I have violent outbursts of rage. When the whole world is not nice

Anger is a momentary madness that expresses internal state person in this moment time. Anxiety and inability to solve any problem accumulate, resulting in all sorts of disorders, and they provoke outbursts of anger. This condition can be caused by both external and internal factors.

TO external reasons it is customary to attribute any factors environment, which a person does not like. Internal will be: depression, constant fatigue, violation brain functions, feeling of hunger, lack of rest, sleep.

Often, outbursts of anger occur in a person suffering from diabetes. Such attacks can manifest themselves in different ways, and sometimes they are not at all noticeable to the people around them. The patient is seething inside, but he doesn’t show it outwardly.

Another type of anger is destructive; during an attack, a diabetic is able to use physical strength, morally humiliate others or damage property. Protect yourself from similar situations almost impossible, aggression can be splashed out on any person. Women and men with diabetes experience symptoms of anger differently.

If you ignore frequent cases of aggression, after some time a person develops a personality disorder, which negatively affects the diabetic’s relationships in society. For this reason:

  1. such a problem should be taken seriously;
  2. take appropriate measures in a timely manner.

Quite often, unmotivated anger passes as quickly as it began, but the patient is left with a feeling of guilt, and relationships with others deteriorate. In this case, the person’s condition only worsens, he may even fall into a prolonged depression.

Uncontrollable anger should be treated by a doctor who will determine exact reason pathological condition will help a diabetic get out of it.

Diabetes and schizophrenia

Another health problem that may arise when diagnosed with diabetes is schizophrenia. A close connection has been found between these two diseases: improper insulin production, which occurs with hyperglycemia and obesity, can contribute to mental disorders. Researchers have discovered a molecular relationship between schizophrenia and physical signals in the brain.

It has been proven that diabetics are predisposed to frequent mood swings and other types of mental disorders. These concomitant pathologies easily explain why some diabetics find it extremely difficult to follow doctor’s orders and often go off their diet.

The hormone insulin is responsible for the metabolism of blood sugar, and it also regulates the transmission of dopamine in the brain. The substance dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is necessary for normal motor activity, it is responsible for concentration and pleasure. When dopamine signaling is disrupted, e.g. depressed state, hyperactivity, attention deficit and Parkinson's disease, the psyche also suffers.

Scientists note a molecular pathway that occurs due to a change in the insulin supply signal, a dysfunction of dopamine, which causes:

  • attacks of aggression;
  • schizophrenia-like behavior.

Thus, one disease can lead to another.

Mechanism of diabetes type 1 and 2

The human pancreas is innervated by parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves, their fibers are in close contact with cell membranes islet cells. In other words, the organ has an excretory control system, which is controlled by the central nervous system.

Based on signals from the central nervous system, the pancreas activates or inhibits its activity. If an activity command is received, the secret is allocated, and vice versa. The organ cannot carry out other commands. If there is a threat, danger, stress, the body immediately stops digestive process, redistributes energy from the organs of the digestive tract that are not involved in eliminating the danger to the muscle tissue that is involved in this process.

As a result of the reaction to a stressful situation, the secretory activity of the pancreas decreases or completely stops. The volume of secretion released will depend on the person, whether he was able to overcome stress, control himself and take control of the situation. Since about 5% of the world's population has diabetes, it can be assumed that the patient is quite poor at managing it.

All people experience unreasonable stress, but the reaction is not the same, one person gets diabetes and the other does not, all this is due to the way they are managed.

Central teams nervous system are supplied by thinking, behavior control becomes the response of the psyche:

  1. for a specific situation;
  2. are included in the body's response process.

The situation is repeated every time, as well as all actions functional systems and brain. When repetitions occur, the human body gets used to it and reacts only in a certain way.

As the situation worsens, control of consciousness passes, the process becomes subthreshold, becomes automated and moves to the unconscious level, only the beginning of the action and its outcome are realized.

Stress often occurs in the human mind, the experience is realized, as a result of which a symptom such as a change in blood sugar levels appears, strange behavior patient. It is not always clear when the disease began; the same can be said about tachycardia and elevated level blood pressure. When an emotion is realized or stress or fear is experienced, the heart rate increases and blood pressure rises.

The pancreas responds to stress by reducing the production of insulin, pancreatic juice, and lowering blood sugar levels. Doctors wonder whether stopping secretion can cause gastric juice cause pathological changes in metabolism:

  • lipid;
  • protein.

In any case, the development of diabetes mellitus and its symptoms, such as unreasonable anger and attacks of aggression, does not go away without the direct participation of the pancreas.

Thinking and blood sugar

Taking into account that the pancreas fully copes with its function, that is, produces insulin, hypoglycemia can be explained differently. A decrease in glycemic indicators overtakes the patient in a relaxed state, when he is calm, normal energy consumption occurs, and the body independently releases insulin into the blood to release it.

At first glance, it may seem that primary diabetes mellitus is associated with maintaining elevated blood sugar, but the body's reaction is always the same, whether it is primary or secondary diabetes mellitus.

It is believed that any kind of stress is a harbinger of diabetes, and anger and aggression are one of the symptoms. The origin of stress can be anything, but the reaction human body always the same. When the stressor is removed, glycemic levels decrease in response.

The cause of stress is often not only illness, but also environmental influences, experiences, and poisoning with substances and products. The source of emotional stress is unpleasant experiences.

Chronic emotional stress is:

  1. burning shame;
  2. mortal resentment;
  3. uncontrollable anger;
  4. strong fear.

Any experiences constitute the essence of thinking and fully reflect it. The patient's ability to manage his condition is indicated by the duration of the experience, the longer the patient remains in stressful situation, the worse the control is.

Because of not effective management, the inability to get rid of a traumatic emotion, resentment or shame, is generated emotional stress, mental anguish are intensifying. Such suffering manifests itself in pain, spasms, and the person becomes strange and aggressive.

The role of the pancreas is to provide energy to the entire body, due to insufficient effective management this function transforms into a defensive one, the organ tries to protect itself from stress. After a change in the function of the gland, either type 2 occurs. For this reason, the main principle of treating the disease is to restore pancreatic function through a change in thinking style.

Today, doctors are trying to teach diabetics to cope with their emotional state, which helps to achieve a sustainable reduction in sugar within 8 mmol/l.

If a person has learned to control himself, you can count on lowering blood glucose without the use of drugs.

How to control anger

Attacks of anger become especially severe when the patient is tired or in a stressful situation. It is recommended to remove the load in a timely manner to exercise self-control and put the nervous system in order.

If a diabetic is very tired at work, you need to shorten your to-do list a little and give yourself time to good rest. It is also important to avoid various experiences and determine what exactly causes anger most often.

It is recommended to get a good night's sleep every day; the majority of people can sleep only 6 hours a day and still feel normal. Even if a diabetic tries to maintain strength thanks to caffeine, this will sooner or later have a detrimental effect on health, since muscles and internal organs do not have time to recover, the load gradually accumulates, provoking anger and aggression.

This in itself is unpleasant, not only for those around them who are suddenly plunged into negativity, but also for the aggressors themselves. In fact, among the latter there are not so many clinical scoundrels who derive pleasure from splashing out violent emotions on other people or objects. Normal people are also capable of such outbursts, but they then experience remorse, try to make amends for their guilt and at least try to control themselves. Aggression is especially destructive in men; the reasons may turn out to be so far-fetched and strange that the presence of a problem becomes obvious to all participants in the situation.

Types and types of male aggression

It is worth immediately noting that negative emotions with spilling out are not exclusively a male prerogative. Women are just as capable of being aggressors; they do not monitor their actions and words. The paradox is that male aggression somewhat considered socially acceptable. Of course, extreme manifestations are condemned, but at the same time there are many justifications for such a phenomenon as aggression in men. The reasons can be very diverse - from competition to a state of health.

There are two main types of aggression that are easily defined even by non-specialists:

  • verbal, when negativity is expressed in shouting or openly negative language;
  • physical, when there are beatings, destruction, attempted murder.

With auto-aggression, negativity is directed at oneself and manifests itself in various forms. destructive actions. The motto of this type of aggression is: “Let it be worse for me.”

Psychologists classify what we are considering into several types according to the following criteria: method of manifestation, direction, causes, degrees of expression. Self-diagnosis in in this case is practically impossible, since in most cases the aggressor seeks self-justification, does not see and does not want to see the problem, and successfully shifts the blame to others.

Verbal aggression

The external manifestations of this type of aggression are quite expressive. This can be a furious scream, curses and curses. They are often supplemented by gestural expression - a man can make offensive or threatening gestures, shake his fist, or swing his arms. In the animal world, males actively use this particular type of aggression: whoever growls loudest declares himself as the owner of the territory; outright fights come about much less often.

However verbal aggression in men, the reasons for which may lie in both mental health, and in the pressure of society, is not so harmless. It destroys the psyche of those who are forced to live nearby. Children get used to an abnormal pattern of communication and absorb the pattern of their father’s behavior as the norm.

Physical aggression

An extreme form of aggressive behavior, when a person moves from shouting and threats to active physical actions. Now this is not just a threatening fist swing, but a blow. A man is capable of causing serious injuries even to those closest to him, breaking or breaking personal belongings. Man behaves like Godzilla and destruction becomes his main goal. It can be either a short explosion, literally just one blow, or a long-term nightmare, which is why aggression in men is considered the most dangerous. The reasons given are varied - from “she provoked me” to “I’m a man, you can’t make me angry.”

When wondering how permissible this is, it is best to take the Criminal Code as a guide. It says in black and white that bodily harm varying degrees gravity, attempted murder and intentional damage to personal property are all crimes.

Features of unmotivated male aggression

We can conditionally divide manifestations of rage into motivated and unmotivated. It is possible to understand and partially justify aggression shown in a state of passion. This is often called "righteous anger." If someone offends this man’s loved ones, encroaches on their life and health, then an aggressive response is at least understandable.

The problem is such attacks of aggression in men, the causes of which cannot be calculated at first glance. What came over him? Just been normal person, and suddenly they changed it! This is roughly what witnesses to sudden unmotivated rage that erupts in any form, verbal or physical, respond to. In fact, any action has a reason, explanation or motive, they just don’t always lie on the surface.

Reasons or excuses?

Where is the line between reasons and justifications? An example is the phenomenon of aggression between men and women. The reasons are often the most common attempts to justify oneself, to shift the blame onto the victim: “Why did she stay late after work? She’s probably cheating, she needs to be shown a place!”, “I didn’t have time to serve dinner, I need to teach a lesson” or “Allows herself to show dissatisfaction, provokes aggression."

Behind such behavior there may be personal hatred towards to a certain person, and banal misogyny. If a man seriously considers women to be second-class citizens, then is it surprising that he receives malicious attacks against them?

However, outbursts of aggression may not occur because the man is simply an evil type. In addition to far-fetched excuses, there are also conditional ones. serious factors that can be identified and eliminated.

Hormonal background

Solid share aggressive manifestations due to hormonal imbalance. Our emotions are largely determined by the ratio of the main hormones; a deficiency or excess can lead not only to violent outbursts, but also to severe depression, to a pathological lack of emotions and severe psychiatric problems.

Testosterone is traditionally considered a hormone not only of sexual desire, but also of aggression. Those who are especially harsh are often referred to as “testosterone males.” Chronic deficiency leads to increased dissatisfaction and makes a person predisposed to negative manifestations. Outbursts of aggression in men, the causes of which lie precisely in hormonal imbalance, must be treated. To do this, tests are taken to measure hormone levels, and the disease that led to the disorders is identified. Symptomatic treatment in this case brings only partial relief and cannot be considered complete.

Middle age crisis

If such cases have not been observed before, then sudden aggression in a 35-year-old man can most often be associated with the age of maximalism being left behind, and the man begins to weigh whether everything is really decisions made were correct, was it not a mistake. Literally everything comes into question: is this the right family, is this the right woman, is this the right direction in one’s career? Or maybe it was worth going to another institute and then marrying someone else, or not marrying at all?

Doubts and hesitations acute sensation missed opportunities - all this weakens the nervous system, reduces the level of tolerance and sociability. It begins to seem that there is still time to change everything in one jerk. Everyone around seems to have conspired and does not understand this emotional impulse. Well, they can be put in their place by force, since they do not understand good. Fortunately, the midlife crisis passes sooner or later. The main thing is to remember that periods of despondency are normal, but this is not a reason to ruin your life.

Retirement depression

Second round age crisis catches up with men after retirement. Women most often endure this period easier - a significant part of everyday worries remains with them. But men who are accustomed to their profession as a central part of their life’s plot begin to feel unnecessary and abandoned. Life stopped, the respect of others turned off along with receiving a pension certificate.

Aggression in men over 50 years of age is closely related to attempts to shift responsibility for a failed life onto others. At the same time, objectively, the man who suddenly caught the demon in the rib is all right, but there is a certain dissatisfaction. At the same time, all sorts of health problems, overwork, lack of sleep can be added - all these factors aggravate the situation. Aggressive attacks begin to seem like a natural reaction to everything that happens.

Psychiatry or psychology?

Who should I go to for help - a psychologist or straight to a psychiatrist? Many men are afraid of their aggressive impulses, fearing, not without reason, that they will do something irreparable. And it is very good that they are able to relatively soberly assess their actions and seek help from professionals. Who deals with such a phenomenon as aggression in men? The causes and treatment are in the department of the psychiatrist exactly until he confirms that according to his profile the patient does not have any problems. This is exactly what it consists of the right approach to treatment from such a specialist: you can safely make an appointment without fear that you will be labeled “crazy.” A psychiatrist is first and foremost a doctor, and he first checks whether any completely physical factors: hormones, old injuries, sleep disturbances. The psychiatrist can recommend a good psychologist, if the patient does not have problems that require drug treatment.

The first step to solving the problem

In many ways, the strategy for solving a problem depends on who exactly makes the decision. Aggression in a man... What should a woman do who is next to him, lives in the same house with him, and is raising children together? Yes, of course, you can fight, convince, help, but if the situation develops in such a way that you have to constantly endure assault and risk losing your life, it is better to save yourself and save the children.

The best first step for a man is to admit there is a problem. It’s worth being honest with yourself: aggression is a problem that needs to be dealt with first of all by the aggressor himself, and not by his victims.

Possible consequences of aggression and comprehensive work on oneself

We have to admit that in places of deprivation of liberty there are often prisoners who have precisely this vice - unreasonable aggression in men. Reasons require elimination, but excuses have no force or weight. It is worth pulling yourself together, but not relying only on self-control. If outbursts of rage are repeated, then the reason may lie in a hormonal imbalance. This may be overwork, depressive symptoms, as well as social pressure, an unbearable rhythm of life, age-related changes, some chronic diseases. Contact doctors - the right step which will help cope with destructive behavior. Separate reasons from excuses, this will help to outline original plan action, and soon life will sparkle with new colors.

What can cause such special conditions personalities? They can usually be provoked mental trauma when communicating in the family, at school, at work, on the street, as well as during unexpected news and incidents. Fit of rage is similar to hysteria in that it can put the psyche into a life-threatening state in the absence of organic changes.

Prolonged attacks of rage and hysteria can cause serious harm to health: result in a heart attack, stroke, loss of consciousness, shock, paralysis of the arms and legs, temporary blindness, and deaf-muteness. It is not for nothing that hysteria is considered a neuropsychic disease and is classified as one of the main types of neurosis.

The name of this form of neurosis comes from Ancient Greece and translated meant disease of the uterus (hysteria). Currently, hysteria is associated with typological features a person, his upbringing and life circumstances, but it manifests itself more often in women than in men, due to greater emotionality and impressionability.

Contributes to the development of hysterical traits in children miseducation when a child grows up in an environment of adoration, undeserved praise, when parents fulfill all his whims and desires, when they are inconsistent, justifying misdeeds and thereby forming egocentrism, narcissism, and lack of initiative in him. Raising one child is not easy - much harder than raising several children. Very quickly he becomes the center of the family, and parental love for him becomes nervous - any illness is difficult to bear, affecting the psyche primarily of the mother, showing hysterical traits.

The family needs the authority of parents - the authority of help, careful, attentive guidance, the authority of knowledge. The father and mother must have such authority in the eyes of the child, and a sign that it does not exist is the child’s disobedience. Authority built on suppression, pedantry, manifestation excessive love, reasoning, familiarity and bribery only helps a short time- very soon there is no authority or obedience left. In order to achieve impeccable fulfillment of parental demands, one then has to use anger, which turns into rage: “You still got me!”

Parents should know, without any spying or annoying questions, what the child is interested in, who he is or is not friends with, what he reads and how he perceives what he reads, how he studies at school, how he behaves, how he treats teachers. Children themselves must tell their parents about their problems - this is the authority of knowledge. And he, in turn, will lead to the authority of help - every child has many cases when he does not know what to do when he needs help. Children respect such parental authority.

Both at the age of five and at the age of ten, the main principle of parental education is compliance with the measure of activity and inhibition. From the age of one, you can instill activity in your child, while simultaneously limiting harmful desires. If a child hears only prohibitions, then only inhibitions are taught. In every childish prank, you should know to what extent it is acceptable as a healthy manifestation of energy, and in what cases energy is wasted in demonstrating bad job brakes

The types of mental states were defined by I. P. Pavlov in this way: “At one end there is an excited state, an extreme increase in the tone of irritation, when the inhibitory process becomes impossible or very difficult. It is followed by a normal, cheerful state, a state of balance between irritable and inhibitory processes. Then follows a long, but also consistent, series transition states to a state of inhibition."

Excited general state violates the theoretical and practical activities person. It is useless to demand that a child in such a state complete lessons or other assignments flawlessly. The processes of excitation and inhibition in the cortex and subcortex of the brain determine the mental state of the individual: when the subcortex is active and the cortex is inhibited, a hysterical state is observed; when the cortex is excited and the subcortex is inhibited, an asthenic state is observed. Mental conditions, repeating themselves, can become typical for a given person, defining her character, do not forget about this.

Mental states arising under the influence of external or internal influences can have a beneficial or negative effect on active work person, bringing inspiration or apathy. They can be deep or superficial, depending on the person or the situation.

When studying the behavior of children, you need to remember that special meaning has an analysis of educational systems in the family and school, forming an integral character or an inconsistent one. Children are easily influenced by the team, depending on the authority of each child.
For teenagers, the opinion of the team and its mood can be decisive.

A bad team can have an impact on an exemplary schoolchild bad influence. If you notice frequently recurring fits of rage or hysteria in a child and associate their occurrence with negative influence school team, don’t be shy - go to school, sound the alarm. If the situation is difficult and attacks of hysteria threaten the child’s health, solve the problem by continuing to stay in this class or educational institution.

The physiological basis of emotions that tonify human activity is primarily the process of excitation, while the basis of such negative emotions, like fear, there are processes of inhibition. IN childhood excitation prevails over inhibition and determines the child’s increased emotional excitability. The mood of those around him is conveyed to him, he can cry and after a few minutes laugh - he experiences a rapid change of emotions. Dear parents, remember this and don’t panic in vain. With age, a relative balance of the main nervous processes, feelings become more moderate and stable.

Remember also Dear Parents that the child is always trying to copy you! If he sees that with the help of attacks of rage or hysteria he can achieve his goal, he will do the same.
Despite the fact that hysterical personalities are characterized by artistic type thinking, they rarely achieve serious success in creativity because of their egocentrism, desire to constantly be in the center of attention and strong suggestibility.

How to escape from attacks of rage and hysteria? First of all, you should not create situations that are traumatic for the psyche, and not conduct offensive, offensive conversations. If there is a threat, smooth out difficult moments and distract them with other topics.
Avoid the company of people who provoke attacks!
Do not forget that an attack of hysteria, as a reaction to a strong mental trauma, treated by doctors using medications and various techniques: hypnosis, psychotherapy.

If attacks of rage and hysteria are a consequence of upbringing, then it is advisable to completely eliminate alcohol, which disinhibits, avoid irritating situations, try to be in nature more, think about pleasant things, say good things, act fairly and drink herbal infusions.

Plant a potted rose - it is useful for improving the home climate.
It has also been noticed that the medicinal plant “balsam” neutralizes the energy of conflict, and the atmosphere in the house becomes softer.

You can treat the manifestations of neurosis with the following medicinal herbs:
1. Cold infusion of valerian - pour 2 teaspoons of crushed roots into a glass of water in the evening room temperature, cover with a lid and leave until morning. The next day, stir the infusion and let it settle. Don't strain! Take one tablespoon three times a day. This cold infusion helps with increased child excitability, hysteria, and convulsions.
2. Wild raspberry leaf with or without dried flowers also has a beneficial effect on neurosis: one tablespoon of leaves is brewed with a glass of boiling water and left for one hour. Drink the infusion like tea without restrictions.
3. Infusions of chamomile, hawthorn, peppermint and others have a beneficial effect on sore nerves medicinal plants- examples can be found in traditional medicine reference books.

Take care of your nervous system, your children, do not offend each other and be happy!

Attacks of rage that appear suddenly are very frightening to others. This is how a person demonstrates in a unique way his anger and dissatisfaction, which are difficult to contain within himself. During an attack, a strong energy surge and destructive activity appears. Subsequently, the person ceases to control himself and critically evaluates actions. To overcome an unpleasant condition, you need to find out the reason for its occurrence and learn to control yourself.

Provoking factors

Many are sure that it is quite difficult to keep different emotions inside oneself, you need to get rid of them periodically. This is especially true for negative emotions. A person gets used to lashing out at others, so he constantly repeats the same actions.

Some deliberately provoke different situations to piss a person off. Please note that rage is natural. psychological process which every person has to experience. Any event can throw you off balance:

  • Financial difficulties.
  • Queue at the bank.
  • Constantly crying child.
  • Scandalous grandmothers in public transport.

Sudden attacks of rage are especially dangerous; they are unreasonable. Normal indignation appears just like that. If during an attack a person harms himself or others, this is no longer normal.

An attack of rage is not only an emotional, but also a physical disorder, in which heart contractions become more frequent and the temperature rises sharply. In addition, a person becomes enraged after a sudden burst of energy.

Unpleasant attacks can be a consequence of various physiological disorders. For example, they often occur when somatic diseases. A man becomes aggressive and has a surge of adrenaline due to genetic factors. An unreasonable outburst of anger is a serious mental disorder. A woman behaves uncontrollably due to various injuries, hormonal disorders,...


Unpleasant sensations appear in certain situation, which the subject does not like. Negative emotions flare up so much that obstacles seem to be everywhere in his path. All obstacles begin to greatly infuriate the aggressor, and during outbursts of rage, a desire appears to destroy everything around him. In this condition, a person feels as if he does not have enough air; he may “suffocate from his anger.”

A flash of rage is accompanied by strong tension in the nervous system; a person constantly strives to be active. Due to the fact that emotions begin to overwhelm a person too much, he behaves aggressively:

  • Might get into a fight.
  • He clenches his fists with all his might.
  • It destroys and breaks everything in its path.

In addition, facial expressions change. Evil person his eyebrows are drawn together and furrowed strongly, his gaze is focused entirely on the object, while the pupils noticeably dilate, breathing quickens, and sometimes a grin is noticeable.

Bouts of rage closely resemble hysteria. Please note that constant mental discomfort can cause shock, loss of consciousness, myocardial infarction, paralysis, and blindness.

Features of seizures in children

Many parents are interested in why the child suddenly gets excited and starts crying? Everything is easy to explain physiological processes that stimulate the child to active action. For example, on the contrary, they are very oppressive.

The child gets angry because often the process of excitation begins to prevail over inhibition. Preschoolers are accustomed to adopting the feelings of the people around them. Therefore, it is considered normal if a child suddenly changes his emotions.

At first the child cries, then after a while he begins to laugh and frolic. Parents should not yell at their child, but, on the contrary, it is important to understand that this is a completely normal psychological process.

Keep in mind that children begin to copy adults. If a kid achieves his goals by throwing a tantrum, he will do it all the time. To avoid this trouble, parents must carefully monitor their aggression.

Treatment methods

To get rid of unpleasant attacks of rage, you need to understand why this happens. Try to avoid at all costs unpleasant situations. Also, refuse to communicate with people who cause the accumulation of negativity.

An effective way to get rid of rage is to relieve stress, exercise different types sports If you urgently need to get rid of anger, it is better not to take it out on others, but to fight with yourself alone. For example, you can hit a punching bag, break dishes, tear or burn paper.

It is very important to learn to control yourself, to feel when the next attack appears, and to fight it by all means. You are very irritated, feel furious, abstract from everything that surrounds you. Then you need to switch your attention to the positive, change the topic of conversation, and then breathe deeply and calmly.

Can't cope with rage attacks on your own? Consult a specialist, he will tell you how to learn to control yourself correctly.

In no case should you suppress attacks by drinking a dose of alcohol. It is best to drink a soothing infusion of chamomile and valerian.

An effective way is to relax facial muscles– First, tighten them tightly, then release them. In all cases, switch your attention to something positive and pleasant.

So, all negative emotions prevent you from living fully and enjoying every little thing. Don't waste time on anger, resentment, envy, aggression, rage. Fill your soul with goodness, happiness, mercy. Also learn to forgive, do not accumulate negativity in yourself. Of course, it is difficult to overcome the storm of emotions, but try, and everything will definitely work out. Be happy!

Anger– motivated destructive behavior (impulse or intention), which creates psychological discomfort and causes harm to people or to an individual. This defensive reaction person, turning on automatically, at the deepest mental level when a person cannot do something various reasons calmly accept or endure.

Aggression- this is the “solution” of the human psyche to get out of the emerging difficult situation, includes different feelings, emotions, thoughts, actions.

Forms of aggression may be: direct attacks, sarcasm, blows, teasing, subtle humor, black humor, insult, threats, irony, satire.

Specialists from Cambridge University(Britain’s Cambridge University) in a study involving healthy volunteers concluded that changes in serotonin concentrations in the brain, often noted during hunger or stress, affect those areas that regulate feelings of anger and aggression. Serotonin is a brain neurotransmitter that is produced in the human pineal gland from essential amino acid tryptophan. Serotonin is often called « hormone of happiness», but in fact, in the brain it acts as a neurotransmitter, not a hormone, although it is directly related to the feeling of happiness. But when it enters the blood, serotonin acts as a hormone. Scientists have long known that low levels of serotonin in the brain are associated with aggression, but the results of the above study show why some people may be more prone to it.

The study changed the level of serotonin in the brains of the subjects by adjusting their diet, namely by alternating serotonin-poor days and placebo days. In the first case, study participants consumed a mixture of amino acids with a lack of tryptophan - building material for serotonin, in the second - with its normal amount. Magnetic resonance imaging was then used to study subjects' reactions to images of people with sad, angry, and neutral expressions to assess how different parts of the brain reacted and interacted with each other when they saw angry faces as opposed to sad or neutral ones.

The study found that on days when brain serotonin levels were low, the connection between the amygdala and frontal lobes was weaker compared to days when brain serotonin levels were normal. Using a survey, scientists determined which of the experiment participants was more prone to aggression in everyday life. In these people, the connection between the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala was even weaker during periods of falling serotonin levels. Thus, people who are predisposed to aggressive behavior, are even more sensitive to serotonin levels.

Luca Passamonti, one of the scientists who conducted the study, said the findings were relevant, for example, to patients with emotional instability personality disorder, where spontaneous, intense, uncontrollable outbursts of anger and aggression tend to occur. The results of this study may explain how the brain works in what is known as periodic explosive disorder. People with this mental disorder suffer from the strong uncontrolled outbreaks rages that can even be provoked by facial expressions.