropol. His father served as a chief officer in the Russian army. In 1864, the young man graduated from the Stavropol provincial gymnasium. In the same year he entered military service as a non-commissioned officer in the 74th Stavropol infantry regiment, who fought in the Western Caucasus. As part of that regiment he took part in a number of expeditions against the highlanders.

After the end of the Caucasian War, Felitsyn retired in December 1864 “without a military rank,” but three years later he re-entered service. In July 1869 he was sent to the Tiflis Infantry School for training.

Upon completion of the first category course, Felitsyn was promoted to first rank on October 20, 1872. officer rank ensign. In 1875 at will transferred to the Ekaterinodar Cavalry Regiment of the Kuban Cossack Army with renaming to the cornet, and in the same year seconded to the headquarters of the Kuban Cossack Army.

During the Russian-Turkish War of 1877 - 1878, Felitsyn served as senior adjutant of the Batalpashinsky military department, but was soon seconded to the combined Khopersk-Kuban Cossack regiment and as part of the so-called Marukh detachment under the command of Lieutenant General Pavel Babych participated in the campaign against Turkish troops on Sukhumi .

For his zeal in ensuring the movement of the detachment, Felitsyn was promoted to centurion on November 30, 1879. At the end of the war with Turkey, Evgeniy Dmitrievich was again assigned to the headquarters of the Kuban Cossack Army as a senior adjutant.

In 1884 he was awarded the rank of esaul, and three years later he was transferred to the 1st Yekaterinodar Regiment and appointed commander of the hundred of that regiment. The following year, 1888, he took office as ruler of the office of the head of the Kuban region and ataman of the Kuban Cossack army.

Four years later, Evgeniy Dmitrievich was sent to Tiflis, where in December he was appointed acting chairman of the Caucasian Archaeographic Commission. Later he was awarded the rank of military sergeant.

While in military service, Felitsyn devoted almost all his leisure time to studying various industries natural sciences. He collected and studied materials on paleontology, botany, mineralogy, and geology. I asked the archivists archival materials to study the history of the Kuban, as well as the demography and ethnography of the mountain tribes of the North Caucasus.

In addition, Felitsyn collected biographical information about prominent military figures in the Caucasus, as well as information about individual cases of heroic exploits of both Russian soldiers and mountaineers, while personally visiting the places where the events that interested him took place.

My literary activity Felitsyn began by publishing articles in the Kuban Regional Gazette newspaper. Subsequently, in addition to the Kuban Gazette, his research was published in such periodicals as: “Tiflis Gazette”, “Caucasus”, “News of the Society of Lovers of Natural History, Anthropology and Ethnography”, “Kuban”, “News of the Caucasian Department of the Russian Geographical Society”, “Kuban Collection”, “News of the Society of Lovers of the Study of the Kuban Region”.

Evgeniy Dmitrievich was the first secretary of the newly opened Kuban Regional Statistical Committee, and also edited its publications, increasing their information content. He held the post of editor of the unofficial part of the newspaper Kuban Regional Gazette, which he completely transformed.

Also, Felitsyn published two volumes of the “Caucasian Collection” and seven “Memorable and Reference Books of the Kuban Region”. In addition, he is the author of a number of individual publications. At the request of the employees of the statistical committee, Vladimir Shcherbina and Alexei Sobrievsky, Felitsyn published the “Bibliographic Index of Literature about the Kuban Cossack Army and the Black Sea Province,” which was the first and only pre-revolutionary major work on the bibliography of the Kuban region.

While serving as chairman of the Caucasian Archaeographic Commission in Tiflis, Felitsyn edited and prepared for publication the 12th volume of “Acts collected by the Caucasian Archaeographic Commission.”

Felitsyn's favorite subject of research was archeology. The researcher made a number of archaeological expeditions in the Kuban region, in the Batalpashinsky and Maikop departments. Conducted many excavations of burial mounds. He was engaged in the study of dolmens or so-called “heroic huts”. Explored and described more than 700 megalithic tombs. Felitsyn sent the most valuable finds to the Caucasian Museum in Tiflis, the Russian Historical Museum in Moscow and the Hermitage in St. Petersburg.

Felitsyn was actively involved social activities who had an official or semi-official relationship to his service. While still a cadet in Maikop, he read a speech about the starving Samara residents, after which he collected a certain amount of money in favor of the latter. Then he served as secretary of the board of the Ekaterinodar Women's Charitable Society. He was a member of the commission for choosing the direction for laying the Novorossiysk branch of the Vladikavkaz railway.

Evgeniy Dmitrievich also dealt with agricultural and economic issues of the Kuban region and the Cossacks in general. Engaged in research in various industries National economy. Except official reports he published works on arable farming, fishing, horse breeding, gardening and viticulture. From 1890 to 1892 he controlled printing houses, lithographs, photographs, libraries and book trade in the Kuban region and the Black Sea district.

Felitsyn was also a professional photographer. He photographed objects of historical value and natural places “outstanding in beauty or majesty of views.”

For some time, Felitsyn was interested in music. Learned to play some musical instruments, usually in private “so that others do not hear.” He wrote and published several musical pieces and marches.

In the last years of his life, Felitsyn, living in Yekaterinodar, led a solitary life. I was still preparing for printing unpublished works and putting in order the collected archival materials.

To improve his health, Felitsyn went to Gelendzhik at the end of the summer of 1903. However, this trip was not beneficial and soon the scientist returned to Yekaterinodar, where he was placed in the Kuban military hospital. It was in it that Evgeniy Dmitrievich died of encephalitis on the evening of December 24, 1903. He was buried in the military cemetery in the officer's unit.

Evgeniy Felitsyn's awards

Cross "For Service in the Caucasus"
Medal "For the conquest of the Western Caucasus"
Dark bronze medal medal "In memory of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878"
Order of St. Vladimir IV degree with bow
Golden Chairman's Badge of OLEAE
Gold cufflinks with diamonds (1888)
Order of St. Stanislaus III degree (1880)
Order of St. Anne, 3rd class (1888)
Order of St. Stanislaus, 2nd class (1894)

Memory of Evgeny Felitsyn

At the beginning of November 1990, by decision of the regional executive committee, the name E.D. Felitsyn was assigned to the Krasnodar State Historical and Archaeological Museum-Reserve. In the central hall of the museum there is a bronze bust of E.D. Filitsyn.

In the Krasnodar State Historical and Archaeological Museum-Reserve named after. Felitsyn holds a regional scientific conference called “Felitsyn Readings”

Bibliography of Evgeny Felitsyn

Program for statistical and economic description of populated areas of the Kuban region. (Ekaterinodar, 1879)

Kuban antiquities: Dolmens - heroic houses of the village of Bagovskaya, Maykop district (Ekaterinodar, 1879)

Koshevoy, military and punishment atamans of the former Black Sea, Caucasian linear and Kuban Cossack troops. 1788-1888: Brief biographical information with portraits of atamans (Ekaterinodar, 1888)

Kuban Cossack army. 1696-1888: Collection of brief information about the army (Voronezh, 1888) - Co-authored with F. A. Shcherbina.

Materials for the history of the Kuban region. Correspondence on the subject of the conquest of the highlanders (Ekaterinodar)

Prince Sefer-Bey Zan - political figure and champion of the independence of the Chechen people // Kuban collection. Ekaterinodar, 1904 (Nalchik, 2010).

Musical compositions by Evgeny Felitsyn

"Joke" (polka)
“Swallow” (polka) - Dedicated to Sofya Vasilievna Lysenko.
"Kuban Mazurka"
“Kuban Military March” (march) - To the 100th anniversary of the most merciful award to the Black Sea (Kuban) army of the Highest Charter on the grant of land in the Kuban on June 30, 1792.
“Greetings from the shores of Kuban” (waltz) - Dedicated to Evdokia Borisovna Sheremeteva.
“Inspiration” (waltz) - Dedicated to A.P. Sokolovsky.

M.: Russian language, 1990—220 p. Ed. E. M. Vereshchagina and V. G. Kostomarova.— ISBN 5-200-00778-ХВ dictionary includes phraseological units used in modern language and presented in the works of Russian and Soviet literature and journalism. In addition to interpretation modern meaning Each dictionary entry includes a regional commentary. Examples are given of the use of phraseological units in oral speech and in literature.
Intended for foreigners studying the Russian language (advanced stage and stage of language improvement), teachers of Russian as a foreign language, students of national schools and all those who are interested in issues of Russian phraseology. The linguistic and cultural aspect of teaching the Russian language to foreigners considers the ways and means of teaching, thanks to which you can to acquaint a foreign student with the Soviet way of life, with the history and culture of our country through the Russian language and in the process of studying it. Linguistic and regional studies are important for everyone who studies the Russian language, but it is especially important for future specialists in the field of language - for philologists, translators, teachers.
Linguistic and cultural dictionaries are directly focused on the practice of learning the Russian language by foreigners. They are addressed to both teachers and students of advanced and higher stages training. Phraseologisms in the dictionary were selected based on two criteria.
Firstly, the dictionary includes quite commonly used phraseological units. Usage refers, of course, first of all to the relevance of a phraseological unit for modern Russian literary speech; nevertheless, the dictionary also included such phrases that our contemporaries may not use, but know well (mainly from fiction last century). For example, phraseology hit with one's forehead now, of course, it is not used, but it is in the dictionary, because it can be found among Russian writers of the 19th century (for example, it is presented in “ The captain's daughter"A.S. Pushkin).
Secondly, the dictionary includes only those phraseological units that have regional geographical value. An attempt is made to reflect (with a sufficient degree of approximation) the regional geographic potential of the used layer of Russian phraseology.
For a number of reasons in in rare cases we had to deviate from these two principles. Thus, the dictionary also contains some expressions that are interesting primarily from a linguistic rather than a regional studies point of view. Usually they include dialect or archaic vocabulary, giving them a folkloric sound. General linguistic phraseological units were also included for reasons of showing synonymy or analogy. Contents
About Russian phraseological units in the linguistic and cultural educational dictionary.
How to use a dictionary.
List of phraseological units in alphabetical order of the first word
An alphabetical list of all words that make up phraseological units.
Subject index
Phraseologisms that reflect the history, life and customs of the Russian people.
Greetings, wishes when meeting, parting.
Phraseologisms of folklore origin.
Phraseologisms of literary origin.
Phraseologisms of modern times, the source of which is modern science, technology, sports, etc.
Phraseologisms, which include the names of animals, birds, etc.
Phraseologisms that include the names of plants and vegetation.
Publishing house Russian language, 1990