Words with strong positive energy. The energy of words affects our lives

The word is not a sparrow - it will fly out and you won’t catch it. The same can be said about thought.

But your thoughts are available only to you. You can think whatever you want, but aboutNo one will know unless you say something. That's why withthought control for most people complete mess. If the words aresomehow controlled, but thoughts are practically unlimited. Allyour thoughts and words require energy. They are generated in the brain, and

it is the most energy-consuming organ in your body. The brain takes up to 25percent of the body's total energy. I'm sure you've been hit more than once."influence of thoughts." You begin to think about something, and then a question arises.some thought, often important to you, leads you astray,forcing you to generate some images.

Everything would be fine, but most of these thoughts have a negative connotation.You haven’t done anything yet, but your energy is already discharged and your mood is low.

That is why it is very important to learn how to direct this energy intoin a constructive direction, and not waste it on idle talk, the assessment of other peopleAnd negative thoughts that something will not work out for you.

Besides everything you say then boomerangs back to you. That's whyIt is very important to choose your words. You may not be able to finddirect connection, but it is there.
I assure you, if your thoughts and words are far from positive, then there will be little of it around you.
This means that your energy will be wasted. After all, nothing will be created.So another step to increasing it will be to control your thoughts and words.

And you need to start with thoughts, since they are the ones that generate words.A great thing is a word. The word is primary, the action is secondary.

In the Russian alphabet, each letter corresponds to a specific number:

  • 1 - A, I, C, b,
  • 2 - B, J, T, S,
  • 3 - B, K, U, b,
  • 4- G, L, F, E,
  • 5-D, M, X, Yu,
  • 6-E, N, C, I,
  • 7th, O, H,
  • 8 - F, P, W,
  • 9 - 3, R, SH.

Add up all the numbers in the word or expression whose energy you want to know, and bring the sum to prime number. For example, the word “okay” (4+1+5+6+7=23. 2+3=5) has the vibration of five.

1 - words that correspond to one carry negative and aggressive energy. It is the unit that numerologists identify with leadership, ambition and selfishness. Such expressions include: thank you, wow, war, and so on. According to experts in the field, by expressing our thoughts in such words, we send negative and negative vibrations to the Universe.

2 - such expressions include “love”, “God has mercy”, “wealth”, “welcome” and “great”. They have positive and positive energy. Such words can unite people, charge them with enthusiasm, positivity and love.

3 - “thank you”, “good”, “dear”. According to numerologists, such words can come true. On the one hand, this is good, but with the expression “never in my life” and similar ones you need to be extremely careful.

4 is a symbol healthy body, physical strength and beauty. Fours words can affect you and your life in different ways. Everything will depend on what emotions you put into them. For example, the words “I can’t” and “don’t” represent your physical powerlessness, refusal good health And Have a good mood. The words “gloriously” and “endlessly” also have the energy of the four. Admiring appearance person or object, say “wow” or “lovely” - they carry a stronger positive charge.

5 - this number is responsible for home, comfort, relationships and harmony in the family. Therefore, by saying “crap”, “enough”, “don’t like”, “better not”, you weaken its effectiveness, attracting disagreements and misunderstandings with your family.

6 - “nightmare”, “no way”. Six is ​​a symbol of wealth and prosperity, so if you use such expressions, you risk reducing your income. Also, according to numerologists, the word “of course carries a negative message, so if you use it often, then you should think about replacing it, for example, with “definitely.”

7 - “good”, “excellent” and “money”. This number symbolizes luck, success, prosperity and happiness. Therefore, in order to attract all these benefits to yourself, you need to pronounce the above words more often, and then the Universe will give you gifts of fate.

8 - examples of such words are “hello” or “money”. This figure, according to experts in this field, is a symbol of responsibility, decency and duty. Pronouncing similar words you are charged with positive energy similar expressions, and also help your interlocutor by sending him health and well-being in the family. Also, with the help of such words, you help yourself by increasing your income.

9 - “only over my corpse”, “never”, “truth”. All these words carry a negative message. In this way you seem to program the Universe to certain actions. Therefore, it is worth thinking carefully about how to replace them, for example, instead of “truth” you can say “truth”. This way you attract positive notes into your destiny. All numerologists agree that this number represents belligerence, power and strength. Therefore, when pronouncing such words, you must understand that they will be brought to life and think about whether you want certain expressions to be fulfilled.

No m magic is stronger than the magic of words.
A. Fran

The word is an extension of our thoughts. There is colossal power hidden in the words we speak! Many people don't even realize how big it is. The choice of words has a direct bearing on what literally shapes our lives.

The words we use every day program our lives!
Using the “right” (bright, positive, creative, cheerful, etc.) words, you can not only change the events of your current life, but also model your successful, harmonious and happy future! The study of the meanings of words is called semantics.

With the help of thought, language and words, we create the reality in which we live. Our thoughts and words influence what happens to us. This is truly true: “In the beginning was the Word...”. Principle linguistic relativity reminds us that it is not reality that reflects our language, but language defines reality. By changing our thoughts, we change our lives. Thus, language not only describes the interconnection of the surrounding world, it creates, shapes and structures this world. Know that when a person changes other people's feelings with his words, he changes those people.

With thoughts and, as a result, in their own words, each person organizes the space of his world. With the help of thoughts, intentions, desires, aspirations and, of course, words, a person sets a life program for his subconscious. This means that the way (literally “IMAGE”) a person communicates with his inner world (subconscious) largely determines his well-being and prosperity.

Words are born from feelings. And there are no feelings without images. It is no coincidence, apparently, that there is a so-called “Science of Imagery,” that is, a field of knowledge that is capable of actually shaping and creating reality. That word “ugly” that we often use literally means “without image,” and therefore without life.

Remember that there is always a way out of any, even the most seemingly uncertain situation.

Let us recall in this context the situation when, on the recommendations of sociologists, the “No exit” signs in the London Underground were replaced with others: “The exit is nearby!” As a result, the number of suicides on the London Underground has dropped sharply.

Saying something is potentially doing something. When a person says something, he already does it in his thoughts.

The word is an amazing key to the images that are stored in the human subconscious. The person himself attaches one meaning or another to an object, and does this with the help of words.

Any word carries a certain amount of energy.
Dr. V. Sinelnikov conducted an interesting experiment at one of his seminars. He gave some students sitting in the front row the task of pronouncing to themselves and imagining one word, and the others sitting nearby - another word. The task of the rest of the seminar participants was to guess which word was represented by who. Then the presenter asked those to whom he gave the task to repeat the words to themselves, extend their arms forward, and one by one began to lower their arms with a certain effort. Half of those who completed the task gave up easily, while the other half of the participants managed to do it with great difficulty.
As it turned out later, those participants in the experiment whose hands dropped easily repeated the word “weakness” to themselves, while those who imagined the image of the word “strength” showed much greater resistance to the leader. From the experiment it follows that the words “strength” and “weakness” are capable of transmitting a certain energy to the musculoskeletal system of the body, either activating or relaxing. This fully applies to the words “energy”, “success” or “relaxation”, “calmness” and others. Which one to use is a matter of choice for the person himself. Use it magical power words for the benefit of both yourself and those around you.

Say the word “lemon” and you will really feel it...
Conduct an experiment: say the familiar word “lemon” out loud and feel what will follow the image that your imagination forms. Usually, after some time, profuse salivation appears. But you only uttered the word! It is not difficult to imagine what happens in the human body when it begins to create images of negatively colored life situations and says a lot of “scary” and stressful words to himself. What is produced in such situations in the body usually leads to many personal problems and diseases.

All living things react to sounds.
Genetic apparatuses of all living beings (from plants to animals, including supreme creature- people) work according to uniform laws. Sound is high-frequency vibrations that can cause electromagnetic radiation. Sounds can also create torsion fields, that is, the curvature of space. Sounds can improve or slow down plant growth, and they affect the growth of microorganisms. With the help of sounds you can also change a person’s consciousness.

Each vowel sound has its own color.
A vowel sound, as is known, is a tonal sound, that is, with a certain periodicity of vibration (as opposed to noise, that is, non-periodic vibration).
The correspondence between vowel sound and color is as follows:
the sound A corresponds to the color red;
sound E - light green;
sound I - blue;
sound O - yellow;
sound U - green;
sound Y - brown;
sound E - orange;
sound Yu - turquoise;
the sound I am to pink-red.
Together with color, vowel sounds affect our internal organs, since each organ operates at a certain frequency. That's why chanting various vowel syllables (mantras) is so beneficial for the human body.

“Favorite” words and sayings and their effect on the body.
Every person has so-called “favorite” (that is, frequently repeated) words, catchphrases, phrases, etc. It is they that reflect that inner world which reigns on the subconscious level of a person. Take a closer look at these words and you will learn a lot about your problems, which it is advisable to work with. These words (phrases) reflect a person’s attitude towards something and very often indicate a problematic organ or some part of the body. Remember that behind every word an image can form. An image with a special energetic force, affects both those around us and ourselves.

Imagine what is going on inside a person who often uses words like:
♦ « bad aftertaste»;
♦ “resentment stifles”;
♦ “this problem is in my throat”;
♦ “there is a stone on the heart”;
♦ “my head is spinning”;
♦ “this is not a child, but one headache»;
♦ “If only my eyes could not see you”;
♦ “it’s sitting in my liver”;
♦ “I can’t stomach this person.”

Experiments show that words significantly change the structure of water. As you know, a person consists of 70-80% water. What happens in a person when he perceives, hears and understands this or that speech? And literally the following happens: when he hears words of recognition, love and gratitude, the structure of the water changes molecular level takes the form of an amazingly fabulous creation. It looks like a magical “snowflake”, excellent in its outline and shape. A similar picture occurs when reading blessing prayers, listening to classical creative music and other “sounds of harmony.” Under the influence of pathogenic influence (words of insult, hatred, anger, curses and other destructive words), as well as under the influence of such a direction of music as “ heavy metal", the hexagonal structure of the water crystal collapses and becomes ugly.

(Vyacheslav Pankratov, Lyudmila Shcherbinina Smile for happiness! Peter 2008 )

Also chapters from the book “Smile for Happiness”:

Energy of the word.

The words that we pronounce or write, with the help of which we think, carry a huge energy charge. Words directly affect all three bodies (physical, astral, mental) and can balance them. By pronouncing any sounds, you can tune in to a specific organ, clean it and fill it with energy. Using a mandala using words that are necessary and useful to you, you can improve your life.
We must try to identify and understand the words that we most often use in our vocabulary and find their energetic meaning. Very often, on a subconscious level, we choose exactly those words or sounds that affect us in a positive way, but it also happens differently. Words like “no” and “everything” tear up the energy. You need to say: “Yes, this is good, but..”.
Any singing is useful, it is especially important to sing vowel sounds. All vowel sounds are healing and give the organs a new quality. The so-called Tyrolean singing treats thrombophlebitis and has a beneficial effect on blood vessels. Whistling has a very subtle effect at the level energy channels. When a person whistles, he breaks through energy plugs in himself. But if you do this in the presence of other people, then these plugs can clog another person. Therefore, it is better to whistle alone or in nature. Often what is beneficial to one person is destructive to another.

Healing sounds.

Healing sounds are given to a person for self-healing and self-regulation. It is especially favorable to pronounce them on the waxing Moon in the 4th, 6th and 7th lunar days. Although they always have a beneficial effect.
Sound exercises you have to do it in moderation and little by little. Everyone can sing as they please: you can sing intermittently, you can sing on one note. That is, everyone finds their own tone and frequency.
Each sound has its own color. Try to feel for yourself what color appears when you pronounce the sounds “I”.
The sound "I" is the vibration of the number 1 (Sun). Long and drawn-out singing of the sound “I” stimulates the brain, eyes, and nose. They can be used to treat runny noses, sinusitis and eye inflammation. It stimulates the pituitary gland, thyroid gland and all elements of the skull. When singing the “I” sound, these organs and the skull vibrate. When a person sings this sound long enough, he begins to feel joyful excitement. This good remedy against bad mood. Chanting the sound “I” strengthens a person’s mood towards higher spiritual planes, promotes self-awareness and self-improvement of a person, opens and strengthens him creative possibilities.
The sound "A" is the vibration of the number 1 (Sun). A sound that gives and gives away energy. You need to pronounce it as if you are rocking a baby. A long “A” cleanses a person, relieves tension and gives almost the same result as repentance. The sound "A" stimulates top part lungs. For all pulmonary diseases it is useful to pronounce it. By chanting the sound “A”, a person tunes into the higher spiritual spheres, strengthening his creative capabilities and their realization.
The sound "SI" is an increased vibration of the number 1 (Sun). Relieves tension, but not as much as during repentance, when pronouncing the sound “A”. When a person is frightened by something, the sound "SI" relieves the tension that vibrates the subtle upper shells our energy field. Chanting this sound increases self-awareness and promotes spiritual development.
The sound "U" is the vibration of the number 3 (Mars). It fills a person with wisdom, since in the word “wisdom” this syllable is stressed. Chanting the sound “U” gives a person a surge of strength and energy for active work, enhances the dynamics of his life.
The sound "E" is the vibration of the number 4 (Mercury). Chanting this sound makes a person sociable, enhances intelligence and enterprise.
The sound "Yu" is the vibration of the number 5 (Jupiter). It has a beneficial effect on the kidneys and bladder, relieves painful spasms. Chanting this sound opens up new horizons in life and promotes well-being.
The sound "MN" is the vibration of numbers 5-6 (Jupiter-Venus). A ray of this energy brings prosperity and prosperity to life. Pronouncing it makes life easier; in difficult situations we often heal with this sound. These vibrations seem to split everything into its component parts, we begin to see separate fragments that are easier to understand.
The sound "E" is the vibration of the number 6 (Venus). When singing the sound "E", the sensation of green color arises. Green color- middle. In the rainbow, it balances all other colors and has a harmonizing effect. This is the color of life. When pronouncing the sound “E,” the throat, parathyroid gland, and trachea are stimulated. You should try to sing the sound “E” in higher tones. Chanting this sound tunes a person to a feeling of love for the world and for people, it gives a feeling of stability, peace and satisfaction.
The sound "OE" is the vibration of numbers 7-6 (Saturn-Venus). This is a very healing and cleansing sound. Chanting this sound improves partnerships and provides a way out of internal impasse.
The sound "O" is the vibration of the number 7 (Saturn). This is the main harmonizing sound that controls time. All nations have words that carry the vibration of the sound “O” and thereby allow one to connect to the universal harmonizing vibration. The more “O” sound in words, the more harmony there is in the words. Chanting the sound “O” promotes concentration on something; it structures a person’s consciousness and energy flows, allowing him to concentrate on the main thing.
A very important sound - "NG" - is the vibration of numbers 6-4 (Venus-Mercury). Helps you tune in to information that helps you achieve your goal. Pronouncing this sound stimulates the pituitary gland and expands a person’s creative capabilities.
The sound "YuYa" is the vibration of the numbers 5-1 ( Jupiter-Sun). It has a very beneficial effect on the kidneys and bladder, cleanses and fills them with energy. Chanting this sound helps to better adapt to social environment without losing your individuality.
The sound "YA" is the vibration of numbers 6 -1 (Venus-Sun). It has a beneficial effect on the energy plane on the Anahata chakra, and on physically- on the heart. Chanting this sound strengthens the connection with the Guardian Angel and promotes a more harmonious perception of oneself in the world.
The sound "OH" is the vibration of numbers 7-2 ( Saturn-Moon). This sound is like a howl, you can howl it. Has a beneficial effect on the rectum. Treats hemorrhoids. Chanting this sound brings consciousness during fainting and deep meditation, structures internal energy and helps to understand internal state at a specific point in time.
The sound "MPOM" is an energetic closed chain of vibrations 5-8-7-5. It must be pronounced as if you were playing the trumpet. It has a beneficial effect on the heart. Chanting this sound creates temporary protection from the effects dark forces, helps to insist on your own and use the opportunities of the present moment.
The sound "PA" is the vibration of the numbers 8 -1 (Uranus - Sun). Sung in one breath. Helps activate the heart in a gentle manner. The heart can hurt both with a lack of energy and with an excess, so you need to try different ways chant this sound and choose the method that suits you best. Chanting this sound stimulates increased thinking and behavior and helps in gaining self-confidence.
The sound "PEOKHO" is an energy chain of vibration of the numbers 8-6-7-5-7. It has a very beneficial effect on breathing. When exhaling, the sound “OXO” produces the same cleansing effect as when exhaling the sound “HA”. This sound activates the activity of the heart. Chanting this sound opens up new possibilities in love, improves marital relationships without suppressing each other's authority, and gives a sense of stability.
The sound "EUOAAIYAOM" is an energy chain of vibration of the numbers 4-3-7-1-1-2-1-7-5. It must be sung over a person who has lost consciousness, and also sung to the person himself when he loses strength. First you need to learn to pronounce all the sounds separately, correctly and purely, without tension, and then move on to singing them together. Chanting these sounds promotes personal development, harmonization of consciousness and subconscious, and a wise attitude towards life.
The sound "NGONG" is an energy chain of vibrations 6-4-7-6-4. It has a beneficial effect on the stomach, liver and solar plexus. Chanting this sound helps improve family relationships and gain greater freedom in achieving your goals. This is the most important sound that needs to be mastered and pronounced freely. We need to concentrate on the first letters. Start pronouncing the sound “N” with a moo, the sound should come out of all the holes in the head, the earlobes and the tip of the nose should vibrate. This sound has a beneficial effect on the liver, stomach, brain and revitalizes the internal vocal cords, which are important for correct pronunciation prayers and mantras. The internal vocal cords come to life, begin to breathe, and it is with their help that we must read the prayers that we say without including their meaning. Prayers are read as if from within, and often the words are not distinguishable, since these sounds are humming. Pronouncing even individual parts of this sound is healing. The clear, silver utterance of this sound cures sinusitis. A more nasal pronunciation opens the Eustachian tubes in the head, and if a person has these tubes open, then he hears music Heavenly spheres, it manifests the ability to perceive those vibrations that are usually inaudible. You can hear a bell ringing in your head or an entire organ symphony. This suggests that you have begun to perceive very subtle, life bringers sounds, an expansion of consciousness occurred and you came to new stage development. When you pronounce the sound "NGONG", it should come from the head, but at the same time the whole body should vibrate, and you should feel the energy field around you vibrating to the rhythm of the sound. Your head becomes the instrument that produces this sound and creates a similar field around itself. When pronouncing the sound “NGONG”, conditions are created for the simultaneous activation of the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

Particularly important sounds for tuning the subtle bodies.

Words affect not only the person listening, but also the speaker himself. Sounds affect not only the organs of the physical body, but also the subtle bodies.
The sound "EYYA" affects physical body, cleanses, harmonizes. It should be recited on the 2nd, 8th, 9th, 11th, 14th, 15th, 18th, 20th, 23rd, 25th, 26th and 29th lunar days and on days of fasting.
The sound "AUOOOM". It must be pronounced as if a bell sounds, very fully, with very strong articulation. This sound revitalizes, cleanses and energizes the mental body. You should work with this sound on the 1st, 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 12th, 18th, 19th, 22nd, 23rd, 25th and 27th lunar days.
The sound "IAEEYI" harmonizes the astral body. Pronouncing part of this sound - "HEY", produces a shock effect. Therefore, the call "HEY!" It’s so unpleasant for us, at this moment we become more accessible and vulnerable. The person himself must pronounce the sound “IAEEI” so that each syllable stands out. Pronounced in this way, this sound harmonizes and calms our emotions and energy. It is most favorable to chant this sound on the 3rd, 11th, 12th, 28th and 30th lunar days.
Consonant words.

Often, when we agree, we say words such as “yes,” “so,” “yeah.”
"Yes" –5 1= 6 (Venus). This word brings harmony, means agreement with what is offered to you. People who often say the word “yes” live in greater harmony with the world than those who say the word “no”.
Some men, when agreeing, say the word “will do.” This is an energy chain of vibrations of the numbers 8 7 2 5 6 2= 30 =3 (Mars). The word opens the way to action. This is an active, beneficial action (2-5).
Many people say "okay" in response to a proposal. “Okay” is 4 1 5 6 7=23=5 (Jupiter). This is the word of the law. You seem to preserve the legal form offered to you.
The word “Good” is 5 7 9 7 8 7= 43=7 (Saturn), a complete system that has a core, a foundation. If you receive an offer, then with the word “good” you reinforce this offer.
The word “Need” is 6 1 5 7=19=1 (Sun). This is the spiritualization of what needs to be done.
The word "Enough" is 5 7 1 2 1 2 7 7 6 7= 45 =9 (Neptune). It means, in addition to the highest harmony, also illusions and deception. By saying “enough is enough,” we create “fog,” but leave hope for the other person.
The word “Healthy” is 9 5 7 9 7 3 7=47=11-2 (Moon). This is the word on energy level provides personal protection from dark forces.

Forbidden words.

When a person does not want to continue the conversation or he has understood everything and made his choice, then he says the word “ALL”.
“Everything” is 3 1 6=10=1 (Sun). That is, the person, in his opinion, has received enough information to make a choice and decision. Very often people say this word inappropriately. Then it shows its destructive force. The word “everything” should only be said when you have really accepted final decision. Using it in vain does great harm - it deprives further conversation of energy and puts a barrier in communication.
“Won’t work” is 6 6 8 7 2 5 6 2=42 =6 (Venus). This phrase gives a stop to movement, it means stability and stationarity. With these words you immediately stop the offer that is being made to you.
“Bad” is 8 4 7 5 7=31=4 (Mercury). This in itself is a word of connection. It defines quality, but does not stop movement. It provides an opportunity to do well, and does not deprive a person of the opportunity to correct the situation.
“No” is 6 6 2=14=5 (Jupiter). The most important, the most important prohibitive word. The use of this word inappropriately has a destructive and destructive effect. The word "no" is a legitimate answer. It should be said only when we know for sure that there can be no other option. Often some people say this word before almost every sentence. So, they may say: “No, this is great,” or “No, no, this is great,” or: “No, I like this.” Thus, a person violates the harmony of communication. Typically, people who say “no” often and a lot have little chance of success in life. They are always dissatisfied with their life, since they themselves constantly destroy it, almost every minute. If you start holding yourself back from this word, you will immediately feel how much easier life has become. And saying “no” to the point will carry a lot of weight.

The expression “Fuck you” is 5 1 4 2 6 2 6=26=8 (Uranus). With this phrase we change the situation, giving the opportunity for surprises and accidents to appear. When saying these words, one usually folds the fig, this protects against accidents. This is how we close ourselves off and do not allow the person to come to us.
The combination “Not so” is 6 6 2 1 3= 18=9 (Neptune). A weak prohibition word. Just like the word "bad", it gives qualitative assessment, but also hope. If you said, “Not so,” then how? This word is more of a stop than a complete ban.

Words of call and protection.

Very often we say words that help in difficult situations. We pronounce them without understanding the meaning. Previously, almost everyone was an atheist, but they still said: “Lord, help, forgive,” “Lord, save, bless.” It becomes easier for us because we feel that we receive support and protection from this.
The wonderful word - "Amen" - is 1 5 1 6 3= 16= 7 (Saturn). The word “Amen” ends the prayer. It concentrates the power of the words of prayer. The word “Amen” pronounced three times strengthens the prayer three times.
"Lord, forgive me" is
4 7 1 8 1 5 1 8 9 7 1 2 1=55=10=1(Sun).
Forgiving yourself personally for your voluntary or involuntary sins.
"Lord, save" is
4 7 1 8 7 5 1 1 8 1 1 1= 45=9 (Neptune) .
Save from deception and illusions and lead to the highest harmony, protect from accidents (1-8-1).
"Lord forbid" is
4 7 1 8 7 5 1 1 7 5 9 1 6 1=.63= 9 (Neptune).
Saying this, they ask to save you from deception and illusions in the world. life path (5-9-1).
"God Bless" is
4 7 1 8 7 5 1 2 4 1 4 7 1 4 7 3 1= 67=13=4 (Mercury).
Bless on the way to atone for the mistakes of the past, remove generational curses(4-1-1-7-1-4-7) and support on the right way. (7-3-1).
Very often we say:
"Lord help me" is
4 7 1 8 7 5 1 8 7 5 7 4 1= 65=11=2 (Moon).
We turn to the Lord, but we still have to make the choice ourselves. And these words help us make the right choice.
The call that we pronounce in order to find harmony and establish ourselves in it:
"Glory to you, Lord!" -This
1 4 1 3 1 2 6 2 6 4 7 1 8 7 5 1= 59=14=5 (Jupiter).
In this way we acknowledge the authority of God and confirm our following of him.
“I am” is
1 9 6 1 5 3= 25=7 (Saturn).
The main protective formula that a person can use so that they are not affected. This expression should be pronounced silently. In this case, the tongue should be pressed to the upper palate, this creates the so-called “upper” energy lock. Let’s say someone is pressing on you, and at this time you remain silent and make an “upper” lock, saying to yourself the words: “I am.” At the same time, you gain higher wisdom and soften the situation in which you find yourself.
“Cheer me” is
7 3 9 5 6 6 6= 42=6 (Venus).
This is a very strong ancient pagan formula. If, upon entering a room, you know that you will be under unpleasant surveillance, then when crossing the threshold, you must say: “Mind me.” Cross the threshold with your “lucky” foot: a man with his right, a woman with his left. You will be surprised to notice that everything around you will remain as if motionless, although you may be in the center of a quarrel, but it will not affect you. You will remain calm and not affected by low negative vibrations. It’s as if a blanket of your harmony is thrown over you.

" This
3 7 2=12=3 (Mars)
Allows you to actively defend your point of view and insist on your own. Frequent and inappropriate use of this word reveals complexes and lack of self-confidence in a person. The excessive energy of Mars causes irritation in response.

The expression “As if” is
3 1 3 2 2=11=2 (Moon).
The phrase from the point of view of interaction energy is incompatible and contradictory. The word “how” creates the energy of forward movement, and the word “would” stops this movement and creates strong hesitation, inhibition and uncertainty, it prevents the right choice.

"So" is
9 6 1 7 1 2=26=8 (Uranus).
This word turns a person to past experience and makes it possible to accept right decisions present. The Uranian energy of the word requires each time the manifestation of an original approach.
Using this word often and inappropriately causes feelings of dissatisfaction and anxiety, which lead to a desire to stop talking.

Compensating for the main lines of a mandala using words

The mandala makes it possible to explore words, reveals the hidden meaning and action of this word. We can not only hear and understand the meaning of a word, but also see through what forces the energy of this word is manifested. The word will become visible.
When analyzing any word, it is necessary to pay attention to the manifestation of the main lines of the mandala.

Line of the past 1-4-7
Corresponds to the energies of the Sun, Mercury, Saturn. The basis is line 1-7. This is a system of personal developments as a result of actions in the past. Segment 1-4 reflects developed intelligence, the source of energy is the relationship between the Sun and Mercury. The other part of this line 4 -7 (Mercury-Saturn) indicates the presence of a built-in internal own system as a result of communication and interaction with other people. The direction of energy must be taken into account. If the flow is directed from 7 to 4, then a person relies on his own attitudes in communication, and if from 4 to 7, then communication and the information received help a person create inner rod. The line is interpreted depending on the direction of energy, where, from what point and in which direction the energy flows and how many times.
The letters A, I, C carry the vibration of the Sun. In the Russian language, many words carry this vibration. Many first and last names have syllables and combinations of these letters.
The letters E, O, CH carry the vibration of Saturn. Almost everything male middle names have a connection between the Sun and Saturn, that is, personal life system, developed in the past. This is less common in women.
Let's look at the mandalas of some living words that carry the line of the past, the pronunciation of which helps to develop the lines that are missing in the original mandala.

The word “prayer”: 5741231= 5 (Jupiter).
A closed circuit of energies that make it possible to compensate for the line of the past and start something new. Prayer cleanses from sins and gives strength for a new life.

Words "solo": 1747 = 1 (Sun).
It denotes the independent (1) actions of a person and reveals the past experience that a person has.

The word "aphorism": 1479195 = 9 (Neptune).
This word has a line of the past 1-4-7, the support of ancestors (7-9), which in evolutionary development leads to the knowledge of laws (5) in order to achieve higher harmony (9). The word “aphorism” contains past experience that can protect other people from karmic mistakes.

Word "word": 14737=4 (Mercury).
Through this word communication and transmission of information is carried out. The mandala of this word has two main lines - past and individual development. That is, through the word the experience of the past comes to us for individual development.

Word "Happiness": 1711236 = 3 (Mars).
It is a mandala consisting of a line of the past, a line of beginning and part of the line of the future. Happiness is the presence of perspective. Based on the experience of the past, a person can start something and have a guaranteed future and prospect. This is exactly what happiness is.

Word "Voice": 47471=5 (Jupiter).
The strength of a person’s voice reveals his past achievements and his authority. People with a missing line of the past should try to develop their vocal cords and put powerful voice, which will make it possible to master these energies.

Word "Hair": 37471=4 (Mercury).
Availability large quantity hair on the head contributes to a personal strong position in life and independence in contacts. These are our antennas for receiving energy and information. If there is no line of the past in the mandala, one should turn more attention on your hair, take all measures to increase it and strengthen it, which helps to master the missing energies in the mandala.

Present Line 2-5-8

Corresponds to the energies of the Moon, Jupiter and Uranus. The functions of the planets are choice, power and chance. Choice as a source of fluctuation, power - interaction, chance - the opportunity to reach new level and transformations. Often these are the processes that occur in our present. The basis of this line is segment 2-8 (Moon-Uranus). The choice is in the contingencies that the present moment provides us. A person who has this line will be perfectly oriented in the present moment, make a conscious choice, taking some actions.
Very few people can be aware of the moment in which they live and what is happening in currently, perform an action not from your perception of situations, but from reality. “Natural magicians” have this line. In such people, the line of the present can appear both in small parts (2-5, 5-8) and in full (2-5-8). Often these people are not aware of their psychic abilities, but undoubtedly they are possessed and used unconsciously. Natural magicians can be immediately identified by their mandala and date of birth. People who were born on August 2, 12, 20, 22, 28 or February 8, 18, 28, in 1925,1928, 1952, 1958, 1982 are magicians.
The combination of the magician's line and the code line in the mandala manifests a person's magical abilities, but only under certain circumstances, depending on which mandala this line is present in. For example, a person named Valery Petrovich has magical abilities only in situations where achieving a goal is associated with the need to adapt to some circumstances of life. Line 2-8 in this person's mandala is the key line between name and adaptation. This is observed if the name ends with “th”, and the patronymic begins with the letters “p”, “zh”, “sh”. In this case, a person receives magical abilities by combining programs that correspond to these mandalas. Such a person knows how to impose his point of view in communication, put other people in a situation that becomes beneficial for him. This expresses the magical ability to influence others and achieve one’s goal.

Word "Experience": 7822 = 1 (Sun).
We gain experience in the present, it makes it possible to perform correct actions and demonstrate independence.

Word "Cards": 31922 = 8 (Uranus).
There is a line of the beginning, an evolutionary path, and in the code - a line of the present. Maps give us one of the options that is possible at the moment. Therefore, fortune telling on cards is not always good. The cards select one of many options that are given to the person to choose from. When the option proposed with the help of cards is spoken out loud, it is fixed and the person is deprived of choice and other options. Sometimes the chosen option may not be the best. That's why there is a saying: "Don't guess, you'll lose."

Words “Budget”: 255862=1 (Sun).
This word powerfully incorporates the energies of the present and the opportunity to achieve personal well-being. Say it as often as possible.

The line of the present 2-8 is manifested as a line of code in the mandalas of words: orange, beige, azure, purple. This makes it possible to use these colors to work with the energies of the present in order to act appropriately to the situation.

Future line 3-6-9

Means aspirations, dreams, hopes, fanaticism. Expresses the relationships between the energies of Mars, Venus and Neptune.
The basis of the line is segment 3-9. He assumes active actions in making dreams come true, fulfilling hopes or just dreams of decisive action.

Word "Life": 81966 = 3 (Mars).
The future is the result of life. Chain random events contributes to the development of peace and the achievement of harmony.

Word "Future": 2353966 = 7 (Saturn).
In this word, the line of the future is fully manifested, the future is predetermined, but still comes from our choice (2 - Moon, choice).

Word "River": 9631=1 (Sun).
The expression “floating along the river of life” implies a future that is fully included in this word and makes it possible independent actions in future.

Word "runes": 9362 = 2 (Moon).
This fortune telling system promotes choice correct option future.

Word "tarot": 2197 = 1 (Sun):
The mandala has a triangle and a piece of the beginning. Tarot is an experience of the past. The cards carry a completely different energy.

Start line 1-2-3
The line of origin corresponds to the energies of the Sun, Moon and Mars. These energies contribute to the manifestation of independent, consciously chosen active actions.

Word "Luck": 31571=8 (Uranus).
Lucky case helps to start any business.

Word "Success": 31865=5 (Jupiter).
This word allows you to use chance to achieve wealth and expand your opportunities.

Word "Wealth": 2714121237=2 (Moon).
It assumes the presence of a foundation created in the past, which allows you to start any business that contributes to personal development. The closed contour of these energies indicates the variability of this process, which depends on the right choice.

The word “Quantity” is 3741731237=2 (Moon).
A word that establishes a sufficient measure for the beginning of an action, manifesting all the energies of the line of beginning, just like the word “quality” - 31761237=3 (Mars).

The word "Hello" - 957131233226 = 8 (Uranus).
This is the word with great strength turns on the line of origin, opening up opportunities for action, and provides protection from negative energies.

Target freedom line 4-5-6
The energies of Mercury, Jupiter and Venus make it possible to freely receive necessary information, the necessary expansion of options for action and achieving favorable results.
The word “Goal” is 6643=8 (Uranus).
The word itself contains energy to achieve the goal. Just like in the words: whole, target, whole person, virgin soil, healer, kiss. Pronouncing these words contributes to the development of appropriate energies and helps to achieve what you want.

The word “Bread” is 5462=8 (Uranus).
The veneration of bread in Rus' is not accidental. The vibration of this word 8 (Uranus) fuels the strength of our country, which is under the sign of Aquarius, where Uranus rules. Energy of this word allows you to achieve success in business, as does the use of this product.

The word "Green" is 9646622=1 (Sun).
The middle color of the rainbow, doubles the middle line of the mandala. It is no coincidence that this color was used less often in government and educational institutions: the tables were covered with green cloth, and green lampshades were used.

Line of karmic debts 7-8-9

The energies of Saturn, Uranus and Neptune tune a person to finer vibrations, which makes it possible to influence large masses of people.

The word “Choice” is 32279=5 (Jupiter).
This word contains the possibility of kamic debts and the possibility of working them off. In the words: health, vigor, pride there is a line of karmic debts, which allows you to use these words to work off the line of karmic debts.
The words: speech, conversation, argument also contain a line of karmic debts. This indicates that these actions may involve karmic knots and karmic debts are formed. After all, it is known that at a posthumous trial a person is judged for his words twice as long as for his deeds. The first three days after death a person is judged for his deeds, the next six days, until the 9th day, he is judged for his words, and from the tenth to the fortieth day he is judged for his sinful thoughts.

The word “Pink” is 9797322= 3 (Mars).
The dynamic energies of this word enhance the process of working off personal karmic debts.

Line of evolutionary development 1-5-9

The energies of the Sun, Jupiter and Neptune direct the spiritual evolution of man, inclining him to the desire to achieve a state of highest harmony on a spiritual level.

The word “Gift” -519=6 (Venus).
One of the true joys in life is the ability to give, to give. This word contains energies that allow us to develop in ourselves these properties that are necessary for evolutionary path development.

The word “Plant” is 91126616=5 (Jupiter).
Plants help along the way evolutionary development, keep in touch with the Guardian Angel (6-1-6) in the rhythm Supreme Law(32 essential amino acids).

The word “Measure” is 5691= 3 (Mars).
This word contains the chain of action of the energies of well-being, mercy, evolutionary development, the beginning of a new one (code 31). Measure does not contribute to creating chaos.

The word "Rice" = 911=2 (Moon).
This blow enhances the processes of evolution of the world and spirit.

The word “Sugar” is 11519= 8 (Uranus).
This product provides nutrition to the brain, the organ of evolution. Saying this word enhances these processes.

The word "Rainbow" - 915341= 5 (Jupiter).
The rainbow is a symbol of spiritual help and a sign of approval of the path. Walking under a rainbow means finding protection. A picture with a rainbow carries the same energy as a living rainbow. The utterance of this word includes and enhances its effect.

Line personal development 3-5-7

The energies of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn enhance a person’s activity, increase his authority, contribute to the acquisition of a wise outlook on life, and strengthen the inner core.

The phrase “My miracle” -357 5777 = 5 (Jupiter).
This phrase supports and guides the personal development of the one to whom it is addressed. Say these words to your children more often, thereby you turn on the energy for the development of the child’s potential abilities and talents.

The word “Word” - 14737= 4 (Mercury).
The energies of this word allow one to develop through the information that a person receives from the world and the contacts that he enters into.

The word "Love" - ​​452733 = 6 (Venus).
The feeling of love reveals best qualities person, allows them to manifest themselves, thereby contributing to the harmony of the world.

The words: purple, brown, pink, turquoise, burgundy, light green, terracotta include the energies of the line of personal development. Using these colors in clothing stimulates personal development.

from the book by T.N. Zyurnyaeva "Human number mandala. The power of the visible word"

The words that we pronounce or write, with the help of which we think, carry a huge energy charge. Words directly affect all three bodies (physical, astral, mental) and can balance them or, on the contrary, cause irreparable harm.

By pronouncing any sounds, you can tune in to a certain organ, clean it and fill it with energy, restore relationships with others, tune in to the wave of harmony and love, push your desires into real life: Using a mandala, using words that are necessary and useful to you, you can significantly improve your life.

We must try to identify and understand the words that we most often use in our vocabulary and find their energetic meaning. Very often, on a subconscious level, we choose exactly those words or sounds that affect us in a positive way, but it also happens differently. Words such as “no” and “everything” tear up the energy, cutting us off from our channel of Destiny.

Words, especially verbs, carry important information both for the energy information field and for the people with whom you communicate. Every verb and every noun defines the energies that will come to you. So, before you say any common phrase, think about what it will bring into your life. It’s unlikely that you really, deep down in your soul, believe that money is dirt, but with a sweetheart there’s heaven in the hut.

Many such phrases throw the person who likes to use them into the sidings of his Fate.

Any singing is useful, it is especially important to sing vowel sounds. All vowel sounds are healing. Many magical practices use spell chants. In white magic, special prayers are chanted. Black magic techniques also use incantations and spells chanted at a special tempo. Whistling has a very subtle effect at the level of energy channels. When a person whistles, he breaks through energy plugs in himself. But if you do this in the presence of other people, then these plugs can clog another person. Therefore, it is better to whistle alone or in nature. Often what is beneficial to one person is destructive to another.

Healing sounds

Healing sounds are given to a person for self-healing and self-regulation. It is especially favorable to pronounce them on the waxing Moon on the 4th, 6th and 7th lunar days. Although they always have a beneficial effect.

Sound exercises should be done moderately and little by little. Everyone can sing as they please: you can sing intermittently, you can sing on one note. That is, everyone finds their own tone and frequency, their own magic of words and sounds.

Long and drawn-out singing of the sound “I” stimulates the brain, pituitary gland, thyroid gland and all elements of the skull. When a person sings this sound long enough, he begins to feel joyful excitement. This is a good remedy not only against bad mood, but also against the household evil eye.

Chanting the sound I strengthens a person’s mood for higher spiritual planes, promotes self-awareness and self-improvement of a person, opens and strengthens his creative capabilities.

The sound "A" is a sound that gives and gives away energy. You need to pronounce it as if you are rocking a baby. A long “A” cleanses a person, relieves tension and gives almost the same result as repentance, removing accumulated negative energy, with its help you can also remove the evil eye or old damage caused by envy.

When a person is frightened by something, the sound “SI” relieves the tension that vibrates the thin upper shells of our energy field. Chanting this sound increases protection from the powers of black magic and negative circumstances.

The sound “U” fills a person with wisdom, since in the word wisdom this syllable is stressed. Chanting the sound U gives a person a surge of strength and energy for vigorous activity and enhances the dynamics of his life.

Sound "E". Chanting this sound makes a person sociable, enhances intelligence and enterprise.

The sound "U" opens up new horizons in life and promotes well-being.

The sound "MN" brings prosperity and prosperity to life. Pronouncing it makes life easier; in difficult situations we often heal with this sound. The vibration of this sound is good for programming your Destiny using mantras and affirmations.

When singing the sound "E", the sensation of green color arises. Green is the middle color. In the rainbow, it balances all other colors and has a harmonizing effect. This is the color of life. Chanting this sound tunes a person to a feeling of love for the world and for people, it gives a feeling of stability, peace and satisfaction, which is often used in the practices of white magic.

The sound "OE" is a very healing and cleansing sound. Chanting this sound improves partnerships and provides a way out of internal impasse.

The sound "O" is the main harmonizing sound that controls time. All nations have words that carry the vibration of the sound “O” and thereby allow one to connect to the universal harmonizing vibration. This is one of the leading and connecting elements in magic and plotting, both white and black.

A very important sound - “NG” helps you tune in to information that helps you achieve your goal.

The sound “YA” has a beneficial effect on the energy plane on the Anahata chakra, and on the physical plane on the heart, which allows it to be used in white magic conspiracies to preserve the family and the harmony of relationships. Chanting this sound strengthens the connection with the Guardian Angel and promotes a more harmonious perception of oneself in the world.

The sound "OH" is a sound like a howl, you can howl it. It structures internal energy and helps to understand the internal state at a specific moment in time. Since it is very strong, it can also be used by black magicians to connect to someone else’s channel and impose actions and situations on other people, such as in love spells.

The sound "MPOM" is an energetic closed chain of vibrations. Chanting this sound creates temporary protection from the effects of black magic, helps to insist on one’s own and use the opportunities of the present moment.

The sound "EUOAAYYAOM" is a very important energy chain used in white magic to restore strength and independence to a person after severe damage or a love spell. First you need to learn to pronounce all sounds separately, correctly and cleanly, without tension, and then move on to singing them together

The sound "NGONG". Chanting this sound helps improve family relationships and gain greater freedom in achieving goals. This is the most important sound that needs to be mastered and pronounced freely. It is this setting that is important for the correct pronunciation of prayers, spells and mantras.

There is a special magic of conciliatory, negative, protective words, each of which has its own vibration, its own meaning and rules of pronunciation. But more on this later.

Sound U heals the throat and vocal cords, as well as all organs located in the abdominal area.
The sound of Ch treats insomnia and neuroses
The sound M is unique: it affects the entire body as a whole, heals heart diseases and has a positive effect on the blood vessels of the brain.