How does singing affect a person's heart? Music and singing will teach you to enjoy life and help you recover from many diseases.

Trushina Svetlana Yurienva
Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution
Secondary General Education Cadet Cossack School
Transbaikal region, Nerchinsky district, village. Znamenka

" The influence of singing on human health"

Since the times of the most ancient civilizations, people have known the healing power of sounds uttered by their own voice. Modern medicine has long drawn attention to the fact that singing, especially professional vocal practice, has a beneficial effect on human health. Singing is the very necessary tool that allows you to find not only the joy of life, but also significantly improve your health. According to the figurative expression of scientists, the larynx is the second heart of a person. The voice, becoming healthier in the process of vocal training, heals the entire body. Pregnant women are recommended to listen to more classical music; expectant mothers themselves are encouraged to sing calm lullabies. It is useful not only to listen to music, but even more useful to sing yourself, since during singing, sound frequencies activate the development of the child, affecting his brain.
Even just listening to music changes a person's mood. Some works are calming and peaceful, others are uplifting. Melodic, quiet, moderately slow, minor music has a calming effect. Psychotherapists often began to use music for treatment, and quite often you can hear musical works in the offices of dentists. Positive emotional experiences when listening to pleasant melodies enhances attention, activates the emotional central nervous system and stimulates intellectual activity.
Doctors have long paid attention to the beneficial effects of music and singing on people’s health. Moreover, you don’t have to be a professional to benefit from singing. If you are in a bad mood or feeling stressed, sing, even if you have never learned to sing. It’s one thing to listen to music, but it’s quite another thing to sing yourself; it’s much more useful. Scientists have discovered that while singing, special chemicals are produced in the brain, thanks to which a person feels peace and joy. In their opinion, singing sets in motion the “molecules responsible for emotions” located in the brain, so with the help of singing you can not only express, but also evoke certain feelings. Voice vibration is very important for well-being. Playing certain vowels makes the tonsils and glands vibrate and helps cleanse the body of toxins.
Singing helps relieve stress. Scientists have discovered that while singing, the brain produces endorphin, a substance that makes a person feel joy, peace, good mood and increased vitality. Thus, with the help of singing, you can evoke and express certain feelings. With the help of singing, you can put your lungs in order, improve blood circulation and complexion, and correct your posture, since singing is simply uncomfortable in other positions. When singing, we always straighten up and raise our heads. Peni helps improve diction and speaking, even correcting a defect such as stuttering.

When a person sings, a large amount of oxygen enters his body, which improves blood circulation throughout the body, lowers blood pressure, and normalizes the heartbeat. Improving blood circulation has a beneficial effect on the vocal cords, tonsils and numerous lymph nodes, which significantly increases local immunity. People who like to sing or just hum something under their breath have less sore throats and are less susceptible to colds. Improving blood supply when singing leads to increased activity of the brain: it begins to work more intensely, memory improves, and any information is more easily perceived. Moreover, improving the blood supply to the head generally has a rejuvenating effect and improves the condition of the skin.
Singing, among other things, increases our intelligence, helps us have better contact with other people, increases our joyful mood and concentration and, naturally, our working mood. Singing affects health, promotes deeper breathing, activates the lymphatic system in the larynx and, accordingly, the cleansing effect of lymph in the head area and generally improves blood circulation throughout the body. Children always sing with pleasure, but we adults have forgotten. At the same time, children become calmer, happier and less capricious. It’s simply unimaginable how we can do so much good for ourselves thanks to singing, and due to our own stupidity, we miss such a moment and don’t take it seriously.
There are sounds that can completely restore blood circulation and eliminate congestion.
“A” - helps relieve pain of various origins, treats the heart and upper lobes of the lungs, helps with paralysis and respiratory diseases, has a powerful effect on the entire body, helping to saturate tissues with oxygen.
“I” - helps in the treatment of eyes, ears, small intestines. “Clears” the nose and stimulates the heart.
“O” - treats cough, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, relieves spasms and pain, alleviates pulmonary tuberculosis.
“U” - improves breathing, stimulates kidney function, treats the throat and vocal cords, as well as all organs located in the abdominal area.
“Y” - helps in treating ears, improves breathing.
“E” - improves brain function.

The healing power of certain consonant sounds has been scientifically proven.
“V”, “N”, “M” - improve brain function.
“K”, “Shch” - help in treating ears.
“X” - frees the body from waste substances and negative energy, improves breathing.
“C” - helps in treating the intestines, is good for the heart, blood vessels, and endocrine glands.

Sound combinations.
“OM” - helps in lowering blood pressure. It balances the body, calms the mind, eliminating the cause of high blood pressure. This sound opens the heart, and it becomes able to accept the world, lovingly, without shrinking from fear or indignation.
“UH”, “OX”, “AH” - stimulate the release of waste substances and negative energy from the body.
These sounds must not only be pronounced, they must be sung. You should definitely pay attention to the intensity with which the sounds are sung. If you have a cardiovascular disease, you should not do the exercise too intensely; if therapy of the abdominal organs is necessary, on the contrary, the more intense, the better.

In Rus', people believed that the soul itself sings in a person and singing is its natural state. If you are in a bad mood, you often get sick, feel tired and tense - there is only one piece of advice - sing! Sing everything you can and remember, even if you never learned it. Let your children study at music school, and you will sing along with them. It is much healthier to sing not alone, but with the whole family.
Singing is an inexpensive activity and one does not need to study or have a special room for this. Sing and BE HEALTHY!

Psychologists say that the best way to improve the quality of your life is to simply start enjoying it. Skillfully selected music has a positive effect on purposeful human activity, promoting a rhythmic tuning of the body in which physiological processes proceed more efficiently.



The effect of singing on human health

Psychologists say that the best way to improve the quality of your life is to simply start enjoying it. Skillfully selected music has a positive effect on purposeful human activity, promoting a rhythmic tuning of the body in which physiological processes proceed more efficiently. Even just listening to music changes a person's mood. Some works are calming and peaceful, others are uplifting. Melodic, quiet, moderately slow, minor music has a calming effect. Psychotherapists often began to use music for treatment, and quite often you can hear musical works in the offices of dentists. Positive emotional experiences when listening to pleasant melodies enhances attention, activates the emotional central nervous system and stimulates intellectual activity.

Since the times of the most ancient civilizations, people have known the healing power of sounds uttered by their own voice. Modern medicine has long drawn attention to the fact that singing, especially professional vocal practice, has a beneficial effect on human health. Singing is the very necessary tool that allows you to find not only the joy of life, but also significantly improve your health. According to the figurative expression of scientists, the larynx is the second heart of a person. The voice, becoming healthier in the process of vocal training, heals the entire body. Pregnant women are recommended to listen to more classical music; expectant mothers themselves are encouraged to sing calm lullabies. It is useful not only to listen to music, but even more useful to sing yourself, since during singing, sound frequencies activate the development of the child, affecting his brain.

Singing helps relieve stress. Scientists have discovered that while singing, the brain produces endorphin, a substance that makes a person feel joy, peace, good mood and increased vitality. Thus, with the help of singing, you can evoke and express certain feelings. With the help of singing, you can put your lungs in order, improve blood circulation and complexion, correct your posture, improve diction and speaking, and even correct a defect such as stuttering.

Singing is especially important for children. It is impossible to overestimate the impact of singing on a child’s health. By working with the child’s vocal apparatus, the teacher works to improve the health of his student. It is no coincidence that there are so many children's choirs in our country. Almost every school tries to organize a choir, sinceCollective singing not only has health benefits, but also builds friendships. Children who sing differ from their peers in their positive emotionality and self-sufficiency. Satisfaction with doing something is the stimulation of a good mood, and the absence of the desire to search for any other stimulants and search for dangerous pleasures, including drugs.

Vibration and overtones.

The voice, given to a person from birth, is a unique musical instrument. A person's voice always vibrates as it sounds, even if the person screams or speaks in a whisper. Voice vibration has a very positive effect on the human body. When our voice sounds, each sound is accompanied by vibrations of higher frequencies - overtones. Here the close proximity of the larynx, in which vibrations occur, and the brain plays a role. The overtones resonate with the bones of the skull and with the brain, which is responsible for the immune system. Thanks to this, the immune system is stimulated, and a singing child catches colds much less than a child deprived of this activity.

A trained child's voice covers a frequency range from approximately 70 to 3000 vibrations per second. These vibrations permeate the entire body of the singing student, improve blood circulation, and help cleanse the cells. A wide range of vibration frequencies of the human voice improves blood circulation in vessels of any diameter. High frequencies promote blood microcirculation in the capillaries, and low frequencies promote blood flow in the veins and arteries.

Singing and our internal organs.

Vocals are a unique means of self-massage of internal organs, which promotes their functioning and healing. Scientists believe that each of the internal human organs has its own specific vibration frequency. When the disease occurs, the frequency of the organ becomes different, as a result of which a disorder occurs in the functioning of the entire organism. By singing, a person can easily influence a diseased organ, returning healthy vibration. The fact is that when a person sings, only 20% of the sound is directed into external space, and 80% inside, into our body, forcing our organs to work more intensively. Sound waves, hitting the resonant frequencies corresponding to a particular organ, cause its maximum vibration, having a direct impact on this organ.

During singing, the diaphragm actively works, thereby massaging the liver and preventing stagnation of bile. At the same time, the functioning of the abdominal organs and intestines improves. Playing certain vowels makes the tonsils and glands vibrate and helps cleanse the body of toxins. There are sounds that can completely restore blood circulation and eliminate congestion. This sound therapy practice has long been known and is still used in India and China.


“A” – helps relieve pain of various origins, treats the heart and upper lobes of the lungs, helps with paralysis and respiratory diseases, has a powerful effect on the entire body, helping to saturate tissues with oxygen.

“I” – helps in the treatment of eyes, ears, small intestines. “Clears” the nose and stimulates the heart.

“O” – treats cough, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, relieves spasms and pain, alleviates pulmonary tuberculosis.

“U” – improves breathing, stimulates kidney function,treats the throat and vocal cords, as well as all organs located in the abdominal area.

“Y” – helps in treating ears, improves breathing.

“E” – improves brain function.


The healing power of certain consonant sounds has been scientifically proven.

“V”, “N”, “M” - improve brain function.

“K”, “Shch” - help in treating ears.

“X” – frees the body from waste substances and negative energy, improves breathing.

“C” – helps in treating the intestines, is good for the heart, blood vessels, and endocrine glands.

Sound combinations.

“OM” – helps in lowering blood pressure. It balances the body, calms the mind, eliminating the cause of high blood pressure. This sound opens the heart, and it becomes able to accept the world, lovingly, without shrinking from fear or indignation.

“UH”, “OX”, “AH” - stimulate the release of waste substances and negative energy from the body.

These sounds must not only be pronounced, they must be sung. You should definitely pay attention to the intensity with which the sounds are sung. If you have a cardiovascular disease, you should not do the exercise too intensely; if therapy of the abdominal organs is necessary, on the contrary, the more intense, the better.

Singing and respiratory organs.

The art of singing is, first of all, the art of proper breathing, which is the most important factor in our health. Diaphragmatic breathing and respiratory muscles are trained, and lung drainage is improved. With bronchial asthma, pneumonia and bronchitis, the sympathetic system is overexcited. Inhalation and the subsequent delay in inhalation affect the sympathetic part of the nervous system, which is responsible for activating the internal organs. There are methods for treating bronchial asthma with the help of singing training, and in the choral practice of many choir teachers, there have been cases of complete cessation of attacks of bronchial asthma in sick children, and when, upon diagnosis of “bronchial asthma,” doctors directly direct the child to sing in the choir, this has not caused any problems for a long time. who is surprised. Singing not only relieves an attack of bronchial asthma, but also cures this disease.

Vocal exercises are primarily a means of preventing colds. Vocals are needed to “pump” all our tracheas and bronchi. Vocal work is a great workout and ventilation. This is very important for the growing child's body. In people who systematically practice singing, the vital capacity of the lungs increases and adds a margin of safety to the body.

While singing, a person inhales air quickly and exhales slowly. As a result, the oxygen content in the blood decreases and the dose of carbon dioxide increases accordingly. Carbon dioxide in this case is an irritant that activates the body’s internal defenses, which during illness begin to work in enhanced mode. Thus, singing is an excellent prevention of colds. American scientists conducted research among singers of one opera group. It turned out that singing not only develops the lungs and chest well (as the chest is well developed in professional singers), but also strengthens the heart muscle. The life expectancy of the vast majority of professional singers is significantly above average. Please note that good opera singers are physically healthy people and, as a rule, long-lived.

Singing and mild stuttering.

Vocal exercises improve the speech function of the body. For those people who suffer from stuttering, it is very useful to start singing. This is especially true for children. The sooner a child who stutters starts singing, the more chances he has to get rid of this deficiency. One of the obstacles that a stutterer faces is pronouncing the first sound in a word. In singing, one word flows into another and seems to flow along with the music. The child listens to others sing and tries to keep in time. In this case, the emphasis is smoothed out. It has already been proven that mild stuttering can be eliminated completely if a person practices singing regularly. All over the world, children are successfully treated for mild forms of stuttering with the help of choral singing. The main thing is regular exercise.

Singing and depression.

The positive effect of singing on humans was used by our ancestors to cure a wide variety of diseases. It has long been known that singing - both solo and choral - has been used for centuries to treat mental illnesses. Aristotle and Pythagoras recommended singing in the treatment of mental disorders. In Tibet, monks still treat nervous diseases by singing. In ancient Greece, choral singing was used to treat insomnia. In ancient times, people intuitively guessed the presence of great healing power in singing, but could not scientifically substantiate this fact.

Singing is useful in any case, even if a person believes that he has neither a voice nor hearing. Having learned to express his emotions with his voice, a person receives an effective means of relieving stress and internal tension. Singing classes promote mental development and strengthen the nervous system.

Singing is a great way to relieve stress and provide emotional stability. A singing person is always positive, and even if he has experienced grief, he experiences significant relief while singing.

In Rus', people believed that the soul itself sings in a person and singing is its natural state. If you are in a bad mood, you often get sick, feel tired and tense - there is only one piece of advice - sing! Sing everything you can and remember, even if you never learned it. Let your children study at music school, and you will sing along with them. It is much healthier to sing not alone, but with the whole family.

Vocal therapy is a therapeutic technique based on singing and a specific system of exercises that allows you to stimulate the internal organs of a person, as well as normalize the functionality of the nervous system, and increase the body’s resistance to adverse external factors.

Since ancient times, people have known that sounds can have healing powers, especially those pronounced in one's own voice. Scientists have noticed that professional (and non-professional, but correct) singing has a beneficial effect on the human body, and they began to closely study this phenomenon. This is how the direction of vocal therapy began to develop.

Everyone knows that the best way to calm a child is to lull him to sleep. A mother's lullaby is what a child needs and what he remembers for the rest of his life. But singing has an impact not only on those who listen, but also on those who sing. Chanting allows you to get rid of nervous tension, stress and even some pathologies of internal organs.

Unfortunately, in our country, vocal therapy is not yet a developed and popular area, and it is in vain. People are increasingly writing emails to each other, communicating through social networks, and hearing each other’s voice less and less. A person’s voice reveals his emotions - it trembles when we are nervous, tenses when we are angry, becomes gentle and quiet when we love.

A person’s voice is an individual instrument that reflects his emotions and can be used to produce unique sounds. If a person knows how to control his voice, he can not only express himself, but also easily get rid of internal tension, and also have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

The Hungarian composer Kodály wrote 100 years ago that rhythm and singing are an excellent workout for the larynx and lungs, as well as “discipline” of the nervous system.

Bekhterev at the beginning of the last century was the founder of a committee that studied vocal and music therapeutic effects. As a result of the work of this committee Vocal therapy has been proven to actually improve human health. However, until 1994, no scientific work was published in this area.

Modern scientific experiments and expert opinion

Vocal therapy treatment by singing - with your own voice. Singing in itself is a breathing exercise; at the moment of singing, air enters the body in large quantities, and, therefore, saturates the internal organs with oxygen and ensures their proper functionality.

Not long ago, scientists began to conduct a series of experiments and found that when a person sings, the vibrations from his voice (80%) pass through the internal organs, and only a small part of them (20%) are not absorbed by the organs and go into the external environment.

Music therapist Shusharjan and his colleagues conducted experiments on how vocal therapy affects the vital organs of a person. The treatment project was a success. The result was amazing - the waves of sound vibration had a positive effect on the condition of the organs and significantly relieved a person’s internal stress. It was Shusharzhan who first proposed the term “vocal therapy”, and he defended his dissertation on this topic.

Currently, experts are inclined to believe that it was not in vain that our ancestors treated insomnia, mental illness and other ailments with songs. Now experiments and research are actively continuing, and vocal therapy itself is becoming an increasingly popular treatment method.

Main tasks and goals of vocal therapy

As for the tasks and goals pursued by vocal therapy, they are as follows:

  • accustoming the body to the diaphragmatic type of breathing;
  • improving the condition of the respiratory and cardiac systems;
  • vibration massage of internal organs;
  • psychosomatic control training;
  • a positive attitude and improved emotional background.

Important! A special feature of vocal therapy is instilling the skills to use vocal exercises for the purpose of one’s own health.

Exposure to sounds

Sound frequencies affect people in different ways. Moreover, this impact can be both positive and negative. If you want to know more about a person, ask him what kind of music he prefers to listen to?

Pop culture is loved by the so-called “residents”. This type of music mainly affects the lower chakras.

Rock. This music affects the creative chakra. However, rock and rock are different. You can get a positive influence by listening to rock ballads, ethnic music with rock arrangements, and classic rock. Hard rock has a negative effect on the body.

More developed people listen to symphonic music, its influence extends to the 8th chakra. But the higher chakras are affected only by ethnicity and folk chants.

As for rap, there is an opinion that it can drive you into a depressive state, since the less developed the melody in the music, the worse it affects the brain.

Electronic music has a particularly complex rhythm. Therefore, according to scientists, athletes who listen to such music during or before training show higher performance. In addition, listening to electronic music improves people's mood.

Vocal therapy for children, benefits during pregnancy

Vocal therapy during pregnancy and childhood is a simple path to health. It has been noticed that children who use singing skills correctly have improved health - the frequency of colds decreases, children become stronger and more resilient.

In kindergarten, preschoolers sing a lot - this is a great way to prevent ARVI diseases. In preschool age, it is especially useful to develop the skill of singing, which is why kindergarten in this case is of great benefit. because there is a lot of singing there.

Important! It is necessary to teach the child to use breathing correctly, then he will not have a sore throat from straining the ligaments when he needs to pronounce the text loudly and clearly.

As for vocal therapy during pregnancy, in addition to the general improvement of a woman’s health and a positive effect on the development of the fetus, this method allows you to breathe correctly and “sing” contractions, making them less painful.

Vocal therapy exercises: what and how to sing

Folklore songs are built on 2-3 notes, however, they amaze with their beauty and diversity; examining the song in detail, it was found that vowel sounds have a particularly beneficial effect on the body. For example:

  • singing the letter " A» perfectly relieves spasms, has a positive effect on the heart muscle and gall bladder;
  • letter " AND» affects the intestines, eyes, nose and ears;
  • « ABOUT» relieves heart problems and activates pancreatic activity;
  • « U» has a positive effect on the respiratory system, as well as on the genital organs of men and women;
  • « Y» relieves ear diseases and normalizes breathing;
  • « E“has a good effect on the functionality of the brain.

Reference! To enhance the effect of the sung sounds, it is recommended to place your palm on the area affected by a particular sound, and also imagine it as healthy.

It is useful to sing sound combinations, for example:

  • « OM» – lowers blood pressure,
  • « PA» – relieves heart pain,
  • « UT«, « AP«, « AT» – correct speech defects well,
  • « OH, « OH«, « UH» – rid the body of negative energy and waste toxic substances.

Some consonants are also healing, for example:

  • « TO«, « SCH» – treat ear ailments,
  • « X«, « H» – improves breathing and removes negativity,
  • « M"- has a beneficial effect on the heart,
  • « M«, « N» – stimulate cerebral circulation.

How to conduct classes

Classes are conducted as follows:

  1. A few minutes (no more than 5) are needed do exercises to relax the muscles of the neck, face and whole body. This can be physical exercises for stretching, tension and subsequent relaxation of all muscle groups. Particular attention should be paid to the muscles of the face and neck to eliminate stiffness of the submandibular muscle fibers.
  2. Then you need minutes 10 devote to breathing exercises. Breathing exercises can consist of the Strelnikova method, Indian yogi breathing, or lower costal-diaphragmatic breathing exercises.
  3. After that 15 minutes of vocal exercises. It is necessary to adjust the head and chest resonators.
  4. Next stage - activation of articulation and diction (5-7 minutes). Individual sounds, syllables, phrases and texts are pronounced. Conducted in the form of theatricality or play. It is important to train clear and emotionally charged speech. Such exercises relieve tension from the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, promote the correct formation of sounds, and also liberate a person in general.
  5. 10 minutes for a creative task. Here it is possible to work on a vocal, poetic or artistic work, or a small theatrical production. The task is a personal emotional response, developing the ability to express oneself. If you approach this issue competently, creative completion of tasks will increase self-esteem and give confidence in your own abilities and strengths.

Case studies

  • A pregnant woman came with the problem of increased uterine tone. Individual vocal therapy was selected for her. After three weeks, the tone of the uterus decreased, and the woman began to feel much better. Moreover, according to her, toxicosis was eliminated. She continued her classes, and after giving birth she came again and said that she sang during childbirth, and the contractions became less painful.
  • An 8-year-old girl was diagnosed with a speech defect. After a month of vocal therapy, the child’s speech improved noticeably and was enriched with sounds that were previously difficult or not possible at all. A slight speech defect remained, but was eliminated after about 2 months of classes.
  • A young man came in about stuttering. Several months of training helped him become more self-confident, and his stuttering became significantly less noticeable. He studied for a year, after which his clear and emotionally charged speech can be the envy of many.
  • Two women took classes to improve their health. One had hypertension, the other complained of problems with the thyroid gland. After 8 weeks, they both reported positive results, and she even showed them a doctor’s note confirming her words.

The course of vocal therapy is purely individual, some begin to feel improvement after just a couple of sessions, while others need much more time. An hour of singing, regularly practiced three times a week, is considered optimal.


It must be said that despite all the benefits and effectiveness of vocal therapy, this technique is only an auxiliary means of treatment, and if the doctor has prescribed medications or insists on surgical treatment, it is necessary to listen to his opinion. Even if you deeply and sincerely believe that choir classes can help you get rid of your illness.

Also, you should not practice singing during infectious respiratory processes, as there is a risk of infection spreading to the vocal cords. People with heart disease should use vocal therapy with caution, and only after the permission of the attending physician.

Read the article: 2 384

Everyone loves to sing. Young children are happy to make up “songs” on the fly or pick up a tune without really thinking about getting into tune. Adults are most often shy, afraid to show their lack of talent in this area, and in vain: singing is very good for health.


Doctors knew that vocal exercises had a positive effect on the body back in ancient times. In recent decades, most of these assumptions have received scientific confirmation. Today we decided to tell readers about the benefits of singing.

Liver healing

The effect of singing on the liver and other internal organs is due to the vibration created by sound waves. It has been experimentally established that only a fifth of these waves are directed outward, and 80% of the vibrations penetrate into the body and stimulate the functioning of the abdominal organs. When a person sings, the diaphragm intensively rises and falls, and these movements contribute to a kind of massage of the liver, gall bladder and intestines. As a result, the outflow of bile increases, digestion is optimized, the likelihood of developing stagnant processes is reduced, and the removal of toxins from the body is activated.

Protection from stress

In Ancient Egypt, insomnia and nervous agitation were treated with the help of choral singing. Music still helps doctors today working with patients who suffer from mental disorders, emotional instability, migraines, neuroses, depression and phobias. Singing is useful for correcting stuttering and other speech disorders.

When a person sings, his brain intensively produces endorphins, called joy hormones. Singing increases vitality, enhances the ability to concentrate, and increases physical and intellectual activity.

Treatment of respiratory diseases

Systematic vocal training trains the diaphragm and the muscles responsible for the movement of the ribs during breathing, and optimizes the process of ventilation of the lungs. Proper singing requires a quick inhalation and a slow, gradual exhalation. This increases the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood, which helps activate the immune system. A person becomes more resistant to seasonal colds.

Recently, doctors have become interested in using singing to treat ailments such as chronic bronchitis, pneumonia and bronchial asthma.

Increasing tone and prolonging life

It is no coincidence that there are many long-lived opera singers: the first thing a future performer is taught is proper breathing and self-control. Without this, a person cannot withstand the many hours of stress associated with participating in a classical performance.

As a result, singers master the skills of regulating inhalation and exhalation, proper functioning of the diaphragm, their active lung volume increases, and their heart muscle strengthens. Similar results can be achieved with amateur singing; It is only important to approach the issue of voice production competently.

Since the times of the most ancient civilizations, people have known the healing power of individual sounds and sound combinations pronounced in their own voice. In Rus', human treatment has been carried out with the help of vocal therapy since ancient times.

The melody of ancient Russian folk songs, sometimes built on 2-3 notes, amazes with its diversity and beauty. She suggests going from unison to consonance, teaches harmonization of external and internal, tuning the body and soul in accordance with objective laws.

<А>- relieves any spasms, treats the heart and gall bladder;
<И>- treats eyes, ears, small intestines, stimulates cardiac activity, “cleanses” the nose;
<О>- revitalizes the activity of the pancreas, helps eliminate heart problems;
<У>- improves breathing, stimulates and harmonizes the functioning of the kidneys, bladder, prostate gland (in men), uterus and ovaries (in women);

ATTENTION! To enhance and concentrate the therapeutic effect of pronounced or “sung” sounds (sound combinations), experts recommend placing your hand on the area of ​​the body where the organ (or system) undergoing sound therapy is located, and imagining this organ as healthy and actively working.

The degree of human development is influenced by various sound frequencies that affect the chakras (energy systems) - both negatively and positively. Music that is best perceived by a person determines the degree of his development. To find out more about a person, they ask him: “What kind of music do you like?”

More developed people love to listen to rock music, since the impact of this music reaches the creative “Percy” chakra. Here we mean: rock ballads, “Folk” (ethnic, rock-arranged) and classical rock music (with elements of symphonic music). Other rock music has a negative effect on the chakras.

Even higher in level of development are people who prefer to listen to symphonic music (classics), since it affects all chakras up to the 8th “Brow” chakra.

The higher chakras, Soul and Spirit of a person are influenced mainly by folk (ethnic) music and chants. Various modern music: rap, techno, etc., negatively affects the human energy system and contributes to its degradation.
Positive music:

Living water (harp) - "Dumka"
Legacy of the Vagants - "Dudeldrum"
Anastasia Sorokova - "Terem"
Cossack ditties - "Oy sya you oysya"

The VOICE is a unique musical “instrument” given to man by Nature itself. A person’s voice vibrates whenever it sounds (when talking, singing, whispering). And a more perfect (particularly from a therapeutic point of view) musical instrument suitable for a particular person simply does not exist.

* * *
The art of singing is, first of all, proper breathing, which is one of the most important factors in a healthy life. Of all the means of music therapy, SINGING has the most powerful effect on the body. /When a person is sick, his voice “sits down,” becoming dull and colorless. With our own singing (therapeutic sound production), we can influence a diseased organ or system, returning healthy vibration to it.

Note. Methods of VOCAL THERAPY (this is the scientific name for singing treatment) are actively used all over the world for the treatment and prevention of both physical and mental disorders: neuroses, phobias (obsessive, painful fears of something), depression (especially if it is accompanied by diseases respiratory tract), bronchial asthma, headaches, etc.
* * *
Each organ of our body has its own “voice”. The “sound” of diseased organs differs from the sound of healthy ones. This abnormal “sound” can be corrected by teaching a person to sing correctly. /Good opera singers are physically healthy people and, as a rule, long-lived.

* * *
When a person speaks or sings (in one word - “sounds”), then, according to various estimates, from 60 to 85% of the sound vibrations of his voice go to the internal organs (absorbed by them) and only 15-40% - to the external environment. / Our body is by no means indifferent to what those 60% of its own - produced (produced) by man himself - sound “food” will be, which it - the body - will have to (or has to constantly - daily) “digest” and “assimilate”.

Note. Leading Russian music therapist S. Shushardzhan and his colleagues from the Research Center for Music Therapy and Medical-Acoustic Technologies conducted research on the effect of vocal therapy on the lungs and other vital organs. As a result, scientists came to the conclusion that only 15-20% of the sound generated during singing goes into external space (the rest of the sound wave is absorbed by the internal organs, causing them to vibrate).

* * *
The child uses his voice without thinking - he screams and speaks as he breathes, unlike many adults, who over the years lose their natural ability to express themselves in sounds and words (some mumble, others mumble monotonously, and others become completely “voiceless”, not worrying too much). successful personal experience silently and deep inside).
* * *
The kind of voice a person will use in his life largely depends on his mother. It is her voice, endlessly changing in a variety of situations of communication with the child, that at an early age the baby takes as a kind of standard (the baby begins to imitate his mother’s voice first of all). Now many experts seriously suggest that expectant mothers begin developmental activities with the child already during the period of intrauterine development - talking, singing songs and playing harmonious music for him. /Abroad, special abdominal bands with stereo mini-speakers are produced for pregnant women.

* * *
Singing is very beneficial for pregnant women and their unborn children. The transitions of the singing voice from high to low sounds and vice versa activate the growth of those organs and systems of the child that are tuned to certain sound frequencies. The baby's hearing organs receive the training they need and the brain is stimulated. /Several decades ago, the famous French obstetrician Michel Auden organized a-capella choirs of expectant mothers in his clinic. Simple vocal exercises have been developed especially for them. As a result, more viable, calm and strong babies were born.

* * *
It has long been known that singing is one of the best breathing exercises (it trains the respiratory muscles, diaphragmatic breathing, improves bronchial drainage, and increases the vital capacity of the lungs). /The famous Hungarian composer Z. Kodaly wrote in 1929: “A wonderful means of rhythm is the discipline of the nerves, training the larynx and lungs. All this puts singing next to physical education. Both are needed daily, no less than food.”

* * *
When singing together (in a duet, choir), as well as when carefully listening to the singer for a certain period of time, the boundaries of each human soul from among the participants in this process are revealed, and there is a striving towards each other (singing and soulfully listening). /The same applies to just music (without words).

* * *
Even in ancient times, the effect of singing on humans was used by many peoples to combat a wide variety of ailments (our distant ancestors intuitively guessed the presence of enormous healing power in singing, but were not able to scientifically explain this phenomenon). /For example, in Ancient Egypt, choral singing was used to treat insomnia. In Ancient Greece, Democritus extolled singing as a specific remedy for curing certain types of rabies, and Aristotle and Pythagoras recommended singing for the treatment of mental illness and insanity.

* * *
In Rus', the Slavs believed that the SOUL itself sings in a person and singing is its natural state. Therefore, working with sound (its strength, length, height), rhythm, breathing, intervals not only brings one closer to high-quality and technical performance of songs, but also to a greater extent ensures success in painstaking work on the correction and formation of a person’s personality. In the positive orientation of the individual during folk singing classes, the original manner of sound production plays an important role. In each area it has its own characteristics.

But there is one feature that is characteristic of the manner of sound production in any corner of Russia - when the sound is sent as if into space, the lips stretch into a smile, forcing the use of the so-called. "front resonator". /You sing and smile, and due to this the sound becomes light, clear and free. Gradually, as a result of systematic smile training, the quality of sound transfers to a person’s personality. Soon the outer smile becomes an inner smile, and we begin to look at the world and people through it.
/Note. In Rus', with the help of vocal therapy, the treatment of patients has been carried out since ancient times (the patient was seated in a circle of people and round dances were performed around this person). In addition, they simply sat around the patient so that he was in the center of maximum sound impact - at the point where the “body of sound” actually grows high and wide, capturing space and all its components with its vibrations. /If the disease is indeed a disruption of a person’s normal internal bioenergetic rhythms, then song and singing in this case are a very powerful healer.

* * *
In folk songs they do not lie with their voice, trying to make it more beautiful than it is: they sing openly. But it is precisely this openness that makes any voice beautiful. By the way, the covered voice of the academic style of performance (as opposed to the folk one) sounds as if the vibrations are directed upward (to the palate), and the so-called “posterior resonator” (i.e., the far part of the oral cavity). “Folk” sound is characterized by the use of a “front resonator” (the sound is directed not upward, but forward - towards the person for whom it is intended).

Note. Even with basic sound production, we already include our real or supposed interlocutor in the process of “living” the sound. This person turns out to be important for us, and we for him, because we are in the vibrational field of his speech or singing (and, conversely, he is in our field), we perceive these vibrations and inevitably resonate with them (more precisely, we are, as it were, “offered” "enter into this resonance). /Remember how “contagious” a cry or laughter, sobs over a loss or the delight of an acquisition (victory) can be. Often, without realizing it, we, even passing by (literally and figuratively), for a long time carry the state of those who “sounded” in a certain mood.

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According to experts, when working with song folklore, along with the elaboration of individual psycho-emotional states, there is also a correction of individual personality traits. Closedness, shyness, and aggressiveness are gradually leveled out and turn into their opposite. /Scandal and anger are destructive because they are irregular in our world, subject to various rhythms. They break the established harmony, regularity, and beauty of intertwining melodies. In addition, on a physiological level, all negative emotions that are a consequence of undesirable personality traits cause holding of breath, disrupting its rhythm, which cannot but have a negative impact on a person’s general well-being. This also involves the one who is drawn into the scandal.

Note. Breathing is very important for human health. By working on lengthening the exhalation for the purpose of high-quality performance of folk songs, we not only create conditions for increasing the volume of the lungs and their high-quality ventilation, but also enhance the relaxation moment directly related to exhalation (relaxation) as the antonym of inhalation (tension). Probably, without any scientific calculations, our ancestors were aware of this. “Chain” breathing, which is practiced when practicing folklore singing, not only teaches continuity of sound, but also increases the duration of exhalation, the depth and completeness of inhalation, which increase depending on the use of the lower (abdominal) type of breathing. In the course of mastering “chain” breathing (in choral folklore singing), that subtle hearing is included in the work, which we have practically not used until now - the ability to hear the breathing of another and feel when he is about to take a breath, so that this does not happen at the same time as you and did not interrupt the sound. /The restoration of free breathing when practicing folklore singing occurs subconsciously and is manifested not only in terms of freedom of breathing, but also in an improvement in well-being, in a change in perspective on problems that previously seemed insoluble and dangerous to a person.
* * *
Singing is a unique breathing exercise that takes everything into account. Singing cures bronchial asthma and other bronchopulmonary diseases, sinusitis.

The leader of the Russian music therapy school, head of the research Center for Music Therapy and Medical-Acoustic Technologies S. Shushardzhan discovered that correct breathing (without which competent vocals are not possible) leads to a sharp increase in all the reserve capabilities of the human body.

Singing activates energy centers in a person, which, in turn, affect the vital organs and systems associated with them. Singing has a beneficial effect on the kidneys, endocrine glands, massages the larynx, thyroid gland, heart.

Note. “The state of our health largely depends on how we breathe. Physiological (correct) breathing - breathing with the lower ribs.
Breathing from the lower chest is the most economical. Unfortunately, Most people are upper and middle breathers. This leads to hyperventilation. A person swallows excess oxygen and spends a lot on it
excess energy. Hence - bronchial asthma or cardiac dysfunction. And what does vocals and singing have to do with it?.. Singing just helps to establish proper breathing
This is good training. When a person sings, vibration occurs in the internal organs.

Using special equipment, we remove it from any organ, make mathematical layouts and analyze it. We can objectively identify the resonant notes of the liver, spleen... And then we use all this data for acoustic massage.
Try massaging the liver with your hands. This is impossible. And with the help of musical sounds you can completely restore blood circulation and remove congestion.
In one of my patients - a 9-year-old boy had severe bronchial asthma. He was given a course of complex treatment and vocal therapy. And the child recovered. His parents, on my advice, sent the boy to the choir, and he became seriously interested in singing.
Even in childhood practice, vocal therapy cures stuttering. And believe me, the results are wonderful."
(S. Shusharjan, Research Center for Music Therapy and Medical-Acoustic Technologies).

Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences Vladimir Morozov
(Institute of Psychology RAS) reports the following information:

“There is a very interesting mechanism that was discovered by the laboratory of nonverbal communication at the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Any musical sound consists of a fundamental tone and its accompanying sounds - overtones. Laboratory staff have discovered one of the previously unknown mechanisms for transmitting emotions - a change in the frequency arrangement of voice overtones
(when expressing joy they are harmonious, and when expressing anger they are disharmonious).

Our emotional disposition towards a person gives rise to the corresponding sound of our voice.

When we are filled with anger or internal ill will, the overtones become disharmonious and reveal our negative attitude towards people.

In my books and in the research of my laboratory Evaluations of different types of music were carried out:
classical, pop, rock music, etc.
The reason turned out to be the peculiarities of the rhythmic organization and timbre sound of music or human voices
After all, music is divided into instrumental and vocal. And the voice can act as a musical instrument - perfect or primitive.

Sometimes it happens that the voice is loud, but false.
For example, a young man has a “huge” voice, which seems to be not bad. If he sang, the radiators in the room would shake. But, as the guy himself admitted, his voice is called a “weapon of mass destruction” because he was very out of tune, and this is one of the forms of disharmony.”

Note. “My colleagues and I discovered this interesting thing: emotions affect the human voice, and it, in turn, changes the overtone composition. It, to match the rock sound, loses harmony by up to 10%.
Negative effects are based on the same mechanism as positive ones.
For example, a person comes to you, he is not internally disposed towards you and is trying to hide it because he wants to sell you some thing. He tells you kind, courteous words, but at the same time there is a false note in his voice.

That is, the overtones take a position that is unusual for them. And you, if you have good emotional hearing (the term was introduced into science by me in 1985), will feel that this person is not telling the truth.
But there are people who are surprisingly harmonious, they are healthy mentally, physically and are friendly to people. In addition, they master the resonant technique of voice formation. Their voice sounds like a healing balm, like beautiful music.

Research shows that these sounds harmonize you too. You want to listen and listen to this person and communicate with him. The actors Salvini and Kachalov had such amazing voices. A classic example, recognized throughout the world, is the voice of our compatriot F.I. Shalyapin.

One Swedish newspaper wrote about him: “Few people have such charm as Chaliapin. A strange magical power lives in his being, and when he speaks, his voice sounds like an organ ... "

When he was preparing for the first time to perform at the La Scala theater - the touchstone of all the best singers - and sing Mephistopheles, a claque came to him (a group of people who demand money for creating an atmosphere of success for the singer). Otherwise, they threaten to throw rotten tomatoes at you.
Chaliapin chased them away, and the claque was preparing to give him a ride and boo, but when the first aria of the legendary singer ended, silence reigned. And then a storm of applause broke out. And the claka could not do anything and left rotten tomatoes. All the flowers around the theater were bought up and thrown onto the stage at Chaliapin’s feet. From that time on, the road to the best stages of the whole world was opened for him.
Lauri-Volpi wrote later: “The Russian giant Fyodor Chaliapin became the standard bass, his name spread across the continents.”
(V. Morozov, Institute of Psychology RAS).

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The indigenous population of New Zealand - the Maori - have special “choral” songs that relieve pain in women during childbirth. Maori women give birth without pain (during childbirth, in order to achieve an analgesic effect, the woman in labor sings with her husband until the child is born).

A woman's VOICE is no less a powerful weapon than her appearance. For example, the sexual glory of the legendary Cleopatra was largely associated with her magically erotic voice. When this queen wanted to shake the imagination of some man who came to her for the first time, she was in no hurry to appear before him in all her glory and began a conversation from behind the curtain. At the same time, Cleopatra’s voice drove the listener crazy and created a special aura for the queen.
attractive woman. But, unfortunately (or fortunately), not all women’s voices have sexual appeal.

“There are words whose very syllables harbor a destructive quality, as if they were objective objects, for each sound awakens a corresponding sound in the invisible world of spirits, and this sound produces a good or bad effect. A harmonic rhythm, a melody, gently vibrating in the atmosphere, creates beneficial things around is a pleasant influence and has a very powerful effect on the psychological as well as on the physical nature of every living being on earth; it produces a reaction even in inanimate objects, for matter is still spirit in its essence, although it appears invisible to our gross senses. It's the same with numbers."
(Blavatsky E.P., famous specialist in world esotericism).

(except sounds<Е>And<Ё>):

<А>- relieves any spasms, treats the heart and gall bladder

<И>- treats eyes, ears, small intestines, stimulates
cardiac activity, “clears” the nose;

<О>- revitalizes the activity of the pancreas,
helps eliminate heart problems;

<У>- improves breathing, stimulates and harmonizes
the functioning of the kidneys, bladder, prostate gland (in men), uterus and
ovaries (in women);

<Ы>- heals ears, improves breathing;

<Э>- improves brain function.


<ОМ>- reduces blood pressure;

<АЙ>, <ПА>- reduce heart pain;

<АП>, <АМ>, <АТ>, <ИТ>, <УТ> -
correct speech defects;

<УХ>, <ОХ>, <АХ>- stimulate release from
the body of waste substances and negative energy.

In ancient Chinese

To treat the liver, open your eyes (it is well known that the eyes are the “windows” of the liver) and slowly exhale with a sound combination<СЮЙ>;

When treating the lungs, raise your hands with your palms up, pronouncing the sound combination as you exhale<СЫ>;

The heart is healed through exhalation with a sound combination<КЭ>which is carried out with the mouth wide open;

To treat the gallbladder, pronounce the sound combination while exhaling<СИ>(in this case, the person should lie on his back or side);

Kidneys are treated by exhalation with sound combination<ЧУЙ>, clasping your knees with your hands and holding your head straight;

Exhalation with sound combination has a beneficial effect on the spleen<ХУ>;

To treat cancer (of any etymology), pronounce the sound combination<ХЭ>(in this case, both palms should be placed on the diseased organ: the left palm is pressed against the body, and the right palm is placed on top of the left).

Note. The healing power of uttering and some individual CONSONANT SOUNDS(perhaps someone will even be able to sing them for greater benefit):

<В>, <Н>, <М>- improve brain function;

<К>, <Щ>- treat ears;

<Х>- frees the body from waste substances and negative energy, improves breathing;

<Ч>- improves breathing;

<С>- treats the intestines, heart, lungs;

<М>- treats heart diseases;

<Ш>- treats the liver.

According to the views of ancient Eastern medicine, the heart and small intestine are energetically interconnected organs (just like the large intestine and lungs; eyes, ears, nose and throat; head and spine; liver and eyes...).
That is why Eastern healers claim that such “adjacent” organs and systems can be “tuned” (treated) with the same sounds.

The connection of the human voice, as well as any sound (acoustic vibration), with the nerve centers of the human body was known in ancient times (in particular, it was widely used in medical practice in the East).
But in our time it has been established that the intensity of the pronunciation (“singing”) of sounds is also of great importance.
For example, this intensity should be low and medium when treating diseases of the heart and lungs, and higher when treating the abdominal organs.

ATTENTION ! To enhance and concentrate the therapeutic effect of pronounced or “sung” sounds (sound combinations), experts recommend placing your hand on the area of ​​the body where the organ (or system) undergoing sound therapy is located, and imagining this organ as healthy and actively working.

Based on scientific research materials. - FANCY_men. -