Samples of writing performance characteristics for a culinary institute trainee. Examples and samples of positive characteristics of a student from the place of practice

After completing the internship, students draw up a final report, part of which is a testimonial for the student from the internship site. This document will enable the trainee’s supervisor at the educational institution to give an objective assessment of the skills acquired. Its content depends on the place and type of internship, as well as the specialty received by the student.

Characteristics of a student

This document is drawn up at the place of internship - the organization or enterprise where the student mastered professional skills. The head of practice from the enterprise writes a reference for the student. There is no single form for this document. An approximate sample of performance characteristics for a student intern can be developed at the educational institution that sent them for internship, or it can be drawn up in any form.

There are also no strict requirements for the type of this paper. As a rule, it is drawn up on an A4 sheet; the letterhead of the company where the student practiced can also be used. The document is certified by the signature of the head of the organization (internship at the enterprise) and the seal of the company in which the practical training took place.

When writing a specification, be sure to include the following points:

  • information about the company that was the place of practice (name, addresses and telephone numbers);
  • information about the trainee (full name, educational institution, specialty and course);
  • information about the course of practice (what you studied, what professional skills you mastered, duties performed, etc.);
  • characteristics of the student (description of his professional and personal qualities).

The description of personal qualities should concern only the area of ​​work, and not all manifestations of the student’s character.

For example, there is no need to write in the description that “the trainee is a kind and sympathetic person,” but it is necessary to note attentiveness, accuracy and punctuality.

The characteristics should give an objective idea to the head of practice from the educational institution about the level of knowledge and diligence of the student.

This is necessary to ensure that the grade for the completed practice is not overestimated or underestimated. Therefore, the document is drawn up in a positive way for the student, but all its qualities are objectively assessed.

For example, you can write in the text of the characteristics that “the student promptly corrected any inaccuracies in the documents, adequately responded to comments and suggestions from the head of practice and employees of the department in which he underwent practical training.”

Information about the course of practice

During the educational practice, one gets acquainted with the future profession, documents and materials related to the work are studied, in general, the student receives brief information about the content of the specialist’s job responsibilities, and the trainee can perform simple labor functions. Basically, this practice takes place in the educational institution itself, sometimes in companies that have entered into an agreement with the university for this type of practical training for students. Such practical training occurs after the student completes the 1st year.

Therefore, the section with information about the internship contains general phrases about what the intern did.

For example, “During my internship, I studied the job descriptions of a lawyer and the legislation regulating the scope of the company’s activities. Familiar with local regulations. Independently drew up additional agreements to purchase and sale agreements.”

There is no need to fully describe the name of each regulatory act; the student will independently include them in the report or practice diary.

At the same time, if the trainee sought not only a general acquaintance with the actual work of the company and the specialist in the profession being acquired, then this must be noted in the text of the characteristics.

For example, “In addition to the materials and skills specified in the training practice schedule, I independently studied personnel records at the enterprise, helped perform the functions of a clerk in the personnel department, replacing a temporarily absent employee. Upon completion of the internship, he was accepted for an internship as a specialist in the specified department.”

Information on the progress of industrial practice

From the second year, the student undergoes practical training. During such practical training, he delves into all the job responsibilities of the future profession, independently performs some job functions, and can temporarily replace the main employee.

For example, replace the main employee with him during his vacation.

During practical training, the student implements his theoretical knowledge by performing job duties in the workplace. These features are taken into account when describing the progress of industrial training.

The student’s profile from the place of practical training contains information about what practical skills the student received and a description of the job responsibilities performed.

For example, it is not enough to write that “the student is familiar with the work of an economist.” It is necessary to indicate specifically what he did in practice.

« The student performed the duties of a leading specialist in the economic planning department:

  • compiled cost estimates for various types of finished products;
  • carried out calculations of individual planned performance indicators of the company;
  • monitored production costs;
  • made a proposal to improve fuel economy for heavy-duty vehicles.”

The exact wording can be taken from the job responsibilities of the employee whose functions were performed by the student.

Information about pre-graduation practice

Before the last year, students are sent to undergo pre-diploma internship. It is one of the varieties of industrial practical training. The difference is that the student has already chosen the topic of the qualifying work and, during practice, collects material for it.

Therefore, the description from the place of pre-diploma internship should contain information about the acquired knowledge and practical skills on the topic of the thesis.

For example, a student chose “Increasing labor productivity” as the topic of his qualifying work. The section with information about the practice progress will be as follows:

“The student studied the work with personnel at the enterprise and the qualifications and professional composition of the company’s employees. Carried out calculations of production standards for certain categories of workers and types of equipment used. Conducted chronometric measurements of equipment downtime and classified the causes of their occurrence. Participated in the implementation of measures to increase labor productivity. Calculated the efficiency of replacing outdated equipment.”

Examples of characteristics for a student from the place of practice

After completing the educational practice, you can give the student a description of the following content.

“A 1st year student studying in the specialty “Management” at the Faculty of Economics of the Mir State Institute, Ilya Mikhailovich Makarov, completed an educational internship at Mirsmen CJSC.

During practice I studied:

While undergoing practical training at the enterprise, he carried out instructions from the head of the department, prepared texts of orders for appointment to positions, payment of bonuses, and salary increases.

The student proved himself to be a responsible and attentive worker. Performed assigned duties efficiently and in a timely manner. He puts into practice the theoretical knowledge acquired during his studies at the university.”

Example characteristics for industrial practice

A 4th-year student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the Moscow Pedagogical University, Blagolepova Ekaterina Yuryevna, underwent practical training at the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 454” as a German language teacher.

During the internship, she performed all the duties of a full-time teacher:

  • conducted training sessions with students in grades 5-7;
  • developed lesson plans;
  • led the classroom management in the 6th “D” grade;
  • carried out control work based on the results of the quarter and half of the year;
  • did extracurricular work with students;
  • organized an open qualification test for school teachers.

During her internship, the student proved herself to be a competent and responsible specialist who fulfills all the required job responsibilities of a teacher in an educational institution. She behaved correctly with students and applied her knowledge of adolescent psychology in practice. She was distinguished by her original presentation of educational material and assessed students’ knowledge objectively.

For the good organization of the open lesson, E. Yu. Blagolepova received an excellent rating from specialists from the district education department. A letter of gratitude from the municipality was sent to the student’s place of study.

Example of characteristics from pre-graduation practice

A 5th-year student at the Faculty of Agricultural Technologies of the Goretsk Agricultural Academy, Alexander Fedorovich Ptolomeev, completed his pre-graduation internship at the Tushinskoye experimental farm on the basis of the Research Institute of Seed Production and Selection.

During the internship, he performed the duties of an agricultural technician for greenhouse crops, replacing a specialist who went on vacation. Additionally, he studied the technologies of irrigation and fertilization for greenhouse crops grown, and conducted a comparative analysis of advanced methods for organizing breeding work for growing the seed fund of individual varieties of white cabbage.

Conducted an analysis of the soil composition in the fields of the enterprise and created a map of weather conditions over the past 5 years. Analyzed the influence of negative atmospheric factors on various varieties of cabbage.

He proposed the introduction of Dutch technology for growing leafy crops on the basis of the farm, independently made calculations on the payback and implementation time of this technology, and compiled a feasibility study for a business plan for the purchase of the necessary equipment.

During the internship, he perfectly applies the acquired theoretical knowledge and skills, shows scientific interest in his work, and strives to study new products in the field of seed production.

The acquired theoretical and practical knowledge and skills characterize student A. F. Ptolomeev as a specialist ready for independent work.

General conclusions

Compiling characteristics for students undergoing practical training at an enterprise is not particularly difficult. To do this, you can use the form developed at the educational institution where the trainee came from, or write it yourself in any form.

The text of the characteristics must indicate what practical skills and knowledge the student has received and the responsibilities he performs. The content of this document depends on the type of practice; the closer to the end of training, the more varied and comprehensive the trainee’s skills become.

If it was time to choose a job, or you were lucky enough to take an elected position. Today, testimonials are again being called letters of recommendation. It’s one thing to receive a description, another to write one. In modern realities, the old concept of a letter of recommendation comes into use in our everyday life. It was always necessary to go to the personnel officer with a reference. Almost everyone has had to deal with the concept as a characteristic. We offer a template that will leave time for drawing up a satisfactory document. During the time of the USSR, a letter of recommendation was replaced by an ordinary reference.

Characteristics of the practice course


for a student of the Russian State Medical University named after. acad. I.P. Pavlova 3rd year 20th group of the Faculty of Medicine

Ipatko I.I.

Ipatko I.I underwent practical training as an assistant guard and procedural nurse at the 3rd surgical department of the emergency hospital in the period from 30.06 to 16.07. 2005

During my internship, I became familiar with the work of the department and practically mastered the methodology of medical manipulations. Student Ipatko I.I showed himself to be a conscientious and competent student, demonstrated good theoretical training in terms of carrying out various manipulations, and also deepened and improved his theoretical knowledge in the course of practical work, performing all the necessary nursing manipulations at a high level. Every day he independently carried out intravenous, subcutaneous, intramuscular injections, dressings of patients, performed enemas, IVs and thermometry, as well as drawing blood for analysis. Participated in the implementation of preventive and sanitary education measures. He actively assisted the medical staff and carried out his duties and assignments flawlessly.

During his internship, he showed himself to be polite and tactful with medical staff, attentive to patients. He was constantly guided by the norms of medical ethics and deontology.

There were no comments or complaints from the medical staff.


Other sample characteristics

Popular document samples and templates

  • Statement of claim for recognition of ownership of a residential building
  • Appeal in the case of termination of the gift agreement
  • Will and law
    Inheritance often comes with sudden difficulties. Entry into inheritance by will and law differs in its procedure. Examples of claims in cases related to disputes over obtaining an inheritance.

    Ownership and right of use
    Templates for applications to court in civil disputes regarding residential buildings. Housing law concludes the right of residence, possession and use. There are a lot of disagreements and disputes here. There is a difference between a private house and a residential apartment. On the same basis, disputes arise regarding the use of an apartment jointly and the division of a personal account. Examples of claims will help you study exactly what requirements should be indicated in an application to the court.

    Damage and compensation
    It happens that we are harmed. Harm can be material or intangible. This is determined based on the absence or presence of guilt of the ability to foresee possible damage. Depending on the signs, there is an obligation to compensate for the harm caused. And everyone whose property has been damaged dreams of compensation. Responsibility for a minor, animal and more

    Trouble on the road
    A traffic accident cannot be a pleasant surprise. Everyone who witnessed this event will support this statement. Since this has happened, we will have to somehow solve this problem. When explanations, insurance documents and calls from insurers are drawn up, a dispute usually arises about full compensation for damages and moral compensation

    Characteristics of a student at the place of internship in management

    Characteristics for a student from a place of practice at JSC Simferopolskoye, majoring in Organization Management.

    Student Novikova Irina Andreevna underwent practical training at JSC Simferopolskoye from 01/19/09 to 02/13/09.

    She proved herself to be a disciplined, efficient and proactive student; acted conscientiously and responsibly in carrying out assignments.

    In her work, she can be described as a strong-willed, assertive, purposeful person who has the necessary knowledge in her field and quickly assimilates new information. Actively strives to acquire new knowledge and skills. She is attentive to criticism of her work and is able to draw the necessary conclusions.

    When completing the production internship program, the student was interested in the opinions of experienced workers, and used the necessary consultations she received when writing a report

    She studied and analyzed all the necessary documents for the internship program.

    During the internship, the student gained new practical skills and consolidated her existing theoretical knowledge.

    The head of the practice from the enterprise at the place of practice is the chief accountant.

    Characteristics of a student from the place of practical training, example, accountant

    Characteristic for a 4th year student of the accounting and financial faculty of the Law Firm "KATU" of NAU Ivanova Diana Ibraimovna, who completed an internship at CJSC "N-Pobeda" in the Sovetsky district of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea

    Diana Ibraimovna Ivanova completed an internship as an assistant accountant at N-Pobeda CJSC from 03/03/08 to 03/14/08.

    Throughout the practice, the student showed herself well. She complied with the rules of the internal daily routine established in the household and did not violate labor discipline. Conscientiously performed all duties assigned to her. She mastered the full cycle of accounting work in the central accounting department, kept records and registered accounting documents.

    During the internship, the student acquired practical skills in maintaining financial and management accounting in a production environment.

    Hardworking, punctual, responsible, neat, purposeful.

    The chief accountant is the manager at the place of practice. Date of. Signature. Seal.

    Characteristics of a student from an accounting internship

    Characteristics of a student from the place of practice of the chief accountant of JSC "Burliuk" for a 3rd year student of the accounting and financial faculty of the Law Firm "Crimean Agrotechnological University" NAU Tsurkan Sergei Valerievich, at the place of practice.

    The student showed up for practice on time, worked diligently, and persistently obtained the necessary information. Carefully studied the provided data and accounting registers. I delved into the specifics of accounting directly at our enterprise.

    The trainee demonstrated deep theoretical knowledge on the necessary issues.

    I have learned well in practice the issues noted in the individual practice plan.

    Tsurkan Sergey proved himself to be a diligent student and left a good impression.

    Chief accountant manager at the place of practice.

    Characteristics of a student undergoing practical training in economics

    Characteristics of a fifth-year student at the Faculty of Economics and Management Diana Yuryevna Babayan underwent practical training at the Georgian Industrial Complex from March 29 to April 9, 2010.

    During her internship, the student showed her best side, establishing herself as a modest, tactful, well-mannered, inquisitive, active, efficient and hardworking person.

    During the internship, she completed all tasks given by the economist or accountant of the enterprise in a high-quality and timely manner.

    She showed great interest in innovations in the organization of labor and its payment, organization of work of structural units.

    She actively collaborated with the company’s specialists and mastered the provided material correctly and efficiently.

    I studied the necessary documents: the Charter of the SEC “Georgia”, the Collective Agreement of the enterprise, the internal regulations, the business plan for the development of the enterprise, the main legislative acts on the activities of agricultural enterprises.

    Industrial practice showed Babayan D. Yu. as a good specialist in the future.

    Head of practice from the enterprise, Director of SEC “Georgia” ________________ Khasitashvili. IN AND.

    Characteristics of a student from the place of practical training in agronomy

    Characteristic Student Natalya Konstantinovna Litvinova held the position of assistant foreman.

    During her internship, she proved herself to be a responsible, efficient, qualified worker.

    Natalya showed interest in the work, delved into the essence of technological operations, and carried out all the proposed work carefully and efficiently.

    She studied all the features and tasks of the foreman’s work and showed organizational skills.

    Signature of the chief agronomist Merkulov T.V.

    Characteristics of a veterinary practice for a student


    Student intern Afanasyev O. E. came to practice at JSC “DRUZHBA.. NARODV NOVA” poultry plant from 04/18/16 to 05/13/16 inclusive. During this period, Afanasyev O.E. proved himself to be a competent, proactive worker who knows how to use in practice the knowledge acquired at the Pribrezhnensky Agrarian College. He carried out the instructions of the leading veterinarian of the poultry plant quickly, accurately and conscientiously. At the same time, he showed interest in the work of a leading veterinarian and pathologist.

    I got acquainted with the work of a veterinarian, a pathologist and all the documentation with which they work (forms, magazines, etc.). He carried out all the instructions of the practice manager on time and strictly adhered to the internal labor regulations.

    Shows initiative, is sociable, takes on any task, and completes it clearly and within a certain time frame. Based on the results of implementation, reports to the manager. The workplace is organized correctly.

    He maintained friendly relations with the employees of the poultry plant and had no conflicts. He easily gets into contact with people, in any situation he was respectful in communicating with others.

    During his internship, he proved himself to be an active, attentive, hardworking and responsible worker.

    Mastered types of work, quality, independence, interest, initiative.

    The main type of work performed by O. E. Afanasyev was to conduct a veterinary and sanitary examination on the slaughter line of broiler chickens. He was also involved in conducting postmortem examinations of broiler chickens. Showed high interest and initiative in work.

    Labor discipline and compliance with safety regulations - Strictly adhered to internal labor regulations, safety rules and fire safety rules.

    Special comments and suggestions from the practice manager - During the internship, he proved himself to be an active, attentive, hardworking, and responsible employee. In the future, he continues to strive to improve his acquired skills and acquired practical and theoretical knowledge.

    Practice rating: excellent.

    Date “13” ______May______ 2016

    Head of practice from the organization (position) (signature) (Last name I. O.), seal, date.

    The educational process of almost all educational institutions that train specialists for various branches of production and service is closely connected with enterprises and organizations that act as the main customers for young qualified personnel.

    One of the forms of training in this case is the practical training of students at the enterprise, during which future specialists are given the opportunity not only to become familiar with the production cycle, but also in practice to independently perform a number of technological operations in the production cycle.

    The result of such work, as a rule, is a production characteristic for a student intern who completed an internship at the enterprise.

    Writing rules

    Since a student’s practical training at an enterprise is not just a formal, but a clearly regulated event with documented results of the work done. AND The student's reference must be drawn up in accordance with certain rules:

    • the characteristics are drawn up on the company’s letterhead;
    • The document contains all the details of the company:
    • full name of the enterprise;
    • mailing address;
    • email address;
    • Contact phone numbers;
    • the last name, first name and patronymic of the student-intern, educational institution, specialty, course of study are indicated;
    • must be indicated:
    • the position in which the student was trained;
    • successes achieved during training and shortcomings identified during the internship;
    • signatures are certified by a seal with the company logo.

    Possible nuances when writing

    Almost always, a highly qualified and professional production worker is appointed as the head of a production practice, but for whom, as a rule, it is quite difficult to write a normal description. In view of this, the simplest way to present the results of the work is by following the following plan:

    • the position in which the student interned;
    • theoretical knowledge of the trainee necessary for independent work, level, depth, quality of assimilation;
    • Practical skills;
    • compliance with safety and fire safety regulations;
    • description of the main functions in the production process performed by the student (here, it is recommended to use as a template the job responsibilities of the specialist whose functions were performed by the intern);
    • positive aspects and disadvantages identified during independent work.

    An important point in writing a characteristic is the use of business communication language that excludes subjective value judgments.

    Important! The characteristics are written for each trainee separately; this is a document that characterizes one person specifically!

    Sample characteristics from the place of practice

    st. Builders 000

    3rd year student of the Industrial College, specialty “mechanical engineering technology” Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

    In the period from “__”______ to “__”______2016, 3rd year student Ivanov I.I. underwent industrial practice as a technologist in the tool shop of Spetsstroy LLC.

    During the internship, the student, according to the internship plan, studied the main technological features of the tool shop, became familiar with the production process at the site, the organization of labor protection and the procedure for complying with safety and fire safety rules at the enterprise.

    During the training process, I independently carried out operations on the selection, assessment and quality control of tools and spare parts of equipment, the procedure for preparing tools for transfer to other divisions of the association, the procedure for documenting the receipt, movement and write-off of material assets, filling out technical documentation.

    Directly under the guidance of the internship supervisor and the workshop foreman, he independently carried out work on sharpening cutting tools, testing strength, and determining the technical condition of the tool.

    There were no cases of violation of internal labor regulations and safety regulations during practice.

    Director of Spetsstroy LLC (signature) Vasiliev A.P.

    st. Builders 000

    2nd year student of the Trade and Economic College, specialty "commodity science" Ivanova Irina Ivanovna

    In the period from “__”______ to “__”______2016, 2nd year student Ivanova I.I. underwent practical training as a merchandiser at the Vesta private enterprise.

    According to the tasks of the internship plan, Ivanova I.I. carried out all the main operations for the acceptance, accounting and delivery of goods by customers according to the assortment. During my work, I quickly mastered the basic operations associated with my job responsibilities and independently studied the basic software of the enterprise, the procedures and rules of document flow.

    During her work, she demonstrated a fairly deep knowledge of accounting operations related to the work of a merchandiser.

    She performed her assigned duties conscientiously; there were no violations of the company’s labor regulations during her internship.

    Performed additional assignments and duties conscientiously. She was repeatedly involved as a freight forwarder to temporarily replace an absent employee.

    When working independently as a salesperson-cashier, she demonstrated excellent business skills, knowledge of the range of goods, their consumer qualities and the characteristics of each product. Cash transactions are carried out correctly; no shortages or surpluses were identified when depositing cash at the enterprise's cash desk.

    Based on the results of practice, the assessment of general preparedness as a specialist in the specialty is assessed as “excellent”, the overall assessment of the completion of tasks is “excellent”.

    Internship supervisor (signature) Petrov S.P.

    Director of the private enterprise "Vesta" (signature) Vasiliev A.P.

    4th year student at the Institute of Transport and Communications, specialty “occupational safety” Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

    In the period from “__”______ to “__”______2016, 4th year student Ivanova I.I. underwent practical training as a labor protection engineer at the Central Mining and Processing Plant production association.

    Ivanov I.I. During his practical training, he acted as a safety engineer in the transport department. During the internship, I was unable to master theoretical knowledge related to the job responsibilities of a safety engineer and the enterprise’s labor protection system.

    The student’s theoretical knowledge in the specialty did not allow the management of the enterprise and the internship supervisor to admit I.I. Ivanov. to independent work.

    During the internship, violations of internal labor regulations by Ivanov I.I. were repeatedly recorded. – he repeatedly arrived late to work, often in a state of intoxication; unauthorized departures and absences became a normal occurrence for him by the end of his internship.

    Based on the results of the student’s work, the assessment of general preparedness as a specialist in the specialty is assessed as “unsatisfactory”, the overall assessment of the completion of tasks is assessed as “unsatisfactory”.

    Internship supervisor (signature) Petrov S.P.

    Director (signature) Vasiliev A.P.

    • the position in which, according to the practice plan, the student was trained;
    • what basic technological operations were studied and mastered, in what processes the student himself directly participated;
    • compliance by the trainee with safety regulations and internal labor regulations at the enterprise;
    • successes achieved during training and shortcomings identified during the internship;
    • in conclusion, a grade is given for completing the production task and an overall grade based on the results of the practice;
    • If necessary, wishes and recommendations on the level of training are indicated.
    • the document is signed by the head of practice from the enterprise and certified by the signature of the head of the enterprise.

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    We draw up a profile for a student from the place of practice

    Characteristics of the student from the place of practice describes his professional training, theoretical knowledge, practical skills and business qualities that he demonstrated during educational, industrial or pre-graduate internship.

    On conducting practical training and preparing a student’s characteristics from the place where it was completed

    The conduct of practical training for students is regulated by the Regulations on the practice of students mastering basic professional educational programs of higher education (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 27, 2015 No. 1283. The purpose of the practice is to develop basic skills in professional activities, and if it comes about pre-graduation internship, then obtaining additional factual material for writing a thesis.

    The practice must be supervised by two supervisors at once: one of the teachers of the educational institution and an employee of the organization that accepted the student for the internship. Together they create a practice schedule.

    The functions of a representative of an educational institution are listed in clause 12 of the Regulations:

    • drawing up a practice plan;
    • development of individual practical tasks;
    • distribution of students among workplaces;
    • monitoring compliance with practice deadlines;
    • control of practice content;
    • methodological assistance to students;
    • evaluation of practice results.

    Clause 13 of the Regulations describes the functions of the practice manager on the part of the enterprise. Organization employee:

    • coordinates individual practical tasks of students, content and results of practice;
    • provides students with jobs at the enterprise;
    • introduces trainees to labor protection requirements and fire safety rules;
    • explains to students the rules of labor activity;
    • provides safe working conditions from the point of view of sanitation and labor safety.

    After completing an educational, industrial or pre-graduate internship, the student must receive from his supervisor and provide to the educational institution a characteristic on the basis of which the final grade will be assigned.

    The trainee’s profile should reflect information about his skills and abilities, the level of his professional training, the volume and quality of the assignments he completed during the internship period, and, of course, the recommended assessment.

    Trainee supervisors often shift their responsibilities for writing such characteristics to the students themselves. Unfortunately, this is a common practice, but do not despair. The samples below evaluate the student's internship as excellent. You can use them as an example to write your own characteristics, changing only the underlined data to your own.

    Option 1. About completing an introductory internship

    Student characteristics

    Issued to Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

    1. Period and type of practice:
    from 05/25/2008 to 07/30/2008 Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov underwent introductory practice

    2. Organization that provided the place:
    OJSC Gazprom, Russia, Moscow region, Moscow, st. Lenina, 65, tel. 56-89-45

    3. Student responsibilities during internship:
    Studying the internal regime and routine, technical documentation, equipment available at the enterprise, technological diagrams, charter and regulations of the organization, conducting analyzes and tests of finished products for compliance with GOSTs and other standards, etc.

    4. Conclusion and evaluation:
    Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov showed his ability to work under difficult conditions, to act independently and without prompting, which indicates his high theoretical level of training. Also, during his internship, he mastered the practical skills necessary for work.

    The suggested rating is "excellent".

    Option 2. On industrial practice

    Student characteristics

    Issued to Igor Dmitrievich Medvedev, who underwent industrial training at OJSC Gazprom from 06/01/2000 to 12/31/2000.

    During the internship, student Igor Dmitrievich Medvedev studied partnership agreements, purchase and sale agreements, rental agreements, as well as other personnel and accounting documents, and internal documents were also studied.

    During the internship, the student actively participated in the work of the financial, technical, and legal department of the enterprise: compiled financial documents, legal reporting, entered information into the automated system of financial and economic activities, negotiated, signed contracts with clients, analyzed activities, performed technological operations, etc.

    At the end of the internship, the student was given an "excellent" rating.

    Student characteristics

    Issued to trainee Egor Borisovich Fedorov, studying at the Sverdlovsk Railway Academy

    Egor Borisovich underwent practical training from March 23, 2006 to June 21, 2006. in the Rechzky branch of the Sverdlovsk Railway

    Performed the following duties:
    Monitoring the movement of trains, restoration work, monitoring the condition of railway tracks

    Acquired the following professional skills:
    list the skills

    Professional work skills 5
    Quality of task completion 5
    Desire to master new professional knowledge and skills 5
    Friendliness, ability to communicate with clients 5
    Strict adherence to daily routine and work discipline 5
    Sense of responsibility 5
    Ability to apply knowledge in practice 5

    Option 3. About completing pre-diploma internship

    Student characteristics

    Issued to Sergei Ivanovich Petrov, born in 1998

    Sergey Ivanovich completed pre-graduation internship with employment in the period from 01/01/1999 to 12/31/2000 at Zarya LLC as a mentor.

    During the internship, the student performed the following duties:

    The functional responsibilities of S.I. Petrov this period included:

    - laboratory tests

    - repair and repair of equipment
    - laboratory tests
    - setting up equipment and monitoring its operation
    - control of the entrusted territory
    - performance analysis
    - high-altitude work related to production control
    - scheduling weekends
    - execution of technological operations
    - reporting and estimate documentation