What life values ​​are there? Personal value system in human life

Have you ever asked yourself what is important to you in life? Each of us, answering it, will name personal desires and needs. For some, the main goal is career, for others - power and position in society, for others, family is at the head of everything. And this is quite understandable, because everyone has their own priorities in life.

However, we are rather interested in what this choice is connected with and what guides the individual in achieving his goals. Let’s figure out together what a person’s life values ​​are and how they are formed.

Briefly about the main thing: concepts and types

Speaking about what the term “life values” means, it is worth considering the individual scale for each person, by which he evaluates his life and chooses further direction your way. At various stages of development and formation of society, this scale of measures and assessments underwent changes. But at all times it contained certain parameters that remain relevant to this day and are, so to speak, constant values.

A person’s value system consists of absolute individual factors that have significant significance in a person’s worldview and are the main guidelines in his activities. And those directions that will coincide with a person’s life principles will become priorities for him. The rest will turn out to be secondary.

If you are interested in what life values ​​are and what they are in general, you should not forget that this concept is complex. As a rule, the formed value system consists mature man of three main "ingredients". And this:

  • General human values, conditioned by the concepts existing in the human mind about what can be important and what is not worthy of attention (secondary).
  • Cultural, formed on the basis generally accepted norms about what is “good” and what is “bad”, as well as the features cultural development and educational environment.
  • Individual (or personal) values ​​are individual characteristics worldviews that are purely subjective for each individual person.

It can be noted that in fact there are life values huge variety. Moreover, they can all be divided into different types values ​​and groups, which will be based on classification according to a specific criterion.

So, for example, all known values ​​are divided into two large groups, depending on what their character is: material and spiritual values. People who consider the first group to be the main one are those for whom various material goods are a priority, things that can be owned (cars, apartments, jewelry, clothes, etc.). The second group is prioritized by people for whom spiritual concepts and human qualities, such as mercy, wisdom, freedom, knowledge, love and others.

Classifications of psychologists

The classification of values ​​once proposed by Münsterberg allows psychology to divide people’s priorities into two types:

  • Life, which include human feelings: love, happiness, joy, etc.
  • Cultural values ​​and norms that unite not only material, but also spiritual benefits that have great value in culture.

At the same time, there is another classification of priority life concepts, in which the spheres of implementation of certain structures, as well as the degree of their spirituality, were taken as a basis. Thus, the following human values ​​can be distinguished:

  • Vital is human life and its quality, health, environmental and physical safety.
  • Economic - favorable conditions for business development, optimal environment for production and promotion of products, equal rights for manufacturers.
  • Social values ​​- position in society, family and children, well-being, gender equality, individual independence, hard work, patience, career.
  • Political – peace, patriotism, opportunity to express civic position, independence.
  • Moral values ​​– love, justice, kindness, mutual respect, help, good manners, honor, devotion, care.
  • Religious - faith in God and salvation, the Bible, grace.
  • Aesthetic values ​​– internal balance, beauty, sense of beauty, style.
  • Moral values ​​- the meaning of life, conscience, honesty, responsibility, determination, duty.

Despite the fact that human values ​​are divided into only two main groups, all people are divided into three types. The main criterion for such a classification of people is what a particular person prefers. That is, there are materialistic people who are interested exclusively in material and material goods (things, cars, houses, apartments and other goods).

Spiritual, next type people are those who give preference to concepts and qualities of an intangible nature. And there is another type - spiritual materialists. These include individuals whose main development vectors are aimed simultaneously at both material and spiritual values.

The concept of “values” has different meanings for all people on the planet, but at the same time they are associated with certain phenomena from the same spheres of life. The value system will represent only an individual sequence of priorities.

Conditional scale of life priorities

IN highlight the basic, eternal values ​​thanks to which the general system values ​​for all people on the planet. This:

1. Health. Perhaps this point will be the main factor rated very highly for many. In turn, health can be classified both in the category of spiritual and physical well-being, and in the category social values. This is explained by the fact that for many of us, various crises, failures and unfavorable situations are a significant indicator for assessing our health.

2. Family. This is one of the main values ​​in a person’s life. Despite the fact that there are those who refuse to start a family or have a child, and despite the propaganda of same-sex marriage, caring for loved ones remains the main activity of many people on the planet.

What's happened family values? This is a concept that cannot exist separately from the family, because it refers to various rules, ideals, relics and memories that accumulate over the years and are passed on from generation to generation. And here you can give a lot of examples from life.

For example, old photos and stories of ancestors, aesthetic norms, rules of behavior, ideas about family relationships, traditions and much more. That is, family (or traditional family) values ​​are a set of ideas of each family member about a cohesive common interests a community in which everyone is able to influence the choice of life goals and guidelines, as well as ways of self-realization and organization of the future.

3. Success in various areas of life and in life in general. With the development of cultural society, prestigious education, high position and decent earnings, universal recognition and position in society. In this regard, success and promising self-realization are those values ​​in life that are held in high esteem by the majority of the population.

4. Time. Many people consider time to be a priceless resource that cannot be bought, sold or exchanged. And those meaningful spiritual structures that accumulate over time often shape a family's values, experiences, and memories.

5. Finance (money). This is quite a lot important point, which every second person rates highly, which is not at all surprising, given economic situation in the world. For many people, money is a means of a successful, happy existence and full development.

6. Rest and opportunity to travel. It is not surprising that many of us consider this item a priority, because the opportunity to relax and travel not only brings invaluable experience, new knowledge and emotional release, but also contributes to the box of family values.

All of the above points represent core values. In addition to them, there are others that are no less common in modern society: this is creativity, the immediate environment (friends and relatives), spiritual development, freedom, authority, communication, etc.

Speaking about life values, we need to understand that they are an “internal beacon” to which every subsequent step and action should lead us. And if reality doesn't match internal model your world, this can be expressed in recurring problems, stressful situations and deteriorating health. When you set yourself specific goal and correctly determine your priorities, you will be able to gain self-confidence and become a successful, and most importantly, a happy person. Author: Elena Suvorova

In a world where there are too many temptations that escape attention basic human life values. When we are constantly in a hurry to get somewhere, trying to get something done, life values ​​work as a reliable guideline that helps us not to go astray. When we act in accordance with them, we receive great satisfaction from this activity. Conversely, if our actions do not support our life values, we feel a loss of strength, anxiety, stress. Surprisingly, even health problems and difficulties in making decisions are consequences of the inconsistency of our actions with life values. What to do? How to keep the most important things in sight?

The main life values ​​of a person

It is difficult to outline them in a clear circle. What may be vitally important to one may not be of fundamental importance to another. But it is still possible to find some kind of arithmetic mean, which will represent the basic life values ​​of a person. So what are they?

1. The first thing everyone will name is love. And not only to opposite sex, but also to family, friends and relatives. Love gives rise to compassion, and not a single list of life values ​​can do without it.

2. Understanding is a mandatory point, which includes the life values ​​of any person. Everyone wants to be understood, but understanding others also leads to the resolution and prevention of conflicts.

3. Respect allows you to be inspired positive features others, find flaws in yourself and correct them. But what is most pleasant is those life values, by broadcasting which we only increase them in our lives.

4. Discipline that many try to avoid. Few people consider it to be a person’s life values. Many people think of it as a chore, but in reality it is fulfilling one's responsibilities. It is not always hard and dull work. You can do them with joy.

5. Faith in people, including yourself. By broadcasting these life values, you infect others with confidence and strengthen faith in yourself.

6. Gratitude is that little thing that can raise a wave of enthusiasm and friendliness in another.

7. Forgiveness helps us turn our faces to the future and not suffer from grievances and pain.

8. Friendship is a person’s life values ​​on which he relies in Hard time.

9. Hope does not allow us to give up when it seems that there is nothing ahead.

10. Optimism helps to resist the bad - simply not to notice it.

11. Patience allows you to make the right decisions.

12. Tolerance helps you to be able to get along with all people. Regardless of personal preference.

13. Honesty. No matter who you ask what their core values ​​are in life, there will always be a place for honesty. It helps you admit your mistakes, change yourself for the better, and build trusting relationships.

How to prioritize

Life values can be determined using the following principle:

Make a list of what makes you happy.
Analyze how vital each point is for you? If you can live without it calmly or with difficulty, cross it out.
Return to the list periodically, auditing it until you have six items left.

These will be the life values ​​that determine your life. Most likely, they will reflect your worldview, shaped by the people around you and life experiences.

How and where can these human life values ​​be used?

In personal and professional relationships.
In family relationships.
In setting life goals.

That is, determining for yourself human life values, you need to rely on your character, worldview, goals and dreams. A person's basic life values ​​can definitely lead him to the right path in life.

Too many people these days know the price of everything
​but do not understand their True Values

Ann Landers

A person’s life is impossible without a system of values ​​- stable ideas about the goals to which he strives for the sake of his own and common good. Agree, the combination of these words - “value system” - in itself can evoke feelings of something important and fundamental. Such impressions came to me when I first heard about the value system. For a long time I associated this expression with external, social standards, as a set of generally accepted moral standards that allow society to develop in a certain direction. As I realized later, for me values ​​represent not only a system or a set of rules introduced “from outside”, but personally formed, own understanding life and its moral foundations. Of the variety of values, three categories are mainly distinguished: material, socio-political and spiritual. And most likely, my thoughts here will concern the spiritual, individual values ​​of a person, which contribute to the formation of the characteristics of his internal worldview.

Personal values ​​are a much more powerful regulatory mechanism in our lives than they might seem at first glance. They guide a person along the path of his development, determine the specific character, his behavior and type of activity, regardless of whether we realize it or not. They are partially transmitted to us from our parents and are individually laid down from childhood, thereby determining our ideals, goals, interests, tastes, behavior; almost everything we are on this moment and there is a totality different values and “anti-values”. Everything that we learn and subjectively perceive in life through books, communication, films, interaction with people - all this is transformed in self-awareness into subjective experience and further into a value basis, thanks to which a subjective view of the world, a holistic worldview, is formed. Values ​​become those that are preferred and meaningful to us. personal qualities, manifestations, events, performances. I put the concept of “anti-value” in quotation marks because it is not the opposite or opposition to existing values. By “anti-values” I mean only a set of other values, views, actions or habits that weaken the basic, priority values ​​for a person, or inhibit his development in the desired direction. I'll tell you about them a little later, but for now let's continue. Our value system is made up of “little things”: the mental states that we prefer every day, the habits and thinking patterns through which we perceive and evaluate. the world through various filters. In addition, from value orientations Each of us depends on the impact we have on the process of formation of society as a whole. There is an expression: “What are the values, so are both society and the individual.”

Just imagine if every person tried to sincerely weigh their lives and reconsider their current values, accepting/aware of their involvement in the processes and trends that are currently happening in the world. It is difficult for many to admit that in order to resolve the destructive and aggressive trends of the current time, efforts are required from each of us - to pay attention and harmonize own weaknesses and destructive conditions. It seems to me that after this many problematic situations in different countries would be resolved peacefully. But today we still live in a society of consumer orientations, which is not so often concerned with issues of correcting existing interpersonal relationships to creative and humane ones. Unfortunately, people still think that the world around us and all situations that do not directly concern us exist separately, and there is little we can do to change it.

Is this really true? Don't one person's values ​​influence existing system values ​​of an entire society? These questions began to worry me in my youth, when I was learning to realize my own individual system values ​​as primary stage in defining my life purpose.

At the age of 15, it became clear to me that the range of interests of my peers was limited only to enjoying life and wasting their energy and time. Even then, a search for more broad meaning further existence. But before finding a use for myself in life, it was important for me to learn a lot about myself: what my inner world is like, what brings me joy in life, why I am not satisfied with anything, what I strive for and what ideals inspire me. While bookstores were crowded esoteric literature, workshops on self-development, psychology and a lot of information about what a person is and what opportunities each of us has. Books became my source of inspiration; in them I found answers to many troubling questions and tried to get to know myself better. At that time, I understood that neither work, nor success, nor relationships in a couple could provide those internal processes of self-discovery, thanks to which genuine states of joy, love for life and for people, internal and external harmony appear.

I saw people who lived “not their” lives and were unhappy: they went to unloved job, got married, raised children, then got divorced and suffered, not because they sincerely wanted such a life, but because it was customary to live this way, this happened to everyone. Perhaps one of the reasons for this was not their own, but someone else’s value system - this is how their parents lived, this is how they “should” have lived. Without creating his own value basis, a person is often faced with the fact that he is forced to either agree or oppose and resist those demands that society promotes, which are authoritative and significant for many, but not for himself.

Long years I was unable to understand and accept the elections and life principles the people I met, which forced me to experience a lot of different non-positive states: condemnation, arrogance, criticism, hostility, disappointment in myself and in others. And only much later it became clear why it was difficult for me to understand the behavior, actions and preferences of other people - the reason was hidden precisely in the difference in our personal value systems, in the priority of individual goals and outlooks on life. But how many destructive, non-positive states, quarrels and serious conflicts arise on the basis of such automatic rejection!

One story that I was lucky enough to hear from a good friend of mine helped me to see myself from the outside in such manifestations, which at that time caused a number of reflections and reflections on this matter.

He told one incident that happened to him. One day, an acquaintance of mine was in a hurry to attend a very special meeting for him and was a little late. He admitted that although he was outwardly calm, he was internally worried about this, because he considers punctuality an important trait human character. On the way, he had to stop at a gas station to refuel the car. He immediately warned the dispatcher that he was late and asked to serve him as quickly as possible. A few minutes later, a young tanker approached him and asked about the amount of fuel he wanted. "Full tank. Also, I'm very late. Please, could you serve me quickly,” my friend answered. Watching how the young gas station attendant slowly did everything, he was overcome by a wave of indignation and indignation. In order to balance himself and get out of states of increasing negativity, he began to look for motivation to justify the sluggishness of this guy. And that’s what he realized then for himself. In the personal value system of this young gas station attendant, such qualities as alertness, punctuality, mobility, empathy, assistance and others were not so significant for him that he could and wanted to show them to other people. Who knows, perhaps the very specifics of working at a gas station with flammable substances, which does not imply fuss, determined the behavior young worker: he took his duties responsibly and served without unnecessary haste. On the other hand, he could take his time if he was not happy with his work; Usually the perception of time during this type of activity changes and every hour drags on while waiting for the end of the shift. My friend at that moment felt the value of time in a completely different way: every minute was important, because one after another was planned important meetings and meetings. And being late among his friends was regarded as disrespect and irresponsibility.

He told me this story as own example to find justifiable motivations in difficult situations in relationships with people. Of course, there could be many and very diverse reasons for such behavior of the young gas station attendant: concentration and responsibility, accuracy and calmness, and perhaps Bad mood, well-being or other problems in life. But it's not that. This story prompted me to remember many similar situations from own life, where internal and external conflicts with people arose for the same reasons: differences in views, ideas, upbringing, goals, beliefs, point of view, internal qualities. I was unable to accept people as they had every right to be. This is the right to freedom of choice, determination of one’s own needs, priorities, views and beliefs, which give each of us individuality in self-expression. I became interested: how does a value system influence the specific perception of oneself and others? Why do we tend to have a negative attitude towards people with a value system different from ours?

As I wrote above, the significance of certain things for a person is determined by a whole set of ideas that he was able to build for himself under the influence of many factors: heredity, upbringing, culture, religion, social circle, field of activity and much more. From these vast spheres of life, values, like filters, allow a person to choose the most important thing: they make the important “visible” and perceived, and the unimportant - vice versa. For example, if a person does not have of great importance cleanliness, order, neatness, then he will not notice untidiness or sloppiness in another person. Or absolutely the opposite: having excessive pedantry, exactingness and bias towards people, a person sees various details in others that do not correspond to his ideas, which causes misunderstanding and indignation in him. A person automatically “hangs” important skills and qualities on others, believing that they are equally significant for them and ultimately faces the result of his own delusions as disappointment and condemnation of the actions of these people.

When we interact with someone, we automatically compare and contrast ours and theirs. own values. This process can also occur alone with ourselves, when our choice begins to oscillate towards one value or another. For example, a quality such as laziness often manifests itself as an internal conflict between two values: in one direction the value that encourages one to achieve one’s goals is “pulled”, and in the other direction it is the enjoyment of a pleasant pastime. The first value encourages daily study foreign language(a goal set for a long time), and the other is to do cleaning, watch a movie or chat with friends, which also seems important and necessary.

It happens that people do not clearly understand their personal values. It only seems to them that the “correct”, generally accepted moral standards and qualities are significant to them: goodwill, tact, delicacy, respect, tolerance and others. But more often than not, these are not real, but “potential” values, initiated by the subconscious desire to “be better.” And only in practice it becomes clear what is actually significant and valuable for a person, and what is only his desire to be such. There are people who like to skillfully give “helpful” advice to others, but they themselves act in the opposite way. This is precisely one of the reasons for dissatisfaction with oneself and the life around us - a person does not realize his real system values ​​or is mistaken, inventing and attributing to himself certain characteristics and properties. As a consequence, in such cases there is inconsistency or inconsistency external actions and internal ideas about oneself, which leads to feelings of disappointment. To be able to understand your personal qualities, you need to consciously study them in yourself, analyze and put them into practice, so that the best of them become our good habits, and the far-fetched ones are eliminated.

But what prevents us from living like this? And the reason lies in the so-called “anti-values”. “Anti-values” themselves cannot be called something “bad”; they are part of our life - they are very different and each has their own. For example, for one person, watching films is “anti-value” because he watches them a lot and often, and accordingly other areas of his life “suffer”; For another person, watching movies is a value that allows him to switch gears and relax after work, to relieve accumulated stress.

Among my own “anti-values” I consider the following bad habits and qualities that prevent me from achieving my goals. First of all, these are laziness, self-pity, superficiality, impulsiveness and lack of restraint, duplicity and ingratiation, irritability, condemnation and other various non-positive manifestations and weaknesses that still need to be changed in oneself.

Most often, people, to one degree or another, are aware of their shortcomings, observe them in themselves, manifest them, and then suffer and regret it. Either they don’t see the reasons in themselves, but refer to the injustice of life or individuals in relation to them. And this happens day after day until a person understands that it is the world of “anti-values” that becomes a magnet for attracting unhappiness, disappointments and unfavorable situations in his life.

By the age of 30, I began to worry about the question: what does it mean to be correct? worthy person. What kind of life would I like to see around me? What values ​​are important to me now? Having withdrawn for a while from external social generally accepted values, I discovered own qualities, skills, goals, priorities - everything that makes me aware of myself a full-fledged personality. Of course, all values ​​are interconnected and grow from one another. For example, the desire to be a good daughter, friend, wife and mother, as well as to be kind, wise, smart, strong woman, living among the same people, are components of the needs and prerequisites for comprehending a more global value - achieving the ideal human image, which I managed to imagine for myself. This is an image perfect man, personifying wisdom, generosity, knowledge, creative power kindness and love. Of course, this process never stops and, as we become better, we see (understand) that we can be even better and this continues forever. It is important to understand here that the main thing is this process itself - and not final result. Process constant change and transformation of mental states, ideals, needs in the desired direction; you need to learn to accept and enjoy your achievements, even if they are very small steps.

Now I try to be especially sensitive to things that are significant to me, interests, hobbies and internal processes; I try to observe what “anti-values” manifest themselves in me and prevent me from developing further. Moreover, the people around us are ours good helpers in self-observation. If something in our behavior causes misunderstanding and a negative attitude in another person, then this is the first sign of the presence in us of some kind of inconsistency in our belief system that requires internal harmonization. Thanks to practice conscious life, which I am now trying to learn, everything began to appear in my environment more people with similar interests and values. And such wise sayings: “Like attracts like”, “What goes around comes around”, “We ourselves deserve the world we live in” began to be confirmed in practice in my life. Then I realized that each of us bears personal responsibility for the society in which he lives. While we will be “interested” in showing dissatisfaction, experiencing fears, being lazy, putting own interests above the needs of others - we will be in a society capable of reflecting such desires or unwillingnesses. Numerous internal conflicts, suffering, quarrels that fill the lives of many people, sooner or later force them to admit their own imperfection, as a result of which the main objective- become more humane and build genuine relationships with people harmonious relationships based on understanding, kindness, love and patience. After all, a person is not just biological species. This - high rank, which still needs to be earned.

They can be briefly expressed in the following way:

  • Self-development and self-improvement. Ability to devote time and attention to disclosure internal potential, their noble sides. Understanding and adequately assessing your shortcomings in order to change them.
  • Responsibility. Responsibility for your life, decisions, for your successes or mistakes. Awareness of involvement in everything that happens in your life and in the world.
  • Mindfulness. The ability to be an observer of one’s mental states and motives of behavior; accompany with consciousness your current states, actions, and the course of your life.
  • Will and intelligence. Overcoming difficulties to achieve set goals, thanks to understanding and analyzing situations for their reasonable resolution.
  • Constructiveness and self-discipline. The habit of actively looking for solutions rather than complaining. Own fulfillment of those requirements that are presented to others.
  • Optimism and positive thinking. The ability to be happy and confident of success. Gratitude and the ability to forgive other people's mistakes. Joy for other people's successes.
  • Openness and honesty. The ability and desire to be yourself, to “give” the best part his inner world others without duplicity, pretense and closedness.
  • Trust in life. Perception of any situations and processes as necessary, fair and appropriate. Understanding cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Faith in people. The ability to see people’s shortcomings, but at the same time always find them strengths and talents. A desire to please and inspire others.
  • Altruism and caring for others. A sincere desire to be useful to others. Assistance, empathy, creative participation in the lives of people and society.
  • Humanity. The highest dignity of a person. Possession best qualities who can change not only their own lives, but the world as a whole.

The above-mentioned values ​​and goals are only part of a whole ensemble of qualities and virtues that I would like to develop in myself along with other life values: to be a caring wife, a good friend, a tactful interlocutor; study creative projects, be healthy and financially independent and so on.

Our value system can quite often change radically, but we do not always understand, grasp and control it. In my opinion, this happens when a person is ready and open to these changes. The revision of old values ​​and the formation of new ones for many people is accompanied by complex mental processes associated with the restructuring of perception. In my case, radical changes in the personal value system at this stage occurred through the study of books on human psychology and issiidiology. Both of these directions helped expand the usual boundaries of perception of our own existence and learn about the deep relationships of each of us with the surrounding reality.

For myself, I drew a direct analogy with how my life values ​​determined my direction in life, as well as my worldview. Our own values ​​grow from within depending on maturity, potential, aspirations, plans for the future and many other factors. I became convinced that spiritual values, like the garden of our soul, are collected bit by bit, grains that ripen for a long time and only then bear fruit that brings the true taste of deep happiness. But we also have our “anti-values,” which we define as shortcomings and imperfections. Both values ​​and “anti-values” form the range of our interests from the most ordinary, everyday to the most highly moral. And what we choose in favor of determines the path to becoming a person. And now I am deeply convinced that if it is important for me to see healthy, joyful, noble and grateful people around me, then first of all it is necessary to start with myself, by maintaining in myself the values ​​that I would like to see in others.

Darina Kataeva

Every person has values ​​in life. They are formed in childhood, and in adult life influence people’s actions, their decisions, and personal choices. Values ​​are a reflection of the essence, the driving force that influences worldview and personality formation. What exactly are the values ​​of life and how to choose them for yourself?

Where do life values ​​come from?

Although a person’s values ​​are a stable structure, they change under the influence of external circumstances and internal experiences. The values ​​that are laid down in childhood are of fundamental importance. However, they do not arise instantly; they are formed over the course of life. The older a person becomes, the more stable his values ​​are. For some, money, fame, power and luxury items are essential in life. Others consider spiritual self-improvement, creative development, health, family and children important.

The formation of life values ​​is influenced by:

education and family;
team at work;
experienced trauma and loss;
economic situation in the country.

Basic values ​​of human life

Although each person is individual, there are values ​​that unite all people:

This has nothing to do with selfishness. Such love helps to achieve happiness in life and self-improvement.
Near. The manifestation of this value lies in respect for every person, his opinion and position in life.
Family. – highest value for the majority of people.
Spouse. Emotional, spiritual and physical intimacy For some, being with your loved one comes first.
Love for children.
Motherland. The place where a person was born affects his mentality and attitude towards life.
Job. There are people who strive to dissolve in activity; they are ready to take on any assignment at work to achieve the common good.
Friends. and self-expression in it are of no small importance for any person.
Rest. This area of ​​life allows the individual to concentrate on his feelings, relax and unwind from the endless bustle.
Public mission- activity. Altruists primarily strive to do something for the benefit of society. Satisfying your needs and desires comes second.

It cannot be said that every person identifies one universal value for himself and lives by it. The listed areas are harmoniously intertwined; we simply mark a few for ourselves and put them first in life.

Life values ​​are complex structure, which is reflected in the setting and method of achievement. As a result, a person anticipates unpleasant situations and possible failures.

List of possible values ​​in human life

In addition to basic life values, each person can have individual, sometimes extraordinary values. Below is only a partial list of possible human values, because it can be continued ad infinitum.

Optimism. “The pessimist sees difficulties at every opportunity; An optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.” This character trait can undoubtedly be considered a value and you can enjoy the presence of optimism in your life: with it, life becomes brighter and fuller.
Patience. "Patience and a little effort". Having patience, especially among the modern generation, should definitely be considered a value. Only with patience you can. This is about your personal benefits. But your friends and partners will certainly appreciate this quality.
Honesty. “Honesty is more valuable than anything.” It is important to be honest not only with others, but also with yourself. If for you this value is on par with the basic ones, you probably happy man: Paradoxical as it may seem, but honest people life is easier than for those who like to lie.
Discipline. "Business before pleasure". Most people are extremely skeptical about this value, because discipline, in their opinion, is equal to restrictions and lack of freedom. And only over the years, many come to the conclusion that if you are a disciplined person, this does not mean that you somehow limit yourself, but rather, you find a path to freedom and happiness with the help of this character trait.

Examples of Life Value

When asking the question: “What is valuable to me?”, many find themselves at a dead end. However, it is very important to give yourself a clear answer so that when a new situation arises, you will be true to your values.

Life values ​​are not related to the opinions of others and recognition of you as an individual thanks to the heights you have achieved.

Helps in defining your values next sequence actions:

Be alone with yourself. To understand what is important to you in life and what is of secondary importance, it is recommended to clear the space of extraneous influence. Explore your personality completely alone, without the influence of external factors.
Remember important events In my life. It doesn’t have to be only positive situations; think about the negative ones too. Write down your main experiences on a piece of paper, think about what impressed you, what upset you, and what you can’t imagine your life without.
Learn human values, because from them follow personal needs and views. Keep track of the relationship between the list you receive and your daily life. Some of the items listed are only a desire, and not an established value in life.
Watch yourself. Set aside at least one day in which you examine yourself, your behavior, your choices and your motives. The decisions we make every day are an indicator of a person’s personal choice and values.
If the list of values ​​is too long, it will have to be shortened. There should be 3 maximum 4 values ​​left. The rest is just additions and subsequent decisions in life.


Some values ​​that are simultaneously important to a person may conflict. After looking at the list, decide what doesn’t fit together. This causes a creative person who is in disharmony with himself. It is important to remember the balance and impact of our values ​​on the lives of others.

Each person is individual, therefore values ​​differ depending on the character and established guidelines in a person’s life. Although the tendency to reflect and explore oneself is not observed in every person, it is still worth stopping for a moment and thinking about what is valuable to me. Otherwise, you will be a driven person, without your own core. Under new circumstances, you will immediately lose yourself and your personality!

26 February 2014, 17:47

Life values ​​are categories of moral and material aspects that are leading in choice life strategy, ways of achieving and orientation in the semantic space. In many ways, it is values ​​that determine a person’s ability to make decisions, and also incline his activities in a certain direction.

Availability stress factors, problem situations and other troubles can force a person to change his position or begin to make efforts to defend his point of view. We can say that all the difficulties encountered along the way test a person’s strength in his own convictions, making it possible to prove that the chosen categories represent precisely the person’s life values, and not immediate needs.

What it is

A person’s life values ​​are fate-transforming and fate-realizing factors and directly influence the adoption of all life decisions. They affect all areas of life, including the highest purpose of the individual and soul, relationships with close and superficially familiar people, and attitude towards material wealth.

The diversity of the space of life values ​​is unique to the same extent that each person is unique. It is the interweaving of the importance of the relationship to one or another category that allows us to see the individual pattern of the semantic and value space. Most people use immediate urges to build life concept, without a deep awareness of your priorities, which work on a subconscious level.

Frequent painful thoughts, the inability to make a choice, to do the right thing, or subsequent reproaches to oneself for a mistake are common consequences of the lack of a clear position. If you increase your level of awareness and thoroughly understand your gradation of values, then you can avoid a significant share of doubts and difficult choices.

The road is made easier by the fact that the path has already been chosen, even if for the sake of a long-term perspective one has to sacrifice temporary comfort. Thus, a person who puts his family first will not have long doubts about how to react to his superiors’ proposal for a six-month business trip in another country, but someone who does not understand what is a priority for him in the context of his entire life may never decide to make fundamental changes or make error.

The determination of the most significant values ​​is influenced by many factors, both the internal structure of the human psyche and external events in the surrounding space. At first, the foundation is laid by personality traits and the educational system - many values ​​have a biological basis (the need for an active or passive lifestyle, the number of contacts, medical care), and are also internalized from the immediate environment at a very early age.

As you grow older, your core values ​​shape what you receive. life experience, personal emotional experiences from certain situations that add up general attitude to life. As a result, a unique structure appears that separates important things and events from unimportant ones.

When a person builds his life based on deep true values, then you feel filled with energy and happy. Valid also inverse law- how more life moves away from internal needs, the less happiness there is in her; dissatisfaction begins to predominate in the emotional background of the individual. It is necessary to decide on your top priorities, while not forgetting that the most harmonious life is one in which all areas are developed. Even if a person determines the importance of two or three values ​​for himself, it is necessary to maintain all the others at the proper level in order to avoid imbalance and disharmony of the individual.

Basic values ​​of human life

Under core values categories are understood universal human values, which are of undeniable importance for all people on a planetary scale and individual level. What is important is the value of your own life, love for any of your manifestations. This leads to concern for the physical and spiritual health, the ability to prioritize and ensure your survival first. In many ways, this most important point is regulated, but only by physical level, psychological sacrifice is increasingly manifested among people and has a detrimental effect on life and mental state.

As a social being, humans tend to value relationships as well as their quality. The need to be accepted and appreciated contributes to survival and better fulfillment in life. living space. Next after importance social relations or instead of them we can consider the value family relations, including the parent family and building your own.

Intimate relationships and romantic manifestations can also be attributed to this point. By developing this category, the value of love for children and the need for their presence appears. Several additional aspects can be realized here at once, for example, the implementation of your social function, purpose, ability to transfer knowledge, etc.

The importance of native places, those where a person was born, grew up, and spent most of his life, can border on patriotism. In the global understanding, the place of our birth and upbringing directly shapes our personality - it is there that we can feel accepted and understood. In your homeland and among people with the same mentality, it is easier to adapt and breathe easier, there is an opportunity to show all your capabilities brighter and more multifaceted. Many cultures have preserved traditions of maintaining connections with their native land, out of an intuitive understanding of the importance of the amount of energy a person receives from their familiar space.

Professional and social activity, realizing oneself as a specialist or achieving new results in one’s hobbies is becoming an almost necessary factor in the modern world. In this case, it is affected, which will occur without material support and the desire for development and recognition as the main driving mechanisms of human activity. Such strong factors ultimately force many to prioritize work, resulting in a serious bias in one direction.

Inseparable from the value of work is the value of rest, which allows you to restore resources and switch. During rest, a person can discover a new vision past situation, feel the taste of life, realize impractical, but sincerely meaningful desires. All this ultimately allows you to harmonize the rest of your life.

Examples from life

To understand more clearly how values ​​manifest themselves, it makes sense to consider several examples of each of them. Thus, the value of family and relationships is manifested by care, the ability to come to help and provide it even when it is not directly asked for. A person who devotes time to all the people important in his life clearly values ​​this category. This also includes the ability to always treat people with respect, to be responsive, tolerant and tolerant. The absence of these manifestations can soon destroy any relationship and the person is left alone. Of course, he can sacrifice something like this, directing his energy not to attentive attitude towards others, but to developing his own career or skills, but then the person’s priorities have completely different ideals.

When a person’s main value is material well-being, this manifests itself in constant self-development in his professional field, searching for new opportunities and positions.
A striking example is to miss a family dinner or a joint dinner because important meeting or needs to be completed overtime work. In pursuit of financial solvency, people may take extra work, work as freelancers in addition to the main activity, sacrifice working relationships, substituting employees in order to take a privileged position.

When health has deteriorated, then this category comes first among the entire list of values, since otherwise a person cannot function normally, and perhaps even say goodbye to life altogether. In many situations the need to care for physical condition arises precisely against the backdrop of problems, but there are people who set this value to themselves as one of the highest, striving to maintain constant good health. This is manifested in regular examinations, following a suitable diet and physical activity, and undergoing periodic rehabilitation and restorative procedures.

The value of self-development and spirituality may look like choosing a pilgrimage beach or an esoteric festival instead of new shoes psychological training. Everything that is important to a person requires time and attention, so only awareness will help you plan time in such a way that other areas of life do not suffer.