What will you learn at the end of the course? Understanding your own strengths and capabilities

(((Exams What does this mean - speak a foreign language? Each person has their own idea about this: some are content with a level that allows them to travel around Europe without hindrance, while for others it is not enough to read Shakespeare in the original. Subjective criteria in this matter vary greatly - from knowledge of the necessary phrases to an intuitive sense of the language (which is sometimes lacking even for those who have spoken it since childhood). However, we learn a foreign language for a certain purpose - moving to another country, studying at a foreign university, the need to speak English for work.
Needless to say, “just like that”, the language itself will never be learned. Accordingly, no one can do without external criteria, that is, those parameters by which language knowledge will be tested in practice. Therefore, below we will look at the gradation of proficiency levels in the most common foreign language - English - according to the CEFR scale developed by the Council of Europe, compare it with the results of popular exams (IELTS / TOEFL / Cambridge / PTE) and give some tips for gradually mastering the language from elementary to higher levels.

Comparison table of levels and exam scores

How can you find out your level yourself?

Today, the level of English language proficiency can be determined even without leaving home, thanks to numerous online tests. Below is a selection of several such tests. It should be borne in mind that such tests will not allow an absolutely accurate reflection of the level of language proficiency, since the resources on which they are posted are most often associated with language schools that have paid or offline resources to accurately assess the level. Therefore, even after receiving a result on the CEFR scale, you should take into account the possible errors of online tests. In addition, some tests, due to their content, cannot objectively assess knowledge of the language at an advanced level (C1–C2).
Some of the tests below require registration before testing, but there are many tests on the Internet that allow you to get the result only after registering on the site or contacting the language school, which is very annoying and leads to additional time expenditure, so such tests are included in the tables not taken into account.

Complex tests

Tests of this kind include tasks in various areas of language knowledge: listening (listening), text comprehension (reading), grammar (grammar) and knowledge of the dictionary (vocabulary). Comprehensive online tests do not include only one important parameter - speaking. Such tests can be considered the most objective.
42 50 minA2–C24-5 var.9.7 + + + +
50 20 minutes.B1–C25 var.7.4 - + + +
50 20 minutes.A2–C13–4 var.7.4 - + + +
140 70 min.A1–C14 var.7.2 - - + +
30 20 minutes.A2–C14 var.7.0 - - + -
40 15 minutes.A1–B24 var.7.0 - + + -
50 20 minutes.A2–C14 var.6.8 - - - +
20 15 minutes.A2–C24 var.6.5 + - + -
60 30 min.A2–C14 var.6.5 + + - +
40 15 minutes.A1–B23–4 var.6.2 - - + +

Vocabulary and grammar tests

A good option for those who want to quickly determine their approximate level of language proficiency. The level of knowledge of grammar will allow you to quickly navigate your level, because good knowledge in this area constitutes an important “skeleton” on which you can successfully build up other language knowledge.
35 min.83 A2–C26 var.9 8 7 8.0
25 min.40 A1–B2Writing7 8 7 7.3
10 min.10 B2–C14 var.8 6 6 6.7
35 min.68 A2–B24 var7 7 6 6.7
10 min.25 A1–B24 var.7 8 5 6.7
20 minutes.50 A1–B24 var.7 6 6 6.3
20 minutes.50 A1–B24 var.7 6 6 6.3
20 minutes.40 A1–B24 var.7 6 6 6.3
20 minutes.50 A1–B24 var.6 7 6 6.3
15 minutes.40 A1–B24 var.8 5 5 6.0
15 minutes.40 A1–B13 var.6 6 5 5.7
10 min.25 A1–B13 var.6 3 4 4.3

The rating is based on a ten-point scale based on five main criteria:

  • Grammar - how deeply the knowledge of English grammar is tested, including knowledge of tenses, conditional sentences, subordinate clauses, tense agreement, passive voice.
  • Verbs - it is separately assessed how thoroughly the test tests knowledge of English verbs: irregular, modal, phrasal. The same parameter includes the presence in the test of tasks on knowledge of the use of prepositions with verbs, infinitives and gerunds.
  • Vocabulary - assessment of the diversity of testing vocabulary, as well as the availability of tasks for its use.
  • Listening - if the test contains this part, then the level of its complexity, the speed of listening, the presence of different voice tones, artificial interference, accents, etc. are assessed.
  • Reading - assessment of tasks for perception and understanding of the text, if any in the test. The complexity of texts is primarily assessed.
The number of tasks in a particular section, the component of language knowledge and the complexity of the tasks play a big role.

Why is it important to know your language level?

  • To correctly determine your goals, only knowing your level of foreign language proficiency can you adequately assess your capabilities, as well as determine short-term and long-term goals, which will allow you to choose the right training program and find a competent mentor.
  • The need to indicate when applying for a job - many modern companies ask applicants to indicate in their resume their level of foreign language proficiency, confirmed by an appropriate certificate. To get a good position in an international company, you need to know the language at a high level.
  • To study abroad, it is impossible to enter a prestigious college or university without good knowledge of a foreign language. And again, members of the admissions committee need confirmation - a language certificate.

Foreign language in practice: what is important?

The first thing you need to know: the level of language proficiency is checked only in practice. It is almost impossible to independently determine real language skills, even with the help of Internet tests, since they only determine knowledge of grammar and a very limited vocabulary. Therefore, you should not rely too much on such results, since in reality everything will be completely different.

When determining the level of proficiency in any foreign language, including English, experts pay attention to 4 basic skills: listening, reading, speech And letter. It is these skills that are usually tested on various international tests. Obviously, online tests will help assess only the first two criteria, although in practice it is much more important to be able to express yourself in speech and writing.
The difficulty of independently determining the level of a foreign language lies not only in the fact that it is difficult to evaluate yourself, but also in the fact that the second language as a whole rarely remains at any particular level. That is, you can be able to understand complex texts in a foreign language that correspond to an advanced level, but have great difficulty speaking independently. It turns out that, on the one hand, a person knows the language at a professional level, but on the other hand, his communication skills are almost undeveloped. How then can you determine your level of English? Professional linguists and experts define foreign language proficiency according to several levels that apply not only to English, but to most languages ​​of the world.

A0 - Zero level of English proficiency

0 0 - 0

In truth, this level does not exist at all, but it is certainly worth mentioning, since 80% of self-critical beginners confidently attribute complete ignorance of the language to themselves. Attention: if a person knows how the word is translated dog or house, then this is already some level. Whatever the source of knowledge: two years of studying English at school, an English phrasebook once read, or two weeks of classes with a tutor 15 years ago - this knowledge remains in a person’s head forever. This is important because even a minimal base will serve as an excellent basis for subsequent study.
If we talk about zero level, this means complete ignorance English (this will be true if the person knows English as well as Filipino). In this case, you can enroll in English courses in your home country. In about 3 months, the language level will rise to spoken B1. If a person is still visually familiar with the English alphabet and knows what “Hello! How are you?” means, this indicates language proficiency at level A1.
start with lessons for absolute beginners, where you can master the alphabet, reading rules, key words for understanding simple English, learn 300 new words (this will take no more than two weeks).

A1 - initial level of English proficiency - Beginner

2 15 -

This level is also called the "survival level". This means that once in one of the cities of England or America, a person, with the help of local residents, will be able to get at least to the Russian embassy. This level can in no way be called conversational, since, of course, there will be no coherent conversation. But jokes aside, with this level you can go to language courses abroad.
Even minimal skills already allow you to at least convey some information to your interlocutor, albeit not without the help of gestures. Typically, this level is mastered by those who learned English a long time ago and without much pleasure. Of course, there are absolutely no practical skills, but there is knowledge deposited deep in memory that will serve as a good basis for further language learning.
The student speaks the language at level A1 if:

  • answers basic questions: name, age, home country, profession;
  • understands familiar phrases provided the narrator speaks slowly and clearly;
  • understands some individual words in the English text.
How to move to the next level: learn the rules of reading and pronunciation, get acquainted with the rules of English grammar, learn about 300 new words.

A2 - basic level of English proficiency - Elementary

3.5 31 KET pass30

If you can live with the initial level and not think about it, then the basic level Elementary presupposes some awareness or, at least, memory that “I once taught something similar.” Again, there is still a long way to go to the conversational level, but unlike A1, some kind of dialogue can already happen.
If we return to the hypothetical situation of staying in one of the cities of England, then the situation here is a little rosier: with a basic level you can not only get to the embassy, ​​but also communicate with a foreigner (for example, talk a little about your profession or place an order in a cafe).
In practice, A2 differs little from A1, and the main advantage of the first is rather greater self-confidence and a slightly richer vocabulary. However, communication capabilities are still limited, so level A2 is only suitable as a basis for study, since there is nowhere to apply it in practice.
The student speaks the language at level A2 if:

  • talks about everyday topics: he can give directions or ask for directions, talk about himself and the things around him;
  • understands the interlocutor’s speech in a dialogue, provided that he speaks clearly and on a familiar topic;
  • can read and understand basic sentences ( I have..., You are..., He goes...);
  • write a simple sentence in text form or fill out a form in English.
How to move to the next level: continue to study grammar, practice writing short texts, learn irregular verbs and their tense forms, practice speaking skills (you can do this via Skype or in conversation clubs), watch films and TV series in English with Russian subtitles, learn about 500 new words.

Very often, between the initial and conversational levels, an intermediate level is distinguished, which implies that a person can already use English to solve some vital tasks, but does not yet speak spoken English. If we compare it with the A0-C2 scale, then this level can be characterized as A2+ or B1-.
It can be defined as follows:

  • partially falling under the characteristics of level B1, but lack of practice in some aspects (for example, writing) indicates knowledge of the language at level Pre-Intermediate;
  • Completely falling under the description of level A2 and partially falling under level B1 (for example, speaking skills are more developed) indicates knowledge of the language at level Upper-Elementary.
How to get to the next level: pay attention to those skills that are missing to the next level and work on them, based on the tips for moving to the next level in the paragraph on A2.

B1 - Intermediate level of English proficiency

4 60 PET pass43

When language competence goes beyond confused speech about the location of museums and restaurants, and English speech and text become more and more understandable, these facts indicate that the student is at the first stage of spoken English. But in addition to conversation, this level also implies good reading skills of adapted texts, as well as an understanding of basic English grammar. Statistically, the majority of tourists know the language at this level, which allows them to easily communicate with their interlocutor on everyday topics. Typically, modern graduates graduate from school with at least a B1 level (with a maximum of B2). However, you still need a lot of work to become fluent in the language.
The student speaks the language at level B1 if:

  • confidently carries on a conversation on any everyday topic with good pronunciation, although still with some hesitations and errors;
  • understands the interlocutor, and also partially grasps the meaning of a complex speech (lecture) or conversation between English speakers (film);
  • reads literature adapted for intermediate level with a dictionary and understands the meaning of simple texts;
  • can compose a short essay about himself or the world around him, using common semantic structures and words.
How to move to the next level: master advanced vocabulary and grammar, practice more written English (a tutor or websites for self-learning English will help with this, for example Polyglotclub ), it is necessary to communicate more in English with native speakers or advanced users, regularly monitor English-language sources of information (news publications, entertainment articles, interest sites), watch films and TV series with English subtitles (at first this may seem quite difficult, but with This will bear fruit over time.) It is equally important to expand your vocabulary, so you should learn at least 1000 new words.

B2 - Higher intermediate level - Upper-Intermediate

6 90 FCE grade C59

If a student has good conversational skills (above average level), can maintain a detailed conversation with a foreigner, understands speech by ear, watches English-language films and TV series without translation or subtitles, this means that he speaks a foreign language at level B2. It should be noted that people who are completely unfamiliar with the English language are sure that a real foreigner is standing in front of them. However, don't be fooled. Upper-Intermediate- this is truly a great achievement, but even this is sometimes not enough for professional activities. Another disadvantage is the fact that it will be much more difficult to move higher on your own. However, for admission to a foreign university with average requirements for applicants, this level is quite enough, so you don’t have to worry and feel free to sign up for the TOEFL or IELTS exams.
The student speaks the language at level B2 if:

  • speaks measuredly on almost any topic, expresses his own attitude or spaciously describes his thoughts (however, at this level some errors in verb conjugation, tenses and the use of complex words are still acceptable);
  • understands oral speech on everyday topics and about 80% of complex speech (lectures, films, interviews);
  • understands well the meaning of informational texts in English, draws information from English-language resources without significant loss of meaning (it is permissible to use a dictionary to read texts on an unfamiliar topic);
  • expresses his thoughts in writing in a reasoned manner, using common constructions (albeit with minor errors).
How to move to the next level: study advanced English grammar, practice writing texts in various styles (formal, academic, professional), train yourself to get most of your information from English-language sources (for example, read news only in English for several weeks), learn phrasal verbs, listen to lectures and watch educational films in English, expand your vocabulary (it is advisable to learn 600 new words.

C1 - advanced level of English proficiency - Advanced

7.5 100 CAE grade C76

Perhaps, the difference between an advanced level and a higher intermediate level can only be understood by a professional or an anglophone and, of course, the speaker himself, but only if he has the so-called “sense of language”: when, when speaking, it becomes clear that the words are used correctly, but the sentence can be constructed slightly differently , choosing more elegant words or suitable terms. This is a sign that the problem of knowledge of the language has slowly spilled over into the problem of its competent use, which, in turn, indicates an extremely high level of knowledge of English as a foreign language. Of course, there is no question of any misunderstanding of the language. A student with level C1 perfectly perceives information by ear and is able to express his thoughts on paper. The only thing that he is not quite capable of yet is Shakespeare and Nabokov’s “Lolita” in the original without a dictionary. This level is recommended for employment in a foreign company; it opens doors to almost all foreign universities (including top ones - Yale University, University College London,).
The student speaks the language at level C1 if:

  • speaks without problems on any topic, expresses shades of emotions and relationships in language;
  • understands any spoken language;
  • fluently reads texts in English, both informational (articles, newspapers, interviews) and scientific (articles in scientific journals, textbooks, works of philosophers, journalists, critics), occasionally encountering unfamiliar words;
  • knows how to write appeals to employers, motivation letters, clearly understands the difference between a formal writing style and an informal one.
How to move to the next level: continue working with complex texts in English, read works of fiction by American and British authors in the original, listen to professional lectures on English literature, become familiar with idioms and figures of speech in English, and communicate as much as possible with native speakers.

C2 - professional level of proficiency - Proficient

8.5 118 CPE grade C85

The highest level in the gradation of English language levels is level C2. It should be noted that this is still a step, not a final stop. In essence, level C2 corresponds to excellent knowledge of English as a foreign language, its competent use for any professional and everyday situation, and the ability to read fiction and professional literature in English fluently (or almost fluently). However, knowing English at C2 level does not mean knowing it, as they like to say, in excellence.
Any linguist or philologist will confirm that mastering a language perfectly is the lot of very few, and these few usually become brilliant writers or wordsmiths. But if we take the most obvious example, say, an educated Londoner, then this also goes beyond the C2 level (usually those who speak English from childhood are called native speakers, and, of course, this is not included in the gradation of knowledge of English as a foreign language).
You should always remember that there is no limit to perfection, although language proficiency at the C2 level is an excellent result that few achieve. With a similar level, you can enroll in any postgraduate program, publish works in English, conduct conferences and lectures, i.e. for almost any professional activity this level will be more than enough.
The student speaks the language at level C2 if:
How to improve your English: Spend several years in an English-speaking country, for example at university or on an internship. And, of course, read.

What should you know about learning foreign languages?

Independent study of a foreign language is quite possible, but this undertaking requires a lot of effort, time, and such qualities as perseverance, diligence and dedication from the student. At first, classes seem interesting, but the lack of a clear program, correctly set goals, time frames and a teacher who controls the learning process and motivates the student leads to another breakdown and a lack of desire to continue learning the language.
That is why it is advisable to learn a new language together with a teacher in individual or group lessons. When the basic material has been completed, you can go abroad to improve your communication skills and increase your vocabulary. Without studying in a country where the language being studied is the main one, it is impossible to master it perfectly, even if you study using the most advanced textbooks.
The fact is that living modern language changes daily, and special educational publications simply do not have time to track these metamorphoses. We are talking about modern slang, foreign borrowings, a variety of dialects, etc., which change the language every day. It is possible to know English at the native level, but for this it is necessary to be in an appropriate language environment, where the student will have to join a foreign-language society and keep abreast of news that is covered in the press or on the Internet.

How long will it take to learn a foreign language?

The answer to this question depends on several factors: the student’s goals, his perseverance and diligence, as well as his ability to pay. It is quite logical that you can learn a foreign language faster only with the help of a qualified teacher (perhaps even a native speaker). This is a real investment in the future, which will definitely pay off, but will also require quite a lot of capital investment.
The faster a student wants to learn a foreign language, the more he will have to pay. Theoretically, it can take about 2.5 - 3 years to complete all levels (without living abroad), for this you will have to attend special courses several times a week. If you study on your own, it will take much longer to learn the language. When studying abroad, a student gains the same amount of knowledge much faster.

There are no miracles!

Beginners in learning a foreign language should clearly understand that the learning process requires a lot of time from the student, as well as some effort on oneself, since there will always be a reason to reschedule a lesson or postpone homework until later. Training is a colossal work! Therefore, it is impossible to learn a language in a month using a new “unique author’s technique” or the 25th frame. There are no miracles! Only working on mistakes and consistent analysis of new material will help you reach the desired level.

Time spent on leveling up

The table shows the number of weeks of intensive English to improve language level in Kaplan International schools

active use of associative methods of memorizing words (using reference words and expressions). Students make a minimum of effort to ensure that new words remain in memory.

English for travel

learning phrases to make your trip easier, as well as the culture and etiquette of English-speaking countries

Help with English homework

I am an English teacher and I know what children are asked at school. I’ll help you do it and explain it clearly, and we’ll attach it to additional material.

on every day

Every summer I work in a children’s camp, in an English-speaking group, where children communicate exclusively in English all day long)

English language

In each lesson, you will work to improve your listening (listening), reading, writing and speaking skills, as well as your English grammar. This process will be controlled and guided according to modern communicative techniques, which are based on the practical independent use of the English language.

English for kids

For 2 years she worked at the children's development center "Know-It-All" as an English teacher for preschoolers from 3 to 6 years old. I use a gaming technique with the help of which the child develops thinking, hand motor skills and initial reading skills in English.

ZNO in English

I personally took the External Test in English and worked as a school teacher from grades 5 to 11, so I know the requirements and main criteria for passing this exam.


I passed this exam myself and now I am preparing people to pass it. I focus on the main 4 parts of the exam, namely listening, writing, speaking and reading. I provide teaching aids and materials.

Spoken English

I use the communicative method. In lessons taught using this method, most of the time is spent on communication and practical exercises, and textbooks and teaching aids are used minimally. Students constantly talk with the teacher and with each other, which allows them to learn to understand the speech of any person.

English levels

The English World English Language Center offers a variety of programs that meet the needs of students of any age and level of knowledge. It is very important to us that you feel comfortable and easy to study according to the chosen program in our courses! In this regard, when determining your level of language proficiency, we focus on the European Council’s system of language competences “Common European Framework of Reference” (CEFR). The corresponding directive was developed by the Council of Europe as a main part of the project “Language Learning for European Citizenship” between 1989 and 1996. The main purpose of the CEFR system is to provide an assessment and teaching method applicable to all European languages. In November 2001, an EU Council resolution recommended the use of the CEFR to create national systems for assessing language competence.

All English courses at our school are designed for levels according to the CEFR. Additionally, the center’s methodologists identified the “Beginner 0” level, which corresponds to the zero level of language proficiency (A0).

Multi-level English language teaching system

English World is a progressive and modern training center. In this regard, training in the programs of our center is carried out in accordance with the latest methodological developments of leading philologists, linguists and teachers of foreign centers for the study of foreign languages.

The General English program includes the following levels:

  • - A0. Zero level. Without communication skills in English, knowledge of grammar and vocabulary - at a very basic level.
  • - A1. Starting level. Basic communication skills in English, grammar, phonetics and vocabulary - at an elementary level.
  • - A2. A basic level of. Knowledge of the English language in the areas of phonetics, grammar and vocabulary is limited to basic, pre-threshold skills.
  • - A2/B1. Pre-threshold level. Proficiency in English at a good, beginner-intermediate level. Progressive communication skills.
  • - IN 1. Average level. The most important stage in learning English is Intermediate. The level implies a threshold state that translates into confident proficiency in a foreign language. Knowledge of grammar and vocabulary progresses noticeably, communication skills are honed and detailed as much as possible.
  • - AT 2. English is above average. The Upper Intermediate level allows students to completely get rid of the language barrier and communicate freely in English in almost all everyday, business and everyday situations.
  • — C1. Advanced level. At this level, learning becomes more of a honing of skills in the areas of phonetics, grammar, communication and vocabulary. Listeners begin to think in English and completely get rid of reliance on their native language.
  • - C2. Professional English. This level can be achieved by students of philological and linguistic faculties, foreign language teachers, translators, etc.

“I had heard about conversation clubs for a long time, but it seemed like a rather strange activity to me. I didn’t understand what you could chat about with strangers, and even in broken English. However, the first session got me involved from the very first minutes. In such conversations, we need a formative center, bright and perky. Sean, a native speaker, turned out to be just that. In a matter of seconds, he involved all the participants in a single game. Thank you very much to Sean, for the pleasure of communication. Thank you to Irina, for another push from your comfort zone into a pleasant floundering in an unfamiliar environment. I study individually with an Australian teacher, but group experience is important and needed along with other types of practice. I'll be happy to continue. Thanks to the organizers"​

Ekaterina from Moscow, 33 years old

Milana Bogdanova

Mikhail Chukanov

Onlinewell: “Learning to read in English with pleasure”: « Thanks to all the creators of the course for this opportunity!!! What happened is a very significant event for me - I really started reading (and continue to do so with pleasure) in English ke! This is amazing, because I was afraid to get close to books in English, even looking at small information and English-language sites caused significant difficulties.”

Natasha Kalinina

Milana Bogdanova

“I have always been convinced that reading books in a language foreign to me is an extremely impossible task for me, but thanks to experienced teachers and my wonderful support group (training participants with whom I was in the group), I discovered a unique the opportunity to read and also get great pleasure from reading.»

Elya Alieva

Online course “ENGLISH THROUGH SELF-DEVELOPMENT”: “I began to use English more for practical tasks. For example, I recently selected an offer for the sale of a guitar on a London classifieds website, corresponded with the sellers myself, and bought a legendary guitar from an English musical family in London. We even sat and talked with them “for life.” This is a small victory for me! »

Mikhail Chukanov

Online course “Learning to read in English with pleasure”:“Seriously, if someone had told me a couple of months ago that I would devote every evening to reading in English, I would have been very surprised. Previously, for me it was more torture than pleasure, more a necessity than a choice.”

Olga Pashkevich

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​opens up many unique opportunities to live life in an interesting and exciting way, as well as get a good, well-paid job and unleash your potential. English is a universal language that can be spoken in any country in the world. The Target company offers practical English language courses for people of any age. The level of knowledge does not matter; the material is presented on the basis of an individual approach to each listener. The training program is designed for 20 hours of work with a highly qualified teacher. A flexible class schedule makes it possible to study English in your free time. At the end of the course, you can agree to continue classes at the next most difficult level.

Course Features

During the learning process, several topics are offered, information on which will help you easily express yourself in most simple cases. The material is presented through modeling situations according to the topic of the lesson. The course consists of the following topics:

  • About Me.
  • Your family.
  • Work and rest.
  • People in your life.
  • Acquaintance.
  • Your time.
  • Far from home.
  • What would you like?
  • Health.
  • Your personal space.
  • Life experiments.
  • Changes in life.
  • Trips.
  • Plans, hopes and solutions.
  • Entertainment.

The company reserves the right to change the set of themes. Study material is not included in the course price and must be purchased separately.

How does the learning process work?

Classes are conducted in a familiar form. The course is designed to improve the level of knowledge of the English language applicable in the everyday sphere. Therefore, providing an integrated approach, classes are divided into blocks:

  • speaking practice;
  • listening to foreign speech (listening);
  • reading;
  • letter.

What will you learn at the end of the course?

The goal of the course is to develop the necessary communication skills of the student in various situations. To get the maximum benefit from classes, the student must approach the learning process responsibly. To do this, you need to consolidate the material you listened to by practicing on your own, avoid missing classes, and actively participate in simulating situations during the lesson. Each time the teacher will leave recommendations, the implementation of which will help improve the quality of learning.

To make it easier to assess the development of language competencies, final tests are carried out. They show what points you need to pay close attention to. At the end of the course, the teacher will present a detailed report on the student’s work and give recommendations for training at the next level.

If you would like to receive more information, fill out the feedback form on the website or call us at our contact number. Based on the results of the first conversation, our specialists will enroll in the course and draw up a preliminary algorithm of actions.