Digestive system. The process of digestion in the human body: by time

Exercise 1.

Consider the proposed scheme. Write down the missing term in your answer, indicated by a question mark in the diagram.

Explanation: Cross-pollination in plants can be carried out with the help of the wind, since dust particles are light and can move with the air flow.

The correct answer is by the wind.

Task 2.

Choose two correct answers out of five and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

At what levels of the organization of living things are the characteristics of photosynthesis reactions studied?

1. Biosphere

2. Cellular

3. Biogeocenotic

4. Molecular

5. Tissue-organ

Explanation: A huge number of molecules are involved in photosynthesis reactions and photosynthesis occurs on the membrane and in the stroma of the chloroplasts of plant cells, therefore on the cellular and molecular.

The correct answer is 24.

Task 3.

The endosperm cell of a cherry contains 24 chromosomes. What set of chromosomes does a cell of its leaf have? Write down only the number of chromosomes in your answer.

Explanation: dicotyledonous plants contain triploid endosperm (3n) - 24 chromosomes, which means a diploid (2n) cell contains 16 chromosomes.

The correct answer is 16.

Task 4.

The following terms, except two, are used to describe the characteristics of the cells shown in the figure. Identify two terms that “drop out” from the general list and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. Eukaryotes

2. Chemotrophs

3. Photosynthetics

4. Vacuole

5. Glycogen

Explanation: The picture shows plant tissue. Plants are eukaryotes that build organic matter using light energy (and not through the oxidation of chemicals), that is, photosynthesis. They have vacuoles in their cells. The reserve substance is starch, not glycogen.

The correct answer is 25.

Task 5.

Match the characteristics with the organisms.


A. Consists of two perpendicularly located cylinders

B. Consists of two subunits

B. Formed by microtubules

D. Contains proteins that ensure chromosome movement

D. Contains proteins and nucleic acid


1. Cellular center

2. Ribosome

Explanation: ribosome is a non-membrane organelle that carries out protein synthesis. It consists of two subunits, which, in turn, consist of rRNA (ribonucleic acid) and proteins.

Cell center - consists of two perpendicularly located microtubules, contains proteins that ensure the movement of chromosomes.

The correct answer is 12112.

Task 6.

Determine the ratio of phenotypes in the offspring when crossing two heterozygous plants with incomplete dominance. Write down the answer as a sequence of numbers showing the ratio of the resulting phenotypes, in descending order.

Explanation: we cross two heterozygous individuals.

R: Aa x Aa

G: A, a x A, a

We get splitting

F1: 1AA:2Aa:1aa

With incomplete dominance, we have three different phenotypes. We write down the ratio in descending order - 211.

The correct answer is 211.

Task 7.

The following characteristics, except two, are used to describe the diheterozygous genotype. Identify these two characteristics that “fall out” from the general list, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. Contains different alleles of the same gene

2. Has dominant and recessive alleles of the gene

3. Includes two pairs of genes for alternative traits

4. During gametogenesis, one type of gamete is formed

5. Represented by two pairs of non-allelic recessive genes

Explanation: The diheterozygous genotype looks like this - AaBv. That is, it contains two different alleles of each gene (A and a, B and b), which are dominant (A and B) and recessive (a and b). A heterozygote represents two pairs of genes for alternative traits. Forms 4 types of gametes (AB, Av, aB, av).

The correct answer is 45.

Task 8.

Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of plant development and departments.

Features of development

A. The gametophyte predominates in the development cycle

B. An adult plant is represented by a haploid generation

B. The prothallus serves as a gametophyte

D. A sporophyte is a zygote

D. Cells of an adult plant are diploid


1. Green algae

2. Ferns

Explanation: Consider the life cycle of green algae.

In green algae, the gametophyte predominates in the development cycle. An adult plant is a haploid generation; the zygote is a sporophyte.

Consider the life cycle of ferns.

The prothallus grows from a spore and is a gametophyte. An adult plant - sporophyte - is diploid.

The correct answer is 11212.

Task 9.

What allowed angiosperms, in comparison with gymnosperms, to occupy a dominant position on Earth?

1. Location of seeds inside the fruit

2. Presence of chloroplasts in cells

3. Symbiosis with bacteria and fungi

4. Presence of a flower

5. Double fertilization

6. Propagation by seeds

Explanation: Angiosperms are the most progressive group of plants. They differ from gymnosperms in the presence of a flower and a fruit. They also have double fertilization, which allows them to form a fetus.

The correct answer is 145.

Task 10.

Establish a correspondence between plant characteristics and departments.


A. Forms the tree layer of the forest

B. Presence of a taproot system

B. Predominance in the development cycle of the sporophyte

G. Grows in the lower layer of the forest

D. Presence of a preadolescent (protonema) in the development cycle

E. Attached to the soil by rhizoids


2. Bryophytes

Explanation: gymnosperms are coniferous plants that form the woody layer of the forest, a tap root system (unlike mosses, they generally have roots), and their life cycle is dominated by the sporophyte. Bryophytes grow in the lower layer of the forest. A pregrowth (protonema) grows from the spores, since they have no roots and are attached to the soil by rhizoids.

The correct answer is 111222.

Task 11.

Establish the sequence in which the systematic groups of animals are located, starting with the largest.

1. Tigers

2. Vertebrates

3. Predatory

4. Chordates

5. Felines

6. Eukaryotes

Explanation: We start with the largest taxon.

Eukaryotic domain

Type Chordata

Subphylum Vertebrates

Squad Predatory

Cat family

Genus Tigers

The correct answer is 642351.

Task 12.

Choose three correct answers out of six.

The peculiarity of unconditioned reflexes is that they

1. Occur as a result of repeated repetition

2. They are a characteristic characteristic of an individual individual of the species

3. Genetically programmed

4. Characteristic of all individuals of the species

5. Are congenital

6. Not inherited

Explanation: unconditioned reflexes are a species characteristic, they are present in individuals from childhood, that is, they are inherited (they are congenital), which means they are enshrined in the genes. Examples: swallowing, sucking, sneezing, etc.

The correct answer is 345.

Task 13.

Match the characteristics and types of glands.


A. Form digestive enzymes

B. Secrete secretion into a body or organ cavity

B. They secrete chemically active substances - hormones

D. Participate in the regulation of vital processes of the body

D. Have excretory ducts

Types of glands

1. Exocrine secretion

2. Endocrine

Explanation: Exocrine glands secrete secretions into the duct, for example, the pancreas secretes digestive enzymes through the duct into the duodenum.

The endocrine glands release the hormone into the blood. A hormone is a biochemically active substance that regulates vital processes.

The correct answer is 11221.

Task 14.

Determine the sequence of movement of food entering the human digestive system. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers.

1. Duodenum

2. Throat

3. Esophagus

5. Stomach

6. Large intestine

Explanation: The sequence of organs of the digestive system looks like this: pharynx - esophagus - stomach - duodenum - colon - rectum. Let's check the structure of the digestive system on the diagram.

The correct answer is 235164.

Task 15.

Select three sentences from the text that characterize the geographical method of speciation in the evolution of the organic world. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. The exchange of genes between populations during the reproduction of individuals preserves the integrity of the species. 2. If reproductive isolation occurs, crossing becomes impossible and the population takes the path of microevolution. 3. Reproductive isolation of populations occurs when physical barriers arise. 4. Isolated populations expand their range by maintaining adaptations to new living conditions. 5. An example of such speciation is the formation of three subspecies of the great tit, which colonized the territories of eastern, southern and western Asia. 6. The species serves as the smallest genetically stable supraorganismal system in living nature.


Geographic speciation is the formation of a new species as a result of geographic isolation of a population. Usually occurs due to range rupture.

Stages: change in the habitat and position of the population, then a change in the direction of natural selection, then selection of the most adapted individuals, then geographic isolation, then selection in new environmental conditions, then the emergence of subspecies, then biological isolation, and finally the emergence of a new species.

This method of speciation is described in sentences 3, 4, 5. We pay attention to the phrases “the emergence of physical barriers” (that is, changes in the landscape), “expanding their range,” “developing the territories of eastern, southern and western Asia.”

The correct answer is 345.

Task 16.

Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of natural selection and its forms.


A. Maintains the average value of the characteristic

B. Promotes adaptation to changed environmental conditions

B. Preserves individuals with a trait that deviates from its average value

D. Helps increase the diversity of organisms

Selection forms

1. Propulsion

2. Stabilizing

Explanation: Driving selection- selection in which individuals with a trait deviating from the average survive. Helps increase adaptability to environmental conditions. That is, with this form of selection, individuals adapt to changed environmental conditions, and individuals with trait values ​​deviating from the average are retained. This form of selection increases the diversity of organisms, as new groups of organisms are formed.

The correct answer is 2111.

Task 17.

Choose three correct answers out of six.

The release of organic substances into water bodies through wastewater from livestock farms can directly lead to an increase in population numbers.

1. Heterotrophic bacteria

2. Crustaceans

3. Flowering plants

4. Carnivorous plants

5. Unicellular algae

6. Bacteria-reducers

Explanation: the presence of a large amount of organic substances contributes to an increase in the number of heterotrophic bacteria (since they eat organic substances), unicellular algae (most of them are both heterotrophs (feed on organic substances by pinocytosis) and autotrophs) and decomposer bacteria (decompose organic substances into smaller ).

The correct answer is 156.

Task 18.

Match examples of factors with environmental groups.

Examples of factors

A. Increasing air pressure

B. Competition for territory between plants

B. Change in population size as a result of an epidemic

D. Change in ecosystem topography

D. Interaction between individuals of the same species

Environmental groups

1. Abiotic

2. Biotic

Explanation: abiotic factors - factors of inanimate nature - increased air pressure, changes in the topography of the ecosystem. Biotic factors - factors of living nature - competition for territory, changes in population size as a result of an epidemic, interaction between individuals of the same species.

The correct answer is 12212.

Task 18.

Establish the sequence of processes occurring during interphase and mitosis. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers in the table.

1. Spiralization of chromosomes, disappearance of the nuclear membrane

2. Divergence of sister chromosomes to the cell poles

3. Formation of two daughter cells

4. Doubling of DNA molecules

5. Placement of chromosomes in the equatorial plane of the cell

Explanation: Mitosis begins with DNA doubling (since during mitosis the diploid set of chromosomes must be preserved), then the chromosomes spiral and the nuclear membrane disappears, then the chromosomes line up along the equator of the cell, then the sister chromosomes diverge to the poles of the cell, eventually two daughter cells are formed.

The correct answer is 41523.

Task 20.

Look at the drawing depicting a human organ and determine the names of its outer and inner anatomical layers, the processes that ensure the purification of the blood from metabolic end products and the structural formation of the organ in which solutions of substances accumulate to remove them from the human body.

Fill in the blank cells of the table using the terms in the list. For each lettered cell, select the appropriate term from the list provided.

List of terms:

1. Cortical, cerebral

2. Urinary

3. Renal pelvis

4. Loop of Henle

5. Transport of nutrients

6. Epithelial, muscular

7. Filtration, reverse suction

Explanation: The figure shows a kidney; it has two layers - the cortex (outer) and the medulla (inner). Filtration and reabsorption occurs in the kidney. Secondary urine accumulates in the renal pelvis, then enters the bladder through the ureter.

Correct answer -

Task 21.

Analyze the table "The number of centenarians of men and women in the period from 1940 to 1952." Select statements that can be formulated based on the analysis of the table data.

What is the ratio of male to female centenarians between 1940 and 1945?

1. Approximately the same and is 1:1

2. There are twice as many women as men

3. The average age of women is 100 years

4. The highest number of women per man occurred in 1942

5. For every man there are approximately 4-5 women

Explanation: the number of female long-livers significantly exceeds the number of male long-livers, approximately 4-5 times.

Let's write down the ratio of men and women from 1940 to 1945:

1940: 102/20 = 5,1

1941: 91/18 = 5,05

1942: 79/12 = 6,6

1943: 92/21 = 4,4

1944: 85/21 = 4,05

1945: 71/19 = 3,74

Indeed, the ratio in 1942 is the highest - 6.6.

The correct answer is 45.

Task 22.

What types of environmental factors contribute to the regulation of wolf numbers in an ecosystem? Explain your answer.

Explanation: Environmental factors are: biotic (factors of living nature), abiotic (factors of inanimate nature) and anthropogenic (human influence). But the number of wolves is influenced only by biotic and anthropogenic factors, since the influence of abiotic factors manifests itself over time and contributes to evolution. Biotic factors: intra- and interspecific struggle for existence, lack of food (feed), spread of diseases. Anthropogenic factors: reduction of habitat, shooting (poaching).

Task 23.

What division and what phase are shown in the figure? Indicate the set of chromosomes (n), the number of DNA molecules (s) during this period. Justify your answer.

Explanation: The figure shows metaphase of mitosis, since homologous chromosomes are lined up along the equator of the cell (the spindle is visible, there is no nuclear membrane(, the set of chromosomes is 2n (since pairs of homologous chromosomes are visible). The set of DNA molecules is 4c, since each chromosome consists of two chromatids, and each chromosome has two (2x2=4).

Task 24.

Find errors in the given text. Indicate the numbers of the sentences in which errors were made and correct them.

1. The human brain consists of anterior, middle and posterior sections. 2. The pons and cerebellum are part of the anterior cord. 3. The medulla oblongata is a direct continuation of the spinal cord. 4. The medulla oblongata regulates movement coordination. 5. The centers of sneezing, coughing, and salivation are located in the diencephalon. 6. The cerebellum is covered externally by the cortex.

Explanation: There were mistakes in sentences 2, 4, 5.

Suggestion 2 - the pons and cerebellum are part of the hindbrain rather than the forebrain.

Suggestion 4 - coordination of movements is regulated not by the medulla oblongata, but by the cerebellum.

Suggestion 5 - the centers of sneezing, coughing, and salivation are located not in the intermediate brain, but in the medulla oblongata.

Task 25.

What structures of the body cover protect the human body from the effects of adverse environmental factors? Explain the role of these structures.

Explanation: Epidermis - the outermost layer of skin is the body's defense. Due to the very dense arrangement of cells, the body is protected from ultraviolet rays and the penetration of microorganisms, viruses, etc.

When it is hot (high ambient temperature), sweat is released, and the body cools; subcutaneous fatty tissue provides warmth to the body, as do blood vessels.

The hair on the head maintains a constant temperature of the head, preventing it from getting too cold or overheated.

Task 26.

What is the basis for the sustainability of ecosystems? Give at least three reasons for their persistence.

Explanation: the main signs of the sustainability of ecosystems is the diversity of organisms (plants, animals, fungi, etc.), thus, if one species disappears (extinction), it can easily be replaced by another with similar needs, since with great diversity, great competition develops in the ecosystem; branched food networks (chains) (when a link falls out, it is replaced by another with similar needs); closed cycle of substances (provides a constant supply of mineral and organic substances).

It is in these three parameters that a natural ecosystem differs from an artificial one.

Task 27.

What chromosome set is characteristic of the vegetative, generative cells and sperm cells of the pollen grain of a flowering plant? Explain from what initial cells and as a result of what division these cells are formed.

Explanation: a vegetative cell is characterized by a set of n, a generative cell is characterized by n (this is the result of meiosis) sperm cells - n (also a result of meiosis). A vegetative and generative cell is formed during the germination of a spore (they have a haploid set) through mitosis. Sperm are formed from a generative cell during mitosis. In plants, germ cells are formed by mitosis, and spores by meiosis.

Task 28.

When crossing corn plants with smooth, colored seeds and plants with wrinkled, uncolored seeds, all first-generation hybrids had smooth, colored seeds. From the analyzing crossing of F1 hybrids the following were obtained: 3800 plants with smooth colored seeds; 150 - with wrinkled colored ones; 4010 - with wrinkled unpainted; 149 - with smooth unpainted. Determine the genotypes of the parents and offspring obtained as a result of the first and analyzing crosses. Make a diagram for solving the problem. Explain the formation of four phenotypic groups in test crosses.


A - smooth seeds

a - wrinkled seeds

B - colored seeds

c - uncolored seeds

Let's carry out the first crossing:

P1: AABB (smooth colored seeds) x aabv (wrinkled uncolored seeds)

Gametes: AB x AB

F1: AaBv - smooth colored seeds (uniformity appears)

We carry out analytical crossing of first generation hybrids.

P2: AaBv x aavv

Gametes: AB, Av, aB, av x av

F2: AaBB 3800 - smooth colored seeds

aavv 4010 - wrinkled uncolored seeds

aaВв 150 - wrinkled colored seeds

Aavv 149 - smooth colored seeds

With independent inheritance of traits, the result should have been a 1:1:1:1 split, that is, 25% of all descendants. We conclude that genes are inherited linked, and the small percentage of wrinkled colored (150) and smooth uncolored (149) is explained by a small percentage of crossing over (exchange of homologous sections of chromosomes).

Option 5. Biology. A set of materials for preparing students for the Unified State Exam 2018. G.S. Kalinova, L. G. Prilezhaeva.

Part 1. Choose (circle) the correct answer to question: 1A. Digestion of food begins

located outside the alimentary canal

1) spiders 3) crustaceans

2) insects 4) mollusks

2A. In the process of evolution, the circulatory system first appears in

1) arthropods 3) roundworms

2) annelids 4) mollusks

3A.Which animal carries the causative agent of encephalitis?

1) louse 3) scabies mite

2) flea 4) taiga tick

4A.Which animal has one circulation and a two-chambered heart?

1) Nile crocodile 3) common dolphin

2) blue shark 4) marsh turtle

5A. One of the proofs of the relationship between birds and reptiles

1) the presence of two pairs of limbs

2) movement on land using the hind limbs

3) dry skin, devoid of glands, scales on the paws.

4) absence of teeth, horny cover on the jaws

6A. What animals breathe using their lungs and skin?

1) lizards


4) frogs

7A. Arterial blood in the heart does not mix with venous blood

1) most reptiles

2) birds and mammals

3) tailed amphibians

4) tailless amphibians


1) Protozoa

2) Flatworms

3) Coelenterates

4) Annelids

Part 2.

IN 1. What characteristics characterize reptiles as terrestrial animals?

1) the circulatory system has two circulation circles

2) incomplete septum in the ventricle of the heart

3) internal fertilization

4) there is a hearing organ

5) the limbs are dismembered and consist of three sections

6) there is a tail

AT 2. Establish a correspondence between the structural feature of arthropods and the class for which it is characteristic.



A) body parts: head, chest, 1) Arachnids

B) 3 pairs of walking legs2) Insects

B) the presence of arachnoid glands

D) 4 pairs of walking legs

D) body parts: cephalothorax,

E) the presence of antennae

AT 3.

A) Lobe-finned fish

B) Reptiles

D) Cranial chordates

Part 3.

C1. Name at least three features that distinguish the structure of Amphibians and Reptiles.

option 1 Part 1. Choose (circle) the correct answer to the question:

1A. Indicate a feature that is characteristic only of the animal kingdom.

1) breathe, feed, reproduce

2) consist of a variety of fabrics

3) Have mechanical fabric

4) have nervous tissue

2A.What type of animals have the highest level of organization?

1) Coelenterates 3) Annelids

2) Flatworms 4) Roundworms

3A.Which animal has the ability to restore lost body parts?

1) freshwater hydra

2) big pond snail

3) red cockroach

4) human roundworm

4A. Internal skeleton - main feature

1) vertebrates 3) crustaceans

2) insects 4) arachnids

5A. How do amphibians differ from other terrestrial vertebrates?

1) dismembered limbs and a divided spine

2) the presence of a heart with an incomplete septum in the ventricle

3) bare mucous skin and external fertilization

4) two-chamber heart with venous blood

6A.What class do vertebrates with a three-chambered heart with an incomplete septum in the ventricle belong to?

1) reptiles 3) amphibians

2) mammals 4) cartilaginous fish

7A.The supply of blood to body cells contributes to an increase in the level of metabolism in vertebrates.

1) mixed

2) venous

3) oxygenated

4) saturated with carbon dioxide

8A.Human infection with roundworm can occur through consumption of

1) unwashed vegetables

2) water from a standing reservoir

3) poorly cooked beef

4) canned foods

Part 2.

Choose (circle) three correct answers out of six:

IN 1. In insects with complete metamorphosis

1) three stages of development

2) four stages of development

3) the larva looks like an adult insect

4) the larva differs from the adult insect

5) the larval stage is followed by the pupal stage

6) the larva turns into an adult insect

Match the contents of the first and second columns. Enter the numbers of the selected answers in the table.

AT 2. Establish a correspondence between the type of animal and the structural feature of its heart.


A) sand lizard 1) three-chambered without a septum in the ventricle

B) lake frog

D) blue whale 2) three-chamber with an incomplete septum

D) gray rat

E) peregrine falcon 3) four-chambered

Establish the correct sequence of biological processes, phenomena, etc. Write down the letters of the selected answers in the table.

AT 3. Establish the sequence of appearance of groups of chordates in the process of evolution:

A) Mammals

B) Reptiles

D) Cranial chordates

Part 3.

Give a complete free answer to the question:

C1. Name at least three features that distinguish the structure of Reptiles and Mammals.

option 2

Part 1.

Choose (circle) the correct answer to the question:

1A.What function do organelles containing chlorophyll perform in green euglena?

1) form organic substances from inorganic ones in the light

2) accumulate a supply of nutrients

3) digest trapped food particles

4) remove excess water and unnecessary substances dissolved in it

2A. Humans can become infected with bovine tapeworm when consuming

1) unwashed vegetables

2) water from a standing reservoir

3) poorly cooked beef 4) canned food

3A.In insects, unlike other invertebrates,

1) on the cephalothorax there are four pairs of legs, the abdomen is unsegmented

2) limbs are attached to the cephalothorax and abdomen

3) on the head there are two pairs of branched antennae

4) the body consists of three sections, on the chest there are wings and three pairs of legs

4A.Which class includes animals that have gills with gill covers?

1) bony fish 3) cartilaginous fish

2) amphibians 4) lancelets

5A. Reptiles are called true terrestrial animals because they

1) breathe atmospheric oxygen

2) reproduce on land

3) lay eggs

4) have lungs

6A. A sign that birds are adapted to flight -

1) the appearance of a four-chambered heart

2) horny scutes on the legs

3) the presence of hollow bones

4) presence of the coccygeal gland

7A. Vertebrates with a three-chambered heart, pulmonary and cutaneous respiration, -

1) Amphibians

2) Cartilaginous fish

3) Mammals

4) Reptiles

8A. The body shape of tadpoles, the presence of a lateral line, gills, a two-chambered heart, and one circulation indicate a relationship

cartilaginous and bony fish

lancelet and fish

amphibians and fish

reptiles and fish

Part 2.

Choose (circle) three correct answers out of six:

IN 1. What signs are characteristic of animals?

1) synthesize organic substances during photosynthesis

2) feed on ready-made organic substances

3) actively move

4) grow throughout life

5) capable of vegetative reproduction

6) breathe oxygen from the air

Match the contents of the first and second columns. Enter the numbers of the selected answers in the table.

AT 2. Establish a correspondence between the sign of stomachs and the class for which this sign is characteristic.


A) internal fertilization 1) Amphibians

B) fertilization in most species is external

B) indirect development (with transformation)

D) reproduction and development occurs on land 2) Reptiles

D) thin skin covered with mucus

E) eggs with a large supply of nutrients

Establish the correct sequence of biological processes, phenomena, etc. Write down the letters of the selected answers in the table.

AT 3. Establish the sequence of appearance of groups of animals in the process of evolution:

A) Flatworms

B) Roundworms

B) Protozoa

D) Coelenterates

D) Flatworms

Part 3.

Give a complete free answer to the question:

C1. Name at least three features that distinguish the structure of Fish and Amphibians.

Match the contents of the first and second columns

AT 3. Match the birds with their habitats.
A) heron 1) pond, coast
B) swan 2) swamp
B) nutcracker 3) forest
D) woodpecker 4) steppe
D) bustard
E) goose

Establish the correct sequence of departments of biological processes and practical actions

AT 4. Establish the sequence of sections of the pigeon's digestive system
A) goiter
B) oral cavity
B) veiny stomach
D) esophagus
D) rectum
E) muscular stomach
G) cloaca
H) small intestine
I) duodenum

.1) Establish the correct sequence of stages of gametogenesis in the context of oogenesis (2 points): A stage of maturation: creation of an oocyte of the second order, etc.

ryoh polar taurus;

B stage of reproduction: mitotic stage of oogony until the birth of the girl in the ovaries;

In the molding stage: maturation of oocytes in the follicle of the ovotide;

Stage of growth: growth of oocytes of the 1st order, accumulation of living cells

2) At the hour of spermatogenesis, the following are established:

A 4 egg cells;

B 1 egg cell

In 3 sperm; I DON’T KNOW((((

G 4 spermatozoa.


1) Establish the correct sequence of stages of gametogenesis using the example of oogenesis (2 points):
And the maturation stage: the formation of second-order oocytes and three polar bodies;
B stage of reproduction: mitotic division of the oogonia before the birth of a girl in the ovaries;
In the formation stage: maturation of the egg in the follicle with ovoids;
D growth stage: oocyte growth and order, accumulation of nutrients

2) During spermatogenesis the following are formed:
A 4 eggs;
B 1 egg
B 3 spermatozoa; DON'T KNOW ((((
G 4 sperm.

In an earthworm, the digestive system begins with the mouth and consists of the listed sections. Set the correct sequence of departments

earthworm digestive system

Digestive system

Option 1

1. In the digestive tract, proteins are broken down into

a) amino acids

b) nucleotides

c) glucose

d) glycerol

2. Mechanical processing of food occurs in part

digestive system, indicated in the figure by the number

a) 1 c) 3

b) 2 d) 4

3. Carbohydrates are found in large quantities in

a) potatoes

b) lard

c) peas

G ) nuts

4. The picture shows loose connective tissue of the tooth,

containing vessels and nerves, indicated by a number

a) 1 c) 3

b) 2 d)

5. When swallowing, the epiglottis

a) goes down

b) rises

c) motionless

d) opens the entrance to the larynx

a) a person is born with baby teeth

b) in a tooth there are a root, a neck and a crown

c) a person has 8 canines, 4 incisors

d) digestion does not occur in the oral cavity

e) the neck of the tooth is immersed in the gum

f) the crown of the tooth protrudes above the gum

7. Match.

Features of digestion

A) mechanical processing of food occurs

B) incomplete breakdown of proteins occurs

C) incomplete breakdown of carbohydrates occurs

D) the food bolus turns into a semi-liquid pulp

D) enzymes are active in a slightly alkaline environment

E) enzymes are active in an acidic environment

Section of the alimentary canal

1) oral cavity

2) stomach



Digestive system

IN option 2

1. In the gastrointestinal tract, fats are broken down to

a) proteins

b) Sakharov

c) lipids

d) glycerol and fatty acids

2. Biological catalysts, under the influence

which the breakdown of food occurs is

a) vitamins

b) hormones

c) enzymes

d) substrates

3. In the figure, the organ that produces bile

indicated by a number

a) 1

b) 2

at 3

d) 4

4. In the figure, the small intestine is indicated by a number

a) 4c) 6

b) 5d) 7

5. The picture shows the hard protective shell of the tooth

indicated by a number

a) 1c) 3

b) 2d) 4

6. Choose three true statements.

a) the volume of an adult’s stomach reaches 3 liters

b) the stomach is located on the right side of the abdominal cavity

c) the stomach is located on the left side of the abdominal cavity

d) the middle layer of the stomach wall consists of striated muscle tissue

e) the middle layer of the stomach wall is formed by smooth muscle tissue

f) food remains in the stomach from 20 minutes to 1 hour

7. Establish the correct sequence of movement of food entering the human digestive system.

A) pharynx

B) large intestine

B) stomach

D) oral cavity

D) esophagus

E) small intestine


Digestive system

Option 3

1. The initial section of the small intestine is

a) rectum b) ileum

c) duodenum d) cecum

2. They are NOT broken down in the duodenum.

a) proteinsc) carbohydrates

b) fat) mineral salts

3. Food is finally digested in

a) stomach) large intestine

b) small intestine) rectum

4. Absorption of nutrients in the small intestine occurs in

a) portal vein b) intestinal villi

c) liver d) appendix

5. Match.


A) the secretion of the glands is saliva

B) produces hydrochloric acid

B) complete breakdown of nutrients occurs

D) the main absorption of water occurs

D) formation of feces occurs

Digestive system organ

1) oral cavity 2) stomach

3) small intestine 4) large intestine

Features of the structure and functioning of the large intestine:

a) the mucous membrane has numerous villi

b) the mucous membrane does not have villi

c) the juice secreted by the intestinal glands contains few enzymes

d) colon bacteria promote the breakdown of fiber

d) active digestion of nutrients occurs in the large intestine

f) the main absorption of digestive products occurs in the large intestine

7. What words are missing in the text? Fill in the corresponding letters in place of the gaps (the form of the words has been changed).

(1) When food is in the mouth, ... a salivary reflex occurs. (2) The center of this reflex is in... the brain. (3) The sight of a well-served table or talking about food causes a person to salivate - this is... a reflex. (4) Protective food reflexes include... .

a) vomiting

b) cough

c) unconditional

d) oblong

e) conditional

e) average

Digestive system

Option 4

1. The ducts of the pancreas and liver open into

a) stomach

b) duodenum

c) liver

d) large intestine

2. What is the name of the largest digestive gland?

a) pancreas b) salivary gland

c) liver d) spleen

3. Bacteria that break down fiber are found in

a) stomach

b) duodenum

c) small intestine

d) large intestine

4. Absorbed into the blood through the intestinal villi

a) amino acids and glucose

b) glycerol and fatty acids

c) amino acids and glycerin

d) fatty acids and glucose

5. An enzyme is produced in the oral cavity

a) pepsin b) ptyalin

c) trypsin d) chymosin

6. Choose three correct answers.

Features of liver functioning:

a) produces large amounts of digestive enzymes

b) neutralizes harmful substances and removes them into the intestines

c) secretes bile

d) carries out the breakdown of urea

e) stores glycogen

e) synthesizes hormones

7. What words are missing in the text?

Fill in the corresponding letters in place of the gaps (the form of the words has been changed).

(1) Absorption of nutrients occurs in... the small intestine.

(2) Glucose and amino acids enter... vessels.

(3) Glycerol and fatty acids are absorbed... .

(4) Here they turn... .

(5) And then they enter... capillaries.

a) circulatory

b) villus

c) lymphatic

d) epithelium

e) fats

e) proteins

g) liver


Digestive system

Option 1 Option 2

Option 4 Option 5

“Movement with uniformly accelerated motion” - Movement with constant acceleration. To take off from the ground, the plane must gain a speed of 180 m/s. A car is moving along the highway at a speed of 20 m/s. Determine the movement of the car in 10 s. Equally slow motion. The car increased its speed from 20 m/s to 30 m/s. Determine the movement of the car in 10 s.

"Sequence limit" - Sequence limit. The limit of the sum is equal to the sum of the limits: The limit of a function at infinity. Let us discuss the results obtained in the examples from a geometric point of view. The interval (a-r; a+r) is called the neighborhood of point a, and the number r is the radius of the neighborhood. Computing sequence limits. If it diverges, then they do not talk about the sum of the geometric progression.

“Limits of Sequences and Functions” - Good luck! Solution. 3. Does a point belong to the neighborhood of a radius point if: Objectives: For example. Explanatory note. Limit of sequence and function. Contained. Limit of number sequence. The study of this educational element is divided into several stages. They call it the limit. Answer: starting from n0=4, all members of the sequence (xn) fall into the neighborhood (-0.1;0.1).

“Movement” - Rectilinear movement - movement in which the trajectory is a straight line. Uniform linear motion... ...any equal... 2. In what ways can two vectors be added? Acceleration. Uniform speed... (speedometer). The displacement is determined by the area of ​​the figure. 4. What is called the projection of a vector on an axis?

“Moving 9th grade” - Ivanov, why were you late for work today? L.N. Tolstoy suggests the task: Then to the third, and again in the wrong direction. Attention!... - A directed segment connecting the initial and final position of the body. Movement: curvilinear rectilinear. N.Rubtsov. “Didn’t come” What are the strokes formed by the falling snow?

“Healthy food” - We are all familiar with the concept of a food chain from a school biology course. The process of digesting and assimilating food is much more complex. The calorie theory is generally a misconception that came to us from the century before last. Such food is no longer considered healthy and wholesome. Yes, a person can eat anything. What are whole, natural foods?

Part 1. Choose (circle) the correct answer to question: 1A. Digestion of food begins

located outside the alimentary canal

1) spiders 3) crustaceans

2) insects 4) mollusks

2A. In the process of evolution, the circulatory system first appears in

1) arthropods 3) roundworms

2) annelids 4) mollusks

3A.Which animal carries the causative agent of encephalitis?

1) louse 3) scabies mite

2) flea 4) taiga tick

4A.Which animal has one circulation and a two-chambered heart?

1) Nile crocodile 3) common dolphin

2) blue shark 4) marsh turtle

5A. One of the proofs of the relationship between birds and reptiles

1) the presence of two pairs of limbs

2) movement on land using the hind limbs

3) dry skin, devoid of glands, scales on the paws.

4) absence of teeth, horny cover on the jaws

6A. What animals breathe using their lungs and skin?

1) lizards


4) frogs

7A. Arterial blood in the heart does not mix with venous blood

1) most reptiles

2) birds and mammals

3) tailed amphibians

4) tailless amphibians


1) Protozoa

2) Flatworms

3) Coelenterates

4) Annelids

Part 2.

IN 1. What characteristics characterize reptiles as terrestrial animals?

1) the circulatory system has two circulation circles

2) incomplete septum in the ventricle of the heart

3) internal fertilization

4) there is a hearing organ

5) the limbs are dismembered and consist of three sections

6) there is a tail

AT 2. Establish a correspondence between the structural feature of arthropods and the class for which it is characteristic.



A) body parts: head, chest, 1) Arachnids

B) 3 pairs of walking legs2) Insects

B) the presence of arachnoid glands

D) 4 pairs of walking legs

D) body parts: cephalothorax,

E) the presence of antennae

AT 3.

A) Lobe-finned fish

B) Reptiles

D) Cranial chordates

Part 3.

C1. Name at least three features that distinguish the structure of Amphibians and Reptiles.

option 1 Part 1. Choose (circle) the correct answer to the question:

1A. Indicate a feature that is characteristic only of the animal kingdom.

1) breathe, feed, reproduce

2) consist of a variety of fabrics

3) Have mechanical fabric

4) have nervous tissue

2A.What type of animals have the highest level of organization?

1) Coelenterates 3) Annelids

2) Flatworms 4) Roundworms

3A.Which animal has the ability to restore lost body parts?

1) freshwater hydra

2) big pond snail

3) red cockroach

4) human roundworm

4A. Internal skeleton - main feature

1) vertebrates 3) crustaceans

2) insects 4) arachnids

5A. How do amphibians differ from other terrestrial vertebrates?

1) dismembered limbs and a divided spine

2) the presence of a heart with an incomplete septum in the ventricle

3) bare mucous skin and external fertilization

4) two-chamber heart with venous blood

6A.What class do vertebrates with a three-chambered heart with an incomplete septum in the ventricle belong to?

1) reptiles 3) amphibians

2) mammals 4) cartilaginous fish

7A.The supply of blood to body cells contributes to an increase in the level of metabolism in vertebrates.

1) mixed

2) venous

3) oxygenated

4) saturated with carbon dioxide

8A.Human infection with roundworm can occur through consumption of

1) unwashed vegetables

2) water from a standing reservoir

3) poorly cooked beef

4) canned foods

Part 2.

Choose (circle) three correct answers out of six:

IN 1. In insects with complete metamorphosis

1) three stages of development

2) four stages of development

3) the larva looks like an adult insect

4) the larva differs from the adult insect

5) the larval stage is followed by the pupal stage

6) the larva turns into an adult insect

Match the contents of the first and second columns. Enter the numbers of the selected answers in the table.

AT 2. Establish a correspondence between the type of animal and the structural feature of its heart.


A) sand lizard 1) three-chambered without a septum in the ventricle

B) lake frog

D) blue whale 2) three-chamber with an incomplete septum

D) gray rat

E) peregrine falcon 3) four-chambered

Establish the correct sequence of biological processes, phenomena, etc. Write down the letters of the selected answers in the table.

AT 3. Establish the sequence of appearance of groups of chordates in the process of evolution:

A) Mammals

B) Reptiles

D) Cranial chordates

Part 3.

Give a complete free answer to the question:

C1. Name at least three features that distinguish the structure of Reptiles and Mammals.

option 2

Part 1.

Choose (circle) the correct answer to the question:

1A.What function do organelles containing chlorophyll perform in green euglena?

1) form organic substances from inorganic ones in the light

2) accumulate a supply of nutrients

3) digest trapped food particles

4) remove excess water and unnecessary substances dissolved in it

2A. Humans can become infected with bovine tapeworm when consuming

1) unwashed vegetables

2) water from a standing reservoir

3) poorly cooked beef 4) canned food

3A.In insects, unlike other invertebrates,

1) on the cephalothorax there are four pairs of legs, the abdomen is unsegmented

2) limbs are attached to the cephalothorax and abdomen

3) on the head there are two pairs of branched antennae

4) the body consists of three sections, on the chest there are wings and three pairs of legs

4A.Which class includes animals that have gills with gill covers?

1) bony fish 3) cartilaginous fish

2) amphibians 4) lancelets

5A. Reptiles are called true terrestrial animals because they

1) breathe atmospheric oxygen

2) reproduce on land

3) lay eggs

4) have lungs

6A. A sign that birds are adapted to flight -

1) the appearance of a four-chambered heart

2) horny scutes on the legs

3) the presence of hollow bones

4) presence of the coccygeal gland

7A. Vertebrates with a three-chambered heart, pulmonary and cutaneous respiration, -

1) Amphibians

2) Cartilaginous fish

3) Mammals

4) Reptiles

8A. The body shape of tadpoles, the presence of a lateral line, gills, a two-chambered heart, and one circulation indicate a relationship

cartilaginous and bony fish

lancelet and fish

amphibians and fish

reptiles and fish

Part 2.

Choose (circle) three correct answers out of six:

IN 1. What signs are characteristic of animals?

1) synthesize organic substances during photosynthesis

2) feed on ready-made organic substances

3) actively move

4) grow throughout life

5) capable of vegetative reproduction

6) breathe oxygen from the air

Match the contents of the first and second columns. Enter the numbers of the selected answers in the table.

AT 2. Establish a correspondence between the sign of stomachs and the class for which this sign is characteristic.


A) internal fertilization 1) Amphibians

B) fertilization in most species is external

B) indirect development (with transformation)

D) reproduction and development occurs on land 2) Reptiles

D) thin skin covered with mucus

E) eggs with a large supply of nutrients

Establish the correct sequence of biological processes, phenomena, etc. Write down the letters of the selected answers in the table.

AT 3. Establish the sequence of appearance of groups of animals in the process of evolution:

A) Flatworms

B) Roundworms

B) Protozoa

D) Coelenterates

D) Flatworms

Part 3.

Give a complete free answer to the question:

C1. Name at least three features that distinguish the structure of Fish and Amphibians.

Match the contents of the first and second columns

AT 3. Match the birds with their habitats.
A) heron 1) pond, coast
B) swan 2) swamp
B) nutcracker 3) forest
D) woodpecker 4) steppe
D) bustard
E) goose

Establish the correct sequence of departments of biological processes and practical actions

AT 4. Establish the sequence of sections of the pigeon's digestive system
A) goiter
B) oral cavity
B) veiny stomach
D) esophagus
D) rectum
E) muscular stomach
G) cloaca
H) small intestine
I) duodenum

.1) Establish the correct sequence of stages of gametogenesis in the context of oogenesis (2 points): A stage of maturation: creation of an oocyte of the second order, etc.

ryoh polar taurus;

B stage of reproduction: mitotic stage of oogony until the birth of the girl in the ovaries;

In the molding stage: maturation of oocytes in the follicle of the ovotide;

Stage of growth: growth of oocytes of the 1st order, accumulation of living cells

2) At the hour of spermatogenesis, the following are established:

A 4 egg cells;

B 1 egg cell

In 3 sperm; I DON’T KNOW((((

G 4 spermatozoa.


1) Establish the correct sequence of stages of gametogenesis using the example of oogenesis (2 points):
And the maturation stage: the formation of second-order oocytes and three polar bodies;
B stage of reproduction: mitotic division of the oogonia before the birth of a girl in the ovaries;
In the formation stage: maturation of the egg in the follicle with ovoids;
D growth stage: oocyte growth and order, accumulation of nutrients

2) During spermatogenesis the following are formed:
A 4 eggs;
B 1 egg
B 3 spermatozoa; DON'T KNOW ((((
G 4 sperm.

In an earthworm, the digestive system begins with the mouth and consists of the listed sections. Set the correct sequence of departments

earthworm digestive system