What can you develop in yourself? What is self-development

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Your individuality is your unique personality. This is what sets you apart from others. Personality may be innate and natural, but it is, of course, highly variable. If you think there is something in your personality that you want to change, there are certain opportunities to learn how to develop and improve your personality.

Your personality is a combination of your likes, your thoughts, your feelings and your behavior. If there is something about you that you don't like or that you think needs to change, following tips will help you with this.

Think about what might be wrong with you

First of all, you need to understand and list all the things that you need to change in yourself in order to know how to develop your personality. Are you too introverted? Are you always moody and pessimistic? Do you find it difficult to talk to others, let alone make friends? Are you too stubborn and picky? Find out what traits you want to change in yourself and start learning how to develop your personality.

Always have a positive outlook on life

Those who are always negative about everything are the most unattractive people. They always complain and always find faults in others. If you are one of them, this is something you need to work on to develop your personality. Try to find something positive in everything, even when everything around you is bad.

Be positive in your actions and words and you will automatically become a charming personality to others. always surrounded by people who share positivity and always have a fresh outlook on life.

Learn to listen to others

Many of us love to talk, so much so that we don’t give other people the opportunity to speak. This is not a trait of a good personality, nor is it something that will attract others. Learn to listen and share other people's opinions because people always value thoughtfulness and sensitivity in a person.

You have a definite opinion

This good trait character - listen to others, but you must also have own opinion about what you should explain to people around you. If you are the type to always agree with others, or shy away from expressing your feelings because you are afraid of conflict and misunderstanding, it is unlikely that others will respect you.

Be cheerful so that people want to be around you

You should try to be a fun person to be around - someone who knows how to have fun, laugh and find the humorous side of life. To be taken seriously, you don't need to put on a straight face all the time, it's more important to be funny person for others just like you.

Be careful and polite

Treat others with respect and be polite. Laughing at others and laughing at the suffering of others is never a good character trait. Always be kind to the people around you and also to people you don't know. Respect their thoughts, ideas and words.

Support others

Everyone seeks support, especially when they feel depressed or sad. Be a supportive person and help people in need. Everyone loves someone who can offer support, even if it's just a greeting or a compassionate smile when needed.

Be tolerant of others' opinions

When you are among a group of people, there will be differences of opinion. Conversations can sometimes get heated because everyone is entitled to their ideas and beliefs. Being a person of opinion doesn't mean you have to completely ignore what others say. Rather, you should be tolerant of different opinions.

Meet new people

You should be a friendly person who should always make new friends. Be social and always try to be nice to both friends and strangers. Meeting new people broadens your horizons and exposes you to new ideas and thoughts, which makes you an interesting person.

Learn to be a good communicator

Be good conversationalist is an art that you need to work on. to talk, and be attractive and polite so that others will truly enjoy communicating with you.

Read more to find out more

Read to expand your knowledge so that you have interesting topics for discussion. The more you know, the more interesting you will seem to others, and the more more people wants to talk to you.

Smile as often as you can

Smile at people - it makes you feel good. Smiling, even to strangers, makes you seem pleasant to people who they can trust and be friendly with.

rest assured

Confidence is key and it will make you seem like a person with great personality. Even if you have weak traits, don’t lose them.

Be yourself

To develop your personality, don't cheat on yourself. If you go overboard with being someone else, it will come off as fake and pretentious—and those are not traits that attract other people.

Work on your body language

Your body language is just as important as the way you speak or think. Other people will judge you by your body language as much as they will judge you by your words. Work on improving your body language so that people pay attention to you and are interested in getting to know you better.

Every person must be an individual. But not everyone can afford it. Why? Because a person usually attracts with his confidence and charm, interesting hobbies and the ability to lead. But how to become confident and charismatic person? In this article we will give some tips on how to develop yourself.

The path of self-discovery

The origin of the path of self-development begins in learning and loving oneself. Psychologists recommend several ways to develop yourself using your own capabilities:

  • You need to accept yourself as you are: don’t look for flaws in yourself, don’t develop complexes. This will help you trust yourself and instill respect for your own strengths, which means it will increase your self-esteem.
  • There is no need to take the side of the majority, because... it suppresses one's own self and does not give expression to individuality. This will lead to an increase self-importance and the value of your opinion.
  • Accept your real image as an ideal, adapting the surrounding reality to suit oneself and imagining oneself in one’s place.
  • Maintain the unity of your inner world, inner values, so as not to get discord between your mind and emotions. It will give a feeling internal unity and peace of mind.
  • Be responsible for yourself, for your words and actions. This will bring you spiritual freedom and the opportunity to be true to your own beliefs.
  • Never be afraid to admit you are wrong or make a mistake, because... Through mistakes and doubts lies the thorny path of self-development.

Harmony with yourself

By listening to yourself and understanding how to develop yourself, you can take the path of development harmonious personality, i.e. one who can decide for herself the importance of the goal and the possibility of achieving it, can go in the right direction and guide other people. The main thing in this is the charisma of a person. But it also needs to be developed, because there are people who are interesting, but not attractive to you. And sometimes they are very simple and unremarkable in appearance, but you can’t get away from them. How to recognize a charismatic person and how to become one? A charismatic is someone who:

  • Loves himself.
  • He is neat and takes care of his appearance.
  • Values ​​his opinion, but is not selfish.
  • Respects the opinions of others, listens, and communicates positively.
  • Optimistic about life.
  • Clearly formulates his thoughts and goals.
  • Does not become dependent on external circumstances, because strictly follows its intended path.

To become a charismatic person, you need:

  • Get rid of pessimistic views.
  • Change negative to positive.
  • Get rid of irritation when encountering obstacles.
  • Leave the position of a victim of circumstances and become their master.
  • Be responsible for your words and actions, do not look for those to blame for your failures.
  • Get rid of a critical attitude towards other people.
  • Learn to hear and understand another person.
  • Don't give unnecessary advice.
  • Don't be proud and arrogant.

Walking along the right way, you will understand how to develop yourself and become active person, sociable, decisive, purposeful, moderately proud and self-centered, passionate about various interests. In all this, self-confidence plays an important, and sometimes even the main, role. Because it’s not enough to find a hobby, you need to be able to talk about it and involve strangers, and this can be difficult for those who suffer from a lack of confidence in their abilities.

How to develop self-confidence and increase self-esteem? There are many ways. Let's turn to the tips professional psychologists who offer methods of working on oneself, like sports trainers work on your muscles. It’s not for nothing that we talk about such a comparison, since in order to develop certain psychological skills, you need to intensively develop them. This takes 20-30 minutes, preferably every day. It all depends on how great your desire is, how developed your imagination is and how great your belief in what is achievable. After 2-3 months of intense training, the results will be obvious.

Exercises to develop confidence

  • Presenting yourself as very confident person. To do this, you need to find an image of a person you like, whose behavior seems very confident. The image of a movie character or famous person, but it’s better if it’s a familiar person who’s somewhat similar to you. You need to imagine it in a calm environment, noting actions, gestures, facial expressions and even accompanying smells.
  • Feeling relaxed. Achieve this by imagining yourself light and airy. If it is difficult, then a feeling of warmth in the limbs will help, which will gradually turn into lightness.
  • Autotraining. Otherwise – self-hypnosis. The key point there will be words, for example, “I am very confident in myself,” which need to be repeated many times before conviction appears in them. It is useful to combine it with the first.
  • An imaginary situation. To get started, come up with several options (greeting, question-answer, anecdote). Play out these situations in your head, and then in an empty room, as if you were confidently doing it in front of other people.
  • Rehearsal with a loved one. Ask your sister, friend, or mother to play out a version of a communication situation with you, so that you can later do this with any other person.

You need to do the exercises gradually moving from one to another, spending 2-3 weeks on each one. The main thing is not to force things to allow the skills to take hold. In conclusion, it must be said that each person is individual and everyone’s abilities are different, therefore, everyone must decide how to develop themselves. The main thing is to find yourself and follow the intended path in harmony with yourself.

This doesn't mean you aren't beautiful now, but constant development necessary if you want to maintain motivation and peace of mind. We will talk about 16 rules that are the foundation for self-improvement. Take a small step every day towards better version myself.

Enrich your mind

1. Eat a frog

Not in literally, of course, although this is not excluded. Our regular readers probably already remember this expression. “Eating a frog” means doing something unpleasant. So, do this at the beginning of the day. It's one thing to be complicated work task or unpleasant phone call. Get rid of this matter, and it will not hang over you like a heavy burden for the rest of the day.

2. Start already developing or acquiring skills

There will be no better time than now, believe me. You don't have to wait for a special day to start tightening up or learning to play the guitar. If you want to learn a language, register on the service for self-study, buy an audio course or hire a tutor. Then it will definitely be difficult to retreat. Buy a guitar! Yes, these expenses are justified: this is the path to your dream.

3. Make a pact with friends

There is no financial opportunity to enroll in courses or buy musical instrument? Ask friends for help. Perhaps some of them have a tool gathering dust without use. In addition, its lucky owner can show you a couple of chords. Or your friend can study a foreign language with you.

By the way, in in this case there will be benefits for both parties. After all, when you explain the material to someone, you yourself begin to understand it better. Maybe your friends will find it useful and pleasant to remember their skills.

4. Read, read and read again!

Read books of any genre, read voraciously. Books expand your consciousness, give you experiences that you may not be able to get in real life, they make you think. Don't know what to read? There is a Lifehacker section “” for you. We also periodically write to interesting books that we come across.

Develop your body

1. Do some strength training every day

At the gym, don't spend all your time on the treadmill or elliptical machine. Do and strength exercises. With dumbbells, barbell or body weight. Start with regular squats.

2. Replace unhealthy foods with your favorite fruits and vegetables.

Well, yes, it sounds boring. And again blah blah blah... But this advice does not lose its relevance. With food we can harm or benefit the body. Instead of a bag of chips, eat a fruit or vegetable that you like. Should there be such things?

3. Try group classes

A cheerful instructor and like-minded people are often a great motivator for classes. Invite a friend to practice with you. Perhaps you both need some friendly kicks to get to workouts regularly.

4. Drink water

Still, nothing quenches thirst as perfectly as water. Don't deny yourself a drink when... Carry water with you so as not to buy at exorbitant prices and not be tempted by sweet sodas.

Cultivate True Happiness

1. Praise others

It's very cool to make someone happy, especially someone you care about. Besides, happiness is contagious. Express your gratitude to those around you. People need to know when they are good at something, and it will give you a boost of good humor.

2. Smile

Seriously! Smiling has many benefits. For example, you release endorphins that make you . Even if you force a smile, you will begin to feel better. Next time you feel overwhelmed negative emotions, take control of them with a smile.

3. Better yet, laugh

Remember how good you feel after having a good laugh. This is all because of the same endorphins. Make it a goal to laugh at least once a day. How? Read something funny or watch an episode of your favorite comedy series.

4. Surround yourself with people you feel good with

Think about how you feel when interacting with the people who constantly surround you. Are there among them those who drain you, who constantly bring negative emotions? Are there those who sabotage your efforts to improve yourself? You cannot be truly happy if you are surrounded by negative people. Try to spend time with people who encourage your efforts and inspire you. You deserve it.

Grow spiritually

1. Set goals for yourself

We are not talking about career goals now, although they are also important. Start your day by thinking about how to make yourself or someone else happier, what good can you do today? Set goals for spiritual growth.

2. Be grateful for what you already have.

There are always things we want to have, but don't have yet. It's important to work toward your goals, but there's no point in worrying about not achieving them yet. Remember: there is someone who is happy with less than you. Being grateful every day for what you have will help you appreciate your life and your choices. At the end of the day, write down what happened for which you are grateful. Focus on positive aspects in your life and you will grow spiritually.

3. Try yoga

Even if you still have difficulty performing asanas, you will still enjoy yoga. Yoga is good for clearing the mind and becoming aware of the body. Even the simplest poses give this effect. Start your day with yoga and it will go well.

4. Remember: everything passes.

In life there are troubles, problems, sad events that completely absorb you. It's hard to swim out and move on. Ask yourself, how will this issue matter to you a year from now? And in 5 years, in 10? Not to mention the end of life.

You only have one life! Make an effort and make it better.


First, love yourself. Accept yourself as you are, stop scolding yourself and looking for to myself shortcomings, do not cultivate your complexes. Inspire to myself respect for to myself, believe in your strengths and capabilities. Trust not only your own inner “I”, but also your body, with which you are one.

Understand yourself, have a clear understanding of to myself and your condition. Your concept must constantly assimilate to the new life experience and state, your and ideal “I” should steadily move closer to each other in your mind.

Take full responsibility for your actions. This will allow you to get inner freedom and always remain faithful to myself and your beliefs.

Keep and protect the integrity of your inner world, do not lose unity between your feelings, do not betray your beliefs even in small things, but do not confuse this with stubbornness and conservatism.

Know how to admit and realize your mistakes. Personality is not a ossified monument, it must constantly change, its growth and formation is a sign that it exists. Important criterion development – ​​flexibility and ability to be adequate to the outside world while maintaining its identity.

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Continuous self-improvement is a sign of a true personality. If you are interested in developing your intellectual abilities And moral qualities, start working in this direction.


Remember why you need self-improvement. When do you realize that development self will help you achieve success, you have an incentive to work on yourself. Keep yours in mind life goals. If you know that personal growth is the key to a happy and full life, you will pay enough attention to it. To move forward systematically and devote time every day to your development, you will need willpower. After all, sometimes there is neither the strength nor the desire to think about something or learn new things.

Realize the need for regular exercise. Some character flaws, such as laziness, may prevent you from achieving your plans. Therefore, you need to learn to deal with them. The easiest way to overcome laziness is to simply start doing something without too much thought. Then you won’t have a chance to come up with a reason to refuse to work on yourself or to postpone some of the tasks to another day.

Read more. If you want to grow the real one in yourself, multifaceted personality, give preference to classical works. Such books will show you different characters and life situations, will help diversify oral and written speech. In general, it is difficult to overestimate positive value works of the world classical literature the impact it has on a person’s personality.

Be inspired by the examples of great people. It is not necessary to have some kind of idol, but a passion for biographies and memoirs famous writers, artists, scientists, public figures will help you determine for yourself some life principles and will have a beneficial effect on the strength of the spirit. On someone else's positive example you will learn to move forward despite obstacles.

Pay attention not only to your soul, but also to your body. Exercise physical activity, spend your weekend actively. Choose healthy foods and get enough sleep. It is better if you live according to a certain schedule, eating and going to bed at the same time every day, even on holidays and during vacation. By feeling good, you will have the strength to work on developing your personality.

Develop your intelligence. Try to learn something new every day, watch educational films and educational programs, visit exhibitions and museums. Work on improving your memory and logical abilities. Teach foreign languages, travel more and get out of your comfort zone more often. All this contributes to the development of your personality.

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A person who respects himself with the same respect relates to others in order to emphasize even more clearly self-respect. There are many other actions and characteristics in which a person shows respect for to myself yourself. This is especially evident in conflict situations.


In conflict, do not raise your voice. This is the first sign of weakness and powerlessness. If you have exhausted your arguments, remain silent with an expression like this: “I’m right anyway.” Even if you are truly right, you will not be able to convince the person who insists on opposite point vision. You only risk ruining your relationship with him, but not winning him over to your side, especially since it is most likely not beneficial for him.

Don't argue with people who you think are less knowledgeable or competent than you. If you give even the most reasonable arguments, you will be best case scenario They won’t listen, and at worst, they will laugh. Just try not to let your affairs depend on the opinions of these people: their mistake can cost you very dearly.

Treat others politely, but without servility. Anyone should perceive you as an equal, not a subordinate. Moreover, do not try to curry favor or gain someone’s favor by walking on your hind legs. Know how to refuse if a friend’s request is fraught with damages and losses for you.

Watch your posture. It has been noticed that a person who feels guilty or is defending himself from attacks sometimes pulls his head into his shoulders, slouches, as if trying to look smaller and more inconspicuous. Such a figure causes even more excitement in your opponent, and a feeling of enslavement in you. Keep your back and head straight, like a person who has nothing to fear and no one to hide from. Try to look your interlocutor in the eyes to prove your sincerity and at the same time fearlessness.

As with any change in character, educate to myself self-esteem gradually. Do not expect instant results and success if you have just started using these methods. They can also be difficult to use for people who have been using them for a long time. The only question is your persistence and fortitude.

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A person’s own “I” is the source internal resources, support. Having this support, a person is confident in to myself, is adequate in any situation, is free to choose and experiences a feeling of happiness. Typically, the concept of “I” includes role settings, an idea of ​​one’s goals, values, self-worth, personal strength, ways to respond to problems. Only after deciding what you understand by your “I” and what you lack, you can look for ways of self-development.


Borrow active position a doer, a creator of his own destiny. A person’s own “I” develops, and only in action. Stop feeling like a victim, weak or flawed person. This belief robs you of your own energy. Your inner world is quite advanced and you can use any resource for your needs. The main thing is to act, not suffer!

Take responsibility for decisions and emotions. Give back to myself report on how your beliefs and perceptions influence your behavior. And how you are perceived by other people. Be prepared to change your beliefs and attitudes if you need it.

Make reasonable commitments to people and follow through on them. Obligations should not go against your interests or to your detriment - otherwise they are unreasonable. On the contrary, moderate ones, they can make you feel own strength and self-satisfaction.

Develop your independence. Independence in everything: in behavior, actions, thinking speaks of a formed, strong inner rod person. Learn to analyze the situation, search for information and make decisions on your own. Be prepared to be held accountable for your decisions. Both victories and defeats will be equally yours, deserved. Accept it.

Look for your mission, set life goals and objectives. He is a purposeful person and infects others. This reveals the strength of the individual, the strength of one’s own “I.” This is not done while lying on the couch, for this you need to move, act, make attempts, try yourself in different types activities, analyze experience. Highlight to myself a little time to sit down and think about where to go, what you want. And take action again. Use various exercises, meditation, creativity in order to express your “I”.

Direct your energy and strength not to protecting yourself, but to collaborating with others, use the power of your “I” to influence. Search constructive methods resolving conflicts and problems. Learn to manage your emotions. Be interested in the lives of other people - what they want, how they live, what they strive for.

Develop your view of the world, form beliefs and opinions. To do this, read more, communicate with others, take an interest in what is happening, develop your interests. Pay equal attention to physical and spiritual self-improvement.

Treat others with interest and respect. Take the best from others, in your opinion, learn from the strong and... Respect other people's interests and points of view. But be able to maintain your view of situations and things. Never assert yourself for people, do not compare yourself with others.

Develop your sense of humor. Be positive and cheerful. Learn to have fun at ease. For your "I" it is ideal conditions development.

Some people have a clear life position, the ability to live in harmony with yourself and achieve your goals. Such individuals stand out from the crowd due to their distinct personality.


Decide on your goals and set life tasks that you want to achieve. You must be motivated to develop strong personal qualities. Remember that goals must be realistic, broken down into smaller tasks and stages.

Don't be afraid to speak your mind. You should not depend on the voice of the crowd and blindly follow other people. A true personality is distinguished by loyalty to one's own ideals and principles.

Try to maintain your individuality. Qualities that you are accustomed to viewing as shortcomings may turn out to be your characteristics, you just have to look at them from a different angle. Don't give up on what makes you stand out from the crowd.

Be true to yourself. Don't do something if your whole being is against it. By overpowering yourself and adapting to others, you will not gain strong personality. Always think about which path is best for you. When you do something, decide whether it will benefit your body and mind.

Don't stop in your development. Improve yourself, develop your talents and skills, grow professionally, read more quality literature, discover new types of art, other countries. Try to expand your horizons, meet new people, get out of your comfort zone.

Treat your mistakes correctly. There is no point in constantly worrying about what you have done, but it is also impossible not to notice that you have stumbled. Learn from the negative aspects of your past and move on wiser own experience.

Rise above complaints and gossip. A real person has no time to criticize anyone or anything. Do more interesting and constructive things, direct your thoughts in a more positive direction.

Know how to resist other people's negative opinions. Real personality does not need the approval of the crowd and does not try to please everyone. Understand that it is impossible to please everyone around you and still maintain your individuality. Be the kind of person who is liked, first of all, by you, and not by other people.

Know yourself. Listen to your own feelings every day. It is better to do this during meditation. Find a secluded corner where no one will disturb you. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. In silence, observe your self for fifteen to twenty minutes. Over time, you will notice that you have become more clear about what you want and will find harmony with yourself.

Do not be upset if you are not blessed with innate sensitivity. Tactfulness can be developed through some work. Observe relationships between people and be careful with the feelings of others.


Watch how relationships between people develop. To do this, you can turn to works of world literature. Read novels, watch how the characters communicate. Books written by world-famous authors can teach you a lot. You will see how some character traits of this or that hero are connected with his actions, you will understand what words or actions lead to quarrels and breakups, how they can react different people for various circumstances.

Monitoring people's relationships is also useful in real life. Other people's actions, emotions and words will help you get to know others better. Over time, you will learn to predict other people's reactions. This will help you become a more tactful and attentive person to the feelings of others.

Think about what character traits help you get along with others and show yourself as a tactful person. For example, these include kindness, attentiveness, the desire to understand another, non-obsession with oneself, and the ability to listen. You can take as an example a person you know who successfully builds relationships with people himself. various types. Think about what qualities help her in this, and try to develop them in yourself.

Learn the basics of personality psychology. This will help you understand how to approach others, how to build relationships with them so as not to hurt their feelings. You will understand what questions not to ask so as not to make others uncomfortable, and you will recognize what behavior is inappropriate.

Watch not only what you say, but also how you say it. Your posture, facial expressions, and voice matter. Your behavior must correspond to the meaning of the spoken phrases, otherwise you will seem like an insincere person. Avoid aggressive and impatient gestures. Be polite and listen to the person carefully. Don’t look away and don’t look thoughtful and bored.

Be careful with critical remarks. A phrase that seems quite innocent to you can deeply hurt a person. You can casually throw something about the features in the appearance of the interlocutor or his personal quality, and he will be very upset. This is where tact lies - in the art of creating a comfortable atmosphere around oneself when communicating. Don't say too much.

Learn to behave. Don't talk loudly in in public places or discuss those present with someone. Remember, sometimes tact comes down to following basic rules of etiquette. Understand that disclosing details personal life may be unpleasant for a person.

Think about others. Try to behave in such a way as not to inconvenience someone. Don't listen to loud music at work. This may distract colleagues. If someone feels bad, sad or uncomfortable, offer your help. Don't insistently brag about your success in your career or personal life to less fortunate people. Your boasting may hurt them.

A person who is creative by nature differs from other people in that he does not look for a solution to a problem, but looks for everything possible solutions, and he will most likely choose the most inappropriate one. Unlike other abilities, the tendency to creativity, if present in a person, can develop without special effort- in the eyes of a person creative song can develop from the slightest rustle. How to develop your creativity personality?

Hello, dear readers! Today I want to talk to you about how to develop yourself, not get lost in the huge amount of literature on self-improvement, choose your own path and achieve success in different areas life. Each of us has our own unique and inimitable path. How to find it? It's very simple, you only need to follow a few rules.

To begin with, I bring to your attention Sergei Filippov’s book “ State of efficiency. Unusual methods self-improvement" In it you can find non-standard and sometimes very unusual techniques and methods that will definitely help you become better, more confident and confidently move forward.

One in a million

As I already said, each of us has our own development path. Agree that for a woman on maternity leave, a student technical university and a businessman, the same techniques and techniques are unlikely to work. Everyone is looking for their own spiritual path.

Therefore, the first thing you need to understand is that you will not find a clear and correct instructions. You will have to work on creating an improvement plan yourself.

How to make such a plan? First, give yourself the mindset to work every day. Let it be only fifteen minutes, but every day. Because this is how you can develop the habit of constantly engaging in self-development, without interruption, and continue to move forward.

Secondly, find your direction. Some people find meditation, yoga, and breathing techniques helpful. Another will choose training, hire, go to a lecture famous practitioner. And the third will simply read and do exercises. Don't be afraid to mix different directions, take a little from each. After all, only by trying something can we understand whether it will work or not.

Thirdly, formulate your own rules of life. Since a person changes and nothing is permanent, we can safely assume that attitudes change over the years. I suggest you read the article "". You will certainly find something new and useful for yourself in it.

Fourthly, don’t give up and don’t give up what you started if suddenly something doesn’t work out, you make a mistake or it’s hard for you. Self-development is not an easy task. Be prepared to encounter certain problems and difficulties. For example, you will have to look deeply inside yourself, and there may be old grievances and childhood traumas hiding there that need to be worked with.

Remember, you have your own path. Don't try to adopt someone else's story, don't look for instructions. Create your own rules, look for your own methods and techniques, try, train, practice. Then you will definitely achieve success.

Look inside yourself

It’s worth starting with yourself. Get to know yourself, understand yourself, find out your weaknesses and strengths. The article “” will be useful to you for this. For it is they who often prevent us from moving forward, stop us, scare us and prevent us from taking the next step.

One client of mine was desperate to practice self-improvement. But she constantly quit training, didn’t finish reading books, didn’t do exercises, and so on. When she and I began to find out the reason for this behavior, it turned out that in childhood her parents scolded her greatly if something didn’t work out. And now, due to fear of failure, the girl could not move forward.

You are an individual, you have your own preferences, your own desires. Do you know about them? What activity brings you the most pleasure? What do you do when you're alone?

Another extremely important point- understand your motivation. What is the best incentive for you?

One of my clients sees financial gain in every action he makes. A girl I know is looking for approval from others. Cousin will do anything to avoid punishment. When you understand what motivates you, then it will be much easier for you to come to an agreement with yourself.

In what directions do you want to develop? Only you yourself, and not your mother, friend, boss or others. Do you want to develop mentally? Or maybe you want to get some kind of spiritual practice? Learn ? Find harmony between the material and spiritual? Create between all areas of life?

The world

After you delve a little into yourself, you can move on to the world around you. After all, self-improvement involves comprehensive development. It is impossible to develop only and not pay any attention and time to the spiritual component.

Secondly, communicate more and more often. So, you can improve not only your communication skills, but also learn more, meet different opinions, come across and try to get out of them.

Thirdly, learn to see perspective in everything. You were offered new position? Great. Does your spouse suggest moving to another city? Amazing. Are you expecting a new addition to your family? Perfect! In any event you can find benefits for yourself personally and for your internal development.

If you are completely confused and don’t know what first step to take, then I have an excellent article for you that will teach you to know yourself: “”. Start there and slowly move on. Remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to self-improvement. Find your path and then you will definitely achieve success!

Are you highly susceptible to the opinions of others? Do you know what the most is for you? the best motivation? Are there many acquaintances in your circle? interesting people? Why are they interesting?

I wish you every success. Don't be afraid of anything and boldly go towards your happiness.
All the best!